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Control Systems

EE 4001
Lab Report 1
Introduction to PLC and PLC programming

Group No 02
Name T.M.N.L.Wijesekara
Institution IESL College of Engineering
Index No 2013/147/CL1
Programmable Logic Controllers (PLCs) also referred to as programmable
controllers, are in the computer family. They are used in commercial and
industrial applications. A PLC monitors inputs, makes decisions based on its
program, and controls outputs to automate a process or machine.

PLCs consist of input modules or points, a Central Processing Unit (CPU), and
output modules or points. An input accepts a variety of digital or analog signals
from various field devices (sensors) and converts them into a logic signal that
can be used by the CPU. The CPU makes decisions and executes control
instructions based on program instructions in memory. Output modules
convert control instructions from the CPU into a digital or analog signal that
can be used to control various field devices (actuators). A programming device
is used to input the desired instructions. These instructions determine what
the PLC will do for a specific input. An operator interface device allows process
information to be displayed and new control parameters to be entered.

PLCs have exploded in the controls market and are used throughout the world.
Over time they have advanced to become more user friendly, efficient, smaller
and less expensive. Different types of programming languages have also been
developed for PLCs but the most frequently used is still Ladder Logic.
The structure behind ladder logic is based on the electrical ladder diagrams
that were used with relay logic. These diagrams documented how connections
between devices were made on relay panels; they are called ladder diagrams
because they are constructed in a way that resembles a ladder with two
vertical rails and rungs between them. The positive power rail flows to the
negative power rail through the physical devices connected on the rung.

The S7-200 is referred to as a micro PLC because of its small size. The S7-200
has a brick design which means that the power supply and I/O are on-board.
The S7-200 can be used on smaller, stand-alone applications such as elevators,
car washes, or mixing machines. It can also be used on more complex industrial
applications such as bottling and packaging machines.The language of PLCs
consists of a commonly used set of terms; many of which are unique to PLCs.
In order to understand the ideas and concepts of PLCs, an understanding of
these terms is necessary. Sensor A sensor is a device that converts a physical
condition into an electrical signal for use by the PLC. Sensors are connected to
the input of a PLC. A pushbutton is one example of a sensor that is connected
to the PLC input. An electrical signal is sent from the pushbutton to the PLC
indicating the condition (open/closed) of the pushbutton contacts.

Actuators convert an electrical signal from the PLC into a physical condition.
Actuators are connected to the PLC output. A motor starter is one example of
an actuator that is connected to the PLC output. Depending on the output PLC
signal the motor starter will either start or stop the motor. A program consists
of one or more instructions that accomplish a task. Programming a PLC is
simply constructing a set of instructions. There are several ways to look at a
program such as ladder logic, statement lists, or function block diagrams.

Ladder logic (LAD) is one programming language used with PLCs. Ladder logic
uses components that resemble elements used in a line diagram format to
describe hard-wired control. The left vertical line of a ladder logic diagram
represents the power or energized conductor. The output element or
instruction represents the neutral or return path of the circuit. The right
vertical line, which represents the return path on a hard-wired control line
diagram, is omitted. Ladder logic diagrams are read from left-to-right, top-to-
bottom. Rungs are sometimes referred to as networks. A network may have
several control elements, but only one output coil.

In order to understand the instructions a PLC is to carry out, an understanding

of the language is necessary. The language of PLC ladder logic consists of a
commonly used set of symbols that represent control components and

One of the most confusing aspects of PLC programming for first-time users is
the relationship between the device that controls a status bit and the
programming function that uses a status bit. Two of the most common
programming functions are the normally open (NO) contact and the normally
closed (NC) contact. Symbolically, power flows through these contacts when
they are closed. The normally open contact (NO) is true (closed) when the
input or output status bit controlling the contact is 1. The normally closed
contact (NC) is true (closed) when the input or output status bit controlling the
contact is 0.

Coils represent relays that are energized when power flows to them. When a
coil is energized, it causes a corresponding output to turn on by changing the
state of the status bit controlling that output to 1. That same output status bit
may be used to control normally open and normally closed contacts elsewhere
in the program.

Boxes represent various instructions or functions that are executed when
power flows to the box. Typical box functions are timers, counters, and math

Timers are devices that count increments of time. Traffic lights are one
example where timers are used. In this example timers are used to control the
length of time between signal changes. Timers are represented by boxes in
ladder logic. When a timer receives an enable, the timer starts to time. The
timer compares its current time with the preset time. The output of the timer
is a logic 0 as long as the current time is less than the preset time. When the
current time is greater than the preset time the timer output is a logic 1. S7-
200 uses three types of timers: On-Delay (TON), Retentive On-Delay (TONR),
and Off-Delay (TOF).

S7-200 timers are provided with resolutions of 1 millisecond, 10 milliseconds,

and 100 milliseconds. The maximum value of these timers is 32.767 seconds,
327.67 seconds, and 3276.7 seconds, respectively. By adding program
elements, logic can be programmed for much greater time intervals.

On-Delay (TON)
When the On-Delay timer (TON) receives an enable (logic 1) at its input (IN), a
predetermined amount of time (preset time - PT) passes before the timer bit
(T-bit) turns on. The T-bit is a logic function internal to the timer and is not
shown on the symbol. The timer resets to the starting time when the enabling
inputgoes to a logic 0.

Retentive On-Delay (TONR)

The Retentive On-Delay timer (TONR) functions in a similar manner to the On-
Delay timer (TON). There is one difference. The Retentive On-Delay timer times
as long as the enabling input is on, but does not reset when the input goes off.
The timer must be reset with a RESET (R) instruction.
Off-Delay (TOF)
The Off-Delay timer is used to delay an output off for a fixed period of time
after the input turns off. When the enabling bit turns on the timer bit turns on
immediately and the value is set to 0. When the input turns off, the timer
counts until the preset time has elapsed before the timer bit turns off.

The S7-200s have 256 timers. The specific T number chosen for the timer
determines its time base and whether it is TON, TONR, or TOF.

Counters used in PLCs serve the same function as mechanical counters.

Counters compare an accumulated value to a preset value to control circuit
functions. Control applications that commonly use counters include the

Count to a preset value and cause an event to occur

Cause an event to occur until the count reaches a preset value

Counters are represented by boxes in ladder logic. Counters increment or

decrement one count each time the input transitions from off (logic 0) to on
(logic 1). The counters are reset when a RESET instruction is executed. S7-200
uses three types of counters: up counter (CTU), down counter (CTD), and
up/down counter (CTUD).

Up Counter
The up counter counts up from a current value to a preset value (PV). Input CU
is the count input. Each time CU transitions from a logic 0 to a logic 1 the
counter increments by a count of 1. Input R is the reset. A preset count value is
stored in PV input. If the current count is equal to or greater than the preset
value stored in PV, the output bit (Q) turns on (not shown).

Down Counter
The down counter counts down from the preset value (PV) each
time CD transitions from a logic 0 to a logic 1. When the current value is equal
to zero the counter output bit (Q) turns on (not shown). The counter resets
and loads the current value with the preset value (PV) when the load input (LD)
is enabled.
Up/Down Counter
The up/down counter counts up or down from the preset value each time
either CD or CU transitions from a logic 0 to a logic 1. When the current value is
equal to the preset value, the output QU turns on. When the current value (CV)
is equal to zero, the output QD turns on. The counter loads the current value
(CV) with the preset value (PV) when the load input (LD) is enabled. Similarly,
the counter resets and loads the current value (CV) with zero when the reset
(R) is enabled. The counter stops counting when it reaches preset or zero.
Two decades ago, machines were simple and work in factories was, for the
most part, manual in nature. Machines were designed to be manually
controlled. Today, if people look for around them will find many things have
the control systems, which are necessary to organize the complex devices. The
control system is of primary importance for devices and machines in factories,
aircraft, cars, and even in some home devices. For this reason, life has become
easier and production has dramatically advanced. Now, the control system is
acting on behalf of humans, helping them for example to avoid risks in
chemical factories, which can be extremely dangerous for humans. Today, it is
difficult for people to avoid the use of control systems in the work place.
Control systems control complex processes, which regulate the production in
huge factories. Without automated control systems, factories face many
problems, which would otherwise be very hard to find a solution to.

Prior to PLCs, many of these control tasks were solved with contactor or relay
controls. This is often referred to as hardwired control. Circuit diagrams had to
be designed, electrical components specified and installed, and wiring lists
created. Electricians would then wire the components necessary to perform a
specific task. If an error was made the wires had to be reconnected correctly. A
change in function or system expansion required extensive component
changes and rewiring.

With the beginning of the modern industries, the engineers needed systems to
help them to accelerate production and to get high quality at a low cost.
Electronic systems in the form of sensors and switches were invented to
monitor and control manufacturing and reduce labor and production errors.
Switches and sensors were needed to complement programming and
hardware and to speed up the analysis of input data and obtain the results to
assist the engineers in processing steps. The first system and software used in
this area was the SCADA system. However, this system was complex and could
not be linked with other monitoring systems. Hence, they invented the PLC,
which in turn facilitated the process of programming. Also, it contained many
possibilities including its ability to connect easily with other systems in
production lines to assist in the development of the production process. PLC,
which plays an essential part in the process of automation and control, is one
of the most important systems in many factory production lines, and it has
more features than other systems.
The same, as well as more complex tasks, can be done with a PLC. Wiring
between devices and relay contacts is done in the PLC program. Hard-wiring,
though still required to connect field devices, is less intensive. Modifying the
application and correcting errors are easier to handle. It is easier to create and
change a program in a PLC than it is to wire and rewire a circuit.
Following are just a few of the advantages of PLCs:

Smaller physical size than hard-wire solutions.

Easier and faster to make changes.
PLCs have integrated diagnostics and override functions.
Diagnostics are centrally available.
Applications can be immediately documented.
Applications can be duplicated faster and less expensively.

Furthermore, PLCs have many advantages that make it a unique process

controller. The advantages are always increasing. Programmers, operators, and
engineers prefer the PLC's over other control systems, because of their
simplicity, security, and reliability.

PLC is simple and flexible

No control systems are easy or simple, but PLC's have emerged as
comparatively simple and easy to other leading process control systems. In PLC
is easy to add or remove any ending device without affected the whole
process. Also, PLC has the flexibility to monitor and correct the system anytime
even though the plant On-line situation or Off-line situation.

PLC is distributed
Allocated controlling system implicates many computers and stations on
network occupied to gather. PLC is created to make allocated controlling
system smooth with the networking faculty and equipments that are
inseparably joined to it. PLC is considered the sender and receiver on writing
network system files. Also, PLC is able to work with the hardware parts and the
software side of the computer, including those operating systems Windows 95
and NT, the Macintosh, XP and Vista.
PLC is secure
The security in PLC is excellent. It is one of the first control program that has
the most powerful protection from risks, losing data and the damage to the
users. Those features have made PLC a sophisticated and useful control
program system.

PLC is reliable
Both reliability and security are important to each control system. PLC is one
example of those control systems, which have them. PLC affords multiple
points of reliability measures, starting with PLC itself and ending with many of
its features. For example, pointers and automatic type conversion are included
in PLC. Before PLC is finished doing and start a program it has to check if there
is any mistake that it can fix by itself or ask the user about it.

Programmable logic controller language has helped develop the control

system, and it has become the most useful language. Programmable Logic
Controllers have become the language that most companies and factories use.
They supply and support engineers with what they need and they keep
operators protected from hazardous machines. The potential of programmable
logic controllers in controlling systems is almost limitless. Programmable logic
controls have fed and supported control systems in many ways. Most process
computers utilized in factories with humans have more advantages than
disadvantages as a secure system when dealing with complex process.
Programmable logic controllers have proven to be an effective and helpful tool
in many industries in the past. With their many advantages, they will continue
to be useful in the future as well.

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