Grant Proposal Checklist
Grant Proposal Checklist
Grant Proposal Checklist
This proposal checklist will help guide you in preparing and double checking your grant
proposal. As you write your grant proposal, go back to this checklist from time to time to
make sure you are right on track.
Purposes and goals of the organization
With statistical facts and figures
Possibly with support and endorsement by credible
What benefits are there for members or
Are your assessments realistic and attainable?
Verification of taxexempt status (IRS determination
Certificate of Incorporation and ByLaws
List of Officers and Board of Directors
Financial statements for last completed fiscal year
(audited, referred)
Current general operating budget and special project
budget (if applicable)
List of clients served (if applicable)
List of other current funding sources and uses
Biographies of key personnel or resumes (if
requested by grant making agency)
Support letters or endorsements
Commitment letters from project/program
consultants or subcontractors (if applicable)
Diagrams for equipment or schematics for building
requests (if applicable)