This message is to Judge Thomas Hogan and Judge Royce Lamberth and shall
constitute an official Judicial Notice of Claim to them and to The United States
District Court for the District of Columbia:
The American states and people that are the Paramount Security Interest Holders in
all assets and collateral both registered and unregistered belonging to or claimed by
or overseen by the District of Columbia Municipal Corporation, its heirs, franchises,
or assigns including but not limited to the UNITED STATES, the USA, E PLURIBUS
franchises and Territorial State of State franchises
----have been found, alive and well, and right where they ought to be.
It has come to our attention that our claims to our own land and assets have not
been brought forward by our employees and so we have come to present ourselves
to the court and to claim back our property which has been mis-represented as
belonging to Cestui Que Vie Estate Trusts.
The Titles held against these bankrupt municipal corporate entities dba via
ACCOUNTS designated by what appear to be names in the form: JOHN MICHAEL
DOE and the corresponding territorial Foreign Situs Trusts dba John Michael Doe are
hereby redeemed and reclaimed, re-conveyed and re-venued by the lawful owners to
their natural jurisdiction on the land and soil of the organic states of the Union.
All titles held under color of law and subjected to both probate and bankruptcy
proceedings under false pretenses must be returned to the lawful owners of record
no later than July 4, 2017 by action releasing them from any further presumption of
municipal or territorial citizenship absent actual proof of: (1) a properly executed
Death Certificate with a plainly stated title of "Death Certificate" stating the time,
place, and manner of death signed off on by a competent coroner; (2) proof of actual
paid employment by the municipal or territorial government, including position,
supervisor, hours worked, job assignments, place of employment, departmental
affiliation, and other details establishing actual, true employment by a federal
municipal or territorial entity; (3) proof of voluntary "personhood" together with
stated proof of intent and full disclosure as required by Public Law; (4) proof of
colored person status established by DNA analysis accompanied by a voluntary
waiver of equal civil rights provisions; (5) proof of political asylum or voluntary
seeking of federal benefits under conditions of full disclosure.
The United States District Court for the District of Columbia, by and through Judge
Thomas Hogan, has been given prior Notice of the living status of the American
states dba Alabama State, Alaska State, et alia, and of the American people who
have returned en masse to the land and soil of their birth. Copies of the Notice
given have been and are being again presented to the Office of the Prosecutor at the
World Court, along with a written and signed copy of this Judicial Notice of Claim,
and will also be presented to the Pope, Queen Elizabeth II, and published for the
world at large.
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