Grammar Skills Questionnaire
Grammar Skills Questionnaire
Grammar Skills Questionnaire
Directions: Circle the one letter (SA, A, DK, SD, D) that most closely fits your answer to each
SA (Strongly Agree): You are absolutely sure about the accuracy/truth of the statement.
A (Agree): You are fairly confident about the accuracy/truth of the statement/
DK (Dont Know): You dont have an opinion about the statement partly because you dont
know the terms used.
D (Disagree): You believe the statement is inaccurate/wrong.
SD (Strongly Disagree): You know for sure that the statement is wrong/inaccurate..
Please underline examples of the following constructions in the text below: subject
(S), verb (V), participle (PCP), determiner (DET), adverbial modifier (ADVMod),
noun phrase (NP), dependent clause (DC), noun/nominal clause (NC), prenoun
modifier (preNM):
There is a 41-year-old woman, an administrative assistant from California known in the
medical literature only as AJ, who remembers almost every day of her life since age 11.
There is an 85-year old man, a retired lab technician called EP, who remembers only
his most recent thought. She might have the best memory in the world. He could very
well have the worst. My memory flows like a movienonstop and uncontrollable,
says AJ. She remembers that on Sunday, August 3, 1986, a young man called her on the
phone. She remembers what happened on Murphy Brown on March 12, 1998.
Punctuate the following textexplain your choices (periods are indicated):
A turtle with a bone crushing bite and a strike as fast as a cobras seems as if it would be
king of the river.
But it had been years since anyone spotted a breeding population of the endangered
Cantors giant softshell turtle which was no match for hunters or people excavating its
eggs from sandy riverbanks.
Yet when conservationists pulled up a trap from northern Cambodias Mekong River
there it was a 24- pounder with a distinctive low profile and a shell of rubbery skin
stretched over fused ribs.
The turtle which mainly spends its time dug into river bottoms once lived across much of
Until the late 1990s the presence of the brutal Khmer Rouge kept many people away
from the 31-mile stretch of river where the turtle turned up.
Now land hungry migrants are pourin in a planned dam could also threaten turtle habitat.
If some of the area isnt declared of limits warns Marck Bezuijen of the World Wildlife
Fund the flat reptile may vanish as quickly as it resurfaced.
NRSY Can you identify run-ons? Please give an example.
NRSY Can you list 3 functions of commas? Please give appropriate examples.