3.3.8 Kwik Bolt 3 Expansor Anchor

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The following excerpt are pages from the North American

Product Technical Guide, Volume 2: Anchor Fastening, Edition


Please refer to the publication in its entirety for complete details

on this product including data development, product
specifications, general suitability, installation, corrosion and
spacing and edge distance guidelines.
US: http://submittals.us.hilti.com/PTGVol2/
CA: http://submittals.us.hilti.com/PTGVol2CA/

To consult directly with a team member regarding our anchor

fastening products, contact Hiltis team of technical support
specialists between the hours of 7:00am 6:00pm CST.
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Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor Product description Product description Material specifications The KWIK Bolt 3 (KB3) is a torque Guide specifications Technical data controlled expansion anchor, which
Torque-controlled expansion anchor Installation instructions provides consistent performance for
shall be KWIK Bolt 3. KWIK Bolt 3
a wide range of mechanical anchor Ordering information anchors meet the description of Federal
applications. This anchor series is
Specification A-A 1923A, Type 4. The
available in carbon steel with zinc
Impact section anchor bears a length identification
(dog point) electroplated coating, carbon steel
mark embossed on the impact section
with hot-dip galvanized coating, 304
(dog point) of the anchor identifying the
stainless steel and 316 stainless steel
anchor as a Hilti KWIK Bolt 3.
versions.The threaded stud version of
the anchor is available in a variety of Carbon steel KWIK Bolt 3 anchors have
diameters ranging from 1/4- to 1-in. a carbon steel anchor body, carbon
depending on the steel and coating steel nut and carbon steel washer.
type. Applicable base materials include Anchor body, nut and washer have zinc
thread normal-weight concrete, structural plating conforming to ASTM B633 with
lightweight concrete, lightweight a minimum thickness of 5 m.
concrete over metal deck, and
AISI Type 304 stainless steel KWIK Bolt
Anchor grout-filled concrete masonry.
3 anchors have an anchor body, nut
Product features and washer That conform to AISI Type
304. The expansion wedges conform
Expansion Length identification code
element to either AISI Type 304 stainless steel
facilitates quality control and
(wedges) or either AISI Type 316 stainless steel.
inspection after installation.
Expansion Through fixture installation and AISI Type 316 stainless steel KWIK Bolt
cone 3 anchors have an anchor body, nut
variable thread lengths improve
productivity and accommodate and washer That conform to AISI Type
Listings/Approvals various base plate thicknesses. 316. The expansion wedges conform
to AISI Type 316 stainless steel.
ICC-ES (International Code Council) Raised impact section (Dog Point)
ESR-2302 Hot-dip galvanized KWIK Bolt 3
ICC-ES (International Code Council) prevents thread damage during
ESR-1385 Grout-filled concrete masonry installation. anchors have a carbon steel anchor
City of Los Angeles body, carbon steel nut and carbon steel
Anchor size is same as drill bit size
Research Report No. 25577 washer. Anchor body, nut and washer
Research Report No. 25577M masonry for easy installation. For temporary
FM (Factory Mutual) applications anchors may be driven have zinc plating conforming to ASTM
Pipe Hanger Components for A153 with an average thickness of 53
into drilled holes after usage.
Automatic Sprinkler for 3/8 through 3/4 m. The expansion wedges conform to
UL LLC Mechanical expansion allows
UL 203 Pipe Hanger Equipment for Fire either AISI Type 304 stainless steel or
immediate load application.
Protection Services for 3/8 through 3/4 either AISI Type 316 stainless steel.
Qualified under an NQA-1 Nuclear Can be installed with innovative
Quality Program
Hilti Torque Bar (seen below) in
conjunction with Hilti impact
tools. The first impact tool
*Please refer to the reports to verify that the type approved by ICC-ES to install
and diameter specified is included an expansion anchor.

Independent code evaluation

IBC / IRC 2015
IBC / IRC 2012
IBC / IRC 2009
IBC / IRC 2006
IBC / IRC 2003 S-TB torque bar A18/A22 impact tool

338 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8 Material specifications

Carbon steel with electroplated zinc
All carbon steel KWIK Bolt 3 and Rod Coupling Anchors, excluding the 3/4 x 12 and 1-inch diameter sizes, have the tensile bolt
fracture loads shown in table 1.
All carbon steel 3/4 x 12 and 1 inch diameter sizes and carbon steel KWIK Bolt 3 Countersunk anchor bodies have mechanical
properties as listed in table 1.
Carbon steel anchor components plated in accordance with ASTM B633 to a minimum thickness of 5 m.
Nuts conform to the requirements of ASTM A563, Grade A, Hex.
Washers meet the requirements of ASTM F844.
Expansion wedges are manufactured from carbon steel, except the following anchors have stainless steel wedges:
All 1/4-inch diameter anchors
All 1-inch diameter anchors 3.3.2
All KWIK Bolt 3 Countersunk
Carbon steel with hot-dip galvanized plating 3.3.4
Anchor bodies manufactured from carbon steel have the tensile bolt fracture loads shown in table 1.
Carbon steel anchor components have an average zinc plating thickness greater than 43 m according to ASTM A153, Class C. 3.3.5

Nuts conform to the requirements of ASTM A563, Grade A, Hex. 3.3.6

Washers meet the requirements of ASTM F844.
Stainless steel expansion wedges are manufactured from either AISI Type 304 or Type 316.
Stainless steel
Anchor bodies smaller than 3/4-inch, excluding all KWIK Bolt 3 Countersunk, are produced from AISI Type 304 or 3.3.9
Type 316 stainless steel having the bolt fracture loads shown in table 1.
Anchor bodies 3/4-inch and larger, and all stainless steel KWIK Bolt 3 Countersunk anchor bodies, are produced from
AISI Type 304 or Type 316 stainless steel having the mechanical properties shown in table 1.
Nuts meet the dimensional requirements of ASTM F594.
Washers meet the dimensional requirements of ANSI B18.22.1, Type A, plain.
Stainless steel expansion wedges for AISI Type 304 are made from either AISI Type 304 or Type 316. Stainless steel expansion
wedges for AISI Type 316 anchors are made from type 316. All stainless steel nuts and washers for AISI Type 304 or Type 316
anchors are manufactured from AISI Type 304 or 316, respectively.

Table 1 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 Bolt fracture load (lb)1 3.3.9

Nominal anchor
diameter 3.3.9
in. Carbon steel Hot-dip galvanized Stainless steel
1/4 2,900 no offering 2,900
3/8 7,200 no offering 7,200
1/2 12,400 12,400 12,400
5/8 19,600 19,600 21,900
3/4 28,700 28,700 futa 76, fya 642
1 futa 88, fya 752 no offering futa 76, fya 642
1 Bolt fracture loads are determined by testing in a universal tensile machine for quality
control at the manufacturing facility. These loads are not intended for design use. See
tables 4 and 12 for the steel design strengths of carbon steel and stainless steel,
2 All 3/4-in. stainless steel, 3/4x12 carbon steel, all 1-in. carbon steel and all 1-in. stainless
steel material strengths specified by the tensile and yield strengths expressed in (ksi).
Bolt fracture loads not applicable for these models.

Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 339
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor Technical data ACI 318-14 Chapter 17 design
The load values contained in this section are Hilti Simplified Design Tables. The load tables in this section were developed
using the Strength Design parameters and variables of ESR-2302 and the equations within ACI 318-14 Chapter 17. For a
detailed explanation of the Hilti Simplified Design Tables, refer to section 3.1.7. Data tables from
ESR-2302 are not contained in this section, but can be found at www.icc-es.org or at www.hilti.com.

Allowable Stress Design or ASD technical information and data tables can be found at www.hilti.com.

Figure 1 - KWIK Bolt 3 installation

Table 2 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 specifications

Setting Nominal anchor diameter
information Symbol Units 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1
Drill bit dia. dbit in. 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1
Minimum nominal in. 1-3/4 2-3/8 2-1/4 3-5/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 4-1/4 5-5/8 4-5/8 6-3/8
embedment (mm) (44) (60) (57) (92) (89) (111) (108) (143) 117 162
Minimum effective in. 1-1/2 2 2 3-1/4 3-1/8 4 3-3/4 5 4 5-3/4
embedment (mm) (38) (51) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (127) (102) (146)
in. 2 2-5/8 2-5/8 4 3-7/8 4-3/4 4-1/2 5-3/4 5 6-3/4
Minimum hole depth ho
(mm) (51) (67) (67) (102) (98) (121) (114) (146) (127) (171)
Fixture hole dia. dh in. 5/16 7/16 9/16 11/16 13/16 1-1/8
Anchor length See ordering information
Installation torque ft-lb 4 20 40 60 110 150
concrete (Nm) (5) (27) (54) (81) (149) (203)
Installation torque ft-lb 4 15 25 65 120 not
masonry (Nm) (5) (20) (34) (88) (163) recommended
Wrench size in. 7/16 9/16 3/4 15/16 1-1/8 1-1/2
1 For more information, see ESR-1385 and section Approval value are for carbon steel anchors only.

340 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 3 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel design strength with concrete / pullout failure in uncracked concrete1,2,3,4,5
Nominal Tension - Nn Shear - Vn
anchor Effective Nominal
diameter embed. embed. 'c = 2,500 psi 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi 'c = 6,000 psi 'c = 2,500 psi 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi 'c = 6,000 psi
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-1/2 1-3/4 1,025 1,080 1,180 1,330 1,545 1,690 1,950 2,390
(38) (44) (4.6) (4.8) (5.2) (5.9) (6.9) (7.5) (8.7) (10.6)
2 2-3/8 2,205 2,415 2,790 3,420 2,375 2,605 3,005 3,680
(51) (60) (9.8) (10.7) (12.4) (15.2) (10.6) (11.6) (13.4) (16.4)
2 2-1/4 2,205 2,415 2,790 3,420 2,375 2,605 3,005 3,680
(51) (57) (9.8) (10.7) (12.4) (15.2) (10.6) (11.6) (13.4) (16.4)
1/2 3.3.1
3-1/4 3-1/2 4,420 4,840 5,590 6,845 9,845 10,785 12,450 15,250
(83) (89) (19.7) (21.5) (24.9) (30.4) (43.8) (48.0) (55.4) (67.8) 3.3.2
3-1/8 3-1/2 4,310 4,720 5,450 6,675 9,280 10,165 11,740 14,380
(79) (89) (19.2) (21.0) (24.2) (29.7) (41.3) (45.2) (52.2) (64.0)
4 4-3/8 6,240 6,835 7,895 9,665 13,440 14,725 17,000 20,820 3.3.4
(102) (111) (27.8) (30.4) (35.1) (43.0) (59.8) (65.5) (75.6) (92.6)
3-3/4 4-1/4 5,665 6,205 7,165 8,775 12,200 13,365 15,430 18,900
(95) (108) (25.2) (27.6) (31.9) (39.0) (54.3) (59.5) (68.6) (84.1) 3.3.6
5 5-5/8 6,880 7,535 8,705 10,660 18,785 20,575 23,760 29,100
(127) (143) (30.6) (33.5) (38.7) (47.4) (83.6) (91.5) (105.7) (129.4)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value. 3.3.8
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
3 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 6 to 10 as necessary. Compare to steel values in table 4. 3.3.9
The lesser of the values is to be used for the design.
4 Tabular values are for normal weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by a as follows: 3.3.9
for sand-lightweight, a = 0.68; for all-lightweight, a = 0.60
5 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete. 3.3.9

Table 4 - Steel design strength for Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchors1,2
Nominal anchor Nominal Tensile3 Shear4
diameter embedment Nsa Vsa 3.3.9
in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-3/4 1,590 1,065
(44) (7.1) (4.7) 3.3.9
2-3/8 4,770 2,905
3/8 3.3.9
(60) (21.2) (12.9)
2-1/4 4,315
(57) 8,745 (19.2)
3-1/2 (38.9) 4,390
(89) (19.5)
(89) 13,515 7,950
4-3/8 (60.1) (35.4)
4-1/4 10,180
(108) 19,080 (45.3)
5-5/8 (84.9) 10,785
(143) (48.0)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
2 KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchors are to be considered ductile steel elements.
3 Tensile Nsa = Ase,N futa as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
4 Shear values determined by static shear tests with Vsa < 0.60 Ase,V futa as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.

Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 341
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Figure 2 Anchors not permitted For a specific edge distance,
in shaded area
the permitted spacing is calculated

spacing s
Case 2 cmin,1 at smin,1
as follows:

(smin,1 smin,2) sdesign
Case 1 s smin,2 + ___________ (c cmin,2)
(cmin,1 cmin,2) cmin,2 at smin,2
smin,2 cdesign
smin,1 Concrete edge distance c

Table 5 - Carbon steel Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 installation parameters1

Nominal anchor diameter do
Setting information Symbol Units
1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4
in. 1-1/2 2 2 3-1/4 3-1/8 4 3-3/4 5
Effective minimum embedment hef
(mm) (38) (51) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (127)
in. 4 4 5 4 5 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8
Minimum member thickness hmin
(mm) (102) (102) (127) (102) (127) (152) (203) (127) (152) (203) (152) (203) (203)
in. 1-3/8 2 1-1/2 2-1/8 2 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-3/4 2-5/8 2-1/2
c min,1
(mm) (35) (51) (38) (54) (51) (41) (41) (57) (44) (44) (70) (67) (64)
Case 1
for s min,1 in. 1-3/4 2-7/8 3-1/2 4-7/8 4-3/4 4-1/4 4 5-1/4 4-3/4 4 6-7/8 6-1/2 6-3/8
(mm) (44) (73) (89) (124) (121) (108) (102) (133) (121) (102) (175) (165) (162)
in. 1-5/8 2-3/8 2/3/8 2-5/8 2-3/8 2-1/4 2 3-1/8 2-3/8 2-1/4 3-3/4 3-3/8 3-3/8
(mm) (41) (60) (60) (67) (60) (57) (51) (79) (60) (57) (95) (86) (86)
Case 2
for s min,2 in. 1-1/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-1/2 2-1/4 2 1-7/8 2-3/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 3-3/4 3-3/8 3-1/4
(mm) (32) (44) (44) (64) (57) (51) (48) (60) (54) (54) (95) (86) (83)
1 Linear interpolation is permitted to establish an edge distance and spacing combination between Case 1 and Case 2.
Linear interpolation for a specific edge .distance c, where cmin,1 < c < cmin,2 will determine the permissible spacings.

Table 6 - Load adjustment factors for 1/4-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear Concrete
1/4-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II To and away thickness factor
carbon steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge in shear4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4
hnom (mm) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44)
1-1/4 (32) 0.64 n/a 0.56 n/a n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / Edge Distance (ca) / Concrete

1-3/8 (35) 0.65 0.58 0.57 0.26 0.51 n/a

1-1/2 (38) 0.67 0.61 0.57 0.29 0.58 n/a
2 (51) 0.72 0.75 0.60 0.45 0.75 n/a
3 (76) 0.83 1.00 0.65 0.83 1.00 n/a
Thickness (h) - in. (mm)

3-1/2 (89) 0.89 0.67 1.00 n/a

4 (102) 0.94 0.70 0.88
4-1/2 (114) 1.00 0.72 0.94
5 (127) 0.74 0.99
5-1/2 (140) 0.77 1.00
6 (152) 0.79
7 (178) 0.84
8 (203) 0.89
9 (229) 0.94
10 (254) 0.99
11 (279) 1.00
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa). Check
with table 5 and figure 2 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 anchors
with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

342 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 7 - Load adjustment factors for 3/8-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear
3/8-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II To and away thickness factor
carbon steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 Toward edge from edge in shear4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8
hnom (mm) (60) (60) (60) (60) (60) (60)
1-3/4 (44) 0.65 n/a 0.57 n/a n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

2 (51) 0.67 0.50 0.58 0.35 0.50 n/a

2-1/2 (64) 0.71 0.58 0.60 0.49 0.58 n/a
3 (76) 0.75 0.67 0.62 0.64 0.67 n/a
3-1/4 (83) 0.77 0.72 0.63 0.72 0.72 n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

3-1/2 (89) 0.79 0.78 0.64 0.81 0.81 n/a
4 (102) 0.83 0.89 0.67 0.99 0.99 0.81
4-1/2 (114) 0.88 1.00 0.69 1.00 1.00 0.86
5 (127) 0.92 0.71 0.91
6 (152) 1.00 0.75 1.00
7 (178) 0.79
8 (203) 0.83
9 (229) 0.87
10 (254) 0.91
11 (279) 0.95
12 (305) 1.00 3.3.6

Table 8 - Load adjustment factors for 1/2-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear Concrete 3.3.8
1/2-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II To and away thickness factor
carbon steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 Toward edge from edge in shear4 3.3.9
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2
hnom (mm) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89)
1-5/8 (41) n/a n/a n/a 0.39 n/a n/a n/a 0.07 n/a 0.15 n/a n/a
2 (51) n/a 0.60 n/a 0.42 n/a 0.54 n/a 0.10 n/a 0.20 n/a n/a
2-1/8 (54) n/a 0.61 0.48 0.43 n/a 0.54 0.42 0.11 0.48 0.22 n/a n/a
2-1/2 (64) 0.71 0.63 0.54 0.47 0.61 0.55 0.53 0.14 0.54 0.28 n/a n/a 3.3.9
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

3 (76) 0.75 0.65 0.62 0.52 0.63 0.55 0.70 0.19 0.70 0.37 n/a n/a
3-1/2 (89) 0.79 0.68 0.72 0.57 0.65 0.56 0.88 0.23 0.88 0.47 n/a n/a
4 (102) 0.83 0.71 0.82 0.62 0.68 0.57 1.00 0.29 1.00 0.57 0.84 n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

4-1/2 (114) 0.88 0.73 0.92 0.68 0.70 0.58 0.34 0.68 0.89 n/a
5 (127) 0.92 0.76 1.00 0.74 0.72 0.59 0.40 0.74 0.94 n/a
6 (152) 1.00 0.81 0.89 0.76 0.61 0.53 0.89 1.00 0.66
7 (178) 0.86 1.00 0.81 0.63 0.66 1.00 0.71
8 (203) 0.91 0.85 0.64 0.81 0.76
9 (229) 0.96 0.89 0.66 0.97 0.81
10 (254) 1.00 0.94 0.68 1.00 0.85
11 (279) 0.98 0.70 0.89
12 (305) 1.00 0.72 0.93
14 (356) 0.75 1.00
16 (406) 0.79
18 (457) 0.83
20 (508) 0.86
> 24 (610) 0.93
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa). Check
with table 5 and figure 2 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 anchors
with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 343
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Table 9 - Load adjustment factors for 5/8-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear
5/8-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away Conc. thickness
carbon steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge factor in shear4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8
hnom (mm) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111)
1-3/4 (44) n/a n/a n/a 0.32 n/a n/a n/a 0.07 n/a 0.14 n/a n/a
2 (51) n/a n/a n/a 0.34 n/a n/a n/a 0.08 n/a 0.17 n/a n/a
2-1/8 (54) n/a 0.59 n/a 0.34 n/a 0.53 n/a 0.09 n/a 0.18 n/a n/a
2-1/4 (57) n/a 0.59 0.39 0.35 n/a 0.54 0.14 0.10 0.27 0.20 n/a n/a
2-3/8 (60) 0.63 0.60 0.40 0.36 0.55 0.54 0.15 0.11 0.30 0.21 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

2-1/2 (64) 0.63 0.60 0.41 0.37 0.55 0.54 0.16 0.12 0.32 0.23 n/a n/a
3 (76) 0.66 0.63 0.46 0.40 0.56 0.55 0.21 0.15 0.42 0.30 n/a n/a
4 (102) 0.71 0.67 0.55 0.47 0.58 0.56 0.32 0.23 0.55 0.47 n/a n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

5 (127) 0.77 0.71 0.67 0.55 0.60 0.58 0.45 0.33 0.67 0.55 0.63 n/a
6 (152) 0.82 0.75 0.80 0.63 0.62 0.59 0.59 0.43 0.80 0.63 0.69 0.62
7 (178) 0.87 0.79 0.93 0.74 0.64 0.61 0.75 0.54 0.93 0.74 0.74 0.67
8 (203) 0.93 0.83 1.00 0.84 0.66 0.63 0.91 0.66 1.00 0.84 0.79 0.71
9 (229) 0.98 0.88 0.95 0.68 0.64 1.00 0.79 0.95 0.84 0.75
10 (254) 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.70 0.66 0.92 1.00 0.89 0.80
11 (279) 0.96 0.72 0.67 1.00 0.93 0.83
12 (305) 1.00 0.74 0.69 0.97 0.87
14 (356) 0.77 0.72 1.00 0.94
16 (406) 0.81 0.75 1.00
18 (457) 0.85 0.78
20 (508) 0.89 0.82
24 (610) 0.97 0.88
> 30 (762) 1.00 0.97

Table 10 - Load adjustment factors for 3/4-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear
3/4-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away Conc. thickness
carbon steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge factor in shear4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2
hnom (mm) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140)
2-1/2 (64) n/a n/a n/a 0.42 n/a n/a n/a 0.09 n/a 0.18 n/a n/a
2-3/4 (70) n/a n/a 0.36 0.44 n/a n/a 0.15 0.11 0.31 0.21 n/a n/a
3 (76) n/a n/a 0.38 0.45 n/a n/a 0.17 0.12 0.35 0.24 n/a n/a
3-1/4 (83) n/a 0.61 0.40 0.47 n/a 0.54 0.20 0.14 0.39 0.27 n/a n/a
3-1/2 (89) n/a 0.62 0.41 0.49 n/a 0.55 0.22 0.15 0.41 0.30 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

3-3/4 (95) 0.67 0.63 0.43 0.50 0.57 0.55 0.24 0.17 0.43 0.34 n/a n/a
4 (102) 0.68 0.63 0.45 0.52 0.57 0.55 0.27 0.18 0.45 0.37 n/a n/a
4-1/2 (114) 0.70 0.65 0.49 0.56 0.58 0.56 0.32 0.22 0.49 0.44 n/a n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

5 (127) 0.72 0.67 0.53 0.59 0.59 0.57 0.38 0.26 0.53 0.52 n/a n/a
6 (152) 0.77 0.70 0.62 0.67 0.60 0.58 0.49 0.34 0.62 0.67 0.65 n/a
7 (178) 0.81 0.73 0.72 0.75 0.62 0.59 0.62 0.43 0.72 0.75 0.70 n/a
8 (203) 0.86 0.77 0.82 0.84 0.64 0.61 0.76 0.52 0.82 0.84 0.75 0.66
9 (229) 0.90 0.80 0.92 0.95 0.66 0.62 0.91 0.62 0.92 0.95 0.79 0.70
10 (254) 0.94 0.83 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.64 1.00 0.73 1.00 1.00 0.83 0.74
11 (279) 0.99 0.87 0.69 0.65 0.84 0.87 0.77
12 (305) 1.00 0.90 0.71 0.66 0.96 0.91 0.81
14 (356) 0.97 0.74 0.69 1.00 0.99 0.87
16 (406) 1.00 0.78 0.72 1.00 0.93
18 (457) 0.81 0.74 0.99
20 (508) 0.85 0.77 1.00
24 (610) 0.92 0.82
30 (762) 1.00 0.91
> 36 (914) 0.99
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa). Check
with table 5 and figure 2 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 anchors
with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

344 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 11 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel design strength with concrete / pullout failure in uncracked concrete1,2,3,4,5
Nominal Tension - Nn Shear - Vn
anchor Effective Nominal
diameter embed. embed. 'c = 2,500 psi 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi 'c = 6,000 psi 'c = 2,500 psi 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi 'c = 6,000 psi
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-1/2 1-3/4 730 770 840 950 1,545 1,690 1,950 2,390
(38) (44) (3.2) (3.4) (3.7) (4.2) (6.9) (7.5) (8.7) (10.6)
2 2-3/8 1,925 2,110 2,440 2,985 2,375 2,605 3,005 3,680
(51) (60) (8.6) (9.4) (10.9) (13.3) (10.6) (11.6) (13.4) (16.4)
2 2-1/4 2,150 2,355 2,720 3,335 2,375 2,605 3,005 3,680
(51) (57) (9.6) (10.5) (12.1) (14.8) (10.6) (11.6) (13.4) (16.4) 3.3.1
3-1/4 3-1/2 3,920 4,295 4,960 6,070 9,845 10,785 12,450 15,250
(83) (89) (17.4) (19.1) (22.1) (27.0) (43.8) (48.0) (55.4) (67.8)
3-1/8 3-1/2 4,050 4,435 5,120 6,275 9,280 10,165 11,740 14,380 3.3.3
(79) (89) (18.0) (19.7) (22.8) (27.9) (41.3) (45.2) (52.2) (64.0)
5/8 3.3.4
4 4-3/8 5,090 5,575 6,440 7,885 13,440 14,725 17,000 20,820
(102) (111) (22.6) (24.8) (28.6) (35.1) (59.8) (65.5) (75.6) (92.6) 3.3.5
3-3/4 4-1/4 5,560 6,090 7,035 8,615 12,200 13,365 15,430 18,900 3.3.6
(95) (108) (24.7) (27.1) (31.3) (38.3) (54.3) (59.5) (68.6) (84.1)
3/4 3.3.7
5 5-1/2 7,040 7,710 8,905 10,905 18,785 20,575 23,760 29,100
(127) (140) (31.3) (34.3) (39.6) (48.5) (83.6) (91.5) (105.7) (129.4) 3.3.8
4 4-1/2 6,240 6,835 7,895 9,665 13,440 14,725 17,000 20,820
(102) (114) (27.8) (30.4) (35.1) (43.0) (59.8) (65.5) (75.6) (92.6)
5-3/4 6-1/4 10,110 11,070 12,785 15,660 23,165 25,375 29,300 35,885 3.3.9
(146) (159) (45.0) (49.2) (56.9) (69.7) (103.0) (112.9) (130.3) (159.6)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
3 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 14 to 19 as necessary. Compare to steel values in table 12.
The lesser of the values is to be used for the design. 3.3.9
4 Tabular values are for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by a as follows:
for sand-lightweight, a = 0.68; for all-lightweight, a = 0.60 3.3.9
5 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete.


Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 345
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Table 12 - Steel design strength for Hilti KWIK Bolt 3
stainless steel anchors1,2
anchor Nominal Tensile 3 Shear 4
diameter embedment Nsa Vsa
in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-3/4 1,725 1,090
(44) (7.7) (4.8)
2-3/8 5,175 3,235
(60) (23.0) (14.4)
2-1/4 2,725
(57) 9,490 (12.1)
3-1/2 (42.2) 4,510
(89) (20.1)
3-1/2 5,820
(89) 14,665 (25.9)
4-3/8 (65.2) 9,295
(111) (41.3)
4-1/4 7,735
(108) 16,200 (34.4)
5-1/2 (72.1) 15,305
(140) (68.1)
4-1/2 8,130
(114) 31,735 (36.2)
6-1/4 (141.2) 17,775
(159) (79.1)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
2 KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel anchors are to be considered ductile steel elements.
3 Tensile Nsa = Ase,N futa as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
4 Shear values determined by static shear tests with Vsa < 0.60 Ase,V futa as noted
in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.

346 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Figure 3 Anchors not permitted For a specific edge distance,
in shaded area
the permitted spacing is calculated

spacing s
Case 2 cmin,1 at smin,1
as follows:

(smin,1 smin,2) sdesign
Case 1 s smin,2 + ___________ (c cmin,2)
(cmin,1 cmin,2) cmin,2 at smin,2

smin,2 cdesign
smin,1 Concrete edge distance c

Table 13 - Stainless steel Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 installation parameters1

Setting Nominal anchor diameter do
information Symbol Units 1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 3.3.2
Effective minimum in. 1-1/2 2 2 3-1/4 3-1/8 4 3-3/4 5 4 5-3/4
hef 3.3.3
embedment (mm) (38) (51) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (127) (102) (146)
Minimum member in. 4 4 5 4 6 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8 8 10
hmin 3.3.4
thickness (mm) (102) (102) (127) (102) (152) (152) (203) (127) (152) (203) (152) (203) (203) (203) (254)
in. 1-3/8 2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1-7/8 1-5/8 1-5/8 3-1/4 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/4 3 2-7/8 3-1/2 3
c min,1 3.3.5
(mm) (35) (51) (41) (68) (48) (41) (41) (83) (64) (64) (83) (76) (73) (89) (76)
Case 1
for s min,1 in. 1-3/4 4 3-5/8 5 4-5/8 4-1/2 4-1/4 5-5/8 5-1/4 5 7 6-7/8 6-5/8 6-3/4 6-3/4 3.3.6
(mm) (44) (102) (92) (127) (117) (114) (108) (143) (133) (127) (178) (175) (168) (172) (172)
in. 1-5/8 3-1/4 2-1/2 2-7/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-1/8 3-7/8 3 2-3/4 4-1/8 3-3/4 3-3/4 4-1/4 3-3/4 3.3.7
(mm) (41) (83) (64) (73) (60) (60) (54) (98) (76) (70) (105) (95) (95) (108) (95)
Case 2 3.3.8
for s min,2 in. 1-1/4 2 1-3/4 2-1/2 2-1/4 2-1/8 1-7/8 3-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 4 3-1/2 3-1/2 5 4-3/4
(mm) (32) (51) (44) (64) (57) (54) (48) (79) (54) (54) (102) (89) (89) (127) (121)
1 Linear interpolation is permitted to establish an edge distance and spacing combination between Case 1 and Case 2.
Linear interpolation for a specific edge .distance c, where cmin,1 < c < cmin,2 will determine the permissible spacings.
Table 14 - Load adjustment factors for 1/4-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear Concrete
1/4-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away thickness factor
stainless steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge in shear4
uncracked uoncrete AN RN AV RV RV HV 3.3.9
Embedment in. 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 1-3/4
hnom (mm) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44) (44)
1-1/4 (32) 0.64 n/a 0.56 n/a n/a n/a
1-3/8 (35) 0.65 0.53 0.57 0.26 0.51 n/a 3.3.9
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

1-1/2 (38) 0.67 0.56 0.57 0.29 0.56 n/a

2 (51) 0.72 0.68 0.60 0.45 0.68 n/a 3.3.9
3 (76) 0.83 1.00 0.65 0.83 1.00 n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

3-1/2 (89) 0.89 0.67 1.00 n/a

4 (102) 0.94 0.70 0.88
4-1/2 (114) 1.00 0.72 0.94
5 (127) 0.74 0.99
5-1/2 (140) 0.77 1.00
6 (152) 0.79
7 (178) 0.84
8 (203) 0.89
9 (229) 0.94
10 (254) 0.99
11 (279) 1.00
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa). Check
with table 13 and figure 3 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 anchors
with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 347
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Table 15 - Load adjustment factors for 3/8-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear Concrete
3/8-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away thickness factor
stainless steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge in shear4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-3/8
hnom (mm) (60) (60) (60) (60) (60) (60)
2 (51) 0.67 0.51 0.58 0.35 0.51 n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

2-1/2 (64) 0.71 0.60 0.60 0.49 0.60 n/a

3 (76) 0.75 0.69 0.62 0.64 0.69 n/a
3-1/2 (89) 0.79 0.80 0.64 0.81 0.81 n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

4 (102) 0.83 0.91 0.67 0.99 0.99 0.81

4-1/2 (114) 0.88 1.00 0.69 1.00 1.00 0.86
5 (127) 0.92 0.71 0.91
6 (152) 1.00 0.75 1.00
7 (178) 0.79
8 (203) 0.83
9 (229) 0.87
10 (254) 0.91
11 (279) 0.95
12 (305) 1.00
14 (356)

Table 16 - Load adjustment factors for 1/2-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear Concrete
1/2-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away thickness factor
stainless steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge in shear4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2
hnom (mm) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89)
1-5/8 (41) n/a n/a n/a 0.39 n/a n/a n/a 0.07 n/a 0.15 n/a n/a
2 (51) n/a n/a n/a 0.42 n/a n/a n/a 0.10 n/a 0.20 n/a n/a
2-1/8 (54) n/a 0.61 n/a 0.43 n/a 0.54 n/a 0.11 n/a 0.22 n/a n/a
2-1/2 (64) 0.71 0.63 0.54 0.47 0.61 0.55 0.53 0.14 0.54 0.28 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

3 (76) 0.75 0.65 0.62 0.52 0.63 0.55 0.70 0.19 0.70 0.37 n/a n/a
3-1/2 (89) 0.79 0.68 0.72 0.57 0.65 0.56 0.88 0.23 0.88 0.47 n/a n/a
4 (102) 0.83 0.71 0.82 0.62 0.68 0.57 1.00 0.29 1.00 0.57 0.84 n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

4-1/2 (114) 0.88 0.73 0.92 0.68 0.70 0.58 0.34 0.68 0.89 n/a
5 (127) 0.92 0.76 1.00 0.74 0.72 0.59 0.40 0.74 0.94 n/a
6 (152) 1.00 0.81 0.89 0.76 0.61 0.53 0.89 1.00 0.66
7 (178) 0.86 1.00 0.81 0.63 0.66 1.00 0.71
8 (203) 0.91 0.85 0.64 0.81 0.76
9 (229) 0.96 0.89 0.66 0.97 0.81
10 (254) 1.00 0.94 0.68 1.00 0.85
11 (279) 0.98 0.70 0.89
12 (305) 1.00 0.72 0.93
14 (356) 0.75 1.00
16 (406) 0.79
18 (457) 0.83
20 (508) 0.86
> 24 (610) 0.93
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa). Check
with table 13 and figure 3 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 anchors
with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

348 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 17 - Load adjustment factors for 5/8-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear Concrete
5/8-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away thickness factor
stainless steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge in shear4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8
hnom (mm) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111)
2-1/8 (54) n/a 0.59 n/a n/a n/a 0.53 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a
2-1/2 (64) n/a 0.60 n/a 0.37 n/a 0.54 n/a 0.12 n/a 0.23 n/a n/a
3 (76) n/a 0.63 n/a 0.40 n/a 0.55 n/a 0.15 n/a 0.30 n/a n/a
3-1/8 (79) 0.67 0.63 n/a 0.41 0.56 0.55 n/a 0.16 n/a 0.32 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

3-1/4 (83) 0.67 0.64 0.49 0.42 0.56 0.55 0.24 0.17 0.47 0.34 n/a n/a
3-1/2 (89) 0.69 0.65 0.51 0.44 0.57 0.56 0.26 0.19 0.51 0.38 n/a n/a 3.3.1
4 (102) 0.71 0.67 0.56 0.47 0.58 0.56 0.32 0.23 0.56 0.47 n/a n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

5 (127) 0.77 0.71 0.68 0.55 0.60 0.58 0.45 0.33 0.68 0.55 0.63 n/a 3.3.2
6 (152) 0.82 0.75 0.81 0.63 0.62 0.59 0.59 0.43 0.81 0.63 0.69 0.62
7 (178) 0.87 0.79 0.95 0.74 0.64 0.61 0.75 0.54 0.95 0.74 0.74 0.67 3.3.3
8 (203) 0.93 0.83 1.00 0.84 0.66 0.63 0.91 0.66 1.00 0.84 0.79 0.71
9 (229) 0.98 0.88 0.95 0.68 0.64 1.00 0.79 0.95 0.84 0.75 3.3.4
10 (254) 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.70 0.66 0.92 1.00 0.89 0.80
11 (279) 0.96 0.72 0.67 1.00 0.93 0.83
12 (305) 1.00 0.74 0.69 0.97 0.87
14 (356) 0.77 0.72 1.00 0.94
16 (406) 0.81 0.75 1.00
18 (457) 0.85 0.78
20 (508) 0.89 0.82
24 (610) 0.97 0.88
> 30 (762) 1.00 0.97
Table 18 - Load adjustment factors for 3/4-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear Concrete 3.3.9
3/4-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away thickness factor
stainless steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge in shear4 3.3.9
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2
hnom (mm) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140)
2-7/8 (73) n/a n/a n/a 0.43 n/a n/a n/a 0.11 n/a 0.23 n/a n/a
3 (76) n/a n/a n/a 0.44 n/a n/a n/a 0.12 n/a 0.24 n/a n/a
3-1/4 (83) n/a n/a 0.37 0.46 n/a n/a 0.20 0.14 0.37 0.27 n/a n/a
3-1/2 (89) n/a 0.62 0.39 0.47 n/a 0.55 0.22 0.15 0.39 0.30 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

4 (102) 0.68 0.63 0.42 0.51 0.57 0.55 0.27 0.18 0.42 0.37 n/a n/a
4-1/2 (114) 0.70 0.65 0.45 0.54 0.58 0.56 0.32 0.22 0.45 0.44 n/a n/a
5 (127) 0.72 0.67 0.49 0.58 0.59 0.57 0.38 0.26 0.49 0.52 n/a n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

6 (152) 0.77 0.70 0.57 0.65 0.60 0.58 0.49 0.34 0.57 0.65 0.65 n/a
7 (178) 0.81 0.73 0.67 0.73 0.62 0.59 0.62 0.43 0.67 0.73 0.70 n/a
8 (203) 0.86 0.77 0.76 0.82 0.64 0.61 0.76 0.52 0.76 0.82 0.75 0.66
9 (229) 0.90 0.80 0.86 0.92 0.66 0.62 0.91 0.62 0.91 0.92 0.79 0.70
10 (254) 0.94 0.83 0.95 1.00 0.67 0.64 1.00 0.73 1.00 1.00 0.83 0.74
11 (279) 0.99 0.87 1.00 0.69 0.65 0.84 0.87 0.77
12 (305) 1.00 0.90 0.71 0.66 0.96 0.91 0.81
14 (356) 0.97 0.74 0.69 1.00 0.99 0.87
16 (406) 1.00 0.78 0.72 1.00 0.93
18 (457) 0.81 0.74 0.99
20 (508) 0.85 0.77 1.00
24 (610) 0.92 0.82
30 (762) 1.00 0.91
> 36 (914) 0.99
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa). Check
with table 13 and figure 3 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 anchors
with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 349
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Table 19 - Load adjustment factors for 1-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear Concrete
1-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away thickness factor
stainless steel in tension factor in tension in shear3 toward edge from edge in shear4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 4-1/2 6-1/4 4-1/2 6-1/4 4-1/2 6-1/4 4-1/2 6-1/4 4-1/2 6-1/4 4-1/2 6-1/4
hnom (mm) (114) (159) (114) (159) (114) (159) (114) (159) (114) (159) (114) (159)
3 (76) n/a n/a n/a 0.43 n/a n/a n/a 0.10 n/a 0.20 n/a n/a
3-1/2 (89) n/a n/a 0.42 0.45 n/a n/a 0.21 0.12 0.42 0.25 n/a n/a
4 (102) n/a n/a 0.45 0.48 n/a n/a 0.26 0.15 0.45 0.30 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

4-1/2 (114) n/a n/a 0.49 0.51 n/a n/a 0.31 0.18 0.49 0.36 n/a n/a
4-3/4 (121) n/a 0.64 0.50 0.53 n/a 0.56 0.34 0.20 0.50 0.39 n/a n/a
5 (127) 0.71 0.64 0.52 0.54 0.59 0.56 0.37 0.21 0.52 0.43 n/a n/a
6 (152) 0.75 0.67 0.60 0.60 0.60 0.57 0.48 0.28 0.60 0.56 n/a n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

7 (178) 0.79 0.70 0.70 0.67 0.62 0.58 0.61 0.35 0.70 0.67 n/a n/a
8 (203) 0.83 0.73 0.80 0.74 0.64 0.60 0.74 0.43 0.80 0.74 0.74 n/a
9 (229) 0.88 0.76 0.90 0.82 0.65 0.61 0.89 0.51 0.90 0.82 0.78 n/a
10 (254) 0.92 0.79 1.00 0.91 0.67 0.62 1.00 0.60 1.00 0.91 0.83 0.69
11 (279) 0.96 0.82 1.00 0.69 0.63 0.69 1.00 0.87 0.72
12 (305) 1.00 0.85 0.70 0.64 0.79 0.91 0.76
14 (356) 0.91 0.74 0.67 1.00 0.98 0.82
16 (406) 0.96 0.77 0.69 1.00 0.87
18 (457) 1.00 0.81 0.71 0.92
20 (508) 0.84 0.74 0.98
24 (610) 0.91 0.79 1.00
30 (762) 1.00 0.86
> 36 (914) 0.93
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa). Check
with table 13 and figure 3 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 anchors
with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

350 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 20 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized design strength with concrete/pullout failure in uncracked concrete1,2,3,4,5
Nominal Tension - Nn Shear - Vn
anchor Effective Nominal
diameter embed. embed. 'c = 2,500 psi 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi 'c = 6,000 psi 'c = 2,500 psi 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi 'c = 6,000 psi
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
2 2-1/4 2,205 2,415 2,790 3,420 2,375 2,605 3,005 3,680
(51) (57) (9.8) (10.7) (12.4) (15.2) (10.6) (11.6) (13.4) (16.4)
3-1/4 3-1/2 4,250 4,655 5,375 6,585 9,845 10,785 12,450 15,250
(83) (89) (18.9) (20.7) (23.9) (29.3) (43.8) (48.0) (55.4) (67.8)
3-1/8 3-1/2 4,200 4,605 5,315 6,510 9,280 10,165 11,740 14,380
(79) (89) (18.7) (20.5) (23.6) (29.0) (41.3) (45.2) (52.2) (64.0)
5/8 3.3.1
4 4-3/8 5,860 6,420 7,415 9,080 13,440 14,725 17,000 20,820
(102) (111) (26.1) (28.6) (33.0) (40.4) (59.8) (65.5) (75.6) (92.6) 3.3.2
3-3/4 4-1/4 5,665 6,205 7,165 8,775 12,200 13,365 15,430 18,900
(95) (108) (25.2) (27.6) (31.9) (39.0) (54.3) (59.5) (68.6) (84.1)
5 5-1/2 6,615 7,245 8,365 10,245 18,785 20,575 23,760 29,100 3.3.4
(127) (140) (29.4) (32.2) (37.2) (45.6) (83.6) (91.5) (105.7) (129.4)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted. 3.3.6
3 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 23 to 25 as necessary. Compare to steel values in table 21.
The lesser of the values is to be used for the design.
4 Tabular values are for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by a as follows:
for sand-lightweight, = 0.68; for all-lightweight, = 0.60
5 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete.
Table 21 - Steel design strength for Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized anchors1,2
Nominal anchor Nominal
diameter embedment Tensile Nsa 3
Shear Vsa 4
in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN)
2-1/4 2,925
(57) 8,745 (13.0)
3-1/2 (38.9) 3,815 3.3.9
(89) (17.0)
(89) 13,515 7,565 3.3.9
4-3/8 (60.1) (33.7)
(111) 3.3.9
(108) 19,080 11,050
5-1/2 (84.9) (49.2)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
2 KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchors are to be considered ductile steel elements.
3 Tensile Nsa = Ase,N futa as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
4 Shear values determined by static shear tests with Vsa < 0.60 Ase,V futa as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.

Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 351
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Figure 4 Anchors not permitted For a specific edge distance,
in shaded area
the permitted spacing is calculated

spacing s
Case 2 cmin,1 at smin,1
as follows:

(smin,1 smin,2) sdesign
Case 1 s smin,2 + ___________ (c cmin,2)
(cmin,1 cmin,2) cmin,2 at smin,2
smin,2 cdesign
smin,1 Concrete edge distance c

Table 22 - Hot-dip galvanized KWIK Bolt 3 installation parameters1

Nominal anchor diameter do
Setting information Symbol Units 1/2 5/8 3/4
in. 2 3-1/4 3-1/8 4 3-3/4 5
Effective minimum embedment hef
(mm) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (127)
in. 4 6 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8
Minimum member thickness hmin
(mm) (102) (152) (152) (203) (127) (152) (203) (152) (203) (203)
in. 3-1/4 2-5/8 2 2-1/4 2 1-78 3-1/2 3-5/8
c min,1
(mm) (83) (67) (51) (57) (51) (48) (89) (92)
Case 1
for s min,1 in. 6-1/4 5-1/2 4-7/8 5-1/4 5 4-3/4 7-1/2 7-3/8
(mm) (158) (140) (124) (133) (127) (121) (191) (187)
in. 3-3/4 2-3/4 2-5/8 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/2 2-1/4 6-1/2 4-3/4
(mm) (95) (70) (67) (57) (89) (64) (57) (165) (121)
Case 2
for s min,2 in. 3-1/8 2-3/4 2-3/8 2-1/8 2-1/2 2-1/8 2-1/8 4 3-7/8
(mm) (79) (70) (60) (54) (64) (54) (54) (102) (98)
1 Linear interpolation is permitted to establish an edge distance and spacing combination between Case 1 and Case 2.
Linear interpolation for a specific edge .distance c, where cmin,1 < c < cmin,2 will determine the permissible spacings.

352 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 23 - Load adjustment factors for 1/2-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear
1/2-in. KB3 spacing factor edge distance spacing factor II to and away Conc. thickness
hot-dip galvanized in tension factor in tension in shear 3 toward edge from edge factor in shear 4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2 2-1/4 3-1/2
hnom (mm) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89) (57) (89)
2 (51) n/a n/a n/a 0.38 n/a n/a n/a 0.10 n/a 0.20 n/a n/a
2-3/8 (60) n/a 0.62 n/a 0.41 n/a 0.54 n/a 0.13 n/a 0.26 n/a n/a
2-1/2 (64) n/a 0.63 n/a 0.42 n/a 0.55 n/a 0.14 n/a 0.28 n/a n/a
3 (76) n/a 0.65 n/a 0.46 n/a 0.55 n/a 0.19 n/a 0.37 n/a n/a
3-1/8 (79) 0.76 0.66 n/a 0.48 0.64 0.56 n/a 0.20 n/a 0.40 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

3-1/4 (83) 0.77 0.67 0.67 0.49 0.64 0.56 0.79 0.21 0.79 0.42 n/a n/a
3-1/2 (89) 0.79 0.68 0.72 0.51 0.65 0.56 0.88 0.23 0.88 0.47 n/a n/a
4 (102) 0.83 0.71 0.82 0.56 0.68 0.57 1.00 0.29 1.00 0.56 0.84 n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

4-1/2 (114) 0.88 0.73 0.92 0.61 0.70 0.58 0.34 0.61 0.89 n/a 3.3.2
5 (127) 0.92 0.76 1.00 0.67 0.72 0.59 0.40 0.67 0.94 n/a
6 (152) 1.00 0.81 0.80 0.76 0.61 0.53 0.80 1.00 0.66 3.3.3
7 (178) 1.00 0.86 0.93 0.81 0.63 0.66 0.93 0.71
8 (203) 0.91 1.00 0.85 0.64 0.81 1.00 0.76 3.3.4
9 (229) 0.96 0.89 0.66 0.97 0.81
10 (254) 1.00 0.94 0.68 1.00 0.85 3.3.5
11 (279) 0.98 0.70 0.89
12 (305) 1.00 0.72 0.93 3.3.6
14 (356) 0.75 1.00
16 (406) 0.79 3.3.7
18 (457) 0.83
20 (508) 0.86
> 24 (610) 0.93

Table 24 - Load adjustment factors for 5/8-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized anchor in uncracked concrete1,2 3.3.9
Edge distance in shear
5/8-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away Conc. thickness
hot-dip galvanized in tension factor in tension in shear 3 toward edge from edge factor in shear 4 3.3.9
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8 3-1/2 4-3/8
hnom (mm) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111) (89) (111)
2 (51) n/a n/a n/a 0.34 n/a n/a n/a 0.08 n/a 0.17 n/a n/a 3.3.9
2-1/8 (54) n/a 0.59 n/a 0.34 n/a 0.53 n/a 0.09 n/a 0.18 n/a n/a
2-1/4 (57) n/a 0.59 0.38 0.35 n/a 0.54 0.14 0.10 0.27 0.20 n/a n/a 3.3.9
2-1/2 (64) 0.63 0.60 0.41 0.37 0.55 0.54 0.16 0.12 0.32 0.23 n/a n/a
3 (76) 0.66 0.63 0.45 0.40 0.56 0.55 0.21 0.15 0.42 0.30 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

3-1/2 (89) 0.69 0.65 0.50 0.44 0.57 0.56 0.26 0.19 0.50 0.38 n/a n/a
4 (102) 0.71 0.67 0.54 0.47 0.58 0.56 0.32 0.23 0.54 0.47 n/a n/a
4-1/2 (114) 0.74 0.69 0.60 0.51 0.59 0.57 0.38 0.28 0.60 0.51 n/a n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

5 (127) 0.77 0.71 0.66 0.55 0.60 0.58 0.45 0.33 0.66 0.55 0.63 n/a
6 (152) 0.82 0.75 0.79 0.63 0.62 0.59 0.59 0.43 0.79 0.63 0.69 0.62
7 (178) 0.87 0.79 0.92 0.74 0.64 0.61 0.75 0.54 0.92 0.74 0.74 0.67
8 (203) 0.93 0.83 1.00 0.84 0.66 0.63 0.91 0.66 1.00 0.84 0.79 0.71
9 (229) 0.98 0.88 0.95 0.68 0.64 1.00 0.79 0.95 0.84 0.75
10 (254) 1.00 0.92 1.00 0.70 0.66 0.92 1.00 0.89 0.80
11 (279) 0.96 0.72 0.67 1.00 0.93 0.83
12 (305) 1.00 0.74 0.69 0.97 0.87
14 (356) 0.77 0.72 1.00 0.94
16 (406) 0.81 0.75 1.00
18 (457) 0.85 0.78
20 (508) 0.89 0.82
24 (610) 0.97 0.88
> 30 (762) 1.00 0.97
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa).
Check with table 22 and figure 4 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3
anchors with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17 353
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Table 25 - Load adjustment factors for 3/4-in. diameter Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized anchor in uncracked concrete1,2
Edge distance in shear
3/4-in. KB3 Spacing factor Edge distance Spacing factor II to and away Conc. thickness
hot-dip galvanized in tension factor in tension in shear 3 toward edge from edge factor in shear 4
uncracked concrete AN RN AV RV RV HV
Embedment in. 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2 4-1/4 5-1/2
hnom (mm) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140) (108) (140)
3-1/2 (89) n/a n/a 0.41 n/a n/a n/a 0.22 n/a 0.41 n/a n/a n/a
3-5/8 (92) n/a n/a 0.42 0.49 n/a n/a 0.23 0.16 0.42 0.32 n/a n/a
3-7/8 (98) n/a 0.63 0.44 0.51 n/a 0.55 0.26 0.18 0.44 0.35 n/a n/a
4 (102) 0.68 0.63 0.45 0.52 0.57 0.55 0.27 0.18 0.45 0.37 n/a n/a
Spacing (s) / edge distance (ca) / concrete

4-1/2 (114) 0.70 0.65 0.49 0.56 0.58 0.56 0.32 0.22 0.49 0.44 n/a n/a
5 (127) 0.72 0.67 0.53 0.59 0.59 0.57 0.38 0.26 0.53 0.52 n/a n/a
5-1/2 (140) 0.74 0.68 0.57 0.63 0.60 0.57 0.43 0.30 0.57 0.60 n/a n/a
thickness (h) - in. (mm)

6 (152) 0.77 0.70 0.62 0.67 0.60 0.58 0.49 0.34 0.62 0.67 0.65 n/a
7 (178) 0.81 0.73 0.72 0.75 0.62 0.59 0.62 0.43 0.72 0.75 0.70 n/a
8 (203) 0.86 0.77 0.82 0.84 0.64 0.61 0.76 0.52 0.82 0.84 0.75 0.66
9 (229) 0.90 0.80 0.92 0.95 0.66 0.62 0.91 0.62 0.92 0.95 0.79 0.70
10 (254) 0.94 0.83 1.00 1.00 0.67 0.64 1.00 0.73 1.00 1.00 0.83 0.74
11 (279) 0.99 0.87 0.69 0.65 0.84 0.87 0.77
12 (305) 1.00 0.90 0.71 0.66 0.96 0.91 0.81
14 (356) 0.97 0.74 0.69 1.00 0.99 0.87
16 (406) 1.00 0.78 0.72 1.00 0.93
18 (457) 0.81 0.74 0.99
20 (508) 0.85 0.77 1.00
24 (610) 0.92 0.82
30 (762) 1.00 0.91
> 36 (914) 0.99
1 Linear interpolation not permitted.
2 When combining multiple load adjustment factors (e.g. for a 4 anchor pattern in a corner with thin concrete member) the design can become very conservative.
To optimize the design, use Hilti PROFIS Anchor Design software or perform anchor calculation using design equations from ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
3 Spacing factor reduction in shear, AV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then AV = AN.
4 Concrete thickness reduction factor in shear, HV, assumes an influence of a nearby edge. If no edge exists, then HV = 1.0.
If a reduction factor value is in a shaded cell, this indicates that this specific edge distance may not be permitted with a certain spacing (or vice versa).
Check with table 22 and figure 4 of this section to calculate permissable edge distance, spacing and concrete thickness combinations. Use of Hilti KWIK Bolt 3
anchors with edge distance and spacing dimensions smaller than what is noted in this table is permitted.

354 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 26 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel design strength in the soffit
of uncracked lightweight concrete over metal deck1,2,3,4,5,6,8
Nominal Loads according to figure 5
anchor Effective Nominal Tension - Nn Shear - Vn
diameter embed. embed. 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-1/2 1-3/4 1,140 1,315 1,255 1,255
(38) (44) (5.1) (5.8) (5.6) (5.6)
2 2-3/8 1,460 1,685 1,845 1,845
(51) (60) (6.5) (7.5) (8.2) (8.2)
2 2-1/4
(51) (57) 1,775 2,050 2,050 2,050
1/2 3.3.1
3-1/4 3-1/2 (7.9) (9.1) (9.1) (9.1)
(83) (89)
3-1/8 3-1/2
(79) (89) 3,095 3,575 4,280 4,280
5/8 3.3.3
4 4-3/8 (13.8) (15.9) (19.0) (19.0)
(102) (111) 3.3.4

Table 27 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel design strength in the soffit 3.3.5
of uncracked lightweight concrete over metal deck1,2,3,4,5,7,8
Nominal Loads according to figure 5
anchor Effective Nominal Tension - Nn Shear - Vn 3.3.7
diameter embed. embed. 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi 'c = 3,000 psi 'c = 4,000 psi
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) 3.3.8
1-1/2 1-3/4 1,175 1,355 1,315 1,315
(38) (44) (5.2) (6.0) (5.8) (5.8) 3.3.9
2 2-3/8 1,675 1,935 1,675 1,675
3/8 3.3.9
(51) (60) (7.5) (8.6) (7.5) (7.5)
2 2-1/4
(51) (57)
1,265 1,460 1,135 1,135
3-1/4 3-1/2 (5.6) (6.5) (5.0) (5.0)
(83) (89)
3-1/8 3-1/2 3.3.9
(79) (89) 2,880 3,325 3,700 3,700
4 4-3/8 (12.8) (14.8) (16.5) (16.5) 3.3.9
(102) (111)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value. 3.3.9
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
3 Tabular value is for one anchor per flute. Minimum spacing along the length of the flute is 3 x hef (effective embedment). 3.3.9
4 Tabular values are lightweight concrete and no additional reduction factor is needed.
5 No additional reduction factors for spacing or edge distance need to be applied.
6 Comparison to steel values in table 4 is not required. Values in tables 26 control.
7 Comparison to steel values in table 12 is not required. Values in tables 27 control.
8 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete.

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Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor Canadian Limit State design

Limit State Design of anchors is described in the provisions of CSA A23.3-14 Annex D for post-installed anchors tested and
assessed in accordance with ACI 355.2 for mechanical anchors and ACI 355.4 for adhesive anchors. This section contains the
Limit State Design tables with unfactored characteristic loads that are based on the published loads in ICC Evaluation Services
ESR-2302. These tables are followed by factored resistance tables. The factored resitance tables have characteristic design
loads that are prefactored by the applicable reduction factors for a single anchor with no anchor-to-anchor spacing or edge
distance adjustments for the convenience of the user of this document. All the figures in the previous ACI 318-14 Chapter 17
design section are applicable to Limit State Design and the tables will reference these figures.

For a detailed explanation of the tables developed in accordance with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D, refer to Section 3.1.8. Technical
assistance is available by contacting Hilti Canada at (800) 363-4458 or at www.hilti.com.

Table 28 - Steel resistance for Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchors1,2 c
anchor Nominal
diameter embedment Tensile Nsar3 Shear Vsar4
in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-11/16 1,440 1,045
(43) (6.4) (4.6)
2-3/8 4,325 2,850
(60) (19.2) (12.7)
2-1/4 4,230
(57) 7,930 (18.8)
3-1/2 (35.3) 4,305
(89) (19.1)
(89) 12,255 7,795
4-3/8 (54.5) (34.7)
4-1/4 9,985
(108) 17,300 (44.4)
5-1/2 (77.0) 10,580
(140) (47.1)
1 See Section to convert factored resistance value to ASD value.
2 Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchors are to be considered ductile steel elements.
3 Tensile Nsar = Ase,N s futa R as noted in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D.
4 Shear determined by static shear tests with Vsar < Ase,V s 0.6 futa R as noted in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D.

356 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 29 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel design information in accordance with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D1 c
Nominal anchor diameter Ref
Design parameter Symbol Units
1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 A23.3-14
in. 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75
Anchor O.D. da
(mm) (6.4) (9.5) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1)
Effective minimum in. 1-1/2 2 2 3-1/4 3-1/8 4 3-3/4 5
embedment2 (mm) (38) (51) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (127)
in. 4 4 5 4 6 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8
Minimum concrete thickness3 hmin
(mm) (102) (102) (127) (102) (152) (152) (203) (127) (152) (203) (152) (203) (203)
in. 2-3/4 4-1/2 3-7/8 4-7/8 3-5/8 6-3/4 5-5/8 7-1/2 9-1/2 7-1/2 9-3/4 7-1/2 9-1/2
Critical edge distance cac
(mm) (70) (114) (98) (124) (92) (171) (143) (191) (241) (191) (248) (191) (241)
in. 1-3/8 2 1-1/2 2-1/8 2 1-5/8 1-5/8 2-1/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-3/4 2-5/8 2-1/2
(mm) (35) (51) (38) (54) (51) (41) (41) (57) (44) (44) (70) (67) (64)
Minimum edge distance
in. 1-3/4 2-7/8 3-1/2 4-7/8 4-3/4 4-1/4 4 5-1/4 4-3/4 4 6-7/8 6-1/2 6-3/8 3.3.1
for s >
(mm) (44) (73) (89) (124) (121) (108) (102) (133) (121) (102) (175) (165) (162)
in. 1-1/4 1-3/4 1-3/4 2-1/2 2-1/4 2 1-7/8 2-3/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 3-3/4 3-3/8 2-1/2 3.3.2
(mm) (32) (44) (44) (64) (57) (2) (48) (60) (54) (54) (95) (86) (64)
Minimum anchor spacing
in. 1-5/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-5/8 2-3/8 2-1/4 2 3-1/8 2-3/8 2-1/4 3-3/4 3-3/8 6-3/8
for c > 3.3.3
(mm) (41) (60) (60) (67) (60) (57) (51) (79) (60) (57) (95) (86) (162)
Minimum hole depth in. 2 2-5/8 2-5/8 4 3-7/8 4-3/4 4-1/2 5-3/4
in concrete
ho 3.3.4
(mm) (50.8) (67) (67) (102) (98) (121) (117) (146)
Minimum specified psi 84,800 84,800 84,800 84,800 84,800
yield strength
(N/mm2) (585) (585) (585) (585) (585)
Minimum specified psi 106,000 106,000 106,000 106,000 106,000
ultimate strength
(N/mm2) (731) (731) (731) (731) (731) 3.3.6
in2 0.02 0.06 0.11 0.17 0.24
Effective tensile stress area Ase,N 3.3.7
(mm2) (12.9) (38.7) (71.0) (109.7) (154.8)
Steel embedment material
resistance factor for s - 0.85 8.4.3 3.3.8
Resistance modification
factor for tension, steel failure R - 0.80 D.5.3 3.3.9
Resistance modification factor
R - 0.75 D.5.3 3.3.9
for shear, steel failure modes3
Factored steel resistance lb 1,440 4,325 7,930 12,255 17,300 D.6.1.2
in tension
(kN) (6.4) (19.2) (35.3) (54.5) (77.0)
Factored steel resistance lb 1,045 2,850 4,230 4,305 7,795 9,985 10,580 D.7.1.2
in shear (kN) (4.6) (12.7) (18.8) (19.2) (34.7) (44.4) (47.1)
Coeff. for factored concrete
breakout resistance, kc,uncr - 10 D.6.2.2 3.3.9
uncracked concrete
Modification factor for anchor
resistance, tension, uncracked c,N - 1.0 D.6.2.6 3.3.9
Anchor category - - 1 D.5.3 (c ) 3.3.9
Concrete material
c - 0.65 8.4.2
resistance factor
Resistance modification
factor for tension and shear,
R - 1.00 D.5.3 (c )
concrete failure modes,
Condition B5
Factored pullout resistance lb 1,100 4,745 7,420
Npr,uncr N/A N/A NA NA D.6.3.2
in 20 MPa uncracked concrete6 (kN) (4.9) (21.1) (33.0)
1 Design information in this table is taken from ICC-ES ESR-2302, dated December 1, 2015, table 4, and converted for use with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D.
2 See figure 1 of this section.
3 The carbon steel KWIK Bolt 3 is considered a ductile steel element as defined by CSA A23.3-14 Annex D section D.2.
4 For all design cases, c,N = 1.0. The appropriate coefficient for breakout resistance for uncracked concrete (kc,uncr) must be used.
5 For use with the load combinations of CSA A23.3-14 chapter 8. Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with CSA A23.3-14
section D.5.3 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the
resistance modification factors associated with Condition A may be used.
6 For all design cases, c,P = 1.0. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. See section 4.1.4 of ESR-2302 for additional

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Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Table 30 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel factored resistance with concrete/pullout failure in uncracked concrete1,2,3,4,5 c
Nominal Tension - Nr Shear - Vr
anchor Effective Nominal 'c = 20 MPa 'c = 25 MPa 'c = 30 MPa 'c = 40 MPa 'c = 20 MPa 'c = 25 MPa 'c = 30 MPa 'c = 40 MPa
diameter embed. embed. (2,900psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi) (2,900 psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi)
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1 1/2 1-11/16 1,100 1,230 1,350 1,560 1,530 1,710 1,875 2,165
(38) 43 (4.9) (5.5) (6.0) (6.9) (6.8) (7.6) (8.3) (9.6)
2 2-5/16 2,380 2,660 2,915 3,365 2,380 2,660 2,915 3,365
(51) (59) (10.6) (11.8) (13.0) (15.0) (10.6) (11.8) (13.0) (15.0)
2 2 3/8 2,380 2,660 2,915 3,365 2,380 2,660 2,915 3,365
(51) (60) (10.6) (11.8) (13.0) (15.0) (10.6) (11.8) (13.0) (15.0)
3-1/4 3 5/8 4,755 5,315 5,825 6,725 9,885 11,050 12,105 13,975
(83) (92) (21.1) (23.6) (25.9) (29.9) (44.0) (49.2) (53.8) (62.2)
3-1/8 3-9/16 4,590 5,130 5,620 6,490 9,175 10,260 11,240 12,980
(79) (90) (20.4) (22.8) (25.0) (28.9) (40.8) (45.6) (50.0) (57.7)
4 4-7/16 6,730 7,525 8,245 9,520 13,465 15,055 16,490 19,040
(102) (113) (29.9) (33.5) (36.7) (42.3) (59.9) (67.0) (73.4) (84.7)
3-3/4 4-5/16 6,050 6,765 7,410 8,555 12,100 13,530 14,820 17,115
(95) (110) (26.9) (30.1) (33.0) (38.1) (53.8) (60.2) (65.9) (76.1)
4-3/4 5-9/16 7,415 8,290 9,080 10,485 17,395 19,450 21,305 24,600
(121) (141) (33.0) (36.9) (40.4) (46.6) (77.4) (86.5) (94.8) (109.4)
1 See section to convert factored resistance value to ASD value.
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
3 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 6 to 10 as necessary. Compare to the steel values in table 28.
The lesser of the values is to be used for the design.
4 Tablular values are for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by a as follows:
for sand-lightweight, a = 0.68; for all-lightweight, a = 0.60
5 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete.
Table 31 - Steel resistance for Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel anchors1,2 c
anchor Nominal
diameter embedment Tensile Nsar3 Shear Vsar4
in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-11/16 1,565 1,070
(42.9) (7.0) (4.8)
2-3/8 4,690 3,175
(60.3) (20.9) (14.1)
2-1/4 2,675
(57.2) 8,600 (11.9)
3-1/2 (38.3) 4,425
(88.9) (19.7)
3-1/2 5,710
(88.9) 13,295 (25.4)
4-3/8 (59.1) 9,115
(111.1) (40.5)
4-1/4 7,585
(108.0) 14,690 (33.7)
5-1/2 (65.3) 15,010
(139.7) (66.8)
4-5/8 7,975
(117.5) 28,770 (35.5)
5-7/8 (128.0) 17,430
(149.2) (77.5)
1 See Section to convert factored resistance value to ASD value.
2 Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel anchors are to be considered ductile steel elements.
3 Tensile Nsar = Ase,N s futa R as noted in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D.
4 Shear determined by static shear tests with Vsar < Ase,V s 0.6 futa R as noted in CSA A23.3-14 Annex D.

358 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 32 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel design information in accordance with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D1 c
Nominal anchor diameter Ref
Design parameter Symbol Units
1/4 3/8 1/2 5/8 3/4 1 A23.3-14
in. 0.25 0.375 0.5 0.625 0.75 1
Anchor O.D. da
(mm) (6.4) (9.5) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1) (25.4)
Effective minimum in. 1-1/2 2 2 3-1/4 3-1/8 4 3-3/4 5 4 5-1/4
embedment2 (mm) (38) (51) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (127) (102) (133)
Minimum concrete thick- in. 4 4 5 4 6 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8 8 10
ness2 (mm) (102) (102) (127) (102) (152) (152) (203) (127) (152) (203) (152) (203) (203) (203) (254)
in. 3 4-3/8 3-7/8 4-7/8 4 6-3/4 5-3/4 7-3/8 9-1/2 7-1/2 10-1/2 9-1/4 9-3/4 10 11
Critical edge distance cac
(mm) (76) (111) (98) (124) (102) (171) (146) (187) (241) (191) (267) (235) (248) (254) (279)
in. 1-3/8 2 1-5/8 2-1/2 1.875 1-5/8 1-5/8 3-1/4 2-1/2 2-1/2 3-1/4 3 2-7/8 3-1/2 3
(mm) (35) (51) (41) (64) (48) (41) (41) (83) (64) (64) (83) (76) (73) (89) (76)
Minimum edge distance
in. 1-3/4 4 3-3/8 5 4-5/8 4-1/2 4.25 5-5/8 5-1/4 5 7 6-7/8 6-5/8 6-3/4 6-3/4 3.3.1
for s >
(mm) (44) (102) (86) (127) (117) (114) (108) (143) (133) (127) (178) (175) (168) (171) (171)
in. 1-1/4 2 1-3/4 2-1/2 2-1/4 2 1-7/8 3-1/8 2-1/8 2-1/8 4 3-1/2 3-1/2 5 4-3/4 3.3.2
Minimum anchor (mm) (32) (51) (44) (64) (57) (2) (48) (79) (54) (54) (102) (89) (89) (127) (121)
spacing in. 1-5/8 3-1/4 2-1/2 2-7/8 2-3/8 2-3/8 2-1/8 3-7/8 3 2-3/4 4-1/8 3-3/4 3-3/4 4-1/4 3-3/4
for c > 3.3.3
(mm) (41) (83) (64) (73) (60) (60) (54) (98) (76) (70) (105) (95) (95) (108) (95)
Minimum hole depth in. 2 2-5/8 2-5/8 4 3-7/8 4-3/4 4-1/2 5-3/4 5 6-3/4
in concrete
ho 3.3.4
(mm) (50.8) (67) (67) (102) (98) (121) (117) (146)
Minimum specified psi 84,800 92,000 92,000 92,000 76,000 76,000
yield strength
(N/mm2) (585) (634) (634) (634) (524) (524)
Minimum specified psi 115,000 115,000 115,000 115,000 90,000 90000
ultimate strength
(N/mm2) (793) (793) (793) (793) (621) (621) 3.3.6
Effective tensile in2 0.02 0.06 0.11 0.17 0.24 0.47
Ase,N 3.3.7
stress area (mm2) (12.9) (38.7) (71.0) (109.7) (154.8) (154.8) c
Steel embedment material
resistance factor for s - 0.85 8.4.3 3.3.8
Resistance modification
factor for tension, steel R - 0.80 D.5.3 3.3.9
failure modes3
Resistance modification 3.3.9
factor for shear, steel fail- R - 0.75 D.5.3
ure modes3
Factored steel lb 1,565 4,690 8,600 13,295 14,690 28,770 D.6.1.2 3.3.9
resistance in tension (kN) (7.0) (20.9) (38.3) (59.1) (65.3) (128.0)
Factored steel lb 1,070 3,175 2,675 4,425 5,710 9,115 7,585 15,010 7,975 17,430
Vsar D.7.1.2
resistance in shear (kN) (4.8) (14.1) (11.9) (19.7) (25.4) (66.8) (33.7) (66.8) (35.5) (77.5)
Coeff. for factored 3.3.9
concrete breakout
kc,uncr - 10 D.6.2.2
resistance, uncracked
concrete 3.3.9
Modification factor for
anchor resistance, tension, c,N - 1.0 D.6.2.6
uncracked concrete4 3.3.9
Anchor category - - 2 1
(c ) 3.3.9
Concrete material
c - 0.65 8.4.2
resistance factor
Resistance modification
factor for tension and D.5.3
R - 0.85 1.00
shear, concrete failure (c )
modes, Condition B5
Factored pullout resistance in lb 1,100 2,070 2,315 4,225 4,360 5,485 6,000 7,600 10,905
Npr,uncr NA D.6.3.2
20 MPa uncracked concrete6 (kN) (4.9) (9.2) (10.3) (18.8) (19.4) (24.4) (26.7) (33.8) (48.5)
1 Design information in this table is taken from ICC-ES ESR-2302, dated December 1, 2015, table 4, and converted for use with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D.
2 See figure 1 of this section.
3 The stainless steel KWIK Bolt 3 is considered a ductile steel element as defined by CSA A23.3-14 Annex D section D.2.
4 For all design cases, c,N = 1.0. The appropriate coefficient for breakout resistance for uncracked concrete (kc,uncr) must be used.
5 For use with the load combinations of CSA A23.3-14 chapter 8. Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with CSA A23.3-14
section D.5.3 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the
resistance modification factors associated with Condition A may be used.
6 For all design cases, c,P = 1.0. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. See section 4.1.4 of ESR-2302 for additional information.

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Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Table 33 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel factored resistance with concrete/pullout failure in uncracked concrete1,2,3,4,5 c
Tension - Nr Shear - Vr
anchor Effective Nominal 'c = 20 MPa 'c = 25 MPa 'c = 30 MPa 'c = 40 MPa 'c = 20 MPa 'c = 25 MPa 'c = 30 MPa 'c = 40 MPa
diameter embed. embed. (2,900psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi) (2,900 psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi)
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1 1/2 1-11/16 930 1,040 1,140 1,315 1,300 1,455 1,595 1,840
(38) 43 (4.1) (4.6) (5.1) (5.8) (5.8) (6.5) (7.1) (8.2)
2 2-5/16 2,080 2,325 2,545 2,940 2,380 2,660 2,915 3,365
(51) (59) (9.2) (10.3) (11.3) (13.1) (10.6) (11.8) (13.0) (15.0)
2 2 3/8 2,315 2,585 2,835 3,275 2,380 2,660 2,915 3,365
(51) (60) (10.3) (11.5) (12.6) (14.6) (10.6) (11.8) (13.0) (15.0)
3-1/4 3 5/8 4,220 4,715 5,165 5,965 9,885 11,050 12,105 13,975
(83) (92) (18.8) (21.0) (23.0) (26.5) (44.0) (49.2) (53.8) (62.2)
3-1/8 3-9/16 4,360 4,875 5,340 6,165 9,175 10,260 11,240 12,980
(79) (90) (19.4) (21.7) (23.8) (27.4) (40.8) (45.6) (50.0) (57.7)
4 4-7/16 5,480 6,125 6,710 7,750 13,465 15,055 16,490 19,040
(102) (113) (24.4) (27.2) (29.8) (34.5) (59.9) (67.0) (73.4) (84.7)
3-3/4 4-5/16 6,000 6,705 7,345 8,480 12,100 13,530 14,820 17,115
(95) (110) (26.7) (29.8) (32.7) (37.7) (53.8) (60.2) (65.9) (76.1)
4-3/4 5-9/16 7,590 8,485 9,295 10,730 17,395 19,450 21,305 24,600
(121) (141) (33.8) (37.7) (41.3) (47.7) (77.4) (86.5) (94.8) (109.4)
4 4-5/16 6,730 7,525 8,245 9,520 13,465 15,055 16,490 19,040
(102) (110) (29.9) (33.5) (36.7) (42.3) (59.9) (67.0) (73.4) (84.7)
5 3/4 5-9/16 10,895 12,180 13,340 15,405 23,055 25,780 28,240 32,610
(146) (141) (48.5) (54.2) (59.3) (68.5) (102.6) (114.7) (125.6) (145.0)
1 See section to convert factored resistance value to ASD value.
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
3 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 14 to 19 as necessary. Compare to the steel values in table 31.
The lesser of the values is to be used for the design.
4 Tablular values are for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by a as follows:
for sand-lightweight, a = 0.68; for all-lightweight, a = 0.60
5 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete.

Table 34 - Steel resistance for Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized c

carbon steel anchors1,2
anchor Nominal
diameter embedment Tensile Nsar3 Shear Vsar4
in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN)
2-1/4 2,870
(57) 7,930 (12.8)
3-1/2 (35.3) 3,740
(89) (16.6)
(89) 12,255 7,415
4-3/8 (54.5) (33.0)
(108) 17,300 10,840
5-1/2 (77.0) (48.2)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
2 KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized carbon steel anchors are to be considered ductile steel elements.
3 Tensile Nsar = Ase,N s futa R as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.
4 Shear values determined by static shear tests with Vsar < Ase,V s 0.6 futa R as noted in ACI 318-14 Chapter 17.

360 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 35 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized carbon steel design information in accordance c
with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D1
Design parameter Symbol Units
1/2 5/8 3/4 A23.3-14
in. 0.5 0.625 0.75
Anchor O.D. da
(mm) (12.7) (15.9) (19.1)
in. 2 3-1/4 3-1/8 4 3-3/4 4-3/4
Effective minimum embedment2 hef
(mm) (51) (83) (79) (102) (95) (121)
in. 4 6 6 8 5 6 8 6 8 8
Minimum concrete thickness hmin
(mm) (102) (152) (152) (203) (127) (152) (203) (152) (203) (203)
in. 4-7/8 3-5/8 7-1/2 5.75 8 9-1/2 8 9-3/4 7-1/2 9-1/2
Critical edge distance cac
(mm) (124) (92) (191) (146) (194) (241) (197) (248) (191) (241)
in. 2-7/8 2-1/8 3-1/4 2-3/8 4-1/4 4 3.3.1
(mm) (73) (54) (83) (60) (108) (102)
Minimum edge distance
for s >
in. 5-3/4 5-1/4 5-1/2 5-1/2 10 8-1/2 3.3.2
(mm) (146) (133) (140) (140) (254) (216)
in. 2-7/8 2 2-3/4 2-3/8 5 4 3.3.3
(mm) (73) (51) (70) (60) (127) (102)
Minimum anchor spacing
in. 4-1/2 3-1/4 4-1/8 4-1/4 9-1/2 7 3.3.4
for c >
(mm) (114) (83) (105) (108) (241) (178)
in. 2-5/8 4 3-3/4 4-3/4 4-1/2 5-3/4 3.3.5
Minimum hole depth in concrete ho
(mm) (67) (102) (98) (121) (117) (146)
psi 92,000 92,000 76,125 3.3.6
Minimum specified yield strength fya
(N/mm2) (634) (634) (525)
psi 115,000 115,000 101,500 3.3.7
Minimum specified ultimate strength futa c
(N/mm ) 2
(793) (793) (700)
in2 0.101 0.162 0.237
Effective tensile stress area Ase,N
(mm2) (65.0) (104.6) (152.8)
Steel embedment material resistance factor
s - 0.85 8.4.3
for reinforcement
Resistance modification factor for tension, 3.3.9
R - 0.80 D.5.3
steel failure modes4
Resistance modification factor for shear, 3.3.9
R - 0.75 D.5.3
steel failure modes4
lb 7,930 12,255 17,300
Factored steel resistance in tension Nsar D.6.1.2
(kN) (35.3) (54.5) (77.0)
lb 2,870 3,740 7,415 10,840 3.3.9
Factored steel resistance in shear Vsar D.7.1.2
(kN) (12.8) (16.6) (33.0) (48.2)
Coefficient for factored concrete breakout 3.3.9
kc,uncr - 10 D.6.2.2
resistance, uncracked concrete
Modification factor for anchor resistance,
c,N - 1.00 D.6.2.6 3.3.9
tension, uncracked concrete4
Anchor category - - 1 D.5.3 (c ) 3.3.9
Concrete material resistance factor c - 0.65 8.4.2
Resistance modification factor for tension and
R - 1.00 D.5.3 (c )
shear, concrete failure modes, Condition B5
Factored pullout resistance in 20 MPa lb 4,585 4,540 6,315 7,125
Npr,uncr N/A NA D.6.3.2
uncracked concrete6 (kN) (20.4) (20.2) (28.1) (31.7)
1 Design information in this table is taken from ICC-ES ESR-2302, dated December 1, 2015, table 4, and converted for use with CSA A23.3-14 Annex D.
2 See figure 1 of this section.
3 The hot-dip galvanized carbon steel KWIK Bolt 3 is considered a ductile steel element as defined by CSA A23.3-14 Annex D section D.2.
4 For all design cases, c,N = 1.0. The appropriate coefficient for breakout resistance for uncracked concrete (kc,uncr) must be used.
5 For use with the load combinations of CSA A23.3-14 chapter 8. Condition B applies where supplementary reinforcement in conformance with CSA A23.3-14
section D.5.3 is not provided, or where pullout or pryout strength governs. For cases where the presence of supplementary reinforcement can be verified, the
resistance modification factors associated with Condition A may be used.
6 For all design cases, c,P = 1.0. NA (not applicable) denotes that this value does not control for design. See section 4.1.4 of ESR-2302 for additional information.

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Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor

Table 36 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 hot-dip galvanized carbon steel factored resistance with concrete / pullout failure c
in uncracked concrete1,2,3,4,5
Tension - Nr Shear - Vr
anchor Effective Nominal 'c = 20 MPa 'c = 25 MPa 'c = 30 MPa 'c = 40 MPa 'c = 20 MPa 'c = 25 MPa 'c = 30 MPa 'c = 40 MPa
diameter embed. embed. (2,900psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi) (2,900 psi) (3,625 psi) (4,350 psi) (5,800 psi)
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
2 2 3/8 2,380 2,660 2,915 3,365 2,380 2,660 2,915 3,365
(51) (60) (10.6) (11.8) (13.0) (15.0) (10.6) (11.8) (13.0) (15.0)
3-1/4 3 5/8 4,580 5,120 5,610 6,480 9,885 11,050 12,105 13,975
(83) (92) (20.4) (22.8) (25.0) (28.8) (44.0) (49.2) (53.8) (62.2)
3-1/8 3-9/16 4,535 5,070 5,555 6,410 9,175 10,260 11,240 12,980
(79) (90) (20.2) (22.5) (24.7) (28.5) (40.8) (45.6) (50.0) (57.7)
4 4-7/16 6,315 7,060 7,730 8,930 13,465 15,055 16,490 19,040
(102) (113) (28.1) (31.4) (34.4) (39.7) (59.9) (67.0) (73.4) (84.7)
3-3/4 4-5/16 6,050 6,765 7,410 8,555 12,100 13,530 14,820 17,115
(95) (110) (26.9) (30.1) (33.0) (38.1) (53.8) (60.2) (65.9) (76.1)
4-3/4 5-9/16 7,130 7,975 8,735 10,085 17,395 19,450 21,305 24,600
(121) (141) (31.7) (35.5) (38.9) (44.9) (77.4) (86.5) (94.8) (109.4)
1 See section to convert factored resistance value to ASD value.
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
3 Apply spacing, edge distance, and concrete thickness factors in tables 23 to 25 as necessary. Compare to the steel values in table 34.
The lesser of the values is to be used for the design.
4 Tablular values are for normal-weight concrete only. For lightweight concrete multiply design strength by a as follows:
for sand-lightweight, a = 0.68; for all-lightweight, a = 0.60
5 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete.

Table 37 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 carbon steel factored resistance in the soffit c
of uncracked lightweight concrete over metal deck1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Loads according to figure 5
Nominal Tension - Nr Shear - Vr
anchor Effective Nominal 'c = 20 MPa 'c = 30 MPa 'c 20 MPa
diameter embed. embed. (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) (2,900 psi)
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-1/2 1-11/16 1,120 1,370 1,230
(38) (43) (5.0) (6.1) (5.5)
2 2-5/16 1,435 1,755 1,810
(51) (59) (6.4) (7.8) (8.1)
2 2-3/8
(51) (60) 1,745 2,135 2,010
3-1/4 3-5/8 (7.8) (9.5) (8.9)
(83) (92)
3-1/8 3-9/16
(79) (90) 3,045 3,730 4,200
4 4-7/16 (13.5) (16.6) (18.7)
(102) (113)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value.
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
3 Tabular value is for one anchor per flute. Minimum spacing along the length of the flute is 3 x hef (effective
4 Tabular value is for lightweight concrete and no additional reduction factor is needed.
5 No additional reduction factors for spacing or edge distance need to be applied.
6 Comparison of the tabular values to the steel strength is not necessary. Tabular values control.
7 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete.

362 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 38 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 stainless steel factored resistance in the soffit c
of uncracked lightweight concrete over metal deck1,2,3,4,5,6,7
Loads according to figure 5
Nominal Tension - Nr Shear - Vr
anchor Effective Nominal 'c = 20 MPa 'c = 30 MPa 'c 20 MPa
diameter embed. embed. (2,900 psi) (4,350 psi) (2,900 psi)
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1-1/2 1-11/16 980 1,200 1,290
(38) (43) (4.4) (5.3) (5.7)
2 2-5/16 1,650 2,020 1,645
(51) (59) (7.3) (9.0) (7.3)
2 2-3/8
(51) (60) 1,245 1,520 1,110 3.3.1
3-1/4 3-5/8 (5.5) (6.8) (4.9)
(83) (92)
3-1/8 3-9/16 3.3.3
(79) (90) 2,830 3,465 3,625
4 4-7/16 (12.6) (15.4) (16.1) 3.3.4
(102) (113)
1 See section to convert design strength value to ASD value. 3.3.5
2 Linear interpolation between embedment depths and concrete compressive strengths is not permitted.
3 Tabular value is for one anchor per flute. Minimum spacing along the length of the flute is 3 x hef (effective
4 Tabular value is for lightweight concrete and no additional reduction factor is needed. c
5 No additional reduction factors for spacing or edge distance need to be applied.
6 Comparison of the tabular values to the steel strength is not necessary. Tabular values control.
7 Tabular values are for static loads only. Seismic design is not permitted for uncracked concrete.







Figure 5 - Installation in concrete over metal deck

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Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor Allowable Stress Design for masonry

Table 39 - Carbon steel Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 allowable loads in grout-filled concrete masonry units1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6
Nominal Minimum distance Shear
anchor Nominal embedment from edge of block Tension lb (kN)
in. in. (mm) in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN)
4 (102)
1-1/8 (29) 150 (0.7) 380 (1.7)
12 (305)
4 (102)
2 (51) 540 (2.4) 445 (2.0)
12 (305)
4 (102) 320 (1.4) 735 (3.3)
1-5/8 (41)
12 (305) 340 (1.5) 940 (4.2)
4 (102) 1,010 (4.5)
2-1/2 (64) 780 (3.5)
12 (305) 1,395 (6.2)
4 (102) 630 (2.8) 830 (3.7)
2-1/4 (57)
12 (305) 665 (3.0) 1,465 (6.5)
4 (102) 1,080 (4.8)
3-1/2 (89) 905 (4.0)
12 (305) 2,375 (10.6)
4 (102) 815 (3.6) 890 (4.0)
2-3/4 (70)
12 (305) 865 (3.8) 2,165 (9.6)
4 (102) 1,240 (5.5) 970 (4.3)
4 (102)
12 (305) 1,295 (5.8) 2,770 (12.3)
4 (102) 785 (3.5)
3-1/4 (83) 1,035 (4.6)
12 (305) 3,135 (13.8)
4 (102) 1,645 (7.3) 825 (3.7)
4-3/4 (121)
12 (305) 1,710 (7.6) 3,305 (14.7)

Figure 6 - Installation in grout-filled concrete masonry unit

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Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Table 40 - Carbon steel Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 allowable loads for anchors installed in top of grout-filled concrete masonry wall1,6
Nominal anchor
diameter Nominal embedment Tension V1 V2
in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) lb (kN)
1/2 3 (76) 645 (2.9) 310 (1.4) 615 (2.7)
5/8 3-1/2 (89) 850 (3.8) 310 (1.4) 615 (2.7)
1 All values are for anchors installed in fully grouted concrete masonry with minimum masonry prism strength of 1,500 psi. Concrete masonry units may be
lightweight, medium-weight or normal-weight conforming to ASTM C90. Allowable loads are calculated using safety factor of 4.
2 Anchors must be installed a minimum of 1-3/8 inch from any vertical mortar joint (see figure below).
3 Anchor locations are limited to one per masonry cell.
4 Embedment depth is measured from the outside face of the concrete masonry unit.
5 Linear interpolation to determine load values at intermediate edge distances is permitted. 3.3.1
6 All allowable loads based on safety factor of 4.
Grout V2

V1 3.3.4


Min 1-3/4" 3.3.6


Min 4" 3.3.8

Figure 7 - Hilti KWIK Bolt 3 installed 3.3.9

in the top of masonry walls

Table 41 - Countersunk Hilti KWIK Bolt Allowable Loads in Normal-Weight Concrete1 3.3.9
Nominal 'c = 3000 psi (20.7 MPa)
Anchor anchor Embedment
Tension Shear2
Material diameter depth
in. in. (mm) lb (kN) lb (kN) 3.3.9
1/4 1-1/8 (29) 365 (1.6) 350 (1.6)
Carbon Steel 3.3.9
3/8 1-5/8 (41) 810 (3.6) 750 (3.3)
1/4 1-1/8 (29) 320 (1.4) 500 (2.2 3.3.9
Stainless Steel
3/8 1-5/8 (41) 670 (3.0) 1330 (5.9)
1 Allowable loads based on using a safety factor of 4.0.
2 Shear values acting thru threads of anchor bolt. If acting through the empty shell,
reduce loads by 70%. Installation instructions

Installation Instructions For Use (IFU) are included with each product package. They can also be viewed or downloaded online
at www.hilti.com. Because of the possibility of changes, always verify that downloaded IFU are current when used. Proper
installation is critical to achieve full performance. Training is available on request. Contact Hilti Technical Services for applications
and conditions not addressed in the IFU.

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Mechanical Anchoring Systems

3.3.8 KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor Ordering information

KWIK Bolt 3 anchor product line

Length () Thread length (th) ID

Size in. (mm) in. (mm) stamp Box Carbon steel 304 SS 316 SS HDG
1/4 x 1-3/4 1-3/4 (44) 3/4 (18) A
1/4 x 2-1/4 2-1/4 (57) 7/8 (22) B
2 (51) 100
1/4 x 3-1/4 3-1/4 (83) D
7/8 (22)
1/4 x 4-1/2 4-1/2 (114) 2-7/8 (75) G
3/8 x 2-1/4 2-1/4 (57) 7/8 (22) B
1-1/4 (32)
3/8 x 3 3 (76) D
1-1/2 (40)
1-1/4 (32) 50
3/8 x 3-3/4 3-3/4 (95) E
2-1/4 (59)
3/8 x 5 5 (127) 3-1/2 (91) H
3/8 x 7 7 (178) 5-1/2 (142) L
1/2 x 2-3/4 2-3/4 (70) 1-1/4 (33) C
1-5/16 (35)
1/2 x 3-3/4 3-3/4 (95) E
2-3/16 (56)
1-5/16 (35)
1/2 x 4-1/2 4-1/2 (114) G 25
2-7/8 (75)
1-5/16 (35)
1/2 x 5-1/2 5-1/2 (140) I
3-3/4 (96)
1/2 x 7 7 (178) 4-3/4 (121) L
5/8 x 3-3/4 3-3/4 (95) 1-1/2 (41) E
1-1/2 (41)
5/8 x 4-3/4 4-3/4 (121) G
2-3/4 (70)
1-1/2 (41)
5/8 x 6 6 (152) J 15
4 (102)
5/8 x 7 7 (178) 4-3/4 (121)
5/8 x 8-1/2 8-1/2 (216) 6-1/2 (166) O
5/8 x 10 10 (254) 7 (180) R
1-1/2 (41) 20
3/4 x 4-3/4 4-3/4 (121) G 10
2-7/16 (62)
1-1/2 (41) 20
3/4 x 5-1/2 5-1/2 (140) I 10
3-7/16 (85)
1-1/2 (41)
3/4 x 7 7 (178) L
4-5/8 (119)
3/4 x 8 8 (203) 5-3/4 (146) N 10
3/4 x 10 10 (254) 5-7/8 (152) R
3/4 x 12 12 (305) 5-7/8 (152) T
1x6 6 (152) 2-1/4 (57) J
1x9 9 (114) 2-1/4 (57) P 5
1 x 12 12 (114) 6 (152) T

366 Hilti, Inc. (US) 1-800-879-8000 | www.hilti.com I en espaol 1-800-879-5000 I Hilti (Canada) Corp. 1-800-363-4458 I www.hilti.com I Anchor Fastening Technical Guide Ed. 17
Mechanical Anchoring Systems

KWIK Bolt 3 Expansion Anchor 3.3.8

Countersunk KWIK Bolt anchor product line

Size in. (mm) Box Carbon steel 304 SS
C1/4 x 2 2 (51) 100
C1/4 x 3 3 (76) 100
C1/4 x 5 5 (127) 100
C3/8 x 2-1/4 2-1/4 (57) 100
C3/8 x 3 3 (76) 100
C3/8 x 4 4 (102) 50
C3/8 x 5 5 (127) 50

Rod Coupling KWIK Bolt 3 anchor product line

Length Thread length 3.3.4

Size in. (mm) in. (mm) ID stamp quantity 3.3.5
3/8 x 2-1/4 2-1/4 (57) 7/8 (22) B 100

HHDCA ceiling anchor product line
Length Eyelet size
Size in. (mm) in. Box quantity 3.3.9

1/4 x 2 2-1/32 (52) 5/16 100 3.3.9


KWIK Bolt 3 anchor Rod coupling KWIK Bolt 3 anchor 3/8 x 2 1/4



Long thread KWIK Bolt 3 anchor HHDCA ceiling hanger 1/4 x 2 3.3.9


Countersunk KWIK Bolt 3 anchor

Table 32 - KWIK Bolt TZ length identification system

Length ID
marking on A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W
bolt head
Length From 1 12 2 2 1 2 3 3 12 4 4 12 5 5 12 6 6 12 7 7 12 8 8 12 9 9 12 10 11 12 13 14 15
anchor, Up to
anch but not 2 2 12 3 3 12 4 4 12 5 5 12 6 6 12 7 7 12 8 8 12 9 9 12 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
in. including

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