Music Melcs Grade 3
Music Melcs Grade 3
Music Melcs Grade 3
Grade Level: 3
Subject: Music
pleasing vocal
1. using head
2. employing
proper breathing
3. using the
demonstrates distinguishes “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” Week 3 MU3DY-IIId-2
understanding in music
of the basic responds to conducting gestures of the Week 6 MU3DY-IIIe-h-5
concepts of sings songs with teacher for “loud” and “soft”
dynamics in proper dynamics applies varied dynamics to enhance poetry, Week 7-8 MU3DY-IIIf-h-6
order to following bas chants, drama, songs and musical stories
respond to
gestures using
of the basic 1. “two-part demonstrates the concept of texture by Week 7-8 MU3TX-IVd-f-2
concepts of rounds” singing “partner songs” (local or foreign song
texture 2. “partner samples)
songs” 1. “Leron, Leron Sinta”
2. “Pamulinawen”
3. “It’s A Small World”
4. “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands
Grade Level: 4
Subject: Music
demonstrates creates rhythmic performs rhythmic patterns in time Week 4-5 MU4RH-Ic-4
understanding patterns in: signatures 2 3 4
of concepts 1. simple time 4, 4, 4
1st pertaining to signatures
rhythm and 2. simple one-
musical measure ostinato uses the bar line to indicate groupings of Week 5-6 MU4RH-Ic-5
symbols pattern beats in 2 3 4
4, 4, 4