Tail Lamp
Tail Lamp
Tail Lamp
- C-Class (W203) (http://mbworld.org/forums/c-class-w203-3/)
- - 2001 C320 Taillights problem (http://mbworld.org/forums/c-class-w203/103557-2001-c320-
Just today I received a reading on the cluster "Tail lights, R substitute lamp on! Check Lamp. 2 fault" and
also as soon as you turn the ignition on the tail lights and license plate lights stay on (even during the day)
even if there are no front or other lights on.
Page 343...
Substitute lamp on means that you have a faulty bulb, and one of the RR bulbs is substituting for it. Check
all the bulbs RR.
The bulb is just about to burn out if it has not yet. Your rear fog light will come on and work until you
have replaced the bulb in question.
The system cannot tell you if a bulb is about fail. It only tells that the bulb has failed. Sometimes the
filament detaches from one side of the connection and thus the bulb fails. Occasionally, if you tap the bulb,
the filament will touch the electrical connection inside the bulb and stick/weld temporarily while the
current is flowing, but it has failed.
The vehicle will substitute another light (most models use the rear fog light) for the failed light. There is
also a bulb on the passengers side, similar to the rear fog light (thats only on the drivers side) thats sole
purpose is for substitute lighting.
Like MB-BOB said, check your owners manual for more info and replace the bulb with the CORRECT
WATTAGE, otherwise the warning may not go away.
I had similar problems with my '01. I would get the "substitute light on" warning but the sub bulb was not
lit. Brake lamp failures as well but the lights were working. The error messages would come and go with
nothing being done. Sometimes replacing the working bulb with a different bulb made the error go away.
Lamp sockets always looked clean but I would wipe them with fine steel wool anyway. The dealer finally
replaced both rear lamp carriers and the errors and failures stopped.
My car would inform me just before the light went out. I went to the back of the car, and the light was still
working but the car informed me it wasn't. I replaced my lights many times since 2000 and came acrossed
it already.
With substitute lighting, your lights LOOK like they are still working, BECAUSE THE SYSTEM HAS
Just a thought, if the rear lights are always on, this is usually an indication the rear SAM has lost network
communication with the vehicle, you may need to visit the dealer. The rear SAM module controls the rear
lighting among other things. - Good Luck..
I change all the bulbs and lights are on. And message is on: Tail Lights,R Substitute lamp on! Check Lamp
I had a similar problem. My tail lights would be on when my car was turned on. I never had any computer
messages about it though. It ended up being a faulty rear SAM. That module is about a $700-800 repair
I had the same problem, tail lamps always On, its a defective REAR SAM. Replace it asap, coz once ur
rear sam completely fails, u will loose most electrical functions like turn signals, keyless entry, wiper,
stoplights, etc.... though, u can still drive the car.
i got mine replaced for about $500+ for parts, and $200+labor
Also, are you aware that your clever car will illuminate a substitute lamp with this malfunction, so you
will still see two (different) bulbs illuminated. The one you are looking for is a 12v/5w bulb.
I have checked all the rear lamps and they all work well including number plate ones. The car shows the
tail L lamp it is a P21W at the top of the cluster to confirm that is the lamp reading faulty I removed the
same lamp on the offside and got the tail lamp R message as well. The car does say the other lamp is
illuminated but there are no other lamps illuminated just the correct ones? I know if a front indicator lamp
fails the car flashes the front fog in its place but nothing like that is happening??
The Tail light is a single filament 21 watt 12v lamp during lights on it is illuminated in a low power mode
so it acts like a lower wattage lamp when the brakes are pressed it gets full power and illuminates brightly.
The new lamp I just put in this morning blew after a few minutes of use, I already had the tail lamp L
message but when the lamp blew I got the break light fail message as well. Sometimes I don't get the
alternate lamp on message just the tail lamp message? Has anyone got a wiring diagram for the external
lighting circuit or any info where the control unit is located?
merc c200k 25-06-2011 12:39 PM
OK latest update, Alex you were 100% right it was a 5w lamp. What threw me was as the left 5w lamp
failed the car decided to illuminate the alternate 21w lamp in a low power mode and at the same time I
assume to stop the back of the car looking odd / confusing to other drivers it disables the good 5w lamp
and also illuminates the 21w on the right. With this scenario when I removed the top 21w lamp on the
right the car reported the fail as the tail light not the break light and thus my confusion began! I am 99.9%
sure when I replace the duff 5w lamp all will be well again. I really only worked it out when I tested the
parking lights, when the right one was on it was the 5w lamp when the left one was on it illuminated the
stop lamp in a low power mode, thats when the small lamp in my head lit bright! Sometimes cars are too
Catches so many out this one, glad you got there, unlike a certain other thread I could mention!!
Was a little confusing! I saw the other thread later and thought OMG this guy is going to think its
groundhog day! Glad I did sus it out otherwise it would have been embarrassing as I am an electrical /
electronic engineer by trade!
saw a C240 with the left rear light out....isn't another bulb supposed to substitute?
If you read the owners manual under EXTERIOR LIGHTS, it says that if a bulb in the rear tail light assy
burns out another will double as a replacement for safety's sake.
This definitely was NOT the case with the C240 I saw.....all other lights were on with the exception of the
left rear tail light.
Interesting, but here's a thought. The left side has the foglamp, so I'm wondering if the same bulb has a
dual filament whereas the right side has a single filament. Maybe there's still continuity in the circuit (the
foglamp filament is still intact), so it doesn't sense the blow out. I wonder what would happen if it was the
right side bulb? I may be totally wrong, but who knows?
The rear fog lamp is a separate bulb ( C-class Sportcoupe Operator's Manual page 349).
The stop lamps, dimmed, will act as a replacement lamp, if one taillamp stops working.
The left stop lamp acts as a replacement for the rear fog lamp, if it stops working.
The respective fog lamp, dimmed, will act as a replacement lamp, if left or right standing lamp stops
working. (page 350)
This sounds like a wiring/multiplexer problem to me. Not good. Bulb substitution is a good
concept...assuming the electrical system isn't buggy ;)