Dominoes 2 V Is For Vampire PK PDF
Dominoes 2 V Is For Vampire PK PDF
Dominoes 2 V Is For Vampire PK PDF
Series Editors: Bill Bowler and Sue Parminter
V is for Vampire
Lesley Thompson
iiitVi &rVapitle "rr:r,
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V is for Vampire
Cheytcr I -- AfhorJ Lruncrr
BETORE RTADING l'ltl Vrldemar looked down at the papers in front of him and then confident ,,u[e
of yoursclf
rl t he other people round the long table. Angie Ballantine, a
rttict woman of twenty-five, sat across the table from him. She someone who
lrrtl a beautiful face, but just then she was tired, and her eyes owns a business
with other
\{/(:rc red. Her brother Don, who was two years older than her, people
r;;rl tlext to her. He was worried, and he was watching his sister lawyer
someone who
.'; r"cf.ully. Vera Donato
- a woman of forty-five with dark hair works to help
people with
;urrl r strong, confident face - sat on Valdemar's left.
the law
"l'his is a difficult day for all of lrs,'Valdemar began in his will the paper
t lt'(:p voice. 'Don and Angie have lost their mother and father that says which
people you want
in t terrible accident. Vera has lost her friends and business to have your
money when
r:trtners. As an old friend also, and the Ballantine family's you die
a E rO Valdemar, an old lawYer' l:lwyer for many years, I want to make this as easy as possible
fashion house'
b E George and Anne Ballantine, past owners of Ballantine's lirr rll of you. So let's begin. You are here to
c E Rngie Ballantine, George and Anne's daughter. lislcn to the reading of George and
A n nc Ballantine's will.'
d E Don Ballantine, Angie's brother'
e EVera Donato, a friend of the Ballantine
f EViktor Sarav, a new worker at Ballantine'S.
I E wtytene Lavine, a young woman
h L] Sasha Demidov, a Russian fashion
d . . . comes
from Bulgaria to work at Ballantine's'
... has a car accident on the way to his sister's house'
I so,.tr,insterrri: [JiJ:[il:nt:*': .p;
and herfriend
directors,' Valdemar went on. "l'his tlocsrr'l t'ltirrrlit'. 'l'lrc llrlr't' bad luck?
of you will now worh togethcr tts pitrltttrrs. ll' lrrtvlltittli lrirrrt'rrs
to Don and Angic, thc busincss will g,o lo Vt't t. (it'ot 1it'
and Anne wanted things this wuy. Antl il's rnv
iob to do what they wanted. Arc lllcrt'
any questions? lf not, let's finish
here. I think that all of us
need a rest now.'
going too well, and we've lost a l'cw ll(xxl rt'orlt'in llrt'!rsl hair and blue eyes, the young man was very like his father.
months. Maybe our image has bccolttc: lrorilrll ()\/('r' lllc lrsl li'w Angie knew that Vera felt sad, and she tried to help the older
years. You can't rest in this business. Wtr n('('(l nt'\,r, lit't'r; tntl woman. 'You're not alone, Vera,' she said. 'Don and I learn fast.
fashion show
people can see new ideas around the place. We must looli lirr'rt'orlt' lo lrirrg I'm not very confident, I know, but I'm ready to work hard.'
the newest
clothes at this
new life to the business. New blood.'l'll(:r'(: iu'('lrurrrlrt'tls ol' Vera smiled, but said nothing. The girl was young and she
maybe perhaps bright young people in New York who wor.rltl rt'irlly lil..t' lo worlt didn't know much about the fashion world. She needed all the
image a Picture for Ballantine's so I'm not worried. We iust llirvt'lo l'inrl llrt'rrr,' help that Vera could give her.
that people have
in their head of a
Vera spoke confidently, and her words gavc Arrgit' r rt'w I r( )lx'. I lt'r' In her head, Vera spoke silently to her dead friends. 'Dear
business brother was not so sure. George and Anne, I'll never forget you, and I'll always be here
idea something 'Maybe you're right,' said Don. 'You know irll llrt' irrrxu'lrrrl
that you think
for Angie and Don. You said that I was the best. And with my
fashion clothes
people in the world of fashion. But I hrvc: l'l'irrntls irr llrrr help and everyone's hard work, Ballantine's will soon be the
that are new and business, too. If you don't mind, I'm going to strrt riglrl now best fashion house in the world. Nothin g - and nobody - will
interesting for
many people and make a few phone calls.'Don looked lovingly rl lris sisltrr. stand in the way of that.'
#*&str{ffi {{"$trfl4
Are these sentences true or false? Tick the boxes. True False Use the words in the plane to complete the sentences.
a Angie's parents die before the story begins. T They all come from ChaPter 1.
g Vera thinks that they need to change things at Ballantine's b A lot of little. fly around here at nlght.
h Ballantine's next fashion show will be in Paris. trtr c I don't uncierstand you very well. What . . do you mean?
a usi-*---...
'This ls a difficult day for all of 1 Vr-r,r s,rys io lli't rli',trl fritlnds. f lheir parents left a lot of money to them in their.
b 'So why exactly did theycrash?' 2 l)on asks Vct,t. g No one knows what will happen next. The . is unclear.
c ,Don
and I are new ro the businessj 3 Vera says to l)otr ,rrttl Artr e. h l'mnotsure,butlthinkthat .she'safraidofhim.
d 'How exactly are we going to change 4 Valdemr s,tys lo tltr' x'oPle i She's a very.. ........ person who knows what she wants.
our image?'
- round tlrc t,rlrli'. j You'veworked verywell here.would you liketo be a. our iLlsiness?
e 'We need new faces and new ldeasi k I ler son wants to . a doctor.
f 'l'll never forqet youi I People thlnk of our company as old and boring. We need to change our. . . .
m I he accident happened after something flew into both the . ofthe plane.
,1[! f#*{&""
Which of these things do you think happen in the next chapter? Tick four boxes.
A crowd of new people, with exciting idcas, wcrc worhini therc. talk about the past week and to explain their new ideas. publicity
information that
One of them was Mylene, a Canadian girl who laughccl u lot Viktor first spoke of his new plan for Ballantine's on one of makes people
want to buy
and was full of life. She was thcir new buyer, urd shc had a lhese Wcdnesday mornings. something
wonderful eye for interesting colours. 'Listen, everybody,' he began. 'I have a new idea. Look.' model a person
who wears clothes
Sasha came from a fashion house in Russia. Ilis designs were He showed everyone a large photograph of Angie in a white to show them to
new and different. And he worked well with Mylcnc. dress with the words The Face of Ballantine's under it. other people
Ballantine's was paying them a lot of money. 'But thcy'll rnake 'That's me at the company party last yearl' said Angie. 'Where
a lot more money for Ballantine's,' Vera said to hcrsclL did you find that photo?'
Maybe the most interesting of thc ncw crowd was Vihtor 'ln the company magazine,' replied Viktor. 'Of course, I
Sarav Ballantinc's ncw image consultant. Hc wrs t,all and put the words underneath.' Then he turned to the others and
pale. He always dressed in blach and worc clarl< glasscs. Viktor went on. 'I think that you'll agree - Angie has a great face. The
was funny and charming. Ilc crrnc lionl llulgirriir, rrntl spoke camera loves her - and she is Ballantine's. In future, I want to
Mylene /mr'len/ many different langutrgcs. Ilis itlcirs lilr c:hrrrrgirrg lltc company use her as the face of the fashion house. She'll be on the front of
buyer a person image wcrc cxciting. ilc wus unlllown lo Vcrr, whicrlt was our magazine, in all our publicity, always wearing
who buys things
for a business surprising bcctusc shc linew ncurly cv(rry()n(' in tllt' lrshion our clothes! Look at her - clever, rich, and
design when world. But he knew a ktt aboul. lrshion rnrl lrusincrss. Arrgic and beautiful. She's the best of all
you plan and draw
things before they
Don liked him immediately when thcy intcrviewcd hirn. Vcra models for us to use.'
are made
was not so sure. He was just as conlidorl rs shrr wirs, irnrl she
consultant a
pale without a
lot of co our with Viktor - she couldn't explain why. llrrt lrt: u,rrs goorl irt
charming nice his job.
to other peop e
Viktor worked hard and fast to c:hirrrlc lirllirrrlirrt"s.
busi ness
Men and women liked him. Mylcnc scc'rctl.y li.ll in
interview to love with him. He explaincd things lirr lroru's lrr
ask questions
for somebody
Angie and Don, and with his hclp, lhc.y lrt.girrr lo
to answer understand the business bettcr. Vcrr lc:irrnt'tl lrorrr
fall (posfell) in him, too and she gave him rnorc: worli. Sron llrt'
love to beg n -
fo ove company's imagc was beltcr thirn trvcr.
Everyone was silent for a minute. Then thcy all began talking
at the same time. A lot of people agrecd with Viktor.
'What do you think, Angie? Will you be our new modcl?' rsked
Viktor, smiling at her.
'I'm not sure,' said Angie, her face becoming red. 'l ... I've
never done anything like that before.'
'It's a great idea,' said Don. 'People will remember Angie's face
and name. And our clothes are just right for her.'
Then Vera spoke.
'We must be careful with this,' she said. 'Firstly, it's going to
mean more work for Angie. Secondly, won't it give the wrong
idea about Ballantine's? Aren't we telling people that we're a
small company with no money? If Angie's face is on all our
publicity, they'll just think that we're trying to save on models'
bills!We don't want that!' 'No, no. Maybe
Again everyone was silent for a minute. I'm making a mislake.
Then Don replied. 'I don't think that what you're saying is We wanted to change our image
really true, Vera. Everybody l<nows that Ballantine's always and this is what Viltor has decided.
spends money when it's necessary. You want the company to do try it,' Vera told her.
So let's
well, don't you?' Alone in her office that evening, Angie
Vera said nothing, but her face was rccl urcl utgry. called Ed Valdemar and told him about Viktor
'So, do we all agree?
Will Angic bc t.hc ncw litr:c rl' llirllant,ine's?' and Vera's disagreement.
asked Viktor brightly. 'Ycs, rl' c<lurst:!' nr:irrl.y ()vcryorrc in the 'What do you think, Ed? Can I be the new face of
room replied excitedly. llallantine's? I've never been a model before.'
Vera was silent. She did not, lgrL)c, btrt wllirl t'orkl onc l)crson 'You're beautiful and bright, Angie,' said Valdemar. 'You just
do against so many? need to be more confident. But don't ask me about the model
That afternoon, Angie went into Vcrir's rl'l'it'c lo lilli. business - because I've no idea!'
Are you OI(?' she asked. 'I know thirl you tlitlrr'l irgrlrr with Later, Valdemar thought more about Viktor and Vera. 'Both
Viktor this morning, but I thinh thal his itlcr's gootl. I'Itr Irrsl not of them are strange,' he said to himself. 'Poor Vera's never been
exactly sure about being a modcl!' the same since George and Anne died. And Viktor's come from *i:"rt'ffI"JJ,.
'I'm worried about this, Angie. Nobotly t'vt'r' Iislt'rrs t'irrrrlllly nowhere and wants to change everything.' He wasn't sure peopledon'taqree
to what Viktor's saying - because hc's so t'lrirrrnirrli,' siritl Vcrra. what he thought about Don, but he cared about Angie and the ;i:;,[J::ir.,
'He knows what he's doing, Vcra. I'nt surr,ol' tltirl. llrl il you company. 'It'll be interesting to see what happens to Ballantine's
think that it's a bad idea, I won't do il,' rt'rlit,rl Arrgit,. in the future,' thought Valdemar. iomething
fiTADING (HE(K Viktor Sarav is a short / charming man and everyone likes him.
We need a consultant / buyerlo give us a new image.
Correct the mistakes in these sentences.
Ballantinet is a famous NewYork company / publicity.
Yera cares about / ntervews the future of Ballantine's.
a Things begin ro .t unqd"*1ylat Ballantnes.
Mylene falls in love with / cares aboutYtktor.
c Ballantine's is not paying these workers a lot of money. What do you think these three people do in the next (hapter? Tick two boxes to
finish each sentence.
d Viktor, Mylene, and Sasha have some boring ideas.
a Viktor ...
1E shouts at Mylene.
e Angie will become the new voice of Ballantinel.
2 fl breaks Angie's leg.
f Vera agrees with Viktor's ldea about Angie. 3f tells Angie that Vera has hurt him.
b Angie ...
i Angie phones Viktor because she is worried.
1E asksViktor what happened to his head.
j Valdemar does not care ablout what happens to Angie and the company. 2E goes to her house with Viktor
3f runs away wlth Sasha.
g He's going lo interview / fall in love wih ten pcopk' fot lltc jolr tlri',,rf tcrnoon.
Chafiar ,* Yihtor -r, Lurt Viktor took Angie's arm and walked with her away from
Mylcne and Sasha. He spoke in a soft voicc in her ear.
'l'hc next morning, Viktor came into the 'Someone hit me on the head in the parking garage. I didn't
of'licc lrtcr than usual. His face was very nant to say anything in front of the others because ...'
palc, ancl hc was wearing his usual darh 'What?'
glasscs. Rcund his head, he had a large, 'Wcll, I'm not surc - but I think that it was Vera who hit me.
white bandage. A little blood ran down Whcn I was lying on the ground, I saw her running away across
his lacc lrom under it. tlrc garage. I'm sure of it.'
Mylene was the first to see him. Angie was shoched. 'What a terrible thing to happen! And
'Viktor,' she cried. 'What's this? Are think that Vera did this! But why?'
big bandages the latest fashion?' She put 'She's jealous of me. She thinks that I'm trying to take the
up her hand to touch Viktor's head. To ('ornpany away from her,' said Viktor.
her surprise, he pushed her away and 'So shc hit you in the parhing garage! I can't believe it,'
shouted angrily at her, 'l)on't touch me! saicl Angic. 'But we can find out easily. Let's look at the CCTV
Don't comc near me! Just stay away!' ('rmera. That will show us exactly what happened.'
parking garage
Mylenc felt suddenly afraid. Why was Vihl-or's face was suddenly confused. 'Oh, no,' he said a big room under
Viktor shouting? He usually laughed trricl<ly. 'l don't think that we need to go so far. Let's just forget
a buiiding where
peop e can leave
when shc said something like that. rbout it, Angie. Vera and I have to work together. Maybe I'm their cars
'Hey,' said Sasha, onc of the few \rrrong and it wasn't her. The garage is dark, after all. Maybe shocked very
surprised by
people at Ballantine's who did not s()nleone wanted to steal some money from me and ran away something bad
like Viktor. 'I)on't speak to Mylene rvlrcn they heard something.' jealous fe.^ling
angry or sad
lihe that. Who do you think you arel' 'I']ut, Viktor, this is very worrying,' said Angie shahing her because you want
Ah, you'd like to know the answer lrrri{. ',y" must find out what really happened.'
to have what
another person has
to thr1 myslery, wouldn't you?' Itrst then, the office phone rang noisily. Sasha answered it. 'It's believe to thlnk
sricl Vihtor, laughing strangely. lirr you, Viktor,'he shouted across the room. An important call that somethtng
is true
Jusl tho'r, Angie came out of ll'orn Milan.' CCTV camera
hcr of'l'iccr. "l'ahe the call, Vihtor,' said Angie. 'We'll speak later.' (short for c osed
clrcuit television
'Whr1's huppening?' she asked
So Viktor took the call. And Angie went at once to see Don in camera) a camera
crvcrvltody. 'What's all the noise lris office and told him about Vihtor's story.
that records things
that happen in
ir[orrl ?' 'llrnm,'said Don. 'I can't really believe that Vera did it. But a place
'I'm sorry, Angie,'sairl Vililor, slrriling ll llcr. ,Mylene confused
wanted linow that shc doesn't like Viktor, and I don't think that he'd
rt,r: not
bandage along, to touch my hcad anrl I slrorrlrrtl il llt:r. l'rrr sorry. I'm feeling lic rbout something Iihe this. Leave things with me, Angie. I'll something we I
crazy not Don told hcr about Viktor's story. l)ott httew that he had to move fast' He decideil ,r,',,t,'lt r,i
to watch i1' llc lirrt'w
r,'t orrlittg because he did not want Angie
thinkinq well 'wcll, ciicl you do i1?' hc askecl her.
'1 , rrcvt'r' lril iury()rt(' irr rny lilt'. Are you crazy?'
l^r o'- rr llris.'l'hcn he went back to his office and lJt,rt,,,r.,,r,
hv cnrer,r ,lrrl
tatpeoplccar 'llcy thcrc, lrkc i1 casy,'stticl Don.'Looh, I have to ask you' \ ; r kk'rttar, tclling him everything' feeling
walch t('r 'lil rnust hnow,' he thought' 'That way' if
Viktor does anything :otttlLlt tt llr rl
Vcrt. Ytlu rrtr-tsl scc
figure against him' Ancl yttttlrll tr,,l'
'llc's lying, Dcln. Httve you loohed at the CCTV L , :rl( )l) rnc,Valclemar will have the letter to use
rhalyoucl't s camera
y0t I t
vcrY well r r, ,n, I nlust tell Angie
to be careful' Viktor's lied to us once' mail lo ,,'tl
recording yet?' I
short, quick breath 'No, but I'm going to do that right now'' 1o [)( )!l
becausevouare Don went clownstairs to the room that had all thc CCTV 'I nt'ccl to speah to Angie' Where is she?'Don asked Mylenc cell phone ,t
away. Don saw and heard nothing, but he felt strangely tired tlr, tlt'sig,tts ltr Milan.'
\ly lcttc sPohe very
- and confused - after that. He watched the recording from
the parking garage earlier in thc day. He gasped in surprise at ,rrrlr;rltily. She couldn't ,*
what he saw Viktor got out of his car in the garage and walked l,,l llrt' srme about ;
quickly over to the ncarest wall. He thcn hit his head rcally hard \ r Ll or- Sarav afte r
three times against it. rr lrrl haPPened
After that, he took a bandage out of his pocket and put it , ,rr lit'r.
round his hcad. He was alone. Viktor was lying after alll I ), rn srrtldenlY had
, r,,'r y bad feeling.
I lr' rnttsl hurrY'
( )n llis waY out of the
, ,llit t'. hc remembered
1,, nril his letter to
\:rltlcttlur. Then he
,rrit ltly got into his car
:rr rtl tlrtlvc down the road
c E Don speaks to Vera about Viktor. . ... . to spend all of your work sy on the very fir5t
d f Vylene rries to touch Viktor,s head.
e f R black figure comes up behind Don. luw,r\. . .....ofherbrotherbecausehehadeverythingandshehadnothinq.
E Don gets into his car and starts drivng to Angie,s house. ll, 'lrurr( his hand sothe nurse puta... .......on it.
EVktor goes into the office wearing a bandage on his head. , ,r l . you to carry the baby without dropping her?
E Don writes a letter to Valdemar and mails it. I r rlr,l,, 1[s have.. . . outside to see who goes in and whrr
E Sasha shouts at Viktor r rl l l( ", OtlI
I Don sees Viktor on rhe CCTV recording. k [4v r il,rrrrlf ather is very old, and he becomes
\/Vl r,,n lrc read the news, his mouth fell open and he.
in surprise.
rI rvr , ,t ew . .
I r, . which can also take photographs.
I ',,,, WM,r,1"$
Which of these things do you think happens in the next chapter? Write Yes or No.
b I r tt'lls Angie about the CCTV recording. . .
rr rr .
'wt' lravc to ask you this, Miss Donato,' the policeman went :lH::'il",,
the criminal
,,rr 'l)irl ilnyone want to hurt Mr Ballantine, do you think?'
\rt'r'i wirs silent for a minute before she spoke.
'l tlorr'l trust Viktor Sarav - our image consultant. He told
\ rrliit' llrirt I hit him in the parhing garage this morning. Well, I
,lrrlrr'l tkr it. So we know that he lies about things.'
I 'l'l rt' yotrnger policeman spoke
'liul, Donato, Viktor Sarav has an alibi. He was with
\lrr:r l',rllilntine at the time of the accident. Are you saying that
\ L l ol tlid something to Don's car? Our men can't find anythi
Vera looked at the two police officers standing at her front door. \1 r()nll wif h it.'
Are you telling me that Don Ballantine is dead?, she asked 'l tlon'l hnow what he did,' said Vera slowly. 'But
them both slowly. lr,'rlitl son.rcthing. I can feel it.'
'Yes, I'm afraid so, Miss Donato,' said the older man. ,I,m very l'lt'oltlcr policeman shool< his head.
sorry. We know that it's a bad time, but can we come in and '\Vc nccd more than that,' he said.
interview you? It won't take long.' 'lrr'r'lirrgs uren't enough when we're
The men walked in at once and sat down in Vera,s living room. t.rlkirrg, irbout a possible murder.'
Vera sat opposite them.
'When and where did you last see Mr Ballantine, Miss Donato?' , \ n1,.ic's be autiful face was pale and her eyes
the older policeman began. r't,irlly red from crying. Vera went and
At the office this morning,' said Vera, her voice shaking. ,We l,r rl lrt'r irrms round the young woman.
spoke together about one of our workers.' She explained to them 'l'nr so very sorry, Angie,' she said
about Viktor, and all about his story of what happened to him in ,oIllv.
the parking garage.
And later, Mr Ballantine drove to his sister's house?'
'Yes. I wanted to talk to him again, and Mylene our buyer told
- -
me that he was going to Angie's. Was it an accident?' Vera asked.
'We think so. He was driving and talking on his cell phone to
huge very big his sister when it happened. He shouted something about a huge
windshield the
bat flying into the windshield. Then he went off the road and
glass at the front
of a car crashed into a tree. He died immediatcly,' said the policeman.
\, r,r'ri lir('('wts suddenly very whitc.
Il.u tlitl you lind out about that?' shc gaspcd'
lr,,rr'l lrc sr-rrpriscd, Vera Donatg' [:ttt.l "rcltl"
lik, lrool<s,' said Vihtor. 'So let's be fricnds, ch? l'et's
,,, ,,1,11
i,, lr,rl's bt'st fbr Angie, and for Ballantine's. OI(?'
A weeh lrter, Vcra was working in hcr office one morning \, r,r :;rritl 'Ol('quietly. Viktor was right. She had no proof
whcn thcre was l sudclen knock on her door. Viktor walkel in ,,l,rr\ llrirrg. itttcl shc had a terrible secret to hide' A few years
conlidently and smiled at her. 1,, l0rr', r,r,lrt:n hcr mother was in hospital, Vera 'borrowed' a lot
'How are you, VeraT I'vc come to say that I'm sorry about last I rrr,1'1, lirrn the company without telling either George or
weel(. I was wrong about you. [,et's lorget it and work together \ ru rl Slrt' lrirtl plans to pay it back. But aftcr some time' when -**..---,--
on the Milan fashion show. Poor Angie is still weak and can't ,,,,1,, rrl' slritl trnything about the money, she forgot' those plans'
look after to
help much, I'm afraid. We two must work harder than ever to tlr, r.rrrriury hacl a lot of moncy, and Vera thought that she
do things for
50meone, or help hcr and Ballantinc's.' ri ,r s:rli'. 'l low can Viktor hnow about it aftcr all this time?' she
something, that
needs he p Vcra lool<cd at the young man. 'Maybe he'll tell Angie and Ed about thc moncy
,,,1 1,, lrt'r srcll.
weak not stronq 'Viktor, mi'rybc you cln fool Angie, but you can't fool me,' she ,rr,I IIrt'\'ll r)cver trust mc again. I'll lose everything''
fool to mke saicl. 'You want l',allantine's all for yourself, and nothing is going ',lrr' r,r'irtcllecl through the open door alter Viktor left her
someonc thrnk
things that are not to stop you, is it?' ,,llr, r'. ,'\rtg,ic was sitting at a table by thc window looking
true; a pcrson who
Viktor smiled strangely at her. ,r ',,)nr('tlcsigns. She was very thin and pale' Viktor walked
thlnks things that
are not true 'l don't know what you're talking about. You don't have any \ ( r l() ltrrr, itttcl put his arm round her. She loohed up at him'
proof something proof of anything, do you? lt's your word against my word. Be ,,,,1 :rrrrilcrl strdly. More than ever now thc poor girl treedecl
which shows that a
thing is real y true careful, Vera. Aftcr all, you have things to hide, don't you? Angie ,rnr('()n('ttt ltloh after hcr.
ffi$&#*P,# fl$"trfr,{..ffi r ,,rrpk.te the sentences with the words and phrases from Activity 1 on page 24.
Match the first and second parts of these sentences. , rlur llr,rt lri'stolethemoney,butdoyouhaveany. ..p.faa{ ...i
a Two police oificers go to Vera's house E--.. l !, r ',Lrol(l l)crson, but Angie is... .
w# w*qK
Find words and phrases from Chapter 4 n the bats. \/\/l'.,r (lo you think happens in the next chapter? Complete the sentences with the
,,. ',rlr.'i trdlneS.
a w*eaK
b _____
volent hurting
people easily
because you were on vacation and needed to rest.' 'Yes,' said Fleur. And I was with them at Black's that night -
And do you know anything about their deaths, Viktor?' asked irrst before they died.'
Fleur /fltcr/
rival trying to do
Vera. 'Was there anything unusual about them?' asked Vera'
better than you in 'No,' replied Viktor. 'Nothing at all. It's terribly sad, but, New 'No. They were happy, laughing, and dancing,' explained
Yorh can be a violent place. You know that, Vera.' ,But I remember one strange thing. They spohe to Viktor
Srrav. He arrived while we were there. He wasn't happy to
Vera walked back to her office. 'l don 't bclicve sce Sasha and Mylene. I think that he was angry with them
him,' she said to herself. Shc immccliately r[out something. He was shouting at them. But there was no
called Fleur, a young dcsigncr who was lighting in the club. Soon after that, Sasha and Mylene left"
working at a rival fashion house. 'Did Viktor leave with them?'Vera asked, interestedly'
'Hi, Fleur,' she said. 'llow are 'Not long after,' Fleur replied. 'Why?'
things, dear? l've lust heard 'Oh, nothing. I'm just trying to understand exactly what
the terrible news rbout lrappened that night,' Vera explained.
Sasha and Mylenc. You 'l see. You know' Fleur went on, 'I think that Sasha was in
, knew them both well, lovc with Angie Ballantine, and that viktor was jealous of him.
didn't you?' l'llat was maybe the reason for their disagreement"
'Yes, maybe. Thanks, Fleur,' said Vera.
She put the phone down, held her head in her hands, and
tlrought for a minute. Then she called Angie who was at home'
rlill tired after the Iong plane journey back from Bulgaria'
\1cra gave her all the news about Ballantine's. she also told her
;rbout Sasha and MYlene's deaths.
'l didn't want to say this to you, Angie, but I must' Viktor
rs clangerous. Violent things happen around him all the time'
\tru must be careful. I'm very worried for you"
'l)on't worry about me,' answered Angie' 'For me, Viktor
is strong, not dangerous. He's done so much for Ballantine's
in the past months. He cares about me, Vera' You can't say
rrnything to change that. Please leave him alone' Like he says'
Ncw York can be violent, and terrible things happen' I trust
lrim. You must trust him, too. I'm finishing this call now'
bcfore you say anything more against Viktor''
With that, Angie ended the call. Vera put the phone down
slowly. She suddenly felt very tired and alone'
ffitr&g)e' {e*(K t t*. r lrr. wtrds in Activity 1 on page 30 to complete the sentences.
Correct nne more mistakes in the story.
., rt , , I rlL lr,,r lif r, s fiqqseKeePf for a rich ltalian family.
Aitan l r,r,,rrrvw,r',,rlrig... .......attheMilanfashionshow.
Viktor, Vera, and ArlqiC qo 1o ,)n rrrfx)r1,nl f ,rsf tion sltow in lR#,,url.
After the show, Angie is
very tired and Viklor lclls
| , t,,,l,lrrlsltitneedstogoona.......
hcr.tItortl lris llo,rt in f3ulgari.-r. Angie and Vera agree to go there on
,l rrr rr,,riri .......intown.Theyplaygreatmusicthere.
I vacation for scven wct'ks ltt Bttlq,ttia, Vt'ra tries to spcak to the
housekeeper aboutViktor but for leavinq my job. I don't enjoy the work
the old man does not understad her.
BoLh Vera and Angie want to go back to New york as lrr,,rrlr.l',r,lost a lot of their businessto a....
as possibie. ......., and he has a knlfe.
and Mylene. They died after a night out af Black\.Iheir dead bodies
were found inside the
on the ground. Vera does not believe Viktor's story. she calls Fleur, young
a writer who knew
Sasha and Mylene. Fleur teils Vera that Viktor was at the
ciub on the nght of her friends,dea
She thinks that Sasha and Viktor maybe had a disagreement
over Angie. Vera tells Angie that
must trust Viktor, but Angie doesn't listen because she loves Vlktor
Chafior 6 * Yova ir too lto fall,rrtlLrrrrtr,
IIIl IIIrll rrrtrII
of llro yr',1
In thc lirllowing u,ccks, Vera became obsessed with Viktor bc.krri'wtrllr
numb-or ol roorr',
1o Iintl sorrrcr rrrof' somewhere to show it. But where? in a bulldinq
where somcot'
Anrl Ilow? Llves
\ rl t.r 's lirc:c suddenly changed belore her eyes, and he gave
, Irr; rrrost charming smile.
I nr llrc succcssful image consultant for Ballantine's, ancl
,, ,,r I'll lrrr thc husband of Angie Ballantine, the beautiful facc
arm and she jumped. , r'. I ... I know, Angie' I've just seen Viktor and he
'Don't forget what you came for, dear Vera,, said Viktor, and he r,,l,l rnt'. It's wonderful news.'
gave her last year's company magazine. I rr cxcited. I'm looking at wedding dresses now, but
r so
When she was in the street again, she looked up at Viktor's rlr, rr' ;u'('too many and I can't decide. I'm not even sure
window She could see him standing there, watching her. rl,,,rrl llrr) colour. What do you thinh - white, or grey, or
'This isn't the end of it,'Vera said to the dark figure. ,I,m not ,,,.r1lrr'('vcn red? Vera, you have to help me' I want to be
finished with you yet.' 1,, .rrrlilirl on my wedding day. Can you come to the office? 'l',
Vera took her cell phone from her bag. ,please l.n'lrt' lvc can decide on my wedding dress together''
tell me that it \
isn't true, Angie,' she said to herself. 'please tell me that vou're \(':i.'irnswered Vera''Of course I'll help you, Angie' I'll be
Are these sentences true or false? Tick the boxes. Trut. Flse
Thursday February 28th
a Vera looks at Vlktor's computer to find out mori: alroLrl llill t4 tl Iknow l al l'v^ becowt\ngal. qbSgSOgd .. , bvl I ca^,1 sloy tl,,^V,^q aboul
b Nobody on the lnternet knows how old Viktor rr',rlly i,, tlt vil.tor. H wa, away tn Lordon {o" ll",e b) .. .. . _... and wrnter f as\o^
c Vera opens Viktor's door with her key. lttl tlnow to ) slaled lale at f he offie I wa nte lo
^l "at, cow\?v+e" lo {\^d orl
d Vera has not been toViktor's apartment befori,. ! ti wro.e abort 1^\w\.
h Vera says that she ls looking for some clothcs. lltl ... )'^, the f) . . . .. . . ., we^t
v7 with rne ln the 9)... . " . . I lied abo"l fo"geili^g w,. Vey and
i Viktor has bought a dress for Angie. I tl oye^ed le ,0o.. I looVe, nride Vtktor,, h) . .. .
j Viktor tells Vera that he is going to marry Anqii'. lttl blacV clotV,es, a^ tl,e^ I ook.e, i^ the i)
.. .. . ., whih was vll o{
lt *as
k Angie is looking at wedding dresses. lt |l A{te. ll'a|,eue.'ll^\^g weniwror.rg y\l<tor
^e^rlf ew\?tl.
I Vera is really very happy for Anqie. rltl gotng to w\aryf Angte. I w: j)
cawte bacVandtold,w,ell^all^e,s
wiih hir,", bvl Ae lvsl lavgie. I
Are55e5 a^ slne wan^te hy help I can't bel\*e ,t! Tee,s sowretlr.tng re"y bad
Use the words in the computer to complete Vera's diary on page 39. abovl YtVlor. He's l) . , bul bel\eves w,e. What can I do?
evil What do you thnk happensin the next chapter? Use the names of the people
obsessed to
complete the sentences.
elevator scf eLll
; ::= P=
Vera loohed at Valdemar. Her face was confused.
'What rrc you saying, Ed? How do you know that
Viktor hit
himscll' in thc parking garage?,
'l)on se lctter to me before his accident. He saw viktor hit
nt. a
himsclf' on thc ctct'r'v crmera recording, and he wanted to tell
me about it. Don erased the recording because he was worried
about Angie sceing it. He thought that maybe it wasn,t so
important, and I agrced. That,s why I said nothing.'
vera was furious. 'Not important? It's important to m! viktor
lied about that, and he lies about everythingl He's evil! He,s
violent! I know that he killed Don! Maybe he killed Sasha and
Mylene, too!Why didn't you tell me this before? What have you
done, Ed? What's going to happen to Angie now?,
A lot of the guests standing around them were looking very
uncomfortably at Vera now. \ rl.lot'lollowed Vera to her apartment building' She took thql
Valdemar took hold of Vera's arm with one big hand and he ,1, r,rlol up to her floor - the 13th - and Viktor flcw up thq
spoke to her quickly and quietly. I r r :r. I lis figure made a shadow on the wall like a huge bal.
'Vera, please stop this crazy talk. It's Angie ,l ;rllt:t' Vera opened the door to her apartment' Viktor camg
and Viktor,s l,
wedding day. I know that you're unhappy, but you mustn,t do , r r riclill behind her and pushed her inside'
this. You're wrong about Viktor. He,s good for Angie. please \ ('r ir sicrcamed and fell to the floor. Viktor put his hands rounQ
don't spoil everything for them.' I,, r nt'r'l( rnd looked hard into her face'
'But you don't understand,' Vera said. Angie's in the most Yorr'vo gone too far this time,' he saidcoldly' 'You tried tospoil
terrible danger.' \ r r1,1r'; wedding day!'
Vera pulled herself away from Valdemar and ran from the \{)u'rc crazy, Viktor,' screamed Vera' 'You're azy andevil,
garden. Valdemar watched her go and shook his head sadly. . rr - and poor Mylene and Sasha' I'n surg
r,l y{r.r murdered Don
'Poor woman. She's been half crazy ever since George
and Anne , ,1 I Irirt now. Did you kill George and Anne, too?
I need to knou'r'
died so suddenly in that plane crash.' \ t's, Vera, I did,' said Viktor. 'When I first read about Angie o1
Viktor looked up when Vera ran past him to the house. ,Excuse tlr,' lntcrnet, I became obsessed with her' I knew that I wanteq
me,' he said to Angie and the guests who were near them. ,I lr|r irs my wife. I just needed to find a way to meet her So
must go into the house for a minute.' ,l, , irlccl to take a job at Ballantine's. George and Anne's deat\,
He walked through the house to the front door, quickly
opened r\,'r'('nccessary for my plans to work' That's why I sentbaq
it, and looked up the road. yes! He courd see vera in the street. , rlr I the engines of their plane and it crashed. The other deat\u
She was in a hurry, running to her apartment, which was toonarry ;LlXifl,ifl:'*
not r';l lrappened. They were people who began asking
far from Angie's house. ,1r rt'stions and spoiling things. So they had to go'' 'n:l,o,T,ffl''"d
tlr, u lrr'l)ul on ltis clarh glasses and carefully washed Vera's darling
,1, , l,l, r,r I lr onl lllrr corncrs of his mouth. After that, he opened
that you say to
r 1,,, 1,,,,r, r rtl k'll I hc apartment. Minutes later, he was back once someone you love
vacatron that a
', ,,,r, \\,irs Ilrrrghing with some of the guests. She saw Viktor man and woman
take together
,,,,|, .rllcrl otrl lo [rim. just after they
get married
t\ lr, r r' ly1r yt)u bccn, darling? The party just isn't the same
l l,,r r';rn(r ovcr and put his arm round his wife.
i lr.r,l lr) nrtkc a phone call about our honeymoon. I was
, I rr., l,r ir spccial room in the hotel. I want only the best for
, l. rr lrr r1i Mrs Sarav.'
rl , rrlrklirrg guests smiled at Vihtor. 'What a charming and
,,,r' nriur! theythought. Andheloves Angie so much!'l'his is
r I r i , r lr lirrg ol' the year. Ballantine's is a great success tnd wc'rc
,1 , ,rrri,, lo [rc rich!' One of thc guests tooh his glatss in his htrncl.
i,, \ rl, lor irnd Angie,' he said loudly, 'and to their wonclcrlul
r,,r,,, lr,1it.llrCr.'
r 1,rrt' lrcld up their glasses. 'To Viktor and Angie!' they all
,l lr,rrrily.
,r lr,ul
rll,ur riltclt,
lirlcr, /\trBle
Angie allLt vll(lor got rlrto
and Viktor tllclr caf
into their car to go to the
t() g() tlre
, , ',,r I 'l'lrr: guests went into the street to say goodbye to them.
,, ,, ',rrrik'tl at all her friends.
I i r cr r' I sccn Vera for a while. I wanted to say goodbye to her.
It's surprisinq that some people still believe in vampires in the twenty-first.
I always. .. . .
,ti5 W*IAT
What do you think happens to these three people in the next chapter?
Tick one box to finish each sentence.
b Viktor ...
1 E thinks about how he will make Angie into a vampire
2 E goes swimming and does not come back.
3 E tells Angie that he does not love her.
c Vera ...
1 f] comes to the hotel to see Angie.
2E calls Angie and tells her about Viktor.
Y E is on theTV news.
Chagor8 - Tfr frohclr,ooh - reading, eating, looking out of the window
hard about that?'
at the shy. What's so
e Our hotel room has a big company . . . .. looking out over the beach.
Viktor makes two sandwiches for himself and Angie.
&t tn,$lT
e Angie is worried because Ed hasn,t called her.
What hapPens after the story ends? Choose from these ideas or add your own.
Viktor can see the radio from his beach chair.
k Angie agrees to go to Vktor,s house to kill his family, aI Angie becomes a vampire and lives bI Angie finds out aboutVera's death and
happily with Vktor in Bulgaria. she kills Viktor angrily.
1 Read the text and write notes in the information table below. Use a dictionary to
help you. Author of novel
Name of vampire
Name of novel
Publication date
Setting of story
Vampire's victim(s)
Description of vampire
Special powers
Vampire habits
End of story
Author of novel
Name of vampire
Name of novel
Publication date
Se-t1ing of story
Vampire's victim(s)
Description of vampire
Special powers
Vampire habits
End of story 3 Do you know any other famous vampire stores in books or films? Research and
write about one of them, using the texts n activities I and 2 to help you.
@ Afamilycrest I
objects with the storY'
Sasha Demidov
d& *F
Mylene Lavine
Read about Viktor's family crest and complete the table on page 59.
m 3 Here is Mylene Lavinet family crest and notes about it. Read and complete the
description of the cest on page 60.
Viktor Sarav comes from an old Bulgarian family. The Saravs have a
family crest. This is a picture that tells us about the history of a family.
Viktor's family crest has four s]mbols: a bag a castle, a lion, and the
rrroon. The bat means that the family are vampires. Viktor nses bats to
kill George, Anne, and Don. The castle tells us that the fanfly is rich
and very old. The lion is a strong, confident animal, and the Saravs
are stron& confident people. The rnoon tells us that the Saravs are
people of the night. They are strongest at night when the moon is ftill.
Under the family crest, there is a motto. This is a short scntence
which says something important about the family. Viktor's family
motto is Danger is Sweet. What does this mean? We know that Viktor
enjoys a fight. Vl/hen his victims die easily, he is r.rnhappy. So his
w tur'ork,4bore
4// Thtngs
family nlotto means that Viktor loves exciting things.
fr4&4MAffi ffiU{K
Past Simple and Past Continuous
Mylene Lavine comes from an old French Canadian
We use the Past Simple for finished past events. We use the Past Continuous for an activity
FIer family crest has four.. . They are a . .. .. .
that was in progress when events in the Past Simple happened. We use was /u/ere + present
of..... ....,a. .,the. ,anda participle to make the Past Continuous. We often use when to introduce the Past Simple verb
..The .of.... .....standsfor and while to introduce the Past Continuous verb.
. and .. . Mylene works in fashion and The Ballantines were flying over open country when their plane crashed.
these things are important to her. The .. . . ... .. nleans a The Ballantines' plane crashed while they were flying over open country.
. of .... Many people in Mylene's family play With stative verbs - like feel, like, Iove, think, and want - we don't usually use the
musical instmments. The . .. .. .. .. tells us that Mylene needs Past Continuous.
.. to live and work. And the Angie ++esh*tng a beautiful face. X Angie had a beautiful face. y'
Mylene enjoys .. and the ...
1 Answer the questions about the beginning of the story. Use the words in brackets.
Mylene is a warm, friendly person. FIer family .. is Work
a WhatwasVeradoingduringthereadingofthewill?(look/aphotographofherfriends)
Above All Thhg* Mylene's family have always hard. She She was iooKrn3 oJ a,phe-tagr:aph of her friends,
knows that she must w'ork hard to get the . things in life.
b What was Don doing? (hold / Angie's hand)
But she enjoys her job and loves r,r'orking at Ballantine's.
d What dld Valdemar do while he was leaving? (think / p ,n. u..ia.n,l
4 Match the mottoes with the people. Use a dictionary to help you.
- Choose four symbols and explain their meaning. While hef)...... ....(work)for Ballantine's,ViktorquicklyS)... ....(become)
- Choose a motto and explain its meaning. Vera'senemy.Oneday,heh).. .......(come)intotheofficewitha bandage
- Draw the family crest. round his head. He )...... ...(tell)Angieallaboutitwhen suddenlythe phone
j). .. .. (ring). While Viktor k).. . .. . . (answer) the call, Don went to
a 'Ballantine's is ln your handsiexplained Valdemar. New people began to work / working at Ballantine's.
f iru gooO *o,r,.,;rflornn,uuO.rur.
G?*ffi{vX$tfiX {.fi(il{
Reflexive pronouns Modal auxiliary verbs: can, could, must, and have to
we use reflexive pronouns (mysell yourself, himsell hersell itself, ourselves, yourselves, We use can (can't) / could (not) + infinitive without fo to express ability, permission,
and themselves) when the subject and the object of a verb are the same. or requests.
He often asked hinself about the accident. Veracouldn'trunanyfaster. (- pastability) HecanspeakBulgarian. (-general ability)
Dd the bat hurt itself on the windshield? On Fridays, you can wear jeans at the office. (: permission)
They told themselves that Angie was a wonderful model. Can / Could I osk you a question? (= req uest)
we can also use reflexive pronouns to emphasize who did something, or for things that We use must (not) + infinitive without to for strong obligation or prohibition.
a person does alone without anybody else. I nust nail that letter. (= strong obligation) You mustn't snoke here. (= prohibition)
Angie ate nothing herself. Viktor found the photo himself. We use have to / don't have to + the infinitive when something is necessary / noL
necessary. I have to leave. You don't have to answer me naw.
5 Read Vera's diary. Complete the text with the words in the box.
There is a big difference in meaning between don't have to and mustn't.
-tf *l
f--r.*r- Hi.;r*rr myseif--- You don't hove to do that. (= it's not necessary) You mustn't do that 1- it's not a good idea)
I ly'.jf _-ry'_.1_u."1_
tlg5*es_ ygtl1li- 1o11,,,,,,,,,,,1se1ves I
There is a small difference in meaning between have to and must.
I have to speakto him. (- obligaiion from outside the speaker)
I must speak to hin. (= obligation from inside the speaker)
We use had to for inside and outside obligation in the past. He had to leave.
I aftor, asL a) . . . .'rn)e It n frJ Qoargo artd frnnc ded n
th,at pl,ane uesh, httu aLL, Qcago was
ffur,jthepLarle 6 Choose the correct modal verb in these sentences.
b)......\dbwasnlbtlwlrsttne,,VaLdenar a Vera wanted to tell everyone about Viktor, but shelJ-luJdlN can't .
ar.;dDar. eru a5Lhlc)...... ...bhl sano q,Lo5tt;, b Viktor said,'You must / have be very careful, Vera. I know too much about you.
l' n snro, , Thnjs aron't janj ab woLL Sal,Lanbno,'s , I danlt c 'l have / can to go back to New Yorki said Viktor
trustVLtar, fle caw, ngostordagwth, abandago, an[s d 'We don't have I mustn't fo visit Bulgariaisaid Vera to Angie.'lt's just one ideal
h,cad saywj, 'Sane,ans ht ne w tho parLnj garagt ,' 6ub I thtwk that lw naybo h,urt e 'We can't I haven'tvisif Milan and not go shoppingisaid Angie.
d) .... . , tle jnst wawts frngu ta looL sarryfor [in, VLtar sr',lt as nparbawb i 'Could / Have I look at that magazine?'asked Angie.
as he, thnLs, h,e,nho's awa!, wo Laak afto,r th,t busnoss e) ..... . . .. - and we, da
7 Complete the text with suitable modalforms.
u[, .) dan't needhin,l4gLonc andSash,a eruul166dr,oorLrs, 0f caurso,paar frrye
sperrds aLL h,er bnc l,aaLing at fl . . . . ...... n bh,e nnar and asLinj, 'Caw
I reaLQbo Don a). ..AQUi.d-nlt. .. show Angie the CCTV camera recording because she wasn't very
a nadoLT' Sho snlt c6firn at aLL, De,ar ffnjio, pl,oaso Laak aftor 9)
strong. But he b) . c)
.look after her.'l . . drive
War Horse
Michael Morpurgo
'We'il be friends, you and l. l'll call you Joeyj Alberr sid.'t'll look after you. We'll
always be friends, promisel
Albert Narracott, a farmer's boy, makes this promise to his horse, Joey, in Devon,
Eng and. But this is before the Fitrt Wod War, and before Joey eaves for France
to become a war horse. What happens to loey in the British army? What will the
Germans and the French do to him when they find him? And how will Alben
find Joey again?
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