1st Quarter 9 Honors WN 2017

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Name: ___________________________________ Grade: _____ Due Date: Wednesday, November 8th

9 Honors Writers Notebook Checklist 1st Quarter 2017

Key: = Complete I = Incomplete (No Credit) M = Missing (No Credit) 1/2 = Not Fully Complete ( Credit)

_____ #1: Competition - How can failure be a positive experience? (Consider the concept of resiliency.)

_____ #2: Forces Beyond Our Control - The allusion in the title Of Mice and Men highlights the idea that the plans of mice and men often go
awry. It prescribes to the notion that there are forces beyond our control that determine our fate (future events). Can you think of a time
when your plans were derailed because of a force beyond your control?
1. What was your plan?
2. What was the force beyond your control?
3. How did this force derail your plan?
4. What was the outcome? How did you handle the situation?
*Don't write your response as an answer to these questions; simply tell the story.

_____ #3: Color of Water Chpts. 1-9 Response Choose one of the following prompts to respond to:

Prompt #1: A literary works tone can reveal a writers attitudes toward a subject just as effectively as action or exposition; sometimes,
tone is even more effective. Carefully read the passage, from Chapter 4 of The Color of Water, that begins, In 1966, when I was nine
and ends, my answer is no, whatever it is. Then, write a brief response in which you identify the tone of the passage and explain what
the tone conveys about the speakers feelings on the subject of the passage.

Prompt #2: Carefully read the passage, from Chapter 4 of The Color of Water, that begins on pg. 33 I knew of no other white woman
and ends, his face melted into a knot of disbelief and tears. Then, in a brief response, explain how the speaker conveys his complex
attitude toward the Black Panthers and the Black Power movement in general. Be sure to reference the text in your response, but avoid
plot summary.

Prompt #3: Carefully read the passage, from Chapter 6 of The Color of Water, that begins, Im crying cause Im happy and ends,
Mommy tried and tried to make him go back, but he wouldnt. Then, write brief response in which you identify the main conflict in the
passage, analyze the sources of this conflict, and explain how this conflict contributes to the meaning of the work thus far. Avoid mere plot

_____ #4: Where Do I Come From? - It has often been said that we are products of our environment. This environment includes our nuclear
family, extended family, and our ancestors. Consider where you come from? How do you think your environment has had an effect on
your life?

_____ #5: POV Descriptive Self Reflection- Write a descriptive entry in which you describe yourself from the (POV) perspective of one or both of
your parents. This entry requires you to look at yourself from the outside. Include specific details to support your response. Be as authentic
as possible.

_____#6: Color of Water Chpts. 10-16 Response - Carefully read the passage, from Chapter 10 of The Color of Water that begins on pg. 89: In
this pre-busing era and ends on pg. 93: She got up and went back to cooking, while I wandered away, bewildered. Then, in a
thoughtful, response of approximately 200 words, explain how the author illuminates the narrators internal conflict pertaining to identity.
You must incorporate textual evidence into your response. Avoid plot summary.

_____#7: Tackling Conflict - In a multi-paragraph response, write about a time when you faced a conflict because of an obstacle, oppression, or
lack of opportunity.
Explain/describe the obstacle, oppression, or lack of opportunity.
What was the source of the conflict (internal, societal, or another person)?
How did you tackle the obstacle, oppression, or lack of opportunity?
What was the outcome?
In retrospect, is there anything you would have done differently and/or what did you learn from the experience?

_____#8: I Have a Dream Purpose: Choose one purpose/theme to comment on in a 1 pg. journal entry. You can write about this topic as
it applies to history, today, your personal experiences, and/or King's speech. You do not have to reference King's speech. King's speech
has several purposes/themes:
1. Establish that America's promise of equality for all people has not been fulfilled.
2. Convey the urgency of fighting for equality and that the oppressed will not be satisfied with the conditions of segregation.
3. Promote passive resistance vs. violent aggression.
4. Promote unity between the races as opposed to division.
_____#9: Free Entry: Use this entry to write about anything you want: short story, poem, reflective entry, opinion on a current issue, commentary
on something we are learning/discussing in class, etc.

_____#10: Free Entry: Use this entry to write about anything you want: short story, poem, reflective entry, opinion on a current issue, commentary
on something we are learning/discussing in class, etc.

Free Write Ideas:

The Color of Water Significant Scene: Identify a significant scene/passage/quote that stands out either for form or content. If you are
highlighting a scene, summarize it and pull the most important words to quote. If you are highlighting a long passage, paraphrase it and pull the most
important words to quote. Explain the significance. You may highlight more than one scene/passage/quote. Remember to include page numbers.
Signposts you might NOTE and NOTICE:
Contrasts and Tough Questions Again and Again
Contradictions Words of the Wiser Memory Moment
Aha Moment

The Color of Water Opinion: Discuss your opinion of the book and whether or not you would recommend it to a friend. Consider the following:
What you think the authors goal was in writing the book and did she/he succeed in reaching this goal? Your analysis should mention
specific elements in the book. I dont like the book because it was sad is not an analytical statement. If the book seemed gloomy,
you might want to discuss the effectiveness (or not) of that tone or imagery in developing a dominant theme, revealing a character,
and/or influencing your response to the work.
Were characters interesting and credible? Why?
Did the book open your eyes and help you to see history and/or the world in a new way?
How did the plot hold or not hold your interest. What made the book an enjoyable or not so enjoyable read?
*Of course, a couple of quotes would support your analysis.

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