275, Dt.18-07-2017-Layout Rules-2017

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Municipal Administration and Urban Development Department - The Andhra Pradesh
Land Development (Layout and Sub-division) Rules, 2017 Notification Orders


G.O.Ms.No.275 Dated:18.07.2017
Read the following:-

1.G.O.Ms.No.1095, Municipal Administration & Urban Development

Department, dated 24.08.1965.
2.G.O.Ms.No.62, Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department,
dated 28.01.1970.
3.G.O.Ms.No.161, Municipal Administration & Urban Development
Department, dated 21.03.1984.
4.G.O.Ms.No.68, Municipal Administration & Urban Development Department,
dated 31.01.1992.
5.G.O.Ms.No.292, Municipal Administration & Urban Development
Department, dated 28.05.1994.
6.G.O.Ms.No.528, Municipal Administration & Urban Development
Department, dated 25.09.1998.
7.G.O.Ms.No.114, Municipal Administration & Urban Development
Department, dated 14.03.2000.
8.G.O.Ms.No.345, Municipal Administration & Urban Development
Department, dated 30.06.2006.
9.G.O.Ms.No.276, Municipal Administration & Urban Development
Department, dated 02.07.2010.
10.G.O.Ms.No.168, Municipal Administration & Urban Development
Department, dated 07.04.2012.
11.G.O.Ms.No.455, Municipal Administration & Urban Development
Department, dated 10.12.2012.
12.From the Director of Town and Country Planning, A.P., Guntur, Letter
Rc.No.650/2017/P, Dated 15.02.2017.
13.Government Memo No.490180/H2/2017, dated:17.05.2017.
14.From the Director of Town and Country Planning, A.P., Guntur, Letter
Rc.No.650/2017/P, Dated 11.07.2017.
In the G.O. 1st to 11th read above, the Government have issued Orders and
Circular instructions from time to time with regard to the land/layout development. Each
of the Urban Development Authorities, Municipal Corporations, Municipalities and the
Gram Panchayats have different layout rules. Further there are no clear provisions with
respect to the affordable housing, environmental clearance and amenities to be provided
in the layout areas.
2. Therefore, there is a need to revise the existing layout rules and issue a common
and comprehensive layout rules for all the Urban Development Authorities and Urban
Local Bodies in the State for achieving transparency and also for easy implementation so
as to encourage faster development. Further the Government is also contemplating to
introduce online disposal of layouts in the State facilitating the Ease of Doing Business
for sustainable development.
3. For this purpose, the Draft of the Andhra Pradesh Land Development (Layout and
Sub-division) Rules, 2017 have been prepared and the same have been widely discussed

Page 1
with the stake holders in the State and the same having been previously published in
Extraordinary issue of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated 17.05.2017 as required under
section 44-A of the Andhra Pradesh Town Planning Act, 1920.
4. After careful consideration of the matter, the Government have decided to issue
the Andhra Pradesh Land Development (Layout and Sub-division) Rules, 2017.
5. A copy of this Order is available on the Internet and can be accessed at the
address http://goir.ap.gov.in/.
6. Accordingly, the appended notification will be published in an Extra-ordinary issue
of Andhra Pradesh Gazette dated:19.07.2017.


The Commissioner of Printing, Stationery & Stores Purchase Department, Vijayawada for
Publication of the Notification in the Gazette and furnish 1000 copies.
The Director of Municipal Administration, A.P., Guntur.
The Director of Town and Country Planning, A.P., Guntur.
The Director General, Andhra Pradesh State Disaster Response & Fire Services
Department, A.P.
All Municipal Commissioners in the State through the Director of Municipal
Administration, A.P.
The Commissioner, Andhra Pradesh Capital Region Development Authority, Vijayawada.
All Vice Chairmen of Urban Development Authorities in the State.
The Chairman & Managing Director, APTRANSCO, Vijayawada.
The Commissioner & Inspector General of Registration & Stamps, Govt. of A.P.
Copy to:
The Law (I) Department, (2 copies),
The Revenue (R&S) Department,
The Energy Department,

In exercise of the powers conferred by section 585 of the Andhra Pradesh
Municipal Corporation Act, 1955 (adapted GHMC Act 1955) and section 18 of the Andhra
Pradesh Municipal Corporations Act, 1994; section 326 read with section 185 of the
Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965, section 44 (1) of the Andhra Pradesh Town
Planning Act, 1920, section 117 of the Andhra Pradesh Metropolitan Region and Urban
Development Authorities Act, 2016 and sub-section (1) read with clause (xvii) of sub-
section (2) of section 268 of the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 (Andhra
Pradesh Act No. 13 of 1994) and in supersession of all the existing rules on the subject,
the Governor of Andhra Pradesh hereby make the following Rules with immediate effect.
The same having been previously published in Part-I of Extraordinary issue of Andhra
Pradesh Gazette dated 17.05.2017 as required under section 44-A of the Andhra Pradesh
Town Planning Act,1920.

Page 2


1. Short Title, Applicability and Commencement:

(1) These rules may be called the Andhra Pradesh Land

Development (Layout and Sub-division) Rules, 2017.

(2) They shall come into force from the date of publication of
notification in the Andhra Pradesh Gazette.
(3) These rules shall apply to

(a) all land development through formation of layouts, sub-

division of land and plots,

(b) land intended for sale or let on lease, to divide the large
chunks of land into building plots, to make a layout or
forming private street.

(4) The above includes all categories and types of development

wherein these rules are applicable.

(a) All types of residential development viz., plotted type etc.,

(b) All types of commercial, institutional and industrial
(c) Development of mixed land uses
(d) Any other type of development schemes.

Provided that for Low Cost/ Affordable Housing Schemes undertaken

by the various Government departments or Development Authorities
or any Local Authority, separate provisions and stipulations shall be
applicable as decided by the Government/Competent Authority.

(5) They shall apply to the land/layout development activities in the

areas falling in:
(a) All Metropolitan Region Development Authorities,

(b) All Urban Development Authorities,

(c) All Municipal Corporations,

(d) All Municipalities,

(e) All Nagar Panchayats,

(f) Gram Panchayat areas covered in Master Plans/General

Town Planning Schemes notified under Andhra Pradesh
Town Planning Act,1920 and

(g) Industrial Area Local Authority (IALA)/Special Economic

Zone (SEZ) notified by Government.

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(6) All existing rules, regulations, byelaws, orders that are in conflict
or inconsistent with these Rules shall stand modified to the
extent of the provisions of these rules.

Subject to the provisions of the Act, these rules shall apply:

(a) to the planning, design and construction of land
development in case of layouts, sub-divisions and building in
case of erection of a building along with land development;

(b) to all parts of the layout including development of public

open spaces, amenities and infrastructure;

(c) to use of any land or building where sub-division of land is

undertaken and use of land or building is changed.

2. Definitions

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires the definitions given
below shall have the meaning indicated against each term. The terms and
expressions which are not defined in these Rules shall have the same
meaning as in the respective rules / regulations / Bye-laws of the
respective local authorities including the Andhra Pradesh Building Rules
2017 and as defined in the National Building Code as the case may be,
unless the context otherwise requires.

In these rules, unless the context otherwise requires,--

(1) Access means a clear approach to a plot or a building;

(2) Agricultural use means use of land for the purpose of agriculture,
horticulture, sericulture, animal husbandry, poultry farming, plant
nursery, piggery, dairy farming, vegetable farming and any activity
related to agriculture or milk chilling plant;
(3) 'Amenity includes club house, convention halls, educational,
commercial facilities etc.,
(4) Applicant means the person who has title to a land or building and
(a) an agent or trustee who receives rent on behalf of the owner;

(b) an agent or trustee who receives rent or is entrusted with or is

concerned with any building devoted to religious or charitable
(c) a receiver, executor or administrator or a manager appointed
by any Court of competent jurisdiction to have the charge of or
to exercise the rights of the owner; and

(d) a mortgagee in possession;

(5) Application means an application made in such form as may be

prescribed from time to time;

Page 4
(6) Approach Road means an existing public access formed on
ground, a road, street, alley, passage, donka, village road, puntha,
gorja, roadway over any public bridge or causeway, the footway
attached to any such street or public bridge or causeway, whether
pucca or katcha and gives way to the land or site or plot whether
having an approved layout or not or whether belonging to private
property or Government or Local Authority and over which public
have a right of way whether a thoroughfare or not.

(7) Approved means as approved / sanctioned by the concerned

Authority under the Rules;

(8) Authority means the concerned Local body/Development Authority

having jurisdiction over the matter referred to herein after called
the Authority or concerned Authority;
(9) Building Line means the line up to which the plinth of building
adjoining a street or an extension of a street or on a future street
may lawfully extend and includes the lines prescribed, if any, in any
scheme and/or development plan;

(10) Building set back means the distance by which any building or
structure shall be separated from the boundary lines of the plot;

(11) Cesspool means an underground chamber for the reception and

storage of foul water, the contents of which are periodically
removed for disposal;
A box-shaped receiver constructed in a roof or gutter for collecting
rainwater which then passes into a rainwater pipe connected

(12) Competent Authority means:

(a) The Metropolitan Commissioner of the respective Metropolitan

Region Development Authority;
(b) The Vice Chairman of the respective Urban Development
(c) The Director of Town & Country Planning in case of Local
Authorities not covered in Development Authorities and Gram
Panchayat areas covered in Master Plans / General Town
Planning Schemes notified under Andhra Pradesh Town Planning
Act, 1920.
(13) Contour means the form of the land, existing or proposed; a part
of the topography, indicated by map lines at intervals as desired, to
understand the land form clearly. The contour line though
imaginary, indicates continuous elevation above mean sea level or
an assumed datum line;

(14) Contour Interval means the difference in elevation or the vertical

distance measured between consecutive contour lines;

(15) Conversion means the change from one occupancy to other

occupancy or any change in building structure or part thereof

Page 5
resulting in a change of space and use requiring additional
occupancy certificate;

(16) Corner site means a site at the junction of and fronting on two or
more intersecting streets;

(17) Cul-de-sac means such means of access having length up to 50m

with an additional turning space not less than 81 square meters in
area having no dimension less than 9 m.;
(18) Development means the carrying out of building, engineering,
mining or other operations in, or over, or under land and water, or
in the use of any building or land, and includes redevelopment and
layout and subdivision of any land; and 'to develop' shall be
construed accordingly;

(19) Development Charges means a charge levied by the competent

authority under the relevant provisions of the Law

(20) Development Plan means a plan for the Development or

redevelopment or improvement of the area within the jurisdiction
of Authority and includes Master Plan, Zonal Development Plan and
any other Plans prepared under the relevant Acts;

(21) Deviation means any construction made in departure from the

approved plan by way of alterations or additions, modifications in
the dimension of the plot, measurement of the plot, total plot area,
total floor area, coverage, floor area ratio (FAR), setbacks, height,
parking space, provision of public utilities etc.;

(22) Drain means a system of line of pipes, with their fittings and
accessories, such as manholes, inspection chambers, traps, gullies,
floor traps used for drainage of building or yards appurtenant to the
buildings with the same cartilage. It includes an open channel for
conveying surface water or a system for the removal of any liquid;

includes a sewer, tunnel, pipe, ditch, gutter or channel and any

cistern, flush tank, septic tank or other device for carrying off or
treating sewage, offensive matter, polluted water sullage, waste
water, rain water, or sub-soil water and any culvert, ventilation
shaft or pipe or other appliance or fitting connected therewith, and
any ejector, compressed air main, sealed sewage main and special
machinery or apparatus for raising expelling or removing sewage or
offensive matter from any place;

(23) Drainage means a system constructed for the purpose of removal

of any waste water;

(24) Enforcement Authority means:

(a) The Metropolitan Commissioner of the respective Metropolitan

Region Development Authority;
(b) The Vice Chairman of the respective Urban Development
(c) The Commissioner of respective Urban Local Body;
(d) The Executive Authority of the Gram Panchayat;

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(e) The Executive Authority of the Special Unit created as the case
may be for the purpose of sanctioning and monitoring building
and development activity, as applicable.

(25) Executive Authority means:

(a) The Metropolitan Commissioner of the respective Metropolitan

Region Development Authority;
(b) The Vice Chairman of the respective Urban Development
(c) The Commissioner of respective Urban Local Body;
(d) The Executive Authority of the Gram Panchayat;
(e) The Executive Authority of the Special Unit created as the case
may be for the purpose of sanctioning and monitoring building
and development activity, as applicable.
(26) External Development Works includes roads and road systems
landscaping, water supply, sewerage and drainage systems,
electricity supply transformer, sub-station or any other work which
may have to be executed in the periphery of, or outside, a project
for its benefit, as may be provided under the local laws;
(27) Group Development Scheme is reckoned as development of
Residential Buildings or any other nonresidential buildings as
permissible in a Campus or Site of 4000sq.m and above in area and
could be row houses, semi-detached, detached Houses,
Apartment blocks or High-Rise buildings or mix or combination of
the above.
(28) Group Housing means a building having five or more multiple
dwelling units/apartments and common services on a given site or
plot, in single or multiple blocks each building containing two or
more apartments or with total of five or more units/apartments,
without customary sub-division of land by way of individual plots.

(29) Hut means any building which is constructed principally of wood,

mud, leaves, grass or thatch and includes any temporary structure
of whatever size or any small building of whatever material made,
which the Local Body may declare to be a hut for the purposes of
this Act;

(30) Internal Development Works means roads, footpaths, water

supply, sewers, drains, parks, tree planting, street lighting,
provision for community buildings and social infrastructure such as
educational , health and other public amenities or any other work in
a project for its benefit, as per sanctioned plans;
(31) Kerb means a concrete or stone edging along a pathway or road
often constructed with a channel to guide the flow of storm water
and thereby serve individual purpose;

(32) Land includes land which is being built upon or is built upon or
covered with water, benefits to arise out of land, things attached to
earth or permanently fastened to anything attached to the earth
and rights created by legislative enactment over any street;

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(33) Landscape, Soft means the natural elements in landscape design,
such as plant materials and the soil itself;

(34) Landscape, Hard means civil work component of landscape

architecture such as pavement, walkways, roads, retaining walls,
sculpture, street amenities, fountains and other built environments;

(35) Layout means the laying out a parcel of land or lands into building
plots with laying of road/ streets with formation, leveling, metaling
or black topping or paving of the roads and footpaths etc., and
laying of the services such as water supply, drainage, street
lighting, open spaces avenue plantation etc;

(36) Licensed Technical Personnel means a qualified Town Planner,

Architect, Engineer, Structural Engineer, Supervisor who has been
licensed/registered by the competent authority;
(37) Owner means the person for the time being receiving or entitled
to receive whether on his own account or on behalf of another
persons as agent, trustee, guardian, manager or receiver or for
any religious or charitable purpose, the rents or profits of the
property in connection with which the word is used;

Note: The term Owner is synonymous with the term "Applicant";

(38) Parking Space means an area enclosed or unenclosed, covered or

open, sufficient in size to park vehicles, together with a drive-way
connections the parking space with a street or alley and permitting
ingress and egress of the vehicles;

(39) Permission or Permit means a valid permission or authorization in

writing by the competent authority to carryout development or a
work regulated by these Bye-laws;

(40) Plot means a continuous portion of land held in a single or joint

ownership other than the land used, allotted, earmarked or set
apart for any street, lane, passage, pathway, conservancy lane or
for any other public purpose;
(41) Prescribed means prescribed by rules made under the Act;

(42) Private Street means any street, which is not a public street but
does not include a pathway made by the owner of premises on his
own land to secure access to or the convenient use of such
(43) Public Place includes any park or garden, ground or any other
place to which the public have or are permitted to have access;
(44) Public Street means any street over which public have a right of
way, whether a thoroughfare or not and includes-
(a) a broad way over or a foot way attached to any public have a
right of way, and

(b) the drain attached to any such street, public bridge or causeway
and the land, whether covered or not by any pavement,
verandah, or other structure, which lies on either side of the

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roadway up to the boundaries of the adjacent property, whether
that property, is private property or property belonging to

(45) Reconstituted Plot means a plot which is in any way altered by the
making of a town-planning scheme, land pooling scheme otherwise
than by the severance of land used, allotted or reserved for any
public or municipal purpose;
(46) Registered Builder/Developer means a builder empaneled/
registered with the Authority;
(47) Road means any access viz. highway, street, lane, pathway, alley,
or bridge, whether a thoroughfare or not, over which the public
have right of passage or access or have passed and had access
uninterruptedly for a specified period and includes all bunds,
channels, ditches, storm water drains, culverts, side tracks, traffic
islands, road side trees and hedges, retaining walls, fences barriers
and railings within the road line;

(48) Road Width or Width of Road/Street means the whole extent of

space within the boundaries of a road when applied to a new
road/street as laid down in the city survey or development plan or
prescribed road lines by any act of law and measured at right
angles to the course or intended course of directions of such road;

(49) Sanctioned Plan means the set of plan and specifications

submitted under the bye-laws in connection with a building and
duly approved and sanctioned by the authority;

(50) Sanctioning Authority means:

(a) The Metropolitan Commissioner of the respective Metropolitan

Region Development Authority;
(b) The Vice Chairman of the respective Urban Development
(c) The Commissioner of respective Urban Local Body;
(d) The Executive Authority of the Gram Panchayat;
(e) The Executive Authority of the Special Unit created as the case
may be for the purpose of sanctioning and monitoring building
and development activity, as applicable.

(51) Scheme means a Town Planning Scheme/Land Pooling Scheme

and includes a plan relating to such Scheme;

(52) Service Lane means a lane provided at rear or side of a plot for
service purposes;

(53) Set back means the space to be left fully open to sky from the
edge of the building to the property line or boundary of the street.
No built-up space shall be provided within the setback except
specifically permitted projections and other structures under the

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(54) Settlement means human settlement, whether urban or rural in
character. It includes habited villages, towns, townships, cities and
the areas notified under the control of the Authority;

(55) Street means any means of access, namely, highway, street,

lane, pathway, alley, stairway, passageway, carriageway, footway,
square, place or bridge, whether a thoroughfare or not, over which
the public have a right of passage or access or have passed and
had access uninterruptedly for a specified period, whether existing
or proposed in any scheme, and includes all bunds, channels,
ditches, storm-water drains, culverts, sidewalks, traffic islands,
roadside trees and hedges, retaining walls, fences, barriers and
railings within the street lines;

(56) Street Line means the line defining the side limits of a road/street;
(57) Street level or Grade means the officially established elevation of
grade of the central line of the street upon which a plot fronts and
if there is no officially established grade, the existing grade of the
street its mid-point;

(58) To Abut means to abut on a road such that any portion of the
building is fronting on the road;

(59) Underground/Overhead Tank means underground / overhead

water tank, constructed or placed to store water;

(60) Village Settlement or Grama Khantam or Agraharam Abadi means

all lands that have been included as Agraharam / Abadi by the
Government/ Collector within the site of village and includes
existing villages hamlets;

(61) Water Course / Nala means a natural channel or an artificial one

formed by draining or diversion of a natural channel meant for
carrying storm and wastewater;
(62) Water Supply System means a water supply system of a building
or premises consists of the water service pipe, the water
distribution pipes, and the necessary connecting pipes, fittings,
control valves, and all appurtenances in or adjacent to the building
or premises;

(63) Water Works for public water supply include a lake, stream,
spring, well, pump, reservoir, cistern, tank, duct whether covered
or open, sluice, main pipe, culvert, engine, water-truck, hydrant,
standpipe, conduit and machinery, land, building or thing for
supplying or used for supplying water or for protecting services of
water supply;
(64) Zonal Development Plan means a plan detailing out the proposals
of Master Plan / General Town Planning Scheme.

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3. Interpretation
In these Rules/Bye-Laws, the use of present tense includes the future
tense, the masculine gender includes the feminine and the neuter, the
singular number, includes the plural and the plural includes the singular.
The word person includes a corporation as an individual, writing includes
printing, typing and electronic mail and signature includes thumb
impression made by a person who cannot write, if his name is written near
to such thumb impression.

4. Development and Alteration of Layout

Except as hereinafter or otherwise provided, these Rules shall apply to all

land developments, formation of private road and redevelopment of a
Layout / Plot as well as to the design, redesign, additions and alterations
to a layout.

5. Part Development
Where the whole or part of a layout is altered or redesigned, except where
otherwise specifically stipulated, these Rules shall apply only to the extent
of the work involved.

6. Existing Approved Layout

Nothing in these Rules shall require the removal, alteration or
abandonment nor prevent continuance of the lawfully established use or
occupancy of an existing approved land/layout development unless, in the
opinion of the Executive Authority or Competent Authority such a
land/layout development is unsafe or constitutes to be a hazard to the
safety of adjacent area or to the occupants of the layout area itself.

7. Procedure for obtaining Land / Layout Development Permission

(1) Land / Layout Development Permission Required

(a) No person or a corporate body of the Government or a private
corporate body shall carry out any land development or
redevelopment or carry out layout or sub-divide or utilize the
land or any portion of the same on the site or sites for building
purpose including sub-division on any plot or additions,
alterations in any layout or cause to be done without obtaining
approval from the Executive/Competent Authority for the
Land/Layout Development Plan.

(b) The owner of any land shall, before he/she utilizes, sells, leases
or otherwise disposes off such land or any portion thereof, as
sites for construction of any type of building or for taking up
any development activity, shall obtain the land/layout

Page 11
development permission from the Executive/Competent
(c) No permission for the construction of buildings in such land or
portion thereof shall be granted by the concerned Authority
unless the Final Layout Plan is issued by the Competent
(d) In cases where development has already been started /
commenced on site for which development permission in writing
of the Competent Authority is not obtained, but whereas the
development on site is in accordance with the provisions of
these rules, on submission of the application as prescribed the
development permission for such work on site may be granted
by the Competent Authority on the merits of each individual
case. For such development works, over and above such other
charges/fees may be otherwise levied, the additional amount @
twice the stipulated rates shall be charged.

(2) Application for Permission

(a) Every person or a corporate body of the Government or a
private corporate intending for Land/Layout development shall
apply in writing and or through On-Line System to the
Concerned Executive Authority of such intention in the
prescribed FORM - I appended to these rules.

(b) The Executive Authority before according approval shall get

prior Technical Approval of the Competent Authority i.e.

(i) the Metropolitan Commissioner/Vice-Chairman of the

respective Development Authority if the site is in the
jurisdiction of a Development Authority in site area up to
10.00 hectares. In other bigger projects above 10.00
hectares in all Urban Development Authorities except
Visakhapatnam Urban Development Authority the
competent authority shall obtain opinion of Director of
Town and Country Planning.


(ii) the Director of Town and Country Planning if the site is

not included in the jurisdiction of any Development


(iii) any other designated officer as authorized for such approval.

(c) The layouts prepared by the Revenue Department for

distribution of pattas to the weaker section shall be in
accordance with these rules. In case of Weaker Section
Housing Program the guidelines issued by the State
Government should invariably be followed and the Executive
Authority shall approve such layouts.

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(3) Plans and Documents to be submitted
The Applicant shall submit the plans and documents as stated
All Plans shall be submitted in the hard copy (as many number of
copies as prescribed) and also soft copy in Auto-CAD format with

(a) Location Plan:

Location plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:2000 shall
be submitted along with notice showing boundary, location
of the site with respect of neighborhood land marks.

(b) Site Plan:

A Site Plan shall be drawn to scale of not less than 1:500 for
areas up to 1 Hectare and not less than 1:1000 for the
areas more than 1 Hectare and it shall show all Physical
details of the land, boundaries of the land, the surrounding
existing layouts/lands, and existing approach road to the
land where the layout is proposed.

(i) The direction of North point relative to the plan of the


(ii) The boundaries of the site and of any contiguous land

belonging to the owner thereof and any other lands
owned by the private/government;

(iii) The position of the site in relation to neighboring


(iv) The names and widths of the streets in which the

building /plot is proposed to be situated;

(v) All existing physical structures, well, drains, trees,

boulders, etc. overhead electric supply lines, natural
drainage (major and minor nalas), any utility lines and
water lines standing on, over or under the site etc.
shall be shown;

(1) The boundaries of the site and in case where the

site has been partitioned, the boundaries of the
portion, owned by the applicant and also of the
portions owned by others;

(2) All adjacent streets, buildings (with number of

storeys and height) and premises and natural
drainage and water lines within a distance of
12m of the site and of the contiguous land, if

(3) The nearest existing streets shall be indicated.

(vi) The means of access (approach road) from the street
to the layout, and to all other sub-layouts, if any which

Page 13
the applicant intends to propose layout upon his
contiguous land;

(vii) The ground area of the whole property and the

breakup of roads and area reserved / earmarked for
public purposes with the calculation for percentage in
layout in terms of the total area of the plot as required
under the Rules/Conditions;
(viii) Combined FMB Sketches with details of sub-divisions
for the site and surroundings;
(ix) Parking plans indicating the parking spaces and drive

(x) Such other particulars as may be prescribed by the

concerned Executive / Competent Authority.
(c) Layout/Sub-division Plan:

A Layout Plan drawn to a scale of not less than 1:500

showing boundaries of land, proposed number of plots with
dimensions and area of each plot and its uses as per these
rules, alignment and width of the proposed streets/roads,
dimensions and areas of reserved / earmarked for public
proposes are provided according to these rules;

In the case of development work the notice shall be

accompanied by the layout / sub - division plan which shall
be drawn on a scale of not less than 1:500 containing the
(i) North Point;

(ii) Scale used ;

(iii) Dimensions: All dimensions shall be indicated in

metric units only.
(iv) The location of all proposed and existing roads with
their existing and proposed prescribed widths:

(v) Dimensions of plot along with building lines showing

the setbacks with dimensions within each plot:
(vi) The proposed drawings of Water Supply Network,
Drainage Network, Sewer Lines, Wastewater Network,
Electrical Ducts or lines, Telephone Lines and OFC
cable etc. if any shall be marked on contour layout
(vii) Table indicating size, area and use of all the plots
(viii) A statement indicating the total area of the site, area
utilised under roads, open spaces for parks,
playgrounds, recreation places and development plan
reservations, schools, shopping and other public places

Page 14
along with their percentage with reference to the total
area of the site proposed to be sub divided;

(ix) In case of plots which are sub-divided in built-up areas

in addition to the above, the means of access to the
sub-division from existing streets;

(x) The alignment of existing and proposed roads and

other proposed uses as per Master Plan/Zonal
Development Plan;

(i) The existing High Tension / Low Tension Electricity

Lines, Water Mains, Sewer Lines, Telephone and
Telegraph Lines, Alignment and Right-of-Way of
National/State Highways, Major/Minor District Roads,
Ring Roads passing through the layout site; and
(ii) Layout number or plot number of the property on
which the layout is intended to be proposed is to be
indicated on the drawing; (Example: ward/ Street
number/ Plot No).

(d) Service Plan and Water Supply Provisions

For recharging ground water, rain water-harvesting
provisions are to be provided within the layout/plot,
which are to be indicated on the plans with detailed
description and also indicating plans including cross-
section of rain water structures.

(e) Other Documents

(i) Initial Land Development Permit Fee to be paid along

with Land /Layout Development Application and
other fee and charges as prescribed by the
Executive/Competent Authority;

(ii) Self-Attested copies of Ownership Documents

/Lease-deed/Sale-deed, RSR with Link Documents
giving the physical description of the property;

(iii) Latest Non Encumbrance Certificate for the site

proposed for development from the Registration

(iv) Extract of Land Use Plan (as per Master/Zonal/

Indicative Land Use Plan);

(v) NOC from the District Collector in case of Assigned

Lands and Alienated Lands;

(vi) NOC from the Revenue Department under the

Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Land (Conversion for
Non-Agricultural Purpose) Act, 2006;

Page 15
(vii) Statement of the details and dimensions of each plot,
percentage of area under public open spaces, roads,
amenities and plotted area;

(viii) An undertaking for mortgage of plots to the extent

specified in favor of Competent Authority/Executive
Authority as security for providing required
infrastructure and amenities (if the applicant fails to
provide) in the form prescribed in Appendix - A
appended to these rules;
(ix) Undertaking in prescribed form jointly by owner and
qualified Licensed Technical Personnel (surveyor /
engineer) (in Form - I) for carrying out the
development works as per prescribed standards and
these rules;

(x) NOC form Irrigation and Revenue Departments shall

be submitted if the proposed layout is getting access
through canal bund/tank bund or crossing a canal
and also if the layout boundary is within a distance of
50m within limits of local authority and 100 m
outside the limits of local authority from the major

(xi) NOC from Railways Authorities shall be submitted if

the layout boundary is within a distance of 30m from
the Railway boundary;
(xii) NOC from Highway Authorities shall be submitted if
the layout boundary is abutting to National Highways
/State Highways and having no service road. If
service road abutting Highway is proposed within
layout with less intervention with highway, no
separate NOC is required.
(xiii) NOC from Defense Authorities shall be submitted if
the layout boundary is within a distance of 500m of
the Military Areas;
(xiv) NOC from the Oil/Gas Authority wherever required.

(xv) NOC from Environmental Impact Assessment

Authority (wherever required).

(xvi) NOC from Forest Department if the site is abutting

notified Forest.

(xvii) NOC from State Archaeological Department wherever


(xviii) NOC from Coastal Zone Management Authority

wherever required.

(xix) Any other information/document, which may be

prescribed by the Competent Authority;

Page 16
(f) Signing the Plans and Application
All the Plans and Application for Land Development
Permission shall be duly signed by the owner and
developer if any; and the Licensed / Registered
Technical Personnel i.e. Architect / Engineer / Surveyor /
Town Planner as the case may be. They shall give their
present and permanent addresses and
license/Registration details.

(g) Permit Fees and other Charges

(i) No Land/Layout Development Application shall be
deemed valid unless and until the owner/developer
submitting the application has paid the Land
Development Permit Fees and other charges as
notified by the concerned Authority from time to
time as per the procedure prescribed.

(ii) The Initial Land Development Permit Fee of the

Land/Layout Development Permission to be paid
along with the Application is as follows:


Land Area Initial Permit Fee to be paid (Rs.)

(Hectares) GVMC Other Other
VMC Municipal Municipalities,
GMC Corporations, Nagar
Selection Panchayats,
Grade & and Gram
Special Grade Panchayats
Municipalities falling
Authorities and
Master Plan
Up to 2 10000 7500 5000
Above 2
and up 15000 12500 10000
to 10
Above 10 20000 17500 15000

(iii) In case of rejection of Land/Layout Development

Application, the above initial fees paid would be

(iv) The other Land Development Fees and charges as

prescribed by the Government/Development

Page 17
Authority/Local Authority shall be paid before the issue of
permission / sanction on intimation.

(v) Levy of Special Fees and Other Provisions for Certain

The Sanctioning Authority with the specific approval of
the Competent Authority / Government, when
implementing certain Capital Intensive Projects for the
Local Authority / Development Authority, in addition to
the initial land development permit fee and other
development fee and charges may levy Special fees /
charges for lands / sites / premises abutting or in the
vicinity of the Ring Road or other highways/major roads
or the Mass Rail Transit System/Light Rail Transit
System/Multi Modal Transit System/Bus Rapid Transit
System route indicated in the Master Plan or as
proposed, at the rates and procedure prescribed by the
Competent Authority / Government. The procedure for
collection of this fee shall be as prescribed.

(vi) No fee or charges shall be levied in case of land/layout

development for weaker section housing programmes
proposed by Government/Local Authority/Development

(h) Mortgage of Plotted area for ensuring the

development of Internal Development Works:

(i) For release of the Final Layout Plan [FLP], the Owner
/ Applicant shall mortgage (in the form prescribed
in Appendix-A) 15% of the Plotted Area shown in
the Final Layout Plan [FLP] in favour of
Development Authority / Executive Authority for
ensuring the development of Internal
Development Works within the prescribed time in
the layout area which is obligatory on the
Owner/Applicant. However, Mortgaging of plotted
area is not applicable to APIIC layouts and layouts
developed by Government agencies.

(ii) The mortgage is purely a measure to ensure

compliance of the conditions for development of
Internal Development Works by the
owner/applicant and the Development Authority /
Executive Authority is in no way accountable to the
plot purchasers in the event of default by the
(iii) In case, the owner/applicant fails to develop the
layout area with all the Internal Development
Works within the prescribed time as specified by
the Development Authority / Executive Authority,

Page 18
the area so mortgaged shall be forfeited and also
liable for any criminal action taken up by
Development Authority / Executive Authority under
the provisions of the Acts.

(iv) The 15% of plotted area mortgaged will be

released to the owner/applicant on completion of
the Internal Development Works.
(v) In case of any failure to develop the Internal
Development Works, Development Authority /
Executive Authority shall develop the Internal
Development Works as per the Final Layout Plan
[FLP] duly withdrawing the mortgaged area and
may sell/auction/choose any mode of disposal of
such plotted area without any further notice to the
owner/applicant for realizing the funds required for
provision of the Internal Development Works.

(vi) The owner/applicant is not eligible and competent

to question Development Authority / Executive
Authority about the receipt of the amount in the
auction or allotment and also expenditure for
undertaking the Internal Development Works.

(vii) The concerned authority shall not consider any

building/development permission in the area under
mortgage to Development Authority/Executive

(viii) On receipt of the mortgage deed from the Sub-

Registrar and also the latest certificate of
Encumbrance on the Property from the sub-
Registrar in favour of Development
Authority/Executive Authority. The Final Layout
Plan [FLP] shall be sent to the owners/developers
for development and also construction of
compound wall for the Public Open Space.
(ix) A copy of the Final Layout Plan [FLP] shall also be
sent to the Sub-Registrar of the Registration
Department indicating the mortgaged area and
other area permitted for sale. The Sub-Registrar
shall be specifically addressed to ensure that no
sale transaction takes place in the mortgaged area
till further communication is sent by the
Development Authority/Executive Authority to the
Registration Department.

(x) On completion of all the developmental works shall

submit requisition letter to the Development
Authority/Executive Authority for release of
mortgaged plots, duly handing over public open

Page 19
spaces, master plan roads and roads by way of
registered gift deed to the Local Authority.

(4) Grant of Permission or Refusal:

(a) The Layout proposals with plans / drawings and

specifications may be sanctioned with or without
modifications or directions as are deemed necessary or
refused within:
(i) 45 days from the date of Notice in case of layout
(ii) If any application is not disposed of within a period
of 45 days from the date of receipt it shall be
deemed to have been sanctioned in accordance
with the provisions of these rules;
(iii) However any construction or development of
layout carried out under deemed provisions cannot
be in contravention of any of the layout and
building rules;
(b) Such sanction may be refused on any of the following
grounds namely:

(i) Applications not received in the prescribed form and

not accompanied by the documents mentioned in
these rules;

(ii) The land is not getting access from the Public

Approach Road.
(iii) The proposed street or road and also use of the land
in the layout does not conform to the provisions of
the Act or the Master Plan/Zonal Development
Plan/any other sanctioned plan or zoning regulations
and these rules;

(iv) The proposed street or road of the layout is not so

planned as to connect at least at one end with a
street which is already open;

(v) Linkages with the adjoining layouts are not proposed;

(vi) The required area and locations for public purposes

specified in these rules has not been set apart; and
(vii) Overall Layout pattern, % of various uses and their
locations are not in a regular order.
(c) If a reply is not received from the applicant within
stipulated time after the receipt of the communication
referred above, the original application shall be treated as
having lapsed.
(d) No Application shall be valid unless the information
required by the Authority under the Rules or any further
information which may be required has been furnished to

Page 20
the satisfaction of the Authority and required fees has
been paid;
(e) The Owner /Licensed or Registered Technical Person and
other shall be fully responsible for any violation of Master
Plan/ Zonal Plan / Planning Scheme / Land Development
Rules, Architectural Control, Lease Deed Conditions etc. In
case of any default they shall be liable for action. Any
development/construction so made shall be deemed to be
(5) Process of Application

(a) On receipt of the application for Land/Layout Development

Permission, the Executive Authority shall examine the same
with reference to the rules and duly verifying the details on
ground and shall forward the application along with all the
enclosures and remarks to the Competent Authority within
the Seven (7) days;

(b) And in case the application and the required particulars are
not in order, the Executive Authority may call for further
particulars, if required and necessary within the prescribed
Seven (7) days time.

(c) The applicant shall furnish the required particulars within

Seven (7) days from the date of receipt of the notice by

(d) The Executive Authority shall thereafter forward the

Application to the Competent Authority, with the layout
plan and full particulars within a period of Seven (7) days
from the date of receipt of particulars from the applicant;

(e) The Competent Authority within Ten (10) days shall

examine the proposals in detail with reference to these
rules and either accord technical sanction for Tentative
Layout Plan [TLP] prepared showing the road pattern in
accordance with the Master Plan/Zonal Development
Plan/Land Pooling Scheme Plan/Town Planning Scheme
Plan/any other Sanctioned Plan vis a vis the existing
development on ground, Blocks of the proposed Plots (at
this stage the plot boundary each plot need not be shown)
and the Public Open Spaces for parks, play grounds, etc.
and any other proposal for amenities or call for further
particulars if any required addressing the applicant and
duly informing the Executive Authority.

(f) In case the Tentative Layout Plan [TLP] is forwarded, the

applicant shall demarcate the Tentative Layout Plan [TLP]
pattern on ground [Demarcation of the TLP means the road
pattern, public open spaces, areas earmarked for amenities
and the blocks of the plots as shown in the TLP shall be peg
marked on ground and the measurements shall be taken
and the layout plan shall be prepared duly showing the

Page 21
measurements and differences if any from that of the TLP]
within Fifteen (15) Days.

(g) The applicant shall inform the Executive Authority and the
Competent Authority duly enclosing the Demarcated Layout
Plan [DLP] as demarcated on ground duly stating the
differences if any from that of the TLP.

(h) If the TLP is not acceptable to the applicant, he shall

submit the request for revision duly stating the reasons for
the same within Seven (7) days. He shall submit the
application through the Executive Authority duly sending a
copy to the Competent Authority also.

(i) On receipt of the Demarcated Layout Plan (DLP) from the

applicant, the Executive Authority shall inspect the site and
submit a feasibility report within Seven (7) days to the
Competent Authority;
(j) The Competent Authority shall inspect the site if required
and examine the Demarcated Layout Plan [DLP] with
reference to the rules in force and issue the Final Layout
Plan (FLP) showing the road pattern in accordance with the
Master Plan/Zonal Development Plan/Land Pooling Scheme
Plan/Town Planning Scheme Plan/any other Sanctioned
Plan vis a vis the existing development on ground,
proposed Plots (at this stage the plot boundary each plot
shall be shown with dimensions) and the Public Open
Spaces for parks, play grounds, etc. and any other proposal
for amenities and assign the Final Layout Plan [FLP] No.
[with unique number as specified] within Fifteen (15)
days and send it to the Executive Authority;
(k) The Executive Authority shall, within Seven (7) days, send
a copy of the Final Layout Plan (FLP) to the applicant along
with the conditions and modifications if any and with the
details of the provision of amenities and also directing him
to mortgage 15% of the area of the proposed plots in favor
of the Development Authority/Executive Authority (in the
form prescribed in Appendix A) [as a measure of security
for provision of amenities i.e. Water Supply, Electricity,
Roads etc. to be provided by the applicant] within ten (10)

(l) After receipt of such mortgage the applicant shall be

directed to form the roads, to provide Drainage and Water
Supply and Electricity and other utilities, Compound wall to
the area reserved for Public Open Space for Park /
Playground and utilities as per specifications in the FLP
within prescribed time and to hand over to Executive
Authority through Registered Gift Deed / Settlement Deed
at free of Cost.

Page 22
(m) In case of any failure to fulfil the conditions within the
prescribed time, the Development Authority / Executive
Authority shall develop the Internal Development Works
as per the Final Layout Plan [FLP] duly withdrawing the
mortgaged area and may sell/auction/choose any mode of
disposal of such plotted area without any further notice to
the owner/applicant for realizing the funds required for
provision of the Internal Development Works.

(n) No building shall be constructed in the layout area in the

plots which are mortgaged to Competent Authority /
Executive Authority, unless re-conveyance deed is
executed by Competent Authority / Executive Authority.

(o) After re-conveyance of the mortgaged area and after

fulfilling the above conditions the Executive
Authority shall sanction and release the Layout
Development Completion Certificate (LDCC).

(p) In case of failure of fulfilling the conditions by applicant

within stipulated time, all the roads and public open spaces
such as parks and playgrounds earmarked in the Final
Layout Plan [FLP] in accordance with these rules, which is
sanctioned by the Executive Authority shall automatically
stand transferred at free of cost, and vest with the Local
Authority free from all encumbrances. After such vesting,
the Executive Authority shall maintain all such areas
reserved for Public purposes for which they have been
earmarked in the Final Layout Plan [FLP] without any

(q) The Government / the Competent Authority may also adopt

an electronic process of the application of the Land/Layout
Development Permission duly modifying whole or part of
the above procedure if required.

(6) Maintenance of Land/Layout Development Application


The Executive Authority shall maintain Land/Layout

Development Application Register of all land developments,
layouts, fees and charges collected in prescribed manner
containing the necessary particulars including information as to
the manner in which Applications for permission have been
dealt with.

(7) Duration of Sanction

(a) The Land/Layout Development shall be commenced within

One year from the date of sanction.

(b) The duration of completion of Land/Layout Development

from the date of sanction is valid for a period of 3 years

Page 23
subject to the condition that development shall be
commenced within a period of one year.

(c) If no development works are taken up and no plots are sold

the permit shall be got revalidated for another 2 years
before the expiry of the validity period and revalidation shall
be subject to the rules then in force and the application for
revalidation shall be treated as one for a new application.

(d) The Fee for revalidation for Land/Layout Development

Permission shall be 50% of the layout permit fee.

(e) No development activity shall be carried out after the expiry

of validity period.

(8) Revalidation

(a) If the applicant partly do the development and fails to

complete the land development within the validity period
and if the development done so far is in accordance with the
rules, then the applicant may submit an application for
revalidation duly paying the fee as prescribed and the
Competent Authority may issue the permission for
revalidation for further spells of 2 years period on payment
of 50% layout permit fee for each spell.

(b) Application for such revalidation shall be submitted along

with the following documents:

(i) Original sanctioned plan;

(ii) Revalidation fee as prescribed;

(iii) Ownership documents or Affidavit for updated

ownership document after previous sanction.

(iv) NOC required from lessor in case the property is

lease hold, for time extension for construction.

(v) Documents in support of Land Development, if any,

having been done within valid period of sanction;

(vi) Certificate of supervision from the Licensed Technical

Personnel that the development is being carried out
under his supervision according to the sanctioned plans.

(c) The application for revalidation shall be processed and

revalidation or objection, if any, shall be communicated to
the applicant as prescribed for Process of Application for
the Land/Layout Development Permission.

Page 24
(9) Revocation of Permission

The Executive Authority after consulting the Competent

Authority, may revoke any Land/Layout Development
Permission issued under the provisions of the Rules duly giving
an opportunity to the applicant to represent if any, wherever
there has been any false statement, misrepresentation of
material facts in the application on which the permission was
based and shall be communicated to the applicant in the
prescribed form for Revocation of Permission.

(10) Penal Action against Licensed Technical Personnel

(a) The Executive Authority reserves the right to take action

and to debar/black list the Licensed Technical Personnel
i.e., Architect, Engineer, Structural Engineer, Supervisor
and Town Planner, if found to have deviated from the
professional conduct or to have made any misstatement
or on account of misrepresentation of any material fact or
default either in authentication of a plan or in supervision
of the development against these rules and the
sanctioned plans.

(b) If the Executive Authority finds at any time any violation

of Rules or misrepresentation of fact, or development at
variance with the sanction or these Rules, inclusive of the
prescribed documents, the Executive Authority shall be
entitled to revoke the sanction and take appropriate
action against such Licensed Technical Person and he shall
not be authorized to submit the plans, fresh plans till
finalization of the case.

(c) Before debarring or blacklisting such Licensed Technical

Person if found to be indulging in professional misconduct
or where he/she has misrepresented any material fact the
Local Authority shall give him a show-cause notice with a
personal hearing.

(11) Documents to be kept at site

A copy of sanctioned plan shall be exhibited in a
conspicuous place on the property in respect of which the
permission was issued.

(12) Checking of Land/Layout Development and Enforcement

In addition to the enforcement powers and responsibilities given
in the respective laws of the local authority, in respect of these

(a) It shall be the responsibility of the Owner/Developer/

Licensed Technical Personnel to ensure that the
development is in accordance with the sanctioned plans

Page 25
(b) The Enforcement Authority concerned shall be wholly and
severally responsible for ensuring and maintaining the
right of way/width of the road and development
restrictions as given in these Rules.

(c) The Enforcement Authority shall summarily remove any

violation or deviation in development.

(d) Any person who whether at his own instance or at the

instance of any other person or anybody including the
Government Department undertakes or carries out
construction or development of any land in contravention
of the statutory master plan or without permission,
approval or sanction or in contravention of any condition
subject to which such permission or approval or sanction
has been granted shall be punished with imprisonment for
a term which may extend to three years, or with fine
which may extend to ten percent of the value of land or
building including land in question as fixed by the
Registration Department at the time of using the land or
building. Provided that the fine imposed shall, in no case
be less than fifty percent of the said amount.
(13) Notice of Completion

(a) Every owner/developer shall submit a Notice of

Completion in the prescribed Form to the Authority
regarding completion of the work on or before the last date
as stipulated in the permission.
(b) The notice of completion shall be submitted by the owner/
developer duly signed by the Licensed Technical Personnel,
who has supervised the development, accompanied by two
sets of completion plans (as in the case of sanctioned plan
including one cloth mounted copy) and the following
documents along with the prescribed fee if any:

(i) Two sets of photographs of the land development from

all sides and also the Public Open Spaces and Amenity
areas duly signed by Owner, Developer and Licensed
Technical Personnel.
(ii) Two sets of photographs of the Rain Water Harvesting
Structures duly signed by Owner, Developer and
Licensed Technical Personnel.
(iii) A certificate by the Owner, Developer and Licensed
Technical Personnel for construction of roads, drains,
Street Lighting and water supply work, under their
supervision and in accordance with the approved
specifications and sanctioned plans as applicable.
(iv) A certificate by the Owner, Developer or Licensed
Technical Personnel with regard to the construction of

Page 26
Rain Water Harvesting Structures, wherever required
as per the sanctioned plans.
(v) Any other information/document that the Authority
may specify.
(14) Land/Layout Development Completion Certificate [LDCC]

(a) The Sanctioning Authority or the person authorized, on

receipt of notice of completion shall undertake inspection to
verify the following aspects:
(i) Construction of roads and drains as per the
sanctioned plan;
(ii) Laying electricity lines for street lights as per the
(iii) Development of public open spaces and provision of
utilities and amenity areas as per sanctioned plans;
(iv) Rain Water Harvesting pits in public open space.
(b) In case, there is a deviation in the land development, which
cannot be compounded, the LDCC will be rejected and
communicated to the applicant in the prescribed form.
(c) If the land development is as per sanctioned plans and
these rules, the Executive Authority shall communicate the
approval of the LDCC in the prescribed Form within 15
(d) If nothing is communicated within this period, the LDCC is
deemed to have been issued by the Executive Authority
provided the fact is immediately brought to the notice of
Executive Authority in writing by the person, who had given
the completion notice and has not received any intimation
from the Executive Authority within 15 days.
(e) If the executive authority fails to issue the land/layout
development certificate within the above stipulated period
the responsibility shall be fixed with the concerned officer
who fails to process the file and a fine of Rs. 1000/ per day
of delay shall be collected from such person and paid to the
(f) The executive authority shall ensure that the development
shall be disable friendly and provide facilities for Differently
abled persons, Elderly and Children as per the Rules there
under and also as per the latest version of National Building
Code of India while issuing land/layout development
(g) The Registration Authority shall register only the sanctioned
plots as per the Final Layout Plan and only upon producing
and filing a copy of such sanctioned plan. On the
Registration Document it should be clearly mentioned that
the registration is in accordance with the sanctioned Final
Layout Plan (FLP).

Page 27
(h) The financial agencies / institutions shall extend loan
facilities only to the permitted area as per the sanctioned
Final Layout Plan (FLP).

(15) Limitations of Land Development / Layout Permission

Land Development / Layout Permission shall not mean
responsibility or clearance of the following aspects:
(a) Title or ownership of the site or building
(b) Easement Rights
(c) Variation in area from recorded area of a plot / site or
(d) The site/ area liable to flooding as a result of not taking
proper drainage arrangement as per the natural lay of the
land, etc. and
(e) Other requirements or licenses or clearances required for
the site /premises or activity under various other laws.
(16) Licensing of Builders, Developers, Engineers, Landscape
Architects, Real Estate Companies, Structural Engineers,
Supervisors, Town Planners, Urban Designers & Other
Technical Personnel

(a) The Licensing of Builders, Developers, Engineers, Landscape

Architects, Real Estate Companies, Structural Engineers,
Supervisors, Town Planners and Urban Designers & Other
Technical Personnel mandatory shall be in accordance with
the rules as prescribed.
(b) Architects shall be required to be registered with the
Council of Architecture as required under the Architects Act,
(c) The engaging of the services of a licensed
developer/builder shall be mandatory for Land
(d) Any developer/builder undertaking development or any firm
doing property business in any Local Authority/Urban
Development Authority Area or soliciting property
sale/transactions or advertising as such in case of above,
shall necessarily mention the details of its licence number,
licence number of the licensed developer to whom the
approval is given by the said Local Authority/Urban
Development Authority, together with the permit number
and its validity for information and verification of
public/prospective buyers.
(e) Absence of the above or suppressing of the above facts or
in the case of other licenses and other technical personnel
who violate the conditions would invite penal action
including debarring of the real estate firm/development
firm/company from practice in the local authority area for 5
years besides prosecution under the relevant laws/code of
conduct by the Sanctioning Authority.

Page 28

8. Restrictions on the Land/Layout Development

(1) Vicinity of Airport
The Land/Layout development in the vicinity of the Airport shall be
guided by the following:

(a) In case the Colour Coded Zoning Map (CCZM) is prepared by

the Airport Authority of India, the guidelines issued along with
the CCZM shall be followed.
(b) The building heights and other parameters shall be regulated
as per the stipulations of the Airport Authority of India as
notified in Gazette of India Extraordinary (S.O.1589) dated
30-06-2008 and as amended from time to time by Ministry of
Civil Aviation, Government of India.
(c) The conditions as stipulated in the Andhra Pradesh Building
Rules 2017 and as amended from time to time shall be
followed while permitting the buildings along with Land
Development if any.
(2) Defense Establishments
(a) In case of Sites within 500m distance from the boundary of
Defense Areas/Military Establishments prior clearance of Defense
Authority shall be obtained.

(b) In case of Naval Science and Technological Laboratory (NSTL),

Visakhapatnam, no building shall be allowed with in a distance of
20m from the boundary wall of NSTL, Visakhapatnam.

(3) Electrical Lines

In case of Electricity Tower lines, the land below the tower line
to the width of tower base shall be developed as green belt and
on either side of green belt there shall be a minimum of 10m
wide roads or as defined in the Master Plan. Such area under
green belt shall be reckoned towards reserved open space to a
maximum extent of 50% of the required layout open space.

(4) Environmental Impact Assessment Notification-2006

As per the provisions laid under the EIA Notification S.O.3999 (E),
Dt.09.12.2016 issued by MOEF and Climate Change, GOI with
reference to Building / Construction Projects/Area Development
Projects and Townships complying with the following threshold
limits fall under category B and are required to obtain prior
Environmental Clearance (EC) from State Environmental Impact
Assessment Authority (SEIAA), Ministry of Environment and Forests,
Government of India.

Page 29
Area Development Projects and Townships

B Category
Project / Activity Conditions, if any
with threshold limit
(A) (B) (C)

8(b) Townships and Covering an area > 50ha ++All Projects under
Area and or built up area Item8(b) shall be
Development >1,50,000sq.m ++ appraised as Category
Projects B1

(5) Vicinity of Heritage Structures

(a) In case of Sites located within the distance up to 100m from
protected monuments as notified under Archeological Monuments
and Ancient Sites and Remains Act 1955 and as amended no
construction is allowed. Hence no plot shall be proposed within
this distance.
(b) For the Sites located within distance of above 100m and up to
200m from the protected monuments, the construction is allowed
only after obtaining prior permission from the National Monument
Authority. Hence prior permission shall be submitted for
considering the Land Development/Layout.
(c) For the Sites located within the vicinity of any Heritage Structure
notified as per the respective law, the prior clearance from the
concerned authority shall be obtained.
(d) For the development/redevelopment of any notified Heritage
Structure the stipulations as prescribed by the respective
authority shall be followed.

(6) Oil / Gas Pipelines

In case of Sites in the vicinity of Oil/Gas pipelines, clearance distance
and other stipulations of the Respective Authority shall be complied
with. The Oil/Gas Authorities shall also specify the clearances
required stretch wise to Local Body.

(7) Railways
The distance between the Railway Property Boundary and the edge
of the building shall be 30m as per Indian Railways Works Manual
or as per No Objection Certificate (NOC) given by the Railway

(8) Religious Structures

(a) In case of Sites located within a radius of 100m from the notified
religious structure from time to time by the sanctioning
authority, the construction is allowed up to 12m height only.
(b) For the Sites located within a radius of above 100m and up to
300m from the notified religious structure as notified from time
to time, only non-high rise structures are allowed.

Page 30
(9) Site and Land Use Pattern
Notwithstanding anything contained in these Rules, no Land
Development /Layout permission on any site shall be sanctioned if:
(a) the proposed land use does not correspond to the land use in the
Development Plan / Master Plan / Layout Plan or any
draft/sanctioned plan for the area or the zoning regulations.
(b) the use of La y ou t an d building or place will be a source of
annoyance to, or injurious to the health of the inhabitants of the
(c) the construction of any building is for public worship, which in
the opinion of the Sanctioning Authority will affect the religious
feelings of any class or persons in the vicinity thereof.
(d) there is deposited refuse, excreta or other offensive matter,
which is considered objectionable, until such refuse, excreta or
other offensive matter has been removed there from and the
plot has been prepared or left in a manner suitable for land
development, redevelopment or building purpose.
(e) it comprises or includes a pit, quarry or other similar excavation
or any part thereof unless such plot has been prepared or left in
a manner or condition suitable for land development or
redevelopment or building purposes.
(f) it is liable to flood or on a slope forming an angle of more than
45 degrees with the horizontal or on soil unsuitable for
percolation or on area shown as floodable area in any
plan/scheme or in sandy beds, unless it is proved by the owner
that construction of such a building will not be dangerous or
injurious to health and the site will not be subjected to flooding
or erosion, or cause undue expenditure of public funds in the
provision of roads, sewers, sanitation, water supply or other
public services.
(g) it is for any land development or redevelopment of land or
construction in any area notified by Government of India as
Coastal Regulation Zone under the Environment (Protection) Act,
1986 (29 of 1986) and Rules made there under and it shall be
subject to the restrictions that may be imposed by Government
of India contained in the said notification as amended from time
to time.
(h) the required permission/No Objection Certificates of any other
Departments/Agencies as required under law has not been
obtained for any land developments and constructions.

(10) Vicinity of important buildings

No private building exceeding 10m height shall be permitted within
200m radius from the boundary of the Governors House, State
Secretariat, Legislative Assembly, Official Residences of Chief
Justice of High Court, Chief Minister, Heads of Legislature and such
other buildings as may be notified by the ULB/Government from

Page 31
time to time. Hence the Land Development/Layout shall be
considered subject to this condition.

(11) Water Bodies

(a) No building / Land Development shall be approved in the bed of
water bodies like river or nala and in the Full Tank Level (FTL) of
any lake, pond, cheruvu or kunta / shikam lands.

Unless and otherwise stated, the area and the Full Tank Level
(FTL) of a Lake / Kunta shall be reckoned as measured and as
certified by the Irrigation Department and Revenue Department.
(b) The above water bodies and courses shall be maintained as
Recreational/Green Buffer Zone and no building activity / Land
Development shall be carried out within:

(i) 100m from the boundary of the major Rivers outside the
limits of Local Authorities and 50m within the limits of the
Local Authorities. The boundary of the river shall be as fixed
and certified by the Irrigation Department and Revenue

(ii) 30m from the FTL boundary of Lakes / Tanks / Kuntas of

area 10Ha and above/other than major rivers.

(iii) 9m from the FTL boundary of Lakes / Tanks / Kuntas of area

less than 10Ha / shikam lands;

(iv) 9m from the defined boundary of Canal, Vagu, Nala, Storm

Water Drain of width more than 10m.

(v) 2m from the defined boundary of Canal, Vagu, Nala, Storm

Water Drain of width up to 10m.

(c) Unless and otherwise specified in the Master Plan/Zonal

Development Plan.

(i) In case of (b) (i) & (ii) above, the buffer zone may be utilised
for road of minimum 12m width, wherever feasible.

(ii) In case of (b) (ii) above, in addition to development of

recreational / green belt along the foreshores, a ring road or
promenade of minimum 12m may be developed, wherever
feasible 3.6m walking / cycle track within the 30m buffer
strip may be provided.

(iii) The above buffer zone to be left may be reckoned as part of

open space and not for setback requirements.

(iv) In case of areas along the sea coast, the Coastal Regulation
Zone Regulations shall be followed.

Page 32
9. Land use:
(1) The permission for Land/Layout Development shall be considered in
sites in accordance with the provisions of the Perspective Plan/
Master Plan/Zonal Development Plan/any other sanctioned plan or
any other draft plans notified under the respective Acts.
(2) The Land uses as permissible under the respective zoning
regulations shall be complied with.
(3) The land/layout development permission shall be in accordance with
the circulation pattern and road widths as proposed in the plans as
at sub rule (1) above.
10. Approach Road:
(1) The site proposed for land/layout development/redevelopment shall
have access from an established public approach road.
(2) In case the public road is less than 12m in width and not specified in
any development plan/ Master Plan the applicant shall make it to
12m by leaving required area within his site. In case the access
road is proposed for widening in any development plan/Master
Plan/Perspective Plan/Zonal Development Plan or any other draft
plans notified under the respective Acts for easy movement of
people and vehicles the applicant shall earmark and leave the
affected area equally on either sides of such roads.
(3) No plot in the layout shall get direct access from any National or
State Highway or Ring Road or Expressways or any road which is
proposed in the Master Plan or any other sanctioned plans as 30m
or more in width. The access shall be through a service road of at
least 12m wide which shall be proposed within the layout site.
11. Roads in the Layout Development:
(1) In case the road network proposed in the Perspective Plan/Master
Plan/Zonal Development Plan/any other draft or sanctioned plan and
the road widths proposed in the Road Development Plan/Ring
Road/Expressways or any road approved by the Competent
Authority are falling in the proposed area, the same shall be
incorporated and adhered in the Land/Layout Development and the
width and the pattern shall be followed without any change.
(2) Where ever Perspective Plan/Master Plan/Zonal Development Plan/
any other draft or sanctioned plan or Road Development Plan are
not available, the minimum width of roads proposed in the
land/layout development for National Highway shall be 60m, State
Highways shall be 30m and Major District road shall be 20m.
(3) In case of Commercial and Industrial Layouts, the minimum width of
the road shall be 12m.
(4) The minimum width of the roads with reference to the length
proposed shall be as indicated in the Table - 3 below.

Page 33

Width of the Roads with reference to the Length of the Roads

S. Length of the Minimum Splay

No. Road (m) Road Width (m) required

1 Up to 250 12 3

Above 250
2 18 5
up to 500
Above 500
3 24 5
up to 1000
30 or more width
as decided by the
4 Above 1000 6

Note: 1) The above is a guideline. However the hierarchy of the road

widths as per the planning standards and transportation
planning principles shall be followed in deciding the higher road
widths depending on the location of the site and nature of
development and the decision of the Competent Authority is
final in the matter.

2) Total length of block of plots shall not exceed 150 mts.

3) Culde-sac street not exceeding 50 mts length shall be of

minimum 8 mts in width.

12. Minimum Size of Plots:

(1) Residential Plots:
(a) The minimum size of plots shall be 100sq.m which is getting
access from 12m wide road and the frontage (width facing the
road) of the plot shall be not less than 8m.
(b) The minimum Plot size shall be 150sq.m if the road width is
more than 12m and the frontage of the plot shall be not less
than 10m.
(2) Commercial Plots: The minimum Plot size shall be 150sq.m and
the frontage of the plot shall be not less than 10m.
(3) Industrial Plots:
(a) The minimum Plot area shall be 300sq.m and the frontage of the
plot shall be not less than 15m.
(b) In case of small enterprises such as automobile workshops,
garages etc, the minimum plot area shall be 50 sq.m

Page 34
13. Reservation and Allotment of Land:
(1) The reservation and allotment of land for various purposes in the
land / layout development shall be as follows:
(a) In layouts of 5 Ha. and below: 2% of the layout area for
Amenities and 0.5% of the layout area for Utilities.
(b) In layouts of above 5 hc : 3% of the layout area for
Amenities and 1% of the layout area for Utilities.
(c) 10% of the layout area for Public Open Space.
(d) 30% of the layout area for Roads. In case of roads area
arrived below 30% the public open space shall be increased
proportionately so that the area under roads and open space
put together shall be minimum of 40% of layout area.
(2) The area reserved for Public Open Space shall be handed over to
the Local Authority free of cost through a registered gift deed. This
area shall be used only for Parks, Playgrounds, Gardens, Nursery,
Recreational Open space etc. and shall not be utilized for any
purpose other than the purpose for which it is transferred. The
Applicant shall construct a compound wall as per the design
prescribed for this site and handover to the Local Authority.

(3) The areas reserved for utilities shall be handed over to the Local
Authority free of cost through a registered gift deed. This area shall
be utilized only for community facilities such as Electrical
Substation, Government school, Government Dispensary, Ward
Office, Public Utility Office, Public Library, Water Reservoir, Rain
water harvesting structures, Police Station/outpost, Public Parking,
Fire Station, Bus Station, Septic Tank, Solid Waste Collection point

(4) The area reserved for Amenities shall be used only for the
purposes earmarked in the Final Layout Plan [FLP] by the
Competent Authority for educational, commercial facilities etc. The
Owner/Developer may also sell or lease this area but only for the
purposes earmarked in the Final Layout Plan [FLP].

(5) The stamp duty is exempted for handing over the areas reserved
for public purpose and utilities to the concerned local authorities
through Registered Gift / settlement deed.
(6) Every open space shall have independent means of access.

(7) In case, the area for which the Land/Layout Development sought
for falls in sanctioned Master Plan or Zonal Development Plan or
Draft Plan, if a portion of this land falls in the area
earmarked/reserved in such plans for a common public purpose in
the interest of general development of the locality, the owner of
such land shall transfer such percentage of the area of layout as
prescribed in sub-rule (1) free of cost to the Local Authority.

(8) In other cases i.e., if the area so earmarked in the Land/Layout

Development under reference for roads and public open space are
more than such percentage as prescribed in sub-rule (1) he shall

Page 35
also transfer the entire area so proposed to be reserved in the
layout and he is entitled to receive Transferable Development
Rights (TDR) from the Local Authority for the part of his site which
is in excess of the extent of lands which he was to provide as per
sub-rule (1).
(9) The areas allotted for Affordable Housing if any, shall be utilized
only for the specific purpose and the applicant may sell or dispose
of these plots only for the said purpose and no amalgamation or
alteration of these plots shall be considered.
(10) Government/Development Authority / Local Authority / Developer /
Owner/Applicant have no jurisdiction to convert the site reserved
for public purpose such as park or playground, utilities, amenities
affordable housing and for some other purpose.
(11) In the case of Commercial / Industrial Land Development having an
area of above 3 Hectares, an extent of 5% of the total area shall be
reserved for general parking space; and if such parking area
exceeds 2000sq.m part of it could be utilized for the construction of
buildings for banks, canteens, welfare centres and such other
common purposes considered necessary for the industrial user, as
approved by the Authority.

14. Specifications of the Infrastructure and Amenities to be provided

The applicant shall provide the infrastructure and amenities in the area as
per the specifications approved by the Competent/Executive Authority
within time specified under rule 7(7) and transfer the private streets or
roads along with the land set apart for public open space i.e parks,
playgrounds and utilities area to the local authority through registered gift

Page 36



The Metropolitan Commissioner/Vice Chairman/Commissioner,
.Development Authority/Local Authority,

Date: dd.mm.yyyy
[To be filled and certified by Licensed Technical Personnel]
Sir / Madam,

I / We________________________________ s/o __________________________ hereby

submit the application cum scrutiny form for Land/Layout Development Permission in
the Site as per the details given below in accordance with the provisions of Andhra Pradesh
Land Development (Layout and Sub-division) Rules, 2017, Andhra Pradesh Building Rules 2017
and the relevant Acts. The necessary enclosures pertaining to the ownership of the site and
layout plans drawn to the scale etc. are submitted herewith.
[1.Use CAPITAL LETTERS only 2. Fill in relevant information 3. Incomplete application
will be rejected]

I DETAILS OF APPLICANT [for correspondence]

1 Name in full

2 S/o / W/o
Whether the
Applicant is Land
3 Owner / Developer Land Owner Developer
(Tick the applicable
If the Applicant is
Developer whether
the copy of the
4 Agreement of Land NO
Owner and
Developer is

5 Door No./Flat No.

6 Road/Street

Page 37
7 Village Mandal

8 City/ Town PIN

9 District

Mobile No.
11 e-mail


Sl. Address with

Name License No. mobile No. & Signature
1 Land Owner

2 Developer

3 Licensed Technical


....Hectares [Acs.guntas]
1 Site Area

.Sq. M [.Sq. yds]

Survey Nos.



Page 38


Locality /
Nearest Land Mark
8 Details of Permission (if
any) sanctioned earlier
for the site u/r and
status on ground
9 Details of Permission (if
any) sanctioned earlier
neighbouring to the
site and status on

1 Type of layout proposed Gated Layout
[tick the appropriate one] Open Layout (with compound
2 Whether peripheral road provided in case of
Gated Layout with compound wall.
The Peripheral Road is mandatory in case the
lands in the vicinity and rear side are not having
independent access. If the peripheral road is not
provided, justification for not providing the
peripheral road shall be furnished duly showing
the topographical plan to that extent.

Please show the detailed Plan showing the

existing and Master plan roads in the site and in
the vicinity duly marking the alignment of the
peripheral road.


Details Reg. No. Date Sy. No. Extent
1 Copy of
Registered Sale Deed
2 Development Agreement
of sale cum General
Power of Attorney
3 General Power of
4 Pattedar Pass Book / Title deed issued by Revenue
Authorities in favour of
5 Pahanies issued by Mandal Revenue Officer
Name of the Pattedar

Page 39
Name of the Occupant

VI LINK DOCUMENTS (in support of Main documents)

Details Reg. No. Date Sy.No. Extent
1 If the sale transaction by
way of purchase
registered sale deed in
case of inheritance copy
of pahani.

Pahani for the


Name of the pattedar


2 Proceedings of the Tahsildar / RDO concerned in

regard to Mutation in favour of
3 Pahanies issued by Mandal Revenue Officer
Name of the Pattedar
Name of the Occupant


Details Name No. / Proc. Sy. No. Extent
No.& date
1 Encumbrance
certificate for the
last 13 years.
2 Land Conversion
certificate from the
3 Legal heir
certificate issued
by the concerned
authorities if
4 ORC issued by the
RDO in case of
Inam lands.

5 Registered will
deed / gift deed /
family settlement
deed /Partition
deed etc.
mentioned in the

Page 40
main or link

6 NOC issued by the

Collector for
alienation of land
in respect of
assignment to
freedom fighters /
Defence persons

7 No objection
certificate from
Tahsildar/ Collector
if the land under
reference is
recorded as
Government land.

8 Any court orders if

OS. No.
Name of the

Brief history of the



(Based on I to IV, the details are tabulated as follows)

(If required submit this in a separate sheet)
Sy. No.
Doc. No. / Extent
S. No. Status Vendor Vendee of
& Date Plot No./ (in Sq. m)
H. No.

Page 41


1 Site u/r falls in the

Notified Master Plan of

2 Land use as per Notified Master Plan

3 Land use of the Proposed Layout

4 Whether proposed activity is

permissible as per Zoning Regulations YES NO

5 Whether any Master Plan roads are

passing through or abutting to the site YES NO

6 If yes, the width of the existing roads

and the roads proposed in Master Plan
shall be mentioned duly showing the
alignment of them in the Layout Plan.
7 Whether the Master Plan roads have
been incorporated in the layout

8 Whether the Undertaking is given to

handover the Master Pan roads free of
cost to the Development
Authority/Local Body
9 The extent of the area affected in the
Master Plan Roads (in sq. m)

10 Whether the site is affected by / close to any restricted area:

(tick the applicable one)
a Water Bodies

b Railways

c Electrical Lines

Page 42
d Airport
e Defense Establishments

f Oil / Gas Pipelines

g Heritage Structures

h Environmental Clearance

i ORR Buffer Zone

a Water Bodies: Nature of Water Body: River
Unless and otherwise (tick the applicable Tank
stated, the area and the Full one) Lake
Tank Level (FTL) of a Lake / Kunta
Kunta shall be reckoned as Canal
measured and as certified Vagu
by the Irrigation Nala
Department and Revenue Storm water drain
Department. Hence the Buffer Zone to be left as
FTL and the actual extent per Rule (in m)
of the water body shall
be marked on the ground
with the help of Revenue Buffer Zone left in the
and Irrigation Layout Plan (in m)
departments and the
same shall be shown in
the Layout plan. Whether the Layout plans
i. Unless and otherwise are satisfying the rules as YES NO
stated, the area and the required for Water Bodies?
Full Tank Level (FTL) of a
Whether the NOC from the
Lake / Kunta shall be department of Revenue not
reckoned as measured below the rank of Joint YES NO
and as certified by the Collector has been obtained?
Irrigation Department
and Revenue Whether the NOC from the
Irrigation Department not YES NO
below the rank of Executive
ii. The above water bodies Engineer has been obtained?
and courses shall be
maintained as
Recreational/Green Buffer
Zone and no building
activity shall be carried
out within:

1. 100m from the

boundary of the River
outside the Municipal
Corporation /
Municipality / Nagara
Panchayat limits and
50m with in the
Municipal Corporation /

Page 43
Municipality / Nagara
Panchayat limits. The
boundary of the river
shall be as fixed and
certified by the
Irrigation Department
and Revenue

2. 30m from the FTL

boundary of Lakes /
Tanks / Kuntas of area
10Ha and above.

3. 9m from the FTL

boundary of Lakes /
Tanks / Kuntas of area
less than 10Ha / shikam

4. 9m from the defined

boundary of Canal,
Vagu, Nala, Storm
Water Drain of width
more than 10m.

5. 2m from the defined

boundary of Canal,
Vagu, Nala, Storm
Water Drain of width
up to 10m.

(iii) Unless and otherwise

specified in the Master
Plan / Zonal
Development Plan.

(1) In case of (ii) (1) & (2)

above, the buffer zone
may be utilised for road
of minimum 12m width,
wherever feasible.

(2) In case of (ii) (2)

above, in addition to
development of
recreational / green belt
along the foreshores, a
ring road or promenade
of minimum 12m may

Page 44
be developed, wherever

(3) The above buffer zone

to be left may be
reckoned as part of tot
lot or organized open
space and not for
setback requirements.

b Railways Whether the site is abutting

to railway property? YES NO
The distance between the
Railway Property Boundary
and the edge of the building If Yes, whether the required
shall be 30m as per Indian 30m buffer zone has been YES NO
Railways Works Manual or left in the layout plan?
as per No Objection If No, whether any NOC
Certificate (NOC) given by from Railway Authorities has YES NO
the Railway Authorities. { been obtained?
Buffer zone may be If Yes, the distance between
proposed for the distance the Railway Property
to be maintained } Boundary and the boundary
of the Plot as per NOC. (in
If Yes, the distance between
the Railway Property
Boundary and the boundary
of the Plot shown in the
Layout Plan.
(in m)
Whether the distance (buffer
zone for railway property)
shown in the proposed YES NO
Layout Plan is satisfying the

c Electrical Lines
Whether there is any HT
(a) I
Electric Tower Lines passing YES NO
n case of HT Electricity through the site.
Tower lines, the land all
along below the tower
line shall be developed If Yes, whether the required land all along below the
tower line is proposed as green belt to an extent of the
as green belt to an
width of tower base and on either side of green belt a
extent of the width of minimum of 10m wide roads or as defined in the Master
tower base and on Plan is shown in the Proposed Layout Plan?
either side of green belt
If so, give the detailed report.
there shall be a
minimum of 10m wide
roads or as defined in
the Master Plan.

Page 45
(b) I Whether there are any other
n case of the other Electricity lines passing
through the site? YES NO
Electric Lines if passing
through the site
whether it is proposed If yes, in case the same are
to relay them all along required to be realigned all
along the proposed layout
the proposed layout
roads, whether any YES NO
roads or to be retained undertaking is submitted to
as existing on ground. this extent?

d Defense Establishments Whether the site is abutting

to the defense
In case of Sites within 500m
establishments within a
distance from the boundary YES NO
distance of 500m from the
of Defense Areas / Military
Establishments prior
clearance of Defense
If yes, the distance from the
Authority shall be obtained.
boundary of Defense Areas /
Military Establishments to
the boundary of the site.
(in m) [This shall be marked
on the layout plan]
The details of the NOC issued by the Defense
Authority may be given below:

Whether the site is in the

e Oil / Gas Pipelines
vicinity of Oil/ Gas pipelines? YES NO
In case of Sites in the
vicinity of Oil / Gas
pipelines, clearance distance If yes, whether the NOC
and other stipulations of the from the concerned
Respective Authority shall Authority has been obtained?
be complied with.
If Yes, give the details of the conditions given in the
NOC. And also show the same on the proposed Layout

Specific Remarks if any.

Whether the site is located in

f Heritage Structures
the vicinity of any heritage
(a) In case of Sites located YES NO
within the distance up to

Page 46
100m from protected If yes, any NOC is obtained
monuments as notified from the concerned YES NO
under Archeological authority?
Monuments and Ancient And the details of the NOC and to state whether the
Sites and Remains Act conditions are followed in the proposed Layout Plan.
1955 and as amended
no construction is
Specific Remarks if any.
(b) For the Sites located
within distance of above
100m and up to 200m
from the protected
monuments, the
construction is allowed
only after obtaining prior
permission from the
National Monument

(c) For the Sites located

within the vicinity of any
Heritage Structure
notified as per the
respective law, the prior
clearance from the
concerned authority
shall be obtained.

(d) For the development /

redevelopment of any
notified Heritage
Structure the
stipulations as
prescribed by the
respective authority shall
be followed.

g Environmental Clearance Site Area Hectares

If the site area is
50Hectares and above, the
sq. m
Prior clearance from the
State Environmental Impact
Assessment Authority If the site area is
(SEIAA) is required. 50hecatres and
above whether the
prior clearance from YES NO NOT APPLICABLE
the State
Impact Assessment
Authority (SEIAA) is

Page 47

If yes, give the details of the conditions and to state

whether the same has been shown in the Proposed
Layout Plan.

Specific Remarks, if any.

h ORR Buffer Zone Open Buffer of 15m from YES NO
All properties abutting ORR the ROW outer edge is
mandatorily will have an provided
open Buffer of 15m from
the ROW outer edge.
Access will not be allowed
on to the service roads of
the ORR directly.
11 Any other important
features close to the site

12 Whether the Proposed

Layout Plan is prepared
keeping all the details
pertaining to the mandatory
restrictions. Give details.


1 Site inspected by
(name of the Empaneled LTP)

2 (a) Whether the site is getting access

from a public road as Approach YES NO

(b) Existing Width of the Approach

Road (m)

(c) Whether this Approach is shown in

the Master Plan?

(d) If yes, the proposed width in the

Master Plan (m)

Page 48
(e) The affected portion of the site area (m) (sq. m)

(f) Whether Photograph showing the

approach road is enclosed? YES NO

3 Type of approach road Established Kucha

4 Give the detailed remarks regarding

access and approach road to the site

5 Physical Features within the site: (All the existing Physical Features within the
(tick the appropriate one) site shall also be shown in the Proposed
Layout Plan)
(a) i. Give the detailed remarks on the
existing water bodies in the site
and in the vicinity.
(The natural course of these water
bodies shall not be disturbed in the
proposed development. Hence the
proposed Layout plan shall
incorporate these existing
developments as per the ground

ii. Whether the buffer zone is provided YES NO

for the water bodies as per rules &
natural water bodies are preserved? Give details:

(b) Electrical lines

Whether there is
(The existing electricity lines may be
any HT Electric
realigned with the prior permission of
Tower Lines YES NO
the concerned authorities, for which a
passing through
separate permission is required from
the site.
them. Before issuing the final layout
the approval of the concerned
authorities shall be submitted) If Yes, whether the required land all along
below the tower line is proposed as green
belt to an extent of the width of tower base
and on either side of green belt a minimum
of 10m wide roads or as defined in the
Master Plan is shown in the Proposed Layout
Plan? If so, give the detailed report.

Page 49
Whether there is
any other
Electricity lines YES NO
passing through
the site?
If yes, in case the
same are required
to be realigned all
along the proposed
layout roads, YES NO
whether any
undertaking is
submitted to this
(c) Water supply lines
i. What is the source of water supply?

ii. If the ground water is proposed as a

source of water supply, whether the
report from the competent
authorities has been obtained?

iii. Whether any existing pipe lines are

available for supplying water? If so
give details.

(d) Oil / Gas Pipelines

(The existing alignment of them shall
be marked and the prior NOC from the
concerned authorities shall be obtained
and the conditions as stipulated by the
said authorities shall be followed and
the Layout plan also show the
alignment and the buffer as stipulated
by the authorities)
Details existing and proposed roads in
the Master plan and Layout plans may
be explained.
Other physical features if any

6 Surrounding developments: North:

If any layout is developed adjacent to
the site, the same shall be furnished
duly stating the details of approval
given by DA / DTCP & to enclose a
copy of the layout plan. This shall also
East :
be incorporated in the topo plan.

Page 50

7 Other information if any


S. No. Description As per Rule As per Plan Remarks

1 Site Area

2 Approach Road
3 Internal Road Road Width of Road Width Other Requirements
widths in the length the length as of the
proposed Layout as per Road per Plan Road as
per Plan
[Residential] Rule

4 Public Open space

[Parks, Play grounds] &
other infrastructure area to be provided
(To be handed over to Local Body
through registered Gift Deed)
Site area for Parks,
Play grounds etc.

.sq. m .sq. m
infrastructure %

.sq. m .sq. m
5 Provision for To be provided %
services for over and above

Page 51
Septic Tank / STP, the 10% of the
Sump, OHT & open space area .sq. m
transformer etc. if
any proposed.
6 Provision of
Affordable Housing
(This shall be
marked on the
proposed Layout
Plan also)
8 Area to be 15% of the
mortgaged in favour Plotable area.
(The area to be
mortgaged shall
be demarcated on
the proposed
Layout Plan and
the draft
document shall
also be submitted
along with the
The area of
mortgage shall be
the plots abutting
to main roads and
shall be a
contiguous area)


Particulars Area Percentage
No. in Sq. m to total land

1 Total land area

2 Plotted area (Regular)

Plotted area
(Affordable Housing)
4 Area earmarked for Amenities

5 Area under roads

a) Site area for Public Open

6 space (Parks, Play grounds

Page 52
b) Area proposed for Other

Utilities area
7 (Septic tank / STP, OHT,
Electrical installations etc.)

8 Other purposes

9 Total

Page 53

Land Development Permit Fee:

Extent of the Unit Total Amount Balance
Description land Rate (Rs.) Paid (Rs.)
(in sq. m) (Rs.) (Rs.)
1 Initial Land
Development Permit fee
( @ Rs.per Sq. m on
total extent)


Challan No. Date dd mm yyyy

2 Development Charges on
total extent.
(As per G.O. Ms. No. 439
MA dt. 13-06-2007 &
G.O. Ms. No. 275 MA dt.
12-07-2012 in case of
extended area)
3 Betterment Charges

4 External Betterment

5 Publication Charges
(inclusive of postage
6 Others

7 Total


DD No.
(crosse Date dd mm yyyy


Page 54

This is to certify that the site situated in Sy. Nos. __________________________ of

________________ (V) ____________________ (M), ________________District proposed
for land /layout development has been personally inspected by me and found that the location,
measurements, boundaries, extent, width of approach road and abutting road etc., are in
accordance with plans submitted for approval. It is further certified that the proposals are
scrutinized with reference to Master Plan proposals, relevant Government orders, Rules issued
from time to time and proposals conform to rules as mentioned in detail in the checklist. The
proposals are also scrutinized with reference to Restrictions of building activity in the vicinity
of areas such as water bodies, railway properties, electric lines, airport, oil, gas pipe lines,
heritage structures, religious structures etc. and are found in order.
The information furnished in the check list is true to the best of my knowledge. I am aware
that I am liable for action in the event of non-conformity of any parameter to Master Plan
proposals and provisions of relevant Government orders / rules issued from time to time.
1 Name of the

License No.:

Signature of the LTP

Page 55

(1) I hereby certify that the information furnished in the application is true
to the best of my knowledge. It is to further state that as required under the rules, I have
engaged the services of Sri.___________________________ Licensed Technical Personnel.

(2) The Licensed Technical Personnel after due diligence, certified

correctness of information and the same are enclosed and form part of this application. In this
regard if any information is suppressed (or) misrepresented I am aware that I am liable for

(3) I undertake that I will not change the Licensed Technical Personnel till
the project is completed and if at all to change it will be done with mutual agreement and
another empaneled person will be appointed only after submission of the relevant agreements
and after receipt of the consent from the competent authority.

(4) I/We (jointly and severally) agree to develop the infrastructural

facilities to the required standards and as per specifications prescribed by Executive
Authority/Competent Authority.
(5) I/We hereby undertake not to utilize/sell/lease dispose of any plot until
all amenities are provided as indicated in the conditions of layout, and develop all the
amenities prescribed in the layout rules as per specifications.

(6) I/We undertake to hand over to the concerned local body by way of
gift deed all the private streets or roads after development to the prescribed standards and
lands set apart for public purpose such as parks and play grounds etc. and utilities as
approved by the Competent Authority, free of cost by way of registered gift deed.
(7) I/We hereby bind myself/ourselves to fulfill all the conditions
prescribed within the prescribed period from the date of sanction of the layout, failing which
concerned Authority will be empowered to forfeit the security deposit if any and the
development charges.

1 Name of the Land Owner (s)




2 Name of the Developer


License No.


Page 56
XVI To be submitted along with the Application cum Scrutiny Form for
Land/Layout Development Permission
Sl. Required/
Submitte Not
d submitted
1 Application for Land/Layout Development
Permission signed by the Owner, Developer,
Licensed Technical Personnel.
2 Self-attested Ownership Documents
3 Pattadar Pass Book
4 Self-Attested Title Deed issued by Revenue
5 Self-Attested Link Documents
6 Pahanies issued by the Revenue Authority
7 Latest Encumbrance Certificate issued by
Registration Department
8 Development Agreement of Sale cum General Power
of Attorney
9 Land use Map Extract
10 Licence copy of LTP
11 Licence copy of the Builder / Developer issued by
14 Certificate by the Empanelled Architect/LTP
15 Certificate by the Land Owner & Developer
16 Payment of Layout Processing Fee

Challa D d m 201
nNo. t d m
17 Payment of Fee & Other Charges

DD Dat dd mm 201
No. e
Bank Name:


18 Draft Mortgage Deed duly indicating the plots

proposed for mortgage.

1 Location Plan (scale 1:2000) of the site and
surrounding developments / lands showing
surrounding roads, electricity lines of HTL/LTL,

Page 57
Existing Drainage, Sewerage etc. within 500m
radius of the site.
2 Satellite Imagery for the site and the surrounding
developments within 500m radius of the site.
3 Detailed Topographical Plan (scale 1:1000) of the
Proposed Site showing all the dimensions of the Site
and Contours of the Land at 5m interval showing
Nalas, Drains, Wells, Trees, Roads, Electric Lines
4 Proposed Layout Plans (scale 1:500) (1 Tracing
Cloth/Film + 5 White /Ammonia Prints) duly signed
by Land Owner, Developer, Architect
5 Plan showing rainwater harvesting pits (scale 1:100)
6 Photographs (4) & Videography showing four sides
of the site.
7 Mortgage Plan (scale 1:500)
8 Extract of Master Plan / ZDP
9 Previous Development Permission Plan copy if
10 Revenue Sketch issued by Revenue authority, if the
site is part of S. Nos.
1 NOC from the Revenue Department under the
Andhra Pradesh Agricultural Land (Conversion for
Non-Agricultural Purpose) Act, 2006
2 NOC from Revenue Department in case of lands
abut Water bodies, Water courses & nalas with
sketch plan with measurements. (wherever
3 NOC from Irrigation Department in case of lands
abut water bodies, Water courses & nalas with
sketch plan with measurements.(wherever required)
4 NOC from Railways (wherever required)
5 NOC from State Environmental impact Assessment
Authority (wherever required)
6 NOC from Defence Authority (wherever required)
7 NOC from Oil / Gas Authority (wherever required)
8 NOC from the Competent Revenue Authority in case
the land is declared as surplus
9 NOC from the District Collector wherever
Government Land is allotted
10 NOC from Highway Authorities shall be submitted if
the layout boundary is abutting to NHs/SHs
11 NOC from Forest Department if the site is abutting
notified Forest
12 NOC from State Archaeological Department
wherever required
13 NOC from Coastal Zone Management Authority
wherever required

Page 58
Andhra Pradesh Land Development (Layout and Sub-division) Rules 2017


[See Rule 7(3)(h) and 7(5)(k)]

Deed of Mortgage by Conditional Sale

This indenture made this day .. of two thousand seventeen between _

Sri S/o. . resident at .

(herein after called the Mortgagor which expression shall unless excluded by or is
repugnant to the subject or context, include his heirs executors, administrators and
assignee) of the one part, and ., Urban Development Authority/Municipal
corporation/Municipality/GramPanchayat, . called the
Mortgagee(which expression shall unless excluded by or is repugnant to the subject or
context, include his successor in office and assignee) of the other part:

Whereas the Mortgagor is the absolute and sole beneficial owner and is seized,
possessed of or otherwise well and sufficiently entitled to the land and premises
hereinafter described in the Schedule - A hereunder written and for greater clearance
delineated on the plan annexed hereunto and thereon shown with boundaries thereof
coloured and expressed to be hereby conveyed, transferred and assured (hereinafter
referred to as the said Mortgaged Property).

And whereas the Mortgagor applied for permission under the Andhra Pradesh Municipal
Corporation Act, 1955 (adapted GHMC Act 1955)/the Andhra Pradesh Municipal
Corporations Act, 1994/the Andhra Pradesh Municipalities Act, 1965/the Andhra Pradesh
Town Planning Act,1920/the Andhra Pradesh Metropolitan Region and Urban
Development Authorities Act, 2016/the Andhra Pradesh Panchayat Raj Act, 1994 and
Andhra Pradesh Land Development (Layout and Sub-division) Rules 2017to make a
layout and form a new private street or road and building plots for residential / non-
residential / industrial purposes, and in the land bearing S.Nos.
situated at

And whereas the Mortgagee having accepted the same, has sanctioned the Final Layout
Plan [FLP] with No. /in File No. ..
subject to the condition that the following works will be completed by the Mortgagor
within three years from the date of communication of the Final Layout Plan [FLP] and
subject to condition that on completion of the works to the satisfaction of the Executive
Authority, the sanctioned Final Layout Plan [FLP] will be released.

Page 59
(a) Water bound Macadam roads/BT roads, Drains.
(b) Providing street-lights along the streets of the layout.
(c) Planting of Avenue trees.
(d) Construction of Compound Wall to the Public Open space and planting of trees in
the park.
(e) Provision of water supply.
(f) Laying of storm water drain culverts, etc., along the roads of the layout.
(g) Provision for Water Conservation Systems.

Now this indenture witnesseth as follows:

(i) In pursuance of the Andhra Pradesh Land Development (Layout and Sub-Division)
Rules, 2017 relating to the approval of layout(herein after referred as rules) and
in consideration of the deposit and hypothecating of the lands as per the
Schedule - B given below by the Mortgagee to the Mortgagor pursuant to the
provisions contained in the said Rules, the Mortgagee do hereby covenant with
the Mortgagor that he shall always duly observe and perform all the terms and
conditions of the said rules.
(ii) With the possession of the lands in favour of the mortgagee if the mortgagor
completes the work as stated in para supra to the satisfaction of the Executive
Authority, with in the agreed period of three years from the date of
communication of the Final Layout Plan, the mortgagee shall at the cost of
Mortgagor be entitled to the retransfer of the said plots or land to the Mortgagor
without any further liability on the same towards the execution of works
contemplated in para supra.
(iii) It is hereby expressly agreed and declared that if there shall be any breach by
the Mortgagor of the covenants it shall be lawful for the Mortgagee to sell the
mortgaged properties or any part thereof in any manners as to the Mortgagee
shall think fit and the Mortgagor shall forfeit the right of redemption as against
the Mortgagee.
(iv) And it is hereby declared that the Mortgageeshall be free to complete the said
works with the amount so realised and the Mortgagor shall not be entitled to
question the unfettered right of the Mortgagee in any court of law.
(v) If the Mortgagee has to spend additional amount for execution of the said works
over and above the sale proceeds referred to in the above para it shall be realised
from Mortgagor or the purchasers of individual plots in the said layout area in the
same manner as properly tax and the other plots not covered by the Mortgagee
will be under the first charge towards the said excess amount spent by the
Executive Authority.

Page 60
(vi) The Mortgagor shall separately convey the private streets and roads with the
amenities mentioned in paras supra and the sites reserved for parks and
playgrounds, etc., in the Final Layout Plan areas to the Local Authority free of
encumbrance at the his cost within a fortnight after expiry of the period allowed
for the completion of the works either by the Mortgagor or Mortgagee as the case
may be.
(vii) The Mortgagor shall not during the continuance of these present charge,
encumber, alter or otherwise dispose of the mortgaged property unless and until
the private streets and roads, and open space intended, for parks, and
playgrounds, etc., are conveyed to the Local Authority for treating them as public
as indicated in para supra.
(viii) That the Mortgagee shall be in actual possession of the plots and continue to
retain the same till the completion of the said works and the Mortgagor shall not
interfere with possession, interest, rights, and title of the Mortgagee over the said
plots in any way detrimental to the interest, rights accrued insecurity and change
over the said plots to the Mortgagee till the works are completed as agreed upon.
(ix) That the Mortgagor shall not sell, lease or otherwise dispose of the area
mortgaged and no construction shall be made in such area till the release of the
Final Layout Plan [FLP].
(x) The Mortgagor does also hereby agree to pay the Government Revenue,
municipal taxes over the said property if any, till the final release of the Final
Layout Plan [FLP].
(xi) The terms and conditions of this deed are binding and shall continue to be binding
on the Mortgagor, his heirs, successors in interests, right as well as a title and
ownership and none of them shall be entitled to question the correctness or the
genuineness of the terms and conditions of this deed anywhere at any time in any


All that property bearing the Survey Nos. , of

..(village)(mandal) (district) measuring
.. hectaresAcressq. yds. bounded by





Page 61

The area mortgaged to the Mortgagee by the Mortgagor:

(i) 15% of the Plotted Area measuring
hectares.acressq. yds. Bounded by




In witness whereof the said Mortgagor here into set his hand the day and the year first
above written.

Signed by the Mortgagor

In the presence of :
1. Witness:


2. Witness:



Signed by Sri __________________in the office of the Local Authority for and on behalf
in the presence of :
1. Witness:


2. Witness:




Page 62

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