3-Circle Analysis Guide
3-Circle Analysis Guide
3-Circle Analysis Guide
Analysis Guide
October, 2011
*Revised from an instructional document prepared by Prof. Joe Urbany of the University of Notre
Dames Mendoza College of Business. Used with permission.
Positioning is typically either externally-driven (i.e., how do you differentiate from competitors in
serving customer needs?) or internally-driven (how do you assemble unique resources and build
capabilities to gain competitive advantage?). These views are rarely considered together, hindering
speed and effectiveness of strategy execution. As a result, many firms fall into the traps of developing
strategy that fits the market but cannot be executed effectively, or of acquiring unique resources and
capabilities that fail to create unique value for customers.
The underlying concepts of the 3-Circle Model are grounded in years of research in corporate strategy,
marketing, organizational theory and economics. Equally important, the framework has been
successfully applied by managers in a wide variety of large and small organizations. The 3-Circle
framework very quickly creates meaning and a language that connects key concepts known to affect
firm performance.
The purpose of this guide is to present and explain the steps and provide directions for implementing a
growth strategy. It is a step-by-step process that you can use to develop competitive positioning to
serve a particular market.
Copyright 2007-2010 Joel E. Urbany and James H. Davis, all rights reserved. Revised with permission.
1. Define the context. What customer segment, company unit, and competitor(s) will be analyzed? Since the
context determines the focus of the analysis, these are important (but not necessarily obvious) choices.
2. Customer analysis (customer circle). In this step, youll delve into customer decision-making, obtaining
estimates of the attributes / benefits and importance of their needs as well as their beliefs about your firm and
the competition. It consists of a BEFORE Worksheet assessment that should capture your best guesses
about customer value perceptions prior to your going out to talk to customers. The BEFORE Worksheet is
completed BEFORE you actually talk to customers. An AFTER Worksheet of customer choice attributes is
the result of talking with past customers and prospects. Comparing these two worksheets almost always
produces interesting insights about difference between a managers perceptions and those of the firms current
and potential customers.
3. Sorting. There are 7 distinct areas of the 3-Circle Model, and step 3 involves identifying into which area
each of the attributes identified in Step 2 should be classified.
4. Deep diving. Exploring deeper customer values through laddering or other methods that will be explained.
This involves identifying customer values that underlie demand for the attributes in particular areas of the
5. Your Capabilities/ Resources / Assets. In this step, you explicitly identify your organizations capabilities,
resources and assets (C/R/As).
7. Overlapping Circles (INSIDE view). Here you make an assessment of which capabilities, resources, and
assets are common to both your firm and the competition, and which are potentially distinctive.
8. Alignment. In this step, you address the most important question in the analysis: Are your points of
difference from competition based upon real, distinctive capabilities and thus the basis for a competitive
9. Dynamics. Here, you consider the dynamics of the model. How has this market changed over time? How
is it likely to change in the future?
10. Growth Strategy. Steps 1-9 build into the Step 10 analysis, which is the most critical. Prompted by a
series of questions in the Growth through New Value matrix, you explore a number of growth avenues, and
consider implications for marketing tactics. This is the climactic step all the other steps build to this one.
The Growth Strategy model has been applied to varied exchange situations including businesses, non-
profits, religious institutions, and even individuals. Note that a 3-circle analysis of any of these
entities involves the same series of steps (described below), but begins with identification of exchange
partners (e.g. customers) and competitors. For a business application, exchange partners would be
current and/or potential customers. Competitors are those organizations or individuals who in
customers eyes are substitutes for your service. Customers and competitors are as you would define
them traditionally.
It is important for you to narrow down the customer group (market) and competition under study.
Begin by selecting a market. A market consists of organizations with needs to satisfy, money to spend,
and a willingness to spend it. For example, existing golf courses interested in undertaking redesigns
might constitute a market. However, this is too broad a context for analysis because within this market
there are almost certainly sub-groups or segments, the members of which are similar to each other but
as a group they have important differences from others in the market in terms of such things as
location, priorities, funds, and decision-making processes. Therefore, it is important to narrow down
this market to a strategically important customer segment. For example, choose one that represents a
large proportion of your business, perhaps one you currently stand the chance of losing, or one that
would be new to you but appears attractive, that is a customer segment with whom you would like to
acquire new business. In addition, identify one particular competitor; the one firm that you feel you
currently (or would) compete with most for this segment. Perhaps select a competitor that is the
largest or most threatening, or one that is representative of a larger group of important competitors.
Clarity in defining the context in Step 1 is imperative, making the subsequent analysis much more
straightforward and useful. The analysis can later be repeated for different competitors, markets, or
customer segments.
Conclude this step with a simple, one-line description of the context. Using this particular format
helps to reinforce the purpose of the project. Keep in mind that youre seeking to study somebodys
choice about something. The one-liner format goes like this:
My goal is to figure out how ______ can grow by creating more value for ________ than ________
So, there are 3 blanks. The first one is your company or unit of your company. The second one is the
customer or customer segment. The third one is the competitor. So, more specifically, your one-
liner context should read like this:
This is the generic form of the project context. A fast food firm might formulate the context like this:
My goal is to figure out how STARBUCKS can grow by creating more value for
My goal is to figure out how SMITH DESIGN, Ltd. can grow by creating more value for
There are many different contexts in which the process has been applied. Although in some of the
examples below, the definition of target segment would need sharpening (disguised here for
competitive reasons), these are examples of some projects that have been done in the past:
There are a series of sub-steps described below. The primary goal in Step 2 is to learn the positive and
negative perceptions that customers have of you and your competitor. But I ask you to do this two
ways because in and of itself, important insights can be gained. First, perform a preliminary exercise
in which you internally estimate customer perceptions (the BEFORE Worksheet), then second conduct
an exercise in which input is obtained directly from customers (the AFTER Worksheet).
2.1 Preliminary Exercise for you The BEFORE Worksheet. It is important early on for you to
think deeply about customer needs and perceptions, beginning with the initial beliefs of you and/or
your team. Prior to talking directly with customers, you need to consider what you think, even if you
dont have a lot of information to start. The steps are guided by the use of part 1 of the 3-Circle work
sheet that appears as Figure 1 below. Heres how it goes:
2.1.1. Step into the shoes of your customers. First, in the left hand column of the Figure 1
worksheet, list the top 10 reasons you believe customers in this market segment choose one
competitive offering over another. Try to use phrases that customers would use. Make sure
you list at least 5, but no more than 10. These reasons will often be described as attributes
or features of the service (or service provider) that customers think about before making a
decision. For example, desired attributes of hotel rooms (the service) for the market segment
business travelers might be roominess, cleanliness, amenities, work area, etc. and desired
attributes for hotel chains (service provider) for the same segment might be price, consistent
quality across all location, number of locations, ease of making a reservation, presence of a
business center, etc. Again, these dimensions more generally are referred to as reasons for
selecting a provider. In the far right hand column of the worksheet write down the
consequence or customer value that explains the corresponding reason. In many cases these
seem obvious, but they often provide interesting insights. For example, roominess of a hotel
room might be desirable because it makes it easier to meet clients in the room or it might make
a hotel stay feel more like home.
2.1.2. Importance. Next provide a relative rating of importance for how influential each
reason is in your target segments decision-making. On the worksheet, estimate the
importance of each reason/attribute as Low (L), Moderate (M), or High (H) for the selected
segment. Youll see this is ultimately about prioritizing.
2.1.3. Ratings of company and competitor. Focusing on the customer segment youve
chosen, here rate your firm and the selected competitor on all the reasons / attributes that you
identified earlier. Do your best to estimate the ratings that customers would provide. First,
on each attribute, rate your firm in column 3 as you believe customers would. Use the
following 3-point scale: are you below expectations (a rating of 1), do you meet expectations
(2), or do you exceed the customers expectations (3)? Record your ratings on the worksheet.
Repeat the exercise, this time estimating customer responses for the competitor on each
attribute (again, 1, 2, or 3).
An important point here: Do your best to adopt the view of your customer. Reflect on the
needs and values that are likely to be driving their choice of one competitor over another. Do
your best to put yourself in the shoes of the customer before estimating their beliefs about you
and the competition. You may want to consult with others in your organization or possibly
have your management team individually and without consulting with each other produce
attribute and importance ratings for the same customer segment and then compare and discuss
your results.
Figure 1
(1) = Your unit, (2) = chosen customer segment, (3) = competitor unit.
Step 2 is ultimately about learning customer perception of your strengths and weaknesses. The sub-
steps below provide insight into how preliminary research with customers can be done by having some
conversations with current or past customers. The steps involve essentially repeating the steps in
section 2.1 above, but this time obtaining information directly from the market to produce the AFTER
2.2.1 Sampling. It is possible to interview a few customers and gain a great deal of insight.
Clearly, a larger study with a sample representative of the chosen customer segment would
provide the most confident assessment for decision-making, but this may be impractical or
impossible. The primary mandate is that those who you interview / survey be representative of
the customer segment youve selected for analysis. If the segment is small, you can gather data
from multiple individuals in the same organization. Just be sure: 1) they are people involved in
the choice of suppliers, and 2) that you interview them individually (not as a group).
NOTE: You may have existing data on customer satisfaction or attitude surveys. This kind of
data can be a nice input in the project and can substitute for or supplement customer interviews.
2.2.2 Generate a List of Attributes or Reasons for Purchase. You have your own
preliminary list of attributes/benefits sought (from the BEFORE Worksheet), but now you want
to identify what factors are important to customers in their choices. Logically (and hopefully)
there will be considerable overlap between your BEFORE worksheet and the attributes/reasons
customers provide. However, important differences in perceptions often emerge. Talk with
enough people that you feel confident in the estimates for which youre asked below. Identify
the attributes of the product or service that you believe are the very most important in the
decision-making and perception of the customer segment that you identified.
[ NOTE: The approach described here was originated by Tom Reynolds, President of SRDA Associates, a long
contributor to research on decision-making and one of the early pioneers in research and practice on laddering.
Used with permission. ]
It is important to get customers to be specific. For example, if they say "quality" in response to
the question regarding why they chose X over Y, it is important to follow up with "What do
you mean by quality?" or "What are the different dimensions of quality that influenced you?"
One variation of this method is to ask customers to give you an overall rating (from 10 {ideal}
to 1{awful} for each firm (you and your competitor), say for overall satisfaction or overall
value for the money. Then, for each firm, ask your respondent these questions:
Equities: Why did you rate this firm as high as you did (and not one point lower)? Give all
the reasons you can think of. Make sure the respondent is specific for example, if they say
quality, thats too general. Make sure you drill down on that by asking them to list the
different things they mean by quality and then which of those is the most important aspect of
Disequities: Why didnt you rate this firm one point higher? What kept you from giving a
higher rating? (Again, give all the reasons, and drill down if their answer is too general.)
This simple task produces a wealth of information. Youll get a list of positives and negatives
for each firm. You can use this to see if your initial attribute list is missing anything obvious.
This method will come into play again below.
Be sure to take notes! You cant count on your memory for these details.
There are many ways to obtain these more detailed ratings from customers. A few thoughts:
OPTION 1: Ask for ratings like you did in the BEFORE Worksheet. Once youve
got your new or revised list of reasons/attributes based upon a couple of preliminary interviews
with actual customers, the simplest thing to ask for are ratings as you did in the BEFORE
Worksheet. That is, for each reason/attribute:
Ask the respondent for a Low, Medium, or High rating for importance.
Ask the respondent to rate your firm (and then the competitor) as below,
meeting, or exceeding expectations.
OPTION 2: Use your firms typical approach or another scaling approach. In the
end, the goal is to essentially have a table of customer ratings of both your firm and the
competitor, and some sense of importance. The information might be summarized in a table
Examine the results of the customer conversations and enter the summarized result in the
AFTER worksheet (see below).
Figure 2
(2) = Your unit, (2) = chosen customer segment, (3) = competitor unit.
Comparing your BEFORE worksheet with your AFTER worksheet may produce some important
insights. How well does your assessment of choice attributes compare to the markets? Did you
overlook any important attributes, prioritize them in a different order of importance, or misjudge the
markets view of how well your firm or your competitor performs? For some firms reconciling these
differences is a great value in itself.
Step 3 is next, but lets actually look ahead a little bit to Step 4. Step 4 is designed for you to dig
deeper through laddering and find out what these attributes really mean to customers. Anticipating
that, you should build a little deeper exploration into your Step 2 interviews, which will help you cover
Step 4 more efficiently. In Step 4, I elaborate on the laddering method, but I first wanted to suggest
that you may want to integrate laddering into the interviews youre doing with customers here is Step
Overall Rating and Efficiency. Laddering can be a bit challenging at first, but it is very doable. So,
youll be able to figure out laddering, it will just take a little practice. But heres the thing. Youll
only have time to ladder on a few attributes so you want to pick them strategically. The ideal would
be if you could go home and analyze all your Step 2 data to determine which attributes youd like to
ladder on (usually from Circle Area As, Es, and Gs). Then you go back and talk to your
respondents again, this time laddering on the chosen attributes.
So, heres an option that will be more efficient. It is an elaboration of one of the Step 2 methods above
for learning quickly about equities and disequities.
Heres how you do it. To be attractive to a market segment, it helps to know what youre pretty good
at (potentially so you can keep improving on that) and what youre not so good at (so you can fix it).
Heres how you can quickly identify those two strategically-important attributes and then move right
into laddering on them:
In seeking You would ask then you can jump right into
the laddering questions.
MAIN EQUITY: what was the main positive that led Why was that ATTRIBUTE
Our main positive you to rate us as high as you did and important to you?
value (likely to be an not one point lower? For example, you
Area A item) rated us an 8 - what kept you from Why is (answer above) important to
giving us a 7? you?
(Make sure the reason/attribute is clear
and specificask for clarification if
need be)
MAIN DISEQUITY: you rated us a 7 what is the main Why was that ATTRIBUTE
Our main negative negative that kept you from rating us at important to you?
value least 1 point higher? In other words,
(likely to be an Area what about us kept you from giving us Why is (answer above) important to
E or Area C item) an 8? you?
Summary of Step 2
So, just to sum up, your most efficient interview would probably have these characteristics:
(a) it is based on an attribute list that comes from your initial brainstorming and discussion
with several members of the defined market segment.
(b) asks respondents how important each attribute is.
(c) asks respondents to rate each firm (your firm and your competitor) on all the attributes.
(d) asks for the main equity and the main disequity attributes, and then
(e) ladders on the main equity and main disquity attributes.
You may have other questions (like demographics or other attitudes), but these are the essential ones
for the purpose of the project. Ill have more on this notion of deep diving in Step 4. But next, you
need to sort.
Step 3. Sorting
Now, review the pattern of the reconciled ratings you produced and those obtained from the market.
Your job in Step 3 is to identify where these different dimension of value go in the 3-Circle framework.
Figure 3 below presents the outside view of the 3-Circles. The upper right-hand circle represents
customer needs and values. The upper left-hand circle represents customer perception of the value
that our company provides, while the bottom circle represents customer perception of the competitors
value. Each of the 7 areas in the framework indicated by the letters A through G -- has strategic
meaning. The task here in Step 3 is to sort the reasons or attributes that youve assessed into different
Figure 3
Outside View of the 3 Circles
Company/You A Customer
In the customers
eyes, what are White Space:
your points of What are unmet
EF difference? needs and values?
Disequities /
future equity? G
What are points
of parity? C
D What are your
D competitors
The Swamp points of
GF Competitors
OUTSIDE Disequities /
(CUSTOMER) future equity?
Table 2 below provides some simple sorting rules based upon a comparison of your rating or
evaluation (by customers) vs. the competitor, qualified by attribute importance. The goal here is to
make judgments about the value youre providing customers relative to the competition. Judgment of
value is broken down by attribute or reason. Each individual attribute is sorted into Areas A through F
based upon the relative ratings given by customers (first column) qualified by your assessment of
attribute importance. Area G is a somewhat unique area on which Ill elaborate later, as it often is not
represented in research about customer perceptions of firms on existing attributes. So, on what
important dimensions are you perceived to provide greater value (area A)? On what dimensions
are you perceived to be similar to competitors (area B)? On what important dimensions is the
competitor perceived to provide greater value (area C)?
Table 2
Sorting Rules
Areas A, B, C. Is your Area A small (bad) or large (good) compared to the competitors Area C?
How large is Area B, relative to A and C for this market? If B is large, perceived substantive
differences may not exist.
Areas D, E, F. Now consider the area of the customer circle that does not overlap with your circle
nor the competitors circle and that is unique to each firm (Areas E, F) or are perhaps common to
each firm (Area D). If your scores are sub-par relative to customer standards and inferior to the
competitor an Area E problem -- this represents (depending upon attribute importance), either
reasons the competitor is likely to win business from you, an unawareness problem, or attributes that
are not valued highly and are candidates for reduction or removal. Area D christened the swamp
by a previous frustrated client who readily identified with the concept -- captures value that is being
created by both firms that is not desired by the customer. Area F is the equivalent of Area E but from
the perspective of the competitor.
Area G. This white space captures unmet customer needs. The free market rewards firms
anticipating and responding to important needs more effectively than others. While the internal
language of business tends to be around offerings i.e., what we produce -- the most profitable value
comes by thinking from the view of customer problems, needs, and values. These are the real reasons
why customers purchase those offerings. When Radio Shack says dont just buy stuff do stuff,
the explicit message is that we know you buy products, but what is really important is what you get
from buying and using those products.
Area G might be considered potential features, an ongoing area in which you might search for new
value-creation opportunities. The ideas that may appear in Area G can be identified a variety of ways.
Studying customer complaints is the most common and direct. Yet customers can not always put their
finger on what ails them. Instead, inferences must often be made from more general conversations
about understanding larger problems / concerns the customer has, and research that dig beneath the
surface to understanding customer needs and values, for example observing customers and the
circumstances surrounding their consumption of the product.
In fact, the laddering method is another approach to uncovering deeper needs and values. This is the
basis for Step 4.
Deeper Values. Whatever attributes you categorized into Areas A and C above are what you believe
to be the critical drivers of why customers choose you or choose your competitor. In step 4 the goal
is to discover the values underlying the attributes sought by customers. To begin, identify the most
important attribute in Area A. Then ladder on it. Laddering is root cause analysis, except that it
focuses on customer decision-making. It involves asking why or what do we get several times:
4.1. Ask yourself (or management team): Why is this attribute important to this customer
segment? (Alternatively, ask: What does the customer really get from this attribute?).
Write down the answer.
4.2 Then ask: Why is the benefit identified in 4.1 important to customers? (or, What do
they get from it ?)
4.3 Next, ask: Why is the answer I just gave in 4.2 important to customers?
After 3 or 4 whys? youll begin to delve into the deeper needs or values that customers have that
drive their decision-making. In Figure 3 below, I present an example from a study that was done for
Federal Express. The study focused on administrative assistants in business organizations, who are
key decision-makers in selecting express mail services. It was identified that on-time delivery was
frequently mentioned as a positive equity (something the firm does well) for Federal Express. The
questions and answers below reveal the values underlying this attributes importance. The action
starts at the lower left (then follow the arrows up).
Figure 4
Laddering Exercise for Federal Express
A ladder shows how features of our service are linked to customers deeper values.
The secretary below, for example, appreciates Fed Exs on-time delivery because it
gives her a sense of control and peace of mind. This understanding contributed to
developing effective advertising for FedEx.
social What do you get when
conse- the recipient knows Less worried, avoid
were reliable? looking bad to boss
Conse- Why is on-time delivery Recipient knows
quence important to you? were reliable
Attribute Why do you rate satisfaction On-time delivery
So highly for FedEx?
The research above led to significant change in FedEx advertising. Earlier campaigns had humorously
demonstrated the consequences of using the other guy. A new campaign was developed around
FedExs technology / tracking capability. While similarly humorous, the new campaign showed boss
and secretary together getting a great sense of relief and control as they learn about FedExs satellite
communication system.
Laddering on different attributes/reasons can lead to a new understanding of why the value you
currently create for customers (Areas A, B) is important to them. Laddering on areas of disequity or
dissatisfaction (E or D) can provide insight into needs that have gone unmet i.e., that essentially
reside in the white space, Area G.
Laddering is something of an art, requiring careful listening. It also has some subtle aspects not
discussed here. Yet, effectively applied, it provides critical insight into the core values behind
customer decision-making. The point is, dont be afraid to ask WHY? That is where growth
opportunities exist!
A key aspect of the evaluation is that you base this analysis not just on your guesses and/or estimations
but also on evidence gathered. It is often effective to interview key staff within the organization
and/or your previous customers or suppliers to see if your perceptions are correct. Through a series of
such interviews it is possible to obtain some consensus about your firms capabilities and resources.
Secondary research (trade publications, conference topics and sessions) on the market in which you
compete can also be useful in determining what capabilities, resources and assets are considered
essential. Appendix B in this paper provides an overview of different types of capabilities and
questions to ask in this analysis. The appendix is based upon the work of several prominent
researchers and consultants.
Make an assessment of which of the capabilities, resources, and assets that your firm and the
competition have in common. In addition identify as best you can which capabilities, resources, and
assets are unique to each firm. This is labeled the inside view because these capabilities, resources,
and assets essentially represent the factors behind each firms ability to generate customer value.
Figure 5 illustrates the overlapping circles that support this analysis. Overlapping these internal
circles provides three different sets of capabilities.
Figure 5
Inside View
Company/You INSIDE
What are your unique VIEW
capabilities / resources / assets?
do you and the competitor
have in common?
What are the
competitors unique
resources/ assets?
The center, overlapping area includes common capabilities, resources and assets. These may or may
not create value for customers, but both organizations share these attributes and as a result, though
they may be necessary, they are probably not a source of distinctiveness.
In the non-overlapping portions of the circles, you find capabilities unique to each firm (and
correspondingly, the absence of capabilities the other firm has). These attributes have the potential of
giving your organization distinctiveness and differentiation from your competitor.
Step 8. Alignment
Here is one of the most important questions to ask: Are our points of difference based upon
substantive capability? To explore this, make a picture linking up the capabilities that you listed in
Step 5 to the points of parity and your own points of difference identified in Steps 2 and 3. Are the
perceived points of difference for your organization based upon real capabilities? How about the
competitors? Has either of you truly built a capability that will sustain a distinctive position in the
market? Consider the other two, as yet undefined areas of the model. What do they mean for you
and / or your competitor?
The most significant point here is to identify whether what you believe to be your key sources of
competitive advantage for this market segment are grounded on solid capabilities and resources.
If no, new capability development can be a source of solidifying competitive advantage.
Here, you can also separate between existing points of difference, and future or aspirational points of
difference. What are the goals? Can you meet them with existing capabilities? Do you need to
develop new capabilities?
Step 9. Dynamics
Consider the dynamics of the model and your application. How has this market changed over time?
How might it change in the future? Do you see the circles shifting? Changing size? What are the
likely patterns of change?
There are two types of dynamics. First, business attributes that were once innovative and
distinguishing (area A) become points of parity (area B) and then may go to the swamp and become
candidates for elimination (area D). Second, the circles shift over time, as in the case of new golf
course construction.
The key here is that growth ideas are defined with a central focus on customer value, defined as a ratio
of customer benefits to customer costs (broadly defined):
Customer Benefits
Customer value = ------------------------------
Customer Costs
The conceptual notion here, well-established in practice, is that we increase the probability that
customers will choose our offering if we increase the value of it relative to the competition.
Increasing value comes from increasing customer benefits, reducing customer costs, or both.
In Steps 1 through 9 of this process, you have worked hard to identify and categorize how customers
in the chosen market segment judge value, how your firm stacks up to the competition, how your
capabilities are currently aligned to deliver value, and how value is likely to be changing over time.
Figure 6 on the next page leverages those insights and pushes you now to think through five key
growth strategy questions in a structured way. In summary terms, the five growth strategy questions
made explicit in the 3-Circle model are:
1. How do you identify, build, and defend differentiation thats meaningful to customers?
(Area A)
2. How do you fix, or get rid of disequities that customers do not value or are unaware of?
(Areas D, E, F)
3. Are there hidden strengths or capabilities you have that can be brought to bear to enhance
customer value? (Area E)
4. Should you neutralize competitors differentiation? If so, how? (Areas C, F)
5. How can you identify totally new growth ideas around customers unmet needs? (Area G)
These 5 questions can be applied in brainstorming about the attributes as categorized in the first
column of the Figure 6 worksheet. The next four columns, prompt questions about how those growth
strategies might be pursued. Value numerator ideas seek to enhance customer benefits, either
through building/leveraging existing capability or better communicating about existing benefits.
Value denominator ideas seek to reduce customer costs, either by eliminating non-value-adding
activity or by improving efficiency.
Figure 6
Growth Worksheet
Build / Leverage Better Communicate Eliminate Non- Create Value
Attributes / Benefits Capability & Value Capability &Value Value more Efficiently
C Customer Benefits
Customer Costs
The matrix above provides insight into potential growth opportunities from a broader strategic
perspective. Table 3 below provides some questions that help prompt thinking and brainstorming
around the Figure 6 worksheet.
Table 3
Growth Questions
Area B The industrys POPs (B1) Are there Area B attributes that we can (B2) Are there points of parity that can be
or expected product push to new levels? e.g., shift from Area B to delivered at acceptable levels but in less
Area A? That is, can we create new points- expensive ways?
of-difference from Area B ?
Area C Competitors PODs (C1) Should we seek to neutralize (C3) Can we figure out how to provide the same
competitors advantages? If so, how? value as competitors, but at a lower cost?
(C2) To what degree do the competitors
advantages reflect true superiority for them
or the fact that were lagging?
Area D Joint disequities, or (D1) Which attributes/benefits being (D2) Which attributes /benefits does our industry
potential equities provided could be more influential if they take for granted that could be eliminated?
were better known or delivered more (D3) Which attributes / benefit should be
effectively? etc. reduced to below industry standards?
Area E Our disequities, or (E1) Which attributes / benefits need to be (E2) Is there value here that we are trying to
potential equities fixed quickly? (i.e., areas on which the value deliver that the customer simply doesnt want?
we are creating is not perceived by customers How do we remove it and the costs surrounding
as effectively meeting their needs) it?
Area G White Space (G1) Which attributes / benefits can be (G2) Can we radically redefine capabilities or
created that the industry has never offered? value network for the industry to lower costs?
Tactical Decisions. Once decisions are made about growth at a strategic level, there are more tactical
choices to be made about how such decisions are to be executed in the marketing program. As such, it
is important in this final step to consider as well the marketing program choices that would accompany
the growth strategy. (There are some applications for which this is less relevant, but try to be as clear
as you can about your growth strategy.) So, what are the implications of your growth strategy for the
marketing program?:
Product / service: what innovation / development is required? How will existing offerings be
affected? What new capabilities need to be developed?
Distribution: Are there implications for customers gaining access to your service? Is there growth
opportunity in taking on more roles in making your offering accessible? Are there new relationships
to be built?
Promotion: What promotion vehicles will be most effective in communicating your message? What
should your message be?
Price: Will pricing need to change, either permanently or temporarily, to adapt the value proposition?
What are the economics of such changes?
Notice that the tactics are step 10, only after the strategic analyses. Too often, in their eagerness to
put something concrete in front of potential customers, managers misdirect their effort and resources
by not formulating a strategy first. Tactics are critical. But tactics before (or without) strategy in a
dynamic and highly competitive environment are more likely to keep a manager busy than to produce
a profit or a future.
The 3-Circle Model provides a frame of reference for assessing market segments and understanding
and developing growth strategy. As Figure 7 below suggests, the goal is to develop points of
difference or distinctive positioning (Area A) that are aligned with existing or developing skills and
One of the strengths of the 3-Circle Model is that it can be applied today. Managers are able to
develop rudimentary analyses that will be beneficial to them in understanding the sources of
commoditization, asking the right questions of customers, and brainstorming on points of
differentiation and potential growth ideas. One consultant who has used the framework summarized
the application in the following way:
there was a high degree of excitement and acceptance of the framework and the output.
The framework provided a tool that enabled an objective discussion on a topic that is often
emotionally charged within consulting firms namely what makes them unique and why
clients would continue to retain them for services given a plethora of options in the market.
The framework provides a relatively rapid process to hone in on sources of competitive
advantage and to determine if current strategy is on point or whether it requires a course
The larger objective of the framework is to put the insights in the hands of those leading growth for
organizations, to empower fast insights and strategy development. These are becoming standard tools
for competing in a dynamic, quickly-moving marketplace.
Many of the important implications revolve around conversations that firms have simply never had
before. The following are examples:
(a) Identifying what customers actually want or need, both on the surface and deeper drivers of
the benefits sought.
(b) Linking customer needs to competitive position; a unique sequence of strategic thinking
that begins with customer values and ends with being attractively different from competitors.
(c) Identifying what customers dont need or value.
(d) Linking company capability and focus to customer needs and resulting competitive position.
(e) Recognizing the white space, the often under-appreciated notion that there are almost
always unmet needs to be explored in any market that provide opportunities for value creation.
(f) The dynamics of value; how both changes in competitive offerings and evolving customer
knowledge and preferences change the size and intersections of the circles over time.
Figure 7
Full 3-Circle Model, Outside and Inside Views
Their disequity /
potential equity
OUTSIDE Competitor
(Customer) equities/
VIEW disequities
Our unique
Common or generic
Their unique
R/ C/ A
(Firm) Competitor
VIEW assets (R /C / A)
Now, in terms of deciding upon a focus Think through the relative importance of the segment to
you / your firm how big is it how much do you expect it to grow? How much access do you
have to the segment? How much competition will you face for the segment? Of course, these are all
speculative questions aided by the 3-circle analysis. One way of making the choice more objective is
to develop pro forma (or projected) financial statements based on the conclusions about the market
segment, your firm and the competition, including an Income Statement with projections of income
and expenses of the type shown below.
Worksheet for Market Segmentation
The Segmentation Primer Worksheet
It may be helpful to work through segmentation in a bit more detail as you are working through Step 1.
You may be looking at a context in which youve never thought of market segments before.
So, here is a structured way of looking at it.
REASONS. An important way to think about market segments is to consider how those segments differ in
terms of the importance of different purchase reasons. [For some organizations price is the most important
choice criterion, for example. In contrast, others are willing to pay a higher price for uniqueness.]
So, its all about REASONS the basis or causes for behavior.
Use the exercise that follows to explore the reasons for customer choice in the market youre looking to
4 3:
of reasons?
The requirement to start is that youve defined the product or service category youd like to focus on.
Then there are 3 three parts to EXERCISE 1 (Note: the last slide in this file is a blank worksheet for
you to use.)
PART 1: Step into the shoes of the customers. List the top reasons (at least 5, no more than 10)
that buyers in this market choose one competitive offering over another. Ask yourself, What are the
chief reasons for competitive choice? Try to use phrases that customers would use. Make sure you
list at least 5, but no more than 10.
PART 2: Identify 3 of your current segments. Now think about different types of customers
however you currently segment them. although there may be many different types of customers,
limit yourself to 3 customer groups or segments for the moment. Try to envision these different types
of customers and provide a brief description of them in the boxes above the columns labeled Segment
1, Segment 2, and Segment 3. There are three ways to describe segments. One is to use physical
descriptors (for businesses, examples include location, size, specialty, etc.). Second is purchase
behaviors [e.g, frequency of purchase, decision-making group or process, experience, etc.). Third is
the needs or motives for purchasing (e.g., maintain members, attract new members, minimize the cost,
protect the environment, etc.). The value of these descriptors for meaningful segmentation are: Needs
or Motives first, followed by Purchase Behavior, and finally Physical Descriptors. Unfortunately, the
ease of identifying them is the exact opposite order.
PART 3: Explore the Reasons. Different types of customers buy for different reasons so in PART
3 go through your list of reasons and indicate the reasons for purchase that are most important to the 3
segments you identified. Its easiest to do this by providing a relative rating of importance for each
segment on how influential each reason is in their decision to choose one competitive option over
another. Are there segments that purchase the product / service for different reasons? If the answer is
yes (and if you skipped Part 2 of this exercise), now consider whether these segments differ in terms
of other characteristics for example, physical descriptors.
So, in the columns underneath the labels Segment 1, Segment 2, and Segment 3, rate the importance of
each reason to that segment. The easiest way to do this is to use a scale of Low, Medium, and High
importance. Alternatively, you could get a little more sophisticated and use a 1 to 10 scale where 1
means very unimportant and 10 means very important, but its usually easier to use L, M, and H.
If again, youre not sure about what segments might exist, use the first column to just indicate how
important each of the reasons are in customers decision-making. Then ask yourself: do all customers
place the SAME level of importance on each reason or attribute? The answer is almost certainly NO!
If you do believe there are some differences, then go through each reason/attribute and consider if
there are different segments which might place a different emphasis on that attribute. Walk through
all the reasons/attributes and see if you can come up with at least 3 different segments.
Note that two organizations examining the same market could (and often do) identify the segments in
that market differently. There are typically so many Needs, Purchase Behaviors, and Physical
Descriptors to choose from that different analysts will produce different conclusions. You should try
to focus on the most important reasons customers in the market use in making decisions.
GOAL: The goal here is to explore the deeper values that underlie reasons people buy. This can help
you think further about both what segments might exist and which segment youd like to focus on
sometimes you get new insights about whats important to customers (and to which customers) when
you do the exercise below.
For Exercise 2, Id like you to drill down on the most important reasons for the segment that youve
chosen for the analysis. You should choose more than 2 reasons to ladder on, but not more than 5.
But instead of doing this on your own, it may be helpful to interview someone who is a customer or
could perhaps play the role of the customer (in fact, you could have someone interview YOU!).
If you are an interviewer, you should follow the logic of laddering. For each of the most important
reasons your interviewee has identified, you need to ask questions in sequence, which are contingent
upon the answer given to the previous question:
Note that the initial attribute or reason has already been identified -- Answer 1: attribute
Why is (Answer 1: attribute) important to you? ----- Answer 2: functional consequence
Why is (Answer 2: functional consequence) important to you? - Answer 3: psychosocial
Why is (Answer 3: psychosocial consequence) important to you ? - Answer 4: Personal value
The interviewer should write down the answers on a piece of paper and you can subsequently transfer
them to the column to the far right of your work sheet labeled Needs / Values.
Note that there are a fairly small number of core needs and values that may emerge at the top of the
ladder; values like Accomplishment, Belonging, Self-fulfillment, Self-esteem, Family, Satisfaction,
Security , Control Somewhere within our decisions about products and services, youll find these
needs / values as important influences. However, it is not necessary to taking laddering to this extreme.
Identifying psychological consequence is often enough to develop satisfying products and services.
The key in this exercise is to think through whether there are customer segments that seem to be really
focused on particular values that may be different from other segments.
Addendum on Firm Capabilities
B.1. Company resources, capabilities
a. Resources. Its essential to understand both the unique and common resources
that you have relative to the competition. Resources can be defined on a number of
Financial management
Cost control
Technology/management information development
Manufacturing capabilities
Production design capabilities
Human resource management (recruiting, training,
motivating employees)
Marketing capabilities
Sales and distribution capabilities
NOTE: each of these types of capabilities provides a potential basis for creating distinctive
capabilities. So what do I mean by that?
(iv) Generic Capabilities: capabilities that all firms in the industry have for
basic customer value-creation. Essentially, generic capabilities are those
required to produce the value captured in the industrys points of parity.