Curriculum Vitae Ot Resume Workshop 2018
Curriculum Vitae Ot Resume Workshop 2018
Curriculum Vitae Ot Resume Workshop 2018
3747 N. Lawndale Ave. | Chicago, IL 60618 | 773.726.1227 |
Graduate Fieldwork
Midwest Brain Injury Clubhouse Chicago, IL | March 2018 to April 2018
Co-leader of Communication Group
Developed and lead 4 group therapy sessions on communication skills for members with brain
contribute to treatment plans for TBI patients
evaluate condition and design treatment plans for up to 10 patients per week
communicate effectively
Graduate Practicums
Range of motion (upper extremity)
Manual muscle testing (upper extremity)
Physical agent modalities
Activities of daily living for Stroke patients
Activities of daily living for Spinal cord injury
Activities of daily living post Total hip replacement
Intensive care unit (ICU) observation
Leadership Experience
Carlson Community Services Three Brothers Garden Chicago, IL | May 2013 to August 2013
Garden Coordinator
● Directed 10 volunteers in essential activities and communicated weekly schedule
● Supervised harvest and transportation of produce to food pantry
● Recruited volunteers and recorded and organized garden and volunteer data
Teaching Experience
Park Community Church - Loop Children's Ministry Chicago, IL | December 2016 to Present
Sunday School Volunteer
Taught toddler and preschool age children lessons from the Bible
Maintained group cohesion and order by providing activity breaks between lessons
Facilitated positive child interaction during sessions by modeling turn taking, sharing, and
Swedish Covenant Hospital Montessori Child Care Center Chicago, IL | June 2013 to August 2013
Teaching Assistant
Conducted group activities such as art projects or walking to the park
Guided children in completing tasks such as snack preparation and playtime sharing
Responsible for child safety and communication with parents
Park Community Church - Loop Children's Ministry Chicago, IL | June 2018 to Present
Personal Aide to boy with Autism Spectrum Disorder
Consulted with Children's Ministry Coordinator on ways to make classroom more inclusive
Facilitated longer group participation, time on task, and functional communication through verbal
prompting, provision of meaningful tasks, and building rapport
Counseled teachers on strategies to engage child and encouraged the teachers about successes
Developed plan for increased participation in collaboration with dad to incorporate strategies used
at home
Adapted expectations for demonstration of understanding for child
University of Illinois at Chicago OT 510 Research in Occupational Therapy Chicago, IL | Fall 2017
Evidence Based Practice Project
Conducted a systematic review titled Strategies for Enhancing Academic Engagement and
Participation of Elementary Aged Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder or Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder
Co-authors: Anna Goike, Mackenzie Hess, and Allison Rosen
Presented findings at two University of Illinois at Chicago Scholarship of Practice poster sessions
Conferences Attended
Illinois Occupational Therapy Association Annual Conference Bloomington, IL | November 2017
Illinois Occupational Therapy Association Student Conclave Chicago, IL | March 2018