Budget of Work Music 3
Budget of Work Music 3
Budget of Work Music 3
Number of
Learning Competencies Code Date
Content Content Standards Performance Standards Days
Grade 3
Music Gr.3 UNIT 1
II. MELODY demonstrates sings the melody of identifies the pitch of a tone MU3ME-IIa-1
Pitch understanding a song with as:
Melodic Lines of the accurate pitch o high higher
Melodic concepts of o moderately high
Patter melody higher
ns and through singing o moderately low lower
Contour and playing o low lower
musical matches the correct pitch of MU3ME-IIa-2
instruments tones
o with the voice
o with an instrument
relates movements with levels MU3ME-IIb-3
of pitch
matches the voice with the MU3ME-IIb-4
pitches of a melody MU3ME-IIc-4