Waiver of Benefit Priviledge

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waives, forfeits and rejects any and all rights, benefits or privileges offered him by any and all worldly states in order to effectuate
full severance from all worldly states, civil death of his legal personality and his God given right to become a child of God and,
therefore, an heir to his Kingdom enjoying recognition and protection from God alone without dependence on any worldly
state. Child born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

That this waiver, forfeiture, and rejection includes but is not limited to: domicile, residence, political asylum,
Enfranchisement, ownership, property, Recourse Benefits to the UCC, Judicial Contract Enforcement, police protection for
oneself, family or property, Admiralty, Commercial/Holders in Due Course, driving of passengers or property for hire,
Equity, FDIC insurance, automobile insurance, life insurance and any other insurance, any other limited liability benefit,
Social Security, employment, retirement, intervention and protection through such devices as the Fair Labors Standards
Act, enforcement of Employment contract, racial non-discrimination, minimum wage requirement, minimum sanitation
environment requirement, maximum numbers of hours per week that can be worked limitation, minimum vacation time off
is requirement, hearing on demand requirement, employee priority over all other secured and unsecured creditors in an
Employer bankruptcy proceeding, public schools free mail delivery or pick up, and every other right, benefit and privilege
provided by any worldly State or its agencies or organizations.

That Mirko's use of Federal Reserve Notes is under protest due to the Gov. outlawing use of anything else that has
sufficient circulation as legal tender currency.

That any checks accepted for value will be endorsed with a stamp saying: Deposited for credit or exchanged for non
redeemable Federal Reserve Notes under protest. That such deposit or exchange is not a taxable event.

Notice of Declaration of Independence
Applicable to all Successors and Assigns
From: Declarants herein:
Full Name: [Your Full Name]
Private People on the Land.
Address: [your street address here]
City: [your city here] State: [your state here] Postal Code: [your postal code here]
The united states of America
To: Respondents herein:
Federal Offices:
Barak H. Obama and the Office of the President of the United States
1600 Pennsylvania Avenue
Washington, D.C. 20500
Timothy F. Geithner and the Office of the Secretary of the Treasury of the United
1500 Pennsylvania Avenue, N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20220
Gary F. Locke and the Office of the Secretary of Commerce of the United
States Room 5854, US Department of Commerce
14th and Constitution Avenue SW
Washington, D.C. 20230
Raymond H. LaHood and the Office of the Secretary of Transportation
400 7th Street S.W.
Washington, D.C. 205090
Douglas H. Shulman and the Office of the Internal Revenue Service
1111 Constitution Avenue N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20543
John G. Roberts, Jr. and the Office of the Chief Justice of the U.S. Supreme
1 First Street N.E.
Washington, D.C. 20543
Hillary R. Clinton and the Office of the Secretary of State of the United States
2201 C Street N.W.
Washington, D.C. 20520
Eric H. Holder, Jr. and the Office of the Attorney General of the United States
950 Pennsylvania Avenue N.W.
Washington D.C. 20530-0001
State Offices: [Your State]
Name and address of The Office of the Secretary of State
Name and address of The Office of the Governor
Name and address of The Office of the Attorney General
Name and address of The Office of the Chief Justice
Name and address of The Office of Director of Trade and Economic
I/We,[Your Full Name], Declarants herein, Private People in the [your state here]
republic, one of the united States of America, state under penalty of perjury
under the
Laws of The united States of America and of [your state here] state, that
Declarants are
competent to be witnesses and that the facts contained herein are true, correct,
complete, and not misleading, to the best of Declarants firsthand knowledge and
Notice of Declaration of Independence
Respondents, TAKE NOTICE:
That, I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, in the name of the Almighty
Creator, by Our Declaration of Independence, solemnly Publish and Declare Our
Political Choice, Will, and Intent.
That, I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, under 15 United States
Statutes at
Large, titled An Act concerning the Rights of American Citizens in foreign States
passed on the Twenty-seventh Day of July, 1868 A.D. by the Fortieth Congress,
II. Ch. 249, pages 223 & 224, and under Decisions by the Judiciary, have a Right
expatriate. (See Exhibit A attached).
That, I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, ab initio, do expatriate
Our res, estates, and all our property in trust to the foreign jurisdiction known as
municipal corporation of the District of Columbia, a/k/a United States, a/k/a State
[Your State], a democracy and its laws and are not, and explicitly refuse to be,
property and citizens of the United States.
That, I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, have returned and
repatriated as
Citizens/Nationals of the [Your State] state republic, and as American Citizens of
Republic of the united states of America and under their Laws, with all Our
estates and
properties, real and personal, tangible and intangible, and barring none, formerly
held in
trust with the socialistic United States, a/k/a the District of Columbia and its
instrumentalities for the general I/Welfare and benefit of all citizens of the United
within the 14th amendment communal public trust.
That, I/We,[Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, state that such property
but is not limited to, all real and personal property previously transferred in error
or by
fraudulent registration, to the United States and its instrumentalities, a/k/a the
State of
[Your State], regardless of their location within The United States or other
foreign to the United States and its territories. Such properties are now declared
property and under the organic Constitutions are not subject to any form of
taxation by
the democracy known as the United States, a/k/a the District of Columbia and its
That, I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, freely choose and pledge
allegiance to the Republic of the united States of America and not to the
corporation called United States, a/k/a District of Columbia, and its
That, I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, refuse to be in rebellion, and
not and will not commit treason, against the Republic of the united states of
and will not support enemies of said Republics by voting for Officers and
Representatives of the de facto United States and its instrumentalities, a foreign
corporation with regards to [Your State] state, a republic.
Respondents, TAKE NOTICE:
That, I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, state that any and all past
present political ties implied by operation of law or otherwise in trust with the
democracy, a/k/a the United States, a/k/a the District of Columbia and its
instrumentalities, are hereby severed, rescinded, dissolved, cancelled, and
including but
not limited to, benefits of enfranchisement from any country, including the United
a/k/a District of Columbia, its agents, agencies, and instrumentalities, are
forfeited, rejected, waived, declined, cancelled, and not accepted, ab initio and
pro tunc.
Respondents, TAKE NOTICE:
That, I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, have full power to contract
establish commerce as guaranteed by the Constitution and the First Ten Articles
Amendment, a/k/a the Bill of Rights, to the Constitution for The united States of
America, of 1789 A.D. as amended in 1791 A.D., establishing a Republic.
I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, give Respondents, in their private
capacity, and as agents of the United States, a/k/a the District of Columbia and
States and its instrumentalities, and NOTICE, that any and all hidden and
invisible or
adhesion contracts and/or commercial agreements between the United States,
a/k/a the
District of Columbia and its instrumentalities, and [Your Full Name], and/or the
persons, [YOUR FULL NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS] or any derivative name-
TERMINATED ab initio and nunc pro tunc, for FRAUD AND FAILURE OF
I/We, [Your Full Name], the Declarants herein, give Respondents, in their private
capacity, and as agents of the United States, NOTICE, that any and all benefits
associated with such unrevealed contracts and/or commercial agreements are
severed, waived, rejected, declined, cancelled, and forfeited, and no benefits,
but not limited to Limited Debt Liability Benefits, are being voluntarily accepted by
Declarants, [Your Full Name], and/or the juristic persons, [YOUR FULL NAME IN
CAPITAL LETTERS] or any derivative name-forms thereof.
I/We, the Declarants herein, give Respondents, in their private capacity, and as
of the United States, NOTICE, that [Your Full Name], and/or the juristic persons,
FULL NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS] or any derivative name-forms thereof,
object to
the 14th amendment to the Constitution for the united states of America of 1789
A.D. as
amended in 1791 A.D., ab initio and nunc pro tunc.
I/We, the Declarants herein, give Respondents, in their private capacity and as
of the United States, NOTICE, that [Your Full Name], and/or the juristic persons,
FULL NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS] or any derivative name-forms thereof, have
declared Our status as non-juristic strangers to the public trust created by the
amendment to the Constitution for the United States of America of 1789 A.D. as
amended in 1791 A.D., and that I/We, the Declarants, have voluntarily severed,
rejected, forfeited, declined, cancelled, and refused to voluntarily accept any and
enfranchisement benefits from the United States and its instrumentalities through
unrevealed or adhesion contracts and/or commercial agreements.
I/We, the Declarants herein, give Respondents, in their private capacity, and as
of the United States, NOTICE, that the benefits from the unrevealed or invisible
contracts and/or commercial agreements referred to above include, but are not
to, the following: The past Use of:
Social Security Numbers; The U.S. Postal Service; Federal Reserve Notes; Bank
Accounts; Bank, Mortgage, Credit cards and other Loans or credit instruments;
Licenses, including but not limited to Drivers Licenses; Professional Licenses;
licenses; A States license plates on cars; Public Schools; Two-letter State
and federal zip codes; Birth Certificates; Passports issued by the U.S. Secretary
State; Internal Revenue Services; Past Voter registrations; U.S. citizenship;
and Medicare benefits, and any and all other unrevealed benefits, barring none.
I/We, the Declarants herein, give Respondents, in their private capacity, and as
of the United States, FURTHER NOTICE that, [Your Full Name], and/or the
persons, [YOUR FULL NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS] or any derivative name-
thereof, pursuant to the Uniform Commercial Code at (UCC) 1-207, ab initio and
pro tunc, reserve Our Right not to be compelled to perform under any contracts
commercial agreements in which I/We did not enter knowingly, intentionally, and
voluntarily, with full disclosure of all facts, meeting of the minds, and mutual
of fair consideration.
I/We, the Declarants herein, give Respondents, in their private capacity, and as
of the United States, FURTHER NOTICE that by such Reservation of Right,
[Your Full
Name], and/or the juristic persons, [YOUR FULL NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS]
or any
derivative name-forms thereof, have notified all Local, State, and Federal
agents, agencies, and instrumentalities, that [Your Full Name], and/or the juristic
persons, [YOUR FULL NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS] or any derivative name-
thereof, do not and will not accept the liability associated with the compelled
benefits of such unrevealed contracts and/or commercial agreements, be they
Admiralty or otherwise.
I/We, the Declarants herein, give Respondents, in their private capacity, and as
of the United States, NOTICE, that any further Use of Social Security Numbers;
U.S. Postal Service; Federal Reserve Notes; Bank Accounts; Bank, Mortgage,
cards and other Loans or credit instruments; All Licenses, including but not
limited to
Drivers Licenses; Professional Licenses; Marriage licenses; A States license
plates on
cars; Public Schools; Two-letter State abbreviation and federal zip codes; Birth
Certificates; Passports issued by the U.S. Secretary of State; Internal Revenue
Services; Past Voter registrations; U.S. citizenship; Medicaid, and Medicare
and any and all other unrevealed benefits, by [Your Full Name] and/or the juristic
persons, [YOUR FULL NAME IN CAPITAL LETTERS] or any derivative name-
thereof, as a compelled benefit from the United States and its instrumentalities,
not be under any contractual relationship, but will be Without Prejudice under
Explicit Reservation of Right at U.C.C. 1-207, whether so claimed at the time of
Use or
I/We, the Declarants, herein, [Your Full Name] give Respondents ten (10)
from the date of receipt of this NOTICE, to dispute or object to Our
from the United States, a/k/a the District of Columbia, a democracy, and its
and Repatriation into the Republic and under its Laws, with Our res and all
of Our
estates, real and/or personal, tangible and/or intangible properties, either
by error
or fraudulently transferred by registration, to the United States and its
instrumentalities, a/k/a the State of [Your State], or formerly held in trust
with the
United States and its instrumentalities, ab initio, for the general I/Welfare
benefit of all citizens of the United States within the communal 14 th
public trust. Such property includes but is not limited to real and personal
property located anywhere within The United States or any country foreign
to the
United States and its instrumentalities, and all such property, being private,
exempt from taxation, under the organic Constitution and , by the de facto
States and its instrumentalities.
Failure of Respondents to timely dispute and object to Declarants Expatriation
from the
United States, a democracy and its laws, and Repatriation into the Republic and
Laws, with their res and all their estates and properties, tangible and intangible,
will be
admission, confession, stipulation, and agreement by Respondents through
PROCURATION, Stare Decisis, that:
Respondents are at Fault.
Declarants, herein, are non-juristic and natural persons.
Declarants herein, [Your Full Name], have the Right through Their political
Choice, Will,
and Intent, to expatriate from the democracy known as the United States and its
instrumentalities, and repatriate into the Republic, known as the united States of
America, with all Their property formerly held in trust for the use and general
of the citizens of the United States, without interference from anyone, as
provided by
the Fortieth Congress of the United States, Sess. II, and the Judiciary.
Declarants herein, [Your Full Name], have knowingly, intentionally and voluntarily,
exercised Their Right, and have not only expatriated ab intio from the foreign
jurisdiction known as the municipal corporation of the District of Columbia, a/k/a
States and its instrumentalities, a democracy and its laws, but; Declarants
herein, [Your
Full Name], have repatriated into the Republic and under its Laws, with their res
all their estates and private properties, real and personal, tangible and intangible.
Declarants properties include but are not limited to real and personal
located anywhere within The United States or any other country foreign to
United States and its instrumentalities, transferred in error or fraudulently
registration, to the United States and its instrumentalities.
Declarants properties, formerly held in trust with the United States and its
instrumentalities, ab initio, for the general I/Welfare and benefit of all the citizens
of the
United States within the communal 14th amendment public trust, are no longer
to taxation and control by the United States, a/k/a the District of Columbia and
instrumentalities, including this State, the State of [Your State].
Further Declarants say not.
Given under Our hands and Seals this _____ day of _______________, 2001
Submitted Without Prejudice
By: ______________________________
[Your Full Name] Seal:
I hereby certify that on this _____ day of _______________, 2001 A.D., living,
breathing, flesh and blood people, known to me to be [Your Full Name], appeared
their proper persons to attest and affirm that they are the men and women
executing the
I, THEREFORE, set forth my hand and seal in affirmation of the execution
______________________________ ____________________
My Commission Expires Seal
To: The [Your County] County Recorders Office:
After Recording Please Return To:
[Your Full Name]
[Your Address]
[Your City], [Your state], [Your Postal Code]

Words appearing below in ALL CAPS appeared in italics in the

original text. See the file IC-HELP.TXT for additional

information and background.



George Mercier


[Pages 300-385]
2. Next, we turn now and address the legal procedures used to

crack Protesting giblets when an invisible Federal taxation

reciprocity contract has been layered on us from that heavy

and overweight King we have in Washington, with the

administration and enforcement of those invisible contracts

falling under a very curt, short, accelerated, and abbreviated

legal procedure called ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION. I will be

discussing two separate items under this section --

1. First, the legal procedure of ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION,

which is not necessarily related to taxation; and


Federal Judges do not call this contract an ADMIRALTY

CONTRACT, but my use of this nomenclature occurs by reason

of relational identification, because there are invisible

financial benefits originating from the King that involve

LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY, which is characteristic of


The legal procedure known as ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION applies in

Federal areas concerning tax collection, because once a PERSON

takes upon any one of the many invisible taxation contracts that

the King is enriching his looters through, then ADMIRALTY

JURISDICTION as a relational procedure can be invoked by the

Judiciary and the King's termites in the IRS to get what they want
out of you: Your money.

Admiralty is a subdivision of King's Commerce such that all of

King's Commerce that takes place over waterways and the High Seas

(at least, such a geographical restriction of Admiralty to

navigable waterways of all types is now only theoretical), is

assigned to be governed by a special set of grievance settlement

and evidentiary rules, just custom tailored to Commerce of that

nature... at least that was the case in the old days when

Admiralty was once restricted to govern legitimate business

transactions with the King out on the High Seas.

Back in the old days, back way early in England's history, our

Fathers saw that the rules governing the settlement of grievances

that occurred on land just didn't seem to fit right into

grievances that merchants had with each other on some Commerce

that transpired out on the High Seas. A large portion of business

involved the transportation of merchandise from one place to the

next. For example, on land, goods that were damaged in transit

for some reason were generally always recovered from the accident

for valuation and insurance adjustment purposes, and eye witnesses

were often present to describe how the damage happened, i.e.,

whether a gust of high winds came along, or some other carriage

violated rights-of-way and caused the accident, or that thievery

took place. In that way, fault and damages could be properly

assigned to the responsible party. But transportation that

crosses over water is very different, indeed. Whenever high gusts

of squall wind came about on the High Seas as merchandise was

being shipped from, say, England to India, then many ships were
lost at sea. No one saw the ship sink, the merchandise is gone

for good, the crew is gone as well, and months and years transpire

in silence as a ship that was expected to arrive in a foreign port

never appears. It could have been piracy, a Rogue Wave, or the

weather, or that the captain and crew made off with the boat to

the South Pacific, but in any event, there is no other party to be

sued, and no one knows what happened (there were no radios then).

In some cases, searching expeditions were sent out to look for the

lost ship, and so years would pass between the initial sinking or

stealing, and a declaration to the fact that was accepted by all

interested parties.

Question: How do you assign negligence for damages out on the

High Seas? No one saw anything happen; no one has any evidence

that anything happened. Who was at fault, and why?

On land, assigning fault and making partial recovery by the

responsible party is quite common, but not so out on the High

Seas. So this special marine jurisdiction (and "jurisdiction"

meaning here is simply a special set of rules) was developed

organically, piece by piece and sometimes Case by Case, which grew

and developed to limit liability exposure to the carrier and

others, and also minimized the losses that could be claimed by

forcing certain parties to assume risks they don't have to assume

when merchandise is being shipped over land. Also, some of the

other special rules applicable to grievances brought into a Court

of Admiralty are that there is no jury in Admiralty -- never --

everything is handled summarily before a Judge in chronologically

compressed proceedings. Also, there are no fixed rules of law or

evidence (meaning that it is somewhat like an Administrative

Proceeding in the sense that it is a free-wheeling evidentiary

jurisdiction -- anything goes). [383]


In such a loose evidentiary arena, CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE is

generally considered the ultimate form of proof in Maritime and

Admiralty litigation matters. Again, this is so by reason of the

special factual setting that Admiralty grievances have their

gestation in. For example, in Admiralty such factors as "seaman

status" or unseaworthiness are generally not admitted and must be

demonstrated through a series of logically connecting factors.

The only way to demonstrate the existence of these factors and the

conclusions that they have a significant meaning within the

confines of Admiralty Law is through strong proof of

circumstantial evidentiary chains leading to inferences of the

various types of status. In COX VS. ESSO SHIPPING [247 F.2nd 629

(1957)], a seaman brought an action for Maritime Tort damages

after he fell twenty feet to the deck of the ship. The maritime

jury was not instructed that it was not Cox's duty to choose

seaworthy equipment (which allegedly caused the fall) or to select

good equipment from bad, but rather under ADMIRALTY JURISPRUDENCE,

it was the duty of the shipowner to select good equipment from

bad. By the trial court having improvidently instructed the jury

along such a biased evidentiary skew, failure to explain the

special assignments of negligence liability inherent in ADMIRALTY

mandated reversal on appeal. But it was CIRCUMSTANTIAL EVIDENCE

that won the Case.


And so when limitations of liability were codified this way into

the King's Statutes, this was actually Special Interest Group

legislation to benefit insurance carriers.) [384]


The insurance companies never change their MODUS OPERANDI in their

very successful manipulative use of legislation to limit the

amount of money they have to pay out on claims. For example, few

people realize it, but here in the United States, up until the

early 1950s there were no commercial nuclear power plants in

operation, and none were going to be built. Reason: No insurance

carrier wanted to underwrite and pay for the potential losses

involved if an accident occurred. The insurance companies knew

that some day there would be problems surfacing with one of those

nuclear plants -- insurance companies know risk and risk

management better than anyone else on the fact of this Earth. So

electric utilities who wanted to build nuclear plants, but could

find no insurance carrier, acted in combination with insurance

carriers in sponsoring the PRICE-ANDERSON ACT in Congress, which

limited the potential liability of Tort claims of a domestic

nuclear accident to $500,000,000. [Remember that Tort claims are

lawsuits between parties where there is no contract in effect

between the parties to govern the grievance]. See the

PRICE-ANDERSON ACT today in Title 42, Section 2210. Had there


be no Commercial nuclear power plants built in the United States.

For a brief history of the development of nuclear power in the

United States, see the Supreme Court in DUKE POWER VS. CAROLINA

ENVIRONMENTAL STUDY GROUP, 438 U.S. 59 (1978). The well-known

involvement of the private insurance companies and their influence

on the legislation bringing forth the PRICE-ANDERSON ACT is

discussed in DUKE POWER, starting at page 64, et seq.


Insurance company risk analysts are brilliant people, and they now

know, like they have always known, exactly what they are doing at

all times when sponsoring statutes that limit the amount of money

they have to pay out in claims. [385]


"The [Federal] Limitations of Liability Act has been applied to

even small boats like outboard motorboats... but the law is...

understood and [insurance] underwriters in particular know exactly

what they are dealing with."



[Part II] in Hearings held before the Judiciary Committee,

Subcommittee on Improvements in Judicial Machinery, United

States Senate, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, discussing Senate

Bill 1876, at page 697 (May, 1972).


And due to the extended time factors that were involved in the

shipping of Commerce out on the High Seas in old England, rules

regarding the timeliness of bringing actions into court, just

never fit just right with a ship lost for months or years before

the involved parties even knew about it. So something originated

out on the High Seas known as DOUBLE INSURANCE; which is a general

business custom, continuing to be in effect down to the present

time, for carriers to purchase double the value on merchandise

transiting in a marine environment (insuring Commercial

merchandise in transit for twice their cash value), and this

insurance doubling was later enforced by English statutes to be

mandatory, due to the "inherent risks involved." [386]


DOUBLE INSURANCE means collecting double the premium, but the

number of ships lost at sea did not double, so the claims did not

double. The insurance companys' lobbyists were busy behind that

legislation, as they made their descent then on the Parliament in

vulture formation, just like today. BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY

defines DOUBLE INSURANCE as existing where:

"...the same person is insured by several insurers separately

in respect to the same subject and interest."

- BLACK'S LAW DICTIONARY, Fifth Edition ["Double


This is a correct definition of what is known as DOUBLE INSURANCE,

but that is not the DOUBLE INSURANCE once forced on Admiralty

carriers in another era (and, of course, you just don't need to

concern yourself with something illicit being pulled off by an

insurance company).


Do you see the distinction in risk and procedure between Commerce

transacted over the land and Commerce transacted over the High

Seas? As we change the situs from land to water, everything

changes in the ability to effectuate a judicial recovery for goods

damaged in transit. And everything in Commerce comes into the

Courtroom eventually, so setting down a variety of courtroom rules

just custom tailored to marine business also developed in time,

and properly so.

So in the right geographical place (meaning in the right risk

environment), the application of special marine rules to settle

Commercial grievances is quite appropriate. And insurance, i.e.,

the absorption of Commercial risk by an insurance underwriter in

exchange for some cash premiums paid, has always been considered

by the Judiciary to be an Admiralty transaction. In other words,

even though the merchandise is not being shipped over water, and

even though the business insurance policy has absolutely nothing

to do with a marine environment or a physical High Seas setting,

the issuance of the policy of insurance now attaches Admiralty

Jurisdiction right then and there. [387]


Such a seemingly expansive use of Admiralty Jurisdiction initially

triggers an inquisitive attitude questioning such an expansive

application of Admiralty. But the Judiciary is merely replicating

the legal environment out on the High Seas that risk insurance was

born in.

"Polices of insurance are within the Admiralty Jurisdiction of

the United States."

- DELOVIO VS. BOIT, 7 Federal Cases 418, Case #3776, at

page 444 (1815) [that Case also has a very extensive

history of Admiralty Jurisdiction discussed in it].

Consider the words of Federal District Court Judge Pelag Sprague:

"...I consider the jurisdiction of the Admiralty over polices

of insurance, to be the settled law and practice of this


- YOUNGER VS. GLOUSER MARINE, affirmed on appeal, 2 Curt.





And all persons whose activities in King's Commerce are such that

they fall under this marine-like environment, are into an

invisible Admiralty Jurisdiction Contract. Admiralty Jurisdiction

is the KING'S COMMERCE of the High Seas, and if the King is a

party to the sea-based Commerce (such as by the King having

financed your ship, or the ship is carrying the King's guns), then

that Commerce is properly governed by the special rules applicable

to Admiralty Jurisdiction. But as for that slice of Commerce

going on out on the High Seas without the King as a party, that

Commerce is called Maritime Jurisdiction, and so Maritime is the

private Commerce that transpires in a marine environment. At

least, that distinction between Admiralty and Maritime is the way

things once were, but no more.

Anyone who is involved with Admiralty or Maritime activities are

always Persons involved with Commercial activities that fall under

the King's Commerce, but since Admiralty and Maritime are

subdivisions of King's Commerce, the reverse is not always true,

i.e., not everyone in King's Commerce is in Admiralty or Maritime.

Admiralty Law Jurisdiction is a body of legal concepts,

international in character, which has its own history of organic

growth concurrent both within the parallel Anglo-American

development of King's Equity and Common Law Jurisdictions, and in

addition to organic growth from outside Anglo-American Law.

Admiralty Law has been around for quite some time, and it very
much does have its proper time and place. Admiralty Jurisdiction

goes back quite farther than just recent English history involving

the Magna Carta in 1215; it has its roots in the ancient codes

that the Phoenicians used, and it appears in the Rhodesian Codes

as well.

Generally speaking, Maritime Jurisdiction is the IT HAPPENED OUT

ON THE SEA version of Common Law Jurisdiction and Jury Trials are

quite prevalent; Admiralty Jurisdiction is the IT HAPPENED OUT ON

THE SEA version of summary King's Equity Jurisdiction, and

generally features non-Jury Trials to settle grievances (as Kings

have a long history of showing little interest in Juries). [388]


Trial by Jury has never, ever been a feature of prosecutions held

under summary Admiralty Jurisdiction rules. See:


- WHELAN VS. THE UNITED STATES, 711 U.S. 112 (1812);

- THE SARAH CASE, 21 U.S. 391 (1823).


Just what grievance should lie under ordinary Civil Law, or should

lie under Admiralty Jurisdiction is often disputed even at the

present time, and has always been disputed. [389]


"...the precise scope of [American] admiralty jurisdiction is not

a matter of obvious principle or of very accurate history."

- Justice Holmes in THE BLACKHEATH, 195 U.S. 361 (1904).


Admiralty Jurisdiction is the KING'S COMMERCE of the High Seas,

while Maritime Jurisdiction could be said to be the COMMON LAW of

the High Seas. If you and I (as private parties) entered into

Commercial contracts with each other that has something to do with

a marine setting, that would be a contract in Maritime. If you or

I contract in Commerce with the King (such as shipping his guns

across oceans), then such an arrangement would fall under

Admiralty Jurisdiction. This distinction does not always hold

true any more, as lawyers have greatly blurred the distinction by

lumping everything into Admiralty. [390]


An exemplification of lawyers simply lumping everything into

Admiralty would be a treatise that teaches lawyers how to do

exactly just that: See a huge seven volume set of Admiralty

Jurisdiction practice Law and Rules called BENEDICT ON ADMIRALTY,

by Matthew Bender Publishers in New York City. (Kept current with

frequent updates to subscribers).


This is why Admiralty is the KING'S COMMERCE of the High Seas and

navigable rivers and lakes (or at least, should be). A least,

that is the way it used to be. Up until the mid-1800s here in the

United States, very frequently merchants paid off each other in

gold coins and company notes, i.e., there was no monopoly on

currency circulation by the King then like there is today. So in

the old days, it was infrequent that the King had an involvement

with private Maritime Commerce. And there was an easy-to-see

distinction in effect back then between Maritime Jurisdiction

contracts that involved private parties (or Maritime Torts where

neither parties in the grievance are agencies or instrumentalities

of Government) and Admiralty Jurisdiction, which applied to

Commercial contracts where the King was a party. (Remember that

Tort Law governs grievances between people where there is no

contract in effect. So if a longshoreman fell on a dock and broke

his leg, his suing the owner of the dock for negligence in

maintaining the dock should be a Maritime Tort Action). However,

today in the United States, all Commercial contracts that private

parties enter into with each other that are under Maritime

Jurisdiction, are now also under Admiralty: Reason: The

beneficial use and recirculation of Federal Reserve Notes makes

the King an automatic silent Equity third party to the

In England, which has long been a jurisprudential structure

encompassing Maritime and Admiralty Law, open hostility and

tension has flared on occasion regarding the question of applying

a marine based jurisdiction on land. During the reign of King

Richard II, there was a confrontation between inland Equity

Jurisdiction Courts and the assertion of normally sea based

Admiralty Jurisdiction Courts. The confrontation resulted in a

King's Decree being issued to settle the grievance. That Decree

provided that:

"The admirals and their deputies shall not meddle from

henceforth of anything done within the realm, but only of a

thing done upon the sea..." [391]


13 RICHARD II, c.5. (1389)


This Decree abated the encroachment grievance for the time being,

but other encroachment questions arose later on, because the use

of fee based summary Admiralty Jurisdiction raises revenue for the

Judges, and is administratively quite efficient, and therefore all

factors considered, the inherently expansive nature of Admiralty

is quite strong, and as such, Decrees issued by Kings trying to

limit the contours of Admiralty were simply tossed aside and soon

forgotten. So now one meaningless Royal Decree was soon followed

by another:
"...of all manner of contracts, pleas, and quarrels, and other

things arising within the bodies of the counties as well by

land as by [the edge of] water, and also by wreck of the sea,

the admiral's court shall have no manner of cognizance, power,

nor jurisdiction; but all such manner of contracts, pleas, and

quarrels, and all other things rising within the bodies of

counties, as well by land as by water, as afore, and remedied

by the laws of the land, and not before nor by the admiral,

nor his lieutenant in any wise." [392]


15 RICHARD II, c.3. (1391)


In the reign of King James the First, the disputed boundary

controversies between the Courts of Common Law and the Admiralty

Jurisdiction Courts continued on, and "even reached an acute

stage." [393]


The ENCYCLOPEDIA BRITANNICA, Volume One ["High Court of

Admiralty"], page 171 (1929 Edition).

We find in the second volume of Marsden's SELECT PLEAS IN THE

COURT OF ADMIRALTY, and in Lord Coke's writings [394]


REPORTS, Part 13, page 51; and COKE'S INSTITUTES, Part IV, Chapter



that despite an agreement made in 1575 between the justices of the

King's Bench and the judge of Admiralty, the judges of the Common

Law Courts successfully maintained their right to prohibit suits

in Admiralty upon contracts that were made on shore. (Notice who

your friends are: Judges sitting over Common Law Courts). Other

complaints of encroachment by Courts of Admiralty into land based

grievances surfaced during the rule and reign of King Henry the

Fourth. [395]


This resulted in his statutes being modified to restrain the

expansion of the Admiralty Courts. See 2 HENRY IV, c.11 (1400).


So, Admiralty Jurisdiction is by its historical nature an

expansive and adhesive Jurisdiction for Kings to use to accomplish

their Royal revenue raising and administrative cost cutting


Our Founding Fathers also had an inappropriate assertion of this

expansive Admiralty Jurisdiction thrown at them from the King of

England, which was a strong contributing reason as to why the

American Colonists felt that the King had lost his rightful

jurisdiction to govern the Colonies. [396]



1774, we find the following words:

"Whereas, since the close of the last war, the British

parliament, claiming a power of right to bind the people of

America by statute in all cases whatsoever, hath, in some acts

expressly imposed taxes on them, and in others, under various

pretenses, but in fact for the purpose of raising a revenue,

hath imposed rates and duties payable in these colonies,

established a board of commissioners with unconstitutional

powers, and extended the jurisdiction of courts of Admiralty

not only for collecting the said duties, but for the trial of

causes merely arising within the body of the county."


W.C. Ford, Volume I, page 63 et seq.


Yes, King George was very much working American Colonial giblets

through an Admiralty Cracker; and so Admiralty has had a long

habitual pattern of making appearances where it does not belong,

of creating confrontations, and of being used as a juristic whore

by Kings functioning as Royal pimps: And all for the same

identical purpose: To enrich the Crown and nothing else.

This concept of using Admiralty as a slick tool for Revenue

Raising is an important concept to understand, as this procedure

to raise revenue through an invisible Admiralty Contract is now

surfacing in the United States in the very last place where anyone

would think a marine based jurisdictional environment belongs: On

your Internal Revenue Service's 1040 form, as I will explain later


What is important to understand here is not merely that there has

been an expansive atmosphere of perpetual enlargement of the

jurisdictional contours that characterize Courts of Admiralty that

has been in effect for a long time in old English history, but

what is important is why this state of expansion continuously took


"The present obscure and irrational state of admiralty

jurisdiction in America is the consequence of the long feud

between the English common law and admiralty judges, clerks

and marshals, who competed for jurisdiction by fees, not

salaries, until 1840. They, therefore, competed for

jurisdiction of profitable litigation between merchants, but

were happy to escape unprofitable cases. In particular, the

common law judges sought exclusive jurisdiction whenever a

jury of vicinage could be empaneled." [397]




Hearings held before the Judiciary Committee, Subcommittee on

Improvements in Judicial Machinery, United States Senate, 92nd

Congress, 2nd Session, discussing Senate Bill 1876, at page 639

(May, 1972).


So the reason why King Richard II and the other Kings of England

had to keep issuing out restraining Decrees, to hem in the

Admirals with the ever-expanding jurisdiction that they were

assuming, was because those admirals were financially compensated

based on the number and types of Cases they accepted to rule on --

so they obviously accepted and asserted Admiralty Jurisdiction

over the maximum number of Cases practically possible; and why

should they care about "mere technical details" as to whether or

not that grievance really belonged under Admiralty or not? Why

should they concern themselves with the mere question of

jurisdiction when the more important event of looting a Defendant

was so imminent? Why should they concern themselves with the

comites of limited inter-tribunal jurisdiction when an operation

of banditry was so close at hand? What the old Admiralty Judges

wanted was to savor, experientially, the conquest of financial

enrichment, and with such fee compensated Courts, Admiralty Judges

got what they wanted. Can't you just hear the old Admiralty Judge


"Why, the Plaintiff brought this Case into my Court, I've got


Here in the 1980s in the United States, have you ever heard this

same identical line when challenging some rubbery little Star

Chamber Town Justice on a speeding ticket? That determined little

Justice of the Peace wants just one thing from you: Your money.

Like the Admiralty Courts of old England, his little Star Chamber

is also fee based. And he represents everything curt,

accelerated, and inconsiderate when ignoring your traffic

infraction citation jurisdictional arguments that was also curt,

accelerated, and inconsiderate when fee based Admiralty Courts

assumed jurisdiction on Cases they had no business taking in 1300


Those old Admiralty Courts wanted the self-serving financial

enrichment that filing fees paid by Plaintiffs gave them. And so

in seeking Admiralty Jurisdiction relief, Plaintiffs expected and

got quick, fast, and summary relief. And being financially

compensated the way they were, are you really surprised that

Admiralty Jurisdiction Courts were simply expected by custom to be

the shortest, curtest, most summary, and chronologically most

abbreviated form of adjudication imaginable? Who has time for a

Jury in Admiralty? I can just hear a poor fellow try to argue

rights in an old Admiralty Court back then.

"You want what? You want Due Process in this Court? You want

your Magna Carta rights? Ha! [SNORT] This is Admiralty.

Judgment entered in for the Plaintiff. Next Case."

Today in the United States, just like in those days of King

Richard II, there is now an assertion of Admiralty and Maritime

Law going on in places where it does not belong, and it is now

trying to make an appearance where it has no business. Admiralty

Jurisdiction has in many respects, "come ashore" and now "meddles"

with much of our domestic "realm," as it currently affects almost

every element of our inland Commercial society. Today's practice

of Admiralty and Maritime Jurisdiction is found not only in its

appropriate home in that slice of business of King's Commerce that

is going on out on the seas, but also on the navigable rivers of

the United States, as well as world-wide off-shore well drilling

activity. Admiralty Jurisdiction rules are used to settle claims

and grievances regarding cargo, international conventions,

financing, banking, insurance, legislation, navigation, hazardous

substances from nuclear power plants, stevedoring (the unloading

of a vessel at a port), and undersea mining and development. An

examination of some Commercial contracts that aerospace defense

contractors enter into with the Pentagon and each other (from

general contractor to subcontractor) reveals slices of Admiralty

very much now in effect. It is probable that Admiralty

Jurisdiction will also surface sometime in the future to settle

Tort claims arising out of the CIA's planting of ICBMs on the

ocean floor up and down the East Coast in the 1960s under

instructions from David Rockefeller, using that ship Howard Hughes

built especially for this purpose, called the GLOMAR EXPLORER.

Every few years since 1977, strange stories have appeared in the

news regarding whales beaching themselves on American coasts. On

February 6, 1977, a large number of whales began beaching

themselves at Jacksonville, Florida for no apparent reason;

commentators conjectured that the whales must have lost their

sense of navigation. Soon, 120 whales had mysteriously beached

themselves at Jacksonville. [398]


See the NEW YORK TIMES ["Rescuers Head Whales Back from Florida

Beach"], page 14 (February 7, 1977).


NBC Television News reported that evening that no autopsies were

going to be performed on the whales, but NBC was fed inaccurate

information. When privately dissected by doctors who knew what to

look for, those whales had empty stomachs [meaning that the whales

had not eaten in a while and were sick], and also had heavy

plutonium poisoning in their lungs, originating from one of the

undersea missiles leaking plutonium, located on the seabed 290

miles ESE of Jacksonville, at 30 9.9' North and 77 8.44' West,

which is one of those aging CIA underwater ICBM's sites. What the
whales were up against was a fungus like infection that had

interfered with their breathing, originating from the water-born

plutonium; and when dragged out back to sea from the Jacksonville

beaches, the whales returned to the beach [negating the "loss of

navigation" theories]. The whales preferred to die on the beach,

rather than carry on life in their underwater agony. Those

beached whales were collected and buried at the Giren Road

Landfill in Jacksonville, Florida, but today, they should not be

forgotten. Whales are mammals like you and me, and soon, rather

than mammalian whales acting strange (like running up a stream,

and refusing to go back into the ocean) and others trying to die

by beaching themselves, people are next; [399]


Exploratory plutonium poisoning trials were conducted at the

American Legion Convention in Philadelphia on July 21 to 24, 1976;

and as expected by the Gremlins who administered the poisons

through an atmospheric discharge, the symptoms that surfaced were

of a flu-like nature [see ["20 Flu-Like Deaths in Penn Still A

Mystery"] in the NEW YORK TIMES for August 4, 1976, page 1]. The

TIMES article noted the puzzling sickness variation of what

appeared to be a flu; but without possessing requisite background

factual knowledge on the invisible high-powered toxicity involved,

the medical doctors stumbled from one erroneous diagnostic

conclusion to another [id., at 1]. [Also note the Government's

selection of patriotic war veterans for their SUB ROSA plutonium

poisoning tests, as opposed to some lesser sub-class of Americans,

such as perhaps convicted felons serving life sentences without

parole in a federal cage somewhere for heinous crimes committed,

or perhaps irretrievably insane occupants of numerous mental

hospitals scattered around the countryside. In other words,

assume for the moment that you were in charge of selecting the

"test group"; would you select American war veterans innocently

enjoying a convention gathering in Pennsylvania of their peers,

who had previously put their lives on the line for "god and

country," who had served their country honorably and

patriotically? Furthermore, please note that somewhere, right

now, the person or persons responsible for this atrocity, who are

guilty of felonious murder in the First Degree (20 American Legion

veterans were murdered), and/or who were accessories to this

multiple murder, have yet to be brought to justice. Where is

"America's Most Wanted" now?]


and municipal medical examiners performing autopsies are not

oriented to perform plutonium toxicity density examinations in the

cadavers they ponder over, so the real cause of strange behavior

and death will likely be puzzling for a while. [400]


Very few American doctors are skilled in recognizing the symptoms

of atomic particulate plutonium poisoning; plutonium is not

measurably radioactive in that it does not radiate ionizing

electrons at a rate sufficient to trigger geiger counters. This

type of radiation toxicity is easily misdiagnosed, and not just

for medical reasons, but for political and LACK OF JUDGMENT

reasons stemming from the manipulative withholding of public

information on uncontrolled atmospheric plutonium distributions by

Gremlins. The symptoms of such ionizing toxicity replicates

closely the symptoms associated with a flu like illness, but since

medical doctors are unaware of any public concern for radiation

toxicity, the uncomfortable idea of a THREE MILE ISLAND scenario

is tossed aside by the diagnosing physician, and the more

comfortable but incorrect diagnosis of a hybrid flu-like illness

is then substituted in its place. For a discussion on some of the

uncontrolled atmospheric discharges of radioactive elements in the


PREPAREDNESS by Hubner and Fry, Editors [Elsevier-North Holland

(1980)], which discusses publicly suppressed radiodines discharge

"accidents" in 1974 and 1978 in New Jersey, and 1978 in Algeria.

And it is my hunch that other similar radioactive incidents have

also occurred worldwide, with knowledge of the existence of those

events also being publicly sequestered. Bureaucratic Gremlins

nestled in Juristic Institutions have also withheld public

dissemination about radioactive atmospheric contamination

originating from the now abandoned Central Core Vault of the

United States Gold Bullion Depository located at Fort Knox

Kentucky, which is leaking radioactive plutonium 239 that the

Government improvidently stored there in 1968. Folks placing

reliance on Government for both radiation accident recovery

assistance as well as deflecting the occurrence of the toxic

poisoning event altogether ar exercising defective judgment --

individual responsibility is the correct management technique;

and, as a point of beginning, factual knowledge is required. For

beneficial advisory information in this area, see generally ARE


Old Grenwich, Connecticut (1973); republished by Pyramid

Publications in Moonachie, New Jersey (1974); republished by the

Cancer Control Society in Los Angeles (1977)]. The isochronous

dietary incorporation of potassium iodine is known to manifest

great relief from radioactive poisoning, due to its "sponge" like

effect in going after those determined little plutonium

contaminates that home in on your thyroid gland; and this remains

true even though some physicians, speaking through institutions

sponsored by Gremlins, do not want you to take any such

preventative measures [Dr. David Becker, et al., discourages such


EVENT OF A NUCLEAR ACCIDENT, appearing in 252 Journal of the

American Medical Association, at page 659 (August 2, 1984). For a

story of the financial sponsorship of the American Medical

Association in the late 1800s by Gremlin EXTRAORDINAIRE John

Rockefeller, Sr., see Volume II of WORLD WITHOUT CANCER -- THE

STORY OF VITAMIN B17 by G. Edward Griffin [American Media, West

Lake Village, California (1980)].]


But when correctly identified, the King's Admiralty Jurisdiction

will be there to settle those impending claims, as the source of

the Tort is juristic. There are a lot more numerous sources of

plutonium now available to contaminate American drinking water

supplies than just some aging undersea missiles, and whatever

plutonium cannot slip into your drinking water by itself, will one

day have the liberating assistance of a terrorist. And it is my

conjecture that when the first hotel is built on the Moon or some

other remote astral place, Admiralty Jurisdiction will be right

there to make an appearance when the doors open. [401]


Admiralty Jurisdiction has a long term habit of "following"

Government around when new conquests are made. When His Britannic

Highness would conquer a foreign land, Consular Courts of

Admiralty followed His Majesty's conquests to the far corners of

the globe. While India was under British colonial rule,

Vice-Admiralty Courts were established in Calcutta, Madras, and

Bombay. Similarly in China, Japan and Turkey, while under British

colonial rule, a layer of Admiralty Jurisdiction was smothered on

them. Parliament enacted the Colonial Courts of Admiralty Act in

1890 to automatically confer Admiralty Jurisdiction on Civil

Jurisdiction Courts, where ever His Highness exercised his

dynastic dominion.


Here in the contemporary United States, the very first Federal

Court ever established by Congress, was a Court of Admiralty.


See THE FIRST FEDERAL COURT by Henry J. Bourguignon [American

Philosophical Society, Philadelphia (1977)].


And so the use and availability of Admiralty Jurisdiction is

deemed very important to our King; and for the identical same

reasons why Admiralty Jurisdiction organically grew into the most

summary, shortest, and swiftest form of "Justice" imaginable in

the old fee based Admiralty Courts: Because the King is

financially enriched by the maximum number of assertions of

Admiralty Jurisdiction that he can get. So likewise our King

today is being financially enriched by his expansively asserting

"Courts of Admiralty" where they rightly do not belong. Today in

the United States, a King's Agent (some hard working private

contracting Termite who works for the IRS) simply sends a letter

to an Employer stating that a particular Employee's wage

deductions are being disallowed, or this fine is being levied, and

the Employer jumps instantly and sends the money into the IRS

without even telling the Employee that the summary confiscation

took place. No opportunity to be heard in opposition, no

expectation of even being heard in opposition to the Notice, just

summary confiscation. And the more the King confiscates without

any Administrative Hearings preceding the confiscation, the richer

the King gets, just like in the old fee based Admiralty Courts of

old England -- so you can just forget about getting any Contested

Case Administrative Hearing on a grievance with the IRS.

The reason why summary Admiralty Jurisdiction is of concern to us

is because our King is using jurisdiction attachment rules

applicable to an Admiralty Jurisdictional environment to us

interior folks out here in the countryside where Admiralty

Jurisdiction does not correctly lie. (The only ordinary land

based folks who should properly be under King's IN PERSONAM

Admiralty Jurisdiction are Government Employees (Federal and

state), Military Service personnel, and those who specifically

contract into Admiralty Jurisdiction (such as Employees working

for a Defense contractor with a Security Clearance, and private

contractors hired by Government to perform law enforcement related

work)). The King and the Princes are using Admiralty

Jurisprudence reasoning to effectuate an attachment of

Enfranchisement on Natural Persons, by virtue of all Citizens, so

called, being made a Party to the 14th Amendment; well, that is

the process by which Admiralty attaches, however the confluence of

reasons why the King so attaches Admiralty all focuses on just one

Royal objective: The King wants your money, and he is going to

hypothecate you, and use invisible contracts in Admiralty to get

what he wants. [403]


When a Natural Person is "enfranchised," such a PERSON takes upon

himself the status of a corporation, which isn't very much.

"The corporation is an artificial creation of the state

endowed with franchises and privileges of many kinds which the

individual has not."

- The Wisconsin Supreme Court in THE INCOME TAX CASES,

148 Wisconsin 456, at 515 (1912).

However, the low status of corporations that numerous Patriots

emphasize in status distinction arguments is actually not that

important [meaning, you are not hitting the nail right on the

head], because such a low relational status is only the net effect

of having accepted benefits the state created; and when benefits

conditionally offered by the state are accepted by you, as a human

being, then contracts are in effect and alleged status

distinctions are irrelevant. This is the real meaning of

"enfranchisement" -- a contract is in effect that is largely

invisible -- because juristic benefits carrying taxation hooks on

them were accepted by you. Some of the invisible juristic

benefits that are automatic in corporations are:

"The corporation,... enjoys under our laws many privileges

separate and apart from simply doing business, such for

instance as the legal status to sue and be sued in the Courts

of our state, continuity of business without interruption by

death or dissolution, transfer of property interests by the

disposition of the shares of stock, advantages of business

controlled and managed by corporate directors, and the general

absence of individual liability, among others."

- The Supreme Court of Louisiana in COLONIAL PIPELINE VS.

TRAIGLE, 421 U.S. 100, at 106 (1974).


Most folks think that, well, the 14th Amendment just freed the

slaves, or maybe something noble and righteous like that. Not so.

Every single Amendment attached to the Constitution after the

original Ten in the Bill of Rights, is in contravention to the

original version of 1787 for one reason or another, and each of

the AFTER TEN were sponsored by people -- Gremlins, imps --

operating with SUB SILENTIO sinister damages intentions. Under

the 14th Amendment, there now lies a state of Debt Hypothecation

on the United States that all Enfranchised persons bear some

burden of, [404]


To hypothecate means generally to pledge assets to someone else,

without delivering either Title or possession of the asset. Debt

Hypothecations are sometimes used when the collateral does not

lend itself well to Title or possession security, such as

borrowing a Certificate of Deposit to be held by a bank in your

name, when the person who really owns the money has practical

control over it (such as through his signature on the deposit

card). In contrast, when borrowing money to finance a new car,

the Title, so called, is normally mailed by your regional Prince

to be in the possession of the first lien holder, so car loans are

not considered to be Hypothecated Debts.


i.e., all citizens who are a Party to the 14th Amendment can be

made personally liable for the payment of the King's debt. So now

when the King comes along with his statutes and claims that,

despite his own 14th Amendment, his Enfranchised subjects are now

going to be limited in their liability profile exposure to

national debt, important financial benefits are being conferred

upon Citizens, and the King believes that Admiralty Jurisdiction,

with all of its giblet cracking accoutrements, attaches right then

and there. [405]


An exemplary accoutrement of what Admiralty Jurisdiction can pull

off that Common Law did not allow, was the summary seizure of

property in criminal Cases, pending a posting of bail by the


"Historically, maritime attachment originated as a means of

obtaining by attachment of the defendant's property the same

security for payment of a judgment against the defendant's

property which was obtained by the marshal's body arrest and

holding to bail of the defendant's person. ... Just as when

a defendant's body was arrested in personam, he was required

to give bail in order to be released from the custody of the

marshal, so when his body could not be found for such arrest

IN PERSONAM, his property was attached by the marshal and held

to bail in the same way."



[Part II] in Hearings held before the Judiciary Committee,

Subcommittee on Improvements in Judicial Machinery, United

States Senate, 92nd Congress, 2nd Session, discussing

Senate Bill 1876, at page 645 (May, 1972).


The King and the Prince are using twisted logic to justify this

assertion of Admiralty Jurisdiction where it does not belong:

Where it belongs is out on the High Seas where it came from.

Royalty now believes that the legal environment of Limited

Liability conferred on risk takers sufficiently replicates the

original legal risk environment of Limited Liability that

organically grew up out on the High Seas to be Admiralty

Jurisdiction. Remember that Limited Liability itself is a legal

trick of enrichment used by insurance companies as debtors to

reduce the amount of money they have to pay out on claims; yes,

Limited Liability is a marvelous legal tool for the insurance

companies to bask in. From the PRICE-ANDERSON ACT that cuts

nuclear power plant losses to the Warsaw Convention that cuts

airplane crash losses, [406]

The international WARSAW CONVENTION of October, 1929 was ratified

by the United States Senate in June of 1934. Section 21 of that

Convention Limits the amount of money air carriers need concern

themselves with on claims payments for Tort damages. And as

International Law, it is binding on all courts in the United





Title 46, Section 181 to 183.


on marine shipping to medical doctors malpractice suits, [408]


In the mid 1970s, medical doctors in California "went on strike"

to protest high insurance premiums they paid for protection

against on medical malpractice claims thrown at them for Tort

damages they worked on their clients (such as being told to

surgically cut out a defective left kidney, and the doctor takes

out the right kidney on the operating table, thus leaving the poor

patient with no kidneys -- surprisingly, mistakes like that are

actually quite frequent, and doctors have no one to snicker at but

themselves). Numerous state legislatures enacted statutory

limitations on the amount of money trial courts could award for

medical malpractice suits. In California, it was the MICR ACT of

1975, but those statutory wealth transfer schemes were later

declared to be unconstitutional [see AMERICAN BANK VS. COMMUNITY

HOSPITAL, 660 P.2nd 829 (California, 1983), and ARNESON VS. OLSEN,

270 N.W.2nd, 125 (North Dakota, 1978)].


Limited Liability is nothing more than a brilliant wealth transfer

instrument for Special Interest Groups to bask in, and all very

neatly accomplished through the use of statutes. [409]


Limited Liability for Tort claims is very much a marvelous tool

for insurance carriers to amass wealth through; but there is

always a pathetic footnote to be told when Special Interest Groups

reign supreme in the corridors of Legislatures. For a sad

discussion on the legislative massaging by insurance company

produced statutes mandating the Limited Liability of Tort claims

for damages from airplane crashes, has relaxed both the level of

safety interest by insurance carriers in the airplane products

that they insure, as well as also diminishing economic incentives

by the airlines themselves for safer operations (particularly in

TCA's), see IS THIS ANY WAY TO RUN AN AIRLINE? by Robert Poole, 10

Reason Magazine 18 (January, 1979).


So in a limited sense, the legal environment of Admiralty

Jurisdiction could be properly said to apply to any Commercial

setting where a debtor owes money to other people as risk

insurance, with the amount of debt payable by the risk insurance

carrier being artificially lowered by statutory Limitations of

Liability. The true origin of the adhesive attachment of

ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION (which is just legal procedure) lies in the

existence of invisible contracts that are in effect, with the

contracts being of such a maritime nature that grievances arising

from them are settled pursuant to Admiralty Jurisdiction rules.

Let us be objective like an umpire or a judge for a moment, and

stop thinking in terms of what we want and don't want for

ourselves, so we can Open our Eyes to see what is really there, by

trying to view things from the perspective of an adversary. [410]


Remember that throughout Life, in all factual settings, always try

to evaluate the position of the other party with an open mind;

quite often we will find that the other party has a strong case

and that there has been some error in our reasoning or standing.

No, it is not an easy procedure to be objective; the snickering by

a Protester of what is being viewed in the Courtroom [of a judge

throwing one successive retortional snortation after another at

the Protester, seemingly ventilating expressions of philosophical

discomfort with the arguments and the position of defiance taken

by the Protester] -- snickering at the judge is much easier than

adopting the following procedure into our MODUS OPERANDI: Maybe

let us assume, just for a moment, that we are in fact not correct

when trying to weasel out of WILLFUL FAILURE TO FILE and

correlative traffic ticket scenarios where invisible contracts

actually govern the grievance (as I will explain later). Rather

than adopting the MODUS OPERANDI of a Protester by the presumption

he is right, and that the judge is a moronic Commie pinko

philosophically opposed to the defiant political position being

taken by the Protester, let us assume, just for a moment, that the

expressions of judicial ensnortment being thrown at us might

originate with something else. Maybe, just maybe, the snortations

from on high are actually the final stages of judicial expressions

of discontentment, with our own argument error, and the incorrect

position we are taking, and might not originate with the political

overtones associated with the philosophical position of our naked

defiance -- a defiance exhibited in areas very few people would

dare to defy. Let us enlarge the basis of factual knowledge that

we are using to exercise judgment on and to form conclusions with,

by adopting a new MODUS OPERANDI: By taking the judge's

snortations under advisement at first, and asking ourselves a

series of deep probing questions to try and enlarge the factual

picture we are viewing. Let's try out this new MODUS OPERANDI on

the following news article. Like the scene in the Courtroom we

will only initially accept what is presented to us as a point of

beginning and take it in under advisement, and we will not arrive

at a conclusion until after we have asked ourselves several deep

probing questions:


"Many obscure imports have made their way through Baltimore's

port, but this one was a true rarity: a Soviet T-54 tank. It

was discovered last week near Pier 10, perched on top of a

flat bed trailer in the parking lot of a farm-supply company.

Not quite sure just why the tank was there, a specially

equipped unit of the Baltimore police force dismantled the

T-54's two .250 caliber machine guns and carted them off for

safekeeping while they searched for the owner. A call to

nearby Fort Meade did nothing to clear up the mystery.

Eventually, the truck driver responsible for the tank called

the police to report two stolen machine guns.

"The tank, of 1950s vintage, belong to the Egyptian army and

had been transported to Baltimore on the U.S. barge LASH

ATLANTICO on its way to Teledyne Continental Motors in

Muskegon, Michigan for repairs and rebuilding. The driver

parked the T-54 for more than a week while he went off in

search of a special permit to transport the overweight load on

Maryland's roads. In the end, the police returned the guns,

and the tank continued its decades-long voyage from Moscow to


- This news article on the tank was extracted verbatim in

its full text from TIME MAGAZINE ["A Tank in the Parking

Lot"], page 23 (May 6, 1985); That article is Copyright

(c) 1985 Time-Life, Inc. Next to this news article, there

appears a photograph of the huge tank, sitting on top of a

tractor-trailer's flatbed.]

If in reading that news article while leafing through TIME

MAGAZINE we adopted the MODUS OPERANDI of Protesters, we would

then exercise our judgment and come to our conclusions based

largely on the information immediately presented to us in the news

article; so, with this interesting story on how the Baltimore

police quickly grabbed some guns from a tank on its way to

Michigan -- we would conclude that, well, it is rather obvious

that the police acted properly, decisively, boldly, and exercised

good judgment in returning the guns to the tank after they

straightened out everything. Gee, that was pretty good work on

their part -- so let's turn the page and see what else is going on

in the world.

...To most folks reading that article, that was the typical

reaction; here is an old tank in Baltimore going through its

foibles and headaches just trying to get to Michigan -- but it is

also the same caliber of judgment that a Tax Protester exercises

his decisions and conclusions on, digesting largely only that

slice of factual information that is immediately presented to the

Protester to feed his intellectual judgments and opinions. And

the Tax Protester replicates the MODUS OPERANDI of the general

public by simply accepting the factual picture that is presented

to them -- by the Protester in the ensnortment tornado of a

Courtroom, and by the general public in the coziness of their

living room reading some news article. In both settings, no

probing or deeper questions were asked, and no hypothetical WHAT

IF scenarios were entertained [hmmm, WHAT IF maybe the judge is

right?]. And so as a result, the general American state of

political ensleepment continues on, accepting comforting

reassurances from news articles that the police are alert, on

their toes, and that all is well, and indifferent to the

possibility that termites are running the house in Washington;

just like the Protester continues on in argument error from one

WILLFUL FAILURE TO FILE courtroom to a traffic ticket courtroom,

indifferent to the possibility that invisible contracts govern the

grievance and that he is not entitled to prevail for any reason

[except for the several technical reasons protesters frequently


that are not related to the merits of the grievance itself].

...So let us now reread the story of the tank once again, but this

time, things will be different -- because this time we are going

to start asking ourselves a few probing and razor sharp questions:

1. The first and only question that I would like to ask is:

Why is a tank, manufactured in Russia, and now owned by Egypt,

being freighted and transported halfway around the world --

shipped literally to the other side of the globe -- to have

some mechanical work done on it; sent to a factory located in

one of the most expensive hourly labor cost nations on Earth,

sent to a factory that did not manufacture this tank; why is

Egypt willing to spend the $20,000 or so to get the tank to

Michigan, spend the big bucks to have the work done here, and
then spend another $20,000 or so in freight to get the tank

sent back to Egypt?

...That is the Question I want some answers to. Simple COMMON

SENSE is telling me that whatever mechanical and machining work

that needs to be done, can be done in Egypt. Have you ever been

to Alexandria or Cairo, Mr. May? Even if you have not, you should

still be ordinarily aware of the fact that Egypt has, at a

minimum, SEVERAL HUNDRED THOUSAND cars, trucks, and other motor

vehicles on its streets, and that a very large pool of mechanical

talent exists locally to repair and re-machine parts for all types

of vehicles. Do people in Egypt send their Datsuns back to Japan

to remachine the transmission? Does Frank May, living in New

Jersey, send his MERCEDES-BENZ to Australia or South America for

repairs? Even discontinued automobiles, such as STUDEBAKERS,

PIERCE-ARROWS, and PACKARDS are not sent to Australia for even

total restoration jobs or mechanical work -- New Jersey has quite

a pool of such shops right then and there. A MERCEDES-BENZ would

never be sent to Australia from New Jersey, except for very

special reasons, and ordinary mechanical work is not a special

reason. The reason why such long voyages are not undertaken for

work on heavy vehicles is because of the ridiculous freight

charges incurred, and simple lack of necessity to do so by reason

of very competent local situs talent. So the Question is begging:

Why did Egypt send that tank to the other side of the planet -- to

Michigan -- for repairs? Let us say, just for a moment, that the

tank talked about was a very highly complex machine that required

the maintenance attention of specially factory trained experts

[which was not the case with a tank out of the 1950s -- those

tanks had no more back then than an engine, a unique transmission,

and firing power]; great, let's say that technical expertise was

required -- but that still does not answer the question: Why was

that tank sent to Michigan for repairs instead of anywhere else in

the Middle East or the Mediterranean Coast -- or even Russia

itself where the tank was manufactured?

...We find the ANSWER to this QUESTION the same way that the

Protester would find the Answer to his Question: Why is this

judge snorting at me?

The Protester needs to ask himself a hypothetical Question: What

if I am wrong for some reason I don't know of? But Protesters

never ask that Question -- his tremendous volume of Tort Law

arguments and of Case Law from another era is staggering and

impressive, and the mere possibility that error might be present

in the defiant position being taken, because of something

invisible controlling the grievance that he is unaware of, is not

even being considered. Unlike the Protester, we will now consider

the possibility that factual elements governing Egypt's motive in

sending that tank to the other side of the globe for repairs were

not presented to us in that news article; and we will now consider

the possibility that the factual picture presented to us is

distorted slightly (although not necessarily intentionally by the

news media's reporters who wrote the article).

...The reason why the tank was transported from one side of the

planet to the other side, from Egypt to Michigan [if in fact the
tank even originated in Egypt], the reason why someone was willing

to spend those big bucks just to get the tank here, is because

that Russian tank is on a special trip: On a one-way trip into

the United States, and not for the cover story of its needing

mechanical repairs. That tank will never leave the United States.

When that tank is finally at its home somewhere in the United

States, it will be hidden away in some barn, some warehouse, some

garage, or some old industrial building converted into an AD HOC

Russian military storage depot. This author has photographs of

other Russian military hardware sitting inside American army

bases; generally that hardware is stored behind fenced areas. The

word sent around the base is that those Russian tanks "...were

captured somewhere," when in fact they are literally brand new and

are stored here very much with not only Russian consent, but with

Russian supervision as well.

This tank in TIME MAGAZINE is waiting for a great and grand

Russian Day to appear, that long awaited Russian Day of conquest,

when along with the other extensive hardware that has been slowly

and quietly smuggled into the United States over a 20 to 30-year

time period, it will be brought forth out into the open in some

variation of a RED DAWN attack on the United States [a provoked

attack based partially on military hardware already sitting at its

final destination inside the United States], to bring about the

great Bolshevik objective of merging the United States with

Russia. Yes, Russian intellectual element of conquest are

involved here, as the quick lock down of American military

installations will be justified to the world at that time as being

necessary to prevent a nuclear war -- when in fact the political

sponsorship of a Patriot to the Presidency would accomplish the

same thing under less intensive circumstances.

The Russian strategy for North American conquest, through the slow

accumulation of a handful of tanks, personnel carriers, and jeeps

each week, is a brilliant strategic move that the Bolshevik

Gremlins are now controlling the American House in Washington want

to see occur, even though those Gremlins in Washington are the

very targets Russia is really going after. That's right, the tank

described in that news article will never leave the United States

-- until, at least, it has first been used offensively in military

operations against the United States.

...Yes, that tank is on a one-way trip into the United States [if

in fact it ever gets to Teledyne Continental]. See what happens

when we accept information presented to us, and take it in under

advisement, holding its acceptance out in abeyance as a point of

reference, until we first ask ourselves some peripheral questions

about it from several different view points? What happens when

asking ourselves deeper questions than was presented to us, is

that great Truths come forward to us, are appreciated by us, and

our Eyes are Opened. This is a procedure that should be followed

in all settings -- business, commerce, work, school, family life,

everything -- and particularly in ecclesiastical settings, as we

ask ourselves a sequence of the single most important Questions

that could ever be asked down here: WHO AM I? WHAT AM I DOING


...The Answer is that you are literally, Mr. May, the offspring of

Celestial Beings, and that a germ of Deity dwells within you --

THAT IS WHO YOU ARE. You were brought forth into this world

bristling full of Gremlins and their intrigues from the presence

of your Father in Heaven -- THAT IS WHAT YOU ARE DOING HERE. The

correct procedure to return to Father's presence once again is to

take seriously His advice He once gave you in the First Estate

when we were all then speaking His angelic language: Enter into

Covenants with me, be proven in all things, and a successively

ever enlarging number of planets and offspring will be yours

[remember that Contracts draw lines which enable behavior to be

measured and tested against; Tort indicia places facts on

continuum measuring the absence, presence, and extent of damages.

I personally would not want to get involved with a God who was

fixated on the mere absence of damages] -- THAT IS WHERE YOU ARE



If we could lay aside, just for a moment, the presumption by many

that judges are Fifth Column pinkos and are otherwise morons, and

now examine the King's reasoning on Admiralty Jurisdiction

attachment (that his Title 46 statutes have Limited the Liability

that Enfranchised Persons have encumbered themselves into through

the 14th Amendment), then unfortunately for Protesters, we find

that there is some merit to the King's contentions, and the reason

is because special financial benefits are being accepted by

Enfranchised Persons, and so now an invisible contract is in

effect, with the result being that if a grievance comes to pass on

the contract, somewhat unpleasant Admiralty settlement rules will

prevail. [411]


"Trials [in Admiralty Jurisdiction]... take place without the

intervention of a jury, and without any fixed rules of law or

evidence. The rules on which offenses are to be heard and

determined... are such rules and regulations as the President...

shall prescribe. No previous presentment is required, nor any

indictment charging the commission of a crime against the laws;

but the trial must proceed on charges and specifications. The

punishment will be -- not what the law declares, but such as an

[Admiral] may think proper..."

- President Andrew Jackson in the CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE, 39th

Congress, 1st Session, page 916 (February, 1866).


[When I was first told about the story of the 14th Amendment,

I was told a story by numerous people and groups, who should

know better, that parents can bind their offspring into Equity

Jurisdiction relationships with Royalty; and I heard this same

line of reasoning from numerous different sources. When I

heard that line, I tossed it aside as a brazen piece of

foolishness; the idea of having parents assign debt liability

to their offspring by evidence of a Birth Certificate was

then, and now remains, as utter foolishness. I was correct in

my ideological rebuffment of that line of liability reasoning,

as one person cannot bind another absent a grant of agency

jurisdiction. But later through a Federal Judge I realized

that there are special financial benefits that persons

documented as being politically Enfranchised at birth

experience later on as adults when they are being shaken down

for a smooth Federal looting; and it is this acceptance of

benefits as adults, in the context of reciprocity being

expected back in return, that attaches contract tax liability,

and not the existence of a Birth Certificate document itself.

This concept some folks propagate -- that we are locked into

juristic contracts by our parents since it is the parents who

have caused the Birth Certificate to be recorded -- is not

correct: As a point of beginning, one person cannot bind

another. But most importantly, all the Birth Certificate and

correlative documents in the world will not separate a dime in

taxation from you until such time as you, individually, and

personally, have started to accept juristic benefits. The Law

does not operate on paper; what is on paper is a statement of

the Law, but that does not trigger the operation of the Law.

All the documents with Royalty in the world will not separate

a dime from you, until juristic benefits have been accepted by

you out in the practical setting. In a sense, Birth

Certificates can be properly construed as documents evidencing

your entitlement to RIGHTS OF FRANCHISE, if you decide to

exercise those rights later on when you come of age, but the

reciprocal taxation liability Enfranchised folks take upon

themselves occurs by operation of contract -- the invisible

contracts that quietly slip into gear whenever juristic

benefits are being accepted: Now, here, today -- and by you,

personally and individually. The relational status of your

parents to Government, past and present, is an irrelevant

factor BIRTH CERTIFICATE PUSHERS are incorrectly assigning

significance to. Those who warned me of the adhesive Equity

tentacles of the 14th Amendment were absolutely correct in

their conclusory observations of the effects of the 14th

Amendment, but they were incorrect in their views that

liability singly attaches by reason of the existence of a

Birth Certificate document that their parents caused to be

created. By the time you are finished with this Letter, you

will understand why written Documents, of and by themselves,

mean absolutely nothing -- as it is the existence of

Consideration [benefits] experienced or rejected out in the

practical setting that attaches and severs liability, and the

written Document or statement of the contract itself is

unimportant for liability determination purposes -- and for

good reasons: Because the Law operates out in the practical

setting and not on paper, of and by itself; to say that the

Law cannot operate except if on paper is to say in reverse

that if there is no paper, there is no Law. Not understanding

the significance of that Principle will render yourself prone

to error in your thinking.] [412]


For example, when benefits have been accepted in the context of

reciprocity being expected in return, then there lies a contract;

and where no Consideration [benefits exchanged] is evident on the

record, then the contract collapses in front of a judge (FAILURE

OF CONSIDERATION). To show you just how improper it is to rely on

documents for anything of significance in the area of attaching

liability, remember earlier, when I talked about the Taxable

Franchise of Social Security, and of Justiciability, I spoke of an

Affidavit [document] I filed admitting to an utterly heinous

agricultural crime I had committed. But as I mentioned, the

police could do nothing without any collaborating evidence

obtained from out in the practical setting that a crime had in

fact been committed. Yes, Nature does operate out in the

practical setting, and to understand Nature is to understand the

Law in all settings.

...Incidentally, when we shift from a worldly setting over to a

Heavenly setting, nothing changes either. When entering into

Contracts with Heavenly Father down here, it will be emphasized to

you over and over again that the promissory Blessings [benefits]

from On High contained within the Contract are conditional, and

that the facial Contract itself that you just entered into means

nothing; and that it is what you do with that Contract out in the

practical setting that means everything.


Having your Debt Liability Limited by statute is a very real and

tangible benefit that inures to all such named Enfranchised

debtors (imagine being an insurance company, and having to pay out

only 80% of your claims -- you then get to pocket the 20% that the

statutes restrained your policy holders from collecting); the fact

that, in examining your own individual circumstances, you cannot

assign any substantive financial significance to it isn't anything

the King is going to concern himself with. And insurance

companies are prime examples of the institutionalized use of this

marvelous legal tool to enrich themselves, and they are also prime

examples of just how really valuable a Limitation on Liability

really is. Remember that when benefits are being accepted in the

context of reciprocity being expected back in return, then there

lies a good tight contract. If, for example, you are an insurance

company, and your average losses for claims under homeowner's

policies is $100,000, and the King comes along and declares that

henceforth, the maximum claim anyone can make in his Kingdom

against an insurance company for damages experienced by homeowners

is $95,000, then those insurance companies very much did

experience a very real, legitimate cash benefit; and so it is now

morally correct for the King to participate in taxing the profits

the insurance companies made for this reason alone, as the King

very much assisted in enriching those insurance companies by

decreasing their cash expenditures. Neither it is immoral for the

King to enact statutes that enrich some Gameplayers in Commerce

while simultaneously perfecting the Enscrewment of others, as

remember that entrance into the closed private domain of King's

Commerce is purely voluntary. [413]

At least entrance should be and is theoretically so. This is why

that if, for any reason, the Supreme Court upholds the Income Tax

grab on a properly documented involuntary DE MINIMIS participant

in King's Commerce (who timely waived, rejected and refused all

Commercial and political benefits), then we will turn away from

dealing with the King out of the barrel of a fountain pen, and

start to deal with the King out of the barrel of a gun.


So do you see what a well worded statute can do? ...invisible

political benefits accepted get converted into a gusher of cash

for the King, to be used as a wealth transfer instrument by

Special Interest Groups. The more numerous the number of wealth

transfer instruments the King can create, the more he can

correctly justify before the eyes of the Judiciary taxing certain

Persons who financially benefit from the statutory GRAB AND GIVE

scheme. [414]


"Does history repeat itself? Yes. Today, the term SECURITY is

best defined in the promises of economic kings and politicians in

the form of doles, grants, and subsidies made for the purpose of

perpetuating themselves in public office, and at the same time

depleting the resources of the people and the treasury of the

nation. The word SECURITY is being used as an implement of

political expediency, and the end results will be the loss of

freedom, and temporal and spiritual bankruptcy. [Throughout this

Letter, other examples will be presented showing how the violation

of Principles will always produce adverse secondary consequences,

with the true seminal point of causality remaining latent,

elusive, and obscured]. We have those among us who are calling

for an economic king, and the voice of the king replies in

promises wherein the individual is guaranteed relief from the

mandate given to Adam:

'In the sweat of thy face thou eat bread.'

"Disobedience to this mandate involves the penalty of loss of free

agency and individuality, and the dissolution of the resources of

the individual. These economic rulers have advocated, and do

practice, a vicious procedure called the LEVELING DOWN PROCESS

which takes from one man who has achieved and distributes to those

who are not willing to put forth like effort. Taxation is the

means through which this LEVELING DOWN PROCESS is implemented.

Taxes in the United States during the last decade have increased

five hundred percent. If such increases continue, it will mean

final confiscation of the property of the people.

"A clear cut example of the promises of economic kings to the

people, with all of the penalties involved, stands out in the case

of Great Britain. Great Britain, with fifty years of rule over

the Seas of the Earth, the Sun never setting on her Empire, finds

herself now in a convulsion of spiritual, political, and temporal

bankruptcy. She has a king, but he is merely a symbol of her past

greatness; but the people, like those of Israel, cried for a new
king, an economic king, and the king has responded with the rule

of dictatorship, bringing deterioration to the character of the

individual, loss of ambition, freedom, individual progress through

the right to work when and where he would, and regimentation. The

people are forced to heed the call and feel the iron hand of the

dictator. Above all, they have lost their free agency. The

British people are but mere cogs in the great machine of

socialism. The state is paramount; the citizen has been subdued.

Their resources have been absorbed, the treasury of the government

has been depleted, and had it not been for the generosity of this

great republic, where a few of the fundamentals of freedom,

personal initiative, and free enterprise remain, Great Britain

would have been but a memory. Just as was in Israel, so would it

be with Great Britain -- dissension, division, and communistic


"What does this mean to you and me? We have those among us, too,

who over the years have cried for a controlled economy. We have

those among us who give succor and support to such a plan, which

plan of controlled economy involves the same theories and false

philosophies that ruined Israel and are now destroying Great

Britain. Economic kings have responded to the call of some

people, promising them security against want for their votes. In

the attempt to meet the desires of these people, the treasury of

this great nation is being depleted, and it covers deficit

spending with promissory notes. Expansion of this disastrous

policy will deprive American citizens of their God-given freedom,

the right to work when and where they will, freedom of speech,
freedom of the press -- and who knows but what some day the right

to worship God according to the dictates of one's conscience may

be taken away. It is destroying, and will continue to destroy,

the very fundamentals upon which this nation and its people have

found prosperity and genuine security. These are not idle words,

but the counsel and the words of the Lord as they have been

revealed to this nation through Prophets and the Founding Fathers

of this great Republic. For one hundred and twenty years modern

day Samuels have pleaded with the people to preserve the

fundamentals of temporal and spiritual security by being obedient

to the Gospel, through work, being thrifty and staying out of

debt, and above all to conserve our resources to provide temporal

security during periods of sickness, unemployment, and the days of

old age. This people has been taught by the Prophets of God that

to waste the bounties of Earth is a sin, and surely there is a

penalty therefor. The Lord cannot bless an individual or a nation

with the bounties of the Earth and have that individual or nation

deliberately and wantonly waste them, without the law of

retribution of want and famine being imposed.

"Economic kings have advocated the doctrine that those in distress

should be provided for abundantly with no obligations on the part

of the recipients, but the Lord has revealed through his Prophets

a great welfare plan which does not rob individuals in distress of

their freedom, personal initiative, and the right to work. In the

welfare program [of the Church] the individual is the objective,

and through the generosity and cooperative efforts of the

membership of the Church, the individual is assured of temporal

security, not as a dole or a gift, but as a bridge to cover the

gap of unemployment or illness until the individual can again

stand on his own feet and work out his temporal security. It is

required of him that during this period of assistance from the

welfare program he shall give freely of his labor, if physically

fit, in the production of the things he needs, and out of it

becomes one of the independent sons of the Lord, having notably

received but having also given."

- Joseph B. Wirthlin in CONFERENCE REPORTS, at page 134

(April, 1950).


In your Case as a benefit acceptant Enfranchised Person under the

14th Amendment, if your share of the National Debt is $250,000,

and the King comes along and slices off $150,000 from that Debt,

so your exposure is now $100,000, then did the King just give you

a benefit? Certainly he did, and it is now morally correct for

the King to participate in taxing the gain he participated in

creating, just like he did with insurance companies. If in your

business judgment throwing half of your annual income out the

window to the King for these paltry artificial political debt

liability limitations is just not worth the large percentage tax

grab the King demands year in and year out without letup, then

that is a business judgment you need to make; and that business

question is not a question that a Federal Judge can or should come

to grips with in the midst of some Title 26 enforcement

prosecution, after you previously accepted the King's Commercial

benefits, and now for some philosophically oriented political

reason, you don't feel like reciprocating by paying the invisible

benefits that you previously received under an Admiralty contract.



If you have a Lease contract as a Tenant with your Landlord to

occupy his premises and pay him rent, then is it correct and

provident that you could withhold rent from him because one night

you saw that Landlord of yours defile himself at a bar downtown by

spending your money and his strength on a pair of harlots? No, it

is not, and your excuses and arguments not to honor the Lease

contract is foolishness and will be summarily ignored by all

judges from your local justice courts clear up to the Supreme

Court. What your Landlord does with his money after you give it

to him through an operation of that Lease contract is his business

and none of yours, and what the King does with his money once he

has his hands on it is also his own business. [All Internal

Income Tax Revenue collected is turned over to the Federal Reserve

Board as payment on the National Debt]. The unfairness of the

Landlord to demand and get high rents he doesn't really need, and

then to turn around and throw the money out the window on harlots,

just like the King throwing his money out the window to Poland and

to looters throughout the rest of the world... this unfairness

that eats and gnaws at you, is a Tort Law fairness

rationalization, and has no business in a Leasehold Tenant

Eviction proceeding in your local municipal court, and has no

business in a WILLFUL FAILURE TO FILE action in a Federal District

Court, as both are contract enforcement actions. Defenses and

arguments made in a Contract Law judgment setting are necessarily

very narrowly construed; background factual elements not contained

in the contract are relevant only to the extent that they

influence a clause in the contract that is presented to a court

for a ruling. And absent unusual circumstances, only the content

of the contract is going to be discussed in any courtroom; just

like only the content of your Contracts with Father will be

discussed at the Last Day and rationalizations sounding in the

Tort of EQUALITY like this one will be ignored:

"Oh, yes Father -- I accepted Jesus Christ, and I was just as

good as anyone else."


Here in New York State, the regional Prince in 1984 became the

first American Prince to enact statutes requiring the use of seat

belts by all motorists driving on HIS highways. This statute was

openly announced as being designed to cut the hospital costs of

accident victims (meaning, to limit the liability exposure of

insurance company claims by reducing the amount of cash they spend

on each hospitalization claim while collecting the same amount of

annual motorist insurance premiums). Here in Rochester, New York,

numerous insurance companies ran large newspaper advertisements at

the time encouraging the enactment of the Seat Belt statute. I

have examined the lobbyists' material that was distributed to

State Legislators in 1984 on this issue; they were presented with

an impressive array of the history of similar statutes enacted in

over 90 foreign jurisdictions world wide to justify their proposed

statute in New York State -- yes, where high-powered money is at

stake, there will be high-powered research and documentation.

You may very well resent this GRAB AND GIVE environment that is

designed to enrich the King while perfecting your Enscrewment in

the practical setting, but if you do voluntarily participate in

the Enrichment Game of King's Commerce, then your resentment for

being cornered in on the GRAB side of this wealth transfer game,

and your Tort Law arguments of unfairness centered around that

resentment, means absolutely nothing to any judge at any time for

any reason. But what if you are different? What if you don't

voluntarily participate in Commerce? What if you filed timely

objections, and have refused and rejected all Commercial benefits?

Now what?

The reason why the King entertains this Admiralty "Limitation of

Liability" Jurisdictional attachment reasoning goes back into the

Civil War days of the 1800s, when a Special Interest Group,

perhaps a bit overzealous, exerted strong controlling dominance in

the Congress and announced that they had effectuated the

ratification of the 14th Amendment, in order to "correct the

injustice" from the Supreme Court's DRED SCOTT Case, [416]


DRED SCOTT VS. SANFORD, 60 U.S. 393 (1856).


and its majestic restrainment on the Congress not to forcibly

attach Equity Jurisdiction on individuals absent a Grant of

Jurisdiction to do so (Citizenship is Equity Jurisdiction, and the

casting of Blacks (or anyone else) into King's Equity Jurisdiction

relational settings without the requisite initiating Charter

jurisdictional authority being there, is null and void). The

reasoning the Supreme Court used to rule on in DRED SCOTT was

quite correct; but unfortunately for political reasons, it caused

its correct reasoning to be related to persons who are Blacks

instead of persons carrying other minority demographic

characteristics, such as blue eyes. [417]


I once told a state judge that I was demanding my minority rights.

He looked at me and snorted something, and so I quoted the state

statute which granted a right given to generic minorities, without

any qualification of just what a MINORITY was. So I brought in

some statistics to prove that people with blue eyes are a

demographic minority in the United States, and that therefore I

was redemanding my minority rights. [Those minority statutes of

rights and special hand out grants are quite flaky; they are

structurally improvident, bearing no intrinsic relationship to

Nature, and are, and have always been, a Special Interest Group

political payoff to either buy or retain votes, power, and money.

But state statutes are not designed or intended to be conformal

with Nature or manifest even a quasi-rational basis: Citizenship

is like joining a Country Club, as I will explain in the next

section on CITIZENSHIP, so house rules that operate to favor some

class of persons while harming others are largely viewed by the

Federal Judiciary as being just part of the game (just like a

Country Club's Board of Governors decision to name Tuesday as

being LADY'S DAY on the back 18 holes; no, it isn't fair to you

men when Tuesday is your only day off from work and you want to

use the back 18 holes then, but the Tort of unfairness is not

relevant as long as you are a MEMBER, because a contract is in



And so although the pronouncements of Law in DRED SCOTT are quite

accurate, the factual setting was twisted around just enough to

cause those poor downtrodden Blacks to be pictured on the wrong

side of the practical issue, and so the DRED SCOTT Case became a

tool used by politicians seeking a hot issue to enrich their own

fortunes. [418]


See generally:


[University of Illinois Press, Urbana (1956)];

- Phillip Paludian in A COVENANT WITH DEATH [University of

Illinois Press, Urbana (1975)];



[Douglas and Company, Ann Arbor (March, 1878)];


Stanford Law Review, at 3 (September, 1954).


But substitute some other demographic feature of people for

Blacks, and the DRED SCOTT Case would have been ignored. [419]


Abraham Lincoln was also dragged into this DRED SCOTT controversy;

on June 26, 1857, Abraham Lincoln found himself divided on the

DRED SCOTT CASE -- it was one of those difficult factual settings

where no matter what was said or done, you could only be viewed as

being wrong. He suggested on that day in Springville, Illinois

that the rulings of the United States Court do not create binding

obligations on the two political branches of Government. This was

a risky philosophical position for Lincoln to take; DRED SCOTT

effectively repudiated the Principles upon which Lincoln's new

REPUBLICAN PARTY rested; and Lincoln exposed himself to the charge

of "attempting to bring the Supreme Court into disrepute among the

people" [the charge was thrown at Lincoln by Steven A. Douglas in

the course of his Fifth Debate with Abraham Lincoln on October 7,



36 Western Political Quarterly, at 52 (March, 1983).


The DRED SCOTT CASE ruled that African races, even though freed as

slaves by President Lincoln, and freed again from being slaves by

the 13th Amendment, still could not be placed into that high and

unique lofty political status called Citizen, with all of the

rights, privileges, benefits and immunities that Citizens have:

Because Congress was never given the Jurisdiction to do so, and

the reason has to do with the original intentions of the Founding

Fathers in 1787 to create a sanctuary for white Christians to live

in without the uncomfortable tensions and frictions of society

that always follow in the wake of forced relations with other

people of strongly contrasting demographic characteristics.

Although the 13th Amendment very much abolished slavery, it

nowhere talks about Citizenship, which as a contract is something

totally else, and which has very significant and important legal

meanings since Citizenship attaches King's Equity Jurisdiction.

Under this DRED SCOTT DOCTRINE, Blacks could not even become

naturalized Citizens (i.e., the Congress could not enact statutory

jurisdiction to grant Citizenship rights to Blacks that the

original version of the Constitution specifically restrained and

the 13th Amendment never reached into.) So the 14th Amendment

came along, designed to change all that. [420]


Remember that pursuant to the MERGER DOCTRINE, contracts we enter

into today overrule contracts we entered into yesterday, since it

is out of harmony with Nature that contracts cannot be altered,

modified, or otherwise rescinded in the future by the consent of

the Parties. This is why Constitutional Amendments can overrule

whatever was written into the original Constitution of 1787 at an

earlier time.


Since politicians saw this DRED SCOTT Case as having very unique

qualities to acquire maximum political mileage out of it due to

the passionate public sentiments associated with it, the movement

towards adapting the 14th Amendment to deal with those UTTERLY


momentum; and having the powerful support that the 14th Amendment

possessed, it was simply assumed that it would quickly pass

Congress and be ratified by the States. Like statutory bills in

Congress, [421]


The Panama Canal Treaty ratification bill in the Senate in 1978,

being sponsored by very powerful Rockefeller Cartel interests like

it was, with people IN THE KNOW knowing that it would most likely

pass the Senate, quickly became loaded down with several hundred
amendments that wouldn't pass by themselves. This legislative

device is sometimes called PIGGY-BACKING. See THE PROPOSED PANAMA


Separation of Powers, Committee on the Judiciary, United States

Senate, 95th Congress, 2nd Session (February, 1978); and PANAMA


1,2,3,4 of Hearings before the Subcommittee on the Separation of

Powers, Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 95th

Congress, 1st Session (July, 1977).


the 14th Amendment became loaded down with very interesting

declarations on the Public Debt, that had absolutely nothing to do

with granting Blacks Citizenship rights -- seemingly the very

reason for the 14th Amendment in the first place. Like the Panama

Canal Treaties, Gremlins saw a unique window opening to perfect

just one more turn of the screws. And those pronouncements on

Public Debts and Enfranchised Citizens are the structured legal

framework of the King to seek Citizenship contract liability as a

partial justification to pay Income Taxes here in the 1980s.

Remember that mere written documents, of and by themselves, do not

create liability. Liability is always perfected in the practical

setting; and it is your acceptance of the benefits of

Enfranchisement (of which the Limited Liability of your share of

the Public Debt is one such benefit), that gives rise to a taxing

liability scenario, and not the unilateral debt declarations in

the 14th Amendment itself. [422]


Yes, the 14th Amendment, announced by its sponsors to have the

high, noble, and righteous goal of reversing that bad, wicked,

terrible, heinous and utterly evil DRED SCOTT Case, of overturning

those racist Supreme Court Justices, and giving those poor

exploited and downtrodden Blacks their political rights, actually

has a silent correlative sinister profile to it that now damages

everyone, including Blacks. In 1978, every single member of the

United States Senate knew that Rockefeller Cartel Gremlins were

behind the Panama Canal Treaties, and knowing that, a pathetic

majority went right ahead and voted for it anyway; just the

political inveiglement surrounding the real objectives of the 14th

Amendment was also known at the time it was being considered for

Senate approval...

"It is their deliberate purpose, tomorrow or next week, or a

month hence, or as soon as they can, to make the Federal

Constitution a different instrument from what it is now, and

then, under somewhat latitudinarian expressions contained in

this proposed fourteenth article of amendment to the

Constitution... any kind of law the majority party here desire

be... enacted into law."

- Congressman Michael Kerr of Indiana, in the

CONGRESSIONAL GLOBE, 40th Congress, 2nd Session, page 1973

(March, 1868).

The actual legal validity of the ratification of the 14th

Amendment is now disputed. The Utah Supreme Court once ruled that

the ratification of the 14th Amendment was invalid and therefore

the Bill of Rights was non-applicable in Utah. [423]


See DYETT VS. TURNER, 439 Pacific 266 (1968), and the numerous

other cites therein; that State Tribunal later backed down and

reversed itself by one vote.


For more than a hundred years now, the courts have applied the

14th Amendment to pertinent Cases that have come before them. And

although questions have been raised about both its language

meaning and the legal correctness of its adaption process, Federal

challenges to the Ratification of the 14th Amendment have always

fallen on deaf ears. Its long time usage and the LATENESS OF THE

HOUR DOCTRINES have caused the Supreme Court to accept the 14th

Amendment as law. [424]


See COLEMAN VS. MILLER, 307 U.S. 433 (1939).

Of and by itself, the 14th Amendment is an instrument that creates

a great deal of litigation. [425]


Felix Frankfurter once remarked that the 14th Amendment was the

largest source of the Supreme Court's business. [See Felix


Law Review 217, at 229 (1955).]


Despite the disputed authenticity of the background factual

setting permeating the Ratification Process of the 14th Amendment,

the story of its alleged Ratification is indeed a strange and

fascinating chapter in Constitutional history. It goes well

beyond the natural confusion that would be expected on the heels

of a great Civil War and the secondary political readjustments

that followed the disruption of power relationships. The nature

of the unique political conditions back then and the emerging

attitudes of individuals to furnish the key elements in the

factual setting relating to pure, raw physical force that the

sponsors of the 14th Amendment pressured on Ratification-reluctant

Southern States; and the same unique political conditions are now

responsible for the first two assertions of an invisible layer of

Admiralty Jurisdiction over us all. [426]



Joseph James [Mercer University Press (1984)], the author names

his 20 chapters after marine and maritime events, almost as if Mr.

James is quietly warning his readers allegorically as a veiled

presentation of what the 14th Amendment is really all about. The




Patriots now have a position to take on this 14th Amendment: Do

we want this 14th Amendment thing or not? On one hand, the 14th

Amendment has been used by judges as their excuse to give us noble

sounding, although largely milktoast, Due Process and other

wide-ranging rights that have been used as judicial intervention

justification jurisdiction in such diverse factual settings like

opening up Government law libraries to the public; chopping away

at the lingering vestiges of Richard Dailey's Machine in Chicago;

ordering the Tombs Prison in New York City closed; ordering

affirmative action in the hiring of policemen; ordering school

integration busing; denying retail business proprietors the

discretion to select their own customers; and in Boston, Federal

Judge Arthur Garrity actually took over administrative operations

management of a portion of the local school district in an

intervention effort to deal with that utterly heinous evil of

racism. And it was through an operation of the 14th Amendment's

INCORPORATION DOCTRINE that the entire Bill of Rights was made

binding on your regional Prince by the Supreme Court (as the Bill

of Rights was initially binding, by original intent, only on the

King himself). [427]


After the Civil War, popular opinion in the Southern United States

was running against the adoption of the 14th Amendment, on the

grounds that the 14th Amendment would consolidate all power into

Washington (which is exactly what happened, and which is exactly

what some Gremlins wanted). See the CINCINNATI COMMERCIAL for

April 21, 1866, quoting the MEMPHIS ARGUS and the CHARLESTON

COURIER for April 2, 1866. The CHARLESTON COURIER had made the

prophetic statement that the State Judiciaries would be made

subservient to Federal authority, and that the 14th Amendment

would be conferring upon Congress "powers unknown to the original

law of the country"; which is exactly what has happened. Yet, in

reading the 14th Amendment, no where are State Judiciaries even

mentioned. See generally DOES THE FOURTEENTH AMENDMENT


Charles Friedman, 2 Sanford Law Review at 5 (December, 1949).


And on the other hand, in an area of more direct interest to

Gremlins, the 14th Amendment now spins an invisible stealthy web

of an adhesive attachment of King's Equity Jurisdiction so strong

and with benefits so invisible, that Black Widow Spiders would be

humbled if they could ever appreciate their reduced Status in

light of this new competition in the Jungle.

In a sense, what we want or do not want at the present time is

unimportant, since we as Individuals are without jurisdiction to

effectuate into the practical setting the corrective political

remedies of annulling the 14th Amendment. In FAIRCHILD VS.

HUGHES, [428]


258 U.S. 126 (1922).


the Supreme Court refused to consider the possibility of the

illegitimacy of the Ratification of the 19th Amendment, and used

as contributing justification the comparative example of the

judicial recognition of the 15th Amendment by its long usage,

regardless of arguments about its technical validity. In COLEMAN

VS. MILLER, [429]


307 U.S. 433 (1939).


the Supreme Court did lightly review questions pertaining to the

Ratification of the 14th Amendment, and of attempts by two States

to rescind their previous Ratification of an Amendment as an

example of their philosophy that such questions be deferred to

"the political departments of government as to [whether or not

the] validity of the adoption of the 14th Amendment has been

accepted." [430]


"...the question of the efficacy of ratifications by State

legislatures, in the light of previous rejection or attempted

withdrawal, should be regarded as a political question pertaining

to the political departments, with the ultimate authority in the

Congress in the exercise of its control over the promulgation of

the adoption of the amendment."

- COLEMAN VS. MILLER, 307 U.S. 433, at 450 (1938).


Although the right of judges to nullify statutes was seemingly

settled in MARBURY VS. MADISON, [431]


"...it is apparent that the framers of the Constitution

contemplated that instrument as a rule for the government of

courts, as well as that of the legislature. Why otherwise does it

direct the judges to take an oath to support it?"

- MARBURY VS. MADISON, 5 U.S. 137 (1803).


the question of Judicial statutory annulment lingered on, [432]


Twenty one years after MARBURY VS. MADISON, Chief Justice Marshall

backed off slightly by making the following comment, which is

astonishing by contrast:

"Judicial power, as contradistinguished from the power of the

laws, has no existence. Courts are the mere instruments of

law, and can will nothing. When they are said to exercise a

discretion, it is a mere legal discretion, a discretion to be

exercised in discerning the course prescribed by law; and,

when that is discerned, it is the duty of the Court to follow



Although the Judiciary is given its own perpetual existence in

Article III, in a sense Justice Marshall is correct, since it is

the Legislature that ultimately holds the upper hand. The

Legislature could, if it wanted to, repeal Article III altogether

and shut down the Judiciary IN TOTO, and appoint, perhaps,

Committees of Congress to act in the capacity of what was once the

Judiciary by individually considering Cases that come before them.


Judicial Review now continues down to the present day as a topical

source of conversation, since the DOCTRINE OF JUDICIAL REVIEW is

often used as a legal tool to justify taking a philosophical

position. [433]


"...the Framers did not see the courts as the exclusive custodians

of the Constitution. Indeed, because the document posits so few

conclusions it leaves to the more political branches the matter of

adapting and vivifying its principles in each generation... The

power to declare acts of Congress and the laws of the state null

and void... should not be used when the Constitution does not

[explicitly allow it]."

- Attorney General Edwin Meece before the D.C. Chapter of the

Federalist Society Lawyers Division, November 15, 1985,

Washington, D.C.


Just as the low level question of statutory annulment by the

Judiciary continues on as a disputed jurisdictional item, so A



A FORTIORI means "with the greater force," as one conclusion is

compared with another.


the higher question of actually annulling portions of the

Constitution itself, due to technical Ratification procedures, is

strongly disputed. [435]


A minority collection of four Supreme Court Justices once stated


"[Article IV of the Constitution]... grants power over the

amending of the Constitution to Congress alone. Undivided

control of that process has been given by the Article

exclusively and completely to Congress. The process itself is

called "political" in its entirety, from submission until an

amendment becomes part of the Constitution, and not subject to

judicial guidance, control, or interference at any point."

- COLEMAN VS. MILLER, 307 U.S. 433, at 459 [Concurring

Opinion] (1938).

Although that line of reasoning is facially defective if intended

to apply universally to all circumstances [the right time to do

the right thing is right now], there is some merit in the Supreme

Court's desire that grievances of this nature are best settled by


normal circumstances. However, when unlawful sources of

jurisdiction are being used (such as nonexistent Constitutional

Amendments) as justification to damage someone, then the ALICE IN

WONDERLAND fantasy of gentlemanly interdepartmental political

comities that the Supreme Court would prefer to intervene and

settle the grievance, become inappropriate and unrealistic

grievance settlement remedy tools; and by indifferently allowing

fraudulent sources of jurisdiction to be thrown at someone as

justifying Government Tort damages, the judiciary is diminishing

its own stature. [436]


"...the glory and ornament of our system which distinguishes it

from every other government on the face of the earth is that there

is a great and mighty [judicial] power hovering over the

Constitution of the land to which has been delegated the awful

responsibility of restraining all the coordinate departments of

the Government within the walls of the great fabric which our

fathers [built] for our protection and our immunity forever."

- Chief Justice Edward White, in a speech shortly before he

ascended into the corridors of judicial power; 23



As for the holding of the Bill of Rights into binding effect on

the States, in every single Supreme Court decision I have read

involving the 14th Amendment Due Process Clause application, the

Supreme Court could have equally justified the ruling based on the


they wanted to -- but they don't want to.

One of the receptive concerns one finds in the Supreme Court is

their perceived lack of federal jurisdiction to intervene into,

and overrule state proceedings -- This REPUBLICAN CLAUSE is a real

sleeper as such a Grant of Supervisory Jurisdiction is inherent in

its positive action mandates. Shifting to the meaning of the

Clause itself: A Republic, properly understood, involves the

restrainment of the use of Government by majorities to work Torts

on minorities, as distinguished from Democracies where simple

majority rule forces their will and their Torts on everyone else.



"In a society under the forms of which the stronger faction can

readily unite and oppress the weaker, anarchy may as truly be said

to reign as in a state of nature, where the weaker individual is

not as secured against the violence of the stronger..."

- Alexander Hamilton, THE FEDERALIST PAPERS, Number 51.


What are Minority Rights? Those Rights are the Rights to be left

alone and ignored by Government absent an infracted contract or a

Tort damage. [438]


"A majority taken collectively may be regarded as being whose

opinions, and frequently whose interests, are opposed to those of

another being, which is styled a minority. If it be admitted that

a man, possessing absolute power, may misuse that power by

wronging his adversaries, why should a majority not be held liable

to the same reproach? Men are not apt to change their characters

by agglomeration; nor does their patience in the presence of

obstacles increase with the consciousness of their strength."

- Alexis de Tocqueville, 1 DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, at 249

[Arlington House (1965)].


And those rights are very appropriate to invoke when you are in

the midst of a criminal prosecution, without any contract in

effect, without any MENS REA, and without any CORPUS DELECTI

damages being found anywhere; and it has to be this way since

wisdom is not conferred upon majorities by virtue of their sheer

collective aggregate numbers. [439]


"Tyranny is not the only problem. Majorities do not necessarily

have enough knowledge, insight, or expertise to assure wisest

action... issues require expertise and understanding far beyond

that which is possessed by the majority... The collective wisdom

is not likely to be less fallible."


at 273 [University of Chicago Press, Chicago (1980)].


I see a real germ of tyranny in theoretical Democracies. [440]


"When I see that the right and means of absolute command are

conferred on a people or upon a king, upon an aristocracy or a

democracy, a monarchy or republic, I recognize the germ of

tyranny, and I journey onwards to a land of more helpful


- Alexis de Tocqueville, 1 DEMOCRACY IN AMERICA, at 250

[Arlington House (1965)].


Since everyone, even lobbyists for Special Interest Groups,

belongs to one or more overlapping minority interest groups of

some type, then attention to this REPUBLICAN CLAUSE by the Supreme

Court (and by us in our briefs) can accomplish far more than the

less specific "Due Process" words in a sinister Amendment that

carries negative and unattractive secondary enscrewment

consequences along with it. But we are not the Supreme Court, so

our knowledge and wisdom has to be filed away in abatement under

HIATUS STATUS, pending our future ascension into the corridors of


There are several ways to cure the mischiefs of factions and their

Torts; one is to remove its seminal point of causality [by the

elimination of troublemakers, not permissible without creating

more problems than were "solved"]; another way is to control the

net practical effects of Majority Torts by creating a confederate

Republic, consisting of several regional states, and then creating

several layers of Juristic Institutions operating on narrow

jurisdictional contours, and somewhat operating against each other

to a limited extent; this is very similar to the structural

configuration of the United States, with a federal layer operating

VIS-A-VIS the regional States. [441]

THE FEDERALIST Number 9 goes into this in greater detail. Not

very well known is the fact that the dual shared contours of

Federal/State legislative jurisdiction are sometimes in a state of

tension, which frictional relationship has existed right from the

start of the Union. While the Continental Congress was once

meeting in Philadelphia on June 20, 1783, soldiers from Lancaster,

Pennsylvania arrived in Philadelphia "...to obtain a settlement of

accounts, which they supposed they had a better chance [to

collect] at Philadelphia than at Lancaster." On the next day,

June 21st:

"The mutinous soldiers presented themselves, drawn up in the

streets before the State House, where Congress had assembled.

The executive council of the State, sitting under the same

roof, was called upon for the proper interposition [to get rid

of the soldiers]. President Dickerson came in [to the Hall of

Congress], and explained the difficulty, under actual

circumstances, of bringing out the [State] militia of the

place for the suppression of the mutiny. He thought that,

without some outrages on persons or property, the militia

could not be relied on [to get rid of the mutineers]. General

St. Clair, then in Philadelphia, was sent for, and desired to

use his interposition, in order to prevail on the troops to

return to the barracks. His report gave no encouragement...

"In the meantime, the soldiers remained in their position,

without offering any violence, individuals only, occasionally

uttering offensive words, and wantonly pointing their muskets

to the windows of the Hall of Congress. No danger from

premeditated violence was apprehended, but it was observed

that spirituous drink, from the tippling-houses adjoining,

began to be liberally served out to the soldiers, and might

lead to hasty excesses. None were committed, however, and

about three o'clock, the usual hour, Congress adjourned; the

soldiers, though in some instances offering a mock

obstruction, permitting the members to pass through their

ranks. They soon afterwards retired themselves to the

barracks. ...

"The [subsequent] conference with the executive [of

Pennsylvania] producing nothing but a repetition of doubts

concerning the disposition of the militia to act unless

outrage were offered to persons or property. It was even

doubted whether a repetition of the insult to Congress would

be sufficient provocation. During the deliberations of the

executive, and the suspense of the committee, reports from the

barracks were in constant vibration. At one moment, the

mutineers were penitent and preparing submissions; the next,

they were meditating more violent measures. Sometimes, the

bank was their object; then the seizure of the members of

Congress, with whom they imagined an indemnity for their

offense might be stipulated."



[Washington, D.C. (1845)].

The harassment by the soldiers which had begun on June 20

continued across four days until June 24, 1783. On this date, the

members of Congress now abandoned any hope that the State of

Pennsylvania might disperse the soldiers, so the Congress removed

itself from Philadelphia. General George Washington had learned

of the uprising only on the same date at his headquarters at

Newburgh, and reacting promptly, he dispatched a large contingent

of his whole force to suppress this "infamous and outrageous

Mutiny"; see 27 WRITINGS OF WASHINGTON, at page 32 [George

Washington Bicentennial Commission, GPO (1938)]. But the news of

his intended response arrived too late, as the Congress had by now

packed their bags and left for Princeton, and traveled thereafter

to Trenton, Annapolis, and New York City. There was not any

repetition of the circumstances preceding the decision by Congress

to leave Philadelphia, however, this incident was never forgotten

by the Congress. A few months later on October 7, 1783, the

Congress while meeting in Princeton adopted the following


"That building for the use of Congress be erected on or near

the banks of the Delaware, provided a suitable district can be

procured on or near the banks of said river, for a federal

town; and that the right of soil, and an exclusive or such

other jurisdiction as Congress may direct, shall be vested in

the United States."


Those mutineers contributed strongly to the feeling in Congress

that the United States needed its own geographical district,

exercising its own exclusive jurisdiction over it, and so when it

acquired the District of Columbia, the Congress made sure that

there were no lingering vestiges of State Sovereignty left to

surface again under possibly unpleasant circumstances. George

Mason of Virginia expressed his sentiments in July of 1878 that

the new seat of the Federal Government, where ever that may

eventually be, not be 'in the city or place at which the seat of

any State Government might be fixed,' because the establishment of

the seat of Government in a State Capital would tend 'to produce

disputes concerning jurisdiction' and because the commingling of

the two jurisdictions would tend to give 'a provincial tincture'

to the important national deliberations [see Jonathan Elliot,



Down to the present day, just what legislative jurisdiction the

Congress does have in criminal matters is disputed; no doubt it

can very much exercise criminal jurisdiction over all crimes so

listed in the Constitution, and for all crimes that take place on

land owned by the King. But where a crime has taken place in a

building on leased land not owned by the King, the Congress

probably does not have criminal jurisdiction, and must yield to

the States for the administration of a spanking [but the criminal

Defendant has to demand it; jurisdiction originates out of the

barrel of a gun, and the King is not about to be a nice guy and

just simply turn around and walk away from exercising recourse
against an exhibition of defiance in his leased office spaces he

provides to his termites]. Necessarily so when twin separate and

distinct Juristic Institutions are making assertions of

jurisdiction over the same geographical districts, tensions and

frictions surface as the jurisdiction of one is slightly limited,

and the jurisdiction of the other is specifically limited, and one

is reaching outside of its appropriate contours. In 1954 an

extensive study of the area of Federal-State jurisdiction was

studied by an Inter-Departmental Committee under the supervision

of imp Herbert Brownell, United States Attorney General.

Discussing in detail the legal relationship of the States to

Federal Enclaves, the acquisition of legislative jurisdiction (by

consent, by the Constitution, or on Federal Lands), Criminal

Jurisdiction, and operations of State and Federal Jurisdiction

over Residents without and within Federal Enclaves and other

Federal Lands, the report gives a good profiling glimpse into the

limited nature of Federal legislative jurisdiction. See REPORT ON





By the way, the original version of the United States

Constitution, which includes the first ten Amendments (the BILL OF

RIGHTS), is organic just like a contract, and is subject to

modification, annulment, and reversal by any subsequent Amendment.


Remember the operation of the twin combination of the SPECIFICITY

DOCTRINE and the LACHES DOCTRINE as they blend together in a

confluence to form the wider MERGER DOCTRINE: That the most

recently executed contract addendum applies first (the first being

MERGED with the last), and the most SPECIFIC contract wording also

applies first (the most general being MERGED into the most



Therefore, the general applicability of this REPUBLICAN FORM OF

GOVERNMENT CLAUSE should be viewed cautiously, and should even be

viewed in the light of possible non-applicability on any one

Individual if any contaminating adhesive attachment of King's

Equity or Admiralty Contract Jurisdiction is found operating on

that Person. Therefore, the pleading of this Clause without

correlative averments of Status pleading is to be discouraged, as

multiple Amendments from the 11th to the 26th have quiet SUB

SILENTIO lines of Admiralty Jurisdiction running through them

which may very well vitiate the enforcement of the REPUBLIC FORM

CLAUSE. [443]


In other words, plead that the implied appearance of Admiralty and

Equity in the AFTER TEN Amendments does not operate with

derogation on your rights, by virtue of your previous successful

decontamination away from that King's Equity Jurisdiction due to

the absence of any QUID PRO QUO equivalence proprietary to

Admiralty having been accepted.


Yet, nowhere in Amendments 11 to 26 do the words ADMIRALTY

JURISDICTION appear anywhere, just like nowhere on your IRS 1040

form do the words "Admiralty Jurisdiction governs this contract"

appear anywhere: And they never will. Anglo-Saxon Kings have a

long history of showing little practical interest in the financial

health of their Subjects, and so any full disclosure of impending

financial liability, that would give the Countryside something to

think about in the nature of bugging out of the Bolshevik Income

Tax system altogether, is the last thing that interests a King.

So how do some of those Amendments accomplish such SUB ROSA

objectives, when a light and quick reading makes the Amendments

seem so facially reasonable? Remember that Admiralty Jurisdiction

grew up in the old days quietly in the practical setting; and it

is there, today, out in the practical setting that Admiralty

Jurisdiction is now roaring along. But Admiralty Jurisdiction is

not a block of concrete or some grand monument like Mount Rushmore

we can all look up at and plainly see; Admiralty is only legal

reasoning, and so properly understood, Admiralty Jurisdiction is

nothing more than a sequential set of ideas in the brains of

Federal Judges. So in order to understand this line of Admiralty

reasoning, we need to examine its natural operation and practical

effects. Since
"...the purpose of an [Amendment or Jurisdiction] must be

found in its natural operation and effect..." [444]


WILLIAM TRUAX VS. MIKE RAICH, 239 U.S. 33, at 40 (1915).


we now need to probe for the natural operation and effect of these

AFTER TEN Amendments. For an example of the real meaning behind

the AFTER TEN Amendments, let us momentarily consider just one of

them: The 25th Amendment. What an Amendment this is. The

closest draft to what is now the 25th Amendment was written in New

York City in the Spring of 1963 by lawyers hired by Nelson

Rockefeller for that purpose. Rockefeller family political

strategists had previously concluded that Nelson Rockefeller's

long-term Presidential ambitions were only marginally feasible in

a conventional American election setting, and that a redundancy

factor was therefore necessary to give Nelson the best possible

chance he wanted to be President: That redundancy factor was a

plan to circumvent that irritating Constitutional requirement that

all Presidents be elected.

After Ike had a heart attack, Nelson Rockefeller proposed an

appointment amendment to the Constitution in April of 1957, so

that a person could become the President BY APPOINTMENT, without

going through an election. The proposal was made through Nelson's

nominee in the office of United States Attorney General, Herbert

Brownell. [445]




THE JUDICIARY, 85th Congress, First Session, Serial No. 3, at

pages 7 and 8 (1957). For a good intellectual flavoring of

Gremlin Herbert Brownell, see his views on that utterly obnoxious


Cornell Law Quarterly 195 (1954)]. When Herbert Brownell was

nominated to be the Attorney General of the United States by

Nelson Rockefeller, he was unaware of the fact that the Office of

Patents was under the Attorney General's Office [see HERBERT


Committee on the Judiciary of the United States Senate," 83rd

Congress, First Session (GPO 1953)]. Herbert Brownell was on a

mission for the Four Rockefeller Brothers, so pesky little details

like administrative competence are unimportant. The next time you

are in Washington, Mr. May, stop by the WILLARD HOTEL on

Pennsylvania Avenue on the east side of the White House; in the

WILLARD is a restaurant called THE OCCIDENTAL. Hanging on the

wall next to the coat room is a photograph of little Gremlin

Herbert Brownell; there is a radiant mystique about that

photograph that is different... as if there was a Gremlin sparkle

in his eyes... as if he was on the threshold of pulling off

something grand... something big... something important.


Three weeks after President Kennedy was murdered in Dallas on

plans previously approved by the Four Rockefeller Brothers, [446]


Dallas was one of three cities where planning for the murder was



Rockefeller legislative nominee Senator Birch Bayh introduced

Nelson's 25th Amendment into the United States Senate, [447]


SENATE JOINT RESOLUTION 139, 88th Congress, Second Session (1964).


and supervised its way through the procedures of Congress, [448]


Senator Birch Bayh held the Chair of the Senate SubCommittee on

Constitutional Amendments. See a Report authored by Birch Bayh


VICE-PRESIDENT, Senate Report Number 1382, 88th Congress, Second

Session (1964); this report includes many private views on the

ABSOLUTE DIRE EMERGENCY NEED for the 25th Amendment; views

expressed by Nelson Rockefeller's nominees.


and ratification through the States were later effectuated in 1967

under lobbying by imp Herbert Brownell, Nelson's intimate. [449]


Occasionally, headaches surfaced during the ROCKEFELLER

RATIFICATION OPERATION which Herbert Brownell coordinated. For

example, in 1965 a law review article appeared which caused the

Speaker of the Legislature of Arkansas to adjourn indefinitely his

State's ratification vote on the proposed 25th Amendment. The


BAYH-CELLAR PLAN in 17 South Carolina Law Review 315 (1965)

correctly noted that there was no big urgency for any new

Constitutional machinery to fill a Vice-Presidential vacancy [but

there very much was a big urgency on Nelson Rockefeller's part].

Herbert Brownell quickly got the situation under control, with the

end result being that the State of Arkansas ratified the 25th

Amendment on November 11, 1965 [see THE TWENTY-FIFTH AMENDMENT by

John Feerick ["Ratification"], at page 111 [Fordham University

Press, New York (1976)].


So it was planned by the Four Rockefeller Brothers to try and

generate some circumstances so that a man could now come up the

Presidential ladder, by appointment and unelected, through a

succession of Presidents who left office prematurely for various

different reasons. [450]


Nelson's water boys have spoken very highly of the 25th Amendment:

"As this Nation celebrates the two-hundredth anniversary of

its birth, we should take special note of one unique feature

of our great constitutional experiment. Unlike almost any

other Western democracy, the United States has never been

faced with a serious crisis in the line of succession to the

office of its chief executive and head of state. Our ability

to avoid such a crisis throughout much of our earlier history

was, perhaps, largely a matter of luck. Fortunately, we have

never had to confront the prospect of a double vacancy in the

offices of both President and Vice-President. Thus, one of

two individuals specifically designated by the voters as

President and next-in-line served in the office at all times."

- Senator Birch Bayh in the Forward to THE TWENTY-FIFTH

AMENDMENT by John Feerick [Fordham University Press, New

York (1976)].
Notice the selection of words that imp Birch Bayh uses:

EXPERIMENT, DEMOCRACY and LUCK. Down to the present day in 1985,

had Nelson Rockefeller not used his recurring accessory

instruments of murder and kidnappings to help him accomplish his

political objectives, the "serious crisis" of dual vacancies his

water boy Birch Bayh refers to would never have occurred in the

first place; as fundamental Gremlin MODUS OPERANDI always calls

for having just the right medicine to remedy ailments they

themselves create.


With the 25th Amendment tucked in under his belt, just two years

later circumstances to place Nelson into the White House were in

full gear, and they soon blossomed into public view with what was

known publicly as WATERGATE, as two CIA Agents posing as reporters

for the WASHINGTON POST drove the story into the ground, acting on

instructions to do so and under continuous advisory supervision.

Nelson Rockefeller's plans to ascend into the Presidential

corridors of power were contingent upon his successfully getting

rid of both Spiro Agnew, as well as Richard Nixon -- a very

difficult task. [451]


At a strategy meeting held in 1973 in Nelson's Washington offices

at 2500 Foxhall Road, Nelson reiterated that he wanted Spiro to go

first, before the final siege was laid on Richard Nixon.


First, Spiro Agnew was gotten rid of by Attorney General Elliott

Richardson, Nelson's friend, acting partially on some dirt Nelson

had been holding on Spiro all along, and partially by Nelson's

barking dogs in the news media; both TIME and NEWSWEEK ran overly

dramatic articles on Spiro during the week of August 13th, 1973,

signalling that he was then to be cut down fast. [452]


Staying on top of an impending Presidential grab that was in the

air, Senator Birch Bayh's SubCommittee issued on an informal

Report on the history of the 25th Amendment entitled REVIEW OF THE

HISTORY OF THE 25TH AMENDMENT, 93rd Congress, First Session,

Senate Document #93-42 "Report of the SubCommittee on

Constitutional Amendments to the Committee on the Judiciary" [GPO,

October, 1973].


After sicking the IRS on Spiro Agnew to go over every single

purchase Spiro made for 6 years -- even checking out $16 of

homespun cloth Spiro once bought, [453]

Subpoenas were issued by the IRS to try and find something to get

the goods on him. See the NEW YORK TIMES ["Tax Agents Compile

Data on Net Worth of Agnew"], page 1 (October 7, 1973).


Nelson arranged the ultimate incentive to have a resistant Spiro

Agnew resign and get out of the way: By planning to kidnap Susan

Agnew, Spiro's daughter. [454]


Susan Agnew received kidnapping threats against her while

traveling in Brazil [see the NEW YORK TIMES ["Agnew's Daughter

Quits Brazil After Report of Threat"], page 22 (August 30, 1973].

In that same article, reassurances were quickly presented that

there was nothing to be concerned about, as those impressive

Brazilian Federal Police, who must know everything, were quoted as

denying the threat existed:

"There was never any threat against her physical security,

including kidnapping..."

- NEW YORK TIMES, id., at page 22.

The following day, Brazilian Army Intelligence sources were quoted

as saying that they were familiar with the threats, and spoke

knowledgeably about the terrorist group who had been making

kidnapping preparations [see the NEW YORK TIMES ["Miss Agnew Did
Get Threat, Aide Says"], page 6 (August 30, 1973)]. With those

threats in mind, Spiro Agnew brought Susan home to the United

States quickly. Whether or not Susan Agnew was eventually

kidnapped here in the United States as an inducement to her father

to resign and get out of Washington is an unknown event Nelson

Rockefeller would have more than loved to have pulled off. For

all of the people Nelson and David Rockefeller have murdered,

killed, mangled, distorted, mutilated, and tortured -- a playful

little political kidnapping is the least that Nelson would have

concerned himself with. The day Spiro resigned the

Vice-Presidency, Susan Agnew was reported being at home in the

Agnew residence [see the NEW YORK TIMES ["Shades Drawn at the

Agnew's $190,000 Suburban Maryland Home"], page 33 (October 11,

1973)]. As is usual, the NEW YORK TIMES is playing cutesy by

directing attention to economic values on irrelevant matters -- it

was just as important for me to know the resale value of their

home as it is for me to need know what color the Agnew's mailbox

is. Gremlin journalists.


The day Spiro Agnew resigned [October 10, 1973], Nelson was quoted

by the NEW YORK TIMES as being very well versed in the technical

wording of the 25th Amendment -- as well he should be for the

extreme central importance of that Amendment in his important

plans for conquest. [455]

See "Rockefeller Said To Be Available" in the NEW YORK TIMES, page

33, October 11, 1973].


With Spiro out of the way, Nelson sent his dogs to get Richard

Nixon. Nelson's barking dogs in the controlled major media had

been busy getting their juices primed; they were waiting for a key

feature article to appear in TIME MAGAZINE, which would call for

Richard Nixon's resignation [the article had been written, and the

accompanying photographs portraying a dejected Nixon, had been

chosen almost a year before publication]. When the trigger

article cue appeared, the dogs were turned loose, and the howling

was heard around the world. ...And a vindictive Richard Nixon

reluctantly left the White House. [456]


A Gremlin once scratched the following ideas into his personal


"For him alone, winter seems to have arrived. He is being

secretly undermined and is already completely isolated. He is

anxiously looking for collaborators. Our mice are busily at

work, gnawing through the last supports of his position."

Those words could have been written about the final days of

Richard Nixon, but they were not; they were written by Paul Joseph
Goebbels, Hitler's propaganda chief, during another Rockefeller

grab for power from another era, 12 days before Chancellor

Brunning was forced to resign on May 30, 1932. Franz von Papen

was appointed to replace Brunning, and President von Hindenberg

appointed Hitler to replace Papen on January 30, 1933. What

Hitler did was to take advantage of a key weakness in the Weimar

Republic Constitution that allowed for appointed executives, which

created an open window for Gremlins to slip into office though,

without the irritation and nuisance of an infeasible election.

Young Nelson Rockefeller had recommended Hitler to his dad, John

Rockefeller, Jr. in 1930 as an ideal man to be used for their

purposes; Nelson had studied Hitler very closely and admired many

of Hitler's traits, and so when Hitler had finally succeeded in

acquiring his power and kingdom without the nuisance of an

election, Nelson quietly vowed to himself that he, too, would

someday have his own appointment Amendment in the United States.


Now Nelson had the Vice-Presidency, but the Vice-Presidency wasn't

Nelson's objective: He intensely longed for the day when he could

officially hold, in public glory for the world to honor,

jurisdictionally the same powers he had already been exercising

practically in Washington since World War II through a succession

of Presidential nominees -- but now it was going to be his turn.


After Nelson had grabbed the Vice-Presidency, many people in

Washington finally OPENED THEIR EYES and realized that it was the

Presidency all along that Nelson had wanted; and so a proposal was

introduced into the United States Senate to modify Section 2 of

the 25th Amendment [now that the real intent was visible]. This

proposal would have changed Section 2 so that when an unelected

Vice-President comes into the Presidency by way of appointment,

and if there is more than one year remaining in the Presidential

term, then a special national election would have to be held for

the President and Vice-President to go through -- thus negating

the PRESIDENTIAL OFFICE BY APPOINTMENT grab the 25th Amendment was


OF SECTION TWO OF THE 25TH AMENDMENT, in Hearings before the 94th

Congress, First Session (discussing Senate Joint Resolution 26);

[GPO, 1975]. Unfortunately, Senator Birch Bayh still held the

Chair of the SubCommittee on Constitutional Amendments, so the

proposal died a quiet sandbagging.


Following two assassination attempts in California on Gerald Ford

by Lynette Fromme and Sara Jane Moore, a poisoning attempt, quiet

staff suggestions that "...this might be a good time to move on,"

offerings of private employment, and then public demands from

Henry Kissinger that Gerald Ford resign, Vice President Nelson

Rockefeller ran out of Aces to pull from his sleeve. [458]

For a while, a vindictive Richard Nixon spoke to Gerald Ford

almost daily on the telephone, encouraging Ford not to resign.


Nelson's 25th Amendment had gotten him this far, into the

Vice-Presidency, but it still wasn't the public spotlight of the

Presidency that he had been craving for since he was a teenager.



In a sense, Richard Nixon was smart by appointing Gerald Ford

President instead of Nelson Rockefeller to replace Spiro Agnew:

Because having Nelson Rockefeller behind you as Vice-President is

a good way to get yourself killed. Incidentally, Richard Nixon is

quite familiar with the plans by the Rockefeller Brothers

arranging to have Jack Kennedy murdered in Dallas; trying to keep

the lid on that BAY OF PIGS that was talked about constantly in

the Watergate Tapes was the Kennedy Assassination. H.R. Haldeman

discusses how the BAY OF PIGS was the Kennedy Assassination; see

THE ENDS OF POWER by H.R. Haldeman, at page 38 et seq. [New York

Times Books, New York (1978)]. Many folks are a bit defensive

about poor Richard Nixon, the way he was hounded out of office by

all those barking dogs in the news media and all that... But how

much sympathy should you give to a President who spent a

considerable amount of time, while in Office, sequestering the

conspiracy to murder a previous President -- a conspiracy that

would expose not only his own sponsors, but himself as well? I

would like to hear someone try and stick up for Richard Nixon with

that in mind. Those who studied Richard Nixon in those days were

puzzled in relating to his extreme motives in so tightly

controlling every single little thing in the cover-up process, up

and down the line. Numerous commentators stated that some

political dirty trick does not justify such protracted and intense

cover-up supervision; nor does it justify E. Howard Hunt's demand

for $2 million in bribe money to keep quiet about the BAY OF PIGS.

That is correct, some burglary that was already publicly out in

the open does not justify all that: But the murder of an American

President does. Yes, Richard Nixon's mind was fixated on his own

involvement in a murder, not someone else's burglary.


On the eve of Jimmy Carter's Inauguration as David's nominee for

President, Nelson made one final attempt to use his 25th Amendment

to elevate himself into the Presidency via appointment, by using a

slick legislative device related to the Electoral College and his

Status as PRESIDENT PRO TEM of the United States Senate; [460]


The direct election of United States Senators by the 17th

Amendment is a political enigma; here the States gave up an

important source of power in the Congress for no reciprocating

beneficial reason -- but Gremlins had a reason -- more direct

control of the Congress, and bringing the United States down one

more step lower to a degenerate Democracy status where

Majoritarianism rules. And for similar reasons, in 1953, the

Congress was again tempted by Gremlins -- trying to rid the United

States of the Electoral College, and structure a direct

Presidential popular vote (A LA democracies) when then allows for

tighter Gremlin control [see ABOLITION OF ELECTORAL COLLEGE --


Before a SubCommittee of the Committee on the Judiciary of the

United States Senate," 83rd Congress, First Session, discussing

Senate Joint Resolutions 17, 19, 55, 84, 85, 95, 100 (June, July,

August, 1953)]. Rockefeller Cartel nominee Senator Estes Kefauver

urged the dismantling of the Electoral College [id., at page 14].

Even seemingly politically disinterested people have offered their

two bits in support of abolishing the ELECTORAL COLLEGE:

"...I have come before you today with one simple statement.

This Republic could find itself in grave danger because of a

fatal weakness in the process by which it elects our


- Author James Michener in a Congressional Hearing DIRECT


THE UNITED STATES, SubCommittee on the Constitution,

Committee on the Judiciary, United States Senate, 96th

Congress, First Session, Senate Joint Resolution 28

(March, April, 1979).

James Michener cited some research he did into the Presidential

elections of 1872 and 1968 as justification for his

over-dramatization of the effects of retaining the ELECTORAL

COLLEGE as he declared that the collapse of the Federal Government

was a certainty -- but never in this Hearing did author James

Michener ever cite the Founding Fathers or explain why they

incorporated such a juristic device in the first place. Like the

MODUS OPERANDI of Gremlins on a mission, to James Michener the

past is irrelevant.

Socialists have gotten into the attack on the ELECTORAL COLLEGE;


ELECTION AS CLASS LEGISLATION in 2 Commentaries (Winter, 1979).

For a glimpse into what one of the Founders had to say about the


ELECTORAL REFORM in Western Political Science Quarterly, at page

140 (March, 1962).


but under pressure from brother David, Nelson reluctantly backed

off and let go. [461]


There was also internal Cartel division now working against

Nelson's final power play in December of 1976, as numerous

associates of Nelson issued advisories discouraging him from using

this Presidential acquisition device; some of Nelson's strongest

former supporters in the Cartel now no longer trusted Nelson's

judgment explicitly like they had done so in the past, after the

Four Brothers seriously bungled their handling of a Russian double

cross in the Summer of 1976.


Two years later, when Nelson was shot to death in his forehead in

his New York Townhouse on a Friday evening, his plans for using

his 25th Amendment to assist him in accomplishing his political

objectives died with him. [462]


Henry Kissinger's murder of Nelson Rockefeller, a friend since

1955, through a college educated hit man in his 50's, was a power

play that Henry thought he would succeed at; a grand power play

Henry reasoned that the success of which would be probable, since

surviving Rockefeller Family members should likely expect to have

Henry fill the vacuum of power that would follow in Nelson's

absence -- at least, that was the reasoning Henry was operating

under. But Henry was also operating under the attractive primary

inducement of Rothschild prompting, intelligence guidance, and

background support in this murder -- people SEEMINGLY above double

cross. But Henry ran out of time before he succeeded in

consolidating his gains -- the promised Rothschild post-murder

background support never materialized when Henry needed it most on

that Monday evening, February 5, 1979.


Today, in reading the 25th Amendment, no where in it are there any


WATERGATE or BOB WOODWARD appearing anywhere, yet an understanding

of the real existential meaning of the 25th Amendment requires a

contextual knowledge of the background factual setting that

Rockefeller political conquest was then swirling in: A well-oiled

vortex of kidnappings, torture, dismemberment, bribes, wholesale

executions, murder, and intrigue. [463]


The phrase WELL-OILED means that plans generally go on smoothly to

completion without too much friction or distractions; the players

possessing the magic of a MIDAS TOUCH.


Historians writing their views on the history and existential

reasons for the 25th Amendment try to cast the Amendment's origin

in historical light, by discussing the REMOVAL CLAUSE of Article

II, Section 1, while leaving out any commentary about any Gremlins

EXTRAORDINAIRE at work in the background, like Nelson Rockefeller,

who stayed back in the shadows while directing the visible players

in this 25th Amendment act. [464]


Like a large volume of American historians, these 25th Amendment

commentators do not write factually accurate information, as the

mere omission of the dominate roles played by Nelson Rockefeller

and his associates in the sponsorship of the 25th Amendment --

such a factual deficiency, IPSO FACTO, nullifies the veracity of

the remaining limited information that is presented. See:


89 Political Science Quarterly 475 (Fall, 1974);


CONSTITUTION, Fordham Law Review (December, 1965);



457 (1964).


Likewise, a light and quick reading of the proposed Equal Rights

Amendment also reveals seemingly noble and righteous purposes and

lofty objectives that are designed to terminate, once and for all,

that utterly heinous evil of gender based discrimination. The

sponsors of the ERA, who circulate in the genre of leftists,

Bolsheviks, statists, and socialists, etc., have grand enscrewment

plans for the ERA, but you are the last person they intend to
bring this information to. [465]


The way to pierce through all distraction arguments and get to the

very bottom of Gremlin intrigue is not to search the present

record for Gremlin sponsorship, which is often invisible at first,

but rather to search the past record for similar acts that

Gremlins sponsored, because time has a way of unravelling details

that were once secret. The reason why examining the past as a

strong testing methodology for determining Gremlin participation

in the present setting is because Gremlins find it unnecessary to

change, alter, amend, or modify their MODUS OPERANDI from one

successful conquest to the next, as they go about their work

trying to run one civilization into the ground after another. And

so as we turn around and examine the past, we very much find

Gremlin intrigue in Russia starting in the pre-Revolutionary days

of 1914, as the Gremlins were highly active in "liberating" or

"emancipating" downtrodden women. For 743 documentary pages of

political intrigue carried on by Gremlins in Russia working to

"liberate" women from the clutches of some fictional and

non-existent adversary, see the doctorate dissertation of Robert



PETROGRAD EXPERIMENT [Columbia University (1977)] (Order Thesis

Number 77-24,326 from University Microfilms in Ann Arbor,


A large number of other people who mean well also support it (or

believe that they want to support it for the righteous goals it

says it will accomplish). [466]


It is in the nature of people that once they have made a decision

about something, folks often rearrange their logic to justify the

end conclusion, ignoring divergent peripheral factual elements

that make their unwanted appearance at random occurrences; just

like folks will also enhance in their minds the worth of something

they believe that either they or someone else has paid a price

for, while ignoring conflicting factual items that would derogate

the worth. See Leon Festinger in A THEORY OF COGNITIVE DISSONANCE

[Row, Peterson Publishers, Evanston, Illinois (1957)] and Hal


[Brooks/Cole Publishing, Monterey, California (1982)].

...Both behavioral operants are unfavorable intellectual habits

that should not be allowed a domiciliary presence in our minds; it

is difficult enough to acquire an enlarged basis of factual

knowledge to exercise judgment on, and so tossing aside

uncomfortable factual irritants is improvident.


For an ominous portrayal of what the ERA will accomplish on its

mission in the United States, one need only to examine the

practical effects of laws similarly worded in Europe and the

Scandinavian Countries. [467]


Up until 1971, there had been some form of an equal feminine

rights amendment introduced into each Congress since 1923. After

the ERA lost its ratification journey through the states the first

time around, the Congress held new Hearings on the amendment to

reexamine the likely impact of the ERA on the United States. For

1,900 pages of discussions on the contemplated impact, see



Congress, First and Second Sessions (from May, 1983 to May, 1984).

For all of the 1,900 pages of distraction arguments presented to

the Congress, none of the discussions focused in on Gremlin

maneuverings with women's rights movements in other political

jurisdictions around the world that have already gone to the dogs.


But the real objective and meaning of the Equal Rights Amendment

lies in another strata altogether: The Equal Rights Amendment was

designed to harm and damage people -- and how it will accomplish

that is quite subtle. [468]

"From the fact that people are very different it follows that, if

we treat them equally, the result must be inequality in their

actual position, and that the only want to place them in an equal

position would be to treat them differently. Equality before the

law and material equality are therefore not only different but are

in conflict with each other; and we can achieve either the one or

the other, but not both at the same time."

- F.A. Hayek in THE CONSTITUTION OF LIBERTY, as quoted by

Joan Kennedy Taylor in 7 Libertarian Review 30, at 33

(December, 1978).

Author F.A. Hayek belongs to the Austrian School of Economics,

which propagates reasoning in favor of pure LAISSEZ-FAIRE.


Let us examine a favorite Patriot factual setting to see what

happens when legal equality is forced on objects that belong, out

in the practical setting, in their own class, free to commingle

with other similar objects sharing the same approximate

attributes, orientation, velocity, and dimensions. Why are

bicycles, pedestrians, and buggies discouraged from using

interstate highways where automobiles and huge semi's reign

supreme at accelerated velocities? Because as a matter of

practical concern, although, ARGUENDO, each form of transportation

is legally entitled to some right-of-way access, in the practical

setting each form of transportation operates best in its own

protected path and status, free from each other's unique

requirements. Do railroads really belong on automobile highways?

Even though both are particular forms of transportation that carry

freight and people, by their nature they belong on separate tracks

or paths. To have all forms use the same highway path, by legally

forcing non-discrimination in effect between different forms of

transportation ("It just isn't fair that I cannot use my bike on

that highway!"), although initially it sounds legally impressive

to get rid of discrimination, this actually creates hard damages

out in the practical setting when high velocity vehicles weave

their way around buggies and bicycles that non-discrimination

legislation has forced into using the same track or status;

bicycles and pedestrians belong on their own bicycle/pedestrian

paths, sharing that path with transportation forms that operate

under similar characteristics, and under similar velocity

parameters. Not all particular forms of the same general

classification belong in the same status or path, and when forced

to cross over and commingle with each other, then damages occur.

Customized legislation (or DISCRIMINATION as some would

characterize it by trying to cast an illicit derogatory inference

on the subject even before the substance is addressed on its

merits), providing for each particular form of transportation to

operate in its own ideal tract and setting, at its own maximum

velocity, prevents the damages that are caused by reason of

improvidently commingling different particular forms. Correct

PRINCIPLES OF NATURE, however invisible, operate across all

factual settings, transparent to the particular application

vicissitudes then under discussion. [469]


Even the organic flourishment of dynastic families is contoured

around the Law, a statement that I am sure would be shocking to

Nelson and David Rockefeller. See LAW IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF



George Marcus, 14 Law and Society Review 859 (1980).


And just as men and women were designed by their Creator to

operate at different velocities and accomplish different

objectives down here, although both are mammalian vertebrates and

share similar dimensions, forcing both particular genders into the

same track and status to accomplish legal equality will actually

secondarily create hard damages out in the practical setting.



"The two sexes differ in structure of body, in the functions to be

performed by each, in the amount of physical strength, in the

capacity for long-continued labor, particularly when done

standing, the influence vigorous health upon the future well-being

of the race, the self-reliance which enables one to assert full

rights, and in the capacity to maintain the struggle for

subsistence. This difference justifies a difference in

legislation and upholds that which is designed to compensate for

some of the burdens which rest upon her."

- MULLER VS. OREGON, 208 U.S. 412, at 422 (1907).


Sorry, Gremlins, but each form of transportation should not be

entitled to equality before the Law; as F.A. Hayek stated so well,

forcing legal rights equality on material objects that operate

best in different strata, always creates hard damages. And men

and women are very different. [471]


"...history discloses the fact that women have always been

dependent upon man. He established his control at the outset by

superior physical strength, and this control in various forms,

with diminishing intensity, has continued to the present. As

minors, though not to the same extent, she has been looked upon in

the courts as needing special care that her rights may be

preserved... Though limitations upon personal and contractual

rights may be removed by legislation, there is that in her

disposition and habits of life which will operate against a full

assertion of those rights... Differentiated by these matters from

the other sex, she is properly placed in a class by herself, and

legislation designed for her protection may be sustained, even

when like legislation is not necessarily for men, and could not be

- MULLER VS. OREGON, 208 U.S. 412, at 421 (1907).


One of the reasons why so many folks are sympathetic to the ERA,

is that they know, and properly so, that women have been given the

short end of the stick by having been denied political rights and

enfranchisement in the past; and so now is the time to right all

of that and give women full dignity rights. That, too, sounds

high, noble, and righteous; but remember the highway

transportation example I gave. The damages that are created by

forcing particular forms of transportation to operate on the same

track with each other, are not at all related to merely allowing

men and women to have identical political relationships with the

State. This means that there is a big difference in legally

forcing particular forms to commingle with each other, as

distinguished from allowing each form to politically commingle

with the State passively, if and when they feel like it. Go back

and read the ERA again, as it does not just merely allow passive

gender political equality relationally with the State (which, of

and by itself, is harmless and fine, and I approve of); but it

also forces hard inter-gender track commingling out in the

practical setting by jurisdictionally disabling distinctive

customized legislation that restrains particular forms from

crossing over into each other's paths and status. And therein

lies the presently invisible sinister objective that the world's

Gremlins want to see so much: Damages. [472]


"A doctrinaire equality, then, is the theme of the [Equal Rights]

Amendment. And so women must be admitted to West Point on a

parity with men; women must be conscripted for military service

equally with men... girls must be eligible for the same athletic

teams as boys in the public schools and state universities; Boston

Boys' Latin School and Girls' Latin School must merge (not simply

be brought into parity); life insurance commissioners may not

continue to approve lower life insurance premiums for women (based

on greater life expectancy) -- all by command of the Federal


- Paul Freund of Harvard University in HEARINGS BEFORE


OF REPRESENTATIVES, page 611, 92nd Congress, First Session

[Discussing House Joint Resolutions 35 and 208 "The ERA"]

(March and April, 1971).


Yes, the police powers of Government are very often called upon by

Special Interest Groups to work Tortfeasance on others, [473]


One classic example can be found in footnote 6 to NEW MOTOR

VEHICLE BOARD VS. ORRIN FOX, which gives history to the California
Automobile Franchise Act. In that Case, the Supreme Court

reviewed a grab of the use of the police powers of the State of

California -- by automobile dealers of all people -- to create a

shared Commercial enrichment monopoly for themselves to feast on,

through the use of penal statutes. We are told that:

"Disparity in bargaining power between automobile

manufacturers and their dealers prompted some 25 states to

enact legislation to protect retail car dealers from perceived

abusive and oppressive acts by the manufacturers... Among its

other safeguards, the Act protects the equities of existing

dealers by prohibiting manufacturers from adding dealerships

to the market areas of its existing franchisees where the

effect such intrabrand competition would be injurious to the

existing franchisees and to the public interest."

- NEW MOTOR BOARD VS. ORRIN FOX, 439 U.S. 96, at 101


Yes, if you would believe those poor little downtrodden California

car dealers, why those evil and utterly heinous manufacturing

vultures are just trampling all other their rights; whereas

talking about vultures -- those car dealers should be the VERY

LAST ONES to talk. Appropriate medicine for the automobile

dealers would be to pull their thumbs out of their mouths, get rid

of their corporate diapers, and have them start taking some

responsibility for the contracts they enter into, and stop

thinking in their typical enscrewment terms of how everything has

always GOTTA BE THEIR WAY (in a business sense, that is great if

they can get away with it). When negotiating with a car

manufacturer refusing to give them an exclusive geographically

assigned marketing district, then the car dealer should go

negotiate with some other manufacturer; but car dealers want the

Franchise itself much more than they want something derivative

like protected marketing districts (which is only of secondary

importance); so as usual, car dealers seek to excuse their own

weakness and mistakes by calling on the guns and cages of the

State to pick up their loose ends and throw Torts at car

manufacturers [and denying manufacturers the ability to offer

their Franchises with two prices: One with a protected district

and one without -- is a Tort against the manufacturer]. If

assigned and protected geographical districts were really all that

important, prospective car dealers faced with such unfeasible

proposed contract terms could simply turn around and go negotiate

with some other manufacturer, even foreign manufacturers; thus

leaving the uncompromising manufacturers with the decision to

either assign exclusive districts, or in the alternative, face the

consequences of not signing up any dealers. Who else is being

damaged by politically restricting the geographical placement of

car dealers? The car buying public is -- as a reduction in the

number of automobile dealers can do absolutely nothing but

constrict retail competition and raise prices.


but legislators, however bought and purchased, will necessarily

always have to cast their Tortfeasance in noble and righteous

sounding rhetoric. [474]


RHETORIC is the artificial elegance of language.


But important for the moment, no words in the proposed Equal

Rights Amendment itself lead anyone to suggest that someone as

something possibly sinister planned, just like there were no words

in the proposed 25th Amendment of 1963 that would lead anyone to

believe that someone has something possibly sinister up his

sleeves. Only a handful of people knew at the outset of the 25th

Amendment that Nelson Rockefeller had grand sinister plans for

that Amendment: Plans that involved creating damages by murder,

if necessary. [475]


Whenever Principles are violated, secondary damages follow later

on its wake -- but the surfacing of the secondary damages later on

is so subtle as to render the true causal point of origin almost

invisible. For example, let's say you are E. Howard Hunt, a

career CRACKER for the CIA. Having finished your mission on the

grassy knoll in Dealey Plaza in Dallas, having put in your honest

days' labor by helping to murder Jack Kennedy, under the cover of

being a railroad bum (an awfully clean looking bum), you turn
around and leave the ambush scene. WELL, THAT WAS BUSINESS.

...Now it is nine years later, and now there has been another

murder, but this time things are different. This time a chill

travels up one side of your spine and down the other; this time

things are unpleasant; this time the victim is your wife, Dorothy

Hunt. On Friday, December 8, 1972, some 200 Federal Agents from

the Chicago offices of the FBI and DEA had travelled out to Midway

Airport, in advance, to wait for a United Airlines Flight #553 to

crash that afternoon; and they had brought with themselves machine

guns and special orders from Washington. The plane had been

rigged to self-generate an electrical blackout on arrival by

having the bus bar stripped down and replaced with a filament that

would break on flight descent; and the air traffic controllers

were also standing by, ready to manufacture a crash -- some of the

most inhumane circumstances imaginable. On that flight was your

wife, Dorothy, carrying $2 million in bribe money from CREP

(Committee to Re-Elect the President); Dorothy had been sitting

next to a sharp CBS newswoman, Michele Clark [as sharp as

journalists go], and had been spilling the beans. When the

firetrucks and ambulances arrived on the crash site, the jet

(which had demolished a house), had already been cordoned off by a

small army of Federal Agents, and while pleas and wailings for

help by trapped passengers inside the jet could be heard at a

distance by emergency personnel, Federal Agents brandishing

machine guns physically restrained any help from reaching the jet.

The local rescue squads were shocked at what they saw, but the

Federal Agents were on a mission: To make sure that Dorothy Hunt

and the CBS Newswoman she was talking to, as well as other
troublesome people who were conveniently on board that were

irritating to Attorney General John Mitchell, were thoroughly


...Now let's say that you were E. Howard Hunt. QUESTION: How

would you have known that helping out the Four Rockefeller

Brothers to murder Jack Kennedy in 1963 would directly lead to the

murder of your own wife nine years later, as your supporting role

in one Rockefeller PRESIDENTIAL REMOVAL OPERATION organically grew

into another? ANSWER: You would not have known -- secondary

consequences are inherently latent and difficult to see. So when

invisible PRINCIPLES OF NATURE are violated [Would a CRACKER like

E. Howard Hunt bother to concern himself with PRINCIPLES?],

damages to yourself will always surface at a later time, with the

true seminal point of causality also remaining largely invisible.

And as we change settings, PRINCIPLES OF NATURE never change; and

the forced commingling of genders that the ERA will originate will

in fact generate damages later on, with the true seminal source of

the damages remaining largely obscured. If the ERA does promote

PRINCIPLES OF NATURE when forcing improvident inter-gender

commingling, then could someone please explain to me where it does



And as it is with those two Amendments, so it is with multiple

other Amendments which were appended to the Constitution after our

Founding Fathers left the scene and took their genius with them:
The real meaning of the "After Ten" Amendments are no where to be

found on their face, so a quick light facial reading of any of the

"After Ten" Amendments is to be discouraged. [476]


"The first eleven Amendments to the Constitution of the United

States were intended as checks or limitations on the Federal

Government and had their origin in a spirit of jealousy on the

part of the States. This jealousy was largely due to the fear

that the Federal Government might become too strong and

centralized unless restrictions were imposed upon it. The [Civil]

War Amendments marked a new departure and a new epoch in the

constitutional history of the country, since they trench directly

upon the powers of the States, being in this respect just the

opposite of the early Amendments."


at 8 [John Hopkins Press, Baltimore (1908)].


So this REPUBLICAN FORM OF GOVERNMENT CLAUSE appropriately applies

to everything from Jury size to enlightenment on Jury

Nullification, to a Jury of your Status peers, to taxing powers,

to police powers, to statutes sponsored by Special Interest

Groups: In any setting where Minority Rights are being hacked

away at. All factors considered, I am opposed to the legal

standing of the 14th Amendment. Opposition to the legal standing

of the 14th Amendment will itself come with bitter opposition from

Blacks -- as the termination of the 14th Amendment will strip

Blacks of all law enforcement jobs and many elected Government

positions where United States Citizenship is required, and

additionally create a status stigma over them that is necessarily

unpleasant for them. Yet, despite those uncomfortable secondary

practical effects of terminating the 14th Amendment, such

termination, if it ever occurred, would be just the right

medicine, as a disciplinary measure, to shake the King into

thinking twice before pulling anything like that off again; yes, a

few good selectively placed judicial spankings can act like

restrainment magic in preventing Royal Torts. After the Civil War

ended, Union troops remained quartered in several Southern States

until after they ratified the 14th Amendment: To perfect by naked

physical duress what could not be perfected by arguments of reason

and logic, political attraction, good common sense. [477]


The coordinated selected presence of Union and Confederate Troops

in the South after the Civil War to deal with the New York City

sponsored Carpetbaggers is something else.


Even so, Blacks do not have much substantive merit to their

arguments that the termination of the 14th Amendment would be

detrimental to them, as they try to deflect the termination of the

14th Amendment with their sweet sounding rhetoric of unfairness.

Sending the Blacks back to Liberia, like was planned after the

Civil War, isn't very likely right now (although that would be

just the right medicine to get rid of racism in America, by

getting rid of the irritant races). If the 14th Amendment was

terminated tomorrow morning, the political climate today is such

that it would be reenacted by the Congress and most States

properly within a few weeks. [478]


The 26th Amendment under the incentive of light financial pressure

by a Supreme Court ruling, sailed through the States in a few



And as for the Supreme Court, rather than believing like they do

that they are being smart and clever by protecting the King when

sweeping his dirty laundry under the carpet for him, they would be

truly wise, in contrast, to explore the possibility that a few

good public spankings once in a while are actually just the right

medicine to reduce their own Case load by conveying the message to

the King -- preventively -- that generous awards to remedy his

Torts will be enforced by the Court, and that fraudulent

administrative announcements on Constitutional Amendment

Ratifications by Secretaries of State will be annulled in due

time. [479]

"It is a wholesome sight to see 'the Crown' sued and answering for

its torts."

- Maitland in 3 COLLECTED PAPERS, at 263 [quoted by Harold


Law Review 447, at 470 (1919)].


Admiralty Jurisdiction has a sister called Maritime Jurisdiction;

and Maritime, like Admiralty, is a body of Law international in

character, and is considered by Federal Judges to be the Law of

all Nations. [480]


For a commentary on Maritime having an international flair to it,

see the remarks of Gremlin Lord Mansfield, in 35 TULANE LAW

REVIEW, at pages 116 to 118 (1960).


In 1922, Justice Holmes of the United States Supreme Court had a

few words to say about the reason why we are now burdened down

with Maritime Jurisdiction:

"There is no mystic overlaw to which the United States must

bow... However ancient may be the traditions of Maritime Law,

it derives its power from having been accepted in the United

States." [481]


THE WEST MAID, 257 U.S. 419, at 432 (1921).


Like the National acceptance of Maritime Jurisdiction by the

Federal Judiciary, it is the individual acceptance of the benefits

of King's Admiralty Jurisdiction by you that is your problem, and

not the universal benign assertion of that Jurisdiction by the

King that is your problem. Yes, Admiralty Jurisdiction is a

jurisdiction skewed heavily to favor the King, and it very much

operates in chronologically compressed giblet cracking Summary

Proceedings. Yes, Admiralty has quite a reputation for being curt

and abbreviated, and the curtness of Admiralty extends even into

such areas as pleading itself. [482]


"But in the Admiralty, as we have said, there are no technical

rules of variance or deception. The court decrees upon the whole

matter before it..."

- DUPONT VS. VANCE, 60 U.S. 162, at 173 (1856).


This silent benefit acceptance is what is partially responsible

for the King's ability to throw his Special Interest Group

criminal LEX at us: Without any express contract, without any

MENS REA, and without any CORPUS DELECTI damages anywhere; that's

right, no damages to be found anywhere, no evil State of Mind as a

driving force in the mind of the actor, and seemingly, no

contract: Just summary giblet cracking. The King is making an

assertion of Admiralty Jurisdiction here against you, but it is an

assertion only in the sense that it is a qualified assertion: The

Judiciary exists to intervene and separate the King from you,

after you have filed your NOTICE OF SEVERANCE and

BENEFITS on the King, and
have recorded a rescission ["Waiver and Rejection of Benefits"]

derived from your Birth Certificate in your County Clerk's Office,




"The end of the institution, maintenance, and administration of

government is to secure the existence of the body politic, to

protect it, and to furnish the individuals who compose it with the

[benefit] of enjoying in safety and tranquility their natural

rights. ... The body politic is formed by a voluntary

association of individuals; it is a social compact [contract], by

which the whole people covenants with each citizen, and each

citizen with the whole people, that all shall be governed by

certain laws for the common good."

- The Preamble of the 1780 Massachusetts Constitution, F.N.



STATES, at pages 1888, et seq. (GPO, Washington, 1907), 7



The word "Trust" itself means contract. However, the mere

unilateral declarations by you of your relational Status

EX-CONTRACTU means nothing by itself without a correlative

substantive contract annulment termination; and by the end of this

Letter you will see the correct contract annulment procedure.

PUBLIC TRUST CONTRACTS are in effect automatically by your

acceptance of juristic benefits -- an acceptance that takes place,

very properly, through your silence, as I will explain later; but

getting out of Public Trust Contracts is a different story. [484]


The PUBLIC TRUST is cited by judges as justification to throw

penal LEX at folks where there is no Tort indicia of MENS REA or

CORPUS DELECTI damages present in the factual setting, and neither

is there any specific contract that can be cited. For example,

growing a Marijuana plant in your backyard, or gambling in your

basement, offers no contractual infraction, no MENS REA, and no

CORPUS DELECTI damages anywhere; and the incarceration of

Individuals under such a factual setting is an operation of

MAJORITARIANISM to the extreme, and is supposed to be forbidden


Question: How do judges, who know all of that, circumvent the

positive restrainments in the REPUBLICAN CLAUSE? The answer is

best explained by way of analogy:

"The State, on the other hand, has a substantial interest in

protecting its citizens from the kind of abuse which [this

Case is about]. ...our decisions permitting the exercise of

state jurisdiction in tort actions based on violence or

defamation have not rested on the history of the tort at issue

[which falls clearly under Tort Law principles], but rather on

the nature of the State's interest in protecting the health

and well being of its citizens [which is an operation of

indirect third party contract]."

- FARMER VS. CARPENTERS, 430 U.S. 290, at 302 (1976).

Since the turning point in FARMER was the allowance of State

jurisdiction to intervene where only some prospective or indirect

damages existed to its Citizens under protective contract, then

the criminalization of innocuous relationships that folks have

with plants in their backyards and with policy slips in their

basements is similar predicated on the interest of the State in

protecting the health and well being of its Citizens from

prospective or indirect damages -- and the fact that the State

itself is unnecessarily creating damages where there were none

before, is a question not relevant to the factual setting

addressed. In this way, coming to grips with the direct question

of identifying either hard damages or a contract is avoided, and

is replaced by the Judiciary with the indirect milktoast question

of possible prospective damages to Citizens [who are being

protected under contract], by third parties. In this slick way, a

violation of the PUBLIC TRUST is referred to as incarceration

justification -- but as is usual, it is an invisible contract that

is to be found lying at the bottom of this circumvention of the

Principles behind the REPUBLICAN CLAUSE. However, as surprising

as it may sound, Government is not being placed in any special or

privileged status here by the Judicature of the United States, as

factually innocent third parties (like gamblers and Marijuana

growers) are damaged via incarceration. In 17 Harvard Law Review

at 171 (1903), there lies an article by James Ames entitled


wherein he discusses how third parties, interfering (or seeming to

interfere) with the Commercial contract administration of others

can be hauled into a Court and have an Injunction thrown at them

-- then incarceration follows for continued disobedience. So the

right of your regional Prince to throw penal LEX at you without

any IN PERSONAM contract in effect and no Tort indicia damages, is

no different from the recourse available to non-juristic Persons

to throw their contract irritants into jail via a CONTEMPT

CITATION. As is usual, it is ultimately a contract lying at the

bottom of all of this.


And the Contract remains in effect until you correctly attack the

Contract substantively, such as through FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION

by the timely rejection of benefits.

The 14th Amendment story is a very long one, and that is another

Letter. If you at all question the ability of that 14th Amendment

to actually do all of this, then may I suggest that you consider

the possibility of reading the 14th Amendment over very carefully,

and ask yourself why questions of debt validity would be discussed

in a Constitutional Amendment and not in statutes? Like the 16th

Amendment, what words an Amendment contains actually spell a far

different story than what a light quick reading of the Amendment

actually conveys. The Judiciary of the United States has never

applied the force of a Constitutional Amendment to a specific

factual setting in a grievance presented to it that I can remember

without a prior detailed analysis of the Amendment Clause's real

meaning through successive cases; and I would suggest that we all

follow similar detailed procedure. And as for debt collection,

the Congress already had all of the necessary initiating

jurisdiction in the original version of the Constitution of 1787

to borrow money and pay debts. What was different about the Civil

War Era that prompted the RADICAL REPUBLICANS, so called, into

placing that language into that Amendment? [485]


The low profile background involvement of the RADICAL REPUBLICANS

in working the 14th Amendment through the Congress is discussed in

an article by Daniel Farber, entitled THE IDEOLOGICAL ORIGINS OF

THE 14TH AMENDMENT, 1 Constitutional Commentary 235 (1984).


(An examination of the DRED SCOTT Case may open your eyes). [486]


Many times groups of people that hold special interest make their

descent on Congress; some are under cover on missions for

Gremlins, while others have the best of intentions. For example,

one such group with the best of intentions surfaced in 1954 by

proposing an amendment to the Constitution recognizing the

authority, dominion, and laws of Jesus Christ. Citing Supreme

Court rulings declaring that the United States was a Christian

Republic, and other legal commentators like Kent, an impressive

statement was made that irritated Jewish spokesmen [see HEARINGS


UNITED STATES SENATE, 83rd Congress, Second Session, discussing

Senate Joint Resolution 87 (May 13 and 17, 1954)]. However well

meaning those folks were, the enactment of such a Constitutional

amendment would have the Federal Government assume the role of

Tortfeasor on PERSONS antagonistic to Jesus Christ. So the

placement of that proposed Christian Amendment on to a Juristic

Institution's Charter, may have been improvident -- at that time.


The severance of yourself away from the Admiralty Jurisdiction

that the 14th Amendment creates for the King is by Rescission and

a Notice of Public Record served on the King, Notifying him that

your acceptance of his assertion of Admiralty Jurisdiction and his

contemporary version of old Roman Civil Law on you is now

terminated, and that all benefits he intends to offer on the good

ship United States, particularly those benefits of Limited Debt

Liability, are now declined, rejected, and waived. Remember that

it is the WAIVER OF BENEFITS in the practical setting that

terminates contract liability, and not the so-called NOTICE OF

RESCISSION CONTRACT, IN REM I hear talked about, which means

absolutely nothing. [487]


Another legal definition of WAIVER is that a WAIVER is an

intentional relinquishment of a known right. So, naturally, one

who waives must intend to do so and must know of the existence of

the right which he gives up. See generally INSURANCE -- THE

DOCTRINES OF WAIVER AND ESTOPPEL in 25 Georgetown Law Journal 437


Contracts do not dissolve themselves merely because you announce a

Rescission to the world; contracts can only be unilaterally

terminated by you for good reason, such as a required Operation of

Nature that collapsed -- such as FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION or

default by the other Party, etc. [488]


Yes, the Law does operate out in the practical setting -- it is

out there where liability attaches, and it will also be found out

where liability detaches, and not on paper as many Tax Protesters

would like you to believe; our Father's Law is not predicated upon

the existence on recent technological innovations like INK AND

PAPER. For example, Marriage Covenants entered into before a

judge -- signed, sealed, delivered, and possessing all of those

correlative requisite legal indicia that characterize a juristic

Civil Law Marriage mean absolutely nothing if the Marriage

Covenant did not physically start by reason of cohabitation out in

the practical setting. Common Law does not recognize the merely

contractual marriage that took place SEEMINGLY by acknowledgement

in front of a judge, but also requires cohabitation as a key

indicia to deem the Marriage valid. Therefore, in MILFORD VS.

WORCESTER [7 Massachusetts 48 (1810)], the wife was deemed not

married. The WORCESTER Court relied in turn on an English case

written by Lord Mansfield in MORRIS VS. MILLER [4 Burr. 2059]

stating that acknowledgement, cohabitation, and reputation are all

key indicia to determine a Marriage's validity. [See generally,

Stuart Stein in COMMON LAW MARRIAGES, 9 Journal of Family Law 271



Those last few words I just spoke are the Grand Key to

effectuating a rescission that the Supreme Court will respect.

Remember the Pan Am jet leasing example and our friend the roofing

contractor: You don't need a written contract on someone else to

work him into an immoral position if the money is not handed over.

So too you don't need any evidence of someone else's knowledge of

the existence of the facial contract to extract money out of him

as well. But you do need to show an acceptance of benefits. And

when the King publishes a large volume of statutes that define

statutory benefits, a good case can be made that liability exists,

even in ignorance, under the RATIFICATION DOCTRINE I will discuss

later. And so those individuals who have filed a NOTICE OF

RESCISSION OF CONTRACT, IN REM regarding their Birth Certificate

are deceiving themselves, as that Rescission, of and by itself,

means absolutely nothing. You missed altogether the one single

most important feature that attaches liability to contracts: The

acceptance of benefits out in the practical setting. Correctly

written, those contract Rescissions many folks have been filing

should emphasize that benefits are being waived, rejected, and

forfeited, and no benefits are being accepted; and excessive

attention to the existence of the facial Birth Certificate

document itself, is in error. And it is the rejection of benefits

that is the Grand Key to unlock an adhesive attachment of state

taxation jurisdiction. [489]


In the context of a discussion as to whether or not state revenue

jurisdiction attached to a corporation, consider the following


"...the simple but controlling question is whether or not the

state has given anything for which it can ask return."




I know of several criminal prosecutions where merely filing a

clumsy Objection to the 14th Amendment in their local county

recorder's office terminated the prosecution. In one Case, there

was a pre-Trial dismissal; in others appeal was necessary, with

the prosecution being sandbagged on appeal. In another Federal

criminal Case, the Defendant was mysteriously released from

pre-Trial commitment on his friend's Noticing the Court of his

Status and Rescissions. (Even though his Rescissions were

deficient in Waiving Benefits). That is just how powerful that

14th Amendment really is -- so much so that improperly prepared

defense attacks have been summarily granted at the trial level

occasionally to terminate prosecutions. But remember that absent

an explicit appellate court ruling, lower Trial Magistrates will

always rule inconsistently; so propagating legal suggestions based

on a handful of isolated trial level victories is improper. The

16th Amendment story is not taught to Federal Judges in their

seminars, and so in a similar way, there will be inconsistent

Trial level rulings on 16th Amendment pleadings just as there is

now inconsistent trial level rulings on the 14th Amendment, until

such time as the High Lama in Washington settles the question [and

they will settle it by affirming an Individual's liability

attachment to the Internal Revenue Code of Title 26, while

ignoring the 16th Amendment as being either necessary or as a

source of jurisdiction, as I will explain later.]

So it is the acceptance of the benefits of Admiralty Jurisdiction

by us that is responsible for this state of affairs, and not

totally by the King's benign juristic aggression. [490]


And as the QUID PRO QUO of taxation reciprocity expectations are

being held binding because benefits were previously accepted, is

applied to the King, so too does this QUID PRO QUO also apply to

the several regional Princes:

"Accordingly, decisions of this Court, particularly during

recent decades, have sustained non-discriminatory... state

corporate taxes... upon foreign corporations... when the tax

is related to a corporation's local activities and the State

has provided benefits and protections for which it is

justified in asking a fair and reasonable return."




And if the contract calls for Admiralty Jurisdiction, and you are

still experiencing Federal Benefits, the contract is still very

much in effect, regardless of what unilateral declaration you

announce to the world with your Birth Certificate document. Any

snickering at Federal Judges for ruling adversely against us under

a factual setting that skews off on a tangent favoring the King by

virtue of multiple invisible contracts in effect is improvident;

and any tongue-lashing administered by the Judge in such an

adhesive Admiralty Jurisdiction environment is a fully earned


The invisible Birth Certificate Enfranchisement story, and the

hairy tentacles of Admiralty and Equity Jurisdiction it attaches,

is a long one (and that is another Letter, and further elucidation

in this Letter is unwarranted), but the important realization is

that none of this introductory information I have told you is to

be found anyplace in the typical juristic sources of legislative

or judicial pronouncements. The assertion, all across the United

States, of such an Enfranchised jurisdiction without your

knowledge and perhaps even alien to your desired Status,

originates out in the practical setting, and it is also there in

the practical setting that it will be terminated by you: Without

any statutes saying you can, without Presidential certification

saying you can, without New York news media approval saying you

can, and without a Court ruling from a judicial tribunal

differentiating criminal liability on Persons based on Public

Trust Status grounds. None of those sources will ever tell you

that contract termination can be perfected by Rescission and

Waiver and Rejection of Benefits. It is only your own exploratory

self-initiative that will terminate this adhesive attachment of

King's Equity and Admiralty Jurisdiction taxing liability; and

Federal Judges are correct in so attaching Title 26 liability to

Enfranchised Persons accepting Citizenship benefits, benefits the

King has created and offered. And your Status and your Benefit

Waivers are very much a powerful practical instrument to use to

rescind invisible Admiralty Contracts the King will never publicly

admit to their existence... Only a tiny handful of words in a few

Federal Appellate Courts cautiously speak about the significance

of Admiralty Jurisdiction in a Tax Collection setting. I know of

some Judges who only reluctantly talk about these concepts in

their chambers, but clam up tight and refuse to talk about

anything in their Court while on the record; almost as if they are

afraid of being eaten alive by a super-sized Black Widow Spider.

But the most important item of business is waiver, forfeiture, and

rejection of benefits -- and to accomplish that, your explicit

disavowal is required. [491]


When discussing the attachment of liability to taxation statutes,

the Supreme Court has very simple rules:

"The question is whether... [General Motors accepted]

consequent employment of the opportunities and protections

that the State has afforded. ... The simple but controlling

[taxation] question is whether the state has given anything

for which it can ask return."


441 (1963).

And when the record shows that benefits have been accepted, then

rightful liability does correctly attach, as reciprocity is

expected back in return and there lies a contract.


Yet, that story of the relationship in effect between Admiralty

Jurisdiction and the 14th Amendment is only the first layer of two

layers of Admiralty Jurisdiction that the King has to justify

picking your pockets clean. The second layer of Admiralty

involves your acceptance of Social Security benefits. Very simply

stated, Social Security is an insurance program with Premiums

being paid into it, claims being paid out of it, and future

retirement endowment benefits are being accepted. [492]


Therefore, contracts are in effect, right? The correct answer is

partly yes and partly no. This Social Security is a hybrid.

Although revenues extracted from the Countryside by the King on

this Rockefeller wealth redistribution scheme originate under

juristic contracts (or shall we say, justified by the imposition

of contracts), however, when it comes time for the King to start

to decide just where and when and to whom is he going to

redistribute the loot to, now all of a sudden the contract is gone

from the scene, and the political Tort question of fairness enters

into the scene; and the reason is because Social Security does not

conform with the contractual model of an Insurance Annuity policy:

"The Social Security system may be accurately described as a

form of Social Insurance, enacted pursuant to Congress' power

to "spend money in aid of the 'general welfare'," Helvering

vs. Davis [301 U.S., at 640], whereby persons gainfully

EMPLOYED, and those persons who EMPLOY them, are taxed to

permit the payment of benefits to the retired and disabled,

and their dependents. Plainly the expectation is that many

members of the present productive workforce will in turn

become beneficiaries rather than supporters of the program.

But each worker's benefits, though flowing from the

contributions he made to the national economy while actively

EMPLOYED, are not dependent on the degree to which he was

called up to support the system by taxation. It is apparent

that the non-contractual interest of an EMPLOYEE covered by

the Act cannot be soundly analogized to that of the holder of

an annuity, whose right to benefits is bottomed on his

contractual premium payments."

- FLEMMING VS. NESTOR, 363 U.S. 603, at 609 (1960).

The reason why Social Security does not replicate an Insurance

Annuity in the classical sense is because, unlike Annuities,

Social Security has:

"...a clause reserving to it '[t]he right to alter, amend, or

repeal any provision' of the Act. [Title 42, Section 1304]"

- FLEMMING, id., at 611.

Annuity Policies do not have the right to pay out of the Annuity

whatever the Insurance Company now feels like paying; Insurance

Companies cannot just drop the payments to zero or to a low level

simply because they feel like it -- BECAUSE NO ONE WOULD BUY THAT

GAME -- but Congress does have this right to make payout changes,

because people who have paid into Social Security over the years

did so knowing [or should have known] that their retirement

benefits are indeterminate, that they have no recourse to sue the

Congress if they do not approve of the payout level when they

retire, and that the Congress retains the right to pay out nothing

[if that day should ever come when the Congress feels like it].

And since Congress has the right to change the terms of the Social

Security payout rates at its sole discretion, then payout

schedules and the like [unlike Insurance Annuity contracts where

everything is agreed upon exactly and set certain, up front],

Federal Courts have been reluctant to:

"...engraft upon the Social Security system a concept of

'accrued property rights' [since that] would deprive it of the

flexibility and boldness in adjustment to ever-changing

conditions which it demands."

- FLEMMING, id., at 610.

Since people entering into a participatory relationship with

Social Security have no fixed, specific, or exactly known

expectation of what their level of benefits might be in the

future, Federal Courts have declined invitations to force the

issuance of such benefit payments, and have declined invitations

to declare that Social Security beneficiaries posses what Judges

call VESTED PROPERTY RIGHTS in Social Security [if you have a

VESTED PROPERTY RIGHT in something, you can force its surrender

over to you]. The payout question is, quite reasonably, a purely

POLITICAL QUESTION (as Federal Judges would call it), for the

Congress to decide. Yes, Judges did correctly characterize this

one as being POLITICAL.


Several private commentators have suggested that there is a close

correlation between what is called TONTINE INSURANCE and Social

Security. Tontine Insurance is characterized as benefiting only

the remaining survivors of the policy holders, i.e., no money is

paid out to those Persons who die off. Thus, the Insurance

Company pays out benefits to the survivors based on the Premium

forfeitures that those who died (and got nothing) left behind. So

the survivors are enriched based on maximizing the number of

co-policy holders that have died off. [493]


Tontine Insurance has been analogized to contracts constituting a

wagering operation, and therefore forbidden under the policy

doctrine of gambling intolerance.

"In support of their contention that the DUAL-PAY policy does

not offend against public policy as a wagering contract,

respondent refers us to cases dealing with the Tontine or

Semi-Tontine Plan of Insurance. Under such plan no

accumulation of earnings are credited to the policy unless it

remains in force for the Tontine period of a specific number

of years. Thus, those who survive the period and keep their

policies in force share in the accumulated fund. Those who

die or who permit their policies to lapse during the period do

not, neither do their beneficiaries participate in such

accumulation. ..."

"We have concluded that the MORTALITY ENDOWMENT provision of

the DUAL-PAY policy for the reasons herein stated, is a

wagering contract."


137 Pacific 2nd 656, at 660 (1943).

Think about that for a moment, because it fits Social Security

straight down the line. In Social Security, if you die, your wife

gets nothing (with a few dog bone exceptions), but rather what

would have gone to you is simply given away (forfeited) to other

Premium payers who haven't died yet. [494]


As you can feel, insurance programs based on the Tontine Model are

quite unfair and are actually degenerate, but coming down

Lucifer's chain of command from Rockefeller Cartel Gremlins to

their imp nominee Franklin D. Roosevelt like it did, and then

blossoming out into the open public amid FDR's insincere orations,

ceremonial pomp, and irritating little propositional lies, we

really shouldn't be too surprised. A great man once had a few

words to say about Principles, popularity, and political


"Men are often asked to express an opinion on a myriad of

Government proposals and projects. All too often, answers

seem to be based not upon solid Principles, but upon the

popularity of the specific Government program in question.

Seldom are men willing to oppose a popular program if they

themselves wish to be popular -- especially if they seek

public office.

"Such an approach to vital political questions of the day can

only lead to public confusion and legislative chaos.

Decisions of this nature should be based upon and measured

against certain basic Principles regarding the proper role of

Government. If Principles are correct, then they can be

applied to any specific proposal with confidence.

"Unlike the political opportunist, the true Statesman values

Principles above popularity and works to create popularity for

those political Principles which are wise and just.

"It is generally agreed that the most important single

function of Government is to secure the rights and freedoms of

individual Citizens. But, what are those rights? And what is

their source? Until these questions are answered, there is

little likelihood that we can correctly determine how

Government can best secure them.

"Let us first consider the origin of these freedoms we have

come to know as human rights. Rights are either God-given as

part of the divine plan or they are granted by Government as

part of the political plan. Reason, necessity, tradition, and

religious convictions all lead me to accept the Divine origin

of these rights. If we accept the premise that human rights

are granted by Government, then we must accept the corollary

that they can be denied by Government. ...

"We should recognize that Government is no plaything. It is

an instrument of force; and unless our conscience is clear

that we would not hesitate to put a man to death, put him in

jail, or forcibly deprive him of his property for failing to

obey a given law, we should oppose the law. ...

"Once Government steps over this clear line between the

protective or negative role into the aggressive role of

redistributing the wealth through taxation and providing

so-called "benefits" for some of the Citizens, it becomes a

means for legalized plunder. It becomes a lever of unlimited

power that is the sought-after prize of unscrupulous

individuals and pressure groups, each seeking to control the

machine to fatten his own pockets or to benefit his favorite

charity, all with the other fellow's money, of course. Each

class or special interest group competes with the others to

throw the lever of Government power in its favor, or at least

to immunize itself against the effect of a previous thrust.

Labor gets a minimum wage. Agriculture gets a price support.

Some consumers demand price controls. In the end, no one is

much further ahead, and everyone suffers the burden of a

gigantic bureaucracy and a loss of personal freedoms. With

each group out to get its share of the spoils, such

Governments historically have mushroomed into total welfare

states. Once the process begins, once the Principle of the

protective function of Government gives way to the aggressive

or redistributive function, then forces are set in motion that

drive the nation towards totalitarianism."

- Ezra Taft Benson in CONFERENCE REPORTS, at page 17

["Political Opportunists -- Origin of Human Rights --

Legalized Plunder"] (October, 1968).


But the Congress does recognize Social Security as an insurance

operation, and in Title 42, which contains the Social Security

Act, there are numerous blunt references to Social Security to be

structured as the insurance program that it is; such as:

Title II: "Federal Old Age... Insurance Benefits"

Section 402(b): "Wife's insurance benefits"

Section 415: "Computation of Primary Insurance"

Section 423: "Disability Insurance Benefit Payments"

Section 426(a): "Transitional provision... for hospital

insurance benefits"

When the Congress created the Social Security program itself in

the 1930s, the creation legislation specifically referred to their

intention and desire to have Social Security be modeled around

that collectivist welfare program of social insurance that its

Gremlin sponsors wanted so much.

"The [Social Security] Board shall perform the duties imposed

upon it by this Act and shall also have the duty of studying

and making recommendations as to the most effective methods of

providing economic security through social insurance, and as

to legislation and matters of administrative policy concerning

old-age pensions, unemployment compensation, accident

compensation, and related [insurance] subjects." [495]


THE SOCIAL SECURITY ACT, 49 U.S. Statutes at Large, page 636

(August, 1935).


Social Insurance itself is commonly defined as an Insurance


"SOCIAL INSURANCE: A comprehensive welfare plan established

by law, generally (compulsory) in nature, and based on a

program which spreads the cost of benefits among the entire

population rather than on individual recipients. The federal

government began to use insurance programs in 1935 with the

passage of the Social Security Act. The basic federal and

state approaches to social insurance presently in use are:

Old Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance (i.e., social

security); Medicare and Medicaid; unemployment insurance; and

worker's compensation." [496]




If in fact Social Security is an Insurance Program at law, then

the reason why the King has another invisible layer, a second

layer, of Admiralty Jurisdiction to steam roll you over with, is

because in the United States, going clear back to Day One, the

Federal Judiciary has always considered grievances that were

brought into their Court based on POLICIES OF INSURANCE, to fall

under the summary giblet cracking legal reasoning of Admiralty


"My judgment accordingly is, that policies of insurance are

within... the admiralty and maritime jurisdiction of the

United States." [497]


Federal Judge Story, in DELOVIO VS. BOIT, 7 Federal Cases, #3776,

at page 444 (1815).


In 1870, the Supreme Court of the United States reviewed in

extended detail the history of Admiralty Jurisdiction as it

relates to insurance contracts, and of the opinion of Judge Story

in DELOVIO, and then affirmed DELOVIO; ruling that insurance

policies are now to be considered without any dispute as being

contracts within Admiralty Jurisdiction, and this remains true

even though the contracts were written on land with no part or

party to the contract having anything to do with a marine or High

Seas physical setting. [498]




So, it is the fact that Social Security is an Insurance Program

that is the tie-in between that IRS 1040 form, and Admiralty

Jurisdiction. [499]


"Polices of insurance are known to have been brought into England

from a country that acknowledged the civil law [as distinguished

from the Common Law]. This must have been the law of policies at

the time when they were considered as contracts proper for the

admiralty jurisdiction."

- CROUDSON VS. LEONARD, 8 U.S. 434, at 435 (1808).


No, that Social Security Number of yours is not "just a number" --

it is a Taxpayer Identification Number, just like that bank

account of yours is not "just a checking account." The fact that

so many other folks have these instruments does not reduce or

diminish their legal significance in a Federal Courtroom. Just

because you are surrounded by a very large number of fellow people

who also have these multiple instruments does not mean that they

loose their force or effect in Status declension to perfect an

attachment of King's Equity Jurisdiction. The commingling of the

passive national acceptance of these instruments, with an attitude

that there just must not be that much special significance to

these instruments, is defective reasoning.

Remember the environment of risk that insurance underwriters

encumber themselves with when writing insurance policies for

merchandise that goes afloat on the High Seas: That is where

Maritime (now Admiralty) Jurisdiction has formed and took root.

Initially, "Policies of Assurance" grew out of the DOCTRINE OF

CONTRIBUTION AND GENERAL AVERAGE, which is found in the Codes of

the ancient Rhodesians. By this doctrine, if any ship, cargo, or

freight was lost, damaged, etc., then all of the remaining pool

holders had to contribute their proportionate share of the loss.

This division of loss naturally suggested a division of risk:

First amongst those engaged in the same enterprise, and Second,

amongst associations of ship owners and shipping merchants. So

what we have here is mutual insurance. [500]


This discussion is extracted from INSURANCE COMPANY VS. DUNHAM, 78

U.S. 1, at 32 (1870).


Once mutual insurance was accepted as a common business practice,

it was made obligatory in Italy and Portugal, [501]




and the next step up its ladder of organic development was that of

insurance risk assumed upon a paid-in premium. Once insurers

became acquainted with the risks and numbers involved with

merchandise floating around on the High Seas, they then became

willing to guaranty against damages for a small specific premium

paid. [502]




So contemporary American legal reasoning is that, well, the risk

environment of premium based insurance policies should be the same

today as it was under the old days of marine based Maritime,

because the legal grievance adjudication environment that

insurance underwriters used to encumber themselves with back then

is replicated over again today when anyone goes to an insurance

company and asks them to assume some risk they don't feel like

taking themselves. As you and I would perceive it, that line of

comparative reasoning is not quite accurate, because folks today

are forced into Social Security and automobile insurance they

would not have bought if left to their own free will and business

judgment, but state penal Special Interest Group motor vehicle

statutes and clever Federal administrative rule making on

Employers has changed all that -- but with virtually no one filing

an Objection to their involuntary entrance into policies of

insurance, Federal Judges had little choice but to obey the

mandates of the Supreme Court, until such time as a different

factual setting (regarding the involuntary application of

Admiralty applied coercively) is presented to them.

Yes, very much, now you should see the fact that there is a strong

relationship going on nowadays between the collection of Internal

Revenue and Social Security insurance premiums in the United

States and Admiralty Jurisdiction. The IRS generally does not

pursue folks for Tax Collection purposes without a Social Security

Number having appeared somewhere, absent special circumstances

("...GET HIM"); although remember that Social Security is only one

of several King's Equity contracts most folks have with the King,

and the IRS does not have to have a Social Security Number to go

after someone. Through the unnecessarily expansive legal

reasoning on Insurance policies, and through the historical custom

of marine merchants, this Admiralty Jurisdiction which grew up out

on the High Seas to govern the risk and risk-taking marine based

grievances of merchants, and where it still belongs today, is now

inland all over the United States. [503]


Although Admiralty Jurisdiction may be designed, in its optimum

sense, to rule over grievances originating out on the High Seas,

the Supreme Court does not want Admiralty Jurisdiction to be so

geographically restricted in its locus to water only:

"The exclusive jurisdiction in admiralty cases was conferred

on the national government, as closely connected with the

grant of the commercial power [of Article I, Section 8]. The

Admiralty court is a maritime court instituted for the purpose

of administering the laws of the seas. There seems no ground,

therefore, for restraining jurisdiction, in some measure,

within the limit of the grant of the commercial power [the

power to regulate Interstate Commerce]; which would confine

it, in cases of contracts, to those concerning navigation and

trade of the country upon the high seas and tidewaters with

foreign countries..."


392 (1815).

In 1919, there appeared an article in Harvard Law Review, in a

commentary written by the Editors, discussing the background

history of how Admiralty Jurisdiction had once came ashore to find

a home inland for a short time in England; but in America, when

Admiralty came ashore at an early date, it stayed ashore:

"In the fourteenth century, the jurisdiction of admiralty,

which until that time had been extended to all cases partaking

of a maritime flavor, was greatly curtailed by successive

enactments. [Goldolphin, A VIEW OF ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION,

c.12. See DELOVIO VS. BOIT, 2 Gall. (C.C.) 398, 418].

Thereafter, the court could not take cognizance of a contract

made on land, even if to be performed at sea. SUSANO VS.

TURNER, Noy, 67 CRADDOCK'S CASE, 2 Brownl. & Gold 39. Nor if

made at sea to be performed on land. BRIDGEMAN'S CASE, Hobart

II. These restrictions upon admiralty jurisdiction were

rejected in the United States from an early date. THE

LOTTAWANNA, 21 U.S. 558; WARING VS. CLARKE, 5 U.S. 44]. The

civil jurisdiction was made to depend, not as in matters of

tort upon locality, but upon the subject matter of the

contract, which must be essentially concerned with maritime

services, transactions, or causalities."


CONTRACTS, 33 Harvard Law Review 853 (1919).


Yes, the King did acquire this envious enrichment machine (an

enrichment machine that Kings and looters in other countries only

wildly dream in fantasy about possessing for themselves) through

the clever use of Admiralty Jurisdiction -- but never forget that

before we badmouth the King for his Torts, first we examine our

own circumstances. The one real reason why there are two separate

layers of Admiralty Jurisdiction smothering us all today is

because we gave the King the right to lay Admiralty on us like

that, both individually and collectively. Yes, the King has a

demon chokehold of Admiralty over most of us, but an even more

honest assessment of the passing American scene today is that many

folks out there want (that's right, WANT) Social Security. If you

do no more than go around town and select a typical cross-profile

of people at random, you will find that Social Security,

so-called, isn't so badly thought of as many Patriots believe.



Yes, Social Security is quite popular today. No sooner had Social

Security been enacted by the Congress, then both Republicans as

well as Democratic Parties quickly endorsed the idea as a great


"We have built foundations for the security of those who are

faced with the hazards of unemployment and old age; for the

orphaned, the crippled, and the blind. On the foundation of

the Social Security Act we are determined to erect a structure

of economic security for all our people, making sure that this

benefit shall keep step with the ever increasing capacity of

America to provide a high standard of living for all its


- DEMOCRATIC PARTY PLATFORM OF 1936, at page 360, infra.

"Real security will be possible only when our productive

capacity is sufficient to furnish a decent standard of living

for all American families and to provide a surplus for future

needs and contingencies. For the attainment of that ultimate

objective, we look to the energy, self-reliance and character

of our people, and to our system of free enterprise.

"Society has an obligation to promote the security of the

people, by affording some measure of protection against

involuntary unemployment and dependency in old age. The NEW

DEAL policies, while purporting to provide social security,

have, in fact, endangered it.

"We propose a system of old age security, based upon the

following principles:

1. We approve a PAY AS YOU GO policy, which requires of

each generation the support of the aged and the

determination of what is just and adequate.

2. Every American citizen over 65 should receive a

supplemental payment necessary to provide a minimum income

sufficient to protect him or her from want.

3. Each state and territory, upon complying with simple

and general minimum standards, should receive from the

Federal Government a graduated contribution in proportion

to its own, up to a fixed maximum.

4. To make this program consistent with sound fiscal

policy the Federal revenues for this purpose must be

provided from the proceeds of a direct tax widely

distributed. All will be benefited and all should


"We propose to encourage adoption by the states and

territories of honest and practical measures for meeting the

problems of employment insurance.

"The unemployment insurance and old age annuity of the present

Social Security Act are unworkable and deny benefits to about

two-thirds of our adult population, including professional men

and women and all engaged in agriculture and domestic service,

and the self-employed, while imposing heavy tax burdens upon


- REPUBLICAN PARTY PLATFORM OF 1936, at page 366. Both


1972; compiled by Ronald Miller [University of Illinois

Press, Urbana, Illinois (1973)].

...Here are the so-called DEMOCRATS gloating over Nelson

Rockefeller's SOCIAL SECURITY PROGRAM, and also the Republicans,

who detected early and felt quite strongly the enormous vote

pulling power of Social Security, they too quickly started

drooling at the gibs for more of this wealth redistribution; like

Gremlins, REPUBLICAN platform writers like to play cutesy by

skirting the fringes of deception as they first state how opposed

they are to FDR's Social Security, but then go right ahead and

construct their own GRAB AND GIVE -- replicating in its entirety

the structural contours of FDR's Social Security Program legally

and practically.


So if you have voluntarily surrendered over your Social Security

Number to your Employer, or to a bank, or to anyone else -- then

not only have you accepted numerous statutory benefits that

Employees and bank customers enjoy (that I discussed earlier), but

the King also has you into both ADMIRALTY JURISDICTION, and an

ADMIRALTY CONTRACT on taxation, where Federal Judges routinely

deal with defendants in contract defilement summarily along

abbreviated lines that both skirt the fringes of Due Process and

also largely get away with on Appeal. But you can get out of a

contract in Admiralty the same way you can get out of any other

contract you don't want [FAILURE OF CONSIDERATION]. Yes, any poor

soul that the King's Agents have dragged into a Federal Court for

a Royal fleecing and a shake down, is in for curt process and

abbreviated trouble. But remember I speak these words playfully

and condescendingly down to the King: Patriots and Protesters are

up to their necks in multiple invisible contracts that are in

effect whenever benefits have been accepted (and when reciprocity

is expected in return), and so the typical protesting Patriot,

like Armen Condo and Irwin Schiff, putting up a good fight the way

they do, is in error.

If that Waiver, Forfeiture, and Rejection of the benefits of

Limited Liability that you experience under your Admiralty related

Contract, as well as Social Security Benefits -- if that FAILURE

OF CONSIDERATION turns out to be just not good enough for the High

Lama in Washington -- the Supreme Court -- then perhaps the time

will have arrived to take seriously the timeless mandates of our

Founding Fathers: And deal with an inappropriate assertion of

Admiralty Jurisdiction by the King in terms that accelerate in

velocity as they transverse down the barrel of a gun. [505]


"Tumult is from the disorderly manner of those assemblies, where

things can seldom be done regularly; and war is that DECERTARIO

PER VIM, or trial by force, to which men come when other ways are

ineffectual. If the Laws of God and men are therefore of no

effect, when the magistracy is left at liberty to break them, and

if the lusts of those who are too strong for the tribunals of

justice, cannot otherwise be restrained, then by sedition,

tumults, and war, those seditions, tumults, and wars are justified

by the Laws of God and men.

"I will not take upon me to enumerate all the cases in which this

may be done, but content myself with three, which have most
frequently given occasion for proceedings of this king.

"The first is, when one or more men take upon them the power and

name of a magistracy, to which they are not justly called.

"The second, when one or more, being justly called, continue in

their magistracy longer than the laws by which they are called do


"And the third, when he or they, who are rightfully called, do

assume power, though within the time prescribed, that the law does

not give; or turn that which the law does not give, to an end

different and contrary to that which is intended by it. ...

"He that lives alone might encounter such as should assault him

upon equal terms, and stand or fall according to the measure of

his courage and strength; but no valor can defend him, if the

malice of his enemy be upheld by public power. There must

therefore be a right of proceeding judicially or extra-judicially

against all persons who transgress the laws; or else those laws,

and the societies that should subsist them, cannot stand; and the

ends for which governments are constituted, together with the

governments themselves, must be overthrown. Extra-judicial

proceedings, by sedition, tumult, or war, must take place, when

the persons concerned are of such power, that they cannot be

brought under the judicial. They who deny this deny all help

against an usurping tyrant, or the perfidiousness of a lawfully

created magistrate, who adds the crimes of ingratitude and

treachery to usurpation. ...

"If this be not enough to declare the justice inherent in, and the

glory that ought to accompany these works, the examples of Moses,

Aaron, Othniel, Ehud, Barak, Gideon, Samuel, Jephthah, Jehu,

Jehoiada, the Maccabees, and other holy men raised up by God for

the deliverance of his people from their oppressors, decide the

question. They are perpetually renowned for having led the people

by extraordinary ways to recover their liberties, and avenge the

injuries received from foreign or domestic tyrants. The work of

the Apostles was not to set up or pull down the civil state; but

they so behaved themselves in relation to all the powers of the

Earth, that they gained the name of pestilent, seditious fellows,

disturbers of the people; and left it as an inheritance to those,

who, in succeeding ages, by following their steps, should deserve

to be called their successors; whereby they were exposed to the

hatred of corrupt magistrates, and brought under the necessity of

perishing by them, or defending themselves against them. And he

who denies them the right does at once condemn the most glorious

actions of the wisest, best, and holiest men that been in the

world, together with the laws of God and man, upon which they were



quoted by Phillip Kurland and Ralph Lerner in THE FOUNDER'S

CONSTITUTION ["The Right of Revolution"], at 77 [University of

Chicago Press, Chicago (1978); DISCOURSES CONCERNING

GOVERNMENT is a lengthy treatise first circulated in 1689].




Sandra Elaine; Fullerton temporary mailing location, c/o 501 E.

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Certified Mail No: 7003 0500 0001 1360 1584

Terms and Conditions of Transaction Effective Date of Transaction

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any taxes (including excise, privileges, occupation, use, sales, etc. -
Federal, State or local). Any payments deferred after the due date
as specified above shall bear interest at the rate of eighteen (18%)
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collection, or if collected by any legal proceedings, the state agrees
to pay Sandra Elaine; Fullerton the initial value plus 18% interest
and the reasonable attorney's fees and cost incurred in the
collection of sum owed to original creditor Sandra Elaine;
Fullerton by the state for the registered property described below
on account of principal, interest or other charges. The State, by the
initial transaction in the registration of the below described
property, does by these presents grant to Sandra Elaine; Fullerton,
and Sandra Elaine; Fullerton has and does hereby retain a security
interest in all goods, inventory, equipment, fixtures, proceeds,
general intangibles, accounts, contract rights, chattel papers or
after acquired property described in and being a part of the
transaction accepted by the state pursuant to this agreement and
described below. The security interest herein granted by the state
upon their acceptance of the transaction of registration of the
property described below and retained by Sandra Elaine; Fullerton
is to secure payment of the value and interest on the investment of
the property described below with the state and all other charges
due and owing Sandra Elaine; Fullerton by the state under the
terms of this agreement. This security interest constitutes a
"purchase money security interest" pursuant to this state's Uniform
Commercial Code. This instrument is a contract part of the
transaction of registration of the property described below and is a
contract, security agreement and financing statement between the
parties hereto (See Attached Commercial Security Agreement) or
in the alternative to declare my right under 15 United States
Statutes at Large, to expatriate absolute my res in trust to the
foreign jurisdiction known as the municipal corporation of the
District of Columbia, a.k.a. United States of America and all of its
municipal corporations, political sub-divisions, states and their
political sub-divisions and municipal corporations. Further, that all
past and present contracts for registration of the property described
below, implied by operation of law or otherwise in trust with the
above municipal corporations are hereby revoked, dissolved and
Page 1 of 3
MARITIME BENEFITS is hereby given to the United States by and through its agent, The Secretary of
Transportation of the United States, that any and all hidden contracts and/or commercial agreements
between the United States, a.k.a. the District of Columbia, and Sandra Elaine; Fullerton, juristic persons,
CONSIDERATION, and all benefits, privileges and opportunities associated with such unrevealed
contracts and/or commercial agreements are being waived, rejected, and forfeited, and no benefits,
including, but not limited to Limited Debt Liability Benefits, are being voluntarily accepted by Sandra
Elaine; Fullerton, and/or the juristic persons, SANDRA ELAINE FULLERTON, who declare their statuses
as strangers to the public trust created by the l4th amendment to the Constitution for the United States of
America, and who have voluntarily severed, waived, rejected, forfeited, and refused to accept any and all
enfranchisement benefits. Furthermore, Sandra Elaine; Fullerton, and/or the juristic persons, SANDRA
ELAINE FULLERTON, pursuant to this states Uniform Commercial Code UCC 1-207, Ab initio reserve
their Right not to be compelled to perform under any contracts and/or commercial agreements in which
they did not enter knowingly, intentionally, and voluntarily, with full disclosure of all facts, and meeting of
the minds, and by such "Reservation of Right", Sandra Elaine; Fullerton, and/or the juristic persons,
SANDRA ELAINE FULLERTON, they do not and will not accept the liability associated with the
compelled benefits of such unrevealed contracts and/or commercial agreements, be they Admiralty or

This instrument is a notice of the above retained security interest delivered by certified mail and it matters
not whether you file it in your records, return it to the sender or throw it in the trash, by these presents you
have been given notice. And, you must correct your records in accordance with this notice.
TRANSACTIONS INVOLVED Description of property registered or recorded with the State and/or any of
its instrumentalitys. The Power to Motivate-property described as : Nevada Drivers License
Number #1800300619, Clark County. Warranties
The property described above and delivered to the State or any of its instrumentality's by Sandra Elaine;
Fullerton has no warranties. Resold property will be covered by the original no warranty. Sandra Elaine;
Fullerton warrants that at the time of delivery, this property conforms to applicable product specifications
and descriptions. This warranty is in lieu of all other warranties express or implied, including warranties of
merchantability and fitness for any particular purpose, which warranties are specifically excluded.
Damages occurring during shipping, handling, storage, installation, investment or use is excluded. Sandra
Elaine; Fullerton shall not be liable for any claim for injury, loss or damage, direct or indirect,
consequential or otherwise, arising out of any defect or nonconformity of this property. I/We Sandra Elaine;
Fullerton, Declarant (s), Pursuant to 28 U.S.C., Sec. 1746 (1) and executed "without the United States",
state under penalty of perjury pursuant to the Laws of the united States of America, that I/We are competent
to be witness (es) and that the facts contained herein are true, correct, complete, and not misleading, to the
best of the Declarant (s') first-hand knowledge and belief.

Page 2 of 3

NOTICE Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion nor does it alter my Neutral
standing in intinere in original common law jurisdiction in any manner. The purpose for notary is
verification and identification only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction.
I hereby certify that on this ________day of_______________, 2003 A.D. a living, breathing, flesh and
blood man/woman known to me to be_______________________________, appeared in person to attest
and affirm that he/she is the man/woman executing the foregoing document, I, THEREFORE, set forth my
hand and seal in affirmation of the execution thereof. _______________________________ NOTARY
PUBLIC _______________________________ My Commission Expires _________________ Date Seal

Nevada Driver's License # 1800300619;

1st Automobile Registration: Make: GMC; Model: Sonoma Pickup; Year: 2002; Serial No # :
1GTCS19W028252047; Place of Registration: Town or City: Carson City; County: Clark; State: Nevada;
Name of Joint Owner: N/A; Title No: N/A; Registration: N/A; Plate No: N/A; 2nd Automobile
Registration: Make: STARCRAFT; Model: Camper; Year: 1999; Serial No # : 1SAAS01D6X1AB9049;
Place of Registration: Carson City; County: Clark; State: Nevada; Name of Joint Owner: N/A; Title No:
N/A; Registration: N/A; Plate No: N/A; 3rd Automobile Registration: Make: Chev; Model: YY32; Type:
CV Year: 1998; Serial No # : 1G1YY32G5W5112417; Place of Registration: Carson City; County: Clark;
State: Nevada; Name of Joint Owner: N/A; Title No: N/A; Registration: N/A; Plate No: N/A;

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I, MIRKO MARKOVIC being of sound and disposing mind and memory and over the age of eighteen (18) years and not
being actuated by any duress, menace, fraud, mistake, or undue influence, do make, publish, and declare this to be my
last Will, hereby expressly revoking all Wills and Codicils previously made by me.

Identity and status of natural person

I, the natural person whose legal personality is identified in UNITED STATES by:


the birth date: August the 2nd 1975

the SSN:

the State of Florida identification card and driver license number:

the last known residential address: 1421 NW 3rd St, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33311,

the last known mailing address: PO Box 460634, FORT LAUDERDALE, FL 33346

certify and accept:

That I am the same person as Mirko Markovic identified by the alien number: assigned in the United States of America

That I am the same person as legally identified in the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia by

the birth register number

the passport number:

That I am the same person as Mirko Markovi legally identified in the Republic of Croatia by:
the name: Mirko Markovi

the birth register number: .

The last Citizenship I held was that of the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia.

That I haven't had citizenship since the Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia ceased to exist and have never applied
for citizenship in any worldly state.

That I have always declared myself to be of Yugoslav nationality.

That asylum was granted indefinitely to Mirko Markovic on 05-04-98 pursuant to 208(a) of immigration and
naturalization act.

That according to the DMV clerk processing the latest driver license application found that MIRKO MARKOVIC is currently
"out of status" with UNITED STATES and explained that there is a time limit if one doesn't apply (for permanent
resident status etc.) That after speaking to his supervisor, he issued me a DL explaining that his supervisor said that
once they are in it's OK for the purposes of a DL. He said he even contacted border patrol.

That Glantz and Glantz attorneys advised that I am here legally, but it is not legal for me to work in US before and until I
apply for a work permit in spite of the fact that I hold an unrestricted SS card.

That I have declared myself stateless as evidenced in my last and prior correspondence with INS.

Human beings and man in relation to a person

That according to to the Public Law 97-280 96 STAT. 1211 97th Congress, Approved October 4, 1982 the Holy Bible is
the Word of God and recognized is the national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.

That according to THE NATIONAL LAW LIBRARY: In law, personality means capacity of having, acquiring and exercising
rights, using that term in its widest sense. A legal person is an entity having interests which the law recognizes and
secures, or, as it is commonly put, a subject of of rights. The type is the individual human being or natural person, and in
modern law every human being, as a natural person has also a legal personality.
That according to: U.S. Senate Document No. 43, 73rd Congress, 1st Session (1934): "The ultimate ownership of all
property is in the State; individual so-called "ownership" is only by virtue of Government, i.e., law, amounting to mere
"user" and use must be in acceptance with law and subordinate to the necessities of the State."

That I understand that, being a natural person with a legal personality, I am an entity that has been created for a baby so
that he can enjoy state recognition and protection of his rights and interests as well as various state benefits and

That the baby for whose benefit I have been created is a subject of of rights as long as he accepts state protection of
the said rights as a natural person.

That my name is composed of the name given to the baby by the mother and/or father and the name of the father's family,
which the family shares in common.

That the baby for whose benefit I have been created is the same being as the one whose face is pictured on those of the
previously mentioned identification documents which have a photo on them.

That I am a sole proprietorship, which is an unincorporated business that is owned by one individual. That the business
has no existence apart from the owner.

That I have no life without the being for whom I have been created.

That I understand that natural persons are created for human beings.

That human beings are defined as: "Natural man: unenlightened or unregenerate," That unregenerate means "not
regenerate; unrepentant; an unregenerate sinner; not convinced by or unconverted to a particular religion; wicked, sinful,

That humanism is defined as "any system or mode of thought or action in which human interests, values and dignity
predominate, especially an ethical theory that often rejects the importance of a belief in God."

That man, on the other hand, is created in God's image.

That the being for whom I have been created is not a human being but a living man with a flesh and blood body on the
land of the Planet Earth commonly called by the name Mirko. Hereby: Mirko.

State of mind, intent, will and testament

That Mirko no longer wishes to be a subject of rights nor accept the legal personality assigned him and acts as it's surety
and instead wants to effectuate his civil death. That civil death is a condition where a legal personality legally dies while
the being for whom it was created remains alive.

That Mirko waives, forfeits and rejects any and all rights, benefits or privileges offered him by any and all worldly states in order to
effectuate full severance from all worldly states, civil death of his legal personality and his God given right to become a child of
God and, therefore, an heir to his Kingdom enjoying recognition and protection from God alone without dependence on any
worldly state. Child born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

That this waiver, forfeiture, and rejection includes but is not limited to: domicile, residence, political asylum,
Enfranchisement, ownership, property, Recourse Benefits to the UCC, Judicial Contract Enforcement, police protection for
oneself, family or property, Admiralty, Commercial/Holders in Due Course, driving of passengers or property for hire,
Equity, FDIC insurance, automobile insurance, life insurance and any other insurance, any other limited liability benefit,
Social Security, employment, retirement, intervention and protection through such devices as the Fair Labors Standards
Act, enforcement of Employment contract, racial non-discrimination, minimum wage requirement, minimum sanitation
environment requirement, maximum numbers of hours per week that can be worked limitation, minimum vacation time off
is requirement, hearing on demand requirement, employee priority over all other secured and unsecured creditors in an
Employer bankruptcy proceeding, public schools free mail delivery or pick up, and every other right, benefit and privilege
provided by any worldly State or its agencies or organizations.

That Mirko's use of Federal Reserve Notes is under protest due to the Gov. outlawing use of anything else that has
sufficient circulation as legal tender currency.

That any checks accepted for value will be endorsed with a stamp saying: Deposited for credit or exchanged for non
redeemable Federal Reserve Notes under protest. That such deposit or exchange is not a taxable event.

That I understand that only one who swears an oath can sign under the penalty of perjury

That Mirko never had nor now has an oath of office in US or any other worldly state.

That signing IRS and other forms under the penalty of perjury was an honest mistake which will not be repeated.

That I understand that the label on IRS forms attaches a codicil. That the codicil was not disclosed.

That I understand that the IRS code has been repealed and is not positive law according to the INTERNAL REVENUE
CODE February 10th, 1939 [H. R. 2762] [Public, No 1] Chapter 2 At Sec 4. which says: all such laws and parts of
laws codified herein, to the extent they relate exclusively to internal revenue, are repealed, effective, except as
provided in Sec. 5.
That under 1942 supreme Court case Clearfield doctrine governments descend to the level of a mere private
corporation whenever they use private commercial paper in their business transactions; that is, paper money,
credit instruments and checks. Which is why the Internal Revenue Service, Inc. and the Federal Reserve Bank must
always be private corporations. So they must adher to UCC. "it cannot compel performance upon its corporate
statutes or corporation rules unless it, like any other corporation, is the "holder-in-due-course" of some contract
or commercial agreement between it and the one on whom its demands for performance are made, and is willing
to produce said document, and to place the same into evidence before trying to enforce its demands, called
statutes in this case"
That I understand that there is a power of attorney associated with the Social Security. That the power of attorney was not

That, having waived, forfeited and rejected any and all rights, benefits or privileges offered by any and all worldly states He resigns to
any and all public offices, federal US offices and any and all other government offices of any worldly state including but not limited
to: sole proprietorship, office of person, office of citizen/Citizen etc. and refuses to act as a surety for the legal personality nor accept
any duties, liabilities, fiduciary or other responsibilities that might be incurred by the acceptance and use of the same except such use
necessary to establish the word of His testimony and effectuate His civil death and complete severance from worldly states.

Any written contrasts, quasi contract, real or implied trustee or beneficiary positions, fiduciary positions etc. are null, void,
rescinded, resigned to and terminated for failure of consideration and/or lack of full disclosure.

That it is written in the Holy Bible: Six days thou shalt labor, and do all thy work but the seventh day is the sabbath of the
LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work.

That Mirko intends to fulfill God's command to labor, but only without commerce as a non taxpayer, non resident alien (to
US) non (uSA) national.

That, in addition to the above, Mirko intends to do the following to effectuate civil death:

Fill out a trust indenture to expressly define the parameters of the extant public trust so to avoid assumpsit and
inappropriate presumptions of constructive trust using SIMPLE SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST, general public trust or
other example forms or combination thereof that best suits the purpose.

Eliminate the alleged power of attorney associated with the Social Security.
Decommission automobiles from service as a passenger car and steer them (not drive) as traveler automobiles
Forego automobile registration and record them instead.
Return DL, state ID, SS Card etc.

That Mirko accepts Jesus, the son of the living God, as His Lord and savior and to him gives exclusive and irrevocable
allegiance and of Him only seeks and accepts protection. Mirko accepts Jesus' covenant to be one of his people and that
Jesus be His God. Jesus' Kingdom Is Mirko's Kingdom, state, and my home forever.
That Mirko intends to/claims inheritance in and possession of the Kingdom of Heaven and it's territory, the Earth. Being of
Serbian lineage stans upon Serbia, the Country (Land - Zemlja), as his birthright fatherland.

That Mirko has no domicile, residence, address, allegiance, nationality, citizenship or asylum outside the Kingdom of

That the domicile, residence, address and any other identifying marks that identify persons apply to the living trust to
which Mirko is acting as a trustee under resignation performing only what is necessary to establish the word of His
testimony and effectuate His civil death and complete severance from worldly states..

Notice of Acceptance of Your Oath

For: everyone and anyone who swore an oath dated according to a calendar which acknowledges the death of Jesus.

I hereby and herein accept your Oath as your acknowledgment of the death of Jesus and an open and binding offer to fulfill his last
will and testament according to his true intentions.

Furthermore, as a person, You might be under obligation to the Public Law 97-280 96 STAT. 1211 97th Congress, Approved October
4, 1982 which states:

Whereas the Bible, the Word of God, has made a unique contribution in shaping the United States as a distinctive and blessed
nation and people;

Whereas deeply held religious convictions springing from the Holy Scriptures led to the early settlement of our Nation;

Whereas Biblical teachings inspired concepts of civil government that are contained in our Declaration of Independence and the
Constitution for the United States;

Whereas many of our great national leaders-among them Presidents Washington, Jackson, Lincoln, and Wilson-paid tribute to the
surpassing influence of the Bible in our country's development, as in the words of President Jackson that the Bible is "the rock on
which our Republic rests";

Whereas the history of our Nation clearly illustrates the value of voluntarily applying the teachings of the Scriptures in the lives of
individuals, families, and societies;

Whereas this Nation now faces great challenges that will test this Nation as it has never been tested before; and

Whereas that renewing our knowledge of and faith in God through Holy Scripture can strengthen us as a nation and a people: Now,
therefore, be it

Resolved by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That the
President is authorized and requested to designate 1983 as a national "Year of the Bible" in recognition of both the formative
influence the Bible has been for our Nation, and our national need to study and apply the teachings of the Holy Scriptures.
Jesus's last will and testament is contained in the trust document that has been in place in the English speaking people as a matter of
law for nearly four hundred years and that trust document is called the Holy Bible. Specifically the 1611 version authorized by King
James, the defender of the faith.

It is written in the Holy Bible that to all who received him, to those who believed in his name, he gave the right to become children of
God. Children born not of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

The Holy Bible is the book of the Law given by the living God which is the highest law
and binding for all.

That Jesus is the son of the living God to whom all authority in heaven and on earth has been given. That Jesus is the King of
Heaven and the Earth . The Earth belongs to him, who made it, the fullness thereof, the world, and they that dwell therein.

The gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven explained - a real and

present state all with nationality, citizenship compact/covenent,
Law and territory.

Mark (1:15) The time is come, and the kingdom of God is at hand, repent and believe the gospel.

Verily I say unto you, there be some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the Son of Man
coming in his kingdom. Matthew (16:24-28)

}I will not any more eat thereof, until it be fulfilled in the kingdom of God. ... For I say unto you: I will not drink of the fruit of
the vine, until the Kingdom of God is come" (Luke 22:16,18).

And I appoint unto you (the 12 apostles) a kingdom, (government) as my Father hath appointed to me. Luke 22:29

John (19:30) When Jesus therefore had received the vinegar, he said, It is finished (see definition below): and he bowed
his head, and gave up the ghost.

Peter said: (Acts 10:40-43), Him God raised up the third day, and showed him openly, not to all the people, but unto us
witnesses chosen before of God, which ate and drank with him, after he arose from death. He commanded us to
preach to the people and to testify that he is the one whom God appointed as judge of the living and the dead. All the
prophets testify about him that everyone who believes in him receives forgiveness of sins through his name."

Luke (24:36,39, 41-48) Jesus himself stood among them and said to them... It is I myself! Touch
me and see; a ghost does not have flesh and bones, as you see I have. ...he asked them, "Do
you have anything here to eat?" They gave him a piece of broiled fish, and he took it and ate it in
their presence.
He said to them, "This is what I told you while I was still with you: Everything must be fulfilled
that is written about me in the Law of Moses, the Prophets and the Psalms."

Then he opened their minds so they could understand the Scriptures. He told them, "This is what is written: The Christ will
suffer and rise from the dead on the third day, and repentance and forgiveness of sins will be preached in his name to all
nations, beginning at Jerusalem. You are witnesses of these things.

Matthew (28:18-20) Jesus came to them (the 12) and said, "All authority in heaven and on earth
has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of
the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have
commanded you.

The definition of "finished" from a concordance:

1) to bring to a close, to finish, to end

a) passed, finished

2) to perform, execute, complete, fulfil, (so that the thing done corresponds to what has been said, the order,
command etc.)

a) with special reference to the subject matter, to carry out the contents of a command

So what just happened there? Jesus said the Kingdom is close at hand. So close that some of those present will still be
alive when it becomes established, so close that he will not eat until such time when the Kingdom is established. Then he
said it is fulfilled. That which he and the prophets said will happen had happened, the Kingdom had been established. And
then he ate with them confirming, therefore, that "the Kingdom of God is come" as he said it will in Luke (22:16,18)

See after he brought Israel out of Babylon God was the only King they had. (See the bottom of this email for more
select quotes from this online book: http://www.hisholychurch.net/thykingdom/tkca.html Here's just a brief description:)

"Israel had been a powerful nation with no central government, no compulsory tax and no police force
or standing army other than an organized brotherhood of free citizens. The dominion and civil power
was in the hands of the individual families. Patriarchs ruled their own families. The princes of the
Land were the elders of the individual families. With the law in their hands they came together in a
union of community consensus and national brotherhood. The power of governing was in the hands
of the people and the ministration of government was paid by charity.

The first born of those families were the priests within the family but the priests and ministers of the nation were chosen
from amongst the first born of a nation which as a people were called the Levites. The Levites with no inheritance served
the people in hopes of a tithe according to his service rather than compulsory taxes. It was a system based on faith, hope
and charity, a system of liberty. God said they were to open the matrix of the nation. They belonged to God the Father with
separate civil communities or cities."

But then:

1Samuel 8 the elders of Israel gathered together and came to Samuel at Ramah. 5 They said to
him, "You are old, and your sons do not walk in your ways; now appoint a king to lead [a] us, such
as all the other nations have." But when they said, "Give us a king to lead us," this displeased
Samuel; so he prayed to the LORD. 7 And the LORD told him: "Listen to all that the people are
saying to you; it is not you they have rejected, but they have rejected me as their king. 8 As they
have done from the day I brought them up out of Egypt until this day, forsaking me and serving other
gods, so they are doing to you. 9 Now listen to them; but warn them solemnly and let them know what
the king who will reign over them will do.

When the people chose a worldly king, they forfeited Gods government. That is the point when it was no longer possible to
live directly under God's rule here on earth, but only under an earthly king/president/"sovereign". Until Jesus opened up the
door to the Kingdom to all be they of the tribes of Israel or gentiles,as ,many as receive him.

Jesus didn't bring us a religion. He brought us a Kingdom.

And he appointed the Kingdom to the 12 apostles. They became citizens of another realm, the Kingdom of Heaven. The
word ecclesia, which is translated as church in modern bibles, means a congregation, assembly for the purpose of

}And I appoint unto you (the 12 apostles) a kingdom, (government) as my Father hath appointed to me."
(Luke 22:29)

And they acted upon their appointment and went about establishing the Kingdom's government.

}And when they had ordained them elders by election in every congregation, after they had prayed and
fasted, they commended them to God on whom they believed. Acts 14:21-23

Elders are one of the few offices of the Kingdom government. See:
http://www.lawfulpath.com/ref/ecclesia/ecclesia2of3.shtml for more details about that (and read all 3 pages).

Jesus didn't bring us a religion. He brought us citizenship. "Citizenship is a political tie... it is the effect of a compact."
(Talbot vs, Janson, 3 U.S. 133 (1795) 05.006 from http://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm, ) In other words a Covenant.

31Behold, the days come, saith the LORD, that I will make a new covenant with the house of Israel,
and with the house of Judah:

32Not according to the covenant that I made with their fathers in the day that I took them by the hand to bring
them out of the land of Egypt; which my covenant they brake, although I was an husband unto them, saith the

33But this shall be the covenant that I will make with the house of Israel; After those days, saith the LORD, I will put my law in their
inward parts, and write it in their hearts; and will be their God, and they shall be my people.

34And they shall teach no more every man his neighbour, and every man his brother, saying, Know the LORD: for they shall all
know me, from the least of them unto the greatest of them, saith the LORD: for I will forgive their iniquity, and I will remember
their sin no more.

35Thus saith the LORD, which giveth the sun for a light by day, and the ordinances of the moon and of the stars for a light by night,
which divideth the sea when the waves thereof roar; The LORD of hosts is his name:

36If those ordinances depart from before me, saith the LORD, then the seed of Israel also shall cease from
being a nation before me for ever.

Jesus took bread, gave thanks and broke it, and gave it to his disciples, saying, "Take and eat; this is my body." 27Then
he took the cup, gave thanks and offered it to them, saying, "Drink from it, all of you. 28This is my blood of the[b]
covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. 29I tell you, I will not drink of this fruit of the vine from
now on until that day when I drink it anew with you in my Father's kingdom."

Jesus didn't bring us a religion. He brought us a nationality.

A national gives allegiance to a state/sovereign and in return receives protection from the state/sovereign. "Allegiance is a
territorial tenure... ...The doctrine is that allegiance can not be due to two sovereigns and taking an oath of allegiance to a
new is the strongest evidence of withdrawing allegiance from a previous sovereign. (Talbot vs, Janson, 3 U.S. 133 (1795)
05.006 from http://sedm.org/Forms/FormIndex.htm, another great source of info, though they promote secondary
allegiance to a state in order to get a passport as a national in the very same pdf despite that quote.)

God demands exclusive Allegiance:

Mat 4:10Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for it is written, Thou shalt worship the
Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. 1Pe 2:9 But ye [are] a chosen generation, a royal
priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath
called you out of darkness into his marvellous light:" No "secondary allegiance" here.

And gives protection:

Psa 5:11 But let all those that put their trust in thee rejoice: let them ever shout for joy, because thou
defendest them: let them also that love thy name be joyful in thee.

I have given them your word and the world has hated them, for they are not of the world any more than I am of the world.
15My prayer is not that you take them out of the world but that you protect them from the evil one

Psa 2:12 Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish <from> the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little.
Blessed <are> all they that put their trust in him.

This is the entire definition of trust used in these verses: "1) (Qal) to seek refuge, flee for protection
a) to put trust in (God), confide or hope in (God) (fig.)"
http://cf.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=02620&version=kjv Explanation of kiss
specific to this passage: "Kiss by which the vanquished promise fidelity to the conqueror" (Gesenius's
Lexicon http://cf.blueletterbible.org/lang/lexicon/lexicon.cfm?Strongs=H05401&Version=kjv# ).

Overcomers take the dominion in judgement for ever.

Jhn 16:33 These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good
cheer; I have overcome the world.

1 John 5 (King James Version)

1Whosoever believeth that Jesus is the Christ is born of God: and every one that loveth him that begat loveth him
also that is begotten of him.

2By this we know that we love the children of God, when we love God, and keep his commandments.

3For this is the love of God, that we keep his commandments: and his commandments are not grievous.

4For whatsoever is born of God overcometh the world: and this is the victory that overcometh the world, even
our faith.

5Who is he that overcometh the world, but he that believeth that Jesus is the Son of God?

6This is he that came by water and blood, even Jesus Christ; not by water only, but by water and blood. And it is
the Spirit that beareth witness, because the Spirit is truth.

Jah shall set up a kingdom, which shall never be destroyed: and the kingdom shall not be left to other people (this was given to
Israel, and to Israel it WILL STAY) , but it shall break in pieces and consume all these kingdoms, and it shall stand for ever

Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power (miraculous power, might, strength) of
the enemy:

Thou (Israel) art my battle axe and weapons of war: for with thee will I break in pieces the nations, and with thee will I
destroy kingdoms;

But the saints of the most High shall take the kingdom, and possess the kingdom for ever, even for ever and ever.

And he that overcometh, and keepeth my works unto the end, to him will I give power over the nations: And he shall rule them with
a rod of iron; as the vessels of a potter shall they be broken to shivers: even as I received of my Father.
Now is come salvation, and strength, and the kingdom of Jah, and the power of his Christ: for the accuser . . . . is cast down . .
. . And they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto
the death . . . .

But the judgment shall sit, and they (the Israelites) shall take away his (Satan's) dominion, to consume and to destroy it unto
the end.

15The seventh angel then blew [his] trumpet, and there were mighty voices in heaven, shouting, The dominion (kingdom,
sovereignty, rule) of the world has now come into the possession and become the kingdom of our Lord and of His Christ (the
Messiah), and He shall reign forever and ever (for the eternities of the eternities)!

Pour over will

I. EXECUTOR: I appoint Igor Markovic as Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and provide if this Executor is
unable or unwilling to serve then I appoint Harold Merritt as alternate Executor. My Executor shall be authorized to carry
out all provisions of this Will and pay my just debts, obligations and funeral expenses.

IV. ALL REMAINING PROPERTY; RESIDUARY CLAUSE: I give, devise, and bequeath all of the rest, residue, and
remainder of my estate, of whatever kind and character, and wherever located, to the trustee(s) of the MIRKO
MARKOVIC Revocable Trust to be added to the trust and to be held, administered and distributed according to the terms
of that trust and any amendments properly made to it.

V. ADDITIONAL POWERS OF THE EXECUTOR: In addition to any powers and elective rights conferred by statute or
federal law or by other provisions of this will, I grant my executor the authority to administer my estate under any
procedure for informal or unsupervised administration, or any other available procedure for avoidance of administration or
reduction of its burdens. My Executor shall have the following additional powers with respect to my estate, to be exercised
from time to time at my Executor's discretion without further license or order of any court.

Executor shall serve without any bond, and I hereby waive the necessity of preparing or filing any inventory, accounting,
appraisal, reporting, approvals or final appraisement of my estate. I direct that no expert appraisal be made of my estate
unless required by law.

VIII. CONSTRUCTION: The term "testator" as used in this Will is deemed to include me as Testator or Testatrix. The
pronouns used in this Will shall include, where appropriate, either gender or both, singular and plural.

IX. SEVERABILITY AND SURVIVAL: If any part of this Will is declared invalid, illegal, or inoperative for any reason, it is
my intent that the remaining parts shall be effective and fully operative, and that any Court so interpreting this Will and any
provision in it construe in favor of survival.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I, _______________________________________ [Name of Testator], hereby set my hand to

this last Will, on each page of which I have placed my initials, on this ________ day of ____________________,
20______ at _____________________________________________________________, State of Florida.

_______________________________________ [Signature]
_______________________________________ [Printed or typed name of Testator]
_______________________________________ [Address of Testator, Line 1]
_______________________________________ [Address of Testator, Line 2]


The foregoing instrument, consisting of ________ pages, including this page, was signed in our presence by
_______________________________________ [name of Testator] and declared by _________________ [him or her] to
be _________________ [his or her] last Will. We, at the request and in the presence of _________________ [him or her]
and in the presence of each other, have subscribed our names below as witnesses. We declare that we are of sound
mind and of the proper age to witness a will, that to the best of our knowledge the testator is of the age of majority, or is
otherwise legally competent to make a will, and appears of sound mind and under no undue influence or constraint.
Under penalty of perjury, we declare these statements are true and correct on this ________ day of
____________________, 20______ at _____________________________________________________________,
State of Florida.

_______________________________________ [Signature of Witness #1]

_______________________________________ [Printed or typed name of Witness #1]
_______________________________________ [Address of Witness #1, Line 1]
_______________________________________ [Address of Witness #1, Line 2]

_______________________________________ [Signature of Witness #2]

_______________________________________ [Printed or typed name of Witness #2]
_______________________________________ [Address of Witness #2, Line 1]
_______________________________________ [Address of Witness #2, Line 2]

_______________________________________ [Signature of Witness #3]

_______________________________________ [Printed or typed name of Witness #3]
_______________________________________ [Address of Witness #3, Line 1]
_______________________________________ [Address of Witness #3, Line 2]

This general public trust form is from a post by David Merrill:


True Name FAMILY

Formed of general public trust

Notice: The footnotes are fully incorporated into this text for Memorandum of Law. The purpose of this trust indenture is
to expressly define the parameters of the extant public trust so to avoid assumpsit and inappropriate presumptions of constructive trust.
Wherever there is error in the description of the extant public trust, this express trust will find penetrable fault. On the other hand,
wherever the description is in coherence with the intent of the trust Creator, this express trust is impenetrable.

Delegation of authority: Constitution of the United States of America c.1789, Article VI - "any office or public trust
under them."


FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION, receipt of which is acknowledged. Franklin Delano ROOSEVELT,

hereinafter referred to as the "Creator," and [first trustee], hereinafter referred to as the "First
Trustee," enter into this Contract and Declaration of Trust on the day, month and year hereinafter set


1.01. This document establishes a common law contractual relationship whereby the Trustee(s)
agree(s) to accept title to certain property exchanged in Trust for Certificates of Beneficial Interest.

1.02. The Trustee(s), including any agent making appearance, recognizing a fiduciary obligation,
agree to manage the Trust property for the Beneficial Certificate Holders. Should more than one Trustee be
appointed to manage the affairs of the Trust, the Trust's property shall be held in joint tenancy. Any IMF
agent/trustee appointed fiduciary becomes first and foremost obligated to correct the record and accounts in
favor of the beneficiary of True Name FAMILY, True Name. Any transfer of funds or property contrary to the
benefit of True Name can only be executed after review of this trust indenture by an Article III judiciary
and by authorized court order. This stipulation covers employer and broker's garnishment and alleged liens
of any kind.

1.03. The Trust (True Name FAMILY) through its Trustee(s) shall allocate 100 units of beneficial
interest in the form of Certificates of Beneficial Interest.

1.04. The Creator by this instrument offers certain property to the Trustee(s).

All private property is set forth in Exhibit "A" attached to this agreement and
incorporated herein by reference.

All real property is set forth in Exhibit "B" attached to this agreement and
incorporated herein by reference.

1.05. The First Trustee, by executing this instrument, accepts the terms and conditions of this
Trust Indenture. Any IMF trustee/fiduciaries appointed by appearance also accept the terms and conditions of
this Trust indenture.

1.06. The First Trustee accepts on behalf of the Trust the property conveyed by the Creator in
exchange for Units of Beneficial Interest. The transfer made the subject of this paragraph shall not be
characterized as either a gift or a sale.

2.01. The name of the Trust shall be: True Name FAMILY


3.01. The Trust shall be domiciled as follows:

[trust domicile address]

3.02. The Trust shall be interpreted and construed under the common law of these united States of

3.03. The domicile of the Trust may be changed to any other sites deemed wise, prudent and
necessary by the Trustee(s).


4.01. The Trust shall not operate as a partnership, association, joint venture, corporation or
statutory Trust. It shall be construed, and in fact and in common law is, an irrevocable complex Trust. The
framers of the Constitution were careful to limit government's ability to interfere with such contracts as
this on in Article I, Section 10, Clause 1 "No State shall pass any lawimpairing the obligation of

4.02. The Creator retains no control over the administration of the Trust and/or the ability to
revoke, modify, terminate or change in any manner the Trust document. The Creator has no sub rosa or other
arrangement with the Trustee(s) of the Trust that would cause the Trustee(s) to act at the direction of the
Creator. The initial intent of the Creator was expressed in 1938 by writing the Introduction to the book
The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt; 1933 - The Year of Crisis. The Trustee(s) shall
only act as an independent fiduciary in the best interest of the Beneficial Unit Holders.

4.03 This Trust shall be construed by way of legal principles that guarantee the right of Common
Law Contract.


5.01. The Trust shall come into legal existence upon its execution by the creator and First Trustee
and shall endure for the duration of the infrastructure begun in 1933 predominantly known as the New Deal.
The Trustee(s) shall have the power, by unanimous decision, to terminate the Trust at an earlier date. That
is to say if society chooses a different social compact than the New Deal for foundation, this trust will
not modify collaterally but will terminate. This express trust as a matter of law supersedes any and all
constructive trusts. If such a choice is made uniformly to renovate the general social compact the corpus of
this indenture shall be distributed to the holders of the units of Beneficial Interest.


6.01. The Trustee(s) may engage in any type of activity which the Trustee(s) deem in the best
interest of the Trust including, but not limited to, buying, selling, borrowing, loaning, pledging, or
hypothecating assets, and owning stock or entire charters of corporations, partnerships, associations or
other Trusts.
6.02. No bond shall be required of the First Trustee. Any future Trustee shall not be required to
be bonded unless the First Trustee or all of the members of a Board of Trustee require a bond. Any
fiduciary/trustees who are appointed by appearance are bound to a general oath and often-specific oath to
uphold the Constitution and common law of the land. Should the First Trustee as a citizen of the United
States be required to appear in any forum to defend the assets held in trust, the right of restricted
appearance under Rule E(8) of the F.R.C.P. is retained. Notice of this indenture is extant since the
Governors' Convention of March, 1933 but this indenture may also be served as notice with or without the
assets list (Attachments "A" and "B").

6.03. The Trustee(s) shall possess all powers necessary to operate and manage the Trust for the
benefit of the Beneficial Unit Holders. Any agent/trustees by appearance are fully capable of adjusting the
offset of any alleged debt owed by True Name FAMILY, True Name FAMILY or TRUE NAME FAMILY (synonyms).

6.04. The number of Trustees may be increased if such an increase acts as a benefit to the Trust.
In fact appearance of any agent of the foreign principal IMF or World Bank regarding Income Tax or Federal
Reserve Notes in general will automatically appoint the agent fiduciary and obligate said agent a fiduciary
to correct the record in the Beneficial Unit Holders' interest. The decision of a Board of Trustees must
always be unanimous. Controversy between the First Trustee and any other trustee will result in no decision
and no conversion of funds, property or real estate. Any bankers or brokers employers or custodians of
assets are automatically trustees over the funds or assets. Accounts are opened in good faith that the
custodian will be protecting the beneficiaries, the Beneficial Unit Holders. The account will be a trust and
the signature card will authorize in format (doing business as) "True Name dba Trust Name" - for example
upon the First Trustee opening a bank account with subsequent trustee 'bank president's name' the bank
president will be fully notified he is a trustee by disclosing this indenture and that the funds are held in
trust. True Name will be authorized stipulated limited agent responsibilities (agent of the Trust at 6.08
below) signature to sign for transfers of funds "True Name dba True Name FAMILY".

6.05. The Trustee(s) shall, at the Trust's first regular meeting, designate one or more contingent
Trustees who shall replace the then existing Trustee(s) in the event all of the Trustee(s) shall die or
simultaneously become incapacitated.

6.06. Should all of the "sitting" Trustee(s) and contingent Trustees simultaneously die or become
incapacitated, a Beneficial Unit Holder may apply to a Court of competent jurisdiction requesting a
replacement or replacements. Keeping in mind the high unlikelihood of this transpiring since a bank
president for example would simply be replaced by the bank administration. Or the First or subsequently
appointed Trustee could open a new account elsewhere, assigning a new fiduciary/trustee at the new bank.

6.07. The Trustee(s)' liability hereunder shall be that of one who holds a fiduciary relationship
with another. This stipulation extends to all agents of the IMF and all citizens of the United States (in
corporate bankruptcy these are synonymous) stating any kind of claim against the assets held in trust.
Statement of claim inherently appoints the agent fiduciary.

6.08. The Trustee(s) shall have the authority to appoint one or more agents of the Trust to act as
signatory for the Trust on all checking and savings accounts to conduct transfers not exceeding $15,000 in
any month's duration. Transfers exceeding that will be approved in writing by the First Trustee and/or
appointed trustee.

6.09. The Trustee(s) shall have the authority to appoint one or more agents to manage Trust assets
and to advise the Trustee(s) and to accomplish any other functions endemic to the Trust purpose and

6.10. The Trustee(s) shall have the authority to reasonably compensate Trustees and others who
perform services beneficial to the Trust. This includes paying minimal fees for trustees appointed by
appearance for the trouble of correcting the record in favor of the beneficiaries. However this is not to
become repetitive behavior, paying appearing fiduciary/trustees to zero out bills.

6.11. The Trustee(s) shall maintain books, accounts and records and minutes of all regular meetings
relative to Trust administration and business.

6.12. Properly serving this trust indenture upon any appearing fiduciary/trustee agents will be
Notice of Appointment of Fiduciary and will authorize the new trustee to correct the record, offset the
adjustment and zero out any alleged debt.


7.01. All remunerations of money or fair value, in any form, taken into the Trust, shall not be
available to the Creator in his capacity as Creator.

7.02. The Trust shall not be held directly liable for any obligations of whatsoever nature of the
Creator, Trustee(s) or the Beneficial Unit Holders.

7.03. The Beneficial Unit Holders may not, in any manner whatsoever, control the activities of the
Trustee(s) including decisions relating to the disbursement of the remunerations of money or fair value, in
any form, or corpus of the Trust. Petitions to convey more than $15,000 in cash or assets to or from this
Trust must be made in writing to the First Trustee and/or Board of Trustees for a decision.

7.04. The death, insolvency, bankruptcy or incapacity of any Trustees or Beneficial Unit Holder
shall not affect the operation or continuity of the Trust.


8.01. The Trustee(s) shall provide for meetings at stated intervals without notice. One or more of
the Trustees upon three (3) days notice, which notice may not be waived, may call special meetings.
Participation at such meetings may not require the physical presence of the participants, but may be
conducted by telephone or other acceptable medium.


9.01. The interest of any Beneficial Unit Holder shall be freely transferable or assignable by
conveyance of Beneficial Unit Certificates through the Trustees as stipulated below at 9.04 - 9.05.

9.02. Death, insolvency or bankruptcy of any certificate holder, or the transfer of his/her
certificate by sale, gift, device or descent, shall not operate as dissolution of this instrument or in any
manner affect the instrument or its operation. Ownership of certificates shall not entitle the holder to any
legal title in or to the property, nor shall the death of a certificate holder entitle his/her heirs or
legal representative to demand any portion or division of the property of the Trust, but said successor may
succeed to the same equitable or distributable interest.

9.03. To the extent permitted by law, the interests of Beneficial Unit Holders shall not be subject
to attachment or the claims of creditors. All claims will be marked Refused for Cause and returned to the
presenter in the cognizance of the United States. Claims of creditors will not be considered unless
authorized on their face by court order from a court of competent jurisdiction. This is because of
bankruptcy of the United States these claims are by nature from the agents of a foreign principal and must
be processed through the district courts of the United States and the foreign principal, the United Nations
(IMF is an organ of the UN) has no standing in judicio in the district courts of the United States. Anyone
making such a claim will inherently become a fiduciary/trustee by appearance, obligated to adjust the offset
and zero out the debt, until in the alternative proper judicial process cures the claim in law.

9.04. The Certificates of Beneficial Interest of this Trust are divided into 100 units or parts
thereof. The units are non-assessable, non-taxable and non-negotiable.

9.05. Any Beneficial Unit Holder may surrender to the Trustee(s) all right, title and interest to
any Beneficial Units held by said unit holder. The Trustee(s) may issue or not said units taking into
account any suggestions made by the previous holder of said units.

9.06. Any Beneficial Unit Holder may name any person or persons to receive his/her units upon
death. Such desire shall be conveyed to the Trustee(s) for the Trustee(s) approval.

9.07. The Trustee(s) may, but are not required to, distribute any and all remunerations of money or
fair value, in any form, to Beneficial Unit Holders if there are any distributable remunerations of money or
fair value, in any form, and not to distribute would cause the Trust to suffer a tax impact. Evaluation of
any tax liability will be assessed under the common law - Income Tax by the 16th Amendment will be treated
by its intent an excise tax and any occurance of "made liable" in the tax codes will be carefully considered
with the beneficiaries interest superseding.

9.08. The Trustee(s) will make a determination as to the existence or non-existence of

distributable remunerations of money or fair value, in any form, periodically but at no greater interval
than semi-annually.

9.09. Any Beneficial Unit Holder may waive right to any distribution if a written declaration of
such waiver is delivered to the Trustee(s) prior to the date of distribution and such waiver is accepted by
the Trustee(s). If the waiver is accepted, that portion of the distribution shall be allocated to the
remaining Beneficial Unit Holders on a pro rata basis.

Said waiver would not be effective for future distributions, and the process set forth in this
paragraph would have to be reemployed for each subsequent distribution if the Beneficial Unit Holders did
not want to receive same.


10.01. This Indenture is irrevocable and may only be amended to better carry out its purpose or in
order to comply with any applicable laws or regulation. Cessation of the Social Security System and Income
Tax formed by Roosevelt's New Deal will only disburse assets among the Beneficial Unit holders in proportion
to the 100% amounts individually held.

10.02. In the event it becomes necessary to remove a Trustee, Beneficial Unit Holders may apply to
a court of competent jurisdiction as an appropriate forum. Display of a true judgment published in common
law will be evidence of a court's competent jurisdiction. A Trustee will effectively be removed by acts of
untrustworthy nature ab initio to the point in time of the dishonorable action(s). Trust in this indenture
is a verb as well as a noun.

10.03. If any word, phrase or heading is deemed to be unenforceable, then the remainder of the
agreement shall remain in full force and effect.

10.04. Should the Trustee(s) disagree concerning a given course of action or the construction of
any portion of this agreement, then any Trustee may initiate an arbitration under the common law.
10.05. The purpose of this Trust is:

To defeat presumptions and assumpsit developing over the years contrary to the original intent of
the Creator of the general public trust Franklin D. Roosevelt. The Public Papers and Addresses of Franklin
D. Roosevelt expressly establishes the initial foundation of the public trust but many collection processes
especially by private big money interests like the Federal Reserve and Treasury take advantage of
constructive trusts, many of the presumptions are under a presumption of forfeiture under bankruptcy. This
Trust, by conforming to the initial express trust and being an express trust is intended to protect the
Trust's right of avoidance and to the benefit of the beneficiaries, primarily True Name as limited agent
signing "True Name dba True Name FAMILY".

10.06. The goal of this Trust is:

Protect the wealth (energy) properly belonging to the Trust as formed around True Name upon a
general bond into the general public trust by which he unwittingly signed a Birth Certificate with his inky
little feet. The Birth Certificate as a conveyance utility can be a useful tool in commercial commerce but
collection agents are often ignorant or unscrupulous about the common law. By automatically appointing the
collection agent a fiduciary/trustee upon appearance, the problem is solved.


True Name FAMILY.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, THE CREATOR AND FIRST TRUSTEE have hereunto set into their hands and seal in
recognition of the fact that the verbiage contained in this Trust Instrument was drawn in recognition of the
conveyance and acceptance of the property and the obligations and the duties herein assigned.

CREATOR: FRANKLIN DELANO ROOSEVELT by legacy commonly known as The New Deal. Replaced by a
competent witness who is aware of the general knowledge that Roosevelt implemented an emergency social
structure when he became President in 1933.

FIRST TRUSTEE: [first trustee signature]



State of Montana, County of [county]

On this date [date], before me, the undersigned Notary Public in and for said State, personally
appeared the above named First Trustee, and a competent witness about the public activities of Franklin
Delano ROOSEVELT, who are known to me or proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence, to be the
people who executed this Trust Indenture and who have read its terms and conditions and [name of First
Trustee] agrees to be bound by them.


First Trustee

Competent Witness

Notary in & for said State & County: [notary state & county]

My Commission Expires: [notary expiration]

Seal: [notary seal]

Below letter and simple SS indenture forms are from:


From John C. Doe

(enter Trusts mailing location here)

To: Social Security Commissioner

SSI Administration

1500 Woodlawn Drive., Baltimore, MD 21241

Dear Commissioner:

Years ago, according to statutory provisions of the Social Security Act of 1935, Social
Security Administration (SSA) created a trust in the name of, JOHN C DOE. SSA
offered the position of Trustee to me, John C. Doe , by sending me a Social Security card
and instructing me to sign it for acceptance. From that acceptance I continue, acting as
Trustee, in all of my dealings with said Trust. SSA created an account number, ###-##-
#### (a.k.a. Social Security number), within their SSA General Trust Fund (GTF) to
account for donations made by said Trust into said GTF.

I am writing you regarding our solution to CSPAN reports of SSA problems and media
reports that SSA is not likely to be able to maintain its responsibility to meet payment
requirements when baby boomers start collecting SSI benefits. That could directly
effect said Trust. This instrument also serves you with notice of, and opportunity to
review, the attached Indenture.

SSA created said Trust in construct (without indenture) with nothing limiting the trustee
from creating an actual indenture to move the Trust out of construct. In review of said
reports, as Trustee, I could not allow said Trust to remain in construct. Therefore, the
attached Indenture was adopted because it relates to and reflects the Trusts operations as
it has operated from its inception. Our intent is to secure the Trust by indenture so that no
one can imply that said Trust does not exist and thereby restrict or eliminate its assets
and/or accrued benefits, so that the Trusts interests in the Social Security System will be
preserved as a matter of record.

We drafted this Notice, attached the Indenture and sent them to the Creator [SSA] for
review to give the Creator legal and Administrative Notice that said indenture is accurate
and existent.

If you find any legal, or other, errors or omissions in, or related to, the attached SIMPLE
SOCIAL SECURITY TRUST [the Indenture], you must notify us with an on point
description of such errors or omissions in a timely manner [within thirty (30) days of
SSAs receiving the indenture by mail], or forever admit the accuracy of the Indenture in
the Trusts creation as a matter of record. If you need additional time to respond you must
request the same in a timely manner or forever be barred from contest under the maxim
doctrine of Collateral Estopple.

If your office is not the proper office to review this indenture you must forward it to the
proper administrator of the SSA and inform us of your forwarding action.

Thank you.

Sincerely,John C. Doe, TTEE


Date: (enter the date when the SS# account was first created by the Social Security Administration)

(Creator) Name: Social Security Administration

Mailing location: c/o Office of Central Records Operations, 300 N. Greene St.,

City: Baltimore State: Maryland;


(Trust) Name: (enter the name of the trust, it is likely pronounced exactly like your own name but spelled with all capital

Mailing location: (enter the mailing location you want to receive SS# mail at)

City: State: , Zip Code

(Trustee) Name: (enter your own name spelled in proper noun format)

The Creator hereby conveys, assigns, transfers, and delivers to the Trustee the Social
Security Identification Card and any such other assets and/or property as now and in the
future may be of interest to the Trust as a matter of right according to the Social Security
Act of 1935 [all relevant parts of which are made a part hereof by reference], the receipt
of which the Trustee hereby acknowledges, to have and to hold the said assets and/or
property, hereinafter called the Trust Estate, unto the Trustee in trust for the purposes and
terms as set forth below.

Beneficiary: This Trust is established for the benefit of the Social Security
Administration General Trust Fund, as defined in the Social Security Act of

INVESTMENT-MANAGEMENT: The Trustee, or its General Manager or assigns, shall

store, invest and reinvest the Trust Estate in its discretion, without regard for any law
prescribing or limiting the investment powers of fiduciaries, in any security, and not be
limited to Contracts, Stocks, Commodities, Precious Metals, Mutual Funds, Real Estate,
Bank CDs and L/Cs, Warehouse and Elevator Receipts, Stamps, Waybills, Options,
Commercial Paper, Accounts Receivable, Royalty and Limited Partnership Interests,
Copyrights, Patents, Bequests Anticipated, etc.

PURCHASE AND SALE OF SECURITIES: Capital assets and securities may be

purchased, even on the installment sales basis at the Trustees discretion. Commercial
paper securities may be sold at any price, i.e., at, above or below cost at the sole
discretion of the Trustee or its assigns. Investments may be hypothecated and loaned out,
and monies etc. can be borrowed.

BANKING: Regular checking, saving, thrift and other saving accounts may be opened,
maintained, and closed at the discretion of the Trustee or its assigns. The Trustee or its
assigns may appoint third party bookkeepers to manage, deposit, and withdraw from said

FORMATION AND PROTECTION: This Trust is formed under English Common Law.

LEGAL STATUS AND VALIDITY: The validity of this Trust is existent and subject
only to the courts of its Situs.

DONORS AND SELLERS: Anyone may donate assets to this Trust, and anyone may
sell assets to the Trust. Sellers who have the right of first refusal under a Buy/Sell
Agreement may exercise their rights at any time the Trust remains in operation or as long
as the Trusts Successor remains in operation.

DISTRIBUTION AND TERMINATION: The Trustee or its assigns shall hold in Trust
for, or distribute, all net income to the Beneficiary, or on its behalf, for the duration of
this agreement as are needful according to terms and conditions of the said Social
Security Act of 1935. Any net income above and/or beyond that which is needful to
support the terms of said Act may be distributed to A Reasonable Wage for the Trustee as
need may arise. After its creation this Trust is irrevocable.

LAW SUITS: This Trust shall settle, compromise, pursue, and/or oppose law suits, fines,
liens, levies, assessments, purported claims for debts, restrictions, libel, etc. by both
public and private parties and agencies. The Trustee shall have full authority to speak for
the Trust in all legal matters and places.

TAXES: The Trustee is to pay all properly due taxes and to file all properly due tax
returns. This Trust shall be properly operated as a Simple Trust and distributes all net
income to its legal Beneficiary.

TRUSTEE WAGES: The Trust shall pay the Trustee A Reasonable Wage, which is
defined as: payment of all of Trustees expenses, including but not limited to, all living
expenses. Trustee wages may additionally be provided as stated in the DISTRIBUTION
AND TERMINATION section above.
OUTSIDE HELP AND ADVICE: The Trustee or its assigns may utilize outside
consultants, brokers, agents, attorneys, accountants, appraisers, custodians, employees,
independent contractors, and pay them compensation as the Trustee may deem advisable.

BONDS AND FEES: The Trustee or its assigns may transfer, assign, mortgage, apply
and remove liens on property, perfect title, and furnish copies of bills of sale, deeds, trust
indentures, corporate charters, resolutions, and such other legal paperwork as may be
necessary to effect legal change of ownership of real estate property, etc.. Trustee may
serve without Bond or Fees.

OWNERSHIP TITLE: Title to assets may be held in the name of this Trust, in the names
of the Trustee or its assigns, in street name, or in bearer name. This Trust was created
with a name that sounds exactly like the name of the person the Creator placed in the
capacity of Trustee to facilitate its ability to acquire and hold assets. Any monies
received by an agent-nominee for and on behalf of this Trust shall not be considered to
have been constructively received by said agent-nominee, but shall accrue solely for the
benefit and legal ownership of this Trust. Any ownership and/or possession of assets
and/or property held for the Trust as described herein shall not constitute a common
ownership interest unless such a common ownership interest is specifically described in
the title documents for the acquisition or ownership of the assets and/or property so held.

SOCIAL SECURITY NUMBER: The Creator assigned an account number, commonly

known as the Social Security Number, to identify donations from this Trust to the
Social Security Administration General Trust Fund in accord with said Social Security
Act of 1935. Where the names of the Trust and the person acting as Trustee are so
similar as to sound identical and are only distinguishable by capitalization in spelling, the
Social Security Number so assigned must be used to designate: tax payments, ownership
and/or acquisition of assets, accounts and/or property held separately by the Trust.

TRUSTEE RESIGNATION OR DEPARTURE: Should the Trustee resign, cease to exist,

or depart for any reason, the successor Trustee shall be as per schedule A of this

IRREVOCABLE: This Trust is irrevocable and cannot be changed, revoked, or

terminated or even blocked by the Creator, Trustee, or Beneficiary. No other parties are
legally associated.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, said Creator and Trustee have hereunto set their respective
hands and Seals.

Social Security Administration (print your name, with caps & lower case)


BY: Acts of issuing the SSA #(enter SS# here), BY: signature and acceptance

distributing the Social Security Identification Card,

and holding an open account under said SSA #.

Social Security Administration (sign here)

Creator __________________ Trustee______________________

Done now (enter todays date) and nunc pro tunc on the date of the Trusts creation (enter the date the trust
was created).

______________________ Revocable Trust


This trust agreement, executed ____________, 20___ is between

_________________________ , as Settlor and ________________________________
as Trustee. The Settlor has transferred or will transfer property to the Trustee, which shall
be held, in trust, on the terms set forth in this agreement.


A. Property subject to this instrument is referred to as the Trust Estate and shall be held,
administered, and distributed in accordance with this instrument.
B. Other property acceptable to the Trustee may be added to the Trust Estate by any
person, by the Will or Codicil of the Settlor, by the proceeds of any life insurance or
C. All the property in this trust is the separate property of the Settlor and there is no
community or marital property interest in the Trust Estate.

A. While living and competent, the Settlor reserves the right to amend or revoke this
trust, in whole or in part, to withdraw property from it, and to make gifts from it at any
time or times during the Settlor's lifetime.
B. On the death of the Settlor the trust created by this Declaration shall become
irrevocable and not subject to amendment.
C. In this instrument, the terms " incompetent" and "disabled" shall refer to a physical or
mental inability to carry out one's usual business affairs, whether or not such person is
legally determined to be incompetent or in need of a Conservator. The Trustee, or a
Successor Trustee, may rely upon a written declaration to determine the incompetence of
the Settlor made by

in order of priority, either 1)________________________________or 2)

____________________________________ .

Any action taken by a Successor Trustee pursuant to such declaration shall be binding on
all persons interested in the trust. No statement of incapacity from any physician shall be
required to prove a change of Trustee as it is in the Settlor's specific intention that
physicians and courts not be involved in the determination of incapactiy for any purpose.
No third party shall incur any liability for relying on such declaration to prove a change
of Trustee.


During the life of the Settlor, the Trustee shall pay to or apply for the benefit of the
Settlor at least annually all of the net income of the Trust Estate. If the Trustee considers
the net income insufficient, the Trustee shall pay to the Settlor as much of the principal of
the Trust Estate as is necessary in the Trustee's discretion for the Settlor's proper health,
support, maintenance, comfort and welfare.
The Settlor wishes the Trustee, to the extent practical, to exercise discretion to enable the
Settlor to live at home and in familiar circumstances if the Settlor wishes and is
reasonably able to do so with nursing, household and other assistance even if the costs of
being cared for at home may exceed the cost of care at a health-care institution, or the


On the death of the Settlor, the Trustee, in the Trustee's discretion, shall pay out of the
Trust Estate debts of the Settlor, and estate and inheritance taxes, including interest and
penalties arising because of the Settlor's death; the last illness and funeral expenses of the
Settlor, attorney's fees; and other costs incurred in administering the Settlor's Trust,
probate estate, or unsupervised administration of the Settlor's assets. These payments
shall be paid from the portion of the Trust Estate described in Article Six without charge
against any beneficiary of the Trust Estate.

A. (1) Upon the death of the Settlor, ____________________________________ , the
successor Trustee, after making payments provided in Article Five, shall

distribute the residue of the Trust Estate to the LORD God of your fathers, the God of
Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob in stewardship of a man commonly
called by the name Mirko.

B. (1) If there are any beneficiaries, who are under the age of 30 at the time they become
entitled to a share of the trust estate, the trustees shall pay to or apply for the benefit of all
such beneficiaries, as much of the net income and principal of the trust as the trustee in
the trustees' discretion considers necessary for the beneficiaries' proper support, health,
maintenance, and education at an accredited academic institution, considering to the
extent the trustee considers advisable any other income or resources known to the trustee
for that beneficiary.
When the beneficiary has attained the age of 30, the trustees shall distribute the
remaining assets free of trust to the beneficiary.


A. If the individual Trustee named in Article One, ______________________ , shall for

any reason cease to act or be incompetent to act,

then, there shall be one trustee who shall be, in order of priority, 1) or 2) .

B. Any successor Trustee appointed as provided in this Declaration shall on appointment

being made, immediately succeed to all title of the Trustee to the Trust Estate and to all
powers, rights, discretions, obligations, and immunities of the Trustee under this
Declaration with the same effect as though such successor were originally named as
Trustee in this Declaration.
C. Any Trustee may resign without need of court approval by giving written notice to a
successor Trustee who accepts the trust. A successor Trustee may be selected by a
resigning Trustee if the Settlor has not provided for one in this declaration. Under no
circumstances shall a corporate trustee serve as trustee of any trust created under this
instrument. A Trustee shall not be removed as a Trustee based on a conflict of interest
only because they are also a beneficiary.
D. No bond shall be required of any person named in this instrument as Trustee, or of any
person appointed as the Trustee in the manner specified here, for the faithful performance
of his or her duties as Trustee.


In order to carry out the provisions of the Trusts created by this instrument, the Trustee
shall have these powers in addition to those now or hereafter conferred by the law:
(a) The Trustee may, in the Trustee's discretion, invest and reinvest trust funds in every
kind of property (real, personal, or mixed) and every kind of investment, specifically
including, but not limited to, corporate obligations of every kind; preferred or common
stocks; shares of investment trusts, investment companies, and mutual funds; life
insurance policies; notes, real estate, bonds, debentures, mortgages, deeds of trust,
mortgage participations, market funds and index funds appropriate under the then
prevailing circumstances (specifically including, but not limited to, the factors set out in
probate Code section 16047(c)):

1.General economic conditions.

2. The possible effect of inflation or deflation.
3. The expected tax consequences of investment decisions or strategies
4. The role that teach investment or course of action plays within the overall trust
5. The expected total return from income and the appreciation of capital.
6. Other resources of the beneficiaries known to the Trustee as determined from
information provided by the beneficiaries.
7. Needs for liquidity, regularity of income, and preservation or appreciation of capital.
8. An asset's special relationship or special value, if any, to the purposes of the trust or to
one or more of the beneficiaries.
In so doing, the Trustee shall exercise care, skill, and caution to attain the Settlor's goals
under this instrument.
The Trustee shall consider individual investments as part of an overall investment
strategy having risk and return objectives reasonably suited to the purposes of the trust.
The Trustee's investments may include stock in any entity owned by the Trustee or
membership in any limited liability company or limited liability partnership of which the
Trustee is a member or partner.
The Trustee shall also have the power to establish and maintain margin accounts and to
buy or sell options but only when the Settlor is acting as Trustee.

(b) To continue to hold any property and to operate at the risk of the Trust Estate any
business that the Trustee receives or acquires under the Trust as long as the Trustee deems
(c) To have all the rights, powers, and privileges of an owner with respect to the securities
held in trust, including, but not limited to, the powers to vote, give proxies, and pay
assessments; to participate in voting trusts, pooling agreements, foreclosures,
reorganizations, consolidations, mergers, and liquidations, and incident to such
participation to deposit securities with and transfer title to any protective or other
committee on such terms as the Trustee may deem advisable; and to exercise or sell stock
subscription or conversion rights.
(d) To hold securities or other property in the Trustee's name as Trustee under this Trust.
(e) To manage, control, grant options on, sell (for cash or on deferred payments), convey,
exchange, divide, improve, and repair Trust property.
(f) To rent and or lease Trust property for terms within or beyond the term of the Trust for
any purpose, including exploration for and removal of gas, oil, and other minerals; and to
enter into community oil leases, pooling, and unitization agreements.
(g) To lend money to the probate estate of the Settlor, provided that any such loan shall be
adequately secured and shall bear a reasonable rate of interest.
(h) To purchase property at its fair market value as determined by the Trustee in the
Trustee's discretion, from the probate estate of the Settlor.
(i) To loan or advance the Trustee's own funds to the Trust for any Trust purpose, with
interest at current rates; to receive security for such loans in the form of a mortgage,
pledge, deed of trust, or other encumbrance of any assets of the Trust; to purchase assets
of the Trust at their fair market value as determined by an independent appraisal.
(j) The Trustee shall have the power to release or to restrict the scope of any power that
he or she may hold in connection with the Trust created under this instrument, whether
said power is expressly granted in this instrument or implied by law.
(k) To take any action and to make any election, in the Trustee's discretion, to minimize
the tax liabilities of this Trust and its beneficiaries, and it shall have the power to allocate
the benefits among the various beneficiaries, and the Trustee shall have the power to
make adjustments in the rights of any beneficiaries, or between the income and principal
accounts, to compensate for the consequences of any tax election or any investment or
administrative decision that the Trustee believes has had the effect of directly or
indirectly preferring one beneficiary or group of beneficiaries over others.
(l) To borrow money, and to encumber Trust property by mortgage, deed of trust, pledge,
or otherwise of the debts of the Trust or the joint debts of the Trust and a co-owner of
Trust property.
(m) To commence or defend, at the expense of the Trust, such litigation with respect to
the Trust or any property of the Trust Estate as the Trustee may deem advisable, and to
compromise or otherwise adjust any claims or litigation against or in favor of the Trust.
(n) To carry insurance of such kinds and in such amounts as the Trustee deems advisable,
at the expense of the Trust, to protect the Trust Estate and the Trustee personally against
any hazard.
(o) To withhold from distribution, in the Trustee's discretion, at the time for distribution
of any property in this Trust, without the payment of interest, all or any part of the
property, as long as the Trustee shall determine, in the Trustee's discretion, that such
property may be subject to conflicting claims, to tax deficiencies, or to liabilities,
contingent or otherwise properly incurred in the administration of the estate.
(p) To partition, allot, and distribute the Trust Estate, on any division or partial
distribution or final distribution of the Trust Estate, in undivided interests or in kind, or
partly in money and partly in kind, at valuations determined by the Trustee, and to sell
such property as the Trustee may deem necessary to make division or distribution. In
making any division or distribution of the Trust Estate, the Trustee shall be under no
obligation to make a prorata division, or to distribute the same assets to beneficiaries
similarly situated. The Trustee may, in the Trustee's discretion, make a nonproata division
between Trusts or shares and nonprorata distributions to such beneficiaries, as long as the
respective assets allocated to separate trusts or shares, or distributed to such beneficiaries,
have equivalent or proportionate fair market value and income tax basis.
(q) Each Trustee shall have the power to employ any custodian, attorney, accountant,
financial planner, investment advisor or any other agent to assist the Trustee in the
administration of this Trust and to rely on the advice given by these agents.
(r) Subject to any limitations expressly set forth in this Declaration and the faithful
performance of its fiduciary obligations, to do all such acts, take all such proceedings,
and exercise all such rights and privileges as could be done, taken, or exercised by an
absolute owner of the Trust property.
(s) The Trustee shall have the power to deal with governmental agencies. To make
applications for, receive and administer Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid,
Supplemental Security Income, In-Home Support Services, and any other benefits to
which the Settlor or a beneficiary might be entitled.
(t)The Trustee shall have the power to make elections and direct distributions of principal
and interest from the Settlor's retirement accounts, pension plans, or annuities that name
the Trust as a primary or contingent beneficiary. Trust beneficiaries shall be treated as
designated beneficiaries for the purpose of determining minimum distributions from an
IRA based on the age of the oldest trust beneficiary. This power shall be construed as and
is intended to be a valid power of attorney in which the Trustee may act as the agent of
the Settlor for these purposes.
(v) The Trustee shall be entitled to pay him or herself reasonable compensation for
services rendered to the Trust without prior court approval, not to exceed one percent per
year of asset value.


A. The Trustee shall provide an accounting at the request of any current or remainder
beneficiary if the Settlor is not acting as Trustee in which case accountings are waived.
B. The validity of this trust for real property shall be governed by the law of the state of
its situs. The validity, construction, interpretation, and administration of this trust shall be
governed by the law of the state of California regardless of its situs or the domicile of the
Trustee with regard to all other matters.
C. In the event any beneficiary under this Trust shall, singly or in conjunction with any
other person or persons, contest in any court the validity of this Trust or of the deceased
Settlor's last Will or shall seek to obtain an adjudication in any proceeding in any court
that this Trust or any of its provisions is invalid, then the right of that person to take any
interest given to him or her by this Trust shall be determined as it would have been
determined had the person predeceased the execution of this Declaration of Trust without
surviving issue. The term contest shall include, but not be limited to, contests regarding
the separate character of the property of this trust or the governing law provisions.

Executed at ___________________, _______ on ______________, 20___.

(City) (State) (Date)

(Your signature)


State of __________________)

County of ________________ ) ss.

On_________________, before me, ______________________, Notary Public,
personally appeared

___________________, personally known to me or proved to me on the basis of

satisfactory evidence to be the person whose name is subscribed to the within instrument
and acknowledged to me that he executed the same in his authorized capacity, and that by
his signature on the instrument the person or entity upon behalf of which he acted,
executed the instrument. WITNESS my hand and official seal.

(Notary Seal)

Signature of Notary

Subscribed by the Settlor in the presence of us and of each of us, and at the same time
published, declared and acknowledged by him to us to be his Trust, and thereupon we, at
the request of the said Settlor, in his presence and in the presence of each other, have
hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses this _____ day of ___________,
___________________________, residing at _____________________________

___________________________, residing at _____________________________

State of Florida
County of ___________________________
I, undersigned, an officer authorized to administer oaths, certify that
_______________________________, the Settlor, and
_______________________________ and _______________________________, the
witnesses, whose names are signed to the attached or foregoing instrument and whose
signatures appear below, having appeared together before me and having been first duly
sworn, each then declared to me that: 1) the attached or foregoing instrument is
the last Trust of the Settlor; 2) the Settlor willingly and voluntarily declared, signed and
executed the Trust in the presence of the witnesses;
3) the witnesses signed the Trust upon request by the Settlor, in the presence and hearing
of the Settlor, and in the presence of each other;
4) to the best knowledge of each witness the Settlor was, at the time of the signing, of the
age of majority (or otherwise legally competent to make a Trust), of sound mind, and
under no constraint or undue influence; and
5) each witness was and is competent, and of the proper age to witness a Trust.

Settlor: _______________________________
Witness: _______________________________
Address: _______________________________
Address: _______________________________
Subscribed, sworn and acknowledged before me, ___________________________, a
notary public, by _______________________________, the Settlor, and by
____________________________ and ____________________________, the witnesses,
this _____ day of ___________, 20___.

SIGNED: _______________________________


Notice of Severance and Waiver, Forfeiture, and Rejection of

To whom it may concern. The man commonly called by the name Mirko who is the
authorized signer for the legal personality Mirko Markovic waives, forfeits and rejects
any and all rights, benefits or privileges offered him by any and all worldly states in
order to effectuate full severance from all worldly states, civil death of his legal
personality and his God given right to become a child of God and, therefore, an heir
to his Kingdom enjoying recognition and protection from God alone. Child born not
of natural descent, nor of human decision or a husband's will, but born of God.

This waiver, forfeiture, and rejection includes but is not limited to: domicile, residence,
political asylum, Enfranchisement, ownership, property, Recourse Benefits to the UCC,
Judicial Contract Enforcement, police protection for oneself, family or property,
Admiralty, Commercial/Holders in Due Course, driving of passengers or property for
hire, Equity, FDIC insurance, automobile insurance, life insurance and any other
insurance, any other limited liability benefit, Social Security, employment, retirement,
intervention and protection through such devices as the Fair Labors Standards Act,
enforcement of Employment contract, racial non-discrimination, minimum wage
requirement, minimum sanitation environment requirement, maximum numbers of hours
per week that can be worked limitation, minimum vacation time off is requirement,
hearing on demand requirement, employee priority over all other secured and unsecured
creditors in an Employer bankruptcy proceeding, public schools free mail delivery or
pick up, and every other right, benefit and privilege provided by any worldly State or its
agencies or organizations.

Use of Federal Reserve Notes is under protest due to the Gov. outlawing use of anything
else that has sufficient circulation as legal tender currency. Any checks accepted for value
will be endorsed with a stamp saying: Deposited for credit or exchanged for non
redeemable Federal Reserve Notes under protest.

That, having waived, forfeited and rejected any and all rights, benefits or privileges
offered by any and all worldly states He resigns to any and all public offices, federal US
offices and any and all other government offices of any worldly state including but not
limited to: sole proprietorship, office of person, office of citizen/Citizen etc. and refuses
to act as a surety for the legal personality nor accept any duties, liabilities, fiduciary or
other responsibilities that might be incurred by the acceptance and use of the same except
such use necessary to establish the word of His testimony and effectuate His civil
death and complete severance from worldly states.

Any written contrasts, quasi contract, real or implied trustee or beneficiary positions,
fiduciary positions etc. are null, void, rescinded, resigned to and terminated for failure of
consideration and or lack of full disclosure.

The resignation to employment with CORPNAMEHERE by Mirko Markovic is

effective immediately.

This decision was not influenced by my experience with the company. If You had
work available for a laborer worthy of his hire to labor as a non taxpayer, non
resident alien (to US) non (uSA) national denizen workman paid fairly in pre 1964
silver coin specie lawful money of the De jure united States of America and/or for
exchange of fair value I would be interested in it.

Sincerely, seal

Mirko Markovic's Legal signature:______________________, by authorized signer

under resignation

Company representative's Legal signature:_______________________________, by

authorized signer

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