Task 2
Task 2
Task 2
The teacher said and stretch ssssss. Repeat with the teacher. Making more moving in the
Keep your teeth together and ssssss. activity because some student
feel board.
Hold up the picture sound cards of the Say the words related to the
pictures opposite, in turn. Stretch the picture they saw.
sound at the start she says the name of
each picture: ssssnake, ssssnail,
sssssspider, ssssun.
Say words with sound S.
The teacher repeat, mixing up the
pictures, until the children are fluent.
Hearing the Sound in the initial
Playing song of sound S The student get attention with It was very active and all student
the song of sound S, then they like the song time they feel more
classify from the song words active and like the song.
start with letter S, and say it
many times.
The teacher hold the snake picture on The students observe the Some student feel board when
the board, the snake was look like the teacher then they try it in their the wait or finish their turn
letter S. the teacher start moving up her own by do it after her.
pin on the snake and she got letter s,
while she were write she were giving
instructions like; start putting the pin in
right said then move it like half circle.