FSS-Based Spatially Decoupled Back-to-Back Four-Port MIMO DRA With Multidirectional Pattern Diversity
FSS-Based Spatially Decoupled Back-to-Back Four-Port MIMO DRA With Multidirectional Pattern Diversity
FSS-Based Spatially Decoupled Back-to-Back Four-Port MIMO DRA With Multidirectional Pattern Diversity
8, AUGUST 2019
Abstract—This letter presents a frequency selective surface antenna like wider bandwidth, high radiation efficiency, high
(FSS)-based four-port multiple-input–multiple-output cylindrical gain, large power handing capability, etc., [2]. Several DRA-
dielectric resonator antenna (cDRA) system that supports multi- based MIMO antennas appeared in literature [3]–[5]. Most of
directional pattern diversity characteristics. The back-to-back ar- these antennas used several isolation improvement techniques
rangements of the cDRA as well as the use of an FSS are some of like orthogonal mode generation [3], defected ground structure
the features of the proposed antenna design. The cDRAs are posi-
tioned over a substrate through a common ground plane. The top
[4], metallic strip or parasitic elements [5], or a combination of
side has two oppositely faced cDRAs that are excited with the help more than one technique [6]. These works mainly concentrate on
of ports-1 and 2, via coplanar waveguide-fed conformal striplines. port coupling enhancement between the antenna elements. Most
Similar cDRA orientations also exist at the bottom side and are ex- of these works used the S-parameter-based expression in [7] for
cited by microstrip-line-fed conformal striplines through ports-3 an envelope correlation coefficient (ECC) calculation. However,
and 4, respectively. To improve isolation and correlation, similar in the case of a DRA, it is known that it radiates due to the
phase-gradient FSSs are placed at the two sides of the substrate. excitation of a particular mode. Each dielectric resonator (DR)
As a result, four diverse radiation patterns are obtained from four mode has a specific field configuration. The mutual coupling
ports, which ensure multidirectional pattern diversity characteris- between two DRAs is mainly due to field coupling. In this way,
tics of the proposed antenna. The proposed technique offers more we can say that the majority of mutual coupling between DR-
than 10 dB and 75% improvement in isolation and correlation
values, respectively. By observing the measured results, it is con-
based MIMO antennas is because of radiation pattern overlap.
firmed that the proposed structure is useful for WLAN access point This means that if we separate the radiation patterns spatially,
(5.15–5.35 GHz) applications. then mutual coupling between the antenna elements can be
Index Terms—Frequency selective surface (FSS), isolation,
reduced. However, literature shows that the S-parameter-based
multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO), multiport, WLAN. expression is invalid for ECC calculations [8]. Thus, for the
ECC computation, the field-based expression gives actual value
I. INTRODUCTION since it accounts for the radiation pattern of different antenna el-
ements, which is evident in the original equation of the ECC [8].
HE rapid development in wireless communication and
T technology demands superior data rates and reliability
within the limited spectrum. To satisfy these demands, the
Based on this phenomenon, a very few research works are
available in literature where radiation patterns are separated spa-
tially to improve mutual coupling as well as ECC [9]–[11]. These
multiple-input–multiple-output (MIMO) technology appeared show that the isolation and ECC values can be improved by
as an emerging technology that is utilized in several wireless decorrelating the radiation pattern of antenna elements.
standards presently. This technology uses multiple antennas in With these viewpoints, a four-port MIMO antenna is pro-
the transmitter and receiver sides in order to improve the link re- posed in this letter where antenna beams are separated spatially
liability, data rate, and channel capacity without the requirement to achieve high isolation and low correlation. To achieve this,
of extra power or spectrum [1]. two phase-gradient frequency selective surfaces (FSSs) are used
In recent years, dielectric resonator antenna (DRA) re- and placed at both sides of the substrate as a superstrate. In the
searchers have been engaged in designing MIMO antennas proposed antenna, two cylindrical dielectric resonator antennas
for microwave and millimeter-wave frequency bands since (cDRAs) are positioned at top of the substrate, and another
they have various advantages compared to the microstrip patch two are placed at its bottom. With this special technique, the
antenna achieves more than 20 dB of isolation and excellent
Manuscript received May 14, 2019; accepted June 3, 2019. Date of publication ECC values (less than 0.1).
June 12, 2019; date of current version August 2, 2019. (Corresponding author:
Ravi Kumar Gangwar.)
G. Das, N. K. Sahu, A. Sharma, and R. K. Gangwar are with the De- II. FORMATION AND ANALYSIS OF THE PROPOSED ANTENNA
partment of Electronics Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian
School of Mines), Dhanbad 826004, India (e-mail: gourab.das@ece.ism.ac. In order to achieve tilted beams in complementary directions,
in; nikesh.sahu100@gmail.com; anand@ece.ism.ac.in; ravi.gangwar.ece07@ two phase-gradient FSSs, which act as partially reflecting sur-
itbhu.ac.in). faces (PRSs), are used. A Fabry–Perot cavity antenna is modeled
M. S. Sharawi is with the Department of Electrical Engineering and the
Poly-Grames Research Center, Polytechnique Montréal, Montréal, QC H3T 1J4,
by placing the PRS at a certain distance from the antenna ele-
Canada (e-mail: Mohammad.sharawi@polymtl.ca). ment [12]. The PRS is a combination of the number of unit cells.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/LAWP.2019.2922276 The geometry of a unit cell is shown in Fig. 1.
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See http://www.ieee.org/publications_standards/publications/rights/index.html for more information.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad. Downloaded on August 23,2020 at 14:06:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Fig. 1. Configuration of unit cell. (a) Top view, (b) bottom view, and (c) side
view (P = 15.75 mm, S1 = 12.12 mm, S2 = 10.5 mm, R1 and R2 is variable).
Fig. 3. (a) Top view (left) and bottom view (right) of the proposed PRS-1.
(b) Configuration of the proposed PRS.
Fig. 2. Magnitude and phase response of the proposed unit cell. (a) Magnitude
response. (b) Phase response.
Design and simulation of the proposed unit cell is accom- and R2 change continuously from a common unit cell (cell-1) to
plished using Ansoft HFSS by considering proper boundary the left direction or right direction. From Figs. 2 and 3(b), it can
conditions. The proposed unit cell is a composite structure since be observed that the unit cell (cell-1) with a maximum reflection
it consists of simultaneous inductive and capacitive grids. The magnitude value is placed at the center of the proposed PRS. The
bottom side and top side consist of triangular patches and tri- other unit cells with gradually decreasing reflection magnitude
angular apertures, respectively, which are called capacitive and are placed towards the edge of the PRS. This means unit cell-
inductive grids [13]. These two grids are printed on an FR4 4 is placed at the edge of the PRS in both directions, since it
substrate (εsub = 4.4) having 1.6 mm thickness. A PRS con- has the minimum reflection magnitude value. In this way, the
sists of several unit cells, and the beam tilting can be done by symmetry is achieved in the proposed PRS. To form the tilted
changing the reflection phase of the PRS [13]. The continuous beam pattern, the magnitude and phase distribution is changed
phase variation can be achieved in two ways, i.e., by changing by gradating the triangular patch. The difference between trian-
the dimension of capacitive grid or by changing the dimension gular patch dimensions of neighboring sections is determined by
of the inductive grid [14]. The inductive grid varies by chang- the gradation constant (ΔR). The dimensions of the triangular
ing S1 and S2 values; similarly, the capacitive grid varies with patches are formed using [14]
the changes of R1 and R2 . Here, the capacitive grid is varying
in order to achieve the continuous phase variation while having (R2 )cell−i = R2 + i × ΔR2 (1)
a fixed inductive grid. Fig. 2 shows the magnitude and phase (R1 )cell−i = R1 + i × ΔR1 (2)
variation of the proposed unit cell for different R1 and R2 val-
ues in between 5.15–5.35 GHz. It can be observed from Fig. 2 where R2 and R1 are the triangular patch dimensions for the
that the shift in resonant frequency is caused due to the change reference unit cell (cell-1) and i represents the unit cell number.
in R1 and R2 values. The unit cell has different magnitude and For the proposed PRS, the gradation constants are selected as
phase characteristics for different R1 and R2 values. The unit 0.45 and 0.52 for ΔR2 and ΔR1 , respectively.
cell of the PRS is selected in such a manner that there should Table I shows the magnitude and phase values of different unit
be continuous phase variation. With this reference, the PRS-1 cells of the PRS at 5.25 GHz. Fig. 2 and Table I show that the
is designed in such a way that the unit cell with a maximum magnitude and phase values decrease as the size of the triangular
reflection magnitude (cell-1) is located at one side and the other patch increases.
cells with gradually decreasing reflection magnitude are placed The design details of the four-port MIMO antenna cavity sys-
towards the other side. Fig. 3(a) shows the top and bottom views tem are shown in Fig. 4. Two cylindrical dielectric resonators
of PRS-1. It reveals that the top triangular aperture (inductive named DR-1 and 2 (εcDRA = 9.8) are placed at the top side of the
grid) is the same for all the cells, but the bottom triangular patch FR4 substrate (εr,sub = 4.4) as shown in Fig. 4. The cDRAs are
(capacitive grid) is varying to achieve continuous magnitude and placed opposite to each other. Ports-1 and 2 consist of coplanar-
phase variation. PRS-1 consists of 2 × 4 unit cells. waveguide-fed based conformal striplines. DR-1 and 2 are ex-
In the proposed antenna structure, the antenna beams are tilted cited with the help of ports-1 and 2, respectively. The proposed
in opposite directions. To achieve this, we have to create sym- 2 × 7-cell-based PRS discussed in Section I, is positioned over
metric PRS so that symmetric beams will be formed in oppo- these two cDRAs and acts as a superstrate. The distance (T) be-
site directions. We have to maintain the symmetricity in order tween substrate and PRS is 0.26λ at 5.25 GHz. The proposed
to achieve an equal-branch power ratio, otherwise the MIMO PRS is placed in such a way that the unit cell, which has max-
performance will be degraded. To realize this phenomenon, the imum reflection magnitude, is placed in between DR-1 and 2.
proposed PRS is formed with the combination of two PRS-1 as As a result, antenna beams are tilted in opposite directions [15].
shown in Fig. 3(b). In the proposed PRS, the middle unit cell The interelement distance between DR-1 and 2 should be main-
(cell-1) is considered as a common cell. The dimensions of R1 tained in such a way that each cDRA is excited in a broadside
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Fig. 4. Configuration of the proposed MIMO antenna. (a) Top view (3-D),
Fig. 5. Scattering parameters of the proposed antenna. (a) Reflection coeffi-
(b) bottom view (3-D), and (c) side view (different dimensions are: LS = WS
cient. (b) Isolation between the ports.
= 112, L1 = 15, HS = HPRS = 1.6, W1 = 2, P1 = 0.5, H1 = 5.5, S = 14,
L2 = 15, W2 = 2, H2 = 3.1, LPRS = 110, WPRS = 31.5, DU = DL = 14,
HU = HL = 8, T = 15 mm. All are in millimeters).
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Fig. 8. Fabricated antenna structure. (a) Top view. (b) Bottom view.
Fig. 10. Radiation patterns of the proposed antenna. (a) Port-1 (xz plane).
(b) Port-2 (xz plane). (c) Port-3 (yz plane). (d) Port-4 (yz plane).
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad. Downloaded on August 23,2020 at 14:06:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
Authorized licensed use limited to: Indian Institute of Technology (ISM) Dhanbad. Downloaded on August 23,2020 at 14:06:11 UTC from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.