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The authoritative 80/10/10 resource for the macronutrient information you need!

Calories/100 g + % Water + % Fiber + Carbohydrate, Protein, Fat (in both grams and % calories) + Common portions with gram equivalents

To TIIIttYI on the raw-food lifestyle, it' s important to know what you 're eating ...
Congratulations! You hold in your hand the ultimate guide for long-term success on your path to vibrant health. In helping Dr. Graham develop his ground-
breaking book about eating raw food the low-fat way, I could not find an easy source for comparing the macronutrients in raw foods-so I created one .. . and
combined it with these helpful quick-start tips for 80110110.

TllMI!TIM TO I IIIIITIBUl.IW Din TIIIT won!! IIOW TO liT 10% (0. RWI.) OJ OlOllR! at JAT ..
1. Eat whole, fresh, ripe, raw, organic, low-fat, high-water plant foods. On a 2,OOO-calorie-per-day diet' , maintaining fat consumption below 10% means eating
For optimal health and nutrition, let these foods comprise most-or even all-of your daily intake. just 200 or fewer calories of fat per day. Bear in mind that even fruits and vegetables
contain a small amount of fat (4% of calories seems to be a good average). Hence, you
2. Consume enough calories. To maintain weight healthfully, use this rough guideline: will likely consume about 80 calories of fat each day, even ~ you eat all fruits and
daily calories = desired weight x 20. Plan to expend almost ha~ of these calories in physical activity. vegetables and NO overtly fatty foods. This leaves approximately 120 calories per day to
This generates sufficient hunger to allow you to oonsume such a high volume of low-fat food. See consume in the form of high-fat foods ... a very small portion indeed! Pay close attention
The 801Wl0 Diet for dletails and meal plans. To lose weight, reduoe calories and increase exercise. to the "Daily Maximum below-your maximum recommended daily portion of overt fats.
3. Limit the fat in your diet to 10% of calories. Vegans who eat cooKed food can
achieve this with lots of whole grains, potatoes, and legumes. Raw foaders can accomplish this only
by eating several pounds of sweet fru~ per day (enough to meet individual calorie needs), plus at
WIftil TIIIft 1IftIMItI.,!
Save timel Below are "cheat-sheer summaries of key facts about the foods you eat.
least a pound of greens, to supply sufficient minerals. When you lim~ dietary fat intake, your blood- Study these numbers carefully, then use the charts that follow to soIid~ your undlertanding.
sugar level remains dlependably stable. For more information, see chapter 2 of The 80110110 Diet. %ClPIF = %calories from carbs, protein, and fat (averages based on foods listed on these pages)

fARm, PROTlI", , rAT -IIOW DOl! YOU. f)IIT nAflC UP? IOWJI' PtA'" ,ooM
Fruits. nonsweet 78% carbs 12% prote in 9 */0 rat 26 cal ories per loog or 3.5 oz.
Healthful diet:
Standard American diet:
>80% carbs
<50% carbs
< 10% protein
16% protein
<10% fat
>34% fat
Fruits, sweet

I of.
Most raw-food diets: <25% carbs 16% protein >60% fat
13% 8 11f.

It's true! Some vegan diets , and almost all raw-food plans, exceed the fat content OVfITlY'.TTy,ooDt ( DaUY_
of the standard American diet, sometimes by a huge margin! How is this possible? Olives- 20/ 2 ns (%CPF) 115 calori es per loog or 3.5 oz. 4.6ozl 1J0g
Because oils, nuts, seeds , and to a lesser extent, coconut. avocados , and olives
are fatty, calorie-dense foods ... much more so than meat and dairy. on average.
Avocado. (CaUf.) 19/ 4 n7
eCKonut me 18/ 3 m
3.3ozl94g ~
Seeds & butters 18/ 12170 550 " I ozl28g
Whether it's raw plant fat or cooked animal fat, we humans require precious little to
Nuts & butters 12I9 ns 624 " I ozl28g
meet our needs for essential and nonessential fatty acids. Studies consistently show
that vitality improves and symptoms vanish when people eat 10% or less of calories
Coconut, dried
14/ 4 182
O/ O/ ltH!
0.8 ozl2Jg
I tb. p/ 14g
each as proteins and fats, irrespective of individual differences or "body types." These foods are not , only .
; they are here
Understanding caloric density (calories per bite): the key to raw-food success.
Most fruits & vegetables contain more than 90% water and thus very few calories lonOM ......: On a 2,000-calorie diet' , eat a maximum of 120 calories per day of
per bite (and almost no fat). In contrast, nuts & seeds are extremely calorie-dense. ONE overtly fatty food ... That's 1 oz. of nuts/seeds OR Y, avocado OR 1 tbsp. of oil" daily.
They contain only about 5% water, and 60 to 90% of their calories come from fat. r If you eat more or fewer than 2,000 calOries each day. adjust your numbers proportiona tely
from the USDA database.
come from the USDA database.
WHY THIS GUIDE? Easy comparison of the macronutrients in entire food categories, at a glance! Nutrients listed both in 100-gram portions
and as a % of calories . Foods selected for relevance to the raw-food enthusiast . The ONLY source for all this information in one place!
WE ALSO RECOMMEND OR online analysis of single foods, meals, or daily intake.
Learn more about the low-fat raw vegan lifestyle in The 80110110 Diet , available from 28-day meal plan included.

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