Mandarin Chinese Conversation Booklet

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mandarin chinese
elizabeth scurfield
and song lianyi

mandarin chinese
elizabeth scurfield
and song lianyi

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Recorded at Alchemy Studios, London.
Cast: Hongzhen An, Wen Cheng, Guoxu Dong, Sarah
Sherborne, Zizhou Zhao

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Contents v

track listing 1
conversation 1: getting to know people 2
part 1: getting to know people (1)
part 2: getting to know people (2)
conversation 2: exchanging information and
asking for a telephone number 4
part 1: exchanging information
part 2: asking for a telephone number
conversation 3: having a drink and having a meal 6
part 1: having a drink
part 2: having a meal
conversation 4: booking a room and
booking a table 10
part 1: booking a room
part 2: booking a table
conversation 5: asking for directions and
going to a local attraction 12
part 1: asking for directions
part 2: going to a local attraction
conversation 6: taking a train and getting a bus 14
part 1: taking a train
part 2: getting a bus
conversation 7: sightseeing 18
part 1: going sightseeing
part 2: more sightseeing
conversation 8: being ill and seeing a doctor 20
part 1: being ill
part 2: seeing a doctor
conversation 9: going shopping and buying a souvenir 22
part 1: going shopping
part 2: buying a souvenir
conversation 10: making friends and keeping in touch 24
part 1: making friends
part 2: keeping in touch
cultural information 26
tones 30
use of apostrophe 30
hyphens 30
listening skills: survival phrases 31
Chinese–English glossary 32
English–Chinese glossary 35
numbers 38
days of the week 38
months of the year 38
seasons 38
subject index 39
grammar index 39

If you want to learn Chinese script, try Beginner’s Chinese

Script in the teach yourself range.
Track listing 1
tracks 1–2: introduction and tones
tracks 3–12: conversation 1: getting to know people
tracks 13–21: conversation 2: exchanging information and asking for a
telephone number
tracks 22–28: conversation 3: having a drink and having a meal
tracks 29–36: conversation 4: booking a room and booking a table
tracks 37–39: conversation 5: asking for directions and going to a local
attraction (beg.)

tracks 1–4: conversation 5: asking for directions and going to a local
attraction (conc.)
tracks 5–12: conversation 6: taking a train and getting a bus
tracks 13–19: conversation 7: sightseeing
tracks 20–26: conversation 8: being ill and seeing a doctor
tracks 27–34: conversation 9: going shopping and buying a souvenir
tracks 35–41: conversation 10: making friends and keeping in touch

track 1: introduction
track 2: conversation 1: part 1
track 3: conversation 1: part 2
track 4: conversation 2: part 1
track 5: conversation 2: part 2
track 6: conversation 2: part 3
track 7: conversation 3
track 8: conversation 4
track 9: conversation 5
track 10: conversation 6
track 11: conversation 7: part 1
track 12: conversation 7: part 2
track 13: conversation 8
track 14: conversation 9
track 15: conversation 10
2 Conversation 1: Getting to know
Part 1: Getting to know people (1)
Wang Nín hâo!
Brown Nî hâo!
Wang Nín shì Bùlâng xiânsheng ma?
Brown Shì.
Wang Wô jiào Wáng Lìlì. .
Brown Wô jiào Peter Brown.
Wang Bùlâng xiânsheng, huânyíng nín lái Bêijîng.
Brown Xièxie.

Part 2: Getting to know people (2)

Leigh Qîng wèn, nî shì Chén xiâojie ma?
Chen Shì. Wô jiào Chén Yîngyîng. Nî shì…?
Leigh Wô jiào Pat Leigh. Wô lái jiê nî.
Chen A, Lî xiânsheng, nî hâo!
Leigh Chén xiâojie, huânyíng nî lái Lúndûn.
Chen Xièxie nî lái jiê wô.

The four symbols – ´ v ` refer to the Chinese tones. See page

30 for a full explanation of these tones.

Wang Hello.
Brown Hello.
Wang Are you Mr Brown?
Brown Yes.
Wang My name is Wang Lili.
Brown My name is Peter Brown.
Wang Mr Brown, welcome to Beijing.
Brown Thank you.

Leigh Excuse me, are you Miss Chen?

Chen Yes, my name is Chen Yingying. You are…?
Leigh My name is Pat Leigh. I’ve come to meet you.
Chen Ah, Mr Leigh, hello.
Leigh Miss Chen, welcome to London.
Chen Thank you for coming to meet me.
4 Conversation 2: Exchanging information
and asking for a telephone number
Part 1: Exchanging information
Brown Nî yôu míngpiàn ma?
Wang Duìbuqî. Méi yôu.
Brown Méi guânxi.
Wang Zhè shì wô-de diànhuà.
Brown Líng yâo èr sân qî bâ jiû liù wû sì.
Wang Duì.
Brown Xièxie nî.
Wang Nín-de diànhuà ne?
Brown Líng yâo èr sân qî bâ jiû sì sân liù.
Wang Xièxie, xièxie.

Part 2: Asking for a telephone number

Chinese woman Wéi, nî hâo!
Brown Shì Chén Yîngyîng ma?
Chinese woman Bú shì. Chén Yîngyîng bú zài.
Brown Nî yôu tâ-de shôujî diànhuà ma?
Chinese woman Yôu. Qîng dêng-yi-dêng.
(A moment later.)
Chinese woman Yâo sân èr.
Brown Yâo sân èr.
Chinese woman Sì liù bâ wû.
Brown Liù bâ wû.
Chinese woman Bú duì, sì liù bâ wû.
Brown Sì liù bâ wû.
Chinese woman Líng sì yâo qî.

See page 30 for a full explanation of the use of the hyphen.


Brown Do you have a name card?

Wang I am sorry. I don’t (have one).
Brown It doesn’t matter. (No problem.)
Wang This is my telephone (number).
Brown 0123 789 654.
Wang Correct.
Brown Thank you.
Wang What about your telephone number?
Brown 0123 789 436.
Wang Thank you.

Chinese woman Hello.

Brown Are you Chen Yingying?
Chinese woman No. She is not in.
Brown Do you have her mobile phone number?
Chinese woman Yes. A moment, please.
(A moment later.)
Chinese woman 132.
Brown 132.
Chinese woman 4685.
Brown 685.
Chinese woman No, it’s 4685.
Brown 4685.
Chinese woman 0417.
Brown Líng sì yâo qî.
Chinese woman Duì.
Brown Yâo sân èr sì liù bâ wû líng sì yâo qî.
Chinese woman Duì.
Brown Xièxie nî.
Chinese woman Bú xiè.

Conversation 3: Having a drink and

having a meal
Part 1: Having a drink
Waitress Nîmen hê shénme?
Wang Wômen hê chá.
Waitress Hê shénme chá?
Brown Wô hê hóng chá.
Waitress Nín ne?
Wang Wô hê lǜ chá.
Waitress Qîng dêng-yi-dêng.
Brown Xièxie.
(Waitress comes with the tea.)
Waitress Zhè shì nín-de hóng chá.
Brown Xièxie.
Waitress Zhè shì nín-de lǜ chá.
Wang Xièxie.
Brown Zhên hâohê.
Brown 0417.
Chinese woman Correct.
Brown 132 4685 0417.
Chinese woman Correct.
Brown Thank you.
Chinese woman You’re welcome.

Waitress What will you drink?

Wang We’ll have tea.
Waitress What kind of tea?
Brown I’ll have black tea.
Waitress What about you?
Wang I’ll have green tea.
Waitress A moment, please.
Wang Thank you.
(Waitress comes with the tea.)
Waitress This (here) is your black tea.
Brown Thank you.
Waitress This (here) is your green tea.
Wang Thank you.
Brown It’s really delicious.
8 Part 2: Having a meal
Waiter Nîmen chî shénme?
Wang Tâ chî jiâozi.
Waiter Nín ne?
Wang Wô chî miàntiáo.
Brown Wômen bù chî ròu.
Waiter Nîmen hê shénme?
Brown Píjiû.
Waiter Qîng dêng-yi-dêng.
(A little while later the waiter brings the food but not the beer.)
Waiter Zhè shì nín-de jiâozi.
Brown Xièxie.
Waiter Zhè shì nín-de miàntiáo.
Wang Píjiû ne?
Waiter Duìbuqî. Qîng dêng-yi-dêng.
(A little later.)
Brown Jiâozi zhên hâochî.
Wang Píjiû yê zhên hâohê.
Waiter What would you like to eat?
Wang He’ll have boiled dumplings.
Waiter What about you?
Wang I’ll have noodles.
Brown We don’t eat meat. (We are vegetarian.)
Waiter What would you like to drink?
Brown Beer.
Waiter Please wait for a while.
(A little while later the waiter brings the food but not the beer.)
Waiter These are your boiled dumplings.
Brown Thanks.
Waiter These are your noodles.
Wang What about the beer?
Waiter I’m sorry. Please wait for a while.
(A little later.)
Brown The boiled dumplings are delicious.
Wang The beer is tasty too.
10 Conversation 4: Booking a room and
booking a table
Part 1: Booking a room
Receptionist Nín hâo.
Brown Qîng wèn, yôu fángjiân ma?
Receptionist Yôu. Jî wèi?
Brown Liâng wèi.
Receptionist Jî tiân?
Brown Liâng tiân.
Receptionist Dânrén fángjiân, shuângrén fángjiân?
Brown Liâng ge dânrén fángjiân.
Receptionist Yí ge fángjiân, bâ bâi kuài yì tiân.
Brown Shôu xìnyòng kâ ma?
Receptionist Shôu.

Part 2: Booking a table

Waiter Nín hâo. Jî wèi?
Brown Liâng wèi.
Waiter Yùdìng le ma?
Brown Méi you.
Waiter Xî-yân ma?
Brown Bù xî-yân.
Waiter Qîng dào zhèibiân.
(At the end of the dinner.)
Brown Shôu xìnyòng kâ ma?
Waiter Duìbuqî, bù shôu. Zhî shôu xiànjîn.

Receptionist Hello.
Brown Do you have any rooms available, please?
Receptionist Yes, we do. (For) how many?
Brown Two people.
Receptionist For how many days?
Brown Two days.
Receptionist Single rooms (or) double rooms?
Brown Two single rooms.
Receptionist 800 kuai a day per room.
Brown Do you take credit cards?
Receptionist Yes.

Waiter Hello. How many?

Brown Two.
Waiter Have you reserved?
Brown No.
Waiter (Do you) smoke?
Brown No.
Waiter Please come this way.
(At the end of the dinner.)
Brown Do you take credit cards?
Waiter Sorry, no (credit cards). Only cash.
12 Conversation 5: Asking for directions
and going to a local attraction
Part 1: Asking for directions
Leigh Qîng wèn, chêzhàn zài nâr?
Passer-by Zài qiánbiân.
Leigh Yuân bu yuân?
Passer-by Bù yuân. Zôu lù shí fênzhông.
Leigh Sì fênzhông?
Passer-by Shí fênzhông.
Leigh Shí fênzhông.
Passer-by Duì. Yìzhí wâng qián zôu.
Leigh Wâng qián zôu.
Passer-by Duì. Chêzhàn zài nî-de yòubiân.
Leigh Yòubiân.
Passer-by Duì. Bù yuân.
Leigh Xièxie.

Part 2: Going to a local attraction

Brown Qîng wèn, yùndòngchâng zài nâr?
Passer-by Nêi ge yùndòngchâng?
Brown Zhôngguó zúqiú yùndòngchâng.
Passer-by O, zài nèibiân.
Brown Yuân bu yuân?
Passer-by Bù yuân. Zôu lù qî, bâ fênzhông.
Brown Qî, bâ fênzhông.
Passer-by Duì. Zài chêzhàn de zuôbiân.
Brown Chêzhàn de zuôbiân.
Passer-by Duì. Bù yuân.
Brown Xièxie nî.

Leigh Excuse me, where is the station?

Passer-by Up ahead.
Leigh Is it far?
Passer-by Not far. Ten minutes on foot.
Leigh Four minutes?
Passer-by Ten minutes.
Leigh Ten minutes?
Passer-by Yes. Go straight ahead.
Leigh Straight ahead.
Passer-by Yes. The station is on your right.
Leigh Right side.
Passer-by Yes. Not far.
Leigh Thank you.

Brown Excuse me, where is the stadium?

Passer-by Which stadium?
Brown The Chinese national football stadium.
Passer-by Oh, over there.
Brown Is it far?
Passer-by Not far. Seven or eight minutes on foot.
Brown Seven or eight minutes.
Passer-by Yes. On the left of the station.
Brown Left of the station.
Passer-by Yes. Not far.
Brown Thank you.
14 Conversation 6: Taking a train and
getting a bus
Part 1: Taking a train
Clerk Qù nâr?
Leigh Qù Xî’ân.
Clerk Jî zhâng?
Leigh Liâng zhâng.
Clerk Liâng zhâng qù Xî’ân de huôchê piào duì ma?
Leigh Duì.
Clerk Jîntiân de ma?
Leigh Duì.
Clerk Wânshang shí diân líng qî fên.
Brown Nêi ge zhàntái?
Clerk Dì-qî zhàntái.
Brown Dì jî zhàntái?
Clerk Dì-qî.
Brown Qîng wèn, cèsuô zài nâr?
Clerk Zài nèibiân.

See page 30 for a full explanation of the use of the apostrophe.


Clerk Where are you going?

Leigh To Xi’an.
Clerk How many (tickets)?
Leigh Two.
Clerk Two train tickets to Xi’an, is that right?
Leigh That’s correct.
Clerk For today?
Leigh Yes.
Clerk 10.07 this evening.
Brown Which platform?
Clerk Platform number 7.
Brown Which one?
Clerk Number 7.
Brown Excuse me, where is the toilet?
Clerk Over there.
16 Part 2: Getting a bus
Brown Qîng wèn, qù Bîng-mâ-yông zuò
shénme chê?
Receptionist Chûzûchê.
Brown Yôu gônggòng qìchê ma?
Receptionist Yôu.
Brown Jî diân?
Receptionist Qî diân, qî diân shí fên, bâ diân.
Leigh Gônggòng qìchêzhàn zài nâr?
Receptionist Zài nèibiân.
Brown Yuân bu yuân?
Receptionist Bù yuân, zôu lù sân fênzhông.
Brown Xièxie nî.
Receptionist Bú xiè.
Brown Excuse me, how should we go to the Terracotta
Army (Museum)?
Receptionist Taxi.
Brown Is there a bus?
Receptionist Yes.
Brown What time?
Receptionist 7 o’clock, 7.10, 8 o’clock.
Leigh Where is the bus stop?
Receptionist Over there.
Brown Is it far?
Receptionist Not far, it’s three minutes on foot.
Brown Thank you.
Receptionist Don’t mention it.
18 Conversation 7: Sightseeing
Part 1: Going sightseeing
Leigh Jîntiân zhên lêng.
Brown Zhên lêng.
Leigh Nî xîhuan zhèxiê bîngdêng ma?
Guide Hên xîhuan.
Leigh Nî xîhuan nêi ge?
Guide Nèi ge.
Leigh Nêi ge?
Guide Nèi ge hóng-de.
Brown Zhên piàoliang.
Leigh Peter, nî xîhuan nêi ge?
Brown Wô zuì xîhuan nèi ge gâo-de.
Guide Wa, tài piàoliang le.
Leigh Wô yê xîhuan.

Part 2: More sightseeing

Guide Leigh xiânsheng, lêng bu lêng?
Leigh Bù lêng.
Guide Brown xiânsheng, nî ne?
Brown Wô yê bù lêng.
Guide Nîmen xîhuan nèi ge tâ ma?
Leigh Bú tài xîhuan, Peter, nî ne?
Brown Wô hên xîhuan.
Guide Nî wèishénme bù xîhuan?
Leigh Yàngzi hên qíguài.
Guide Nèi ge gâo lóu ne?
Leigh Yê bù xîhuan.
Brown Nî kàn, nèi ge miào zhên piàoliang.
Leigh Zhên piàoliang. Wô yê xîhuan.

Leigh It’s really cold today.

Brown Really cold.
Leigh Do you like these ice lanterns?
Guide Very much.
Leigh Which one do you like?
Guide That one.
Leigh Which one?
Guide That red one.
Brown [It’s] Really pretty.
Leigh Peter, which do you like?
Brown I like the tall one best.
Guide Oh, it’s so beautiful!
Leigh I like it too.

Guide Are you cold, Mr Leigh?

Leigh No (lit. not cold).
Guide What about you, Mr. Brown?
Brown I am not cold either.
Guide Do you like that pagoda?
Leigh Not really. What about you, Peter?
Brown I like it very much.
Guide Why don’t you like it?
Leigh It looks strange.
Guide What about that tall building?
Leigh I don’t like it either.
Brown Look, that temple is really beautiful.
Leigh It’s really beautiful. I like it too.
20 Conversation 8: Being ill and seeing
a doctor
Part 1: Being ill
Leigh Qîng wèn, fùjìn yôu yàofáng ma?
Receptionist Nín zênme le?
Leigh Wô-de péngyou yôudiânr bù shûfu.
Receptionist Tâ nâr bù shûfu?
Leigh Tóu téng, dùzi téng.
Receptionist Tâ yînggâi qù yîyuàn.
Leigh Fùjìn yôu yîyuàn ma?
Receptionist Yôu.
Leigh Hên jìn ma?
Receptionist Bù hên jìn. Nîmen zuò chûzûchê qù ba.

Part 2: Seeing a doctor

Doctor Nî zênme le?
Leigh Wô-de péngyou hên bù shûfu.
Doctor Zênme bù shûfu?
Leigh Tâ tóu téng, dùzi téng.
Doctor Wô lái kànkan.
(The doctor examines Peter Brown.)
Doctor Chî Zhôngyào ba.
Leigh Shénme Zhôngyào?
Doctor Zhèi zhông yào hên hâo.
Leigh Zênme chî?
Doctor Yì tiân chî sân cì.
Leigh Xièxie nín.

Leigh Excuse me, is there a pharmacy near here?

Receptionist What’s the problem? / What’s the matter with you?
Leigh My friend is not feeling very well.
Receptionist Where is he feeling uncomfortable?
Leigh Headache, stomach ache.
Receptionist He should go to hospital.
Leigh Is there a hospital nearby?
Receptionist Yes.
Leigh Very close?
Receptionist Not very. You’d better take a taxi.

Doctor What’s the problem?

Leigh My friend is feeling very bad.
Doctor In what way?
Leigh He has a headache and stomach ache.
Doctor Let me have a look.
(The doctor examines Peter Brown.)
Doctor Why not take some Chinese medicine?
Leigh What Chinese medicine?
Doctor This kind of medicine is good / effective.
Leigh How do you take it?
Doctor (You) take it three times a day.
Leigh Thank you.
22 Conversation 9: Going shopping and
buying a souvenir
Part 1: Going shopping
Vendor Nî xiâng mâi shénme?
Leigh Zhèi ge Zhôngwén jiào shénme?
Vendor Tóujîn.
Leigh Wô mâi liâng tiáo.
Vendor Xiânsheng, mâi yì tiáo lîngdài ba.
Leigh Wô bù xîhuan zhèi zhông yánsè.
Vendor Zhèi tiáo zênmeyàng?
Leigh Zhèi tiáo búcuò.
Vendor Zhên hâokàn.
Leigh Hâo ba. Wô mâi zhèi tiáo.
Vendor Mâi liâng tiáo ba. Yì tiáo shí kuài, liâng tiáo shíbâ kuài.
Leigh Hâo ba. Wô mâi liâng tiáo.

Part 2: Buying a souvenir

Vendor Xiânsheng, mâi yí jiàn máoyî ba.
Brown Wô bù xîhuan zhèi ge yánsè.
Vendor Nî xîhuan shénme yánsè?
Brown Yôu lǜ-de ma?
Vendor Yôu. Zhèi jiàn zênmeyàng?
Brown Wô kêyi shìshi ma?
Vendor Kêyi.
Brown Yôudiânr xiâo.
Vendor Shìshi zhèi jiàn ba.
Brown Yôudiânr dà.
Vendor Bú dà, bú dà.
Brown Hâo ba, wô mâi zhèi jiàn.

Vendor Can I help you?

Leigh What’s this called in Chinese?
Vendor Scarf.
Leigh I’ll have two.
Vendor Sir, how about buying a tie?
Leigh I don’t like this colour.
Vendor How about this one?
Leigh This one is pretty nice.
Vendor It’s really nice (good looking).
Leigh OK. I’ll have this one.
Vendor Have two then. Ten kuai for one and 18 kuai for two.
Leigh OK. I’ll have two.

Vendor Sir, how about buying a sweater?

Brown I don’t like this colour.
Vendor What colour do you like?
Brown Any green ones?
Vendor Yes. What about this one?
Brown Can I try it?
Vendor Yes.
Brown A little too small.
Vendor Try this one then.
Brown A little too big.
Vendor No, no, not big.
Brown OK, I’ll have this one.
24 Conversation 10: Making friends and
keeping in touch
Part 1: Making friends
Brown Zâoshang hâo!
Local Zâoshang hâo! Nîmen shì nêi guó rén?
Brown Wô shì Yîngguó-rén.
Local Nî ne?
Leigh Wô shì Mêiguó-rén.
Local Nîmen huì dâ tàijíquán ma?
Brown / Leigh Bú huì.
Local Xiâng bu xiâng xué?
Leigh Xiâng xué, kêshì tài nán le.
Local Bù nán, bù nán. Lái, wô jiâo nîmen.

Part 2: Keeping in touch

Local Zhèi shì wô-de míngpiàn.
Leigh Duìbuqî, wô méi yôu míngpiàn.
Local Méi guânxi.
Brown Wô yê méi yôu.
Local Nîmen yôu yîmèi’er ma?
Leigh Yôu. Zhèi shì wômen-de diànzî-yóujiàn.
Local Xièxie nîmen.
Brown Zhèi shì wô-de diànhuà.
Local Xièxie nín.
Brown Huânyíng nín míngnián qù Yîngguó.

Local Huânyíng nîmen zài lái Zhôngguó.

Leigh Zàijiàn.
Local Zàijiàn.
Leigh / Brown Zàijiàn.

Brown Good morning!

Local Good morning! Which country are you from?
Brown I’m British.
Local What about you?
Leigh I’m an American.
Local Can you do Tai Chi?
Brown / Leigh No.
Local Would you like to learn?
Leigh Yes, but it’s too hard.
Local No, no, not hard. Come on, let me teach you.

Local This is my name card.

Leigh I’m sorry, I don’t have one.
Local It doesn’t matter.
Brown Neither do I.
Local Do you have (an) e-mail?
Leigh Yes. Here are our e-mail addresses.
Local Thank you.
Brown This is my telephone (number).
Local Thank you.
Brown Do come to Britain next year (literally: Welcome you
next year go Britain).
Local Do come to China again (literally: Welcome you again
come China).
Leigh Goodbye.
Local Goodbye.
Leigh / Brown Goodbye.
26 Cultural information
Nî vs. Nín
The difference between nî and nín is similar to tu and vous in
French. Nín is used for people senior to you (generally a generation
above you), people with higher social status (e.g. teachers, officials)
and your superior at work. Many Chinese will probably use nín hâo
for foreigners when they say hello. When people know each other
well, they prefer to use nî. This is especially true for young people.
However, there are individual differences, i.e. some people tend to
use nín more than others.

Surname first
In most Western names the given name comes first, hence first
name, and the family name comes last, hence last name. In Chinese,
surnames always come first. This is because a surname is shared by
all members of the family, and is regarded as being the most
important. What is important should come first. Your given name is
your own, thus only secondary. If you address someone with his or
her title, such as Dr, Mr, Miss, Professor, etc. the title comes after
the surname or full name: Wáng xiânsheng, for Mr Wáng, Chén
Yîngying xiâojie for Miss Yîngying Chén.

Name cards
In China, exchanging name cards or business cards is far more
common than it is in the West. If you decide to do business in
China, a business card with your name, title and contact details in
Chinese on it will make the initial encounter a little smoother and
convince the Chinese people you deal with that you really mean

Telephone etiquette
In China, the most common greeting when picking up the phone is
wéi, although these days more and more people say wéi followed by
nî hâo.
It’s very unusual to say your number when picking up the phone.
Tea vs. coffee 27
Tea is by far the most popular drink in China, although coffee and
other soft drinks are becoming more and more popular among the
younger generation.

Dumplings of all kinds

The Chinese love food with stuffing, i.e. dumplings of all kinds.
Jiâozi are the most popular, particularly in the north. Other types of
dumplings are bâozi (steamed dumplings), xiànbîng (fried pancakes)
and guôtiê (fried bâozi).
Eating lots of meat is something of a status symbol – it shows you
have money. Not so long ago, most rural Chinese survived on rice or
noodles with vegetables and ate very little meat. Meat was only
eaten on special occasions as it was so expensive. Nowadays many
more Chinese can afford to eat meat so not eating meat might be
seen as an indication that you are poor, so this might also be a
reason why compared to the West there are far fewer vegetarians in

Credit cards
Plastic cards are popular in China. Recent statistics show there are
nearly 100 million of them in China. However, these are mostly cards
for drawing cash out at ATMs, not full credit cards. Although big
hotels and restaurants in big cities take credit cards, it’s still much
less common in China than it is in the West. Therefore, you probably
need to ask Shôu xìnyòng kâ ma? quite often if you don't carry
much cash with you. And certainly before you sit down in a nice
restaurant for a meal with several friends!

There is not much awareness at present in China about the danger
smoking poses to health and even less awareness of the dangers of
passive smoking. What brand of cigarette you smoke is a status
symbol and fewer and fewer people in urban China smoke Chinese
cigarettes. Cartons of cigarettes have always been favoured as small
gifts to smooth your way through small-scale negotiations of many
kinds. Some rural women, doing physical labour either in the town
or country, smoke quite heavily but generally more men smoke than

Which way to go?

It is common when people give you directions that they tell you to go
north, south, east, or west rather than left, right, etc. The four
directions are: dông (east), xî (west), nán (south) and bêi (north).
Note the order in which the Chinese say these – dông (east) first
because China is in the East and that is therefore the most
important reference point, followed by xî (west), nán (south), and
lastly bêi (north). People say wâng dông zôu, for ‘go east’, literally
‘towards east walk’, or wâng nán zôu, for ‘go south’, etc.

Single or return?
In China, it is still not easy to book return tickets for train and coach
journeys. You may now book return flights but there is usually no
discount, that is, it’s simply twice the single fare.

Direct or indirect?
Many Westerners may find the Chinese impolite in that they make
‘negative’ comments about things either directly to you or in front of
you to somebody else. For example, they might say to you, ‘You are
too thin for this dress’. They believe it to be a fact, at least to them
and therefore not at all impolite. They also like to suggest to you, for
example, when it is cold, that you need to put on more clothes. This,
to a Chinese person, is a sign of care and concern.
Although this has changed a great deal in cities and amongst the
younger generation, it is still fairly common in daily life.

Chinese medicine
Chinese medicine is still very much part of people’s everyday life.
Although Chinese people usually go to a general hospital, rather
than a hospital specializing in Chinese medicine, they often use
ready-made Chinese medicine (powders, pills, balls, plaster, etc.) for
a variety of daily illnesses. People can purchase these medicines in
pharmacies without a prescription.
Size matters! 29
In China, sizes of clothes and shoes are measured in centimetres.

Loan words
Diànzî yóujiàn or yîmèi’er both mean ‘e-mail’ in English. They are
both loan words. Diànzî yóujiàn is the literal translation into Chinese
of ‘electronic mail’ whereas yîmèi’er is the transliteration of the word
‘e-mail’ into Chinese. Increasingly people are using both the English
words as well as their Chinese translation. For example, Chinese
people will use WTO for Shìjiè Màoyì Zûzhî, the World Trade
Organisation, bye-bye for zàijiàn, etc. As you can imagine, young
people tend to use the English words.
30 Tones
Chinese is a tonal language. Every syllable in Chinese has its own
tone. Mandarin Chinese has four distinct tones plus a neutral tone.
This means that syllables that are pronounced the same but have
different tones will mean different things.
The four tones are represented by the following marks which are put
over the vowel or over the main vowel of a syllable where there are
two or three vowels:
– 1st tone, high and level
´v 2nd tone, rising
3rd tone, falling then rising
4th tone, falling
Tone changes
Occasionally syllables may change their tone. When two 3rd tones
occur together, the first one is said as a 2nd tone to make it easier to
say. We have still marked this as a 3rd tone in the booklet
otherwise you may think that it is always a 2nd tone which it isn’t.
For example, Nî hâo ‘Hello’ is actually said Ní hâo.
If three 3rd tones occur together, the first two are normally said as
2nd tones: Wô yê xîhuan is said as Wó yé xîhuan.

Use of apostrophe
An apostrophe (’) is used to show where the break comes between
two syllables if there is any possible ambiguity in pronunciation. For
example, shí’èr (not shíèr), yîmèi’er (not yîmèier ).

We have used hyphens to show you that two syllables are closely
linked together. This will encourage you to say them together. For
example wô-de, nî-de, Mêiguó-rén.
Listening skills: survival phrases 31
Please say it again. Qîng zài shuô yí cì.
Slowly, please. Qîng shuô màn yìdiânr.
Is that right? Duì bu duì?
What does it mean? Shì shénme yìsi?
I don’t understand. Tîng-bù-dông.
32 Chinese–English glossary
…ba you’d better or let’s fênzhông minute (literally division
bâi hundred or divide clock)
Bêijîng Beijing fùjìn nearby
bîngdêng ice lantern
Bîng-mâ-yông Terracotta Army gâo tall
bù no, not gè measure word (for general
bú xiè you’re welcome use)
bú zài not to be in gônggòng qìchê bus
búcuò pretty nice / good, not
bad hâochî (good to eat) delicious
hâohê (good to drink) delicious
cèsuô toilet hê to drink
chá tea hên very
chê a general word for vehicle hóng red (black for tea)
chêzhàn bus stop, station huânyíng welcome
chî to eat huì be able to, know how to
chûzûchê taxi huôchê train
cì time (as in ‘three times’)
jî? how many (small number)?
dà big jî diân? what time?
dâ tàijíquán do Tai Chi jiàn measure word for an item of
dânrén single person / single clothing
de a little word indicating jiâo teach
possession or belonging jiào to be called, to call
dì used before numerals to form jiâozi (boiled) dumpling
ordinal numbers like first, jiê to meet
second, etc. jìn near, close
dì jî …? which (ordinal) jîntiân today
diân o’clock kêshì but
diànhuà telephone kêyî can
diànzî yóujiàn e-mail kuài (basic unit of) Chinese
duì correct, yes currency
duìbuqî (I’m) sorry
dùzi téng stomach ache lái to come
lêng cold
fángjiân room liâng two (of something)
lîngdài tie (noun) píjiû beer
lóu building qiánbiân the front, ahead (literally
lǜ green front side)
Lúndûn London qíguài strange
qîng please
ma? question particle qîng dêng-yi-dêng please wait for
mâi to buy a moment
máoyî woollen sweater qîng wèn…? may I ask…?
méi not (have) qù go
méi guânxi it doesn’t matter
Mêiguó-rén American person ròu meat
miàntiáo noodles
miào temple shénme? what?
míngnián next year shì to be (am / are / is)
míngpiàn name card shì … ma? is it …?
shìshi try it, have a go
nà ge / nèi ge that one shôu to receive, to accept
nâ ge / nêi ge? which one? shôujî mobile (telephone)
nâ guó(rén)? which country shuângrén two persons / twin
(person)? shûfu comfortable
nàbiân / nèibiân over there
nán difficult tâ he, she, him, her
nâr? where? tâ tower, pagoda
…ne? what about…? tài…le too / so…
nèi gé / nàge that one tiân day
nêi ge? / nâ ge? which one? tiáo measure word for long, thin
nêi guó(rén)? which country objects
(person)? tóu téng headache
nèibiân / nàbiân over there tóujîn scarf
nî you
nî hâo hello wâng qián zôu walk or go ahead
nîmen you (plural) (literally towards front walk)
nín you (polite form) wânshang evening
nín hâo hello (respectful) wéi hello when answering a call
wèi measure word for people
péngyou friend wèishénme? why?
piào ticket wô I, me
piàoliang beautiful, handsome wô lái kànkan let me have a look
(can refer to men as well as wômen we, us
xiâng would like to, want zài again
xiânsheng Mr zài to be at or in
xiâo small zàijiàn goodbye
xiâojie Miss zâoshang hâo good morning
xièxie thank you zênme how, in what way
xîhuan to like …zênmeyàng? how about…?
xìnyòng kâ credit card (nî) zênme le? what’s the matter
xué to learn (with you)?
zhâng measure word for
yàngzi looks, appearance tickets
yánsè colour zhàntái platform
yào medicine zhè/zhèi this
yàofáng pharmacy zhèi/zhè this
yê too, also zhèixiê/zhèxiê these
yîmèi’er e-mail zhên really
yînggâi should zhèxiê/zhèixiê these
Yîngguó-rén English / British zhông kind as in sort, variety
person (acts as a measure word)
yîyuàn hospital Zhôngguó China, Chinese
yìzhí straight Zhôngwén Chinese language
yôu have Zhôngyào Chinese medicine
yòubiân right side zhù to stay, to live
yôudiânr a little bit zôu lù to walk (literally walk
yôuyidiânr a little bit road)
yuân far zuì the most
yùndòngchâng stadium zuò to take (bus or train)
zuôbiân left side
zúqiú football
English–Chinese glossary 35

accept (to) shôu difficult nán

again zài do Tai Chi dâ tàijíquán
ahead qiánbiân drink hê
also yê dumpling (boiled) jiâozi
American person Mêiguó-ren
appearance yàngzi eat chî
e-mail diànzî yóujiàn, yîmèi’er
(not) bad búcuò English / British person
be (am / are / is) shì Yîngguó-rén
be able to huì evening wânshang
be at or in zaì
beautiful, handsome piàoliang far yuân
beer píjiû football zúqiú
Beijing Bêijîng friend péngyou
big dà front (literally front side) qiánbiân
building lóu
bus gônggòng qìchê go qù
bus stop, station chêzhàn go ahead (literally towards front
but kêshì walk) wâng qián zôu
buy mâi goodbye zàijiàn
good morning zâoshang hâo
call (to) jiào good: pretty good búcuò
can kêyî green lǜ
China, Chinese Zhôngguó
Chinese language Zhôngwén have yôu
Chinese medicine Zhôngyào he tâ
close jìn headache tóu téng
cold lêng hello nî hâo
colour yánsè hello (respectful) nín hâo
come lái hello (when answering a
comfortable shûfu telephone call) wéi
correct duì her tâ
credit card xìnyòng kâ him tâ
currency, Chinese kuài hospital yîyuàn
how…? zênme
day tiân how about…? zênmeyàng
delicious (good to drink) hâohê; how many…? (small number) jî?
(good to eat) hâochî hundred bâi
I wô near jìn
ice lantern bîngdêng nearby fùjìn
is it…? shì…ma? next year míngnián
nice búcuò
kind (acts as a measure word) no, not bù
zhông noodles miàntiáo
know how to huì not (have) méi
not to be in bú zài
learn xué
left side zuôbiân o’clock diân
let me have a look wô lái kànkan over there nèibiân / nàbiân
like (to) xîhuan pagoda tâ
(a) little bit yôuyidiânr or yôudiânr particle indicating possession or
live (to) zhù belonging de
London Lúndûn pharmacy yàofáng
looks yàngzi platform zhàntái
please qîng; please wait for a
matter: it doesn’t matter méi moment qîng dêng-yi-dêng
guânxi; what’s the matter (with
you)? (nî) zênme le? question particle …ma?
may I ask…? qîng wèn…?
me wô really zhên
measure word (for an item of receive shôu
clothing) jiàn red (black for tea) hóng
measure word (for general use) gè right side yòubiân
measure word (for long, thin room fángjiân
objects) tiáo
measure word (for people scarf tóujîn
(polite)) wèi she tâ
measure word (for tickets) zhâng should yînggâi
meat ròu single person dânrén
medicine yào small xiâo
meet, to jiê so… tài…le
minute (literally division or divide sorry (I’m sorry) duìbuqî
clock) fênzhông sort zhông (acts as a measure
Miss xiâojie word)
mobile (telephone) shôujî stadium yùndòngchâng
most: the most zuì stay zhù
Mr xiânsheng stomach ache dùzi téng
name card míngpiàn straight yìzhí
strange qíguài us wômen

Tai Chi tàijíquán vehicle (a general word) chê

take (bus or train) zuò very hên
tall gâo
taxi chûzûchê walk (literally: walk road) zôu lù
tea chá want xiâng
teach jiâo we wômen
telephone diànhuà welcome huânyíng
temple miào you’re welcome bú xiè
Terracotta Army Bîng-mâ-yông what? shénme?
thank you xièxie what about…? …ne?
that one nèi ge / nà ge where? nâr?
these zhèixiê / zhèxiê which country (person)? nêi/nâ
this zhèi / zhè guó(rén)?
ticket piào which (ordinal) number…? dì
tie (noun) lîngdài jî…?
time (as in ‘three times’) cì which one? nêi ge? / nâ ge?
what time? jî diân? why? wèishénme?
today jîntiân woollen sweater máoyî
toilet cèsuô would like to xiâng
too tài…le
tower tâ yes duì
train huôchê you nî
try it shìshi you (plural) nîmen
two (of something) liâng you (polite form) nín
two persons / twin shuângrén
38 Numbers
0 líng 10 shí 20 èrshí (two tens) 100 yì bâi
1 yî 11 shíyî 30 sânshí (three tens) 200 èr bâi or
2 èr 12 shí’èr 40 sìshí liâng bâi
3 sân 13 shísân 50 wûshí
4 sì 14 shísì 60 liùshí
5 wû 15 shíwû 70 qîshí
6 liù 16 shíliù 80 bâshí
7 qî 17 shíqî 90 jiûshí
8 bâ 18 shíbâ
9 jiû 19 shíjiû

Days of the week

xîngqîyî Monday
xîngqî’èr Tuesday
xîngqîsân Wednesday
xîngqîsì Thursday
xîngqîwû Friday
xîngqîliù Saturday
xîngqîrì or xîngqîtiân Sunday

Months of the year

yîyuè January qîyuè July
èryuè February bâyuè August
sânyuè March jiûyuè September
sìyuè April shíyuè October
wûyuè May shíyîyuè November
liùyuè June shí’èryuè December

chûntiân spring
xiàtiân summer
qiûtiân autumn
dôngtiân winter
Subject index 39
Numbers in the right-hand column refer to the conversation numbers
on CDs 1 and 2 that include the material.

addressing people 1
asking the way 6
buying souvenirs 9
buying train tickets 6
colours 2
directions, asking and giving 5, 6
eating out 4
food and drink 3
greetings 1
illness 8
introducing yourself 1
numbers 2
parts of the body 8
pharmacy 8
phone calls 2
polite form for ‘you’ 1
shopping 9
sightseeing 7
telling the time 6
weather 7

Grammar index
adjectives 7, 8
counting: 1–10 2, 5
11–99 9
100+ 4
have, to 2
location 5
measure words:
general (gè) 4
item of clothing (jiàn) 9
long, thin objects (tiáo) 9
polite form for people (wèi) 4
thin and flat, e.g. ticket (zhâng) 6
ordinal numbers (dì…) 6
position/place words 5
possessive (de) 2
questions 1, 2
time 5, 6

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