Understanding Customers - Profiling and Segmentation: Mircea Andrei SCRIDON
Understanding Customers - Profiling and Segmentation: Mircea Andrei SCRIDON
Understanding Customers - Profiling and Segmentation: Mircea Andrei SCRIDON
Mircea Andrei SCRIDON
Babes Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca
In any industry, the first step to finding and creating profitable customers is
determining what drives profitability. This leads to better prospecting and
more successful customer relationship management. Any company can
segment and profile their customer base to uncover those profit drivers using
the knowledge of their customers, products, and markets. Or they can use
data-driven techniques to find natural clusters in their customer or prospect
base. Whatever the method, the process will lead to knowledge and
understanding that is critical to maintaining a competitive edge.
Table 1
Recency of purchases
Lp (months) Percent Cumulative percent
0-2 17,1 17,1
3-5 13,6 30,7
6-8 41,2 71,9
9-12 28,1 100,0
Table 2
Number of purchases
Np Percent Cumulative percent
0-1 30 30
2-6 43,1 73,1
7-14 19,8 92,9
15-20 7,1 100,0
Table 3
Total purchases
Tp (€) Percent Cumulative percent
<100 37,9 37,9
100-200 24 61,9
200-300 10,2 72,1
300-400 5,4 77,5
400-500 4,1 81,6
500+ 18,4 100,0
It can be observed that the activity to see how these three drivers
majority of customers haven't affect response. The database is sorted
purchased anything for at least six by recency and created quintiles from it
months. A large percentage of (equal fifths of the file). By calculating
customers made between two and six the response rate for each quintile, the
purchases in the last year with 92,9% relationship between recency and
making fewer than seven purchases. response can be determined.
The total monetary value of yearly total It can be seen that the measure
purchases is mainly below 100 €, with with the strongest relationship to
77,5% below 400 €. response is recency according to table
The next step is to look at the 4.
response rate from a recent mailing
Table 4 Table 5 Table 6
Response Response
Recency Response Monetary
rate Frequency rate
Quantile Quantile
Q1 0,21 Q1 0,078
Q1 0,145
Q2 0,082 Q2 0,041
Q2 0,03
Q3 0,018 Q3 0,037
Q3 0,019
Q4 0,012 Q4 0,012 Q4 0,022
Table 7
Age – Customers
Age Percent Cumulative percent
<25 0,3 0,3
26-30 1,7 2
31-35 10,2 12,2
36-40 28,4 40,6
41-44 35 75,6
45-54 15,3 90,9
55-64 7,6 98,5
65+ 1,5 100
Table 8
Income – Customers
Income (€) Percent Cumulative percent
<400 1,1 1,1
400-700 26,4 27,5
700-900 27,2 54,7
900-1200 25,5 80,2
1200-1500 18,2 98,4
1500+ 1,6 100
Table 9
Age – General population
Age Percent Cumulative percent
<25 1,4 1,4
26-30 2,3 3,7
31-35 12 15,7
36-40 26,9 42,6
41-44 30,5 73,1
45-54 18,4 91,5
55-64 7,6 99,1
65+ 0,9 100
Table 10
Income – General population
Income (€) Percent Cumulative percent
<400 1,6 1,6
400-700 25,2 26,8
700-900 28,4 55,2
900-1200 23,9 79,1
1200-1500 16,1 95,2
1500+ 4,8 100
It can be noticed how the distributions as the first table except this
second figure displays the same time they are on the general population.
The figure above shows a market together and creates a measure called
comparison graph of age. It provides a a penetration index. This is derived by
graphical display of the differences in dividing the customer percentage by the
distribution for the various age market percentage for each group and
groupings. multiplying by 100.
The following table brings the
information from the two analyses
Table 11
Penetration analysis – Age
Percent of Percent of Penetration
customers market index
<25 0,3 1,4 21,42 %
1,7 2,3 73,91 %
10,2 12 85 %
28,4 26,9 105,57 %
35 30,5 114,75 %
15,3 18,4 83,15 %
7,6 7,6 100 %
Table 12
Penetration analysis – Income
Percent of Percent of Penetration
customers market index
<400 1,1 1,6 68,75 %
400-700 26,4 25,2 104,76 %
700-900 27,2 28,4 95,77 %
900-1200 25,5 23,9 152 %
18,2 16,1 106,69 %
1500+ 1,6 4,8 33,33 %
Table 13
Cluster summary
Maximum distance
RMS Std. from seed to Nearest
Cluster Frequency between cluster
deviation observation cluster
1 10185 0,71 3,21 2 1,62
2 3512 0,82 3,56 1 1,62
3 547 0,98 4,02 1 3,73
Cluster means
Cluster Age Income
1 0,54247 0,10581
2 1,31591 -0,42131
3 -0,21656 2,98939
The company can now tailor their Data must be relevant to the business
marketing campaigns to each group objectives. The process involves
separately. Similar to the profile reviewing all data to determine only the
analysis, understanding the segments necessary elements because collecting
can improve targeting and provide and analyzing data on all customers or
insights for marketers to create relevant prospects is very time-consuming and
offers. expensive.
The segmentation process means
Conclusions selecting a method that is appropriate
A sucesful profiling and for the situation. There are three
segmentation process demands that a segmentation methods that could be
company should define its business employed: predefined segmentation,
objectives. At the start of any statistical segmentation, or hybrid
segmentation process, management segmentation.
should agree on and clearly state their The predefined segmentation
goals using language that reflects method allows the analyst to create the
targeting and measurement. Business segment definitions based on prior
objectives can be (1) new account, experience and analysis. In this case,
sales, or usage driven; (2) new product the data is known, the work involves a
driven; (3) profitability driven; or (4) limited number of variables, and a
product or service positioning driven. limited number of segments are
Furthermore types of data could determined. The appropriate segments
include survey, geo-demographic will be defined and selected based on
overlays, and transactional behavior.
the business objective and the
knowledge of the customer base. Hybrid segmentation allows the
The statistical method should be analyst to combine predefined
employed when there are many segmentation with statistical
segments involved and there is little or segmentation, in any order, based on
no experience with the population being the success in deriving segments.
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