RGUHS Voluntary Disclosures
RGUHS Voluntary Disclosures
RGUHS Voluntary Disclosures
A Vibrant democracy requires an informed citizenry and transparency of information. Conferring the right of access to information to the common man would certainly promote openness, transparency and accountability in the working of every public authority. It also ensures effective participation of people in the administration and contains corruption. Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, in its, vision statement, has already emphasized the importance of Social Accountability amongst students, teachers and institutions. A legal frame work has been given to implement these noble objectives by The Right to Information Act, 2005 (No 22of 2005). In conformity with the above Act, Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Karnataka, has considered it essential to first compile and publish a Manual, providing details of its organization, functions and duties, procedure followed in the decision making process, related statutes, ordinances and rules used by its employees for discharging its functions and such other matters, and therefore this Manual has been prepared. I have great pleasure in publishing the information for reference of stake holders with the fond hope that this will be a significant step in making the Right to Information Act operational as far as they relate to this University. Place: Bangalore Date: 12th May 2007 Sd/VICE- CHANCELLOR
RAJIV GANDHI UNIVERSITY OF HEALTH SCIENCE, KARNATAKA, 4TH T BLOCK, JAYANAGAR, BANGALORE- 560 041 NO.RTI/PIO-1/2007-08 12/05/2007 NOTIFICATION In accordance with the provisions of Section 4 (1) (b) of Right to Information Act, 2005 (Central Act of 22 of 2005) Chapter II Right to Information and obligation of Public Authorities the particulars relating to Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore is published in the scheduled hereto annexed for Information of general public. There may be repetition of certain facts in some Date:
paragraphs, but they are considered inevitable, intended to give a clear and comprehensive picture for the information of general public. By Order,
REGISTRAR Schedule to Notification NO.RTI/PIO-1/2007-08, Dated: 12th May 2007 The particulars of Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Bangalore Section 4 (1) (b) (i)
Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Karnataka, Bangalore was established by an Act of Karnataka State Legislature called The Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences Act, 1994. It has received assent of His Excellency the Governor on 25 October 1994. Karnataka information. The University started functioning from 1st June 1996. Powers and functions of the University: To Provide for instruction and training in such branches of medicine and Allied sciences, as may be considered suitable and to make provision for research and for the Gazette special on It was first published in November 1994 for 30th
advancement and dissemination of knowledge in Health Sciences, striving to maintain at all times highest possible standards of academic excellence; To institute and award degrees, diplomas, certificates and other academic distinctions for persons who shall have pursued approved courses of study in a University College or an affiliated colleges; To develop, upgrade and start departments in medical specialties as may be required and to provide instruction for such courses of study as it may determine; To hold examinations and to confer honorary degrees or other distinctions under conditions as may be prescribed; To prescribe conditions under which the award of any degree title, diploma and other academic distinctions may be withheld; To institute maintain and administer University Colleges, Hospitals and Laboratories and Institutes of Research libraries or other institutions necessary to carry out the objects of the University; To affiliate or recognize colleges and institutions and to withdraw such affiliation or recognition;
To institute suspend or abolish University professorships associate professorships, Readerships. Assistant professorships, Lectureships and other teaching posts in the University and to make suitable appointments thereto;
To To
institute establish
fellowships, administer
scholarships, hostels, to
studentships, student medals and prizes; maintain and recognize hostels not managed by the University and to suspend on withdraw such recognition there from; To exercise such control over the students of the University as well secure their health well being and discipline and to exercise through the affiliated colleges control for similar purpose over the students of affiliated colleges; To manage and control all immovable properties transferred to the University by the Government; To accept hold and manage any endowments donations or funds which may become vested in it for the purpose the University by grant testamentary disposition or otherwise, and to invest such endowments. Donations or funds in any manner that the University may deem fit:
provided that no donation from a foreign country. Foreign foundation or any person in such country foundation shall be accepted by the University save with the approval of the Government;
Headquarters, Jurisdiction Provision to establish additional campuses: Bangalore is the Headquarter. The whole of the State of Karnataka is its jurisdiction. The University has provision to establish campuses at such other places in Karnataka. Features: This University is a body corporate by the name Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences with perpetual succession and common seal.
Membership: Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences is a Member of Association of Indian Universities at National level and Member of Inter University Board at State level.
Funds: It has fund to which it credits its income, fees, endowments, grants. The University has been authorized to borrow money for any of the purposes to carry out the objective of the University.
Power to Audit: Government of Karnataka has power to direct Audit of Accounts. The accounts are audited by the Controller of State Accounts once atleast in a year at intervals of not more than fifteen months. The Auditors Reports are placed before the competent authorities. Details of Property held : The Government by of Karnataka Sanjay has Gandhi authorized Accident the and
University to start functioning in a part of General Hospital, Jayanagar shifting Rehabilitation Center elsewhere. The University has carried out certain Civil work to suit the need of a University. It has constructed Dhanavanthri Hall and carried out other Civil work by adding 2nd floor to the existing building. The Government of Karnataka has sanctioned 50 acres of land in South Taluq, Bheemanakuppe, Survey No.73. The University has fenced the land for security.
The Faculty of The Faculty of The Faculty of Naturopathy; The Faculty of The Faculty of The Faculty of The Faculty of
Medicine; Dentistry; Indian System of Medicine, Ayurveda, Unani, Yoga & Homoeopathy; Pharmacy; Nursing; Bio-Medical Science & Allied Subjects.
Director, Curriculum Development Director, Physical Education Director, Student Welfare Director, Prasaranga Librarian Legal Officer Assistant Executive Engineer Assistant Director Assistant Engineer Deputy Registrars Deputy Finance Officer System Managers System Analyst Programmer Deputy Librarian
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CHAPTER-3 AUTHORITIES OF THE UNIVERSITY 1 1The Senate; 1 1The Syndicate; 1 1The Academic Council; 1 1The Finance Committee; 1 1The Planning Board; 1 1The Faculties; 1 1The Boards of Studies and such others as may be declared by
the statutes. 1. THE SENATE:
The Senate shall consist of the following members, namely:i. ii. The Vice Chancellor. The Secretary to Government, in charge of Health and Family Welfare or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to Government. iii. The Secretary to Government in charge of Higher Education, or his nominee not below the rank of Deputy Secretary to Government. iv. v. The Director of Medical Education. The Director of Health and Family Welfare Services:
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Homoeopathy: Three Members of the Karnataka Legislative Assembly elected from amongst themselves: Two members of the Karnataka Legislative Council elected from amongst themselves. Six persons nominated by the Chancellor in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor from amongst persons having special interest in Health Sciences out of whom one shall be person belonging to the Scheduled castes and one belonging to the Scheduled Tribes and one shall be a woman. x. xi. xii. xiii. Five persons to be nominated by the Pro-Chancellor from amongst the graduates of Health Sciences: Five professors elected from amongst themselves: Five teachers, other than professors elected from amongst themselves: Six members each of whom elected to Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India, Pharmacy Council of India, Indian Nursing Council, Central Council of Indian Medicine and Central Council of Homoeopathy from Karnataka Chapter.
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Six Heads of colleges nominated by the Chancellor in consultation with the Vice-Chancellor by rotation for a period of three years.
The Syndicate shall consist of the following members, namely : i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. vii. viii. ix. x. xi. The Vice Chancellor: The Director of Health and Family Welfare, Karnataka. The Director of Medical Education, Karnataka: The Director of Indian System of Medicine and Homoeopathy, Karnataka. The President, Karnataka Chapter of the Indian Medical Association: The President, Karnataka Medical Council: Three persons elected by the Senate amongst themselves: One professor nominated by the Vice Chancellor by rotation, every two years: Two Heads of University or affiliated Colleges by yearly rotation, nominated by the Vice- Chancellor. One nominee from an autonomous institution nominated by the Vice Chancellor by yearly rotation. Three experts in the field of Health Sciences nominated by the Chancellor on the recommendation of the ViceChancellor.
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The Academic Council shall consist of the following members namely: (1) The Vice-Chancellor (2) The Director of Medical Education (3) The Director of Indian Medicine and Homoeopathy (4) Deans of Faculties (5) Chairmen of the Boards of Studies (6) Ten professors, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor, by rotation for a period of one year. (7) Principals of Ten Colleges, by rotation for a period of one year from amongst the following Group of colleges that only two principals are selected from each group. In each group, selection shall be made by rotation from the list of Institutions arranged in chronological order of the date of their establishment. Group I Group II Group III Yoga & Naturopathy Colleges. Group IV Group V - Pharmacy Colleges - Nursing, Physiotherapy and Colleges - Medical Colleges - Dental Colleges - Ayurveda Unani, Homoeopathy and
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having other paramedical courses. (8) EIGHT members of whom six shall be from six faculties who have research experience and TWO of one year. (9) Registrar (Evaluation).
(10) Registrar - Member Secretary.
i. The Finance Committee shall comprise of the following members. a. Vice-Chancellor b. Secretary to Government, Health & Family Welfare Department or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary. c. Secretary to Government, Finance Department or his nominee not below the rank of Joint Secretary / Deputy Secretary. d. One member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the Members of the Syndicate. e. One member nominated by the Vice-Chancellor from amongst the Senate Members. f. Director of Medical Education.
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g. Finance Officer- Secretary. ii. Registrar shall be a permanent invitee. 5. PLANNING BOARD: 5.1 CONSTITUTION OF THE PLANNING BOARD: The Planning Board shall consist of the following: a. The Vice-Chancellor shall be the Chairperson of the Planning Board. b. Not more than five persons of repute in their respective areas like Academic Administrators, Management Executives, Renowned Scientists, Technologists, Financial Experts, nominated by the Vice-Chancellor. c. Registrar shall be the Convener.
6. FACULTIES Then University has the following faculties: i. ii. iii. iv. v. vi. Faculty of Medicine Faculty of Dentistry Faculty of Indian System of Medicine, Ayurveda, Unani, Yoga & Naturopathy Faculty of Homoeopathy, Faculty of Pharmacy Faculty of Nursing
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COMPOSITION OF THE FACULTY: Each faculty shall consist of the following: 1) Dean of the Faculty 2) Chairpersons of the Boards of Studies as may be assigned to each faculty by the Ordinances. 3) Not more than three teachers from each discipline from the category of Professor, Asst. Professor / Reader, Lecturer in the affiliated colleges of the University nominated by the Vice-Chancellor for a period of three years. 4) Five persons who are not employees of the University and who are experts in the subjects / allied subjects outside the State / within the State nominated by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Syndicate for a period of three years. 5) Vice-Chancellor of the University by name shall be ExOfficio member of the Faculty based on the specialization to which he/ she belongs. 7. Boards of Studies in the following subjects / Group of subjects: 1. Board of Studies in Pre-Clinical subject consisting of Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry.
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2. Board of Post Graduate Studies in Pre-Clinical subjects consisting of Anatomy, Physiology & Biochemistry. 3. Board of Studies in Para Clinical subjects consisting of Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine, Community Medicine. 4. Boards of Post Graduate Studies in Para-Clinical subjects consisting of Pathology, Pharmacology, Microbiology, Forensic Medicine and community Medicine. 5. Board of Studies in Clinical subjects consisting of Medicine, Surgery, Oto-ryno-laryngology, Paediatrics, ophthalmology, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Orthopaedics. 6. Boards of Post Graduate Studies in Clinical subjects consisting of Medicine, Surgery, Oto-rynolaryngology, Radiology, Anaesthesiology, Paediatrics, Ophthalmology, Obstetrics & Gynaecology, Psychiatry, Dermatology, Paediatrics Surgery, Plastic Surgery, Urology, Cardiology, Cardiothoracic Surgery, Oncology, Aviation Medicine. 7. Board of Studies in Dentistry. 8. Board of Post Graduate Studies in Dentistry. 9. Board of Studies in Pharmacy. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. Board of Post Graduate Studies in Pharmacy. Board of Studies in Nursing. Board of Post Graduate Studies in Nursing. Board of Studies in Homoeopathy (UG). Board of Studies in Homoeopathy (PG).
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Board of Studies in Unani Medicine. Board of Studies in Ayurveda (UG) Naturopathy & Board of Studies in Ayurveda (PG). Board of Studies in Para Medical Subjects. Board of Studies in Physiotherapy.
The Vice Chancellor shall constitute the Committee from time to time consists of the following: 1. A Member of the Syndicate 2. A Member of the Senate. 3. A Member of the Academic Council 4. Dean of the Faculty concerned. 5. A legal advisor and any other officer of the university may be associated in the capacity of Invitees to assist the committee. MALPRACTICE LAPSES ENQUIRY COMMITTEE The Vice-Chancellor shall constitute the Committee from time to time. The Committee shall consist of five members, including the Registrar(Evaluation) who shall be the member Secretary. At
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least one of the members shall have been either an Advocate who has practiced at the Bar for not less than 10 years or a person who has held positions as a Judicial Officer in the state. Other members shall be nominated from among the persons who are working as, or who have been: 1. Deans of Faculties 2. Chairpersons in the University Departments 3. Principals of colleges of the University or affiliated colleges. 4. Persons of eminence among members of the public, or 5. Persons who have held senior positions in the State or Central Government. Among the above, as for as possible, at least one shall be a woman member. Vice-Chancellor shall appoint one of the members so nominated as Chairman. WORKS COMMITTEE The Vice-Chancellor constitutes Committee form time to time consisting of the following : 1. A Member of the Syndicate. 2. A Member of the Senate. 3. A Retired Chief Engineer. 4. A Retired Executive Engineer. 5. Finance Officer.
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6. Registrar-Member Convener. The University has established separate cell by designating an officer of the university to look into welfare of SC/ST Employees of the University.
The University has established a cell to look into complaints of harassment of women employees in the university. To implement recommendations of National Commission for Women the Institutions coming under the jurisdiction of this university have been instructed to constitute Internal Security Committee headed by Head of the Institution, Police Officer of the area as a member and Students Representatives to be invited to such meetings to review security arrangements. Security Committee shall meet once The Internal in a month or twice and
minutes of the meeting to be maintained by the Colleges. To facilitate the citizens to obtain their requirements under
Right to Information Act a Public Information Officer and an Assistant Public Information Officer have been designated in conformity with the above Act.
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CHAPTER-4 POWERS AND DUTIES OF THE VICECHANCELLOR:(1) The Vice-Chancellor shall be the principal executive and
academic officer of the University and shall exercise general supervision and control over the affairs of the University and give effect to the decisions of all the authorities of the University. He shall exercise all powers necessary for the due maintenance of discipline in the University. (2) The Vice-Chancellor may, if he is of the opinion that
immediate action is necessary on any matter, exercise any power conferred on any authority of the University by or under this Act and shall report to such authority the action taken by him on such matter: Provided that, if the authority concerned is of the opinion that such action ought not to have been taken, it may refer the matter to the Chancellor, whose decision thereon shall be final. (3) The Vice-Chancellor shall exercise such other powers and
perform such other functions as may be prescribed by the Statutes and Ordinances.
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the Syndicate and the Academic Council and he may by order in writing, delegate the power of convening any of the said meetings to any of the officer of the University. He shall be the Ex- officio Chairman of the Syndicate. Academic Council and Finance Committee and preside over the committee in the absence of the Chancellor. (5) The Vice-Chancellor shall ensure faithful observance of the
provisions of this Act and Statutes, Ordinances, and rules. (6) The Vice-Chancellor shall be responsible for the
presentation of the annual financial estimate and the annual accounts and balance sheet to the Syndicate.
(7) The Vice-Chancellor shall be responsible for the proper
administration of the University and for close co-ordination and integration of teaching, research and dissemination of knowledge. DEANS OF FACULTIES:
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ii) iii)
Studies comprised within the faculty. recommendation referred to it by a Board of Studies before it is referred to the Academic Council. iv) To make suggestions or recommendations to the Syndicate and the Academic Council regarding the organization of teaching, training, research and examinations in the subjects comprised in the faculty. POWERS, DUTIES AND FUNCTIONS OF THE REGISTRAR:(1) The Registrar shall be a whole time Officer of the University
and shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Syndicate. (2) The salary and allowances and other conditions of service of
the Registrar shall be such as may be prescribed by the Syndicate. (3) The Registrar shall be responsible for the due custody of
records and the common seal of the University. He shall be ExOfficio Secretary of the Senate, the Syndicate and the Academic Council of the University. He shall be bound to place before them
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all such information as may be necessary for the transaction of the business. He shall keep a permanent record of all courses, curricular and other information as may be necessary. (4) He shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes, Ordinances, and Rules as required from time to time by the Syndicate or the Vice-Chancellor.
appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Syndicate. (2) He shall be in charge of the conduct of examinations in the
University and matters relating thereto and shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by the Statutes or Ordinances or as may be directed by the Vice-Chancellor.
(3) The salary and allowances and other conditions of service of
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University and shall be appointed by the Vice-Chancellor in consultation with the Syndicate. (2) The salary and allowances and other conditions of service of
the Finance Officer shall be such as may be prescribed by the Statutes or Ordinances. (3) He shall manage the property and investments by the
University. He shall advise the Vice-Chancellor in all matters pertaining to financial policy. He shall be responsible for the proper maintenance of accounts of the University, including the preparation of the annual financial estimates and annual accounts and the balance sheet. (4) He shall ensure that no expenditure not authorized in the financial estimates as approved by the Syndicate is incurred by the University and he shall not allow any expenditure which is not sanctioned by the competent authority.
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policies of the University and to suggest measures for the improvement and development of the University and to consider and pass resolutions on the annual accounts and audit reports of the University. (2) Save as otherwise expressly provided in this Act, the Senate shall have the powers:i. ii. iii. iv. v. To institute and confer degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions: To confer on the recommendation of the Syndicate honorary degrees or other academic distinctions: To make, amend or repeal statutes. To consider the financial estimates prepared by the Syndicate and pass resolutions thereon: To confer on the recommendation of the Syndicate the title of Professor of Emeritus.
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To exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred by the Statutes. Ordinances and rules.
POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE SYNDICATE: The Syndicate has been invested with the following powers: (i) to manage and regulate the finances and all other administrative affairs of the University and for that purpose to appoint such agents as it may feel necessary and proper. (ii) (iii) to enter into, vary carry out and cancel to appoint, examiners and moderators and if contracts on behalf of the University. necessary to change or remove them and also to fix their fees, emoluments and traveling and other allowances. (iv) (v) to make arrangements for the conduct of to receive, acquire, hold control and examinations in the prescribed manner. administer the properties of the university both movable and immovable and to invest the funds of the University judiciously in appropriate schemes.
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(vi) (vii)
to cause to be maintained proper accounts to prescribe, charge and collect fees for. Tuition and research. Admission to examinations and Such other services as the University Affiliation and inspection of colleges Such other purpose as may be to prepare the financial estimates of the
convocations. may undertake. and registration of graduates; and prescribed by the Statutes. viii. ix. libraries, University and to submit the same to the Senate. to administer and control the colleges, hostels, laboratories, museums, printing press and publication bureau and other institutions established or maintained by the University. x. teaching staff. xi. to make recommendations regarding admission of colleges to affiliations. to institute posts of any class or classes of non
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xii. xiii.
to recognize hostels not administered by the University and to suspend or withdraw such recognition. to regulate supervise and control the residence and disciplines of the students of the University within the campus and its annexes, and promote their health and well being;
to constitute and regulate the working of the employment Bureau and the Bureau of Information; to delegate such of its functions to the ViceChancellor as may be prescribed by the Statutes; to select a common seal for the University and to provide for its custody and use; to arrange for the conduct of litigation by or against the University. to exercise such other powers and perform such other duties as may be conferred or imposed on it by or under this Act Statutes, Ordinances or Rules; xix. to institute suspend or abolish Professorship, Asst. Professorship, Lecturership or any other posts of teachers xx. to required by the University on the recommendation of the Academic Council. institute fellowship, traveling fellowship, scholarship, studentship, exhibition, medals and prizes.
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Deleted to conferment of the title of Professor Emeritus on the recommendation o f the Academic Council to under take publication of works of merit and research pertaining to health sciences. to organize regulate & control University Union. to the extent feasible establish the suitable residential accommodations to the staff of the University.
generally to do such other acts or make such other provisions as may be deemed necessary under the Act.
POWERS OF THE ACADEMIC COUNCIL: (i) The Academic Council shall be the Principal Academic body
of the University and shall subject to provisions of this Act, the Statutes and the Ordinances have the control and General Regulation of and be responsible for the maintenance of standards of instruction, education and examination of the University. ii. The Academic Council shall recommend ordinances on all Academic Matters and in particular on following matters, namely:
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a. Admission of students to the courses offered in the University. b. Courses of study, syllabus and scheme of Examination and conditions on which students shall be admitted to University Examinations. iii. The Ordinance made by the Academic Council shall come into force from the date of approval by the syndicate or such other date as the syndicate may direct.
The Academic Council shall exercise the following powers subject to provisions of this Act. Statutes and Ordinances: a. To make proposals for Ordinances relating to Academic matters. b. To arrange for co-ordination of students and of teaching in colleges and in recognized institutions. c. To advise the University on the promotion of research. d. To suggest measures for revisions and innovations in Academic matters and Research Programme. e. To make proposals for the Institution of fellowships, scholarships, studentships and for their award. f. To declare the results of the various University Examinations or to appoint committees or officers to do so.
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g. To make proposals for promoting research within the University or for promoting other specialized studies. h. To exercise such other powers and to perform such other duties as may be required on this Act, the Statutes and Ordinances. i. To make proposals for allocating subjects to the various faculties. j. Generally advice the University on all Academic matters.
FUNCTIONS OF THE FINANCE COMMITTEE: The Finance Committee shall perform the following functions namely: 1. To scrutinize the annual budget estimates and make its recommendations to syndicate. 2. To conduct the general examination of the accounts of the University, review the yearly audit reports and make its recommendations thereon. 3. To examine proposals of the University regarding reappropriation of the budget. 4. To examine any such matter involving financial expenditure.
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5. Notwithstanding anything in the subsection the ViceChancellor may in case of urgency for reasons to be recorded in writing, in case of such Expenditure in excess to the limit prescribed by the Syndicate from time to time shall report to the next earliest meeting of the Finance Committee.
POWER AND FUNCTIONS OF BOARD OF STUDIES: 1. The Boards of Studies shall recommend the detailed courses of study and curriculum or the different levels of studies in the respective subject and shall advise on all matters relating there to referred to them by the Syndicate or the Academic Council or the Faculty or the Dean of the Faculty or the Dean of the Faculty concerned. 2. A Board of Studies may bring to the notice of the Academic Council or the Syndicate matters connected with the examinations in its subjects and address them on any matters relating to improvement in the courses of study therein. 3. The Board of Studies shall have power: i) ii) To prepare syllabus for several courses of study. To prepare scheme of examinations.
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To prepare panels of names of persons suitable for appointment valuers. of paper-setters / examiners /
To prepare panel of experts and specialists for being appointed as members of the Boards of appointments.
Provided that in the panels prepared in exercise of the powers under Section (iv) & (v) above, the Board of Studies shall include persons from outside the Health University.
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including channels of supervision and accountability: Section 4 (1) (b) (iii). Subject -wise Procedure followed is indicated below: 1. Fresh Affiliation of Colleges: All colleges and institutions intending to teach Health Science courses, in the State of Karnataka shall apply to this University. Having regard to these provisions of RGUHS Act, 1994, Statues and Ordinances made there under the following procedure are followed: i. The University calls for applications for affiliation from
intending Governing Body of the college or institution or in case of Government College or Institute the officer authorized in this behalf who intend to start colleges. The Notification inviting application briefly provides date from which applications are sold and the last date prescribed for receipt of application and some vital information.
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are processed in the concerned compilation and section of the University. The Vice-Chancellor being the Principal executive and academic officer of the University directs a constituted Local Inspection Committee to inspect physically the applicants college and to submit its findings. iii. The Vice-Chancellor or an officer authorized by him
convene a meeting of an academic council and places the application seeking affiliation along with coherent notes and inspection report of LIC before academic council seeking their comments advice and recommendation. It is competent for the Vice-Chancellor to refer such application of affiliation to a Committee of Academic Council to deal with urgent matters without waiting for a formal meeting of academic council provided the decision taken by the committee of academic council is placed before academic council for ratification in normal course of time. It is also competent for the ViceChancellor to invite to any meeting of committee of academic council the persons having special knowledge and experience to take part in the discussions (however such invitees shall not vote upon any of the subjects considered in the meeting of the committee of academic council).
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The opinion comments and recommendation of CAC or AC The Syndicate being the
along with the application of affiliation are placed before Syndicate in the convened meeting. competent authority discuss deliberates and take pragmatic decision. With approval of Syndicate the proceedings / minute of the meeting of CAC / AC and also that of Syndicate are sent to Government. The Secretary to Government (Medical Education Department) after following the procedure laid down in the Karnataka Government Secretariat manual of office procedure of Government of Karnataka after such enquiry as may appear to be necessary makes recommendations for grant of application or any part thereof or refuse the application. The University issues orders accordingly. the Registrar All Orders, Notifications in conformity with general and overall supervision and the recommendation of the Government are signed and issued by under responsibility of Vice-Chancellor. In such of the cases where GOI/Apex Bodies permission is required the University issues consent of affiliation and asks the college Management to apply to the concerned Apex Bodies such as MCI, DCI as the case may be and GOI. Only after the Management/College obtains sanction from these authorities the permission/approval
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2. Preparation of Financial estimates of the University: i. before Section 42 of RGUHS Act, 1994, and the Statues and the stipulated dates the Vice Chancellor shall cause Ordinances made there under provide that every year on or preparation of financial estimates of the University for the ensuing year. Having regard to these provisions the financial estimates are prepared in the finance section under the supervision of Finance Officer. ii. The Finance Officer convenes the meeting of finance The
finance committee in a scheduled meeting considers the statements and makes recommendations to the Syndicate. The opinion / comments and recommendation of the Finance Committee along with the financial statement are placed before the Syndicate along with a coherent note. The Syndicate may The Senate approve with such modifications as it deems fit. passes resolution thereon.
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3. Framing of Statues: i. The University being an autonomous institution is Having regard to these
empowered to frame statues ordinances and rules to provide for various matters stipulated in the Act. provisions the Senate may either on its own or on submission by the Syndicate makes Statues, amend or repeal existing Statues to make suitable provisions on specified matters. At times the Statues are drafted by the experts and placed before Senate for consideration. With such modification that the Senate considers essential the Statues are passed by the Senate. ii. The Statues passed by the Senate are sent to Government
for submission to Chancellor for assent. The Secretary to Government (Medical Education Department) after following the procedure laid down in the Karnataka Government Secretariat manual of office procedure of Government of Karnataka and after such enquiry as may appear to be necessary, submit the Statues to the Chancellor with comments. The Chancellor may give or withhold his assent thereto or refer it back to the Senate for further consideration. The Statues passed by the Senate will be valid only if assented to by the Chancellor and come into force on the date of its publication in the Official Gazette or it comes into force on such date as the Chancellor may fix.
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Appropriate authorities of the University take decisions on issues. The decisions are taken in a scheduled meeting of the respective authorities. The decision taken is read over, recorded in the form of proceedings and minutes and communicated to all members, Government and the Chancellor of the University.
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CHAPTER-7 Norms set by Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences for discharge of its functions: Section 4 (1) (b) (iv): The University provides instructions and training in such branches of Medicines and Allied Sciences as are considered suitable and make provision for research and for dissemination of knowledge in health sciences. All these courses are approved to by apex bodies such as Medical Council of India, Dental Council of India, Central Council of Indian Medicine, Central Council of Homeopathy, Indian Nursing Council, and Pharmacy Council of India. These apex bodies frame regulations with prior approval of Central Government of India in all matters pertaining to Norms set for maintaining academic standards conduct of examination and affiliation of colleges. These regulations are brought on the ordinances of this University and meticulously followed.
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CHAPTER -8 The Rules, Regulations, Instructions, Manuals and Records by it under its control are used by its employees for discharging its functions.Section4 (1) (b)(v).
STATUTES 1. Statutes relating to rules of business of Senate, Syndicate, Academic Council 2. Statutes governing Constitution powers and functions of Finance Committee 3. Statutes relating to Election of authorities of the University. 4. Statutes relating to Constitution of Planning Board. 5. Statutes relating to appointment of Deans, Faculties, Board of Studies, Powers and Functions. 6. Statutes relating to prescription of fees. 7. Statutes relating to Convocation for award of Degrees. 8. Statutes relating to Reorganization of Institution other then colleges as Research Centers.
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9. Statutes governing grant of affiliation. 10. Statutes governing permanent affiliation. 11. Statutes governing Borrowing of Money. 12. Statutes relating to withdrawal of affiliation. 13. Statutes governing conferment of Title Professor Emeritus. 14. Statutes governing Intuition of Endowment for endowment lectuers, Fellowship, Studentship and Stipends, Medals and Prizes.
Ordinances: Having regard to Section 35 of RGUHS Act, 1994 and statutes The following ordinances have been framed and notified. 16. Ordinances relating to Curriculum, Course content,
Examination Scheme and allocation of marks in respect of each of Course conducted under Medical, Dental, Pharmacy, Nursing, Ayurveda, Sciences. Ordinance governing MBBS course. Homeopathy, Physiotherapy and Allied Health
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Ordinance governing MD/MS & Superspeciality courses. Ordinance governing BHMS course. Ordinance governing MD/MS & Superspeciality courses. Ordinance governing MD Homeopathy course. Ordinance governing BAMS course. Ordinance governing MD/MS Ayurveda course. Ordinance governing BUMS course. Ordinance governing MD Unani Medicine course. Ordinance governing BNYS course. Ordinance governing B.Pharm course. Ordinance governing M Pharm course. Ordinance governing B.Sc (Nursing Basic) course. Ordinance governing B.Sc (Nursing Post Certificate) course. Ordinance governing M.Sc (Nursing) course. Ordinance governing B P T course. Ordinance governing M P T course. Ordinance governing B.Sc (M.L.T) course. Ordinance governing M.Sc (M.L.T) course.
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Ordinance governing B.Sc (Radiography),(O T T), (Anaesthesia Tech.,), Cardiac Care Tech., (Perfusion Tech.,) (Neuro Science Tech.,), (Renal Dialysis Tech.,) and (Respiratory Care Tech.,)course. Ordinance governing Allied Health Sciences courses. Ordinance governing Master of Hospital Administration course. Ordinance governing Psycho-Social Rehabilitation course. Ordinance governing PG Diploma in Health Science Libraryship course Other Ordinances: i. Ordinance governing Double Valuation of Answer Scripts and Ordinance governing verification and retotaling. ii. Ordinance governing Malpractice of students disciplinary control. iii. Ordinance governing Malpractice and Lapses of examination staff and Non-Teaching employees. iv. Ordinance governing conduct of Re-examination in paper or papers whose answer scripts are lost, missing before announcement of results.
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v. Examination Manual prescribing the duties and responsibilities of officers, staff involved in examination work. iv. Ordinance governing Board of Appointment of Examiners. vii. Ordinance governing enrollment of candidates leading to Ph.D. viii. Ordinance governing enrollment for Fellowship Programme.
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Statement of categories and documents held. Section 4 (1) (b) (vi):
The University has been divided into various sections. Each such section maintains files, records, registers, admission statements, affiliation notifications question bank, ledger books of the examinations held, financial estimates, annual accounts and audited accounts of the University. Notifications of Statues, Ordinances and Rules Proceedings of the meetings of the Authorities Particulars of Institutions recognized for Research work and Fellowship Programme. PG Dissertations and Ph.D Thesis. List of candidates to whom degrees, diploma and academic distinction awarded.
4 8
Status report of Synopsis registration Particulars of faculty wise colleges affiliated List of books Published by the University Notifications of constituted authorities of the University. Library reference books and journals Particulars regarding Civil work carried. Data pertaining to litigations and legal issues. Registers of receipts of correspondence received and dispatched. Notifications of Examinations, Calendar of Events both academic and examination. Registers pertaining to data of Panel of Examiners and Question paper setters. Attendance Register of employees. Receipt Books Stock Registers of Stationery and other articles
4 9
Particulars of arrangement if any that exists for consultation with, or representation by, members of the public in relation to the formulation of its policy or implementation thereof: section 4 (1) (b)(vii)
The University has the various constituted authorities having specific functions. It is competent for the academic bodies to coopt and invite experts in specific subjects to scheduled meetings. It is competent for the Vice Chancellor to invite to any meeting of committee academic council persons having special knowledge and experience to take part in the discussions (however such invitees shall not vote upon any of the subjects considered in the meeting of the committee of academic council). Having regard to the provisions of Act, and statues experts Or specialists in any particular subject are invited Board of studies. The University conducts to participate seminars and in the scheduled meeting of committee of Academic council and
5 0
workshops and invites experts to participate before formulating new policies in specific cases.
5 1
CHAPTER 11 Statement of the Boards the Councils, Committees and other bodies consisting of two or more persons constituted as its part or for the purpose of its advice, and as to whether meetings of those boards, councils, committees and other bodies are open to the public, or the minutes of such meetings are accessible for public Section 4 (1) (b)(vii).
1. The Senate; 2. The Syndicate; 3. The Academic Council; 4. The Finance Committee; 5. The Planning Board; 6. The Faculties; 7. The Boards of Studies 8. The Board of Appointment of Examiners 9. Malpractice Enquiry Committee 10. Professional Misconduct Enquiry Committee
5 2
Directory of Officers:
Officers Dr. S. Ramananda Shetty Vice Chancellor Dr. Vasanth Kumar. S Registrar Registrar (Evaluation) Shri. Jameel Ahmed Khan Finance Officer Dr. G. V. Niranjan Director, Curriculum Development Shri. R. S. Venkatesh Special Officer Personal Section of V C Personal Section of Registrar Personal Section of Reg (Eva) Persoanl Section of Fin. Office Dr. Sreenivas Babu Deputy Registrar (Eva) section Dr. K. Jagadish, Prasaranga Section/PGET Deputy Registrar
Telephone (o)
Others /Fax
26961926 26961901 26961928 26961930 26961924 & 26961932 26961937 26961900 26961926 26961928 26961930 26961932 26961944 26961940
26961927 26961929 26961931 26961932 26961937 26961927 26961929 26961931 26961932 26961944
5 3
Shri. Ravindra Prasad H L Assistant Registrar (Eva) Shri. Srinivasa Rao Assistant Registrar EST, Sec., Shri. Suresh Babu, Affiliation & Admission section Assistant Registrar Dr. Pranesh Guddur Assistant Registrar, Syndicate Section Assistant Finance Officer Shri Venkateshappa Section Officer Dr. M. Chandrashekar, Public Relation Officer Shri. Vasant Shetty Asst. Registrar/ NSS Co-coordinator Smt. N. T. Sophia Assistant Director Physical Education. Shri. D. H Krishnamurthy Programmer Dr. Ramaraj Urs Librarian Shri. S. T. Dhananjay Kumar Assistant Executive Engineer
5 4
Smt. T.H. Rani Assistant Engineer Dr. K. S. Prasad, Assistant Registrar, Research & Development Dr. Shivaraya Prabhu Director, Eva Sec., Dr. Prashanth Bhat Asst., Reg., Eva Sec., Reception Others Medical Council of India, New Delhi. www.mciindia.org Dental Council of India, New Delhi. www.dciindia.org Central Council of Indian Medicine New Delhi. www.ccimindia.org Pharmacy Council of India New Delhi. Indian Nursing Council New Delhi. Association of Indian Universities, New
26961948 26961936
01125367033/35/ 36/37
0112536702 4/ 25 01101123238542/ 2323125 23236740 2 01101128520878/285 2852087 25847/285254 8 64 01101123239194/ 2323918 23231348 4 01123220075 01123062726 01101123236105 2323213
5 5
5 6
CHAPTER 13 The monthly remuneration received each of the officers of the RGUHS including the system of compensation as provided in its regulations, Section 4 (1) (b) (x)
Sl. No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Name Dr.S.Ramananda Shetty Dr. Vasantha Kumar . S Sri. Jameel Ahmed Khan Dr.Ramaraj Urs S T Dhananjaya Kumar Dr.G V Niranjan Srinivasa Murthy B S Smt.Bhagyalakshmi Dr.Sreenivasa Babu Dr. Jagadish K C Suresh Babu Dr.H C Ravi Dr.M.Chandrashekar Dr.Pranesh Gudur Dr.Shankaragowda B Sankadal Dr.K S Prasad Designation Vice Chancellor Registrar Finance Officer Librarian Asst. Exe. Engineer Director Asst.Registrar Programmer Deputy Registrar Deputy Registrar Asst.Registrar Asst.Registrar Deputy Registrar Asst.Registrar Asst.Registrar Asst.Registrar Present Total Salary (Rs.) 44950 41175 30419 31728 15148 31688 19027 15148 * * * * * 26439 * *
5 7
17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35
Dr.Prashanth Bhat T H Rani Shivaraya Prabhu Sophia D H Krishna Murthy Manjula K S Devaraj M Indhumathi Devi Sri Mohd. Maheboob Pasha Ravindraprasad H L Vasanth Shetty Somashekhara K Sanjeev Kumar.H Kumar.S.Lamani Ravi Pujar Amarnath B R Arun Kumar N Bharath Bhushan K H C.H.Rukmini
Asst.Registrar Asst.Engineer Asst. Director Asst. Director Programmer Audit Officer Accts.Superintenden t Accts.Superintenden t Accts.Superintenden t Asst.Registrar Asst.Registrar Junior Programmer Junior Programmer Junior Programmer Computer Operator Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant
* * * * * * * * * 18701 12176 12624 12624 12624 10932 8761 8761 8761 8761
5 8
36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
Channappa C Govind Harish B V Hemanth Rao C Jagadeeshwar Jaganath Hallikeri Jayadeva Urva Kempegowda M N Keshava Murthy H V Keshava Reddy.H Kiran K C Kumar K Lalita.P Lokesh H R Mahesh P Manchashetty Manjunath D S Ramesha.N.K Nagendra B H
Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant
8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 9261 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761
5 9
55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74
Nagesh.N Narasimha Naik Nehru K T Prabhushankar A P Prakash S Ramachandra Naik Ramaswamy K Ramesh H N Ravi G S Sanjeev Pujar Shankar K R Shankarnarayan B C Shivachandra Prakash Shivakumar L Sunanda Kavitha .S Nagarathna Y Shanthi M M Shobha Srinivas Shettigar
Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant
8761 8761 8761 8761 9336 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8761 8836 8761 8761 9261 9261 8761 9261 8761 8761
6 0
75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95
Thilak A G Vijayakumar S C Vijayakumar H Naik Yogegowda.S Lohit G Basavaraj K M Gangadhara Girish B V Jaimadegowda Jaya Kumar Jairam T N Mahadevaiah Manjula. Hammigi Nagaraj.N Nagaraju Nanjunda Ravi J H Satish.B Shanmukhaiah Shekhara Naik Shivaswamy S
Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant
8761 8836 8861 8761 7893 6327 6402 6327 7085 6327 6327 7160 3479 6327 6402 7085 6327 6327 6327 6327 6327
6 1
96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110
Siddalingaiah Smt.Chandrakala.T.S Meenakshi R Ashok P Hemanth Kumar B M Narasimha T C Rajkumar Gopal S R Lingegowda.K.C Narasimha D S Mahadevamma Manjula B Premavathi Yashodhamma.K Earanna
Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Junior Assistant Senior Driver Senior Driver Senior Driver Senior Driver Attender Attender Attender Attender Attender Attender Attender Peon
6327 6630 6327 8595 8715 8715 8095 6331 6331 6031 6031 6331 6331 5474 6331
*The salary of incumbents whose services are obtained on deputation basis from Government/Affiliated Colleges is fixed and paid on the basis of pay and allowances they were drawing immediately before deputation in the parent organisation. CHAPTER 14
6 2
The Budget allocated to each of its agency, indicating the particulars of plans, proposed expenditures and reports on disbursement made. Section 4 (1) (b)(xi) HIGHLIGHS OF BUDGET ESTIMATES FOR THE YEAR 2007-08 As per the budget estimates approved for the year 200708, the University has estimated to raise revenue of Rs. 63.23 crores. Some of the main items of receipts are as follows: SL NO 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. HEAD OF ACCOUNT Admission fee (non examination) Eligibility fee Registration fee Sports fee Affiliation fee (fresh) Affiliation fee (renewal) Examination fee Library and Information SCS AMOUNT Rs. in Lakhs 650.00 300.00 450.00 110.00 200.00 400.00 800.00 800.00
The major items of expenditure are as follows: SL NO 1. 2. 3. HEAD OF ACCOUNT Pay and allowances Administration charges Examination related expenses AMOUNT Rs. in Lakhs 225.00 636.00 1074.00
6 3
CHAPTER 15 The Manner of execution of including the amount allocated subsidy Programme and the details of
Not applicable
6 4
Particulars of recipients of concessions, permits or authorization granted by it, Section 4 (1) (b) (xiii) Not applicable
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CHAPTER 17 Details in respect of the information available to or held by it, reduced in a electronic form. Section 4 (1) (b)(xiv) Teachers data regarding eligible examiners List of examination centers List of observers and squad Examination Time Table Results of University examinations Particulars of Eligibility Certificate, Migration and NOC certificate
6 6
CHAPTER 18 The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information, including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use. Section 4 (1) (b)(xv) The information that needs to be displayed is provided on the website of the University; www.rguhs.ac.in No library or reading room provision has been made for public. Library facilities are available to teachers and students only.
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CHAPTER 19 The names and designation and other particulars of the Public Information Officers. Section 4 (1) (b)(xvi) General information regarding arrangements made consequent to to Information Right Act. The University has nominated the following officers as PIO and APIO. Dr. K. Jagadish, Deputy Registrar, of PGET and Incharge Director, Prasaranga, RGUHS, Bangalore. Address: Dr. B. Vasantha Shetty Public Information Officer Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Jayanagar 4th T Block, Bangalore 560 041. Tel Phone No. 26961934.
6 8
Shri. B.Vasanth Shetty, Assistant Registrar, Incharge of NSS & Estate Officer, RGUHS, Bangalore is nominated as APIO. Sri. Amjad Hussain Shri. Amjad Hussain, Assitant Public Information Officer Rajiv Gandhi University of Health Sciences, Jayanagar 4th T Block, Bangalore 560 041. Tel Phone No. 26961942. They have been authorized to receive application for information or appeal under this Act. The role of PIO and APIO has been clearly explained to them. Such of those who desire any information may approach them. The following officer has been nominated as the First Appellate authority under Section. 5(2) of Right to Information Act, 2005. Address: Dr. D Prem Kumar Registrar, First Appellate Authority Rajiv Gandhi University Sciences, Jayanagar 4th T Block, Bangalore 560 041. Telephone No: 26961928.
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Such other information as may be prescribed: Section 4 (1) (b)(xvii). Instead of seeking separate information from the University,
the general public may visit the web site of the University where the information is not access such information may be applied for as per the provisions of the Act. The Applications will receive attention they deserve, it is assured the specific information sought for will be provided. Where the information sought to be provided is priced publication the general public is requested to obtain the same on payment and cooperate. With a view to maintain confidentiality in the matters of conducting university Examinations, certain information relating to the conduct of examination is kept beyond access, general public is requested to appreciate.
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