Etanhol Belending Siystem

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Renewable Fuels

Blending Solutions
Technical Paper
Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07) Bulletin TP0A015

Current Status countries have already passed legislation to affect their

air quality standards. The historical growth of ethanol
When congress passed the clean air act in 1990, it and B100 is illustrated in Figures 1 Ethanol Growth
specified that refiners must use an oxygenate in re- World Market, 2 Biodiesel Growth World Market,
formulated gasoline (RFG) to help reduce the nations and 3 Biofuels Facts. The production of ethanol and
pollution. The requirement did not specify which oxy- B100 is illustrated in Figures 4 Ethanol Production
genate was to be used. The choice by the refiners was Process Dry Mill and 5 Biodiesel Production Pro-
MTBE, a refinery by product, to blend in at the refinery. cess - B100 Process.
However, in recent years, MTBE has been found to
pose a cancer threat and has been discontinued in 35
most states. Instead of MTBE, the predominate oxy-
genate used has been fuel grade ethanol.
In June of 2005, the president signed the energy 25
policy act of 2005. This was a monumental document

Billion Liters
of legislation for Americas renewable fuels industry.
To achieve the agreement a compromise was made 15
between the refiners and renewable fuels producers
that the EPA would waive the 2% requirement for re- 10
formulated gasoline. This means refiners are no longer
required to use any oxygenate if they can continue to
meet the clean air standards. The elimination of oxy- 0
genate was effective May 5, 2006. 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015
(Source: Worldwatch Institute)
While this may sound like oxygenates are a thing of Figure 1 Ethanol Growth World Market
the past, it could not be further from the truth. The Bill
H.R. 3081 dated June 28, 2005 was passed to amend
the Clean Air Act to increase the production and use of 3.0
renewable fuels in the United States. The bill calls for
specific volumes of renewable fuel in each year 2006 2.5
through 2012 and reviewable each year within the time
frame. The following table illustrates:
Billion Liters


Volume in 1.5
Calendar Year Billions of Gallons
2006 4.0 1.0
2007 4.7
2008 5.4
2009 6.1
1993 1995 1997 1999 2001 2003 2005 2007
2010 6.8 (Source: Worldwatch Institute)
2011 7.4 Figure 2 Biodiesel Growth World Market
2012 8.0
Any blending components derived from renewable fuel,
BioFuels Facts
except that only the renewable portion of any such
blending component shall be considered part of the Ethanol Production B100 Production
(billions of liters)
applicable volume under the renewable fuel program.
The blend equivalency is 1 gallon of ethanol or B100 Brazil 15.2 USA 0.3 (53 plants)
shall be considered as 2.5 gallons of renewable fuel. USA 14.9 (81 plants) World 1.8
Ethanol and biodiesel were two key renewable fuels World 32.5
listed. Not only has the United States enforced renew-
able fuels but it has become a global issue and several Figure 3 Biofuels Facts

The Most Trusted Name In Measurement

Figure 4 Ethanol Production Process Dry Mill

Figure 5 Biodiesel Production Process B100 Process

Page 2 TP0A015 Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07)

The Products line. When ethanol and gasoline are blended there is a
chemical reaction that is endothermic. Ethanol is a bi-
Ethanol polar solvent. Hydrogen bonds are normally present in
Fuel Grade (Denatured) Ethanol is manufactured to gasoline and the molecules are pulled closer together.
Standard ASTM D 4806-4a. When the ethanol is mixed with the gasoline these
hydrogen bonds are broken. This chemical reaction
Performance Requirements causes the mixture to change volume. Also, because the
(When blended with gasoline) reaction is endothermic there is a temperature drop that
occurs at the same time. This endothermic change also
Ethanol, volume %, min. 92.1 differs in magnitude with different recipe percentages of
each component.
Methanol, volume %, max. 0.50
This change raises several questions: How is the tem-
Solvent-washed gum, mg/100ml, max. 5.00 perature drop handled?, How is the volume change
handled?, How are the individual inventories reconciled
Water content, volume % max. (agreed between with delivered transactions?, How does weights and
buyer and seller) measures handle the issue? And finally what is the
Denaturant content, volume % min. 1.96 proper method for blending to ensure that neither the
seller nor buyer assumes a loss?
Denaturant content, volume % max. 4.76 With temperature and mixing at the top of the list of
Inorganic chloride content, concerns it is necessary again to review the various
types of blending.
mass ppm (mg/L), max 40 (32)
Copper content, mg/kg, max. 0.10 Case 1
Acidity (as Acetic acid) 0.007 (56) Splash blending loading the individual products into
the truck through dedicated product meters one after the
Mass % (mg/L), max. pHe 6.5 to 9.0 other. The endothermic reaction occurs in the truck.
Sulfur, mass ppm, max. 30 Case 2
Appearance Clear and bright free of Sequential blending loading the individual products
suspended particulate through the same meter sequentially. The endothermic
reaction occurs in the truck.
See Figure 4 Ethanol Production Process
Case 3
Ethanol has some unique issues with regards to han-
dling and blending. Ratio blending loading the individual products
through dedicated product meters simultaneously and
Ethanol is basically a solvent and will clean tank wall blending in a downstream connection. The endothermic
and pipe surfaces. This could create problems with reaction occurs in the downstream pipe or essentially
equipment downstream of the process. Caution should in the truck.
be taken to flush all lines through a line strainer to be
sure any residue has been collected before installing Case 4
metering equipment.
Wild stream or side stream metering the ethanol
Ethanol also has an affinity for water and care must be product into the main gasoline line where the blending
taken to avoid phase separation of gasoline-ethanol occurs directly upstream of the larger delivery meter.
blends, especially at low temperatures. This creates The endothermic reaction occurs prior to the delivery
issues later in combustion engines. meter.
Contrary to some arguments, gum content is not of par- To answer the general questions stated above regarding
ticular concern in a closed pipe system. Reports refer growth, Figure 6 will be the reference. This data basi-
to issues with engines parts when fuel-insoluble gum cally says that when blending a 90/10 Gasoline Ethanol
can be deposited on surfaces when the fuels evaporate. mixture there is definitely an Endothermic Reaction that
Care in maintenance should be noted when reinstalling causes the temperature to drop instantly on the average
metering equipment. of 4.6 degrees F. From the table it also indicates there
There is still the outstanding question with regards to that at the point of mixture there is molecular change
a volumetric growth when blending ethanol with gaso- that increases the volume about 0.04%.

Sample No. et-OH Vol. Gas Vol. et-OH Temp. Gas Temp. Mix Temp. Final Temp. Mix Vol. Final Vol.
1 100.00 ml 900.00 ml 64.5 F 64.5 F 60.0 F 64.5 F 1000.3 ml 1000.5 ml
2 100.00 ml 900.00 ml 64.5 F 64.5 F 59.9 F 64.5 F 1000.5 ml 1000.7 ml
3 100.00 ml 900.00 ml 62.2 F 62.2 F 57.4 F 62.2 F 1000.4 ml 1000.6 ml
4 100.00 ml 900.00 ml 62.2 F 62.1 F 57.4 F 62.2 F 1000.5 ml 1000.6 ml
Figure 6 90/10 Ethanol/Gasoline Blend Endothermic Reaction Lab Test Results

Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07) TP0A015 Page 3

Ratio Blending
Prover or Truck Prover or Truck
Gasoline Ethanol
Instantaneous Affect Recovered Temp.
Temp. Gv Nv Temp. Gv Nv Temp. Gv Nv Temp. Gv Nv
64.5 900 897.2 64.5 100 99.72 60 1000.3 1000.3 64.4 1000.5 997.37

SideStream Blending
Prover or Truck Prover or Truck
1,000 Gallon Batch Delivery Meter Blended Volume
Instantaneous Affect Recovered Temp./Volume
Gross Volume Preset
Temp. Gv Nv Temp. Gv Nv Temp. Gv Nv
90% Gasoline, 10% Ethanol
60 1000.3 1000.3 60 1000.3 1000.3 64.4 1000.5 997.37

Comparison of Two Methods

Ratio Blending = Nv Gasoline + Nv Ethanol = 897.2 + 99.72 = 996.92 Gallons
SideStream = Blended Volume @ 60F or = 1000.3 Gallons
Difference = 1000.3 -996.92 = 3.38 Gallons or + 0.34%
Customer receives the recovered volume of 1000.5 gallons @ 64.4F
Customer is billed 1000.3 Gallons @ 60F
Coefficient of Thermal Expansion
Gasoline = 0.00069/degrees F
Ethanol = 0.00063/degrees F
90/10 = 0.00071/degrees F

Figure 7 Example of 90/10 Ethanol/Gasoline Blend Corrections

A simple lab test was devised to measure the instanta- Biodiesel Fuel Blend Stock (B100)
neous and final growth of the blended 90/10 ethanol and ASTM D 6751 06
at the same time record temperatures. Figure 6 shows Performance requirements
the results of the lab test. (When blended with middle distillates)
Figure 7 is a simulated example of what a 1000 gallon Grade S15 and S500 limits
proving run or transaction might show when using the
data from Figure 6. This example shows the net result Flash Point, degrees C, min. 130.0
using two different methods of blending. Splash Blend-
ing, Sequential Blending and Ratio Blending will all give Water & Sediment, volume %, max. 0.050
similar results as the mixing occurs after the metering. Kinematic Viscosity, at 40 degrees C, mm2/s 1.9-6.0
The two methods for the example are; Ratio and Side-
Stream. The example assumes 60 API gasoline with a Sulfated ash, mass %, max. 0.020
C of E of 0.00069, denatured ethanol in accordance with
Sulfur, mass %, ppm, max. 0.0015 (15) Grade S15
the ASTM standard with a C of E of 0.00063, and of C
0.050 (500) Grade S500
of E for blended product of 0.00071.
It should be noted that these tests were conducted at Copper strip corrosion, max. No. 3
near 60 degrees F. In other tests performed the mo- Cetane no., min. 47
lecular change showed a much lower molecular volume
increase when the product temperatures were near 30 Cloud point See report
degrees F. Other affects such as pressure, different
percentages of each product, and ambient affects may Carbon residue, mass %, max. 0.050
have an impact on the amount of growth. Acid No., mg. KOH/g, max. 0.500
For the purpose of these tests and in order to determine
the real growth, the blended product was allowed to re- Free Glycerin, mass % 0.020
cover to its original temperature. This took place in less Total Glycerin, mass% 0.240
than 12 minutes. This brought out a primary concern and
that being that as soon as the product was mixed and Phosphorus content, mass %, max. .0010
delivered to a vessel it began a recovery in temperature.
Distillation Temperature, degrees C, max. 360
This means the net volume transferred is unstable for
some period of time. This can have serious affects on Atmospheric Equivelent
meter factor calculations and actual consumer deliver- Temperature 90% recovered Sodium
able volumes, both of which could be issues with the and Potassium combined 5 ppm (ug/g), max.
Departments Weights and Measures.
The conclusion is one that the user must decide what is See Figure 5 Biodiesel Production Process-B100
the best method to use for custody transfer in the spirit Process.
of Fair Trade and accurate inventory reconciliation of Not unlike ethanol, B100 has some unique issues as
inventories. well.

Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07) TP0A015 Page 4

Viscosity can be an important factor. The upper limit for Blending System Configurations and
the viscosity of B100 is 6.0 cst. At 104 degrees F it is Equipment
greater than the maximum allowable viscosity of low
sulfur diesel which is 4.1 cst. At 104 degrees F. blend-
FMC Technologies is the leading supplier of Smith Meter
ing B100 with diesel fuel close to its upper limits could
products for tank truck loading measurement and control
result in off spec final product.
equipment with:
The cloud point is of great importance in that it defines
Experience - Over 70 years of experience in terminal
the temperature at which a cloud or haze of crystals ap-
applications worldwide more than any other supplier.
pears in the fuel under prescribed test conditions which
generally relates to the temperature at which crystals Worldwide sales and service - Local support before
begin to precipitate from the fuel. B100 generally has and after the sale.
a higher cloud point than diesel fuel. The cloud point of All current technologies with PD (Positive Displace-
B100 and its impact on the cold flow properties of the ment), Turbine, and Coriolis meters.
resulting blend should be monitored in cold climates. The broadest offerings of blending configurations
Generally speaking it is best to keep B100 at least 10 including sequential, ratio, side-stream, and a brand
degrees F. above its cloud point when blending diesel new version of a combination of sequential with ratio
fuel in cold climates. Most companies will heat trace (hybrid).
and insulate all components of the B100 piping system
including the tank, piping to the rack, metering equip- Accessory equipment with transmitters, strainers, air
ment up to the loading arm and maintain the B100 at eliminators, self contained and externally powered flow
around 70 degrees F in cold climates. control valves.
Ash forming materials may be present in B100 in 3 Communications interface with most current terminal
forms: (1) abrasive solids, (2) soluble metallic soaps automation suppliers.
and (3) unremoved catalysts. For these reasons it may Worldwide approvals for equipment that meets or
be necessary to use filtering prior to pumping product exceeds most Weights and Measures and electrical
to the rack. requirements.
Because B100 is organic, fungi and bacteria can form Complete prepackaged truck loading and unloading
at any fuel-water interface and give high particulate skids.
concentrations in the fuel. In storage the use of biocides
or biostats destroy or inhibit the growth of fungi and
bacteria. These reagents are soluble in either the fuel Powerful Solutions
or water phase.
With temperature and mixing at top of the list of con- The Smith Meter AccuLoad III can be configured to fit
cerns it is necessary again to review the various types the application. It can be set up as a single arm device or
of blending up to a six arm device in one Class I, Division I housing or
using the Split Architecture platform, can accommodate
Case 1 up to eighteen loading arms.
Splash blending loading the individual products into Any of the AccuLoad III controller configurations can
the truck through dedicated product meters one after be set up as a unique blender. In any AccuLoad III, the
the other. Products will not mix well in the truck and arms can be configured as sequential, ratio, sidestream
stratification will occur causing poor fuel quality. or hybrid. The AccuLoad III can use any combination of
these types of blenders with a specific type assigned
Case 2 to a given arm.
Sequential blending loading the individual products For example, a ratio blended gasoline arm, a sequential
through the same meter sequentially. In a study, quali- blended distillate arm, a hybrid arm for ratio blending
tative visual observations of sequential blending B100 of bio-mass into sequential blended diesels (illustrated
with diesel showed clouding and possible crystallization in the diagrams on page 8).
of the fuel due to inadequate mixing.
Blending Considerations
Case 3
Ratio blending loading the individual products through Blending of two or more products by any method
dedicated product meters simultaneously and blending requires a recipe. A recipe is derived from the com-
in a downstream connection. This scenario works well ponents of the blend and the percentages of each
for general blending but may require additional mixing component. When sizing equipment, it is necessary to
prior to loading the truck such as an in-line mixer. calculate the flow range of each component using the
component percentage(s) and the loading arm flow
Case 4
range (minimum to maximum). These calculations
Wild stream or side stream metering the B100 into will determine meter and valve sizes and indicate any
the main diesel line where the blending occurs directly problematic flow control issues.
upstream of the larger delivery meter. This scenario
Product Measurement Profiles
works well and will also aid in mixing as the blend passes
Each product has its own unique set of characteristics
through a meter that mechanically mixes or integrates
that affect measurement. Parameters such as meter
the fuel.
Page 5 TP0A015 Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07)
factors, API tables, density, etc., will need to be con- Hybrid Blending
sidered for the individual components in the recipe Hybrid blending is a combination of sequential and
in order to deliver an accurate blend and maintain ratio that is primarily designed for ratio blending
component inventories. soybean oil into existing No. 1 and No. 2 diesel oil
Product Flow Profiles sequential blenders. In any ratio or hybrid blender,
Any product delivery, including straight product meter and flow control valve sizing are critical. The
loading, and any type of blending requires that each system hydraulics in ratio blending must be carefully
component be capable of accurately flowing in a designed to ensure accurate blending. Once again,
controlled mode throughout the delivery batch. This check valves need to be installed to prevent backflow
flow profile is most critical for ratio or hybrid blend- and contamination.
ers. If pumps and flow control valves are not sized
properly, the results will be erratic operation and
off-spec blends. Complete pressure profile analysis Critical Issues for Different Blending
should be done for all operating conditions to ensure Configurations
accurate blending.
Product Mixing The objective in biofuels blending is to deliver an accu-
Products with similar characteristics, such as density rate quality blend. The seller has requirements as does
and viscosity, will generally blend well. Products with the buyer. The seller, for example is concerned about
different characteristics or those that when blended the exact volumes delivered in the blend recipe for billing
simply do not mix or stay mixed may dictate the purposes, inventory reconciliation, blend quality, regula-
method of blending or some other special consider- tory requirements, safety and loading time. The buyer is
ation. Ethanol, for example, may have a tendency to most interested in exact volumes delivered in the blend
stratify in gasoline. Other Bio-Mass may not mix well recipe and quality of the blend. Each one of these issues
with distillates. whether for the seller or the buyer represents a unique
issue for each type of blending.
Types of Blending The following are some of the typical concerns:
Sequential One common issue for all types of blending is what
Sequential blending is defined as loading multiple is known as Clean Line Flush. This is the last prod-
products one at a time through one meter and control uct delivered to lay down the line with a product that
valve. This method is most common for products that will not downgrade or contaminate the next load. The
mix well. The recipe contains the percentage of each Clean Line Flush should be minimized by design. In
component. When a recipe is selected, the AccuLoad other words the length line from the last control valve
will calculate the exact amount of each component. or check valve to the loading arm should be as short as
Each component is then delivered as a type of mini possible to minimize octane give-away with a Premium
batch, complete with the specific product measure- Line Flush, or to minimize contamination if using a sub-
ment and product flow profiles. Products are deliv- octane Line Flush.
ered in the order programmed by the user. The mini
batches and product sequence are converted by Sequential Blending
the AccuLoad opening and closing the appropriate Exact Volumes and Inventory Reconciliation
product block valve. The product block valve should In sequential blending the AccuLoad calculates the
be motor operated and fast operating to minimize exact volumes to be delivered based on the recipe
sequence loading time. Check valves should be in- percentages and delivers them within the accuracy
stalled in each product line and should be as close to of the meter. The control valve must also have a
the blend connection as possible to prevent backflow repeatable zero shut-off to prevent under-delivery
and contamination. or over- delivery of the final product in the recipe.
Ratio Blending The Block Valves, that sequence the products must
Ratio blending is defined as loading multiple products be opened one at a time and monitored for positive
into a truck at the same time. Unlike sequential blend- shut-off. Likewise check valves should used in each
ing, ratio blending has a meter and control valve for product line to prevent contamination or even back
each product. Because the products are blended at flow. Also, the Clean Line Flush Volume is subtracted
the same time they will have a tendency to mix better from any available product at that arm. The Line Flush
than with sequential blending. Also, because all prod- Volume does not have to be one of the products in
ucts are running during the entire batch, the blend the current delivery recipe. However, the Clean Line
should be on spec at any time during the batch; there- Flush Volume is recorded and added into the correct
fore, if a batch is aborted, the product loaded should product totals in the AccuLoad so that inventories
be a deliverable product. For a sequential blend to be are correct.
on spec, the entire batch must be completed. Blend Quality
The AccuLoad can accommodate typical ratio blend- In sequential blending the entire preset must be
ing where all products are mixed in the piping down- delivered to ensure that the proper amounts were
stream of the individual product control valves. It can delivered for each component of the recipe. If the pre-
also handle side stream blending where the smaller of set is aborted for any reason, the product delivered is
the components is plumbed in upstream of the main off-spec. Typically presets will have the facility to allow
product delivery meter.
Page 6 TP0A015 Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07)
the blend to be corrected, either by a simple restart Regulatory Requirements
to finish, or the preset should determine how much of As long as the Blend Quality is maintained, any
each product is needed to finish a quality blend. requirements should be met. Additives may present
Regulatory Requirements another issue. AccuLoad has many configurable meth-
As long as the Blend Quality is maintained, any ods for additive control, regulation and reporting.
regulatory requirements should be met. Additives Safety
may present another issue. AccuLoad has many The control valves must be fast, shock free type valves
configurable methods for additive control, regulation that are capable of accurate and repeatable zero bal-
and reporting. ance shut-off. The AccuLoad has many control valve
Safety configurable parameters that permit individual set up
The control valve must be a fast, shock-free type for each valve depending on the operating conditions
valve that is capable of accurate and repeatable zero of that product. The AccuLoad also has many safety
balance shut-off. The AccuLoad has many control parameters that monitor control and shut-off to alert
valve configurable parameters that permit individual the possibility of a spill or accident.
set up for each valve depending on the operating con- Loading Time
ditions of that product. The AccuLoad also has many Loading time is not an issue as compared to Sequen-
safety parameters that monitor control and shut-off to tial Blending since all products run at the same time.
alert the possibility of a spill or accident.
Loading Time Side Stream Blending
This is one of the disadvantages for sequential blend- Exact Volumes and Inventory Reconciliation
ing. The time it takes to check the position of and cycle In Side Stream Blending the delivery meter total is the
the appropriate product valves adds to the delivery delivered blend. The exact volumes of each product
time of the entire transaction. are derived by subtracting the secondary component
total from the delivery total. Their individual accuracy
Ratio Blending is still dependent on the accuracy of the product
Exact Volumes and Inventory Reconciliation meters at that particular loading arm. This is also
In Ratio Blending the AccuLoad calculates the exact the means by which inventories are established. In
volumes to be delivered based on the recipe percent- Side Stream Blending, the secondary component is
ages and delivers them within the accuracy of each metered into the main delivery line by rate and volume
of the product meters at that particular loading arm. against the main line delivery meter and its control
While delivering the exact volumes of each product in valve. The secondary product must be pumped into
the recipe the control valves for each product in the the main product line at a higher pressure in order
recipe are controlling the flow rates that correspond to get the product into the main line. This can create
to their respective percentages of the recipe. This way some issues for the secondary product control valve
the blend ratio is kept on-spec as close as possible especially if the valve is required to operate at low
throughout the entire preset. At the end of the preset flows and/or over a wide flow range. If the secondary
the blend will be accurate and on spec. The control valve is too cyclic and has erratic operation because
valves must also have a repeatable zero shut-off to of system hydraulics, the delivery meter and control
prevent under-delivery or over-delivery of the final valve respond in like fashion resulting in poor delivery
product in the recipe. Check valves should be used and possibly off spec blends. The control valves must
in each product line to prevent contamination or even also have a repeatable zero shut-off to prevent under-
back flow. Also, the line flush volume is subtracted delivery or over-delivery of the final product in the
from any available product at that arm. The line flush recipe. Check valves should used in each product line
volume does not have to be one of the products in to prevent contamination or even back flow. Also, the
the current delivery recipe. However, the Clean Line Line Flush volume is subtracted from any available
Flush Volume is recorded and added into the correct product at that arm. The Line flush volume does not
product totals in the AccuLoad so that inventories have to be one of the products in the current delivery
are correct. Because the AccuLoad must control recipe. However, the Line Flush volume is recorded
flow rate at each product's blend percentage over and added into the correct product totals in the Ac-
the entire delivery including low-flow start, as well cuLoad so that inventories are correct.
as high-flow and low-flow shut down, it is critical to Because the AccuLoad must control flow rate for the
have well designed hydraulic operating conditions for main and secondary products for the blend percent-
each product allowing the valves to operate properly, ages over the entire delivery including low flow start,
accurately and safe. Loading arm pressure and flow high flow and low flow shut down, it is critical to have
profiles must be considered before designing a Ratio well designed hydraulic operating conditions for each
Blending System. product allowing the valves to operate properly, ac-
Blend Quality curately and safely. Loading arm pressure and flow
In Ratio Blending the blend quality is dependent profiles must be considered before designing a Ratio
most typically on system operating conditions and Blending System.
selecting and sizing the meters and valves according Blend Quality
to the system operating conditions. Typically, if all is In Side Stream Blending this is dependent most typi-
designed properly, the Ratio Blender will be on spec cally on system operating conditions and selecting
at all times.
Issue/Rev. 0.0 (3/07) TP0A015 Page 7
and sizing the meters and valves according to the parameters that monitor control and shut-off to alert
system operating conditions. This is extremely critical the possibility of a spill or accident.
for real low flows such as Biodiesel Blending for B2 Loading Time
and B5 recipes. Loading time is not an issue as compared to Se-
Safety quential Blending since all products run at the same
The control valves must be fast, shock-free type valves time.
that are capable of accurate and repeatable zero bal- Hybrid Blender
ance shut-off. The AccuLoad has many control valve
configurable parameters that permit individual set up This combination of both Sequential and Ratio Blending
for each valve depending on the operating conditions carries the same issues as the individual methods and
of that product. The AccuLoad also has many safety therefore all considerations must be addressed.

Typical Ethanol Blending Arm Configurations

Side Stream

Sequential 92

87 Products
92 92/92 ETH
87/87 ETH
ETH 89/89 ETH
ETH 92/92 ETH
87/87 ETH 92
89/89 ETH
Ratio 87 92/92 ETH
87/87 ETH
92 89/89 ETH
92/92 ETH
87/87 ETH Hybrid/Sidestream
89/89 ETH 92

92/92 ETH
87/87 ETH
ETH 89/89 ETH

Typical Biodiesel Blending Arm Configurations

B100 Diesel
B100, B2-20 Typical

B100 B2-20 Typical

Hybrid for 2 or more products


(B2 to B20)
2" 3-130 GPM
(B20 to B50)
3" 30-300 GPM

Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07) TP0A015 Page 8

Ethanol or B100 Unloading (See to Figure 8) Referring to Figure 8, other than the meter and control
valve the most critical item is the unloading pump. With
Delivery of Ethanol and B100 to the terminal should
the objective of unloading the truck completely and
be metered. The process should be accurate, safe and
quickly, it is necessary to have a pump that accom-
fast. In order to accomplish this there are a number of
plishes just that. Centrifugal pumps can be problematic
issues to consider.
in completely unloading the truck once air has entered
The AccuLoad has all the necessary controls to perform the pump casing. It is recommended to use a positive
a successful unloading. This mode of delivery allows displacement pump or a self-priming centrifugal pump
for unloading the truck without setting a preset volume. in order to completely off load the truck. The AccuLoad,
Controlled delivery is accomplished by the use of three control valve and air elimination system is design to
digital inputs, configured as; stop, low and high flow handle the operating conditions when air is encountered
switches. These switches are located on a float installed at the end of the load. It is critical to make certain the
in an air elimination tank upstream of the meter. The proper pump has been chosen for the installation and
inputs define when to open the control valve, when to unloading conditions.
advance from low flow to high flow and when to close
the valve. The switches are set based on the product/air
interface in the air eliminator tank.

Figure 8 Ethanol or B100 Unloading

Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07) TP0A015 Page 9

Revisions included in TP0A015 Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07):
Page 1: Corrected Figures 1 and 2.
Page 8: Editorial Change - Typical Ethanol Blending Arm Configuration - picture on right has been switched with Typical Biodiesel Blending
Arm Configuration picture.

The specifications contained herein are subject to change without notice and any user of said specifications should verify from the manufacturer that the specifications are currently
in effect. Otherwise, the manufacturer assumes no responsibility for the use of specifications which may have been changed and are no longer in effect.
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Printed in U.S.A. 3/07 FMC Technologies Measurement Solutions, Inc. All rights reserved. TP0A015 Issue/Rev. 0.1 (12/07)

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