Made in Italy - Delivered To The World

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February 2017

Creating Jobs. Securing Italys Future.
The F-35 Revolutionary Multi-Service Design

One Aircraft Three Variants

The F-35 family includes the F-35A conventional takeoff and landing (CTOL) variant, the F-35B Short Takeoff/Vertical
Landing (STOVL) variant, and the F-35C carrier variant (CV). The variation between models allows military forces
to achieve service-specific mission capability, while still taking advantage of the economies of scale that result
from the parts and processes common to all three variants. The CTOL, STOVL, and CV all have the advanced
avionics required to execute multi-role missions and the support of the F-35 sustainment technologies.



Planned Italian Procurement

According to the official U.S. government program of record, Italy intends to procure a total of 90 F-35s. Under
the current plan, Aeronautica Militare is programmed to receive 60 F-35A CTOLs and 15 F-35B STOVLs, while
Marina Militare is programmed to acquire 15 F-35B STOVLs.
This new fleet of 90 F-35s would replace Italys 253 Panavia Tornados, AMX Fighter Bombers, and AV-8B Harriers,
resulting in enhanced operational capability, streamlined logistics and maintenance, common training curriculum,
and lower operating and sustainment costs.
Italian F-35s are now being produced at the Final Assembly and Check Out (FACO) facility in Cameri. The first
Italian F-35 was delivered to the Aeronautica Militare on December 3, 2015.

AV-8B Harrier Panavia


AMX Fighter

253 Total

A Quantum Leap
in Air Dominance
The supersonic, multi-role F-35
represents a quantum leap
in air dominance capability.
It combines 5th generation
characteristics of radar-
evading stealth, supersonic
speed, and extreme agility
with the most powerful and
comprehensive integrated
sensor package of any fighter
aircraft in history.

Advanced mission systems

give the pilot real-time access
to battle space information
with spherical coverage and an unparalleled ability to dominate the tactical environment. Data collected by F-35
sensors can be immediately shared with commanders at sea, in the air, or on the ground, providing an instantaneous,
high-fidelity view of ongoing operations making the Lightning II a formidable force multiplier while enhancing
coalition operations.

Unparalleled Capabilities
Supports All Superior Strengthened
Italian Missions Interoperability Security Alliances
Maritime surveillance Common capabilities Increased capability
and patrol Common in defense of Italy
Protection of natural infrastructure Increased Italian
resources and logistics joint training
Air interdiction/defense Common net-enabled and exercises
Net-enabled for operations Increased Italian
participation in Secure multinational capability with
expeditionary information exchange NATO allies
missions Interoperable with
Intelligence, surveillance, legacy systems,
and reconnaissance weapons, and other
F -35B flexible defense networks
basing options

Unprecedented 5th Generation Capabilities

Economic Benefits of the Italian F-35 Program

Made in Italy Delivered to the World

The country that first dreamt of human flight is leading the world again. The F-35 Lightning II soars on the wings
of Italian craftsmanship and boosts the Italian economy with thousands of high-technology, high-skill jobs that
will help build the global F-35 fleet. As a partner in the F-35 Lightning II program, Italian industry has the
opportunity to support the F-35 for more than 30 years, from the production of parts and the final assembly of
aircraft to regional sustainment work.
As of December 2016, Italian industry has been awarded $1.35 billion in
F-35 contracts. The total value of these contracts is expected to exceed Italian industry
$9.9 billion through the end of production. Pratt and Whitney has issued has been awarded
more than $29 million in engine component production contracts to Italian
companies, which is expected to total more than $4 billion over the life of $1.35B in contracts
the program. Lockheed Martin and its partners have awarded more than
100 contracts to dozens of Italian companies.

Creating Jobs; Strengthening the Economy

In 2013, PricewaterhouseCooper Italy (PwC-Italy) conducted a comprehensive economic impact assessment
of the F-35 production program in Italy. The study identified the level of Italian investment in the F-35 program,
employment generated as a result of F-35 production and economic value added to the Italian economy.
PwC-Italy reports that:
Current Benefits/Future Opportunities Italian F-35 production is expected to generate
more than 6,300 total jobs at peak production.
The demand for labor will reach its highest levels
between 2017 and 2026, when an average of
5,400 jobs are projected to be sustained annually.
The Italian F-35 programs production phase alone is

expected to bring $15.8 billion of economic benefits

to the Italian economy.
Each Italian F-35 production job creates an additional
1.2 jobs in the Italian economy.
The economic potential for Italy through the F-35
program is directly related to the total number of
aircraft Italy acquires.






PwC-Italy Report:
$15.8 Billion Return to Italian Economy

Leveraging the Economies of Scale and Commonality
The F-35 was designed to recapitalize aging western fleets and counter emerging threats in an affordable manner
by leveraging the economies of scale and the economies of commonality. The tri-variant F-35 is designed to
replace no fewer than seven legacy aircraft systems. The programs eight partner nations and three Foreign
Military Sales countries have already announced plans to procure nearly 700 F-35s, while the overall program of
record outlines the acquisition of more than 3,100 aircraft. This approach yields lower development, operational,
and sustainment costs than traditional modernization efforts.

A Strong International Partnership

As of May 2016, 172 F-35s have been delivered and more than 120 are under construction. U.S. and F-35 international
partner countries constitute a production program of record of more than 3,100 aircraft extending through 2039.
Nine nations have F-35s in service or on order. Common aircraft enable international cooperation in the security
domain. F-35 pilots from diverse nations have unparalleled interoperability in coalition operations and can rely on a
global sustainment network to support those operations.

F-35 Bed Down, 2016 to 2020

2016 201

2018 347

2020 619

Declining Costs
F-35 costs have declined 57% since the first production and continue to decline. According to the U.S. governments
Joint Program Office, the estimated cost for an F-35A aircraft delivered in 2020 will be about $85 million in inflation-
adjusted then year dollars. This is comparable to the cost of a 4th Generation fighter aircraft today.

U.S. Government Price Projection for the F-35A Conventional Takeoff and Landing (CTOL) Variant
250 $250
USAF USDoN International
200 $200
F-35 Cost With Engine (Then-Year $)
150 $150
Aircraft Lot Average
Quantity Aircraft Price
100 $100 TY$M

Aircraft Price with Engine

50 $85M ($75M FY12$) $50

0 $0
Buy Year 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Lot Number Lot 1 Lot 2 Lot 3 Lot 4 Lot 5 Lot 6 Lot 7 Lot 8 Lot 9 Lot 10 Lot 11 Lot 12 Lot 13 Lot 14 Lot 15
57% Reduction in Cost from LRIP 1 8

Recapitalizing Aging Aircraft Fleets Today

Italian F-35 Lightning II Industrial Participants

Industrial Benefits
As the F-35 transitions into full-rate production, opportunities for Italian industry will evolve and endure throughout
the life cycle of the F-35 program. Italian industry has won more than $1.35 billion dollars in F-35 production
contracts as of December 2016. Italian companies produce components for the entire F-35 enterprise which is
expected to grow to more than 3,000 aircraft.

Actuation System
Moog Italiana, Secondo
Mona, Aerea
Ejection Seat
Firing Mechanism
Leonardo ED&SS

Actuators UHF Emergency

Cockpit Lighting
Radio Backup Radio
Secondo Mona and Panels
Leonardo ED&SS
Sirio Panel

Advanced Rail Launcher


Wing Production
Leonardo Aircraft
Fuselage Remote
Interface Unit Electronic Warfare Landing Aids
Components Components Down Converter
Aerea Leonardo ED&SS Leonardo ED&SS

Other Italian Industrial Participants

Borgomanero Casella Capua Rome
Mecaer Moog Casella Cira Leonardo
Genoa Foligno Cisterna di Latina/Pomezia Elettronica
Piaggio Aero Galileo Avionica Leonardo ED&SS Gemelli
La Spezia Montevarchi Aprilia MBDA Italia
Elettronica Melara Sirio Panel Aviogei S3LOG
Turin Aero Sekur Vitrociset
Leonardo Aircraft
Leonardo Electronics, Defense, & Security Systems (ED&SS)


Turin Milan


La Spezia Every F-35 Has Italian-

Produced Components




Aprilia, Cisterna di
Latina and Pomezia Foggia


EOTS Vacuum Cell

Leonardo ED&SS


Contracted to LM/NG/BAE/PW

Sub-suppliers to Italian Companies

2013 Google 2009 GeoBasis DE/BKG

Italian F-35 Lightning II Industrial Participants
European F-35 Final Assembly and Checkout Facility

The New Hub of the Italian Aerospace Industry for European F-35 Production
Set on 101 acres in Italys Piedmont region, the Italian Final Assembly and ...the Italian Final
Checkout (FACO) facility employs more than 1,200 Italians on the F-35 program.
Owned by the Italian Government and operated by Leonardo in conjunction with Assembly and
Lockheed Martin, the FACO produces F-35s for the Italian military and will soon Checkout (FACO)
produce F-35s for the Dutch Air Force as well.
facility employs
more than 1,200

The FACO went from being an empty grass field to producing a 5th Generation fighter in only 4 years!

F-35 Wing Production for the Global Fleet

Cameri is also home to Leonardos F-35 wing production, producing wings for the entire F-35 global enterprise.
Under current industrial agreements, Leonardo Aircraft will produce a minimum of 835 full wingsets for the program.

Leonardo produces wings for the

entire F-35 global enterprise

Europes F-35 Regional Heavy Airframe Maintenance, Repair,
Overhaul and Upgrade Center
The Italian FACO was selected by the US Government as
the European Regional Heavy Airframe Maintenance,
Repair, Overhaul and Upgrade (MRO&U) Center.
Cameri will become a maintenance hub serving:
European F-35 Partner Nations
Foreign Military Sales F-35 Customers
US F-35s Based/Deployed in
European Region







F-35 Sustainment
Key Milestones

Key Milestones for Italian F-35s

1998 Italy participates in Concept Demonstration Phase

2002 Italy commits to System Development and Demonstration Phase as a Level 2 partner
2009 Parliament approves F-35 acquisition and construction of the Cameri Final Assembly and Checkout
Facility (FACO)
2013 Italian F-35 assembly operations begin at the FACO in Cameri
2015 First flight of AL-1 the first ever F-35 built and flown outside the US
Aeronautica Militare (A.M.) KC-767 - first foreign tanker certified to refuel F-35
Delivery of AL-1 to the Aeronautica Militare
2016 Italian F-35 accomplishes first-ever F-35 trans-Atlantic flight with Italian pilot and Italian tanker aircraft
Italy first country to establish an operational F-35 base outside US

F-35A AL-1 First Transatlantic Flight

F-35 Creating Jobs, Delivering Economic Benefits
to the Italian Economy Today

F-35 International Security Enabler

F-35 Relevant Capability Well Into the Future


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