Jantschik Walter Baphomet Magie - De.en
Jantschik Walter Baphomet Magie - De.en
Jantschik Walter Baphomet Magie - De.en
Baphomet magic
esoteric publishing
In esoteric publisher Paul Hartmann numerous other titles have been
published on the subject of magic and esoteric. They are available
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ISBN 3932928 14 8
Introduction ................................................. ................................. 9
Magical thinking creations ............................................. 10
About the Golem - Sefer Ha Shem ........................................ 19
Methods for creating a golem ................................... 24
The historical tradition to Rabbi Low .............. 24
The destruction of the Golem .............................................. .... 27
The appearance of the Golem .............................................. .. 28
The ritual modeling or necromantic method
,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 28
The magical Golem revival ............................................ 29
The magical and Kabbalistic creation of a golem .............. 30
The magical revival method Ha Qabala Baphometa ........ 31
The electronic pattern ............................................... ...... 31
Opfertorium ................................................. .......................... 32
Opus Magnum ................................................ ....................... 32
The formal Magic integration of the 72 original forces of Shem in the Golem
figure ..................................... ........................... 32
Prayer of thanks to the great god ............................................ ........ 33
Golem and Baphomet ............................................... ................ 34
The golem ritual .............................................. ....................... 36
Electronic pattern: ............................................... ........... 36
Invocation of the Golem deity ............................................. .. 36
Pentagram invocation ............................................... ........... 36
Visualization of the colors ............................................... ...... 36
Opfertorium ................................................. .......................... 37
The magic Influxen from the Golem Reich ...................... 37
Charging the battery magic .......................................... 38
The invocation of assistance genii ................................... 38
The magical incense ............................................... ..... 39
Opus hermeticum Golemicum ...................................... 39
The Mago-Gnostic blessing ............................................. .... 40
The Golem Egregor .............................................. ..................... 41
The Golem evocation .............................................. ................. 42
Electronic pattern ................................................ ........... 42
The magical cleaning ............................................... ........ 42
The magic ?? coat of mind ?? ...................................... 42
The drawing of the magic circle ..................................... 42
Acceptance of the magical god form ................................ 43
The magic wand ............................................... ................. 43
The magic triangle as materialization place .................. 44
The materialization Publications Sigil .............................................. . 44
The magical invocation formula ............................................ 44
The dismissal of the Golem .............................................. ...... 44
The Golem Fair .............................................. ....................... 45
Introit ................................................. ................................ 45
Apolytikum ................................................. .......................... 45
Burning incense ................................................. ........................ 45
Kathisma-Prosomoion ............................................... ............ 46
Kontaktion ................................................. ............................ 46
Oikos ................................................. .................................... 46
Triadikon ................................................. .............................. 47
Automelon ................................................. ............................ 47
Idiomelon ................................................. ............................. 47
Consecratio ................................................. ........................... 47
Invocatio ................................................. ............................... 48
Citation of the eighth verse of Baph-Grimoire ..................... 48
Rufung of Ur-Golem God ........................................... .... 48
Conclusion ................................................. ............................. 48
The Magic Egregor ............................................... ................ 49
Contacting the Egregor ............................................ 49
Via media Photonis Lunea method .......................... 50
The symbolic method ............................................... ...... 50
Sigils method ............................................... .................... 51
The evocative method ............................................... .......... 51
Construction and structure of a magic egregors ................... 52
Introduction to the hermetically-Gnostic Egregorik ................. 54
Types of Egregore ............................................... ................. 56
The energy structure of a magic egregors ............ 57
Effects of Egregore ............................................... ........ 57
Ways of magic-demonic inauguration .......................... 58
I. The Baphometic way ............................................. ....... 58
Spiritual exercise for the invocation of a demonic nature of Baphometums
.......................................... .............................. 59
1. Electronic pattern .............................................. ..... 59
2. Pull the magic circle ...................................... 59
3. Magical Incense .............................................. ..... 60
4. Setting up the magical candles ................................. 60
5. The magic garment of Magus ................................ 60
6. The Magic Sword ............................................. ..... 60
7. The materialization triangle .......................................... 60
8. The magical invocation formula .................................... 60
9. The magic Sigillum ............................................. .... 60
10. Adoption of God form ............................................. .. 61
11. Name of the demon ............................................. ......... 61
12. Publication of the demon ............................................ 61
13. Please, the desire or the concern ................... 61
14 dismissal of the demon ............................................. . 61
II. The Luciferian way ............................................. ........... 62
III. The plutonic way ............................................... ........ 62
Magical Incense ................................................ ....... 63
Pluto Genius UMOLUMAN ............................................ 63
Sigillum of Umoluman ............................................... .... 64
Evokations magical formula of the Genius ........................ 64
The magical materialization triangle .............................. 64
The magic dismissal of Genius ................................ 64
A dmono Magical inauguration ......................................... 66
The evocation of demonic entity Lilith ................... 70
The electro-baphonetische pattern ........................................ 70
Sigillum of Lilith ............................................... .................. 70
Assuming the form of a goddess ........................................... 70
The mago-gnostic operation by vas nefandum .............. 70
The preparation of the projection 71 elixir ..............................
The scarification of Lilith elixir ................................... 71
Thanksgiving................................................. .......................... 72
The bapho Gnostic theory of seed formation .................... 73
Rite for materialization of Urdmoniums ............................. 75
The bapho-spermatoiale pattern ............................................ 75
The bapho-hermetic temple ............................................ 75
The magical incense ............................................... ..... 75
The magic circle ............................................... ................ 75
The magical materialization Triangle .................................. 75
The magical-hermetic rite ............................................ 76
Rufung the demonic shadow ....................................... 76
Magic Climax ................................................ .................. 76
Consecratio Semenis ................................................ ............. 77
Evocation of Urdmoniums .............................................. 77
Magical incantation Baphometic .................................... 78
Adoption of a demon god form ................................ 78
Demonically Spermale Eucharist .......................................... 78
Conclusion ................................................. ............................. 78
The Baphomet evocation of FOGC ..................................... 80
Preparing a magic Sigillenmaschine ........................ 81
Design drawing of Sigillenmaschine
Experimental circuit ................................................. ............... 83
Foreign word explanations ................................................. ............. 84
Bibliography ................................................. ................. 85
The author ................................................ .................................. 85
The purpose of this work I want to give readers an introduction to the occult
areas and disciplines of magical thought creations of Baphomet magic of
the Golem magic and magical invocation practice.
About those indicated in this book issues, there is little literature and
references in occult literature, so I was a pressing concern to dwell on
these interesting magical areas and to create awareness. The reader / in
will learn about the magical evocation of the Golem, the Golem Fair and the
Golem egregore; including when the Golem again
in the room
will appear Alchemist alley in Prague etc.
Let this get into the right hands and give further research in this regard
Walter Jantschik
Magical thinking creations
Every creature and every organism in the universe is just a thought of God,
who came to the revelation in the visible world. This idea is a
self-introduction of God, and the number of these self-concepts is as great
as infinity. This idea of God, the immortal souls exist from eternity, and God
knows eternally itself in them, in each individual soul. But the individual soul
does not recognize this, she is aware of its divinity not so aware; it must
only follow the path of experience. To this end, it must descend into the
realm of deception in the material world, and get on the path of error for the
knowledge of the truth.
No one can know what the truth is, if he does not know what's wrong. But
when a man knows what is wrong, then he knows the truth by itself. Thus
the soul goes through all levels of development, from the mineral kingdom
to, through the plant and animal kingdoms through to the people. But in
man the divine is only expressed. Although it is not completely made
manifest in him, and it gives light but when reason and thinking ability in
Man is in the true sense of the word, the image of God; for in him the whole
universe is reflected. Man is called the whole universe in miniature, a
microcosm. Everything can be found in the universe, is present in humans,
the creator and the creation. The divine universal spirit, the Omniscient and
Almighty, we see ourselves as the divine spark, which represents the
higher self. The seven magical spheres or realms of consciousness in the
universe are in
- 10
People represented as the seven bodies that penetrate each other.
But the higher three, the immortal essence in man make the Triune God is
the Father, Son and Spirit, or in other words recognizer Detected and the
spirit of knowledge. But all three in one and inseparable, because God is
eternal recognizes itself; in humans, it is only to be that way. The four lower
bodies represent the lower spheres in the cosmos Thus, the human being
is created to most accurately to the macrocosm, even the visible body. he
represents the visible universe It consists of the four elements. Fire, water,
earth and air. But not only this, but he is an accurate image of our solar
system. The heart is the symbol of the sun. Just as the human heart sends
the blood at regular pulsations through the body, warmed and invigorated,
so the sun sends unstoppable warmth and vitality out into the universe.
Only takes a pulse of the sun about nine years, and that of the human heart
for a second.
The brain is the symbol of the moon. Just as the moon reflects the sunlight,
so the brain is only a secondary source of life. It receives all its power from
the heart. But mentally conceived
is the symbol of the moon
Brain-mind. The brain has understood a reflected light as the moon and is
misleading to rely on him alone, but not the sun, the knowledge that comes
from the heart comes into play. But just as the moon shines at night and
the sun is not so works in humans at night during sleep the brain alone,
without much reason. It usually takes only disjointed
- 11
Dreams and fantasies to light. These are just as deceptive as the
moonlight. But the other planets are present in the human body. The same
is in its main organs according to the same principle as. Those who study
the writings of the mystics of the Middle Ages, who will find in many related
The man has not yet attained the science that he can make this thought
forms for the ordinary vision visible, as is the case with God. Man is only
acquire this ability if he has become divine.
Arguably the human thoughts exist in the astral sphere. This fact may seem
to many to be impossible; but who knows the laws of the formation and
thought formation, the matter will be taken for granted.
- 12
long ago invented a thinking machine, or there would be random chemical processes that
produce thoughts. The brain is not the mind stuff, but the invisible thinking body thinks. The
brain is only the apparatus to bring the thoughts to the outside world in touch. It is there to
transform ideas into action, and vice versa to transfer the experience of the senses the idea of
the body. But just as a vibrating bell they staggered surrounding air to vibrate, so is the vibration
of thought, set ourselves around surrounding astral matter continually vibrate, and in this way
also happens telepathy. Just as there are sound waves, so there are thought waves. A thought
is the same as a sound, but just in a higher sphere. But it has long been known to science, that
the sound waves cause the air in all kinds of figures, which have a large difference. The figure
of the same depends on the type and nature of sounds. Such figures have also been
photographed. Clairvoyants consistently report that man produces through his thoughts
continually mental images in the astral sphere which correspond to the nature and content of
thought exactly in shape. These thought forms are called elementals. Thus man inhabited his
environment with the children of his thoughts. that man continually causes in the astral sphere
through his mind mental images that correspond to the nature and content of thought exactly in
shape. These thought forms are called elementals. Thus man inhabited his environment with
the children of his thoughts. that man continually causes in the astral sphere through his mind
mental images that correspond to the nature and content of thought exactly in shape. These
thought forms are called elementals. Thus man inhabited his environment with the children of
his thoughts.
- 13
Why should us these things seem so impossible if we consider that every form, every creature
indeed every human being is an embodied mental image of the universal spirit! The Astral Sea that
surrounds us, responds to the slightest mental activity. Every thought, if it is animated by the desire
swirls this substance on powerful and examined it expression, similar to the character and state of
mind of a people constantly strive to express in his facial features, his attitude, etc., so this time all
can transform, that dominates the substance directly and designed. After the materialistic world, this
fact should be explained in the way that a person is therefore a crook because he gradually a
rogue-like face grows. Good for those who can accept it. But in the invisible realms these formations
occur at a rate as they can not understand the materialist. Fleeting thoughts cause only a temporary
problem, which immediately disappears. But intense, long-lasting thoughts create forms of longer
duration. And thoughts that are constantly repeated, causing the permanent existence of these
elementals. They are strengthened over again with new ideas the same direction. You hang the
people constantly, and he drags her with him wherever he goes. You do not release him, they act on
their producers and it feeds them. but they also affect other people and a sensitive person can feel
their existence, even if he did not see. as they can not understand the materialist. Fleeting thoughts
cause only a temporary problem, which immediately disappears. But intense, long-lasting thoughts
create forms of longer duration. And thoughts that are constantly repeated, causing the permanent
existence of these elementals. They are strengthened over again with new ideas the same direction.
You hang the people constantly, and he drags her with him wherever he goes. You do not release
him, they act on their producers and it feeds them. but they also affect other people and a sensitive
person can feel their existence, even if he did not see. as they can not understand the materialist.
Fleeting thoughts cause only a temporary problem, which immediately disappears. But intense,
long-lasting thoughts create forms of longer duration. And thoughts that are constantly repeated,
causing the permanent existence of these elementals. They are strengthened over again with new
ideas the same direction. You hang the people constantly, and he drags her with him wherever he
goes. You do not release him, they act on their producers and it feeds them. but they also affect
other people and a sensitive person can feel their existence, even if he did not see. long lasting thoughts create form
- 14
not why. The feeling of sympathy and antipathy towards
other people will only by the
Sphere of thought the same, caused by the inherent elementals. If such an
Elemental of a human is nourished again and again through the same
thoughts, the whole of life, when all thoughts of man riding a hobby-horses, it
can eventually win all the rule over him, and it then says he ?? has a
obsession ??. If a man is dominated by a fixed idea, so it is very hard for him
to pull away again. With him, all thoughts images have merged into one. There
is at the expense of all others. This also results in the one-sidedness that
some people have in their views, which they can not leave, but are dominated
by them. And so it may happen that a materialist is itself controlled by the
spirits, whose existence he can not think possible. But everyone has those
appendages, that make up part of his own consciousness. It is the false ego's
and he confuses himself with them. Once win this, again the second time that
the upper hand in it; and their own, true self is again the other pushed to this,
sometimes on that side. Yes, these spirits, the elementals can even take all
owned by a person and also suppress the ego. This is the insanity. the
elementals can even take all owned by a person and also suppress the ego.
This is the insanity. the elementals can even take all owned by a person and
also suppress the ego. This is the insanity.
The worst are the elementals of fear, anger, sensuality, superstition and
avarice. If a man cowardly nature, and continually entertains thoughts of
fear, which happens especially in a comparison; these thought forms can
coalesce into a permanent Elemental or Elementary, which is getting
stronger and stronger, finally takes possession of his producer owned his
- 15
I repressed. Then they say he has a persecution complex. Something else
it is in a person of a
Brain injury suffered or mental disorder is. Here, I will not be replaced by
another power, but it can be expressed in the absence of a normal brain at
the physical level does not fully reveal.
- 16
God's voice is not heard in it. but as long as the divine still smoulders in it
as long as man still listen to the voice of the infinite in itself, the elementals
can not come in it for superiority. Even more - if the person thinks
constantly of the eternal, sublime, divine, in the reality, which is his own
higher self, then he no longer identifies with the elementals, but with
himself and with God, as is the true man God is based. Then the
God-consciousness becoming the rule in him. The man is then not
possessed of elementals, but of God. But then solve all the elementals, the
false ego, and give back their strength. Of course, this higher I must not be
confused with the lower ones. If the lower is held high, so this may not lead
to enlightenment, but at most to megalomania. Man can not enlighten itself,
but he must open his heart to the higher light.
- 17
The elementals and demons have a self-preservation. Thoughts are their
food, and when they have become strong, then they force and to act.
We can best fight through thought control against them. We must deprive
them of the food for thought. You must gradually die if we withhold all low
thoughts. But the only way to a successful control is that we are constantly,
in every job, and plan in all that we do remember our true purpose in life, to
the most glorious goal that lies ahead: ?? The survey awareness about the
material plane, uninterrupted bliss ??. Then we will resist with ease
demons and elementals. You will gradually be after becoming weaker and
weaker, but get stronger and the immortal freedom of the fighting.
The elementals are the only enemies that has the humanity must fight it.
Every individual should turn against his own elementals to fight against
them, rather than against his fellow man. They are those enemies, of which
David united with God sings: ?? All my enemies you put to my footstool ??
and what the prophets of old said: ?? The animals must be sacrificed on
the altar of the Lord ??.
- 18
About the Golem - Sefer Ha Shem
The Golem problem, so the Golem creation, has not been solved to this
day by the esoteric. There are of course various magical-mystical
approaches to shed light on this problem. The predecessor of man is
created in Malkuth / Assia by God Golem. Man still is today in a phase ??
vorgolemischen ??, which is still not completed.
- 19
with the magical Golem place and the Unio with the deity. The Cabbalistic
Adept brings through the magic transformations of the earth by means of
an influx of the Hebrew alphabet Golem forth. The magic precursor to the
creation of Adam is the mystical Golem creation. The life of the Golem is
presented through the earth par excellence in connection with the Aleph.
The Golem is itself shaped earth of Assiah or shaped ?? Blood ??. The
magic fluid that breathes the amorphous mass of life. The Golem draws its
vigor from the magical essence of Aleph. The Golem is integrally activated
by the HA SHEM MEPHORASCH or 72 by the genii of Mercury sphere and
revitalized. In particular, the Golem is put into action by the Shem, an
invigorating effect. This Shem is a frequently mentioned both in the Talmud
as in Kabbalah letter formula. Of the
in this Shem
Enrolled mystical name of God YHWH as its actually animating force in the
latest terminology of Kabbalah
also of the four-pole magnet or of the
Tetragrammatonische key, also known as achieving key.
Here I would like the authentic expressions of Rabbi Loew from the ??
Nifloeth-MhrL ?? add:
1. The creation of the Golem, two ghosts pressed forward, that he should
revive the Golem (Rabbi Loew) through them:
- 20
the spirit of the demon Joseph and the demon Jonathan. the spirit it was
chosen the former, because the latter had already at the time of the
Talmud ways proved the Jews oppressed days help. Even Jonathan was a
creature that was true no secrets.
2. Just as the spirit of the demon Josef wandered into the Golem ?? ??
and found him by the Tikun, reviving, all spirits are mentioned in the Book
of Splendor
?? Jews daemons ?? repeated hike
go through and finally reached the revival by being to do the Jews in exile
in times of distress with demons Wondering help.
3. Legally, the Golem free of the fulfillment of the commandments and prohibitions,
even of those for whose attention the woman and the servant are required.
4. It is found in the Golem no trace of good or evil instinct and all his
actions are just like an automatic machine that does the will of its creator.
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7. Although the Golem did not reach the level Neschamah, but you could
tell on the Sabbath a change and a revelation on his face. Does it still in
the Zohar, that on the Sabbath the voltages ?? ?? (Schlitat hadinim) days
of the week stop because the Sabbath is the symbol of the world light
whose rays in all worlds forcefully gush and touch all beings.
8. The golem had to be created without sexual desire; he had this instinct,
no woman would have been safe from him.
9. The Golem was never sick because he was not affected by any impulse to
10. The person subject to the choice of his own instinct of ?? good ??
therefore and evil ?? ??, and is capable of those secret things that are
outside of the disclosed reality, not to look. But the Golem, which, as
mentioned above, had no engine, was able to see all the secret things the
animals and birds, demons and ghosts.
- 22
felt that moment, he caught the scent and could be overwhelmed by any
12. The Golem has resurrected a share in eternal life and is at the end of
all the families, but in a completely different shape.
13. The prohibition to climb the bottom of the Old-New Synagogue, does
not apply to the followers and successors successor of Rabbi Loew on the
Prague rabbi chair. This may only watch the destroyed factory, the Golem
figure, but not take any actions as a recovery attempt.
15. The book Jezirah himself does the creation of a golem or any other
living creature not a word mention. One must only be able to collect the
letters out their hidden rays, through which one can give a lifeless body
life. But one has not only a scholar, but also a just man, a tzaddik be. The
greatest master in the book Jezirah was Bezalel, of which states: ?? And
God filled him with wisdom, understanding, knowledge and all
craftsmanship "With the help of the book Jezirah he can perform all work
on the sanctuary.."
- 23
Methods for creating a golem
The historical tradition result was the Golem of Rabbi Loew and two of his
favorite student Rabbi Sasson and Rabbi Jitzach that day, created the 20th
of Adar 1580th At that time the fanatical cleric Thaddeus did his worst in
Prague. Thaddeus did everything to push through a blood libel against the
Jews of Prague with success. Rabbi Loew was told in good time and set up
a dream about ?? up ?? how he would take action against this enemy.
From heaven he received following alphabetical orderly response:
Translated was this answer: ?? Ata Bra Golem Dewuk Hachomer W'tigzar
Zedim Chewel peat Israel ??. ?? You create a golem out of clay, and you
destroy the wicked Jews eaters rabble. ?? These ten words put Rabbi
Loew on the underlying in the book Jezirah Zirufim, the merger of the
words like this that he became convinced of being able to create with the
opened him from heaven letters, numbers a living body of clay. Rabbi Loew
said, ?? I want to create a golem and claim your cooperation (Rabbi
Sasson and Rabbi Jitzach). Because of this work / creation, the four
elements are necessary: Esch, maim, Ruach, aphar ie fire, water, air and
earth. You're Jitzach the element fire, you're the Jacob
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Water element, I myself am the air, we will create the golem each other
from the fourth element. ??
First, both had holy by deep, serious repentance and clean in order to be
prepared for the great work of creation. On the second day of the month
Adar, the three men went after midnight in the mikvah, the ritual bath of the
Jews, appeared this time under particularly devotion, then walked silently
home, where they Chazot, the midnight lament for Jerusalem were doing,
and the associated Psalms highest devotion prayed. then they took out the
book Jezirah, read a few chapters from Rabbi Loew. Finally, they went out
of the city to the banks of the Vltava. There they were looking for a
Lehmstelle and set out immediately to work.
The clay body was now bright red, because the rabbi Jitzach embodied the
element of fire. Rabbi Loew now ordered the Rabbi Sasson, as many tours
to make starting from the left and also gave him certain of his element
Zirufim. When he had finished his work, went out the Feuerrte and poured
water into the clay body; it sprouted hair on the head and nails on the
fingers and on the
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Toes. Now Rabbi Loew himself made his rounds around the clay body, put
it a Shem written on parchment in his mouth, and east and west, south and
north bowing, all three of them spoke the same words: ?? And he blew the
living edema in his nose and man became a living being. ?? And the three
elements of fire, water and air caused that the fourth element was alive.
The Golem opened his eyes and looked like amazement around. And
Rabbi Loew said to him ?? Get up your legs ??! And he stood up. Then
they clothed him with the garments of a Schames and he soon became like
an ordinary person. But it lacked the ability to speak. Because those words
the Rabbi Loew entrusted from heaven had he could have done to give the
Golem, the ability to speak for the Zirufim, according to which, not enough
power. And that was even beneficial. God knows what could happen if a
Golem would have the power of speech!
At dawn, four men went home. On the way Rabbi Loew to Golem, saying
?? Know that we have formed you from a Lehmklo. Your task will be to
protect the Jews from persecution, you will be called Joseph and shalt
nights in Rabbinatsstube. You Josef shalt obey my orders, when and
wherever I will send you; in fire and water, and if I command you to jump
from the roof, and if I take you to the seabed chic ??, Josef nodded his
head, made motions as a sign of affirmation.
At home, tell Rabbi Loew, he had encountered the silent stranger in the
street, and he had compassion on him,
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he'll take it on as Rabbinatsdiener. However, he forbade his house people
for private purposes to the Golem to use. The Talmud says: ?? A vessel
which is made use for sacred purposes, shall not be used again to profane
things ??.
It was in the year 1593. The Rabbi Loew ordered the Golem, this night not to
sleep in the Rabbinatsstube to carry his bed on the attic of the Old-New
Synagogue and but to spend the night there. This went on in secret in front of
him, as it was at midnight. As it was two o'clock in the morning, published by
Rabbi Loew Rabbi Jitzach and Rabbi Sasson. They climbed all the attic of
the Old-New Synagogue. The Diener Abraham Chaim went ahead with two
burning candles. began the destruction of the Golem.
Basically, they did everything in reverse from its creation. Had they been in
the creation of the Golem's feet over his head, as they stood on his head
against the feet. The words from the book of the creation ?? ?? were read
backwards. After these procedures, the Golem froze again at a Lehmklo,
as he had been before his revival there.
Rabbi Loew called the servant, took from him the candles and ordered him
to undress the Golem to the shirt. He was then with old coats and prayer
remains of Hebrew books,
the after Jewish custom on the
Synagogue attic were kept covered. The clothes of the golems were
burned inconspicuous. In the morning it was learned in the Judengasse,
Josef Golem was night from
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City escaped. Only a few people ?? men high level ??, knew the truth.
Rabbi Loew was to make known a strict ban in all synagogues and prayer
houses to climb the attic of the Altsynagoge. The remains of books and
other sacred things could there not be kept.
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Mixture of clay, stearin, wax, etc. receives a fundamental basis.
The first step is the safe installation of the skeleton. It should be stable
enough to make the ritual modeling. The skeleton will be set up in order to
start the modeling work. The best material would be reiner Lehm, wax and
stearin. If the modeling is completed, the Golem figure must dry for several
days. Now the Golem is clothed. The clothes should be pre-soaked in
alcohol to make a kind of magical condenser. The clothes should now be
dried for about one week. The Golem is to find its own expression and
develop gradually.
Look at the Golem to the west. Ointment now the golem with some
essences of jasmine and a few drops of blood from you. Rub a Golem with
it, such as the head, heart and hands. Now bring the incense or censer,
and put them in front of the Golem. now carbonize your head and say the
?? I call upon the forces of the West in the name Gabriel. ?? Walk around
the statue, as you look at them constantly. Turning to the North saying ??
I'll call you in this form, which is made of earth in the name of Uriel ??.
Turning to the East: ?? I give you power in the name of Raphael ??. Raise
the sword above your head and say, ?? And with Michael's sword I
influenziere this form with the spirit of Azrael, the angel of death (or another
spirit that you wish for).
- 29
Now extinguish the candles. Seats in total darkness and visualize how the
character begins to move. Hear every sound that emanates from the figure.
It must reign absolute silence! The whole recovery process may take
several days. It is advantageous to the Golem in a dark corner of the room
where you keep sleeping. This created Golem is no idol. He must not be
worshiped. Rather, it is a purely imaginative created image. Over time, the
Golem will absorb all the emotional energies of those who come near him.
Finally, the Golem is a very effective talisman.
- 30
The magical revival method Ha Qabala Baphometa
- 31
Priest: (Wine and host be sacrificed to the Golem God The priest
walks around the magic circle three times from right to left
and intones while the Golem mantra.. URUMUM result, the
inner electromagnetic Dynamide is activated in the figure.)
Magnum Opus
Priest: (The priest lays the Golem figure in front of him on the altar.
Out of the universe, he projected the earth element in the
figure and thus compresses the mentally astral form.)
Priest: (The priest walks around from right to left and the figure
intones the magical 72 power words in the image.)
- 32
The 72 fuel words of Schem are: JHVH, Aydi, Schiba, Alla,
Toth, Abgd, Dodo, Moti, Agzi, Sipi, Deus, Zeus, Boog, Dios,
Idio, Dieu, Goth, Boog, Bogi, Tio, BG , Good, Dieh, Esar,
Orsi, AgDI, Teos, Adad, Zimi, Tusa, Teli, Anot, Agad, Aneb,
Anup, Alla, Abda Agla, Goot, Goed, Gudi, BIUD, Solu, Bosa,
Hoba, Piur , Kana, Zaca, Mora, Pola, Bila, Abag, Obra, Bora,
Alai, Illi, Popa, paraformaldehyde, Ella, Gena, Sila, Suna, Miri,
alli, Tara, Pora, Bogo, deodorants, deodorants, Aris, Zeut ,
Priest: ?? God of Ur-Golem, I thank you for the help and support
of this great and secret work. I send you my love and
divine worship, to which you beschtzest me forever and
grant me your grace. So be it!??
- 33
Golem and Baphomet
The Golem and Baphomet are two different beings. Taken alone essentially
consist of essentially different matrices. The golem has been prepared with
the basic substance of Assiah by the Rabbi Loew of Prague. The earth
element as the essential building substance of Assiah or profound design
is the level of concrete
Action acts in a purely physical world. The Golem can identify only with the
physical matter as an entity from the original time. His sphere of influence
also listed only the dialectic, so the gross world. The objective-specific
determination to the exclusion of intellectual and spiritual qualities is a
basic condition for a plastically precipitating shaping. The Golem can make
only in an elemental form world its existence and work. After all, he is
separated from the spiritual structure of the world. A golem can be
structured only from the elementary gross material world of forms. The
physical world is a Golem world. God himself as the creator of this world,
the basic elements created in which a golem can work. the golem can then
be created from the amorphous mass.
- 34
than ever. The Golem can be represented as an entity urarische
The Baphomet is only to the entity that it is, by the spiritual egregore is
bound magically the Tetragrammatonitt. His true nature or
existence-reality experienced by the Baphomet only by a triple integration:
mind + soul + body. Through the magic combination of these three
elements of Baphomet finds its full magical identity and microcosmic
effectiveness on all three levels.
- 35
The golem ritual
Electronic pattern:
An underground cave in which a red altar are 13 magicians. There are 12
black purple candles on the altar. (In a magical sinking of the Magus moves
into its operating room the magic circle
in triplicate
Pentagram invocation
Magus: (The Magus pulls the magic pentagram with your right
Visualization of colors
- 36
?? I, Magus of the holy pentagram, invoke you from going
into the holy pentagram and compress you. ??
(The Magus now issued to the four elements of the influxalen blessing Golem
- 37
Charging the battery magic
Magus (through the magic knocking the electro magic power current is
- 38
Aruel, Mamiel, Fogur, Zimonios and Bleismal answers me
for my call. The big SHEM is on my side and I am ready to
project the life-giving Influxen in the Golem figure. ??
- 39
the body of the clay figure and blow it to the seers
malkuthischen the breath of the primordial deity! Survive!
Survive! Survive! Opus hermeticum Golemicum is finished!
So be it!??
- 40
The Golem Egregor
About this egregore nothing has been explored so far in the occult
sciences. That's why I want to share some of my recent research in this
occult treatise readers. These are one of the deepest magical and
best-kept secrets of initiates. After all, who commands the Golem Egregor
magical, has access to occult powers, which would occur unimaginable to
the uninitiated.
About astral vision and mental projections, I managed to make contact with
the Golem egregore. As any magician knows the egregore of each magical
group or box must be charged regularly, he is not entirely extinguished.
The Golem egregore is automatically qliphotischen of the shells ?? ??
magically charged. In them the breath of life is integrated, ie: at the former
resolution of the golem by Rabbi Loew became the ?? Shem particles ??
collected in a gnostic Kylkhor of Shem Ha-Phorasch. You are to this day in
this magical and Kabbalistic secret ?? Shem Kylkhor ??. He is hidden
behind the 72 fuel keys. Only initiated persons in the high Kabbalah have
access to these secret keys.
- 41
The Golem evocation
electronic pattern
13 Golem beings celebrate a magic show in a chapel around a red altar.
About the middle of the altar hangs a black-purple sphere that emits red
- 42
consists of a mixture of Datura, belladonna and hazelnut
- 43
The magic triangle as materialization
The magic triangle is now charged by the Magus with the astral earth
element, so that the Golem entity can manifest it.
(Appears the Golem astral or visible, the Magus can express his wishes
now. The communication is done telepathically. You can arrange your own
Rufungsformeln with the Golem, etc.)
- 44
The Golem Fair
burning incense
Priest: (The temple room is incensed.) ?? For the Most High God
- 45
Wisdom enlighten me!
Knowledge give me life! Love
lead me!
Priest: ?? Since you have completed your life well into the
urdmonischen worlds, You have become an occult
vascular malkuthischen this level. Enlighten me in terms of
pure elemental evolution. I thank you!??
- 46
Priest: ?? light of the Father, light is his son, and the spirit is light,
which is with the Father and remain in the Son and have
dominion over the creation; because only the Trinity reigns
in the triple shining deity. His elemental light shines three
times by the Deity! ??
Priest: .. O?? Golem, you have shone clear as the sun with your
bright life and have made known to you the world through
miracles, pray for us that we are in danger, warm-hearted
protector! ??
- 47
- 48
The Magic Egregor
Contacting Egregor
To contact a magical Egregor prefers the Magus, a ?? photonic medium ??
to realize the connection. Because the lunar photons form the basis for a
magical connection and are available with the kabbalistic Yesod Empire in
energy relationship. Of course, there are different mago-gnostic methods
with a magic Egregor
- 49
The method Via medium Photonis Lunea
This method is one of the newer methods which come into application
especially in the spheres Evokations- and magic.
In deep meditation the Magus calls the lunar photons in the magical space.
A certain photonic density is reached, the Magus attempted with a magic
?? Egregor ?? to contact. The energetic consistency of the lunar photons is
a very different compared to the solar or plutonic. With his magic
consciousness scanner Magus scans a part of the astral ether spectrum
and can be arbitrarily approach a Egregor and make contact now. There
are a myriad of magical Egregoren which are located mostly on the
astral-etheric plane. This method is suited to contact with magic Egregoren,
which have a certain density lunar and involve a high degree of emotion. A
magical Egregor the Magus is able to know,
- 50
The Magus draws the icon in black ink on parchment paper and place it in
front of him. In deep contemplation he thinks about the meaning and
content magical symbol for Now he is trying telepathically with an egregore
which this symbolism comes closest in to contact. Also, he can project the
desired icon in the mental sphere in order to obtain a magical connection
with the egregore. The Magus think still other variations in this regard from.
Sigils method
Similar to the previous works, the sigil method.
In the magic circle, the Magus put into a trance and calls to the desired
Egregor to reveal themselves in the mental. The Magus can summon each
egregore a group Loge, religious or organization and learn everything from
him what he wants to know; or he can get transferred from the egregore
- 51
Substantiality evokes so visible. The entire complex nature is evoked in the
materialization triangle. The magic triangle is previously filled by Magus
with the astral ether. This astral ether consists of the four elements. As a
universal materialization Publications medium, this is an excellent means to
make mental and astral beings visible. The Magus can still identify before
the evocation with his personal deity to look even more powerful. In this
magical equipment of the egregore must obey and the Magus now be at his
Here, the structure and the structure of a magical egregors will be outlined
shortly. The construction of a magical egregors
for example, a gnostic- hermetic box / order consists of purely mental-astral
ether particles, which build up on the mental sphere the Egregor and give it
a magic base and stabilize it.
- 52
thus the entire esoteric forces are well integrated.
a) human structures
b) crystalline structures
c) metaphysical structures
d) hermetic structures
e) mathematical structures
f) Knowledge structures
G) alchemical structures
H) plurifunktionale structures
i) Mixed structures
j) demonic structures
k) amorphous structures
l) Computer structures
m) Futuristic structures.
- 53
Introduction to the hermetically-Gnostic Egregorik
The Egregorik one of the high science of secret teachings and Arkanmystik
of secret lodges. There are different types of Egregorik. We are concerned
in particular with the hermetically-Gnostic Egregorik. Under ?? hermetic
Egregorik "means the magic method and practical application,
astral-ethereal pattern, according to certain prescribed instructions of the
hermetic doctrine and strict observance of the magical secret retreats,
- 54
to precipitate a magic box, so to condense.
manifesting mental energies, as well as the materialization and
dematerialization of mental-astral Egregoren. From the above findings, the
metamathematical universal formula of Egregoren formation was derived:
e h, g = M x G
E = Egregor
M = lodge members, G = thoughts
force realization h = g = hermetic
component Gnostic component
- 55
The scientific Egregorik investigated also the
harmonious Applizierung of thoughts forces and content to the to-creative
thought form egregore, Golem, tulpa, Vudae, Automata and Computa. It
specifies precisely the magical boundaries between the individual Egregor
species, and also determine scientifically the hermetically-gnostic-magical
content and value of Egregor consistency.
Types of Egregore
a) Egregore represented by a box, order or group
were deliberately created.
b) Egregoren formed unconsciously, which
form rather automatically.
c) Egregore that interdimensional from the plains and
Spheres come.
d) Egregore, which form from ektoplasmatischer matter.
e) Egregore derived from the Voodun and the Afro-
Atlantic area belong.
f) Egregore consisting of the interplanetary system
are evoked.
G) Egregore that come out of hyperspace and even
magic boxes and decorations create.
H) Egregore, the automatically in one other
Change Framework.
i) Egregore who come from the anti-universe.
j) Egregore which come from the future and
create futuristic phenomena.
k) Egregore, create the holographic situations.
l) Egregore which of electro-magnetic material
be created.
- 56
The energetic structure of a magic egregors
The magical energy-focusing can penetrate to the causal plane and there
create certain karmic causes. Above all, working with astral and mental
energy in the boxes. For heavier charges and consolidations also essential
energies are considered. The ether layer adjacent to our physical world.
Effects of Egregore
a) stabilize Egregore and dynamize the loge and
Group area.
b) Egregore inspire the lodge or the Order with new
Ideas and concepts.
c) Egregore give the lodge a magical influx.
d) Egregore protect the box to the outside and inside.
e) Egregore transcend into Metamagisch-Gnostic.
f) Egregore to lead to one transcendental
Immanentization the eschaton.
G) Egregoren realize desires, goals and ideas,
H) Egregoren lead to Magisierung the world
i) perform Egregoren and complete the Opus Magnum.
j) Egregoren reverse the secular polarity.
k) Egregore can heal the world.
l) Egregore can a spirituality of physical
contribute matter or vice versa.
- 57
Ways of magic-demonic inauguration
In this chapter I want the readers to show ways to magical and demonic
initiation. Here, too, there is little evidence in the magical literature. The first
opportunity to outline a feasible way to magically demonic inauguration, I
want to deal with the Baphometic way. As the name suggests, this is about
a Baphometic initiation. Baphomet is a universal form of the whole magic
and demonology. It combines in itself both the lower ?? "as well as top ??
?? forces Baphomet symbolizes the alchemical ?? Tree of Life.". To the
way Baphomets to go, the aspirant must
The candidate sitting in his usual Asana, focusing on the first chakra
(sexual chakra), but he breathes rhythmically in and out deeply, about nine
times. Now he focuses his thoughts forces on this center in Malkuthum with
the desire to get in touch with nature this level. After prolonged practice, the
candidate is noted that there are beings around him and energetic rays
- 58
One must necessarily think in this plane only beings or demons holding on,
which have a low level. The candidate must therefore be surrounded with a
spiritual coat, to avoid being attacked soul and spirit. Mentally he appears
now with these beings in telepathic connection and can address these
questions, make requests, and the like.
This exercise should not take longer than 10 minutes and should be
repeated daily until the desired result is established. Depending on the
broadcasting of these beings, the candidate will determine whether it is
positive or negative beings or demons. In this way, the names of the
creatures, demons, sigils, responsibilities, time, smoking and invocation
formulas can be experienced. Before the invocation, the candidate has to
be surrounded by a magic circle.
1. Electronic pattern
Dark violette Gitter and spiral pattern surrounding the Evokationsraum.
- 59
3. Magical Incense
Datura and amber are mixed together and smoked.
- 60
10. Adoption of God form
In magical trance of Magus assumes the chosen god form. He identifies
with the divine forces.
The Magus now submits his request or desire. Everything depends on the
Magus if the demon wants to realize the desire or not.
the Magus can get in touch with the most diverse magical creatures by
connecting with the respective genii, nature and intelligences. A
baphometisch- demonic inauguration starts ?? always in the first sphere of
?? lower water. But this first sphere is home to 99
- 61
As I noted in my research demonic beings. There are beings with diverse
tasks, powers and abilities of the experienced Magus can also learn also.
A true Magus or hermetic Gnostics, who strives for the highest spiritual
knowledge and great wisdom, necessarily the ?? plutonic Inauguration way
?? have gone.
- 62
The plutonic way is beside the Baphometic path of profound and
mysterious way it is in our present world order. So far, over here not
reported in the magical literature. The reason is easy to see because there
are no magicians or have this way been completed or researched Gnostics,
because they do not get access to these geniuses.
It is, it must not be overlooked here also one of the most dangerous
inauguration paths which has the magical and Gnostic Unction nature has
to offer.
At the magic evocations with the Pluto genii of Magus operates with a triple
magic circle, which consists of a dark violet flame. The dark violet flame
protects the Magus from negative vibrations and cleanses the temple area.
following sigils and signs are painted in the circular spaces:
magical incense
Datura and henbane, cooked animal blood - mix equal parts.
- 63
Umoluman evoke only, which are to evoke the genii the zone girdling the
earth capable.
Sigillum of Umoluman
- 64
Only through this evocation of the Magus can gain immensely strong
magical and demonic forces, of which the uninitiated can not imagine. This
is a true way to magically demonic initiation that anything exceeds what it
has in this regard given to magical initiations.
- 65
A dmono Magical inauguration
The following exercises are to be carried out at night 23:00 to 2:00 pm as
this magical occurrence effects are much cheaper than the day. The
ancient mysteries of Kham-worship were always carried out at night. At
night, that is, on the side facing the hemisphere Monde
The first phase is the magical and demonic trance. In this first magical state
negative Malkuthum, finds a Demayaisierung the so-called ?? normal ??
Being held. This dialectical being must undergo a Verlschung, decay or
destruction, so that it transforms into a new reality.
- 66
We turn off the light on an evening calm and collected mood and put a
candle on somewhere, but so dimmed that do not meet their direct beam.
We go up and down in the room and take a deep breath. The whole body
must be kept very relaxed, turned his arms at the sides and hanging
something with your palms facing back, as if to push away the air on its
own. The head is slightly raised, as when drinking.
One will soon perceive that we take a deep calm feeling, which is gradually
given an anesthetic-like character. Slightly narcotic fumigations here are
highly recommended. All concerns will be pushed back in the strongest
terms. Abstract reflection should be avoided. Now we put together in a
gentle form of more and more the idea from the air, so that any idea is
turned off. It aims to achieve a state of complete emptiness. We now
emphasize slightly down with the right hand from the head to the feet, while
the left hand rests on the back of the head. We then let his hands fall back
and wait for what the body makes by itself out.
We will make the experience that our members begin to move by itself in
indefinite groping way and remain in certain, often hard to find positions.
is the the first stage of mago-demonic
Concentration pose. Also larynx and tongue will begin to move and form
slurred syllables. The breath should flow rhythmically and dynamically. The
eyes are closed and you think the magic mantra: Urum.
- 67
By unconscious thinking this magic mantra the mago-demonic forces are
mobilized from the Malkuthum of negative life tree and transposed into the
magical body of the individual.
One should cramp in no way, but everything has to flow freely. Pantha Rei
The demayaische state is to be maintained as long as possible. Because in
this state our imagination falls s live n back to the status nascendi ?? ??,
the energetic primordial state.
This first phase of mago-demonic trance was formerly compared directly with death.
R. Reitzenstein writes: ?? In one grave the mystic had to descend ??. JW Hauer
explains: ?? The Death God is intimately connected to the consecration; because
it's the thing that receives the living dead and introduces into the other world. Yama
so to speak, draws the body shell in the glow of death of consecration on ... ??
We lie down and try - still with closed eyes - to create the idea in us when
we woke up in the depths of the demonic Malkuthum. Here is the
mago-demonic development of the novice begins. The magical-negative
Malkuthum opened the budding adepts dimensions of magical levels and
hierarchies that can understand only a Magus with a Baphometic
consciousness. Unless the novice has the necessary investment and the
magical trance state, ie the first Verlschungszustand
- 68
is reached, the idea of life will quickly ignite. All by itself shapes are
compacted around us, and ourselves we might
in a
superhuman or prehuman appearance
perceive. These phenomena or consolidations are projections of very
specific astral-ethereal configurations. There are Bildwerdungen latent in us
cosmic energies. By
these Bildwerdungen and astral-ethereal
Configurations can be transferred mental information on the Magus or
novices. The soul, that is the focus of consciousness travels, so to speak
through the various stages of this structure-cosmic-universal Malkuthum.
the Baphometist
is able at this stage, on
imagospurischem way to transform the most diverse ways of thinking and
knowledge modalities in the earthly world and to make it usable. The
overall character of the malkuthische universe during this phase of magical
meditation is often confusing and terrifying. Therefore, this condition is
called ?? descent into hell. "The mystic is buried and wakes up in hell or
underworld, ie the ancient world.
- 69
The evocation of demonic entity Lilith
Sigillum of Lilith
For the visual evocation of a medium is required. The Supra Goddess from
the Lilith-Yesod area always requires the substance of the lower octave for
their Sichttbarmachung. through
- 70
the ?? Per vas nefandum ?? the astral-erotic essence is projected outward
in the magic materialization Publications triangle where goddess can make
visible through the lower astral fabric. The Baphometist itself is in a manic
circle which is surrounded by a purple flame and does not permit any
interference. The ?? per vas nefandum formula "(pvn) occurs only in very
strong sexual-magical operations into consideration. A secret gateway to
the sexuell- astral world or the Lilith continuum will open the pvn formula.
The formula pvn is a method by which the doors are opened for sexy
demonic and lower sexual magic.
- 71
I, Frater CIT, thank you that you appeared high goddess from the secret
sexo-Gnostic Baphometic continuum me here visible. Go back into your
kingdom to leave without interference. So be it!
- 72
The bapho Gnostic theory of seed
The bapho Gnostic sperm has its sacred origin in the causal-essential
levels where a magical Kylkhor is in a tabernacle in a Baph- egregorischen
substance and rotated in his holy untouchability a golden point of origin.
In the center of
Golden origin is the indivisible particles: a ?? ?? BAPHOM. The ??
BAPHOM ?? is a particle of the supreme deity (Mother / Father). It contains
all the power and omniscience of God. It exudes a magical four polar
radioactivity in its originality.
- 73
Every person on earth will be provided only a certain number of sperm
available. There is even a sperm ?? ?? hierarchy which the
Spermenbildung and also how the sperm is used or wasted by individual
people exactly all processes concerning registered. The sperm, also called
Ojas can be sublimated in great spiritual forces through various
mago-Gnostic or yoga techniques.
The person automatically makes his sperm in the gonads. They are also
responsible for the quantity of sperm. This is known as ??
Enzephalogenese ". Unlimited can a man never produce
enzephalogenetisch sperm. The sperm limitation is causal and ethereal
predetermined. Unless that man undergoes a magical-gnostic conversion
in his
Body nature, so an advanced spirituality, then he would be able to pull out
the sperm production will.
- 74
Rite for materialization of Urdmoniums
- 75
The magical-hermetic rite
(The Baphometist blesses the four cardinal points and bows it down.)
magic Climax
Baphometist: (In the ecstasy the character Spermatus drawing and the elixir
Introducing in silver color.)
- 76
Baphometist: ?? Give me your elixir you phallus, you sun! Spermatus you
mind you desire, you selbstbewirkter, self-determined, exalted Highest! ??
consecratio Semenis
(The Baphometist keeps blessing his two hands over this life essence and
then raises this substance to egregore of Spermatus, which in turn issues the
astraldmonischen blessing).
Evocation of Urdmoniums
?? From the urkosmischen depth of the abyss in Malkuthum, I'll call you out
of the hermetically-baphotoyischen spermatozoon, you spermal Magic
Urdmonium to do here in the materialization triangle visible. I thank you!??
- 77
Magical incantation Baphometic
(In the cup of red wine will be given a few drops of sperm.)
Baphometist: ?? I adore you! I love you ! I adore you! Thank you, God
Spermatus that You have appeared here in this sacred temple area, and
have served me.
- 78
Now return back to your kingdom until I call you again. I thank you!??
- 79
The Baphomet evocation of FOGC
,, , The Magus now put his sword in a circle on the ground and put his left
foot on it. With his right hand he raised his magic wand and described in
the air the seal of darkness, the agreed signal to summon the ruler of the
demons. No sooner had he carried the seal when the ground got out a
blinding beam that lit up the whole room.
,,, No ordinary mortal could withstand this terrible tension, and only his pact
protect these people from the immediate destruction. In the magical triangle
before the circle now a strange figure compacted. The head of a goat with
horns and a hairy human body with breasts appeared. The hands showed
strangely shaped claw-like fingers, feet had hooves and reminiscent of a
bull. A long, thick tail completed the shape. ... So that he was, Baphomet,
the ruler of the demons ...
The FOGC, those black-magic Masonic Order of the Golden Centuriums, was
under the protection of a powerful Logenegregors. This egregore was
performed in addition to the 99 regular members as the 100th member of the
lodge and revered in addition to the demon Belphegor and Asmodeus.
- 80
Preparing a magic Sigillenmaschine
- 81
Caution Danger! Because the machine is given a material basis for the
demonic influx. Using a compass, the spatial orientation of the machine is
checked. The machine must be initiated by a baphometisches ritual for
triggering the influx, otherwise, a magnetic field is generated only. The
effect: so that the machine occupies inducing the influx of the surrounding
matter and structural reorientation in space, a function of a reference base.
The time is determined by the
Magnetic data carriers must be removed from the vicinity of the machine,
otherwise data may be lost! When the machine is constructed and in operation
in the long term, it can be transferred to the Astral.
- 82
Design drawing of the experimental circuit
in red. the name Satan ?? ?? is at the lower tip located. In the West, an
- 83
Foreign word definitions
- 84
Bardon, Franz: Frabato, Freiburg 1958. Bloch, Chaim: The Prague Golem.
Berlin 1921. Held, Hans Ludwig: The specter of Golem. Munich 1921 Wendell,
Leilah: The Necromantic Ritual Book. New Orleans 1995
The author
Aythos: The Fraternity of Saturn - a saturn-magical lodge, Munich 1979th
Jantschik, Walter: The Ordo Baphometis, Frankfurt 1988. Jantschik, Walter: The
Black Mass, Suhl 1999. Jantschik, Walter: The magical evocation of the 99
Trans beings in Baphometum, Frankfurt 2000th
In preparation
Bapho-magical research prodrome of Baphometic paradigm
- 85
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- 86
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Dmono Magic
80 pages - 6 Fig. - ISBN 3-932928-10-5 - DM 24,80
Black Mirror / The demon of their own I / Summoning with Moses and
own books / The materialization of the dark appearance / uva in the
power of the demon / demons forced / Summoning at midnight.
- 89