Kpu Weebly
Kpu Weebly
Kpu Weebly
Name: Alex Le
2. What is unique about this campus? Its the only polytechnic (hands on)
University in Canada.
3. What kind of programs are offered? Art, Business, Design Health, Science &
Horticulture, and Trades & Technology.
10. Where are the best places to study on campus? The third floor in the library if
you want it to be completely silent, or the cafeteria.
11. Does the campus offer residence? There is no residence and KPU
12. How can I get involved with athletics or clubs and societies? You can join
intramurals and play a spot with a team. You can go to the recreation center
when there is open gyms and hang out with friends. You can work out with a
friend at the gym or weight room.
14. What surprised you about campus? I was surprised about the average
classroom size and how its similar to high school.
15. What did you like about the campus? I like how you can ask your professors
for help. Also how you can play sports and hang out with friends.
16. What did you not like about the campus? I dont like that the classes are
small because I expected classes with over a hundred people.