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Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146

DOI 10.1007/s12518-010-0029-6


Basics of geomatics
Mario A. Gomarasca

Published online: 27 July 2010

# The Author(s) 2010. This article is published with open access at

Abstract This paper presents the volume Basics of tispectral and hyperspectral remote sensing from airplane
Geomatics (Springer, ISBN 978-1-4020-9013-4). The and satellite, with images both passive optical and active
volume introduces in a systematic way the complex topics microwave (radar) at different geometric, spectral, radio-
and techniques that can be assembled under Geospatial metric, and temporal resolutions, although there is still only
Information, namely, geodesy, cartography, photogramme- limited awareness of how to use all the available potential
try, remote sensing, informatics, acquisition systems, global correctly. The resulting data and information are repre-
positioning systems, digital image processing, geographic sented in digital and numerical layers managed in Geo-
information systems, decision support systems, and Web- graphical Information Systems and Decision Support
GIS. It describes in detail and at an accessible level the state Systems, often based on the development of Expert
of current knowledge. As such, it will serve as a working Systems.
tool not only to geoscientists and geographers but also to Such a large amount of data must necessarily be
engineers, architects, computer scientists, urban planners, organized, processed, handled, and used without delay for
specialists in geographical information system, remote a correct representation of the territorial situation.
sensing, forestry, agricultural science, soil science geome- These elements must be processed in an interdisciplinary
try, environmental scientists, and managers. Applications and interoperable manner, and the discipline of geomatics
can be found in security, risk management, monitoring, (geos: Earth, matics: informatics) can satisfy such
infomobility, geopositioning, food traceability, etc. requirements.
The term geomatics was created at Laval University in
Canada in the early 1980s, based on the concept that the
Introduction increasing potential of electronic computing was revolu-
tionizing surveys and representation sciences and that the
This paper presents the volume Basics of Geomatics use of computerized design (video diagram) was compat-
(Springer, ISBN 978-1-4020-9013-4). ible with the treatment of huge amounts of data. That
From classical geography, scientific activities in Earth period's revolutionary intuition was based on the geograph-
Observation have undergone a rapid expansion, and more ical location of each object on our planet.
and more economic sectors tend to employ territorial data Geomatics is defined as a systemic, multidisciplinary,
acquired by ground survey, global satellite positioning integrated approach to selecting the instruments and the
systems, traditional and digital photogrammetry, and mul- appropriate techniques for collecting, storing, integrating,
modeling, analyzing, retrieving at will, transforming,
displaying, and distributing spatially georeferenced data
M. A. Gomarasca (*) from different sources with well-defined accuracy charac-
National Research Council of Italy, teristics and continuity in a digital format.
Institute for the Electromagnetic Sensing of the Environment,
Erected on the scientific framework of geodesy, it uses
Via Bassini 15,
20133 Milan, Italy terrestrial, marine, airborne, and satellite-based sensors to
e-mail: acquire spatial and other data.
138 Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146

Some initiatives are presently developing worldwide Altimetry: to determine the height of the points on
using geomatics disciplines and techniques for the regula- the Earth's surface with respect to the geoid surface
tion of GeoSpatial Information or more simply Geo- Tachymetry: for the planimetric and altimetric
Information and for the adequate use of Earth survey of the Earth's surface zones
Observation data for studying and managing environmental Land surveying: to measure areas, move and
hazards and risks. rectify borders, and level zones of the Earths
Several countries, following common fundamental physical surface
guidelines and procedures, are developing a Spatial Data
& Cartography: to supply a possible description of the
Infrastructure. At planet level, the dream is to realize a
shape and dimension of the Earth and its natural and
Global Spatial Data Infrastructure (GSDI) capable of
artificial details, by means of graphical or numerical
managing heterogeneous sets of data and to overcome the
representation of more or less wide areas, following
chronic absence of interoperability among databases. This
fixed rules
goal can be reached by implementing several SDIs at the
& Photogrammetry: to determine the position and shapes
local, national, and continental level and harmonizing them
of the objects by measuring them on photographic
in a global context.
One practical example is represented by the Infrastruc-
& Remote sensing: to remotely acquire territorial and
ture for Spatial Information in the European Community, a
environmental data and to combine methods and
European Union Directive that entered into force on May
techniques for subsequent processing and interpretation
15, 2007.
(this definition also fits digital photogrammetry)
Other initiatives promote the collective effort for a better
& Global positioning system (GPS): to provide the three-
Earth environment, by increasing our understanding of the
dimensional position of fixed or moving objects, in
Earth's dynamic processes and enhancing forecasts of our
space and time, all over the Earth's surface, under any
environmental conditions. The Group on Earth Observations
meteorological conditions and in real time
was formed to undertake this global effort, and the Global
& Laser scanning system: to locate objects and measure their
Earth Observation System of Systems (GEOSS) was estab-
distance by means of the incident radiation in the optical
lished on February 16, 2005, with the scope of addressing all
frequencies (0.315 m) of the electromagnetic spectrum
nations involved to produce and to manage their information
& Geographical information system (GIS): to make use of
in a way that benefits the environment as well as humanity
a powerful combination of instruments capable of
by taking the pulse of the planet.
receiving, recording, recalling, transforming, represent-
As an example, the European initiative Global Monitoring
ing, and processing georeferenced spatial data
for Environment and Security is intended to propose solutions
& Decision support system (DSS): to implement complex
for an articulate, centrally coordinated system for risk
geographical information systems meant to create
management at a European level, contributing to GEOSS.
possible scenarios by modeling the ground truth and
The disciplines and techniques constituting geomatics
to offer a set of solutions to the decision maker
& Expert system: to consider instruments capable of
& Computer science: to represent and process applicable imitating the experts' cognitive processes and their
information through the development of technological ability to manage the complexity of reality by means
instruments (i.e., hardware) and of methods, models, of interdependent processes of abstraction, generaliza-
and systems (i.e., software) tion, and approximation
& Geodesy: to determine the shape and size of the Earth; it & WebGIS: to distribute geographic data remotely stored
defines on the one hand the surface of reference in its on dedicated machines for databases, according to
complete form, the geoid, as well as in its simplified complex network architectures
form, the ellipsoid, and on the other hand the external & Ontology: to specify a conceptuality, i.e., the description
gravitational field as a function of time of concepts and relationships existing for an element or
& Topography: started with and part of geodesy, this is a among various elements of a group, entity, or class;
combination of procedures for direct land survey. conceptualization is an abstract simplified vision of the
Topography is a combination of methods and instru- world to be represented for a given application
ments to comprehensively measure and represent details
of the Earths surface:
Computer science
Planimetry: to determine the relative positions of
the representation of points on the Earths surface Computer science culture is now widespread, not only as
with respect to the same reference surface regards technical instruments but also as regards methods,
Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146 139

models, and systems that contribute to improving activities same letters. Data are the basis of information and in
and research. Informatics, as a discipline, comprises both general represent the measure of the external world. Only
the computer technology, i.e., hardware or the physical an expert system (whether human or not) is able to convert
components, and software, that is to say the way in which data into information, by reading it according to established
information is structured and elaborated. rules. The acquisition of information goes via a cognitive
The important role of information is derived from process based on data.
man's necessity to manage more and more numerous and In regard to geomatics, the following are a few possible
complex data in every field. The scientific aspect of examples:
informatics is emphasized by the systematic, rigorous
& A raw satellite image represents the data and any
elaboration of information and its increasingly sophisti-
finalized elaboration of it generates information (the-
cated automation.
matic images, topographical maps).
The human brain constantly elaborates data through both
& GPS data are a measure of time; the derived information
simple and complex cognitive processes, often without any
is a position in space.
apparent effort. Every action is the result of a more or less
& Records of an electronic archive or database are data;
complex elaboration by inputting continuously updated
the answer to a query using data in a database generates
data, which are elaborated or simply stored for subsequent
processing and then released as output data or information.
A close relationship exists between the possibility of
data representation and data processing; human thinking is
a form of calculation, and our mind outlines the truth Geodesy and cartography
through symbols and ideas. When a problem exceeds a
certain degree of complexity and speed is of the essence, Representing the Earth in a synthetic and exhaustive
then human elaboration processes become problematic and, way and as accurately as possible has been a great
in some cases, cannot even be implemented. challenge for researchers since ancient times. In various
The Association for Computing Machinery, an organiza- ways and in line with the knowledge of the time,
tion for informatics researchers and professionals, has historical documentation presents geographic and terri-
issued the following definition to underline the planning torial information using different media and picturesque
and developing stages in any informatics activity: techniques.
The maps are numericalgraphical products where the
systematic study of the algorithms which describe
measure and understanding of a territory are synthetically
and transform information: their theory, analysis,
reported. Nowadays, they are generally assembled with
plan, efficiency, realization and application
restitution procedures of aerial photogrammetry, providing
Algorithms are precise sequences of comprehensible a representation of the territory at a defined reduction scale,
operations, performable by an automatic instrument. Sys- including planimetric details and shapes, and altimetric
tems for automatic data elaboration are the result of a long attributes.
process of evolution of elementary instruments for mechan- Synthetically speaking, cartography can be defined as
ical storage, invented by humans, in order to simplify the the representation of the Earth's surface based on specific
performance of calculations, from abacuses to the more rules. The International Association of Cartography (the
recent mechanical calculators. world-leading institution for cartography, defined as a
Current general-purpose devices may store sets of data, discipline dealing with the conception, production, distri-
operations, and instructions, and they may perform such bution, and study of maps) has supplied the following
operations in succession, independently by working on definition:
data. Programs define the sequence of operations to be
A map is a symbolised image of geographic reality,
performed by expressing them in a language interpretable
representing selected features or characteristics,
by the calculator.
resulting from the creative effort of its author's
choices, and it is designed for use when spatial
Data and information
relationships are of primary relevance (Sept. 1995).
The two terms data and information are often used Cartography takes advantage of traditional domains such
synonymously, while their individual meaning is in reality as physics, geometry, design, geography, engineering, with
deeply different. The substantial distinction between them the addition, during the last century, of methodological
is comparable to the difference between an apparently statistics and electronic numerical calculation for the
disorganized set of letters and a word assembled with the rigorous elaboration of the data.
140 Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146

Cartography also has a direct relationship with other & Gravimetry, for the determination of the Earth's gravity
disciplines for measuring and representing the physical and its anomalies; the Earths gravity determines the
surface of our planet from its extensive complexity to its shape of the Earth, and the geoid is the equipotential
smaller detail: geodesy and topography. The relationships surface of the gravitational field
among these disciplines are shown in Fig. 1. & Positioning astronomy, for determining the position of the
Geodesy is the science which defines the shape and points on the globe through the observation of stars and
dimensions of the Earth through its two branches: artificial satellites, referring to the laws of celestial mechanics

Fig. 1 Relationship among the most relevant elements of geomatics

Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146 141

Topography (topo: place, graphia: writing) deals with photogrammetry with high-resolution satellite data invites
the graphical and metric description of sites on the Earth's us to reconsider the traditional approach of the central
physical surface features. This discipline was defined as perspective, while moving its formalisms towards more
practical geometry until the eighteenth century to indicate complex projective geometries that are more connected
its operating characteristics of survey and subsequent with the acquisition methods of satellite imagery and new
representation of the territory. aero-photogrammetric digital cameras. The rigorous recon-
Photogrammetry, introduced in the nineteenth century, struction of the geometric correspondence between image
and remote sensing, introduced since the early 1970s, and object at the moment of acquisition remains the
complete the picture. primary scope of photogrammetry.
Attention should be drawn to the use of the terms
representation and projection of the planet Earth, which is a
complex system that cannot be replaced with a geometric Remote sensing
figure. It would be more correct to say representation on a
plane of the reference surface rather than projection of the Remote sensing includes techniques to derive information
Earth. The representation of curved surfaces on a plane from a site at a known distance from the sensor. In passive
involves stretching, shrinking, and tearing, resulting in remote sensing, the source of information is scattered and/
interruptions. or absorbed solar and emitted thermal radiation, which
As a matter of fact, by applying the simple laws of allows us to study and characterize objects through their
projective geometry, an area of the Earths surface is spectrally variable response. Every element on the Earth
considered projected from a particular point of view using reflects, absorbs, and transmits part of an incident radiation
the three basic projection surfaces, plane, cylinder, or cone, to different percentages according to its structural, chemi-
in the so-called geometric projections. cal, and chromatic qualities. Electromagnetic radiance is the
information reaching a sensor from the objects located on
the Earth.
Photogrammetry (analogical, analytical, digital) If in passive remote sensing the Sun is the most familiar
source of energy, in active remote sensing, the sensor itself
Photogrammetry is defined as the process of deriving is at the same time emitter and receiver of electromagnetic
metric information about an object through measurements energy. The principle used by the latter is the Radio
of the object made on photographs, leaving to photointer- Detection And Ranging effect and the palindrome well
pretation (by human visual analysis) the task to obtain portrays the idea of emission and successive recording of
qualitative information (human experience remains a the returning signal (backscattering) for determining the
determinant factor). distance by means of electromagnetic waves with wave-
With the introduction of technologies for image data length between 1 mm and 1 m (microwaves).
acquisition from space in a wider region of the electromag- In common parlance, remote sensing, Tldtection
netic spectrum, the meaning of photogrammetry and (French), Fernerkundung (German), Perception Remota
photointerpretation has been extended to comprise remote (Spanish), Sensoriamento Remoto (Portuguese), and Tele-
sensing, moving from classical photointerpretation to the rilevamento (Italian), indicates both the acquisition from a
use of digital image processing in addition to human distance of qualitative and quantitative information
interpretation and applying computer analysis techniques concerning any site and the environment and the combina-
to imagery besides photography. tion of methods and techniques for subsequent elaboration
A widely accepted definition of photogrammetry and and interpretation. If the acquisition occurs from a short
remote sensing is the following: distance, the term proximal sensing is used.
The combination of measurable parameters from satel-
Art, science and technology to obtain valid informa-
lites and airplanes is widespread and applications of remote
tion about physical objects and the environment,
sensing in environmental sciences are scattered throughout
through the processes of collection, measure and
the studies of biology, geochemistry, geology, mineral
interpretation of images (photographic or digital) and
exploration, geomorphology, lithology, hydrology, ocean-
analog or digital representation of the models of
ography, geobotany, classification of agricultural and
electromagnetic energy derived from survey systems
forestry resources, environmental pollution, urban planning,
(photographic cameras or scanning systems), without
risk management, permanent land monitoring, just to
contact with the objects.
mention a few.
Traditional and digital photogrammetries are both based Remote sensing does not collect direct information on
on the same fundamental principles. The tendency to use the environment so the electromagnetic information must
142 Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146

be converted into estimates of chemical, biological, and WGS84, the geocentric coordinates can be directly con-
physical variables through the creation of appropriate verted by the receiver into other reference systems,
multidisciplinary models. The success or failure of remote supplying a three-dimensional positioning (3D).
sensing in estimating environmental alterations thus Defining the position of a point is possible by calculating
depends on models and algorithms developed and used to the distance between satellites and receiver, indirectly
extract environmental parameters from the continuum of determined through measures of time or phase by exploit-
collected opticalspectral data from the sensors and on ing the different characteristics of the signal emitted by the
comparison with surface reference data assessment. satellites and received by the receiver. The nature of such
The collection and distribution of information relate to signals is defined from the positioning system of reference.
the development of sensor specifications, data transmission, Two functioning constellations of positioning satellites,
and data processing. Sensors supply remote measures, planned and launched in orbit during the 1970s and 1980s
basically observing the spectral behavior of the objects in by the two former political blocs (USA and USSR),
the visible, infrared, and microwave electromagnetic inter- currently guarantee position measurements:
vals; such measures are used to indirectly adduce the
& American system NAVSTAR GPS, NAVigation Satellite
structure of territorial elements or to survey some physical
Timing And Ranging Global Positioning System
characteristics, like the temperature or spatial distribution of
& GLONASS, Global' naya Navigatsionnaya Sputniko-
an element. In this regard, far remote sensing permits a
vaya Sistema, currently managed by Russia
qualitative and descriptive analysis of the images and,
under defined conditions, a quantitative, automatic analysis. Europe is also working on an alternative constellation for
Despite the many limitations of remote sensing, a global positioning with the aim of reducing dependence on
considerable increase has been witnessed both in the American and Russian systems and to produce a more
number of missions and in the achievable geometric, modern, reliable, and multifunctional system with wide
temporal, radiometric, and spectral resolutions, which have strategic and economic benefits.
enhanced its role in territorial planning, in managing land On July 19, 1999, the Council of Europe adopted a
resources, and in monitoring environmental dynamic resolution to get the Galileo system underway in cooper-
processes. ation with the European Space Agency. This system is
Satellite data concerning the same area are collected in a planned to have complete complementarity with the
period that may vary from a few hours to some weeks. This existing GPS and GLONASS systems.
provides the possibility to deliver an updated thematic
cartography, where the only limit is represented by the Laser scanning
geometric resolution of sensors with respect to the
geometric precision of a map. Among other survey disciplines, the laser scanning tech-
nique is particularly significant, as it is characterized by the
ability to produce complete information and achieve high
Global satellite positioning systems precision and by a considerable level of automation and
The positioning systems applied to points on the Earth's
Starting from a laser source, fixed or in motion,
surface have found practical application in topography and
ground based or aerial, through the polar detection of
cartography, after their initial specific utilization in the field
a very large number of points surrounding the laser
of ship navigation.
source and the radiometric measure of each of them,
They allow the three-dimensional positioning of static
it is possible to recreate, nearly continuously, the
or moving objects in space and time, in every place on
three-dimensional image of the object or the surface
the globe, under all meteorological conditions, and
of interest.
They are based on the reception of radiofrequency The laser scanning techniques therefore represent a
signals emitted from artificial telecommunication satellites. meaningful evolution of some aspects of photogrammetry,
The ground station must be equipped with an antenna and a directly supplying a three-dimensional surface model,
receiver: their degree of complexity and cost depend on the traditionally obtained from the stereoscopic elaboration of
measurement level of accuracy needed to determine bidimensional images, thereby reducing the involvement
geocentric coordinates (WGS84) of any point on the Earth's of expert interpreters and approaching the total automation
surface. of the process.
If we know the geocentric position of the satellites, Technology and computer science aspects characterize
whose orbits are referred to the geocentric reference system this technique, which offers multiple applications in ground
Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146 143

and aerial surveys. Its weakness is represented by the Spatial interrelations with each other that describe how
complex and at present ill-defined filtering operations they are linked together (topology describing space and
necessary to reduce and to select the enormous amount of spatial properties; Burrough 1997)
data collected by the laser system and necessary to recreate
the digital surface models.
Decision support systems and expert systems
Geographical information systems
Cowen's statement leads to a powerful evolution of the GIS,
developing in DSS.
As software for the management and manipulation of
A synthesis of Burrough's and Cowen's statements can
geographic data, the GIS appeared in the computer
successfully summarize the evolution of the geographical
market in the mid-1960s. Progress in the field of GIS
information systems:
software has been rather slow in comparison with the
information systems used for commercial or financial A Decision Support System (DSS) is a powerful set of
data. The delayed introduction of the GIS in the market tools for collecting, storing, retrieving at will,
can be explained by the fact that the data and processing, transforming and displaying georefer-
information to be stored in such systems are more enced spatial data in adequate scenarios of the real
complex and difficult to process compared to other types world so as to supply the decision makers with
of non-geographical information systems. Geospatial objective elements of evaluation of environmental
information, or geoinformation, in fact concerns phe- problems.
nomena referenced in planimetry and in altimetry, which
are strongly interrelated. The widespread rapid diffusion By using DSS, one must be in a position to prevent and
of GIS starting in the 1990s has enormously increased foresee territorial and environmental phenomena and to
retrieval, elaboration, and analysis capabilities of avail- explore several scenarios to obtain an overview of their
able data stored in the archives of public administrations, possible consequences. For example, the ability to foresee
agencies, and research institutes that are fundamental for when a volcanic eruption or a flood event may happen, its
studying and planning the real world. intensity, and the extension of the area involved, may be
A GIS (in French: Sistme d'Information Gographique, useful in the definition of a plan for evacuating the
SIG; in German: Geographisches Informationssystem; in population.
Italian: Sistema Informativo Geografico) can be defined by
focusing on the tool-base (Burrough), the organizational
(Cowen), or the spatial database (Aronoff) aspects: Spatial information
& Burrough (1986) first defined the GIS as a powerful set
With the constitution of the GSDI Association, formally
of tools for collecting, storing, retrieving at will, trans-
founded in July 2003, the term spatial data information was
forming and displaying spatial data from the real world.
officially introduced as information related to the terrestrial
& Cowen (1988) defined a GIS as a Decision Support
globe in three-dimensional space.
System involving the integration of referenced spatial
The purpose of the GSDI organization is to promote
data in a problem solving environment.
international cooperation and collaboration in support of local,
& Aronoff (1989) considered the GIS as any manual or
national, and international spatial data infrastructure develop-
computer based set of procedures, used to store and
ments that will allow nations to better address social,
manipulate geographically referenced data.
economic, and environmental issues of pressing importance.
& Burrough (1997), again, defined the GIS as a powerful
However, some terminological nuances still remain. The
set of tools for collecting, storing, retrieving at will,
common definition geographic information is used to
transforming and displaying spatial data from the real
indicate everything concerning the three-dimensional posi-
world for a particular set of purposes.
tioning and georeferencing of objects on our planet.
The tool-base definition considers that geographic (or In some cases, the terms territorial information and
spatial) data represent phenomena from the real world in terms geographic information are used as synonyms, although
of: their different cultural backgrounds imply a distinction.
Geographic and territorial cultures are substantially
Position with respect to a known coordinate system different because of their humanistic or scientific approach,
Attributes when unrelated to position (name, age, a distinction that still exists in some countries as between
height, etc.) human geography and measurement of the territory.
144 Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146

This difference is also reflected in expressions such as Such a location must not be interpreted as the position of
territorial information system and GIS, although the term a place only; rather, it must encompass the concepts of
GIS is accepted worldwide. distribution, association, and spatial specialization. In this
In this volume, reference will often be made to Geo- way, distance can be not only metrical but also temporal,
Spatial Information as a good definition of the space we economical, and social.
live in, increasingly measured, described, and represented
in its three dimensions.

Geography A brief section is devoted to ontology in this volume and in

this chapter because of the growing interest it is attracting
Geography possesses an intrinsic specificity and an especially within the spatial information domain and
epistemological autonomy such as to offer valid tools for because of its role in contributing to ordering terminologies
an understanding of the real world. and definitions often inadequately used as a consequence of
The study of geography extends to a vast range of the rapid development of geomatics.
natural anthropical phenomena. Geography, in fact, based The term ontology is often controversial in discussions
on the findings of physical and human sciences, performs of artificial intelligence. It dates back to the early stages of
an interpretative synthesis in order to analyze relationships, philosophy, with particular reference to the view of science
causes, effects, and evolutionary tendencies. as a historical fact and as an expression of human
Geography is a qualifying and constructive means to rationality. Ontology is very often confused with episte-
achieve correct environmental and territorial policies mology, and it is therefore worth explaining the philosoph-
(Fig. 2). ical meaning of the two terms:
Anthropic geography studies the condition of humans on
& Epistemology: the study of nature and of the value of
the territory and the relationships between organized human
scientific knowledge, sustained by critical examination
societies and natural environments, in the planetary geo-
& Ontology: also known as metaphysics, i.e., a philosoph-
system and in each ecosystem at different scales. Percep-
ical doctrine related to the universal characters of the
tions, interactions, hierarchies, and different developments
Supreme Being (God), corresponding to the older
correspond to each of these; the location of whatever
Aristotle's first philosophy. Ontology is the specification
phenomenon cannot therefore be confined to an absolute
of conceptuality and the description of concepts and the
analysis; rather, it must be seen in relation to increasing
relationships existing for an element or between
radius situations.
elements of a group, entity, or class
The common denominator, of those who ventured into
these thought traditions, is the account of theories of
knowledge dealing with the history of scientific knowledge
and with the development and consequent impact on
society and the planet.
What is the role of ontology in geomatics? Ontology in
geomatics implies the definition of different ontologies
involved with sharing and reusing knowledge, so as to help
define ontological assumptions.
An ontological assumption is the agreement to use a
dictionary (asking questions and making statements) in a
consistent but incomplete way, in comparison with the
theory specified by ontology. Some elements reflect preset
ontological principles. Sharing knowledge with and among
these elements is possible thanks to the implemented
The formal representation of knowledge is based on
conceptualization: on the one hand, there are objects,
concepts, and other entities assumed to exist in a certain
domain of interest, while on the other hand we have the
Fig. 2 The wheel of geography relationships established among them. The conceptualiza-
Appl Geomat (2010) 2:137146 145

tion is an abstract, simplified vision of the world that we Only later did other differentiations occur at the
wish to represent for a certain purpose. Every basic element European level.
of knowledge, every system based on knowledge, and The development of survey disciplines has progressed
every expert system is driven by an explicit or implicit rapidly over recent decades: from spatial geodesy to
conceptualization. precision topography, from photogrammetry to remote
In artificial intelligence, what exists can also be sensing, and from numerical cartography to the processing
represented. When knowledge within a certain domain is of observations and to the GIS, DSS, and expert systems.
represented in a descriptive formalism, the group of objects Cartographic institutions have taken upon themselves
to be represented is defined as universe of discourse. A official responsibility, increasingly extended, for the prob-
dictionary is used to describe the relationships among lem of quality certification (in survey and in projection).
objects belonging to the same group, which is also used to The professional prospects for the expert in surveying
represent knowledge itself by means of a program based on and monitoring are therefore growing continuously and
knowledge. progressively. The professional profile of the geomatics
In the context of artificial intelligence, it is possible to expert is rapidly emerging, and this may correspond to a
describe the ontology of a program by defining a group of job opportunity if adequately supported by high-quality
representative terms for that application. In such an ontology, education and training.
definitions associate the names of entities in the universe of
discourse (for example, classes, relationships, functions, other Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Creative
objects, etc.) with a descriptive text showing the exact Commons Attribution Noncommercial License which permits any
meaning of the terms, assuming formal axioms or limiting noncommercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium,
possible interpretations and use of such terms. provided the original author(s) and source are credited.
From a formal point of view, ontology is the definition
of a logical theory.
The simplest example of ontology is the hierarchical References
taxonomic definition of classes in a legend (i.e., CORINE
land cover). Annoni A (2003) INSPIRE: infrastructure of spatial information in
Europe. In: 9th EC GIS&GI A Coruna, Espana, 2527 June 2003
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development. In: Gomarasca MA (ed) Proceedings of the 27th
The geomatics expert EARSeL Symposium GeoInformation in Europe. Millpress,
Netherlands, pp 3320. ISBN 9789059660618
Aronoff S (1989) Geographic information systems: a management
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the complementarity, the integration, and the synergy Burrough PA (1986) Principles of geographical information systems
among the disciplines and techniques characterizing it have for land resources assessment. Clarendon, Oxford
recently led to the characterization of a new professional Burrough PA (2000) Principles of geographical information systems,
spatial information systems and geostatistics. Claredon, Oxford,
profile: the Geomatics Expert. p 306 pp
A similar professional profile already existed in North Commission of the European Communities (2007) INSPIRE Direc-
America at the beginning of the 1980s, whence it and tive, 2007/2/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council
progressively circulated in Europe and worldwide. It is on March 14 establishing an infrastructure for spatial information
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