Diwali Poster Competition: Want To Know The Latest?
Diwali Poster Competition: Want To Know The Latest?
Diwali Poster Competition: Want To Know The Latest?
Diwali will be celebrated around the world on Thursday 19th October. As part of our drive
to celebrate the cultures and traditions of our school community we will be organizing gifts
for our staff who celebrate. Members of our POW group will be setting up a Diwali area in
school on Thursday and have asked that we encourage students to participate in the
We would like students of any faith or nationality who wish to participate in this
competition to design an A4 size poster about Diwali. The deadline for submission is
Monday 16th October. Please ask your child to hand the poster to their teacher on or
before Monday. There will be a prize for the best poster from each year group 1-6!
There will be similar competitions to celebrate the other cultures of our school community
through out the year.
Maths- Add 1-digit to 2-digit numbers and add to next multiple of 10, by
counting on
oa nk ck ow tch
1 road bank back allow catch
2 toad blank pack brown hatch
3 loaf plank rack clown latch
4 cloak tank sack crown match
5 boat sank kick down patch
6 float blink lick drown watch
7 goat drink pick crowd sketch
8 throat ink neck tower stretch
9 coach pink track towel switch
10 roast sink clock flower hutch
11 very more with next some
12 want made that must once