Grant Proposal Checklist

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The document provides a checklist of important elements to include when writing a grant proposal, such as an executive summary, introduction of the organization, assessment of needs, goals and objectives, methodology, evaluation, future funding, and budget.

The main sections that should be included in a grant proposal according to the checklist are: proposal summary, introduction of the organization, assessment of needs/goals and objectives of the project, methodology, evaluation, future funding, and budget.

The introduction of the organization section should describe the organization's mission, accomplishments, programs, members/clients, management team, past achievements, and the area that will benefit from the project. It should be brief yet interesting.


This proposal checklist will help guide you in preparing and double checking your grant
proposal. As you write your grant proposal, go back to this checklist from time to time to
make sure you are right on track.

PROPOSAL SUMMARY: Clearly and concisely YES NO NOT

summarizes your project and request for funding APPLICABLE
Backgrounder of your organization
Your general objectives especially if these are
connected to your target grant making agencys own
Brief summary of past projects and achievements (if
Project Overview
Reasons for the grant request and target amount
Specific objectives
Details of the project activities to help achieve
Other factors that will show project is worthy of the
Is your proposal summary brief, clear and interesting
enough to catch attention?


Describes your organization and its qualifications for
Description of your organizations mission,
accomplishments, and programs
Description of members and clients
Backgrounder on the management team and staff
Past achievements of your organization
Brief description of the area that will benefit your
Is your introduction brief and interesting?

Purposes and goals of the organization
With statistical facts and figures
Possibly with support and endorsement by credible
What benefits are there for members or
Are your assessments realistic and attainable?


Describes the outcome of the grant in measurable terms
Objectives describing the outcome of the grant
Goals should be related to the need and the target
Backgrounder on the area that will benefit from the
Target time table when objectives will be met

Are your objectives specific and measurable?

METHODOLOGY: Describes the list of project

Activities related to problems and objectives
Description of program activities
List of activities
List of people involved in the activities and their
Time table for each activity

EVALUATION: Prepares measures on how objectives

and methods will be evaluated
Procedures on how to evaluate the objectives
Policies on how to modify methods used
Personnel involved in the evaluation process
Details of evaluation criteria
Description of how data will be gathered and
Instruments or questionnaires to be used
Details on how evaluation will be used for program

FUTURE FUNDING: Presents future funding from

other sources to implement the grant
List of other sources of funds and the amount of
funds from each source
Where will you get future funding to support the
project if it is continued?
Details on how other funds will be obtained, if
necessary, to implement the plan
Note: Include a letter of commitment from funding source, if

BUDGET: Clearly delineates costs of the project to be

met by the funding source
Did you follow general accounting principles?
Is your budget realistic and reflects the work plan?
Is it specific, realistic, and detailed?
Is it sufficient to cover the cost of the project as
described in the narrative?
Note: Do not forget to include computation of all figures and
your assumptions of each cost

Verification of taxexempt status (IRS determination
Certificate of Incorporation and ByLaws
List of Officers and Board of Directors
Financial statements for last completed fiscal year
(audited, referred)
Current general operating budget and special project
budget (if applicable)
List of clients served (if applicable)
List of other current funding sources and uses
Biographies of key personnel or resumes (if
requested by grant making agency)
Support letters or endorsements
Commitment letters from project/program
consultants or subcontractors (if applicable)
Diagrams for equipment or schematics for building
requests (if applicable)

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