A Compact Dual-Band Balanced Slot Antenna For LTE Applications
A Compact Dual-Band Balanced Slot Antenna For LTE Applications
A Compact Dual-Band Balanced Slot Antenna For LTE Applications
Abstract A low profile dual-band balanced slot antenna is presented and developed, exhibit-
ing a dual-band operation at 700 MHz and 2600 MHz bands with a good impedance matching
(S11 10 dB) for use in Long Term Evolution (LTE) applications. The proposed antenna was
implemented based on built-in planar dipoles with a folded arm structure. The antenna occupies
a volume of 50 12 4 mm3 in which mounted on top of a finite ground plane with dimensions
of 100 50 mm2 . The performance of the proposed antenna has been analysed and optimised
for the two targeted frequency bands. The antenna performance is characterised in terms of the
reflection coefficient, radiation pattern and surface current distribution. Owing to the compact
size and simple structure, the proposed antenna can be a promising candidate for mobile handset
and wireless communication applications.
In recent years, the current needed on mobile phone have increased greatly in term of its shape,
performances, qualities and its technology. The new technology in wireless communication has
brought a lot of portable devices in the future, such as a mobile phone that will possess Long Term
Evolution (LTE) function for the voices and data transmissions [1]. Conventionally, the unbalanced
planar inverted F antenna (PIFA) is one of the most popular candidates for compact internalized
antennas for mobile handsets due to its unique characteristic that makes it suitable for use in
portable wireless device especially on mobile handsets.
However, PIFAs use the ground plane as a part of the radiator, enabling very small antennas
to achieve adequate gain and bandwidth [24]. Therefore, radiating currents are induced on both
the ground plane and the antenna element, resulting in currents flowing on the human body,
which degrade the performance of the antennas radiation characteristics and introduce losses and
uncertainty in its matching [5].
To solve these problems, a balanced structure is introduced to not only to eliminate such con-
straints but also to avoid the degradation of antenna performance in aforementioned unbalanced
antennas. In this kind of antennas, currents cancel the effect of each other, the current flows only
on the antenna element and not on the ground plane. Therefore, the coupling between the antenna
and the users body will be neglected when the mobile is held by its user which leads in no effect on
the performance of the antenna. In other word, the currents are mostly confined to the radiating
elements, thus reducing the current flow to the ground plane [6]. It follows that a well-designed
balanced antenna will reduce the specific absorption rate (SAR) to the users body [5]. Lately,
several mobile antennas with the balanced technique have proved the enhanced stability of antenna
performance, compared to the unbalanced type especially when the handset is positioned in a close
vicinity to the human head and/or hand [710]. However, all these balanced antennas in [710]
are not capable to meet the present work target, namely 700/2600 MHz frequency bands of LTE.
Thus, this work has been investigated to offer a low profile antenna for Long Term Evolution (LTE)
applications at 700 MHz and 2600 MHz bands using the balanced antenna concept. The proposed
antenna will be implemented based on built-in planar dipoles with two folded slot arms structure.
The layout of the paper is as follow. Section 2 presents the antenna design and concept, the
results and discussions were shown and demonstrated in Section 3 and Section 4 is summarized the
final conclusions of this study.
The proposed balanced antenna was achieved to generate the dual band operation of 700 and
2600 MHz LTE bands. Figure 1 shows the geometry of the balanced antenna for a mobile phone.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings 525
The antenna was designed first and then was mounted 4 mm on top of a finite ground plane with
dimension of 10050 mm2 which acts as the mobile handset chassis or what today we would identify
as the ground plane of a practical mobile phone handset, as seen in Figure 1. The dimensions of the
proposed antenna geometry were found to be comparable to the practical handset size as illustrated
in Table 1. The slot has a uniform width of 2 mm. The antenna was constructed from a copper
sheet with thickness of 0.15 mm. One side of the folded dipole antenna, in which the cooper plate
was folded up to become a folded dipole antenna as depicted in Figure 1.
(a) (c)
Figure 1: Basic antenna structure; (a) 3D, (b) folded slotted arms, (c) unfolded slotted arm.
Figure 2: Reflection coffeicent of folded arms unslot- Figure 3: Reflection coffeicent of folded arms slotted
ted proposed antenna. proposed antenna.
The proposed antenna without the inclusion of slot operates at dual band of 1200/5800 MHz as
depicted in Figure 2.
However, this was not the desired goal within the proposed work. Therefore, the second step
was to create/introduce slots over the surface of both folded arms as shown in Figure 1. The
effectiveness of the embedded slot was seen through the simulated S11 in two different softwares.
I.e., HFSS and CST [11, 12] for comparison and validation purposes. The slot forces the antenna
to downshift both aforementioned frequencies obtained from the unslotted antenna. The loaded
slot reduces the resonance frequency and thus the electrical antenna dimensions drastically. So,
fundamentally, the objective of the slot was to tune the radiator structure to resonate at our
targeted bands of LTE 700/2600 MHz. This was achieved through multiple simulated attempts, by
conducting several modifications of the antennas in [9, 10] to move toward the desired outcome of
developing highly compact and dual-band antenna for use in LTE applications. It is obvious that
the S11 of proposed antenna generated by HFSS agrees well with the one obtained from the CST
as shown in Figure 3.
The analysis of the current surface on the ground plane of the proposed antenna was studied
using the EM simulator at the 700 MHz and 2600 MHz. I.e., the targeted frequencies within this
work as shown in Figure 4. One can clearly note that, most of the current is induced exactly
underneath the two folded slotted arms at both resonant frequencies while it is more or less vanished
on the rest of the ground plane in which proves the concept of balanced antenna whereby it reduces
the coupling between the handset and the users hand.
(a) (b)
Figure 4: Surface current distributions for the proposed balanced antenna at (a) 700 MHz, (b) 2600 MHz.
700 MHz
2600 MHz
(a) (b)
Figure 5: Normalized antenna radiation patterns for two planes ((a) xz, (b) yz) at 700 MHz, 2600 MHz,
co-polarization, - - - cross-polarization.
Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium Proceedings 527
The radiation patterns of the proposed antenna was shown in Figure 5. Two pattern cuts were
taken for both targeted operating frequencies within this study. The radiation patterns in the zx
plane and zy plane for the antenna were tested at 700 and 2600 MHz as indicated in Figure 5.
The patterns of the proposed antenna are seen to be quite similar to each other for both cases.
Moreover, as expected the figures presented a nearly omni-directional radiation pattern in both
intended two frequency components.
In this paper, a design methodology for producing miniaturized and compact dual-band balanced
folded arm slot antenna suitable for LTE applications has been demonstrated. By embedding a slot
over the surface of folded arms of the antenna, it has been shown that a high level of miniaturization
can be achieved while covering the 700 and 2600 MHz LTE frequency bands. The results over the
two frequency bands and the compact volume are important factors, which leads that the proposed
design can be recommended as a promising candidate mobile-antenna solution for LTE applications.
This work is carried out under the grant of the Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT-
Portugal), with the reference number: SFRH/BPD/95110/2013.
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