Budget of Work Music 3

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Department of Education

Region X Northern Mindanao

Division of Cagayan de Oro City
East I District
Gusa, Cagayan de Oro City


Number of
Learning Competencies Code Date
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Days
Grade 3
Music Gr.3 UNIT 1

I. RHYTHM demonstrates performs simple relates images with sound MU3RH-Ia-1

Sound and understanding ostinato and silence within a rhythmic
Silence of sound and patterns/simple pattern
Steady Beats silence, steady rhythmic maintains a steady beat MU3RH-Ib-h-2
Simple beats and accompaniments when chanting, walking,
Rhythmic rhythmic on classroom tapping, clapping, and
Pattern patterns instruments and playing musical instruments
Ostinato other sound sources claps, taps, chants, walks, MU3RH-Ia-c-3
to a given song and plays musical instruments
sings songs with in response to sound with the
correct rhythm correct rhythm
o in measures of 2s, 3s,
and 4s
o echo clapping
o marching
o dancing the waltz
claps the written stick MU3RH-Id-4
notation on the board
representing the sound heard

plays simple ostinato patterns MU3RH-Id-h-5

with classroom instruments
and other sound sources
Number of
Learning Competencies Code Date
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Days
Grade 3

creates simple ostinato MU3RH-Ie-6

patterns in measures of 2s, 3s,
and 4s through body

creates ostinato patterns in MU3RH-If-7

different meters using
combination of different
sound sources
Music Gr.3 UNIT 2

II. MELODY demonstrates sings the melody of identifies the pitch of a tone MU3ME-IIa-1
Pitch understanding a song with as:
Melodic Lines of the accurate pitch o high higher
Melodic concepts of o moderately high
Patter melody higher
ns and through singing o moderately low lower
Contour and playing o low lower
musical matches the correct pitch of MU3ME-IIa-2
instruments tones
o with the voice
o with an instrument
relates movements with levels MU3ME-IIb-3
of pitch
matches the voice with the MU3ME-IIb-4
pitches of a melody MU3ME-IIc-4

recreates simple patterns and MU3ME-IIb-5

contour of a melody
Number of
Learning Competencies Code Date
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Days
Grade 3
sings entire simple songs with MU3ME-IIc-6
accurate pitch
o Favorite Childrens
Do Re Mi
What Can We Do
o Folksongs
Manang Biday
Atin Cu Pung

III. FORM demonstrates performs a chosen identifies the beginning, MU3FO-IId-1

Musical Lines understanding song showing the middle, and ending of a song
Musical of the basic basic concepts of identifies musical lines as MU3FO-IId-2
Beginning, concepts of musical lines, o similar
Middle, and musical form beginnings, endings o same
End and repeats through o different
Repeats in body movements through movements and
music geometric shapes or objects
recognizes repetitions within a MU3FO-IId-3
sings repetitions of musical MU3FO-IIe-4
lines independently
plays repetitions of musical MU3FO-IIf-5
renders a song confidently, MU3FO-IIg-h-6
giving appropriate emphasis
on the beginning and on the

Music Gr.3 UNIT 3

IV. TIMBRE demonstrates applies vocal recognizes differences in MU3TB-IIIa-1

Voice understanding techniques in singing to sound quality coming from a
Number of
Learning Competencies Code Date
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Days
Grade 3
Production of the produce a pleasing variety of sound sources
Techniques concepts of vocal quality:
Variation in timbre o using head tones
Sound o employing proper responds to differences in MU3TB-IIIa-2
Quality breathing sound quality with
o Similar o using the appropriate movement
o Differ diaphragm recognizes musical MU3TB-IIIb-3
ent instruments through sound
Introduction identifies and compares the MU3TB-IIIb-4
to Musical voices of:
Instruments o classmates as they sing
or speak
o selected popular
singers in recordings
compares the use of the MU3TB-IIIb-5
voice in speaking and in
uses the voice and other MU3TB-IIIc-6
sources of sound to produce
a variety of timbres
v. DYNAMICS demonstrates sings songs with interprets the dynamics of a MU3DY-IIId-1
Volume of understanding proper dynamics song through body
Sound in of the following basic movements
Music concepts of conducting gestures o small movement soft
Conducting dynamics and o big movement loud
and responds to distinguishes loud, MU3DY-IIId-2
Dynamics conducting medium, and soft in
gestures using music
symbols relates dynamics to the MU3DY-IIId-3
indicating movements of animals
variances in e.g.
dynamics o elephant walking
o mice scurrying soft
uses terms loud, medium, MU3DY-IIIe-4
and soft (louder, softer) to
identify changes and
Number of
Learning Competencies Code Date
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Days
Grade 3
variations in volume

responds to conducting MU3DY-IIIe-h-5

gestures of the teacher for
loud and soft
o Teachers palm down
means soft and palm
up means loud.
o Hands moving farther
from each other mean
sound becomes
uses varied dynamics to MU3DY-IIIf-h-6
enhance poetry, chants,
drama, songs and musical

Music Gr.3 UNIT 4

V. TEMPO demonstrates enhances mimics animal movements MU3TP-IVa-1

Speed of understanding performance of according to speed
Sound in of the poetry, chants, o horse fast
Music concepts of drama, and musical o carabao slow
o Fast tempo in order stories using a o turtle slow
o Slow to respond to variety of tempo o rabbit - fast
Conducting conducting o dog fast
and Tempo symbols
indicating sings songs with proper tempo MU3TP-IVa-2
variations in following basic conducting
tempo gestures
Number of
Learning Competencies Code Date
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Days
Grade 3
relates movement to MU3TP-IVb-3
changes and variations in

responds with movement to MU3TP-IVb-c-4

tempo changes
o (i.e. doing locomotor
and non-locomotor
movements) to a
variety of tempo in
recorded music

distinguishes among fast, MU3TP-IVb-5

moderate, and slow in music

uses the terms: fast, MU3TP-IVb-6

moderate, and slow, (faster,
slower etc.) to identify tempo
changes and variations

sings songs with designated MU3TP-IVa-c-7

o Lullaby slow
o Joyful songs fast

Music Gr.3 UNIT 4

Number of
Learning Competencies Code Date
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Days
Grade 3
VI. TEXTURE demonstrates sings demonstrates the concept of MU3TX-IVd-f-1
Single understanding o two-part rounds texture by singing two-part
Melodic Line of the o partner songs rounds
or concepts of e.g.
Simultaneous texture o Are You Sleeping, Brother
Occurrence John?
of Multiple o Row, Row, Row Your
Melodic Lines Boat
Distinction o Musika Ay Di Kukupas
Between demonstrates the concept of MU3TX-IVd-f-2
Thinness and texture by singing partner
Thickness in songs
Music e.g.
o Leron, Leron Sinta
o Ten Little Indians
Hes Got the Whole
World in His Hands
distinguishes between single MU3TX-IVd-f-3
musical line and multiple
musical lines which occur
distinguishes between MU3TX-IVg-h-4
thinness and thickness of
musical sound

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