Hydrograph Estimation Using Gis Supported Giuh Model
Hydrograph Estimation Using Gis Supported Giuh Model
Hydrograph Estimation Using Gis Supported Giuh Model
Among the most basic challenges of hydrology are the quantitative understanding of the
processes of runoff generation and prediction of the flow hydrographs and their
transmission to the outlet. Traditional techniques have been widely applied for the
estimation of runoff hydrographs at the outlets of gauged watersheds using historical
rainfall-runoff data and unit hydrographs derived from them. Such procedures are
questioned for their reliability due to the climatic and physical changes in the watershed
and their application to ungauged, arid and semiarid catchments. To overcome such
difficulties, the use of physically based rainfall-runoff estimation methods such as the
Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) approach has evolved. In this
study, the lately developed GIUH model is applied to Al-Badan watershed of Faria
catchment located in the northeastern part of the West Bank, Palestine. The Faria
catchment characterizes a semiarid region, with annual rainfall depths ranging on average
from about 150 to 600 mm. The Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques are
used to shape the geomorphological features of the catchment. The application of the GIS
supported GIUH model has proved reasonable agreement between the simulated runoff
hydrograph and the recorded flows. The paper has elaborated on the applicability of the
unit hydrograph theory and the GIUH to semiarid regions.
unit hydrograph approach is being applied for rainfall-runoff modeling for all kinds of
catchments including arid and semiarid regions. Shaheen [1] has investigated the rainfall-
runoff process in semiarid regions. He has concluded that such watersheds acting as
partial contributing and variable resources do not obey the assumptions of the traditional
unit hydrograph approach. Runoff in such watersheds is subsurface flow dominated
instead of surface flow dominated and the interaction between surface and subsurface
flows can not be neglected as the case in the traditional unit hydrograph theory.
A significant advance in the unit hydrograph approach for ungauged watersheds is the
development of the Geomorphologic Instantaneous Unit Hydrograph (GIUH) (Yen and
Lee [2] and Lee and Yen [3]). In the GIUH approach, rainfall excess is assumed to follow
different paths on overland areas and in channels of different stream orders to reach the
watershed outlet.
The available GIUH program (version 1.2) can be applied to watersheds with stream
network of up to the seventh order. It has been developed by Kwan Tun Lee and Chin-
Hisn Chang, Watershed Hydrology and Hydraulics Laboratory, Department of River and
Harbor Engineering and National Taiwan Ocean University. GIUH can be applied to any
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excess rainfall through convolution to produce the direct runoff hydrograph. The
approach is applied here to Al-Badan watershed of the upper Faria catchment of the West
Bank, Palestine. The results are compared to the traditional SCS approach to further
verify the applicability of the GIUH model to semiarid regions. The relative matching
between the simulated runoff hydrograph and the recorded flows seems reasonable and
within the acceptable limits.
The area under consideration is the Faria catchment located in the northeastern part of the
West Bank. It lies within the Eastern Aquifer Basin (EAB) and has a catchment area of
about 330 km2. EAB is one of the three major groundwater basins underlying the West
Bank area and forming the West Bank water resources. The Faria catchment extends from
the ridges of Nablus Mountains down the eastern slopes to the Jordan River. The upper
portion of the Faria catchment extends 25 km east of Nablus city to Al-Malaqi Bridge,
where the two main streams contributing to the Faria catchment meet. These are Al-Faria
and Al-Badan streams.
The upper Faria catchment is about 117 km2 representing 35% of the total Faria basin.
The two main sub-catchments forming upper Faria basin are Al-Faria of about 63.8 km2
and Al-Badan of about 53.4 km2. The annual average rainfall ranges from 600 mm at the
headwater to 150 mm at the outlet to the Jordan River. The GIUH approach is applied
here to Al-Badan watershed. Figure 1 shows Al-Badan watershed and the rainfall
distribution within the Faria catchment.
In Faria catchment, daily rainfalls are available for 6 stations but for different number of
years and not as continuous time series except for Nablus station. Rainfall intensity
readings are also available for two stations in the Faria basin, Nablus and Beit Dajan, and
for about three to nine years only. Nablus and Talluza stations have the largest average
annual rainfall and Faria station has the lowest. It is noted also that Tubas station has
average annual rainfall of about 415 mm, which nearly equals the average of the annual
average rainfalls of the six stations within the Faria catchment at about 430 mm. In
general, rainfall averages decrease moving from north to south and west to east.
No enough runoff data are recorded for the Wadi Faria drainage basin. Most of the data
available are monthly data estimated using direct measurements of the runoff at selected
locations and periods of the year. Therefore and to collect rainfall-runoff data necessary
for the detailed modeling of storm events, the Water and Environmental Studies Institute
(WESI) constructed, August 2002, two Parshall flumes at Al-Malaqi Bridge. The flumes
are to measure the flows at the two main streams of upper Faria catchments, Al-Faria and
Al-Badan. The flumes were constructed in context of GLOWA project (Impacts of global
374 Ninth International Water Technology Conference, IWTC9 2005, Sharm El-Sheikh, Egypt
changes on surface water resources in wadis contributing to the lower Jordan River
basin). Maximum and minimum flows that can be measured by the flumes at Al-Faria and
Al-Badan are 15 m3/s, 0.19 m3/s and 25 m3/s, 0.23 m3/s respectively.
0 200
Annual Average Rainfall (mm)
Watershed Boundary
Badan Watershed
0 3 6 9 12 Kilometers
Figure 1: Al-Badan watershed and rainfall distribution within the Faria catchment
The eastern slopes of the West Bank area, where Faria catchment is located, are
characterized as semiarid. Arid regions are those in which rainfall on a given piece of land
is not sufficient for regular crop production whereas semiarid areas are those in which the
rainfall is sufficient for short season crops and where grass is an important element of the
natural vegetation. The hydrological characteristics of surface runoff vary with land use
and seasons. In arid and semiarid regions, the degree of slope exercises a strong control
on the amount of runoff than in humid areas. On the hillside, the initial losses being
compensated by steeper gradients, bare rocky surfaces and low wastage through
vegetation, but rain falling on gently sloping plains will be less effective in producing
runoff than in humid areas (Chow [7]). These geomorphic characteristics are reflected in
the parameters estimation required for the application of the GIUH model. GIS tools are
to facilitate these estimations.
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The boundary of Al-Badan watershed and all its flow paths and streams have been
mapped using the available GIS program. The maps in their digital forms have been used
to estimate the input parameters of the GIUH. Strahler's stream ordering system has been
followed. According to this system, it was found that Al-Badan watershed is of the fourth
order. For Al-Badan watershed, the elevation varies from 680 to 90 m above sea level.
Figure 2 shows the drainage network map and the stream orders of Al-Badan watershed.
The procedure for the application of the GIUH model suggested by Lee and Yen [3] is
applied here to produce the IUH for Al-Badan watershed. The values of the overland and
channel roughness coefficients, no and nc, are respectively kept constant for the
watershed. The input rainfall is taken as 1 cm and the rainfall duration as one hour. The
mean of the drainage area of order i and the ratio of ith-order overland area to the
watershed area are estimated using the two equations respectively:
Ai = A ji
Ni j =1
i 1
POAi = N i Ai N i Ai Pxixj
A i =1
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It should be noted that Aij denotes not only the areas of the overland flow regions that
drains directly into the jth channel of order i, but it also includes overland areas draining
into the lower order channels tributary to this jth channel of order i. The stream network
transitional probability of the raindrop moving from an ith-order channel to a jth-order
channel is computed as:
N i, j
Pxixj =
Ni (3)
The other parameters needed for the application of the GIUH program have been
estimated and are listed in Table 1. The resulting IUH hydrograph for Al-Badan
watershed due the application of the GIS supported GIUH model following the above
procedure is shown in Figure 3.
Stream Order
1 2 3 4
Ni 32 5 2 1
Effective Rain = 1cm
Q (m3/s)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Time (hr)
In this context, it is to note here that the assumption of uniformly distribution of the
excess rainfall over the watershed is not consistent with the semi-aridity nature of the
Palestinian watersheds that behave as variable sources and partially contributing.
Nevertheless, the results of the simulation of the event using the GIS supported GIUH are
promising and indicate the applicability of the model to semiarid regions.
Time (hr)
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
40 0
Excess Rainfall 1
Recorded 2
ER (mm)
Q (m3/s)
20 5
0 10
Figure 4: Recorded and estimated direct runoff hydrograph for Al-Badan watershed
The non-availability of sufficient rainfall-runoff records has limited the testing of the
validity of the methodology implemented here to semiarid nature watersheds.
Nevertheless, the simulation of the one event recorded during the winter of the year 2003
and applying the GIUH, which uses the Kinematics Wave Equation and considers the
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details of the geomorphic characteristics of the watershed, has resulted reasonable match
between the estimated runoff hydrograph and the measured stream flows.
Among the important limitations of the above methodology for applying the GIS
supported GIUH model is the velocity and roughness estimation of the different order
channels. The simulation of the interaction between the subsurface and surface flows is
needed for the simulation of the semiarid regions and Karstic nature watersheds. The
partial contribution of the semiarid watersheds to outflow hydrographs is overcome using
different infiltration parameters for each of the different order channels.
Ni number of ith-order channels.
Lc i mean ith-order stream length
Ai ith-order sub watershed contributing area
POA i ratio of ith-order overland area to the watershed area
Sc i mean ith-order channel slope
So i mean ith-order overland slope
no overland flow roughness
nc channel flow roughness
B channel width at watershed outlet
Px i x j stream network transitional probability
N i, j number of the ith-order channels contributing to jth-order channels
1. Shaheen H.Q., Storm water drainage in arid and semiarid regions: West Bank as a case
study, An-Najah University Journal for Research - A (Natural Sciences), Vol. 16,
No. 12, pp. 125-139, Nablus, 2002.
2. Yen, B.C., and Lee, K.T., Unit hydrograph derivation for ungauged watersheds by
stream-order laws, Journal of Hydrologic Engineering, ASCE, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 1-9,
5. Jain, S.K., Singh, R.D., and Seth, S.M., Design flood estimation using GIS supported
GIUH approach, Water Resources Management, Vol. 14, pp. 369-376, 2000.
6. Hall, M.J., Zaki, A.F., and Shahin, M.A., Regional analysis using geomorphoclimatic
instantaneous unit hydrograph, Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, Vol. 5, pp. 93-
102, 2001.