A Ductile Fuse For Special Concentrically Braced Frames: December 2018
A Ductile Fuse For Special Concentrically Braced Frames: December 2018
A Ductile Fuse For Special Concentrically Braced Frames: December 2018
1 659
1 author:
Machel Morrison
University of California, San Diego
All content following this page was uploaded by Machel Morrison on 15 September 2018.
Machel L. Morrison 1*
Research Assistant Professor, Dept. of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering, North Carolina
State University, Raleigh NC 27607 USA
E-mail: mlmorris@ncsu.edu
Abstract: In special concentrically braced frames, brace yielding and buckling are the primary mechanisms of seismic
energy dissipation, and mid-length brace fracture is the preferred failure mode. However, as evidenced by several studies, the
connections between the braces and gusset plates are susceptible to premature fracture as are other connections e.g. between
the gusset plate and beam or column. This paper describes the preliminary development of a simple ductile fuse to prevent
such failures. The fuse is created by selectively reducing the brace material strength through a thermal treatment process which
in turn reduces connection force demands. Material testing of ASTM A500 steel from square HSS tubing was conducted to
characterize the mechanical property changes from the thermal treatment and to calibrate 3D finite element (FE) models of
brace members. The experimental data and FE models demonstrate the benefits of the fuse, which include, reduced tensile
force demands at the brace to frame connections, improved fracture resistance of brace material, increased drift capacity,
residual stress relief and improved element compactness.
DOI: 10.18057/ICASS2018.xxx
Due to their inherently high lateral stiffness, special concentrically braced frames (SCBFs)
generally lead to economical building frames. Over the past two decades several advances have
been made in understanding the seismic performance and failure modes of SCBFs [1]. These
efforts have led to among others, improvements in connection detailing, restrictions on brace
configuration and more stringent brace slenderness and section compactness criteria [2-4].
However, despite these advancements, areas for improvement in the economy and performance
of SCBFs still exist.
Rectangular or round hollow structural sections (HSS) constructed to the ASTM A500 grade
B or C specification are commonly specified for brace members due to their structural
efficiency, availability and ease of construction. However, since braces are sized using design
strengths based on the specified minimum yield strength and connections and other elements
are designed to resist forces based on the expected yield strength, the high ratio of expected to
specified yield strength (Ry) which is ≈ 1.3-1.4 for A500 steel, compromises economy [1].
Stated more directly, connections and other frame elements such as columns are designed to
resist 30 to 40% higher brace forces than otherwise necessary because of brace material over
Another issue is that cold forming at the corners of rectangular HSS members reduces
material ductility and notch toughness [5], unfortunately, this is also the location of high strain
demands when mid-length brace hinges are formed under large load reversals [1]. These
combined effects likely reduce the deformation capacity of rectangular HSS braces under
seismic loading [6].
Finally, HSS braces are typically connected to surrounding elements (column, beam or both)
(a) with a gusset plate. The
(b) construction of this connection
involves slotting the brace,
thereby creating a net section
susceptible to premature failure
(Figure 1a). Typically, the net
section strength is determined
Reinforcement of
𝑅𝑛𝑒𝑡 𝑠𝑒𝑐𝑡𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝜎𝑢 𝑈𝐴𝑛 (1)
net section
𝑅𝑦𝑖𝑒𝑙𝑑 = 𝑅𝑦 𝜎𝑦 𝐴𝑔 (2)
where σy is the yield stress and
Ag is the section area. Typically,
the shear lag factor, U, is
approximately 0.85, and the
ratio between the yield and the
Figure 1: (a) Rupture of brace to gusset plate connection [1] (b)
sketch of connection between brace and gusset plate (c) sketch
ultimate stress is also a similar
of inverted V-braced frame with heat-treated braces. value. Thus, even in absence of
material over strength (i.e. Ry =
1) the inequality σuUAn > RyσyAg , cannot be satisfied unless the net section is reinforced with
plates as shown in Figure 1b [7].
M.L. Morrison
600 600
A500 (a) A500
700°C 700°C (b)
500 800°C 500 800°C
*900°C *900°C
400 400
σ (MPa)
σ (MPa)
300 300
T °C t @ Tmax = 30min. T °C t @ Tmax = 30min.
200 Tmax Heating rate: 10°C/min. 200 Tmax
Heating rate: 10°C/min.
Cooling rate: 6°C/min. Cooling rate: 0.6°C/min.
550 550
*Sample cooled from 900°C *Sample cooled from 900°C
100 Air cool to 850°C at 10°C/min.
100 Air cool to 850°C at 10°C/min.
t (min.) t (min.)
0 0
0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
ε ε
Curling of wall
from release of
No distortion due
residual stresses
to residual stress
Figure 2: (a) and (b) Tensile stress-strain reponses of A500 and HT A500 steel (c) and (d) optical
micrographs of A500 and HT A500 steel (e) and (f) photographs of saw cutting HSS before and
after HT (g) photographs of fractured Charpy V-notch bars before and after heat treatment.
The reduction in strength and increase in ductility are due to microstructural transformations
(recovery and partial or full recrystallization) which take place during the annealing cycle. A
detailed description of these metallurgical processes is beyond the scope of this paper, but a
brief overview is provided here. Recrystallization of a cold worked metal reduces the
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dislocation density in the crystal lattice and produces a new set of “strain-free” grains [9]. The
process requires mass transport (i.e. diffusion), making it especially sensitive to temperature
(typically following an Arrhenius type equation). Below the phase transformation temperature
e.g. @ 700°C (Ac1≈717°C for this steel), the thermodynamic driving force for recrystallization
is the free energy stored in dislocation networks and the process allows the material to achieve
a lower internal energy state by reducing the strain energy in the lattice. At higher temperatures,
recrystallization is due to the ferrite to austenite phase transformation, which reverses upon
cooling. Because of recrystallization, the effects of prior cold work are removed either partially
or completely [9]. After full-recrystallization (e.g. HT @900°C) a uniform equiaxed grain
structure is produced (compare Figure 3c and 3d). Note that there is no significant grain growth,
this is likely due to the solute drag and Zener pining effects from alloying elements such as
Niobium and Aluminum (see table 1 for the chemical composition of this steel).
As a consequence of these microstructural changes, notch toughness is remarkably improved
and residual stresses in the HSS section are relieved (Fig. 2 e-g and table 2).These mechanical
property changes have several desirable effects for braced frames. First and foremost, material
overstrength can be reduced significantly, for example as shown in Figure 2a and table 2, heat-
treating at 800°C reduces the yield strength to 345 MPa which is the specified minimum yield
strength of the material. Further, material strength can be controlled to allow the designer more
flexibility in proportioning members. This will improve structural efficiency and likely overall
economy of the structure. Second, the combination of improved ductility, notch toughness and
work hardening ability should reduce the susceptibility of braces to strain localization and
fracture, allowing them to sustain larger deformations, more cycles and, better energy
dissipation. Third, reinforcement of the connection between the brace and gusset plate (see
Figure 1a) is no longer needed since the inequality σuUAn > RyσyAg can be readily satisfied for
HT braces. Finally, residual stress relief should lead to improved compressive strength.
It is noted that recently the ASTM A1085 specification for cold formed HSS has been
introduced and has been given a lower overstrength factor (Ry =1.25) than A500 steel [4]. While
improved performance is anticipated for the A1085 grade, the heat-treatment proposed in this
study will further reduce material overstrength and will provide better ductility and notch
toughness than A1085. In addition, it solves the problem of connection reinforcement, which is
not addressed by the A1085 specification.
In this study, the proposed fuse technique is studied through detailed finite element (FE)
simulations and an uncoupled ductile fracture prediction model. The study focuses on the effect
of tensile properties and b/t ratio on brace strength and deformation limit states such as the onset
of local buckling and ductile fracture initiation. Details of the modelling strategy and results are
presented in the following.
The modelling strategy employed in this study follows closely with that of Fell [10] with a
few exceptions. Three-dimensional nonlinear FE models were developed for brace members
using the commercial software ANSYS Mechanical ADPL. Geometric and material
nonlinearities were incorporated in the FE models. An example of the FE mesh and boundary
conditions is shown in Figure 3a. The brace and gusset plates were modeled with continuum 20
noded solid hexahedral elements (SOLID186). FE models accounted for material nonlinearity
through rate-independent metal plasticity theory based on the von Mises yield criterion, additive
strain decomposition and associated flow rule. A multilinear kinematic hardening model
calibrated from tensile material tests, strain-controlled cyclic material tests and smooth notch
tensile (SNT) tests was used to capture material strain hardening (Figure 2a and Figures 3a-c).
The strain-controlled cyclic material tests allowed for model calibration at low strain ranges
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while the tensile and SNT tests allowed for simulation of behavior at large strains. This
combination was essential for capturing the response of the brace throughout the load history
(up to fracture initiation).
Far-field loading
Drift (%)
-4 𝒖𝒙 = 𝒖𝒚 = 𝟎
DUR = 11.7 mm
X DNR =6.4 mm
R =1.6 mm
25 mm 12031.4
gauge R 45516.2
𝒖𝒙 = 𝒖𝒚 = 𝒖𝒛 = 𝟎 129228
800 (c)
(b) Fracture initiation
Experiment HT@900°C
Force (kN)
σ (MPa)
20 Simulation HT@900°C
-400 Simulation-A500 10
Experiment-HT@900°C Fracture
Simulation-HT@900°C initiation
-800 0
-0.02 -0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Elongation (mm)
Figure 3: (a) Far field loading history, FE mesh and boundary conditions, photographs of
cyclic and SNT tests, contour plot of hydrostatic stress distribution in notch (b) experimental
and simulated stress-strain response of A500 and HT A500 steels (c) experimental and
simulated SNT response of A500 and HT A500 steels.
Geometric nonlinearities were accounted for via a large deformation formulation which
accompanied by small eccentricities/imperfections in the geometry allowed for the simulation
of global and local brace buckling. Initial imperfections were obtained by first conducting an
eigenvalue buckling analysis of the perfect structure and then prescribing superimposed scaled
values of the global buckling mode (first eigenmode) and local buckling mode (third
eigenmode) displacement fields as the initial configuration of the structure. The maximum
value of geometric imperfection for the global mode was L/1000, which is half of the
permissible variation in straightness allowed by ASTM A500. The maximum value of
geometric imperfection for the local mode was 0.07mm based on measurements by Fell 2008
[10]. Global and local imperfections were essential to simulating buckling deformations
M.L. Morrison
observed in experimental testing of braces [10]. It is noted, that residual stresses were not
included in the FE analysis leaving the effect of this variable for future study.
Stress and strain indices from the FE model were used as inputs to a micromechanics based
cyclic void growth model (CVGM) proposed by Kanvinde and Deierlein [11] to predict the
initiation of ductile macroscopic cracks that were reported during laboratory tests [10]. The
CVGM predicts the initiation of a ductile macroscopic crack when the following condition is
𝑉𝐺𝐼𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑐 > 𝑉𝐺𝐼𝑐𝑦𝑐𝑙𝑖𝑐 𝑓𝑜𝑟 𝑙 ≥ 𝑙 ∗ (3)
where 𝑇 = 𝜎𝑚 ⁄𝜎𝑒 (ratio of mean stress to effective stress, also called stress triaxiality) and
𝑑𝜀𝑝 is the increment of equivalent plastic strain. λ is a material dependent parameter which
represents the degradation of material resistance to ductile fracture due to cyclic loads and
𝜀𝑝𝑎𝑐𝑐𝑢𝑚𝑢𝑙𝑎𝑡𝑒𝑑 is the equivalent plastic strain that has accumulated up to the beginning of each
tensile excursion of loading. The CVGM fracture initiation criterion (eq. 3) should be satisfied
over a length scale representative of the physical events leading to ductile fracture (𝑙 ∗ ). This
model feature typically requires mesh sizes on the order of 𝑙 ∗ . The element length in the
region of interest in this study is 0.3 cm which is sufficient to capture strain and stress
gradients but is much larger than 𝑙 ∗ . However, other studies demonstrate reasonable results
using similar element sizes [10, 12].
𝑉𝐺𝐼𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐 and λ are calibrated by experimental testing of notched bar specimens
subjected to monotonic and cyclic loading histories respectively. In this study, SNT bars
subjected to monotonic loading were used to calibrate 𝑉𝐺𝐼𝑚𝑜𝑛𝑜𝑡𝑜𝑛𝑖𝑐 (see Figure 3c and Table 2)
but due to limited resources, cyclic notched bar testing was not carried out. Therefore, a value
of λ=0.17 was used based on the work of Fell [10]. While this value was found to be reasonably
accurate for A500 steel it may be conservative for HT A500 steel.
3.1 Finite Element Model Validation
For FE model validation, specimen HSS 1-1 and HSS 1-2 tested by Fell [10] were modelled.
Both specimens consisted of square HSS102x102x6.35 members. The overall length of the
specimens (i.e. the distance between the outer edges of the gusset plates) was 3124.2 mm. The
gusset plates were welded to thick endplates and loaded axially. The reader is referred to that
study for details of the experimental setup, specimen dimensions, loading history etc. Specimen
HSS 1-1 was subjected to a far-field loading history (see inset of Figure 3a) akin to that
commonly used in the testing of moment frames, while specimen HSS1-2 was subjected to a
near-fault loading history with asymmetric compression loading cycles. Story drift angle
expressed in radians (θ ) is determine from the assumed kinematics of the braced frame during
seismic loading [10] and is calculated as
M.L. Morrison
𝜃= ⁄𝐿 (7)
where Δa is the axial deformation of the brace and LB is the distance between the fold lines of
the gusset plate (2984.5 mm).
The predicted brace force-drift (%) response is plotted against the experimental response in
Figure 4a and 4b. The model prediction is found to be in close agreement with the experimental
response for both loading histories. The evolution of the void growth indices (for the CVGM)
for specimen HSS 1-1 is shown in Figure 4c. The location considered is the brace centerline at
the corner of the HSS as shown in Figure 4d. Note that fracture initiation is predicted to occur
at the end of the second excursion of loading at 2.8% drift while fracture was observed slightly
before the end of the second excursion at 2.8% drift (Figure 4a).
1.5 Fracture initiation 1.5
predicted (a) Experiment (b)
1 1 Simulation
0.5 0.5
0 0
Fracture in test
-0.5 -0.5
-1 -1
-4 -2 0 2 4 -8 -4 0 4
Drift (%) Drift (%)
2.5 (c)
𝜺𝒆𝒒=0.74 (d) (e)
2 Fracture initiation
(Void growth resistance) T =0.5
predicted at corner Ductile tearing of
of HSS HSS corner
1.5 CVGM failure criteria
satisfied during 2nd
1 loading cycle to 2.7% drift
0.5 𝑽𝑮𝑰𝒄𝒚𝒄𝒍𝒊𝒄
(Void growth demand)
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Figure 4: Finite element model validation (a) comparison of experiment and simulated force-drift
responses of specimen HSS 1-1-far field loading [10] (b) comparison of experiment and simulated
force-drift responses of specimen HSS 1-2 near-fault compresion loading[10] (c) CVGM fracture
prediction for specimen HSS 1-1 (d) FE prediction of accumulated equivalent plastic contours of
specimen HSS 1-1 (e) photograph showing fracture initation of HSS 1 [10].
The proposed fuse technique is evaluated using the previously validated FE model. See
Table 3 for details of the specimens considered. The length of the brace and boundary
conditions are the same as those used for FE model validation. Also, for sake of simplicity, the
far field load history used in the validation is applied to all specimens. This evaluation considers
the effect of the maximum temperature of heat treatment (i.e. the change in mechanical
properties from heat-treating the brace to 700, 800 and 900°C respectively). In addition, the
evaluation considers two different HSS wall thicknesses to evaluate the effect of section
compactness i.e. b/t ratio on brace response. Note that measured properties (from table 2) are
used for calculation of all applicable quantities reported in table 3. The yield strength from heat-
treating at 700, 800 and 900°C resulted in three different ratios of σuUAn / σyAg (capacity to
M.L. Morrison
demand) all of which are greater than unity. This implies that net section failure would be
circumvented for all HT braces considered. The prediction of fracture initiation at the net
section is outside the scope of the current study, but needs future attention.
Several important insights are drawn from the results of FE analysis presented in Table 3.
The normalized tensile (𝑃𝑇𝑚𝑎𝑥 ⁄𝑃𝑦 ) and compressive strengths (𝑃𝐶𝑚𝑎𝑥 ⁄𝑃𝑦 ) of the brace are
increased from the heat treatment. The increase in normalized compressive strength is far
greater than the increase in tensile strength. The mild increase (3-9%) in normalized tensile
strength when HT braces are compared to their unconditioned counterparts is likely due to
material strain hardening (see Figure 2a and Table 2).
1.4 1.4
(a) HSS 102x102x9.5 (A500)
Fracture initiation
(b) HSS 102x102x9.5 (HT@700°C)
0.8 0.8
0.2 0.2
Strength loss
predicted due
to necking
-0.4 -0.4
Local buckling
-1 -1
-7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7 -7 -5 -3 -1 1 3 5 7
Drift (%) Drift (%)
Plastic strains
Plastic strains localize
Plastic strains
Plastic strains localize widely
Figure 5: Finite element analysis of braces (a) force-drift response of HSS102x102x9.5 (A500) (b)
force-drift response of HSS102x102x9.5 (HT@ 700°C) (c) equivalent plastic strain contours of
HSS102x102x9.5 (A500) at 2.7% drift (d) equivalent plastic contours of HSS102x102x9.5 (HT@
700°C) at 2.7% drift) (e) equivalent plastic strain contours of HSS102x102x9.5 (A500) at 4% drift
(f) equivalent plastic contours of HSS102x102x9.5 (HT@ 700°C) at 4% drift
M.L. Morrison
The b/t ratios for the HSS members have been normalized to the limiting values specified
in the AISC Seismic Provisions [4] and tabulated in Table 3. Note that the heat treatment
reduces the normalized b/t ratios implying improved compactness and greater deformation
capacity. Indeed, as shown in table 3, HT braces showed delayed onset of local buckling and
fracture initiation. In fact, for HSS102x102x9.5 braces HT @700, 800 and 900°C no local
buckling or fracture initiation was predicted before the analysis was terminated after loading
up to 6% drift.
The improved deformation capacity of HT braces is attributed to the improved work
hardening behavior and the increased fracture resistance of the material. For example,
consider the responses of HSS102x102x9.5-A500 and HSS102x102x9.5-HT@700°C braces
shown in Figure 5. Due to the low work hardening rate of A500 steel, plastic strains localize
in the center of the brace during cycles at 2.7% drift. Note the relatively large strain gradients
at the center of the A500 brace shown in Figure 5c relative to those of the HT brace shown in
Figure 5d. This localization of plastic strains eventually leads to local buckling during cycles
at 4% drift and fracture soon after (Figure 5a and 5e). This localization of strain is
circumvented in the HT brace due to the improved material work hardening (Figure 5b and
A novel fuse technique for SCBFs is introduced and analyzed in this study. The technique
involves heat-treating the mid-section of the brace to reduce material strength and improve
work hardening, ductility and notch toughness. The technique has the potential to
M.L. Morrison
simultaneously reduce construction cost and improve seismic performance for new building
construction and may also be used to upgrade older non-ductile brace frames. However, the
results of this study are preliminary and much effort is needed to validate these claims and to
eventually implement this technique in building construction.
The author is grateful to Steel Fab Inc. for donating the steel for this study. The efforts of
Christopher Stanford in machining test specimens, the assistance provided by Dr. Harvey West
in performing optical microscopy and that of Heramb Mahajan in preparing isometric drawings
are gratefully acknowledged.
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Ninth International Conference on Advances in Steel Structures (ICASS’2018)
5-7 December 2018 - Hong Kong, China