Moog Valve
Moog Valve
Moog Valve
I'm going to split some hairs here (be very, very detailed) and
make some corrections to what you're describing. This topic
can't really be covered completely in a forum like this; it's
complicated. But, we're going to take a short swing at the high
The servo current values you see when the unit is running or
when you are manually positioning a device are almost never
the null bias currents. The servo current values you see when
the unit is running are the total servo current being put out by
the control processor, *including* the null bias current value.
You can't really see the null bias current portion of the total
current that's being applied to the servo coils *unless the
feedback is nearly exactly equal to the reference.* Then and
only then is the servo current value being displayed equal to
the the null bias current and only the null bias current.
When something like what you are asking about happens, you
need to find out what the feedback values are for all three
control processors for the servo output and you will likely find
that one or two of them are very different from the other(s). If
all three control processors don't think the feedback is the
same and equal to the reference (the reference should be the
same for all three control processors), then each control
processor will adjust its servo output current to try to make its
feedback equal to the reference.
In this example, the problem is *not* the fixed null bias current
value. The problem is that the three processors have fairly
different ideas about the position of the GCV and each one is
trying to move the valve to the reference position, and they all
have to work together (and that means that one or two are
trying to overcome the other) to keep the valve at a steady
state position. The bigger the discrepancy in what each control
processor believes the feedback to be, the bigger the
discrepancy in the servo output currents (which include the
fixed null bias current value).
Now, let's talk specifically about the null bias current value.
Let's say that the value of null bias current defined in the I/O
Configurator and that was downloaded to and being used by all
three control processors was 2.667 % (the Mark V
automatically inverts the value in the I/O Configurator!).
Further, let's say all the control processors were indicating a
GCV position of 49.7%, the measured position was
approximately 49.8%, and the reference was 50.0% and the
three servo currrents were all indicating about -2.9% per
control processor, or thereabouts.
Lastly, the LFBV uses Liquid Fuel Flow Divider Feedback as its
primary control feedback and the SRV uses P2 pressure
feedback as its primary control feedback. So, feedback is not
always position. Some LFBVs have LVDTs as another stabilizing
element of the control loop.
For example, with one output active at a time, these are the
VDC and calculated servo currents for PM1:
Did you record any as-found conditions, or are these the as-
found conditions?
The values given for PM1 are as found. In addition, the actual
position value as shown on the valve calibration screen while at
50% stroke ranged from a low of 51.15% to a high of 52.48%.
I followed the same procedure for PM2, and found that with
only one core active, the valve would only achieve 44.5% to
45.5% of the 50.0% stroke reference. This now makes sense,
realizing that all three cores are needed to supply the required
null current.
If the valve (or the IGVs) doesn't behave the way they think it
should, then they start changing the null bias current(s) after
they spent hours trying to calculate one based on the Control
Specification value.
And worse, most people don't have any idea how to change
individual servo current values for a TMR Mark V and end up
just making things worse in the end.
I don't have the tool that attaches to the side of the cylinder. It
rides the actuator spring bushing up & down, and provides a
small platform to rest the end of the dial indicator on.
And what happens when you put the 2.67% value (negative) in
the Speedtronic for all three processors and then tell PM1 to go
to 50% stroke?
Again, I see more and More and MORE people never bothering
to measure the stroke or angle. Speedtronic panels are good,
but, I don't know if they're that good. But it does prove a major
point: Gas turbine control IS NOT rocket science, no matter
how hard people make it out to be. I've seen people spend
tens of hours, literally, trying to get the zero stroke reading
for LVDTs to be exactly 0.700 VAC RMS, as if that improved the
accuracy of the operation of the turbine.
Required Position 15,53
Actual Position 99,39
Servo Current -2,21
Required Position 15,53 %
Actual Position 99,37 %
Servo Current -2,87 %
The first thing I see wrong with this post is that if the required
position is 15.53% and the actual position is 99%, then I would
say that something is really, really, really, REALLY wrong with
the servo-valve output. Because, if there is that much
difference between the setpoint and the actual, then the
control ain't working. Was the unit running when you were
observing these values and taking these voltages?
QTBA-27 & -29 are for servo-valve output #1. There are eight
servo-valve outputs from a Mark V. So, I think the second thing
that's wrong with this post is that we don't know if you were
looking at the required position for SVO1 and the feedback for
SVO1. In TC2KREPT.TXT, the column labeled "Signal Name" is
the value you need to look up in the CSP and work
"backwards" from that to find the reference signal name.
And, the signal name for the SRV servo current is usually
First thing, at the moment we took all that data the turbine was
runing at base load (MS 6001B MKV TMR). Since CSA warned
us about the wide difference between SRV required and actual
position we went into the old files ( I'd dare to say ever since
commissioning) and found out that that error was as wide as is
Required Position: 15,50 %
Actual Position: 99,79 %
Servo Current: -1,87 %
Required Position: 15,50 %
Actual Position: 99,57 %
Servo Current: -2,28 %
Required Position: 15,50%
Actual Position: 99,55%
Servo Current: -1,97%
You seem to have pieces of the puzzle and the answers, but
aren't able to put them all together. If the gas fuel supply
pressure is less than the P2 pressure reference, then the SRV is
going to go wide open to try to get the P2 to be equal to the
reference. Since there's approximately a 0.7 barg pressure drop
across the SRV (typically) that would mean that, per the
information you provided, the supply pressure would need to
be approximately 258 psig to keep the SRV from opening fully.
You did not provide the gas fuel supply pressure reading
upstream of the SRV. What is the supply pressure? I have seen
clogged y-strainers cause high pressure drops, and most units
have a y-strainer just upstream of the SRV. Has it been
checked for cleanliness recently? There's not usually a d-p
gauge across the y-strainer, and if you can read the pressure
directly upstream of the y-strainer, what is it versus the gas
fuel supply pressure upstream of the SRV?
Can you find the section of ACALIB.DAT for the SRV (SVO1 or
SVO01) and post it to this thread? You have never told us
where you were reading the servo currents from, and if it's
from the AutoCalibrate display then you might be right: There
might be a problem with the configuration of ACALIB.DAT.
Did you put the signals FPRG, FPRGOUT, and FAGR on a
Demand Display or on the Logic Forcing Display and observe
them versus the readings you are seeing on the AutoCalibrate
I would submit that you aren't doing anything wrong with the
measurements you're taking, but it's something with the
display values or the display that you're reading the values
from. Please put the above signals on a Demand Display or the
Logic Forcing Display and tell us what the differences are
between them and the values you are seeing on the
AutoCalibrate display, if that's where you're observing the
values from (which, again, you haven't told us).
0.4 mA (or 4%) would be more likely what one would expect to
see if the Mark V were driving the SRV to be more open than
the valve could physically travel such as what you are
IOP 21
POSITION_SCALE (F2 256,0 0,0 2 '% ')
MAN_SCALE (F2 128,0 0,0 2 '%')
This is not football, it look like that we are ping ponging Now
get back reality.
Quick look to your ACALIB data shows that is standard
configuration for a FR5. I wonder whether your system is HMI
or I ? Or is it may be in the past upgraded to HMI? How about
the PROM revisions? If your SRV is operating at 99%, definitely
the upstream FG pressure is below the specifications as given
by the OEM. However this should not give the problems that
you describe. There are two options for your problems:
1) DONT use ACALIB for calibration and monitoring purposes.
Use the logic forcing display and/or pre-vote data display.
2) Verify the ACALIB data for your GT and the revisions of the
PROMs. Cross check also the IO_CFG SVOx configuration
(stroke 100 % or 128 %)
Docendo Discumus
FSGR (Fuel Stroke-Gas Ratio) is the typical signal name for the
SRV LVDT feedback; it's not a reference, is the actual feedback.
FPG2 is not the SRV position, and it's not listed in the
ACALIB.DAT section you posted. Lines 27, 28, and 29 in the
section you copied displays the valve's reference position,
actual position, and servo current, respectively. I can't recall if
the reference position is "active" when the unit is running, or if
it's only "active" when the valve is being manually positioned
using AutoCalib. (The answers to the GCV question may help
with that!)
Lastly, the amount of null bias current being applied to the SRV
as understood in this thread has nothing whatsoever to do with
the fact that the SRV appears to be at or near full open in an
attempt to control P2 pressure at 248.5 psig. But it can't
because the upstream supply pressure and flow capacity isn't
sufficient to be able to do that. That's what the data you have
provided to date tells us. Perhaps the answers you haven't
provided and the answers to the new questions will lead us in a
different direction, but it's not really likely. And, it has nothing
to do with null bias current.
I would like to clarify that the answer is not just the OEM as
the solution to the problem. To null the servovalve is the
easiest calibration you can perform to a servovalve. Do your
homework and you will see that there are reputable repair
facilities that have been repairing these valves for some time.
Our company has specialized in electro-hydraulic servovalves
since 1969. We were schooled at Moog on the repair of their
valves. Do not let the OEM make you think they are the only
game in town.
What's also missing from your reply? The fact that adjusting
servo null bias springs is best done in a "laboratory"
environment, with controlled flow-rates and measuring
equipment. It's easy under those circumstances.
Nowhere in this thread did anyone claim that the OEM was the
only game in town. There have been other posts here on which listed firms which refurbish Moog servo-
valves. Can you add yours to the group?
Dear CSA,
Here I have concept of NULL Bias, You are requested to
confirm the same.
There is good talk on the Null Bias Current for the servo. We
can use the drawing of Servo along with schematic of IGV or
GCV-SRV to understand the concept.
For this talk reference, let us take IGV scheme, the IGV is
stable at one position 57 deg. By viewing the scheme of IGV
actuating Piston & Cylinder, both side of Piston must be equal
pressured, as CSRGVOUT is CSRGVBAK(for Mark_IV) to keep
IGV at 57 deg STABLE.
Thanks in advance
I will confirm all but the last statement about the "null bias
If by null bias key you mean a tool to adjust the null bias spring
tension, then, absolutely no! No one should be adjusting the
null bias spring tension of a three-coil electro-hydraulic servo-
valve, with the exception of a facility with the appropriate
means to do so and verify proper results.
It gets even more complicated when there's more than one coil
in the servo-valve, such as in a TMR control panel, and each
control processor can output a different current and each
servo-valve output includes a null bias current (the same
amount of current) to overcome a single spring.
So, to anyone reading this thread, if you have some idea about
how to make this any easier to understand, PLEASE write and
let me know. If it would help to try to relate it to some other
control system concept or input or output, that would be great.
But, I've been trying for years to put this in simple,
understandable terms, and I've yet to find the right words, with
or without pictures.
By Mehul on 26 March, 2009 - 4:59 am
Docendo Discumus
I would like to add some more interesting facts and kindly ask
for explanation.
We have 4 Frame 5 non-dln turbines running in the island
mode. I have found something odd troubleshooting the moog
of one of the machines, that randomly changes its bias causing
3% position error - temporary solution we use(unit online) is to
recalculate new Null Bias measuring coils voltage and having
coil resistance measured before, then downloading the VSVO.
This way it's fine for some time, usually until next start-up. I
have to mention, that we have already tried three different
Moogs with the same result.
Back to the moog story. The odd thing is that each unit SRV,
GCV and IGV servo currents change at the same time from one
stable value to another one (usually by the step of 3, 4 %).
The same time error doesn't change. I have trended hydraulic
pressure 96HQ but there is no sign of the event. Also no sign
on P125DC and N125DC. I'm running out of ideas what to
You say you have four turbines and you're only having a
problem with one. Or at least that's what it sounds like.
Actually, I can't really tell how many units are having the
problem now that I re-read the message.
You've changed the servos; you say the problem happens with
all the servos.
If you've been reading this thread, you know that the null bias
current is the current required to overcome the null bias spring
tension. So, if the current required to overcome the spring
tension changes, it would seem that either something is
making the spring tension change or something is causing the
coil resistance to change.
I have seen units with the relief valves set improperly, used as
the "pressure regulators" for the hydraulic pump. This causes
excessive flow through the hydraulic pump.
I've also seen units with the hydraulic accumulator not properly
in service. This also causes the flow through the hydraulic
pump to be excessive which could be a cause of high oil
It just doesn't seem like the servos can be the problem here,
especially if all of them on one unit are behaving similarly.
There's something else that's common to the servos that the
One thing's for sure though: When I own that piece of Moog, I'
won't be contributing to threads like this on I
know better than to kill the goose that lays golden eggs.
>You say you have four turbines and you're only having a
problem with one. Or at least that's what it sounds like. <
The only alarm we have is the increased position error that can
lead to turbine trip. Again, it's not the machine with positive
NullBias value.
>I have seen units with the relief valves set improperly, used
as the "pressure regulators" for the hydraulic pump. This
causes excessive flow through the hydraulic pump. <
That's another good hint you gave me. I found our technician
resetting hydraulic pressure on the PSV instead of using pump
PCV. I will check remaining units.
No accumulators here.
>Have you compared all the hardware ("Berg") jumpers on the
TSVOs? And all the configuration settings on the VSVOs? Of the
unit with the problem vs. a unit without the problem? <
All TSVO the same (jumpers), all MKVI hardware configs the
same (to be sure, I have also compared m6b with the MKVI).
Dear CSA,
>Would you list the servo gains and null biases for all of the
servos? For all of the turbines? A simple chart:
The way we calibrate these valves is to lift the stem and insert
and leave filler gauge to get rid of the gap between the
actuator and valve stem. This way the valve is still closed and
LVDT indicates 2.5% difference from its rest position.
Hope this is the way.
> I don't believe you told us if these are TMR or SIMPLEX Mark
VI panels; if so, please remind me. <
Can I bypass these barriers? I know it's for EEX zone but I do
not recall (I'm not 100% sure) seeing them on 9E turbine in
Europe for example.
You have a TMR control system. That means that each control
processor has it's own gain and null bias for each coil of the
servo valve.
Can you please list the null bias for each processor for each
servo of each turbine?
I'm still confused about how the position error can start out at
one value (even if it's zero) and then change when the unit is
running. And I'm confused when you say you download new
null bias value(s). Do you download a new value to one
processor? Or to all three processors, one at a time?
When you put the feeler gauges into the gap prior to
performing the calibration of the SRV and GCV, that's to PUT
them in their true zero position. When you remove the feeler
gauges and the valve stems drop and the indication goes
negative, that's what's SUPPOSED to happen.
The purpose for the gap is to ensure that the valves aren't held
open by the actuator bottoming out. Some places it's called
"closed end overtavel". The true zero stroke position for these
valves is NOT with the valve stem fully down when the valve is
closed; in that position the valve stem is not touching the
bottom of the valve plug.
The true zero stroke position is when the valve is closed and
the valve stem is touching the bottom of the plug, and that's
what the feeler gauges do: They keep the valve stem in
contact with the bottom of the valve plug when the valve is
closed and ensure that at the end of the calibration procedure
that the valve will return to the same position as when it
started (which is one of the checks that AutoCalibrate performs
when run).
So, only you can decide if you can operate without the barriers.
We don't know the application or the site conditions so we
can't tell you to bypass them. We don't know if the IS barriers
are installed on the LVDTs or the servo-valve outputs.
I really don't understand this whole thing; just when I think I'm
getting a handle on it, you say "... I do not understand why
three servos jump at the same time and it happen on all
machines but at different times...." By "three" servos do you
mean all the coils of a single servo valve? Or do you mean all
the servos on all the machines? You say it's only on the SRV,
but then you say it happens on three servos on all machines at
different time. Is this happening on the SRV of all machines at
different times?
Again, I can't imagine why the null bias spring tension would
change during operation, or why the coil resistance would
change during operation. Heat would seem to me to be the
most likely cause for either, but I've never heard of this
problem, or a problem described like this.
I would really like to help solve this problem, but, again, every
time I think I'm understanding what's happening then I re-read
the posts and I get confused even more.
I'm also keenly interested to try to solve the problem with the
outrageous null bias current. You say you've replaced this servo
and the new one still behaves the same way???? And you've
tested the servo current polarity under the individual control of
each processor for this device (GCV or SRV or ???) and it will
closely maintain the position with only one processor????
Are you sure there's not an oil leak somewhere in the actuator
of the device which this servo is installed on?
I heard a former colleague say once a long time ago about GE-
design heavy duty gas turbine control, "This ain't rocket
science." And he was very correct. If it were rocket science, GE
would have been out of business a long time ago because if
every servo output had to operate with zero error the units
wouldn't run. But they do run, and they run very well.
> Can you please list the null bias for each processor for each
servo of each turbine?
The NullBias values I gave are the same in each processor for
each servo coil (RST). You confused me a little with this
question. Using Toolbox I have (v11.02.09), when I select
Download Configuration, it goes directly to all three VSVO
cards, with no possibility of selecting destination processor (R,
S or T). It could be only possible if all three VSVOs are in
Simplex config like for example Thermocouple VTCC cards. To
set-up hardware config you only have one common field, not
three separate fields for R/S/T.
> do you think it makes sense to use the same settings for the
SRV as for, say, the IGVs or the GCV? <
> When you remove the feeler gauges and the valve stems
drop and the indication goes negative, that's what's SUPPOSED
to happen. <
>The purpose for the gap is to ensure that the valves aren't
held open by the actuator bottoming out. <
That is exactly how I understand the valve. I'm assuming the
gap is for safety if the seat is worn and no gap the valve will
leak. Also the drawing say to check that gap is within desired
limits and if no grind the piston rod to obtain it.
> The true zero stroke position is when the valve is closed and
the valve stem is touching the bottom of the plug, and that's
what the feeler gauges do: They keep the valve stem in
contact with the bottom of the valve plug when the valve is
closed and ensure that at the end of the calibration procedure
that the valve will return to the same position as when it
started (which is one of the checks that AutoCalibrate performs
when run). <
> So, only you can decide if you can operate without the
barriers. We don't know the application or the site conditions
so we can't tell you to bypass them. We don't know if the IS
barriers are installed on the LVDTs or the servo-valve outputs.
> I really don't understand this whole thing; just when I think
I'm getting a handle on it, you say "... I do not understand why
three servos jump at the same time and it happen on all
machines but at different times...." By "three" servos do you
mean all the coils of a single servo valve? Or do you mean all
the servos on all the machines? You say it's only on the SRV,
but then you say it happens on three servos on all machines at
different time. Is this happening on the SRV of all machines at
different times? <
>Again, I can't imagine why the null bias spring tension would
change during operation, or why the coil resistance would
change during operation. Heat would seem to me to be the
most likely cause for either, but I've never heard of this
problem, or a problem described like this.
>I'm also keenly interested to try to solve the problem with the
outrageous null bias current. You say you've replaced this servo
and the new one still behaves the same way???? <
I wrote G4 - on the trend you will find G4\signal - that was the
reason I used it instead of GT4. Affected valve is SRV.
> Are you sure there's not an oil leak somewhere in the
actuator of the device which this servo is installed on? <
From what you describe, it seems that the current just "jumps"
and without seeing the valve position feedback at the time the
current jumps, it's difficult to say what's happening.
Have you had your Lube Oil tested for contaminants? And
agglomeration (I think that's what it's called)? Some of the
newer formulations of turbine lube oils seem to be causing lots
of problems for servos. I think BP has a formulation that has
been used successfully by a lot of heavy duty gas turbine
The more I think about this the more I think if you're seeing it
on all the servos on all the units at your site, the one thing
that's common to the gas valves is the IS barriers. I also
wonder if they're also affecting the other servo outputs on the
VSVO, such as the IGVs.
> Have you had your Lube Oil tested for contaminants? <
> When these jumps in current take place, does the turbine
power output change? <
I think it's very telling that when these "jumps" occur when the
turbines are running that there is no change in power output.
The Mark VI is fast enough to maintain steady and stable
power output in the face of whatever is causing the servo
current to have to change. And, even if the position error
increases (for whatever reason) the Mark VI is automatically
"compensating" and keeping the turbine operation stable and
And here's where I'm going to suggest that the problem is not
the changing servo currents, but the changing LVDT feedback.
You say that the position error changes, and when that
happens the servo current would change to try to maintain the
error closer to zero. Right?
What IS barriers are used for the LVDTs? Do all the LVDTs
have IS barriers?
Let's not drop the theory that the servo barriers may be the
problem, but let's not lose sight of the other possible
contributing factors. You have addressed the hydraulic
possibility pretty conclusively. But, servos do get very warm in
the environments they are placed in.
Sometimes, the gas valve servos are located at the top of the
L.O. reservoir/tank, where the vapors collect. The L.O. in the
tank is hotter than the L.O. header (which is cooled).
Post update:
>You have not provided any information on specifically what's
happening to the LVDT feedback when these jumps are
occurring, and if the LVDT excitation and/or feedback also have
IS barriers. If so, what is the manufacturer/part number? <
Let's keep in mind, that the offline unit is the one controlled
"perfectly" (only servo current jumps" are observed). So let's
concentrate on servo current jumps.
> And here's where I'm going to suggest that the problem is
not the changing servo currents, but the changing LVDT
feedback. You say that the position error changes, and when
that happens the servo current would change to try to maintain
the error closer to zero. Right? <
> Please trend the LVDT feedback as well as the servo current,
and the LVDT feedback from each LVDT would be the best to
trend, not the high-selected value. Even when the unit is not
running. <
Trend set-up and running. A hint for people that want to trend
LVDT's. You have to turn Monitors on (we have it unused, but I
met the feature used on some sites). Select 1_LVposition as
monitor type, select LVDT you want to monitor (see your
Regulator), fill in Mn and MxLVDT1_Vrms with data you have in
your Regulator. Keep in mind that Regulators use usually two
LVDT's, and you have to separate them using two Monitors.
After the config is downloaded you will see each LVDT value in
VSVO Card Point section under MON1, MON2....MON12
(depending of your set-up)
We have HVAC unit for the MKVI room so we have quite good
And yes, we have fans controlled by thermostats, I was aware
of this as very often we have to clean cabinet ventilation inlet
filters and fan outlet filters from accumulated fine desert sand.
After trending servo currents yesterday afternoon with all of
fans running the servo current phenomena still exists. The
average temperature measured using TBTC cold junction is 30
deg C (IS barriers are mounted on the back side of the cabinet
where TBTC are mounted, also fans are on MKVI terminal
board side only)
Passive barriers.
> Sometimes, the gas valve servos are located at the top of
the L.O. reservoir/tank, where the vapours collect. The L.O. in
the tank is hotter than the L.O. header (which is cooled). The
IGV servo is usually located in the turbine compartment, which
experiences large temperature swings during starting,
operation, and shutdown. <
That's the case we have, valve servos are mounted inside the
tank underneath the valve. IGV in turbine compartment. As the
unit will stay some days, temperature should come down and
we will see possible effect on the trend.
After all day trending:
Please find another trends (40ms sample time), this time also
one toolbox .trn file.
I'm trying try do the same with dither off. (As dither is an AC
on the DC command signal, can it induct something in the
Again, not to confuse you guys, these are trend taken on the
offline machine, the machine that has no problems with
position error. I will troubleshoot affected unit ASAP (read
when available after shutdown - software modification needed
to trend LVDT's and servo outputs separately).
Ok have to go to sleep
By minister on 24 July, 2009 - 3:22 am
Update 2:
I can observe full curve oscillation for servo currents with 12.5
Hz and 33Hz frequency dither.
Well, now I will focus on the other two issues I have here. I will
write more when I have a chance to make more tests on these
But what isn't explained is the position error that you reduce by
changing the null bias.
I'm not a fan of dither for GE-design heavy duty gas turbine
applications. The nature of operation doesn't really cause the
control valves to require dither from my experience, though
I've recently been made aware of some "lore" (because it's not
documented anywhere) that there was non-configurable dither
built into the Mark V. But there wasn't any dither in the Mark IV
or earlier Speedtronic panels because the servo outputs were
all analog circuits and there wasn't any dither that I was aware
But, the position error, which I haven't really seen a good trend
of, is still puzzling.
> But, the position error, which I haven't really seen a good
trend of, is still puzzling. <
The error wasn't so high that time and went back to normal by
itself. (I only changed NullBias having the alarm above 3%).
Odd is, the step change is recorded at the same moment, it
could be that what caused the error created also a delay
(momentary desync) for trending tool (???)
By minister on 27 November, 2009 - 6:25 am
What has happened here was the valve being open during
shutdown by the given above 1.4% while the command was
0% from the MKVI.
This resulted in gas leak through SRV (Exhaust went up to 500
deg C!) with GCV being still open at about 6% and the speed
at about 20%. Then the protection tripped the turbine
(shutdown exceeded the given period of time)
Funny, next day the position and the feedback
after the restart were correct.
I will have to work on this valve later.
Dear Minister,
I don't know if this will help, but it would be something else for
you to check. Please also note that replacing the VSVO card
repaired the problem. Also note that I have seen some sites
where the signals were never added at the card level to be able
to trend the servo currents individually. Look at your .m6b file,
under the VSVO card points, for the given regulator you are
having trouble with look at the "ServOut#NVR, ServoOut#NVS,
and ServoOut#NVT. If there is no point associated with it, it
will say "not used", if that is the case you will need to create a
point for each card point and download before you can trend
the currents individually.
the great thing about GE's control systems are that they have
lots of great tools to use for diagnosing problems. The
downside is that all the same tools are not given to all the
customers (some .m6b have pins, some don't etc.) I am not
sure where the ball gets dropped, either during commissioning
or straight from Salem. But no matter, we have this forum full
of knowledgeable people to take advantage of. And best of all
we have a participant such as yourself that provides the
information we need to try and help solve a problem, and
hopefully we all learn something in the process. I wish you
continued luck with your issue, and look forward to you
resolving the problem.
Great reading, was looking for this information for a very long
time. thanks guys.
Have you checked the servo valve part number against the
appropriate parts list for the gas valve assembly? Are you sure
the servo is the correct one for the application?
Thanks CSA,