Mother and Child Care With Homeopathy: Author - Dr. Siddahrth Saurabh

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Author - Dr.

Siddahrth Saurabh
Designation- Reader (Repertory)
Institute- Ahmedabad Homoeopathic Medical College, Ahmedabad
Address- 53, Hariom Villa, Bopal Ghuma Rd, Ghuma, Ahmedabad
Contact No.- 9415864900


Mother and child health is an important health issue in developing countries as evident by high maternal
and infant mortality rate, which are approximately 130 per 1,00,000 live births & 34 per 1000 live births
respectively in India according to the latest census by Niti Ayog. Both rates have considerably come down
in last 10 years due to attention given to the issue of ‘mother and child health’, but still they are
considerably high when compared to developed countries.
Globally statistics reveal that a woman of child bearing age (15yrs – 44yrs) and children below 5 yrs of
age constitutes one third of the population together. By virtue of their huge number mother & child form
the major consumer of the health facility as well as they are the most vulnerable or special risk group of
the society pertaining to health.
Homoeopathy has its fair share of contribution to manage the issue as Department of AYUSH has taken
admirable steps in this area and Homoeopathy offers affordable treatment to various ailments both related
to mother and child.

Maternal Health
The Objectives of care of mother are:-
a) To provide basic health education to the mother and to the entire family.
b) To encourage adequate breast-feeding.
c) To provide proper care for the rapid restoration to the mother to achieve optimum health.
d) To prevent complications of postnatal period.

Women die as a result of complications during and following pregnancy and childbirth. The major
complications that account for nearly 75% of all maternal deaths are:
 severe bleeding (mostly bleeding after childbirth)
 infections (usually after childbirth)
 high blood pressure during pregnancy (pre-eclampsia and eclampsia)
 complications from delivery
 unsafe abortion.
Other common complaints related to pregnancy are hyperemesis, anaemia, constipation, heartburn,
backache, pedal edema, thrombophlebitis etc. Most of the above conditions can be managed with
homoeopathy successfully and safely. We will look into the most common ailments and their
homoeopathic management.
Scope of Homoeopathy
A healthy mother gives birth to a healthy child. Homoeopathy can not only benefit in all stages of
pregnancy, but also in pre-conception care, and after delivery i.e. post natal period.

Pre-conception care
Along with the counseling of both the partners Homoeopathic medicines helps in strengthening the vital
force and may prevent genetic disorders, hereditary diseases and congenital anomalies in infants. In
females with history of habitual abortions, homoeopathic remedies like “Sabina, Secale Cor, Sepia,
Caulophyllum, Platina” etc. proves very beneficial and helps in conception.
Constitutional remedies are helpful for the future mothers who are anxious and apprehensive for their new
phase of life.

Antenatal care
During pregnancy various physiological and hormonal changes occur which gives rise to various
discomforts which can sometimes get complicated and need to be taken care of. Most of them are
successfully manageable with homoeopathy. The most common of these complaints are as follows –
a) Hyperemesis gravidarum(morning sickness) – this condition is faced by majority of females in first
trimester. Severe form of morning sickness is called hyperemesis gravidarum. Most effective
homoeopathic remedies are – Ars., Asar , Cocc, Chel, Ipec, Kreo, lact. ac, Nat S, Nux M, Nux v,
Sep, Tab.
b) Heartburn – Heartburn during pregnancy is experienced by more than 50% of women especially
during the second and third trimesters. Helpful medicines are – Caps, Merc, Nux-v, Rob.
c) Constipation – over 70% of women experience this discomfort at some point or another during their
pregnancy. Remedies helpful are – Bry, Hydr, Nat-s, Nux-v, Plb, Puls, Sep, Sulph
d) Sleeplessness – many women complained of reduced and unrefreshing sleep during pregnancy
which can be taken care, with the help of homoeopathy. Common remedies are – Acon, Bell, Kali-
br, Op, Puls
e) Headaches – Headaches during pregnancy can be a result of hormonal changes, tension, congestion,
constipation, lack of sleep etc. A strong headache in the second or third trimester may be a sign
of preeclampsia or high blood pressure during pregnancy and should not be neglected. Few useful
medicines are – Bell, Cham, Nux-v, Puls, Sep
f) Anemia – Women from poor background, many a times suffer from anemia during pregnancy. Apart
from dietary changes supplementation with ‘Ferrum Phos’ gives good results
g) Preeclampsia – High B.P is not a very common complaint and only affects around 10% of women
during pregnancy. ‘Rauwolfia serpentina’ mother tincture is useful in maintaining the normal B.P.
alongside we can also prescribe constutional medicine.
h) Eclampsia – Eclampsia is the onset of seizures (convulsions) in a woman with pre-eclampsia. It is a
rare complication and sometimes the fatal one. Few homoeopathic remedies are helpful in these
cases are - Ced, Cham, Cicu, Cupur, Hyos
Apart from these above complaints any other sickness can also be managed with help of homoeopathy in
pregnant women without any harm to them or to the fetus.
Postnatal care
In the immediate weeks following childbirth women need extra care, including partner and family
support. Labour and childbirth are physically demanding, as is breastfeeding and looking after a newborn
baby. Most women have an uncomplicated recovery after pregnancy, labor and delivery, but there are
potential postpartum complications that can arise after delivery. Homoeopathy has marvelous remedies to
encounter these complications.Some of the more common complications are:
a) postpartum infections or puerpural septicemia – it is any bacterial infection of the genital tract
which occurs after the birth of a baby. It is usually more than 24 hours after delivery before the
symptoms and signs appear. It is normally presented as high grade fever along with localized
b) Postpartum hemorrhage – it is one of the major postnatal complication and cause of maternal
mortality. Homoeopathic drugs are helpful in stopping the hemorrhage effectively. Few helpful
medicines are – Arn, Croc, Ham, Mill, Sabin, Sec, tril-p, ust.
c) Vaginal discharge – lochia is a normal postpartum vaginal discharge, but sometimes along with
postpartum infections, abnormal vaginal discharges can appear. Various Homoeopathic medicines
are helpful depending upon the character of discharge. Some common remedies are – Bry, Bapt,
Chr-ac, Crot-h, Kali-p, Kreos, Pyrog, Sec.
d) Mastitis – Mastitis occurs in more then 10 percent of mothers who are breastfeeding and it can lead
to the cessation of breastfeeding. Symptoms like heaviness in breasts, cracked nipples and other
breastfeeding complaints can be treated with homoeopathy effectively. Common medicines are –
Cham, Bell, Phyt.
e) Post surgical Complaints – After the caesarian delivery there can be few complaints like suppuration
at the incision site , delayed healing, pain and itching at the suture junction etc. all these complaints
respond well to Homoeopathic treatment. Medicines helpful are – Arn, Bell, Calen, Hep, Sil.

Scope of Homoeopathy in Child Health

Few months after the birth are very crucial in newborn’s life. In these months they have to make a
homeostasis with their new environment. A newborn needs extra care and attention in those months, as
they can easily became prey to the infections as their immunity is not yet developed.
There are various common ailments which troubles the infants and Homoeopathy is proved to be very
successful and safe in dealing with these complaints.

a) Neonatal Jaundice – it is normally physiological due to high bilirubin levels in infants. It normally
disappear in 10 to 12 days with phototherapy. Homoeopathic remedies helpful in managing the
conditions are – Acon, Bov, Chin, Chel, Podo.
b) Birth Injuries- Many newborns have minor injuries during birth, and are most commonly due to the
natural forces of labor and delivery. Few examples are Caput succedaneum, Swelling and bruising of
the scalp, cephalhematoma etc. homoeopathic remedies like Arnica, Nat-sulp, Calendula are helpful
in these conditions.
c) Infantile colic - infant has paroxysms of inconsolable crying for more than three hours per day, more
than three days per week, for longer than three weeks. The cause of infantile colic is not known;
proposed causes include alterations in fecal microflora, gastrointestinal immaturity or inflammation.
Homoeopathic medicines help in ease the pain in babies. Common remedies are – Arg-nit, Cham,
Cina, Coloc, Lyc, Nux-v
d) Diarrhoea – Severity of diarrhea in babies can range from very mild to very severe and can lead to
dehydration. Homoeopathy can help in these conditions along with oral rehydration. The common
remedies are – Aeth, Cham, Cina, Merc-sol, Podo, Rheum
e) Dentitional troubles – Homoeopathy is effective in dealing the common dentitional troubles like
irritability, diarrhea, fever etc. it also facilitates healthy dentition. Some common medicines are –
Acon, Bor, Calc-p, Cham, Nux-v, Sil.
f) Skin Troubles – often infants suffer from common skin complaints like diaper rash, seborrhea of
scalp commonly known as ‘cradle cap’. Homoeopathic remedies helpful in these conditions are –.
Apis, Bell, Bry, Rhus-t, Sulph
g) Recurrent URTI – 3 to 4 episodes of common cold and cough are normally seen in infants.
Symptomatic treatment with homoeopathy proves to be beneficial.

Role of AYUSH and CCRH

The National Campaign on Homoeopathy for Mother & Child care was flagged of at the National
workshop on Homoeopathy for Healthy Mother & Happy Child held at New Delhi on 5 th & 6th November
2007. The workshop was coordinated by the Central Council for Research in Homoeopathy(CCRH).
National rural health mission  (NRHM) launched by the Government of India under the leadership of
Health Minister has integrated all the possible facets of health with maximum stress on Mother & Child
Health. In view of the lack of trained medical personnel, the Government of India has planned to utilize
the huge number of trained manpower coming out of the institutions of Indian System of Medicines &
homoeopathy covered under AYUSH.
CCRH also published literature related to Mother and Child Care, which gives various guidelines
regarding the general preview of various complaints related to Mother and Child Care and there possible
homoeopathic interventions.

From the above discussion, we can conclude that Homoeopathy has made a special place for itself as an
alternative system of medicine and the field of ‘Mother and Child Care’ is not an exception. Due to its
safe and gentle nature it should now be considered as the first choice of treatment for pregnant women
and pediatric age group.

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