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Planning Template - Quality Plan

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Quality Plan

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Document Approvals

Role Name Signature Date

Project Sponsor

Project Review Group

Project Manager

Quality Manager
(if applicable)

Procurement Manager
(if applicable)

Communications Manager
(if applicable)

Project Office Manager

(if applicable)

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd i

Table of Contents

TEMPLATE GUIDE........................................................................................................... 1
1 DELIVERABLE QUALITY............................................................................................ 2
1.1 DEFINITION........................................................................................................................... 2
1.2 QUALITY TARGETS ................................................................................................................. 2
1.3 QUALITY ASSURANCE PLAN ...................................................................................................... 3
1.4 QUALITY CONTROL PLAN ......................................................................................................... 4

2 PROCESS QUALITY.................................................................................................. 5
2.1 TIME MANAGEMENT PROCESS ................................................................................................... 5
2.2 COST MANAGEMENT PROCESS .................................................................................................. 5
2.3 QUALITY MANAGEMENT PROCESS .............................................................................................. 5
2.4 CHANGE MANAGEMENT PROCESS .............................................................................................. 5
2.5 RISK MANAGEMENT PROCESS ................................................................................................... 6
2.6 ISSUE MANAGEMENT PROCESS .................................................................................................. 6
2.7 PROCUREMENT MANAGEMENT PROCESS ...................................................................................... 6
2.8 ACCEPTANCE MANAGEMENT PROCESS ........................................................................................ 6
2.9 COMMUNICATION MANAGEMENT PROCESS .................................................................................... 6

3 APPENDIX .............................................................................................................. 7

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd ii

Template Guide

What is a Quality Plan?

Quality can be defined as the level of conformance of the final deliverable to the customer's
requirements. Quality is usually considered from two different perspectives; the quality of the
deliverable provided to the customer and the quality of the management processes
undertaken on the project to produce the final deliverable. For this reason, a Quality Plan not
only defines the approach taken to ensure the quality of the deliverable but also highlights
other management processes which influence deliverable quality, such as change, risk and
issue management.

To create a Quality Plan, the following steps are undertaken:

Define quality in terms of this project

Identify quality criteria and standards to achieve
Describe the quality assurance and control techniques
Define the processes required to achieve the quality targets specified.

When to use a Quality Plan

A Quality Plan is constructed during the Project Planning phase after the Project Plan,
Resource Plan and Financial Plan have been identified. The Quality Plan summarizes the
quality targets and management processes undertaken during the Project Execution phase.
As a result, the Quality Plan is referenced consistently throughout the project to monitor and
control the level of quality of the deliverable built and processes undertaken on the project.

How to use this template

This document provides a guide on the topics usually included in a Quality Plan. Sections
may be added, removed or redefined at your leisure to meet your particular business
circumstance. Example tables, diagrams and charts have been added (where suitable) to
provide further guidance on how to complete each relevant section.

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd 1

1 Deliverable Quality
The success of a project is typically measured in terms of the achievement of time, cost and
quality targets. As time and cost targets are addressed in the Project and Financial Plans
respectively, we now need to outline the quality targets and identify the methods used to
assure the customer that the quality targets will be achieved for this project.

1.1 Definition
Define the term quality. For example:

Quality is the level of conformance of each deliverable to the customer's requirements.

1.2 Quality Targets

For each deliverable, identify the quality targets (i.e. criteria and standards) to be met to
ensure that the deliverable meets the requirements of the customer. For example:

Quality Targets

Project Project Quality Quality

Requirement Deliverable Criteria Standards

New financial Implementation of System functionality: System functionality:

management Oracle Financials GL tested & installed GL operational with no errors
solution with General Ledger (GL), AP tested & installed AP operational with no errors
accounts Accounts Payable (AP) AR tested & installed AR operational with no errors
receivable and and Accounts System Performance System Performance
payables Receivable (AR) system System up-time 99.9% system uptime
processes modules System response-time < 5 second response times
Data migrated from old 100% data accuracy

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd 2

1.3 Quality Assurance Plan
To provide the customer with assurance that the quality targets will be met, Quality
Assurance (QA) techniques should be defined. QA techniques are the preventative steps
taken to eliminate any variances in the quality of the deliverable produced from the quality
targets set. QA is often undertaken at a summarized level of the project and by an external
project resource. Types of techniques used to assure the quality of deliverables include:

Historical Data: Understanding other related projects (either currently underway or

recently completed) and the quality issues encountered will enable the Quality Manager
to plan in advance for potential quality issues which may arise on this project
Requirements definition: A well-defined set of requirements will provide the team with
a clear understanding of what they have to achieve to deliver customer satisfaction
Standards Definition: By defining a specific set of quality criteria and standards, the
project team will clearly understand the levels which must be achieved to deliver quality
Skilled Staff: Using skilled staff will directly affect the quality of the deliverables
produced. Appropriately skilled staff should have the knowledge, skills and experience
required to undertake the tasks allocated in the Project Plan with minimal training, to
achieve the level of quality desired
Quality Reviews: Independent reviews to assess the overall quality of each deliverable
can provide the customer with confidence that the project is on track and likely produce
a deliverable which meets their requirements
Change Control: Changes to scope often have an effect on the level of quality
delivered. Through the identification of a clear change control process, only changes
which are absolutely necessary will be adopted by the project for implementation.

Outline the QA plan to assure the customer that the quality targets will be met. For example:

QA Plan
Technique Description Frequency
Recruit We will recruit skilled staff to assure deliverable quality by: Throughout
Skilled Ensuring that staff allocated to the project have at least 3 years project
Staff commercial experience in similar projects within this business field
Appointing 2 senior managers from the existing business (who
understand the business requirements in detail) to this project
Appointing 2 technical consultants to ensure that the technology
deliverables of this project meet the quality targets
Undertake We will review the quality of deliverables by: Monthly
Quality Appointing a resource to perform monthly Quality Reviews
Reviews Appointing a Quality Manager within the project who is responsible
for the quality of the deliverables produced by the project

If appropriate, include the above QA techniques as activities within the project schedule and
insert the schedule here.

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd 3

1.4 Quality Control Plan
In addition to undertaking QA to improve deliverable quality, a series of Quality Control
(QC) techniques may be implemented. QC is defined as the curative steps taken to eliminate
any variances in the quality of the deliverable produced from the quality targets set. QC
techniques are often undertaken at a detailed level of the project by an internal project
resource. Types of techniques used to control the quality of the deliverables include:

Peer Reviews: The process of requiring project team members to review each other's
work is known to increase the level of quality of deliverables. It will also enable quality
issues to be identified earlier in the Project Execution phase and therefore increase the
likelihood of the quality issue's being resolved within the planned time allocation
Deliverable Reviews: This process involves internal project staff undertaking formal
planned reviews to ensure that the deliverable is built according to the specified design
Documentation Reviews: Similar to deliverable reviews, this process involves the
review of all management documentation at regular planned intervals in the project
Stage-Gate Reviews: These are formal reviews at the end of each major project
milestone to assess all activities and deliverables completed to date and gain approval
from the Project Sponsor to continue to the next project phase.

Describe the QC techniques to be implemented to control the quality of each deliverable on

the project. For example:

QC Plan

Technique Description Frequency

Peer Implement the following Peer Review policy: Weekly,
Reviews A team leader will be made responsible for each project deliverable throughout
Each team leader will be assigned a team lead peer for peer reviews project
Team leaders will formally review their peer's deliverables weekly
Team leaders will document each peer review within a review form and
submit the form to the Project Manager for approval
The Quality Manager will review the process monthly to ensure that
weekly peer reviews are being formally undertaken.
Stage- Implement Stage-Gate reviews as follows: At the end of
Gate At the end of each milestone a stage-gate review must be requested each project
Reviews The stage-gate review is the process of gaining acceptance from the milestone
Project Sponsor that the project has achieved its objectives for the
particular milestone and can progress to the next phase of the project
To undertake a stage-gate review, the Project Manager must complete a
stage-gate form and submit it to the Project Review Board for approval.

If appropriate, include the above QC techniques as activities within the project schedule and
insert the project schedule here.

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd 4

2 Process Quality
In addition to the assurance and control of deliverable quality, a number of project
management processes must be undertaken to ensure that quality of the deliverable is
achieved. Summarize each of the project management processes used to ensure that the
quality targets outlined above will be achieved during this project.

2.1 Time Management Process

Outline the Time Management Process by listing the following:

The purpose of the process

The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Time Management Process for a complete example).

2.2 Cost Management Process

Outline the Cost Management Process by listing the following:

The purpose of the process

The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Cost Management Process for a complete example).

2.3 Quality Management Process

Outline the Quality Management Process by listing the following:

The purpose of the process

The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Quality Management Process for a complete example).

2.4 Change Management Process

Outline the Change Management Process by listing the following:

The purpose of the process

The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Change Management Process for a complete example).

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd 5

2.5 Risk Management Process
Outline the Risk Management Process by listing the following:

The purpose of the process

The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Risk Management Process for a complete example).

2.6 Issue Management Process

Outline the Issue Management Process by listing the following:

The purpose of the process

The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Issue Management Process for a complete example).

2.7 Procurement Management Process

Outline the Procurement Management Process by listing the following:

The purpose of the process

The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Procurement Management Process for a complete example).

2.8 Acceptance Management Process

Outline the Acceptance Management Process by listing the following:
The purpose of the process
The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Acceptance Management Process for a complete example).

2.9 Communication Management Process

Outline the Communication Management Process by listing the following:

The purpose of the process

The steps involved in undertaking the process
The responsibilities of each person involved in undertaking the process
The document templates used during the process.

(NB Refer to the Method123 Communications Management Process for a complete example).

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd 6

3 Appendix
Attach any documentation you believe is relevant to the Quality Plan. For example:

Other project documentation (Business Case, Feasibility Study, Terms of Reference,

Project Plan, Resource Plan, Financial Plan)
Organizational Quality Policies, Standards, Guidelines or Procedures
Quality documentation from other related projects
Other relevant information or correspondence.

Copyright 2000 Method123 Ltd 7

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