9r 2019-20 Syllabus
9r 2019-20 Syllabus
9r 2019-20 Syllabus
Smithtown High School West
Room E206
Ms. Britton-Nix: jbritton-nix@smithtown.k12.ny.us
Mr. Jackett: mjackett@smithtown.k12.ny.us
"You’re in charge of your mind. You can help it grow by using it in the right way."
—Carol Dweck, Mindset: The New Psychology of Success
Required Materials for English:
● Loose-Leaf Binder & Loose-Leaf Paper (1.5” binder with folder pockets is recommended)
● Divider Sheets for 3 Sections: 1) Classwork & Notes, 2) Writing & Grammar, and 3) Reference
● Writer’s Notebook (college ruled composition notebook 9.75” x 7.5”)
● Blue/Black Pens and #2 Pencils
● Post-It Notes and Highlighters
Please store this sheet at the front of the binder you use for this class.
Expectations and Extra Help: S tudents will be interacting with one
another through class discussions, group work, and performance
activities; therefore, it is important that students understand the
necessity of listening to and respecting one another’s responses and
opinions. Students are expected to advocate for themselves and ask
for help when they need it. Extra help will be available during school
hours and after school by appointment. There will be a weekly
sign-up sheet for extra help posted at the front of the classroom
Statement of Integrity: The English Department of the Smithtown Central School District expects the highest conduct from its students.
We encourage all our students to work hard and to do their own research and writing for homework, special assignments, or projects. Any
evidence of plagiarism may result in no credit for the assignment. Unless explicitly designated as a collaborative activity, all assignments
are reflections of an individual’s work. This includes homework. Students caught using material they did not create themselves (such as
reading notes taken from an Internet Resource or copied from a friend) may not get credit for that assignment. Exams and other
assessments should be considered opportunities for a student to show what he or she has learned over the course of the unit, semester or
year. During any assessment, if the student is caught using any kind of electronic device (including but not limited to cell phones) or has
an electronic device out, the student may automatically fail the exam. Therefore, cell phones and other electronic devices should be left at
home or in the student’s locker during exams. In addition, attempting to give or receive assistance in any form during an assessment may
result in a failing grade for all parties involved.