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Social Science



Social Science 3 is a collective work, conceived,
designed and created by the Primary Education
department at Santillana, under the supervision
of Teresa Grence Ruiz.

Cristina Quincy

Sheila Tourle

James Price

Saffron Frankland
Vassilia Katte
Beatriz Garca Hiplito

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Natural Science 2 1

Nombre Fecha

Introduction ...................................................................................................... III


Planet Earth ........................................................................................................ 6

Representing the Earth ....................................................................................... 14

The continents .................................................................................................... 22

The continent of Europe ..................................................................................... 30

Spanish territory ................................................................................................. 38

Air ...................................................................................................................... 46

Water ................................................................................................................. 54

Landscapes ........................................................................................................ 62

The landscapes of Spain .................................................................................... 70

Rivers in Spain .................................................................................................... 78

Villages and towns .............................................................................................. 86

Jobs in nature ..................................................................................................... 94

Jobs in industry and services .............................................................................. 102

The past ............................................................................................................. 110

Prehistory to the Middle Ages ............................................................................. 118

The Modern Age and Contemporary History ....................................................... 126


Social Science 3 Teachers Resource Book

provides a wide variety of photocopiable worksheets
designed to complement Social Science 3
Students Book and Social Science 3 Teachers
Book. It is divided into 16 topics in order to cover the
main concepts of both the National Curriculum and
the curriculum established by the Community
of Madrid.

These worksheets facilitate a flexible approach in

the classroom. Students in the same class can be
given different worksheets. Students can expand
on the material learnt in class. Or they can use the
worksheets to revise. These worksheets can also be
assigned as homework.

There are four categories of worksheets:

Reinforcement, Extension, Assessment and tests,
and Investigate.

Answer keys are provided in the Aula Virtual and

on the website:

Reinforcement worksheets
There are two pages of Reinforcement worksheets for each topic. These worksheets are designed to
provide additional support for students in need of further practice. They can be used after the relevant
section in the Students Book, before the Final activities sections, or as extra preparation for the
Unit assessment. Students can complete the worksheets with or without consulting their Students Books,
in the classroom or at home, individually or in pairs.


Name Date
5 Colour the half of the Earth where it
is day in yellow, and the half where
1 Label the inner planets in blue and the outer planets in red. it is night in grey.


6 Complete the text.

TheEarthsr causesdayandnight.Duringthismovement,
theEarthrotatesanticlockwiseonitsa .IttakestheEarth
24h tomakeonecompleterotation.
2 Answer the questions. EarthrevolvesaroundtheS .IttakestheEarthone

a. WhatistheSun? y tomakeacompleteo .This

r causesthefours :spring,summer,autumn
b. Whendoesacomethaveabrighttail?
c. WhatisthenameofEarthsnaturalsatellite?

d. Whatisthedifferencebetweenaplanetandasatellite? 7 Match to make sentences about the Earth.

a. WecallEarththeblueplanet givesitthecorrectamountoflightand
3 Draw the phases of the Moon. b. Earthsatmosphere becausemostofitssurfaceiscovered

c. EarthsdistancefromtheSun protectsitfromtheSunsharmfulrays.

newMoon waxingMoon fullMoon waningMoon 8 Read and write the correct layer of the Earth.

a. continentsandislands.
4 Circle the correct word in each sentence.
a. TheMoonisanatural/artificialsatelliteofEarth. b. seas,oceans,rivers,lakesandgroundwater.
b. TheMoonorbitstheSun/Earth. helayerofairthatsurroundstheEarth.It
c. IttakestheMoon28/365daystomakeonecompleteorbitaroundtheEarth. c. containstheclouds.

6 SocialScience3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. SocialScience3 7

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Extension worksheets
There are two pages of Extension worksheets for each topic. These worksheets can be used for fast
finishers or to expand on the material covered in class.

Planet Earth EXTENSION

Planet Earth EXTENSION

Name Date Name Date

The space age Laika the space dog

The space age began in 1946 when At first, many experts believed that humans could
scientists used rockets to study the not survive a rocket launch, and could never live in
atmosphere. It wasnt until 1957, the hostile conditions of outer space. Before
however, that the Soviet Union human astronauts could fly, scientists needed to
launched the first artificial satellite. discover how outer space affected living things.
Its name was Sputnik 1. So, they trained a dog named Laika as an
astronaut. One month after Sputnik 1 went into
Nowadays we have over 500,000
space, Laika travelled to space on the satellite
man-made objects orbiting our
Sputnik 2. The Soviets sent 12 more dogs after
planet! Most of these objects are
Laika. Finally, in 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the
very small pieces of space debris.
first human astronaut in space. Since then, more
These are man-made objects and
than 500 people from all over the world have been
rubbish left in space from nearly
into space... all thanks to just one little dog!
60 years of space exploration.
Among these objects, there are over 1,000 working satellites that we use for different
things, such as predicting the weather, tracking hurricanes, photographing our galaxy,
communicating by TV and telephone and navigating with GPS. 1 Read the text. Then put the events from the text in order on the timeline.

Sputnik 1 12 dog astronauts Yuri Gagarin Laika (Sputnik 2)

over 500
1 Read the text and answer the questions. The space astronauts
age starts in space

a. When did the space age begin?

b. What was the name of the first artificial satellite?

1946 1957 1961
c. What is space debris?

d. Give an example of one way people use satellites every day.

2 Imagine you are an astronaut in outer space. Draw what you see out of the window
and complete the sentence.

2 I can see
Search the Internet for satellite images of the Earth. Then, write what you can
see in the images.

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Assessment worksheets
There are two pages of Assessment worksheets for each topic. They can be given out once
the topic has been completed, as a revision test, or to check progress during the year.


Name Date
5 Name the celestial bodies.

1 Write definitions for these words.

3 2
a. solar system 10
6 1
b. star

c. planet 4
d. satellite 5
2 7
Complete the table.

Planets 1. 6.

Inner planets Outer planets 2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

6 Label the phases of the Moon.

3 Write three characteristics that make the Earth unique.

4 Label the layers of the Earth. 7 Draw the Earths movement that causes the seasons.


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Tests and Investigate

There is a multiple-choice test for each topic. The tests provide students with the opportunity to revise
the main concepts of each topic and to assess the knowledge they have acquired.

There is one Investigate worksheet for each topic. These worksheets provide opportunities
for students to carry out simple investigative tasks, either in the classroom or at home.

Planet Earth TEST


Name Date Name Date

1 The solar system is made up of 1 Make a class wallchart of our solar system.
a. the Moon and the celestial bodies that orbit it. Instructions
b. the stars and eight planets.
1. Work in eight groups.
c. the Sun and the celestial bodies that orbit it.
2. Choose one planet and complete the index card for your planet.
2 Earths only natural satellite is
a. the Sun. b. Venus. c. the Moon.
It is an:
3 Earths rotation causes (draw a picture)
inner planet. outer planet.
a. the seasons.
b. the phases of the Moon. How many satellites has it got?
c. day and night.

4 Earths movement around the Sun is called

a. revolution. b. seasons. c. rotation. What are its movements?

5 Earth takes 24 hours to make one complete

a. rotation. b. orbit. c. revolution.
It is made up of:
6 The Moon takes ... to orbit the Earth.
rock. gas.
a. one day b. 365 days c. 28 days
What other special characteristics has it got?
7 One of the reasons that there is life on Earth is because
a. it has water. b. it is a planet. c. it has no oxygen.

8 The Earth is surrounded by

a. the poles. b. a layer of air. c. the geosphere. 3. Hang a large piece of paper on the classroom wall. Draw the Sun on the left side
and glue your index cards next to it in the correct order.
9 Our Earth consists of three layers:
a. hydrosphere, geosphere and atmosphere.
b. Antarctica, geosphere and continents.
c. atmosphere, oceans and continents.

10 Clouds form in the

a. geosphere. b. oceans. c. atmosphere.

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Name Date

1 Label the inner planets in blue and the outer planets in red.

2 Answer the questions.

a. What is the Sun? 

b. When does a comet have a bright tail? 

c. What is the name of Earths natural satellite? 

d. What is the difference between a planet and a satellite? 

3 Draw the phases of the Moon.

new Moon waxing Moon full Moon waning Moon

4 Circle the correct word in each sentence.

a. The Moon is a natural / artificial satellite of Earth.

b. The Moon orbits the Sun / Earth.

c. It takes the Moon 28 / 365 days to make one complete orbit around the Earth.

6 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


5 Colour the half of the Earth where it

is day in yellow, and the half where
it is night in grey.

Which of Earths movements

causes day and night?

6 Complete the text.

The Earths r causes day and night. During this movement,

the Earth rotates anticlockwise on its a . It takes the Earth
24 h to make one complete rotation.
Earth revolves around the S . It takes the Earth one
y to make a complete o . This
r causes the four s : spring, summer, autumn
and winter.

7 Match to make sentences about the Earth.

a. We call Earth the blue planet gives it the correct amount of light and
heat for life to exist.

b. Earths atmosphere because most of its surface is covered

with water.

c. Earths distance from the Sun protects it from the Suns harmful rays.

8 Read and write the correct layer of the Earth.

The solid part of the Earth. It contains the

a. continents and islands.

The liquid part of our planet. It contains the

b. seas, oceans, rivers, lakes and groundwater.

The layer of air that surrounds the Earth. It

c. contains the clouds.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 7

Planet Earth EXTENSION

Name Date

The space age

The space age began in 1946 when
scientists used rockets to study the
atmosphere. It wasnt until 1957,
however, that the Soviet Union
launched the first artificial satellite.
Its name was Sputnik 1.
Nowadays we have over 500,000
man-made objects orbiting our
planet! Most of these objects are
very small pieces of space debris.
These are man-made objects and
rubbish left in space from nearly
60 years of space exploration.
Among these objects, there are over 1,000 working satellites that we use for different
things, such as predicting the weather, tracking hurricanes, photographing our galaxy,
communicating by TV and telephone and navigating with GPS.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. When did the space age begin? 

b. What was the name of the first artificial satellite? 

c. What is space debris? 

d. Give an example of one way people use satellites every day. 

2 Search the Internet for satellite images of the Earth. Then, write what you can
see in the images.

8 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Planet Earth EXTENSION

Name Date

Laika the space dog

At first, many experts believed that humans could
not survive a rocket launch, and could never live in
the hostile conditions of outer space. Before
human astronauts could fly, scientists needed to
discover how outer space affected living things.
So, they trained a dog named Laika as an
astronaut. One month after Sputnik 1 went into
space, Laika travelled to space on the satellite
Sputnik 2. The Soviets sent 12 more dogs after
Laika. Finally, in 1961, Yuri Gagarin became the
first human astronaut in space. Since then, more
than 500 people from all over the world have been
into space... all thanks to just one little dog!

1 Read the text. Then put the events from the text in order on the timeline.

Sputnik 1 12 dog astronauts Yuri Gagarin Laika (Sputnik 2)

over 500
The space astronauts
age starts in space

1946 1957 1961

2 Imagine you are an astronaut in outer space. Draw what you see out of the window
and complete the sentence.

 I can see


Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 9


Name Date

1 Write definitions for these words.

a. solar system 

b. star 

c. planet 

d. satellite 

2 Complete the table.


Inner planets Outer planets

3 Write three characteristics that make the Earth unique.

4 Label the layers of the Earth.


10 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


5 Name the celestial bodies.

3 2
6 1


1. 6.

2. 7.

3. 8.

4. 9.

5. 10.

6 Label the phases of the Moon.

7 Draw the Earths movement that causes the seasons.

What is this movement called?

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 11

Planet Earth TEST

Name Date

1 The solar system is made up of

a. the Moon and the celestial bodies that orbit it.

b. the stars and eight planets.
c. the Sun and the celestial bodies that orbit it.

2 Earths only natural satellite is

a. the Sun. b. Venus. c. the Moon.

3 Earths rotation causes

a. the seasons.
b. the phases of the Moon.
c. day and night.

4 Earths movement around the Sun is called

a. revolution. b. seasons. c. rotation.

5 Earth takes 24 hours to make one complete

a. rotation. b. orbit. c. revolution.

6 The Moon takes ... to orbit the Earth.

a. one day b. 365 days c. 28 days

7 One of the reasons that there is life on Earth is because

a. it has water. b. it is a planet. c. it has no oxygen.

8 The Earth is surrounded by

a. the poles. b. a layer of air. c. the geosphere.

9 Our Earth consists of three layers:

a. hydrosphere, geosphere and atmosphere.

b. Antarctica, geosphere and continents.
c. atmosphere, oceans and continents.

10 Clouds form in the

a. geosphere. b. oceans. c. atmosphere.

12 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


Name Date

1 Make a class wallchart of our solar system.

1. Work in eight groups.
2. Choose one planet and complete the index card for your planet.


It is an:
(draw a picture)
inner planet. outer planet.

How many satellites has it got? 

What are its movements? 

It is made up of:

rock. gas.

What other special characteristics has it got?

3. Hang a large piece of paper on the classroom wall. Draw the Sun on the left side
and glue your index cards next to it in the correct order.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 13

Representing the Earth REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Label the parts of the globe.

North Pole

South Pole



2 Number the parts of the map.

1. labels

Tropic of Cancer
2. key
3. compass
Greenwich Meridian

Tropic of Capricorn

0 2,700 4. scale


More than 3,000 From 500 to1,000 Less than 250
From 1,000 to 3,000 From 250 to 500

3 Compare the two649249 U01 p08 elementos del mapa

ways of representing Earth in activities 1 and 2 and answer
the questions.

a. Which representation shows the Earths surface all at once? 

b. Which representation shows the Earths real shape? 

c. On a globe, can you see Europe and Oceania at the same time? 

d. Why or why not? 

14 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2014 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Label the pictures.

artificial satellite GPS globe compass



5 Unscramble the words and complete the text.

A (gbelo) represents the Earth as a sphere tilted on an axis.

A (wrldo amp) represents the Earth as a flat

surface. Both representations show the Earths (eaocns) and

(ontitensnc) : America, Africa, (orpEeu) , Asia,

Oceania and Antarctica.

6 Write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. Political maps use different colours to show different heights of land.

b. World maps show the whole of the Earths surface.

c. Thematic maps can show weather.

d. Cartographers make satellites.

Photocopiable material 2014 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 15

Representing the Earth EXTENSION

Name Date

The goddess of the East

We use the points of the compass to help find our way.
There are four compass points: north, south, east and
west. In the morning, we see the Sun rise in the east.
It sets in the west in the evening.
In Ancient Greece, Eos was the goddess of the sunrise.
Her brother was the Sun and her sister was the Moon.
The Germanic tribes later changed her name to Eostre
and named the direction of the rising Sun after her.
The word North comes from a word in their language that
means to the left of the Sun.

1 Circle the correct words.

a. There are four compass points / equators: north, south, east and west.

b. The Sun rises in the east / west and sets in the east / west.

c. Eos was the goddess of the sunset / sunrise.

d. The compass points in English come from the Greek / Germanic tribes.

2 Read and label the compass points in the picture.

east north south west

Look, the Sun is rising!
What a beautiful

16 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2014 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Representing the Earth EXTENSION

Name Date

The magical Viking stone

In the past, sailors would stay close to the coast because
they were afraid they would get lost at sea. How could
they know where they were if all they could see was
They used the position of the Sun in the sky to see if they
were travelling north, south, east or west. But what about
cloudy days? Legends say the Vikings could cross the sea
in any weather because they had a mysterious stone that
told them where the Sun was.
Scientists now think the legends are true and that the
Vikings used a transparent stone which showed the Suns position
when held up to the sky. True or not, the Vikings were amazing sailors.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. In the past, why did sailors sail near the coast? 

b. How did sailors know in which direction they were sailing? 

c. Which culture had legends about a magical stone? 

2 Look at the map and complete.

a. Look at the Viking ships. In which direction

are they sailing?

b. On the map, mark a new route for the

ships to the Iberian Peninsula.

c. In which direction will they sail?

Viking route.

Photocopiable material 2014 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 17

Representing the Earth ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Read the definitions and write the correct part of the map.

It explains what the symbols and colours of a map mean.

It is a picture that shows the compass points.

These are the words on the map.

It explains what the real distances are.

2 Match the words to the part of the globe. Then, write a definition for each.


Southern Hemisphere: 


North Pole:  B



3 Which of these two maps is a world map? Why?


Scale Scale
0 4,000 0 1,400

kilometres kilometres

534453_03_21b_mapa Europa

18 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2014 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Answer the questions.

a. What is a map? 

b. What is a globe? 

c. What is one advantage of a map? 

d. What is one advantage of a globe? 

5 Look at the map and answer.

If the ship sails from point A to point B,
in which direction is it travelling?

Scale And if the ship sails from point B to

C 0 230
point C? 

6 Complete the crossword.



1. A small scale representation of the 3

whole Earth.
2. Has a needle that always points north.

3. Uses satellites to work out your position.

4. A flat representation of an area.

Photocopiable material 2014 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 19

Representing the Earth TEST

Name Date

1 We use globes and ... to represent the Earth.

a.the North Pole b.GPS c.maps

2 A globe represents...

a. part of the Earth.

b. the Moon.
c. the whole Earth on a small scale.

3 The imaginary line that connects the Earths two poles is

a. a hemisphere. b. its axis. c. a pole.

4 The Equator divides the Earth into

a.hemispheres. b.poles. axis.

5 Maps

a. are flat representations of the Earth.

b. are small pictures of the Earth.
c. show the actual size of Earths oceans and continents.

6 Earths largest ocean is the...

a.Pacific. b.Atlantic. c.Indian.

7 The six continents of Earth are

a. Europe, Africa, America, Oceania, Asia, Antarctica.

b. America, Asia, China, Oceania, Africa, Europe.
c. Oceania, the North Pole, Europe, Asia, Australia.

8 The points of the compass are

a. the North and South poles.

b. north and south.
c. north, south, east and west.

9 The Sun rises in the

a.east. b.west. c.south.

10 The on a map tells you what its symbols and colours mean.

a.scale b.key c.compass rose

20 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2014 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Representing the Earth INVESTIGATE

Name Date

1 Make a map of your school and use a compass to find the direction
of different places.

1. Work in small groups.

2. Use a compass to find the direction

of places in your school.

place compass point place compass point

Main door Classroom

Library Gym

Playground Dining room

3. Draw a map of your school and label the compass points.

Choose a place to begin and end your route and write directions to get there:

Start at the . Go north / south / east /

west until you get to the . Then, walk

north / south / east / west until you are near

the . Next, go north / south / east /

west until you get to the . Then, walk north /

south / east / west until you get to the .

Finally, go north / south / east / west...

Where are you?

4. Give your directions to another group. They read and follow your directions.
Can they guess the place where your route ends?

Photocopiable material 2014 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 21

The continents REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Colour the continents. Then write the oceans on the map.

red Asia green Europe orange America

blue Oceania purple Africa yellow Antarctica

Arctic Ocean

Ocean K


Write the correct letter for each relief feature.

Andes Gulf of Guinea

Amazon Plain Sahara Desert

Ural Mountains Himalayas

Appalachian Mountains Rocky Mountains

Sierra Madre Cape of Good Hope

Arabian Peninsula Madagascar

22 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


2 Write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. Asia is the most populated continent on Earth.

b. America extends from the Northern Hemisphere to the Equator.

c. Oceania has the largest desert in the world, the Sahara.

d. The largest island in Oceania is New Zealand.

e. Scientists study the ice in Antarctica.

3 Which continent are these countries in?

a. Mexico:  c. Spain: 

b. Canada:  d. India: 

4 Look at the satellite photograph of Earth. Answer.

What continents can you see in the photograph?

Match the names of the relief to the map.

Arabian Peninsula

A Madagascar

C B Gulf of Guinea

5 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences about world rivers.

a. Rivers in Africa and America are long / short and with little / abundant flow.
b. The Nile in Africa is the longest / fastest river in the world.
c. The Amazon in North America / South America is the river with the most / least
abundant flow.
d. Rivers in Asia are long / short, but with varied flows.

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The continents EXTENSION

Name Date

Pangea the supercontinent

On a world map, the continents
look like pieces of a large puzzle.
This is because in prehistoric times
they were all connected, as part of
a supercontinent called Pangea.

Most of Pangea was in the Panthalassa

Southern Hemisphere. It was
surrounded by one enormous
ocean called Panthalassa. Over a
long period of time, Pangea broke
into different pieces and formed the Panthalassa
continents we have now. New
oceans and seas formed between
the new continents, and the world
we recognize today slowly took
shape. But the continents are still
moving, and one day they could be
even further apart!

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

What is the name of the large continent that existed in prehistoric times?

Why was there only one ocean? 

How did our oceans and seas form? 

2 Search the Internet for a world map and print it out. Cut out the continents. Then,
join the continents together like a jigsaw puzzle to see what Pangea looked like.

Stick your supercontinent on some card to make a poster. Call it Pangea the
supercontinent and label the ocean.

24 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The continents

Name Date

Natures laboratory
Antarctica is the coldest, driest and most southern
continent on Earth. It is almost twice as big as
Australia and most of it is covered with ice. There
is little vegetation, but many living things live there.
Antarctica is a perfect place for scientists to
conduct different experiments because there is
little human activity. Astronomers study the sky
during the long nights. Marine biologists study the
unique species of Antarctica. Environmental
scientists study the ice to learn about the climate, and to measure global warming.
Since 1961, governments all over the world have agreed to use Antarctica only for
scientific research. This continent belongs to everyone.

1 Read the text. Write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. Antarctica is the warmest continent on Earth.

b. Scientists use Antarctica to conduct experiments.

c. Most of Antarctica is covered in water.

d. Antarctica belongs to Spain.

2 Search the Internet for information about the penguins of Antarctica and complete
the index card.

Where do they live?

What do they eat?

What are their natural predators?

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 25

The continents ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Write the names of these continents.

2 Match and write sentences about the continents.

a. Asia has the largest mountain range, the Andes.

b. Africa has 10,000 islands.

c. America has the longest river, the Nile.

d. Oceania has the worlds most populated country, China.

3 Complete the table with examples of each type of relief.

mountains rivers





26 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Answer the questions.

Which language is the most spoken in northern Africa? 

Which continents are bathed by the Indian Ocean? 

Which are the most populated countries in America? 

What is the name of the ocean that surrounds Antarctica? 

5 Look at the map. Write the letter for each country.

China Russia Morocco Australia

USA Brazil South Africa France



6 Complete the text about Oceania.

649238_final_mapamundi politico

Oceania is in the Hemisphere. It consists of

10,000 that are in the

and Oceans.

The largest extension of land is on the island of .

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 27

The continents TEST

Name Date

1 The worlds largest and most populated continent is....

a. Asia. b. America. c. Africa.

2 Mount Everest, the worlds tallest mountain, is in the...

a. Himalayas, in Asia.
b. Rocky Mountains, in America.
c. Drakensberg Mountains, in Africa.

3 The Andes mountain range is in

a. Asia. b. Africa. c. America.

4 The longest river in the world is

a. the Yangtze.
b. the Amazon.
c. the Nile.

5 Three countries that are in North America are

a. Canada, the United States and Colombia.

b. Canada, the United States and Argentina.
c. Canada, the United States and Mexico.

6 The worlds largest desert is the

a. Arabian Desert.
b. Sahara Desert.
c. Great Victoria Desert.

7 Most of Africas population lives in

a. cities. b. the countryside. c. megacities.

8 The worlds smallest continent is

a. Asia. b. Africa. c. Oceania.

9 Except for Brazil, the most spoken language in South America is

a. English. b. Spanish. c. Portuguese.

10 The city of Los Angeles is in

a. America. b. Asia. c. Oceania.

28 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The continents

Name Date

1 What time is it around the world? Read the text and look at the time zone map.

Did you know that the time of day depends on where you are in the world?
The time depends on the position of the Sun and the Earth. The Earth spins
on an axis, so we know it is day in one part of the planet and night in the other.
Look at the time zone map. The Earth is divided into 24 time zones. This way,
it is possible to calculate the difference in time from one place to another.

1. Work in pairs.

2. Write down the time in Spain.

Then, search the Internet for
the time in New Zealand and
write it down. Now write
down the time in Cuba.

3. Calculate the difference

between the time in Spain
and New Zealand. We say
New Zealand is 12 hours
ahead, so Spain is always
behind New Zealand.

4. Now calculate the time difference between Spain and Cuba. Cuba is 6 hours
behind Spain.

5. Complete this table with your information.

country continent time

Spain Europe



6. Complete the sentences. Say whether it is day or night. In Spain it is day.

In Cuba it is . In New Zealand it is .

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The continent of Europe REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Colour the continent of Europe in red. Then, answer the question.

What are the geographical borders

of Europe?

a. To the south: 

b. To the east: 

c. To the west: 

d. To the north: 

2 Write an example of each landscape feature in Europe.

landscape feature example in Europe


mountain range




3 Write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. Rivers in Europe only flow into the Atlantic Ocean.

b. The biggest lakes are in the south.

c. The longest river in Europe is the Volga.

30 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Write the names of these mountain ranges.





Write the numbers on the map above.

1 Italian Peninsula 2 North Cape 3 Iceland 4 Great Britain

5 Look at the map in your Students Book and write the capital cities.

country capital







6 Complete the sentences about Europe.

The largest country in Europe is . The highest mountain

in Europe is , in the mountain range.

The longest river in Europe is called the .

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 31

The continent of Europe EXTENSION

Name Date

Changing borders
If you look at a political map of Europe from 100
years ago, you will see it looks very different from
the Europe we know today. The names of countries
and their political borders can change for many
reasons: sometimes because of war, sometimes
because territories join together or separate.

Sometimes these changes can be violent, but they

can also be peaceful. For example, in 1949,
Germany was separated into two different countries
as the result of war. However, it was reunited
peacefully in 1990.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. What can change on a political map over time? 

b. Why do borders change? 

c. Can borders change peacefully? Give an example. 

d. For how many years was Germany divided into two different countries? 

2 Although political borders can change, geographical ones stay the same. Match and
make sentences about European geographical borders.

a. The Ural Mountains separates Europe from Asia.

b. The Mediterranean Sea separate Europe from Africa.

32 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The continent of Europe

Name Date

St. Bernards rescue dogs

The Great St. Bernard Pass is a very dangerous
path through the Alps. In the Middle Ages,
monks built a monastery and a hospice on the
pass to help travellers. The St. Bernard Hospice
became famous for its rescue dogs.
St. Bernard dogs have an excellent sense of
direction in bad weather, and high resistance to
the cold. The dogs looked for travellers stuck in
the snow. They dug them out and lay on top of
them to keep them warm. The most famous
dog was Barry der Menschenretter. One day
the dog found a boy in the snow. He kept the
boy warm by licking him, and then carried him
to the hospice.
The last rescue was in 1955. During the 200
years the hospice used rescue dogs, they
saved over 2,000 people!

1 Find and underline the sentences in the text. Then, write the words
in the correct order to make sentences.

a. The / Hospice / became / St. Bernard / for / rescue / its / famous / dogs.

b. dog / The / Barry der Menschenretter. / was / most / famous

c. in / The / was / rescue / last / 1955.

2 In what other ways do dogs help humans? Write.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 33

The continent of Europe ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Look at the map. Write the letter for the mountain chains.

Ural Mountains

Balkan Mountains


A Carpathians
D Scandinavian
Caucasus Mountains

2 Write the name of two large plains in Europe.

3 Write an example of these coastal features in Europe.

a.gulf:  c.peninsula: 

b.cape:  d.island: 

4 Complete the table about European rivers.

European rivers
characteristics examples
that flow into the...
abundant flow, freeze
Arctic Ocean
in winter

Atlantic Ocean

Mediterranean Sea Ebro, Rhone

Black and Caspian Seas

34 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


5 Match the rivers to the correct sea or ocean.

Ebro Pechora Tajo Loire Rhine

a. Arctic Ocean: 

b. Atlantic Ocean: 

c. Mediterranean Sea: 

6 Write an example of a lake.

a. In northern Europe:  b. In southern Europe: 

7 Write the names of the countries.


3 2 4. 

8 Write the names of the capital city of the countries from Activity 7.



3.  649238 U03 p19 h01 Europa



Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 35

The continent of Europe TEST

Name Date

1 The most common landscapes in Europe are

a. flat lands. b. mountains. c. volcanoes.

2 Europes highest peak, Mount Elbrus, is in the...

a. Alps. b. Balkan Mountains. c. Caucasus Mountains.

3 Europes most northern peninsula is the Peninsula.

a. Iberian b. Balkan c. Scandinavian

4 European rivers that drain into the Mediterranean Sea have a

a. abundant flow. b. low flow. c. long flow.

5 Europes longest river is the

a. Danube. b. Volga. c. Vistula.

6 The island of Great Britain is in the

a. Atlantic Ocean.
b. Mediterranean Sea.
c. Arctic Ocean.

7 Europes biggest lakes, such as Lakes ..., are in northern Europe.

a. Constance and Mayor

b. Ladoga and Onega
c. Superior and Ontario

8 The capital of Germany is

a. Berlin.
b. London.
c. Paris.

9 Europe is a continent with more than

a. 40 countries.
b. 70 countries.
c. 100 countries.

10 The largest and most populated country in Europe is

a. Russia. b. Germany. c. Ukraine.

36 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The continent of Europe

Name Date

1 Make a puzzle of Europes countries.

1. Photocopy a blank map of Europe and
glue the map to a piece of card.

2. Label and colour the countries.

3. With a ruler, draw 4 vertical lines (1-4)

on your map about 6 cm apart.

4. Then, use your ruler to draw 3 horizontal

lines (a-c) about 5 cm apart.

5. Cut along the lines to make your puzzle.

You will have 20 square pieces.

6. Mix up all the pieces. Then complete your puzzle.

7. Look at your finished puzzle and complete the text about Europe.

I live in (country) . Its capital city is

. I live in (continent) .

It is in the Hemisphere. It has water on three sides:

the Ocean to the north,

the Sea to the south, and

the Ocean to the west. The Ural Mountains are its

border to the . They separate it from the continent

of . There are more than

countries in my continent.

8. Check your answers with a partner. Then, swap puzzles and race to be the first to
finish each others puzzle!

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Spanish territory REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Complete the chart about Spanish territory.

most of the

the Islands
Spanish territory
consists of:
the Islands

the cities of

2 Write the letter of the province.


Balearic Islands


3 Complete the text about Spains borders with the correct words.

Portugal Mediterranean Sea Pyrenees Africa west France

Spain has many natural borders. Its north-eastern border is the provincias

mountain range, which separates the country from . The

in the south-east separates it from the continent

of . It has a political border to the

with the country of .

38 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Match and write the sentences.

a. Spain is divided into 17 autonomous towns or villages.

b. Autonomous communities are divided into provinces.

c. Spain has 50 one or more provinces.

d. A municipality has one or more communities.

5 Find and circle seven words. Then, complete the text.

h e a l t h c a r e t The

j n l d a k o s z p c council is governed by the

f v o m c w u b u x j
the .
x s c t o l n c a p l
n e a p u a c t m e p
from the town hall include
k r l j n s i i j v a ,
s v m x c o l d u o l

c i u z i d i p a l i and .

q c p n l c r o i p r

d e x u l m l l n j f

c s b v o t o i m x i

m a y o r i p c u r r

o l v b s d j e z d e

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 39

Spanish territory EXTENSION

Name Date

The Spanish peseta

Imagine you buy some sweets at a sweet shop and
the shopkeeper says: The price is three duros,
please! How much is that?

Nowadays, we pay in euros. But, for over 130 years,

the peseta was the currency used in Spain. The
peseta, like the euro, was divided into 100 cents.

All the different coins had nicknames. For example,

the 5 and 10 cent coins were called perra chica or
perra gorda because the lions printed on them
looked more like dogs. The brass peseta coin looked
yellow, so the people nicknamed it una rubia. The
duro was the name people gave to the 5 peseta coin.

The euro is the official currency in many European

countries. Spain joined the eurozone in 2002.

1 Read the text and answer.

a. What currency did Spain use for 130 years? 

b. In which year did Spain change its currency to the euro? 

c. Write the nicknames for these Spanish coins and then number them in order, from the
smallest to the biggest.

1 peseta:  10 cents: 

5 cents:  5 pesetas: 

d. How many pesetas is one duro? 

2 Which other European countries use the euro? Search the Internet. Write their
names. How many countries are there in total?

40 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Spanish territory

Name Date

The Camino de Santiago

The Camino de Santiago is a pilgrimage route to Santiago de
Compostela. Legends say the remains of Saint James are buried
there. Since the Middle Ages it has been an important religious
journey for Christians.
Nowadays, many people enjoy the Camino de Santiago for
reasons other than religion, such as sports, nature or tourism.
The different routes pilgrims can take are marked by signs with
shells. Shells are the symbol for pilgrims. Pilgrims often wear a
shell around their necks. When they are tired, they rest at private
or public hostels. These places stamp their pilgrims passport to show all the places the
pilgrims have visited. When they arrive in Santiago, they receive a certificate that says they
have walked or cycled between 100 to 200 kilometres!

1 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. The remains of Saint John are buried in Santiago de Compostela.

b. The Camino de Santiago was an important religious journey since the Middle Ages.

c. The different routes are marked by signs with a cross.

d. Travellers receive a certificate at the end of the Camino de Santiago.

2 Search the Internet for information about the original pilgrimage to Santiago
de Compostela, called the Original Way. Answer the questions.

a. Where is the starting point? 

b. Which city marks the half-way point? 

c. In which town does the Original Way join up with the French Way? 

d. Which two autonomous communities does the Original Way go through? 

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 41

Spanish territory ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Look at the map and write the names of the Spanish territories.


A b. 


E e. 

2 Complete the sentences about Spains borders.

Pyrenees Atlantic Ocean Portugal

649238_final_p65_Espaa Mudo
Mediterranean Sea France Cantabrian Sea

a. The Iberian Peninsula is bordered by two countries: 

b. The Ocean to the west is 

c. The country to the North of the Iberian Peninsula is 

3 Complete the table about the territorial organization of Spain.

consists of governed by



autonomous community

42 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Look at the map and answer the questions.

C a n t a b r i a n S e a
Santander THE BASQUE
Santiago Oviedo COUNTRY
Gasteiz Pamplona/
AND LEN Zaragoza Barcelona



Madrid IS
Toledo EA

L Palma





Se rra





Capital of Spain
Seville Autonomous community capital
Country boundary
Autonomous community boundary
ATLANTIC OCEAN Provincial boundary
Autonomous city
de Tenerife DE MURCIA Ceuta
Las Palmas Scale
de Gran Canaria 0 89
Melilla A L G E R I A
M O R O C C O kilometres

a. Write the name of four inland autonomous communities.

649249_T04p14 Mapa de Espaa
b. Write the name of four coastal autonomous communities.

c. Write the name of the autonomous communities and cities that are not
on the Iberian Peninsula.

5 Tick () the municipal services organized by your local council.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 43

Spanish territory TEST

Name Date

1 Spains territory includes

a. the Iberian Peninsula and two archipelagos.
b. most of the Iberian Peninsula, two archipelagos, Ceuta and Melilla.
c. most of the Iberian Peninsula and two cities.

2 The Mediterranean Sea borders Spain on the

a. east and south. b. west and south. c. north and east.

3 Spains territory is organized into

a. autonomous communities, provinces and municipalities.
b. provinces and towns.
c. autonomous communities and municipalities.

4 Two coastal Spanish Communities are

a. Galicia and La Rioja. b. Navarre and Madrid. c. Galicia and Catalonia.

5 Provinces are
a. groups of municipalities.
b. several autonomous communities.
c. Ceuta and Melilla.

6 Spain has
a. 51 provinces. b. 49 provinces. c. 50 provinces.

7 An autonomous community is governed by

a. the president of Spain. b. a mayor and councillors. c. its parliament and president.

8 A municipality is
a. one or more cities, towns or villages governed by a local council.
b. one or more provinces governed by a mayor.
c. many capital cities.

9 A local council has a mayor and

a. councillors. b. presidents. c. municipal services.

10 Fire and police services are

a. municipal services.
b. provincial services.
c. autonomous community services.

44 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Spanish territory

Name Date

1 Lets help change our community.

1. In small groups, decide what things need
improving in your community.

2. Write a survey to give to the class.

Draw a table like this:

Our community

Do we need? yes no

more play areas

more schools

more cycle lanes

3. Complete the letter to the town hall describing the changes you want in your
municipality. Make sure you mention why these changes will be good for the
people in your municipality.

Dear Mayor,
I think we need 


Yours sincerely,

4. Share your letters in class. With the help of your teacher, make one
class letter to send to the town hall.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 45


Name Date

1 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. Air is a liquid.

b. Air occupies space.

c. Air has no weight and no fixed shape.

d. Air has oxygen that living things need to breathe.

2 Complete the chart.

troposphere atmosphere stratosphere

3 Write the names of the different types of precipitation.

46 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Match to make sentences.

a. Weather is moving air.

b. Wind is how hot or cold it is.

c. Precipitation is the state of the atmosphere at a particular time and place.

d. Temperature is water that falls to Earth from clouds.

5 Explain the difference between these words.

a. Breeze and gale: 

b. Snow and hail: 

6 Colour the causes of air pollution in red, and the effects of pollution in blue.

respiratory illnesses damage to monuments

factory smoke climate and temperature change

traffic volcanic eruptions

7 Many human activities cause air pollution. Draw one way you can help
to reduce air pollution. Explain.

To help reduce air pollution, I can

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 47


Name Date

A warmer Earth
Our atmosphere gives us the oxygen we need to breathe. It keeps
us warm. Without the atmosphere, heat from the Sun would
escape and the Earth would be too cold for us to live on.

Today, there are gases in the atmosphere that trap too much heat
from the Sun. This causes the temperature of the Earth to increase.
We call this global warming. Global warming can cause many
problems. In some places it will rain too much and cause floods. Other places will get very
little rain, creating more deserts. It also means the ice at the Poles will begin to melt.

These changes can be very dangerous, so we must be careful not to pollute our atmosphere.

1 Write the effects of global warming next to the correct picture.

higher temperatures more deserts more floods melting Poles

48 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


Name Date

The lungs of the Earth

When we breathe, our lungs take in oxygen and
exhale carbon dioxide. Trees act like lungs for our
planet because they take in carbon dioxide from
the air and produce oxygen.
The largest rainforest on Earth, the Amazon,
produces almost 20% of Earths oxygen!
However, people have been cutting down trees in
the Amazon to make room for crops. This is
called deforestation. Deforestation causes more
carbon dioxide and less oxygen to be in the air.
This is bad for all living things that breathe in air.
Local governments and organizations are now trying to protect the Amazon rainforest.

1 Look at the picture and answer the questions.

a. What is happening to the forest? 

b. What negative effects can this have? 

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 49


Name Date

1 Look at the picture and match the uses of air.


to play and hear music to inflate a boat

to cook with fire to fly a kite

2 Answer the questions.

a. What are the main gases in air?

b. What are the properties of air?

c. Which property of air can you see in the picture? Explain.

d. Write two reasons why air is important.

3 Write the layers of the atmosphere.

50 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Describe the weather in these pictures.

5 Write the types of wind in order, from the most gentle to the strongest.

gale hurricane breeze

6 Label the weather symbols. Circle the symbol that shows the weather now
where you live.

7 Give an example of a natural and an artificial cause of air pollution.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 51


Name Date

1 The two most abundant gases in air are

a. carbon dioxide and oxygen.
b. nitrogen and oxygen.
c. oxygen and water vapour.

2 Air has...
a. a fixed shape.
b. no weight.
c. no smell.

3 The layers of gases that surrounds the Earth is called

a. the atmosphere. b. oxygen. c. the hydrosphere.

4 The troposphere
a. contains very little oxygen.
b. is where weather occurs.
c. is the upper layer of the atmosphere.

5 The layer of gases farthest from the surface of the Earth is the
a. atmosphere. b. stratosphere. c. troposphere.

6 A ... is an example of weather.

a. volcano b. hurricane c. river

7 A gentle wind is called a

a. breeze. b. hurricane. c. gale.

8 Weather
a. is always the same. b. changes every day. c. measures wind.

9 ... influence weather.

a. Temperature, water and the Poles
b. Temperature, precipitation and snow
c. Temperature, precipitation and wind

10 Air pollution
a. cannot destroy plants and monuments.
b. is not toxic.
c. can change the climate.

52 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


Name Date

1 Lets experiment with the properties of air!

1. With a partner, blow up two balloons of
the same size.

2. Tie them with string to a coat hanger.

3. Balance the coat hanger on your finger.

Both balloons should be equally balanced.

4. Burst one of the balloons with a pin.

Observe what happens to the hanger
and the remaining balloon.

5. Complete your conclusion and draw the

hanger and balloons at the end of the experiment.

This experiment shows that air

has weight

does not have weight

occupies space

does not occupy space

When one of the balloons burst,

the coat hanger was

balanced unbalanced.

This means the balloon full of air was

heavier lighter
than the burst balloon.

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Name Date

1 What state is water in? Write.

a. rain 

b. water vapour 

c. snow 

2 Tick () the places where you can find frozen water.

at the top of a mountain in a stream in an iceberg

at the South Pole on a beach in an aquifer

3 Explain the difference between these words.

a. Salt water and fresh water: 

b. River and stream: 

c. Aquifer and well: 

4 Look at the pictures and complete the text.

A B In winter, it is very
c and the water
f .
In spring, the weather is
warmer and
the i melts.

54 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


5 Label the stages of the water cycle.

precipitation condensation collection evaporation



Now, write the correct letter.

lake aquifer river

snow rain clouds

6 Write the stages.

a. Water falls from the clouds as rain, snow or hail. 

b. Water in the sea evaporates. 

c. Water vapour condenses and forms clouds. 

d. Rain falls into the rivers and goes to the sea. 

Now, write the sentences in order.

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Name Date

The unsinkable ship

An iceberg is a piece of frozen fresh water that
floats in the sea. Some icebergs that break off
from the land are as big as an island! They can
be very dangerous because 90% of an iceberg
is underwater, so they cannot be seen by ships.

Work began in 1909 to build the Titanic. It was

the largest ship in the world at that time. Many
people said it was so big and safe, it was
impossible to sink. But in 1912, on the Titanics
first voyage, the ship hit an iceberg in the
Atlantic Ocean. It sank within three hours. Since
then, organizations monitor and study icebergs
closely to make sailing safer.

1 Read the text and answer.

a. What is an iceberg? 

b. When did the Titanic sink? Why? 

c. Why are icebergs dangerous for ships? 

2 Search the Internet for pictures

of icebergs. Draw an iceberg
above and under the water.

56 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


Name Date

Saving a limited resource

97% of the water on Earth is in the oceans. This
means that only 3% of the water on our planet is
fresh water. Fresh water is the water we drink and
water plants with. It is a limited resource that we
need to use responsibly.
We can save water by turning off the tap when
we brush our teeth, or by taking showers instead
of baths. We can also collect rainwater to clean
floors and water plants with.
The government can pass laws to protect water.
For example, they can make companies clean
water in treatment plants. In this way, water can
be used for other purposes, such as in park
fountains, for watering streets, etc.

1 Read the text and answer.

a. Why is fresh water a limited resource? 

b. How can we help save water? 

c. What can the government do? 

2 Complete the pie chart representing the water

on Earth. Use the key.

red 97% salt water

blue 3% fresh water

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Name Date

1 Look at the pictures and write the state the water is in.

2 Find and circle examples of water in nature. Then, classify them in the table below.

water in a solid state water in a liquid state water in a gaseous state

58 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


3 Label the stages of the water cycle.

4 How does water change state during the water cycle?

5 Answer the questions.

a. What is an aquifer? 

b. How do we bring groundwater to the surface? 

c. What is the difference between salt water and fresh water? Where can you find each?

6 Write three examples you do at home for each.

ways to use water ways to save water




Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 59

Water TEST

Name Date

1 Water exists in three states:

a. condensation, snow and evaporation.

b. solid, liquid and gaseous.
c. solid, water vapour and gaseous.

2 Icebergs are

a. the ice at the top of a mountain.

b. pieces of frozen salt water that float in the sea.
c. pieces of frozen fresh water that float in the sea.

3 In nature, is when water goes from a gaseous state to a liquid state.

a. fusion b. condensation c. evaporation

4 The stages of the water cycle occur in this order:

a. condensation, evaporation, precipitation and collection.

b. evaporation, condensation, precipitation and collection.
c. evaporation, precipitation, condensation and collection.

5 In nature, you can find salt water in

a. oceans. b. lakes. c. icebergs.

6 A lake is

a. a body of fresh water surrounded by land on all sides.

b. a moving body of fresh water that empties into the sea.
c. salt water on the coast.

7 We use .... to extract groundwater from aquifers.

a. rivers b. waterfalls c. wells

8 When the Sun heats sea water, it ... into water vapour.

a. condenses b. evaporates c. collects

9 Precipitation is...

a. only rain. b. only snow. c. rain, snow and hail.

10 If water is polluted

a. nature will clean it. b. you can play in it. c. it will harm living things.

60 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


Name Date

1 How long does water take to evaporate? Do this experiment.

1. Work with a partner.

2. Pour 250 ml of water into a tall glass,

and pour another 250 ml of water into
a shallow bowl. Mark the water levels
on each container.

3. Place the glass and the bowl in

a sunny place.

4. Every two days, observe and mark

the water level in each container.

5. Make drawings of your observations

in the table.

today in two days in four days in six days

tall glass

shallow bowl

6. Compare your results and answer the questions.

a. In which container did the water evaporate more quickly? 

b. Why do you think the water evaporated more quickly in this container?

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Name Date

1 Look at the colour key and circle the words.

mountain landscape green flat landscape orange

coastal landscape blue

archipelagobeachmountain rangepeakbay

2 Unscramble the letters and label the parts of the mountain.

opels tofo apke

3 Circle the coastal features and write them next to their definition.

in sulacliffba ip elagobeac
en yis rch h
p landa

a. A group of islands: 

b. A high area of rock next to the sea: 

c. A part of the sea that cuts into the land: 

d. A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides: 

e. An area of flat land with sand or pebbles next to the sea: 

f. A piece of land surrounded by water on all sides except one: 

62 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Look at the landscape. Write the natural and man-made features in the table.

natural features man-made features

5 Write the sentences under the correct photo.

We should reduce pollution We should recycle more We should cut down fewer trees.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 63

Landscapes EXTENSION

Name Date

Sculpted landscapes
Wind and water continue to shape landscapes all over
the Earth. Wind is a powerful force that carries dust
and sand from one place to another. It also blows sand
against rocks with great force. This causes soft rock
to slowly wear down and sculpt amazing formations,
like rounded arches and buttes.
Moving water in streams and rivers, and waves in the
sea are the main causes of water erosion. Over time,
rivers can cut through rock to create huge canyons, like the Grand Canyon in the United
States. In coastal areas, waves break against cliffs, forming deep caves and tall columns.
Landscapes are constantly changing!

1 Read and circle the mistakes. Then, write the correct sentences.

a. Wind and water have shaped landscapes all over the Moon.

b. Wind is a powerful force that carries water and oxygen.

c. Waves in the sea cause wind erosion.

2 Read the sentences about erosion. Write T (true) or F (false).

a. Rivers create huge canyons.

b. Wind is the major cause of erosion.

c. Erosion only happens in coastal landscapes.

d. Ocean waves erode cliffs and change their shape.

3 In pairs, search the Internet for pictures of buttes. Make a poster

with the pictures. Write where buttes can be found.

64 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


Name Date

An island is born
In 1963, fishermen were sailing south of Iceland when
they saw a column of smoke rising from the sea. They
thought it was another ship and went to help.
When they arrived, they saw that the smoke came
from a volcanic eruption. They were watching a new
island form!
The eruption expelled lava onto the sea bed, making
the underwater volcano grow little by little. Slowly, the
volcano grew above water and formed a small island.
The island is named Surtsey, after the god of fire in Icelandic mythology.

1 Read the information and write the parts of the volcano.

crater: the mouth of the vent: magma comes up

volcano where lava is expelled. through this tube.

magma: melted rocks from lava: thick, hot liquid

inside the Earth. expelled from volcanoes.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 65


Name Date

1 Look at the photos and write mountain landscape, flat landscape or coastal

2 Write the landscape features next to the correct letter.


A.  D. 

B.  E. 

C.  F. 

3 Explain the difference between these landscape features.

a. gulf and bay: 

b. plain and plateau: 

c. hill and mountain: 

66 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Read and complete the text about changes in landscapes.

disasters farming rain man-made natural change erosion construction

A landscape can for many reasons. There are man-made

changes and changes. Examples of natural changes include

the changing seasons, such as droughts, or wind

and , which is called .

changes include , transport networks and .

5 Is this a natural or man-made landscape? Explain.

6 Look at the picture. Tick () the true sentences.

a. Natural changes are damaging this


b. The river has toxic waste.

c. The smoke from the factory is causing

air pollution.

d. Recycling is damaging this landscape.

e. Deforestation is causing toxic waste.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 67

Landscapes TEST

Name Date

1 Landscapes far from the sea are

a. inland. b. coastal. c. natural.

2 A mountain has three parts:

a. a hill, a slope and a peak.

b. a mouth, a slope and a peak.
c. a foot, a slope and a peak.

3 An area of high, flat land is called a

a. plateau. b. valley. c. plain.

4 Land that is surrounded on all sides by the sea is...

a. a peninsula. b. a bay. c. an island.

5 A part of the sea that cuts into the land is called a

a. cape. b. point. c. gulf.

6 Natural features of a landscape are

a. relief, reservoirs and vegetation.

b. relief, water and vegetation.
c. relief, water, vegetation and buildings.

7 Landscapes that people have not changed are

a. flat. b. mountains. c. natural.

8 A natural landscape can have a

a. reservoir. b. road. c. lake.

9 The destruction of forests is called

a. pollution.
b. deforestation.
c. toxic waste.

10 Man-made changes to a landscape can be

a. farming.
b. the seasons.
c. wind.

68 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


Name Date

1 What makes your region special?

Some regions have beautiful mountain scenery. Others have wonderful beaches. Some
have amazing buildings. Every region has something special to see!

1. Work in groups of four.

2. Use books and magazines, and search

the Internet to find information.

3. One pair does research about natural

features in your region, such as
mountains, lakes, rivers or beaches.

4. The other pair does research about

man-made features, such as bridges,
airports, railway lines or factories.

5. Complete the table with your information.

natural features man-made features

6. Together, make a poster with the title Our region. Include the information from your
table in two sections on the poster: Natural features and Man-made features. Add
some pictures.

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The landscapes of Spain REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Unscramble the words and complete the text.

The (Inern latePau) covers about half

of the Iberian Peninsula. There are two (ntmuaoin gesran)

in the Inner Plateau and four surrounding it. Spain also has

two (rreiv sisnba) and two

(saraipcehlgo) .

2 Write the names of the mountain ranges surrounding the Inner Plateau.

a.  c. 

b.  d. 

3 Write the mountain ranges beyond the Inner Plateau.


B.  D


E.  E

4 Match the peak to the mountain range.

Moncayo Betic Mountain Chain

Aitxuri Mountains of Len

Mulhacn Pyrenees

Aneto Iberian Mountain Chain

Teleno Basque Mountains

70 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


5 Write the coasts to complete the sentences.

Cantabrian coast Mediterranean coast Atlantic coast

a. The coast has many cliffs.

b. The coast has long beaches.

c. The coast can have ras, cliffs or sandy beaches.

6 Complete the chart about Spanish coasts.

In the north coast

Galician coast

In the Atlantic coast coast

In the east and south coast

7 Tick () the correct information.

a. The Balearic Islands are in: b. The Canary Islands are in:

the Atlantic Ocean. the Atlantic Ocean.

the Mediterranean Sea. the Mediterranean Sea.

This archipelago has: This archipelago has:

five islands. five islands.

seven islands. seven islands.

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The landscapes of Spain EXTENSION

Name Date

Spains first National Park

National Parks are protected landscapes. They are special because of their relief and their
plants and animals. Spain has 15 National Parks. In 1918 the first Spanish National Park
was established in the Picos de Europa. It extends through parts of Castile and Len,
Asturias and Cantabria.

The Picos de Europa National Park has mountains that are

over 2,000 metres high, like Torre Cerredo. There are river
valleys, and lakes, such as Enokl and Ercina. In the park
there are also caves. Some are more than 1,000 metres

The park protects the rich plant and animal life. There are
oaks, orchids, vultures, and even brown bears and wolves!

1 Read and write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. National Parks are protected landscapes.

b. The Picos de Europa was Spains first National Park.

c. The Picos de Europa is in southern Spain.

d. Only lakes and mountains are protected in National Parks.

2 Choose another Spanish National Park and complete the index card.

National Park: 

Date established:  .


Special landscape features: 


Special plants and animals: 

72 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The landscapes of Spain EXTENSION

Name Date

Mulhacn mountain
Mulhacn is the highest mountain peak on the Iberian
Peninsula, at almost 3,500 metres high! It is in the
Sierra Nevada National Park in southern Spain. It is
the second tallest mountain in Spain, after Mount
Teide in the Canary Islands.
The name Mulhacn comes from Muley Hacn. He
was a king of Granada in the 15th century. Legends
say he is buried on the summit of the mountain.
The north face of Mulhacn is very steep, so visitors
climb its south face, which is more gentle. Until 1994, you could
drive up this face by car! Now, you can only walk up, or go by bike
or on horseback.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. Where is Mulhacn?

b. How high is it?

c. What is Spains tallest mountain?

d. Where does the name Mulhacn come from?

e. Which is the easiest face to reach the summit? What means of transport can you
use to go up that face now?

2 Search the Internet for information about the Sierra Nevada National Park. Make
a poster with information and pictures.

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The landscapes of Spain ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Find 7 words about landscapes and circle them with the correct colour from the key.

green mountain landscape red flat landscape blue coastal landscape

i e l l y p z b d o
s p l a i n f h s u
t i j a s b u l l s
h m z u r e f e o x
m o u n t a i n p f
u t x i q c a p e l
s f c r y h t t l w
r i v e r b a s i n

2 Complete the chart with the mountain chains.

of the Inner

beyond the
Inner Plateau

surrounding the
Inner Plateau

3 Classify the coasts. Write A for the Atlantic coast, M for the Mediterranean
coast and C for the Cantabrian coast.

Cape Palos Gulf of Cdiz

Gulf of Valencia Cape Peas

Tenerife Bay of Biscay

74 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Look at the letters on the map. Write the names of the mountain chains.


Write the names of Spains two archipelagos.

5 Write definitions for the parts of a mountain.

a. peak: 

b. foot: 

c. slope: 

6 Match the description to the places.

a. The archipelago with Spains highest peak. Atlantic coast

b. The river basin in the north of Spain. The Canary Islands

c. It covers half of the Iberian Peninsula. The Inner Plateau

d. Spains longest coast. The Ebro river basin

e. A coast with many ras. Mediterranean coast

7 Circle the correct words.

a. The Inner Plateau covers half / all of the Iberian Peninsula.

b. Spain has two / four archipelagos and two / four river basins.

c. The Cantabrian / Mediterranean coast is the longest in Spain.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 75

The landscapes of Spain TEST

Name Date

1 The features of an area of land is the

a. landscape. b. coast. c. relief.

2 We call several mountains in line a

a. mountain chain. b. mountain range. c. hill.

3 A cape is

a. a large piece of land that sticks out into the sea.

b. a large area of sea that cuts into the land.
c. a low, flat area of sand next to the sea.

4 The ... covers half of the Iberian Peninsula.

a. Inner Plateau b. Inner Basin c. Inner Plain

5 The two mountain ranges in the Inner Plateau are

a. the Iberian Mountain Chain and the Basque Mountains.

b. the Pyrenees and the Mountains of Len.
c. the Central Mountain Chain and the Mountains of Toledo.

6 The Cantabrian Range is to the... of the Inner Plateau.

a. south b. east c. north

7 Spains highest peak is ... in the Canary Islands.

a. Mulhacn b. Mount Teide c. Aneto

8 The ... river basin is in the south of the Iberian Peninsula.

a. Guadalquivir b. Tajo c. Ebro

9 The Cantabrian coast is

a. high and rocky with lots of capes and cliffs.

b. low and sandy with long beaches.
c. the longest in Spain with lots of gulfs and peninsulas.

10 The Balearic Islands are in the

a. Cantabrian Sea.
b. Atlantic Ocean.
c. Mediterranean Sea.

76 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The landscapes of Spain INVESTIGATE

Name Date

1 Make a 3D relief map of Spain.

1. Work in pairs.

2. Glue a photocopy of a relief map

of Spain onto a piece of strong

3. Cover the relief map with different

colours of plasticine. Use green
for the Inner Plateau and brown for
the mountains. Use blue for the
Guadalquivir and Ebro river basins.

4. Write the numbers 1 to 14 on labels and stick them onto toothpicks.

Stick the labels onto the Inner Plateau, the main mountains on, surrounding
and beyond the Inner Plateau, and the two river basins.

5. Write the key to the labels here:

main relief features of Spain

1 8

2 9

3 10

4 11

5 12

6 13

7 14

6. Show your map to another pair. On a separate piece of paper, they write
the names of the relief features according to the numbers. Use your key
to correct them.

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Name Date

1 Read the definitions and complete the words.

a. A large, flowing body of fresh water. __ __ v e __

b. A river that flows into a main river. t __ __ __ u __ __ __ __

c. The ground that a river flows over. __ i __ __ r b __ d

d. The volume of water in a river. __ l __ w

e. A bend in a river. __ __ a __ __ __ r

f. The journey a river takes. c __ __ __ s __

2 Write the number for each part of the river.

upper course

middle course 1

lower course 2

source 5 6

Now, use the words to write sentences describing the course the river takes.

3 Read and write landscape, climate or watershed.

a. It influences the length of a river. 

b. It is the typical weather of an area. 

c. It affects the amount of water in a river. 

d. All rivers in an area flow into the same sea. 

e. Spain has three of these, such as the Cantabrian Sea. 

78 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Match the letters to the rivers.

Ebro C
Tajo E

Mio F

Now, colour the watersheds according to the key.

red Atlantic blue Cantabrian green Mediterranean

5 Match the rivers to the tributaries.649238_06_31_h1_rios

a. Tajo Genil

b. Ebro Segre and Jaln

c. Guadalquivir Jarama and Alagn

d. Duero Pisuerga, Esla and Tormes

6 Complete the table.

river source watershed tributaries

Saja Besaya

La Mancha

Mediterranean Sea Jaln

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 79

Rivers in Spain EXTENSION

Name Date

The Kings path

In Andalusia there is a deep canyon in the Betic Mountain
Chain, called the Gorge of Gaitanes. In the early 20th
century, workers at a local power station needed a path to
get to the station. They constructed a walkway along the
side of the gorge, 100 metres above the river Guadalhorce!

In 1921, King Alfonso XIII visited this amazing walkway.

Since then, it has been called the Caminito del Rey or the
Kings Path.

In 2015, the walkway was rebuilt. Now, tourists can go

along the walkway and enjoy the incredible views!

1 Put the words in order to make sentences. Then, underline them in the text.

a. deep / there / is / Betic Mountain Chain. / a / in / canyon / Andalusia / the / In

b. visited / In / King Alfonso XIII / walkway. / 1921 / amazing / this

c. the / rebuilt. / was / In / 2015, / walkway

2 Tick () the true sentences and cross out () the false sentences.

a. The Gorge of Gaitanes is in Andalusia.

b. The Gorge of Gaitanes is in the Pyrenees.

c. The walkway gets its name after a visit by King Philip VI.

d. The walkway is 100 metres above the river Guadalhorce.

e. Since 2015, tourists can visit the newly constructed walkway.

3 Would you like to visit the Kings Path? Why or why not? Explain.

80 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Rivers in Spain

Name Date

Going down the Sella

In Asturias, there is a special race that is celebrated on
the first Saturday in August. It is the International Descent
of the River Sella. Competitors travel 20 kilometres by
kayak or canoe, from Arriondas to Ribadesella. Asturias
has a wet climate, so the Sella has abundant flow. For
this reason, the competition takes place every year.
The Descent of the Sella started in 1929 when some
friends took a canoe down the river. By the following year
it had become an official race. Competitors race from the
middle course of the river down to its mouth.
The Descent of the Sella is now recognised by UNESCO
as a world heritage tourism event.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. What is the Descent of the River Sella?

b. When does it take place?

c. When did it begin?

d. What parts of the river does the race go through?

2 Draw a river. Then, describe its course.

The river starts in

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 81

Rivers in Spain ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Match and write sentences about rivers.

a. A river is lakes or reservoirs.

b. Its course is the journey downhill along a river bed.

c. It travels a large, flowing body of fresh water.

d. The water it carries it takes from its source to its mouth.

e. River water collects in is called its flow.

2 Write the parts of the river.


2.  3

5.  4 5

3 Answer the questions.

a. What are gullies? Where can you find them?

b. Which river is the fastest-flowing in Spain?

c. Which river is the longest on the Iberian Peninsula?

82 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Write the river next to

the correct letter.

A.  A B
C.  E

D.  F

E.  G



5 Match each river to its source and watershed.

a. Cantabrian Mountains Mio Atlantic Ocean

b. Iberian Mountain Chain Duero 649238_06_31_h1_rios

Mediterranean Sea

c. Galician Massif Ebro Atlantic Ocean

d. Iberian Mountain Chain Eo Atlantic Ocean

e. Cantabrian Mountains Tajo Cantabrian Sea

6 Complete the text with the correct words.

Ebro short Cantabrian long flow Mediterranean Atlantic

Rivers that flow into the Sea are

but have a high water flow. Most of the rivers that flow into the

Ocean are . Except for the ,

the rivers that flow into the Sea are short and have

a low water .

7 Do the Canary Islands have rivers? Explain.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 83

Rivers in Spain TEST

Name Date

1 A is a large, flowing body of fresh water.

a. river b. tributary c. gully

2 A river bed is

a. the volume of water in a river.

b. the ground that a river flows over.
c. the journey a river takes.

3 The middle course of a river is

a. wide and has a slower flow.

b. narrow and has a faster flow.
c. wide and has a faster flow.

4 A is a river that flows into another river.

a. tributary b. reservoir c. lake

5 Rivers that flow into the Atlantic Ocean are

a. short. b. regular. c. long.

6 Rivers that flow into the Cantabrian Sea are

a. short and carry lots of water.

b. long and carry lots of water.
c. short and have a low flow.

7 form in the Canary Islands when it rains a lot.

a. Tributaries b. Gullies c. Cliffs

8 The Duero flows into the

a. Cantabrian Sea. b. Mediterranean Sea. c. Atlantic Ocean.

9 The longest river on the Iberian Peninsula is

a. the Tajo. b. the Guadalquivir. c. the Ebro.

10 The source of the river Mio is in

a. the Galician Massif.

b. the Cantabrian Mountains.
c. the Pyrenees.

84 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Rivers in Spain

Name Date

1 Lets make a river diorama!

1. Work in pairs. You need an empty shoe box, some card, and some stickers.

2. Plan your diorama. First, draw a landscape of a river. Include the following river
features: source, upper course, middle course, meander, tributary, lake, lower course
and mouth.

3. Stand an open shoebox on its side.

4. Decorate the back of the box with clouds and sky.

5. Now, copy your river drawings onto coloured card.

Cut out the drawings and arrange the parts in
the box to make a 3D version of your picture.

6. Use stickers to label the parts of your river:

source, upper course, middle course, meander,
tributary, lake, lower course and mouth.

7. Present your diorama to the class. Explain

the different river features.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 85

Villages and towns REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Look at the photos and write the types of villages.

around a square - along a road - made up of isolated houses

2 Read the sentences and write village or city.

a. There is a lot of traffic. 

b. People work in industry or in services. 

c. Most people know each other. 

d. Many people work in farming. 

e. There are short, narrow roads. 

f. There are a lot of shops. 

3 Label the parts of the city: historic centre, modern district or suburbs.

86 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Tick () the municipal services. Then, write the name of these services.

5 Match the characteristics to either advantage or disadvantage.

more schools sports centres and cinemas

more traffic more noise

more museums few natural landscapes

6 Complete the text about street maps.

streets - rows - key - buildings - columns

Street maps show an aerial view of the

, parks and
in a town or city. They are marked on a grid that has
numbered and lettered
. They have a
that explains the symbols.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 87

Villages and towns EXTENSION

Name Date

The most populated city on Earth

Tokyo is the capital of Japan. It is also the most populated city in
the world, with 35 million inhabitants!

When we think of large cities, we usually imagine people living and

working in tall skyscrapers. But Tokyo has very few skyscrapers
because it is in a region that suffers from many earthquakes. Most
of the buildings are no more than ten stories high.

Tokyo is a city of contrasts. It has modern buildings, built using

the latest technology, next to quiet historic buildings and
temples. The city has the worlds largest railway network. More
than 20 million people travel by train every day.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. What country is Tokyo in? 

b. How many people live in Tokyo? 

c. What makes Tokyo a city of contrasts? 

d. Why are there not many skyscrapers in Tokyo? 

2 Look at the picture and circle the correct answers.

a. What type of transport is this?

boat taxi train car

b. Why do so many people travel this way in Tokyo?

its faster cars are illegalits more expensive

c. Which type of transport do you use the most?

bus taxi train car

3 Do you prefer a big city like Tokyo or a small town? Explain.

88 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Villages and towns

Name Date

Villages, towns and cities over time

Many villages and towns in Spain are
thousands of years old. Some of these
places started as small villages that grew
into towns, and then into big cities with a
large population.
Most of the population of Spain now lives
in towns and cities. Two Spanish cities,
Madrid and Barcelona each has more
than one million people. Madrid has
3 million inhabitants, and the population
of Barcelona is 1.5 million people. These
large cities grew from small villages.
However, some villages in Spain have
remained small. Some of them are almost abandoned, because the inhabitants
have moved to cities for jobs. The smallest villages have only a few inhabitants in winter.
There are more animals than people!

1 Answer the questions about the place where you live.

a. Do you live in a village, a town or a city? 

b. How old is it? 

c. What is the population now? 

d. Is the population increasing or decreasing? 

e. If it is decreasing, where are the people moving to? 

2 What is your favourite village, town or city? Write two reasons why you like it.

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Villages and towns ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Complete the table.

villages cities

What are the streets like?

What are the buildings like?

Is there a lot of traffic?

2 Write the parts of the city.


B.  C


3 Look at the pictures. Write three sentences about the differences between
villages and cities.

90 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Write the words in the correct order to make sentences about local councils.

a. and the mayor / in the town hall. / work / The local councillors

b. is the head / The mayor / of the local council.

c. organizes / The local council / the municipal services.

5 Write the municipal services in the picture.

2 3


Now, write two other municipal services

that are not in the picture.

6 Look at the map. Write the building for each square. Use the key.

hospital car park

fire station museum Green

1 Park


a. B-2:

b. C-1: 3

c. A-3:

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 91

Villages and towns TEST

Name Date

1 . are rural areas with a small population.

a. Cities b. Towns c. Villages

2 Villages have

a. wide and long streets.

b. low buildings.
c. more than 10,000 inhabitants.

3 The narrow streets of a city are usually in the

a. suburbs. b. historic centre. c. modern district.

4 Industrial estates and shopping centres are usually in the

a. suburbs. b. historic centre. c. modern district.

5 An advantage of living in a village is that

a. there is no mayor.
b. they have lots of cathedrals.
c. it is usually quiet.

6 The mayor and work in the town hall.

a. local councillors b. doctors c. teachers

7 Municipal workers

a. take care of the mayor.

b. organize the local festivities.
c. carry out municipal services.

8 Cultural and recreational services

a. organize the local school.

b. organize the local sports centre.
c. help prevent fires.

9 The police are responsible for

a. cleaning the streets. b. keeping the streets safe. c. running the library.

10 Rubbish collectors work for the

a. fire service. b. town planning services. c. sanitation services.

92 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Villages and towns

Name Date

1 Design a park for your community.

1. Work in groups of four. Choose a place in your neighbourhood to build a new park.

2. Decide the activities for each area of the park. For example, an area for a playground,
a swimming pool, some gardens, some picnic benches, etc.

3. Draw symbols for each activity and write a key in your notebook. Draw the symbols
on the square where you want them to be in your park.


4. Give your park a name. Write four rules about how to behave in your park.





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Jobs in nature REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Use the colour key to circle the words.

green primary sector red secondary sector blue tertiary sector

mining industry tourism education crop farming transport

fishing health care livestock farming forestry construction commerce

2 Read the sentences and write A for active population or I for inactive population.

a. People of legal working age.

b. People not of legal working age.

c. People who do not get a salary.

d. People who earn money for their work.

e. Unemployed people who are looking for work.

3 Write the farming activities. Then, number them in order from 1 to 3.

Now, describe what is happening in the pictures.

94 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Circle and write six crops. Then, underline the irrigated crops in blue
and the dry crops in green.

j r w c t o m a r e t

a c h l l l g s z p c 

s e e l z i u b u x j

g r a p e v v c a p l

c l t p t e z t m e p

o m r o q j p i j v a 
r z u r i c e d u o l

n t o m a t o p a l i

5 Write the types of livestock.


6 Match the jobs in the primary sector to the descriptions.

a. animal farming fishermen fish near the coast

b. crop farming farmers grow plants in fields

c. coastal fishing farmers raise fish near rivers or the coast

d. deep-sea fishing farmers raise animals for products

e. fish farming fishermen fish a long way from the coast

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 95

Jobs in nature EXTENSION

Name Date

Where does paper come from?

Paper was invented in China 2,000 years
ago. In those days, paper was made from
rags of cloth, or even from old fishing nets.
Nowadays, most paper is made from
wood. Trees are grown especially for
paper production. The trees are cut down
and the trunks are chopped into small
chips of wood.
At paper factories, the chips of wood are
soaked in water and chemicals to make
wood pulp. The wood pulp is bleached to
make it clean and white. The water in the wood pulp is squeezed out and the pulp is left
to dry. Finally, the wood pulp is cut up in machines to become sheets of paper.
These days many factories use recycled paper to make their paper products. In this way,
we can save trees and help to reduce rubbish. With recycled paper, factories can make
anything from notebooks to toilet paper!

1 Read and write T (true) or F (false).

a. Paper was invented 2,000 years ago in India.

b. The first type of paper was made from cloth.

c. Today, paper is made from wood pulp.

d. Bleaching wood pulp cleans it and turns it white.

e. Recycled paper is only used to make toilet paper.

2 Search the Internet to find out how paper is recycled. Write sentences describing
the process.

96 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Jobs in nature EXTENSION

Name Date

The potato came from America

Do you like potatoes? Did you know that before the 16th
century there were no potatoes in Europe?
The potato comes from Peru, in South America. When
Spanish explorers first arrived there, they saw that the
potato was a popular food. They decided to bring potato
plants to Spain. The potato quickly became popular in
other European countries like Portugal, Italy and France.
At first, people grew potato plants for their pretty flowers.
Many people thought potatoes were poisonous and were
afraid to eat them. The Italians were the first to cook potatoes. Now, potatoes are
grown all over the world and chefs use them as an important ingredient in many dishes.
Not only is the potato a versatile food, it is also healthy and full of nutrients.

1 Complete the text about growing potatoes.

plough harvest spray fertilize plant

First, farmers the soil to prepare it for planting. Then, they water and

the soil so that it has lots of nutrients. Next, they

the potatoes. To protect the plants from disease and insects, they them

with pesticides. Finally, the farmers the potatoes once they are ready.

2 Read the menu and answer the questions.

a. Which foods come from crop farming?

First course

Artichokes with
shellfish b. Which foods come from livestock farming?
Starters Lentil stew
Second course

Asparagus with
tomatoes Roast lamb c. Which dishes on the menu come from the
Roasted green Grilled trout fishing industry?

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 97

Jobs in nature ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Write A (active population) or I (inactive population).

an unemployed person a fireman a retired man

a farmer a student a teacher

2 Write primary, secondary or tertiary sector.

3 Number the farming activities in order. Then, use the words to write sentences to
explain the process of farming.

harvesting fertilizing ploughing sowing

4 Match the words to the products.

a. dry crops plants for food and other products

b. livestock farming wood

c. crop farming rice and tomatoes

d. forestry sheep, pigs and cows

e. irrigated crops grapes and olives

98 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


5 Write the type of livestock under each picture.


What type of animal farming do the pictures represent? Explain.

Picture represents extensive farming because 

Pictures and represent intensive farming


6 Label the pictures C (coastal fishing) and D (deep-sea fishing).

Write three differences between these two types of fishing.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 99

Jobs in nature TEST

Name Date

1 People who get paid for their work belong to the

a. inactive population.
b. active population.
c. unemployed population.

2 Retired people belong to the

a. inactive population.
b. active population.
c. unemployed population.

3 The planting process for crop farmers is

a. sowing, ploughing and harvesting.

b. ploughing, sowing and harvesting.
c. harvesting, sowing and ploughing.

4 Crops that grow with just rainwater are

a. irrigated crops. b. dry crops. c. harvests.

5 are irrigated crops.

a. Corn, grapes and potatoes

b. Corn, rice and tomatoes
c. Grapes, wheat and olives

6 Sowing is when a farmer

a. prepares the land. b. harvests the crops. c. plants the seeds.

7 Products from livestock farming are

a. cotton and milk. b. eggs and wool. c. meat and corn.

8 Livestock living in open fields is

a. extensive farming. b. cattle farming. c. intensive farming.

9 Cows, bulls and oxen are

a. poultry. b.goats. c.cattle.

10 Fishermen in large boats with refrigerators carry out

a. coastal fishing. b. deep-sea fishing. c. fish farming.

100 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Jobs in nature INVESTIGATE

Name Date

1 Carry out a product survey.

When we go to the market or

supermarket, we can see hundreds
of amazing food products from all
over the world! Some food products
cannot be grown locally, but many
products can. It is important to support
local farmers by choosing their
products when possible. You are going
to carry out a product survey to find
out where food products in your local
market come from.

1. Visit your local market or supermarket. Read the labels on
the products, or ask the shop assistants questions
to get information:
Where does this (fish) come from?
Where do these (olives) come from?
Are these (tomatoes) from a local farm?

2. In small groups, prepare a table of about ten different food

products you can find in the market. Use this example as
a model:

product where it comes from

trout fish farm in Galicia

olives dry crop from Andalusia

meat livestock farm in vila

3. Complete your table with the food products you have found.

4. Compare your table with another group. Together, decide the

best way to complete this sentence:
Most of the products in my local market are / are not produced

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 101

Jobs in industry and services REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Circle the jobs. Then, classify them into sectors in the table.

rm erbuilderfisherm
o tfa an
minerp sicia

ac herlumberjackh
rte ote
e lre
factoryw ork cept

primary sector secondary sector tertiary sector

2 Write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. The secondary sector gets raw materials from nature.

b. Primary industries make raw materials for other industries.

c. Consumer industries make manufactured products for consumers.

d. Craftsmen make handmade products in large factories.

3 Match to make sentences about jobs in the secondary sector.

a. Factory workers can be bricklayers, engineers or architects.

b. Craftsmen work on assembly lines.

c. Construction workers turn raw materials into handmade products.

102 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Look at the pictures. Tick () the jobs that belong to the tertiary sector.

5 Write the type of industry under each picture.

food industry textile industry chemical industry construction industry

6 Unscramble the jobs. Then, classify them in the table.

rotu eidgu sitnetd

intra rerdvi cerhate

hops stisnsata nseur

education health care transport retail tourism

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 103

Jobs in industry and services EXTENSION

Name Date

From factories to museums

The textile industry was very important during the
19th century. In Spain, there were many textile
factories in Catalonia, especially in Barcelona.
Textile factories were built near rivers so that the
moving water could power water mills and machines.
The workers lived in communities near the factories.
These communities were small villages with houses,
shops, churches and schools. There was also a large
mansion where the factory owner lived.
As the years went by, the textile factories closed
down and the workers left the communities.
Nowadays, some of these old factories and the
buildings around them have become museums. When visiting the museums you can find
out what life was like in industrial areas during the 19th century.

1 Making clothes in factories is similar today to in the past. Number the pictures
in order.

Shopkeepers sell the Factories prepare the wool. Factory workers pack the
jumper. jumpers.

Workers sew the jumpers. Farmers take wool from Lorries transport the
sheep. jumpers.

104 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Jobs in industry and services EXTENSION

Name Date

Did you know that being a firefighter is not a modern
job? There were firefighters as far back as Ancient Rome!
In some countries, firefighting is carried out by
volunteers; but in others, it is full-time work. Firefighting
is a dangerous job, so firefighters have to be physically fit
and strong. They wear special suits to protect them from
the extreme heat, flames and gases caused by fires.
These suits can weigh more than 30 kilograms!
Firefighters work closely with other public and emergency
services, like the police and ambulances. In fact, there is
one number, which coordinates all the emergency
services in all the countries of the European Union. The
number is 112. Memorize it!

1 Look at the picture. Circle public services in blue and private services in green.

2 Write a list of public services where you live.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 105

Jobs in industry and services ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Circle the manufactured products.



2 Use the words to complete the text.

craftsmen industrial process raw materials factories

manufactured products handmade assembly lines

In the , workers turn into . This

takes place in . where many workers work on .

In workshops, turn raw materials into products.

3 Complete the chart about types of industries.

 steel, aluminium



106 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Write S (secondary) or T (tertiary) for each picture.

potter doctor construction worker taxi driver assembly worker

5 Write the type of service that is provided when you do these activities.

a. travel by plane 

b. get a vaccination 

c. buy some shoes 

d. order a hamburger 

e. learn to read 

6 Find and circle five places where you would use the services in Activity 5.
Write the words to match Activity 5.

c q r e d f r

z s h o p k e

h p x a e y s
o r w i t o t
s c h r s l a
p g d p c i u d. 
i r a o h v r e. 

t l t r o e a

a m r t o j n

l i r p l r t

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 107

Jobs in industry and services TEST

Name Date

1 The construction industry is part of

a. the secondary sector. b. the tertiary sector. c. no sector.

2 The industrial process is

a. a building where they make industrial products.

b. a series of activities in factories that turn raw materials into manufactured products.
c. the workshop of a craftsman.

3 Craftsmen

a. make lots of products every day in factories.

b. use simple machines to make handmade products.
c. turn manufactured products into raw materials.

4 Industries that turn raw materials into products for other industries are

a. primary industries. b. metal industries. c. consumer industries.

5 Industrial estates are often built

a. far from transport networks.

b. in city centres.
c. outside cities near transport networks.

6 Hotel receptionists work in

a. retail. b.tourism.

7 Commerce is

a. a service that moves people and products from one place to another.
b. a service that helps people in emergencies.
c. the buying and selling of products.

8 Public transport includes

a. buses, trains and planes. b. motorcycles and bicycles. c. cars and trains.

9 Ships leave from and travel along sea routes.

a. airports b seaports c. railway stations

10 The people who buy products are called

a. consumers. b.producers. c.traders.

108 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Jobs in industry and services INVESTIGATE

Name Date

1 Carry out a survey about jobs.

What jobs are the most popular?

Do a survey.

1. Ask your classmates: What do you want to be when you grow up?

2. Record your results in a table like this one. Add columns for other jobs.

doctor teacher fisherman TV presenter singer farmer fireman

3. Make a bar chart like this one with the class results.
number of children

0 doctor teacher fisherman TV presenter singer farmer fireman

4. Interpret the results and answer the questions in your notebook.

a. What is the most popular job in your class?
b. Which job is the most popular with girls? Which job is the most popular with boys?
c. Which sector is the most popular: the primary, the secondary or the tertiary?

5. What job do you want to do when you are older? Which sector is it? Write sentences.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 109


Name Date

1 Circle the units of time. Then, write them in order from the shortest
to the longest.

de cadeh hda
w eek ym
centurym inute niums

a.  f. 

b.  g. 

c.  h. 

d.  i. 

e.  j. 

2 Write the historical source.

written non-written oral

3 Complete the table about non-written sources.

non-written sources

type building object

example Guernica

110 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Match the year to the century.

a. 1905 13th century

b. 600 20th century

c. 50 21st century

d. 1222 16th century

e. 1560 7th century

f. 2015 1st century

5 Write the period of history next to the correct number.

1 2 3 4 5

1.  4. 

2.  5. 


6 Write the event that started each period of history.

a. Prehistory 

b. Ancient History 

c. The Middle Ages 

d. The Modern Age 

e. Contemporary History 

7 Match the unit of time to either calendar or clock.

a. hour
b. month

c. second
d. minute

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 111


Name Date

Saint Patricks Day

Festivals and traditions are a way of
preserving the past. Saint Patricks Day
is a festival in the Republic of Ireland
and in Northern Ireland. It is celebrated
on 17th March in honour of Saint Patrick,
the patron Saint of Ireland.

Saint Patricks Day is now an international

cultural celebration. People all around
the world celebrate it with traditional Irish
food, drink and folk music. People wear
green to symbolize the countryside of
Ireland. People also wear a three-leaf clover, which is an Irish symbol for spring.

Many cities organize St. Patricks Day parades and events. In Chicago, in the United
States, the Chicago River is dyed green on St. Patricks Day!

1 Read the text and write T (true) or F (false).

a. Saint Patricks Day is a Scottish festival.

b. Saint Patricks Day is celebrated in the summer.

c. It is celebrated all around the world.

d. People wear green because it symbolizes hope.

e. The clover is an Irish symbol for spring.

2 Spain also has many traditional festivities. Find out about a local festival
and complete the index card.

traditional festivals in Spain

name and date of festival:

events that take place:

112 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The past

Name Date

World Heritage Sites

The United Nations Educational, Scientific
and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) is an
international organization that promotes
education and cooperation.
UNESCO identifies cultural and natural
sites of outstanding universal value, and
includes them in the World Heritage List.
These sites are unique places that need to
be preserved for future generations. The list
contains over 900 sites. It includes historic
monuments and natural landscapes.
Europe has the most World Heritage Sites, including cathedrals, castles, ancient ruins,
and the centres of many historic cities. Spain is home to 43 World Heritage Cultural Sites,
including the Alhambra, the Cave of Altamira, the city of Toledo and El Escorial Monastery.

1 Circle the correct words.

a. UNESCO is an international organization that promotes

education and cooperation / art and food.

b. The World Heritage List includes sites of universal / national value.

c. Europe has the most / best World Heritage Sites.

2 Search the Internet for information about the the Cave of Altamira.
Draw the cave paintings and complete the sentences.

The Cave of Altamira is in the autonomous

community of C in the north

of Spain. The paintings were made in the

period of history called P .

The paintings are years


Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 113


Name Date

1 Number the events in order, from the oldest to the most recent.

a. My sister was born a decade ago.

b. The cathedral was built eight centuries ago.

c. My grandparents married five decades ago.

d. Writing was invented five millennia ago.

2 Write these dates in order, from the oldest to the most recent.

523 B.C. 124 A.D. 1123 A.D. 2 A.D. 2 B.C.

3 Look at the pictures and write the time period.


4 Write the periods of history in the correct places on the timeline.

114 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


5 Write the type of historical source.

written non-written oral

6 Find and circle three historical sources in blue. Then circle

three monuments in green.

p a i n t i n g

r c a d r j c c

p a l a c e x h

q s o x o z b u

r t p h o t o r

g l o k t s o c

u e k w r a k h

7 What is a timeline used for? Explain.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 115

The past TEST

Name Date

1 We use a to measure short periods of time.

a. calendar b. century c. clock

2 A decade is

a. five years. b. ten years. c. 100 years.

3 The year 1492 was in the

a. 21st century. b. 13th century. c. 15th century.

4 are people who study historical sources.

a. Historians b. Doctors c. Romans

5 Written historical sources are

a. images that tell us about the past.

b. old texts from the past.
c. old objects from the past.

6 Historical sources can be

a. written or oral. b. written, non-written or oral. c. non-written or physical.

7 The periods of history in order are:

a. Prehistory, Ancient History, the Middle Ages, Contemporary History, the Modern Age.
b. Prehistory, Ancient History, the Middle Ages, the Modern Age, Contemporary History.
c. Ancient History, Prehistory, the Middle Ages, the Modern Age, Contemporary History.

8 During Prehistory, people lived in

a. caves. b. domus. c. castles.

9 The time period we live in nowadays is called

a. the Modern Age. b. the Middle Ages. c. Contemporary History.

10 A timeline puts

a. past events in order. b. shorter events before longer events. c. future events in order.

116 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The past

Name Date

1 Make a scrapbook of your personal history.

History is not just events that happened to other people a long time
ago. Your personal history is all the events that have happened to
you in your life. You are going to make a scrapbook of all the
important events that have happened to you. It will tell the story
of your life so far!


1. Ask family members to help you with the important events

of your life.

2. Create a timeline of your personal history and put the events

in order, from the earliest to the most recent.

Was born
Started Broke my Got a bike
school arm

2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

3. Find photos or make drawings for each event.

4. Get a blank scrapbook. Give it the title My history.

5. Use a page for each event. Stick the pictures next to the event.
Write a brief description of the event and the pictures.

6. Show your scrapbook to your classmates.

What events are similar?

Were you the same age when they happened?

What events are different?

7. Continue to add important events

as they happen to you.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 117

Prehistory to the Middle Ages REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Read and circle the mistakes. Then, write the correct sentence.

a. When people learned to farm the land, they became nomads.

b. Humans began to work with metals a million years ago.

c. The first metalworkers lived in caves.

d. The first humans gathered wild plants, caught fish and raised cows.

2 Write the correct people for each sentence.

the first farmers the first metalworkers the first human beings

a. They lived in the first villages. 

b. They discovered fire. 

c. They became sedentary. 

d. They invented the wheel. 

e. They lived in caves. 

3 Tick the picture that shows Prehistory. Explain why.

118 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Unscramble and match the Roman buildings to complete the sentences.

a. ircucs carried water to the cities.

b. ubicpl abths were dedicated to their gods.

c. pletem were for entertainment.

d. ducaueqt were used for chariot races.

e. eatreaphmith were used for bathing.

f. trehaet were used for gladiator fights.

5 Read the clues and write (A) for Ancient History or (M) for the Middle Ages.

People lived in domus, villas and insulae. They decorated buildings with mosaics.

Monks and nuns lived in monasteries. Peasants lived in small villages.

6 Look at the picture and answer the questions.

What type of building is this?

What period of history is it from?

Who lived here?

7 Match the words to the people who lived there.

a. monastery noblemen

b. small village merchants

c. castle peasants

d. medieval city monks and nuns

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 119

Prehistory to the Middle Ages EXTENSION

Name Date

A Roman domus
In Ancient Rome, rich families lived in
big, comfortable houses called domus.
They were homes for one family with
just one storey. They were decorated
with wall paintings and mosaics
on the floors.

The windows were small to keep out

city noise. So, for more sunlight,
Romans built the rooms around an
open courtyard (atrium). This central
courtyard had a small pond that
collected rainwater.

The entry from the street (vestibulum) led to the courtyard, the most important part of the
house. The bedrooms (cubicula), dining room (triclinium) and the office surrounded the
courtyard. Some domus had a very large courtyard with gardens and even baths!

1 Label the parts of a domus.

entry courtyard pond bedroom dining room

vestibulum or atrium or

food pantry

cubicula or triclinium or

2 Look at the photo. What part of the domus can you see?

120 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Prehistory to the Middle Ages EXTENSION

Name Date

History in a comic
The Bayeux Tapestry was created in the 11th
century. It uses pictures to tell the story of how
William the Conqueror became King of England.
Most people at that time could not read, so a
story in pictures was the best way for people to
learn about the King. The tapestry shows many
scenes, one after another, making it the first
comic book in history!
The pictures were embroidered onto a very long piece of cloth with threads of bright-
coloured wool. The whole tapestry is 70 metres long!
The Bayeux Tapestry is an important historical source because it shows many important
events in history. It also gives us an idea about life, society and war in the Middle Ages.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. In which period of history was the Bayeux Tapestry created? 

b. Who does the tapestry tell a story about? 

c. Why was it important to tell the story using pictures? 

d. Why is the tapestry an important historical source? 

2 Imagine you are a historian studying the Bayeux Tapestry.

Look at this section of the tapestry and answer the questions.

What means of transport is being used?

How did this transport move?

What is being transported?

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 121

Prehistory to the Middle Ages ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Match to make sentences about Prehistory.

a. The first humans were inventors and built the first farms and villages.

b. The first farmers were sedentary and moved to find food and shelter.

c. The first metalworkers were nomads and invented the wheel, carts and
sail boats.

2 Look at picture and circle the correct answers.

What material are the swords made of?

Who in Prehistory used these?
the first humans the first farmers the first metalworkers
How long ago were these objects made?

8,000 years ago 100,000 years ago a million years ago

3 Classify the words in the table.

temple Latin insulae cart

horse slaves public baths villas

sailing boat bridge forum domus

Roman buildings Roman transport people and languages

122 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Find and circle five words from Ancient History and the Middle Ages.
Then, write.

Ancient History
r o m a n y
q s m q d m 

e v p u x o 

k j l e w n 
q j e d u k The Middle Ages
f o r u m z 
i c q c o b 
c a s t l e

5 Put the words in order to make sentences about the Middle Ages.

a. Merchants / sold / in markets. / their products

b. of the Roman Empire / in the 15th century. / and ended / It started / with the fall

c. kings and knights / There were rich / and poor / peasants.

d. Monks / in / monasteries. / lived

6 Read the events and write the period of history they belong to.

a. The construction of monasteries 

b. The invention of sailing boats 

c. The invention of the wheel 

d. The construction of villages 

e. The construction of villas 

f. The discovery of fire 

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 123

Prehistory to the Middle Ages TEST

Name Date

1 The first humans were

a. nomads that moved from place to place.

b. sedentary and built houses in small villages.
c. travellers that liked visiting other cultures.

2 Over a million years ago, the first humans were

a. hunters and gatherers. b. farmers. c. metalworkers.

3 People built the first villages and cities because of

a. farming. b. fire. c. trade.

4 There was a large square in the centre of Roman cities called a

a. villa. b. forum. c. public bath.

5 Ancient Romans watched gladiators fight in

a. theatres. b. circuses. c. amphitheatres.

6 Poor Romans lived in...

a. domus. b. villas. c. insulae.

7 Romans spoke

a. Spanish. b. Latin. c. Italian.

8 Merchants and craftsmen in the Middle Ages lived in

a. villages. b. monasteries. c. cities.

9 In the Middle Ages, knights

a. fought in wars.
b. copied books.
c. sold products in markets.

10 Monks and nuns in the Middle Ages lived in...

a. churches. b. monasteries. c. cathedrals.

124 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

Prehistory to the Middle Ages INVESTIGATE

Name Date

1 Build a castle.

1. Work in small groups. You need empty cereal and shoe boxes,
cardboard tubes and some strong card, glue and scissors.

2. Search the Internet for images of castles. In your notebooks,

draw a castle you like as a model.

3. Find out the names of the different parts of the castle, such as: drawbridge,
tower, keep, battlements, etc. Write labels for the different parts.

4. Use the boxes to make a 3D castle, using your

drawing as a model. Stick the pieces
of your castle together with glue
or transparent tape. Decorate and paint
your castle and add the labels to the
different parts.

5. Invent a name for your castle. Share

your castle with your classmates.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 125

The Modern Age and Contemporary History REINFORCEMENT

Name Date

1 Read the sentences about the Modern Age and write T (true) or F (false).
Then, correct the false sentences.

a. There were new inventions like the printing press.

b. Trade developed only on land.

c. Merchants and craftsmen lived in villages.

d. New products arrived from Africa.

e. Explorers discovered that the Earth was flat.

f. The telescope was invented.

2 Complete the chart about the Modern Age.

in the cities

In the
Modern Age,
these people
in the villages

3 Tick () the inventions from the 19th century.

piano street lighting telescope

automobile potato computer

palace vaccines sailing boat

wheel steam engine train

126 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Circle the correct words to complete the sentences about the 19th century.

a. In the 19th century, workers / craftsmen worked in factories.

b. They made many products because they used machines powered by hand / steam.

c. Many peasants / slaves left their villages to work in factories in the countryside / city.

5 Label the means of transport M (Modern Age) or C (Contemporary History).

aeroplane steamboat high-speed train

horse-pulled cart automobile spacecraft

6 Unscramble the letters. Then, label the inventions.

lanopaere orbto

aptlop uteorcmp scftecrapa


Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 127

The Modern Age and Contemporary History EXTENSION

Name Date

The worlds first underground trains

In 1863, the worlds first underground train line opened
in London. It was called the Metropolitan Railway. The
line ran between Paddington and Farringdon Street.
The trains were powered by a steam locomotive which
filled the tunnels with smoke! Later, electric trains were
introduced, which were cleaner.

On its opening day, the Metropolitan Railway carried more than 30,000 passengers on the
6 kilometre journey. The underground transformed the way people travelled within the city.

During its construction, many people were worried there would be problems digging under
the city. However, the London Underground expanded and new lines were built.
Nowadays, there are 280 stations on 12 lines. It is the largest metro system in Europe!

1 Put the words in order to make sentences. Then, find and underline the sentences
in the text.

a. the worlds first / In 1863, / underground train line / opened in London.

b. people travelled / The underground transformed / the city. / the way / within

c. Nowadays, / 280 / stations on / there are / lines. / 12

2 Search the Internet for information about the first metro system in Spain
and complete the index card.

First metro in Spain

Where was it built? 

When was it opened? 

How many stations are there now? 

128 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The Modern Age and Contemporary History EXTENSION

Name Date

The Industrial Revolution

The invention of the steam engine in the 18th century
revolutionized the way products were made. Steam
engines were used to power large machines. These
machines could make many products very quickly.
Factories were built to house the large and noisy
machines. This started a time of great economic and
technological development, known as the Industrial Revolution.
The Industrial Revolution started in Great Britain. Factories replaced small craftsmens
workshops. People left their farms in the country for factory jobs in the cities. The growing
city populations needed better transport, improved health services and more food. These
needs inspired new inventions like vaccines and more efficient farming equipment. This led
to more and more jobs in the cities, and fewer people in the countryside.
By the early 20th century, the Industrial Revolution had spread to other countries.

1 Read the text and answer the questions.

a. What was the Industrial Revolution? 

b. Where and when did the Industrial Revolution begin? 

c. What happened to the population during the Industrial Revolution? 

2 Look at the photos of textile factories from the 19th century and 21st century.
Label the sentences A or B.


A factory from the 19th century. Many people work the machines.

A factory from the 21st century. Computers work the machines.

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 129

The Modern Age and Contemporary History ASSESSMENT

Name Date

1 Write T (true) or F (false). Then, correct the false sentences.

a. Contemporary History started 50 years ago.

b. In the 20th century, houses installed running water, heating and lighting.

c. Cities became smaller in the 19th century.

d. Vaccines were invented in the 19th century.

2 Colour the phrases that describe the Modern Age in red, and phrases
that describe Contemporary History in green.

it started in 1492 peasants left their villages

new products arrived from America

it started with the French Revolution people had telescopes and pianos

3 Complete the table with the words.

Internet first vaccines steamboat high-speed train automobile

piano sailing boat first street lighting tomatoes and corn printing press

Contemporary History
Modern Age
19th century 20th and 21st centuries

130 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.


4 Look at the photo and circle the correct word for each sentence.

a. The streets are wide / narrow.

b. The buildings are low / tall.

c. The automobiles are modern / old.

d. This picture belongs to the Modern Age /

Contemporary History.

e. The photograph of the city is from the

19th / 21st century.

5 Complete the sentences about these two telephones.

This is a from the This is a from the

century. It stayed century. You can

in the room. carry it with you.

6 Write the main periods of history. Colour the timeline. Then, write the period
you like best. What do you like from that period?

Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L. Social Science 3 131

The Modern Age and Contemporary History TEST

Name Date

1 Christopher Columbus discovered America in

a.1992. b.1492. c. 1592.

2 The was an invention of the Modern Age.

a.aeroplane c.printing press

3 During the Modern Age, the kings and noblemen lived in

a.castles. b.palaces. c.insulae.

4 The first factories opened

a. 200 years ago. b. 400 years ago. c. 600 years ago.

5 The machines used in the first factories were powered by

a.steam. b.electricity. c.petrol.

6 During Contemporary History peoples health improved thanks to

a. paved roads.
b. medicines and vaccines.

7 Nowadays, perform many tasks in factories, instead of workers.

a. machines and robots

b. machines and craftsmen
c. animals and robots

8 The steam engine, cars and the camera were invented in the

a 19th century.
b. 20th century.
c. 21st century.

9 Inventions in Contemporany History that have changed peoples lives include

a. the Internet, the wheel and the piano.

b. the telescope, the radio and markets.
c. aeroplanes, computers and the MRI scanner.

10 Transport nowadays is

a.more uncomfortable.b. slower. c. faster and safer.

132 Social Science 3 Photocopiable material 2015 Santillana Educacin, S.L.

The Modern Age and Contemporary History INVESTIGATE

Name Date

1 Which traditional Spanish dishes use products originally from America?

When European explorers returned from the New World, they brought back many new
foods with them. For the first time, Europeans started growing potatoes, tomatoes,
sunflowers, courgettes, aubergines, avocados, sweet potatoes, peanuts, pineapples,
papayas, vanilla, beans, chocolate, and many other foods. Many of these new foods are
used in traditional Spanish dishes.

1. Conduct a survey of your classmates to find out what Spanish dishes are most popular.
Ask your classmates: What is your favourite traditional Spanish dish?

2. Record your results in a table like this one. Add different foods.

paella fabada cocida croquettes meatballs gazpacho

3. As a class, decide on the most popular dish and the least popular dish.

4. In pairs, search the Internet to find out which ingredients came from America.

5. In your notebook, write a list of the main ingredients of the most popular Spanish
dish. Circle the ingredients from America in red on your list.

Then, write the ingredients of the least popular dish. Circle the ingredients from
America in green.

6. Interpret the results and complete the sentences.

a. The most popular traditional Spanish dish is .

You can / cannot make it without using foods originally from America.

b. The least popular traditional Spanish dish is .

You can / cannot make it without using foods originally from America.

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Art director: Jos Crespo
Design coordinator: Rosa Marn
Design team:
Cover design: Estudio Pep Carri
Cover photograph: Leila Mndez
Design development coordinator: Javier Tejeda
Design development: Ral de Andrs and Jorge Gmez
Art coordination: Carlos Aguilera

Technical director: Jorge Mira

Technical coordinators: Marisa Valbuena
Layout: Jorge Borrego and Eva Hernndez

Photo research: Nieves Marinas and Maril Rodriglvarez


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2015 by Santillana Educacin, S. L. / Richmond Publishing Richmond Publishing

Avda. de los Artesanos, 6 Tres Cantos. 28760 Madrid 58 St Aldates
Oxford OX1 1ST
Richmond Publishing is an imprint United Kingdom
of Santillana Educacin, S. L.
Printed in Spain

CP: 657159
ISBN: 978-84-680-2864-4
D.L.: M-1757-2016

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