Ninja 5e v1 5

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Ninja Class for Dungeons & Dragons 5E

Class Features

Quick Build
You can make a ninja quickly by
following these suggestions. First,
make Dexterity your highest ability
score, followed by Wisdom.
Second, choose the spy

Hit Dice: 1d8 per ninja level

Hit Points at 1st level-3rd level: 8
+ Constitution Modifier
Hit Points at higher levels: 1d8
(or 5) + Constitution Modifier

Armor: Light Armor
Weapons: ninja weapons (see
Tools: Ninja Tools
Disguise kit or Poisoners kit
Saving Throws: Strength, Dexterity
Skills: Choose three from
Acrobatics, Deception, Insight,
Intimidation, Investigation,
Perception, Persuasion, Sleight of
Hand and Stealth

You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:
a) wakizashi , b) ninjato or c) yari
a) 2 sai, b) 2 kama or c) kusarigama
leather armor
Ninja Pack (grappling hook, climbing cleats, 10 kunai (pitons), 10 makibishi (caltrops), bag of
1000 ball bearings, 5 days rations, bullseye lantern, 2 flasks of lantern oil, bedroll, 3 smoke
bombs and ingredients for 6 more) and 50 silken rope
20 shuriken (darts)
a) blowgun and 20 darts or b) light crossbow, quiver and 20 bolts
Ninja Class for Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Ninja tools
Grappling hook (+5 to any required climbing DC
Ashiko (climbing cleats, +3 to any required climbing
DC check)
Smoke bomb - Effect of a smoke bomb - everything
within a 5 radius sphere is heavily obscured for 3
minutes, reduced to moderately for the next 5
minutes (AOI 10 radius) and lightly for the following
10 minutes (AOI 20 radius); attack rolls and ability
checks within the AOI are subject to the blinded
condition (heavily obscured), with disadvantage
when moderately obscured and no effect when
lightly obscured. The ninja is treated as invisible
when within the heavily obscured area, has
advantage on stealth and sleight of hand when
moderately obscured and no effect when lightly Various Ninja Tools
obscured. Proficiency allows for creation too. With
proper ingredients, it takes 2 hours to properly mix,
prepare ingredients and fill 6 smoke bombs.

Ninja weapons & D&D counterparts

kusarigama (chain sickle - sickle)
ninjato (shortsword, finesse, piercing)
wakizashi (shortsword, slashing)
bo (staff) Kunai
yari (spear)
naginata (glaive)
sai (dagger), kama (dagger)
shuriken (dart)
tekko-kagi (hand claws 1d4 slashing, use STR
instead of DEX modifier)

Ninja Class for Dungeons & Dragons 5E
The Ninja Level Progression

Level Proficiency Sneak Martial Chakra Features

Bonus Attack Arts Points
1 +2 1d6 - - Sneak Attack, Makeshift Weapons
2 +2 1d6 1d4 2 Martial Arts, Chakra
3 +2 2d6 1d4 3 Assassinate, Bonus Proficiencies
4 +2 2d6 1d4 3 Ability Score Improvement, Shadow Arts
5 +3 2d6 1d4 4 Deflect Missiles, Expertise
6 +3 3d6 1d4 5 Shadow Step
7 +3 3d6 1d4 5 Evasion
8 +3 3d6 1d6 6 Ability Score Improvement, Shadow Clone
9 +4 4d6 1d6 6 Chakra Empowered Strikes
10 +4 4d6 1d6 7 Infiltration Expertise
11 +4 4d6 1d6 8 Cloak of Shadows
12 +4 5d6 1d6 8 Ability Score Improvement
13 +5 5d6 1d8 9 Imposter
14 +5 5d6 1d8 10 Blindsense
15 +5 6d6 1d8 11 Opportunist
16 +5 6d6 1d8 12 Ability Score Improvement
17 +6 6d6 1d8 13 Death Strike
18 +6 7d6 1d8 14 Strength of Mind
19 +6 7d6 1d10 15 Ability Score Improvement
20 +6 7d6 1d10 16 Shinigami Spirit

Ability Descriptions

Sneak Attack
As per the Rogue ability, however the damage bonus is as int the above Table. Please see the PHB pg
96 for the full description.

Makeshift Weapons
You have the ability to use your equipment and objects around you as weaponry in a time of need. For
example, a kunai can double as a dagger (hand held or thrown), a grappling hook can double as a kusari-
gami, a bow as a staff or club, and your ashiko can be used as tekko-kagi. You must state what object
you intend to use and what ninja weapon you intend to mimic; it is the DMs discretion if the similarity is
close enough to allow. If not, you may attack with the object anyway, but without your Proficiency bonus.

Martial Arts
As per the Monk ability described on page 78 of the PHB. Unarmed strike damage as per the above
Ninja Class for Dungeons & Dragons 5E

Starting at 2nd level, your training
allows you to harness the mystic
energy of Chakra. Your access to
this energy is represented by a
number of Chakra points. Your ninja
level determines the number of
points you have, as shown in the
Chakra Points column of the Ninja
table. You can spend these points
to fuel various Chakra features. You
start knowing three such features:
Flurry of Blows, Surge of Speed and
Mind Thrust. You learn more Chakra
features as you gain levels in this
class. When you spend a Chakra
point, it is unavailable until you finish
a short or long rest, at the end of
which you draw all of your expended
Chakra back into yourself. You must spend at least 30 minutes of the rest meditating to regain your
Chakra points. Some of your Chakra features require your target to make a saving throw to resist the
features effects. The saving throw DC is calculated as follows:

Chakra save DC = 8 + proficiency bonus + Wisdom modifier

Flurry of Blows
As per the Monk ability descitbed on page 78 of the PHB.

Surge of Speed
As a bonus action, you can spend 1 Chakra point to increase your speed by 10 feet until the end
of your turn. In addition, you do not provoke opportunity attacks this turn.

Mind Thrust
You have learned a deadly technique for channeling disruptive Chakra energy into another
creatures mind. As an action, you make a ranged attack against a creature within 120 feet of
you. You must be able to perceive the creature, but you do not need to see it. The target uses
its Intelligence score in place of its AC against this attack and gains no benefit from cover. You
do not have disadvantage on your attack roll if a hostile creature is within 5 feet of you.
On a hit, the target takes 1d8 psychic damage. You can increase this damage by spending
Chakra points before making your attack roll. The attack deals an extra 1d8 damage for each
Chakra point you spend.
Ninja Class for Dungeons & Dragons 5E
As per the Rogue ability PHB pg 97.

Bonus Proficiencies
As per the Rogue ability PHB pg 97.

Shadow Arts
As per the Monk ability, PHB pg 80.

Deflect Missiles
As per the Rogue ability PHB pg 78.
Ninja Class for Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Shadow Step
As per the Rogue ability PHB pg 80.

At 7th level you can nimbly dodge out of the way to avoid taking damage. For melee attacks, you may use
your reaction to halve the attacks damage against you. When caught in area effects that are subject to a
Dexterity saving throw to take half damage, you instead take no damage if you succeed and half damage
if you fail the saving throw.
Ninja Class for Dungeons & Dragons 5E
Shadow Clone
Starting at 8th level, you can use your Chakra to
duplicate the effects of the spell Mirror Image without
providing material components at a cost of 2 Chakra
points. Additionally, you gain the True Strike cantrip if
you dont already know it.

Chakra Empowered Strikes

At 9th level you can spend 2 Chakra points to
strengthen the energy that you have infused into your
ninja weapon, increasing its bonus to attack rolls and
damage rolls to +3 for 1 minute. This is considered
magical for the purpose of overcoming resistance and
immunity to nonmagical attacks and damage.

Infiltration Expertise
As per the Rogue ability described on pg 97 - PHB

Cloak of Shadows
As per the Monk ability described on pg 80 - PHB

As per the Rogue ability described on pg 97 - PHB

As per the Rogue ability described on pg 96 - PHB
Ninja Class for Dungeons & Dragons 5E
As per the Monk ability described on pg 80 - PHB.

Death Strike
As per the Rogue ability described on pg 97 - PHB.

Strength of Mind
Beginning at 18th level, you are so evasive that attackers rarely gain the upper hand against you. While
you are not incapacitated, you can spend Chakra points as a reaction. For each point you spend, you
can lower an attackers to hit roll by 1d6 or raise your own saving throw roll by 1d6

Shinigami Sprint
At 20th level, if you kill a creature before they become aware of you, you can use a bonus action to cause
the body to vanish into harmless ash. You can then immediately spend 2 Chakra points to move up to
your speed and either hide or make a single melee attack. If you kill another creature before they become
aware of you with this attack, you can repeat this as a free action.

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