Homeopathy During Labour
Homeopathy During Labour
Homeopathy During Labour
• Aconite 200: Allays anxiety and fear, and also checks complaints arising
from it.
The Murphy Repertory gives the following medicines for easy delivery:
-Hard: Sep
-Rigidity of - CAUL., CHAM., GELS.
-Soft: Ust
• China: Dark clots with abdominal distension. Painful heaviness in the pelvis.
• Ustilago- Oozing of dark blood, clotted, forming long black strings. Flaccid
uterus, dilated and relaxed os. Discharge of blood from slightest
• Nux vomica: Blood black with pain in the sacrum and constant urging to
• Trillium pendulum: Gushing of bright red blood with sensation as though
the hips and back were falling to pieces, > tight bandages.
Homeopathic Medicines: Dr. Hughes says, "A dose of Arnica in all cases be given
as soon as the child is separated. If this is insufficient, Pulsatilla or Secale may be
given as for deficiency of uterine contractions during the previous stage. It is seen
that the tendency to adherent placenta may be combated by Hydrastis."
• Gelsemium: When, with the retained placenta, there are cutting pains in
the lower part of the abdomen, usually running upward, or sometimes
upward and backward.
• Secale cor: Constant sensation as of bearing down; it seems to her too
constant strong to be effectual; passive haemorrhage; the parts feel to her
as if relaxed, and there is an absence of uterine action; especially suited for
thin, scrawny women.
• Sabina: Pain, or an uneasy, bad feeling, extending from the sacrum to the
pubes; a slight sensation as of motion in the abdomen; intense after pains,
notwithstanding the retention, with discharge of fluid blood and clots, in
about equal proportions, with every pain.
• Gossypium: A powerful emmenagogue used in physiological doses. Useful
in cases with retained placenta.
To promote expulsion :