Christ College Prospectus
Christ College Prospectus
Christ College Prospectus
COURSES 1. Application for admission must be made in the prescribed form available 8. At the time of the interview the applicant should produce the intimation
I. UNDER GRADUATE PROGRAMMES from the College Office on payment of a Registration Fee of Rs. 30/- Card, and thefollowing certificates in original:
The Under Graduate Programmes are offered under Choice Based Credit Semester System. The duration of the Programme is 6 semesters distributed in a Registration of an application does not guarantee admission. In all further i) Transfer Certificate from the institution last attended
period of 3 years. The odd semester will starts in June and ends up in October and even semester starts in November and ends up in March. Each semester will have references, the application number has to be quoted. ii) Course and conduct Certificate
a minimum of 90 working days. For passing the Degree Programme, a student should have achieved a minimum of 120 credits in three years of study. 2. Applicants for Degree courses may submit three options. iii) Mark list and pass Certificate (P.G. students have to submit
The Under Graduate Programmes include 4 types of courses: 3. The application form duly filled in has to be sent to the Principal, so as to the degree / Diploma in original at least September of the same year)
Common Courses : All students should complete 10 common courses of 38 credits during their Degree Programme. reach him soon after the publication of the qualifying examination results. iv) Income Certificate (Only for candidates who are eligible for
Core Courses : All students should complete 10 to 18 core courses of 50 credits, which belong to the main subject, during their Degree Programme. The entries shall be made carefully without leaving any room for doubt. fee concession )
Complimentary Courses : All students should complete 24 credits of one or two disciplines which are related to the core subject during their entire degree If necessary, additional details may be given in a separate sheet. v) S.S.L.C. Book ( for verification )
programme. 4. The handicapped and disabled candidates and the children of vi) Four copies of recent passport size photographs.
Open Courses : All students should study a course other than the core subjects during the 5th semester which will have a weightage of 4 credits. Exservicemen should attach certificates to that effect. N.B: Students are advised to keep sufficient number of attested copies of
The following are the details about the Under Graduate Programmes in Christ College: 5. It is the duty of the applicant to look up the selection list and the date of their mark list and other official documents before they are submitted to
i) Programmes in Science/Arts/Commerce streams interview. the office.
The open Courses offered in the College are: 6. If an application is favourably considered, an intimation card may be sent 9. Immediately after the interview, the candidates, if selected, will be enrolled
Common Courses: English and Languages (Malayalam, Hindi & Sanskrit)
to the applicant fixing a date for interview with the Principal. All selections on payment of the 1st installment of the fees and the submission of the
Programme Core Course Complimentary Elective Student No Name of the Course Offering Students are provisional and subject to confirmation, after the personal interview Certificates.
INTRODUCTION Courses Intake Department intake with the Principal and scrutiny of Certificates. 10. Each student will be given an identity Card. He/She has to produce it for
7. Calculation of Marks : Rank marks for admission will be calculated as all official transactions in the College and surrender it to the office on his/
Christ College was started in 1956, by the Devamatha province of the Carmelites of Mary Immaculate B Sc Mathematics Statistics & Graph Theory 48 1 Mathematics for Mathematics 50 per the norms stipulated by the University, Government and those her leaving the College
(CMI), an indigenous religious congregation, founded in 1831 by Bl. Cyriac Elias Chavara, a saintly priest and Computer Science
Social Sciences applicable to an institution established by and for a minority community 11. If any incident of ragging comes to the notice of the authority, the concerned
a versatile genius, who envisioned education as a tool for liberation and development. Physics Mathematics & Material Science & 48
2 Non conventional Physics 50 based on religion. Due weightage will be given to NCC, NSS and the student will be given liberty to explain and if his explanation is not found
Founded as per the provisions of the Indian Constitution, part III, Article 30 (1) and administered by Christ Chemistry Thin Films children of Ex-service men. satisfactory, the student will be expelled from the institution.
College Educational society (Regd. No. 137/75), this College is affiliated to the University of Calicut. Christ Chemistry Mathematics & Synthetic Organic 48 Energy sources
College is dedicated to Christ, and has as its motto ‘Jeevith Prabha’ which means the ‘Light of life’. Physics Chemistry 3 Chemistry in Chemistry 50 SCHEDULE OF FEES Degree Post Graduate HOSTELS
OUR VISION Zoology Chemistry & Aqua Culture, Animal 36 Every day Life 1 Tuition fee (Per annum) Rs. 660/- Rs. 1100/- Hostel accommodation is available for boys and girls. Establishment charges
Botany husbandry & Poultry
4 Human Health & Zoology 50 2. Laboratory Fee: Main subjects Rs. 180/- Rs. 900/- may vary from 300 to 500 per month depending upon the nature of the hostel
Christ College is part of a century-old tradition of CMI education which is at its heart Christian and Geology Chemistry & Environmental 24
Sex Education Subsidiaries : (per subject per annum) Rs. 100/- and accommodation provided. Mess is run on the dividing system and the monthly
specifically catholic. It has a vision of moulding an enlightened generation by developing the potential of Statistics Geology
3. Special Fee (Admission, Library, Calendar, mess bill may vary from Rs. 1400/-. to Rs. 1800/-
individuals through quality higher education and moral value inculcation. BA Economics Modern Indian Economics of 60 5 Understanding the Earth Geology 50
Games, Assn., SAF, etc (Per annum) Rs. 450/- Rs. 550/- UGC – Coaching Academy for Civil Services and CSIR / UGC Examination
History & Politics Business and Finance 6 Banking Economics 50 With the financial assistance from UGC, Christ college runs an academy for
OUR MISSION 4. Caution Money Rs. 360/- Rs. 600/-
Functional English Journalism & Survey Project Work 30 7 Personality Development English 50 the coaching classes for Civil Services and CSIR / UGC classes. Admission is
5. Fee due to University : Rs. 130+30 Rs. 130+30
The College seeks to help the students to be intellectually competent, spiritually mature, morally upright, of English Literature free for SC/ST students, and partially subsidized for OBC/OEC/Minority students.
8 Basic Financial Accounting Commerce 50 (Matriculation Fee and Recognition
psychologically integrated, physically healthy and socially acceptable citizens of our country. Therefore, B Com Commerce Finance & Financial 60 CENTRE FOR CONTINUING EDUCATION (Phone No.0480 2824578)
9 Health and Wellness Physical 50 Fee + Cost of Application)
our primary mission is to equip our students with all skills and talent which will help them to achieve their Basic Accounting Management Some courses are offered under the sub Centre of the Centre for Continuing
B Com Commerce Finance & Financial 40 of the Body Education N.B.: Fees once paid will not be refunded.
cherished goals of life. They should be trained in such a way that they take the lead in creating a just and Education:
humane society, where the dignity of the human person is respected and the poor and the marginalized are Self Financing Basic Accounting Management FEE CONCESSION i) HARDWARE, NET WORKING, LINUX, DT MULTIMEDIA,AUTOCAD,SMART
given special care. a) Students belonging to Scheduled Caste / Scheduled tribe and other eligible OFFICE, SMART ACCOUNTANT, SMART DESIGNER, SMART PROGRAMER,
II. PROFESSIONAL DEGREE PROGRAMME IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION - BPE communities, who are bonafide students of Kerala State, are eligible for fee SMART PUBLISHER –Approved by centre for continuing Education, Kerala.
BPE is a four year long Residential Professional Degree Programme a) Ph.D. Zoology concession and stipend. They will have to produce a certificate of Nativity
Christ College envisages an enlightened and altruistic society, emancipated from the clutches of b) Ph.D. Chemistry and Community ( only if these are not specified in their S.S.L.C. Book, for
(Ph. 0480 2824578)
‘Adharma’ and ‘Ahamkara’ through education. Hence this institution is open to all students irrespective of III. PROGRAMMES AT THE POST GRADUATE LEVEL V. UGC CAREER ORIENTED VOCATIONAL COURSES S.C. & S.T. Students ) from a Revenue officer not below the rank of a Tahsildar.
The following courses of the school of Distance Education, Bharathiar University,
their caste or creed. They are accepted as they are and are helped to grow in their cultural, social and a) M.Sc. i) Physics with Advanced electronics, Communication and The University Grants Commission has selected the College to introduce career b) Poor students of other Backward Communities are eligible for fee concession.
Coimbatore are offered in our centre ;
religious tradition. Those admitted in this institution, will also have the privilege of getting acquainted with Electronics Experimental Techniques as elective subject- 12 and market oriented, skill enhancing, value added programmes that increases They will have to produce the necessary nativity and Income Certificate at
the time of their admission. i) B.Sc. Computer Science vi) M.Sc. Information Science &
the person of Jesus Christ and his Gospel. Being an institution established by and for a minority community ii) Chemistry with Synthetic Organic Chemistry as elective - 12 opportunities for self employment and empowerment of the student along with
c) Members of the forward Community students are also eligible for fee ii) BCA Management
based on religion, preference will be given to Syrian Catholics in admissions and appointments. It is our iii) Zoology with Fishery Biology as special subject - 12 their degree level education. Christ College offers three such courses, namely,
concession provided they are within the income limit. iii) BBM vii) M.Sc. Finance & Computer
obligation to give special concern for the faith formation of the Christian youth. iv) Environmental Science - 10 A. Tax procedure and practice
Annual Income limits for the concession : Degree Rs. 25,000, Post Graduate iv) B.Com. (C.A. ) Application
The management believes that the secret of success of our College is a community of teachers who b) M.Com. - Commerce, with Financial Management as elective subject - 20 B. Communicative English.
with stipend Rs. 36,000, Post Graduate without Stipend Rs. 42,000. The v) M.Sc. Computer Science viii) MCA
are committed to their vocation by being professionally competent, morally upright and just and humane in c) M.A. i) Economics - 20 C. Graphics & Animations and Web designing. All students should study at atleast
income certificate obtained from the Village Officer is a requisite for the above ix) MBA
dealings. ii) History - 12 one add on course during the degree programme.
d) PG Diploma in Disaster Management (one year course ) - 10 concession. It will have to be presented at the time of admission. N.B.: i) These courses will be conducted only if there are a minimum of 20
students for the course concerned.