Netnumen U31 (CN) Product Description

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NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

NetNumen U31(CN) Product

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

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2016 ZTE Corporation. All rights reserved.

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NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description


1 Overview ............................................................................................................ 8

2 Highlight Features ............................................................................................. 8

2.1 Compliant with International Standard Protocol .................................................... 8
2.2 Open System Structure and Interface .................................................................. 8
2.3 Powerful Network Management Function ............................................................. 8
2.4 Unique Functions of Application Management ..................................................... 9
2.5 Flexible System Expansion .................................................................................. 9
2.6 System Remote Upgrading and Installation.......................................................... 9
2.7 Support Multi-level and Multi-authorization Management ..................................... 9
2.8 Support Multi-Access Mode.................................................................................. 9

3 System Principle .............................................................................................. 10

3.1 TMN Principle .................................................................................................... 10
3.2 U31(CN) System Principle ................................................................................. 12

4 System Architecture ........................................................................................ 13

4.1 Networking Architecture ..................................................................................... 13
4.2 Software Architecture ......................................................................................... 14
4.3 Logical Architecture ............................................................................................ 16
4.4 Functional Architecture....................................................................................... 17

5 Networking Structure ...................................................................................... 17

5.1 Logic Structure ................................................................................................... 17
5.2 Local Networking Scheme .................................................................................. 18
5.3 Remote Networking Scheme .............................................................................. 19

6 Hardware Structure ......................................................................................... 20

6.1 Non-virtualized Hardware Structure.................................................................... 20
6.1.1 Physical Structure .............................................................................................. 20
6.1.2 Hardware Architecture........................................................................................ 22
6.1.3 Hardware Reliability ........................................................................................... 23
6.2 Virtualized Hardware Structure........................................................................... 24
6.2.1 Hardware ........................................................................................................... 24
6.2.2 CMS and Hypervisor .......................................................................................... 26
6.2.3 Software Architecture ......................................................................................... 27

7 Functionality .................................................................................................... 28
7.1 Fault Management ............................................................................................. 28
7.1.1 Fault Collection .................................................................................................. 28
7.1.2 Fault Display ...................................................................................................... 29
7.1.3 Alarm Acknowledgement and Un-acknowledgement .......................................... 30
7.1.4 Alarm Clear ........................................................................................................ 30
7.1.5 Alarm Synchronization ....................................................................................... 30
7.1.6 Alarm Manual Forward Function ........................................................................ 31
7.1.7 Alarm Data Export .............................................................................................. 31
7.1.8 Alarm Rules Management .................................................................................. 31
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.1.9 Alarm Handling Suggestion ................................................................................ 32

7.1.10 Alarm Parameter Setting .................................................................................... 33
7.1.11 Fault Query and Statistics .................................................................................. 33
7.1.12 Event (Notification) Management ....................................................................... 33
7.1.13 Alarm Box and Its Management ......................................................................... 34
7.2 Topology Management....................................................................................... 34
7.2.1 Navigation Tree .................................................................................................. 35
7.2.2 Display of Topology Map .................................................................................... 35
7.2.3 Control of Topology Map Display ....................................................................... 35
7.2.4 Filter of Topology View ....................................................................................... 36
7.2.5 Displaying Topology Data According to User Authority....................................... 36
7.2.6 Alarm Information of NE Node/Links between NEs ............................................ 36
7.2.7 Virtual NE/Virtual Link ........................................................................................ 36
7.2.8 Grouping Node ................................................................................................... 36
7.3 Configuration Management ................................................................................ 36
7.3.1 Data Configuration ............................................................................................. 37
7.3.2 Dynamic Data Management ............................................................................... 38
7.3.3 Data Synchronization ......................................................................................... 38
7.3.4 Version Management ......................................................................................... 38
7.3.5 Script Management ............................................................................................ 38
7.4 Performance Management ................................................................................. 38
7.4.1 Measurement Task Management ....................................................................... 39
7.4.2 QoS Task Management ..................................................................................... 39
7.4.3 Querying Performance Data ............................................................................... 39
7.4.4 Performance KPI ................................................................................................ 40
7.4.5 Statistics Analysis .............................................................................................. 40
7.4.6 Simple Performance Report ............................................................................... 40
7.5 Security Management ........................................................................................ 40
7.5.1 Department Management ................................................................................... 41
7.5.2 Login Management ............................................................................................ 41
7.5.3 User Management .............................................................................................. 41
7.5.4 Setting Security Event ........................................................................................ 41
7.5.5 Role/Role Set Management ............................................................................... 41
7.5.6 User Account Management ................................................................................ 42
7.6 Log management ............................................................................................... 42
7.6.1 Log query ........................................................................................................... 43
7.6.2 Setting Log Filtering Conditions .......................................................................... 43
7.6.3 Log Export and Print .......................................................................................... 43
7.6.4 Log Policy .......................................................................................................... 43
7.7 Task Management ............................................................................................. 44
7.7.1 Task Management ............................................................................................. 44
7.8 System Management ......................................................................................... 45
7.8.1 Server Monitoring ............................................................................................... 45
7.8.2 Database Monitoring .......................................................................................... 45
7.8.3 Operating System Watchdog.............................................................................. 45
7.9 Software Management ....................................................................................... 46
7.9.1 Installation and Upgrade .................................................................................... 46
7.9.2 NE Software Version Management .................................................................... 46
7.10 Inventory Management....................................................................................... 46
7.10.1 Inventory Management....................................................................................... 46
7.10.2 Inventory Statistics ............................................................................................. 47
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.11 Trace Management ............................................................................................ 47

7.11.1 Signaling Tracing Flow ....................................................................................... 47
7.11.2 Signaling Tracing Setting ................................................................................... 47
7.11.3 Signaling View and Maintenance ....................................................................... 47
7.11.4 Clock Management ............................................................................................ 48
7.12 Core Network Maintenance ................................................................................ 48
7.12.1 Rack Chart Management ................................................................................... 48
7.12.2 User Data Management ..................................................................................... 49
7.12.3 Centralized Configure Data Management........................................................... 49
7.13 MML Terminal .................................................................................................... 49
7.14 Report Management .......................................................................................... 49
7.15 IPV6 supported .................................................................................................. 49
7.16 Web performance Report and Monitor system ................................................... 50
7.17 POOL management ........................................................................................... 50
7.18 Online Help ........................................................................................................ 51
7.19 vEMS related Function ....................................................................................... 51
7.19.1 vEMS management ............................................................................................ 51
7.19.2 vEMS Automatic Deployment and HA solution ................................................... 51

8 System Interface .............................................................................................. 51

8.1 CORBA Interface ............................................................................................... 51
8.2 SNMP Interface .................................................................................................. 52
8.3 MML Interface .................................................................................................... 53
8.4 File Interface ...................................................................................................... 54
8.5 DB Interface ....................................................................................................... 55

9 Reliability ......................................................................................................... 56
9.1 System Reliability ............................................................................................... 56
9.1.1 Data Security ..................................................................................................... 56
9.1.2 System Security ................................................................................................. 57
9.2 Hardware Reliability ........................................................................................... 60
9.3 Software Reliability ............................................................................................. 61
9.4 Principle for Network Bandwidth ......................................................................... 63
9.4.1 Bandwidth Calculation between U31(CN) Server and NMS ............................... 63
9.4.2 Bandwidth Calculation between U31(CN) Server and Client .............................. 64
9.4.3 Bandwidth Calculation between U31(CN) Server and NE .................................. 64

10 Technical Indices ............................................................................................. 65

10.1 System Performance Indices.............................................................................. 65
10.2 System power consumption Indices ................................................................... 66

11 Appendixes ........................................................................................................ 1
11.1 ZTE-Joined Standard Organizations .................................................................... 1
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description


Figure 3-1 Functional Layers of TMN ................................................................................. 11

Figure 4-1 Schematic Diagram of U31(CN) System Networking Structure ......................... 14
Figure 4-2 Schematic Diagram of U31(CN) System Software Architecture ........................ 15
Figure 4-3 Logic Structure Diagram of U31(CN) System .................................................... 16
Figure 4-4 Functional Architecture Diagram of U31(CN) System ........................................ 17
Figure 5-1 Networking of U31(CN) ..................................................................................... 18
Figure 5-2 None-Layered Networking Scheme................................................................... 19
Figure 5-3 Remote Networking Scheme............................................................................. 19
Figure 5-4 Reverse Networking Scheme ............................................................................ 20
Figure 6-1 Rack Diagram of U31(CN) ................................................................................ 21
Figure 6-2 Front and Rear Panel of U31(CN) ..................................................................... 21
Figure 6-3 View Management of ZTE ETCA platform ......................................................... 22
Figure 6-4 View of Internal Fabric ...................................................................................... 23
Figure 6-5 Layered Structure of vEMS Software System.................................................... 27
Figure 8-1 CORBA Interface of U31(CN) ........................................................................... 52
Figure 8-2 SNMP interface ................................................................................................. 53
Figure 8-3 MML Interface Command of U31(CN) ............................................................... 54
Figure 8-4 Medium DB interface Function .......................................................................... 55
Figure 9-1 System Redundancy based on Disk Array of Local Mode ................................. 60
Figure 9-2 System Redundancy based on Disk Array of Remote Mode ............................. 61


Table 7-1 U31(CN) Alarm Information Details .................................................................... 28

Table 7-2 Alarm rules ......................................................................................................... 31
Table 9-1 Required Bandwidth between U31(CN) Server and NE ...................................... 64
Table 10-1 System Performance Indices............................................................................ 65
Table 10-2 System power consumption Indices ................................................................. 66
Table 11-1 ZTE-Joined Standard Organizations .................................................................. 1
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

1 Overview
NetNumen U31(CN) (hereafter, U31(CN) is used) system is built on a unified NM
platform of ZTE, provides centralized management for all kinds of core network
equipment of GSM/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/CDMA/Wimax/EPC, such as MSC, MSC

Furthermore, ZTE self developed products, such as CTS(Call Trace System),

NetBAS(Network Business Analysis System), also can be managed by U31(CN) for
alarm management.

U31(CN) provides functions of fault management, topology management,

performance management, configuration management, security management, log
management, trace management, inventory management, system management, etc.

U31(CN) is located in EMS layer of TMN model, and provides northbound interface such
as FTP File, CORBA, SNMP and MML.

2 Highlight Features

2.1 Compliant with International Standard Protocol

U31(CN) is strictly compatible with the TMN series recommendations of ITU-T, TMN,
and 3GPP series NM protocol.

2.2 Open System Structure and Interface

U31(CN) system employs J2EE platform frame, which is independent of the
operating system platform and database. It provides various NM interfaces like
CORBA, SNMP, MML, File and other interfaces.

2.3 Powerful Network Management Function

U31(CN) system manages the whole
GSM/WCDMA/TD-SCDMA/CDMA/WIMAX/EPS core network of ZTE, and provides
standard management interfaces interconnected with the devices from other
providers, so that different devices of the telecom network can be maintained and
managed unitarily. U31(CN) provides an open cascading function, meeting the
requirements of centralized management combined with distributed management.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

2.4 Unique Functions of Application Management

In addition to configuration management, fault management, performance
management and security management, U31(CN) system provides a unique function
of application management, including management capability of authority and
domain division, self-defined browsing of various data in the system, system fault
relativity and fault treatment consulting function, customized report and time report
management, and signaling tracing.

2.5 Flexible System Expansion

The plug-in structure design of U31(CN) software structure ensures the system to be
capable of fast developing new devices and new service management. The system
supports management of NE devices and can be conveniently extended to the
management of the network layer and service layer. Moreover, by customizing the
protocol handling components in the NE adaptive frame, it can smoothly access
various devices, and support the coexistence of multi-versions.

2.6 System Remote Upgrading and Installation

U31(CN) system enables remote upgrading and installation of the system through
the network, and implements the operation of device upgrading and installation
through remote clients, meeting the rapid response of service requirements change,
and reducing the costs of system software distribution and maintenance.

2.7 Support Multi-level and Multi-authorization

With respect to the operators maintenance management strategy, the system can be
implemented based on network dimension and maintenance strategy in the light of
the operators recommendation.

2.8 Support Multi-Access Mode

U31(CN) system provides GUI client access, telnet access, and Web access. Telnet
access is convenient to make configuration of NEs from any PC client without installing
client software. In addition, the GUI interface enables operators to perform all of the
operations of NEs.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

3 System Principle
Designed on TMN (Telecommunication Management Network) concept and
operating mechanism proposed by ITU, U31(CN) system satisfies the architecture
and function requirements of TMN. U31(CN) system is in the EMS layer of the TMN,
and provides a part of functions of the NMS layer.

3.1 TMN Principle

The management method of the telecom network is progressing as the telecom
network is expending and the science technology is developing. Its development can
be divided into the following three stages: Manual management -> dispersed
computer aided management -> integrated distributed management. The purpose of
telecommunication network management is to utilize network resources to the
maximum extent, reduce the enterprise operation cost, and provide telecom services
of high quality and high reliability. The TMN just provides a complete solution for the
implementation of telecommunication network management. It simplifies the
management mode of telecom operation enterprises in hybrid networks with multiple
vendors, reduces management cost of telecom operation, and thus brings more
benefits to the carriers.

The TMN provides an organized network structure to achieve interconnection

between the Operating Systems (OS) and between the OS and the telecom
equipment. It is a management information exchange system that adopts interfaces
of standard protocols and information to support planning, configuration, installation,
operation and organization of the telecommunication networks and the telecom

As shown in the figure below, the functions of TMN are classified into five layers,
from upper to lower layers, namely: Business management layer, Service
management layer, Network management layer, Network element management layer
and Network element layer in sequence. U31(CN) system is located in Network
element management layer, and includes a part of functions of Network management
layer. The layers directly related to U31(CN) system include Network management
layer and Network element layer.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 3-1 Functional Layers of TMN

Business management layer Manager



Service management layer


Network management layer

Q3/ Cor ba

Network element management layer


Network element layer Agent


The business management layer consists of management functions that support the
decision of the entire enterprise, such as generation of economic analysis reports
and quality analysis reports, and setting of tasks and objectives. Its user is the
top-level administrator of the telecom operator.

The service management layer comprises functions of service provision, service

control and monitoring and service-related charging processing, which involves such
services as telephone switching services, IN services, mobile communication
services and leased data line services. Its user is the service operation administrator.

The network management layer provides network management functions, such as

network traffic monitoring and control, dispatching of network protection routes,
monitoring and measurement of the regenerator section/route quality, and
comprehensive analysis and coordination of multiple network faults. Its user is the
network organization administrator.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

The network element management layer implements operation and management of

one or more NEs, such as remote operation and maintenance of the switches and
the BSCs, and equipment software and hardware management. It is not responsible
for the issues between the NE management layer and the NE. Its user is the
equipment O&M operator.

The Network element layer is a network factor in the telecom network, realizing basic
functions of the telecom network. It plays a managed role in the network
management, providing original data of network management. In the WCDMA Core
Network, the network elements include MSC, MSC Server, MGW, HLR, SGSN,
GGSN, and CG.

TMN specifies that, the layers are interconnected with each other by Qx interface,
and the CORBA interface may be employed, and the CORBA/MML interface to the
upper NMS. Along with the TMNs developing, the CORBA interface with simple
realization, unified standard and object-oriented structure, has become the
mainstream interface between the NMS layer and EMS layer.

3.2 U31(CN) System Principle

U31(CN) system refers to the layer division design of the TMN. The whole U31(CN)
system is located in the EMS layer, providing Itf-N interface to the NMS layer, such
as CORBA, SNMP, and MML, and realizing the accessing of OMM to the NE layer
and the management of NE. It realizes a unified monitoring and management on one
or multiple types of devices.

U31(CN) system provides standard management functions defined by the TMN

system, i.e., security management, fault management, performance management
and configuration management, etc. For the ease of use, it provides functions of log
management and report printing. In addition, it provides many supplementary tools in
the NE layer (some of the tools are optional, i.e., not included in the standard
software configuration of the system. The following is the same).

U31(CN) system realizes functions of Network element management layer and a part
of functions of the Network management layer in the TMN. It is to make centralized
management, monitoring and counting on the NE devices of the lower layer. The
higher the management layer is, the weaker the function of the NE operation and
maintenance is, and meanwhile, the function of the network centralized management
is stronger.

The OMM(Operation and Maintenance Module) system realizes NE management

functions in the TMN. Besides the four management functions required by the TMN
(the four functions are configuration, performance, fault, and security), OMM layer
provides series of supplementary tools according to the needs of the device
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

operation and maintenance (O&M), facilitating the local operation and maintenance
to the most.

U31(CN) system adopts the general architecture of J2EE, and uses the excellent idea of
JDMK (Java dynamic management tool set).

4 System Architecture

4.1 Networking Architecture

U31(CN) system is flexibly applied to multiple networking modes.

If NE devices and U31(CN) system are in the same site, allocate the NE and U31(CN)
server in the same LAN.

If the NE and U31(CN) server are not in the same site, the WAN (Wide Area Network)
networking is used. The U31(CN) server can connect with NE through the IP network.
U31(CN) client can also connect to U31(CN) server remotely.

The figure below describes the network distribution structure of the system
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 4-1 Schematic Diagram of U31(CN) System Networking Structure

4.2 Software Architecture

U31(CN) system is built on the unified NM platform of ZTE, realizing NM software
functions by modules. The architecture of the system software is as shown in Figure
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 4-2 Schematic Diagram of U31(CN) System Software Architecture

NetNumen U31(CN) t



Work Station Function WSF: responsible for the friendly presentation of the NE
information to user in the form of letter and graphic interface. Meanwhile, it transfers
the operation of the operator to the Operating System Function (OSF). OSF
organizes the application logic handling of the operation. WSF realizes the interface
G and interface F in the TMN, among which interface G is man-machine interface,
and interface F is the interface between WSF and OSF.

Operating System Function OSF: handling the information related to the application
of NE management, supporting and controlling the realization of NE device
management function, and including several system management application
functions, i.e., fault management, performance management, security management,
configuration management.

NE Function NEF: the managed network devices of various kinds, such as MSC
Server, SGSN, HLR.

Northward interface Access Function NAF: the access agent function of upper layer
NM system NMF, providing four kinds of access interfaces, MML, CORBA, DB and
SNMP. Through the agent function, it can realize the accessing of management
applications, to implement the network layer management functions of the integrated
NM system.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

The operating system platform of U31(CN) system may select Windows NT/2000 or
Sun Solaris, realizing the platform non-relativity through JVM. The database system
can be purchased according to the users needs. The employed database is
suggested to be ORACLE;

It is allowed that some functions are not installed in the system (for example,
performance management is not installed), and other functions can run normally (the
basic functions such as configuration must be installed).

4.3 Logical Architecture

The logical architecture of U31(CN) system is as shown in the following figure, and
three-layer architecture complies with TMN recommendations. The three layers are
in the relations of manager and agent. In U31(CN), the agents NE provide the
function of NE management, and reporting the management functions to NMS, so
that the network management layer can realize the integrated management of the
whole network. Between U31(CN) and NE, the interface Qx is employed to realize
the interaction of management information, communicating with the NMS through the
standard CORBA/SNMP/MML interface. OMM is a local maintenance system,
realizing the local maintenance and operation of NE, and realizing the management
and application of the equipment room at the local end. U31(CN) is composed of
client and server. Between the client and the server, message is sent through
interface F.

The logical structure of U31(CN) system is as shown in Figure 4-3.

Figure 4-3 Logic Structure Diagram of U31(CN) System

Manager Network Management

F Agent Agent Agent Agen
Qx Qx Qx Qx


NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

4.4 Functional Architecture

The functions of U31(CN) system include configuration management, fault
management, security management, topology management, performance
management, report management, and character terminal. The client and the server
communicate through the F interface message. The server and the NE communicate
through internal interface message. U31(CN) provides FTP file, CORBA, MML,
SNMP and other kinds of interfaces to the upper layer NMS.

Local Maintenance Function LMT is integrated into U31(CN), including trace

management, service watching, voice management, file management, and clock

The functional architecture diagram of U31(CN) system is as shown in Figure 4-4.

Figure 4-4 Functional Architecture Diagram of U31(CN) System

Configuration Fault Security Report forms

management management management management
Performance Topology Local Character
statistics management maintenance terminal


U31(CN) server
Fault Configuration Security Topology Performance
management management management management statistics



5 Networking Structure

5.1 Logic Structure

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Networking of U31(CN) system is very flexible. CN equipments can be managed in

the integrated way with an integrated version, or independently with their respective
versions. When the managed NEs are widely scattered, distributed management can
be used. First, deploy U31(CN) Servers by areas; then fulfill concatenation among
U31(CN) Servers.

The out-of-band (transmission of NM data is separated from that of business data)

network management mode is recommended for networking to ensure that services
can run normally and service data is separated from network management data. If
the investment is high, the in-band (transmission of NM data is the same as business
data) NM networking mode is also practical.

Logical structure of U31(CN) networking is shown in below figure:

Figure 5-1 Networking of U31(CN)

Remote Client

Disk Array PSTN

Local Client U31 Server U31 Server


Remote DB

Core Network

The above figure shows the networking of a local area network. If the network
condition is complex and the network crosses different areas, networking by area is

5.2 Local Networking Scheme

This is the simplest scheme. In this case, U31(CN) server, client and NE are all in the
same LAN, connected with Ethernet together. It is shown in Figure 5-2:
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 5-2 None-Layered Networking Scheme

5.3 Remote Networking Scheme

In this case, the client is in the remote LAN or the CN equipment and client both are
in the remote LAN, it is shown in Figure 5-3:

Figure 5-3 Remote Networking Scheme

There is another remote networking scheme named Reverse. In this case, the
reverse client only can manage local NEs through the remote U31(CN) server, as
shown in Figure 5-4:
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 5-4 Reverse Networking Scheme

6 Hardware Structure

6.1 Non-virtualized Hardware Structure

6.1.1 Physical Structure

The introduction of U31(CN) hardware deployment consists of Rack, Shelf and

Board. Rack Introduction

Normally, U31(CN) shares the rack with other NEs, which are based on ZTE ETCA

U31(CN) cabinet adopts international standard 19-inch cabinet, in the dimension of

2200mm * 600mm * 800mm (H * W * D).
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 6-1 Rack Diagram of U31(CN) Shelf Introduction

U31(CN) ETCA shelf follows PICMG3.0 standard, and the form factor is
619.5mm*482.6mm*415mm (H*W*D). U31(CN) shelf uses dual-insert structure,
which is based on ETCA architecture. There are 14 slots, Slots 1~6 and 9~14 are
only used for installing the blade server and Slots 7~8 are only used for installing
switching network boards.

The diagrams of shelf are shown as below.

Figure 6-2 Front and Rear Panel of U31(CN)

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description Board Introduction

ETCA platform adopts the following hardware boards:

OPB: Operate Process Blade;

OPB board provides 8 GE electrical ports and 1 RS232 port is provided by back

6.1.2 Hardware Architecture

ZTE ETCA platform is oriented to all CN services and control NEs, such as MSC
Server, CG etc.

Figure 6-3 View Management of ZTE ETCA platform

Fan Fan Power Power

Tray Tray Entry Entry
Module Module




Front Front Front Front Front Front Front Front

Board Board Board Board Board Board Board Board

Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear

Board Board Board Board Board Board Board Board

ETCA plug-in box has an intelligent hardware management system based on IPMI
specification. CMM board realizes physical resource management and monitoring of
manageable equipment in ETCA plug-in box, provides out-of-band system
management interface for external or embedded system manager to realize bottom
management of the entire system. CMM is the managing center of ETCA plug-in box;
it is responsible for power-on control, status management, sensor data management
of whole plug-in box. CMM is the key equipment for other suppliers ETCA boards to
realize interconnection and interworking test. IPMC controller connects with boards
by IPMB and makes them work under IPMI architecture management. It mainly fulfills
monitoring, control and management of ETCA boards or key hardware resources of
other shelf components; it also communicates with CMM by intelligent IPMB, reports
various events to CMM and accept management and control from CMM.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 6-4 View of Internal Fabric

Serdes Update

Serdes Base 0
Serdes Base 1

Front Front Front Front Front Front

Board Board Board Board Board Board

Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear Rear

Board Board Board Board Board Board

Serdes Fabric 0
Serdes Fabric 1

Clock Sync Bus

Internal Fabric consists of Base Channel Network, Fabric Channel Network, Update
Channel Network and Clock Synchronization Network.

6.1.3 Hardware Reliability

U31(CN) adopts abundant redundancy technologies to improve system reliability.

Moreover, U31(CN) also improves system maintainability with the system failure
detection/isolation technology.

Adopt high-reliable hardware

U31(CN) adopts ZTE new-generation V4 platform, it uses ETCA architecture, and

strictly follows telecom equipment standard, and perfect design in tele-magnetic
compatibility, over/under-voltage protection, ventilation and heat elimination,
intelligent management, which effectively ensures system reliability and stability.

U31(CN) also adopts IP-SAN disc array for data storing, and this disc array adopts
RAID5+hotspare technology, to ensure data security.

Adopt 1+1 active & standby

U31(CN) system adopts 1+1 active & standby for all boards, system performs
automatic detection for important resources (network interface, hard disc, etc) of
boards, switch automatically for boards fault and alarm, which effectively ensures
system reliability.

Adopt large-capacity and expandable disk array

U31(CN) uses commercial IP-SAN disk array, which is capable of hard disc capacity
expansion and is convenient for operators to expand capacity.

Adopt redundant network link

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

U31(CN) adopts dual network ports to make a redundancy of key links such as links
connected with core network NEs and link among GES switchboards, which
guarantees the security of transmission.

6.2 Virtualized Hardware Structure

ZXUN vEMS complies with ETSI NFV standards, vEMS has 3 layers: hardware layer,
virtualization layer (cloud platform and VM technology) and application software layer.
The following paragraphs describe those layers respectively.

6.2.1 Hardware

ZXUN vEMS may deploy on ZTE hardware platform or third party hardware like HP
and DELL etc. HP BladeSystem C7000

HP BladeSystem C7000 is an enterprise/datacenter server.

The 10U high shelf can support up to 8 full-height blades and 16 half-height blades.

A half-height blade has dual Intel Xeon processors as one processing unit with 8~12
cores and up to 512GBytes memory.

A full-height blade has quad Intel Xeon processors as one processing unit with 8~12
cores and up to 1TBytes memory.

A processing unit offers a 100Mbytes management network port and two GE

interfaces, which can be extended to six 10GE interfaces by using PCIE sub cards.

It supports configuring SATA/SAS hard disk and connecting external drive.

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

A shelf has backplane to provide external connection ports going through the rear
card. The rear card supports three dual HP Virtual Connect (VC) modules or HP
blade switches customized by Cisco H3C.

Each VC module supports internal 16 10GE interfaces and external 8 10GE

interfaces. It has strong support for virtualization management. ZTE E9000 enterprise server platform

Compared with the ATCA blades, E9000 enterprise servers have higher power
consumption and computing density.

The 10U high shelf can support up to 8 full-height blades and 16 half-height blades.

A half-height blade has dual Intel Xeon processors as one processing unit with up to
16*8GBytes memory, which can work at full capacity. It supports two removable hard
disk and two GE interfaces, which can be extended to four 10GE interfaces or two
10GE interfaces and two FC interfaces by using PCIE slots.

A full-height blade has quad Intel Xeon processors as one processing unit.

The backplane offers a rear switch with three dual switching modules. Each
switching module has 16 10GE interfaces for intra-shelf connection and 8 10GE
interfaces for inter-shelf connection.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description Dells PowerEdge C8000 servers

Dell PowerEdge C8000 series has high-density 4U shelf to hold 10 to 12 blades.

Each blade integrates dual Intel Xeon processors as one processing unit, which is
installed with one OS. The processing unit offers a 100Mbytes management network
port and two GE interfaces, which can be extended to two 10GE interfaces. Eight
cores of each processors contribute to 16 cores with up to 16*8GBytes memory and
large-capacity hard disk.

A rack can hold 10 4U shelves to bring ultra-dense.

6.2.2 CMS and Hypervisor

Cloud platform operation system (CMS) is running on universal server hardware

platform, it provides elastic and scalable group management, and allocates
quantified resource to different applications. CMS screens the hardware and lower
layer of operation platform, provides identical running environment for applications to
implement deployment in large scale. Applications are deployed on CMS platform in
distributed way.

ZXUN vEMS supports CMSs including OpenStack, VMware, vSphere and ZTE
OpenCos (Open Cloud Operation System).

Hypervisor is the middle ware between physical server and OS, it allows multiple
OSs and applications to share hardware. Hypervisor not only coordinates the access
on the hardware, it also provides protection for every VM. When server starts
Hypervisor, Hypervisor will load OSs of all VM clients and allocate memory, CPU,
network and hard disk to every VM. Hypervisor may be viewed as the general term of
VM implementation, every VM technology is a type of Hypervisor implementation.

ZXUN vEMS supports Hypervisors including KVM, VMware and XEN.

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

6.2.3 Software Architecture

The ZXUN vEMS software system is composed of the CGSL (Carrier Grade Server
Linux) subsystem and vEMS system. CGSL is the OS which vEMS runs on. vEMS
system provides traditional EMS function to manage VNF and non-virtualized
Network Elements.

Figure 6-5 Layered Structure of vEMS Software System

vEMS system

CGSL system

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7 Functionality

7.1 Fault Management

The fault management module of U31(CN) system monitors the current use
condition of the devices in real time, providing device alarm information and solutions
to common faults, convenient for the user to know the current use condition of the
devices. The user can avoid the device fault by analyzing the alarm information.
Since there is a lot of alarm information when the device fails, U31(CN) provides the
function of alarm information filtering and alarm relativity setting. It may only display
the alarm information about which the user is most concerned. In addition, the
system provides an alarm knowledge database. For common alarms, the user can
solve it by referring to the help information in the alarm knowledge database. The
alarm information and the topology management of U31(CN) are combined together.
It is convenient to see the alarm of each NE device in the topology map. In addition,
the alarm condition and quantity can be known according to the displaying color and
prompt. The alarm information can generate work-dispatching card. The dispatching
card system informs the device maintenance staff to solve the fault, thus
implementing fault solution automation.

The fault management of U31(CN) system includes the following functions.

7.1.1 Fault Collection

The abnormal statuses generated by the NE will generate alarm information. The
information includes serial number (sequence number), alarm type, alarm severity,
the NE generating the alarm and location information, alarm generating time, and
alarm reason. The alarm information details are shown in the following table.

Table 7-1 U31(CN) Alarm Information Details

Alarm Information Parameter Meaning
Number of U31(CN) server which handles
Node code
the alarm;
System type Type of system which generates the alarm;
Unique number of the alarm, unique under
Serial number
the NE;
Generating position Alarm generating position
Situation description of the device causing
the alarm
Level Alarm Level: critical alarm, major alarm,
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Alarm Information Parameter Meaning

minor alarm and warning alarm.
Alarm Type: telecommunication alarm,
device alarm, QoS alarm, processor alarm,
Type and environment alarm.

Possible Cause Cause generating alarm;

Name of person performing
Confirm/Anti-confirm operator
confirm/anti-confirm operation;
Information input during
Confirm/Anti-confirm information
Alarm confirming status, not confirm or
Confirming type
Time of occurrence: Alarm occurring time
If there is any change after the alarm occurs,
Change time:
it is the time when the change occurs;
Time of performing confirm/anti-confirm
Confirm/anti-confirm time
Device status or other information when the
alarm occurs, convenient for the
Detailed information
maintenance personnel to further locate the
Extension property: NE distinct alarm information

7.1.2 Fault Display

The client of the fault management displays current alarm situation of the NE. The
alarm information, which can be displayed, includes all the contents collected in the
fault collection.

The way of viewing alarms include list way and rack diagram way. The rack diagram
way displays the physical location and level of each alarm by showing the real rack
physically. The alarm list and rack diagram can differentiate different levels of alarms
by colors.

In the list way, a user can sort alarms according to any displayed information
category, for example, serial number (sequence number), alarm type, time
information, location information, and alarm status sequence, which is convenient for
comparing and handling the alarms. Additionally, current alarms and history alarms
are separately displayed.

The alarm and its recovery information are sent to the topology management
interface for displaying. Meanwhile, they are sent to the alarm box for broad and
attractive displaying.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

All the displayed information will be influenced by the user setting, such as alarm
filtering and re-definition information set by the user.

7.1.3 Alarm Acknowledgement and Un-acknowledgement

Alarm acknowledge is to change the status of one alarm from un-acknowledgement

to acknowledgement. Alarm UN-acknowledge is to change the status of one alarm
from acknowledge to un-acknowledge.

The alarm acknowledge/un-acknowledge are convenient for maintenance staff.

When the alarm is found and maintenance staff has taken some measures, if this
alarm need not be observed any more, the maintenance staff can set the alarm
status as Acknowledged; after the alarm is acknowledged, if it is found that this
problem has not been solved yet and needs to be observed again, the maintenance
staff can set the alarm status back to Un-acknowledged.

The normal user with alarm operation right can only un-acknowledge his/her own
alarm. Admin users can un-acknowledge all the alarms.

7.1.4 Alarm Clear

Alarm clear can clear one alarm data from network equipment and network
management system. This function is used when the manual clearing is needed
since alarms cannot be resumed due to some reasons. When the network
management system cannot connect with the alarmed equipment, the alarm clear
operation will fail.

7.1.5 Alarm Synchronization

Alarm synchronization is to make the present alarm information consistent between

background U31(CN) system and the front-end alarm source. This includes
automatic synchronization and manual synchronization.

1. Automatic synchronization includes 3 scenes:

When the link is recovered between client and server, client will automatically
synchronize with server.

The alarm synchronization is triggered automatically between server and alarm

source in the following cases:

The broken link between front end and foreground equipment is recovered.

U31(CN) server is restarted.

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

The switchover of active/standby of front end equipment

Timing synchronization function: this function will automatically be taken during a

fixed time, between client and server, server and alarm source.

1. Manual synchronization

When a user finds the alarm data of NM system may be different from the network
equipment, Manual synchronization can be used on client to synchronize the alarm
data of specific network equipment.

7.1.6 Alarm Manual Forward Function

Alarm manual forward function is to forward the alarms in system by email or SMS to
the maintenance staff.

7.1.7 Alarm Data Export

Alarm data export function is to export all alarm data in alarm view to files. The
supported file formats include: TXT, EXCEL, PDF, HTML, CSV, etc.

7.1.8 Alarm Rules Management

When server receives the alarm and notification message, it will decide the
processing manner according to the predefined rules. The rule customization
function on client can conveniently view, modify, and delete the rules in server, or
create new rules and submit them to server. All the rules are available only for the
alarms and notifications generated after these rules are created.

Alarm rules are introduced below.

Table 7-2 Alarm rules

Rule Name Function Description
Alarm Re-definition Set Alarm severity class according system type and
setting alarm code.
Alarm Re-definition Set the unified severity class for the alarms satisfying the
rule rules.
If reported alarms satisfy the rule, discard them directly,
Alarm storage filtering
neither storing into database, nor displaying in the
present alarm real-time monitoring interface of client.
If reported notifications satisfy the rule, discard them
Notification storage directly, neither storing into database, nor displaying in
filtering rule the present notification real-time monitoring interface of
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Rule Name Function Description

If reported alarms satisfy the rule, store them into
Alarm Global Filtering
database, but does not display in the present alarm
real-time monitoring interface of client.
Alarm automatic If reported alarms satisfy the rule, notify the designated
forward rule users by email and short message.
Alarm automatic If reported alarms satisfy the rule, change the state of
acknowledgement rule this alarm to acknowledged.
If reported alarms satisfy the rules, directly clear the
Alarm automatic
alarm from the present alarm and put them into history
clearing rule
alarm database.
If reported alarms satisfy the rules, delay a certain time
Alarm delay rule and display them in the present alarm real-time
monitoring interface of client.
Set the alarm sources and alarm codes of the
suppression alarm (also called primary alarm) and the
Alarm suppression
suppressed alarm (also called secondary alarm). When
the primary alarm exists, the secondary alarm is
suppressed to report.
Only the alarm of the alarm code is reported when
multiple alarms with the specified location and specified
alarm code are generated, and the alarm of this alarm
Alarm merge rule
code is not reported in the future. When all alarms of this
alarm code are cleared, the reported alarm of this alarm
code is recovered.
Applicable for the alarms of specified location and
specified alarm code. When the count of the alarms of
Alarm Counting Rule
this specified alarm code reaches a certain number in
the set period, a new alarm will be generated.
Applicable to the Client. After the Client receives alarms
Alarm User Filtering from the Server, screen alarms through the alarm user
Rule filtering condition of the login user. Alarms meeting the
condition can be displayed.
If reported alarms satisfy the alarm box rule,
automatically forward the alarms to designated alarm
box. Such as: Alarm Acknowledgement Rule, Alarm
Alarm Box rule Clearance Rule, Alarm Filter Rule, Alarm Delay Rule,
Alarm Merging Rule, Alarm Duration Rule, Alarm Count
Rule, Alarm Restrain Rule NE/MOC, Alarm Forwarding
Rule, Alarm Mask Rule, Notification Filter Rule.

7.1.9 Alarm Handling Suggestion

The system equipment summarizes some alarm handling experiences after the
long-time operation as a reference for the similar problem in the future. The summary
of these handling experiences is the alarm handling suggestion.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

The alarm handling suggestion interface displays the alarm system type index. For
each alarm, the system provides the default handling suggestion. Users can record
the handling suggestions according to their experiences. These alarm-handling
suggestions can either be imported or exported. The file formats include Excel, PDF,
HTML, and Txt.

7.1.10 Alarm Parameter Setting

Fault management module allows users to modify parameters related with alarms:

Alarm box setting: to set a series of actions after the alarms are sent to the alarm box.
For example, voice alarms are only generated for Class one or Class two alarms.

Alarm color setting: different alarm classes have corresponding colors in client
interface. Users can set the corresponding relationship between the alarm class and
color according to their own situation.

Environment parameter setting: alarm is generated when the peripheral environment

(temperature, humidity, smoke, etc.) is not in the scope of default or pre-defined
setting. Fault management module allows users to set these threshold values.

7.1.11 Fault Query and Statistics

The user can obtain various detailed and desired fault information by fault browsing.

The user can set various alarm browsing conditions, including location of device,
alarm level, current alarm status, alarm type, fault reason, time of alarm generating,
recovering and confirming.

The browsing result can generate a report, which can be printed or saved as a file.

The user can count the current alarms and history alarms of the system in frequency.
The statistics result can be used as the basis for analyzing system faults. The
statistics can be made according to the alarm time, alarm type, alarm level, and NE
where the alarm occurs. The statistics filter condition can be set by alarm location,
alarm level, alarm category, alarm time, and status. The statistics result can be
shown by a diagram.

7.1.12 Event (Notification) Management

Event (notification) is generated in NE, describing information of the status change

occurring in the running process. These status changes do not indicate that the
system fails, but they are the information that needs to be known in monitoring
system running and deciding fault reason.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Event (notification) can be viewed by the list way, and can be queried.

7.1.13 Alarm Box and Its Management

The alarm box is usually placed at an outstanding position of the NM equipment

room, and displays various faults of the system in the form of sound and light to
remind maintenance personnel to focus on and handle the faults.

Moreover, the alarm box can send the alarm information to the maintenance
personnel who have mobile phone and email address in the form of short message
and email, so that the maintenance personnel will not miss important alarm
information when he is not in the equipment room.

U31(CN) fault management system provides the function of alarm box setting,
including the setting of short message user and the setting of alarm box parameters.
The information of the maintenance personnel and what level of alarm will be sent to
the personnel may be set, controlling the alarm level sent to the alarm box and the
sound & light displaying situation.

7.2 Topology Management

The topology management of U31(CN) system provides a visual NE relation display
and a network topology map, which can be opened. The topology map employs the
industry prevailing structure of left tree and right diagram. On the left of the view is
the NE topology tree, organized according to the configuration relation of NEs. On
the right of the view is the panorama display of the NE devices, and it can display the
NE topology structure by several levels. The panorama provides a panorama device
display. The user can customize the background of the map, and set the longitude
and latitude of the map. The functions of the topology map are closely connected
with each management module. The alarm information and configuration information
off the NE can be viewed through the topology map. Configuration, alarm,
performance and diagnosis modules of NEs can be invoked. The topology
management provides the functions such as logic view, grouping nodes, virtual NE,
virtual link. The user can manage the devices and set virtual NEs in group,
convenient for network display and analysis. The panorama provides the operations
of part zooming in, searching, cascading display, and provides personalized interface
setting. The user can customize the interface setting as his like, for example the icon,
interface color, and view size.

The topology management includes the following functions:

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.2.1 Navigation Tree

Display the NE devices as a tree in the interface, and the navigation tree is formed.
The topology map and the node of the navigation tree are in one to one
correspondence. The navigation tree and the topology view are synchronized with
each other. The navigation tree provides navigation function to the topology view,
and the topology map displays the nodes of the related layer of the selected node in
the navigation tree. The node of the navigation tree provides the functions related to
the node, such as viewing the property, modifying the NE information, counting the
sub nodes.

7.2.2 Display of Topology Map

The topology map of U31(CN) provides the panorama display of the device topology
structure of the whole network. The NE device can be quickly located in the topology
map. The topology map employs the coordinates of longitude and latitude,
supporting geographical information system. The icon of NE device can be displayed
in the actual geographical location of the map. The user can lock the setting of the
NE device icon, so that it cannot be moved to other position, and can be moved only
when it is unlocked. The node icon of the topology map can display the statistics
information of the NE device, such as NE number under the node, link number, group
number, and alarm information.

7.2.3 Control of Topology Map Display

U31(CN) system supports moving the whole map, zooming in by each level, zooming
out by each level, back to the original, whole view display, and partial zooming in. It
supports forwarding and rewinding of browsing the topology map layers, and locating
to any browsed map layer, and finding a specified NE device in the topology map. It
supports changing background map of the topology. It can be configured as world
map and China map to realize the NE device management of a large scope. In
addition, it can be configured as a local area map and equipment room display map,
so that the display of topology view is more human.

After the data synchronization of U31(CN) system is finished, the client will be
refreshed, ensuring that the topology data are consistent with configuration data,
while the relation of NE devices set in the topology map will not be influenced. The
topology management module can set the layout way of NEs in the topology view,
and deploy the display of NEs according to the set layout way. The layout includes
five ways: cascading layout, tree layout, actinomorphic layout, explosion layout, and
equidistant layout.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.2.4 Filter of Topology View

The topology view of U31(CN) system can use NE, group, link set, group name, NE
name, link number prompt to build a filter tree to filter the topology view, and it can
implement the filtering directly according to the NE name input by the user.

7.2.5 Displaying Topology Data According to User Authority

U31(CN) system does not display the NE node and topology management module
that the user is not authorized to operate, improving the security of the system and
being convenient for the user to use at the same time.

7.2.6 Alarm Information of NE Node/Links between NEs

The icon of NE device/links between NEs in U31(CN) system can display the color of
the highest level alarm in the corresponding physical devices. In addition, it can
prompt the number of each alarm level and confirm the status. Additionally, the
function of querying alarm and notification is provided.

7.2.7 Virtual NE/Virtual Link

U31(CN) system provides the function of creating virtual NE/virtual link. The user can
set the NE to indicate peripheral device or device node, or set virtual link to indicate
that two NE nodes are interacted or interconnected.

7.2.8 Grouping Node

The grouping nodes are logic nodes defined by the user, and distributes the NE
devices of physical view to the grouping nodes.

7.3 Configuration Management

The configuration management of U31(CN) system provides the configuration
function of CN NE to the user. It can manage the NE devices such as MSC/VLR
(R99), MSC Server, MGW, GGSN, SGSN, HLR/AuC, CG, GMLC, and POC Server of
ZTE. The configuration management provides the function of adding, deleting,
modifying and viewing the NE data. Moreover, combined with topology management,
the user can conveniently view the configuration and modify the configured
information conveniently. The user can configure the information in U31(CN) server,
and load the configuration data to the NE at once by the way of data transporting.
The configuration management of U31(CN) system also provides the function of
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

software version management, dynamic data management, and secure variable


The configuration management of U31(CN) system includes the following functions:

7.3.1 Data Configuration

The data configuration function of U31(CN) system supports the data configuration
function of various NEs, including the creating, deleting, modifying and querying of
configuration data. It manages various NE data in a centralized way, and saves
multiple sets of configuration data of NE. It supports the function of batch creating
and related creation of the configuration data. The configuration of U31(CN) system
is organized in the way of tree structure, convenient for the user to select and browse
in the configuration object visually.

The configuration of U31(CN) system supports the following parameters and


Configuration of physical resources: physical resources refer to the physical entity of

the NE devices and their relation, mapping relation, such as the situation of rack,
chassis, slot, ant port, and the connection situation of each physical entity. Name of
physical entity: number and working mode are configured in the physical resources
configuration too. It provides a real rack diagram for configuration, convenient and

Configuration of wireless parameters and SS7 signaling: including the parameter

configuration of cell, carrier frequency, SS7 signaling link, office direction, route,
parameters of switching office.

The number analysis configuration is to determine network addresses and service

processing modes corresponding to all kinds of numbers to ensure that the switch
can correctly perform signaling interaction and voice speech channel connection.

The modification of the configuration will perform the consistency check, ensuring
that no error occurs in the configured data of the system.

The modification on the configuration parameters made by the user will be recorded
in the log in detail, convenient for tracing the configuration modification later. It
includes the name of operator, modification time and the information of parameter
value before and after being modified.

It is possible to export the current configuration data of the NE to a plain text file (xls,
xml), and supports configuring the NE by importing a plain text file (xls, xml).
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.3.2 Dynamic Data Management

The dynamic data management of U31(CN) system provides the function of

observing and managing the resources such as circuit, signaling link, route office
direction, Sigtran coupling, AAL2 path.

7.3.3 Data Synchronization

The data transmission of U31(CN) system can synchronize the configuration data in
the NE. The transmission schedule can be displayed at the client, and the detailed
transmission log can be recorded.

7.3.4 Version Management

U31(CN) system provides the version control function to manage the software
running in the NE. Including the functions such as file management of software
version, version file downloaded to NE, NE uploading version file, and software
version querying. Through software version management, it is convenient to upload
NE software, control NE software version, and obtain NE software information.

When discovering the downloaded software version runs abnormally, you can roll
over the version to the original one. To shorten the upgrade time, U31(CN) provides
batch downloading and distribution to improve the efficiency.

7.3.5 Script Management

The Intelligent script tool provides the simple Project Dynamic Script Language and
an integrated development environment for script editing, debugging, and running.
Meanwhile, this tool can also connect to NEs and send MML commands to them.
U31(CN) can publish scripts to the server by this tool so that the scripts can be
executed on the server, and U31(CN) also can create timing tasks by this tool.
U31(CN) can use the Intelligent script tool and compile project dynamic scripts for
repeated maintenance work realizing automation maintenance work and improve
efficiency. Script management consists of script file operations, script debugging, and
script running. Script projects which are published to the server can be executed
regularly by timing tasks.

7.4 Performance Management

The performance management of U31(CN) system provides a large number of
network performance counters and KPIs. The network administrator can count the
performance counters by creating performance measuring tasks, and analyze the
network performance by checking the measured results of the counter to provide a
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

basis for network planning and system maintenance. In addition, the network
administrator can monitor the service quality and device performance. The
performance management also provides the function of performance measuring
threshold QoS. The network administrator can set the system performance threshold
by creating QoS measuring tasks. When the system performance exceeds the
threshold, the preset alarm occurs. The property of performance measuring task
includes: logic task number, task name, collection granularity, start time, end time,
time period mask, data mask, task number of the parent NE, server number, subnet
number, office number, NE number, measuring type, measuring object. The property
of QoS task includes: QoS task number, QoS task name, monitoring granularity, start
time, end time, monitoring time period mask, date mask, server number, subnet
number, office number, NE number, measuring type, measuring object, indices
counting item, monitoring direction, four level alarm setting, monitoring object type.

The performance management of U31(CN) system includes the following functions:

7.4.1 Measurement Task Management

The measurement task management of U31(CN) system includes functions such as

creating, deleting, querying, modifying the measurement task, activating/suspending
measurement task, deleting expiring task, querying and deleting history
measurement task, synchronizing measurement task with the foreground. The NE
device will report the collected data to U31(CN) server according to the requirements
of the measurement tasks.

7.4.2 QoS Task Management

QoS task management includes the functions such as creating, deleting, querying,
modifying the QoS task, activating/suspending QoS task, deleting expiring task,
detecting and identifying QoS task when configuration module deletes measurement
object, QoS task alarm and alarm synchronization. QoS task management makes
index settlement according to the data reported by the corresponding QoS task,
generates 4-level alarms if the threshold is reached, and transfers the alarm
information to the alarm module.

7.4.3 Querying Performance Data

The user can view the performance data saved in the database and the original data.
The result of querying the original data is shown in the form of list, and it can be
printed or saved as a file. For the query mode, the user can set the query scope
(office or NE), query date and time, traffic type, and performance object.

U31(CN) provides performance counting functions to help the user count the
performance indices of the system. The user can count through the template
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

provided by the system, and freely customize some data template to count. In
addition, the user can modify, view and delete related templates. This function
enables the user to flexibly count the indices of the system according to various

U31(CN) system adds the statistics project that users are especially concerned with
to the database as default statistics indices. Users can view the definition way,
realizing method and algorithm of these statistics projects. For some statistics
projects that users are quite concerned with, users may tailor the statistic project by
customizing the project functions, including its name and algorithm.

The queried and counted result of the reports can be indicated by the form of the
data list and diagram. It can be saved as the file in the form of Excel, text or HTML.

7.4.4 Performance KPI

KPI is a key index of NE performance. It may be a statistics item under the

measurement item, and can be a new statistics item obtained by the multiple
statistics items under the interface by some formula editor. The performance KPI
management of U31(CN) system includes functions of adding, modifying, deleting
KPI items, and querying the KPI data.

7.4.5 Statistics Analysis

The statistics analysis function of U31(CN) system can make a second counting of
the performance data according to the statistics counting formula, and get the data of
statistics analysis. The analysis ways are statistics analysis of fixed conditions, and
statistics analysis of customized conditions.

7.4.6 Simple Performance Report

U31(CN) system can periodically generates simple reports in query result format and
sends them to the user by email. The simple reports are generated via the report task
maintenance which includes report task creation, task deletion, task modification and
task content display. The report format includes xml, csv, txt, html, PDF, and excel.

7.5 Security Management

The security management of U31(CN) system assigns the authorities of NM function
to users through the way of user role authority management. The system creates
user role and assigns different NM function authorities through the function of user
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

role management. It assigns one or more user roles to the user through user
management, so that the user has the NM function authority of the user role, while he
is assigned with the user role. The authorities combined in user roles include: adding,
deleting, and modifying each NE, and viewing its operation authorities; modifying NE
property, viewing its operation authority; use authority of each module in U31(CN);
use authority of sub function item in each function module.

The security management of U31(CN) system includes the following functions:

7.5.1 Department Management

The department management provides function of maintenance department

information, convenient for the NM operator to manage, including the function of
creating a new department, querying information of all departments, querying
information of a department, modifying department property, and deleting a

7.5.2 Login Management

Login management authenticates an identity of a login user, including login time of

the user, login IP, whether the user is locked, whether the user is disabled, and
whether the number of the current users reaches the maximum login threshold.

7.5.3 User Management

A super user is automatically generated while the system is being installed, and the
super user has the highest authority. The super user can create other users and
assign authorities to other users. Other users can also create users and assign
authorities to them, but the authorities of the created users cannot exceed the
authorities of the creators.

7.5.4 Setting Security Event

The security management module can generate some user-concerned security

events, for example, authentication failed, user locked, and user disabled. These
events are recorded to the log module for user query in log management.

7.5.5 Role/Role Set Management

Role is a set of some operation authorities. One role can be assigned to multiple
users, and the system authenticates the user according to the user role. Roles can
be locked. If one role is locked, the users of this role lose the authorities of the role.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Role set is a collection of a group of roles. To assign a role set to a user is to assign
multiple roles of this role set to the user. Role set can also be locked. If a role set is
locked, the users with this role set lose the authorities corresponding to the role set.

7.5.6 User Account Management

U31(CN) system sets rules of user account through the function, including password
policy, password length, and account length.

Password policy

Support weak password check, such as minimum length, must include at

least three kinds of characters, etc.

Account lock rule: include never lock, lock permanently, lock temporary, lock after
wrong password entering for N times, etc.

Account check: Cannot be same with nearly N days deleted accounts, Notify
account expiry before N days.

7.6 Log management

Managing login users: view login user information, including the user login IP, login
time, and connection type.

Forcefully Disconnecting Users: the super administrator can forcefully disconnect

department users when finding these users are attempting illegal operations.

Log Management

Log management records logs and manages logs. In terms of log contents, there are
three log types as follows.

Operation log

Records users operation information, including the user names, operation levels,
operation names, command functions, operation objects, NE groups, NE addresses,
start time, results, failure causes, host address and access modes.

Security log

Records information of user login and logout, include the user names, host address,
log names, operation time, access modes and detailed information.

System log
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Record the completion status of the severs timed tasks, including sources, levels,
log names, detailed information, host address, start time, end time and associated
logs. Using the log management function, the operator can query logs, view detailed
information, as well as set and query log-filtering conditions.

The log management of U31(CN) system includes the following functions:

7.6.1 Log query

U31(CN) system records detailed log information, including operation log, system log,
and security log.

The operator can query all kinds of logs, and specify log query conditions, including
user name, time range, operation permission, etc.

The operator can sort the displayed log records in an ascending or descending order
according to a field.

7.6.2 Setting Log Filtering Conditions

The user can set the filtering conditions (such as a filtering level), and the logs lower
than the level are filtered.

7.6.3 Log Export and Print

U31(CN) system supports exporting and printing queried results or log data of the
current page to the specified path. After data exporting, the system still keeps the log

U31(CN) supports kinds of file formats, such as TXT, HTML, PDF, excel, etc.

7.6.4 Log Policy

U31(CN) system provides log backup policy, and the policy of log recovering and
being saved in the database. Through the log backup scheme, the log can be
exported to a file format in a fixed time or periodically. Through the scheme of log
recovering and being saved in the database, the log which failed in being written in
the database can be recorded in the database again.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.7 Task Management

7.7.1 Task Management

Through task management, provide data backup, file size monitoring, and resource
management. Supports customized task management. Common Task

History Data Archival

It provides backup and deleting of log, performance, and alarm history data. It
modifies task-executing conditions and views the execution log.

Configuration Data Backup

It provides OMM database backup, makes backup of all basic data, it only backs up
the data record, not including table structure and history alarms, notifications, log,
primary performance data etc, the alarm data has independent backup functions.

Version and Database Backup

It provides backup for both database and file system, the database backup is for all
database structure(including all database objects structure ) for OMM , and basic
data records, not including history alarms, notifications, log, primary performance
data etc, these history data has independent backup functions. The required file
types in file system include: version file, configuration, and operation period files.

File Cleanup

It monitors performance, alarms, log, database files etc directories, which stores data,
to prevent the size from being to large, and provides regular cleanup function for

MML Timing Task

It customizes MML task according to specific requirements, to meet individualized

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.8 System Management

7.8.1 Server Monitoring

It provides monitoring functions for OMM server, system administrator queries server
performance in daily maintenance work, and monitors application servers CPU
usage rate, memory usage rate, hard disc usage rate etc KPI. Users set
corresponding monitoring threshold according to actual configuration of application
server, system automatically initiates monitoring on corresponding indices and sends
related alarm information.

7.8.2 Database Monitoring

For OMM database server, system administrator monitors database resource in daily
maintenance work, such as query table space, data table information etc; execute
data table import & export, data table cleanup, maintenance, etc. Users set
corresponding monitoring threshold according to actual configuration of application
server, system automatically initiates monitoring on corresponding indices and sends
related alarm information.

7.8.3 Operating System Watchdog

The U31(CN) server uses CGSL as the operating system, the system provides the
watchdog function, the watchdog function can automatically restart the CGSL operating
system in case the operating system crashes.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.9 Software Management

7.9.1 Installation and Upgrade

U31(CN) provides a completely integrated setup package with GUI interface for the
user to install U31(CN) database, U31(CN) client, and U31(CN) server. User can
upgrade the U31(CN) client, server, or database from a certain old version to a new
version by executing the scripts that exist under a certain directory of the setup
package. U31(CN) also supports centralized update. U31(CN) sends the NE
software for updating to NE side. NE received the update order, it will update
automatically with the update software getting from U31(CN).

7.9.2 NE Software Version Management

System can provide a unified, centralized, batch, remote, automatic update function
for variant network elements. The NE Version Management supports the following
functions: Customized upgrade for both back end (BE) software and front end (FE)
service version; Batch and remote upgrade according to the NE type; Batch and
remote upgrade according to the area type; Supports rollback when upgrade fail;
Supports scheduled version upgrade; Supports upgrade detailed log.

7.10 Inventory Management

Currently, the inventory management cannot support virtualized VNF hardware and
firmware related inventory information.

7.10.1 Inventory Management

It maintains and manages software and hardware inventory information in NE layer,

and provides this information to subordinate OMM by Itf-N, as per operator
requirements on unified management of telecom inventory. Now the management
covers rack, frame, board, host etc main inventory, as well as router, switch, network
concentrator, electricity, alarm box, printer, firewall, DNS, NTP, CGSL server etc
affiliated equipment. Users view related inventory resources, and provides inventory
export function in file format.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.10.2 Inventory Statistics

It provides separate presence of inventory according to NEs, and views asset type
and quantity. It also provides asset exporting function, the exported files support xml,
txt, xls, csv, etc.

7.11 Trace Management

U31(CN) system provides the function of user information and signaling information
tracing. The tracing system can trace the information such as user location, service
and location update according to the user number identification. Required by the
project maintenance, the tracing functions can also trace various signaling message
of NE device, such as MAP message, BICC message, and M3UA signaling message.
The tracing function is applied during project maintenance and fault location, which is
a very practical local maintenance tool.

7.11.1 Signaling Tracing Flow

Signaling tracing is from client in the way of task. This task is then transferred to the
signaling tracing front-end module through server. In the task, some tracing
conditions such as signaling type are defined. When the service process generates a
signaling, the signaling will first be checked if it is satisfied with the pre-defined
condition set by signaling tracing front-end module. If satisfied, the signaling will be
sent to the signaling tracing front-end module, processed in server, stored in
database, and finally transferred to client.

7.11.2 Signaling Tracing Setting

The general information of the signaling is displayed in client in form of list. If user
needs to check the detailed information of one signaling, it can be displayed in form
of tree through decoding program.

The tracing condition of signaling tracing task includes: subscriber tracing select (for
all or partial subscriptions), network element module number select, signaling type
select, tracing duration, signaling tracing number (after tracing one certain number of
signaling, the tracing will pause), self-defined tracing beginning/ending time.

7.11.3 Signaling View and Maintenance

There are three ways to view signaling data on client:

Signaling list: overview of the general signaling; the order of signals, signals missing
or not, used to identify if the service flow is right.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Signaling detail information: check if the content of each field of each signaling is
right; check if process and service state is right.

Signaling codec information: check the original hex information of the signaling;
compare the detailed information of the codec and signaling; limit the scope of error
signaling; check if codec is right.

There are three ways to maintain signaling data on client:

Signaling specific format: save signaling list and signaling detail information as the
particular file format, this can only be opened by signaling program.

Excel format: save signaling details into Excel.

Text format: save decoded signaling detail information into TXT file. Use can view
the content with other particular tools.

7.11.4 Clock Management

U31(CN) supports NTP clock synchronization mode.

Network Time Protocol (NTP) is a protocol for computer time synchronization, it helps
the computer synchronize the time resource or server, to keep time synchronization
for the system and an accurate time resource, and prevent malicious protocol attack
by encryption. It is usually used for hosts in LAN to synchronize the clock with other
NTP hosts via Internet, and then continues to provide time synchronization to other
clients in LAN.

EMS system is based on standard SNTP protocol; it realizes time synchronization

among different hosts in the same LAN. EMS OMM, as NTP server, provides NTP
clock resource, it pushes other OMMs in the LAN work as NTP client and performs
time synchronization; EMS OMM works as NTP client, and synchronize the
third-party clock server.

U31(CN) system provides clock function to query and set the clock and timer of the
NE devices. The clock consistency function can keep the clock of the internal MSC
NEs, NE and U31(CN) consistent. The clock modification function can modify the
time employed by NE or U31(CN).

7.12 Core Network Maintenance

7.12.1 Rack Chart Management

The rack chart management can show clearly the configurations of the NE, the
operation status of board, LED status and alarm rendering. Through the rack chart
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

management, user can perform the operations of diagnosis test, board command
and resource query, etc.

7.12.2 User Data Management

U31(CN) provides the centralized user data management function for NE user data,
such as MSC Server, MSCe, SGSN, GGSN, PDSN, HSS, MME, PGW, SGW.

7.12.3 Centralized Configure Data Management

Configure data of all NEs can be managed in a centralized way on U31(CN). Four
sub functions are included, and they are configure data backup, configure data
restore, configure data export, configure data view.

7.13 MML Terminal

U31(CN) can execute various operations of NE client in the way of character terminal
function, and simplify the repeated operations by executing batch processing script
command. The character terminal will check and pre-process the grammar of the
command/script. The execution result will be displayed after the execution is

7.14 Report Management

U31(CN) report management module provides simple report management functions,
which can manage various reports, generated by U31(CN) system, such as
performance report, alarm report, configuration management report. U31(CN)
system provides the report server function. Set a server as the report server, and the
reports are sent to the report server. The client visits the report server to view the
reports. The report management module provides report designer, report template
management. The users can customize the report format and report template by the
two functions. The report management module also provides the function of report
task management, report file management, report output/print, etc.

7.15 IPV6 supported

U31(CN) can communicate third party system with IPV4 or IPV6 protocol, such as
VCS, NetBackup.U31(CN) can connect database server with IPV4 or IPV6 protocol.

For northbound interface, U31(CN) can connect NMS with IPV4 or IPV6 protocol For
southbound interface, U31(CN) can access network elements with IPV4 or IPV6
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.16 Web performance Report and Monitor system

For web performance report and monitor system, a dedicated hardware platform
which is independent to U31(CN) hardware are needed, it is also blade server based
on ATCA architecture.

In the web performance report system, some predefined report templates are
provided for traffic model analysis of network element of 3G or 4G (PS&EPC). Via
Web GUI the query of these traffic model reports, current network traffic state and
changing tendency can be checked. Furthermore, the specific report requirement of
operator can be customized developing.

In the web performance monitor system, the monitored KPI can be defined based on
common counter of monitor model. For KPIs computational formula definition,
arithmetic operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division can be
adopted. Both pre-defined KPI and user-defined KPI are supported in performance
monitor subsystem. User can add, delete, scan, or modify KPI for user-defined ones.
But for pre-defined KPI, only query and scan operation is permitted.

Currently, the Web performance Report and Monitor system cannot support
virtualized hardware.

7.17 POOL management

U31(CN) system provides pool management for MSCe POOL, MSCs POOL, SGSN

The following functions are provided for POOL management

Networking management: it creates, modifies and deletes Pool, and it can configure
their associated parameters. It also supports query alarm and notification of Pool.

Task Manager: it provides the timing data verification after setting Pool-related

Manual data verification: it provides manual data verification after setting

Pool-related configuration.

Data synchronization: it provides manual data synchronization after synchronizing

the data in the results of verification.

Dynamic management: in the GUI interface and the command terminal, it provides
the capability of executing multiple management commands on network elements in
the Pool. It also supports Transferring Pool User and Load Balance configuration.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

7.18 Online Help

U31(CN) system provides online help function. The operator can learn the operation
of the related module by searching the help content of each module, and solve some
common problems through the help system. By F1 hot key invoking or menu invoking,
the help system provides two help searching ways, i.e., by functional tree diagram
and by key word.

7.19 vEMS related Function

7.19.1 vEMS management

U31(CN) supports itself virtualization to deploy as vEMS(virtualized EMS).

vEMS complies with ETSI specification and requirements of operator, it can be

installed and operated on the COTS (commercial off-the-shelf) HW, such as on HP
C7000, .ZTE E9000 etc.

vEMS support the management of PNF(Physical Network Function) and

VNF(Virtualized Network Function) network element at same time, the VNF NE can
be management by vEMS automatically. vEMS provides the management function of
FM, PM, CM, IM etc for PNF and VNF.

7.19.2 vEMS Automatic Deployment and HA solution

vEMS can be deployed by VIM on virtualized resources automatically.

vEMS supports HA solution through active and standby vEMS VMs running on
separated HW.

8 System Interface
U31(CN) system provides kinds of NM interfaces to the upper level NMS, CORBA,
SNMP, and MML interface. The NMS can realize the operations such as
configuration management, fault management, performance statistics, security
management etc. through the NM interface.

8.1 CORBA Interface

The CORBA interface of U31(CN) is built on the commercial CORBA platform, with
the bottom communication protocol as TCP/IP. Through the CORBA interface, NMC
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

can use the management function of different management function domains, such
as configuration management, performance management, and fault management,
dynamically obtaining the information of network configuration, performance and
fault, to realize the management function of network layer.

The application process of the NMC and U31(CN) are running on ORB. The
communication between ORBs employs the IIOP protocol running on TCP/IP. Any
protocol of data link layer and physical layer is applicable only if TCP/IP is supported.
The CORBA interface of U31(CN) is as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8-1 CORBA Interface of U31(CN)

M essage of
C O R B A interface

C onfiguration Fault interface Perform ance M an-m achine

interface interface com m and
C O R B A interface

Z X W N O M C server
Server application process


The CORBA interface complies with 3GPP32, and has done IOT with some
operators; it has been used in the network for Chine Mobile, China Telecom, etc.

8.2 SNMP Interface

Core network management system can both provide SNMP manager function and
SNMP Agent function, shown in the following figure.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 8-2 SNMP interface

(SNMP Manager)


SNMP Agent

Inner invoke


Inner invoke SNMP Manager

SNMP South-Bound Interface

SNMP Agent

SNMP manager function is used when network element system can be managed by
SNMP. At this time, network elements act as SNMP Agent to manage by NMS.

SNMP agent function is used when upper network management requires managing
core network management in SNMP (for example, the upper network management
system is HP NNM). At this time, the upper network management system acts as
SNMP Manager.

Core network management system only implements fault management via SNMP
north bound interface.

8.3 MML Interface

The MML interface of U31(CN) is based on the TCP/IP protocol, with interface
command employing MML format, used for accessing upper level NM command to
NE or U31(CN) server. The supported TCP networking ways include DDN/E1, ISDN,
X.25, PSTN etc. Through MML interface, the NMS can dynamically obtain the
message of the network configuration, performance and fault. The user may send
man-machine command to configure NE, create measurement tasks and set alarm
related parameters, to realize the management function on the network layer. The
MML interface of U31(CN) can set different message ports for different NM functions.
Users can self-define the configuration according to their own needs. The ports of
each function domain can be combined freely, for instance, the alarm port and the
port of performance data report can be combined into one. While the system is
running normally, U31(CN) server keeps monitoring these ports all through. If any
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

NMS sends a connection request, a TCP channel will be created, implementing the
communication interaction between U31(CN) server and NMS. To each port, multiple
NMS terminals can be connected, and the mutual non-relativity of multiple NMS
connection can be ensured.

The MML interface of U31(CN) is as shown in the following figure.

Figure 8-3 MML Interface Command of U31(CN)


Status Alarm report Port of performance Man-machine

monitoring port port data report command port
MML interface

Server application process


8.4 File Interface

According to database view, the booked data is transformed to the defined file and
report to NMS periodically through FTP. It is also possible to save in the specified
path NMS can pick the information periodically.

Convention between Itf-N and NMS:

Data file format

Data file organization method

Data file name rule

Time data picking time

Data file complimentarily getting rule

Local save time of T file

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Data file get method

Data file compress method

User can define the period of data file saving. The default value is 3 days. Data file
from U31(CN) to NMC, at most 20 minutes is needed. U31(CN) inventory information
stored includes as a minimum physical location (building, floor, suite, rack, shelf, slot,
port), equipment electronic serial numbers, firmware level, and software level
information. U31(CN) provides inventory information to NMS fined interface via north
interface in a standard file formats such as XML/CSV format. File interface also can
be used for inventory information transmission.

8.5 DB Interface
U31(CN) DB interface is the interface of middle database, which acts as the medium
to establish the data connection channel between U31(CN) system and NMS.

Middle DB has two parts: DB management function and DB. DB management

function is in charge of:

Read the data (performance data, configuration data) in OMM system in fixed time,
and save to local database according to some filtering rule.

Manage the local DB.

DB is used to save the filtered data. The interface of DB is provided for upper NMS
system for DB access.

Figure 8-4 Medium DB interface Function


DB Interface

Medium DB System

Network Element System (CS/PS/HLR)

Interior Inter-system
Interface interface
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

9 Reliability

9.1 System Reliability

Considering the disaster recovery function of the system, to prevent the data from
being lost due to accident, U31(CN) can back up and recover all the performance
data, alarm data, configuration data, user self-defined data according to the definition
of users, ensuring the highest security of the system data.

9.1.1 Data Security Backup Mechanism

U31(CN) supports the following backup operations:

For U31(CN) software, it can be completely backed up, or just backup some pivotal
configuration files, such as INI file.

For the configuration network resource data, the backup is done to different modules,
such as configuration management data, alarm management data, performance
statistic data.

For all the data, such as statistic data, alarm data, log, etc, they can be exported or

For the log files, they can be deleted automatically and periodically after backup, in
order to release the system space.

All the above backup operation, the system supports the following methods:

Manually or automatically, for the latter method, the backup period, content can be

Complete backup and incremental backup are supported.

When export or backup the data, the system will prompt the operator if need to delete
the original data.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description Recovery Mechanism

Corresponding to the backup mechanism, U31(CN) can recover the data backed up
to the NM system. The recovering process can recover all the backup data, or
recover part of the data of the switching office. The recovery mechanism can be
combined with the backup mechanism to completely copy the data of some offices
into a new switching office. This function is also used in the deployment and
maintenance of the switching office.

9.1.2 System Security

NetNumen system takes much consideration on the security, provides a full-scale

solution to protect the system against attacking and unlawful accessing. System Authentication & Authorization

Access authentication for U31(CN) client access: password, numeric certificate,

radius, etc.

For password authentication, the storage and transmission of the password is

encrypted, and it is displayed by cryptograph.

Support the access restriction for the IP address of U31(CN) client, thus to prevent
the accessing by unlawful client.

Provide encryption and authentication for the interface between NMS and U31(CN),
to prevent the accessing of unlawful NMS.

Provide perfect management mechanism and support the dividable permission and
dividable domain management function. All the permission is divided into multi
levels, the operator can only do the operation under his permission, thus to prevent
operating mistakes. Accounts Management

NetNumen U31(CN) supports the management of user valid period; the following
parameters can be configured: the login time duration, useful-life of accounts and
password, the prompt in advance is also supported.

NetNumen U31(CN) supports simple password detection, such as: empty, all digits,
all letters; accounts name cannot be the same as the telephone number, cannot be
the repetition of accounts name and telephone, cannot be the backformation of
accounts name and telephone number; the max repeated time of one character can
be configured (2-10); when the password is expired, it must be modified forcibly, and
cannot be the same as the latest one or some.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

If the user fails to log in, the failed times is limited, and if the max times is up to, the
user will be locked by the system, and this event will be reported to U31(CN) as an
alarm. The user just can be unlocked by the administrator or the limited time duration
is expired.

Support account storage of Radius format, management permission through

Radius/LDAP, and can support authentication through Radius/LDAP API. System Audit

NetNumen U31(CN) provides perfect log management and audit functions. The user
operation, login and authentication, interface accessing, system running status and
others are written into log files, and the content includes: user ID, login time, logout
time, date and time of important operation, operation content and result; friendly audit
interface is offered and query can be done under different conditions. Network Transmission

Separate Multi-IP network segment are designed, the IP segment within the
equipment is individual, it is divided with U31(CN) and this can guarantee the safety
of NE.

NetNumen U31(CN) supports SSH, SFTP and other third party software, Telnet/FTP
is seldom used; SSL VPN, IPSec VPN are also supported, all of these can
guarantee the safety of transmission.

When NetNumen U31(CN) is connected with external network, firewall will be

installed, in order to prevent the virus and Junk mails. System Safety

Screen lock function is supported to prevent the operating of unlawful users.

NetNumen U31(CN) adopts high-performance server and OS, such as SUN Solaris.

If users login and do some operation, it will be reported to U31(CN), so the operation
status can be known.

Monitor operations of all users, and generates maintenance reports. The user
admin has the right to kick out any user.

NetNumen U31(CN) provides perfect log management and audit function. The user
operation, login and authentication, interface accessing, system running status and
others are written into log files, and the content includes: user ID, login time, logout
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

time, date and time of important operation, operation content and result; friendly
audit interface is offered and query can be done under different conditions.

If the OS is windows, the following protections are provided:

Install anti-virus software on U31(CN) server, such as NORTON Antivirus

Corporation Edition and McAfee Antivirus.

Close some unsafe communication ports of U31(CN) server.

In Windows 2000 system, TCP/IP is normally used. By default, there isnt any
restriction for the communication ports, some of which is special for certain services,
such as port 25 is used for SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) , because these
ports are known as the special ports, which can be easily attacked. Therefore, if
these services are not needed, the corresponding ports should be closed.

Close irrespective sharing directory

In Windows system, there are some default sharing directory and files, there is not
any safeguard for them and they may be attacked. Therefore, the sharing directory of
U31(CN) should be closed.

Configure the system service

Many services are default startup items in Windows 2000 system, but some of there
services are not very safe, such as Telnet. Therefore, these services should be
forbidden, and for others, which are not so unsafe, the startup type should be

Close IIS service

IIS (Internet Information Server) service has the default configuration; there are some
safety leaks, so it should be closed.

System accounts configuration

This can prevent the operation by the attacker if the accounts or the password is
interpreted by the attacker.

Security configuration of database

For the database management software, there are some default parameters or
configurations that may be attacked, this will damage the database, causing the
important data to be lost or be decrypted and the database may even be broken
forever. Through the configuration of the management parameters, the system will
be safer.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

9.2 Hardware Reliability

Di-hosts redundancy design with local and remote modes

U31(CN) system server can employ the physical configuration of dual server +
shared disk array, as in the following figure. One server works as active server, the
other works as backup server. In normal running, the system is running in the server,
and the backup server does not bear any system load. While the active server fails, it
is automatically switched to the backup server.

Figure 9-1 System Redundancy based on Disk Array of Local Mode

RAID hard disks for standby including OS backup and U31(CN) backup

Remote redundancy solution includes 1+1, 2+2 and others. The following figure
shows 2+2 solutions.

Node B has the same configuration with Node A. The data on disk array on the two
nodes keeps synchronization.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Figure 9-2 System Redundancy based on Disk Array of Remote Mode

Network disaster recovery backup

Dual Ethernet is used for links among the NEs and U31(CN) Server for mutual
backup. The system uses two 3-layer switches and has a metric with two sets of
unequal routes. Usually data flows go through the small link of the metric. When one
link fails, data flows go through the other link automatically. The OSPF is used as the
routing protocol. It can automatically calculate the metric. It takes network congestion
as a metric. When one route is congested, the other route is used.

9.3 Software Reliability

The various software security settings of U31(CN) system are:

Link detecting mechanism. There is heartbeat-detecting mechanism between the

client and server, between the server and NE, between the upper level NM interface
and upper level NM, detecting the communication of each link in a fixed time. Alarm
information will occur if the NE and server link are blocked.

Connection server at the client. In the interaction between the server and the
foreground, there is version-detecting mechanism to check whether the software
versions of them are consistent. The software version which is not consistent will not
be normally connected.

While the service of the system gets abnormal, and the process of the server gets
abnormal, the system will record the failure information in the system log, resume the
service automatically or generate alarm information. To prevent data loss due to
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

unpredictable problems like system abnormality, network failure and natural disasters
and human accidents, the following backup solutions are required:

Remote data backup

If one database backup server is used in an area, the solution is to be determined by

the actual situation. If the network condition is favorable and fibers are used for
interconnection, then Managed Snapshot Services (MSS) can be used to provide
snapshot for database running in real time. If the network condition is below the
standard, daily FTP mode can be used to download database backup files.
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

9.4 Principle for Network Bandwidth

The bandwidth requirement in U31(CN) system is include the following parts:

1. Bandwidth between U31(CN) Server and NE

2. Bandwidth between U31(CN) Server and Client

3. Bandwidth between U31(CN) Server and NMS

Normally Client and U31(CN) Server are located in the same site, so they are in the
same LAN and bandwidth between them can be ignored. However, when the LMT is
put in the remote site, the bandwidth should be considered.

U31(CN) will realize the NE integrated management function, so it is based on

different LANs between U31(CN) Server and NEs. The bandwidth between them
should be considered.

Normally, it is based on different LANs between U31(CN) Server and NMS, so the
bandwidth between them should be considered.

9.4.1 Bandwidth Calculation between U31(CN) Server and NMS

The message between U31(CN) Serve and NMS is mainly include alarm data,
performance data and configuration operation (query, modify, delete and data

Normally the size of an alarm is 2K bytes. U31(CN) Serve will not report notification
to NMS, only report alarm, and almost 0.05 pieces alarm per second for one NE, so
the bandwidth requirement of alarm from U31(CN) Serve to NMS is
0.05*2048*8/1024=0.8 kpbs.

Normally the configuration operation of NMS is seldom. The operation includes

configuration query or data synchronization. Supposing the uplink data is 2K for
every operation from NMS to NE and 3 times per minute for the operation, the
bandwidth required is 2*3*8/60=0.8 kbps.

The statistic granularity of the performance job setting by the NMS is normally less
15 minutes, so U31(CN) Serve will report statistic data to NMS every 15 minutes at
most. The data will be transferred to NMS by FTP file. Supposing every time the file
is 60K bytes, the bandwidth required is 60*8/60=8 kbps.

Therefore, the bandwidth required between U31(CN) and NMS is (when all the NE is
in the normal state.)
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

2*(0.8*Nn+0.8*Nn+8*Nn)=19.2*Nn Kbps.

Here, Nn is the number of the equivalent NE that is managed by U31(CN).

9.4.2 Bandwidth Calculation between U31(CN) Server and Client

The bandwidth between U31(CN) Server and Client is

*1024/8) Byte/s

= 2*(0.6*Nn+12)*8 Kbps= 9.6*Nn+192 Kbps

Here, Nn is the number of NE that managed by U31(CN).

9.4.3 Bandwidth Calculation between U31(CN) Server and NE

The message between U31(CN) and NE is mainly including system communication

data, alarm data report, performance data report and configuration operation (query,
modify, delete and synchronization), the bandwidth between U31(CN) and NE is
different from different NE type. Detailed information is listed as following table:

Table 9-1 Required Bandwidth between U31(CN) Server and NE

NE type bandwidth
MSC Server/MSCe 256K
MGW 128K
CG 16K
HLR(FE) 128K
MME(uMac) 16K
SGW(xGW) 40K
PGW(xGW) 96K
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

10 Technical Indices
This chapter provides the technical indices of U31(CN) system, which can be used
as the reference of the project.

10.1 System Performance Indices

Table 10-1 System Performance Indices

Maximum managed NEs 300 standard NEs

Alarm Processing Normal:30/s;
Capability Peak: 150/s;
The alarm can keep,
without losing at least for
Capability Index 15 minutes
Maximum number of 100
simultaneous online client
Maximum number of 50
simultaneous operating
System software <30 minutes
installation time
System software upgrade <2.5 hours
System Index time
Rollback time when fail to <4 hours
Patch upgrade time <30 minutes
Start up time of system <7s
User login delay <5s
Start up Time
Delay of open the client <3s
Server hot start up time <5 minutes
Current alarm query delay <2s
History alarm query delay <5s
Alarm report delay <2s
Operation Performance Alarm report delay <10s
through northbound
Performance data query <10s
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Data batch export delay <10s

The minimum granularity
of performance data 5 minutes
Log query delay <2s
Maximum number of 2million
Storage Capacity History alarm storage time 3 month
(depend on the hard disk Original performance data 1 month (granularity: 15
capacity) storage time minutes); 3 months
(granularity: 1 hour)
Log storage time 3 months
MTBF(Mean Time Before 6563919 hours
MTTR(Mean Time To 30 minutes
MLDT(Mean Logistical 12 hours
System Availability Delay Time)
Availability 99.9998%
RTO (Recovery Time < 5 hours
RPO (Recovery point < 24 hours

10.2 System power consumption Indices

Table 10-2 System power consumption Indices

Equipment Consumpti Remarks
ATCA blade front board
OPBB1(SBC41) 145W
165W =>power consumption >= 120W
OPI1(RSB11) 15W ATCA blade back board
RSB/D(RSB13) 15W ATCA blade back board(Fiber), for TSM
SWBB2(USCC Switch front board
_3) 55W =>power consumption >= 45W
SWI3(RGE2) 10W Switch back board
ATCA rack
E4140 280W
280W =>power consumption >= 150W
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Equipment Consumpti Remarks
ETCA rack
E8280 320W
320W =>power consumption >= 200W
NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

11 Appendixes

11.1 ZTE-Joined Standard Organizations

ZTE joins the making of WCDMA standards inside China and all over the world. The
major standard organizations are as follows:

Table 11-1 ZTE-Joined Standard Organizations

Standardization Organization Remarks

Chinese Communication Standards Association Full Member

Open Base Station Architecture Initiative One of 5 organizers
3rd Generation Partnership Project Independent Member
3rd Generation Partnership Project 2 Independent Member
Asia Info-communication Council Full Member
CDMA Development Group Vander Member
Communication Power Supply Standard Research
Full Member
DSL Forum Auditing Member
IPV6 Forum Member
IP and Multimedia Technology Research Team Full Member
International Telecommunication Union Sector Member
Internet Society of China Vice Director of Council
Metro Ethernet Forum Principle Member
Mobile Wireless Internet Forum Auditing Member
MPEG4 Industry Forum Full Member
Large Company Principle
Multi Protocol Label Switching Forum
Multi-service Switch Forum Principle Member
Network and Switch Standard Research Team Full Member
Network Management Standard Research Team Full Member

ZTE Confidential & Proprietary 1

NetNumen U31(CN) Product Description

Network Processing Forum Member

Resilient Packet Ring Alliance Participate Member
TD-SCDMA Technology Forum Council Member
Tele Management Forum Affiliate Member
The Optical Internetworking Form Auditing Member
Transmission Network and Access Network Standard
Full Member
Research Team
Wireless Communication Standard Research Team Full Member

2 ZTE Confidential & Proprietary

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