First-Time Resume Writing First-Time Resume Writing: General Guidelines - Resumes

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First-time resume writing

First-time resume writing

This information is great for students who have never written a resume before. Once you've
written your first resume, make sure to check out the Resume & Cover Letter Toolkit.

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General Guidelines
Contact Information
Profile/Skills Summary/Highlights of Qualifications
Experience (paid, unpaid, volunteer)
Extracurricular Activities
Professional Memberships

General Guidelines - Resumes

Resumes can be one or two pages
Use basic common language font such as Times New Roman or Arial. Also do not use
graphics. This eliminates technical problems with scanning your resume or with
employers receiving them on potentially incompatible programs or printers
Keep margins to 1; use font size 11 or 12 for the body of the resume
Italics, underlining, shading and sometimes bolding can be a problem as these do not
always look the same on other operating systems and/or printers
Create a "reader-friendly" document that uses white space effectively
Research employer requirements and highlight your qualifications that match
Proofread your resume for grammar and spelling errors

Contact Information
Include mailing address, telephone number with voicemail, professional e-mail (avoid
slang in your e-mail address); you may want to make your name a few font sizes larger
than other information so that it stands out
Ensure you have control of and access to all e-mail and phone numbers used
Use between two and four lines for contact information
Centre or left justify
First-time resume writing
Not mandatory and can often be stated within your cover letter
If you do include an objective, make it as specific as possible (for example, University
student with good customer service skills seeking part-time retail position)

Profile/Skills Summary/Highlights of Qualifications

If you include this section, use a bullet format and highlight three to five skills and/or
qualifications that are relevant to the position you are applying for, and substantiate with
brief explanation of the experience (s) that helped you build that skill or quality

Include dates attended, program, area(s) of study, institution
Include relevant courses if related to job posting
Include GPA if it is above 3.0
Include high school if you are in first or second year note if you graduated with
honours; include high school if it is unique, such as the International Baccalaureate
If you dont include high school but wish to include awards/honours from high school,
put them in a separate awards section

Experience (paid, unpaid, volunteer)

Include paid and unpaid or volunteer experience
You can separate the sections into Work Experience and Volunteer Experience, or
you can call the sections Relevant Experience and Other Experience, or simply
Experience which could include both paid and unpaid
Order your experiences in reverse chronological order within each section
Begin each point with an action verb
Within the experience descriptions, place the most relevant and important tasks or
accomplishments first

Extracurricular Activities
Include University and High School Activities such as class representative, club
membership, leadership roles
Include a brief description of accomplishments and results if possible

First-time resume writing
Include any awards during high school, university, or as part of a paid job or volunteer

Professional Memberships
Include any professional memberships, role, duties and any accomplishments

Include sports or leisure activities that demonstrate other areas of your life

Do not include your references on your resume
Optional References Available on Request when a potential employer is interested
in making an offer, they will ask for your references
For more information, see the References Tip Sheet

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