Anne L. Geissinger

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Anne L.

Geissinger +971 050 824-7710 PO Box 903, New York, NY 10276


Clinical Observation; Holy Cross Hospital, Kensington, MD; May 2017
Shadowed registered dietitians for 10 hours over 2 days in daily activities at Holy Cross Hospital
Completed case study and ADIME note for one newly admitted patient

Founder; Saadiyat & Healthy Living Facebook Group; Abu Dhabi, UAE; 2016-2018
Founded group to provide forum for residents in pursuit of health and fitness
Guided 15 tours of local port to facilitate purchasing of fresh fruits and vegetables
Reviewed and reported on 10-15 local exercise classes and events per semester

Collaborator; Healthy Cooking Videos, NYUAD, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 2017

Researched ingredient availability, designed and tested recipes, provided insight on videos

Racquetball Coach; Athletics Department, NYUAD, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 2015

Taught racquetball class to 4 NYUAD students and 5 staff members
Shared nutrition information targeted at student population

Founder and Coordinator; Plant-a-Row for the Hungry, Grinnell, IA; 2004-2006
Started local chapter of national program that calls on gardeners and farmers to plant, harvest, and donate
extra produce to people who are hungry
Coordinated collection efforts; recruited and trained 15 volunteers; hired, trained and supervised an intern;
evaluated and reported on program
Applied for and received $2,000 in local funding


SAT Test Supervisor; Office of Admissions, NYUAD, Abu Dhabi, UAE; 2016-present
Interviewed, hired, trained, and supervised staff of four to administer SAT test
Managed 50 confidential documents and reported to international organization

Acting Assistant Director for Academic Administration; Office of Academic Administration, NYUAD
Abu Dhabi, UAE; 2015-2016
Created 10 documents and procedures necessary to meet accreditation standards for university
Updated 250-page listing of all academic policies, departments, majors/minors, and courses

Assistant Director of Experiential Education; Office of Global Education, NYUAD, Abu Dhabi, UAE;
Created budgets, schedules, task lists, and started new projects
Managed logistics and budget for conference on campus for 20 visiting students and faculty
Led a team of 46 students and 8 faculty to Sri Lanka for one-week

Alumni Service Trip Leader; Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA; 2013-2014

Evaluated 2-week volunteer vacation opportunity in Ghana
Designed an educational voluntour for alumni with a Ghanian service organization and an international
non-profit volunteer service company
Coordinator for Special Off-Campus Study Programs; Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA; 2000-2008
Developed, implemented, and assessed pilot internship programs in Washington, DC and London for over
25 students
Managed and assessed programs in Washington, DC and London for over 50 students annually
Advised more than 80 students annually on over 75 different off-campus study opportunities
Led four orientations annually on health and safety issues, culture shock, and re-entry to campus
Recruited and trained three new faculty members annually to participate in off-campus study opportunities

Research Assistant; Injury Prevention Research Center, Univ of NC, Chapel Hill, NC; 1997-1999
Managed 18-month, $100,000 grant which involved facilitating long-distance meetings with international
doctors, arranging conference space and hotels overseas, managing multiple international visas, and
attending meetings in person to direct and document decisions
Designed and directed two meetings for child welfare professionals: three-day meeting in Mexico for 23
participants, and four-day meeting in Thailand for more than 50 participants

Coordinator; Child Primary Care Research Group, Univ of NC, Chapel Hill, NC; 1997-1998
Managed 12-month, $78,000 grant: involved arranging housing, transportation, and visas for international
epidemiologists to convene in Geneva, Switzerland
Attended and facilitated meetings at World Health Organization (WHO) offices in Switzerland
Summarized and disseminated group decisions, documents, and protocols following meetings

Peace Corps Volunteer; Suriname, South America; 1995-1997

Partnered with village residents to assess needs and develop projects
Supervised implementation of all stages of school/library project


Volunteer Vacations: Short-Term Adventures That Will Benefit You and Others, editions 8-11,
Chicago Review Press; 2001-2012
Solicited photo and story submissions; maintained publication guidelines; edited and managed permission

Community Partner Award, Mid-Iowa Community Action, Grinnell, IA; 2006

Recognized for efforts to feed the hungry with fresh, locally grown produce through founding a local
chapter of Plant-A-Row for the Hungry

Joseph F. Wall Alumni Service Award, Grinnell College; 1996

Received inaugural $18,600 grant from Grinnell College to fund school renovations and library
construction in the village of Ligorio, Suriname during Peace Corps service

Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics, Student Member; July 2016 - Present

Student Nutrition and Dietetics Association, Student Member, University of Northern Colorado, Greeley
CO; August 2016 - Present

Bachelor of Science in Dietetics; University of Northern Colorado, Greeley, CO; 2018

Master of Public Health, specialization in Health Behavior and Health Education; University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill, NC; 2000

Bachelor of Arts in Biology; Grinnell College, Grinnell, IA; 1993

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