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(As passed by the Assembly)

to establish and incorporate a University of Health Sciences in the State of
Kerala and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental
Preamble.W HEREAS , it is expedient to establish and incorporate a
University of Health Sciences for the purpose of ensuring proper and systematic
instruction, teaching, training and research exclusively in Modern Medicine,
Homeopathy and Indian Systems of Medicine including Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga,
Naturopathy, Unani and allied sciences in the State of Kerala and to have
uniformity in the various academic programmes in medical and allied subjects in
the State, and to provide for matters connected therewith or incidental thereto ;
BE it enacted in the Sixty-first Year of the Republic of India as follows :
1. Short title and commencement.(1) This Act may be called the Kerala
University of Health Sciences Act, 2010.
(2) It shall be deemed to have come into force on the 7th day of
December, 2009.
2. Definitions.In this Act, unless the context otherwise requires,
(a) Academic Services Unit means a University department of study
and research including schools and centres, Academic Staff College, University
Computing Resource Centre, Library, Instrumentation or diagnostic facility or
any other unit providing specialised services for the promotion of any of the
objectives of the University ;
(b) Affiliated College or Institution means a college or institution
imparting education in health and allied sciences which is affiliated to the
University in accordance with the provisions of this Act and the Statutes ;
(c) Aided College or Institution means a private college or institution
which is entitled to have financial assistance from the Government ;
(d) Approved Institutions mean recognised institutions such as
hospital, health centre or such other institutions recognised by the University as
an institution in which a person may undergo training, if any, required by a
course of study before the conferring of any degree, diploma or other academic
distinction of the University ;
(e) Authorities mean the authorities of the University as provided in
section 19 of this Act ;
(f) Autonomy means a privilege of the University conferred by
regulations permitting a college, institution or a department of the University to
conduct academic programmes and examinations, develop syllabus for the
respective subjects and issue certificates of passing the examinations etc., and
having full academic, administrative and financial autonomy, subject to the
provisions of this Act and Statutes ;
(g) Autonomous College, Autonomous Institution or Autonomous
Department means a college, institution or department to which autonomy is
granted and is designated to be so by Statutes ;
(h) Central or State Councils mean various Councils of medical and
allied sciences constituted by the Central Government or State Government such
as Medical council, Nursing council, Pharmacy council and other councils ;
(i) Collaboration means collaborative academic activity of the
University with other universities, academic institutions (local, regional, national
or international), research institutions and organisations ;
(j) College means an institution imparting education in medical and
allied sciences, conducted by the University or affiliated to the University
situated in the State of Kerala ;
(k) Constituent college means a college maintained and managed by
the University ;
(l) Educational agency means any person or body of persons who or
which establishes or maintains one or more private college or educational
institutions ;
(m) Government means the Government of Kerala ;
(n) Government College means a college maintained by the
Government and affiliated to the University ;
(o) Hostel means a unit of residence for the students of the University
maintained or recognised by the University in accordance with the provisions of
this Act or Statutes ;
(p) Indian Systems of Medicine includes Ayurveda, Yoga, Naturopathy,
Siddha, Unani and such other disciplines as may be notified by the Government ;
(q) Management means the trustees, or the managing or governing
body by whatever name called, of any trust or society registered under the
relevant laws, responsible for management and administration of the educational
institutions or colleges and in relation to any college or institution established or
maintained by the Central Government or State Government or a society or
agency, established by the Central Government or State Government or a local
authority, such as panchayath, municipality, it means, respectively, the Central
Government or the State Government or the society or agency, or the concerned
local authority, such as the panchayath, municipality as the case may be ;
(r) Health Sciences mean scientific medicine in all its branches
concerning preventive, promotive, curative and rehabilitative health of human
beings including Modern Medicine, Dental Sciences, Pharmacy, the Indian
Systems of Medicine in all its branches including Ayurveda, Siddha, Yoga,
Naturopahty, Unani and Homeopathy and allied sciences including those
concerned with interdisciplinary areas related to health, nursing, other medical,
paramedical and allied subjects and all its branches ;
(s) Prescribed means prescribed by Statutes, Ordinances or Regulations
made by or under this Act ;
(t) Private college means a college maintained by an educational
agency other than the government or local self government institutions or the
University and affiliated to the University ;
(u) Professional college means a college or like institution in which
instruction is given in any of the subjects that comes under the University
including Modern Medicine and all its branches, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha,
Unani, Yoga, Naturopathy, Pharmacy, Nursing, Paramedical and other allied
subjects including Medical Laboratory Technology, Physiotherapy, Optometry,
Radiology, Audiology, Speech Pathology, Medical Anatomy, Medical
Biochemistry, Medical Microbiology etc. or any other subjects as may be
notified by the Government ;
(v) Recognised Institution means an institution of higher learning,
research or specialised studies, other than an affiliated college and recognised to
be so by the University ;
(w) Scheduled Castes mean such castes, races or tribes or parts of or
groups within castes, races or tribes as are deemed to be Scheduled Castes, in
relation to the State of Kerala under Article 341 of the Constitution of India ;
(x) Scheduled Tribes mean such tribes or tribal communities or parts
of or groups within such tribes or tribal communities as are deemed to be
Scheduled Tribes in relation to the State of Kerala under Article 342 of the
Constitution of India ;
(y) Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations mean respectively the
Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations of the University ;
(z) Student means a part-time or full-time student receiving instruction
or undergoing housesurgency/internship/residency programme or carrying on
research in any of the Colleges, University Departments/Schools or recognized
institutions ;
(za) Un-aided college or institution means a private college or
institution which is not entitled to have financial assistance from the Government
or University ;
(zb) University means the Kerala University of Health Sciences
established under section 3 of this Act ;
(zc) University Grants Commission means the Commission established
under section 4 of the University Grants Commission Act, 1956 (Central Act 3
of 1956).
3. Establishment and incorporation of the Kerala University of Health
Sciences.(1) There shall be established a University by name the Kerala
University of Health Sciences, which shall be a body corporate having
perpetual succession and a common seal, with power, subject to the provisions
of the Act, to acquire and hold property, to contract and shall, by the said name
sue and be sued.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in any other law for the time
being in force, the territorial jurisdiction of the University shall extend to the
whole of the State of Kerala.
(3) The headquarters of the University shall be at Thrissur.
(4) In all suits and other legal proceedings by or against the University
the pleadings shall be signed and verified by the Registrar or any other person
authorised by him in this behalf and all processes in such suits and proceedings
shall be issued to and served on the Registrar.
(5) The University may establish study centers at such other places
within the State of Kerala with the approval of the Governing Council and at
places outside the State of Kerala with the prior approval of the Government.
(6) The University shall be both a teaching and an affiliating University.
4. Composition of the University.The University shall be composed of the
following, namely :
(A) Institutions of the University which shall include the following :
(i) School of studies and research in areas as may be decided by the
University from time to time ;
(ii) Constituent Colleges, mainly focusing on under graduate and
post graduate teaching directly managed by the University ;
(B) Affiliated colleges, both in the Government and private aided or
unaided sectors ;
(C) Recognised Institutions.
5. The objects of the University.The objects of the University shall be the
following, namely:
(i) to advance and disseminate learning and knowledge in health
sciences and allied fields by fostering and promoting medical research ;
(ii) to design new courses and curricula based on the advances in the
field of health science ;
(iii) to regulate the academic standards of the affiliated colleges or
institutions ;
(iv) to promote preventive, curative and rehabilitative aspects of health ;
(v) to organise programmes to tackle health problems of the society ;
(vi) to give leadership to the medical human resource development in
the State ;
(vii) to give leadership to the health planning and health policy
formulation for the State ;
(viii) to give thrust to epidemiological studies, monitoring and
surveillance system of the diseases prevalent in the State ;
(ix) to act as the nodal agency for linkages with other national and
international institutions ;
(x) to develop a platform for the dialogue between different systems of
healthcare ;
(xi) to explore the possibilities of joint research programmes and
integration between different systems of medicine ;
(xii) to promote equitable distribution of facilities for education in health
and allied sciences ;
(xiii) to promote acquisition of knowledge in a rapidly developing and
changing society and to continually offer opportunities for upgrading knowledge
and imparting training and development of skills in the context of innovations,
research and discovery in all fields of human endeavour by establishing
educational network related to health sciences with use of modern
communication media and technologies appropriate for a learning society ;
(xiv) to give more thrust for the development of Indian Systems of
Medicine and all its branches and Homeopathy by encouraging research and
other academic activities in the related areas.
6. Powers and functions of the University.The powers and functions of
the University shall be the following, namely:
(i) to provide instruction and training in such branches of learning
related to health and allied sciences as the University may deem fit ;
(ii) to make provisions for research and for advancement and
dissemination of knowledge in health and allied sciences ;
(iii) to institute and award degrees, diplomas, certificates and other
academic distinctions ;
(iv) to hold examinations and to confer degrees and other academic
distinctions for persons who shall have pursued approved courses of study in a
University, college or an affiliated or recognised college or institution unless
exempted therefrom in the manner prescribed and shall have passed the
prescribed examinations of the University or shall have carried on research
satisfactorily under conditions as may be prescribed and which has been duly
evaluated ;
(v) to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions on distinguished
persons in accordance with the conditions as may be prescribed ;
(vi) to prescribe conditions under which the award of any degree, title,
diploma and other academic distinctions may be withheld ;
(vii) to withdraw or cancel degree, title, diploma, certificates or other
distinctions under conditions that may be prescribed by the Statutes after giving
the persons affected a reasonable opportunity to present their case ;
(viii) to establish, maintain and administer colleges, schools, centres,
hospitals, laboratories and libraries or other institutions necessary to carry out the
objectives of the University ;
(ix) to prescribe conditions for recognition of institutions for conducting
research or other programmes of the University and to grant recognition to
institutions satisfying the conditions and to withdraw such recognition ;
(x) to establish, maintain and administer hostels and to recognise hostels
not managed by the University and to suspend or withdraw such recognition ;
(xi) to provide for establishment of campus for serving a group of
affiliated colleges and also to provide for and maintain common resource centres
in such campuses in the form of libraries, laboratories, computer centres and the
like centres of learning ;
(xii) to establish centres for conducting research programme and to
create research posts and appoint suitable persons to these posts ;
(xiii) to create posts of directors, principals, teachers and other non-
vacation academic posts required by the University and to prescribe by the
Statutes the scales of pay for such posts with the prior approval of the State
Government, and to prescribe their qualifications, methods of appointment and to
make appointments thereto ;
(xiv) to appoint or recognise teachers working in any other University or
organisation as teachers of the University for specified period ;
(xv) to create non-teaching, skilled, administrative, ministerial and other
posts and prescribe through Statutes pay scales for such posts, with prior
approval of the State Government and to fix the method of appointment and to
make appointments thereto :
Provided that the recruitment to the non-teaching staff other than the
officers of the University mentioned in clause 9 shall be through Kerala Public
Service Commission.
(xvi) to facilitate mobility of teachers within the University and to other
Universities, if necessary ;
(xvii) to make provision wherever feasible in the University departments,
affiliated colleges, recognised institutions, centres and schools, for survey and
collection of statistics, data and other particulars relevant to various
developmental activities including evaluation of the developmental schemes
under the State and Central Plans with the participation of the students as a part
of their curricular activities ;
(xviii) to control and regulate admission of students for various courses
of study in University departments, affiliated colleges, institutions, schools,
centres and recognised institutions ;
(xix) to designate a department of the University, an affiliated college,
institution, school or centre as an autonomous University department or
institution or school, as the case may be, in accordance with the guidelines, if
any, laid down by the University Grants Commission or Government of Kerala
or other Central Council ;
(xx) to monitor and evaluate the academic performance of affiliated
colleges and recognised institutions for granting continuation of affiliation and
periodical accreditation ;
(xxi) to inspect, where necessary, affiliated colleges and recognised
institutions through suitable machinery established for the purpose, and take
measures to ensure that proper standards of instruction, teaching and training are
maintained by them and adequate library, laboratory, hospital, faculty and other
academic facilities are provided for ;
(xxii) to institute awards, fellowships, travelling fellowships,
scholarships, studentship, medals and prizes for teachers and students of the
University and affiliated colleges ;
(xxiii) to make arrangements for promoting welfare of the employees of
the University ;
(xxiv) to provide for the training and quality improvement of teachers
and non-teaching employees ;
(xxv) to provide for periodical assessment of the performance of
teachers and non-teaching employees of the colleges, institutions, schools, centres
and University departments in accordance with the Statutes ;
(xxvi) to regulate attendance of the teachers in the premises of the
University or college or institutions during teaching hours and beyond teaching
hours, as may be prescribed and to prohibit teachers from taking or conducting
private tuition or private coaching classes or doing private clinical practice ;
(xxvii) to prescribe by Statutes conduct and discipline rules for teaching
and non-teaching staff and to ensure the enforcement thereof ;
(xxviii) to prescribe a code of conduct for managements of affiliated or
recognised colleges or institutions ;
(xxix) to establish, maintain and manage, whenever necessary,
(a) a printing and publication department ;
(b) University extension boards ;
(c) information bureaus ;
(d) employment guidance bureaus and such other activities as may
be necessary and possible to fulfill the objectives of the University ;
(xxx) to co-operate or collaborate with any other University, institution,
authority or organization for research and advisory services and to enter into
appropriate arrangement with other Universities, institutions, authorities, or
organizations to conduct courses and for such purposes as the situation may
demand ;
(xxxi) to rescind affiliation granted to the colleges in violation of
Statutes of the University ;
(xxxii) to explore the possibilities of augmenting the resources of the
University by exploring or innovating activities such as research and
development, consultancy, training programmes and providing services to clients
from industry, trade or any other non-government organisations ;
(xxxiii) to recommend to the Government to take over, in the public
interest, the management of an affiliated college, institution or autonomous
college in case where irregularities or commissions or omissions of criminal
nature by the management of such college or institution are prima-facie evident
to the committee of enquiry appointed by the University ;
(xxxiv) to receive funds for collaboration programmes from foreign
agencies subject to rules and regulations of the Central Government and State
Government in that behalf ;
(xxxv) to lay down for teachers of affiliated colleges and University
teachers, service conditions including code of conduct, workload, norms of
performance appraisal, and such other instructions or directions as, in the opinion
of the University, may be necessary in academic matters ;
(xxxvi) to exercise control over the students of the University, to secure
their health, well being and discipline and to exercise through the affiliated
colleges control for similar purposes over the students of affiliated colleges ;
(xxxvii) to accept, hold and manage any endowments, donations or
funds which may become vested in it for the purposes of the University by
grant, testamentary disposition or otherwise, and to invest such endowments,
donations or funds in any manner that the University may deem fit and to
institute scholarships, medals etc. from such funds subject to the condition that
any donation from a foreign country, foreign foundation or any person in such
country or foundation shall be accepted by the University only in accordance
with the rules and guidance of the Central Government and State Government ;
(xxxviii) to borrow money with or without security for such purpose, as
may be approved by the Government, from the Central Government, the
University Grants Commission or other incorporated bodies subject to the
provisions of this Act ;
(xxxix) to fix fees and to demand and collect such fees in the manner as
may be prescribed ;
(xl) to undertake publication of works of merit and research pertaining
to health and allied sciences ;
(xli) to institute and provide funds wherever necessary for the
maintenance of,
(a) a Students Advisory Bureau ;
(b) an Employment Bureau ;
(c) a University Students Union ;
(d) University Athletic Clubs ;
(e) the National Cadet Corps ;
(f) the National Service Scheme ;
(g) University Extension Boards ;
(h) Students Cultural and Debating Societies ;
(i) a Publication Bureau ; and
(j) Co-operative societies and other similar institutions for promoting
the welfare of students and employees of the University ;
(xlii) to do all such other acts and things or make such other provisions
as may be deemed necessary or desirable to further the objects of the University.
7. The Chancellor.(1) The Governor of Kerala shall, by virtue of his
office, be the Chancellor and the Head of the University.
(2) The Chancellor, when present, shall preside over the convocation of
the University and may issue directions to the Vice-Chancellor to convene the
meeting of any authority of the University for specific purposes, whenever
necessary, and the Vice-Chancellor shall submit the minutes of such meeting to
the Chancellor for the Chancellors perusal.
(3) The Chancellor may call for such information and record relating to
any affairs of the University and issue such directions thereupon as the
Chancellor may deem fit in the interest of the University, and the authorities and
officers of the University shall comply with such directions.
(4) The Chancellor may after taking report in writing from the Vice-
Chancellor suspend or modify any resolution, order or proceedings of any
authority, body, committee or officer, which in the opinion of the Chancellor is
not in conformity with this Act, Statutes, Ordinances or Regulations or is not in
the interest of the University and the University authority, body, committee and
officer shall comply with the same :
Provided that, before making any such order, the Chancellor shall call upon
the University, authority, body, committee or, as the case may be, the officer to
show cause within the period specified, why such an order should not be made,
and if any cause is shown, the Chancellor shall consider the same and wherever
he deems it necessary, after consulting the Government, decide the action to be
taken in the matter, and such decision shall be final.
(5) Where, in the opinion of the Chancellor, the conduct of any elected or
nominated or appointed or co-opted member in the bodies of the University is
detrimental to the smooth functioning of the University or any authority or body
or committee, the Chancellor may, after giving such member an opportunity to
offer explanation in writing and after considering such explanation, if any, and
being satisfied that it is necessary so to do, suspend or disqualify such member
for such period as the Chancellor may deem fit.
(6) (i) The Chancellor shall have the right to cause an inspection to be
made by such person or persons or body of persons, as he may direct, of the
University, its buildings, hospitals, libraries, museums, workshops and
equipments of any college, institution or hostel maintained, administered or
recognised by the University and of the teaching and other work conducted by
or on behalf of the University or under its auspices and of the conduct of
examinations or other functions of the University and to cause an inquiry to be
made in like manner regarding any matter connected with the administration or
finances of the University ;
(ii) The Chancellor shall, in every case, give due notice to the
University of his intention to cause an inspection or inquiry to be made and the
University shall be entitled to appoint a representative, who shall have the right
to be present and to be heard at the inspection or enquiry ;
(iii) After an inspection or inquiry has been caused to be made, the
Chancellor may address the Vice-Chancellor on the result of such inspection or
inquiry and the Vice-Chancellor shall communicate to the Senate or Governing
Council the views of the Chancellor and call upon the Senate or Governing
Council to communicate to the Chancellor through him its opinion thereon
within such time as may have been specified by the Chancellor. If the Senate or
Governing Council communicates its opinion within the specified time-limit,
after taking into consideration that opinion or where the Senate or Governing
Council fails to communicate its opinion in time, after the specified time-limit is
over, the Chancellor may proceed and advise the Senate or Governing Council
upon the action to be taken by it, and fix a time-limit for taking such action ;
(iv) The Senate or Governing Council shall, within such time-limit as
fixed, report to the Chancellor through the Vice-Chancellor the action which has
been taken or is proposed to be taken on the advice tendered by him ;
(v) The Chancellor may, where action has not been taken by the Senate
or Governing Council to his satisfaction within the time-limit fixed and after
considering any explanation furnished or representation made by the Senate or
Governing Council, issue such directions as the Chancellor may think fit and the
Senate or Governing Council and other authority concerned shall comply with
such directions ;
(vi) Notwithstanding anything contained in the preceding clauses, if at
any time the Chancellor is of the opinion that in any matter the affairs of the
University are not managed in furtherance of the objectives of the University or
inaccordance with the provisions of this Act, Statutes and Regulations or that
special measures are desirable to maintain the standards of University teaching,
examinations, research, administration or finances, the Chancellor may indicate to
the Senate or Governing Council through the Vice-Chancellor any matter in
regard to which he desires an explanation and call upon the Senate or Governing
Council to offer such explanation within such time as may be specified by him.
If the Senate or Governing Council fails to offer any explanation within the time
specified or offers an explanation which in the opinion of the Chancellor, is not
satisfactory, the Chancellor may issue such directions as appear to him to be
necessary, and the Senate or Governing Council and any other authority
concerned shall comply with such directions ;
(vii) The Governing Council shall furnish such information relating to
the administration and finances of the University as the Chancellor may, from
time to time, require.
(7) (i) The Chancellor shall when an emergency arises have the right to
suspend or dismiss any of the authorities of the University and take measures for
the interim administration of the University ;
(ii) An appeal shall lie to the Chancellor against any order of dismissal
passed by the Governing Council or the Vice-Chancellor against any person in
the service of the University ;
(iii) An appeal under the above clause shall be filed within thirty days
from the date of serving the order of dismissal on the persons concerned ;
(iv) The Chancellor shall before passing any order on an appeal as
above, refer the matter for advice to a tribunal appointed by him for the purpose.
(8) The Chancellor shall have the power to remove the Vice-Chancellor or
Pro-Vice-Chancellor from office by an order in writing on charges of
misappropriation, misconduct, mismanagement of funds or any other good and
sufficient reason:
Provided that before taking action under this sub-section such charges shall
be proved by an inquiry conducted by a person who is or has been a judge of
the High Court or the Supreme Court, appointed by the Chancellor for the
Provided further that Vice-chancellor or Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall not be
removed under this section unless he has been given a reasonable opportunity of
showing cause against the action proposed to be taken against him.
(9) The Chancellor shall exercise such other powers and perform such
other duties as may be conferred upon or vested in the Chancellor by or under
this Act or Statutes.
8. The Pro-Chancellor.(1) The Minister in charge of Health or Medical
Education in Kerala shall be the Pro-Chancellor of the University.
(2) In the absence of the Chancellor or during his inability to act, the
Pro-Chancellor shall exercise all the powers and perform all the functions of the
Chancellor including presiding over of the convocation of the University.
(3) The annual programme of work of the University shall be referred to
the Pro-Chancellor for his information and any suggestion made by him may be
considered by the Governing Council.
(4) The Pro-Chancellor shall also exercise such powers and perform
such duties of the Chancellor as the Chancellor may, by order in writing
delegate to the Pro-Chancellor and such delegation may be subject to such
restrictions and conditions as may be specified in such order.
9. Officers of the University.(1) The following shall be the officers of the
University, namely:
(i) the Vice-Chancellor ;
(ii) the Pro- Vice-Chancellor ;
(iii) the Registrar ;
(iv) the Dean ;
(v) the Finance Officer ;
(vi) the Controller of Examination ;
and such other officers in the service of the University as may be prescribed.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal executive and academic
officer of the University and ex-officio Chairperson of the Senate, the Governing
Council, the Academic Countil and Finance Committee and shall preside, in the
absence of the Chancellor or Pro-Chancellor, any convocation for conferring
(3) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be responsible for the duties allotted
to him specifically by the Vice-Chancellor with the approval of the Governing
Council or under this Act or Statutes and the Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall preside
over the meetings of the authorities of the University in the absence of the Vice-
(4) The emoluments and terms and conditions of service of the Vice-
Chancellor shall be such as may be determined by the Government.
(5) The other officers of the University shall be appointed in such
manner and exercise such powers and perform such duties as provided under
this Act and Statutes of the University.
(6) The conditions of service of the other officers of the University shall
be such as may be prescribed by Statutes.
10. Appointment of Vice-Chancellor.(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be
appointed by the Chancellor from among the panel of names recommended by
the Search Committee consisting of the following members, namely:
(i) One member nominated by the Chancellor ;
(ii) One member elected by the Governing Council ; and
(iii) One member nominated by the Chairman of the University
Grants Commission.
The Chancellor shall appoint one of the members of the Committee to be the
(2) The process of preparing a panel shall begin at least three months
before the probable date of occurrence of the vacancy of the Vice-Chancellor
and shall be completed within the time-limit fixed by the Chancellor. The
Chancellor, however, may extend such time-limit, if, in the exigency of the
circumstances, it is necessary to do so. However, the period so extended shall
not exceed three months in the aggregate.
(3) The Committee shall recommend unanimously a panel of not less
than three suitable persons from among the eminent persons in the field of
health and allied sciences. The names shall be in alphabetical order. The report
shall be accompanied by a detailed write-up on the suitability of each person
included in the panel. In case the Committee fails to make a unanimous
recommendation as provided, each member of the Committee may submit a
panel of three names to the Chancellor. The non-submission of the panel by any
member of the Committee shall not invalidate the appointment of the
(4) (i) If the Chancellor does not approve any of the persons so
recommended by the Committee, he may call for a fresh panel either from the
same committee or after constitution of a new committee for the purpose, from
such a new committee.
(ii) The first Vice-Chancellor shall be appointed by the Chancellor on
the recommendation of the Government.
(5) (i) The person appointed as the Vice-Chancellor shall, subject to the
terms and conditions of his contract of service hold office for a contract period
of five years from the date on which he enters upon office or till he attains the
age of seventy years, whichever is earlier.
(ii) The persons appointed as Vice-Chancellor will be eligible for re-
appointment for a second term of five years subject to not attaining the
maximum age prescribed as above.
(6) In any of the following circumstances, the existence whereof shall
solely be judged by the Chancellor, the Chancellor may appoint any suitable
person to act as the Vice-Chancellor for a term not exceeding six months in the
(i) where the committee appointed under sub-section (1) is unable to
recommend any name within the time-limit specified by the Chancellor ;
(ii) where the vacancy occurs in the office of the Vice-Chancellor
because of death, resignation or otherwise, and it cannot be conveniently and
expeditiously filled up in accordance with the provisions of sub-sections (1) to
(4) above ;
(iii) where the vacancy in the office of the Vice-Chancellor occurs
temporarily because of leave, illness or other causes ;
(iv) where the term of Vice-Chancellor has expired ; or
(v) where there is any other emergency.
The person so appointed shall cease to hold such office on the date on
which the Vice-Chancellor resumes office or the persons duly appointed as the
Vice-Chancellor in accordance with the provisions of sub-sections (1) to (4),
assumes office.
(7) The Vice-Chancellor shall be a whole-time salaried officer of the
(8) Such sumptuary allowance shall be placed at the disposal of the Vice-
Chancellor as the Government may approve, from time to time or as prescribed
by Statutes.
(9) The Vice-Chancellor may, by writing under his own signature addressed
to the Chancellor, after giving one months notice, resign from that office and
shall cease to hold that office, on the acceptance of the resignation by the
Chancellor or from the date of expiry of the said notice period whichever is
(10) The Vice-Chancellor may be removed from the office if the
Chancellor is satisfied provided that he,
(i) has become insane and stands so declared by a competent
authority ;
(ii) has been convicted by a court for any offence involving moral
turpitude ;
(iii) has become an undischarged insolvent and stands so declared by a
competent authority ;
(iv) has become physically unfit and incapable of discharging functions
due to protracted illness or physical disability.
The incumbent Vice-Chancellor shall be given a reasonable opportunity to
show cause by the Chancellor before taking recourse for his removal under
clause (iv).
11. Appointment of Pro-Vice-Chancellor.(l) The Chancellor in consultation
with the Vice-Chancellor shall appoint a suitable person, who is an eminent
medical educationist as the Pro-Vice-Chancellor of the University.
(2) The term of Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be five years or till he attains
the age of sixty-five years, whichever is earlier, provided that a person shall not
be appointed as Pro-Vice-Chancellor for more than two terms.
(3) The Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall be a full time salaried officer of the
University, and the pay and allowances admissible to him as well as the terms
and conditions of his service shall be such as may be determined by the
(4) When the office of the Pro-Vice-Chancellor falls vacant or when the
Pro-Vice-Chancellor is, by reasons of illness or absence or any other cause,
unable to perform the duties of his office, the Chancellor, upon the
recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor, may appoint a suitable person, among
medical educationalists till the Pro-Vice-Chancellor resumes office, or new
Pro-Vice-Chancellor duly appointed assumes duties, as the case may be.
12. Powers of the Vice-Chancellor.(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the
principal academic and executive officer of the University. He shall be
responsible for the development of academic programmes of the University. He
shall oversee and monitor the administration of the academic programmes and
general administration of the University to ensure efficiency and good order of
the University.
(2) He shall be entitled to be present, with the right to speak, at any
meeting of any other authority or body of the University but, shall not be
entitled to vote there unless he is the Chairperson or member of that authority or
body. In the event of equality of votes at any meeting of the Senate, the
Academic Council or of any other authority, at which the Vice-Chancellor is the
Chairman, he shall have and exercise a casting vote.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor shall have the power to convene meetings of
any of the authorities, bodies or committees, as and when he considers it
necessary so to do.
(4) The Vice-Chancellor shall ensure that directions issued by the
Chancellor are strictly complied with or, as the case may be, implemented.
(5) It shall be the duty of the Vice-Chancellor to ensure that the
proceedings of the University are carried out in accordance with the provisions
of this Act, Statutes and Regulations and that the decisions of the authorities,
bodies and committees are not inconsistent with this Act or Regulations.
(6) The Vice-Chancellor may defer implementation of a decision taken
or a resolution passed by any authority, body or committee of the University if,
he is of the opinion that the same is not consistent with the provisions of this
Act, Statutes or Regulations or that such decision or resolution is not in the
interest of the University and at the earliest opportunity refer it back to the
authority, body or committee concerned for reconsideration in its next meeting,
with reasons to be recorded in writing. If differences persist, he shall within a
week, giving reason, submit it to the Chancellor for decision and inform about
having done so to the members of the authority, body or committee concerned.
After receipt of the decision of the Chancellor, the Vice-Chancellor shall take the
action as directed by the Chancellor and inform the authority, body or committee
concerned accordingly.
(7) If there are reasonable grounds for the Vice-Chancellor to believe
that there is an emergency which requires immediate action to be taken, he shall,
take such action as he thinks necessary, and shall at the earliest opportunity,
report in writing, the grounds for the emergency and the action taken by him to
such authority or body which, in the ordinary course, would have dealt with the
matter. In the event of a difference arising between the Vice-Chancellor and the
authority, on the issue of existence of such an emergency, or on the action taken
or on both, the matter shall be referred to the Chancellor whose decision shall
be final:
Provided that where any such action taken by the Vice-Chancellor affects
any person in the service of the University, such person shall be entitled to
prefer, within thirty days from the date of receipt of the notice of such action, an
appeal to the Chancellor.
(8) Where any matter is required to be regulated by Statutes or
Regulations but no Statutes or Regulations have been made in that behalf, the
Vice-Chancellor may, for the time being, regulate the matter by issuing such
directions as the Vice-Chancellor thinks necessary, and shall at the earliest
opportunity thereafter, place them before the Governing Council or other
authority or body concerned for approval. The Vice-Chancellor may, at the same
time place before such authority or body for consideration the draft of Statutes
or Regulations required to be made in that behalf.
(9) The Vice-Chancellor shall appoint the University teachers based on
the recommendations of the selection committee constituted for the said purpose
in such manner as may be prescribed by Statutes and with the approval of the
Governing Council.
(10) The Vice-Chancellor shall appoint all Officers of the University of
and above the rank of Deputy Registrar based on the recommendations of the
Selection Committee constituted in such manner as may be prescribed by
Statutes and with the approval of the Governing Council.
(11) As the Chairperson of the authorities or bodies or committees of the
University, the Vice-Chancellor shall be empowered to suspend a member from
the meeting of the authority, body or committee for obstructing or stalling the
proceedings or for indulging in behaviour unbecoming of a member, and shall
report the matter accordingly, to the Chancellor.
(12) The Vice-Chancellor shall place before the Senate and Governing
Council a report of the work of the University periodically as provided under the
(13) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or in the Statutes or
Regulations made or deemed to have been made thereunder, the Vice-Chancellor
may if he is satisfied that the number of examiners in the panel of examiners
approved by the Governing Council for the conduct of an examination is not
sufficient for the conduct of the examination and that approval of another panel
of examiners by the Governing Council will entail delay in the conduct of such
examination, nominate such additional number of examiners as may be necessary
for the conduct of such examination. Any person nominated by the Vice-
Chancellor under this sub-section shall be deemed to be an examiner included in
the panel approved by the Governing Council.
(14) The Vice-Chancellor shall appoint the examiners and question
paper setters for the conduct of examinations from the panel approved by the
Board of examinations.
(15) The Vice-Chancellor shall constitute the vigilance squad for the
inspection of University examinations.
(16) The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise such other powers and perform
such other duties as may be conferred upon the Vice-Chancellor by or under this
Act and Statutes.
13. Appointment, Powers and functions of the Dean.(1) There shall be
a Dean for a Faculty, who shall be a teacher in the concerned subject not below
the rank of Professor and with teaching experience and such other qualifications
as may be prescribed in the Statutes. The Dean shall be an Academic Officer of
the University concerned and responsible for implementation of the academic
policies approved by the Academic Council in respect of academic development,
maintenance of standards of teaching and training of teachers within the
concerned Faculty.
(2) The Dean of every Faculty shall be nominated by the Vice-
Chancellor from among the members of the Faculty.
(3) The Dean shall convene meetings of the Faculty, as and when
required, in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor and shall preside over the
same. The Dean shall formulate the policies and development programmes of the
Faculty and present the same to appropriate authorities for their consideration.
(4) The Dean shall be responsible for the academic development of the
Faculty and shall ensure proper implementation of the decisions of the Senate,
Governing Council, Academic Council and the Board of Examinations in respect
of the concerned Faculty and the decisions of the Faculty and the Boards of
Studies under the Deans purview.
(5) Subject to the superintendence, direction and control of the Vice-
Chancellor, the Dean shall, after taking such advice as the Dean thinks
necessary, decide upon the grievances of students regarding the enrolment,
eligibility, migration, scholarships, studentships or freeships, grant of terms and
admission to University examinations.
(6) The Dean shall enquire, on being directed by the Academic Council,
into any malpractice related to any academic programmes under the concerned
Faculty conducted by a University department, affiliated or constituent college or
school or centre or recognised institution and report the finding to the Academic
(7) The Dean shall prepare proposals for the award of fellowships,
scholarships and other distinctions in the concerned Faculty for submission to
the Academic Council.
14. Appointment, Powers and functions of the Registrar.(1) The Registrar
shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor with the approval of the Governing
Council on the recommendation of a Selection Committee constituted for the
purpose as may be prescribed by Statutes.
(2) The Registrar shall be the Chief Administrative Officer of the
University. He shall be a full-time salaried officer and shall work directly under
the superintendence, direction and control of the Vice-Chancellor.
(3) Appointment of the Registrar shall be for a term of five years and he
shall be eligible for re-appointment. The qualifications and experience for the
purpose of selection of the Registrar shall be as approved by the State
Government. The term of appointment of Registrar shall be five years or till he
attains the age of sixty years, whichever is earlier, provided that a person shall
not be appointed as Registrar for more than two terms.
(4) When the office of the Registrar falls vacant or when the Registrar
is, by reason of illness or absence or any other cause, unable to perform the
duties of his office for a period not exceeding six months, the Vice-Chancellor
shall appoint a suitable person to officiate as the Registrar until a new Registrar
is appointed and assume office or the Registrar resumes duty, as the case
may be.
(5) The Registrar shall act as Secretary of the Senate, Governing
Council, Academic Council and such other authorities, bodies and committees as
provided by or under this Act and Statutes.
(6) The Registrar shall be the appointing and disciplinary authority of
the employees of the University of the rank of Assistant Registrar and below,
other than the teachers. An appeal by a person aggrieved by the decision of the
Registrar may be preferred, within thirty days from the date of communication of
such decision, to the Vice-Chancellor.
(7) Subject to the decisions of the authorities of the University, the
Registrar shall have the power to enter into agreements, sign documents and
authenticate records on behalf of the University.
(8) The Registrar shall be the custodian of records, the common seal and
such other property of the University as the Senate or the Goveming Council
may, entrust with him.
(9) The Registrar shall conduct elections in different bodies of the
University as per the programme approved by the Vice-Chancellor.
(10) The Registrar shall prepare and update the Handbook of the
Statutes and Regulations approved by the authorities, bodies or committees from
time to time, and make them available to all the respective members of the
authorities and officers of the University.
(11) The Registrar shall receive complaints and suggestions in regard to
the improvement of administration and consider them for appropriate action.
(12) The Registrar shall exercise such other powers and perform such
other duties as provided by or under this Act or as may be prescribed by
Statutes or assigned to him, from time to time by the Vice-Chancellor.
15. Appointment, Powers and functions of the Controller of
Examinations.(1) Controller of Examinations shall be appointed by the Vice-
Chancellor, on the recommendation of a selection committee constituted for the
purpose as may be prescribed by the Statutes. The Controller shall be a full time
salaried officer of the University and shall work directly under the control of the
(2) The appointment of the Controller of Examinations shall be for a
term of five years or till he attains the age of sixty years, whichever is earlier,
provided that a person shall not be appointed as Controller for more than two
terms. The qualification and experience for the purpose of selection of the
Controller shall be such as may be prescribed by Statutes.
(3) The Controller of Examinations shall be the principal officer-in-
charge of the conduct of examinations and tests of the University and declaration
of their results and shall discharge the functions under the superintendence,
direction and guidance of the Board of Examinations.
(4) The Controller shall be the Member-Secretary of the Board of
Examinations and of the committees appointed by the Board, except the
committees constituted for appointment of paper-setters and examiners.
(5) Without prejudice to the generality of the provisions of sub-section
(2), the Controller shall be responsible for making all arrangements necessary for
holding examinations and tests and declaration of results.
(6) The Controller shall exercise such other powers and perform such
other duties as may be prescribed by Statutes or assigned to the Controller, from
time to time, by the Board of Examinations.
16. Appointment, Powers and functions of Finance Officer.(1) (i) The
Finance Officer shall be the principal Finance, Accounts and Audit officer of the
University. The Finance Officer shall be a full-time salaried officer and shall
work directly under the control of the Vice-Chancellor ;
(ii) The Finance Officer shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor
either by direct recruitment or on deputation and in case of direct recruitment,
the Finance Officer shall be appointed on the recommendation of the selection
committee constituted for this purpose, as may be prescribed by the Statutes ;
(iii) The qualifications, salary and other conditions of service of the
Finance Officer appointed on direct recruitment shall be such as may be
prescribed by the Statutes.
(2) The Finance Officer shall be the Convener of the Finance Committee
and shall have the right to be present, speak and otherwise take part in the
proceedings of the Senate or Governing Council on matters which have financial
implications but shall not be entitled to vote.
(3) The Finance Officer shall maintain minutes of the meetings of
Finance Committee and the Sub-Committees appointed by the Finance
(4) The Finance Officer shall be responsible for preparation and
presenting of the annual budget, Statement of accounts and audit reports, to the
Finance Committee and the Governing Council.
(5) The Finance Officer shall exercise such powers and perform such
duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
17. All officers of University to be public servants.All salaried officers,
members of the authorities, committees or bodies, teachers of the University and
other employees of the University, shall be deemed to be public servants within
the meaning of section 21 of the Indian Penal Code (Central Act 45 of 1860).
18. Appointments to be notified.The appointment of the Vice-Chancellor,
the Pro-Vice-Chancellor, the Registrar, the Controller of Examinations and the
Finance Officer shall be notified by the University in the Gazette.

19. Authorities of the University.The following shall be the authorities of
the University, namely :
(i) the Senate ;
(ii) the Governing Council ;
(iii) the Academic Council ;
(iv) the Board of Examinations ;
(v) the Board of Studies ;
(vi) the Faculties ;
(vii) the Finance Committee ;
(viii) the Planning Committee ;
(ix) the Research Council ;
(x) the University Quality Assurance Council ;
(xi) the University Ethics Committee ;
(xii) the Students Council ; and
such other bodies of the University as are designated by Statutes to be the
authorities of the University.
20. The Senate.(1) The Senate shall consist of the following members,
namely :
Ex-Officio Members
(i) the Chancellor ;
(ii) the Pro-Chancellor ;
(iii) the Vice-Chancellor ;
(iv) the Pro-Vice-Chancel1or ;
(v) the Secretary to Government, Health Department in charge of
Medical Education ;
(vi) the Secretary to Government, Higher Education Department or an
officer not below the rank of Joint Secretary nominated by him ;
(vii) the Secretary to Government, Finance Department or an Officer
not below the rank of Joint Secretary nominated by him ;
(viii) the Director of Medical Education ;
(ix) the Director of Health Services ;
(x) the Director of Ayurveda Medical Education ;
(xi) the Director of Indian Systems of Medicine Department ;
(xii) the Director or Principal and Controlling Officer in Government
Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in the State ;
(xiii) the Director of Homoeopathy ;
(xiv) a member of the Kerala State Higher Education Council
nominated by the Chairman of the Council ;
(xv) the Chairman of the University Students Union ;
(xvi) the Registrar ;
(xvii) All Deans of the Faculties of the University.
Nominated Members
(i) Five Heads of University Departments or Schools who are not
otherwise members of the Senate, to be nominated by the
Chancellor, in the order of seniority by rotation, including at least
one from Indian Systems of Medicine and one from
Homoeopathic Medicine ;
(ii) Six Principals comprising of one Principal from affiliated
Government Medical Colleges, one Principal from Government
Ayurveda Medical Colleges, one Principal from Government
Homoeopathic Medical Colleges, one Principal from Government
Dental Medical Colleges, one Principal from Government Nursing
Colleges, and one Principal/Professor from Government Pharmacy
Colleges/Government Paramedical Colleges to be nominated by
the Government ;
(iii) Nine persons to be nominated by the Government from among
persons having knowledge or interest in Health Sciences, out of
which five will be from Modern Medicine, two from Ayurvedic
Medicine one from Homoeopathic Medicine and one from Social
Sciences, subject to the condition that, out of these one shall be a
person belonging to Scheduled Castes, one belonging to Scheduled
Tribes and one from backward class communities and one shall be
a woman.
Elected Members
(i) Five persons to be elected by registered Class A Medical practitioners
in Modern Medicine in the State from among themselves, of whom,
(a) one shall be a member of the Scheduled Caste or Scheduled
Tribe, and
(b) one shall be a woman.
(ii) one person elected from among the registered Class A medical
practitioners in Dentistry in the State ;
(iii) two persons elected from among registered Class A medical
practitioners in Ayurvedic Medicine in the State of whom one shall belong to the
Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe ;
(iv) one person elected from among the registered Class A medical
practitioners in Homoeopathic Medicine in the State ;
(v) (a) one principal to be elected from among the principals of the
affiliated private medical colleges in the State ;
(b) one principal to be elected from among the principals of the
affiliated private dental colleges in the State ;
(c) one principal to be elected from among the principals of the
affiliated private Ayurveda Medical Colleges in the State ;
(d) one principal to be elected from among the principals of the
affiliated private Homeopathic Medical Colleges in the State ;
(e) one principal to be elected from among the principals of affiliated
private nursing colleges in the State ;
(f) one principal to be elected from among the affiliated private
Pharmacy colleges in the State ;
(g) one Principal to be elected from among the Principals of affiliated
private Siddha Medical Colleges in the State.
(vi) four members elected by the Members of the Legislative Assembly of
Kerala from among themselves, of which one belonging to scheduled caste and
one shall be a woman ;
(vii) (a) two members elected by the teachers of the University from
among themselves, of which one shall be a woman ;
(b) three members elected by the teachers of the Government Medical
Colleges in the State from among themselves, of whom one shall be a woman ;
(c) one member elected from among the teachers of Government
Dental Colleges in the State ;
(d) one member elected by the teachers of the Govemment Ayurveda
Colleges in the State from among themselves ;
(e) one member elected by the teachers of the Government
Homoeopathic Colleges in the State from among themselves ;
(f) one member elected by the teachers of the Government Pharmacy
Colleges in the State from among themselves ;
(g) one member elected by the teachers of the Government Nursing
Colleges in the State from among themselves ;
(h) one member elected from among the teachers of paramedical
courses in the Government Medical Colleges in the State ;
(i) one member elected from among the teachers of the affiliated
private Medical Colleges in the State ;
(j) one member elected from among the teachers of affiliated private
Dental Colleges in the State ;
(k) one member elected from among the teachers of the affiliated
private Ayurveda and Siddha Colleges in the State ;
(l) one member elected from among the teachers of affiliated private
Homoeo Colleges in the State ;
(m) one member elected from among the teachers of the private
Nursing Colleges in the State ;
(n) one member elected from among the teachers of the private
Pharmacy Colleges in the State ;
(o) one member elected from among the teachers of the affiliated
private Physiotherapy Colleges in the State ;
(p) one member elected from among the teachers of the affiliated
private Paramedical Colleges, including in Medical Laboratory Technology, in the
State ;
(q) two members elected from among the managers of private medical
and allied colleges in the State ;
(viii) Ten students representatives elected from among the members of
the General Council of the University Union with representation of atleast one
for each Faculty, of which one-third shall be woman ;
(ix) one person elected from among the non-teaching employees of the
University ;
(x) one person elected from among the non-teaching employees of the
affiliated Government Colleges in the State.
(2) The Registrar shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the Senate.
(3) The Vice-Chancellor or in the absence of the Vice-Chancellor, the
Pro-Vice-Chancellor shall normally preside over the Senate.
(4) The quorum for the meeting of the Senate shall be twenty five or
one-fourth of the total members whichever is less.
(5) The term of office of the Senate shall be five years from the date of
its constitution by the Chancellor and the Chancellor shall reconstitute the Senate
on the expiry of its term.
(6) The manner and method of constitution of the Senate and
nomination or election of the members of the Senate and the term of members
shall be as prescribed in the Statutes.
(7) The Senate shall meet at least twice a year on dates to be fixed by
the Vice-Chancellor and one of such meetings shall be called the annual
(8) A report on the working of the University during the previous year,
together with a Statement of receipts and expenditure, the financial estimates and
the last audit report shall be presented before the Senate at the annual meeting
of the Senate convened under sub-section (7).
(9) The Vice-Chancellor may, whenever he thinks fit and shall, upon a
requisition in writing signed by not less than one-fourth members of the Senate,
convene a special meeting of the Senate.
21. Powers of the Senate.The Senate shall have the following powers,
(i) to formulate the broad policies and programmes of the University ;
(ii) to suggest measures for the improvement and development of the
University ;
(iii) to consider the annual report, the annual accounts, the audit report
and the development plans of the University and give
recommendations to the Vice-Chancellor and Governing Council ;
(iv) to confer honorary degrees or other academic distinctions on the
recommendation of the Governing Council ;
(v) to review current academic programmes and collaborative
programmes ;
(vi) to suggest new academic programmes consistent with the social
requirements in Medical Education ;
(vii) to suggest institution of new degrees, diplomas, certificates and
other academic distinctions ;
(viii) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as
may be conferred or assigned by this Act or the Statutes.
22. The Governing Council.(1) The Governing Council shall consist of
the following members, namely:
(i) the Vice-ChancellorChairperson ;
(ii) the Pro-Vice Chancellor ;
(iii) the Secretary to Government, Health Department in charge of
Medical Education ;
(iv) the Director of Medical Education ;
(v) the Director of Ayurvedic Medical Education ;
(vi) the Director or the Principal and Controlling Officer of
Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in the State ;
(vii) three eminent persons with experience in the area of medical
education to be nominated by the Pro-Chancellor ;
(viii) three members elected by the Academic Council from among its
members as prescribed by Statutes one each from Modern Medicine, lndian
Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathic Medicine ;
(ix) three experts in the field of health and allied sciences to be
nominated by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the Vice-Chancellor
from any of the Educational or Research Institutions of high repute within or
outside the State ;
(x) one Biomedical Academician or Scientist belonging to Scheduled
Caste or Scheduled Tribe nominated by the Chancellor, on the recommendation
of the Pro-Chancellor ;
(xi) one woman Biomedical Academician or Scientist nominated by the
Chancellor, on the recommendation of the Pro-Chancellor.
(2) The Registrar of the University shall be the ex-officio Secretary of the
Governing Council, but shall not have the right to vote.
(3) Nine members of the Council shall form the quorum for a meeting.
(4) There shall be not less than four meetings of the Governing Council
in a year. The rules and procedure for conduct of business to be followed at a
meeting of the Governing Council and such other matters in relation to meetings
as may be necessary shall be such as may be prescribed by Statutes.
(5) Members of the Governing Council other than ex-officio members
shall hold office for a term of four years from their date of nomination.
(6) The rules and manner of nomination and term of office of the
members of the Governing Council shall be as may be prescribed by Statutes.
23. Powers of the Governing Council.The Governing Council shall
exercise the following powers subject to the provisions of this Act:
(i) to make Statutes subject to the approval of the Chancellor ;
(ii) to make Ordinances ;
(iii) to hold, control and administer the properties and funds of the
University ;
(iv) to consider and pass the budget and financial estimates of the
University according to the provisions of the Statutes ;
(v) to affiliate medical institutions in accordance with the terms and
conditions of such affiliation provided by this Act and Statutes ;
(vi) to ensure transparency in admission and a fair fee structure in the
affiliated colleges ;
(vii) to cause inspection of the affiliated colleges and associated
institutions to ensure the academic quality and standards ;
(viii) to approve the appointment of the Faculty members and other
employees of the University and to prescribe their duties ;
(ix) to take necessary steps to realise the objectives of the University ;
(x) to fix and regulate the fees payable by the students in colleges
affiliated to the University ;
(xi) to exercise supervision and control over the discipline of the staff
and students of the affiliated colleges ;
(xii) to make or amend Examination Manual prescribing the procedure
for conduct of University examinations and publishing of the results ;
(xiii) to regulate the internal assessments and other evaluation
procedures conducted by the affiliated colleges or institutions ;
(xiv) to appoint the members of the Board of Studies based upon their
qualifications and academic standards ;
(xv) to approve the appointment of teachers in private and aided
colleges under direct payment system of the Government ;
(xvi) to take steps for the maintenance of the academic standards,
quality of service in affiliated colleges or institutions ;
(xvii) to establish schools, departments, colleges, centres, institutions of
higher learning, research and specialised studies on the recommendation of the
Academic Council ;
(xviii) to hold, control and arrange for administration of assets and
properties of the University ;
(xix) to approve the budget estimates as received from the Finance
Committee, with its own modifications, if any ;
(xx) to determine the form of a common seal for the University, and
provide for its custody and use ;
(xxi) to acquire any movable or immovable property for the University ;
(xxii) to transfer by sale, or otherwise, any movable property on behalf
of the University ;
(xxiii) to borrow, lend or invest funds on behalf of the University as
recommended by the Finance Committee, subject to the policies of the Government
and as provided by the Statutes ;
(xxiv) to lay down policy for administering funds at the disposal of the
University for specific purposes ;
(xxv) to provide buildings, premises, furniture, apparatus, equipments,
instruments and other means needed for the conduct of the work of the
University and provide hostel for students and housing for staff ;
(xxvi) to recommend to the Senate conferment of honorary degrees and
academic distinctions ;
(xxvii) to institute and confer such degrees, diplomas, certificates and
other academic distinctions as recommended by the Academic Council and
arrange for convocation for conferment of the same, as provided by Statutes or
Ordinances ;
(xxviii) to institute fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships,
studentships, awards, medals and prizes in accordance with the Regulations made
in this behalf ;
(xxix) to make regulations for collaboration with other Universities,
institutions and organisations for mutually beneficial academic programmes
recommended by the Planning Committee ;
(xxx) to create posts of University teachers and non-vacation academic
staff on the recommendation of the Academic Council as and when required
with the prior approval of the State Government ;
(xxxi) to lay down by Statutes, on the basis of qualifications and terms
and conditions of service and other guidelines approved by the State
Government from time to time, the procedure for appointment of University
teachers and non-vacation academic staff and fix their emoluments and norms of
workload, conduct and discipline ;
(xxxii) to create regular posts of officers and other employees of the
University, with the prior approval of the State Government ;
(xxxiii) to lay down by Statutes, the procedures for appointment of
Officers and other employees of the University, qualifications, mode of
recruitment, pay scales, terms and conditions of service including conduct,
discipline and their duties ;
(xxxiv) to arrange for and direct the investigation into the affairs of
private, affiliated colleges and to issue instructions for ensuring proper conditions
of employment of teachers, officers and other employees in all institutions and
colleges affiliated to the University, payment of adequate salaries to them and in
case of disregard of such institutions to modify the conditions of application or
recognition or take such other steps as they deem proper in this behalf ;
(xxxv) to prescribe honoraria, remunerations and fees and travelling and
other allowances for paper-setters, examiners and other examination staff, visiting
Faculty, and for such other services rendered to the University ;
(xxxvi) to receive and consider report on the working of the University
from the Vice-Chancellor periodically as provided by the Statutes or Ordinances ;
(xxxvii) to prepare academic calendar of the University according to the
Statutes, and guidelines from the University Grants Commission, various Central
Councils and State Government for each academic year, before the expiry of the
previous academic year ;
(xxxviii) to confer autonomous status on University departments, affiliated
colleges and recognised institutions on the recommendation of the Academic
Council, subject to the norms approved by the State Government, if any, and
having regard to the guidelines of the University Grants Commission ;
(xxxix) to consider the perspective plan for the academic developments of
the University prepared by the Planning Committee ;
(xl) to assess and approve the feasibility of proposals from the
Academic Council for academic programmes ;
(xli) to consider and approve the annual report, annual accounts and
audit reports of the University ;
(xlii) to cause an inquiry to be made in respect of any matter
concerning the proper conduct, working and finances of colleges, schools,
institutions or departments of the University ;
(xliii) to delegate, any of its powers, except the power to make Statutes
and Ordinances, to the Vice-Chancellor or such officer or authority of the
University or a committee appointed by it as it thinks fit.
24. The Academic Council.(1) The Academic Council shall be responsible
for laying down the academic policies in regard to maintenance and
improvement of standards of teaching and research and collaboration
(2) It shall consist of the following members, namely :
(i) the Vice-Chancellor, Chairperson ;
(ii) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor ;
(iii) the Deans of Faculties ;
(iv) Chairpersons of the Boards of Studies ;
(v) the Head of the Planning Committee ;
(vi) (a) five Professorsthree from the affiliated Government
Medical Colleges and two from the affiliated Private
Medical Colleges ;
(b) two Professorsone each from affiliated Government and
Private Dental Colleges ;
(c) two Professorsone each from Government and Private
Ayurveda Colleges ;
(d) one Professor from Government Homoeopathic Colleges ;
(e) two Professors or Senior Facultyone each from
Government and Private Nursing Colleges ;
(f) one Professor or Senior Faculty from Government Pharmacy
Colleges ;
(g) one Teacher from Medical Laboratory Technology ; and
(h) one teacher from Physiotherapy in Government or Private
Medical Colleges ; category from (a) to (h) above to be
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor.
(vii) five Professors from among the Professors in the University
departments or institutions, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(viii) one teacher representing each Faculty to be co-opted by the
Academic Council from among the teachers having not less than ten years
teaching experience, other than Principals of Colleges, Heads of University
Departments and Heads of recognised Institutions ;
(ix) one Head of a recognised Institution, nominated by the
Vice-Chancellor ;
(x) one Head or Director of an Academic Services Unit of the
University, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(xi) two eminent experts in the field of Health and Allied Sciences,
nominated by the Chancellor ;
(xii) the Director of Medical Education ;
(xiii) the Director of Ayurvedic Medical Education ;
(xiv) the Director or the Principal and Controlling Officer of
Homoeopathic Medical Colleges in the State ;
(xv) one Teacher belonging to Scheduled Caste or Scheduled Tribe
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from among the teachers of the University
departments or affiliated Government Colleges ;
(xvi) three women teachers nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from
among the teachers of the University Departments or affiliated Government
(3) The Registrar shall act as the Secretary of the Academic Council, but
shall have no right to vote.
(4) The Academic Council shall meet not less than thrice a year.
(5) The term of the Academic Council shall be four years.
25. Powers and duties of the Academic Council.(1) The powers and
duties of the Academic Council shall be,
(i) to advise the Governing Council on all academic matters ;
(ii) to make regulations ;
(iii) to make proposals for research and advancement and dissemination
of knowledge ;
(iv) to prescribe the courses of studies in the institutions maintained by
or affiliated to the University ;
(v) to prescribe the qualifications of teachers in affiliated colleges or
institutions or centres or schools ;
(vi) to prescribe the qualifications for admission of students to the
various courses of studies and to the examinations ;
(vii) to make provisions for the admission of students to various courses
of studies on the basis of merit and in order to maintain the standards of
education ;
(viii) to co-ordinate the teaching and learning process in the affiliated
colleges or institutions or centres or schools ;
(ix) to recommend to the Senate or Governing Council proposals
regarding institution of degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic
distinctions ;
(x) to make proposals for the establishment of colleges, institutions,
departments of higher learning, research and specialised studies, academic
services units, libraries, laboratories and museums etc. in the University ;
(xi) to consider and make recommendations regarding new proposals for
creation of the posts of Professors, Associate Professors, Assistant Professors,
Lecturers, Tutors and Non-Vocational academic staff required by the University ;
(xii) to make proposals to the Governing Council for the institution of
fellowships, travelling fellowships, scholarships, studentships, medals and prizes
and make regulations for their awards ;
(xiii) to prescribe qualifications and norms for appointment of paper-
setters, examiners, moderators and others concerned with the conduct of
examinations ;
(xiv) to appoint committees to review periodically the utility and
practicability of the existing courses of study and the desirability or necessity of
reviewing or modifying them in the light of new knowledge or challenging
social requirements ;
(xv) to decide what examinations of other Universities may be accepted
as equivalent to those of the University and to negotiate with other Universities
for the recognition of the examinations of the University ;
(xvi) to make proposals for the conduct of interdisciplinary studies,
common facilities such as instrumentation centres, workshops, hobby centres,
museums etc. ;
(xvii) to prescribe norms for recognition of any member of the staff of an
affiliated college or recognised institution as a teacher of the University ;
(xviii) to prescribe norms for granting affiliation, continuation of
recognition, extension of recognition to institutions of higher learning and
research for specialised studies ;
(xix) to grant affiliation to colleges or institutions in accordance with the
provisions of the Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations ;
(xx) to accord recognition to institutions of higher learning, research of
specialised studies on the recommendation of the committees appointed by the
Council ;
(xxi) to recommend to the Governing Council, conferment of
autonomous status on University institutions, departments, affiliated colleges and
recognised institutions in accordance with the provisions of Acts and policies of
the State Government in this regard ;
(xxii) to make proposals to the Governing Council to prescribe fees and
other charges ;
(xxiii) to advise the University generally on all academic matters and
submit to the Governing Council feasibility reports on academic programmes
recommended by the Senate at its last annual meeting ;
(xxiv) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may
be conferred on it by or under this Act, Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations.
(2) the quorum for the meeting of the Academic Council shall be
one-fifth of the total members or ten whichever is less ;
(3) A person who has become a member of the Academic Council in the
capacity of a student shall cease to hold the office on ceasing to be a student.
26. The Board of Examinations.(1) The Board of Examinations shall be
the authority for conducting the examinations and making policy decisions in
regard to organising and holding examinations, improving the system of
examinations, appointing the paper-setters and examiners and for preparation of
the schedule of dates for holding examinations and declaration of the results,
subject to the control and review of the Governing Council. The Board of
Examinations shall also oversee and regulate the conduct of examinations in the
constituent colleges, institutions and University departments.
(2) The Board of Examinations shall deal with all the matters in relation
to examinations and shall hear and decide the complaints received pertaining to
any matter arising out of conduct of examinations. The procedure to be followed
by the Board for their deliberations shall be prescribed by the Statutes.
(3) The Board of Examinations shall consist of the following members,
(i) the Vice-Chancellor, Chairperson ;
(ii) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor ;
(iii) the Dean of the Faculty concerned with the examination ;
(iv) One Head of University department, not below the rank of
Associate Professor or in the absence of a Head of the
University department, a Professor from Government Colleges,
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(v) One Principal other than Dean of Faculty nominated by the
Vice-Chancellor ;
(vi) One teacher other than Heads of Departments or Principals,
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(vii) One evaluation expert, co-opted by the Board ;
(viii) Controller of Examinations shall be the ex-officio Secretary .
27. Powers and functions of the Board of Examinations.(1) The Board of
Examinations shall ensure proper organisation of examinations and tests of the
University, including moderation, tabulation and the declaration of results.
(2) The Board shall meet not less than twice in each academic term.
(3) In particular and without prejudice to the generality of duties as
mentioned in sub-section (1), the Board shall exercise the following powers and
perform the following duties, namely :
(i) to approve panels of examiners and question paper setters from
the list of persons proposed by the respective Boards of Studies ;
(ii) to explore, suggest and introduce examination reforms ;
(iii) to exercise such other powers in relation to examinations as may
be assigned to it by or under this Act.
(4) In case of any emergency requiring immediate action to be taken,
the Chairperson of the Board or any other officer or person authorised by the
Chairperson in that behalf, shall take such action as considered fit and necessary,
and at the next meeting of the Board, the action taken shall be reported by such
person, for ratification or approval.
(5) (a) The Board of Examinations shall constitute committees for every
subject or group of subjects consisting of,
(i) the Pro-Vice-ChancellorChairperson ;
(ii) the Dean of the concerned Faculty ;
(iii) the Chairperson of the concerned Board of Studies ;
(iv) one member of each subject from among the members of the
concerned Boards of Studies to be decided by the Board of Examinations :
Provided that where a Faculty is to be appointed for evaluation of thesis
and dissertation and for conduct of viva voce examinations wherever prescribed
for awarding post-graduate, doctorate and higher degrees, two persons decided
by the Academic Council shall also be members of the concerned Committee ;
(b) The Controller of Examinations shall be the ex-officio
Secretary of such committees ;
(c) The rules and procedures for the performance of the duties of
the Board of Examinations, including procedure for disciplinary action on
malpractices connected with the examinations, shall be prescribed in the Statutes.
(6) The Board shall prepare the financial estimates for the work related
to examinations for incorporation in the budget of the University and shall
submit the same to the Finance Officer.
(7) The Board shall arrange for strict vigilance during the conduct of the
examinations so as to avoid use of unfair means by the students, teachers,
invigilators, supervisors etc.
28. The Board of Studies.(1) There shall be a Board of Studies for every
subject or group of subjects, as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
(2) The Board of Studies shall consist of,
(a) the Head of the University department or institution in the
relevant subject :
Provided that, where there is no University department in the subject, a
person nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from among the Heads of
Departments from an affiliated college having post graduate teaching experience
in that subject ;
(b) six Heads of Departments in affiliated colleges, other than
Principals, having not less than ten years teaching experience, nominated by the
Vice-Chancellor ;
(c) two post graduate teachers having not less than ten years of
teaching experience from among the teachers of affiliated Government colleges,
one of them preferably a woman nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(d) two eminent persons nominated by Vice-Chancellor, who are
(i) either Professors or Associate Professors in other Universities ;
(ii) persons with relevant experience of not less than ten years in
national laboratories or research institutions or recognised
institutions; or
(iii) Experts in related field, having published
(a) At least one book in the relevant subject ; or
(b) four research papers in indexed national or international
(3) The Chairperson shall be elected by the members of the Board
from among themselves.
29. Powers and functions of the Board of Studies.(1) The Board of
Studies shall have the following powers and functions, namely:
(a) to recommend, upon reference to it by the Governing Council,
Academic Council or the Faculty concerned or otherwise, the
Courses of studies, the subject or group of subjects within its
purview ;
(b) to recommend books, including text-books, supplementary reading
and reference books and other material for such courses of study ;
(c) to advise the Faculty or Faculties concerned regarding
improvements in the courses of study ;
(d) to recommend names of suitable persons to the Board of
Examinations for inclusion in the panels for appointment of paper-setters and
examiners at the University examinations in the subject ;
(e) to recommend to the Board of Examinations, names of persons
suitable for appointment as examiners or evaluators for evaluation of thesis and
dissertations and for conduct of viva voce examinations, wherever prescribed, for
awarding post-graduate doctorate and higher degrees ;
(f) to suggest organisation of orientation and refresher courses in the
subject ;
(g) to prepare requirements in respect of teaching of the subject at
various levels in respect of teachers and their qualifications, library, laboratory
and hospital equipment and consumables for use in the laboratory and to
recommend the same to the Planning Committee for formulating the norms and
requirements for granting affiliation to colleges and for granting recognition to
institutions by the University.
(2) The term of Board of Studies shall be three years or as may be
prescribed in the Statutes.
30. Faculty.(1) The Faculties shall be the principal academic
co-ordination authorities of the University in respect of studies and research in
the subjects included in the Faculty and also in respect of studies and research in
multi-disciplinary Faculties.
(2) The University shall have such Faculties as may be prescribed by
(3) A Faculty shall be constituted, divided, combined with or abolished
only with the approval of the Academic Council and as may be prescribed by
(4) The Faculty shall comprise such subjects as are prescribed by Statutes.
(5) The Faculty shall consist of the following members, namely:
(i) the Dean ex-officio Chairperson ;
(ii) the Chairperson of each Board of Studies for the subjects
comprised in the Faculty ;
(iii) one member of each Board of Studies to be elected by the
members of the Boards of Studies from among themselves, out
of whom at least one shall be a post-graduate teacher ;
(iv) two subject experts, preferably from outside the State, nominated
by the Vice-Chancellor.
(6) The Faculties will have term of three years or as may be prescribed
by the Statutes.
31. The powers and functions of Faculties.The Faculty shall have the
following powers and functions, namely:
(i) to consider and report on any matter referred to it by the Senate,
Governing Council, Academic Council or Planning Committee ;
(ii) to consider and approve recommendations of the Boards of
Studies in the Faculty and on matters not affecting any other faculty ;
(iii) to consider and recommend to the Academic Council on the
academic matters within its purview which affect any other faculty or faculties
or which involve administrative or financial implications ;
(iv) to consider and recommend to the Academic Council
establishment of new courses, inter-disciplinary courses and short-term training
programmes referred to it by the Board of Studies or Board of Inter-disciplinary
Studies, if any, constituted by Statutes ;
(v) to make recommendations to the Planning Committee in respect
of the requirements regarding the conduct of post-graduate or under-graduate
instruction, teaching, research and training in University institutions or
departments, affiliated colleges and recognised institutions ;
(vi) to ensure that guidelines and rules framed for the following
matters by the Academic Council are implemented :
(a) long-term curriculum development ;
(b) Faculty development ;
(c) teaching or learning material development ;
(d) research in educational matters with particular reference to
(vii) to plan and organise inter-departmental and inter-faculty
programmes in consultation with the Board of Studies, other Faculties or
Planning Committee ;
(viii) to recommend to the Academic Staff college and the Academic
Council regarding organisation of continuing medical education, refresher and
orientation courses for teachers of affiliated colleges and University departments
especially for the revised or newly introduced or inter-disciplinary courses of
study ;
(ix) to prepare and submit the annual report of the functioning of the
Faculty to the Vice-Chancellor ;
(x) to consider any other academic matter which may be referred to it.
32. The Finance Committee.(1) The Finance Committee shall consist of
following members, namely:
(i) the Vice-Chancellor ;
(ii) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor ;
(iii) the Registrar ;
(iv) the Finance Officer ;
(v) two members elected by Governing Council members from
among themselves ; and
(vi) one member from the Planning Committee nominated by the
(2) The Finance Committee shall give advice to the University
authorities on any matter relating to the finances of the University. The powers
of the Finance Committee shall be as follows:
(i) to prepare the budget estimate of the University and to review the
accounts of expenditure and to make recommendations to the Governing
Council ;
(ii) to consider and make recommendations to the Governing council
on the proposals for new expenditure on major works and purchases ;
(iii) to scrutinise re-appropriation statements and audit notes and make
recommendations to the Governing Council ;
(iv) to review the finance of the University and to suggest concurrent
audit conducted wherever necessary ;
(v) to give advice and make recommendations to the Governing
Council on any other financial question affecting the affairs of the University.
(3) The term of the Finance Committee shall be three years or as may be
prescribed by the Statutes.
33. The Planning Committee.(1) The Planning Committee shall be
responsible to plan the development of the University, both physical and
academic, and it shall conduct academic audit of the University departments,
institutions, colleges and recognised institutions. It shall also plan, monitor, guide
and co-ordinate under-graduate and post-graduate academic programmes and
development of affiliated colleges.
(2) It shall consist of the following members, namely:
(i) the Vice-Chancellor, Chairperson ;
(ii) the Pro-Vice-Chancellor ;
(iii) five Deans of Faculty to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor
including at least one each from Indian Systems of Medicine and Homoeopathic
Medicine ;
(iv) one person from among the Heads of departments or Directors
of the University institutions not below the rank of Professor and who is not a
Dean, to be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(v) one teacher, imparting post-graduate instruction having not less
than ten years of teaching experience, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(vi) one teacher imparting under-graduate instruction having not less
than five years of teaching experience, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(vii) one Principal of an affiliated Government college of Health and
Allied Sciences decided by the Governing Council, from among the Principals
who are members of the Academic Council ;
(viii) one Principal of an affiliated professional college nominated by
the Chancellor ;
(ix) two experts co-opted by the Committee, from among the Heads
of Institution or Senior Scientists of National or State level research
institutions ;
(x) the Director of PlanningMember Secretary :
Provided that the members nominated in categories (iv) to (ix) above shall
as far as possible, be drawn from different faculties or subjects.
(3) The Committee shall meet at least thrice a year.
(4) The term of the Planning Committee shall be three years or as may
be prescribed in the Statutes.
34. Powers and functions of the Planning Committee.The Planning
Committee shall have the following powers and functions, namely:
(i) to suggest measures to create links and develop specific
schemes for inter University interactions and for interaction of the University and
colleges with the industry and professional bodies and associations in health,
medical and allied sciences ;
(ii) to prepare University and college development plans, both short-
term and long-term, keeping in view the objectives of the University as laid
down in this Act and with due regard to the National and State educational
policies ;
(iii) to recommend to the Senate or Governing Council the
development and collaborative programmes for the departments, colleges and the
University ;
(iv) to monitor and report the progress of all such approved
development and collaborative programmes to the Senate or Governing Council
once in a year ;
(v) to evaluate and assess the use of grants by University
departments, post-graduate centres and affiliated colleges in respect of
development projects and submit the report to the Academic Council ;
(vi) to assess the manpower requirements of trained persons in
different fields, such as, Health and Allied Sciences and technology and make
necessary recommendations to the Governing Council for introducing and
strengthening of relevant courses of study ;
(vii) to organise academic audit of development and collaborative
programmes of University institutions or departments, post-graduate centres and
affiliated colleges, according to the provisions of the Statutes at least once in
three years and make necessary recommendations to the University for
35. The Research Council.(1) There shall be a Research Council
consisting of the Vice-Chancellor, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Heads of the University
Departments and Directors or eminent scientists from the Research Institutes
within or outside Kerala. The members of the Research Council shall be
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Governing Council.
(2) There shall be a Director of Research, appointed by the Vice-
Chancellor, who shall be the Convenor of the Research Council.
(3) The duties of the Research Council shall be as provided in the
(4) The term of the Research Council shall be three years or as may be
prescribed by the Statutes.
36. The University Quality Assurance Council.There shall be a quality
assurance Council in the University for periodic examination of the academic
standards, democratic functioning and social commitment of the affiliated
colleges and university centres. The members of the Council shall be appointed
by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Governing Council. The structure
and functions of the Council shall be as prescribed by the Statutes.
37. University Ethics Committee.University Ethics Committee shall be
formed as per the guidelines of national agencies like the Department of
Biotechnology, Indian Council of Medical Research and other Research Councils
for examining the research projects undertaken by the University centres and to
give advice to the affiliated colleges for maintaining ethical principles in research
and clinical trial work. The members of the Ethics Committee shall be
nominated by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with Governing Council. The
structure and functions of the Council shall be as prescribed by the Statutes.
38. Constitution, powers and functions of the Students Council.(1) There
shall be a Students Council in the University to encourage and promote the
students co-curricular and extra curricular activities, and to bring notice of their
grievances before the authorities.
(2) The Students Council shall consist of the following members,
(a) Ex-Officio Members
(i) Pro-Vice-ChancellorChairperson ;
(ii) the Chairman of the University Students Union ;
(iii) the General Secretary of the University Students Union ;
(iv) the Dean, Students Affairs ; and
(v) the Officer in charge of the National Service Scheme.
(b) Elected Members
(i) seven members elected by the General Council of the University
Students Union who shall not be the members of Senate or Academic Council ;
(ii) three members elected from among the full time students of the
campuses or departments of the University in such manner as may be prescribed
by the Statutes ;
(iii) two members, other than students, elected by members of the
Senate from among themselves ;
(iv) two members elected by the Governing Council from among
themselves ; and
(v) one member of the Academic Council elected from among
(c) Other Members
(i) five students may be nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from the
affiliated Government colleges or institutions who have distinguished themselves
in academic fields, sports, arts etc., ;
(ii) a member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with
the Chairman of the University Students Union shall be the Secretary of the
Council ;
(iii) the members of the Students Council other than ex-officio
members shall hold office for a term of one year from the date of their
nomination or election, as the case may be.
(3) The Students Council shall have the following powers and functions,
(i) to make recommendation to the Governing Council and
Academic Council in the matters related to academic work of students, the co-
curricular and extra curricular activities in the University ;
(ii) to make suggestions to the Governing Council and Academic
Council in respect of all rules relating to discipline, welfare of students, sports,
working of library, management of hostels, students home and non-resident
students centres, extension work, social work, students health, National Service
Scheme, National Cadet Corps and such other matters as may be prescribed by
the Statutes ;
(iii) to communicate its views, observations and recommendations to
any authority of the University in respect of any matter which concerns the
students, and if any question arises as to whether a matter does or does not
concern the students, it shall be decided by the Chairman of the Students
Council and his decision shall be final ;
(iv) to take such steps as are necessary for the general welfare of the
students that comes under the University ;
(v) to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties and
functions as may be conferred or imposed on it by this Act or the Statutes,
Ordinances and Regulations.
(4) The Chairperson of the Students Council shall cause to be laid
before the Governing Council and Students Council in such manner as may be
prescribed by the Statutes, periodical reports regarding the recommendations and
suggestions made by the Council, the action taken thereon by the authorities to
which such recommendations and suggestions were made, and if no action was
taken by the authorities to which such recommendations and suggestions were
made, the reason thereof.
(5) The election to the college level Students Council shall be held
before such date of the year as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
39. General provisions regarding authorities of the University.(1) The
constitution, powers, functions and duties of the authorities of the University, not
laid down under any of the provisions of this Act, shall be such as may be
prescribed by Statutes.
(2) Save as otherwise provided by or under the provisions of this Act,
the term of office of the elected, nominated, appointed or co-opted member of
any authority shall be three years from the date of its first meeting, irrespective
of the date on which a member enters upon such office.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act or Statutes, where a
person elected, nominated, appointed or co-opted as an officer of the University
or a member of any of the authorities or bodies of the University by virtue of
his being eligible to be so elected, nominated, appointed or co-opted as such an
officer or a member under any of the categories of officers or members specified
by or under the relevant provisions of this Act in relation to such office,
authority or body, such person shall cease to be such an officer of the University
or member of such authority, or body as soon as such person ceases to belong to
such category and shall be deemed to have vacated the office as such officer or
(4) A person shall be disqualified for being a member or any of the
authorities of the University, if such person,
(i) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent
authority ;
(ii) is an undischarged insolvent ;
(iii) has been convicted of any offence involving moral turpitude ;
(iv) is conducting or engaging oneself in private tuitions or private
coaching classes or private medical practice, if such private tuition, coaching or
private practice has been banned by the Government in respect of such person ;
(v) has been punished for indulging in or promoting unfair practices
in the conduct of any examination in any form anywhere.
(5) No person shall be a member of the Governing Council, the
Academic Council or the Board of Examinations for not more than two
consecutive terms, either as an elected, nominated, appointed or co-opted
member, as the case may be. However, the Chancellor shall have the power to
grant exemption to such a member.
(6) Save as otherwise provided by or under the provisions of this Act,
each authority of the University while acting and exercising its powers and
discharging its functions or duties assigned to it by or under the provisions of
this Act shall have the exclusive jurisdiction to deal with and decide on the
matters assigned to it and discharge the functions or duties assigned to it by or
under the provisions of this Act.
(7) (i) Every election to any authority or body of the University under
this Act shall be held by ballot in accordance with the system of proportional
representation by means of a single transferable vote and as may be prescribed
by Statutes.
(ii) The other details relating to elections not specified in this Act
shall be prescribed by Statutes.
(8) A member of any University or body other than ex-officio member
may resign by writing under his signature. A nominee of the Chancellor may
resign, by addressing to the Chancellor and any other member may resign by
addressing to the Vice Chancellor. The person shall cease to be a member upon
his resignation being accepted by the Chancellor or, the Vice Chancellor, as the
case may be.
(9) If the person nominated, elected, appointed or co-opted to an
authority or body remains absent without prior permission of the authority or
body for three consecutive meetings, he shall be deemed to have vacated his
membership and he shall cease to be a member from the date of the third such
meeting in which he has remained absent.
(10) Save as otherwise provided by this Act all matters with regard to
the conduct of meetings of the authorities, bodies or committees, if any,
constituted by the University or any authority shall be such as may be prescribed
by the Statutes.
(11) When any vacancy occurs in the office of a member, other than an
ex-officio member, of any authority or other body of the University before the
expiry of his normal term, the vacancy shall be filled, as soon as may be, by
nomination of a suitable person by the Chancellor or the Government where the
Chancellor or the Government is the nominating authority or by the Vice-
Chancellor in all other cases. The person nominated shall be a person who is
otherwise, eligible to be nominated or elected on the said authority or body from
the same category. The person so nominated shall hold office only so long as
the member in whose place he has been nominated would have held it, if the
vacancy had not occurred.

40. Statutes.(1) Subject to the provisions of this Act, the Governing
Council shall have, in addition to all other powers vested in it, the power to
make Statutes to provide for the administration and management of the affairs of
the University.
(2) Statutes may provide for all or any of the following matters,
namely :
(i) the powers and duties of the officers of the University ;
(ii) the constitution, powers and duties of the authorities of the
University not specifically provided for in this Act ;
(iii) the procedure for the election of members of the Senate, the
Governing Council, the Academic Council and other authorities or bodies of the
University and all such other matters, relating to these authorities or bodies, as
may be necessary or desirable to provide ;
(iv) conferment of honorary degrees and holding convocation ;
(v) the establishment and maintenance of the University schools,
departments, institutions, constituent colleges, institutions of higher learning,
centres for research or specialised studies and hostels;
(vi) the principles governing the seniority and service conditions of
the employees of the University;
(vii) the provision for disqualifying members of the authorities, bodies
or committees of the University;
(viii) abolition of University schools, departments or institutions,
constituent colleges and centres;
(ix) qualifications, recruitment, workload, code of conduct, terms of
office, duties and conditions of service including periodic assessment of teachers,
officers and other employees of the University and the affiliated colleges except
those colleges or institutions maintained by the State or Central Government or
a local authority, the provision of pension, gratuity and provident fund, the
manner of termination of their services, wherever applicable, as approved by the
State Government ;
(x) application of funds of the University for furtherance of the
objectives of the University;
(xi) conditions and procedure for the affiliation of colleges or for
withdrawing the affiliation of colleges;
(xii) the norms for grant of autonomy to University schools,
departments or institutions, affiliated colleges and recognised institutions, subject
to the approval of the State Government;
(xiii) acceptance and management of trusts, bequests, donations,
endowments and grants from individuals or organisations;
(xiv) provision of reservation of adequate number of posts of teachers,
officers and other employees of the University and affiliated colleges, for the
members of the Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward
Classes in accordance with the Constitutional provisions and policy of the State
Government ;
(xv) fixing of number of working days, number of actual days of
instructions, holidays other than Sundays, vacation and terms in academic year ;
(xvi) disciplinary action against teachers, officers and other employees
of the University, affiliated colleges and recognised institutions, other than the
private self financing colleges not aided by the Government in any form, and the
colleges or the institutions managed and maintained by the State Government or
Central Government or Local Authorities ;
(xvii) the taking over or transferring, in public interest, of the
management of a college or institution by the University and the conditions for
such taking over or transferring, subject to the approval of the State
(xviii) award of degrees, diplomas, titles, certificates, and other academic
distinctions by the University ;
(xix) the withdrawal or cancellation of degrees, diplomas, titles,
certificates, and other academic distinctions granted by the University ;
(xx) the maintenance of a register of registered graduates ;
(xxi) the maintenance of accounts and preparation and passing of the
annual budget of the University ;
(xxii) constitution of Governing bodies for private colleges under unitary
management and managing councils for private colleges under corporate
management ;
(xxiii) any matter as may be prescribed by Statutes or which is
necessary to give effect to the provisions of this Act.
41. Procedure for making Statutes.(1) Notwithstanding anything
contained in this Act, the Government shall make the first Statute of the
(2) The Governing Council may, from time to time, make new
or additional Statutes or may amend or repeal the Statutes referred to in
sub-section (1).
(3) The Statute may be made, amended or repealed by the Governing
Council in the manner hereinafter provided:
(i) The Governing Council may take into consideration the draft
of a Statute either moved by any member of the Council or on a proposal by the
(ii) The Governing Council, if it thinks necessary may also
obtain the opinion of any officer, authority or body of the University in regard
to any draft Statute which is before it for consideration:
Provided that where any such draft Statute pertains to academic matters,
the Governing Council shall obtain the opinion of the Academic Council before
considering the same;
(iii) The Governing Council shall not propose the draft of a
Statute or of an amendment to a Statute affecting the status, powers or
constitution of any authority of the University until such authority has been
given an opportunity of expressing an opinion upon the proposal and any
opinion so expressed shall be in writing and shall be considered by the
Governing Council ;
(iv) No Statute providing for the conditions for, or procedure
relating to, the affiliation of private colleges shall be passed by the Governing
Council without the previous approval of the Government ;
(v) Every Statute passed by the Governing Council shall be
submitted to the Chancellor who may give or withhold his assent thereto, or
send it back to the Governing Council for reconsideration;
(vi) No Statute passed by the Governing Council shall be valid or
shall come into force until assented to, by the Chancellor.
42. Ordinances. Subject to the conditions prescribed by or under this
Act, the Governing Council may make Ordinances, to provide for all or any of
the following matters, namely:
(i) the conditions under which students shall be admitted to courses of
study for degree, diploma, certificate and other academic distinctions;
(ii) the fees to be charged for enrolment of students for attending such
courses in the University and that for admission to the examinations leading to
degrees, diplomas, certificate and other academic distinctions, and for registration
of graduates and any other type of fees to be charged ;
(iii) the conditions of residence, conduct and discipline of the students of
the University, and action to be taken against them for breach of discipline or
misconduct, including the following :
(a) use of unfair means at an examination or abetment thereof ;
(b) refusal to appear or give evidence in any authorised inquiry by
an officer in charge of an examination or by any officer or authority of the
University; or
(c) disorderly or otherwise objectionable conduct, whether within
or outside the University;
(iv) the conditions governing the appointment and duties of examiners ;
(v) the conduct of examinations and other tests and the manner in which
the candidates may be assessed or examined by the examiners;
(vi) the classification of teachers, staff strength in various departments,
workload of teachers and other staff in the University departments and affiliated
colleges ;
(vii) the inspection of affiliated colleges, recognised institutions and
(viii) the mode of execution of contracts or agreements for, by or on behalf
of the University;
(ix) the rules to be observed and enforced by affiliated colleges and
recognised institutions regarding transfer of students wherever necessary;
(x) the duties and functions of students associations and other
organisations in colleges;
(xi) all other matters which, by or under this Act or Statutes, are to be or
may be, provided by Ordinances; and
(xii) generally, all matters for which provision is, in the opinion or the
Governing Council, necessary for the exercise of the powers conferred or the
performance of the duties imposed on any authority of the University under this
Act or Statutes.
43. Procedure for making Ordinances.The Governing Council may
make, amend or repeal Ordinances in the manner hereinafter provided,
(i) No Ordinances concerning the matters referred to in clauses (i) to
(vi) of section 42 above, or any other matter connected with the maintenance of
the standards of teaching and examinations within the University, shall be made
by the Governing Council unless a draft thereof has been considered by the
Academic Council;
(ii) The Governing Council shall not have the power to amend any draft
proposed by the Academic Council under clause (i) above, but may return it to
the Academic Council for reconsideration, in part or in whole, together with any
amendments which the Governing Council may suggest ;
(iii) All Ordinances made by the Governing Council shall have effect
from such date as it may direct, but every Ordinance so made shall be submitted
to the Chancellor within two weeks. The Chancellor shall have the power to
direct the Governing Council, within four weeks of the receipt of the
Ordinances, to suspend its operation and he shall, as soon as possible, inform
the Governing Council of his objection to it. He may, after receiving the
comments of the Governing Council either withdraw the order suspending the
Ordinances or disallow the Ordinances and his decision shall he final.
44. Regulations.(1) Subject to provisions of this Act, the Statutes and
Ordinances and the approval of the Governing Council, the Academic Council
may make regulations in the manner prescribed by Statutes, providing for all or
any of the following matters, namely:
(i) the courses of studies and the conduct of examinations;
(ii) the admission of students to the various courses of study and to
the examinations;
(iii) the qualifications of teachers;
(iv) the appointment and prescription of duties of the Boards of
Studies and examiners; .
(v) recognition of examinations, degrees and diplomas of the
Universities as equivalent to the examinations, degrees and diplomas of the
University; and
(vi) all other matters which under the provisions of this Act, the
Statutes and the Ordinances are to be, or may be, prescribed by the Regulations.
(2) All regulations made under this Act shall have effect from such
date as the Academic Council may direct, but every Regulation so made shall be
laid before the Governing Council during its next succeeding meeting.
45. Bye-laws and Orders. (1) Any authority or body may, subject to the
previous approval of the Governing Council shall have the power to make bye-
laws and orders not inconsistent with this Act, the Statutes, Ordinances and
Regulations, for the guidance and working of the Boards and Committees and
other bodies constituted under the provisions of this Act, the Statutes, the
Ordinances and the Regulations and for regulating the procedure and conduct of
business at the meetings of any authority of the University and providing for all
matters solely concerning such authority or body.
(2) Such bye-laws and orders shall be submitted to the Governing
Council which may amend or annul them in such manner as it thinks proper,
after ascertaining and considering the views of the authority or body making
46. Publication in the Gazette.All Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations
made under this Act shall be published by the University in the Gazette.
47. Admission and Examination. (1) Subject to the rights of the
minority educational institutions, admission to all courses in the University
departments and affiliated colleges shall be made in accordance with the
reservation policy of Government for the weaker sections of the society and on
the basis of competitive merit in accordance with the rules, if any, made by the
Government :
Provided that where rules have been framed by the Government, in the
interest of the students of the entire State, the University shall adopt the same
and such rules shall be published in the Gazette, as the case may be, at least six
months before the start of any academic session :
Provided further that having regard to the maintenance of discipline, the
authority concerned shall have the power to refuse admission to a student.
(2) At the beginning of each academic year the University shall
prepare and publish an academic calendar for all programmes including a
Schedule of Examinations, provided that, no examination or the results of an
examination shall be held invalid only for the reason that the University has not
followed the Schedule.
48. University Students Union. (1) There shall be an elected University
Students Union, formed by Councillors elected by the students of the University,
departments or schools and affiliated colleges.
(2) The University Students Union shall consist of the General Council
and an Executive Council.
(3) The General Council shall consist of such members (Councillors)
elected as provided below:
(i) one member elected from among the undergraduate students of
all the University Departments or schools together;
(ii) one member elected from among the students of all the Post
Graduate programmes in the University department or schools including full time
registered research scholars;
(iii) one member each elected from among the students of the
under graduate courses in affiliated Government and aided colleges ;
(iv) one member elected from among the students of all
Post-Graduate courses in affiliated Government and aided colleges ;
(v) ten members elected from among the regular students of
affiliated private, self-financing, unaided colleges, of whom four shall be women.
(4) The Executive Council shall consist of seventeen members including
the following office bearers to be elected by the Councillors elected to the
University Students Union as in sub-section(3) above from among themselves;
(i) a Chairperson ;
(ii) a General Secretary ;
(iii) two Vice-Chairpersons of whom one shall be a woman ;
(iv) a Joint Secretary ;
(v) three members representing the graduates or post-graduates
students in Modern medicine from affiliated Government and aided colleges, of
whom one shall be a woman ;
(vi) one member representing the graduates or post-graduates in
Dental Sciences, from affiliated Government and aided colleges ;
(vii) two members representing the graduates or post-graduates in
Indian Systems of Medicine, from affiliated Government and aided colleges, of
whom one shall be a woman ;
(viii) one member representing the graduates or post-graduates
students in Homoeopathic Medicine, from affiliated Government and aided
colleges ;
(ix) one member representing the nursing students, who shall be a
woman, from affiliated Government and aided colleges ;
(x) one member representing the pharmacy students, from
affiliated Government and aided colleges ;
(xi) one member representing disciplines or subjects other than the
subjects or disciplines mentioned above, from affiliated Government and aided
colleges ;
(xii) two members elected from among the regular students of the
affiliated private, self-financing, unaided colleges of the University, of whom one
shall be a woman.
(5) The University Students Union shall deal with all matters
connected with the promotion of arts and sports among the students conducting
of youth festival and competitive events and perform other duties as may be
(6) The rules and procedure for election to the University Students
Union shall be as prescribed by the Statutes.
(7) There shall be an elected Students Union to represent the students
of the University in each of the affiliated colleges.
(8) The constitution, rules and procedure for the election of the
Students Union shall be as may be prescribed by the Statutes,
49. Selection of students for sports, cultural and other activities.The
University shall provide provision in the Statutes to ensure that the students
selected to represent their classes, colleges or the University as the case may be,
for sports, cultural and all other activities are selected entirely on the basis of
50. Affiliation and recognition.(1) The University shall affiliate all the
professional medical or other colleges or Institutions imparting education in
Modern Medicine, Dental, Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Siddha, Unani, Yoga,
Naturopathy, Nursing, Pharmacy and other paramedical and allied subjects,
owned by Government of Kera1a or Government controlled societies, private
aided and private unaided self-financing educational agencies, which, before the
date of commencement of this Act remained affiliated to the different
Universities (except Deemed Universities) in the State of Kerala. The affiliation
of the above mentioned institutions to other Universities in the State (except
Deemed Universities), shall stand transferred to the University on and from the
date of commencement of this Act, subject to the conditions that the affiliation
of these colleges or institutions in respect of the students admitted to the courses
in health sciences and allied subjects shall continue till those batches of students
complete their courses, the examinations of all such students shall be conducted
by the Universities to which they were attached, degrees or diplomas or other
distinctions shall be awarded by such Universities and admission to these
colleges for the academic year 2009-2010 shall continue in such Universities.
The admission to the course or courses to be started, in the above institutions,
from the academic year 2010-2011 onwards and the examinations for the new
batches of students admitted or to be admitted during 2010-2011, shall be
conducted by the University and degrees or diplomas be awarded by the
University. The professional medical colleges or teaching institutions under the
Deemed Universities and the National Institutes estab1ished by Central
Government shall not come under the jurisdiction of the University.
(2) The Educational Agency applying for affiliation or recognition and
whose college or institution has been granted affiliation or recognition, shall give
and comply with the following undertaking:
(i) that the provisions of this Act, or any other Acts passed by the
State Legislature related to Medical Education or Higher Education field in the
State, rules made thereunder and statutes, ordinances, regulations, standing orders
and directions of the University shall be observed ;
(ii) that there shall be a separate Governing Body or Managing
Council provided for an affiliated college or group of colleges receiving aid
from the Govemment or the University, as provided by section 52 ;
(iii) that the number of students admitted for courses of study shall
not exceed the limits prescribed from time to time, by the University, the
Government, Central or State Councils or authorities in the concerned discipline
as the case may be ;
(iv) that there shall be suitable and adequate physical facilities such
as buildings, laboratories, libraries, equipments required for teaching and
research; hostel and other infrastructure facilities as the case may be, prescribed
by Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations ;
(v) that the financial resources of the college or institution shall be
such as to make due provision for its continued maintenance and working ;
(vi) that the strength and qualifications of teaching and non-
teaching staff of the affiliated colleges and the emoluments and the terms and
conditions of service of the staff of affiliated colleges shall be such as may be
prescribed by the University and which shall be sufficient to make due provision
for courses of study, teaching or training or research, efficiently ;
(vii) that the services of all teaching and non-teaching employees
and the facilities of the college to be affiliated shall be made available for
conducting examinations and for promoting other activities of the University ;
(viii) that the directions and orders issued by the Chancellor, Vice-
Chancellor and other officers of the University in exercise of the powers
conferred on them under the provisions of this Act, Statutes, Ordinances and
Regulations or any other Acts passed by the State Legislature in this regard,
shall be complied with ;
(ix) that there shall be no transfer of the management or ownership
of the college without previous sanction of the University ;
(x) that the college or institution shall not be closed without
previous sanction of the University ;
(xi) that in the event of disaffiliation or de-recognition or closure
of the college or institution, all the assets of the college or institution including
building and equipment which have been constructed or created out of the
amount paid as a grant-in-aid by the Government or the University Grants
Commission shall vest in the Government.
51 . Procedure for permission.(1) The University shall prepare a
perspective plan for educational development for the location of institutions of
higher learning in a manner ensuring equitable distribution of facilities for higher
education in Medical and Allied Sciences having due regard, in particular, to the
needs of unserved and underdeveloped areas within the jurisdiction of the
University. Such plan shall be prepared by the Academic Council and got
approved by the Governing Council and shall be placed before the Senate. It
shall be updated every five years.
(2) No application for opening a new college or institution of higher
learning which is not in conformity with such plan, shall be considered by the
(3) No students shall be admitted by the college or institution unless
the first time affiliation has been granted by the University to the college or
(4) The rules and procedure for affiliation of a college to the
University shall be as prescribed by the Statutes.
52. Governing Body of affiliated college.(1) There shall be a separate
Governing Body for every affiliated college or institution, consisting of the
members as may be prescribed by the Statutes. There shall be a Managing
Council for a group of affiliated colleges under a corporate management,
consisting of members as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
(2) The powers and duties of the Governing Body or Managing
Council shall be as provided in this Act or as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
53. Continuation of affiliation.(l) The affiliated college or recognised
institution may apply for continuation of affiliation or recognition for the courses
of study for which affiliation or recognition was granted ordinarily six months
prior to the date of expiry of such affiliation or recognition. The University shall
follow the procedure prescribed in Statutes, so far as applicable, for grant of
continuation of affiliation.
(2) The affiliated college or recognised institution may apply for
affiliation or recognition for additional courses of study and the same shall be
considered by the University following the procedures or rules prescribed in this
regard in the Statutes.
(3) An affiliated college with at least six years standing as an affiliated
college may apply for permanent affiliation in the manner as may be prescribed
in the Statutes and the University shall consider such applications in such
manner as may be prescribed.
54. Granting of autonomous status.(1) A University department or
institution, affiliated college or recognised institution may apply to the University
for grant of autonomous status. The Governing Council on the recommendation
of Academic Council may confer the autonomous status.
(2) The autonomous department or institution or college or recognised
institution, may constitute its authorities or bodies and exercise the powers and
perform the functions and carry out the administrative, academic, financial and
other activities of the University, as may be prescribed.
(3) The autonomous department or institution or college or recognised
institution may prescribe its own courses of study, evolve its own teaching
methods and hold examinations and tests for students receiving instruction in it
and award degrees or certificates of its own. Autonomous department or
institution or college or recognised institution shall function with the objectives
of promoting academic freedom and scholarship on the part of teachers and
students which are essential to the fostering and development of an intellectual
climate conducive to the pursuit of scholarship and excellence.
55. Submission of reports and inspection.(l) Every affiliated college and
recognised institution shall furnish such reports, returns and other particulars as
the University may require for enabling it to judge the academic standards and
standards of academic administration of the college or recognised institution.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor shall cause every University department,
school, centre, affiliated college or recognised institution to be inspected, at least
once in every three years, by one or more committees appointed by him in that
behalf which shall consist of the following members, namely :
(i) a Dean or a Chairman of Board of studies nominated by the
Vice-ChancellorChair person ;
(ii) one expert in medical education, not connected with the
University, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor ;
(iii) One expert, to be nominated by the Governing Council :
Provided that no member of such committee shall be connected with the
management of college or the institution concerned.
(3) The committee shall submit its report to the Vice-Chancellor for
consideration and for further action as may be necessary.
56. Withdrawal of affiliation. (l) If an affiliated college or recognised
institution fails to comply with the conditions of affiliation or recognition as
provided in this Act or Statues or fails to comply with the directions of the
University or State Government or does not allow the local governing body or
managing councils as provided in this Act or Statues to function properly, or if
it is conducting the college or recognised institution, in a manner prejudicial to
the interest of the University or the standards laid down by the Ordinance or
Statutes, the University can take action against such institutions under this Act
including withdrawal of the affiliation granted to the college or institution, after
giving notice to the Principal of the College or institution and the educational
agencies running the college or institution, regarding the reasons for such
withdrawal of affiliation and considering the reply given by the Principal of the
college or educational agency.
(2) The rules and procedure for withdrawal of affiliation shall be such
as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
57. Closure of colleges etc.(1) No management of an affiliated college
or recognised institution shall be allowed to close down the college or
recognised institution without prior permission of the University and State
(2) The procedure to close down an affiliated college shall be such as
may be prescribed by the Statutes.
58. Application of provisions of Kerala University Act, 1974.Except as
otherwise provided in this Act, the provisions of sections 51 to 68 of the Kerala
University Act, 1974 (Act 17 of 1974) in respect of affiliated private aided
colleges shall apply in the case of private aided colleges affiliated to the
59. Teaching, training and research.All graduate or post-graduate
instruction, teaching, training and research shall normally be conducted within
the University, affiliated colleges and the recognised institutions in the manner as
may be prescribed by the Statutes.
60. Enrolment of students.A person to be enrolled as a student of the
University shall possess such qualifications and fulfil such conditions as may be
prescribed by the Statutes.
61. Disciplinary powers and discipline among students.(1) All powers
relating to discipline and disciplinary action in relation to the students of the
University departments and institutions and colleges, maintained by the
University, shall vest in the Vice-Chancellor.
(2) The Vice-Chancellor may, by order, delegate all or any of his powers
under this Act as he deems fit, to such other officers or body as he may
nominate or create in that behalf.
62. Conferring of degrees, diplomas and certificates.(1) The Governing
Council may institute and confer such degrees, diplomas, certificates and other
academic distinctions as may be recommended by the Academic Council.
(2) The Governing Council may consider and recommend to the Senate
the conferment of an honorary degree or other academic distinction on any
person, without requiring him to undergo any test or examination, on the ground
solely that he, by reason of his eminent position, attainments and public service,
is a fit and proper person to receive such degree or other academic distinction
and such recommendation shall be deemed to have been duly passed if
supported by a majority of not less than two-thirds of the members present at
the meeting of the Senate, being not less than one-half of its total membership:
Provided that the Governing Council shall not entertain or consider any
proposal in that behalf without the Vice-Chancellor having obtained the prior
approval of the Chancellor.
(3) The Governing Council may take a decision on the proposal of the
Senate and the Senate shall not entertain or consider any proposal in that behalf
without the Vice-Chancellor having obtained prior approval of the Chancellor.
(4) The convocation of the University shall be held at least once
during an academic year in the manner prescribed by Statutes for conferring
degrees, post- graduate degrees or diplomas or for any other purpose.
63. Registered graduates.(1) Subject to the provisions of sub-
section (2), the following persons shall be entitled to have their names entered in
the register of registered graduates or deemed registered graduates, maintained
by the University, namely:
(i) who are graduates of the University;
(ii) who are graduates holding a degree in Medical and Allied
Sciences of any existing University in the State.
(2) A person shall not be qualified to have his name entered in the
register of graduates, if he,
(i) is of unsound mind and stands so declared by a competent
(ii) is an undischarged insolvent;
(iii) is convicted for an offence involving moral turpitude;
(iv) is a registered graduate of any other University established by
law in the State of Kerala.
(3) Every person who intends to be a registered graduate shall make
an application to the Registrar in such form and make payment of such fees, as
may be prescribed by the Statutes. The Registrar shall, after making such inquiry
as he thinks fit, decide whether the person is entitled to be a registered graduate.
(4) If any dispute arises as to whether a person is entitled to have his
name entered in the register of graduates, it shall be decided by the Vice-
Chancellor after making or causing to be made such inquiry as he thinks fit and
such decision shall be final.
(5) The Chancellor may, on the recommendation of the Governing
Council supported by a majority of not less than two-third of its members
present at its meeting, such majority comprising not less than one-half of its
members, remove the name of any person from the register of graduates for such
period as the Chancellor thinks fit, if such person has been convicted by a court
for any offence which, in the opinion of the Governing Council, is a serious
offence involving moral turpitude.
(6) No action under the above sub-section shall be taken unless the
person concerned is given an opportunity of being heard.
64. University Fund.(1) All grants and loans received from the State
Government, the Government of India, the University Grants Commission and
from any other source, all revenues of the University, all fees received, all
income such as rent and profits derived from properties and funds vested in the
University, all endowments and donations received from any source whatsoever,
all other miscellaneous receipts of the University and deposits, remittances and
service of funds, received in connection with the affairs of the University shall
form one consolidated fund styled Kerala University of Health Sciences
Fund and shall be utilised for the purposes and in the manner laid down in this
Act and in the Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations, Bye-Laws and Orders :
Provided that separate accounts may be maintained for specific purposes.
(2) All moneys in the Kerala University of Health Sciences Fund shall
be lodged in the Government Treasury or with the prior approval of the
Government in the State Bank of India or its associates up to such limits as may
be fixed by the Government.
(3) The University may invest such part of the moneys in the Kerala
University of Health Sciences Fund, as it may deem fit, in Government
securities or securities guaranteed by the Government of India.
(4) The custody of the Kerala University of Health Sciences Fund, the
payment of moneys therein, the withdrawal of moneys therefrom and all other
ancillary matters shall be regulated by the Statutes, Ordinances and Bye-Laws
made in that behalf.
(5) The University shall establish the following funds namely:
(i) general fund ;
(ii) salary fund;
(iii) trust fund;
(iv) development and programme fund;
(v) research fund;
(vi) contingency fund; and
(vii) any other fund which, in the opinion of the University, is
deemed necessary.
(6) The following shall form part of or be paid into, the general fund,
(i) non-salary contribution or grant, received from the
Government or Central Government or University Grants Commission;
(ii) all incomes of the University from any source whatsoever,
including income from fees and charges;
(iii) any sums borrowed from the banks or any other agency,
with the permission of the Government;
(iv) sums received from any other source or agency.
(7) The salary fund shall consist of all amounts received from the
Government, Central Government or University Grants Commission towards full
or part payment of the salary and allowances. No amount from this fund shall be
utilised for a purpose other than payment of salary and allowances.
(8) All income or moneys from trusts, bequests, donations, endowments,
subventions and similar grants shall form the trust fund.
(9) (i) The development and programme fund of the University shall
consist of all infrastructure development grants received from the State
Government, all contributions made by the University Grants Commission for
development and research grants received from other funding agencies of the
Central Government, United Nations and its affiliates, other international
agencies, industries, banks and financial institutions or persons;
(ii) No amount from this fund shall be appropriated to any other fund
of the University or expended for any other purposes ;
(iii) The development and programme fund shall be utilised in the
manner consistent with the object of the programmes for which a suitable code
will be adopted to include the guidelines of the funding agency on expenditure
and audit, to be granted and approved by the Governing Council.
(10) The University shall maintain a separate fund for research
activities. This may be the income from Government of India, Government of
Kerala, Central Autonomous Institute, International Research Agencies etc.
(11) The University shall have and maintain a contingency fund under
a separate head of the University accounts which shall be used only for the
purposes of meeting any unforeseen expenditure.
(12) Surplus moneys at the credit of these funds, which cannot
immediately or at any early date be applied for the purposes aforesaid shall,
from time to time, be deposited in the banks as directed by the Governing
65. Grants from Government.(1) The University shall receive as grant-
in-aid for its maintenance such sums provided by the Government in the States
annual budget, subject to such conditions as may be fixed by the Government
from time to time.
(2) The Government may pay to the Universities such other grants,
subject to such conditions as they think fit for specific purposes.
66. Budget.(1) The annual budget estimates along with the financial
statements of the University for ensuing financial year shall be prepared by the
Finance Officer and presented to Governing Council, under the direction of the
Vice-Chancellor before such dates as may be prescribed by the Statutes, for
approval. After getting approval of the Governing Council, it shall be presented
in the Senate for discussion. But the Senate will have no power to reject the
Budget, but it can make suggestions and amendments to the Budget and return
the same to the Governing Council for consideration. The Governing Council
may accept or reject the recommendation made by the Senate.
(2) The Governing Council shall forward copies of financial estimates or
statements as approved to the Chancellor and the Government.
(3) The Financial year of the University shall be same as that applicable
to the Government.
67. Internal audit.(1) The accounts of the University shall be audited at
least once every year and in any case within six months of the close of the
financial year by the auditors appointed by the Governing Council from among
the firms of Chartered Accountants whose partners have no interest in any of the
authorities or affairs of the University.
(2) The audited accounts shall be published by the University and a
copy thereof together with the copy of the auditors report shall be placed before
the Senate and submitted to the Chancellor and the Government.
68. Audit.(1) The Government shall appoint auditors to conduct the
audit of the accounts of the University and the institutions under the
management of the University at regular intervals.
(2) The auditor shall maintain a continuous audit of the accounts of the
University and may, after giving due intimation, conduct local audit of any
institution under the management of the University.
(3) The University shall bear the cost of the audit as fixed by the
(4) After completing the audit for a year or for any short period or for
any transaction or series of transactions, the auditor shall send a report to the
University and a duplicate copy thereof to the Government.
(5) The auditors shall specify in the report under sub-section (4) all
cases of irregular, illegal or improper expenditure or of failure to recover moneys
or other property due to the University or of a loss or waste of money or other
property thereof caused by neglect or misconduct of the officers and authorities
of the University.
(6) The auditors shall also report on any other matter related to the
accounts of the University as may be required by the Government.
(7) The University shall forthwith remedy any defect or irregularity
pointed out by the auditors and report the action taken to the Government.
69. Annual report.(1) The Annual report of the University shall be
prepared and published by the University and such report as approved by the
Governing Council shall be submitted to the Chancellor, the Government and
presented to the Senate. The Senate may consider the annual report in its
meeting and may make recommendations as it deems fit. The Governing Council
shall take appropriate action on the recommendations of the Senate and report
the action taken to the Senate.
(2) The Government shall, as soon as the annual accounts and annual
reports are received, cause the same to be laid on the table of the Kerala
Legislative Assembly.
70. Grievances Committee.(1) There shall be a Grievances Committee
in the University to deal with the grievances of teachers and other employees of
the University, constituent colleges and institutions managed by the University, to
hear and settle grievances as far as practicable within a reasonable period of not
more than six months, and the committee shall make a report to the Governing
(2) It shall be lawful for the Grievances Committee to entertain and
consider grievances or complaints and report to the Governing Council for taking
such action as it deems fit and the decisions of the Goveming Council on such
report shall be final.
(3) The Grievances Committee shall consist of the following members,
(i) the Pro- Vice-ChancellorChairperson;
(ii) two members of the Senate elected by the members of the
Senate from among themselvesMembers;
(iii) three members of Governing Council elected by the members
of the Governing Council from among themselvesMembers;
(iv) the RegistrarMember Secretary.
(4) The Registrar shall not have a right to vote.
71. Board of Adjudication.(1) There shall be a Board or Adjudication for
hearing the grievances and complaints of the students on academic matters
concerning the examination, evaluation, results and other related matters referred
to it by any authority of the University.
(2) The Board shall consist of the following members:
(i) Pro-Vice-ChancellorChairman ;
(ii) Dean Students AffairsMember ;
(iii) three Members of the Governing Council nominated by the
Vice-ChancellorMembers ;
(iv) one representative to be elected from among the members of
the General Council of the University Students Union-Member.
His term shall be for one year from the date of appointment.
(3) The procedure for receiving complaints and settlement thereof shall
be as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
72. University Appellate Tribunal.(1) The Government shall constitute
an Appellate Tribunal for the purposes of this Act.
(2) The Appellate Tribunal shall be a judicial officer not below the
rank of a District Judge nominated by the Chancellor in consultation with the
High Court.
(3) The term of office of the Appellate Tribunal shall be three years
from the date of its nomination.
(4) The Appellate Tribunal shall have the power to make regulations
consistent with the provisions of this Act with the previous sanction of the
Government for regulating its procedure and disposal of its business. The
regulations so made shall be published in the Gazette.
(5) The remuneration and other conditions of service of the Appellate
Tribunal shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes.
73. Bar of Jurisdiction of Civil Courts.No civil court shall have
jurisdiction to settle, decide or deal with any question or to determine any matter
which is by or under this Act required to be settled, decided or dealt with or to
be determined by any authority or person under this Act.
74. Admission to privileges of other Universities.(l) No college in the
State of Kerala imparting education in Health and Allied Sciences shall, save
with the consent of the University and the sanction of Government, be
associated in any way with or seek admission to, any privileges of any other
University in India or abroad, except Deemed Universities permitted to operate
in the State by the Government and the University Grants Commission and
Institutions established by the Government of India or Autonomous Centres or
Institutions under the Central Government.
(2) Any such privilege enjoyed by any Medical College or institution
of Health and Allied Sciences situated in the State before the date of
commencement of this Act shall be deemed to be withdrawn with effect from
such date of commencement of the Act or such date as may be notified by the
(3) On and from the date of commencement of this Act or other date
as may be notified by the Government, all colleges and autonomous Institutions
of Health and Allied Sciences previously admitted to the privileges of, or
affiliated to the Universities specified in the Schedule appended to this Act, shall
be deemed to be admitted to the privileges of, or affiliated to, the Kerala
University of Health Sciences established under section 3 of this Act.
75. University open to all castes and creeds.(1) No citizen of India
shall be excluded from any office of the University or from membership of any
of its authorities, bodies or committees, or from appointment to any post, or
from admission to any degree, diploma, certificate or other academic distinction
or course of study on the ground only of sex, race, creed, class, caste, place of
birth, religious belief or profession or political or other opinion:
Provided that the University may maintain, accredit or recognise any
college or give affiliation to any college or institution in which admission is
given exclusively for women or reserved for women.
(2) The University shall adopt Government policy and orders or
directions issued from time to time, in regard to the reservation for Scheduled
Castes, Scheduled Tribes and Other Backward Classes for appointment to
different posts of teachers and non-teaching staff for the purpose of admission of
students in the affiliated or constituent colleges, University departments,
University institutions or recognised institutions, except in the cases which have
been specifically exempted.
(3) The University shall adopt the general policy of Government in
regard to the welfare of various categories of weaker sections of the society and
minorities as directed by the Government, from time to time.
(4) In making appointments by direct recruitment to posts in any class
or category in each Department under the University or the post of non-teaching
staff in the University, the University shall mutatis mutandis observe the
provisions of clauses (a), (b) and (c) of the rules 14 to 17 of the Kerala State
and Subordinate Service Rules, 1958.
76. Transfer of Government colleges to University.(l) The Government
may at any time, by notification in the Gazette, transfer any Government college
of Health and Allied Sciences to the University and from the date of such
transfer the said college shall be a constituent College of the University.
(2) When any Government college is transferred to the University
under sub-section (1) with effect from the date on which such transfer takes
place, the following consequences shall ensue, namely:
(i) all the assets including the properties and liabilities pertaining to
the said college shall stand transferred to and vested in the University ;
(ii) all members of the teaching staff or other employees of the said
college who immediately before the date of such transfer were serving in or
were attached to, that college shall stand transferred to the appropriate cadre or
category of posts in the University on the same conditions of service as were
applicable to them before such transfer and unless and until such conditions are
altered with the consent of such persons :
Provided that no such member of the teaching staff or other employee of
the said college shall be transferred unless he has been given an opportunity to
exercise option for accepting transfer in accordance with the norms decided with
the prior approval of Government.
77. Control of Government.(1) Without prior approval of the
Government, University shall not,
(i) create any new posts of teachers, officers or other employees ;
(ii) revise pay, allowances, post-retirement benefits and other benefits of
its teachers, officers and other employees ;
(iii) grant any special pay, allowance or other extra remuneration of
any description whatsoever including ex-gratia payment or other benefits having
financial implications, to any of its teachers, officers or other employees ;
(iv) divert any earmarked funds received for any purpose other than
that for which it was received ;
(v) incur expenditure on any developmental work from the funds
received from the Government or University Grants Commission or any person
or body for the purposes other than the purposes for which the funds are
received ;
(vi) take any decision regarding affiliated colleges resulting in increased
financial liability, direct or indirect, for the Government.
(2) The University shall be competent to incur expenditure without prior
approval of the Government from the funds received from :
(i) various funding agencies without any share or contribution from
the Government ;
(ii) fees for academic programmes started on self-supporting basis ;
(iii) contributions received from the individuals, industries, institutions,
organisations or any person whosoever, to further the objectives of the
University ;
(iv) contributions or fees for academic or other services offered by
the University ;
(v) development fund, if any, established by the University for the
purposes of,
(a) creation of posts in various categories for specific period ;
(b) granting pay, allowances and other benefits to the posts
created through its own funds, provided those posts are not held by such
persons, who are holding the posts for which Government contribution is
received ;
(c) starting any academic programrne on self-supporting basis ;
(d) incurring expenditure on any development work :
Provided that there shall not be any financial liability, direct or indirect,
immediate or future to the Government for incurring such expenditure.
(3) In case of failure of the University to exercise powers or perform
duties as specified in this Act and Statutes to be framed or where the University
has not exercised such powers or performed such duties adequately or where
there has been a failure to comply with any order issued by Government, the
Government may, on making such enquiry as it may deem fit, issue a directive
to the University for proper exercise of such powers or performance of such
duties or comply with the order and it shall be the duty of the University to
comply with such direction.
(4) The Comptroller and Auditor General and the Government shall
carry out audit of the accounts of the University or a constituent col1ege, school
or centre or institution under the University regularly at such intervals as
provided in the relevant Acts and as the Government may deem fit.

78. Duties of authorities.(1) It shall be the duty of every authority or
body or officer of the University to ensure that the interests of the University are
duly safeguarded.
(2) If it is found that a damage or loss has been caused to the
University by any action on the part of any authority or body or officer of the
University not in conformity with the provisions of this Act, Statutes, Ordinances
or Regulations, except when done in good faith, or any failure so as to act in
conformity thereof, by wilful neglect or default on its or his part, such damage
or loss shall be liable to be recovered from the authority or body or the
concerned members thereof jointly or severally, or from the officer concerned, as
the case may be, in accordance with the procedure prescribed by the Statutes.
79. Election of teacher as Member of Parliament or Legislative
Assembly.(1) A teacher from an aided college or institution under the
University elected or nominated as a member of the Legislative Assembly of the
State, or of the Parliament shall be entitled to treat the period of such
membership in the Legislative Assembly or Parliament as on leave without salary
and allowances.
(2) A teacher referred to in sub-section (1) shall not be entitiled to count
the period of such membership of the Legislative Assembly or of the Parliament
for the purposes, of pension, seniority and increments.
80. Chancellor to decide disputes.If any question arise regarding the
interpretation of any provision of this Act or of any Statutes, Ordinances or
Regulations as to whether a person who has been duly elected or appointed or
nominated or co-opted is entitled to be a member of any authority or body of
the University, the matter may be referred, on petition by any person or body
directly affected, or suo motto by the Vice-Chancellor to the Chancellor who
shall after taking such advice as deemed necessary, decide the question in
consulation with the Government and such decision shall be final :
Provided that such reference shall be made by the Vice-Chancellor to the
Chancellor upon a requisition signed by not less than twenty five members of
the Senate.
81. Protection of acts done in good faith.All acts done or orders passed
in good faith by the University or any of its officers, authorities or bodies shall,
subject to the other provisions of this Act, be final and accordingly no suit or
other legal proceedings shall be instituted against or maintained or damages
claimed from the University or its officers, authorities or bodies for anything
done or orders passed, or purporting to have been done or passed in good faith
and in pursuance of the provisions of this Act and the Statutes, Ordinances and
82. Delegation of power.Subject to the provisions of this Act and the
Statutes, any officer or authority of the University may, by order, delegate any of
its powers, except the power to make Statutes, Ordinances and Regulations to
any other officer or authority of the University subject to the condition that the
ultimate responsibility for the exercise of the powers so delegated shall continue
to vest in the officer or authority delegating them.
83. Proceedings of the University not to be invalidated.No act or
proceeding of the Senate or the Governing Council, Academic Council or any
other authority or any body or committee of the University including a
committee appointed by the Chancellor for the appointment of a Vice-Chancellor,
shall be deemed to be invalid at any time merely on the ground that
(i) any of the members of any such authority, body or committee are
not duly elected, appointed, nominated or co-opted or for any other reason are
not available to take office at the time of the constitution or to attend any
meeting thereof or any person is a member in more than one capacity or there is
any other defect in the constitution thereof or there are one or more vacancies in
the offices of members thereof ; or
(ii) there is any irregularity in the procedure of any such authority, body
or committee not affecting the merits of the matter under consideration.
84. Duty of teachers, etc., in connection with University Examinations.
(1) It shall be the duty of a teacher or a member of the non-teaching staff of an
affiliated college or an officer, teacher or other employee of the University to do
any work in connection with an examination conducted by the University which
he is required by the competent officer or authority of the University to do.
(2) If any teacher or member of the non-teaching staff of an affiliated
college or any officer, teacher or other employee of the University refuses,
without sufficient cause to the satisfaction of,
(i) in the case of a teacher or a member of the non-teaching staff of
an affiliated college, an officer not below the rank of Director of Medical
Education or Ayurveda Medical Education or Controlling Officer of Homeo
Medical Colleges, as the case may be authorised by the Government in this
behalf ; and
(ii) in the case of an officer, teacher or other employee of the
University, the Vice-Chancellor to do any work in connection with an
examination conducted by the University, when required to do so by the
competent officer or authority of the University, he shall without prejudice to
any other action that may be taken against him, forfeit his pay and allowances
for a period of two months commencing on the date of commencement of the
Explanation :Failure to comply with the requisition of the competent
officer or authority of the University shall be deemed to be refusal for the
purposes of this sub-section.
(3) An order of forfeiture under sub-section (2) shall be made,
(i) in the case of a teacher or a member of the non-teaching staff of
an affiliated college, by the officer authorised under clause (i) of the said
sub-section ; and
(ii) in the case of an officer, teacher or employee of the University,
by the Vice-Chancellor.
(4) No order of forfeiture shall be made under sub-section (2) without
giving the person who may be affected thereby an opportunity of being heard.
(5) Any person aggrieved by an order referred to in sub-section (2)
may, within sixty days from the date on which a copy of such order is served on
him, appeal to the Appellate Tribunal, and the Appellate Tribunal may, after
giving the parties an opportunity of being heard and after such further enquiry
as may be necessary, pass such order thereon as it deems fit.
85. Conditions of service.(1) Save as otherwise provided by or under
this Act, every salaried officer and teacher of the University shall be appointed
by a written order.
(2) The written order referred to in sub-section (1) shall be lodged with
the Registrar and a copy thereof shall be furnished to the officer or teacher
(3) Any dispute between any officer or teacher of the University and
the University shall, on the request of the University or the officer or teacher
concerned, be referred to the Appellate Tribunal for decision.
86. Pension, Insurance and Provident fund.With the prior approval of the
Government, the University shall make appropriate provisions for the benefit of
its officers, teachers, and other employees under its control and service in
matters of insurance, pension and provident fund and for such other benefits as
it may deem fit, in such manner as may be prescribed by the Ordinances.
87. Proceedings of the Senate, Governing Council and Academic
Council. The Registrar shall forward to the Government within one month of
the date of any meeting of the Senate or Governing Council or Academic
Council, copies of the proceedings of such meetings.
88. Power of Government to cause inspection of the University.(1) The
Government shall have the right to cause an inspection to be made by such
person or persons as they may direct, of the University, its buildings,
laboratories, libraries, hospitals and equipments and of an institution maintained,
recognised or approved by or affiliated to that University, and also of the work
conducted by the University and to cause enquiry to be made in respect of any
matter connected with the University.
(2) The Government shall, before taking any action under sub-section
(1), give notice to the University of their intention to cause such inspection or
enquiry to be made and the University shall be entitled to be represented
there at.
(3) The Government shall communicate to the Governing Council the
result of any inspection or enquiry made under sub-section (1) and may after
ascertaining the opinion of the Governing Council thereon convey their views to
the Senate and to the Governing Council.
(4) The Government may after considering the views of the Senate and
the Governing Council on the result of any inspection or inquiry under sub-
section (1) advise the University upon the action to be taken in the matter.
(5) The Governing Council shall report to the Government the action, if
any, which is proposed to be taken, or has been taken, upon the result of an
inspection or inquiry under sub-section (1).
(6) A report under sub-section (5) shall be submitted with the opinion of
the Senate thereon and within such time as the Government may direct.
(7) Where the Senate or the Governing Council does not, within a
reasonable time, take any action referred to in sub-section (4) to the satisfaction
of the Government, the Government may, after considering any explanation
furnished or representation made, by the Senate or the Governing Council in the
matter, issue such directions as they may think fit, and the Senate and the
Governing Council shall comply with such directions.
89. Appointment of Commission to enquire into the working of
University. (1) The Government may at any time and shall, at the expiration of
ten years from the date of commencement of this Act and thereafter at the
expiration of every ten years, by order published in the Gazette, constitute a
Commission which shall consist of a Chairman and such other members not
exceeding five as the Government may appoint, to enquire into the working of
the University and such order shall contain the procedure to be followed by the
(2) The Commission constituted under sub-section (1) shall enquire into
and report on
(i) the working of the University during the period to which the
enquiry relates ;
(ii) the financial position of the University including the financial
position of its colleges and departments ;
(iii) any change to be made in the provisions of this Act or the
Statutes, Ordinances, Regulations and Bye-laws with a view to bring about
improvements in the affairs of the University ; and
(iv) such other matters as may be referred to it by the Government,
and make such recommendations to the Government as it thinks fit.
(3) On receipt of the report on the recommendations of the Commission
under sub-section (2) the Government shall forthwith refer such reports and
recommendations to the Governing Council for consideration and report.
(4) Immediately after the Governing Council has considered the report
and recommendations of the Commission and submitted its reports to the
Government, the Government shall consider the report of the Governing Council
and pass such orders thereon as they think fit and shall also cause the same to
be published in the Gazette.
90. Powers of Government to make Rules.(1) The Government may, by
notification in the Gazette, make rules, not inconsistent with the provisions of
this Act, for the purpose of exercising the powers and discharging the duties
conferred or imposed on the Government by this Act.
(2) Every rule made under this section shall be laid, as soon as may be
after it is made, before the Legislative Assembly while it is in session for a total
period of fourteen days which may be comprised in on one session or in two
successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session in which it is so laid
or the session immediately following, the Legislative Assembly makes any
modification in the rule or decides that the rule should not be made, the rules
shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect, as the
case may be, so however that any such modification or annulment shall be
without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that rule.
91. Removal of difficulties.(1) If any difficulty arises as to the first
constitution or reconstitution of any authority of the University or otherwise in
giving effect to the provisions of this Act, the Government may, by order, do
anything not inconsistent with the provisions of this Act, which appears to them
necessary for the purpose of removing the difficulty:
Provided that no order under this sub-section shall be issued by the
Government after the expiry of a period of two years from the commencement
of this Act.
(2) Every order issued under sub-section (1) shall be laid as soon as
may be after it is issued, before the Legislative Assembly while it is in session
for a total period of fourteen days which may be comprised in one session or in
two successive sessions, and if, before the expiry of the session in which it is so
laid or the session immediately following the Legislative Assembly makes any
modification in the order or decides that the order should not be issued, the
order shall thereafter have effect only in such modified form or be of no effect,
as the case may be ; so however, that any such modification or annulment shall
be without prejudice to the validity of anything previously done under that order.
92. Transitory provisions.(l) It shall be the duty of the first Vice-
Chancellor appointed under this Act to make arrangements for constituting the
Governing Council and other authorities of the University within six months
from the date of commencement of this Act or such longer period not exceeding
one year as the Government may, by notification direct.
(2) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and until an authority
is duly constituted under this Act, the first Vice-Chancellor may appoint any
officer or constitute any committee temporarily to exercise and perform any of
the powers and duties of such authority under this Act.
(3) Notwithstanding anything contained in this Act and the Statutes,
Ordinances or Regulations made under this Act, any student who immediately
prior to the date of commencement of this Act was studying for a degree in
Health and Allied Sciences in any of the Universities specified in the Schedule
to this Act be conferred degree in Health and Allied Sciences of the respective
Universities for which he qualifies based on the result of such examination.
93. Repeal and Saving.(1) The Kerala University of Health and Allied
Sciences Ordinance, 2010 (48 of 2010) is hereby repealed.
(2) Notwithstanding such repeal, anything done or deemed to have been
done or any action taken or deemed to have been taken under the said
Ordinance shall be deemed to have been done or taken under this Act.


Serial Number Name of the University

1 University of Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram

2 Mahatma Gandhi University, Kottayam
3 Ca1icut University, Kozhikode
4 Kannur University, Kannur
5 Cochin University of Science and Technology,
6 Sri Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit,

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