Music Melcs Grade 3

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identifies musical texture with recorded Week 3-4 MU2TX-IVd-f-1

distinguishes - melody with solo instrument or voice
accurately - single melody with accompaniment
between single - two or more melodies sung or played
musical line and together at the same time
of the basic
multiple musical distinguishes between single musical line Week 5-6 MU2TX-IVd-f-3
concepts of
lines which occur and multiple musical lines which occur
simultaneously in a simultaneously
given song distinguishes between thinness and Week 7-8 MU2TX-IVg-h-4
thickness of musical sound in recorded or
performed music

Grade Level: 3
Subject: Music

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
relates images with sound and silence using Week 1 MU3RH-Ia-1
quarter note , beamed eighth note ,
performs simple half note , quarter rest and half rest
ostinato within a rhythmic pattern
patterns/simple maintains a steady beat when replicating a Week 2 MU3RH-Ib-h-2
demonstrates rhythmic simple series of rhythmic patterns in
understanding accompaniments measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s (e.g. echo
1st of the basic on classroom clapping, walking, marching, tapping,
concepts of instruments and chanting, dancing the waltz, or playing
rhythm other sound musical instruments)
sources to a given
song plays simple ostinato patterns (continually Week 5-6 MU3RH-Id-h-5
repeated musical phrase or rhythm) with
classroom instruments and other sound

creates continually repeated musical phrase Week 7-8 MU3RH-Ie-6

or rhythm in measures of 2s, 3s, and 4s

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
identifies the pitch of a tone as: Week 1 MU3ME-IIa-1
- high – higher
- moderately high – higher
- moderately low – lower
understanding sings the melody
- low – lower
of the basic of a song with
matches the correct pitch of tones Week 2 MU3ME-IIa-2
concepts of accurate pitch
- with the voice
- with an instrument
recreates simple patterns and contour of a Week 3 MU3ME-IIb-5
nd melody
sings, plays, and identifies the beginning, middle, ending and Week 4 MU3FO-IId-1
performs (through repetitions within a song or music sample
body movements) identifies musical lines as Week 5 MU3FO-IId-2
a chosen song - similar
showing the basic - same
of the basic
concepts of - different
concepts of
musical lines, performs songs with accurate pitch from Week 6-8 MU3FO-IIg-h-6
musical form
beginnings, beginning to end including repetitions
endings and

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
demonstrates recognizes musical instruments through Week 1 MU3TB-IIIb-3
applies vocal
understanding sound
techniques in
3rd of the basic uses the voice and other sources of sound to Week 2 MU3TB-IIIc-6
singing to
concepts of produce a variety of timbres
produce a

pleasing vocal
1. using head
2. employing
proper breathing
3. using the
demonstrates distinguishes “loud,” “medium,” and “soft” Week 3 MU3DY-IIId-2
understanding in music
of the basic responds to conducting gestures of the Week 6 MU3DY-IIIe-h-5
concepts of sings songs with teacher for “loud” and “soft”
dynamics in proper dynamics applies varied dynamics to enhance poetry, Week 7-8 MU3DY-IIIf-h-6
order to following bas chants, drama, songs and musical stories
respond to
gestures using

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
demonstrates enhances applies correct tempo and tempo changes by Week 1 MU3TP-IVa-2
understanding performance of following basic conducting gestures
of the poetry, chants, distinguishes among fast, moderate, and Week 2 MU3TP-IVb-5
concepts of drama, musical slow in music
tempo in stories, and songs performs songs with appropriate tempo (use Week 3-4 MU3TP-IVa-c-7
order to by using a variety songs from the locality)
respond to of tempo
variations in
demonstrates sings: distinguishes between thinness and Week 5-6 MU3TX-IVg-h-4
understanding thickness of musical sound

of the basic 1. “two-part demonstrates the concept of texture by Week 7-8 MU3TX-IVd-f-2
concepts of rounds” singing “partner songs” (local or foreign song
texture 2. “partner samples)
songs” 1. “Leron, Leron Sinta”
2. “Pamulinawen”
3. “It’s A Small World”
4. “He’s Got the Whole World in His Hands

Grade Level: 4
Subject: Music

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
identifies different kinds of notes and rests Week 1 MU4RH-Ia-1
(whole, half, quarter, and eighth)
reads different rhythmic patterns Week 2-3 MU4RH-Ic-3

demonstrates creates rhythmic performs rhythmic patterns in time Week 4-5 MU4RH-Ic-4
understanding patterns in: signatures 2 3 4
of concepts 1. simple time 4, 4, 4
1st pertaining to signatures
rhythm and 2. simple one-
musical measure ostinato uses the bar line to indicate groupings of Week 5-6 MU4RH-Ic-5
symbols pattern beats in 2 3 4
4, 4, 4

identifies accented and unaccented pulses Week 7-8 MU4RH-Id-6

Quarter Content Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration Codes

Standards Standards
The learner…
recognizes the analyzes melodic recognizes the meaning of the G-Clef (treble Week 1 MU4ME-IIc-3
musical movement and clef)

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