End of Time-All BK PDF
End of Time-All BK PDF
End of Time-All BK PDF
End of Time
HB3600 CL - Country Living
CM - Colporteur Ministry
The End of Time COL - Christs Object Lessons
Statements by Ellen G. White CS - Counsels on Stwardship
CSW - Counsels on Sabbath School Work
on End-time Events CT - Counsels to Parents and Teachers
Compiled by Vance Ferrell DA - Desire of Ages
Ed - Education
Published by Harvestime Books Ev - Evangelism
EW - Early Writings
Altamont, TN 37301 USA FE - Fundamentals of Christian Education
Printed in the United States of America FL - Faith I Live By
FW - Faith and Works
Cover and Text Copyright 2005 GC - Great Controversy
by Vance Ferrell GW - Gospel Workers
HP - Heavenly Places
KH - That I May Know Him
The great controversy is nearing its end . . Is there LDE - Last Day Events
a Christian whose pulse does not beat with quickened LHU - Lift Him Up
action as he anticipates the great events before us? LS - Life Sketches
Evangelism, 219. Mar - Maranatha
To us who are standing on the very verge of their MB - Mount of Blessing
fulfillment, of what deep moment, what living interest, 1 (2) MCP - Mind, Character, and Personality, Vol. 1
are these delineations of the things to comeevents for (2)
which, since our first parents turned their steps from MH - Ministry of Healing
Eden, Gods children have watched and waited, longed ML - My Life Today
and prayed!Prophets and Kings, 731. MM - Medical Ministry
Look up, look up, and let your faith continually 1 (2-21) MR - Manuscript Releases, Vol. 1
increase. Let this faith guide you along the narrow path MYP - Messages to Young People
that leads through the gates of the City into the great OHC - Our High Calling
beyond, the wide, unbounded future of glory that is for PK - Prophets and Kings
the redeemed.Prophets and Kings, 732. PM - Publishing Ministry
All heaven is astir, engaged in preparing for the day PP - Patriarchs and Prophets
of Gods vengeance, the day of Zions deliverance. The RC - Reflecting Christ
time of tarrying is almost ended. The pilgrims and strang- RY - Retirement Years
ers who have so long been seeking a better country are SC - Steps to Christ
almost home. I feel as if I must cry aloud, Homeward SD - Sons and Daughters of God
bound! Rapidly we are nearing the time when Christ 1 (2-4) SG - Spiritual Gifts, Vol. 1 (2-4)
will come to gather His redeemed to Himself.Evan- SL - Sanctified Life
gelism, 219. 1 (2-3) SM - Selected Messages, Book 1 (2-3)
1 (2) Ser - Sermons and Talks, Vol 1 (2)
Listed below are the Spirit of Prophecy books SR - Story of Redemption
(and their abbreviations), which may be quoted or 1 (2-9) T - Testimonies, Vol. 1 (2-9)
referred to in this book. The list is alphabetized by Te - Temperance
abbreviations, not by book titles. TM - Testimonies to Ministers
TSB - Testimonies on Sexual Behavior, Adultery, and
NSL - National Sunday Law Divorce
Ms - Manuscript UL - Upward Look
UT - (Spalding-Magan) Unpublished Testimonies
Spirit of Prophecy Books - Currently in Print WM - Welfare Ministry
AA - Acts of the Apostles VSS - Voice in Speech and Song
AG - Gods Amazing Grace
AH - Adventist Home Spirit of Prophecy Periodical Articles
1BC, etc. - SDA Bible Commentary, Vol. 7A AST - Australian Signs of the Times
CC - Conflict and Courage BE - Bible Echoes
CDF - Counsels on Diet and Foods GCB - General Conference Bulletin
CG - Child Guidance RH - Review and Herald
ChS - Christian Service ST - Signs of the Times
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HARVESTIME BOOKS - BOX 300 - ALTAMONT, TN 37301 / 931-692-2777
Introduction 14
Correlative Study Guide 15
Preface: World Conditions Right Now 18
PART ONE: Events before the General Close of Probation
1 - The Threefold Union and the Counterfeit Revival 23
2 - The National Sunday Law 30
3 - The Image of the Beast 45
4 - The False Latter Rain 51
5 - The Shaking and Sifting 69
6 - The Seal and Mark 81
7 - Perfection of Character 103
8 - The Judgment of the Living 118
9 - The Blotting Out of Sin 122
10 - The Marriage in the Most Holy Place 126
11 - The Latter Rain 133
12 - The Loud Cry of the Third Angel 146
13 - The Fourth Angel Strengthens the Loud Cry 153
14 - The Little Time of Trouble 163
15 - The Individual Close of Probation 174
16 - The General Close of Probation 176
PART TWO: Events after the General Close of Probation
17 - The Great Time of Trouble 186
18 - Deliverance by the Voice of God 203
19 - The Second Coming of Christ 214
20 - The Millennium 225
21 - The Third Advent of Christ 235
22 - The Executive Judgment 239
23 - Eternity Beyond 248
Appendix: Additional End-Time Quotations 285
Locator Index 302
Introduction 14
Correlative Study Guide 15
Preface: World Conditions Right Now 18
12 Those not receiving the seal will have no protection after probation closes 94
13 The mark will be a test to the church before it is a test to the world 95
14 The mark will be a test to the church before the loud cry begins 95
15 Sealing events in 5 Testimonies, pages 207-216 96
16 The deciding point 98
17 Is a seal placed before the National Sunday Law? 99
18 Can the final seal or mark be received several times? 101
Last days appendix 101
3 The blotting out of sin will accompany the latter rain 123
4 Summary 124
7 Jesus throws down the censer, utters the It is done, and leaves the heavenly Sanctuary 180
8 When Christ leaves the Sanctuary, the world is without an intercessor 181
9 Christ places the sins on the scapegoat, preparatory to sending him to a desolate land 182
10 Jesus removes His priestly garments and puts on His garments of vengeance 182
11 There is no second probation 183
12 What the people in the world are doing when probation closes 183
Last days appendix 184
Close of probation 184
You have in hand what is probably the most close of probation.
complete collection of Spirit of Prophecy quo- The decisions we are today making, along with
tations on final events ever published. It spans the words and actions accompanying them, will
a period of time from just prior to the enact- greatly affect what we will do when the coming cri-
ment of the National Sunday Law, on through to sis suddenly breaks upon us all. It is urgent that
the final destruction of the wicked and eternity we now study and, by faith in Christ, carefully obey
beyond. The entire collection is categorically what is written in the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy.
arranged. The entire final crisis explodes into action as
This collection, formerly in 18 booklets, is now soon as a National (federal) Sunday Law is enacted
being released in one 8 x 11 book, divided into in the United States. That event will catapult the
two major parts: entire world into the future windup of human af-
fairs. All other final events find their reference point
Part One: Events before
in that moment in time.
the Close of Probation
The statements are clear that the passage of a
Part Two: Events after National Sunday Law will quickly set into opera-
the Close of Probation tion a surprising number of other important oc-
This book contains everything formerly in the currences. One factor which will greatly accelerate
18 booklets; but the material has been arranged in the process is that, as soon as the law is enacted,
a better format. For example, The Image of the Beast Satan will be permitted to unleash a holocaust of
is now a separate chapter. spiritist activity and appearances of various kinds.
All of the final events are keyed to one or another Decades of increasing violation of the ten com-
of six key events, which stand as major pillars: mandments by individuals, families, businesses,
and governments has produced immorality, fiscal
1 - The U.S. National Sunday Law
irresponsibility, confusion, crime, terror, and blood-
2 - The general close of probation
shed. The mounting problems will lead the nation
3 - The sounding of the Voice of God
and then the entire world to the adoption of draco-
4 - The second coming of Christ
nian governmental Sunday laws.
5 - The third coming of Christ
As the time for the National Sunday Law nears,
6 - The final destruction of the wicked
churchmen, desperate for power, will welcome a
Note: Because so many final events are men- strange excitement that appears to be working in
tioned, initial caps are generally only used for the some of the churches. Evil spirits will prompt those
following events: National Sunday Law (when the leaders with the idea that the only solution is gov-
three words are used together) and Voice (when ernmentally mandated Sundaykeeping. On this is-
used in Voice of God). sue of Sunday legislation, apostate Protestant
Chapter 1 deals with a few events which will churches and the Vatican will find themselves in
throw us into the U.S. National Sunday Law. closer harmony than ever before.
Chapter 2 deals with the enactment of that law. As a result, Protestantism and Catholicism will
Chapters 3 through 11 are concerned with reach across the gulf and form a union.
events which occur after the U.S. laws initial enact- The sense of spiritist power undergirding it will
ment and before the general close of probation. We help impel Catholicism and the fallen Protestant
will spend more time on this cluster of events than churches to lay aside their differences and form a
on any other. Many of those events tend to run si- close working union to achieve commonly held ob-
multaneously with one another. But there are excep- jectives. Their willingness to move into line on the
tions. For example, the loud cry of the fourth angel Sunday issue will bring a response of approving
begins part way through that period. spiritist manifestations. Even though based on shal-
Ellen White wrote more about events prior to low appearances and emotional highs, the power-
the close of probation; because, when probation fi- ful excitementwhich will immediately follow its
nally ends, it will then be too late for us to make passagewill be accepted as proof that Sunday-
changes in our lives. It is especially important that keeping is the will of God for the nations. The aware-
we now understand the events prior to the general ness that hidden spirit power is sensed, as they work
toward Sunday legislation, will prompt a move to- litical backing from a suddenly energized religious
ward forming a solid union of denominations, rep- right.
resenting millions of members determined to force But passage of that law will quickly, dramati-
the U.S. Congress to enact a binding National Sun- cally change everything! It will open the floodgates
day Law. of satanic manifestations in the United States, as
There is only one issue which can unite Protes- well as the entire world. Mankind will be thrown
tantism, Catholicism, the labor unions, and U.S. into the final crisis. About four dozen events will
politicians on all levelsand that is a strict Sun- rapidly follow, which will plunge the world on a fast
day law. track to the Second Coming of Christ.
The improvement of morals and health, and a The important question is this: What will be
general return to God will be declared to be impor- the first event in the entire series of occurrences
tant objectives. leading to the Second Advent? We know the second
A coalition of Protestant churches will lead out event will be the threefold union. But another will
in pressuring politicians, desperate for solutions, precede it. Chapter 1 discusses that event.
to enact such a law. That legislation may initially be Each chapter will conclude with pertinent quo-
enacted as a political favor; that is, the secular poli- tations from an unpublished study, called The Last
ticians will pass it, not really believing it will accom- Days, which we may reprint some day when we
plish any more than their obtaining additional po- have time and funds to do so.
8 - Little Time of Trouble begins for Gods 4a - Sabbathkeepers in other nations know
people: Flight and witnessing will occur. the issues, choose the right, and receive
There will be persecution, court appear- the Sealing sequence.
ances, imprisonment and (for some) death. 4b - Sabbathkeepers in other nations know
9 - Fourth Angel comes down, greatly the issues, choose the wrong, and receive
strengthens their loud cry witness to the the Marking sequence.
world, and renders it immensely convictive. 5a - Non-Sabbathkeepers in other nations
learn the issues, choose the right, and
B - MARKING SEQUENCESabbathkeepers receive the Sealing sequence.
in the U.S. already know the issues; so 5b - Non-Sabbathkeepers in other nations
they must immediately decide to obey or learn the issues, choose the wrong, and
disobey the law. Those who choose the receive the Marking sequence.
wrongrapidly enter upon, what we 6 - Intense persecution of Gods people
might call, the marking sequence of throughout the world.
events, as follows:
1 - Shaking and Sifting in U.S. Adventist SIXTH TIME PERIOD
Church (by members and former mem-
bers) climaxes as many forsake the truth.
The individual probation closed for mankind,
2 - Marking of U.S. former Sabbathkeepers
one by one, as they received the seal or
rapidly occurs.
mark. When the last people have made
3 - Judgment of the Living begins.
their decision for the one side or the other,
4 - Blotting out of Names from Book of Life
then comes the General Close of Proba-
tion, marking the end of all human proba-
5 - Individual Close of Probation begins.
tion forever:
6 - Former believers, embossed with a
1 - Christ throws down the censer of inter-
satanic spirit, become leading enemies of
cession. Grace, the atonement, and forgive-
the truth and those proclaiming it.
ness have forever ended.
7 - They are bound in bundles with the
2 - The marriage of Christ to His kingdom
and to His church occurs in the Most Holy
1 - False Latter Rain begins in the U.S. and
3 - Christ stands up and leaves His position
swells to massive proportions, as it falls
of intercession before the Father.
upon those who are rejecting the truth.
4 - Christ tarries for a moment in the outer
2 - Calamities begin for worldlings: satani-
apartment and, as Priest, places the sins
cally caused strife, warfare, and disasters.
of the righteous on Satan, who will bear
them in the final punishment of sin.
FIFTH TIME PERIOD 5 - Christ then removes His priestly gar-
UNIVERSAL SUNDAY LAW ments, puts on garments of vengeance,
1 - Satan appears in various parts of the and leaves the Sanctuary, preparatory to
world. returning to earth. He is no longer a
2 - False Latter Rain and Calamities spread Priest, but a soon-returning King.
to other nations.
3 - Under the Threefold Union, with coercion, SEVENTH TIME PERIOD
the U.S. Government coerces other nations
throughout the world to enact their own
Events between the General Close of Proba-
National Sunday Laws.
tion and the Voice of God:
1. First, throughout the so-called
1 - False Revival continues to keep people in
Christian nations.
2. Second, throughout the
2 - Four winds are loosed as Satan is permit-
non-Christian nations.
ted to bring severe calamities upon the
The resultant laws are known by the
general term, the Universal Sunday
3 - Angels from heaven begin pouring the
1 - A power from beneath is working to bring be surprised at this time by events both great and
about the last great scenes. decisive; for the angel of mercy cannot remain much
The world is a theater; the actors, its inhabi- longer to shelter the impenitent.Prophets and
tants, are preparing to act their part in the last great Kings, 278:1.
drama. With the great masses of mankind, there is 4 - Every case is about to be eternally decided,
no unity, except as men confederate to accomplish and Satan sees that his time is short.
their selfish purposes. God is looking on. His pur- The crisis is stealing gradually upon us. The
poses in regard to His rebellious subjects will be sun shines in the heavens, passing over its usual
fulfilled. The world has not been given into the hands round, and the heavens still declare the glory of
of men, though God is permitting the elements of God. Men are still eating and drinking, planting
confusion and disorder to bear sway for a season. A and building, marrying and giving in marriage.
power from beneath is working to bring about the Merchants are still buying and selling. Men are jos-
last great scenes in the dramaSatan coming as tling one against another, contending for the high-
Christ, and working with all deceivableness of est place. Pleasure lovers are still crowding to the-
unrighteousness in those who are binding them- aters, horse races, gambling hells. The highest ex-
selves together in secret societies. Those who are citement prevails, yet probations hour is fast clos-
yielding to the passion for confederation are work- ing, and every case is about to be eternally decided.
ing out the plans of the enemy. The cause will be Satan sees that his time is short. He has set all his
followed by the effect.8 Testimonies, 27:4-28:0. agencies at work that men may be deceived, de-
2 - The wicked have almost filled up the mea- luded, occupied, and entranced until the day of
sure of their iniquity. probation shall be ended and the door of mercy for-
Never did this message apply with greater force ever shut.Southern Watchman, Oct. 3, 1905.
than it applies today. More and more the world is 5 - We who know the truth should be prepar-
setting at naught the claims of God. Men have be- ing.
come bold in transgression. The wickedness of the Transgression has almost reached its limit.
inhabitants of the world has almost filled up the Confusion fills the world, and a great terror is soon
measure of their iniquity. This earth has almost to come upon human beings. The end is very near.
reached the place where God will permit the de- We who know the truth should be preparing for
stroyer to work his will upon it. The substitution of what is soon to break upon the world as an over-
the laws of men for the law of God, the exaltation, whelming surprise.8 Testimonies, 28:1.
by merely human authority, of Sunday in place of
6 - When the defiance of Gods law is almost
the Bible Sabbath, is the last act in the drama. When
this substitution becomes universal, God will re-
veal Himself. He will arise in His majesty to shake In this time of prevailing iniquity we may know
terribly the earth. He will come out of His place to that the last great crisis is at hand. When the defi-
punish the inhabitants of the world for their iniq- ance of Gods law is almost universal, when His
uity, and the earth shall disclose her blood, and people are oppressed and afflicted by their fellow
shall no more cover her slain.7 Testimonies, men, the Lord will interpose.Christs Object Les-
141:1. sons, 178:3.
3 - We are standing on the threshold of the 7 - Everything in our world is in agitation.
crisis of the ages. We are standing upon the threshold of great
We are standing on the threshold of the crisis and solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling.
of the ages. In quick succession the judgments of Strange, eventful history is being recorded in the
God will follow one another,fire, and flood, and books of heaven. Everything in our world is in agi-
earthquake, with war and bloodshed. We are not to tation. There are wars and rumors of wars. The na-
tions are angry, and the time of the dead has come, 11 - Not progress and enlightenment, but cor-
that they should be judged. Events are changing to ruption and violence.
bring about the day of God, which hasteth greatly. Men in their blindness boast of wonderful
Only a moment of time, as it were, yet remains. But progress and enlightenment; but the heavenly
while already nation is rising against nation, and watchers see the earth filled with corruption and
kingdom against kingdom, there is not now a gen- violence. Because of sin the atmosphere of our world
eral engagement. As yet the four winds are held until has become as the atmosphere of a pesthouse.6
the servants of God shall be sealed in their foreheads. Testimonies, 10:2.
Then the powers of earth will marshal their forces
12 - Who can doubt that satanic agencies
for the last great battle.6 Testimonies, 14:1.
are at work among men with increasing activ-
8 - Signs thickening around us, telling of the ity?
near approach of the Son of God.
We are living in the midst of an epidemic of
The restraining Spirit of God is even now be- crime, at which thoughtful, God-fearing men ev-
ing withdrawn from the world. Hurricanes, storms, erywhere stand aghast. The corruption that pre-
tempests, fire and flood, disasters by sea and land, vails, it is beyond the power of the human pen to
follow each other in quick succession. Science seeks describe. Every day brings fresh revelations of po-
to explain all these. The signs thickening around litical strife, bribery, and fraud. Every day brings
us, telling of the near approach of the Son of God, its heart-sickening record of violence and lawless-
are attributed to any other than the true cause. Men ness, of indifference to human suffering, of brutal,
cannot discern the sentinel angels restraining the fiendish destruction of human life. Every day testi-
four winds that they shall not blow until the ser- fies to the increase of insanity, murder, and sui-
vants of God are sealed; but when God shall bid cide. Who can doubt that satanic agencies are at
His angels loose the winds, there shall be such a work among men with increasing activity to dis-
scene of strife as no pen can picture.6 Testimo- tract and corrupt the mind, and defile and destroy
nies, 408:1. the body?Ministry of Healing, 142:4-143:0.
9 - The agencies of evil are combining their 13 - The spirit of anarchy is permeating the
forces and consolidating for the last great cri- nations.
The spirit of anarchy is permeating all nations,
The days in which we live are solemn and im- and the outbreaks that from time to time excite the
portant. The Spirit of God is gradually but surely horror of the world are but indications of the pent-
being withdrawn from the earth. Plagues and judg- up fires of passion and lawlessness that, having
ments are already falling upon the despisers of the once escaped control, will fill the earth with woe
grace of God. The calamities by land and sea, the and desolation. The picture which Inspiration has
unsettled state of society, the alarms of war, are given of the antediluvian world represents too truly
portentous. They forecast approaching events of the the condition to which modern society is fast has-
greatest magnitude. The agencies of evil are com- tening. Even now, in the present century, and in
bining their forces, and consolidating. They are professedly Christian lands, there are crimes daily
strengthening for the last great crisis. Great changes perpetrated, as black and terrible as those for which
are soon to take place in our world, and the final the old-world sinners were destroyed. Before the
movements will be rapid ones.9 Testimonies, flood, God sent Noah to warn the world, that the
11:1-2. people might be led to repentance, and thus escape
10 - God is trying to arouse men to the dan- the threatened destruction. As the time of Christs
ger. second appearing draws near, the Lord sends His
The time is at hand when there will be sorrow servants with a warning to the world to prepare for
in the world that no human balm can heal. The that great event. Multitudes have been living in
Spirit of God is being withdrawn. Disasters by sea transgression of Gods law, and now He in mercy
and by land follow one another in quick succes- calls them to obey its sacred precepts. All who will
sion. How frequently we hear of earthquakes and put away their sins by repentance toward God and
tornadoes, of destruction by fire and flood, with faith in Christ are offered pardon.Patriarchs and
great loss of life and property! Apparently these Prophets, 102:0-1.
calamities are capricious outbreaks of disorganized, 14 - Satan is putting forth desperate efforts
unregulated forces of nature, wholly beyond the to ensnare the world.
control of man; but in them all, Gods purpose may At the present time, when the end of all things
be read. They are among the agencies by which He earthly is rapidly approaching, Satan is putting forth
seeks to arouse men and women to a sense of their desperate efforts to ensnare the world. He is devis-
danger.Prophets and Kings, 277:1. ing many plans to occupy minds and to divert atten-
tion from the truths essential to salvation. In every with selfishness and pride, and need to feel the con-
city his agencies are busily organizing into parties verting power of God in their midst before they can
those who are opposed to the law of God. The lead others to a purer or higher standard.9 Tes-
archdeceiver is at work to introduce elements of con- timonies, 65:2.
fusion and rebellion, and men are being fired with a 20 - The seeds of infidelity are sown broadcast
zeal that is not according to knowledge.Acts of by the ministers.
the Apostles, 219:2.
In our day, as of old, the vital truths of Gods
15 - Satan is seeking at every point to Word are set aside for human theories and specu-
counterwork the work of the Lord upon this lations. Many professed ministers of the gospel do
earth. not accept the whole Bible as the inspired Word.
Satan is a diligent Bible student. He knows One wise man rejects one portion; another ques-
that his time is short, and he seeks at every point tions another part. They set up their judgment as
to counterwork the work of the Lord upon this superior to the Word; and the Scripture which they
earth.9 Testimonies, 16:1. do teach rests upon their own authority. Its divine
16 - Satan is now seeking to hold Gods people authenticity is destroyed. Thus the seeds of infidel-
in a state of inactivity. ity are sown broadcast; for the people become con-
fused, and know not what to believe. There are many
Satan is now seeking to hold Gods people in a
beliefs that the mind has no right to entertain.
state of inactivity, to keep them from acting their
Christs Object Lessons, 39:1.
part in spreading the truth, that they may at last be
weighed in the balance and found wanting.1 Tes- 21 - Gods faithful messengers must go steadily
timonies, 260:2. forward with their work.
17 - Soon the final scenes of trouble will be- Wickedness is reaching a height never before
gin. attained, and yet many ministers of the gospel are
crying, Peace and safety. But Gods faithful mes-
The world is stirred with the spirit of war. The
sengers are to go steadily forward with their work.
prophecy of the eleventh chapter of Daniel has
Clothed with the panoply of heaven, they are to ad-
nearly reached its complete fulfillment. Soon the
vance fearlessly and victoriously, never ceasing their
scenes of trouble spoken of in the prophecies will
warfare until every soul within their reach shall have
take place.9 Testimonies, 14:1-2.
received the message of truth for this time.Acts
18 - The world is filled with terrible disas- of the Apostles, 220:1.
22 - The world is fast becoming ripe for de-
I was shown the inhabitants of the earth in the struction.
utmost confusion. War, bloodshed, privation, want,
There is a cause for alarm in the condition of
famine, and pestilence were abroad in the land . .
the religious world today. Gods mercy has been
My attention was then called from the scene. There
trifled with. The multitudes make void the law of
seemed to be a little time of peace. Once more the
Jehovah, teaching for doctrines the command-
inhabitants of the earth were presented before me;
ments of men. Infidelity prevails in many of the
and again everything was in the utmost confusion.
churches in our land; not infidelity in its broadest
Strife, war, and bloodshed, with famine and pesti-
sense, an open denial of the Bible, but an infidelity
lence, raged everywhere. Other nations were en-
that is robed in the garb of Christianity while it is
gaged in this war and confusion. War caused fam-
undermining faith in the Bible as a revelation from
ine. Want and bloodshed caused pestilence. And
God. Fervent devotion and vital piety have given
then mens hearts failed them for fear, and for look-
place to hollow formalism. As the result, apostasy
ing after those things which are coming on the
and sensualism prevail. Christ declared, As it was
earth.1 Testimonies, 268:1-2.
in the days of Lot . . even thus shall it be in the day
19 - It is a time of spiritual darkness in the when the Son of man is revealed. The daily record of
churches. passing events testifies to the fulfillment of His
This is a time of spiritual darkness in the words. The world is fast becoming ripe for destruc-
churches of the world. Ignorance of divine things tion. Soon the judgments of God are to be poured
has hidden God and the truth from view. The forces out, and sin and sinners are to be consumed.
of evil are gathering in strength. Satan flatters his Patriarchs and Prophets, 166:1.
coworkers that he will do a work that will captivate 23 - Some will be saved while the door will
the world. While partial inactivity has come upon be closed to those who reject it.
the church, Satan and his hosts are intensely ac-
The time of Gods destructive judgments is the
tive. The professed Christian churches are not con-
time of mercy for those who have had no opportu-
verting the world; for they are themselves corrupted
nity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord
look upon them. His heart of mercy is touched; His salvation of mankind. Yet this apostasy, widespread
hand is still stretched out to save, while the door is as it has come to be, is not universal. Not all in the
closed to those who would not enter.9 Testimo- world are lawless and sinful; not all have taken sides
nies, 97:2. with the enemy. God has many thousands who have
24 - Everything that can be shaken will be not bowed the knee to Baal, many who long to un-
shaken. derstand more fully in regard to Christ and the law,
many who are hoping against hope that Jesus will
Soon the battle will be waged fiercely between
come soon to end the reign of sin and death. And
those who serve and those who serve Him not. Soon
there are many who have been worshiping Baal ig-
everything that can be shaken will be shaken, that
norantly, but with whom the Spirit of God is still
those things that cannot be shaken may remain.
striving.Prophets and Kings, 170:2-171:1.
9 Testimonies, 15:5-16:0.
28 - The time is not far distant, when the
25 - Many will humble themselves and turn test will come to every soul.
to God. In the last solemn work few great men will be
In the time of distress and perplexity of na- engaged. They are self-sufficient, independent of
tions there will be many who have not given them- God, and He cannot use them. The Lord has faith-
selves wholly to the corrupting influences of the ful servants, who in the shaking, testing time will
world and the service of Satan, who will humble be disclosed to view. There are precious ones now
themselves before God and turn to Him with their hidden who have not bowed the knee to Baal. They
whole heart and find acceptance and pardon.1 have not had the light which has been shining in a
Testimonies, 269:0. concentrated blaze upon you. But, it may be under
26 - Many are on the verge of the kingdom, a rough and uninviting exterior the pure brightness
waiting only to be gathered in. of a genuine Christian character will be revealed.
In the daytime we look toward heaven, but do not
There are many who are reading the Scriptures
see stars. They are there, fixed in the firmament,
who cannot understand their true import. All over
but the eye cannot distinguish them. In the night
the world men and women are looking wistfully to
we behold their genuine luster.
heaven. Prayers and tears and inquiries go up from
The time is not far distant, when the test will
souls longing for light, for grace, for the Holy Spirit.
come to every soul . . In this time, the gold will be
Many are on the verge of the kingdom, waiting only
separated from the dross in the church. True god-
to be gathered in.Acts of the Apostles, 109:1.
liness will be clearly distinguished from the appear-
27 - The apostasy today is similar to that in ance and tinsel of it. Many a star that we have ad-
the time of Elijah. mired for its brilliancy, will then go out in dark-
From Elijahs experience during those days of ness. Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the
discouragement and apparent defeat, there are wind, even from places where we see only floors of
many lessons to be drawn,lessons invaluable to rich wheat.5 Testimonies, 80:1-81:1.
the servants of God in this age, marked as it is by 29 - God has a people on earth who are pre-
general departure from right. The apostasy prevail- paring for what is coming.
ing today is similar to that which in the prophets God has a people upon the earth who in faith
day overspread Israel. In the exaltation of the hu- and holy hope are tracing down the roll of fast-ful-
man above the divine, in the praise of popular lead- filling prophecy, and are seeking to purify their souls
ers, in the worship of mammon, and in the placing by obeying the truth, that they may not be found
of the teachings of science above the truths of rev- without the wedding garment when Christ shall ap-
elation, multitudes today are following after Baal. pear.4 Testimonies, 307:0.
Doubt and unbelief are exercising their baleful in- 30 - But some are not.
fluence over mind and heart, and many are substi- I was shown Gods people waiting for some
tuting for the oracles of God the theories of men. It change to take place,a compelling power to take
is publicly taught that we have reached a time when hold of them. But they will be disappointed, for they
human reason should be exalted above the teach- are wrong. They must act; they must take hold of
ings of the Word. The law of God, the divine stan- the work themselves, and earnestly cry to God for
dard of righteousness, is declared to be of no ef- a true knowledge of themselves. The scenes which
fect. The enemy of all truth is working with decep- are passing before us are of sufficient magnitude to
tive power to cause men and women to place hu- cause us to arouse, and urge the truth home to the
man institutions where God should be, and to for- hearts of all who will listen. The harvest of the earth
get that which was ordained for the happiness and is nearly ripe.1 Testimonies, 261:1.
ments of God, then Gods chosen people arise to Law. But, a little before the loud cry, Satan will
defend the law of Jehovah.Evangelism, 226:5- raise an excitement in the fallen churches which will
227:0. unify them in their attainment of certain objectives.
As long as probation continues, there will be I saw that God has honest children among the
opportunity for the canvasser to work. When the nominal Adventists and the fallen churches, and be-
religious denominations unite with the papacy fore the plagues shall be poured out, ministers and
to oppress Gods people, places where there is reli- people will be called out from these churches and
gious freedom will be opened by evangelistic can- will gladly receive the truth. Satan knows this; and
vassing.6 Testimonies, 478:2. before the loud cry of the third angel is given, he
5 - This union will not only bring the world raises an excitement in these religious bodies,
and the churches together, it will unite them un- that those who have rejected the truth may think
der one head: the pope of Rome. that God is with them. He hopes to deceive the hon-
est and lead them to think that God is still working
As we approach the last crisis, it is of vital mo-
for the churches.Early Writings, 261:1.
ment that harmony and unity exist among the Lords
instrumentalities. The world is filled with storm and 2 - A counterfeit revival will occur. As we will
war and variance. Yet under one headthe papal discuss later, the latter rain comes at the beginning
powerthe people will unite to oppose God in the of the loud cry and just after the National Sunday
person of His witnesses. This union is cemented Law. But the counterfeit revival, Satans counterfeit
by the great apostate.7 Testimonies, 182:2. of the latter rain, will precede the true latter rain
upon Gods people. It will appear to be Gods bless-
Protestants . . are opening the door for the
ing upon the disobedient churches. Satan will use it
papacy to regain, in Protestant America, the su-
to extend his influence over the Christian world.
premacy which she has lost in the Old World.
Great Controversy, 573:1. So the order of events will be: (1) The high-
level union of representatives from leading Protes-
6 - Many are blind to what they are doing.
tant, Catholic, and Orthodox denominations. (2) The
There are many, even of those engaged in this counterfeit revival, consisting of intense excitement
movement for Sunday enforcement, who are and low-level satanic wonders which will arouse the
blinded to the results which will follow this action. laity. (3) Under the combined pressure of both offi-
They do not see that they are striking directly cial and lay demands for its enactment, Congress
against religious liberty. There are many who have will enact a strict Sunday worship law. (4) The lat-
never understood the claims of the Bible Sabbath ter rain will occur, followed by the loud cryas Sa-
and the false foundation upon which the Sunday in- tan produces stupendous spiritualistic wonders to
stitution rests.5 Testimonies, 711:4. hold the masses in deception. The Final Crisis has
They are working in blindness. They do not see begun!
that if a Protestant government sacrifices the prin- Before the final visitation of Gods judgments
ciples that have made them a free, independent na- upon the earth, there will be, among the people of
tion, and through legislation brings into the Consti- the Lord, such a revival of primitive godliness
tution, principles that will propagate papal false- as has not been witnessed since apostolic times. The
hood and papal delusion, they are plunging into the Spirit and power of God will be poured out upon
Roman horrors of the Dark Ages.Review Extra, His children . . Many, both of ministers and people,
December 11, 1888. will gladly accept those great truths which God has
There is a satanic force propelling the Sun- caused to be proclaimed at this time, to prepare a
day movement, but it is concealed. Even the men people for the Lords Second Coming. The enemy of
who are engaged in the work, are themselves blinded souls desires to hinder this work; and before the
to the results which will follow their movement. time for such a movement shall come, he will
Review, January 1, 1889. endeavor to prevent it by introducing a coun-
terfeit. In those churches which he can bring under
-2- his deceptive power, he will make it appear that
SATANIC EXCITEMENT EMPOWERS Gods special blessing is poured out; there will
THE CHURCH UNION TO TAKE ACTION be manifest what is thought to be great religious
interest. Multitudes will exult that God is work-
1 - It appears that a strange, but strong, ex- ing marvelously for them, when the work is that
citement in the fallen churches will urge the union of another spirit. Under a religious guise, Satan will
toward action. The loud cry, which will begin shortly seek to extend his influence over the Christian
afterward, will warn all the world that it must obey world.Great Controversy, 464:1.
Gods holy ten-commandment law and not hallow
the Sunday, as commanded by the National Sunday We are told, above, that this excitement occurs
among the fallen churches, the nominal
Adventists, in those bodies which have rejected the by this enacted law which will render the situa-
truth, and in those churches which he [Satan] can tion irreversible.)
bring under his power. The Protestants of the United States will be
What causes the excitement? A counterfeit out- foremost in stretching their hands across the gulf to
pouring of a spirit before the true latter rain. It will grasp the hand of spiritualism; they will reach over
appear that Gods special blessing is being given. It the abyss to clasp hands with the Roman power;
is imagined that a great new religious interest has and under the influence of this threefold union,
occurred. They think God is working marvelously this country will follow in the steps of Rome in tram-
for them. Of course, all this reminds us of the Cel- pling on the rights of conscience.Great Contro-
ebration and Pentecostal church services. It is likely versy, 588:1.
that this stupendous excitement will initially erupt 2 - By this union, Protestantism will have
from those churches which already emphasize ex- united with the secular power to support a false
citement as the key to their faith. The evidence of religion.
supernatural power, increased attendance, and em-
When Protestant churches shall unite with
phasis on Sunday sanctity will spread to the other
the secular power to sustain a false religion, for
churches. Satanic music combined with satanic won-
opposing which their ancestors endured the fiercest
ders will produce a powerful effect.
persecution, then will the papal sabbath be en-
There will be shouting, drums, music, and forced by the combined authority of church and
dancing. state. Here will be a national apostasy, which will
The things you have described as taking place end only in national ruin.Evangelism, 235:1.
in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place 3 - By enacting this law, the nation will have
just before the close of probation. Every uncouth accepted the principles of Romanism.
thing will be demonstrated. There will be shouting,
In the time of testing and trial the shield of Om-
with drums, music, and dancing. The senses of
nipotence will be spread over those whom God has
rational beings will become so confused that they can-
made the depositaries of His law. When legislators
not be trusted to make right decisions . .
shall abjure the [religious liberty] principles of Prot-
A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and per- estantism, so as to give countenance and the right
verts that which if conducted aright might be a bless- hand of fellowship to Romanism, then God will
ing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with interpose in a special manner in behalf of His own
the din and noise to have a carnival [i.e., a Cel- honor and the salvation of His people.5 Testimo-
ebration], and this is termed the Holy Spirits work- nies, 525:1.
ing . . Those things which have been in the past will
4 - The religion of the papacy will be accepted
be in the future. Satan will make music a snare by
by the rulers.
the way in which it is conducted.2 Selected Mes-
sages, 36:2-3, 38:1. Laws enforcing the observance of Sunday as the
Sabbath will bring about a national apostasy
When those words were penned, it seemed un-
from the principles of republicanism upon which the
believable that such things could occur in our midst.
government has been founded. The religion of the
Yet, today, we see such things rapidly increasing.
papacy will be accepted by the rulers, and the law
Surely, the end is near!
of God will be made void.7 Manuscript Releases,
192 (1906).
5 - Rulers of the land will rank themselves with
the man of sin.
It is at the time of the national apostasy when,
1 - This threefold union will work toward one acting on the policy of Satan, the rulers of the
primary objective; and, in reaching that objective, land will rank themselves on the side of the
it will succeed. The U.S. Government will be pres- man of sinit is then the measure of guilt is full;
sured into enacting the National Sunday Law. Co- the national apostasy is the signal for national
ercion will be applied to force the people to ac- ruin.2 Selected Messages, 373:0.
cept a papal teaching. It will be the combined im-
6 - It will place Catholic principles under
pact of the threefold union which will have
the care and protection of the state.
brought this about. Passage of that law will lead to
very evil results. In reaching across the gulf, the Roman Catholic principles will be taken
U.S. Government will have taken an unretraceable under the care and protection of the state. This
step to destroy liberty of conscience. (We will later national apostasy will speedily be followed by na-
learn that it will be the unleashing of spiritist forces tional ruin.Review, June 15, 1897.
7 - The result will be a common goal that is The same masterful mind that plotted against
almost overwhelming in its power over the minds the faithful in ages past is still seeking to rid the
of the people. earth of those who fear God and obey His law.
These have one mind. There will be a univer- Satan will excite indignation against the humble mi-
sal bond of union, one great harmony, a confed- nority who conscientiously refuse to accept popular
eracy of Satans forces. And shall give their customs and traditions. Men of position and repu-
power and strength unto the beast. Thus is tation will join with the lawless and the vile to take
manifested the same arbitrary, oppressive power counsel against the people of God. Wealth, genius,
against religious liberty, freedom to worship God ac- education, will combine to cover them with con-
cording to the dictates of conscience, as was mani- tempt. Persecuting rulers, ministers, and church
fested by the papacy, when in the past it persecuted members will conspire against them. With voice and
those who dared to refuse to conform with the reli- pen, by boasts, threats, and ridicule, they will seek
gious rites and ceremonies of Romanism.Mara- to overthrow their faith. By false representations and
natha, 187:4. angry appeals they will stir up the passions of the
people. Not having a Thus saith the Scriptures to
8 - Satan will be leading in this union.
bring against the advocates of the Bible Sabbath,
There is one pointed out in prophecy as the man they will resort to oppressive enactments to supply
of sin. He is the representative of Satan . . Here is the lack. To secure popularity and patronage, leg-
Satans right-hand man ready to carry on the islators will yield to the demand for a Sunday
work that Satan commenced in heaven, that of law. Those who fear God cannot accept an institu-
trying to amend the law of God. And the Christian tion that violates a precept of the Decalogue. On this
world has sanctioned his efforts by adopting this battlefield comes the last great conflict of the con-
child of the Papacythe Sunday institution.7 troversy between truth and error. And we are not
Bible Commentary, 910/1:3-2:0. left in doubt as to the issue. Now, as in the days of
Not a move has been made in exalting the idol Mordecai, the Lord will vindicate His truth and His
sabbath, in bringing around Sunday observance people.5 Testimonies, 450:2-451:0.
through legislation, but Satan has been behind it, 2 - In doing this, the nation will become a tool
and has been the chief worker.7 Bible Commen- of Satan. It will also have the effect of more closely
tary, 977/1:1. bringing the Protestant and Catholic churches un-
When the legislature frames laws which exalt der the delusive control of Satan, so he can use
the first day of the week, and put it in the place of them to destroy commandment keepers.
the seventh day, the device of Satan will be per- He had two horns like a lamb, and he spake
fected.7 Bible Commentary, 976/2:1. as a dragon. Though professing to be followers of
This false sabbath is to be enforced by an op- the Lamb of God, men become imbued with the spirit
pressive law. Satan and his angels are wide of the dragon. They profess to be meek and humble
awake and intensely active, working with energy but they speak and legislate with the spirit of Satan,
and perseverance through human instrumentalities showing by their actions that they are the opposite
to bring about his purpose of obliteration from the of what they profess to be. This lamb-like power
minds of men the knowledge of God.7 Bible Com- unites with the dragon in making war upon those
mentary, 985/1:1-2. who keep the commandments of God and have the
testimony of Jesus Christ. And Satan unites with
-4- Protestants and Papists, acting in consort with
EFFECT OF THE UNION them as the god of this world, dictating to men as if
ON GODS PEOPLE they were the subjects of his kingdom, to be handled
and governed and controlled as he pleases. If men
CAUSED BY will not agree to trample underfoot the command-
HATRED OF SABBATHKEEPERS ments of God, the spirit of the dragon is revealed.
They are imprisoned, brought before the councils,
1 - A hatred of Sabbathkeepers will lead the and fined. He causeth all, both small and great, rich
churches to coerce the government to enact the and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their
law. Initially, legislators will agree to do so only right hand or in their foreheads. He had power to
for political reasons. But that action will cata- give life unto the image of the beast, that the image of
pult Gods people into the final great conflict. the beast should both speak, and cause that as many
What is that conflict? It is the last phase, before as would not worship the image of the beast should
Christ returns, of the long-standing great con- be killed. Thus Satan usurps the prerogatives of
troversy between Christ and Satan over the ne- Jehovah. The man of sin sits in the seat of God,
cessity of obedience to the law of God. proclaiming himself to be God, and acting above
God.Maranatha, 191:1. in making war upon those who keep the command-
3 - The Sabbath will be the basic issue; and, in ments of God and have the testimony of Jesus
opposition to it, all the wicked world will be united Christ.14 Manuscript Releases, 161:4-162:1
against Gods people. (1899).
In the warfare to be waged in the last days there 3 - Gods commandment-keeping people
will be united, in opposition to Gods people, all should now draw together; for the wicked will later
the corrupt powers that have apostatized from unite, under the papacy, to oppose them.
allegiance to the law of Jehovah. In this warfare the As we approach the last crisis, it is of vital mo-
Sabbath of the fourth commandment will be the great ment that harmony and unity exist among the Lords
point at issue; for in the Sabbath commandment instrumentalities. The world is filled with storm
the great Lawgiver identifies Himself as the Creator and war and variance. Yet under one headthe
of the heavens and the earth.Maranatha, 187:5. papal powerthe people will unite to oppose God
in the person of His witnesses.7 Testimonies,
WILL RESULT Gods Sabbath will be trampled underfoot, and
Are you ready for what is soon to come upon the a false sabbath will be exalted. In a Sunday law there
earth? Are you preparing your heart and life by the is possibility for great suffering to those who ob-
study of Gods Word, and obedience to it? Are you serve the seventh day. The working out of Satans
standing in defense of Gods Word and Gods law? plans will bring persecution to the people of God.
1 - Enactment of the Sunday Law will bring But the faithful servants of God need not fear the
intense persecution to Gods people. outcome of the conflict.2 Selected Messages,
There is a marked contrast between those who
bear the seal of God and those who worship the beast The Protestant world today see in the little com-
and his image. The Lords faithful servants will re- pany keeping the Sabbath a Mordecai in the gate.
ceive the bitterest persecution from false teach- His character and conduct, expressing reverence
ers, who will not hear the Word of God, and who for the law of God, are a constant rebuke to those
prepare stumbling blocks to put in the way of those who have cast off the fear of the Lord and are tram-
who would hear. pling upon His Sabbath; the unwelcome intruder
must by some means be put out of the way.5 Tes-
But Gods people are not to fear. Satan can- timonies, 450:1.
not go beyond his limit. The Lord will be the de-
fense of His people. He regards the injury done to Gods people will feel the hand of persecution
His servants for the truths sake as done to Himself. because they keep holy the seventh day.7 Bible
When the last decision has been made, when all Commentary, 975/2:0; 9 Testimonies, 229:3.
have taken sides, either for Christ and the command- Let there be a revival of the faith and power of
ments or for the great apostate, God will arise in the early church, and the spirit of persecution will
His power, and the mouths of those who have blas- be revived, and the fires of persecution will be
phemed against Him will be forever stopped. Every rekindled.Great Controversy, 48:3.
opposing power will receive its punishment. Before the warfare shall be ended and the vic-
Maranatha, 191:3. tory won, we as a people are to experience trials
2 - Papists and Protestants will unite in perse- similar to those of Paul. We shall encounter the same
cuting Sabbathkeepers. hardness of heart, the same cruel determination,
All who will not bow to the decree of the na- the same unyielding hatred . . Persecution will
tional councils and obey the national laws to exalt again be kindled against those who are true to
the sabbath instituted by the man of sin, to the dis- God; their motives will be impugned, their best ef-
regard of Gods holy day, will feel, not the oppres- forts misinterpreted, their names cast out as evil . .
sive power of popery alone, but of the Protes- God would have His people prepared for the soon-
tant world, the image of the beast.2 Selected coming crisis. Prepared or unprepared, we must
Messages, 380:1. meet it.Life of Paul, 251:0-252:1.
Those religious bodies who refuse to hear There will come a time when, because of our
Gods messages of warning will be under strong advocacy of Bible truth, we shall be treated as
deception and will unite with the civil power to per- traitors.6 Testimonies, 394:2.
secute the saints. The Protestant churches will Wealth, genius, education, will combine to
unite with the papal power in persecuting the cover them with contempt. Persecuting rulers,
commandment-keeping people of God. ministers, and church members will conspire
This lamb-like power unites with the dragon against them. With voice and pen, by boasts,
threats, and ridicule, they will seek to overthrow truth and walk in the light.Letter 23c, 1894, 2-3 (to
their faith.5 Testimonies, 450:2. I.H. Evans, July 20, 1894. See also 3 SM 387).
If popery or its principles shall again be leg- Satan Will Excite Apostate Christendom to Crush
islated into power, the fires of persecution will Liberty of Conscience.Satan will excite the indigna-
be rekindled against those who will not sacrifice con- tion of apostate Christendom against the humble rem-
science and the truth in deference to popular errors. nant who conscientiously refuse to accept their customs
and traditions. Blinded by the prince of darkness, popu-
This evil is on the point of realization.5 Testimo-
lar religionists will see only as he sees, and feel as he
nies, 712:1.
feels. They will determine as he determines, and op-
Many will plead that there is no prospect that press as he oppresses. Liberty of conscience, which has
popery will ever be revived. If it shall regain its cost this nation so great a sacrifice, will no longer be
lost ascendancy, it will be by Protestantisms giv- respected. The church and the world will unite, and the
ing it the right hand of fellowship. If it shall be world will lend to the church her power to crush out the
legislated into power by the concessions of time- right of the people to worship God according to His
serving men, the fires of persecution will be re- Word.Manuscript 51, 1899, 6-12 (The Seal of God,
kindled against those who will not sacrifice con- April 2, 1899. See also EV 234-235).
science and the truth for the errors of the papacy. If Satan Can Induce a Union of the Church and
Once let the minds of the Christian world be turned the World, Man-made Commandments Will Supplant
away from God; let His law be dishonored and His the Sabbath.Men do not seem to understand that
holy day trampled upon, and they will be ready to they are taken in Satans snare when they attempt to
take any step where Satan may lead the way. tamper with the laws of God. Satan has them in just the
position he wants them when they manufacture laws to
Review, January 1, 1889.
control the world and place those laws where Gods
The popular ministry, like the Pharisees of laws should be. The enemy knows that, if the church
old, filled with anger as their authority is ques- can be controlled by political enactments, she will lose
tioned, will denounce the message as of Satan and her garments of light as did Adam and Eve. If he can
stir up the sin-loving multitudes to revile and perse- lead the church to unite with the world and accept worldly
cute those who proclaim it.Great Controversy, enactments, they virtually acknowledge him as their head.
607:0. The authority of man-made commandments will work
to oppose the rule of the government of heaven. Under
__________________ the leadership of Satan, the knowledge of good and evil
LAST DAYS APPENDIX will work to dispense with the righteous, holy enact-
ments of God concerning the Sabbath, the observance
The following material was gleaned from our of which is to be a sign between God and His people
currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu- forever.Manuscript 77, 1899, 12-15 (Gods Law Im-
scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the mutable, May 14, 1899).
best material from that volume on topics given in The Threefold Union Will Be Satans Great Lat-
this chapter. ter-day System of Persecution.Satan will work
THE UNION miracles to deceive those who dwell on the earth. Spiri-
tualism will do its work, by causing the dead to be per-
When the Great Succession Has Taken Place, sonated. Those religious bodies that refuse to hear Gods
Deluded Men Will Rush into Superstitious Doc-
message of warning will be under strong deception, and
trines.Then signs of dissolution will be plainly re- will unite with the civil power in persecuting the [true]
vealed to the God-fearing student of prophecy. The great church. The Protestant churches will unite with the pa-
succession . . [will have] taken placethe world and
pal power in persecuting the commandment-keeping
[the] church united to tear down Gods great moral stan- people of God. This union will constitute the great sys-
dard and erect a standard instituted by the man of sin. tem of persecution that will exercise spiritual tyranny
Then earnest, distinguished men, blinded and deluded
over the consciences of men.Manuscript 16, 1899,
with false doctrines, because they have taken a deep 1-6, 10-11 (The Word for This Time, February 20,
draught of [the] wine of Babylon, rush into supersti- 1900).
tious doctrines, into the great apostasy, bearing the very
stamp of that dress. God has plainly pointed out in proph- God Will Bring Men from Various Churches to
ecy, [that] they are drunk with the wine of Babylon, and Combat the Sunday Law.Satan seems to have been
the same spirit moves the whole.Undated Manuscript permitted to gain many points of advantage. But the Lord
153, 1-4 (Copenhagen, Denmark, 1886). will bring men of understanding from the various
churches to combat the enforcement of a law, that the
America Can Become the Place of Greatest Peril first day of the week shall be honored as a day when no
Because of Light Neglected.America, where the
business shall be transacted.Letter 168, 1909, 2, 5
greatest light from heaven has been shining upon the (To the Officers of the General Conference, Decem-
people, can become the place of greatest peril and dark- ber 1, 1909. See also Ev 33, 40, 71-72, 377, 388; MM
ness, because the people do not continue to practice the
300, 308-310).
The National Sunday Law is one of the five land- The fearful judgments denounced against the
mark events of the last days. They are as follows: worship of the beast and his image should lead all
(1) The beginning of the investigative judgment in to a diligent study of the prophecies to learn what
1844, as Jesus and the Father pass from the first the mark of the beast is and how they are to avoid
to the second apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary receiving it.Great Controversy, 594:2.
to begin the final atonement. (2) The National Sun-
The Sunday law is inevitable.
day Law (which marks the setting up of the image to
the beast and the start of several other events which Sooner or later Sunday laws will be passed.
we will soon discuss) include the marking and seal- Last Day Events, 128:4.
ing, the passing of the investigative judgment to the
cases of the living, the blotting out of sin experience,
the marriage, the latter rain, and loud cry. (3) The 1 - It will be some type of U.S. federal enact-
general close of probation, when the four winds are ment.
loosed and the plagues begin to fall. (4) The sound- Our land is in jeopardy. The time is drawing on
ing of the Voice of God which delivers Gods people when its legislators shall so abjure the principles of
from the oppressive power of the world. (5) The Sec- Protestantism as to give countenance to Romish apos-
ond Advent of Jesus Christ, at which time His faith- tasy. The people for whom God has so marvelously
ful ones are taken to heaven, the wicked are slain, wrought, strengthening them to throw off the galling
and Satan is bound to this planet for a thousand yoke of popery, will by a national act give vigor to
years. the corrupt faith of Rome, and thus arouse the tyr-
The National Sunday Law is especially impor- anny which only waits for a touch to start again into
tant; for it jump-starts so many crucial final events. cruelty and despotism.4 Spirit of Prophecy, 410.
We are now in the last days, and have been there 2 - A law.
for over a century. But when this Sunday law is A more decided effort will be made to exalt the
enacted by the U.S. federal government, the Final false sabbath and to cast contempt upon God Him-
Crisis will begin. self by supplanting the day He has blessed and sanc-
One interesting point should be mentioned: tified. This false sabbath is to be enforced by an
Earlier blue (Sunday) laws in the U.S. forbade work oppressive law.7 Bible Commentary, 985/1:1.
on Sunday, but frequently permitted public enter- 3 - A decree.
tainments, such as sports events. The Spirit of
Prophecy specifically says that the National Sun- By the decree enforcing the institution of the
day Law will include a no-work and public-worship papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation
requirement. But it may also include a proviso per- will disconnect herself fully from righteousness.
mitting public entertainments (such as football, base- 5 Testimonies, 451:1.
ball, boxing matches, and auto racing). We are not 4 - An amendment to the Constitution.
told that this will happen; but it would be a clever We see that efforts are being made to restrict
device to enlist public approval of the law in this our religious liberties. The Sunday question is now
way: Go to church in the morning and spend the assuming large proportions. An amendment to
afternoon in frolic while permitting such things as our Constitution is being urged in Congress, and
beer sales but closing down ordinary businesses. when it is obtained, oppression must follow.Re-
view, December 18, 1888.
- 1- 5 - A religious amendment to the Constitution.
IMPORTANCE OF THIS EVENT If the people can be led to favor a Sunday law,
then the clergy intend to exert their united influence
This is a subject that we need to understand.
1 - The decree will require the worship of the mandments are thus placed in contrast with
beast. those that worship the beast and his image and
The decree shall go forth requiring all to wor- receive his mark, it follows that the keeping of
ship the beast and his image.5 Testimonies, Gods law, on the one hand, and its violation, on
525:2. the other, will make the distinction between the
worshipers of God and the worshipers of the
2 - That first beast is the papacy.
beast.Great Controversy, 446:0.
In [Revelation] chapter 13 (verses 1-10) is de-
8 - It will be the enforcement of the false sab-
scribed another beast, like unto a leopard, to
bath. People will be required to keep it as a sa-
which the dragon gave his power, and his seat, and
cred day.
great authority. This symbol, as most Protestants
have believed, represents the papacy, which suc- A great crisis awaits the people of God. Very
ceeded to the power and seat and authority once soon our nation will attempt to enforce upon all,
held by the ancient Roman empire . . the observance of the first day of the week as
a sacred day. In doing this, they will not scruple
This prophecy, which is nearly identical with
to compel men against the voice of their own con-
the description of the little horn of Daniel 7, un-
science to observe the day the nation declares to be
questionably points to the papacy.Great Contro-
the Sabbath.Review Extra, December 11, 1888.
versy, 439:1.
9 - When the law of God is made void by the
3 - The second beast will cause men to wor-
legislature, then the sins of Babylon will have
ship the first beast.
reached unto heaven.
The prophecy of Revelation 13 declares that
When do her sins reach unto heaven [Rev-
the power represented by the beast with lamb-
elation 18:2-5]? When the law of God is finally made
like horns shall cause the earth and them which
void by legislation.Last Day Events, 198:5.
dwell therein to worship the papacy there sym-
bolized by the beast like unto a leopard. Great
Controversy, 578:3. -5-
4 - The decree will require that men worship SUNDAY LAW DECREE
the beast and receive the mark. IS THE WORSHIP OF THE BEAST
The decree has been passed by the highest THE MARK OF THE BEAST
earthly authority that they shall worship the
beast and receive his mark under pain of persecu- 1 - The decree requires the worship of the beast
tion and death. May God help His people now, for and the receiving of his mark.
what can they then do in such a fearful conflict with- This small remnant, unable to defend them-
out His assistance!5 Testimonies, 213:0. selves in the deadly conflict with the powers of earth
5 - Characteristically, the beast breaks the that are marshaled by the dragon host, make God
commandments. their defense. The decree has been passed by
The special characteristic of the beast, and the highest earthly authority that they shall
therefore of his image, is the breaking of Gods worship the beast and receive his mark under pain
commandments.Great Controversy, 446:1. of persecution and death.5 Testimonies, 213:0.
6 - In contrast to those who worship the 2 - No one receives the mark until he under-
beast, there will be those who will not worship stands the issues and obeys the Sunday law.
the beast; for they will not be hallowing the first- With the issue thus clearly brought before
day of the week. They will be keeping Gods com- him, whoever shall trample upon Gods law to obey
mandments. a human enactment, receives the mark of the beast;
John was called to behold a people distinct he accepts the sign of allegiance to the power
from those who worship the beast or his image by which he chooses to obey instead of God. The warn-
keeping the first day of the week. The observance ing from heaven is If any man worship the beast
of this day is the mark of the beast.Testimonies and his image, and receive his mark in his fore-
to Ministers, 133:1. head, or in his hand, the same shall drink of the
wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out with-
7 - The worship of the beast, mentioned in out mixture into the cup of His indignation.
the third angels solemn warning, is the oppo- Great Controversy, 604:3-605:0.
site of obedience to Gods commandments.
3 - The controversy over this basic issue will
After the warning against the worship of the divide between those who receive the mark and
beast and his image, the prophecy declares: Here those who receive the seal.
are they that keep the commandments of God, and
the faith of Jesus. Since those who keep Gods com- While the observance of the false sabbath in
compliance with the law of the state, contrary to Here is the line of distinction between the wor-
the fourth commandment, will be an avowal of alle- shipers of God and those who worship the beast
giance to a power that is in opposition to God, the and receive his mark. The great conflict is between
keeping of the true Sabbath, in obedience to the commandments of God and the requirements of
Gods law, is an evidence of loyalty to the Creator. the beast. It is because the saints are keeping all ten
While one class, by accepting the sign of submission of the commandments that the dragon makes war
to earthly powers, receive the mark of the beast, the upon them. If they will lower the standard and yield
other, choosing the token of allegiance to divine au- the peculiarities of their faith, the dragon will be at
thority, receive the seal of God.Great Controversy, peace; but they excite his ire because they have dared
605:2. to raise the standard and unfurl their banner in op-
4 - Some will refuse to obey the decree to wor- position to the Protestant world, who are worship-
ship the beast and his image. ing the institution of papacy.
If we are true servants of God, there should be The name Seventh-day Adventist carries the
no question in our minds as to whether we will true features of our faith in front, and will con-
obey His commandments or consult our own tem- vict the inquiring mind. Like an arrow from the Lords
poral interests. If the believers in the truth are not quiver, it will wound the transgressors of Gods law,
sustained by their faith in these comparatively and will lead to repentance toward God and faith in
peaceful days, what will uphold them when the our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Testimonies, 223-224.
grand test comes and the decree goes forth We are Seventh-day Adventists. Are we
against all those who will not worship the image of ashamed of our name? We answer, No, no! We
the beast and receive his mark in their foreheads are not. It is the name the Lord has given us. It
or in their hands? This solemn period is not far points out the truth that is to be the test of the
off. Instead of becoming weak and irresolute, the churches. 2 Selected Messages, 384 (Letter 110,
people of God should be gathering strength and 1902).
courage for the time of trouble.4 Testimonies, We are Seventh-day Adventists, and of this
251:1. name we are never to be ashamed. As a people
5 - The faithful canright nowmake their we must take a firm stand for truth and righteous-
decision to say no to the decree. ness. Thus we shall glorify God. We are to be deliv-
Those who would not receive the mark of the ered from dangers, not ensnared and corrupted by
beast and his image when the decree goes forth, them. That this may be, we must look ever to Jesus,
must have decision now to say, Nay, we will not the Author and Finisher of our faith.2 Selected
regard the institution of the beast.Early Writ- Messages, 384 (Letter 106, 1903).
ings, 67:2. The banner of the third angel has inscribed
upon it, The commandments of God and the faith
WHY WE MUST EVER of Jesus. Our institutions have taken a name which
CALL OURSELVES sets forth the character of our faith, and of this name
SEVENTH-DAY ADVENTISTS we are never to be ashamed. I have been shown
We have been told that, because Sundaykeeping that this name means much, and in adopting
will be the final test which will determine the mark it we have followed the light given us from
of the beast, the faithful must ever retain the name heaven . . The Sabbath is Gods memorial of His
Seventh-day Adventist. creative work, and it is a sign that is to be kept
before the world.
The conflict is between the requirements of
God and the requirements of the beast. The first There is to be no compromise with those who
day, a papal institution which directly contradicts are worshiping an idol sabbath. We are not to spend
the fourth commandment, is yet to be made a test our time in controversy with those who know the
by the two-horned beast. And then the fearful warn- truth, and upon whom the light of truth has been
ing from God declares the penalty of bowing to the shining, when they turn away their ear from the
beast and his image. They shall drink the wine of truth to turn to fables. I was told that men will
the wrath of God, which is poured out without mix- employ every policy to make less prominent the
ture into the cup of His indignation. difference between the faith of Seventh-day Advent-
ists and those who observe the first day of the week.
No name which we can take will be appro-
In this controversy the whole world will be engaged,
priate but that which accords with our profes-
and the time is short. This is no time to haul down
sion and expresses our faith and marks us a
our colors.
peculiar people. The name Seventh-day Adventist
is a standing rebuke to the Protestant world. A company was presented before me under
the name of Seventh-day Adventists, who were
advising that the banner or sign which makes ence offices, publishing houses, etc.). Indeed, that is
us a distinctive people should not be held out so what happened to our work in China when the com-
strikingly; for they claimed it was not the best policy munists took over. With the exception of one junior
in securing success to our institutions. This dis- leader and one janitor in church headquarters, they
tinctive banner is to be borne through the world all continued in officebut henceforth as dedicated
to the close of probation. In describing the rem- communists!
nant people of God, John says, Here is the patience
of the saints: here are they that keep the command- -6-
ments of God, and the faith of Jesus (Rev. 14:12). THE NO-BUY-SELL DECREE
This is the law and the gospel. The world and the
churches are uniting in harmony in transgressing What about the no-buy-sell penalty? Is it the same
the law of God, in tearing away Gods memorial, and as the National Sunday Law or is it issued later as a
in exalting a sabbath that bears the signature of the separate decree or law? We are not told much about
man of sin. But the Sabbath of the Lord thy God it; and it could be a follow-up piece of legislation to
is to be a sign to show the difference between the render even more stringent the provisions and pen-
obedient and the disobedient. I saw some reaching alties of the National Sunday Law (cf. DA 121-122).
out their hands to remove the banner, and to ob- (1) The present writer knows of no conclusive
scure its significance.2 Selected Messages, 384- instance in which the no-buy-sell stipulation is re-
385. ferred to as a separate piece of legislation (but see
5T 152, quoted below). (2) The penalties in the origi-
WHAT WILL OUR PEOPLE nal National Sunday Law are so strong that all but
DO AT THAT TIME? the totally principled (in spite of learning the mo-
mentous issues involved) will yield, keep Sunday,
While we are on this subject, we should consider
and receive the mark. (3) We are told that the threat
a related question: What will the organized leader-
of imprisonment and death will be included in the
ship of our denomination do when the National Sun-
Sunday law itself and that would be far stronger
day Law is enacted, and it is no longer legal for the
than the no-buy-sell stipulation. (4) Thus whether
Adventist denomination to exist if, that is, its orga-
or not the no-buy-sell proviso is a separate act does
nizational structure and leadership continues to wor-
not seem to be significant.
ship on the Bible Sabbath?
1 - Assets will then be worthless.
One possibility is that a controlling number of
our leaders will stand true to our historic principles. Hoarded wealth will soon be worthless.
Another possibility is that they will go into apos- When the decree shall go forth that none shall
tasy, leave their offices in the church, and join the buy or sell except they have the mark of the beast,
opposition. A third possibility is that they will con- very much means will be of no avail. God calls for
tinue on as organizational leaders of the denomi- us now to do all in our power to send forth the
nationeven though they have forsaken the Sab- warning to the world.Last Day Events, 148:2.
bath and have begun worshiping on Sunday. 2 - The no-buy-sell restriction will apply to
One of those three possibilities is going to oc- commandment keepers.
cur. The work must not stop for want of means.
How will all that relate to the faithful? There More means must be invested in it. Brethren in
are two possibilities. (1) We just read the statement, America, in the name of my Master I bid you wake
urging the faithful to ever retain the name, Sev- up! You that are placing your talents of means in a
enth-day Adventist. Surely, our heavenly Father will napkin, and hiding them in the earth, who are build-
enable the faithful to give a clear-cut message to ing houses and adding land to land, God calls upon
the world. It may be that God will protect that name you, Sell that ye have, and give alms. There is a
and only true Seventh-day Adventists will bear it time coming when commandment keepers can
after the National Sunday Law crisis begins. If that neither buy nor sell. Make haste to dig out your
be true, then the apostates will totally forsake Ad- buried talents. If God has entrusted you with money,
ventism, repudiate identification with the Seventh- show yourselves faithful to your trust; unwrap your
day Adventist name, and join the ranks of the en- napkin, and send your talents to the exchangers,
emy. (2) Yet Satan can make life very difficult for the that when Christ shall come, He may receive His own
faithful. He has done it for thousands of years with interest.Counsels on Stewardship, 40:1.
through a counterfeit Christian organization. It 3 - The faithful will be penalized for refusing
could well be that there will be Adventist traitors to break Gods law.
who will yield obedience to the decree, even while When we learn the power of His Word, we shall
still controlling various Adventist entities (confer- not follow the suggestions of Satan in order to ob-
tain food or to save our lives. Our only questions Wonderful events are soon to open before the
will be What is Gods command? and what is His world. The end of all things is at hand. The time of
promise? Knowing these, we shall obey the one and trouble is about to come upon the people of God.
trust the other. Then it is that the decree will go forth forbid-
In the last great conflict of the controversy with ding those who keep the Sabbath of the Lord
Satan those who are loyal to God will see every to buy or sell, and threatening them with pun-
earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to ishment, and even death, if they do not observe
break His law in obedience to earthly powers, the first day of the week as the Sabbath.Lift Him
they will be forbidden to buy or sell. It will fi- Up, 347:3.
nally be decreed that they shall be put to death. As Nebuchadnezzar, the king of Babylon, is-
See Revelation 13:11-17. But to the obedient is given sued a decree that all who would not bow down
the promise, He shall dwell on high: his place of and worship this image should be killed, so a proc-
defense shall be the munitions of rocks: bread shall lamation will be made that all who will not
be given him; his waters shall be sure. Isaiah 33:16. reverence the Sunday institution will be pun-
By this promise the children of God will live. When ished with imprisonment and death . . Let all
the earth shall be wasted with famine, they shall be read carefully the thirteenth chapter of Revelation,
fed. They shall not be ashamed in the evil time: for it concerns every human agent, great and small.
and in the days of famine they shall be satisfied. 14 Manuscript Releases, 91 (1896).
Psalm 37:19.Desire of Ages, 121:2-122:0.
4 - Only those with the mark will be permitted -7-
to buy and sell. THE SUNDAY LAW IS THE SIGN
It is now that our brethren should be cutting TO LEAVE THE LARGE CITIES,
down their possessions instead of increasing them. PREPARATORY TO LEAVING
We are about to move to a better country, even a THE SMALL ONES
heavenly. Then let us not be dwellers upon the earth, 1 - Move out of the cities before you can no
but be getting things into as compact a compass as longer do so.
The trade unions and confederacies of the
The time is coming when we cannot sell world are a snare. Keep out of them, and away from
at any price. The decree will soon go forth pro- them, brethren. Have nothing to do with them. Be-
hibiting men to buy or sell of any man save him cause of these unions and confederacies, it will soon
that hath the mark of the beast. We came near be very difficult for our institutions to carry on their
having this realized in California a short time since; work in the cities. My warning is: Keep out of the
but this was only the threatening of the blowing of cities. Build no sanitariums in the cities. Educate
the four winds. As yet they are held by the four an- our people to get out of the cities into the coun-
gels. We are not just ready. There is a work yet to be try, where they can obtain a small piece of land,
done, and then the angels will be bidden to go, that and make a home for themselves and their chil-
the four winds may blow upon the earth. That will dren . .
be a decisive time for Gods children, a time of trouble
such as never was since there was a nation. Now is Our restaurants must be in the cities; for oth-
our opportunity to work.5 Testimonies, 152:2. erwise the workers in these restaurants could not
reach the people and teach them the principles of
Satan says . . For fear of wanting food and right living. And for the present we shall have to
clothing they will join with the world in transgress- occupy meetinghouses in the cities. But erelong
ing Gods law. The earth will be wholly under there will be such strife and confusion in the
my dominion. Prophets and Kings, 184:2. cities, that those who wish to leave them will
5 - In addition to the no-buy-sell proviso, there not be able. We must be preparing for these is-
will be the threat of punishment and death. sues.2 Selected Messages, 142:3-4.
The time is not far distant when the test will He wants us to live where we can have elbow
come to every soul. The mark of the beast will be room. His people are not to crowd into the cities.
urged upon us. Those who have step by step yielded He wants them to take their families out of the cit-
to worldly demands and conformed to worldly cus- ies, that they may better prepare for eternal life. In
toms will not find it a hard matter to yield to the a little while they will have to leave the cities . . Get
powers that be, rather than subject themselves to out of the cities as soon as possible.2 Selected
derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and Message, 356:3, 5.
death. The contest is between the commandments 2 - The Sunday law decree will be a special
of God and the commandments of men.5 Testi- sign to leave the large cities.
monies, 81:1.
It is no time now for Gods people to be fixing loitering, making no determined efforts.
their affections or laying up their treasure in the The angels of mercy hurried Lot and his wife
world. The time is not far distant, when, like the and daughters by taking hold of their hands. Had
early disciples, we shall be forced to seek a refuge Lot hastened as the Lord desired him to, his wife
in desolate and solitary places. As the siege of would not have become a pillar of salt. Lot had too
Jerusalem by the Roman armies was the signal for much of a lingering spirit. Let us not be like him.
flight to the Judean Christians, so the assump- The same voice that warned Lot to leave Sodom
tion of power on the part of our nation in the bids us, Come out from among them, and be
decree enforcing the papal sabbath will be a ye separate . . and touch not the unclean. Those
warning to us. It will then be time to leave the who obey this warning will find a refuge. Let
large cities, preparatory to leaving the smaller every man be wide awake for himself, and try to
ones for retired homes in secluded places among save his family. Let him gird himself for the work.
the mountains.5 Testimonies, 464:3-465:0 God will reveal from point to point what to do
(Country Living, 32). next.Country Living, 6:6-7:0.
3 - In view of that, we are now to have no
centers in any city. -8-
For years I have been given special light that THE TRADES, PROFESSIONAL
we are not to center our work in the cities. The ASSOCIATIONS,
turmoil and confusion that fill these cities, the con- AND OTHER UNIONS WILL PLAY
ditions brought about by the labor unions and the A PART IN THIS FINAL CONFLICT
strikes, would prove a great hindrance to our work.
1 - Beware of organizations opposed to the law
Men are seeking to bring those engaged in the dif-
of God.
ferent trades under bondage to certain unions. This
is not Gods planning, but the planning of a power Men have confederated to oppose the Lord
that we should in no wise acknowledge. Gods Word of hosts. These confederacies will continue until
is fulfilling; the wicked are binding themselves up Christ shall leave His place of intercession before
in bundles ready to be burned.7 Testimonies, the mercy seat and shall put on the garments of
84:2. vengeance. Satanic agencies are in every city,
busily organizing into parties those opposed
4 - Live where you can keep the Sabbath un-
to the law of God. Professed saints and avowed
unbelievers take their stand with these parties. This
We are not to locate ourselves where we will be is no time for the people of God to be weaklings.
forced into close relations with those who do not We cannot afford to be off our guard for one mo-
honor God . . A crisis is soon to come in regard ment.8 Testimonies, 42:2.
to the observance of Sunday . .
The trade unions will be one of the agen-
The Sunday party is strengthening itself in its cies that will bring upon this earth a time of trouble
false claims, and this will mean oppression to those such as has not been since the world began.2
who determine to keep the Sabbath of the Lord. Selected Messages, 142:1.
We are to place ourselves where we can carry out
Because of these unions and confedera-
the Sabbath commandment in its fullness. Six days
cies, it will soon be very difficult for our institu-
shalt thou labor, the Lord declares, and do all thy
tions to carry on their work in the cities. My warn-
work: but the seventh day is the Sabbath of the
ing is: Keep out of the cities. Build no sanitariums
Lord thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work.
in the cities.2 Selected Messages, 142:3.
And we are to be careful not to place ourselves
where it will be hard for ourselves and our 2 - Men are binding into bundles of disobedi-
children to keep the Sabbath. ent ones.
If in the providence of God we can secure These unions are one of the signs of the last
places away from the cities, the Lord would have days. Men are binding up in bundles ready to
us do this. There are troublous times before us . . be burned. They may be church members, but
while they belong to these unions, they cannot
I see the necessity of making haste to get all
possibly keep the commandments of God; for to
things ready for the crisis.2 Selected Mes-
belong to these unions means to disregard the en-
sages, 359:5.
tire Decalogue.2 Selected Messages, 143:3.
5 - God will help you find a secluded place.
I was pleading with some families to avail them- WE ARE TO HAVE
selves of Gods appointed means, and get away NOTHING TO DO WITH THEM
from the cities to save their children. Some were 1 - We must not unite with them.
Those who claim to be the children of God are drance has been placed in the way of the advance-
in no case to bind up with the labor unions ment of Gods work . . It will be more difficult in the
that are formed or that shall be formed. This future than it is today. Satanic agencies are becom-
the Lord forbids. Cannot those who study the ing more determined in their rebellion against God.
prophecies see and understand what is before The trade unions will be the cause of the most
us?2 Selected Messages, 144:1. terrible violence that has ever been seen among
2 - We are to stand free in God. human beings.Letter 99, 1904, 3 (to J.E. White
and wife, February 23, 1904), 4 Manuscript Re-
We are now to use all our entrusted capabilities
leases, 23:3.
in giving the last warning message to the world. In
this work we are to preserve our individuality. 4 - These are agencies which God will not much
We are not to unite with secret societies or with longer tolerate.
trade unions. We are to stand free in God, look- Cast out of heaven, Satan set up his kingdom
ing constantly to Christ for instruction. All our move- in this world, and ever since he has been untiringly
ments are to be made with a realization of the im- striving to seduce human beings from their alle-
portance of the work to be accomplished for God. giance to God. He uses the same power that he used
7 Testimonies, 84:3. in heaventhe influence of mind on mind. Men be-
3 - Membership in the unions will wrap you in come tempters of their fellowmen. The strong, cor-
the fold of the enemy. rupting sentiments of Satan are cherished, and they
exert a masterly, compelling power. Under the in-
The work of the people of God is to prepare for
fluence of these sentiments, men bind up with
the events of the future, which will soon come upon
one another in confederacies, in trade unions,
them with blinding force. In the world gigantic mo-
and in secret societies. There are at work in the
nopolies will be formed. Men will bind themselves
world agencies that God will not much longer tol-
together in unions that will wrap them in the
erate.1 Mind, Character, and Personality, 28:3.
folds of the enemy. A few men will combine to grasp
all the means to be obtained in certain lines of busi-
ness. Trade unions will be formed, and those who
refuse to join these unions will be marked THE UNIVERSAL SUNDAY LAW
men.2 Selected Messages, 142:2. Under the influence of the United States of
America, the apostasy will spread throughout the
LABOR UNIONS WILL BECOME world, as other nations enact their own National
Sunday Laws. The result will be a worldwide, or
1 - The power of labor unions will be op- universal, Sunday law. The pattern shown in the
pressive. quotations is this: (1) First, the National Sunday
The time is fast coming when the controlling Law is enacted in the United States. (2) Then, rather
power of the labor unions will be very oppres- quickly, it is enacted by other nations of the Chris-
sive. Again and again the Lord has instructed that tian world (Europe, Canada, Australia, Central and
our people are to take their families away from the South America, and the Philippines). (3) The re-
cities, into the country, where they can raise their maining nations are then cajoled or coerced into
own provisions; for in the future the problem of passing and enforcing similar enactments.
buying and selling will be a very serious one. We In a later chapter, The False Latter Rain, we
should now begin to heed the instruction given us will discover three things which will greatly influ-
over and over again: Get out of the cities into rural ence both the nations of Christendom and non-
districts, where the houses are not crowded closely Christian nations: (1) The marvelous working of
together, and where you will be free from the inter- Satan through miracles and healings by his agents,
ference of enemies.2 Selected Messages, 141:1. (2) his appearances as Christ in various parts of
2 - Trade unions will help bring the time of the world, (3) the appearance of foreign deities (pos-
trouble. sibly including Mohammed and Buddha). All of these
will be used to turn the people to Sundaykeeping, as
The trade unions will be one of the agencies
the answer to the worlds problems.
that will bring upon this earth a time of trouble
such as has not been since the world began.2 It will result in worldwide religious submission
Selected Messages, 142:1. to the antichrist power; for Sunday sacredness is
the child of the papacy. And Satan will be behind it
3 - They will bring most terrible violence.
There is a great work before us. The enemy has
In this age antichrist will appear as the true
succeeded in occupying the minds of those who be-
Christ, and then the law of God will be fully
lieve the truth for this time, and hindrance after hin-
made void in the nations of our world. Rebellion
against Gods holy law will be fully ripe. But the 2 - All Christendom will enact it, and the at-
true leader of all this rebellion is Satan clothed tention of the entire world will upon it.
as an angel of light. Men will be deceived and The warning of the third angel . . is represented
will exalt him to the place of God, and deify him. in the prophecy as being proclaimed with a loud
But Omnipotence will interpose, and to the apostate voice, by an angel flying in the midst of heaven; and
churches that unite in the exaltation of Satan, the it will command the attention of the world.
sentence will go forth, Therefore shall her plagues
In the issue of the contest all Christendom
come in one day, death, and mourning, and fam-
will be divided into two great classesthose who
ine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for
keep the commandments of God and the faith of
strong is the Lord God who judgeth her.Testi-
Jesus, and those who worship the beast and his
monies to Ministers, 62:1.
image and receive his mark. Although church and
state will unite their power to compel all, both small
and great, rich and poor, free and bond (Rev. 13:16),
WILL LEAD OUT to receive the mark of the beast, yet the people of
God will not receive it.Great Controversy, 450:1.
1 - Rome is influential in many countries.
3 - The Protestant world will adopt it, and the
In homage to the Papacy the United States will nations will be stirred.
not be alone. The influence of Rome in the coun-
Nations will be stirred to their very center. Sup-
tries that once acknowledged her dominion is
port will be withdrawn from those who proclaim
still far from being destroyed.Maranatha,
Gods only standard of righteousness, the only sure
test of character. And all who will not bow to the
2 - Romanism in Europe and Protestantism decree of the national councils and obey the national
in North America will enact the law. laws to exalt the sabbath instituted by the man of
In the last conflict the Sabbath will be the spe- sin, to the disregard of Gods holy day, will feel, not
cial point of controversy throughout all Christen- the oppressive power of popery alone, but of the
dom. Secular rulers and religious leaders will unite Protestant world, the image of the beast.2 Se-
to enforce the observance of the Sunday; and as lected Messages, 380:1.
milder measures fail, the most oppressive laws will
been acted. It will be urged that the few who stand THE NON-CHRISTIAN NATIONS
in opposition to an institution of the church and a WILL ADOPT IT
law of the land ought not to be tolerated; and a
First, the Christian world and, then, every na-
decree will finally be issued denouncing them as
tion will become involved and worship the beast and
deserving of the severest punishment, and giving
his image.
the people liberty, after a certain time, to put them
to death. Romanism in the Old World and apos- The so-called Christian world is to be the the-
tate Protestantism in the New, will pursue a simi- ater of great decisive actions. Men in authority will
lar course toward those who honor the divine pre- enact laws controlling the conscience, after the ex-
cepts.4 Spirit of Prophecy, 444:2-445:0 (1884 ample of the Papacy. Babylon will make all nations
Great Controversy). drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornication.
Every nation will be involved [Rev. 18:3-7, quot-
Romanism in the Old World and apostate
ed].Maranatha, 188:4.
Protestantism in the New will pursue a similar
course toward those who honor all the divine pre-
cepts.Great Controversy, 616:0 (1911). WILL REQUIRE IT
Note: According to the above three statements,
1 - It will go to all the world.
it appears that, while Protestantism will lead in caus-
ing enactment of the National Sunday Law in Prot- The decree enforcing the worship of this day is
estant America, Roman Catholicism will lead in co- to go forth to all the world.7 Bible Commen-
ercing the Catholic nations of Europe to follow suit. tary, 976/2:3.
2 - All the world will act a part.
ALL THE NATIONS OF CHRISTENDOM The Sabbath question is to be the issue in the
WILL BECOME INVOLVED great final conflict in which all the world will act a
1 - The whole Christian world will be involved. part.6 Testimonies, 352:1.
In the great conflict between faith and unbelief 3 - Foreign nations will accept it.
the whole Christian world will be involved.Last Foreign nations will follow the example of the
Day Events, 137:1. United States. Though she leads out, yet the same
crisis will come upon our people in all parts of the the powers of this earth try to force men to keep the
world.6 Testimonies, 395:1. first day of the week, know that the time has come
4 - The powers of earth will decree it. for God to work.7 Bible Commentary, 980/2:4.
Fearful is the issue to which the world is to be The substitution of the laws of men for the law
brought. The powers of earth, uniting to war of God, the exaltation, by merely human authority,
against the commandments of God, will decree that of Sunday in place of the Bible Sabbath, is the last
all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and act in the drama. When this substitution be-
bond, shall conform to the customs of the church comes universal, God will reveal Himself. He will
by the observance of the false sabbath.Great arise in His majesty to shake terribly the earth.
Controversy, 604:2. 7 Testimonies, 141:1.
5 - Every nation will join the universal bond 9 - All will take sides; no one will remain
of union. neutral.
The so-called Christian world is to be the the- In the great conflict between faith and unbelief
ater of great and decisive actions. Men in authority the whole Christian world will be involved. All will
will enact laws controlling the conscience, after the take sides. Some apparently may not engage in
example of the papacy. Babylon will make all na- the conflict on either side. They may not appear to
tions drink of the wine of the wrath of her fornica- take sides against the truth, but they will not come
tion. Every nation will be involved. Of this time out boldly for Christ through fear of losing prop-
John the Revelator declares . . [Rev. 18:3-7; 17:13- erty or suffering reproach. All such are numbered
14, quoted]. These have one mind. There will be a with the enemies of Christ.Last Day Events,
universal bond of union, one great harmony, a 215:2.
confederacy of Satans forces. And shall give their
power and strength unto the beast. Thus is mani- THE ENTIRE WORLD WILL BE
fested the same arbitrary, oppressive power against OPPOSED TO THOSE
religious liberty, freedom to worship God accord-
ing to the dictates of conscience, as was manifested 1 - The small group loyal to God will be the
by the papacy, when in the past it persecuted those subject of universal execration.
who dared to refuse to conform with the religious As the Sabbath has become the special point
rites and ceremonies of Romanists.3 Selected of controversy throughout Christendom, and reli-
Messages, 392:1, 4. gious and secular authorities have combined to
6 - All nations, tongues, and peoples will be enforce the observance of the Sunday, the persis-
commanded to practice it. tent refusal of a small minority to yield to the popu-
History will be repeated. False religion will be lar demand will make them objects of universal
exalted. The first day of the week, a common work- execration.Great Controversy, 615:2.
ing day, possessing no sanctity whatever, will be 2 - Amid all that happens, the faithful will
set up as was the image at Babylon. All nations stand true.
and tongues and peoples will be commanded to The season of distress before Gods people will
worship this spurious sabbath. This is Satans plan call for a faith that will not falter. His children must
to make of no account the day instituted by God, make it manifest that He is the only object of their
and given to the world as a memorial of Creation . . worship, and that no consideration, not even that
The decree enforcing the worship of this day is to go of life itself, can induce them to make the least
forth to all the world.Maranatha, 214:2-3, 7 Bible concession to false worship. To the loyal heart
Commentary, 976/2:3. the commands of sinful, finite men will sink into
7 - Every country on the globe will follow insignificance beside the Word of the eternal God.
Americas example. Truth will be obeyed though the result be imprison-
As America, the land of religious liberty, shall ment or exile or death.Prophets and Kings, 512:2-
unite with the papacy in forcing the conscience and 513:0.
compelling men to honor the false sabbath, the 3 - All the corrupt powers of earth will be in
people of every country on the globe will be led opposition to Gods people.
to follow her example.6 Testimonies, 18:2. In the warfare to be waged in the last days there
8 - The substitution will become universal. will be united, in opposition to Gods people, all
The substitution of the false for the true is the the corrupt powers that have apostatized from al-
last act in the drama. When this substitution be- legiance to the law of Jehovah. In this warfare the
comes universal, God will reveal Himself. When the Sabbath of the fourth commandment will be the
laws of men are exalted above the laws of God, when great point at issue, for in the Sabbath command-
ment the great Lawgiver identifies Himself as the pleading of mercy in their behalf.5 Testimonies,
Creator of the heavens and the earth.3 Selected 208:2.
Messages, 392:5-393:0. God keeps a record with the nations: the fig-
4 - The whole wicked world will be converted, ures are swelling against them in the books of heaven;
keep Sunday, and oppose Gods faithful ones. and when it shall have become a law that the
The wicked . . declared that they had the truth, transgression of the first day of the week shall be
that miracles were among them, that angels from met with punishment, then their cup will be full.
heaven talked with them and walked with them, 7 Bible Commentary, 910/2:1.
that great power and signs and wonders were When the accumulated figures in heavens record
performed among them, and that this was the tem- books shall mark the sum of transgression com-
poral millennium that they had been expecting so plete, wrath will come, unmixed with mercy, and then
long. The whole world was converted and in it will be seen what a tremendous thing it is to have
harmony with the Sunday law.3 Selected Mes- worn out the divine patience. This crisis will be
sages, 427:5, 428:1. reached when the nations shall unite in making
The whole world is to be stirred with enmity void Gods law.5 Testimonies, 524:0.
against Seventh-day Adventists because they will This earth has almost reached the place where
not yield homage to the papacy by honoring Sun- God will permit the destroyer to work his will upon
day, the institution of this antichristian power. it. The substitution of the laws of men for the law
Testimonies to Ministers, 37:0. of God, the exaltation, by merely human authority,
Those who trample upon Gods law make hu- of Sunday in place of the Bible Sabbath, is the last
man laws which they will force the people to ac- act in the drama. When this substitution be-
cept. Men will devise and counsel and plan what comes universal, God will reveal Himself. He will
they will do. The whole world keeps Sunday, they arise in His majesty to shake terribly the earth. He
say, and why should not this people, who are so will come out of His place to punish the inhabi-
few in number, do according to the laws of the tants of the world for their iniquity, and the earth
land?Last Day Events, 136:3. shall disclose her blood and shall no more cover
her slain.7 Testimonies, 141:1.
Note: We will learn, in the chapter The False
Latter Rain, that Satan will personally appear (as The substitution of the false for the true is the
Christ) to induce other nations to enact the National last act in the drama. When this substitution be-
Sunday Law. We will there learn that he will also comes universal, God will reveal Himself. When
use apparent reincarnations of heathen gods to aid the laws of men are exalted above the laws of
in deceiving them. God, when the powers of this earth try to force men
to keep the first day of the week, know that the
UNIVERSAL SUNDAY LAW time has come for God to work. He will arise in His
OCCURS PRIOR TO THE majesty, and will shake terribly the earth. He will
GENERAL CLOSE OF PROBATION come out of His place to punish the inhabitants of
the world for their iniquity.7 Bible Commentary,
The enactment of a National Sunday Law, by the
United States, will hurl the people of our land into
the events of the Final Crisis. But, when similar leg-
islation spreads to every other nation thus becom- __________________
ing a universal Sunday law, mankind will be on the LAST DAYS APPENDIX
edge of the general close of probation. Enactment of
The following material was gleaned from our
that law, in a nation, brings the mark-seal-loud cry
currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu-
cluster of events. But when the very last nation has
scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the
adopted it, nearly all the other nations will have made
best material from that volume on topics given in
their decision. Thus, probation for humanity will
this chapter.
close soon after the law becomes worldwide.
God gives nations a certain time of proba-
tion.4 Bible Commentary, 1143/2:3. SEEK TO PREVENT
With unerring accuracy the Infinite One still
keeps an account with all nations. While His Danger of a Laissez-faire Attitude toward the
mercy is tendered, with calls to repentance, this Sunday Issue.There are many who are at ease,
account will remain open; but when the figures who are, as it were, asleep. They say, If prophecy
reach a certain amount which God has fixed, the has foretold the enforcement of Sunday observance,
ministry of His wrath commences. The account is the law will surely be enacted, and having come to
closed. Divine patience ceases. There is no more this conclusion, they sit down in a calm expecta-
tion of the event, comforting themselves with the when every city will be visited by the plagues of God.
thought that God will protect His people in the day Those who suppose that the patronage to be gained
of trouble. But God will not save us, if we make no [for our sanitariums] in the congested cities would
effort to do the work He has committed to our be a great advantage, do not reason wisely. In this
charge. We must be found faithfully vigilant soldiers, respect their reasoning is not inspired of God. Men
lest Satan shall gain an advantage, which it is our should have less confidence in their finite wisdom.
duty to prevent.Manuscript 18, 1888, 2-3, 5-19, Manuscript 41, 1902, 3-4, 10-11 (The Location of
13 (Religious Liberty, n.d. Portions appeared in the the Sanitarium in Southern California, March 14,
Review and Herald, Extra, December 24, 1889. See 1902).
also EV 198, 2 SM 388-389). It Is Time to Leave the Cities.It is time for
our people to take their families from the cities into
NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW more retired localities, else many of the youth, and
Laws Enforcing Sunday as the Sabbath Bring many of those older in years, who put their trust in
about National Apostasy in the United States. their own capabilities will be ensnared and taken
Any fallacy is likely to be received by a people who by the enemy.Letter 5, 1903, 7 (to A.G. Daniells,
make void the law of God. There is a crisis just January 5, 1903. See also OHC, 85, 132).
ahead of those who are acting on a shortsighted Agencies through Which Satan Is Working in
policy. The rulers of the land will take their posi- Crowded Cities.Satan is busily at work in our
tion above the great Creator of the world. The claims crowded cities. His work is to be seen in the confu-
of a false sabbath will be brought to the front, and sion, the strife, and discord between labor and capi-
the rulers and the people will act upon the prin- tal, and the hypocrisy that has come into the
ciple of a shortsighted policy. The false sabbath, churches . . The lust of the flesh, the pride of the
the first day of the week, will be accepted, and the eyes, the display of selfishness, the misuse of power,
rulers will unite with the man of sin to restore his the cruelty, and the force used to cause men to unite
lost ascendancy. Laws enforcing the observance of with confederacies and unions, binding themselves
Sunday as the Sabbath will bring about a national up in bundles for the burning of the great fires of
apostasy from the principles of republicanism upon the last days, all these are the working of satanic
which the government has been founded. The reli- agencies.Manuscript 139, 1903, 5-6 (The Mes-
gion of the papacy will be accepted by the rulers, sage in Revelation, October 23, 1903. See also Ev
and the law of God will be made void.Manuscript 26 and UL 310).
39, 1906, 1-2 (The Law of God, copied May 1, 1906; Evil Angels Are in Every Mob, Inciting Men to
7 BC 412). Commit Deeds of Violence.No scientific theory
can explain the steady march of evil workers under
OUT OF THE CITIES the generalship of Satan. In every mob wicked an-
gels are at work rousing men to commit deeds of
The Time Is Coming When Gods People Will
violence. Satan seems to have taken control of the
Have to Live in Small Companies Away from the
minds of men. Murder, robbery, wickedness of every
Cities.The plagues of the last days are to be poured
kind, reveal the leadership of the great enemy of
out on the inhabitants of the world, who have shown
marked contempt for the law of God. Gods people
should seek to teach the people of the world, pro- Mans Cruelty Will Reach Such Heights that
claiming the truth as it is found in His Word. But God Will Reveal Himself.In the days of Noah, vio-
the time will come when they will have to move away lence filled the land; and thus Christ has told us
from the cities and live in small companies by them- that it will be in the last days. The history of the old
selves. world is to be repeated. The perversity and cruelty
of men will reach such a height that God will reveal
Those Who Choose to Remain in the Cities
Himself in His majesty. Very soon the wickedness of
Must Share in Their Coming disasters.If our
the world will have reached its limit, and as in the
people regard Gods instruction as of value, they will
days of Noah, God will pour out His judgments.
move out of the city, so that they will not be pained
by its revolting sights, and so that their children When Wickedness Is at Its Height, God Will Be
will not be corrupted by its vices. Those who choose Close to Our Side.But even when wickedness is
to remain in the cities, surrounded by the houses of at its height, we may know that our Helper is close
unbelievers, must share [in] the disasters that will by our side.Letter 250, 1903 (to J. E. White, No-
come upon them . . vember 16, 1903).
Rationalizing that There is Patronage for Our It Will Become Very Hard for Adventists to Re-
Sanitariums to Be Gained in the Cities Is Not God- main in Cities.Conditions are arising in the cit-
inspired Reasoning.The time is not far distant ies that will make it very hard for those of our faith
to remain in them. It would therefore be a great mis- Notwithstanding the scientific care with which men
take to invest money in the establishment of busi- safeguard buildings from destruction, one touch of
ness interests in the cities . . The cities will become the great and rightful Ruler will bring to nothing-
worse and worse. In them will be strife and blood- ness the idolatrous possessions that have been laid
shed, and at last they will be visited by earthquakes. up in a sightly and magnificent display. The devices
Buildings will be thrown down and will be consumed of men will come to naught.Manuscript 35, 1906,
by fire from heaven. 5, 8-11 (The Judgments of God, copied April 27,
Those Remaining in the Cities Will Be Expected 1906. See also Ev 27).
to Observe Holidays.The cities must be worked. Gods Punishment of Transgressors Will Be
Those who are living in them must be warned of Progressively Severe.The Lord will not sud-
what is before us. Let time and means be wisely denly cast off all transgressors and destroy entire
spent. See if you cannot do something in the high- nations, but He will punish cities and places where
ways and byways of the cities to proclaim the mes- men have given themselves up to the possession of
sage of present truth, but do not locate your families satanic agencies. Strictly will the cities of the na-
in the city, and do not establish business interests tions be dealt with, and yet they will not be visited
there. If you do this, you will in the future be ex- in the extreme of Gods indignation, because some
pected to conform to the observance of various holi- souls will yet break away from the delusions of the
days. Watchers will be set to seek occasion of com- enemy, and will repent and be converted, while the
plaint against the commandment-keeping people of masses of the people will be treasuring up wrath
God. Satan will exercise his power and enmity, and against the day of wrath.Manuscript 35, 1906,
oppression will be the result. The larger the city, the 5, 8-11 (The Judgments of God, copied April 27,
greater will be the oppression.Manuscript 76, 1906. See also Ev 27).
1905 (The Work in Melbourne, [Australia], June Cities Will be Destroyed by Earthquake, Fire,
29, 1905. See also CG 66-67; PM 185-186; 2 SM Flood, and Lightening.In the future cities will
355, 357). certainly feel the terrible results of earthquakes and
Unless God Positively Opens the Way, Means fires. Cities will be destroyed by flood and by light-
Are Not to be Invested in Building in the Cit- nings. [Get] Out of the cities, is my message at this
ies.Some time after this, I was shown that the time.
vision of the buildings in Chicago and the draft upon Locate Our Institutions Miles Away from Large
the means of our people to erect them and their Cities.Be assured that the call is for our people
destruction was an object lesson for our people, to locate miles away from the large cities . . Do not
warning them not to invest largely of their means establish institutions in the cities, but seek a rural
in property in Chicago or any other city, unless the location. The call is, Come out from among them,
providence of God should positively open the way and be ye separate (2 Cor. 6:17). The very atmo-
and plainly point out duty to build or buy, as nec- sphere of the cities is polluted. Let your schools be
essary, in giving the note of warning. A similar cau- established away from the cities, where agricultural
tion was given in regard to building in Los Angeles. and other industries can be carried on.
Repeatedly I have been instructed that we must not
When a City Is Destroyed, Do not Relocate in
invest means in the erection of expensive buildings
that City.The Lord calls for His people to locate
in cities.Manuscript 33, 1906, 2-3, 5-6 (The Chi-
away from the cities, for in such an hour as ye think
cago Work, March 20, 1906. See also MM 304-306).
not, fire and brimstone will be rained from heaven
Scientifically Constructed Buildings, Suppos- upon these cities. Proportionate to their sins will be
edly Destruction-proof, Will Suffer the Fate of the their visitation. When one city is destroyed, let not
Temple.Men will continue to erect expensive build- our people regard this matter as a light affair and
ings, costing millions of money. Special attention will think that they may, if favorable opportunity offers,
be called to their architectural beauty and firmness, build themselves homes in that same destroyed
and [the] solidity with which they are constructed, city.Letter 158, 1906 (to Dr. H. Kress and wife,
but the Lord has instructed men that despite the May 10, 1906).
unusual firmness and expensive display, these build-
Earthquakes Like the San Francisco Quake
ings will share the fate of the Temple in Jerusalem.
Will Be Repeated Elsewhere.As we near the close
I am instructed to declare the message that the of this earths history, we shall see the scenes of the
cities, full of transgression and sinful in the extreme, San Francisco calamity repeated in other places . .
will be destroyed by earthquakes, by fire, by flood.
Iniquity of the Most Revolting Character Is
All the world will be warned that there is a God who
Practiced in the Cities.These things make me
will display His authority as God. His unseen agen-
feel very solemn, because I know that the judgment
cies will cause destruction, devastation, and death.
day is right upon us. The judgments that have al-
All the accumulated riches will be as nothingness.
ready come are a warning, but not the finishing of ing, but this will become more and more dangerous.
the punishment that will come on wicked cities. Our Moving to the Hills and Mountains Should Not
cities are most terrible places, wherein are practiced Be Considered a Great Deprivation.Do not con-
all kinds of sin and iniquity of the most revolting sider it a great deprivation that you must go into the
character. The Lords name is greatly dishonored. hills and mountains, but seek for that retirement
Letter 154, 1906 (to J.E. White and wife, May 12, where you can be alone with God, to learn His will
1906). and way . .
The Judgments of God Will Fall.The judg- Spiritual Advantages of Living in the Coun-
ments of God will certainly fall upon all transgres- try.Do not consider it a privation when you are
sors. The terrible earthquake that has visited San called to leave the cities and move out into country
Francisco will be followed by other manifestations places. Here there await rich blessings for those
of the power of God. His law has been transgressed. who will grasp them. By beholding the scenes of
Cities have become polluted with sin.Manuscript nature, the works of the Creator, by studying Gods
61a, 1906, 1, 3 (Gods Judgments on the Cities, handiwork, imperceptibly you will be changed into
June 3, 1906). the same image.Manuscript 85, 1908, 1-5 (Co-
A Sample of the Future.God is permitting operation Between Schools and Sanitariums,
those things to be brought to light that he who reads June 30, 1908. See 2 SM 355-356).
may run. The city of San Francisco is a sample of
what the whole world is becoming. The wicked brib- LABOR UNIONS
ery, the misappropriation of means, the fraudulent Revelation 18 Shows How Completely Earthly
transactions among men who have power to release Powers Will Give Themselves Over to Evil.This
the guilty and condemn the innocentall this iniq- terrible picture [Revelation 18:1-8], drawn by John
uity is filling other large cities of the earth and is to show how completely the powers of earth will give
making the world as it was in the days that were themselves over to evil, should show those who have
before the Flood.Letter 230, 1907 (to J.E. White received the truth how dangerous it is to link up
and wife, July 22, 1907). with secret societies or to join themselves in any way
Secure Places in Retired Country Regions for with those who do not keep Gods command-
Sanitariums and Schools, because Cities Are Be- ments.Manuscript 135, 1902, 3-6, 9 (Instruc-
coming Increasingly Corrupt and Travel Will Be- tion to the Church, October 31, 1902. See also 7
come Increasingly Dangerous.Christ is soon BC 980, 984; UL 318).
coming, and Satan knows that his time is short. As If We Join Trusts and Unions, We Shall Be-
we draw near to the close of time, the cities will come Like the World.The wicked are being
become more and more corrupt, and more and bound up in bundles, bound up in trusts, in unions,
more objectionable as places for establishing cen- in confederacies. Let us have nothing to do with these
ters of our work. The dangers of travel will increase, organizations. God is our Ruler, our Governor, and
confusion and drunkenness will abound; and, if there He calls us to come out from the world and be sepa-
can be found places in retired mountain regions, rate.Manuscript 71, 1903 (To Every Man His
where it would be difficult for the evils of the cities Work, a talk to the California Medical Missionary
to enter, let our people secure such places for our and Benevolent Association, June 18, 1903).
sanitariums and advanced schools . .
The Earth Is becoming Corrupt; Religious Lib- BINDING INTO BUNDLES
erty Will be Little Respected.In the days before
the Flood, every kind of amusement was invented to Everyone Will Reveal the Character He Is De-
lead men and women to forgetfulness and sin. To- veloping.As character develops, men and women
day Satan is working with intensity, that the same will take their positions; for varied circumstances
conditions of evil shall prevail, and the earth is be- brought to bear upon them will cause them to reveal
coming corrupt. Religious liberty will be little re- the spirit which prompts them to action. Everyone
spected by professing Christians, for many of them will reveal the character of the bundle with which he
have no understanding of spiritual things . . is binding himself. The wheat is being bound up for
the heavenly garner . . The true people of God are
Some Must Remain in the Cities to Give Our
now pulling apart, and the tares are being bound in
Message, but to Do so Will Become Increasingly
bundles to [be] burn[ed]. Decided positions will be
Dangerous.At such a time as this, the people who
taken.Letter 12, 1892 (to S.N. Haskell, August
are seeking to keep the commandments of God should
22, 1892. See also 7 BC 912-913; AH 472-473, 476;
look for retired places away from the cities. Some
WM 76, 105, 166).
must remain in the cities to give the last note of warn-
In Revelation 13, we are told about the first (leop- trol the civil government that the authority of the
ard like) beast, which is Rome. We are then shown a state will also be employed by the church to
second (lamb-like) beast, the United States of accomplish her own ends.Great Controversy,
America. This second beast makes an image of 443:2.
and tothe first beast. The setting up of that im-
age constitutes a church-state union, mirroring the -2-
earlier 1260-year persecuting activity of the first HOW THE IMAGE WILL BE FORMED
beast. When apostate Protestantism, linking arm
in arm with Rome, coerces the U.S. Government to 1 - The image is formed when the religious
enact the National Sunday Law, that image will have power, because of apostasy, tries and succeeds
been set up. The image does not exist until that in controlling the government to enforce church
enactment is made. decrees, just as the papacy did centuries earlier.
In summary then, the image will be formed by In order for the United States to form an image
the two-horned beast of Revelation 13 (GC 443, of the beast, the religious power must so control
445), which is the Protestant churches of America the civil government that the authority of the state
(GC 443-450). This image is of/to the leopard-like will also be employed by the church to accomplish
beast of Revelation 13 (GC 443); so it is an image of her own ends . .
the papacy (GC 443, 445; SR 381-383). In addition, It was apostasy that led the early church to
we are told, it will be formed before probation closes seek the aid of the civil government, and this pre-
(7 BC 976, 2 SM 81). pared the way for the development of the papacy,
A detailed analysis of the truths of Revelation the beast.Great Controversy, 443:2, 4.
13 is given in chapter 25 of Great Controversy (433- 2 - It will be formed when apostate Protes-
450). tantism coerces civil authorities into enforcing
church doctrines. In so doing, the Protestant/gov-
-1- ernment union will have produced a working im-
age of the papacy.
The image to the beast represents that form
1 - It is made by the lamb-like beast as a of apostate Protestantism which will be developed
duplicate (in principles and methods) OF the when the Protestant churches shall seek the
leopard beast. It is also made TO that beast; that aid of the civil power for the enforcement of
is, it is done as an act of veneration to the first their dogmas.Great Controversy, 445:2.
beast, to enhance its power and influence.
3 - It will be formed when the churches unite
What is the image to the beast? and how is it with the state to enforce a false religion.
to be formed? The image is made by the two-
When the Protestant churches shall unite
horned beast, and is an image to the [first] beast.
with the secular power to sustain a false reli-
It is also called an image of the beast. Then to learn
gion, for opposing which their ancestors endured
what the image is like, and how it is to be formed,
the fiercest persecution; when the state shall use
we must study the characteristics of the beast it-
its power to enforce the decrees and sustain
selfthe papacy.Great Controversy, 443:1.
the institutions of the churchthen will Protes-
2 - The image is set up when the church uses tant America have formed an image to the papacy,
the states power to force men to obey its own and there will be a national apostasy which will
dictates. end only in national ruin.7 Bible Commentary,
In order for the United States to form an im- 976/1:4.
age of the beast, the religious power must so con- 4 - It will be the civil enforcement of a reli-
revealed. Prophecy declares that this power will say in the United States, would be the setting up of the
to them that dwell on the earth, that they should image to the beast (GC 449). The Sunday law decree
make an image to the beast [Rev. 13:14]. The im- will enforce the worship of the beast (4T 251). The
age is made to the first, or leopard-like, beast, Sunday law decree will require all to worship the
which is the one brought to view in the third angels image (5T 525).
message. By this first beast is represented the Ro- 1 - The image will be formed when the churches
man Church, an ecclesiastical body clothed with select jointly held religious beliefs and coerce the
civil power, having authority to punish all dissent- federal government into requiring obedience to
ers. The image to the beast represents another re- them.
ligious body clothed with similar power. The for-
By this first beast is represented the Roman
mation of this image is the work of that beast
Church, an ecclesiastical body clothed with civil
whose peaceful rise and mild professions ren-
power, having authority to punish all dissenters.
der it so striking a symbol of the United States.
The image to the beast represents another religious
Here is to be found an image of the papacy. When
body clothed with similar powers. The formation
the churches of our land, uniting upon such
of this image is the work of that beast whose
points of faith as are held by them in com-
peaceful rise and mild professions render it so strik-
mon, shall influence the State to enforce their
ing a symbol of the United States. Here is to be
decrees and sustain their institutions, then will
found an image of the Papacy. When the churches
Protestant America have formed an image of the
of our land, uniting upon such points of faith
Roman hierarchy. Then the true church will be
as are held by them in common, shall influ-
assailed by persecution, as were Gods ancient
ence the State to enforce their decrees and sus-
people. Almost every century furnishes examples
tain their institutions, then will Protestant
of what bigotry and malice can do under a plea of
America have formed an image of the Roman
serving God by protecting the rights of Church and
hierarchy. Then the true church will be assailed
State. Protestant churches that have followed in the
by persecution, as were Gods ancient people.
steps of Rome, by forming alliance with worldly
Story of Redemption, 381:2-382:0.
powers, have manifested a similar desire to restrict
liberty of conscience. In the seventeenth century, When the leading churches of the United
thousands of non-conformist ministers suffered States, uniting upon such points of doctrine as are
under the rule of the Church of England. Persecu- held by them in common, shall influence the state
tion always follows religious favoritism on the to enforce their decrees and to sustain their
part of secular governments.4 Spirit of Proph- institutions, then Protestant America will have
ecy, 278:0 (1884 Great Controversy). formed an image of the Roman hierarchy, and the
infliction of civil penalties upon dissenters will in-
-4- evitably result.Great Controversy, 445:1.
IMAGE FORMED 2 - Protestant enforcement of Sundaykeeping
BEFORE PROBATION CLOSES on church members is the worship of the beast.
That government enforcement of Sundaykeeping
It will be formed before probation closes. on citizens will be both the worship of the beast
The Lord has shown me clearly that the image (Rome) and its image (apostate Protestantism).
of the beast will be formed before probation The enforcement of Sundaykeeping on the part
closes; for it is to be the great test for the people of of Protestant churches is an enforcement of the
God, by which their eternal destiny will be decided. worship of the papacyof the beast. Those who,
2 Selected Messages, 81:0. understanding the claims of the fourth command-
ment, choose to observe the false instead of the true
-5- Sabbath, are thereby paying homage to that power
IMAGE FORMED WHEN by which alone it is commanded. But in the very
THE NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW act of enforcing a religious duty by secular
IS ENACTED power, the churches would themselves form
an image to the beast; hence the enforcement of
The image represents a religious body clothed Sundaykeeping in the United States would be an
with civil power (SR 381) and represents a form of enforcement of the worship of the beast and
apostate Protestantism (GC 445). It is formed by his image.Great Controversy, 448:3-449:0.
the union of church and state (GC 443). Sunday
observance is the worship of the image and the beast
(GC 449, TM 133). It is formed when Sunday obser-
vance becomes the worship of the image of the beast
(GC 449). The enforcement of Sunday observance,
-7- -8-
1 - This is a matter of grave importance. 1 - Sunday laws are inevitable.
The fearful judgments denounced against the Sooner or later Sunday laws will be passed.
worship of the beast and his image, should lead all Last Day Events, 128:4.
to a diligent study of the prophecies to learn what 2 - Avert the danger.
the mark of the beast is, and how they are to
It is our duty to do all in our power to avert
avoid receiving it.Great Controversy, 594:2.
the threatened danger . . A vast responsibility is
2 - When the test comes, will we obey Gods devolving upon men and women of prayer through-
commandments or our own interests and the out the land to petition that God may sweep back
commands of men? this cloud of evil, and give a few more years of grace
If we are true servants of God, there should be to work for the Master.Last Day Events, 126:3.
no question in our minds as to whether we will 3 - Work earnestly.
obey His commandments or consult our own tem-
Those who are now keeping the commandments
poral interests. If the believers in the truth are not
of God need to bestir themselves that they may ob-
sustained by their faith in these comparatively
tain the special help which God alone can give them.
peaceful days, what will uphold them when the
They should work more earnestly to delay as
grand test comes and the decree goes forth
long as possible the threatened calamity.Last
against all those who will not worship the
Day Events, 126:4-127:0.
image of the beast and receive his mark in their
foreheads or in their hands? This solemn period is 4 - Do not be silent.
not far off. Instead of becoming weak and irreso- Let not the commandment-keeping people
lute, the people of God should be gathering strength of God be silent at this time, as though we grace-
and courage for the time of trouble.4 Testimo- fully accepted the situation.7 Bible Commen-
nies, 251:1. tary, 975/1:4.
3 - Victory over the beast and his image will 5 - Earnestly pray.
only be for those who obey God and keep His We are not doing the will of God if we sit in
holy Sabbath. quietude, doing nothing to preserve liberty of con-
And when [just before the Second Advent the science. Fervent, effectual prayer should be as-
Voice of God spoke, delivering His people and] the cending to heaven that this calamity may be de-
never-ending blessing was pronounced on those ferred until we can accomplish the work which has
who had honored God in keeping His Sabbath so long been neglected. Let there be most ear-
holy, there was a mighty shout of victory over nest prayer, and then let us work in harmony
the beast and over his image.Early Writings, with our prayers.5 Testimonies, 714:0.
286:0. 6 - Give the warning about the coming Sun-
4 - We are not to reverence Sunday. day laws.
We must take a firm stand that we will not There are many who are at ease, who are, as it
reverence the first day of the week as the Sab- were, asleep. They say, If prophecy has foretold the
bath, for it is not the day that was blessed and enforcement of Sunday observance the law will
sanctified by Jehovah, and in reverencing Sun- surely be enacted, and having come to this conclu-
day we should place ourselves on the side of the sion they sit down in a calm expectation of the event,
great deceiver . . comforting themselves with the thought that God
When the law of God has been made void and will protect His people in the day of trouble. But
apostasy becomes a national sin, the Lord will work God will not save us if we make no effort to do
in behalf of His people.3 Selected Messages, the work He has committed to our charge.
388:3, 5. As faithful watchmen you should see the sword
Note: A study on what Gods people should do coming and give the warning, that men and
on Sunday during the crisis will be found near the women may not pursue a course through igno-
beginning of the chapter on the Loud Cry. rancethat they would avoid if they knew the
truth.Last Day Events, 127:3-4.
7 - Do not support men who suppress reli-
gious liberty.
We cannot labor to please men who will use
OVERVIEW: continue on concurrently together thereafter.
FROM COUNTERFEIT REVIVAL Satan will work miracles through his agents; and
he will personate (appear as) Christ to the masses,
work apparent miracles, endorse Sunday, and de-
nounce Sabbathkeepers.
About 4,350 years ago, the wicked confederated These spiritual manifestations, by Satan and his
together to build the tower of Babel and impose their agents, are extremely important in the rapid work-
rule on the world. If permitted to carry out their ing out of final events in the Sunday law crisis prior
purposes, they would have blotted the people of God to the general close of probation. Without them, the
from the earth and Satans triumph would have been intense zeal for strictest national and later univer-
complete. sal Sunday law enforcement could never take place.
But, in the near future, a similar objective will Yet it will be Sunday enactment in the United States
be in mind. In the name of Christianity, men will which will have empowered Satan to begin demon-
unify to require first a nation and then a world to strating such wonders. According to EW 261:1, Sa-
break the fourth of Gods ten moral laws. tan will raise an excitement before the National Sun-
Empowered by a strange excitement, Protes- day Law. According to 5T 451:1, the National Sun-
tants will unite with Catholics in the attainment day Law will open the door for the marvelous work-
of their objective. As soon as they have coerced ings by Satan.
U.S. Governmental leaders to enact a National Sun- Those final events, once begun, will follow one
day Law, the excitement in the fallen churches will another rapidly.
intensify into a false latter rain. Because men have Below we will list a suggested order of early
dared to defy Gods laws and mandate a counterfeit events in the Sunday law enactment. You will note
on the populace, Satan will be permitted to work that, along with hatred of Sabbathkeepers, the reli-
wonders. A counterfeit revival will precede the genu- gious excitement/false latter rain fervor is the engine
ine. That counterfeit revival, discussed in the first driving forward the fierce passions of the Sunday-
video in a companion series to this book, brings on law advocates, both before and after the National
the National Sunday Law. But that counterfeit re- Sunday Law is enacted. Let us briefly summarize
vival will continue on afterward. For purposes of clari- again some of these early events in the National Sun-
fication, we will call its extension, past the National day Law crisis:
Sunday Law, the false latter rain. (You will find
A powerful religious excitement, or counter-
both names mentioned in the Spirit of Prophecy; she
feit revival, starts in the churches. This energizes
treats them as synonyms, not making the time dis-
Protestants, Catholics, and spiritists to work to-
tinction that we here do.)
gether, yet without disturbing any denominational
Do not underate this false latter rain. As soon leadership controls which are already in place.
as the Sunday law is enacted, the power of demonic
A tentative threefold union of influential Prot-
energy, display, and appearances swells into some-
estants and Catholics, empowered by spiritist forces,
thing quite massive. It is this power which in great
begins to take shape. Hatred of Sabbathkeepers im-
measure enables the law to be rather quickly en-
pels the churches to search for ways by which to
acted by every other nation on the globe. The result
push the U.S. Government into enacting sweeping
is, what is called, a universal Sunday law. It prob-
Sunday enforcements. Please understand that, to all
ably consists of hundreds of separate national laws;
appearances, it is only a twofold union. The church-
all of which impose Sunday sacredness and demand
men do not realize they are working with demons.
worship of God on Sunday.
Under the empowered excitement, the threefold
After the National Sunday Law is passed, the
union forms rather quickly. Catholicism brings to
latter rain begins; and both the true and false rain
the union the doctrine of Sunday sacredness and Enactment of the law places the nation in the
provides the political support of millions of Catho- hands of Satan; and he is permitted to work more
lics. Protestantism brings to it a driving leadership openly. The wonders which follow galvanize, first,
that coerces the U.S. Government to legislate and America and, then, the entire world. The final crisis
enforce it. For its part, spiritism provides the hyp- has come.
notic and miracle-working power needed to carry the Let us now view the effect this false latter rain
movement through to success. will have on, first, America and, then, on the rest of
The National Sunday Law is enacted by the the world:
United States Government. Initial passage of the law
is done for political reasons, in order to win favor -1-
with the churches. At this point, the full power and WHEN THE FALSE LATTER RAIN
extent of the Sunday-law movement is yet future. WILL OCCUR
The False Latter Rain begins. By their heaven-
1 - Sequence: According to Patriarchs and
daring willingness to try to enact laws to overthrow
Prophets, 686, this special working of Satan will
those which God has given, Satan is permitted, by
occur prior to the Second Advent.
Heaven, to more directly empower the efforts of the
threefold union to win the favor of all sides to the Paul, in his second letter to the Thessalonians,
endeavor. points to the special working of Satan in spiri-
tualism as an event to take place immediately be-
Spirits of demons, working with men, bring
fore the Second Advent of Christ. Speaking of
massive conversions to the movement and promote
Christs Second Coming, he declares that it is af-
the bold, new solution to world problems. America,
ter the working of Satan with all power and signs
first, and Europe, second, will take the lead; and the
and lying wonders. 2 Thessalonians 2:9.Patri-
rest of the world will follow. It is the amazing power
archs and Prophets, 686:1.
underlying this movement that rivets the attention
of the other nations and finally converts them to the 2 - Sequence: According to Early Writings,
Sunday-law bandwagon. 261, Satan will begin by raising an excitement in
the fallen churches before the loud cry begins.
Enactment of the National Sunday Law in
(In a later study, we will learn that the loud cry
America has opened the way for satanic wonders,
begins just after the law is enacted. The plagues
appearances, and miracles on a wonder-working
occur after probation ends.)
scale never before witnessed by human eyes. The
power of the false latter rain swells immensely. I saw that God has honest children among the
nominal Adventists and the fallen churches, and
These miracles change politicians, church men,
before the plagues shall be poured out, minis-
and laymen into religious zealots, determined to
ters and people will be called out from these
enforce Sundaykeeping by whatever penalties are
churches and will gladly receive the truth. Satan
required, even if they include the imposition of im-
knows this; and before the loud cry of the third
prisonment and death. Nearly all are swept into
angel is given, he raises an excitement in these
the ranks; although, before the loud cry begins,
religious bodies, that those who have rejected the
the great majority do not yet understand the issues
truth may think that God is with them. He hopes to
deceive the honest and lead them to think that God
Before passage of the law, there was only a reli- is still working for the churches.Early Writings,
gious excitement in the churches stirring them to a 261:1.
threefold union. At their behest, the law was en-
As we learned earlier, this excitement, or coun-
acted by politicians merely as a political favor. But,
terfeit revival, will lead to the enactment of the Na-
after the law is enacted, the marvelous working of
tional Sunday Law. It will be this strange excite-
Satan is unleashed to an astounding degree. De-
ment which will produce the threefold union and,
ceived minds now see the nationwide law in a new
through it, powerfully coerce Congress into pass-
light; it has become the basis of a great, new world
ing the National Sunday Law.
order, ushering in a millennium of peace and pros-
perity. Strictest enforcement of Sunday sacredness But the excitement will not cease when the law
surely must be all that is needed to bring universal is passed; it will intensify! Its enactment will per-
peace, prosperity, and the approval of God. That, mit Satan to exhibit devilish wonders which are
apparently, is the only real sacrifice He asks of them. astounding.
The gluttony, worldliness, and selfishness can con- So Satan will be working both before and after
tinue as usual. The theologians declare that Heaven the law, but especially so after it is passed. We must
accepts the people just as they are; and they need give a name to this: First, his heightened activity,
not put away their sins. which leads to the threefold union and the National
Sunday Law, we will call the satanic excitement or there will be manifest what is thought to be great
counterfeit revival. Second, after enactment of the religious interest. Multitudes will exult that God is
law, the continuation and mammoth deepening of working marvelously for them, when the work is
that excitement into a full-blown working of won- that of another spirit. Under a religious guise, Sa-
ders we will call satanic wonders, the false latter tan will seek to extend his influence over the Chris-
rain, or the counterfeit latter rain. tian world.Great Controversy, 464:1.
This present study is about the post-enactment
of the false latter rain and display of satanic won- -2-
3 - Sequence: According to 5 Testimonies, 451, WILL WORK
first will come the threefold union, then the en- TO CAPTURE AND DESTROY
actment of the National Sunday Law, then the mar-
velous working of Satan. SATAN WANTS TO
By the decree enforcing the institution of the OVERCOME EVERYONE
papacy in violation of the law of God, our nation 1 - Satans objective is to lead and control ev-
will disconnect herself fully from righteousness. ery Christian in the world.
When Protestantism shall stretch her hand across
the gulf to grasp the hand of the Roman power, We are approaching the end of this earths his-
when she shall reach over the abyss to clasp hands tory, and Satan is working as never before. He
with spiritualism, when, under the influence of is striving to act as director of the Christian
this threefold union, our country shall repudiate world. With an intensity that is marvelous he is
every principle of its Constitution as a Protestant working his lying wonders. Satan is represented
and republican government, and shall make provi- as walking about as a roaring lion, seeking whom
sion for the propagation of papal falsehoods and he may devour. He desires to embrace the whole
delusions, then we may know that the time has world in his confederacy.8 Manuscript Re-
come for the marvelous working of Satan and leases, 346:1 (1901).
that the end is near.5 Testimonies, 451:1. 2 - He wants to deceive and overpower all
In the above quotation, we are given a prom- the faithful.
ised sign. The phrase, the end is near, is a warn- The Word of God declares that when it suits
ing for those who have not yet done so, to begin mov- the enemys purpose, he will through his agencies
ing to more retired places; cf. GC 30:2-31:0. manifest so great a power under a pretense of
4 - Sequence: As we have earlier learned, ac- Christianity that, if it were possible, they shall
cording to Great Controversy, 464, Satans coun- deceive the very elect [Matt. 24:24].Manu-
terfeit revival will precede the latter rain upon script, 125, 1901.
Gods people. The faithful who understand the As the spirits will profess faith in the Bible
issues, who have not earlier done so, will separate and manifest respect for the institutions of the
from the fallen churches when the true latter rain church, their work will be accepted as a mani-
begins falling. festation of divine power.Great Controversy,
Before the final visitation of Gods judgments 588:2.
upon the earth, there will be, among the people 3 - There will be an emotional excitement, a
of the Lord, such a revival of primitive godli- mingling of the true with the false, which will cap-
ness as has not been witnessed since apostolic tivate all but those grounded in Scripture.
times. The Spirit and power of God will be In many of the revivals which have occurred dur-
poured out upon His children. At that time many ing the last half century, the same influences have
will separate themselves from those churches been at work, to a greater or less degree, that will be
in which the love of this world has supplanted love manifest in the more extensive movements of the
for God and His Word. Many, both of ministers and future. There is an emotional excitement, a min-
people, will gladly accept those great truths which gling of the true with the false, that is well adapted
God has caused to be proclaimed at this time, to to mislead. Yet none need be deceived. In the light of
prepare a people for the Lords Second Coming. Gods Word it is not difficult to determine the na-
The enemy of souls desires to hinder this work; ture of these movements. Wherever men neglect
and before the time for such a movement shall the testimony of the Bible, turning away from
come, he will endeavor to prevent it, by intro- those plain, soul-testing truths which require
ducing a counterfeit. In those churches which he self-denial and renunciation of the world, there
can bring under his deceptive power, he will make it we may be sure that Gods blessing is not bestowed.
appear that Gods special blessing is poured out; And by the rule which Christ Himself has given, Ye
shall know them by their fruits, it is evident that lament the great wickedness in the world and sec-
these movements are not the work of the Spirit of ond the testimony of religious teachers that the de-
God.Great Controversy, 464:2-465:0. graded state of morals is caused by the desecration
4 - Pray that you will be able to distinguish of Sunday. Great will be the indignation excited
Satans miracle-working power from divine against all who refuse to accept their testimony.
power. Great Controversy, 591:0.
Go to God for yourselves, pray for divine en-
lightenment, that you may know that you do know GODS PEOPLE
what is truth, that when the wonderful mira-
cle-working power shall be displayed, and the 1 - Gods people will be called lawbreakers.
enemy shall come as an angel of light, you may dis- While Satan seeks to destroy those who honor
tinguish between the genuine work of God and the Gods law, he will cause them to be accused as
imitative work of the powers of darkness.3 Se- lawbreakers, as men who are dishonoring God
lected Messages, 389:4. and bringing judgments upon the world.Great
Controversy, 591:1.
FALSE TEACHINGS WILL BE TAUGHT 2 - They will be accused as anarchists (against
1 - Spirits of devils will declare the Sabbath government rule), traitors, and opposed to law and
to have been changed. morality.
The saints must get a thorough understand- Those who honor the Bible Sabbath will be de-
ing of present truth, which they will be obliged to nounced as enemies of law and order, as break-
maintain from the Scriptures. They must under- ing down the moral restraints of society, causing
stand the state of the dead, for the spirits of devils anarchy and corruption, and calling down the judg-
will yet appear to them, professing to be beloved ments of God upon the earth. Their conscientious
friends and relatives, who will declare to them scruples will be pronounced obstinacy, stubborness,
that the Sabbath has been changed, also other and contempt of authority. They will be accused of
unscriptural doctrines.Early Writings, 87:2. disaffection toward the government. Ministers
2 - The lying spirits will contradict Scrip- who deny the obligation of the divine law will present
ture. from the pulpit the duty of yielding obedience to the
civil authorities as ordained of God. In legislative
The apostles, as personated by these lying spir- halls and courts of justice, commandment keepers
its, are made to contradict what they wrote at will be misrepresented and condemned. A false col-
the dictation of the Holy Spirit when on earth. They oring will be given to their words; the worst con-
deny the divine origin of the Bible.Great Con- struction will be put upon their motives.Great
troversy, 557:1. Controversy, 592:1.
3 - Satan will use two special doctrinal er-
rors to capture the people. FANATICISM WILL OCCUR
Through the two great errors, the immortal-
1 - There will be shouting, drums, music,
ity of the soul and Sunday sacredness, Satan
and dancing.
will bring the people under his deceptions. While
the former lays the foundation of spiritualism, the The things you have described as taking place
latter creates a bond of sympathy with Rome. in Indiana, the Lord has shown me would take place
Great Controversy, 588:1. just before the close of probation. Every uncouth
thing will be demonstrated. There will be shout-
ing, with drums, music, and dancing. The
DEMAND SUNDAYKEEPING senses of rational beings will become so confused
that they cannot be trusted to make right decisions
The spirits will speak for Sunday sacredness, ..
against the Sabbath and Sabbathkeepers, and de-
A bedlam of noise shocks the senses and per-
clare that the laws of the land should be obeyed.
verts that which if conducted aright might be a
The miracle-working power manifested blessing. The powers of satanic agencies blend with
through spiritualism will exert its influence against the din and noise to have a carnival [a synonym
those who choose to obey God rather than men. Com- for celebration], and this is termed the Holy Spirits
munications from the spirits will declare that God working . . Those things which have been in the
has sent them to convince the rejecters of Sun- past will be in the future. Satan will make music a
day of their error, affirming that the laws of the snare by the way in which it is conducted.2 Se-
land should be obeyed as the law of God. They will lected Messages, 36:2-3, 38:1.
9 - Spirits of devils will teach heresies and work communicating with them. These evil angels, who
miracles. assume to be the deceased friends, are regarded with
Many will be confronted by the spirits of devils a certain idolatry, and, with many, their word has
personating beloved relatives or friends, and declar- greater weight than the Word of God.Last Day
ing the most dangerous heresies. These visitants Events, 161:3.
will appeal to our tenderest sympathies, and will 2 - Devils will come in the form of departed
work miracles to sustain their pretensions. We loved ones in order to deceive people. Satan has
must be prepared to withstand them with the Bible power to bring before men the appearance of
truth that the dead know not anything, and that they their departed friends. The counterfeit is per-
who thus appear are the spirits of devils.Great fect; the familiar look, the words, the tone, are
Controversy, 560:1. reproduced with marvelous distinctness.
10 - The world is already teetering on the brink Many will be confronted by the spirits of dev-
of wholesale perversion and apostasy. By accept- ils personating beloved relatives or friends and
ing spiritism and spiritist teachings, the world will declaring the most dangerous heresies. These
have its morality destroyed. visitants will appeal to our tenderest sympathies
As the teachings of spiritualism are ac- and will work miracles to sustain their preten-
cepted by the churches, the restraint imposed sions.Story of Redemption, 398:1.
upon the carnal heart is removed, and the pro- 3 - Through these appearances, Satan will
fession of religion will become a cloak to con- captivate and paralyze the thinking of many re-
ceal the basest iniquity. A belief in spiritual mani- ligious, professional, and political leaders. He
festations opens the door to seducing spirits and will then use them to deceive still others.
doctrines of devils, and thus the influence of evil The forms of the dead will appear, through
angels will be felt in the churches.Great Contro- the cunning device of Satan, and many will link up
versy, 603:2-604:0. with the one who loveth and maketh a lie. I warn
11 - The churches will not be able to with- our people that right among us some will turn away
stand the inroads of spiritism. (This would be from the faith and give heed to seducing spirits and
because of their acceptance of the belief of in- doctrines of devils, and by them the truth will be
nate, unconditional immortality.) evil spoken of.
The popular ministry cannot successfully re- A marvelous work shall take place. Minis-
sist spiritualism. They have nothing wherewith to ters, lawyers, doctors, who have permitted these
shield their flocks from its baleful influence. Much falsehoods to overmaster their spirit of discern-
of the sad result of spiritualism will rest upon min- ment, will be themselves deceivers, united with the
isters of this age; for they have trampled the truth deceived. A spiritual drunkenness will take pos-
under their feet, and in its stead have preferred session of them.Upward Look, 317:6.
fables.1 Testimonies, 344:1.
1 - Devils will personate departed saints and Well-known heathen deities (Buddha, Moham-
sinners, so that they will appear to have returned med, Tao, Confucius, local devil gods, etc.) will ap-
from the dead. pear to have returned to our world. They will ex-
It is not difficult for the evil angels to repre- hibit great power. (We can be sure that such ap-
sent both saints and sinners who have died, pearances will be used to advocate Sundaykeeping
and make these representations visible to human and will powerfully open the non-Christian nations
eyes. These manifestations will be more frequent; to the counterfeit latter rain that is spreading
and developments of a more startling character will across the world.)
appear as we near the close of time.Evangelism, As we near the close of time, there will be greater
604:3. and still greater external parade of heathen power;
It is Satans most successful and fascinating heathen deities will manifest their signal power,
delusionone calculated to take hold of the sympa- and will exhibit themselves before the cities of the
thies of those who have laid their loved ones in the world; and this delineation has already begun to be
grave. Evil angels come in the form of those loved fulfilled.Testimonies to Ministers, 117:5-118:0.
ones and relate incidents connected with their lives,
and perform acts which they performed while
living. In this way they lead persons to believe that
their dead friends are angels hovering over them and
SATAN PROMISES rible disasters so serious that large cities are being
As the excitement heightens to fever pitch, it While appearing to the children of men as a
will be declared that the entire world is about to great physician who can heal all their maladies,
be converted and the long-promised millennium he will bring disease and disaster, until popu-
of happiness is about to begin. lous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation.
Papists, Protestants, and worldlings will Great Controversy, 589:3.
alike accept the form of godliness without the power, 3 - In all of this, Satans objective is to blame
and they will see in this union a grand movement the commandment-keeping people of God as the
for the conversion of the world and the ushering cause of the disasters.
in of the long-expected millennium.Great Con- And then the great deceiver will persuade men
troversy 588:3-589:0. that those who serve God are causing these evils.
The class that have provoked the displeasure of
SATAN WILL BRING Heaven will charge all their troubles upon those
TERRIBLE DISASTERS whose obedience to Gods commandments is a
1 - Through spiritism, Satan will appear as a perpetual reproof to trangressors. It will be de-
healer with a better system of religion while, at clared that men are offending God by the vio-
the same time, he is destroying lives through in- lation of the Sunday-sabbath; that this sin has
temperance and warfare, as well as through natu- brought calamities which will not cease until Sun-
ral disasters which he has power to cause. day observance shall be strictly enforced; and that
those who present the claims of the fourth com-
Through spiritualism Satan appears as a bene- mandment, thus destroying reverence for Sunday,
factor of the race, healing the diseases of the people are troublers of the people, preventing their resto-
and professing to present a new and more exalted ration to divine favor and temporal prosperity.
system of religious faith; but at the same time Great Controversy, 590:1.
he works as a destroyer. His temptations are lead-
ing multitudes to ruin. Intemperance dethrones rea- -3-
son; sensual indulgence, strife, and bloodshed
follow. Satan delights in war; for it excites the worst SATAN WILL PERSONATE CHRIST
passions of the soul, and then sweeps into eternity There are two mentions, in Great Controversy,
its victims, steeped in vice and blood. It is his object of Satans appearance as a counterfeit Christ. It is
to incite the nations to war against one another; for significant that each mention of these appearances
he can thus divert the minds of the people from the speaks of Satans appeals to the people to hallow
work of preparation to stand in the day of God. Sunday. Such appeals would more fittingly be given
Satan works through the elements also to gar- before probation closes, while men and women are
ner his harvest of unprepared souls. He has stud- still making their decision. However, in Great Con-
ied the secrets of the laboratories of nature, and troversy, it would appear that his personations are
he uses all his power to control the elements mentioned both before and after the general close
as far as God allows. When he was suffered to af- of probation (GC 561-562 and 624-625). Thus it
flict Job, how quickly flocks and herds, servants, seems certain that some of these almost overmas-
houses, children, were swept away, one trouble suc- tering appearances will occur BEFORE probation
ceeding another as in a moment. It is God that ends, during the time of the marking, sealing, and
shields His creatures and hedges them in from the loud cry. (Later in this study, we will analyze the
power of the destroyer. But the Christian world have second passage [GC 624-625] in greater detail.)
shown contempt for the law of Jehovah; and the The quotations indicate that the appearance of
Lord will do just what He has declared that He Satan occurs after the U.S. National Sunday Law
wouldHe will withdraw His blessings from the and before all the rest of the world has enacted it.
earth, and remove His protecting care from those It appears that Satans personal appearances will
who are rebelling against His law and teaching and help convince the non-Christian nations to unite in
forcing others to do the same. Satan has control of the fevered Sunday-law excitement that first grips
all whom God does not especially guard. He will America and, then, Europe. The sequence would
favor and prosper some, in order to further his own be as follows: (1) The threefold union begins form-
designs; and he will bring trouble upon others, and ing; (2) the National Sunday Law is enacted; (3) the
lead men to believe that it is God who is afflicting marvelous working of Satan begins, culminating in
them.Great Controversy, 589:1-2. the appearance of Satan as an angel of light who
2 - At the same time that Satan is appearing claims to be Christ. (4) Astonished at these occur-
among men as a great healer, he is bringing ter- rences (including the appearance of pagan non-Chris-
devour. He desires to embrace the whole world in and tested people will find their power in the sign
his confederacy. Hiding his deformity under the garb spoken of in Exodus 31:12-18. They are to take
of Christianity, he assumes the attributes of a Chris- their stand on the living Word: It is written. This
tian and claims to be Christ Himself.8 Manuscript is the only foundation upon which they can stand
Releases, 346:1 (1901). securely.9 Testimonies, 16:1.
2 - Men will be astounded by Satans appear- 3 - This special masterpiece of deception will
ance as Christ. They will deify him. That culmi- be taken to the entire world, and will captivate
nating act of apostasy will be the last step in most men.
fully eliminating obedience to Gods law by all The enemy is preparing to deceive the
but the faithful. Not long after this, the general whole world by his miracle-working power. He
close of probation will occur and the plagues will will assume to personate the angels of light, to
begin falling. personate Jesus Christ.2 Selected Messages,
In this age antichrist will appear as the true 96:1.
Christ, and then the law of God will be fully Satan has long been preparing for his final ef-
made void in the nations of our world. Rebellion fort to deceive the world. The foundation of his work
against Gods holy law will be fully ripe. But the was laid by the assurance given to Eve in Eden: Ye
true leader of all this rebellion is Satan clothed as shall not surely die. In the day ye eat thereof, then
an angel of light. Men will be deceived and will your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods,
exalt him to the place of God, and deify him. But knowing good and evil. Little by little he has pre-
Omnipotence will interpose, and to the apostate pared the way for his masterpiece of deception in
churches that unite in the exaltation of Satan, the the development of spiritualism. He has not yet
sentence will go forth, Therefore shall her plagues reached the full accomplishment of his designs;
come in one day, death, and mourning, and fam- but it will be reached in the last remnant of
ine; and she shall be utterly burned with fire: for time. Says the prophet: I saw three unclean spir-
strong is the Lord God who judgeth her. Testi- its like frogs . . they are the spirits of devils, working
monies to Ministers, 62:1. miracles, which go forth unto the kings of the
earth and of the whole world, to gather them to
BOTH SATAN AND HIS ANGELS the battle of that great day of God Almighty. Except
WILL APPEAR those who are kept by the power of God, through
1 - Both Satan and His angels will appear on faith in His Word, the whole world will be swept
earth as men, seeking to deceive the world. In into the ranks of this delusion. The people are fast
that hour of crisis, holy angels will also appear being lulled to a fatal security, to be awakened only
in human form. by the outpouring of the wrath of God.Great Con-
troversy, 561:2-562:0.
Satan will use every opportunity to seduce men
from their allegiance to God. He and the angels 4 - The world that has rejected the truth will
who fell with him will appear on the earth as receive him.
men, seeking to deceive. Gods angels also will ap- As the second appearing of our Lord Jesus
pear as men, and will use every means in their Christ draws near, satanic agencies are moved from
power to defeat the purposes of the enemy.8 beneath. Satan will not only appear as a human
Manuscript Releases, 399:1 (1903). being, but he will personate Jesus Christ; and
2 - Satan will appear, surrounded by his an- the world that has rejected the truth will re-
gels. He will work miracles of all kinds in the hope ceive him as the Lord of lords and King of kings.
of deceiving Gods people, not only the people of 5 Bible Commentary, 1105/2:4-1106/1:0.
the world.
It is impossible to give any idea of the experi- SATAN WILL BE AGAINST GODS LAW
ence of the people of God who shall be alive upon 1 - Disguised as Christ, Satan will speak and
the earth when celestial glory and a repetition of do good, but will reveal his true character by
the persecutions of the past are blended. They will turning the people against obedience to Gods
walk in the light proceeding from the throne of God. law.
By means of the angels there will be constant com- Disguised as an angel of light, he will walk
munication between heaven and earth. And Satan, the earth as a wonder worker. In beautiful lan-
surrounded by evil angels and claiming to be guage he will present lofty sentiments. Good words
God, will work miracles of all kinds, to deceive, if will be spoken by him, and good deeds performed.
possible, the very elect. Gods people will not find Christ will be personified, but on one point there
their safety in working miracles, for Satan will coun- will be a marked distinction. Satan will turn the
terfeit the miracles that will be wrought. Gods tried people from the law of God.Fundamentals of
and false prophets, and shall show great signs and of the kingdom of God. And heavenly angels in hu-
wonders; insomuch that, if it were possible, they man guise will be on the field of action. The two
shall deceive the very elect . . Wherefore if they shall opposing parties will continue to exist till the clos-
say unto you, Behold, He is in the desert; go not ing up of the last great chapter in this worlds his-
forth: behold, He is in the secret chambers; believe tory.Maranatha, 167:5.
it not. For as the lightning cometh out of the east,
and shineth even unto the west; so shall also the __________________
coming of the Son of man be. Matthew 24:24-27,
31; 25:31; Revelation 1:7; 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. LAST DAYS APPENDIX
This coming there is no possibility of counterfeiting. The following material was gleaned from our
It will be universally knownwitnessed by the whole currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu-
world. scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the
Only those who have been diligent students of best material from that volume on topics given in
the Scriptures and who have received the love of this chapter.
the truth will be shielded from the powerful delu-
sion that takes the world captive. By the Bible HEATHEN DEITIES
testimony these will detect the deceiver in his dis-
guise. To all the testing time will come. By the The Wicked Character and Seductive Influ-
sifting of temptation the genuine Christian will be ences of Persecutors of Gods People Repre-
revealed. Are the people of God so firmly estab- sented to John.As we near the close of time there
lished upon His Word that they would not yield will be greater and still greater external parade of
to the evidence of their senses? Would they, in such heathen power. Heathen deities will manifest their
a crisis, cling to the Bible and the Bible only? Sa- signal power and will exhibit themselves before the
tan will, if possible, prevent them from obtain- cities of the world; and this delineation has already
ing a preparation to stand in that day. He will begun to be fulfilled. By a variety of images the Lord
so arrange affairs as to hedge up their way, entangle Jesus represented to John the wicked character
them with earthly treasures, cause them to carry a and seductive influences of those who have been
heavy, wearisome burden that their hearts may be distinguished for their persecution of Gods people.
overcharged with the cares of this life and the day All need wisdom to carefully search out the mys-
of trial may come upon them as a thief.Great tery of iniquity that figures so largely in the wind-
Controversy, 624:2-626:0. ing up of this earths history . .
One of the marked characteristics of these false
-5- religious powers is that while they profess to have
THE FALSE REVIVAL WILL CONTINUE the character and features of a lamb, while they
AFTER THE CLOSE OF PROBATION profess to be allied to heaven, they reveal by their
actions that they have a heart of a dragon, that they
It is of interest that the counterfeit revival, be-
are instigated by and united with satanic power,
gun at the setting up of the image by the enactment
the same power that created war in heaven when
of the National Sunday Law, will continue on be-
Satan sought the supremacy and was expelled from
yond the general close of probation. (Later in this
heaven . .
book, we will learn that the satanic enchantment
will come to an abrupt end at the sounding of the Agencies through Which Satan Is Working
Voice of God.) in Crowded Cities.Satan is busily at work in
our crowded cities. His work is to be seen in the
1 - After probation closes, there will continue
confusion, the strife, and discord between labor and
to be a satanic zeal in the forms of religion.
capital, and the hypocrisy that has come into the
[After the close of probation:] The forms of churches . . The lust of the flesh, the pride of the
religion will be continued by a people from whom eyes, the display of selfishness, the misuse of power,
the Spirit of God has been finally withdrawn; and the cruelty, and the force used to cause men to unite
the satanic zeal with which the prince of evil will with confederacies and unions, binding themselves
inspire them for the accomplishment of his malig- up in bundles for the burning of the great fires of
nant designs will bear the semblance of zeal for the last days, all these are the working of satanic
God.Great Controversy, 615:1. agencies . .
2 - The warfare, by Satan and his agents, The World Appears to Be Moving toward De-
against God and His people will continue on down struction in a Dance Macabre.The world, who
to the end. act as though there were no God, absorbed in self-
Satanic agencies in human form will take part ish pursuits, will soon experience sudden destruc-
in this last great conflict to oppose the building up tion, and shall not escape. Many continue in the care-
less gratification of self, until they become so dis- world reject the plainly revealed truth of the Word
gusted with life that they kill themselves. Dancing of God and refuse to be guided by a plain, Thus
and carousing, drinking and smoking, indulging their saith the Lord, accepting instead the doctrines and
animal passions, they go as an ox to the slaughter. the commandments of men. Through rejecting light
Satan is working with all his art and enchantments and truth, many are deciding their destiny for eter-
to keep men marching blindly onward, until the Lord nal death, and as men reject truth, the Spirit of
arises out of His place to punish the inhabitants of God will gradually withdraw itself from the earth,
the earth for their iniquities, when the earth shall and the prince of this world will have more and
disclose her blood, and no more cover her slain. The more control over his subjects. He will show great
whole world appears to be in a march of death. signs and wonders as credentials of his divine
Manuscript 139, 1903, 5-6 (The Message in Rev- claims, and through spiritualism will work against
elation, October 23, 1903. See also 7 BC 966, 977- Christ and His agencies.Undated Manuscript,
978; Ev 26; UL 310). 66, 1-6 (Signs and Wonders of Spiritualism. See
also Ev 602-603).
Satanic Science Will Become Stronger from
Now Until the Close of Probation.Throughout Satans Lying Wonders and Corrupt Harmony
the world satanic science will become stronger and among His Followers.We must be waiting and
more fully developed, from this time henceforth un- watching and working diligently that Satan may not
til Christ rises from His throne and puts on the preoccupy the field and bring the issue upon us
garments of vengeance.Letter 136, 1906 (to G.I. before our work is done. Satan has his work all
Butler, A.G. Daniells, and G.A. Irwin, April 27, prepared that through his lying wonders he may
1906). deceive the world. He will bind men in bundles and
claim that [the] world is on his side. A corrupt union
will exist among the wicked of the earth, and men
will be banded together to trample down the stan-
Few Have Any Idea of the Superhuman Power dard of righteousnessto please Satan and his evil
that Will Work through Spiritualism to Capture angels, and to gratify a world at enmity with God
the World.Spiritualism is about to take the and His law.Letter 1, 1875 (to Dear Brother,
world captive. There are many who think that spiri- October 12, 1875).
tualism is upheld through trickery and imposture, Satan Deceives by Apparently Healing Those
but this is far from the truth. Superhuman power Whom He Has Tormented.The Word of God de-
is working in a variety of ways, and few have any clares that when it suits the enemys purpose, he
idea as to what will be the manifestations of spiri- will through his agencies manifest so great power
tualism in the future. under a pretense of Christianity that, if it were pos-
The Falsehood of Natural Immortality Has sible, they shall deceive the very elect (Matt. 24:24).
Laid the Foundation for Spiritualisms Suc- The enemy is revealed in persons whom he has given
cess.The foundations for the success of spiritu- power to work miracles. He creates sorrow and suf-
alism has been laid in the assertions that have been fering and disease. Seeming to change his attributes,
made from the pulpits of our land. The ministers he apparently heals those whom he himself has tor-
have proclaimed as Bible doctrines falsehoods that mented.Manuscript 125, 1901, 6-9, 12-14, 21
have originated with the archdeceiver. The doctrine (The Unchangeable Law of God, December 9,
of consciousness after death, of the spirits of the 1901).
dead being in communion with the living, has no The World Appears to Be Moving toward De-
foundation in the Scriptures, and yet these theo- struction in a Dance Macabre.The world, who
ries are affirmed as truth. Through this false doc- act as though there were no God, absorbed in self-
trine, the way is opened for the spirits of devils to ish pursuits, will soon experience sudden destruc-
deceive the people in representing themselves as the tion, and shall not escape. Many continue in the
dead. Satanic agencies personate the dead and thus careless gratification of self, until they become so
bring souls into captivity. Satan has a religion. He disgusted with life that they kill themselves. Danc-
has a synagogue of devoted worshipers. To swell the ing and carousing, drinking and smoking, indulging
ranks of his devotees, he uses all manner of decep- their animal passions, they go as an ox to the slaugh-
tion. ter. Satan is working with all his art and enchant-
As Men Reject the Truth and Gods Spirit Is ments to keep men marching blindly onward, until
Withdrawn, Satan Will Work More Openly.The the Lord arises out of His place to punish the inhab-
signs and wonders of spiritualism will become more itants of the earth for their iniquities, when the earth
and more pronounced as the professed Christian shall disclose her blood, and no more cover her slain.
The whole world appears to be in a march of death. 6 (A Message to Believers, n.d. 1905).
Manuscript 139, 1903, 5-6 (The Message in Rev- By Exercising Faith and Prayer, We May Call
elation, October 23, 1903. See also 7 BC 966, 977- Heavenly Angels to Our Side.We are warned that
978; Ev 26; UL 310). in these last days satanic influences will work with
Wonderful Scenes with which Satan Will Be such power that, if it were possible, they would de-
Closely Connected Will Soon Take Place.The ceive even the very elect. But living amid these op-
time will come, Christ tells us, when many deceiv- posing forces, we may, through the exercise of faith
ers will go forth declaring themselves to be Christ. and prayer, call to our side a retinue of heavenly an-
The Saviour says, Go ye not . . after them (Luke gels, who will guard us from every corrupting influ-
21:8). We need not be deceived. Wonderful scenes, ence. The workers who make the Word of God their
with which Satan will be closely connected, will soon guide, will walk in the light of the Lord, and be
take place. Gods Word declares that Satan will safe.Letter 248, 1907 (to J.E. White and wife,
work miracles. He will make people sick, and then August 16, 1907).
will suddenly remove from them his satanic God Will Distinguish with the Marks of His Fa-
power.Letter 57, 1904 (To Our Leading Medi- vor Those Who Submit to be Molded by His
cal Workers, November 12, 1903). Spirit.In this age, a time of satanic wonders, ev-
How Men Under the Influence of Evil Spirits erything conceivable will be said and done to de-
Will Work Miracles.Men under the influence of ceive, if possible, the very elect. Let believers say
evil spirits will work miracles. They will make nothing to extol Satans power. The Lord will dis-
people sick by casting their spell upon them, and tinguish His commandment-keeping people with
will then remove the spell, leading others to say that signal marks of His favor, if they will be molded
those who were sick have been miraculously healed. and fashioned by His Spirit, and built up in the
This Satan has done again and again.Letter 259, most holy faith, hearkening strictly to the Voice of
1903 (to Dear Sister Hall, November 23, 1903. His Word.Letter 195, 1903 (to W.C. White, Sep-
See also 2 SM 350-353). tember 6, 1903).
If We Watch and Obey.Temptations will God Promises Deliverance from the Hour of
come, but if we watch against the enemy, and main- Temptation.There are severe trials before ev-
tain the balance of self-control and purity, the se- ery one of us, yet we need not fail. In the hour of
ducing spirits will not be able to obtain one jot of temptation Christ will not leave His children, but
influence over us. In the future you will see good will send His angels to minister unto them. He will
reasons for the warnings given in regard to seduc- answer their prayers for deliverance . .
ing spirits.Letter 211, 1905 (to J.E. White, July If We Will Grasp the Power that Christ Of-
22, 1905). fers.Satan knows that his time is short, and he
Apostates Will Go to Great Lengths in Depart- will put forth every effort in his power to destroy
ing from God.The Lord is in earnest with us. In our faith in God and in His Word . . But if we will
His Word He has declared that many shall depart grasp the power that Christ offers, seeking the Lord
from the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and diligently, and watching unto prayer, we shall have
doctrines of devils. They will go to great lengths in all power and wisdom to meet the attacks of the
departing from God . . Satan is wide awake, and he enemy.
will lose no opportunity to bind men and women to The Time Has Come to Take Our Stand Posi-
his plans, and to fasten them in such a way that tively on Christs Side.Many of our people do
before they are aware of it, they will find a yoke of not seem to realize that the time has come for ev-
bondage upon them.Manuscript 122, 1905, 2-3, eryone to take his stand positively on the side of
5-6 (A Solemn Appeal, August 1905. See also PM Jesus Christ and the heavenly angels. By their indif-
174-175). ference, by carelessness in word and act, they leave
Satans Throne Is in this World.The seat or themselves open to the molding influence of the en-
throne of Satan is in this world, and students of emy. They seem asleep as regards to the issues that
prophecy are to be fully awake regarding the powers are now before the world.Manuscript 35, 1908,
they are to meet . . 2, 3, 6-8, 11-12 (Conflict and Victory, a sermon
Satans Power Will Be Manifested as a Won- preached in Oakland, California, March 7, 1908).
derful Blessing to the Race.There are those who Satan, Posing as an Intellectual, Insinuates
greatly desire power, and who will use inventions Himself into Circles of the Intelligentsia through
that Satan places in their hands to gain power. The Spiritualism.Satan personated the serpent in
evil [one] has acquired wonderful power, and this Eden, regarding this creature as the best adapted
power will be manifested as apparently a most won- for his line of temptations. Satan has been increas-
derful blessing to the race.Manuscript 78, 1905, ing in skillful methods by constantly practicing upon
have given heed to seducing spirits. They make of no remember that none of those who are in the depth of
effect the counsel of God, and set aside His warn- Satans snare know that they are there.Letter 311,
ings and reproofs, and are positively on Satans side, 1905 (to A.G. Daniells, W.W. Prescott, and their as-
giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of dev- sociates, October 30, 1905. See also Ev 122, 180;
ils . . UL 317).
Through Satans Cunning Device the Forms Satans Angels Are Mingling with Men.Sa-
of the Dead Will Appear.History is to be re- tan is using his science in playing the game of life
peated . . The forms of the dead will appear through for human souls. His angels are mingling with men,
the cunning device of Satan, and many will link up and instructing them in the mysteries of evil. These
with the one who loveth and maketh a lie . . Right fallen angels will draw away disciples after them,
among us some men will turn away from the faith will talk with men, and will set forth principles that
and give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of are as false as can be, leading souls into paths of
devils, and by them the truth will be evil spoken of. deception. These angels are to be found all over the
Some Who Have Been Deceived Will Repent world, presenting the wonderful things that will
and Be Converted.Some who have been deceived soon appear in a more decided light.Manuscript
by men in responsible places will repent and be con- 145, 1905, 4 (Diary, October 31, 1905).
verted. And in all our dealings with them, we must
The shaking has already begun (EW 50, 4 BC -1-
1161); and we are now in it (1T 429, 6T 332). But THE CLIMAX OF THE SHAKING
erelong it will swell into a purification of the church AND SIFTING IN THE FUTURE
(2SG 284). The sieve is already moving (1T 100);
and the sifting is now taking place (1T 99, 4T 51). A 1 - Because of our sins, none of our policies
mighty sifting is soon to occur (5T 80). will be able to save us from it.
Sometimes shaking and sifting are synony- All the policy in the world cannot save us
mous in the Spirit of Prophecy; sometimes sift- from a terrible sifting, and all the efforts made
ing is the more severe of the two terms. Either with high authorities will not lift from us the scourg-
way, a separating process is involved. Shake sand ing of God, just because sin is cherished. If as a
and gravel in a pan, and they will separate within people we do not keep ourselves in the faith and
the pan. You are producing separation within the not only advocate with pen and voice the command-
pan. Drill holes in the bottom and continue shak- ments of God, but keep them every one, not violat-
ing; now you are sifting, as the sand falls out and ing a single precept knowingly, then weakness and
only the gravel remains. Part of the contents are ruin will come upon us.3 Selected Messages,
being separated out of the pan. 384:3-385:0.
Throughout the history of our church, many 2 - A time is coming when the church will be
superficial believers have been shaken out. (Our prob- purified.
lem today is that the church is so lukewarm, that Well may we exclaim: Help, Lord; for the godly
the superficial feel very much at home and those faith- man ceaseth; for the faithful fail from among the
ful to our historic beliefs are instead being crowded children of men. I know that many think far too
out, a reverse shaking!) But the shaking/sifting pro- favorably of the present time. These ease-lov-
cess in our church will climax in the crisis brought ing souls will be engulfed in the general ruin.
on by the enactment of the National Sunday Law. Yet we do not despair. We have been inclined to think
That crisis will powerfully affect every soul liv- that where there are no faithful ministers there can
ing; but it will have an immediate and terrific im- be no true Christians, but this is not the case. God
pact on every Sabbathkeeper. What more powerful has promised that where the shepherds are not true
means of sifting out false believers from the true then He will take charge of the flock Himself. God has
when, by government law, it is a criminal act to re- never made the flock wholly dependent upon hu-
main a genuine Seventh-day Adventist! man instrumentalities. But the days of purifica-
tion of the church are hastening on apace. God
The shaking/sifting occurs among Sabbath-
will have a people pure and true. In the mighty
keepers, and has been in progress for many years.
sifting soon to take place we shall be better able
It will climax for Sabbathkeepers as the Sunday
to measure the strength of Israel. The signs reveal
law crisis bursts upon the people of each nation.
that the time is near when the Lord will manifest
The shaking/sifting is individually experienced and,
that His fan is in His hand, and He will thoroughly
during the Sunday law crisis, results in the recep-
purge His floor.5 Testimonies, 80:0.
tion of the seal or mark. Those receiving the seal
also receive the latter rain, empowering them to 3 - There is great need for such a shaking.
then go out and give the loud cry to the world. It is a solemn statement that I make to the
church, that not one in twenty whose names
are registered upon the church books are pre-
pared to close their earthly history, and would be
as verily without God and without hope in the world
as the common sinner.Christian Service, 41:1.
Those who have had opportunities to hear and and offices are not saved; only individuals who ful-
receive the truth and who have united with the Sev- fill, in their own experience, the definition given in
enth-day Adventist Church, calling themselves Revelation 14:12.
the commandment-keeping people of God, and
yet possess no more vitality and consecration -2-
to God than do the nominal churches, will receive THINGS THAT CAUSE
of the plagues of God just as verily as the churches THE SHAKING
who oppose the law of God.19 Manuscript Re-
leases, 176 (1898). 1 - False theories produce a shaking.
There are those among us who will make con- When the shaking comes, by the introduc-
fessions, as did Achan, too late to save themselves tion of false theories, these surface readers, an-
. . They are not in harmony with right. They chored nowhere, are like shifting sand. They slide
despise the straight testimony that reaches the into any position to suit the tenor of their feelings
heart, and would rejoice to see everyone silenced who of bitterness . . Daniel and Revelation must be stud-
gives reproof.3 Testimonies, 272:2. ied, as well as the other prophecies of the Old and
New Testaments. Let there be light, yes, light, in
4 - It will be a complete work.
your dwellings. For this we need to pray. The Holy
Oh that every lukewarm professor could realize Spirit, shining upon the sacred page, will open our
the clean work that God is about to make among understanding, that we may know what is truth.
His professed people!1 Testimonies, 190:0. Testimonies to Ministers, 112:1.
What sifting will there be among those who The enemy will bring in false theories, such
claim to be the children of God!Testimonies to as the doctrine that there is no Sanctuary. This
Ministers, 163:1. is one of the points on which there will be a depart-
5 - All the chaff will be separated out. ing from the faith.Evangelism, 224:3.
Gods people will be sifted, even as corn is 2 - The shaking occurs when the truth is re-
sifted in a sieve, until all the chaff is separated fused.
from the pure kernels of grain.1 Testimonies, There is to be a shaking among Gods people;
431:2. but this is not the present truth to carry to the
6 - The superficial will depart. churches. It will be the result of refusing the truth
And at that time the superficial, conserva- presented.2 Selected Messages, 13:1.
tive class, whose influence has steadily retarded The Lord is soon to come; there must be a re-
the progress of the work, will renounce the faith fining, winnowing process in every church, for there
and take their stand with its avowed enemies, to- are among us wicked men who do not love the
ward whom their sympathies have long been tend- truth.Review, March 19, 1895.
ing.5 Testimonies, 463:2. Not having received the love of the truth, they
7 - The sinners will be sifted out. will be taken in the delusions of the enemy; they will
Satan will work his miracles to deceive; he give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils
will set up his power as supreme. The church and will depart from the faith.6 Testimonies,
may appear as about to fall, but it does not 401:0.
fall. It remains, while the sinners in Zion will 3 - The rejection of the straight testimony
be sifted outthe chaff separated from the pre- brings the shaking.
cious wheat. This is a terrible ordeal, but never- I asked the meaning of the shaking I had
theless it must take place. None but those who have seen and was shown that it would be caused by
been overcoming by the blood of the Lamb and the the straight testimony called forth by the coun-
word of their testimony will be found with the loyal sel of the True Witness to the Laodiceans. This will
and true, without spot or stain of sin, without guile have its effect upon the heart of the receiver, and
in their mouths.2 Selected Messages, 380:2. will lead him to exalt the standard and pour forth
Note: We should keep in mind that the word, the straight truth. Some will not bear this
church, in the Biblical sense, is composed of straight testimony. They will rise up against
peoplenot buildings, institutions, committees, or it, and this is what will cause a shaking among
an organization. Throughout history, in times of Gods people.Early Writings, 270:2.
relative peace the church has had organization, but The Lord calls for a renewal of the straight
the organization is not the church. It never has been testimony borne in years past. He calls for a
and never will be. Gods faithful ones are His renewal of spiritual life. The spiritual energies of His
church. It is they who will, by His grace, go through people have long been torpid, but there is to be a
to the end. Buildings, committees, agendas, policies, resurrection from apparent death. By prayer and
confession of sin we must clear the Kings highway. nite men do not comprehend the power and great-
8 Testimonies, 297:5-6. ness of God. These words of Holy Writ were pre-
One thing is certain: Those Seventh-day Advent- sented to me, Of your own selves shall men arise,
ists who take their stand under Satans banner will speaking perverse things, to draw away disciples
first give up their faith in the warnings and re- after them [Acts 20:30]. This will surely be seen
proofs contained in the Testimonies of Gods among the people of God.Evangelism, 593:1.
Spirit.3 Selected Messages, 84:3. 7 - Trials increase the shaking, but the com-
The very last deception of Satan will be to ing storm of persecution will climax it.
make of none effect the testimony of the Spirit As trials thicken around us, both separa-
of God. Where there is no vision, the people perish tion and unity will be seen in our ranks. Some
(Prov. 29:18). Satan will work ingeniously, in differ- who are now ready to take up weapons of warfare
ent ways and through different agencies, to unsettle will in times of real peril make it manifest that they
the confidence of Gods remnant people in the have not built upon the solid rock; they will yield to
true testimony.1 Selected Messages, 48:3. temptation. Those who have had great light and pre-
The enemy has made his masterly efforts to un- cious privileges, but have not improved them, will,
settle the faith of our own people in the Testimo- under one pretext or another, go out from us. Not
nies . . This is just as Satan designed it should be, having received the love of the truth, they will be
and those who have been preparing the way for the taken in the delusions of the enemy; they will give
people to pay no heed to the warnings and re- heed to seducing spirits and doctrines of devils,
proofs of the Testimonies of the Spirit of God will and will depart from the faith. But, on the other
see that a tide of errors of all kinds will spring to hand, when the storm of persecution really
life.3 Selected Messages, 83:3-4. breaks upon us, the true sheep will hear the
true Shepherds voice. Self-denying efforts will
It is Satans plan to weaken the faith of Gods
be put forth to save the lost, and many who have
people in the Testimonies. Next follows skepticism
strayed from the fold will come back to follow the
in regard to the vital points of our faith, the pillars
great Shepherd. The people of God will draw to-
of our position, then doubt as to the Holy Scrip-
gether and present to the enemy a united front. In
tures, and then the downward march to perdition.
view of the common peril, strife for supremacy will
When the Testimonies, which were once believed,
cease; there will be no disputing as to who shall be
are doubted and given up, Satan knows the de-
accounted greatest. No one of the true believers will
ceived ones will not stop at this; and he redoubles
say: I am of Paul; and I am of Apollos; and I am of
his efforts till he launches them into open rebellion,
Cephas. The testimony of one and all will be: I
which becomes incurable and ends in destruction.
cleave unto Christ; I rejoice in Him as my personal
4 Testimonies, 211:1.
Saviour. 6 Testimonies, 400:3-401:0.
4 - Disobedience brings the shaking.
The history of the rebellion of Dathan and -3-
Abiram is being repeated, and will be repeated THE WHEAT WILL BE SEPARATED
till the close of time. Who will be on the Lords FROM THE CHAFF
side? Who will be deceived, and in their turn be-
come deceivers?Last Day Events, 173:2 (Letter 1 - The wheat and the tares grow up together.
15, 1892). Divisions will come in the church. Two par-
We are in the shaking time, the time when ev- ties will be developed. The wheat and tares grow
erything that can be shaken will be shaken. The up together for the harvest.2 Selected Messages,
Lord will not excuse those who know the truth if 114:0.
they do not in word and deed obey His com- 2 - The sieve will eliminate the chaff.
mands.6 Testimonies, 332:0. There will be a shaking of the sieve. The chaff
5 - Persecution produces a shaking. must in time be separated from the wheat. Be-
In the absence of the persecution there have cause iniquity abounds, the love of many waxes
drifted into our ranks men who appear sound and cold. It is the very time when the genuine will be
their Christianity unquestionable, but who, if per- the strongest.Last Day Events, 173:1 (Letter 46,
secution should arise, would go out from us. 1887).
Evangelism, 360:4. 3 - Adversity does the purging.
6 - Acceptance of false science brings sepa- Prosperity multiplies a mass of professors. Ad-
ration. versity purges them out of the church.4 Testi-
Science, so-called, and religion will be monies, 89:2.
placed in opposition to each other because fi-
Those who have been self-distrustful, who have Live By, 289:2-4.
been so circumstanced that they have not dared to 2 - God will be with His faithful ones to the
face stigma and reproach, will at last openly declare end.
themselves for Christ and His law; while many who
I am encouraged and blessed as I realize that
have appeared to be flourishing trees, but who have
the God of Israel is still guiding His people, and
borne no fruit, will go with the multitude to do
that He will continue to be with them, even to
evil, and will receive the mark of apostasy in the
the end.General Conference Bulletin, May 27,
forehead or in the hand.Maranatha, 204:2-4.
1913, 165.
5 - God permits affliction to purify the church.
3 - God will care for His faithful ones.
Soon there is to be trouble all over the world. It
The church, soon to enter upon her most
becomes everyone to seek to know God. We have no
severe conflict, will be the object most dear to
time to delay . .
God upon earth. The confederacy of evil will be
Gods love for His church is infinite. His care stirred with power from beneath, and Satan will
over His heritage is unceasing. He suffers no af- cast all the reproach possible upon the chosen ones
fliction to come upon the church but such as whom he cannot deceive and delude with his sa-
is essential for her purification, her present and tanic inventions and falsehoods. But exalted to be
eternal good. He will purify His church even as He a Prince and a Saviour, to give repentance to Israel,
purified the temple at the beginning and close of and remission of sins, will Christ, our representa-
His ministry on earth. All that He brings upon the tive and head, close His heart, or withdraw His
church in test and trial comes that His people may hand, or falsify His promise? No; never, never.
gain deeper piety and more strength to carry the Testimonies to Ministers, 20:0.
triumphs of the cross to all parts of the world.9
4 - His people will not fall, but will go through
Testimonies, 228:1-2.
to the end.
Afflictions, crosses, temptations, adversity, and
The church . . does not fall. It remains.7
our varied trials are Gods workmen to refine us,
Bible Commentary, 911/2:2.
sanctify us, and fit us for the heavenly garner.
3 Testimonies, 115:1. Note: The above passage, taken from Letter 55,
1886, has been quoted repeatedly. Here is the com-
-5- plete list:
TO FALL, BUT WILL NOT FALL Maranatha, 32:5
1 - Satan will try to destroy the little company. Manuscript Releases, Volume 12, 324:3
Those who keep the commandments of God Reflecting Christ, 226:6
and the faith of Jesus will feel the ire of the 2 Selected Messages, 380:2
dragon and his hosts. Satan numbers the world as 7 Bible Commentary, 911/2:2
his subjects. He has gained control of the apostate Upward Look, 356:5
churches; but here is a little company that are re-
sisting his supremacy. If he could blot them from In the process of looking them all up, one was
the earth, his triumph would be complete. As he found which had the complete letter! It is 2 Se-
influenced the heathen nations to destroy Israel, so lected Messages, 376:1-383:1. That is indeed for-
in the near future he will stir up the wicked pow- tunate. Two facts will help us understand the com-
ers of earth to destroy the people of God . . Their plete church does not fall passage:
only hope is in the mercy of God; their only defense (1) Consistently, the Spirit of Prophecy ap-
will be prayer. plies statements about the church to the faith-
The trying experiences that came to Gods people ful, commandment-keeping people of God. In
in the days of Esther were not peculiar to that age other words, the church is composed of His faith-
alone. The revelator, looking down the ages to the ful, obedient children, plus tares. Unless they re-
close of time, has declared, The dragon was wroth pent, the apostates will fall! But those who remain
with the woman and went to make war with the rem- dedicated will not. But, by their continued loyalty
nant of her seed, which keep the commandments of to God and obedience by faith in Christ to His com-
God, and have the testimony of Jesus Christ. Rev- mandments, the faithful will not fall away. They will
elation 12:17 . . cling to God and go through to the end. Yet so many
superficial believers will go out from among us in
The wrath of Satan increases as his time grows that hour of great crisisthe Sunday law crisis,
short, and his work of deceit and destruction will that it may, for a time, appear as if the entire
reach its culmination in the time trouble.Faith I
church body is disappearing! When the governmen- the man of sin to the disregard of Gods holy day,
tal iron fist of enforcement knocks at the door, will feel, not the oppressive power of popery alone,
Sabbathkeepers will make rapid decisions, which but of the Protestant world, the image of the beast.
will determine their eternal destiny. Satan will work his miracles to deceive. He will
(2) The complete context of the passage (The set up his power as supreme. The church may
church may appear as about to fall, but it does not appear as about to fall, but it does not fall. It
fall. It remains.) reveals that the about to fall remains, while the sinners in Zion will be sifted
event culminates in the National Sunday Law out, the chaff separated from the precious wheat.
crisis. It will be the National Sunday Law enact- This is a terrible ordeal, but nevertheless it must
ment which will very nearly overthrow the church. take place. None but those who have been over-
But, although the disobedient will depart from the coming by the blood of the Lamb and the word of
faith, Gods faithful ones, who love and obey His their testimony will be found loyal and true, with-
Word, will not fall but go through to the end. Thus, out spot or stain of sin, without guile in their mouths
the not fall sentence is referring not to the en- ..
tire membership nor to the organizational struc- The remnant that purify their souls by obey-
ture, but only to those in the church who ing the truth gather strength from the trying pro-
unswervingly remain faithful and obedient to the cess, exhibiting the beauty of holiness amid the sur-
commandments of God through the enabling rounding apostasy . . That which God required of
grace of Jesus Christ His Son. Already there are Adam before the Fall was perfect obedience to His
many modernists, compromisers, and apostates law. God requires now what He required of Adam
among us. What a severe crisis the National Sun- perfect obedience, righteousness without a flaw, with-
day Law will bring upon us when, at first, it ap- out shortcomings in His sight . . We cannot do this
pears there are hardly any believers yet remaining! without that faith that brings Christs righteousness
(Keep in mind that on October 21, 1844, there were, into daily practice.Letter 55, 1886 (to G.I. Butler
by various estimates, 50,000 to 100,000 Millerites; and S.N. Haskell, December 8, 1886. This letter is
on October 23, there were only 50.) quoted in more complete form in 2 Selected Mes-
It is fortunate, indeed, that we now have the sages, 376:1-383:1).
context of the will not fall passage (2 Selected Mes-
sages, 376:1-383:1). -6-
In all the published reprints (with the exception AT THAT TIME, A MAJORITY
of the 2 SM passage), the full context of Letter 55, OF SABBATHKEEPERS
1886, had never been presented. But that fuller con- WILL FORSAKE US
text is a typical discussion of the Sunday law crisis The church will be tested individually, one by
and mentions the National Sunday Law, Satans one. We will not be tested as an organization, a
miracles, and governmental demands. It speaks union, a conference, or a local church. The testing
about the apparent fall of the church and how only will be personally applied, and decisions will be
the sinners are sifted out while those who remain individually made. It is urgent we understand that
(those not sifted out; i.e., the remnant) will be the we will experience the crisis on an individual ba-
ones who maintain their obedience to Gods laws. sis. No local, statewide, or national organization
So it will be the National Sunday Law crisis which can do our thinking for us, undergo the test for us,
will cause the false professors in our church to or shelter us from having to make our own deci-
depart. And that which remains will be the true sions in the matter. We will only have God as our
professors; the passage says nothing about what will protector and enabler.
happen to the organization (General Conference cor-
poration, etc.). 1 - The counterworkers will be purged.
Here is the three central paragraphs in the will Those who have had privileges and opportu-
not fall passage. Notice that the it which does nities to become intelligent in regard to the truth
not fall consists only of individuals who were over- and yet who continue to counterwork the work
comers and fully obedient. The it is not an orga- God would have accomplished will be purged
nization; it is faithful Advent believers: out, for God accepts the service of no man whose
interest is divided.Last Day Events, 175:1.
We are to be ready and waiting for the orders
of God. Nations will be stirred to their very cen- 2 - Large numbers will leave.
ter. Support will be withdrawn from those who pro- The shaking of God blows away multitudes
claim Gods only standard of righteousness, the only like dry leaves.4 Testimonies, 89:2.
sure test of character. And all who will not bow to Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the
the decrees of national councils, and obey the wind, even from places where we see only floors of
national laws to exalt the sabbath instituted by
rich wheat.5 Testimonies, 81:1. the sowing of tares; the tares sprang up among the
3 - When Gods law is despised, the majority wheat; they strengthened; the crop of wheat became
will forsake us. less and less; and the precious truth lost its power
to them.Testimonies to Ministers, 411:2.
Soon Gods people will be tested by fiery trials,
and the great proportion of those who now appear 5 - At that time, God will not use the great
to be genuine and true will prove to be base metal . . ones, but only the humble.
When the religion of Christ is most held in con- The days are fast approaching when there will
tempt, when His law is most despised, then be great perplexity and confusion. Satan,
should our zeal be the warmest and our courage clothed in angel robes, will deceive, if possible, the
and firmness the most unflinching. To stand in very elect. There will be gods many and lords many.
defense of truth and righteousness when the Every wind of doctrine will be blowing. Those
majority forsake us, to fight the battles of the who have rendered supreme homage to science
Lord when champions are few this will be our falsely so called will not be the leaders then.
test. At this time we must gather warmth from the Those who have trusted to intellect, genius, or
coldness of others, courage from their cowardice, talent will not then stand at the head of rank and
and loyalty from their treason.5 Testimonies, file. They did not keep pace with the light. Those
136:1-2. who have proved themselves unfaithful will not then
be entrusted with the flock. In the last solemn
4 - All will be individually tested. The super-
work few great men will be engaged. They are
ficial modernists will totally abandon the truth
self-sufficient, independent of God, and He cannot
when the crisis hits.
use them. The Lord has faithful servants, who
The work which the church has failed to do in in the shaking, testing time will be disclosed
a time of peace and prosperity she will have to do in to view. There are precious ones now hidden who
a terrible crisis under most discouraging, forbid- have not bowed the knee to Baal. They have not
ding circumstances. The warnings that worldly con- had the light which has been shining in a concen-
formity has silenced or withheld must be given un- trated blaze upon you. But it may be under a rough
der the fiercest opposition from enemies of the faith. and uninviting exterior the pure brightness of a
And at that time the superficial, conservative genuine Christian character will be revealed. In the
class, whose influence has steadily retarded the daytime we look toward heaven but do not see the
progress of the work, will renounce the faith stars. They are there, fixed in the firmament, but
and take their stand with its avowed enemies, the eye cannot distinguish them. In the night we be-
toward whom their sympathies have long been hold their genuine luster.
tending. These apostates will then manifest the
The time is not far distant when the test
most bitter enmity, doing all in their power to op-
will come to every soul. The mark of the beast
press and malign their former brethren and to ex-
will be urged upon us. Those who have step by
cite indignation against them. This day is just be-
step yielded to worldly customs will not find it a
fore us. The members of the church will individu-
hard matter to yield to the powers that be, rather
ally be tested and proved. They will be placed in
than subject themselves to derision, insult, threat-
circumstances where they will be forced to bear wit-
ened imprisonment, and death.5 Testimonies,
ness for the truth. Many will be called to speak
before councils and in courts of justice, perhaps
separately and alone. The experience which would
have helped them in this emergency they have ne- -7-
glected to obtain, and their souls are burdened with MANY WILL DEPART
remorse for wasted opportunities and neglected privi- 1 - Many prominent leaders (salaried or other-
leges.5 Testimonies, 463:2. wise) in our denomination will leave.
In the absence of the persecution there have Many a star that we have admired for its bril-
drifted into our ranks men who appear sound liance will then go out in darkness.Prophets and
and their Christianity unquestionable, but who, if Kings, 188:1.
persecution should arise, would go out from
us.Evangelism, 360:4. Men whom He has greatly honored will, in
the closing scenes of this earths history, pattern af-
Even in our day there have been and will con- ter ancient Israel . . A departure from the great
tinue to be entire families who have once rejoiced principles Christ has laid down in His teachings,
in the truth, but who will lose faith because of cal- a working out of human projects, using the Scrip-
umnies and falsehoods brought to them in regard to tures to justify a wrong course of action under the
those whom they have loved and with whom they perverse working of Lucifer, will confirm men in mis-
have had sweet counsel. They opened their hearts to understanding, and the truth that they need to keep
them from wrong practices will leak out of the Men of true Christian principle will take their
soul like water from a leaky vessel.13 Manuscript place, and will become faithful, trustworthy house-
Releases, 379, 381 (1904). holders, to advocate the Word of God in its true
Many will show that they are not one with bearings, and in its simplicity. The Lord will work
Christ, that they are not dead to the world, that so that the disaffected ones will be separated
they may live with Him; and frequent will be the from the true and loyal ones . . The ranks will not
apostasies of men who have occupied respon- be diminished. Those who are firm and true will
sible positions.Last Day Events, 179:1. close up the vacancies that are made by those who
become offended and apostatize.Maranatha,
The great issue so near at hand [enforcement
of Sunday laws] will weed out those whom God
has not appointed and He will have a pure, true, 2 - Precious ones will enter.
sanctified ministry prepared for the latter rain.3 The Lord has faithful servants, who in the shak-
Selected Messages, 385:3. ing, testing time will be disclosed to view. There are
Many will stand in our pulpits with the torch precious ones now hidden who have not bowed
of false prophecy in their hands, kindled from the the knee to Baal. They have not had the light which
hellish torch of Satan . . has been shining in a concentrated blaze upon
you. But it may be under a rough and uninviting
Some will go out from among us who will
exterior the pure brightness of a genuine Christian
bear the ark no longer. But these cannot make
character will be revealed. In the daytime we look
walls to obstruct the truth; for it will go onward
toward heaven but do not see the stars. They are
and upward to the end.Testimonies to Ministers,
there, fixed in the firmament, but the eye cannot dis-
tinguish them. In the night we behold their genu-
Ministers and doctors may depart from the ine luster.5 Testimonies, 80:1-81:0.
faith, as the Word declares they will, and as the
3 - Others will take hold of the truth.
messages that God has given His servant declare
they will.7 Manuscript Releases, 192:4 (1906). Some had been shaken out and left by the way.
The careless and indifferent, who did not join with
2 - Many talented men will, in the crisis, de-
those who prized victory and salvation enough to
part and become our enemies.
perseveringly plead and agonize for it, did not ob-
As the storm approaches, a large class who tain it, and they were left behind in darkness, and
have professed faith in the third angels message, their places were immediately filled by others
but have not been sanctified through obedience to taking hold of the truth and coming into the
the truth, abandon their position, and join the ranks.Early Writings, 271:1.
ranks of the opposition. By uniting with the world
4 - Many will come from the ranks of the en-
and partaking of its spirit, they have come to view
matters in nearly the same light; and when the test
is brought, they are prepared to choose the easy, Standard after standard was left to trail in the
popular side. Men of talent and pleasing address, dust as company after company from the Lords
who once rejoiced in the truth, employ their pow- army joined the foe and tribe after tribe from
ers to deceive and mislead souls. They become the ranks of the enemy united with the com-
the most bitter enemies of their former breth- mandment-keeping people of God.8 Testimo-
ren. When Sabbathkeepers are brought before nies, 41:1.
the courts to answer for their faith, these apos- 5 - Many will enter at the eleventh hour.
tates are the most efficient agents of Satan to mis- The broken ranks will be filled up by those
represent and accuse them, and by false reports represented by Christ as coming in at the elev-
and insinuations to stir up the rulers against enth hour. There are many with whom the Spirit of
them.Great Controversy, 608:2. God is striving. The time of Gods destructive judg-
ments is the time of mercy for those who [now] have
-8- no opportunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will
MANY WILL COME IN the Lord look upon them. His heart of mercy is
AND TAKE THE PLACES touched, His hand is still stretched out to save, while
OF THOSE WHO DEPART the door is closed to those who would not enter. Large
numbers will be admitted who in these last days
1 - Although many will leave, many others will
hear the truth for the first time.Last Day Events,
enter and take their places.
But there are men who will receive the truth,
and these will take the places made vacant by those
who become offended and leave the truth . .
Sabbath. The entire membership of the Adventist crisis of the mark begins. However, there are indica-
Church in America, along with most former Adventists, tions that personal missionary work, door-to-door
will rapidly be purified or totally fall away from God! visitation, individual medical missionary work,
The loud cry is not given to the church but to the printing, literature distribution, and colporteur work
world because everyone remaining in the true church will continue, to one extent or another. Very likely,
will be a faithful, dedicated, obedient child of God. these will only be activities carried on by individuals
Their individual decisions will have been made and and small groups, scattered here and there. This is
their individual probations will have closed. (But understandable; for we would not expect the Advent-
please understand that, shortly after enactment of ist Church organization to have a part in such activi-
the Sunday law, reprobate Adventists who have joined ties, since enactment of the National Sunday Law
the Sunday movement may still control various effectively made it illegal for the Adventist organiza-
Adventist denominational entities, such as confer- tion to continue in operation, unless it immediately
ence offices, etc. Or no more organized Adventist switched over to Sundaykeeping (which, at that time,
denomination may exist in the United States.) an unknown number of leaders might do).
The sequence is this: (1) The judgment does not
pass to the living until the National Sunday Law is - 13 -
enacted and the sealing begins. (2) With the excep- SOMETHING TO THINK ABOUT
tion of those who die, probation closes for no one From what has been shown me, there are not
until they make their decision in that crisis. (3) more than half of the young who profess religion
Within a short time after the National Sunday Law and the truth who have been truly converted.1
is enacted, those who already know the basics of the Testimonies 158:1.
third angels message will be brought to the test and
have to make their decision for Sabbath or Sunday. Names are registered upon the church books
Each will then make his decision and be marked or upon earth, but not in the book of life. I saw that
sealed. At that moment, the investigative judgment there is not one in twenty of the youth who knows
will pass to his name; his case will be decided, and what experimental religion is.1 Testimonies,
his probation closed. (4) In the few days or weeks 504:2 (1867).
necessary in each nation for that test to pass upon In the last vision given me, I was shown the
the church, the probation of its members and back- startling fact that but a small portion of those
sliders will close. (5) As soon as that decision is who now profess the truth will be sanctified by
made, the faithful will receive the seal and latter rain it and be saved.1 Testimonies, 608:3 (1867).
and begin giving the loud cry. Why will they then give I have stated before them that, from what was
the loud cry? Because probation has not closed for shown me, but a small number of those now
the majority of those out in the world; they have not professing to believe the truth would eventually
yet heard the Sabbath truth and understand the is- be saved.2 Testimonies, 445:2 (1870).
sues involved. So that message is taken to them, so It is a solemn statement that I make to the
they also can make their decisions. church, that not one in twenty whose names are
This explains when the probation of the church registered upon the church books are prepared to
shall close. It will close when it closes for all the close their earthly history, and would be as verily
individual members in the church. It closes when without God and without hope in the world as the
individual members make their decision in regard common sinner.Christian Service, 41:1 (1893).
to obeying the National Sunday Law. Prosperity multiplies a mass of professors. Ad-
versity purges them out of the church.4 Testi-
- 12 - monies, 89:2.
WHAT WILL SURVIVE Divisions will come in the church. Two par-
THE CRISIS? ties will be developed. The wheat and tares grow
Will the Adventist Church structure go through up together for the harvest.2 Selected Messages,
to the end? At the end of the chapter on the Loud 114:0.
Cry, we will note that the quotations indicate that, When the day comes when the law of God is
from the sealing, latter rain, and loud cry onward, made void, and the church is sifted by the fiery tri-
only individuals will give the final message and go als that are to try all that live upon the earth, a great
through to the end. proportion of those who are supposed to be genu-
In addition, nowhere are we told of any Adventist ine will give heed to seducing spirits, and will turn
Church institution (such as conference headquar- traitors and betray sacred trusts. They will prove
ters, hospitals, etc.) which will continue on after the our very worst persecutors.6 Bible Commentary,
Many a star that we have admired for its army joined the foe and tribe after tribe from the
brilliance will then go out in darkness.Proph- ranks of the enemy united with the commandment-
ets and Kings, 188:1. keeping people of God.8 Testimonies, 41:1.
Chaff like a cloud will be borne away on the The numbers of this company had lessened.
wind, even from places where we see only floors of Some had been shaken out and left by the way. The
rich wheat.5 Testimonies, 81:1. careless and indifferent, who did not join with those
The shaking of God blows away multitudes who prized victory and salvation enough to perse-
like dry leaves.4 Testimonies, 89:2. veringly plead and agonize for it, did not obtain it,
and they were left behind in darkness, and their
In the last solemn work few great men will be
places were immediately filled by others taking
engaged.5 Testimonies, 80:1.
hold of the truth and coming into the ranks.Early
Soon Gods people will be tested by fiery trials, Writings, 271:1.
and the great proportion of those who now appear
The Lord has faithful servants, who in the
to be genuine and true will prove to be base metal.
shaking, testing time will be disclosed to view. There
5 Testimonies, 136:1.
are precious ones now hidden who have not bowed
To stand in defense of truth and righteousness the knee to Baal. They have not had the light which
when the majority forsake us, to fight the battles has been shining in a concentrated blaze upon you.
of the Lord when champions are few this will be But it may be under a rough and uninviting exte-
our test. At this time we must gather warmth from rior the pure brightness of a genuine Christian char-
the coldness of others, courage from their coward- acter will be revealed. In the daytime we look to-
ice, and loyalty from their treason.5 Testimo- ward heaven but do not see the stars. They are there,
nies, 136:2. fixed in the firmament, but the eye cannot distin-
When the law of God is made void the church guish them. In the night we behold their genu-
will be sifted by fiery trials, and a larger propor- ine luster.5 Testimonies, 80:1-81:0.
tion than we now anticipate, will give heed to se- Notwithstanding the agencies combined against
ducing spirits and doctrines of devils.2 Selected the truth, a large number take their stand upon
Messages, 368:1. the Lords side.Great Controversy, 612:2.
Let opposition arise, let bigotry and intoler-
ance again bear sway, let persecution be kindled, __________________
and the halfhearted and hypocritical will wa-
ver and yield the faith; but the true Christian LAST DAYS APPENDIX
will stand firm as a rock, his faith stronger, his The following material was gleaned from our
hope brighter than in days of prosperity.Great currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu-
Controversy, 602:1. scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the
Amidst the deepening shadows of earths last best material from that volume on topics given in
great crisis, Gods light will shine brightest, and this chapter.
the song of hope and trust will be heard in
clearest and loftiest strains.Education, 166:3. SIFTING
When the storm of persecution really breaks
Worldly Policy and Efforts Made with High
upon us, the true sheep will hear the true
Authorities Cannot Save Us from a Terrible Sift-
Shepherds voice. Self-denying efforts will be put
ing that Is Coming.All the policy in the world
forth to save the lost, and many who have strayed
cannot save us from a terrible sifting . . There will
from the fold will come back to follow the great Shep-
be a shaking of the sieve. The chaff must in time be
herd. The people of God will draw together and
separated from the wheat. Because iniquity abounds,
present to the enemy a united front. In view of the
the love of many waxes cold. It is the very time when
common peril, strife for supremacy will cease; there
the genuine will be strongest. There will be [a] sepa-
will be no disputing as to who shall be accounted
rating from us of those who have not appreciated
greatest . . Then will the message of the third angel
the light nor walked in it.Letter 46, 1887 (to H.H.
swell to a loud cry, and the whole earth will be light-
Kellogg, April 12, 1887).
ened with the glory of the Lord.6 Testimonies,
Standard after standard was left to trail in the
dust as company after company from the Lords
Seals have been used for thousands of years to the powers of earth will marshal their forces for the
provide a permanent shutting, or closing, of some- last great battle. How carefully we should improve
thing. For example, a sheet of paper containing a the little remaining period of our probation.7 Bible
letter would be folded over upon itself, a bit of wax Commentary, 968/2:1.
dropped to hold it shut, and then a signet ring would 3 - It is now that we are to prepare for the
be impressed upon the wax. The sheet was now con- sealing.
sidered securely sealed; it could not be opened with-
The sealing time is very short, and will soon
out tearing apart the molded wax.
be over. Now is the time, while the four angels are
When the seal of God is applied, those who re- holding the four winds, to make our calling and
ceive it will be permanently identified as belonging election sure.Early Writings, 58:2.
to God. Their already developed characters will be
4 - The seal is an invisible mark of loyalty
sealed in. At the same time that the seal (also called
and obedience to our Creator.
a mark in the Bible: Ezekiel 9) is impressed, a
different kind of closing signet will be applied: the What is the seal of the living God, which is
mark of the beast. It will be placed on those who, placed in the foreheads of His people? It is a mark
by their decisions and actions, have refused the seal which angels, but not human eyes, can read;
of God. They have refused obedience to Gods ex- for the destroying angel must see this mark of re-
pressed will, as stated in the Scriptures. demption. The intelligent mind has seen the sign of
the cross of Calvary in the Lords adopted sons and
The sealing will be a major event in the lives of
daughters. The sin of the transgression of the law of
the remnant who live at the end of time. In this
God is taken away. They have on the wedding gar-
chapter, we will learn the nature of the seal, in what
ment, and are obedient and faithful to all Gods
way it is different than the mark, and when both
commands.7 Bible Commentary, 968/2:4.
begin to be placed.
5 - The seal is a settling into the truth.
-1- Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in
their foreheadsit is not any seal or mark that
can be seen, but a settling into the truth, both
1 - The winds of strife, war, and manifold intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be
disasters are being held in check until the seal movedjust as soon as Gods people are sealed
is placed. and prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed,
Everything in the world is in an unsettled state. it has begun already.4 Bible Commentary 1161/
The nations are angry, and great preparations for 2:3.
war are being made. Nation is plotting against na- 6 - The seal will be our passport through the
tion, and kingdom against kingdom. The great day heavenly gates.
of God is hasting greatly. But although the nations Only those who receive the seal of the living God
are mustering their forces for war and bloodshed, will have the passport through the gates of the Holy
the command to the angels is still in force, that City.7 Bible Commentary, 970/1:1.
they hold the four winds until the servants of
7 - The seal will only be placed on those who
God are sealed in their foreheads.7 Bible Com-
are like Christ.
mentary, 968/2:3.
The seal of the living God will be placed upon
2 - The seal will be placed before the last
those only who bear a likeness to Christ in char-
great battle. (In a later study, we will discuss
acter.7 Bible Commentary, 970/1:3.
the battle of Armageddon.)
8 - They must reflect the image of Jesus.
As yet the four winds are held until the ser-
vants of God shall be sealed in their foreheads. Then I also saw that many do not realize what they
must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord with- 14 - The seal is placed on those who conscien-
out a high priest in the Sanctuary through the time tiously keep the Sabbath.
of trouble. Those who receive the seal of the living The seal of the living God is placed upon those
God and are protected in the time of trouble must who conscientiously keep the Sabbath of the
reflect the image of Jesus fully.Early Writings, Lord.7 Bible Commentary, 980/1:2.
Those who would have the seal of God in their
9 - The seal is only placed on those who are foreheads must keep the Sabbath of the fourth
pure and without spot. commandment.7 Bible Commentary, 970/1:2.
The seal of God will never be placed upon the True observance of the Sabbath is the sign
forehead of an impure man or woman. It will never of loyalty to God.7 Bible Commentary, 981/2:1.
be placed upon the forehead of the ambitious,
The fourth commandment alone of all the
world-loving man or woman. It will never be placed
ten contains the seal of the great Lawgiver, the
upon the forehead of men or women of false tongues
Creator of the heavens and the earth.6 Testimo-
or deceitful hearts. All who receive the seal must
nies, 350:3.
be without spot before Godcandidates for
heaven.5 Testimonies, 216:2. The observance of the Lords memorial, the
Sabbath instituted in Eden, the seventh-day Sab-
10 - The seal is placed on those who love God
bath, is the test of our loyalty to God.Last Day
and obey Him.
Events, 220:5.
Love is expressed in obedience, and perfect love
A mark is placed upon every one of Gods
casteth out all fear. Those who love God, have the
people, just as verily as a mark was placed over the
seal of God in their foreheads, and work the works
doors of the Hebrew dwellings, to preserve the
of God.Sons and Daughters, 51:3.
people from the general ruin. God declares, I gave
11 - It is placed on those who overcome the them My sabbaths, to be a sign between Me
world, the flesh, and the devil. and them, that they might know that I am the Lord
Those that overcome the world, the flesh, that sanctify them [Eze. 20:12].7 Bible Com-
and the devil, will be the favored ones who shall mentary, 969/1:0.
receive the seal of the living God.Testimonies to 15 - The seal will be placed on every true
Ministers, 445:1. child of God.
12 - Many are erroneously neglecting to be- In a little while every one who is a child of
come like Jesus, and are instead waiting for the God will have His seal placed upon him. O that it
latter rain to change them. may be placed upon our foreheads! Who can en-
Those who receive the seal of the living God dure the thought of being passed by when the
and are protected in the time of trouble must re- angel goes forth to seal the servants of God in their
flect the image of Jesus fully. I saw that many were foreheads?Maranatha, 211:7.
neglecting the preparation so needful and were 16 - All of the 144,000 will be sealed.
looking to the time of refreshing and the lat-
The 144,000 were all sealed and perfectly
ter rain to fit them to stand in the day of the
united. On their foreheads was written, God, New
Lord and to live in His sight. Oh, how many I saw
Jerusalem, and a glorious star containing Jesus
in the time of trouble without a shelter!Early
new name.Early Writings, 15:1.
Writings, 71:1-2.
17 - We should strive to be among the
13 - The seal is the property sign; it shows
who belongs to God as His special possession.
Let us strive with all the power that God has
Every soul in our world is the Lords property,
given us to be among the hundred and forty-four
by creation and by redemption. Each individual soul
thousand.7 Bible Commentary, 970/2:2.
is on trial for his life. Has he given to God that which
belongs to Him? Has he surrendered to God all 18 - Through the enabling grace of Christ,
that is His as His purchased possession? All who we are to strive to put away sin and obey Gods
cherish the Lord as their portion in this life will that we may become complete in Him.
will be under His control, and will receive the Are we striving with all our God-given powers
sign, the mark of God, which shows them to to reach the measure of the stature of men and
be Gods special possession. Christs righteous- women in Christ? Are we seeking for His fullness,
ness will go before them, and the glory of the Lord ever reaching higher and higher, trying to attain to
will be their rereward. The Lord protects every the perfection of His character? When Gods ser-
human being who bears His sign.7 Bible Com- vants reach this point, they will be sealed in their
mentary, 969/1:1. foreheads. The recording angel will declare, It is
done. They will be complete in Him whose they John was called to behold a people distinct from
are by creation and by redemption.3 Selected Mes- those who worship the beast and his image, by keep-
sages, 427:2. ing the first day of the week. The observance of
this day is the mark of the beast.7 Bible Com-
-2- mentary, 979/2:4.
MARK OF THE BEAST 7 - The attempted change of the Sabbath to
IS OPPOSITE OF SEAL OF GOD Sunday is the mark.
BECAUSE As the sign of the authority of the Catholic
MARK IS BASED ON KEEPING THE Church, papist writers cite this very act of chang-
FALSE SABBATH ing the Sabbath into Sunday.Signs, March 22,
1 - The mark of the beast is a subject we all 1910.
need to understand. 8 - The enactment of the National Sunday
It is in the interest of all to understand what Law will perfect this device of Satan.
the mark of the beast is, and how they may es- When the legislature frames laws which exalt
cape the dread threatenings of God. Why are men the first day of the week, and put it in place of the
not interested to know what constitutes the mark seventh day, the device of Satan will be per-
of the beast and his image? It is in direct con- fected.7 Bible Commentary, 976/2:1.
trast with the mark of God.7 Bible Commen-
9 - Knowing acceptance of enforced Sunday-
tary, 979/2:2.
keeping is the worship of the beast.
2 - It is important that we know how to avoid
The enforcement of Sundaykeeping on the part
receiving the mark.
of the Protestant churches is an enforcement of
The fearful judgments denounced against the the worship of the papacyof the beast. Those
worship of the beast and his image, should lead who, understanding the claims of the fourth com-
all to a diligent study of the prophecies to learn mandment, choose to observe the false instead of
what the mark of the beast is, and how they are to the true Sabbath are thereby paying homage to that
avoid receiving it.Great Controversy, 594:2. power by which alone it is commanded.Great
3 - God has sent an urgent warning to man- Controversy, 448:3-449:0.
kind to avoid receiving the mark, a warning 10 - The papal sabbath is the mark of the
which tells them how to avoid receiving it. beast; it is his identifying signet.
When God sends to men warnings so im- The change of the Sabbath is the sign or
portant that they are represented as proclaimed mark of the authority of the Romish church . . The
by holy angels flying in the midst of heaven, He re- mark of the beast is the papal sabbath.Evan-
quires every person endowed with reasoning power gelism, 234:1.
to heed the message. The fearful judgments de-
11 - The false sabbath is the basis of Romes
nounced against the worship of the beast and his
authority over the people.
image, should lead all to a diligent study of the
prophecies to learn what the mark of the beast Roman Catholics acknowledge that the change
is, and how they are to avoid receiving it. in the Sabbath was made by their church, and they
Great Controversy, 594:2. cite this very change as evidence of the supreme
authority of the church.Signs, November 1,
4 - The Sabbath truth will be the basic issue
in the final conflict.
12 - It was only by changing Gods law, that
The Sabbath question will be the issue in
the papacy could appear to exalt itself above
the great conflict in which all the world will act a
part [Revelation 13:4-8, 10, quoted]. This entire
chapter is a revelation of what will surely take place Only by changing Gods law could the pa-
[Rev. 13:11, 15-17, quoted].7 Bible Commen- pacy exalt itself above God; whoever should un-
tary, 979/2:3. derstandingly keep the law as thus changed would
be giving supreme honor to that power by
5 - The Sabbath is the seal of the law. It seals
which the change was made. Such an act of obe-
it as Gods property and His identifying charac-
dience to papal laws would be a mark of allegiance
to the pope in the place of God.Great Contro-
When the Sabbath was changed by the papal versy, 446:1.
power, the seal was taken from the law.Great
Note: The basis of Roman Catholic authority, as
Controversy, 452:1.
supreme over Scripture, is the change of the Sab-
6 - The observance of the first day of the week bath. This extremely important decision was made
as sacred is the mark. on January 18, 1562, at the Council of Trent. Read
our book, Beyond Pitcairn, pp. 132-135, to learn Jesus, and those who worship the beast and his
what actually happened on that day. image and receive his mark. Although the church
13 - The sign of Satans authority is in direct and state will unite their power to compel all, both
contrast to the seal of Gods authority. small and great, rich and poor, free and bond (Rev.
13:16), to receive the mark of the beast, yet the people
The spurious Sabbath . . Satan has exalted
of God will not receive it.2 Selected Messages,
as the sign of his authority. But God has set His
55:1 (similar but shorter: Great Controversy,
seal upon His royal requirement. Each sabbath
institution bears the name of its author, an in-
effaceable mark that shows the authority of each. 17 - Gods people will willingly, gladly bear His
It is our work to lead the people to understand this. signature.
We are to show that it is of vital consequence The Israelites placed over their doors a signa-
whether they bear the mark of Gods kingdom ture of blood, to show that they were Gods prop-
or the mark of rebellion, for they acknowledge erty. So the children of God in this age will bear
themselves subjects of the kingdom whose mark the signature God has appointed. They will place
they bear.6 Testimonies, 352:1. themselves in harmony with Gods holy law. A mark
14 - The beasts mark is found in the spuri- is placed upon every one of Gods people just as
ous sabbath. verily as a mark was placed over the doors of the
Hebrew dwellings, to preserve the people from the
What then is the mark of the beast if it is not
general ruin. God declares, I gave them My Sabbaths,
the spurious sabbath which the world has excepted
to be a sign between Me and them, that they might
in place of the true?Signs, November 1, 1899.
know that I am the Lord that sanctify them. 7
God has given men a Sabbath . . but they have Bible Commentary, 968/2:5-669/1:0.
changed the rest day which God sanctified in Eden,
placing in its stead a spurious sabbath, which -3-
bears the mark of the man of sin.15 Manuscript
Releases, 33:1.
Note: The very word contains its meaning: It is
the sun day, the day of the sun god, which, through- The Sabbath/Sunday test is such a simple one.
out history, has been a primary pagan deity by which All will be required, by human law, to keep the Sun-
men have worshiped Satan. The Sabbath comes day. Yet God requires that we observe the seventh-
from the Hebrew word for rest and is the rest day day Sabbath and work on the other six days. We
given to mankind, by the Creator, in Genesis 2:1-3. must rest and worship on the Bible Sabbath, and
we can do missionary work on Sunday. But we are
15 - The one day of worship is the sign of Gods
not to assemble in weekly worship gatherings
creatorship while the other day of counterfeit wor-
on that day. The day we hallow will determine what
ship is the sign of papal control.
we will receive: the seal or the mark.
The sign, or seal, of God is revealed in the ob-
When the National Sunday Law is enacted, to
servance of the seventh day Sabbath, the Lords
knowingly, sacredly, observe one day is to reject the
memorial of creation . . The mark of the beast is
other. In that crisis, we will individually receive ei-
the opposite of thisthe observance of the first
ther the seal of God or the mark of the beast.
day of the week. This mark distinguishes those
who acknowledge the supremacy of the papal au- 1 - Each person will receive either the mark
thority from those who acknowledge the authority or the seal.
of God.8 Testimonies, 117:3-4. If we receive this mark in our foreheads or in
16 - While the true worshipers of God exalt our hands, the judgments pronounced against the
His creatorship, the other worshipers will attempt disobedient must fall upon us. But the seal of the
to eradicate the true Sabbath. living God is placed upon those who conscientiously
keep the Sabbath of the Lord.7 Bible Commen-
The worshipers of God will be especially distin-
tary, 980/1:2.
guished by their regard for the fourth command-
mentsince this is the sign of His creative 2 - Each will receive the mark of deliverance
power and the witness to His claim upon mans or the mark of the beast.
reverence and homage. The wicked will be dis- The Lord is doing His work. All heaven is astir.
tinguished by their efforts to tear down the The Judge of all the earth is soon to arise and vin-
Creators memorial, to exalt the institution of dicate His insulted authority. The mark of deliv-
Rome. In the issue of the contest all Christendom erance will be set upon the men who keep Gods
will be divided into two great classesthose who commandments, who revere His law, and who
keep the commandments of God and the faith of refuse the mark of the beast or of his image.5
studies (see the last chapter in our book, National still continue in transgression will receive the
Sunday Law Crisis, for a nice summary of the Geno- mark of the beast.Evangelism, 234:2-235:0.
cide Treaty), the order to enforce a treaty would is- 3 - We are now, individually, preparing either
sue from the president, not from the legislature. In for the mark or the seal.
addition, as we noted in other studies, if the making
What are you doing, brethren, in the great
of commemorative days was transferred to the legis-
work of preparation? Those who are uniting with
lative branch (which was done in 1992), the an-
the world are receiving the worldly mold and pre-
nouncement could be issued as a presidential proc-
paring for the mark of the beast. Those who are
lamation rather than as a congressional law. Yet the
distrustful of self, who are humbling themselves
Spirit of Prophecy indicates that it will be the U.S.
before God and purifying their souls by obeying the
legislature which will have abandoned principle in
truththese are receiving the heavenly mold and
enacting the Sunday law (TM 206), that laws framed
preparing for the seal of God in their foreheads.
by the U.S. legislature will exalt Sunday (7 BC 976),
When the decree goes forth and the stamp is
and that its actions will be supportive of the papacy
impressed, their character will remain pure and
(TM 206). We are nowhere told that the U.S. presi-
spotless for eternity.5 Testimonies, 216:1.
dent will lead out in this.
4 - We can now say No to the mark. Indeed, we
-5- MUST now say No to the mark; we, who know so
much, dare not wait until later to keep Gods Sab-
bath holy.
THE SEALING BEGIN Those who would not receive the mark of the
beast and his image when the decree goes forth,
Throughout the Spirit of Prophecy, we are told must have decision now to say, Nay, we will
of only one government announcement command- not regard the institution of the beast.Early Writ-
ing men to worship on Sunday. This is the National ings, 67:2.
Sunday Law. This decree will be repeated over and
5 - The test of the mark is yet future.
over as the other nations of earth enact their own
National Sunday Laws. Sundaykeeping is not yet the mark of the
beast, and will not be until the decree goes forth
1 - The marking begins when men knowingly
causing men to worship this idol sabbath. The time
obey. It begins being applied to an individual
will come when this day will be the test, but that
when he understands the issues involved, yet
time has not come yet.7 Bible Commentary,
still keeps Sunday holy, in obedience to the na-
tional law.
When you obey the decree that commands -6-
you to cease from labor on Sunday and worship
God, while you know that there is not a word in
the Bible showing Sunday to be other than a com-
mon working day, you consent to receive the
mark of the beast, and refuse the seal of God. Contrary to what some are teaching, the proba-
7 Bible Commentary, 980/1:1 (Ev 235:2). tion of the church has not already closed because
2 - In order to understand when a person re- the probation of Gods people does not close until
ceives the mark of the beast, we must understand the marking/sealing time.
six principles. Here is an important, clarifying state- Keep in mind that it is Gods professed people
ment: who constitute the churchnot buildings, com-
[1] No one has yet received the mark of the mittees, organizational charters, policy books, or
beast. [2] The testing time has not yet come. public gatherings.
There are true Christians in every church, not ex- The individual closing of probation does not
cepting the Roman Catholic communion. [3] None begin until the test of the National Sunday Law oc-
are condemned until they have had the light curs by its enactment. At that time, the image is set
and have seen the obligation of the fourth com- up (by the union of churches in the act of coercing
mandment. [4] But when the decree shall go the U.S. Government into enacting a National Sun-
forth enforcing the counterfeit sabbath, and [in the day Law), to be immediately followed by the sealing
case of those who had not previously heard or un- and marking time which will begin with present and
derstood our message] [5] the loud cry of the third former Sabbathkeepers, since they already know the
angel shall warn men against the worship of the issues involved. At that point, probations begin clos-
beast and his image, the line will be clearly drawn ing.
between the false and the true. [6] Then those who In a later chapter in this book (Individual Close
of Probation), we will learn that, following enact- not recognize the manifestations of the Holy Spirit
ment of the National Sunday Law in a given nation, in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts all
the probation of individuals will begin closing. around us, but we shall not discern or receive it.
1 - The sequence, according to 7 Bible Com- Testimonies to Ministers, 507:1.
mentary, 976, is this: (1) The image of/to the beast 6 - No one has yet received the mark.
is formed (with the enactment of the National Sun- No one has yet received the mark of the beast.
day Law). (2) Then Gods people are tested; and, Evangelism, 234:2.
according to the decisions made, (3) they are in-
Sundaykeeping is not yet the mark of the
dividually sealed or marked. Then (4) their proba-
beast, and will not be until the decree goes forth
tions close.
causing men to worship this idol sabbath. The time
The Lord has shown me clearly that the image will come when this day will be the test, but that
of the beast will be formed before probation time has not come yet.7 Bible Commentary,
closes; for it is to be the great test for the people 977/2:4.
of God, by which their eternal destiny will be de-
cided. This is the test that the people of God must -7-
have before they are sealed. All who prove their loy-
alty to God by observing His law, and refusing to
accept a spurious sabbath, will rank under the ban-
ner of Lord God Jehovah, and will receive the seal of The mark of the beast has not yet been given to
the living God. Those who yield the truth of heavenly anyone. This will not occur until the three condi-
origin and accept the Sunday sabbath, will receive tions, mentioned above, have occurred: (1) The Sun-
the mark of the beast.7 Bible Commentary, 976/ day law has been enacted; (2) the issues are indi-
1:2-3 (Maranatha, 164:1; cf. 2 Selected Messages, vidually heard and understood; (3) Sunday sacred-
81:0). ness has individually been accepted or rejected.
2 - The closing work for the church occurs 1 - This is the sequence, according to Evangel-
during the sealing time. ism, 234-235: (1) The decree has been given, (2)
Especially in the closing work for the the issues are understood, (3) each person has cho-
church, in the sealing time of the one hundred sen one way or the other, and therefore (4) one of
and forty-four thousand who are to stand without the two marks is placed on him.
fault before the throne of God, will they feel most The change of the Sabbath is the sign or mark
deeply the wrongs of Gods professed people.3 of the authority of the Romish church. Those who,
Testimonies, 266:2. understanding the claims of the fourth com-
3 - Some are passed by while others enter. mandment, choose to observe the false sab-
bath in the place of the true, are thereby paying
But I speak not my own words when I say that
homage to that power by which alone it is com-
Gods Spirit will pass by those who have had
manded. The mark of the beast is the papal sab-
their day of test and opportunity, but who have
bath, which has been accepted by the world in the
not distinguished the Voice of God or appreciated
place of the day of Gods appointment.
the movings of His Spirit. Then thousands in the
eleventh hour will see and acknowledge the No one has yet received the mark of the beast.
truth.2 Selected Messages, 16:1. The testing time has not yet come. There are
true Christians in every church, not excepting the
4 - Some will accept and be saved while the
Roman Catholic communion. None are condemned
door is closed to others who would not enter.
until they have had the light and have seen the ob-
The time of Gods destructive judgments is the ligation of the fourth commandment. But when the
time of mercy for those who have had no op- decree shall go forth enforcing the counterfeit
portunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will sabbath, and the loud cry of the third angel
the Lord look upon them. His heart of mercy is shall warn men against the worship of the beast
touched; His hand is still stretched out to save, and his image, the line will be clearly drawn be-
while the door is closed to those who would tween the false and the true. Then those who still
not enter. Large numbers will be admitted who in continue in transgression will receive the mark
these last days hear the truth for the first time.7 of the beast.
Bible Commentary, 979/1:3.
With rapid steps we are approaching this pe-
5 - Unless we are daily advancing now, we riod. When Protestant churches shall unite with the
will not be ready later. secular power to sustain a false religion, for op-
Unless we are daily advancing in the exem- posing which their ancestors endured the fiercest
plification of the active Christian virtues, we shall persecution, then will the papal sabbath be enforced
by the combined authority of church and state. There of the beast. And it is not until the issue is thus
will be a national apostasy, which will end only in plainly set before the people, and they are
national ruin.Evangelism, 234:1-235:1. brought to choose between the commandments of
2 - No mark is applied until the decree goes God and the commandments of men, that those who
forth. continue in transgression will receive the mark of
the beast.Great Controversy, 449:1.
Sundaykeeping is not yet the mark of the
beast, and will not be until the decree goes forth 5 - Here is another sequence: (1) decree, (2)
causing men to worship this idol sabbath. The time understand, (3) choose, and then (4) marked.
will come when this day will be the test, but that Fearful is the issue to which the world is to
time has not come yet.7 Bible Commentary, be brought. The powers of earth, uniting to war
977/2:4. against the commandments of God, will decree that
3 - According to Evangelism, 235, the se- all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and
quence is this: (1) The National Sunday Law de- bond, shall conform to the customs of the church
cree is passed. (2) The issues underlying it are by the observance of the false sabbath. All who
individually understood. (3) Each person refuse compliance will be visited with civil penal-
chooses the day on which he will worship God. ties, and it will finally be declared that they are de-
(4) He is then individually marked or sealed. serving of death. On the other hand, the law of God
enjoining the Creators rest-day demands obedience
If the light of truth has been presented to
and threatens wrath against all who transgress its
you, revealing the Sabbath of the fourth command-
ment, and showing that there is no foundation in
the Word of God for Sunday observance, and yet With the issue thus clearly brought before
you still cling to the false sabbath, refusing to him, whoever shall trample upon Gods law to
keep holy the Sabbath which God calls My holy obey a human enactment, receives the mark
day, you receive the mark of the beast. When does of the beast; he accepts the sign of allegiance to
this take place? When you obey the decree that the power which he chooses to obey instead of God.
commands you to cease from labor on Sunday and The warning from heaven is, If any man worship
worship God, while you know that there is not a the beast and his image, and receive his mark in
word in the Bible showing Sunday to be other than his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink
a common working day, you consent to receive the of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured
mark of the beast and refuse the seal of God. out without mixture into the cup of His indigna-
Evangelism, 235:2. tion. Revelation 14:9-10.Great Controversy,
4 - This is the sequence, according to Great
Controversy, 449: (1) decree, (2) understand, (3) 6 - Sequence: (1) test, (2) choose, then (3)
choose, and then (4) marked. marked.
Christians of past generations observed the The Sabbath will be the great test of loyalty,
Sunday, supposing that in so doing they were for it is the point of truth especially controverted.
keeping the Bible Sabbath; and there are now When the final test shall be brought to bear upon
true Christians in every church, not excepting the men, then the line of distinction will be drawn be-
Roman Catholic communion, who honestly believe tween those who serve God and those who serve
that Sunday is the Sabbath of divine appointment. Him not.
God accepts their sincerity of purpose and their While the observance of the false sabbath in
integrity before Him. compliance with the law of the state, contrary to
But when Sunday observance shall be en- the fourth commandment, will be an avowal of al-
forced by law, and the world shall be enlight- legiance to a power that is in opposition to God,
ened concerning the obligation of the true Sabbath, the keeping of the true Sabbath, in obedience to
then whoever shall transgress the command of God, Gods law, is an evidence of loyalty to the Creator.
to obey a precept which has no higher authority While one class, by accepting the sign of submis-
than that of Rome, will thereby honor popery sion to earthly powers, receive the mark of the
above God. He is paying homage to Rome, and beast, the other, choosing the token of allegiance to
to the power which enforces the institution ordained divine authority, receive the seal of God.Great
by Rome. He is worshiping the beast and his im- Controversy, 605:2.
age. As men then reject the institution which God 7 - Sequence: (1) test, (2) understand, (3)
has declared to be the sign of His authority, and choose, then (4) marked.
honor in its stead that which Rome has chosen as God has given men the Sabbath as a sign
the token of her supremacy, they will thereby ac- between Him and them as a test of their loyalty.
cept the sign of allegiance to Rome,the mark Those who, after the light regarding Gods law
bation. Everyone will be given the light and have his He raised His hands, and with a loud voice said, It
opportunity to make his decision in regard to Sab- is done. Early Writings, 279:2.
bath/Sunday sacredness. When the last one has de- 6 - The close of probation (and with it, the
cided, probation will have closed for everyone. We end of the investigative judgment) occurs after
call that point in time the general close of proba- the blotting out of sins has been finished.
When Jesus leaves the Sanctuary, then they
1 - The seal will be placed before probationary who are holy and righteous will be holy and righ-
time ends. teous still; for all their sins will then be blotted
The living righteous will receive the seal of God out, and they will be sealed with the seal of the
prior to the close of probation.1 Selected Mes- living God.Early Writings, 48:1.
sages, 66:2. (Also see EW 38:1-2.) Note: The sins of the righteous are blotted out
2 - The (Protestant-government) image (of/to of the book of sin, in the judgment to the living
the papacy) will be the test; and it will be set up phase of the investigative judgment. At that same
before the close of probation. time, the names of wicked professors will be blot-
The Lord has shown me clearly that the image ted out of the book of life: See Great Controversy,
of the beast will be formed before probation chapter 29, especially pages 480-486. More on this
closes; for it is to be the great test for the people of in Chapter 7: The Judgment Passes to the Living.
God, by which their eternal destiny will be de- 7 - The personal elimination of sins, through
cided . . [Rev. 13:11-17, quoted] . . This is the test the enabling grace of Christ, precedes the seal-
that the people of God must have before they are ing and latter rain.
sealed.7 Bible Commentary, 976/1:2-3. Not one of us will ever receive the seal of God
3 - The sealing time (which is also the loud cry while our characters have one spot or stain upon
time) is the closing work for the church. them. It is left with us to remedy the defects in our
Especially in the closing work for the church, character, to cleanse the soul temple of every de-
in the sealing time of the one hundred and forty- filement. Then the latter rain will fall upon us as
four thousand who are to stand without fault before the early rain fell upon the disciples on the day of
the throne of God, will they feel most deeply the wrongs Pentecost.5 Testimonies, 214:2.
of Gods professed people.3 Testimonies, 266:2. 8 - The sealing will take place before the great
4 - The sealing is finished when probation time of trouble (which follows the close of proba-
ends. tion) and its accompanying events begin.
Jesus is soon to step out from between God Just before we entered it [the great time of
and man. The sealing will then be accom- trouble], we all received the seal of the living God.
plished, finished up. O let us keep on the whole Then I saw the four angels cease to hold the four
armor of God that we may be ready for battle at winds. And I saw famine, pestilence and sword,
any moment.5 Manuscript Releases, 200. nation rose against nation, and the whole world was
in confusion.7 Bible Commentary, 968/2:2.
5 - The final close of probation comes after
the latter rain, loud cry, and sealing are com-
- 11 -
I was pointed down to the time when the third
angels message was closing. The power of God
had rested upon His people; they had accomplished
their work and were prepared for the trying hour It is clear that the seal will be impressed upon
before them. They had received the latter rain, or minds at the time when the mark is being imprinted
refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and the on others. Yet it is before that timeNOWthat we
living testimony had been revived. The last great are, by the enabling grace of Christ, to live in such
warning had sounded everywhere, and it had a way that we will, when the Sunday law crisis sud-
stirred up and enraged the inhabitants of the earth denly occurs, be prepared to receive that seal and
who would not receive the message. avoid that mark! This is a very important point!
I saw angels hurrying to and fro in heaven. An The sealing time is when the seal is actually
angel with a writers inkhorn by his side returned applied during the Sunday law crisis. But, prior to
from the earth and reported to Jesus that his that timeright nowis the sealing time in
work was done, and the saints were numbered another sense. For it is now that we decide
and sealed. Then I saw Jesus, who had been minis- whether we will later receive the final, perma-
tering before the ark containing the ten command- nent impress of that seal. It is in this sense that we
ments, throw down the censer [of intercession]. are now living in the sealing time, as indicated in
some of the following quotations. hours of probation. It is now that this work is to
1 - Satan is working now to keep us from be- be accomplished for us . .
ing prepared. We are now in Gods workshop. Many of us are
Oh, that all could get a view of it as God re- rough stones from the quarry. But as we lay hold
vealed it to me, that they might know more of the upon the truth of God, its influence affects us. It
wiles of Satan and be on their guard! I saw that elevates us and removes from us every imperfection
Satan was at work in these ways to distract, and sin, of whatever nature. Thus we are prepared
deceive, and draw away Gods people, just now to see the King in His beauty and finally to unite
in this sealing time.Early Writings, 44:1. with the pure and heavenly angels in the kingdom of
glory. It is here that this work is to be accom-
2 - He is using every device to hinder us.
plished for us, here that our bodies and spirits are
Satan is now using every device in this to be fitted for immortality.2 Testimonies, 355:1-
sealing time to keep the minds of Gods people 356:0.
from the present truth, and to cause them to wa-
7 - It is now that we must prepare for the seal-
ver.Early Writings, 43:2.
3 - We can decide it now.
Now is the time to prepare . . All who receive
Those who would not receive the mark of the the seal of God must be without spot before God
beast and his image when the decree goes forth, candidates for heaven.5 Testimonies, 216:2.
must have decision now to say, Nay, we will not
8 - Now is the time to prepare.
regard the institution of the beast.Early Writ-
ings, 67:2. In these things [worldly cares and interests] I
saw great danger; for if the mind is filled with other
4 - We can now be settled into the truth.
things, present truth is shut out, and there is no
Just as soon as the people of God are sealed place in our foreheads for the seal of the living God.
in their foreheadsit is not any seal or mark that I saw that the time for Jesus to be in the most holy
can be seen, but a settling into the truth, both place was nearly finished . .
intellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be
Live and act wholly in reference to the com-
movedjust as soon as Gods people are sealed
ing of the Son of man. The sealing time is very
and prepared for the shaking, it [the shaking] will
short, and will soon be over. Now is the time, while
come.4 Bible Commentary, 1161/2:3.
the four angels are holding the four winds, to make
5 - We should now put away our sins. our calling and election sure.Early Writings, 58:2.
Now, while our great High Priest is making the 9 - We dare not be passed by.
atonement for us, we should seek to become per-
And every man that hath this hope in him
fect in Christ . . It is in this life that we are to
purifieth himelf, even as He is pure. In a little while
separate sin from us, through faith in the aton-
every one who is a child of God will have His seal
ing blood of Christ.Great Controversy, 623:1-
placed upon him. O that it may be placed upon our
foreheads! Who can endure the thought of be-
6 - It is now, before probation closes, that, ing passed by when the angel goes forth to seal
through Christs grace, we must remove sin from the servants of God in their foreheads?Review,
our lives. May 28, 1889.
We believe without a doubt that Christ is soon 10 - Are we getting ready?
coming . . When He comes He is not to cleanse
What are you doing, brethren, in the great
us of our sins, to remove from us the defects
work of preparation? Those who are uniting with
in our characters, or to cure us of the infirmities
the world are receiving the worldly mold and pre-
of our tempers and dispositions. If wrought for us
paring for the mark of the beast. Those who are dis-
at all, this work will all be accomplished before
trustful of self, who are humbling themselves before
that time. When the Lord comes, those who are holy
God and purifying their souls by obeying the truth
will be holy still. Those who have preserved their
these are receiving the heavenly mold and preparing
bodies and spirits in holiness, in sanctification and
for the seal of God in their foreheads. When the de-
honor, will then receive the finishing touch of im-
cree goes forth and the stamp is impressed, their
mortality. But those who are unjust, unsanctified,
character will remain pure and spotless for eter-
and filthy will remain so forever. No work will then
nity.5 Testimonies, 216:1.
be done for them to remove their defects and give
them holy characters. The Refiner does not then sit 11 - The changes must be made now.
to pursue His refining process and remove their sins It is a solemn thing to die, but a far more sol-
and their corruption. This is all to be done in these emn thing to live. Every thought and word and deed
of our lives will meet us again. What we make of and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still: and he
ourselves in probationary time, that we must that is righteous, let him be righteous still: and he
remain to all eternity. Death brings dissolution to that is holy, let him be holy still. I saw that none
the body, but makes no change in the character. The could share the refreshing unless they obtain
coming of Christ does not change our charac- the victory over every besetment, over pride, self-
ters; it only fixes them forever beyond all ishness, love of the world, and over every wrong
change.5 Testimonies, 466:2. word and action. We should, therefore, be draw-
ing nearer and nearer to the Lord and be earnestly
- 12 - seeking that preparation necessary to enable
THOSE NOT RECEIVING THE SEAL us to stand in the battle in the day of the Lord.
WILL HAVE NO PROTECTION Early Writings, 71:1-2.
AFTER PROBATION CLOSES 3 - How Satan is working to keep you from
becoming covered in this covering time.
Those who do not receive the seal of God before
the close of probation can have no protection from Satan is now using every device in this sealing
the events which will follow the close of probation. time to keep the minds of Gods people from the
present truth and to cause them to waver. I saw a
1 - After probation ends, the faithful will still covering that God was drawing over His people
have trials; but they will be shut in by Gods seal- to protect them in the time of trouble; and every
ing protection. soul that was decided on the truth and was pure in
And even after the saints are sealed with the heart was to be covered with the covering of
seal of the living God, His elect will have trials the Almighty.
individually. Personal afflictions will come; but the Satan knew this, and he was at work in mighty
furnace is closely watched by an eye that will not power to keep the minds of as many people as he
suffer the gold to be consumed. The indelible mark possibly could wavering and unsettled on the
of God is upon them. God can plead that His own truth.Early Writings, 43:3.
name is written there. The Lord has shut them in.
Their destination is inscribed GOD, NEW JERUSA- Note: The covering is right living by faith in the
LEM. They are Gods property, His possession. enabling merits of Christ death and mediation. That
Testimonies to Ministers, 446:1. covering is being drawn over Gods people during
their earthly life, as, by faith in Christs power to
2 - After probation ends, all are either pro- help them do it, they habitually obey God in fact, in
tected or not protected. reality. When, in the crisis, the seal is stamped upon
I also saw that many do not realize what them, the habitual pattern of trusting and obeying
they must be in order to live in the sight of the God becomes cemented in their experience (5T 216:1-
Lord without a high priest in the Sanctuary 2; 475:2).
through the time of trouble. Those who receive 4 - More on Satans methods.
the seal of the living God and are protected in the
time of trouble must reflect the image of Jesus fully. Some of these agents of Satan were affecting
the bodies of some of the saintsthose whom they
I saw that many were neglecting the prepara- could not deceive and draw away from the truth by
tion so needful and were looking to the time of re- a satanic influence. Oh, that all could get a view of
freshing and the latter rain to fit them to stand in it as God revealed it to me, that they might know
the day of the Lord and to live in His sight. Oh, more of the wiles of Satan and be on their guard! I
how many I saw in the time of trouble without saw that Satan was at work in these ways to
a shelter! They had neglected the needful distract, deceive, and draw away Gods people,
preparation; therefore they could not receive the just now in this sealing time. I saw some who were
refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in the not standing stiffly for present truth. Their knees
sight of a holy God. Those who refuse to be hewed by were trembling, and their feet sliding, because they
the prophets and fail to purify their souls in obeying were not firmly planted on the truth, and the
the whole truth, and who are willing to believe that covering of Almighty God could not be drawn over
their condition is far better than it really is, will come them while they were thus trembling.
up to the time of the falling of the plagues, and then
see that they needed to be hewed and squared for Satan was trying his every art to hold them
the building. where they were, until the sealing was past, un-
til the covering was drawn over Gods people, and
But there will be no time then to do it and no they [were] left without a shelter from the burning
Mediator to plead their cause before the Father. Be- wrath of God, in the seven last plagues. God has
fore this time the awfully solemn declaration has begun to draw this covering over His people, and it
gone forth, He that is unjust, let him be unjust still: will soon be drawn over all who are to have a shelter
1 - Here is one example of this first to the upon them. It is left with us to remedy the defects
church then to the world theme, as given in last- in our characters, to cleanse the soul temple of every
day-event passages: defilement. Then the latter rain will fall upon us as
5 Testimonies, 81-82: The test (urging of the the early rain fell upon the disciples on the day of
mark) begins. / 81:1: The sifting occurs within the Pentecost.5 Testimonies, 214:2.
church, as the gold and wheat are separated from 4 - Why some will later be sealed and others
the dross and chaff. / 81:2: The faithful stand through will be marked.
it unmoved. / 82:0: The faithful come off more than What are you doing, brethren, in the great work
conquerors. / 82:1: The faithful go out with the loud of preparation? Those who are uniting with the
cry message to the world; and many accept and unite world are receiving the worldly mold and pre-
with them. paring for the mark of the beast. Those who
2 - The testing time has not yet come, but this are distrustful of self, who are humbling them-
is when it will come: selves before God and purifying their souls by
No one has yet received the mark of the beast. obeying the truththese are receiving the
The testing time has not yet come. There are heavenly mold and preparing for the seal of
true Christians in every church, not excepting the God in their foreheads. When the decree goes forth
Roman Catholic communion. None are condemned and the stamp is impressed, their character will
until they have had the light and have seen the ob- remain pure and spotless for eternity.
ligation of the fourth commandment. But when the Now is the time to prepare. The seal of God
decree shall go forth enforcing the counterfeit will never be placed upon the forehead of an im-
sabbath, and the loud cry of the third angel pure man or woman. It will never be placed upon
shall warn men against the worship of the the forehead of the ambitious, world-loving man or
beast and his image, the line will be clearly woman. It will never be placed upon the forehead of
drawn between the false and the true. Then those men or women of false tongues or deceitful hearts.
who still continue in transgression will receive the All who receive the seal must be without spot before
mark of the beast. With rapid steps we are ap- Godcandidates for heaven.5 Testimonies, 216:1-
proaching this period.Evangelism, 234:2-235:1. 2.
5 - Zechariahs vision provides us with impor-
- 15 - tant information on the sealing and how to pre-
SEALING EVENTS IN pare for it. You will want to read it carefully.
5 TESTIMONIES, PAGES 207-216 Zechariahs vision of Joshua and the Angel ap-
The following statements from a single chapter plies with peculiar force to the experience of Gods
(5 Testimonies, 207-216) clearly summarize the is- people in the closing up of the great day of atone-
sues revolving around preparations for, and place- ment. The remnant church will be brought into great
ment of, the seal of God: trial and distress. Those who keep the command-
ments of God and the faith of Jesus will feel the ire
1 - Only those who have been sighing and
of the dragon and his hosts. Satan numbers the
crying will receive the seal. (Read the entire chap-
world as his subjects, he has gained control of the
apostate churches; but here is a little company that
The seal of God will be placed upon the fore- are resisting his supremacy. If he could blot them
heads of those only who sigh and cry for the from the earth, his triumph would be complete. As
abominations done in the land.5 Testimonies, he influenced the heathen nations to destroy Israel,
212:3. so in the near future he will stir up the wicked pow-
2 - Right living, right now, is crucial in deter- ers of earth to destroy the people of God. All will
mining our future. be required to render obedience to human
Courage, fortitude, faith, and implicit trust in edicts in violation of the divine law. Those who
Gods power to save do not come in a moment. will be true to God and to duty will be menaced,
These heavenly graces are acquired by the experi- denounced, and proscribed. They will be betrayed
ence of years. By a life of holy endeavor and both by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolks, and
firm adherence to the right the children of God friends.
were sealing their destiny.5 Testimonies, Their only hope is in the mercy of God; their
213:1. only defense will be prayer. As Joshua was pleading
3 - Through Christs enabling strength, we before the Angel, so the remnant church, with
need to put away sin now. brokeness of heart and earnest faith, will plead
for pardon and deliverance through Jesus their Ad-
Not one of us will ever receive the seal of
vocate. They are fully conscious of the sinfulness of
God while our characters have one spot or stain
their lives, they see their weakness and unworthi-
ness, and as they look upon themselves they are tears they warn the wicked of their danger in
ready to despair. The tempter stands by to accuse trampling upon the divine law, and with unutterable
them, as he stood by to resist Joshua. He points to sorrow they humble themselves before the Lord on
their filthy garments, their defective characters. He account of their own transgressions. The wicked
presents their weakness and folly, their sins of in- mock their sorrow, ridicule their solemn appeals,
gratitude, their unlikeness to Christ, which has dis- and sneer at what they term their weakness. But the
honored their Redeemer. He endeavors to affright the anguish and humiliation of Gods people is unmis-
soul with the thought that their case is hopeless, takable evidence that they are regaining the
that the stain of their defilement will never be washed strength and nobility of character lost in con-
away. He hopes to so destroy their faith that they sequence of sin. It is because they are drawing
will yield to his temptations, turn from their alle- nearer to Christ, and their eyes are fixed upon His
giance to God, and receive the mark of the beast. perfect purity, that they so clearly discern the ex-
Satan urges before God his accusations against ceeding sinfulness of sin. Their contrition and self-
them, declaring that they have by their sins forfeited abasement are infinitely more acceptable in the sight
the divine protection, and claiming the right to de- of God than is the self-sufficient, haughty spirit of
stroy them as transgressors. He pronounces them those who see no cause to lament, who scorn the
just as deserving as himself of exclusion from the humility of Christ, and who claim perfection while
favor of God. Are these, he says, the people who transgressing Gods holy law. Meekness and lowli-
are to take my place in heaven and the place of the ness of heart are the conditions for strength and
angels who united with me? While they profess to victory. The crown of glory awaits those who bow
obey the law of God, have they kept its precepts? at the foot of the cross. Blessed are these mourn-
Have they not been lovers of self more than of God? ers, for they shall be comforted.
Have they not placed their own interests above His The faithful, praying ones are, as it were,
service? Have they not loved the things of the world? shut in with God. They themselves know not
Look at the sins which have marked their lives. how securely they are shielded. Urged on by
Behold their selfishness, their malice, their hatred Satan, the rulers of this world are seeking to
toward one another. destroy them; but could their eyes be opened, as
The people of God have been in many respects were the eyes of Elishas servant at Dothan, they
very faulty. Satan has an accurate knowledge of the would see the angels of God encamped about them,
sins which he has tempted them to commit, and he by their brightness and glory holding in check the
presents these in the most exaggerated light, de- hosts of darkness.
claring: Will God banish me and my angels from As the people of God afflict their souls before
His presence, and yet reward those who have been Him, pleading for purity of heart, the command is
guilty of the same sins? Thou canst not do this, O given, Take away the filthy garments from them,
Lord, in justice. Thy throne will not stand in righ- and the encouraging words are spoken, Behold, I
teousness and judgment. Justice demands that sen- have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, and I
tence be pronounced against them. will clothe thee with change of raiment. The spot-
But while the followers of Christ have sinned, less robe of Christs righteousness is placed upon
they have not given themselves to the control of evil. the tried, tempted, yet faithful children of God. The
They have put away their sins, and have despised remnant are clothed in glorious apparel,
sought the Lord in humility and contrition, and nevermore to be defiled by the corruptions of
the divine Advocate pleads in their behalf. He who the world. Their names are retained in the
has been most abused by their ingratitude, who Lambs book of life, enrolled among the faithful of
knows their sin, and also their repentance, declares: all ages. They have resisted the wiles of the deceiver;
The Lord rebuke thee, O Satan. I gave My life for they have not been turned from their loyalty by the
these souls. They are graven upon the palms of My dragons roar. Now they are eternally secure from
hands. the tempters devices. Their sins are transferred
to the originator of sin. And the remnant are not
The assaults of Satan are strong, his delu-
only pardoned and accepted, but honored. A fair
sions are terrible; but the Lords eye is upon
miter is set upon their heads. They are to be as
His people. Their affliction is great, the flames of
kings and priests unto God. While Satan was urging
the furnace seem about to consume them; but Jesus
his accusations and seeking to destroy this company,
will bring them forth as gold tried in the fire. Their
holy angels, unseen, were passing to and fro,
earthliness must be removed that the image of Christ
placing upon them the seal of the living God.
may be perfectly reflected; unbelief must be overcome;
These are they that stand upon Mount Zion with the
faith, hope, and patience are to be developed.
Lamb, having the Fathers name written in their fore-
The people of God are sighing and crying heads. They sing the new song before the throne,
for the abominations done in the land. With that song which no man can learn save the hundred
and forty and four thousand, which were redeemed purifying their souls by obeying the truththese
from the earth. These are they which follow the Lamb are receiving the heavenly mold and preparing
whithersoever He goeth. These were redeemed from for the seal of God in their foreheads. When the
among men, being the first fruits unto God and to decree goes forth and the stamp is impressed,
the Lamb. And in their mouth was found no guile: their character will remain pure and spotless for
for they are without fault before the throne of God. eternity.5 Testimonies, 216:1.
Now is reached the complete fulfillment of those From information given elsewhere in the Spirit
words of the Angel: Hear now, O Joshua the high of Prophecy, it is at that point that his individual
priest, thou, and thy fellows that sit before thee: for probation closes. Then, as others are warned
they are men wondered at: for, behold, I will bring through the loud cry and make their decision for or
forth My servant the Branch. Christ is revealed as against the Bible truth about the Sabbath, their in-
the Redeemer and Deliverer of His people. Now in- dividual probation closes. When everyone has been
deed are the remnant men wondered at, as the tears warned and made his personal decision, probation
and humiliation of their pilgrimage give place to joy for all will close and the post-close of probation
and honor in the presence of God and the Lamb. In events will begin.
that day shall the branch of the Lord be beautiful
and glorious, and the fruit of the earth shall be ex- - 16 -
cellent and comely for them that are escaped of Is- THE DECIDING POINT
rael. And it shall come to pass, that he that is left in
Zion, and he that remaineth in Jerusalem, shall be (1) To summarize, in the final crisis the National
called holy, even everyone that is written among the Sunday Law must be enacted, (2) the person must
living in Jerusalem. 5 Testimonies, 472:2-476:1. understand the issues, he must know the truth
about Sabbath and Sunday, and (3) he must have
Note the high points in the above passage:
submitted to Sundaykeeping (and thereby, automati-
(1) All will be required to render obedience to cally, have rejected the Bible Sabbath). THEN (4) he
the Sunday law. (2) The faithful have put away their will receive the mark of the beast. This sequence
sins and sought the Lord in contrition. Their earth- requires a duration of time between the enactment
liness must be removed that the image of Christ of the law and the close of probation; so that, during
may be perfectly reflected. (3) They are sighing and the loud cry, people can be given clear warning of the
crying to God over the abominations about them. issues involved.
(4) They are regaining strength and nobility of char-
Here are several summary passages:
acter. (5) Rulers are seeking to destroy them. (6) In
this terrible crisis, as they continue pleading with 1 - Understand, choose, marked.
God the command is given: Take away the filthy It is not until the issue is thus plainly set
garments from them, and (7) they are clothed with before the people, and they are brought to
a change of raiment, even the spotless robe of choose between the commandments of God and
Christs righteousness. (8) At this point in time (af- the commandments of men, that those who con-
ter enactment of the National Sunday Law and tinue in transgression will receive the mark of the
placement of the seal upon them), nevermore will beast.Great Controversy, 449:1 (Ev 234).
they be defiled by the corruptions of the world. (9) 2 - Understand, choose, and receive.
Their names have been retained in the book of life.
If the light of truth has been presented to you
(10) Now they are eternally secure from the
. . and yet you still cling to the false sabbath . .
tempters devices. (11) Their sins are transferred
you receive the mark of the beast.Review, July
to the originator of sin. (12) The seal of God has
13, 1897.
been placed upon them.
Those who yield the truth of heavenly origin,
From the above passage, we learn that, after
and accept the Sunday sabbath, will receive the
the National Sunday Law is enacted, the seal is
mark of the beast.7 Bible Commentary, 976/1:3.
placed on the faithful. When that happens, each in-
dividual receiving the seal of God has had his name 3 - Making the same decision that the beast
sealed in the book of life. He will never again be has made.
defiled by the corruptions of the world; and he is To receive this mark means to come to the
eternally secure from the tempters devices. same decision as the beast has done, and to
What are you doing, brethren, in the great work advocate the same ideas, in direct opposition to
of preparation? Those who are uniting with the world the Word of God.7 Bible Commentary, 979/2:5.
are receiving the worldly mold and preparing for the 4 - Everyone will decide.
mark of the beast. Those who are distrustful of self, The great decision now to be made by every-
who are humbling themselves before God and one is, whether he will receive the mark of the
beast and his image or the seal of the living and by Rome. He is worshiping the beast and his im-
true God.7 Bible Commentary, 977/2:3. age. As men then reject the institution which God
5 - All will accept one or the other. has declared to be the sign of His authority, and
honor in its stead that which Rome has chosen as
When you obey the decree that commands
the token of her supremacy, they will thereby accept
you to cease from labor on Sunday and worship
the sign of allegiance to Romethe mark of the beast.
God, while you know that there is not a word in
And it is not until the issue is thus plainly set
the Bible showing Sunday to be other than a com-
before the people, and they are brought to choose
mon working day, you consent to receive the mark
between the commandments of God and the com-
of the beast and refuse the seal of God.7 Bible
mandments of men, that those who continue in
Commentary, 980/1:1 (Ev 235:2).
transgression will receive the mark of the beast.
6 - The test is yet future. Great Controversy, 449:1.
No one has yet received the mark of the 9 - Here is the meaning of right hand and
beast. The testing time has not yet come. There forehead:
are true Christians in every church, not excepting
He causeth all both small and great, to re-
Roman Catholic communion. None are con-
ceive a mark in their right hand or in their fore-
demned until they have had the light and have
heads (Rev. 13:16). Not only are men not to work
seen the obligation of the fourth commandment.
with their hands on Sunday, but with their
But when the decree shall go forth enforcing
minds they are to acknowledge Sunday as the
the counterfeit sabbath, and the loud cry of the
sabbath.Last Day Events, 224:4.
third angel shall warn men against the worship
of the beast and his image, the line will be clearly
- 17 -
drawn between the false and true. Then those who
still continue in transgression will receive the IS A SEAL PLACED BEFORE
mark of the beast.Evangelism, 234:2-235:0. THE NATIONAL SUNDAY LAW?
7 - It is the worship of the papacy. In this chapter, we have observed abundant evi-
The enforcement of Sundaykeeping on the part dence that the sealing and marking occur at the
of Protestant churches is an enforcement of the same time. It is also clear that the mark does not
worship of the papacyof the beast. Those who, begin being applied until the National Sunday Law
understanding the claims of the fourth com- has been enacted and men have made their deci-
mandment, choose to observe the false instead of sion in the matter, and that the seal will be im-
the true Sabbath are thereby paying homage to that pressed at that time.
power by which alone it is commanded. But in the Regarding the latter rain seal, in Acts 3:19-20,
very act of enforcing a religious duty by secular we are told that there is a putting away of sin, then
power, the churches would themselves form an im- a blotting out of sin, then the outpouring of the
age to the beast; hence the enforcement of Sunday- Spirit, and then the Second Advent of Christ. The
keeping in the United States would be an enforce- latter rain seal is especially discussed in Revela-
ment of the worship of the beast and his image. tion 7, as something given to the 144,000. For more
Great Controversy, 448:3-449:0. on the experience of the 144,000, see Great Contro-
8 - Sundaykeeping was accepted in the past, versy, 648:3-649:0. (We will discuss it in a later
but not when the test comes. chapter.) That passage indicates that this group (the
144,000) is the one which chooses Gods side in the
Christians of past generations observed the Sun-
crisis, obtains the victory over the beast and his
day, supposing that in so doing they were keeping
mark, and goes through the final conflict of Jacobs
the Bible Sabbath; and there are now true Chris-
trouble after the close of probation.
tians in every church, not excepting the Roman Catho-
lic communion, who honestly believe that Sunday is But is there not some kind of earlier sealing?
the Sabbath of divine appointment. God accepts In the New Testament, we are also told about
their sincerity of purpose and their integrity the sealing; and we note that there appears to be an
before Him. But when Sunday observance shall early rain seal (2 Cor. 1:22, Eph. 1:13) and a latter
be enforced by law, and the world shall be en- rain seal.
lightened concerning the obligation of the true Sab- A careful reading of the Spirit of Prophecy indi-
bath, then whoever shall transgress the command cates that, during our lifetime, we are individually
of God, to obey a precept which has no higher au- deciding for the right or wrong side in the great con-
thority than that of Rome, will thereby honor pop- troversy. As, by faith in Christ, we consistently choose
ery above God. He is paying homage to Rome and submission and obedience to God, a covering or
to the power which enforces the institution ordained sealing is being drawn over us. Yet the evidence
indicates that this seal, although being firmed in by and draw away Gods people, just now in this seal-
the time of very advanced age, is not completed until ing time. I saw some who were not standing stiffly
the death of the righteous. for present truth. Their knees were trembling, and
Gods people, who through Christs strength, their feet sliding, because they were not firmly
maintain their faithful submission and obedience to planted on the truth, and the covering of Almighty
Him are living through their sealing process. You and God could not be drawn over them while they were
I are now in that sealing process. That process would thus trembling.
equate to a putting away of sin, through the enabling Satan was trying his every art to hold them
grace of Christ, and a more complete surrender and where they were, until the sealing was past, until
obedience to God. But this concept of a sealing oc- the covering was drawn over Gods people, and
curring now does not mean that we are guaranteed they were left without a shelter from the burn-
final redemption. We may later fall away and not re- ing wrath of God, in the seven last plagues. God
ceive the final seal and be redeemed from earth. We has begun to draw this covering over His people,
may be in the sealing process, but that does not mean and it will soon be drawn over all who are to have a
we are now sealed for eternity. shelter in the day of slaughter. God will work in
In conclusion, we can say that, throughout the power for His people; and Satan will be permitted
humble, believing, obedient lifetime of a child of to work also.Early Writings, 44:2.
God, the covering or sealing is gradually being Note: In a special sense, from 1844 onward to
drawn over him. But he does not receive the final the general close of probation, we have been in the
aspect of that seal until he dies in Christ or goes sealing time. This is because, in 1844, the investi-
through the sealing experience after the National gative judgment began on the cases of the dead (who,
Sunday Law is enacted. The reason that the con- during their lives, professed faith in Christ). There-
cluding phase of the sealing is so crucial, is that it fore, since 1844, as soon as a professor of Christ
seals his name into the book of lifeso that, hence- died, his case immediately came up in the investi-
forth, he will never again fall under the domain of gative judgment. When found to have been faithful,
Satan. But, in both instances (whether at his death the seal could be fully applied almost immediately
or after enactment of the National Sunday Law), he after death. That individuals case did not have to
has arrived at the close of his probation. wait until centuries later to be examined by the in-
So we have here a self-consistent concept of the vestigative judgment.
sealing. 4 - The sealing is being firmed in on the faith-
Let us briefly view some passages which clarify ful of advanced age who are nearing death.
the position we apparently should take in this mat- There are living upon our earth men who have
ter: passed the age of fourscore and ten. The natural
1 - We are now in the sealing time. results of old age are seen in their feebleness. But
they believe God, and God loves them. The seal of
Satan is now using every device in this seal-
God is upon them, and they will be among the
ing time to keep the minds of Gods people from
number of whom the Lord has said, Blessed are the
the present truth and to cause them to waver.
dead which die in the Lord. 7 Bible Commen-
Early Writing, 43:2.
tary, 982/1:1.
2 - The sealing is a settling into the truth so
5 - A servant of God who died faithful to her
that one cannot be moved,
Lord, in death, had the seal.
Just as soon as the people of God are sealed in
I saw that she [Mrs. Hastings] was sealed and
their foreheadsit is not any seal or mark that can
would come up at the Voice of God and stand
be seen, but a settling into the truth, both in-
upon the earth, and would be with the 144,000. I
tellectually and spiritually, so they cannot be
saw we need not mourn for her; she would rest in
movedjust as soon as Gods people are sealed and
the time of trouble.2 Selected Messages, 263:3.
prepared for the shaking, it will come. Indeed, it has
begun already; the judgments of God are now upon Note: Once again we have this intriguing phrase,
the land, to give us warning, that we may know what with the 144,000. You will recall that the angel told
is coming.4 Bible Commentary, 1161/2:3. Ellen White that, if faithful, you with the 144,000
would be saved. In the above passage we again have
3 - When the sealing is ended, the plagues will
this with the phrase. Neither Ellen White nor Mrs.
begin falling.
Hastings will go through the final crisis, precipitated
Oh, that all could get a view of it as God re- by the Sunday law; and, according to Great Contro-
vealed it to me, that they might know more of the versy, 648:3-649:0, the 144,000 will be the faithful
wiles of Satan and be on their guard! I saw that Sa- ones who go through that final crisis.
tan was at work in these days to distract, deceive,
6 - But the crucial sealing, occurring in the But it is clear from the statements you have just
National Sunday Law crisis, will be a time of seal- read that the final sealing is an unchangeable act: a
ing decisions for those of all ages while they are sealing in of character, destiny, and possession. Once
still alive! That time is yet future. the final seal is applied, that person is eternally
In a little while every one who is a child of God sealed, the property of God, nevermore to be defiled
will have His seal placed upon him. O, that it may by the tempters devices, and his destination is
be placed upon our foreheads! Who can endure heaven.
the thought of being passed by when the angel goes The same permanence applies to the mark of
forth to seal the servants of God in their fore- the beast. Once received, there will be no after change.
heads?7 Bible Commentary, 969/2:5-970/1:0. As for the close of probation, the persons indi-
7 - Any person, refusing the seal at that time, vidual probation closes as soon as he is marked or
will receive the mark. sealed. The general close of probation occurs when
If the believers in the truth are not sustained the last person on earth has made his decision one
by their faith in these comparatively peaceful days, way or the other.
what will uphold them when the grand test comes For more on this, see the chapters on the Judg-
and the decree goes forth against all those who ment and the Close of Probation.
will not worship the image of the beast and receive
his mark in their foreheads or in their hands? This __________________
solemn period is not far off. Instead of becoming
weak and irresolute, the people of God should be LAST DAYS APPENDIX
gathering strength and courage for the time of The following material was gleaned from our
trouble.4 Testimonies, 251:1. currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu-
The placing of the seal of the living God is a mo- scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the
mentous experience. It is not something to be treated best material from that volume on topics given in
lightly. Those only will receive it who have been pre- this chapter.
paring for it in advance. It will seal in, for eternity, a The Sealing Places Saints Beyond Satans
Christian beauty of character. Power. Satan Will Come in Almost Human
It is now that we must, by the grace of God, de- Shape.I saw that Satan would work more pow-
velop that character. It is now that we must plead erfully now than ever he has before. He knows that
with our Jesus for divine aid. Submission to the his time is short and that the sealing of the saints
will of God and perfect obedience is the goal to be will place them beyond his power, and [therefore]
reached. Through His enabling grace, it can be done; he will now work in every way that he can, and will
for He has promised. Our God never makes a wrong try his every insinuation to get the saints off their
promise, and He never goes back on His promise. guard and get them asleep on present truth, or doubt-
As David Livingstone would say, as he repeated a ing it, so as to prevent their being sealed with the
Bible promise which he needed to claim: It is the seal of the living God; and [I saw] that Satan will
word of a gentleman. Just as Livingstone did, we erelong come in almost human shape, and that his
can know that we will have the help we needjust angels were all around them seeking some way that
when we need it. they might devour them.Manuscript 7, 1850, 2-4
May our kind Father bless and keep you, as you (A Vision the Lord Gave Me at the Home of Bro.
move forward, day by day, preparing for the seal of Harris, August 24, 1850).
the living God. The Acceptance of Sunday, while the Sabbath
Is Trampled on, Puts the Man of Sins Stamp Upon
- 18 - the World.The seventh-day is the Sabbath of the
Lord, and man has no moral right to dishonor it by
failing to do upon it the work which he should do.
God has set this day apart for His honor and glory
Several years ago, a horrified friend told the . . Men have insulted God by accepting, as holy, a
present compiler about a Sabbath School class he common working day. Nothing can put the stamp of
was in the preceding Sabbath, in which the class the man of sin so definitely upon the world as the
unanimously concluded that, after the Sunday law acceptance of the spurious sabbath, while the day
was enacted, a person could be sealed, then fall away, God has set apart is trampled underfoot.Letter
be sealed again, then fall away and worship on Sun- 30, 1900 (to Brother and Sister Hickox, Febru-
day, and then repent and be sealed again! As long as ary 25, 1900).
probation had not yet closed, they could just keep
shifting back and forth in their allegiance to God.
INTRODUCTION: with the self-deception that they can have both sin
WHY THIS CHAPTER IS HERE and salvation throughout this earthly life.
But there are others who are quite content to
Why is this chapter in here? Perfection of char-
cling to Jesus and do all that He asks in His holy
acter is an important aspect in last-day events. This
Word. In happy submission to their Saviour, and
major chapter should actually be placed at the be-
by faith in His enabling strength, they are putting
ginning, prior to the church-state union and the Na-
away their sins.
tional Sunday Law; for that is where it occurs. It is
now that we must prepare for the final crisis. That which the wicked scorn as perfectionism
and legalism, the righteous view as simply clean,
But, by locating it here, you will be better able to
godly living. What should be unusual about that?
compare it with five closely related chapter topics:
God has repeatedly told them, in His Word, that He
the seal of God, the passing of the judgment to the
wants them to live that way; He has provided an
living, the blotting out of sin, the marriage, and the
abundance of grace, so they can do it. And so, by His
latter rain. All five topics are closely intertwined and
empowering merits, they do it. Simple as that. If
ought to be studied together.
you, dear reader, have any question how this is done,
The first of the five is perfection of character. It just read the directions in Steps to Christ, Mount of
is an ongoing process which is occurring now. Blessing, and Christs Object Lessons.
After the church-state union, comes the National There are four errors in regard to the overcom-
Sunday Law enactment which produces the forma- ing of sin which should be mentioned here:
tion of the image. The final crisis has begun. The
(1) The error that we can resist or overcome
judgment in the Sanctuary above then passes to
sin in our own strength. That, of course, cannot
the living as men and women make their intelligent
be done. Those that try to do so, are hard to live
decisions to sacredly observe the Bible Sabbath or
bow to the child of the papacy.
(2) The error that we cannot resist or over-
According to the decisions that men make, the
come sin in this life prior to the Second Advent
road divides. To the righteous comes the seal of God,
of Christ. There are those who reason that we can
the blotting out of sin, the marriage in the Most Holy
happily continue in our sins and lusts until Jesus
Place, and the latter rain. In contrast, at the same
returns in the skies and calls His people up into
time the wicked make their decision to receive the
the air to meet Him! They imagine that, at the mo-
mark of the beast, they receive it with an even greater
ment of translation (by which the bodies of the faith-
outpouring of satanic zeal and hatred than they had
ful are glorified), and without any effort or self-de-
earlier possessed.
nial on their part,they will experience a magical
While the righteous are pure in Gods sight (made removal of their evil passions, vicious habits, adul-
pure by the blood of Christ), the wicked are even teries, gluttony, and deceptive ways. But the con-
more wicked then ever before. cept that one can be saved in his sins is a terrible
What is perfection of character? It is a much- deception.
maligned concept, which simply means obedience Here is the reply to both errors:
to the laws of God through the enabling merits of
Apart from the moment-by-moment help of
Jesus Christ. Professed Christians who do not
Jesus Christ, our only Saviour, we cannot resist
want to obey Gods laws ridicule the idea as perfec-
temptation, much less put away cherished sin. Of
tionism. Wanting to cling to their cherished sins,
ourselves we can do nothing. But, in and through
they stifle the convictions of the Spirit to forsake
Christ, we can do all things that He asks of us in
them, declaring that perfect obedience is merely a
His holy Word. Christ is our victory. Looking in faith
fanatical idea. For them, it is too great a sacrifice to
to Him, we can do all that He asks. At each step He
forsake sin for their Lord. They would rather live
strengthens us for the immediate duty, as we keep resist or put away sin prior to the Second Advent, at
our eyes of faith fixed upon Him. which time Christ will instantly and totally eradi-
Jesus died to save us from sin. He does this by cate them. They even dare to claim that Jesus helps
the impartation of His grace. But He does not give no one put away sin prior to the Second Coming!
grace today for tomorrows need. The grace comes Even worse, it is said that, because God helps no
as we accept Him and abide in Him. We must re- one resist sin, those who try to do so are only at-
ceive Him and live in Himright nowin order to tempting it in their own strengthand therefore are
have His graceright now. Such a way of life is seen legalists, reprobate, and condemned of God for at-
by some as a terrible sacrifice, one they do not wish tempting to do so! Frankly, such a concept is blas-
to make. But those who enter the experience find it phemous. It denies the reality of the sacrifice, inter-
to be blessed, happy, and full of sweet peace. Oh, cession, and grace of Christ!
yes, Satan will keep stirring up trouble, but the child Because some professed Christians love sin, they
of God has the assurance of acceptance by His heav- devise evil theories to explain away their own bond-
enly Father; and, relying on Jesus, He is strength- age in sin. Theirs is a futile attempt to make it ap-
ened to keep moving forward. pear that their indulgence in sin is a godly pursuit.
There are two sides to the grace of Christ, just In an effort to excuse their own chains to the devils
as there are two sides on a coin. Jesus gives us car, they would try to bind everyone else to it also.
forgiving grace and enabling grace. Forgiving grace They declare that they have righteousness by faith
justifies. As we plead humbly, sincerely in prayer for alone, they were saved at the cross, and their be-
it, our past sin is forgiven, and we are, just now, havior has no relation to salvation. Since they are
made right in the presence of God. Because we are bound for heaven, they can spend their Sabbath
looking to God for forgiveness through Jesus Christ morning worship services celebrating their salva-
His Son, and because we do it with the earnest, tion already received.
sincere intention to forsake that sin and have noth- Yet the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy teach the
ing more to do with it we are forgivenand we know importance of putting away sin, now, and the means
it. through Christ by which it can be done.
Then we arise; and, holding close to Christs It is NOW that we are to put away our sins; they
hand, we live under empowering grace. Enabling will not be magically removed at some later time.
grace sanctifies; it empowers us to live right, obey Some have erred in supposing that their sins will
Gods Word, resist sin, and live kindly, helpful, mysteriously be removed when the latter rain falls.
unselfish lives right now. This false hope is clearly rejected in the Early Writ-
Will Christs enabling grace, given now, help us ings, 71, statement. Carefully read the entire page.
in the future? No, His grace is like the manna; we Some say that our sins cannot be put away
cannot save it for tomorrows needs. Tomorrow we until the judgment passes to the cases of living,
must obtain it fresh from Him as we give ourselves at which time, if we are continuing in repen-
anew to Him tomorrow and live in Him tomorrow. tance, ours sins will be removed. A group in the
Christianity is a NOW experience. That is why we early 1960s believed that their sins would be re-
are told that none should ever be taught to feel or moved when the judgment passed to the living; and,
think they are SAVED. We can be in Christ right prior to then, they needed only pray for repentance
now, because that is a NOW experience. But final and await the forthcoming removal of their sins in
salvation is a death or end-of-probation experience. the twinkling of an eye. That concept is a serious
The future is not ours, only the present. Live the error.
present right, and you need not concern yourself Now it is true that the record of the sins of the
about the future! That is the message of Matthew faithful will be canceled when the investigative judg-
6:34. The act of salvation or redemption does not ment passes to their names. But that occurs only
come until the end if, in Christ, we have been faith- because those individuals had, in the strength of
ful to the end. There is only one path to heaven, Christ, earlier put away their sins. It is now that
and it is by way of the cross and the Sanctuary. we are to put away sin, in preparation for that
Daily we pick up our cross, trust, and obey, and time when our cases will come up in the judgment.
follow Christ into the Sanctuary in heaven, where
Gods Word is very clear as to when sin must
He ministers His grace anew to us.
be removed from our lives. Spirit of Prophecy state-
It should be noted here that those who want to ments, as given in two of our earlier tracts, clearly
remain in their sins use a fallacious argument in disprove the errors. The tract, You Can Overcome,
condemning those who are seeking, in Christ, to clearly reveals that our sins CAN be eliminated and
put theirs away. The false argument (found today in that it is NOW that we must put them away. The
certain denominational books) is that no one can tract, The Center of the Crisis, shows that they must
be put away prior to the sealing, latter rain, close of Priest strengthens you moment by moment for the
probation, and Second Advent of Christ. battle of clinging to Him in the midst of lifes trials.
In contrast to such errors, in this present chap- What is genuine Christian experience like? It is
ter, we will learn that, in the strength of Christ, our like the three-year-old child which clings close to
sins must be put away nowbefore the Sunday law its mothers side, holding tightly to her hand, as
crisis begins. This is a daily work; and, frankly, it together they cross a busy street in heavy traffic.
is a sweet work. Our happiest hours are when we No one, NO ONE who is a genuine disciple of
live in conscious approval by our kind heavenly Fa- Christ will ever speak of his sinlessness or tell oth-
ther. He is so good to us; and we are so happy to ers they can instantly put away their sins forever.
please the One we love so much. The wicked can Would you know the true road to heaven? Then
denounce us as legalists; but we are quite content spend time each day reading in the Bible and Spirit
to live close to Jesus and dwell in the cleft of such a of Prophecy, and you will not be misled.
mighty Rock of protection and enabling.
When you find yourself in a group where er-
But there is also another error: There are ror is being taught, get out of there as quickly
those who loudly proclaim that they are perfect as you can! But utter a warning before you leave;
and have not sinned for so many months or years. plead with your friends and loved ones to leave
Some in this group travel from place to place and also. LOR is one of the groups teaching the error of
teach that all present and future sin can instantly instant removal of sin (see our tracts on LOR; it
be put away, never to return. It is claimed that all stands for Lord Our Righteousness Church).
that is necessary to have temptation removed for- Those accepting that teaching have their minds cap-
ever from your life is to believe the speaker stand- tured by Satan that very night. Ellen White con-
ing before youand it will happen immediately fronted such fanatical teachers early in her minis-
that night! try. She found that they were deeply involved in se-
But BEWARE OF SUCH PEOPLE! The Spirit cret adulteries with those they were not married
of Prophecy statements are clear that the closer we to. Recently a LOR group (which said they were not
come to Christ, the more we will sense our inad- from LOR) came to a small East Coast town. They
equacies, frailness, and great need of His enabling captured several faithful Advent believers; and,
grace. We are told that those who live the closest to shortly after, one of them (a man who had left his
God are the last to parade their virtues or tell men own wife and child in Georgia several years before)
they are sinless. had sexual relations with one of the captured wives.
Even Gods faithful children can be deluded into We know of other experiences elsewhere. When a
accepting this false teaching, that they are now per- man tries to become his own god, he becomes a
fect. Instantly, Satan will enter their minds. We know hopeless captive of Satan.
of instances in which Christian wives have accepted The following material has been excerpted from
this teaching by preachers passing through town; two tracts compiled by the present author in the
and, within a week, they leave their husbands and spring of 1980: You Can Overcome and Center of
have sexual relations with the itinerant perfect man the Crisis.
who took over their minds. They were deluded into The central issue in the coming crisis is obedi-
forsaking Scripture and trusting in Christ; instead ence to the Word of God. The special test is the
they placed their faith in the words of a holy man Bible Sabbath. You will find the following study to
they had never met before. be intensely interesting.
Trust Christ, cling to Him. But trust your salva-
tion to no man! All you have is God and His Inspired -1-
Friend, apart from Christ you are nothing! Apart TO COOPERATE WITH HIM
from Him you are lost and a captive of Satan. In IN DOING A SPECIAL WORK
Christ, you are His obedient child. Only through IN PREPARATION FOR
His strength can you depart from a single sin; only HIS SECOND COMING
by His continual help can you resist a single temp-
When the fruit is brought forth, immedi-
tation. Do not forsake Christ and humble, ongoing
ately He putteth in the sickle, because the har-
obedience to His Wordjust because someone
vest is come. Christ is waiting with longing desire
comes along and supposedly offers you a quicker,
for the manifestation of Himself in His church.
easier way. In turning to follow him, you have for-
When the character of Christ shall be perfectly
saken the cross and the Sanctuary. You have laid
reproduced in His people, then He will come to
down the cross of ongoing resistance of sin, and you
claim them as His own.
have left the heavenly Sanctuary where your High
It is the privilege of every Christian not only to His coming? and who shall stand when He appear-
look for but to hasten the coming of our Lord Jesus eth? for He is like a refiners fire, and like fullers
Christ (2 Peter 3:12, margin). Were all who profess soap: and He shall sit as a refiner and purifier of
His name bearing fruit to His glory, how quickly silver: and He shall purify the sons of Levi, and purge
the whole world would be sown with the seed of the them as gold and silver, that they may offer unto the
gospel. Quickly the last great harvest would be rip- Lord an offering in righteousness. Malachi 3:2-3.
ened, and Christ would come to gather the pre- Those who are living upon the earth when the in-
cious grain.Christs Object Lessons, 69:1-2. tercession of Christ shall cease in the Sanctuary
It is clear that the truth is that Christ is waiting above are to stand in the sight of a holy God with-
for us to put away our sins. In strong contrast, the out a mediator. Their robes must be spotless, their
error being taught by many today is that Christ is characters must be purified from sin by the blood
waiting for us to accept the fact that sin cannot be of sprinkling. Through the grace of God and their
put away in this life. By doing so, we will become own diligent effort they must be conquerors in
righteous in Christ and prepared for the Second the battle with evil. While the investigative judg-
Advent. ment is going forward in heaven, while the sins of
penitent believers are being removed from the Sanc-
The truth is that the righteousness of Christ
tuary, there is to be a special work of purifica-
does not cover known, unforesaken sins! Yes, only
tion, of putting away of sin, among Gods people
Christ can take away our sins, but He will not do it
upon earth. This work is more clearly presented in
without our cooperation. We must strive against
the messages of Revelation 14.
temptation and put our will to the task. But, with-
out a total dedication to Jesus, that striving and When this work shall have been accomplished,
willing is useless. It is the cooperative venture that the followers of Christ will be ready for His ap-
succeeds; Jesus will not do it for us without our pearing. Then shall the offering of Judah and
willingness and effort, and we can never, never do Jerusalem be pleasant unto the Lord, as in the days
it without His mighty power. The part that Jesus of old, and as in former years. Malachi 3:4. Then
does is infinitely great, and the part we do is infi- the church which our Lord at His coming is to re-
nitely small; yet without thatour small partvic- ceive to Himself will be a glorious church, not hav-
tory and purity will not be obtained. ing spot, or wrinkle, or any such thing.
Ephesians 5:27. Then she will look forth as the
-2- morning, fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and
terrible as an army with banners. Song of Solomon
6:10.Great Controversy, 423:1, 424:4-425:2.
PAGES 423-424 Note: The above three pages contains the heart
of the message of the book, Great Controversy.
A most powerful passage, one of the most From the above passage, it is clear that the special
important (!) in Great Controversy, is found duty of the Advent people is to OBEY THE LAW
on pages 423-425 of that book. It explains our OF GOD. That is what character perfection is all
special work and the reason for the delay. You about. Yet that is understandable; for that is the
will want to read it carefully: basic issue in the great controversy between Christ
The subject of the Sanctuary was the key and Satan. There is nothing complicated here, noth-
which unlocked the mystery of the disappointment ing confusing. It is simply a matter of obeying the
of 1844. It opened to view a complete system of words of God, as given in His Inspired Writings. We
truth, connected and harmonious, showing that would do well to read the above passage over and
Gods hand had directed the great advent move- over again.
ment and revealing present duty as it brought to Someone will cry, That is legalism! Not a bit!
light the position and work of His people . . Light We are required to obey God, but it can be done
from the Sanctuary illumined the past, the only through His enabling grace. God never asks of
present, and the future . . us anything we cannot do. By ourselves, we cannot
But the people were not yet readyto meet obey His Inspired Writings. We know it, God knows
their Lord. There was still a work of prepara- it. But as we cry to Him for help, He provides all
tion to be accomplished for them. Light was to be the help we need to fulfill His will for our lives.
given, directing their minds to the temple of God in
heaven; and as they should by faith follow their -3-
High Priest in His ministration there, new duties PERFECTION OF CHARACTER
would be revealed. Another message of warning and IS THE AIM SET BEFORE US
instruction was to be given to the church.
None need fail of attaining, in his sphere,
Says the prophet: Who may abide the day of
and they could not have confidence to plead with God seeking for His fullness, ever pressing toward
for deliverance. But while they have a deep sense of the mark set before usthe perfection of His
their unworthiness, they have no concealed wrongs character? When the Lords people reach this
to reveal. Their sins have gone beforehand to mark, they will be sealed in their foreheads. Filled
judgment and have been blotted out, and they with the Spirit, they will be complete in Christ, and
cannot bring them to remembrance.Great Con- the recording angel will declare, It is finished.
troversy, 620:1. Our High Calling, 150:6.
Satan leads many to believe that God will over- Not one of us will ever receive the seal of God
look their unfaithfulness in the minor affairs of life; while our characters have one spot or stain upon
but the Lord shows in His dealings with Jacob that them. It is left with us to remedy the defects in
He will in no wise sanction or tolerate evil. All who our characters, to cleanse the soul temple of ev-
endeavor to excuse or conceal their sins, and ery defilement. Then the latter rain will fall upon
permit them to remain upon the books of us as the early rain fell upon the disciples on the
heaven, unconfessed and unforgiven, will be Day of Pentecost.5 Testimonies, 214:2.
overcome by Satan. The more exalted their pro- I saw that none could share the refresh-
fession and the more honourable the position which ing unless they obtain the victory over every
they hold, the more grievous is their course in the besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the
sight of God and the more sure the triumph of their world, and over every wrong word and action.
great adversary. Those who delay a preparation Early Writings, 71:2.
for the day of God cannot obtain it in the time
Those who come up to every point, and
of trouble or at any subsequent time. The case
stand every test and overcome, be the price what
of all such is hopeless.Great Controversy, 620:2.
it may, have heeded the counsel of the True Wit-
The seal of God will never be placed upon the ness, and they will receive the latter rain, and
forehead of an impure man or woman . . All who thus be fitted for translation.1 Testimonies,
receive the seal must be without spot before 187:1.
God.5 Testimonies, 216:2.
What are you doing, brethren, in the great -8-
work of preparation? Those who are uniting with IT MUST NOT BE
the world are receiving the worldly mold and pre- NEGLECTED UNTIL AFTER
paring for the mark of the beast. Those who are THE LATTER RAIN AND SEALING
distrustful of self, who are humbling them-
selves before God and purifying their souls by I also saw that many do not realize what they
obeying the truththese are receiving the heav- must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord
enly mold and preparing for the seal of God in without a high priest in the Sanctuary through the
their foreheads. When the decree goes forth and time of trouble. Those who receive the seal of the
the stamp is impressed, their character will re- living God and are protected in the time of trouble
main pure and spotless for eternity. must reflect the image of Jesus fully.
Now is the time to prepare. The seal of God I saw that many were neglecting the prepa-
will never be placed upon the forehead of an im- ration so needful and were looking to the time of
pure man or woman. It will never be placed upon refreshing and the latter rain to fit them to stand
the forehead of the ambitious, world-loving man or in the day of the Lord and to live in His sight. Oh,
woman. It will never be placed upon the forehead how many I saw in the time of trouble without
of men or women of false tongues or deceitful hearts. a shelter! They had neglected the needful prepara-
All who receive the seal must be without spot tion; therefore they could not receive the refreshing
before Godcandidates for heaven.5 Testimo- that all must have to fit them to live in the sight of a
nies, 216:1-2. [Carefully read the following pas- holy God.Early Writings, 71:1-2.
sages for a clearer understanding of the experi-
ence of the people of God at this time: 5 Testimo- -9-
nies, 207-216, 467-476; Early Writings, 269-271.] WE MUST PREPARE NOW
We believe without a doubt that Christ is soon
THE SEAL WILL BE PLACED coming. This is not a fable to us; it is a reality.
ON THE HEADS OF THOSE We have no doubt, neither have we had a doubt for
WHO OBTAIN IT years, that the doctrines we hold today are present
Are we striving with all our power to attain to truth, and that we are nearing the judgment. We are
the stature of men and women in Christ? Are we preparing to meet Him who, escorted by a retinue
The special characteristic of the beast, and extermination, which in the beginning would have
therefore of his image, is the breaking of Gods com- brought fear to angels and dishonor to God, will
mandments.Great Controversy, 446:1. now vindicate His love and establish His honor
In the issue of the contest all Christendom will before the universe of beings who delight to do His
be divided into two great classesthose who will, and in whose heart is His law. Never will evil
keep the commandments of God and the faith again be manifest. Says the Word of God: Affliction
of Jesus, and those who worship the beast and shall not rise up the second time. Nahum 1:9. The
his image and receive his mark. Although church law of God, which Satan has reproached as the
and state will unite their power to compel all, both yoke of bondage, will be honored as the law of
small and great, rich and poor, free and bond (Rev. liberty. A tested and proved creation will never
13:16), to receive the mark of the beast, yet the again be turned from allegiance to Him whose char-
people of God will not receive it.Great Contro- acter has been fully manifested before them as fath-
versy, 450:1. omless love and infinite wisdom.Great Contro-
versy, 503:3-504:1.
The spirit of the papacy [is] the spirit of con-
formity to worldly customs, the veneration for The future is bright, as long as we cling to Jesus.
human traditions above the commandments He has a wonderful eternity awaiting us. He will
of Godthat is permeating the Protestant churches lead His flock down through countless ages of peace
and leading them on to do the same work of Sun- and happiness. Life without end! Oh, my friend,
day exaltation which the papacy has done before we must be there!
them.Great Controversy, 573:1. Just now it is our task to learn the ways of
Jesus, looking down to the last generation, heaven. Later, we will live there forever. Loyalty and
saw the world involved in a deception similar to obedience to our God is what that eternity will all
that which caused the destruction of Jerusalem. be about. Those who do not want it will not be there.
The great sin of the Jews was their rejection of Yet it is the only way to be genuinely happy!
Christ; the great sin of the Christian world I know you want it! May God help us each one
would be their rejection of the law of God, the to be faithful to the end.
foundation of His government in heaven and
earth.Great Controversy, 22:2. - 14 -
The last great conflict between truth and IN CHRIST YOU CAN OVERCOME
error is but the final struggle of the long-stand-
The following statements explain how we can
ing controversy concerning the law of God.
resist temptation and overcome sin in the strength
Upon this battle we are now enteringa battle be-
of Christ. These statements are self-explanatory and
tween the laws of men and the precepts of Jeho-
need little introduction. Yes, the requirements are
vah.Great Controversy, 582:2.
very high, but the enabling is just as high! Sufficient
The crisis that began the great controversy to the days needs will be the amount of grace given.
is the one that will end it. You and I will have a part But it is only imparted to those who, each moment,
in that crisis! Will our decision be on Gods side? are pressing close to the side of Christ, and looking
Will we vindicate His perfect law? Or will we listen to Him for help, wisdom, and strength. Through the
to those who love sin so much, they give sermons empowering grace of Christ we can obey all that God
and write books excusing it? When the crisis is over asks of us in His Inspired Books.
and the controversy is ended, then eternity will be-
By His perfect obedience He has made it pos-
gin. It is an eternity that you and I want a part in.
sible for every human being to obey Gods com-
The cross of Calvary, while it declares the mandments. When we submit ourselves to
law immutable, proclaims to the universe that the Christ, the heart is united with His heart, the will
wages of sin is death. In the Saviours expiring cry, is merged in His will, the mind becomes one with
It is finished, the death knell of Satan was rung. His mind, the thoughts are brought into captivity to
The great controversy which had been so long in Him; we live His life. This is what it means to be
progress was then decided, and the final eradica- clothed with the garment of His righteousness.
tion of evil was made certain . . When the day Christs Object Lessons, 312:0.
cometh, that shall burn as an oven . . all the proud,
And how this is accomplished, Christ has
yea, and all that do wickedly, shall be stubble: and
shown us. By what means did He overcome in
the day that cometh shall burn them up, saith the
the conflict with Satan? By the Word of God. Only
Lord of hosts, that it shall leave them neither root
by the Word could He resist temptation. It is writ-
nor branch. Malachi 4:1.
ten, He said. And unto us are given exceeding
The whole universe will have become witnesses great and precious promises, that by these ye
to the nature and results of sin. And its utter might be partakers of the divine nature, having es-
caped the corruption that is in the world through Christ knew that the enemy would come to every
lust. 2 Peter 1:4. Every promise in Gods Word is human being, to take advantage of hereditary weak-
ours. By every word that proceedeth out of the mouth ness, and by his false insinuations to ensnare all
of God are we to live. When assailed by temptation, whose trust is not in God. And by passing over the
look not to circumstances or to the weakness of self, ground which man must travel, our Lord has pre-
but to the power of the Word. All its strength is pared the way for us to overcome. It is not His
yours. Thy Word, says the psalmist, have I hid in will that we should be placed at a disadvantage in
mine heart, that I might not sin against Thee. By the conflict with Satan.Desire of Ages, 123:0.
the words of Thy lips I have kept me from the paths Let him who is struggling against the power of
of the destroyer. Desire of Ages, 123:4. appetite, look to the Saviour in the wilderness of
Christ is our tower of strength, and Satan can temptation. See Him in His agony upon the cross,
have no power over the soul that walks with God in as He exclaimed, I thirst. He has endured all that
humility of mind. The promise, Let him take hold it is possible for us to bear. His victory is ours.
of My strength, that he may make peace with Me; There was in Him nothing that responded to
and he shall make peace with Me. In Christ there Satans sophistry. He did not consent to sin. Not
is perfect and complete help for every tempted even by a thought did He yield to temptation. So
soul. Dangers beset every path, but the whole uni- it may be with us. Christs humanity was united
verse of heaven is standing on guard, that none with divinity; He was fitted for the conflict by the
may be tempted above that which he is able to indwelling of the Holy Spirit. And He came to make
bear. Some have strong traits of character, that will us partakers of the divine nature. So long as we
need to be constantly repressed. If kept under the are united to Him by faith, sin has no more
control of the Spirit of God, these traits will be a dominion over us. God reaches for the hand of
blessing; but if not, they will prove a curse . . If we faith in us to direct it to lay fast hold upon the di-
will give ourselves unselfishly to the work, never vinity of Christ, that we may attain to perfec-
swerving in the least from principle, the Lord tion of character.Desire of Ages, 123:1, 3.
will throw about us the everlasting arms, and will
Jesus does not desire those who have been pur-
prove a mighty helper. If we will look to Jesus as
chased at such a cost to become the sport of the
the One in whom we may trust, He will never
enemys temptations. He does not desire us to
fail us in any emergency.My Life Today,
be overcome and perish. He who curbed the li-
ons in their den, and walked with His faithful wit-
It is not necessary that anyone should yield nesses amid the fiery flames, is just as ready to
to the temptations of Satan and thus violate his work in our behalf to subdue every evil in our
conscience and grieve the Holy Spirit. Every provi- nature. Today He is standing at the altar of mercy,
sion has been made in the Word of God whereby presenting before God the prayers of those who
all may have divine help in their endeavors to over- desire His help. He turns no weeping, contrite one
come. If they keep Jesus before them they will away . .
become changed into His image.5 Testimonies,
The souls that turn to Him for refuge, Jesus
lifts above the accusing and the strife of tongues. No
The enemy cannot overcome the humble man or evil angel can impeach these souls. Christ
learner of Christ, the one who walks prayerfully be- unites them to His own divine-human nature. Min-
fore the Lord. Christ interposes Himself as a shel- istry of Healing, 90:1-2.
ter, a retreat, from the assaults of the wicked one.
The condition of eternal life is now just what
Satan was permitted to tempt the too-confi- it always has beenjust what it was in Paradise
dent Peter, as he had been permitted to tempt Job; before the fall of our first parentsperfect obedi-
but when that work was done he had to retire. ence to the law of God, perfect righteousness. If
Had Satan been suffered to have his way, there would eternal life were granted on any condition short of
have been no hope for Peter. He would have made this, then the happiness of the whole universe would
complete shipwreck of faith. But the enemy dare not be imperiled.Steps to Christ, 62:1.
go one hairbreadth beyond his appointed sphere.
Notice that, in the above quotation (as in many
There is no power in the whole satanic force
others), righteousness is defined as obedience.
that can disable the soul that trusts, in simple
Obedience by faith in the enabling merits of Christ
confidence, in the wisdom that comes from
is righteousness by faith. Look up every statement
God.My Life Today, 316:2-3.
in the Spirit of Prophecy on righteousness by faith,
In our own strength it is impossible for us and you will find that nearly all of them are talking
to deny the clamors of our fallen nature. Through about active obedience on our part. We printed a tract
this channel Satan will bring temptation upon us. set, in 1980 (Message of Minneapolis), which quoted
all that we could find. matters as of trifling consequence. But these little
Since we are sinful, unholy, we cannot per- sins eat out the life of godliness in the soul . .
fectly obey the holy law . . But Christ has made We must learn to distrust self and to rely
a way of escape for us. He lived on earth amid tri- wholly upon God for guidance and support, for a
als and temptations such as we have to meet. He knowledge of His will, and for strength to perform
lived a sinless life. He died for us, and now He it.2 Bible Commentary, 1017/2:1.
offers to take our sins and give us His righ- The child of God must search out the sin
teousness. If you give yourself to Him, and accept which he has petted and indulged himself in, and
Him as your Saviour, then, sinful as your life may permit God to cut it out of his heart. He must over
have been, for His sake you are accounted righ- come that one sin; for it is not a trifling matter in
teous. Christs character stands in place of your the sight of God . .
character, and you are accepted before God just
The Lord has not given us a list of graded
as if you had not sinned.
sins, so that we may reckon some as of little
More than this, Christ changes the heart. He consequence, and say that they will do but little
abides in your heart by faith. You are to maintain harm, while others are of greater magnitude and
this connection with Christ by faith and the con- will do much harm.
tinual surrender of your will to Him; and so long
A chain is no stronger than is its weakest link
as you do this, He will work in you to will and to do
. . The work of overcoming is to be the study of
according to His good pleasure. So you may say, The
every soul who enters the kingdom of God.Mes-
life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of
sages to Young People, 91:1-3.
the Son of God . . Then with Christ working in you,
you will manifest the same spirit and do the He does not palliate sin, nor lessen the sense
same good worksworks of righteousness, obe- of guilt . . Men hate the sinner, while they love the
dience. sin. Christ hates the sin, but loves the sinner.
Desire of Ages, 462:3-4.
So we have nothing in ourselves of which to
boast. We have no ground for self-exaltation. Our It should be made plain that the government
only ground of hope is in the righteousness of Christ of God knows no compromise with evil . .
imputed to us, and in that wrought by His Spirit We should beware of treating sin as a light
working in and through us.Steps to Christ, 62:2- thing.Education, 290:4, 291:1.
63:1. Let none now tamper with sin, the source of
Christ prepared the way for the ransom of every misery in our world. No longer remain in leth-
man by His own life of suffering, self-denial, and self- argy and stupid indifference. Let not the destiny of
sacrifice, and by His humiliation and final death. He your soul hang upon an uncertainty. Know that
brought help to man that he might, by following you are fully on the Lords side . .
Christs example, overcome on his own account, If you neglect or treat with indifference the warn-
as Christ has overcome for him.3 Testimonies, ings that God has given, if you cherish or excuse sin,
372:1. you are sealing your souls destiny . . While mercy
It is His purpose to bring them into so close lingers, while the Saviour is making interces-
connection with Himself that Satan shall have sion, let us make thorough work for eternity.6
no opportunity to pervert their judgment or to over- Testimonies, 404:3, 405:2.
power their conscience. He will reveal to them their Christ has power from His Father to give His
defects of character, and bestow upon all who seek divine grace and strength to man, making it pos-
His aid, strength to correct their errors. What- sible for him through His name to overcome.
ever may be mans besetting sin, whatever bitter or
All are personally exposed to the temptations
baleful passions struggle for the mastery, he may
that Christ overcame, but strength is provided
conquer, if he will watch and war against them
for them in the all-powerful name of the great Con-
in the name and strength of Israels Helper.
queror. And all must, for themselves, individu-
The children of God should cultivate a keen ally overcome.My Life Today, 317:3.
sensitiveness to sin. Here, as well as elsewhere,
Those who come up to every point, and
we should not despise the day of small things. It is
stand every test, and overcome, be the price
one of Satans most successful devices, to lead men
what it may, have heeded the counsel of the True
to the commission of little sins, to blind the mind
Witness, and they will receive the latter rain, and
to the danger of little indulgences, little digres-
thus be fitted for translation.1 Testimonies,
sions from the plainly stated requirements of
187:1. [The entire page is worth reading.]
God. Many who would shrink with horror from some
great transgression, are led to look upon sin in little Gods ideal for His children is higher than
107:1. sin, but from sin; and those who love Him will show
The power of God is the one element of efficiency their love by obedience.
in the grand work of obtaining the victory over the All true obedience comes from the heart. It
world, the flesh, and the devil. It is in accordance was heart work with Christ. And if we consent,
with the divine plan that we follow every ray of light He will so identify Himself with our thoughts
given of God. Man can accomplish nothing with- and aims, so blend our hearts and minds into
out God, and God has arranged His plans so as conformity to His will, that when obeying Him we
to accomplish nothing in the restoration of the shall be but carrying out our own impulses. The
human race without the cooperation of the hu- will, refined and sanctified, will find its highest
man with the divine. The part man is required to delight in doing His service. When we know God
sustain is immeasurably small, yet in the plan of as it is our privilege to know Him, our life will be a
God it is just that part that is needed to make the life of continual obedience. Through an apprecia-
work a success.Amazing Grace, 319:3. tion of the character of Christ, through communion
We dishonor Him by talking of our inefficiency. with God, sin will be come hateful to us.Desire
Instead of looking at ourselves, let us con- of Ages, 668:1-3.
stantly behold Jesus, daily becoming more and The example of Christ shows us that our only
more like Him, more and more able to talk of Him, hope of victory is in continual resistance of
better prepared to avail ourselves of His kindness Satans attacks. He who triumphed over the ad-
and helpfulness, and to receive the blessings of- versary of souls in the conflict of temptations un-
fered us.Messages to Young People, 107:2. derstands Satans power over the race, and has con-
As we thus live in communion with Him, quered him in our behalf. As an overcomer, He
we grow strong in His strength, a help and a has given us the advantage of His victory, that
blessing to those around us. If we would only do as in our efforts to resist the temptations of Satan we
the Lord desires us to, our hearts would become may unite our weakness to His strength, our
as sacred harps, every chord of which would sound worthlessness to His merits. And sustained by
forth praise and gratitude to the Redeemer sent by His enduring might under the strength of temp-
God to take away the sin of the world.Messages tation, we may resist in His all-powerful name,
to Young People, 107:3. and overcome as He overcame.Messages to
Young People, 50.
When you rise in the morning, do you feel
your helplessness and your need of strength You lose much by not studying with greater
from God? And do you humbly, heartily make known earnestness and care the life of Christ . . There
your wants to your heavenly Father? If so, angels you may see the victories which you have to gain that
mark your prayers, and when you are in danger of you may win the precious white robe of a spotless
unconsciously doing wrong and exerting an influence character, and stand at last without fault before the
which will lead others to do wrong, your guardian throne of God.Sons and Daughters of God, 371:4.
angel will be by your side, prompting you to a What an event was this when Christ placed Him-
better course, choosing your words for you, and self in the position of Adam, and endured the test
influencing your actions. where Adam had failed, and by this act placed man
If you feel in no danger, and if you offer no prayer on a vantage ground, in favor with God, where he
for help and strength to resist temptations, you will might overcome on his own account through the
be sure to go astray.3 Testimonies, 364:1. merits of Jesus. In His name, through His grace,
man may be an overcomer, even as Christ was
The Lord is disappointed when His people place
an overcomer. In Christ divinity and humanity were
a low estimate upon themselves. He desires His cho-
united, and the only way in which man may be
sen heritage to value themselves according to
an overcomer is through becoming a partaker of
the price He has placed upon them. God wanted
the divine nature . . Divinity and humanity are
them, else He would not have sent His Son on such
blended in him who has the spirit of Christ.Sons
an expensive errand to redeem them. He has a use
and Daughters of God, 24:4.
for them, and He is well pleased when they make
the very highest demands upon Him, that they Those who are indeed purifying their souls
may glorify His name. They may expect large things by obeying the truth will have a most humble
if they have faith in His promises. opinion of themselves. The more closely they view
the spotless character of Christ, the stronger will
But to pray in Christs name means much.
be their desire to be conformed to His image,
It means that we are to accept His character, mani-
and the less will they see of purity or holiness in
fest His spirit, and work His works. The Saviours
promise is given on condition. If ye love Me, He says,
keep My commandments. He saves men, not in We should never be content with a sinful
life. It is a thought that should arouse Christians to The word is: Go forward; discharge your in-
greater zeal and earnestness in overcoming evil, that dividual duty, and leave all consequences in the
every defect in character, every point in which they hands of God. If we move forward where Jesus leads
fail to meet the divine standard, is an open door by the way we shall see His triumph, we shall share
which Satan can enter to tempt and destroy them . . His joy. We must share the conflicts if we wear
We are to exert every energy of the soul in the the crown of victory. Like Jesus, we must be
work of overcoming, and to look to Jesus for strength made perfect through suffering . . We can walk
to do what we cannot do of ourselves . . By repen- safely in the darkest path if we have the Light of the
tance and faith we are enabled to render obedi- world for our guide.5 Testimonies, 70:2-3, 71:2.
ence to all the commandments of God, and are All are personally exposed to the temptations
found without blame before Him.5 Testimonies, that Christ overcame, but strength is provided
471:1-472:1. for them in the all-powerful name of the great
Do not put off the work of forsaking your Conqueror. And all must, for themselves, individu-
sins and seeking purity of heart through Jesus. ally overcome.My Life Today, 317:3.
Here is where thousands upon thousands have Everyone who by faith obeys Gods com-
erred to their eternal loss . . There is a terrible mandments, will reach the condition of sinlessness
dangera danger not sufficiently under- in which Adam lived before his transgression.
stoodin delaying to yield to the pleading Voice Maranatha, 224:5.
of Gods Holy Spirit, in choosing to live in sin;
Those who would overcome must put to the
for such this delay really is. Sin, however small it
tax every power of their being. They must ago-
may be esteemed, can be indulged in only at the
nize on their knees before God for divine power.
peril of infinite loss. What we do not overcome,
Christ came to be our example, and to make known
will overcome us and work out our destruc-
to us that we may be partakers of the divine na-
tion.Steps to Christ, 32:2-33:0.
ture . . Christ, by His own example, made it evident
God has made ample provision for His that man may stand in integrity. Men may have a
people; and if they rely upon His strength, they power to resist evila power that neither earth,
will never become the sport of circumstances. The nor death, nor hell can master; a power that will
strongest temptation cannot excuse sin. How- place them where they may overcome as Christ over-
ever great the pressure brought to bear upon the came. Divinity and humanity may be combined in
soul, transgression is our own act. It is not in them.5 Bible Commentary, 1082:/2:1.
the power of earth or hell to compel any one to do
He who has not sufficient faith in Christ to
evil. Satan attacks us at our weak points, but we
believe that He can keep him from sinning, has not
need not be overcome. However severe or unex-
the faith that will give him an entrance into the
pected the assault, God has provided help for us,
kingdom of God.3 Selected Messages, 360:4.
and in His strength we may conquer.Messages to
Young People, 62:2. Note: Inspiration is sprinkled with quotations
such as these. They are like diamonds in a field. As
It is not in the power of earth or hell to compel
you study, you will find them all through the inspired
anyone to sin. The will must consent, the heart
Writings. Here are some more to get you started: 2T
must yield, or passion cannot overbear reason, nor
453:1-454:0, 1 SM 279:2-280:2, COL 312:0, 1 SM
iniquity triumph over righteousness.Maranatha
82:3, OHC 19:6, 4T 568:1, MM 112:7-113:0.
And keep in mind the balancing counsel that,
All who will can be overcomers. Let us strive
though we are to seek perfect obedience, yet it is
earnestly to reach the standard set before us.
only maintained moment by moment in the strength
Christ knows our weakness, and to Him we can
of Christ, not in our own: AA 561:2, COL 158:2-
go daily for help. It is not necessary for us to gain
160:3, SC 41, 1SM 327-328, 6BC 1105.
strength a month ahead. We are to conquer from
day to day.7 Bible Commentary, 974/1:3. 2 - Here are a number of Bible comments on
this important topic:
Our greatest strength is realized when we
feel and acknowledge our weakness . . As he which hath called you is holy, so be ye
holy in all manner of conversation; because it is writ-
Patience, faith, and love for duty are the les-
ten, Be ye holy; for I am holy.1 Peter 1:15-16.
sons we must learn. Subduing self and looking to
Jesus is an everyday work. The Lord will never for- Every man that hath this hope in him purifieth
sake the soul that trusts in Him and seeks His aid. himself, even as He is pure.1 John 3:3.
The crown of life is placed only upon the brow Follow peace with all men, and holiness, with-
of the overcomer. There is, for everyone, earnest, out which no man shall see the Lord.Hebrews
solemn work for God while life lasts . . 12:14.
Thanks be to God, which giveth us the vic- ture: old things are passed away; behold, all things
tory through our Lord Jesus Christ.1 Corin- are become new.2 Corinthians 5:17.
thians 15:57. Whatsoever is born of God overcometh the
What the law could not do, in that it was weak world.1 John 5:4.
through the flesh, God sending His own Son in the Thou shalt call His name JESUS: for He shall
likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin save His people from their sins.Matthew 1:21.
in the flesh: that the righteousness of the law
Whosoever is born of God doth not commit
might be fulfilled in us, who walk not after the
sin.1 John 3:9.
flesh, but after the Spirit.Romans 8:3-4.
Shall we continue in sin? . . God forbid.
Verily, verily, I say unto you, Whosoever com-
Romans 6:1-2.
mitteth sin is the servant of sin . . If the Son
therefore shall make you free, ye shall be free Thanks be unto God, which always causeth
indeed.John 8:34, 36. us to triumph in Christ.2 Corinthians 2:14.
Ye will not come to Me, that ye might have If we be dead with Christ, we believe that we
life.John 5:40. shall also live with Him.Romans 6:8.
Know ye not, that to whom ye yield your- This is the victory that overcometh the world,
selves servants to obey, his servants ye are to even our faith.1 John 5:4.
whom ye obey; whether of sin unto death, or of obe- Work out your own salvation with fear and
dience unto righteousness? . . But now being trembling. For it is God which worketh in you both
made free from sin, and become servants to to will and to do of His good pleasure.Philippians
God, ye have your fruit unto holiness, and the end 2:12-13.
everlasting life.Romans 6:16, 22. Whereby are given unto us exceeding great
Finally, brethren, farewell. Be perfect, be of and precious promises: that by these ye might be
good comfort, be of one mind, live in peace.2 partakers of the divine nature, having escaped
Corinthians 13:11. the corruption that is in the world through lust.
Let patience have her perfect work, that ye 2 Peter 1:4.
may be perfect and entire, wanting nothing. Sin shall not have dominion over you.Ro-
James 1:4. mans 6:14.
If any man be in Christ, he is a new crea-
The investigative judgment is the closing work Chapter 11 - The Latter Rain
within the heavenly Sanctuary. It focuses on all those Chapters 12-13 - The Loud Cry
who have ever lived on earth, who have professed
faith in Christ (GC 428, 422, 490), and concerns -1-
both the dead and the living (GC 436). This judg- SUNDAY LAW DECREE
ment began in 1844 (GC 422, 424, 436) with the BRINGS JUDGMENT OF THE LIVING
cases the of dead (EW 280; GC 483, 490; 1 SM
125). Soon, none know how soon, it will pass to 1 - The judgment passes to the living at the
the cases of the living (GC 490, 5T 692). It will end time when the mark and seal is given.
at the general close of probation (GC 436). There The time devoted to that which does not tend
is no further probation after it ends (COL 123). to assimilate the soul to the likeness of Christ is so
The sentencing judgment of the wicked is a dis- much time lost for eternity. This we cannot afford,
tinct and separate work (GC 480), which will oc- for every moment is freighted with eternal inter-
cur during the millennium (EW 52-53, 290-291; ests. Now, when the great work of judging the
GC 660-661). All of the wicked receive their sen- living is about to begin, shall we allow unsancti-
tences during that millennial examination, both fied ambition to take possession of the heart and
those who have never professed faith in Christ and lead us to neglect the education required to meet
those who falsely did so and were examined during the needs in this day of peril?
the investigative judgment. In every case the great decision is to be made
In the investigative judgment, mens lives will be whether we shall receive the mark of the beast
tested by Gods law (GC 482). It is the standard of and his image or the seal of the living God.
the judgment. Through the enabling grace of Christ, And now, when we are on the borders of the
every man can obey the law of God, and is required eternal world, what can be of so much value to us as
to do so. The only question asked in the investiga- to be found loyal and true to the God of heaven?6
tive judgment is Have they been obedient to My com- Testimonies, 130:2 (5 Testimonies, 526:1 is almost
mandments? (GW 315, DA 637). The first angels identical).
message announced the beginning of the judgment
The principles necessary for our youth to culti-
(GC 352, 355-356).
vate must be kept before them in their daily educa-
The investigative judgment began in 1844, with tion, that when the decree shall go forth requir-
the cases of the dead. When does it pass to the cases ing all to worship the beast and his image, they
of the living? We know that it will pass to the living may make the right decisions, and have strength
before the plagues begin (TM 446) and the Second to declare, without wavering, their confidence in the
Advent occurs (GC 352, 485; COL 310). The fol- commandments of God and the faith of Jesus, even
lowing statements indicate that the investigative at the very time when the law of God is made void by
judgment will pass to the cases of the living when the religious world . .
men begin making their decisions in regard to the
It is no time to be ashamed of our faith. We are
already enacted National Sunday Law.
a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. The
The following eight chapters in this book are
whole universe is looking with inexpressible inter-
closely interwoven. It is instructive to think through
est to see the closing work of the great controversy
the interrelationships:
between Christ and Satan. At such a time as this,
Chapter 6 - The Seal and the Mark
just as the great work of judging the living is
Chapter 7 - Perfection of Character
to begin, shall we allow unsanctified ambition to
Chapter 8 - The Judgment to the Living
take possession of the heart? What can be of any
Chapter 9 - The Blotting Out of Sin
worth to us now except to be found loyal and true to
Chapter 10 - The Marriage in the Most Holy
the God of heaven? What is there of any real value in
this world when we are on the very borders of the (4) He makes his decision whether to honor his
eternal world? What education can we give to the Creator and keep His Sabbath holy, in spite of threat-
students in our schools that is so necessary as a ened imprisonment and death, or go along with the
knowledge of What saith the Scripture?5 Testi- majority and the law of the land, and honor the pa-
monies, 526:1. pal sabbath.
2 - In the judgment, one person is retained in (5) The investigative judgment, in heaven, im-
the book of life while another receives the mark mediately passes to his name.
of separation. (6) He receives the seal or mark.
The time of the judgment is a most solemn Several important points should be noted
period, when the Lord gathers His own from among here:
the tares. Those who have been members of the same
(1) Nowhere in the Bible or Spirit of Prophecy
family are separated. A mark is placed upon the righ-
is there any indication that a person can receive
teous. They shall be Mine, saith the Lord of hosts,
the mark, then lose it, and perhaps regain it again.
in that day when I make up My jewels; and I will
Once a person is marked, it is for time and eternity!
spare them, as a man spareth his own son that
The same applies to the sealing given to the righ-
serveth him. Those who have been obedient to
teous when, in the sealing/marking time, they make
Gods commandments will unite with the company
their final decisions to resolutely stand for God and
of the saints in light; they shall enter in through the
His truth.
gates into the City, and have right to the tree of life.
The one shall be taken. His name shall stand in (2) The marking and sealing does not begin un-
the book of life, while those with whom he asso- til the enactment of the National Sunday Law. Not
ciated shall have the mark of eternal separation only must the law be enacted, but each person must
from God.Testimonies to Ministers, 234:2-235:0. understand the issues involved. For many, this post-
Sunday law education process takes some time.
3 - When does the investigative judgment oc-
Therefore, both the marking and sealing continue
cur in relation to the sealing? There is a sequen-
on for a time.
tial relationship between the judgment, the Sun-
day law, and the sealing, as shown in 5 Testimo- (3) This educational and decision-making pro-
nies, 472-475. We will discuss this in the next chap- cess will be much more rapid during the loud cry.
ter in this book, The Blotting Out of Sin. Decisions for eternity will be made quickly. The
faithful are filled (filled!) with the Spirit; and their
Another relationship is between the judgment
words have a powerful convicting impact. In con-
and the sifting, which is clearly indicated in 5 Testi-
trast, the miracles and threatenings of the major-
monies, 81-82. We discussed that earlier in the chap-
ity, who are devil-filled, are equally strong. The piv-
ter, The Shaking and Sifting.
otal point here will be the basic character an indi-
A persons probation has to have ended be- vidual has when he is confronted by this need to
fore the judgment can pass to his name. This is decide. Throughout his earlier life, he will have
to be expected; otherwise the decision in his case formed the character which will determine his
would either be unfair or have to continually be re- present choices. In the little tests of life, character
examined and re-determined. is developed. In the crises of life, the character
So the judgment can pass to an individuals case formed is strikingly revealed. Suddenly, all the tests
only after his personal probation has closed. and trials of life will come to their focus, and deci-
In 1844, it could only begin with the cases of sions will quickly be made.
the dead because their probation had closed. When It is in a crisis that character is revealed.
the threefold deciding factor later occurs (the Na- Christs Object Lessons, 412.
tional Sunday Law is enacted, men know the is- How does judgment relate to the close of proba-
sues, and they make their choice between Sunday- tion? As people make their final decision in regard
keeping and Sabbath sacredness), then the judgment to the enacted National Sunday Law, they enter the
and marking/sealing can individually occur for them. judgment, are sealed or marked as their destiny is
So, in summary, this is the sequence: fixed, and their individual probation closes. At a later
(1) By his ongoing decisions whether or not to time, when the last person on earth has entered the
accept Christ and, in His strength, obey His Word, judgment, probation for the last human being has
each soul is now deciding his character and ultimate ended and there is no probation for anyone on earth.
destiny. We call that moment the general close of probation.
(2) The National Sunday Law is enacted. (4) This also explains why a loud cry must oc-
cur after each nation enacts its own National Sun-
(3) The person learns and understands the ba-
day Law, and why the cry must continue until the
sic issues or already knows them.
general close of probation. People must be told the introduced his Blair Act to the U.S. Congress at the
issues, so they can make their final decision, enter time when the next two statements were penned
the judgment, and be marked or sealed for eter- (around 1887-1888). We were told that, if that act
nity. had become the law of the land, it would mean that
(5) This is also part of the reason why the latter the judgment was about to pass to the living. (How-
rain must begin when the sealing begins. Those who ever, in Gods mercy, the Blair Act was never enacted
receive the seal have made their final decision for and Congress has not since tried to enact a National
eternity and henceforth are eternally secure from Sunday Law.)
the tempters devices (5T 475:2). They are not only 1 - The judgment will pass to the living at the
marked with the Seal as Gods special property, but time of the National Sunday Law.
they are filled with His Spirit, which would be a natu- It is no time to be ashamed of our faith. We are
ral accompaniment. a spectacle to the world, to angels, and to men. The
But there is a second pressing reason why that whole universe is looking with inexpressible inter-
rain must fall. Like the early rain before it, the lat- est to see the closing work of the great controversy
ter rain is given to empower men and women to between Christ and Satan. At such a time as this,
proclaim Gods truth to the world. This they do in just as the great work of judging the living is
a loud cry of the third angels message. This mes- to begin, shall we allow unsanctified ambition to
sage has two parts: [1] a most solemn warning to take possession of the heart? What can be of any
keep the Bible Sabbath in order to avoid receiving worth to us now except to be found loyal and true
the mark of the beast (Rev. 14:9-11), and [2] the to the God of heaven? What is there of any real value
great truth of Righteousness by Faith (Rev. 14:12). in this world when we are on the very borders of
And what is that great truth? The fact and experi- the eternal world?5 Testimonies, 526:1.
ence that, through the enabling strength of Christ, Now, when the great work of judging the
both forgiveness and full obedience are freely avail- living is about to begin . . In every case the great
able to all. (Read again Revelation 14:9-12.) That decision is to be made whether we shall receive the
is why righteousness by faith can be termed both mark of the beast or his image, or the seal of the
the most fearful threatening ever addressed to mor- living God.6 Testimonies, 130:1-2.
tals (GC 449:2) and the third angels message in
2 - Now is the time to prepare for the judg-
verity (Ev 190:3). The first quotation refers to the
first part of the message (Rev. 14:9-11) and the sec-
ond to the last part (Rev. 14:12). I cannot express to you the intense desire of
my soul that you should all seek the Lord most
-2- earnestly while He may be found. We are in the day
of Gods preparation. Let nothing be regarded as of
sufficient worth to draw your minds from the work
of preparing for the great day of judgment.
In view of the above information, should we not Get ready. Let not cold unbelief hold your souls
be able to pinpoint the year when the investigative away from God, but let His love burn on the altar
judgment will begin for the living or be able to tell of your hearts.5 Testimonies, 590:2.
how many months occur between it and some other
event? No, it is not possible to set a date for the -4-
occurrence of this event or to determine time spans JUDGED BY THE LIGHT
leading to or away from it. None can know how soon WE HAVE RECEIVED
it will pass to the cases of the living (GC 490, 5T
692); and no man can know how near we are to the 1 - In the investigative judgment, all will be
close of it (GC 490-491). As with every other aspect judged by how they acted in relation to what
of closing events, man can deduce no accurate time they knew.
setting, no dates, no time spans. All must wait for the appointed time, until the
warning shall have gone to all parts of the world,
-3- until sufficient light and evidence have been given to
JUDGMENT OF LIVING STILL FUTURE every soul. Some will have less light than others,
but each one will be judged according to the light
The judgment has not yet passed to the living. received.Last Day Events, 217:1.
But this is understandable, since the event that would
Many who have not had the privileges that we
initiate the setting up of the image, by the enactment
have had will go into heaven before those who have
of the National Sunday Law, has not yet occurred.
had great light and who have not walked in it. Many
It should be noted here that Senator Blair had have lived up to the best light they have had and
An extremely important chapter in Great Con- acted: All will be required to render obedience to
troversy (Chapter 28: The Investigative Judgment) human edicts, in violation of the divine law. Those
clearly connects the Investigative Judgment with the who will be true to God and duty will be menaced,
blotting out of sins. The result is the accomplish- denounced, and proscribed (5T 472:2-473:0).
ment of a phrase, whose meaning we do not always (3) At that time, the righteous stand before the
fully grasp: the cleansing of the Sanctuary (Daniel judgment of the living, Jesus is their only advocate,
8:14). In order to properly understand this, one and Satan is their adversary: Their only hope is in
needs to thoughtfully read Chapters 23, 24, 28 of the mercy of God; their only defence will be prayer
Great Controversy. We do not have space in this (5T 473:1-475:1).
book for the task; but we refer you to another one of
(4) It is then that the sealing occurs and, with it,
the present compilers books: The Sanctuary Tract-
the blotting out of sins: Note these points in the chap-
book. It contains The Sanctuary Message. This is
ter: Command is given; names retained in the book
an in-depth, categorized compilation of Spirit of
of life; cleansing occurs; iniquity gone; sins remem-
Prophecy statements on the subject. Contact us for
bered no more; nevermore to be defiled; eternally
the current price.
secure; sealed; all who remain in Zion are holy, writ-
ten among the living in Israel (5T 475:2). Those
are all descriptions of the sealing event.
The investigative judgment chapter, in Great
Controversy (chapter 28), adds still more informa-
The blotting out of sin is one of the cluster of tion about this blotting out:
events which begins just after the enactment of the Each of those investigated in this judgment will
National Sunday Law and concludes at the general either be declared righteous and have his sins blot-
close of probation. It is described in a number of ted out of the book of sin and his name retained in
passages, but especially in two. the book of life or he will be declared wicked and
First, the work of the investigative judgment is have his sins retained in the book of sin and his
carefully explained in chapter 28 of Great Contro- name written into the book of death, along with the
versy, 479-491. As part of the procedure, the sins wicked who never professed faith in Christ. (Thought-
of the righteous will be blotted out of the book of fully read GC 482-487; it is basic to an understand-
sin (481:2, 483:1-2, 485:1-2). This removal is called ing of the blotting out of sins experience.)
the blotting out of sin.
Second, we have 5 Testimonies, 472-475, the -2-
description of the Zechariah 3 and the Joshua and WHAT HAPPENS
the angel vision. In that 5 Testimonies chapter, the IN THE BLOTTING OUT OF SIN?
Zechariah 3 vision is applied to last-day events. In
1 - The blotting out for the righteous means
that explanation, it is clear that the conclusion of
that their sins are blotted out of the records in
the antitypical atonement (which would include the
heaven and their names are not blotted out of
passing of the investigative judgment to the cases
those records.
of the living) occurs during the National Sunday
Law, the sealing, and the blotting out of sins or All who have truly repented of sin, and by faith
names: claimed the blood of Christ as their atoning sacri-
fice, have had pardon entered against their names
(1) We are told that this vision of Zechariah es-
in the books of heaven; as they have become par-
pecially applies to the closing up of the great day
takers of the righteousness of Christ, and their char-
of atonement (5T 472:2).
acters are found to be in harmony with the law of
(2) During that time, the Sunday laws are en- God, their sins will be blotted out, and they
themselves will be accounted worthy of eternal The despised remnant are clothed in glorious ap-
life. The Lord declares, by the prophet Isaiah, I, parel, nevermore to be defiled by the corruptions
even I, am He that blotteth out thy transgres- of the world. Their names are retained in the
sions for Mine own sake, and will not remember Lambs book of life, enrolled among the faithful
thy sins. Said Jesus: He that overcometh, the same of all ages. They have resisted the wiles of the de-
shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not ceiver; they have not been turned from their loyalty
blot out his name out of the book of life, but I by the dragons roar. Now they are eternally se-
will confess his name before My Father, and be- cure from the tempters devices. Their sins are
fore His angels. Great Controversy, 483:2. transferred to the originator of sin. And the rem-
2 - This blotting out will be the culmination of nant are not only pardoned and accepted, but hon-
a wonderful plan of God for His people. ored. A fair miter is set upon their heads. They are
to be as kings and priests unto God. While Satan
Satan, in his efforts to deceive and tempt our
was urging his accusations and seeking to destroy
race, had thought to frustrate the divine plan in
this company, holy angels, unseen were passing to
mans creation; but Christ now asks that this plan
and fro, placing upon them the seal of the living
be carried into effect, as if man had never fallen.
God.5 Testimonies, 472:2; 475:2.
He asks for His people not only pardon and
justification, full and complete, but a share in
His glory and a seat upon His throne.Great
Controversy, 484:0. THE BLOTTING OUT OF SIN
3 - Not only will the sins of the faithful be
blotted out of the records, they will also be blot-
ted out of Gods memory! He will never again 1 - The Acts 3 sequence is this: blotting out,
choose to recall the past sins and errors of the latter rain, Second Advent. In the context of the
redeemed. And, of course, if He will not recall blotting out event in the investigative judgment,
those sins, it would be unlikely, and in the ex- Acts 3:19-20 is quoted:
treme, for anyone else to be able to recall them. The apostle Peter distinctly states that the sins
Christ will clothe His faithful ones with His of believers will be blotted out when the times
own righteousness, that He may present them to of refreshing shall come from the presence of
His Father a glorious church, not having spot, or the Lord; and He shall send Jesus Christ. Acts
wrinkle, or any such thing. Ephesians 5:27. Their 3:19-20.Great Controversy, 485:2.
names stand enrolled in the book of life, and 2 - The 1888 edition of Great Controversy
concerning them it is written: They shall walk with included a very significant, bracketed comment.
Me in white: for they are worthy. Revelation 3:4. It would even more closely connect the Acts 3
Thus will be realized the complete fulfillment blotting out with the work of the investigative
of the new covenant promise: I will forgive their judgment:
iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more. Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that
In those days, and in that time, saith the Lord, the your sins may be blotted out [in the investiga-
iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall tive judgment], when the times of refreshing
be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not shall come from the presence of the Lord; and He
be found. Jeremiah 31:34; 50:20.Great Contro- shall send Jesus. Acts 3:19-20.1888 edition of
versy, 484:2-485:1. Great Controversy, 612:0.
4 - Here is the blotting out experience in 3 - The latter rain and blotting out experience
more detail. Keep in mind that we are here view- are closely related:
ing basic aspects of the sealing:
The work [during the proclamation of the third
Zechariahs vision of Joshua and the Angel ap- angels message in a loud cry to all the world] will
plies with peculiar force to the experience of Gods be similar to that of the Day of Pentecost. As
people in the closing up of the great day of the former rain was given, in the outpouring of
atonement . . the Holy Spirit at the opening of the gospel, to
As the people of God afflict their souls before cause the upspringing of the precious seed, so the
Him, pleading for purity of heart, the command is latter rain will be given at its close for the ripen-
given, Take away the filthy garments from ing of the harvest. Then shall we know, if we follow
them, and the encouraging words are spoken, Be- on to know the Lord: His going forth is prepared
hold, I have caused thine iniquity to pass from thee, as the morning; and He shall come unto us as
and I will clothe thee with change of raiment. The the rain, as the latter and former rain unto the
spotless robe of Christs righteousness is placed earth. Hosea 6:3. Be glad then, ye children of Zion,
upon the tried, tempted, yet faithful children of God. and rejoice in the Lord your God: for He hath given
you the former rain moderately, and He will cause to This special cluster of events (for those who make
come down for you the rain, the former rain, and the the right choices) is as follows: sifting, sealing, judg-
latter rain. Joel 2:23. In the last days, saith God, I ment of the living, blotting out of sin, the marriage,
will pour out of My Spirit upon all flesh. And it and the latter rain.
shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the Although the faithful will stand true, false pro-
name of the Lord shall be saved. Acts 2:17, 21. fessors will be sifted out, Gods true ones will be
The great work of the gospel is not to close with sealed while others will be marked. This sealing
less manifestation of the power of God than marked process involves five aspects, which immediately
its opening. The prophecies which were fulfilled in lead into a sixth: [1] The person about to be sealed,
the outpouring of the former rain at the opening of or marked, has, as a result of a lifetime of choices,
the gospel are again to be fulfilled in the latter rain just made his knowing decision for or against Gods
at its close. Here are the times of refreshing to side in the controversy. [2] At that moment, the judg-
which the apostle Peter looked forward when he ment passes to his name. [3] That persons deci-
said: Repent ye therefore, and be converted, that sion results in his name being retained in the book
your sins may be blotted out, when the times of of life and his sins being blotted out of the book of
refreshing shall come from the presence of the sin or his sins retained in the book of sin; then his
Lord; and He shall send Jesus. Acts 3:19-20. name will be blotted out of the book of life and his
Great Controversy, 611:2-612:0. name enrolled, along with other wicked, in the book
of death. [4] The faithful ones then enter the mar-
-4- riage (more on this in the next chapter) and [5] they
SUMMARY receive the latter rain. The latter rain provides out-
ward evidence of the inward seal and prepares them
In summary, we may say this: to give the final warning to mankind. [6] Fully sealed
(1) There are actually two blotting out experi- with the seal of the living God, they then go out and
ences. The wicked have their names blotted out of begin to give the loud cry to the undecided.
the book of life and the righteous have their sins These factors dovetail because they are all part
blotted out of the book of sin. Our concern (and of the same sealing event.
that of the investigative judgment chapter in Great
As soon as the National Sunday Law is enacted,
Controversy) is specifically with the blotting out of
professed and former Sabbathkeepers will imme-
the sins of the righteous. That is the blotting out
diately be brought to the test probably within a week
event we are discussing in this present study.
or two at the most. If you want to see a sifting in the
(2) Both blotting out experiences occur in the church, you surely will see it then! (By church,
investigative judgment, which began in 1844. The we mean professed Sabbathkeepers; we are no-
great majority of Gods faithful ones receive their where told that the denomination will have any
blotting out experience after they are deceased. Our apparent leaders or other earthly organizational fea-
special attention in this chapter is directed to the tures after the Sunday law is enacted by a nation.)
blotting out experience of the living righteous in the
Immediately, as each individual makes his de-
final crisis of the Sunday law.
cision, he will receive the sealing or marking expe-
(3) The sins of the righteous are blotted out of rience. Then still others will receive the sealing or
the record books in heaven. They are also blotted marking. Those sealed, having received the latter
out of the Creators memory; and therefore, one rain, will go out and give the final warning of the
would expect them to be blotted out from the memory third angel with a loud cry and in the full power of
of the faithful who committed those sins (as well as the Holy Spirit. Amid exhibitions of the full power
from the memory of the angels and the inhabitants of the Holy Spirit, on one hand, and the wonder-
of other worlds who earlier beheld them). working fakeries of Satan, on the other, more and
(4) The blotting out experience dovetails with still more individuals will make their decisions; and
several other events which are clustered together the sealing/marking will finally end when the last
between the National Sunday Law and the general person on earth has made his irrevocable decision.
close of probation. Those events are closely related, Before concluding this study, it would be well
and occur almost simultaneously in the life of each to consider two points. The first is especially im-
person who receives them during that crisis. One portant. Yes, it is clear that the sins of Gods faith-
person passes through those events as he makes ful onesthe livingare blotted out of the sin records
his decision about the Bible Sabbath. Then another in the Sanctuary above. But two questions remain:
person makes his decision and passes through those
(1) Are the sins also blotted out of our experi-
events also. Of course, in the quickness of Gods
ence at that time? In other words, do we stop sin-
analysis of the records, large numbers of cases can
ning in an instant at that point in time? This was
be evaluated at one time.
the teaching of Robert Brinsmead in the early 1960s. sincerely repented of his sin. As he did with Joshua
(Because of his original sin theory, he did not believe (in Zechariah 3), Satan also urges his accusations
that sin could be eliminated until the judgment of against Jacob. Thus the finale of the Joshua and
the living.) But that is an error. The Spirit of Proph- the angel experience (Zech. 3, 5T 472-475) is simi-
ecy is clear that sin must be put away NOW. We are lar to the Jacobs trouble experience (Gen. 32:24-
not to wait until the latter rain to have our sins eradi- 30, GC 616-622).
cated (EW 71). In the strength of God, we must be It would appear that, although Gods people later
done with the hateful thing in these days of proba- feel their great unworthiness, they do not afterward
tion, before the crisis breaks upon us all. bring to memory their earlier sins. We may not, be-
Read again chapter 28 of Great Controversy, 479- fore it happens, understand every detail of the final
491. The sins of the faithful will be blotted out of experience; but the following statement would indi-
the books of record in heaven. We are also told that cate that the blotting out experience, in the sealing
they will also be blotted out of Gods mind. There is time, does indeed result in a forgetting of specific
no hint that the actual sinning of the faithful will sins from the minds of Gods faithful ones:
continue up to that point. There is no indication that Had not Jacob previously repented of his sin in
our commission of sins will not stop until then. obtaining the birthright by fraud, God would not have
(2) Are the sins blotted out of the memory of heard his prayer and mercifully preserved his life.
the sealed ones at that time? I know the sins I So, in the time of trouble, if the people of God had
have committed. If I am alive at that time, and am unconfessed sins to appear before them while tor-
accounted worthy of the sealing, will I immediately tured with fear and anguish, they would be over-
forget my past sins? whelmed; despair would cut off their faith, and they
According to the Great Controversy statement, could not have confidence to plead with God for
it would appear that, at that very time and as part deliverance. But while they have a deep sense
of the blotting out, God will no longer recall my of their unworthiness, they have no concealed
sins: wrongs to reveal. Their sins have gone before-
hand to judgment and have been blotted out, and
Thus will be realized the complete fulfillment
they cannot bring them to remembrance.
of the new covenant promise: I will forgive their
Great Controversy, 620:1.
iniquity, and I will remember their sin no more.
In those days, and in that time, saith the Lord, the In this chapter, we have considered two topics:
iniquity of Israel shall be sought for, and there shall the judgment passes to the living and the blotting
be none; and the sins of Judah, and they shall not out of sin. They are two of several events which
be found. Jeremiah 31:34; 50:20.Great Con- begin occurring together:
troversy, 485:1. The sealing
If God will not remember them, will the faithful The judgment of the living
be able to remember them later? It would appear The blotting out of sin
that they will not.
The marriage in the most holy place
Although, over the years, many have wondered
The latter rain
about this point, we should keep in mind that it is
not important enough to argue over. There are too The loud cry
many aspects of coming events which are far more When it is all over and Christ has returned for
crucial. Yet the blotting out experience is a point of His own, His faithful ones will live forever with Him.
interest. Oh, my friend, we must be there! Obedience to God,
We have an interesting comment on this in obedience to His Inspired Word is better than any-
Great Controversy, 616-622. After the general close thing else that anyone could offer even now and
of probation, during the Jacobs trouble experience, here. But life with Christ in the eternity beyond
Gods people try to recall sins that they should con- makes it even more crucial!
fess, but are not able to do so. Jacob confesses May our kind Father in heaven guide and care
his weakness and unworthiness (617:0), but it is for you in the days ahead. We are so rapidly near-
of interest that he confesses no sins. He is repen- ing that crisis. We dare not forsake God and His
tant for his past life, but no specific confession of Word now.
sin is made. At that time, Satan endeavors to force
upon him a sense of guilt, but Jacob had already
Marriage is sometimes presented in Scripture -1-
as a symbol of the union of Christ with His people, a THE SYMBOL OF THE MARRIAGE
relationship that is in fullest harmony of thought
and purpose. We do not include this chapter as idle 1 - The marriage is completed by the time pro-
speculation on our part, but because the Spirit of bation closes.
Prophecy clearly includes it as a part of final events. [When probation closed for all] Every case had
The antitypical marriage occurs as the judg- been decided for life or death. While Jesus had been
ment passes to someones name and he or she is ministering in the Sanctuary, the judgment had been
accepted and sealed. Then, at His coming, Jesus going on for the righteous dead, and then for the
takes His people to heaven and they partake in the righteous living. Christ had received His kingdom,
marriage supper of the Lamb. Forever after, they having made the atonement for His people and blot-
will be with Him. At the sealing, they are not only ted out their sins. The subjects of the kingdom were
marked as His property and forever sealed off from made up. The marriage of the Lamb was con-
sin, they are also joined to Him in a close relation- summated. And the kingdom, and the great-
ship which, in heaven, even the angels will not ex- ness of the kingdom under the whole heaven,
perience. Christ in us the hope of glory will, in was given to Jesus and the heirs of salvation,
heaven, reach its greatest fulfillment. Gods faith- and Jesus was to reign as King of kings and Lord
ful ones will share in the en Christos (Greek for of lords.Early Writings, 280:1.
in Christ) experience throughout all eternity. This 2 - In 1844, Christ, the bridegroom, went
symbol of bone of His bone, and flesh of His flesh into the Most Holy Place to prepare His people
illustrates the tender affection and care that God for the marriage.
has for His people. (None of this, of course, refers Christ had come, not to the earth, as they ex-
to a physical, sexual relationship! We are told that pected, but as foreshadowed in the type, to the Most
there will be no physical marriage relationships in Holy Place of the temple of God in heaven.Great
heaven: MM 99-100, 1SM 172-173, 2SM 25-26). Controversy, 424:2.
The following study, on the marriage in the Most The proclamation, Behold, the Bridegroom
Holy Place, will include a variety of introductory and cometh, in the summer of 1844, led thousands to
explanatory material which will take us, somewhat, expect the immediate advent of the Lord. At the
into the Sanctuary service. For a much fuller un- appointed time the Bridegroom came, not to
derstanding of the Sanctuary message, you will want earth, as the people expected, but to the Ancient of
to read the present writers compilation, The Sanc- Days in heaven, to the marriage, the reception
tuary Message, which is now available in tractbook of His kingdom.Great Controversy, 427:1.
form from us. It is part of The Sanctuary Tractbook.
The coming of Christ as our high priest to the
The following material is adapted from section 29 of
Most Holy Place, for the cleansing of the Sanctuary,
The Sanctuary Message.
brought to view in Daniel 8:14; the coming of the
Please note that, in one sense, the faithful are Son of Man to the Ancient of Days, as presented in
portrayed as guests of the marriage of Christ with Daniel 7:13; and the coming of the Lord to His
His church; in other presentations, they are them- temple, foretold by Malachi, are descriptions of the
selves said to be married to Christ. Either way, the same event; and this is also represented by the
essential points remain the same. You will find a coming of the bridegroom to the marriage, de-
basic discussion of this in EW 55, 251, 280 and GC scribed by Christ in the parable of the ten vir-
426-428. gins of Matthew 25.Great Controversy, 426:1.
In 1844, Jesus, the bridegroom, went into the 3 - The marriage takes place in the Most Holy
Most Holy Place to prepare His people for the mar- Place.
They that were ready went in with Him to possible for you to make; give Him your heart. He
the marriage . . for it takes place in heaven while speaks to you saying, My son, My daughter, give Me
they are upon the earth. The followers of Christ are thine heart. Though your sins be as scarlet, I will
to wait for their Lord, when He will return from make them white as snow; for I will cleanse you with
the wedding. Luke 12:36. But they are to under- My own blood. I will make you members of My fam-
stand His work, and to follow Him by faith as He ilychildren of the heavenly King. Take My forgive-
goes in before God. It is in this sense that they ness, My peace which I freely give you. I will cloth
are said to go in to the marriage.Great Con- you with My own righteousnessthe wedding
troversy, 427:1. garmentand make you fit for the marriage
4 - The marriage concludes the investigative supper of the Lamb.
judgment. When clothed in My righteousness, through
In the parable of Matthew 22, the same fig- prayer, through watchfulness, through diligent study
ure of the marriage is introduced, and the inves- of My Word, you will be able to reach a high stan-
tigative judgment is clearly represented as taking dard. You will understand the truth, and your char-
place before the marriage. Previous to the wed- acter will be molded by a divine influence.Youths
ding the king comes to see His guests, to see if all Instructor, June 30, 1892.
are attired in the wedding garment, the spotless God is the husband of His church. The church
robe of character washed and made white in the is the bride, the Lambs wife. Every true believer
blood of the Lamb. Matthew 22:11, Revelation 7:14. is a part of the body of Christ. Christ regards un-
He who is found wanting is cast out, but all who faithfulness shown to Him by His people as the
upon examination are seen to have the wedding gar- unfaithfulness of a wife to her husband. We are
ment on are accepted of God and accounted worthy to remember that we are members of Christs
of a share in His kingdom and a seat upon His throne. body.7 Bible Commentary, 985/2:4-986/1:0.
This work of examination of character, of determin- The church is the bride of Christ, and her
ing who are prepared for the kingdom of God, is that members are to yoke up with their Leader. God
of the investigative judgement, the closing work in warns us not to defile our garments.7 Bible Com-
the Sanctuary above.Great Controversy, 428:1. mentary 986/1:2.
5 - The marriage takes place as probation is 7 - Summarizing the marriage experience:
closing for the people.
It should be noted that the great majority of state-
When the work of investigation shall be ended, ments indicate that Christ is married to the church
when the cases of those who in all ages have pro- rather than to individual believers. In a sense, it is a
fessed to be followers of Christ have been exam- corporate marriage. He is married to all His people,
ined and decided, then, and not till then, proba- not to individuals.
tion will close, and the door of mercy will be shut.
Why is this figure used at all? The primary pur-
Thus in one short sentence, They that were ready
pose appears to be to show the closeness we will
went in with Him to the marriage: and the door
have to Christ in heaven, an experience closer than
was shut. We are carried down through the Saviours
the angels can have with Him. (1) We were humans,
final ministration to the time when the great work
and He became human; that humanness is forever
for mans salvation shall be completed.Great Con-
to be retained. (2) We suffered and overcame in His
troversy, 428:2.
strength, as He overcame in His Fathers strength.
Jesus has risen up and shut the door of the (3) He died to save us, but He did not die for the
holy place of the heavenly Sanctuary and has opened unfallen angels or the sinless beings on other
a door into the Most Holy Place and entered in to worlds. (4) Just as the bride stays with her hus-
cleanse the Sanctuary.Early Writings, 250:1. band, so the redeemed will follow Him wherever
6 - Gods people must also prepare for the mar- He goeth. Their love for Him is very, very deep. His
riage. love for them is profound.
The subject of the Sanctuary was the key The love of the Father enters this experience
which unlocked the mystery of the disappointment also. Nothing in the universe is as close as the Fa-
of 1844. It opened to view a complete system ther and the Son; yet we are told that, because of
of truth, connected and harmonious, showing Calvary, the Father loves us as He loves His Son.
that Gods hand had directed the great advent move- That is another astonishment.
ment and revealing present duty as it brought to It is wonderful to be wanted and appreciated.
light the position and the work of His people. This figure reveals how very much you are wanted
Great Controversy, 423:1. and appreciated by the Godhead.
Give to God the most precious offering that it is
not held communion with Him; therefore they do in person at the marriage; for it takes place in
not know how to trust, how to look and live. Their heaven, while they are upon the earth. The follow-
service to God degenerates into a form . . This is ers of Christ are to wait for their Lord, when He
the class that in time of peril are found crying, Peace will return from the wedding. But they are to un-
and safety. They lull their hearts into security, and derstand His work, and to follow Him by faith as
dream not of danger.Christs Object Lessons, He goes in before God. It is in this sense that
411:1-2. they are said to go in to the marriage . . And all
The people of God must cleave to God, else they who through the testimony of the Scriptures ac-
will loose their bearings. If they cherish hereditary cept the same truths, following Christ by faith as
and cultivated traits of character that misrepre- He enters in before God to perform the last work of
sent Christ, while professedly His disciples, they mediation, and at its close to receive His kingdom
are represented by the man coming to the gospel feast all these are represented as going in to the mar-
without having on the wedding garment, and by riage.Great Controversy, 427:1-2, 428:0.
the foolish virgins which had no oil in their ves- While Jesus had been ministering in the Sanc-
sels with their lamps.4 Bible Commentary, 1179/ tuary, the judgment had been going on for the righ-
2:3. teous dead, and then for the righteous living. Christ
In the parable of the virgins, five are represented had received His kingdom, having made the atone-
as wise and five as foolish. The name foolish vir- ment for His people, and blotted out their sins. The
gins represents the character of those who have subjects of the kingdom were made up. The mar-
not the genuine heart-work wrought by the riage of the Lamb was consummated.Early
spirit of God . . Writings, 280:1
Those who have despised the divine grace When the work of investigation shall be ended,
that is at their command, that would have quali- when the cases of those who in all ages have pro-
fied them to be the inhabitants of heaven, will be fessed to be followers of Christ have been exam-
the foolish virgins. They had all the light, all the ined and decided, then, and not till then, proba-
knowledge; but they failed to obtain the oil of tion will close, and the doors of mercy will be shut.
grace; they did not receive the truth in its sanc- This in one short sentence, They that were ready
tifying power.Review, August 19, 1890. went in with Him to the marriage: and the door
was shut, we are carried down through the Saviours
There are persons who have received the pre-
final ministration, to the time when the great work
cious light of the righteousness of Christ, but they
for mans salvation shall be completed.Great
do not act upon it; they are foolish virgins. They
Controversy, 428:2.
prefer the sophistry of the enemy rather than the
plain Thus saith the Lord. When the blessing of
God rested upon them in order that they might be-
come channels of light, they did not go forward from THE CALL TO THE MARRIAGE
light to a greater light; they permitted doubt and 1 - Just now we are in the waiting time, but
unbelief to come in, so that the truth which they too many are sleeping.
had seen, became an uncertainty to them. Satan
The reason why the Bridegroom delays is
uses those who claim to believe the truth, but whose
because He is longsuffering to usward, not willing
light has become darkness . . They are foolish vir-
that any should perish, but that all should come to
gins indeed, choosing darkness rather than light,
repentance. O the precious long-suffering of our
and dishonoring God. The character we culti-
merciful Saviour!Sons and Daughters of God,
vate, the attitude we assume today is fixing
our future destiny.Review, August 19, 1890.
While the bridegroom tarried, they all slum-
5 - Then comes the marriage.
bered and slept. By the tarrying of the bride-
The marriage represents the reception by groom is represented the passing of the time
Christ of His kingdom.Great Controversy, when the Lord was expected, the disappointment,
426:2. and the seeming delay. In this time of uncertainty,
I saw that while Jesus was in the Most Holy the interest of the superficial and half-hearted soon
Place He would be married to the New Jerusa- began to waver, and their efforts to relax; but those
lem; and after His work should be accomplished whose faith was based on a personal knowledge of
in the holiest, He would descend to the earth in the Bible, had a rock beneath their feet, which the
kingly power and take to Himself the precious ones waves of disappointment could not wash away. They
who had patiently waited His return.Early Writ- all slumbered and slept; one class in unconcern
ings, 251:1. and abandonment of their faith, the other class pa-
They (Christs followers) were not to be present tiently waiting till clearer light should be given. Yet
in the night of trial the latter seemed to lose, to they harmoniously raised the cry among the differ-
some extent, their zeal and devotion. The half-hearted ent companies, those who rejected the light pushed
and superficial could no longer lean upon the faith them and with angry looks scorned and derided them.
of their brethren. Each must stand or fall for him- But angels of God wafted their wings over the perse-
self.Great Controversy, 394:1-395:0. cuted ones, while Satan and his angels were seeking
All who wait for the heavenly Bridegroom to press their darkness around them, to lead them
are represented in the parable as slumbering be- to reject the light from heaven.Early Writings,
cause their Lord delayed His coming; but the wise 241:2-242:0.
roused themselves at the message of His ap- My mind was carried forward to the future,
proach, and responded to the message, and their when the signal will be given, Behold the Bride-
spiritual discernment was not all gone, and they groom cometh; go ye out to meet Him. Review,
sprang into line.5 Bible Commentary, 1099/2:4. February 11, 1896.
We are in the waiting time; let your loins be 3 - But for some, it will be too late.
girded about, and your lights shining, that you It is in a crisis that character is revealed.
may wait for the Lord when He returns from When the earnest voice proclaimed at midnight, Be-
the wedding, that when He comes and knocks you hold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet
may open unto Him immediately.4 Testimonies, Him, and the sleeping virgins were roused from
123:3-124:0. their slumbers, it was seen who had made prepa-
2 - The final call is given. ration for the event. Both parties were taken un-
Near the close of the second angels mes- awares, but one was prepared for the emer-
sage, I saw a great light from heaven shining upon gency, and the other was found without prepara-
the people of God. The rays of this light seemed tion. So now, a sudden and unlooked-for ca-
bright as the sun. And I heard the voices of angels lamity, something that brings the soul face to face
crying, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go ye with death, will show whether there is any real faith
out to meet Him! This was the midnight cry, in the promises of God. It will show whether the
which was to give power to the second angels mes- soul is sustained by grace. The great final test
sage. Angels were sent from heaven to arouse the comes at the close of human probation, when
discouraged saints, and prepare them for the great it will be too late for the souls need to be sup-
work before them. The most talented men were not plied.Christs Object Lessons, 412:1.
the first to receive this message. Angels were sent We cannot be ready to meet the Lord by wak-
to the humble, devoted ones, and constrained them ing when the cry is heard, Behold, the Bridegroom!
to raise the cry, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; and then gathering up our empty lamps to have
go ye out to meet Him! Those entrusted with the them replenished.Christs Object Lessons, 413:2-
cry made haste, and in the power of the Holy Spirit 414:0.
sounded the message and aroused their discouraged But some will have delayed to obtain the oil
brethren. This work did not stand in the wisdom for replenishing their lamps, and too late they will
and learning of men, but in the power of God, and find that character, which is represented by the oil,
His saints who heard the cry could not resist it. The is not transferable.Review, February 11, 1896.
most spiritual received this message first, and those
When the testing time shall come, those who
who had formerly led in the work were the last to
have made Gods Word their rule of life will be re-
receive and help swell the cry, Behold, The Bride-
vealed . . So the false-hearted professor may not now
groom cometh; go ye out to meet Him! . . The
be distinguished from the real Christian, but the
Message was heart-searching, leading the believers
time is just upon us when the difference will be
to seek a living experience for themselves. They knew
apparent.Great Controversy, 602:1.
that they could not lean upon one another.Early
Writings, 238:1-3. The Sabbath will be the great test of loyalty,
for it is the point of truth especially controverted.
I saw a number of angels conversing with the
When the final test shall be brought to bear upon
one who had cried, Babylon is fallen, and these
men, then the line of distinction will be drawn
united with him in the cry, Behold, the Bride-
between those who serve God and those who serve
groom cometh; go ye out to meet Him. The mu-
Him not.Great Controversy, 605:2.
sical voices of these angels seemed to reach every-
where. An exceedingly bright and glorious light There are many who, unless they humble their
shone around those who had cherished the light hearts before the Lord, will be surprised and disap-
which had been imparted to them. Their faces shone pointed when the cry is heard, Behold, the Bride-
with excellent glory, and they united with the angels groom cometh. They have the theory of the truth,
in the cry, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh. As but they have no oil in their vessels with their lamps.
Our faith at this time must not stop with an assent whole earth with His glory.5 Testimonies, 729:2.
to, or belief in, the theory of the third angels mes- The message of Christs righteousness is to
sage. We must have the oil of the grace of Christ sound from one end of the world to the other. This
that will feed the lamp, and cause the light of life to is the glory of God which closes the work of the
shine forth, showing the way to those who are in third angel.Letter, December 21, 1892, quoted
darkness.9 Testimonies, 155:1. in Review, Extra, January 1893.
Those who, while having all the light of truth By implanting in their hearts the principles
flashing upon their souls, should have works cor- of His Word, the Holy Spirit develops in men the
responding to their avowed faith, but are al- attributes of God. The light of His gloryHis char-
lured by sin, setting up idols in their hearts, cor- acteris to shine forth in His followers. Thus they
rupting their souls before God, and polluting those are to glorify God, to lighten the path to the
who unite with them in sin, will have their names Bridegrooms home, to the City of God, to the mar-
blotted out of the book of life, and be left in mid- riage supper of the Lamb.Christs Object Les-
night darkness, having no oil in their vessels sons, 414:2.
with their lamps.Testimonies to Ministers,
5 - Many will be refused admittance to the mar-
The woes that will be pronounced upon those
In the future, the earth is to be lightened with
that have had the light from heaven, and yet did
the glory of God. A holy influence is to go forth to
not heed itthey will feel, but will have no power
the world from those who are sanctified through
to act. This is represented in the parable of the wise
the truth. The earth is to be encircled with an atmo-
and foolish virgins. They cannot obtain a char-
sphere of grace. The Holy Spirit is to work on hu-
acter from the wise virgins, and they have no
man hearts, taking the things of God and showing
oil of grace to discern the clear light or to accept
them to men.9 Testimonies, 40:2.
it. They cannot light their lamps and join the
procession that goes in to the marriage sup- We may be sure that when the Holy Spirit is
per of the Lamb.Series A, Special Testimonies poured out those who did not receive and ap-
to Ministers, No. 7, 55. preciate the early rain will not see or under-
stand the value of the latter rain.Testimo-
One who sees beneath the surface, who reads
nies to Ministers, 399:1.
the hearts of all men, says of those who have had
great light: They are not afflicted and aston- There is to be in the churches a wonderful
ished because of their moral and spiritual con- manifestation of the power of God, but it will not
dition. Yea, they have chosen their own ways, and move upon those who have not humbled them-
their soul delighteth in their abominations. I also selves before the Lord, and opened the door of
will choose their delusions, and will bring their their heart by confession and repentance. In the
fears upon them; because when I called none did manifestation of that power which lightens the earth
answer; when I spake, they did not hear; but they with the glory of God, they will see only some-
did evil before Mine eyes, and chose that in which I thing which in their blindness they think dan-
delighted not. God shall send them strong delu- gerous, something which will arouse their fears,
sion, that they should believe a lie, because they and they will brace themselves to resist it. Because
received not the love of the truth, that they the Lord does not work according to their expecta-
might be saved, but had pleasure in unrigh- tions and ideal, they will oppose the work. Why,
teousness. Isaiah 66:3-4; 2 Thessalonians 2:11, 10, they say, should we not know the Spirit of God,
12.8 Testimonies, 249:2. when we have been in the work so many years?
Because they did not respond to the warnings,
4 - While some are left out, others will enter.
the entreaties, or the messages of God, but per-
The time of Gods destructive judgments is the sistently said, I am rich, and increased with goods,
time of mercy for those who have had no oppor- and have need of nothing. Review, November
tunity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord 7, 1918.
look upon them. His heart of mercy is touched; His
Some have turned from the message of the righ-
hand is still stretched out to save, while the door
teousness of Christ to criticize the men . . The third
is closed to those who would not enter.9 Tes-
angels message will not be comprehended, the
timonies, 97:2.
light which will lighten the earth with its glory
To souls that are earnestly seeking for light, will be called a false light, by those who refuse to
and that accept with gladness every ray of divine il- walk in its advancing glory. The work that might have
lumination from His holy Word, to such alone light been done, will be left undone by the rejectors of
will be given. It is through these souls that God will truth, because of their unbelief. We entreat of you
reveal that light and power which will lighten the who oppose the light of truth, to stand out of the
way of Gods people. Let heaven-sent light shine The precious invitation was often given, Let him
forth upon them in clear steady rays.Review, May take hold of My strength, that he may make peace
27, 1890. with Me, and he shall make peace with Me. But
But those who have given God only half- you would have none of My counsel. You have
hearted service, allowing their lives to be con- despised all My entreaties and scorned My invita-
formed to the ways and practices of the world, tions. You have caused many to follow your sin-
will hear the sad words, Depart from Me; I know ful ways, and now your punishment has come. You
you not. 9 Testimonies, 252:1. will receive as your works have been. You must lose
everlasting life. You have chosen your own ways, and
Christ tells us how in the last great day minis-
with such ways, such sentiments, such characters,
ters, elders, evangelists, physicians, teachers, will
you could not enter the gates of the holy City.
confront Him with their claims. They will plead how
they have led the singers in their songs of praise, What a scene is this! I pass over the ground
how they have waved the palm branches, how they again and again, bowed down in an agony that no
have spoken of Him before thousands. Lord, Lord, tongue can express, as I see the end of many,
have we not prophesied in Thy name, they say, and many who have refused to receive their Sav-
in Thy name done many wonderful works. iour.A Solemn Warning, October 1, 1903.
But Christ says, Then will I profess unto 6 - The conclusion of the matter: Get ready
them, I never knew you; depart from Me, ye that now, before it is too late.
work iniquity. O that you had known, even in the Be ye also ready; for in such an hour as ye
day of your visitations, when like sweetest music think not the Son of man cometh. Go to your rest
mercys Voice fell upon your ears, the things that at night with every sin confessed. Thus we did
belonged unto your peace. But you were not ready. If when in 1844 we expected to meet our Lord. And
you had been faithful to the warnings of the now this great event is nearer than when we first
Word; if you had dismissed Satan instead of linking believed. Be always ready, in the evening, in
your arm in his; if you had preserved untarnished the morning, and at noon, that when the cry
the principles of right; if you had obeyed My com- is heard, Behold, the Bridegroom cometh; go
mandments, broken with ungodly advisers, ye out to meet Him, you may, even though
scorned their impious bribes, which tempted you awakened out of sleep, go forth to meet Him
to worldly honor; if you had lifted the cross, and with your lamps trimmed and burning.9 Tes-
followed Jesus in self-denial, I could have welcomed timonies, 48:3.
you into My presence. But you have not cared for My Purify your souls by obeying the truth.
society, and now you have no power to go from the Faith without works is dead. Put not off the day
snare. of preparation. Slumber not in a state of unprepar-
I offered you My saving grace, but you re- edness, having no oil in your vessels with your
fused it and chose the side of the enemy, even lamps. Let none leave their safety for eternity to
as the priests and rulers, and mocked at My humili- hang upon a peradventure. Let not the question
ation. So will I refuse to acknowledge you. I weep remain in perilous uncertainty. Ask yourselves
for your future, but you have not cared to weep earnestly, Am I among the saved or the un-
for yourselves. I was pledged to bear you and care saved? Shall I stand or shall I not stand? He only
for you, even as a father beareth and loveth his own that hath clean hands and a pure heart shall
son that serveth him. But you would not harmonize stand in that day.Testimonies to Ministers,
with Me. 443:2.
The coming of Christ as our high priest to the Most Holy Place,
for the cleansing of the Sanctuary, brought to view in Daniel 8:14;
the coming of the Son of Man to the Ancient of Days, as presented
in Daniel 7:13; and the coming of the Lord to His temple, foretold
by Malachi, are descriptions of the same event; and this is also
represented by the coming of the bridegroom to the mar-
riage, described by Christ in the parable of the ten virgins of
Matthew 25. Great Controversy, 426:1
One of the best descriptions of the relationship enable them to invent new doctrines or that, having
of the early to the latter rain is to be found in Testi- already invented new theories, they are thereby
monies to Ministers, 506-507. But the entire chap- Spirit-fulled. Only those humble enough to give
ter is equally important (506-512). The latter rain ONLY the solid, clearly written Bible/Spirit of Proph-
is also spoken of as the refreshing; for it does just ecy teachings will be worked by the Spirit.
that. It energizes the people of God to do a special (3) The error that the man-made machinery,
work before the general close of probation. man-made bigness, man-made boasting and ap-
The decisions of men, knowingly made at the plause, or lots of baptisms is evidence of the out-
time of the terrible threat of the Sunday law crisis, pouring of the Spirit.
will determine whether they receive the mark or (4) The error that the latter rain is already fall-
the seal. The sealing, when it occurs, will seal in ing. It does not fall until after the National Sunday
the blotting out of sin experience. The latter rain is Law is enacted.
the outpouring of the Holy Spirit; and it accompa-
(5) The error that obedience to man and mans
nies the sealing. As the Holy Spirit is withdrawn
policies will bring Spirit-filled success more than
from those who have made their final rejection and
obedience to God and His Word.
receive the mark, it is poured upon the sealed ones.
The latter rain is a powerful witness to the fact that (6) The error that the latter rain will bring a
Gods faithful ones have been sealed. magical elimination of sin.
But the latter rain is given for a special purpose. (7) The error that we cannot effectually work
This outpouring strengthens the faithful to give the for God until we have received the latter rain.
loud cry warning to the world and to all who hear The latter rain is an important topic. We should
them, it brings intense conviction that they are speak- give it our most careful attention.
ing the truth. In addition, signs, wonders, and
healings will occur; and, as in the days of the early -1-
rain experience of Acts 2, men will hear the mes- WHEN THE LATTER RAIN OCCURS
sage, each in his own language. (But we are told we
must not rely on miracles in the giving of our mes- 1 - The sealing occurs prior to the close of
sage, either now or later. It is primarily truth for probation.
truths sake, empowered by the Holy Spirit, which The living righteous will receive the seal of God
must convict the hearers.) prior to the close of probation.1 Selected Mes-
It is the Spirit-filled power of the loud cry mes- sages, 66:2.
sage which enables it to be given so quickly and fully 2 - The latter rain falls before the sealing is
to every person living on earth. finished and before the work (loud cry) is closed
Many approach this topic with one of several er- up.
rors in mind: Before the work is closed up and the seal-
(1) The error that the Spirit is something THEY ing of Gods people is finished, we shall receive
will have and control, something which will make the outpouring of the Spirit of God.1 Selected
them GREAT in the eyes of others. In reality, the Messages, 111:3.
Holy Spirit is only be bestowed upon those who 3 - The latter rain falls before the final judg-
are emptied of self. Only the meek and humble will ments (the final judgments would be the
receive of the Spirit in large measure and be used plagues which begin just after the general close
by the Spirit in effectively giving the Scripture mes- of probation).
sage to others. Before the final visitation of Gods judg-
(2) The error that the bestowal of the Spirit will ments upon the earth there will be among the
people of the Lord such a revival of primitive godli- of refreshing and the latter rain to fit them to
ness as has not been witnessed since apostolic stand in the day of the Lord and to live in His
times. The Spirit and power of God will be poured sight. Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble
out upon His children.Great Controversy, 464:1. without a shelter! They had neglected the need-
4 - The latter rain falls at the time of the final ful preparation; therefore they could not receive
harvest (which would be the loud cry). the refreshing that all must have to fit them to live
in the sight of a holy God. Those who refuse to be
Near the close of earths harvest, a special
hewed by the prophets and fail to purify their souls
bestowal of spiritual grace is promised to prepare
in obeying the whole truth, and who are willing to
the church for the coming of the Son of man.
believe that their condition is far better than it really
This outpouring of the Spirit is likened to the fall-
is, will come up to the time of the falling of the plagues,
ing of the latter rain.Acts of the Apostles, 55:1.
and then see that they needed to be hewed and
The work will be similar to that of the Day of squared for the building. But there will be no time
Pentecost. As the former rain was given, in the out- then to do it and no Mediator to plead their cause
pouring of the Holy Spirit at the opening of the gos- before the Father. Before this time the awfully sol-
pel, to cause the upspringing of the precious seed, emn declaration has gone forth, He that is unjust,
so the latter rain will be given at its close for the let him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him
ripening of the harvest.Great Controversy, be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be
611:2. righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy
In summary, the latter rain will occur at the still. I saw that none could share the refresh-
time of the sealing and the loud cry, and before the ing unless they obtain the victory over every
close of probation and the plagues which follow it. besetment, over pride, selfishness, love of the world,
and over every wrong word and action. We should,
-2- therefore, be drawing nearer and nearer to the Lord
THE TIMING OF THE LATTER RAIN and be earnestly seeking that preparation necessary
to enable us to stand in the battle in the day of the
It is not possible to set a date for the occur- Lord.Early Writings, 71:1-2.
rence of this event or to determine time spans lead-
2 - Sequence: (1) It is now that we are to rem-
ing to or away from it. No date can be predicted for
edy our defects and cleanse the soul temple. (2) It
the latter rain (1SM 188); and we should not try to
is later that the seal and latter rain occur.
time set the outpouring of the Holy Spirit (Ev 221).
No light has been given us regarding a definite time Everyone must now search the Bible for him-
for this event (7BC 984). See our tract study, Its No self upon his knees before God, with the humble,
Time for Time Excitement [PG 21], for quotations teachable heart of a child if he would know what
on this. the Lord requires of him. However high any minis-
ter may have stood in the favor of God, if he ne-
Although we cannot time set the latter rain, we
glects to follow out the light given him of God, if he
can determine the sequence as to when it will
refuses to be taught as a little child, he will go into
occur in relation to other events. In this present
darkness and satanic delusions and will lead oth-
study we will examine a surprisingly large number
ers in the same path.
of such sequences, about two dozen of them.
Not one of us will ever receive the seal of
-3- God while our characters have one spot or
stain upon them. It is left with us to remedy
THE LATTER RAIN FALLS ON the defects in our characters, to cleanse the
A SEALED PEOPLE soul temple of every defilement. Then the lat-
1 - Sequence: (1) needful preparation, (2) vic- ter rain will fall upon us as the early rain fell
tory, (3) seal, latter rain (refreshing), (4) and no upon the disciples on the Day of Pentecost.5 Tes-
high priestly ministration during the great time of timonies, 214:1-2.
trouble (after general close of probation).
I also saw that many do not realize what they -4-
must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord THOSE RECEIVING THE SEAL
without a high priest in the Sanctuary through the WILL ALREADY HAVE
time of trouble. Those who receive the seal of HEARTS CLEANSED OF SIN
the living God and are protected in the time of
See Early Writings, 71:1-2 and 5 Testimonies,
trouble must reflect the image of Jesus fully.
214:1-2, quoted just above.
I saw that many were neglecting the prepa-
Sequence: (1) humility and soul purification,
ration so needful and were looking to the time
(2) National Sunday Law decree, (3) stamp (seal)
of the Lord had departed from Israel; although many The true people of God, who have the spirit of
still continued the forms of religion, His power and the work of the Lord and the salvation of souls at
presence were lacking.5 Testimonies, 210:2. heart, will ever view sin in its real, sinful char-
5 - Sequence: (1) grieving, mourning, (2) seal- acter. They will always be on the side of faithful
ing. and plain dealing with sins which easily beset
the people of God. Especially in the closing work
The class who do not feel grieved over their
for the church, in the sealing time of the one
own spiritual declension, nor mourn over the
hundred and forty-four thousand who are to
sins of others, will be left without the seal of
stand without fault before the throne of God, will
God.5 Testimonies, 211:1.
they feel most deeply the wrongs of Gods pro-
6 - The sins in the church are more terrible fessed people. This is forcibly set forth by the
than any realize. prophets illustration of the last work under the fig-
The abominations for which the faithful ure of the men each having a slaughter weapon in
ones were sighing and crying were all that could his hand. One man among them was clothed with
be discerned by finite eyes, but by far the worst linen, with a writers inkhorn by his side. And the
sins, those which provoked the jealousy of the pure Lord said unto him, Go through the midst of the
and holy God, were unrevealed. The great Searcher city, through the midst of Jerusalem, and set a
of hearts knoweth every sin committed in secret by mark upon the foreheads of the men that sigh
the workers of iniquity. These persons come to feel and that cry for all the abominations that be done
secure in their deceptions and, because of His long- in the midst thereof.
suffering, say that the Lord seeth not, and then act Who are standing in the counsel of God at this
as though He had forsaken the earth. But He will time? Is it those who virtually excuse wrongs among
detect their hypocrisy and will open before others the professed people of God and who murmur in
those sins which they were so careful to hide.5 their hearts, if not openly, against those who would
Testimonies, 211:3-212:0. reprove sin? Is it those who take their stand against
7 - Sequence: (1) clear view of sinfulness of them and sympathize with those who commit
sin, (2) sigh and cry, (3) seal. wrong? No, indeed! Unless they repent, and leave
[Speaking of those later sealed:] Their love for the work of Satan in oppressing those who have
purity and the honor and glory of God is such, and the burden of the work and in holding up the hands
they have so clear a view of the exceeding sin- of sinners in Zion, they will never receive the mark
fulness of sin, that they are represented as being of Gods sealing approval. They will fall in the
in an agony, even sighing and crying.Review, general destruction of the wicked, represented
June 8, 1886. by the work of the five men bearing slaughter weap-
ons. Mark this point with care: Those who receive
8 - Sequence: (1) sigh and cry over sins in
the pure mark of truth, wrought in them by
church, (2) receive mark of truth.
the power of the Holy Ghost, represented by a
Those who receive the pure mark of truth are mark by the man in linen, are those that sigh
those that sigh and cry for the abominations that and that cry for all the abominations that be
are done in the church. Review, June 8, 1886. done in the church. Their love for purity and the
9 - Sequence: (1) not excuse sin, not murmur honor and glory of God is such, and they have so
against those who are reproving it, and not sym- clear a view of the exceeding sinfulness of sin, that
pathizing with wrongdoers, (2) seal. they are represented as being in agony, even sigh-
Who are standing in the counsel of God at this ing and crying. Read the ninth chapter of Ezekiel.
time? Is it those who virtually excuse wrongs among But the general slaughter of all those who do
the professed people of God and who murmur in not thus see the wide contrast between sin and
their hearts, if not openly against those who would righteousness, and do not feel as those do who
reprove sin? Is it those who take their stand against stand in the counsel of God and receive the mark,
them and sympathize with those who commit is described in the order to the five men with slaugh-
wrong? No, indeed! Unless they repent, and leave ter weapons: Go ye after him through the city, and
the work of Satan in oppressing those who have smite: let not your eye spare, neither have ye pity:
the burden of the work and in holding up the hands slay utterly old and young, both maids, and little
of sinners in Zion, they will never receive the children, and women: but come not near any man
mark of Gods sealing approval.3 Testimo- upon whom is the mark; and begin at My Sanctu-
nies, 267:1. ary.
10 - Sequence: (1) View sin as sin. (2) Deal In the case of Achans sin God said to Joshua:
faithfully and plainly with sin. (3) In the sealing Neither will I be with you any more, except ye de-
time, these will receive the pure mark of truth. stroy the accursed from among you. How does this
instance compare with the course pursued by those fully.Early Writings, 33:2 (85:2).
who will not raise their voice against sin and
wrong, but whose sympathies are ever found -7-
with those who trouble the camp of Israel with THE LATTER RAIN WILL CONTINUE
their sins? Said God to Joshua: Thou canst not AS THE POWER OF THE LOUD CRY
stand before thine enemies, until ye take away
the accursed thing from among you. He pro- Throughout the time during which the latter rain
nounced the punishment which would follow the experience continues, it will be the Holy Spirit which
transgression of His covenant. will render the proclamation of the third angels mes-
sage so powerful.
Joshua then began a diligent search to find out
the guilty one.3 Testimonies, 266:2-268:1. 1 - Sequence: (1) Grow up into Christ. (2) Par-
take largely of His Spirit, His glory, and receive
-6- latter rain. (3) Faces shine. (4) Third angels mes-
sage swells to loud cry, as great power and glory
attends its delivery. (5) The time of Jacobs trouble,
their last conflict.
As the members of the body of Christ approach
We have faithful men today who, in their preach- the period of their last conflict, the time of
ing, books, and tracts, are giving the third angels Jacobs trouble, they will grow up into Christ,
message. But it will be the latter rain which will and will partake largely of His spirit. As the third
transform that proclamation into a loud cry which message swells to a loud cry, and as great power
will fill the entire world. Thus the outpouring of the and glory attend the closing work, the faithful people
latter rain, which begins the loud cry, will result in of God will partake of that glory. It is the latter
sizeable numbers of genuine converts uniting with rain which revives and strengthens them to pass
the people of God. This will come after a major through the time of trouble. Their faces will shine
portion of the professed Sabbathkeepers have apos- with the glory of that light which attends the third
tatized. angel.1 Testimonies, 353:3.
1 - Sequence: (1) latter rain (refreshing), (2) 2 - Sequence: (1) latter rain (refreshing), (2)
loud cry. loud cry.
I heard those clothed with the armor speak It [the third angels message] is represented as
forth the truth with great power . . I asked what being given with a loud voice, that is with the power
made this great change. An angel answered, It is of the Holy Spirit.7 Bible Commentary, 980/
the latter rain, the refreshing from the presence 1:3.
of the Lord, the loud cry of the third angel.
3 - Sequence: (1) latter rain (refreshing), (2)
Early Writings, 271:2.
loud cry.
2 - Sequence: (1) latter rain, (2) loud cry.
At that time the latter rain, or refreshing
The glory of God rested upon the patient wait- from the presence of the Lord, will come, to give
ing saints, and they fearlessly gave the last sol- power to the loud voice of the third angel.Early
emn warning.Early Writings, 277:2-278:0. Writings, 86:0.
3 - Sequence: (1) latter rain, (2) loud cry, (3) 4 - Sequence: (1) weeping and praying, (2) se-
plagues. vere conflict and agonizing struggle, (3) mightily
At that time the latter rain, or refreshing shaken. The careless and indifferent apostatize,
from the presence of the Lord, will come, to give and (4) others fill their places. (5) they obtain the
power to the loud voice of the third angel, and victory; (6) then the latter rain refreshing. (7) Their
prepare the saints to stand in the period when the faces shine with light and expressions of deep grati-
seven last plagues shall be poured out.Early tude to God. (8) Evil angels are around them, but
Writings, 86:0. no longer have power over them. (9) The loud cry
4 - Sequence: (1) little time of trouble [which of third angel; (10) many respond.
begins with the setting up of the image and the Said the angel, List ye! [Listen!] Soon I heard
National Sunday Law decree], (2) latter rain, (3) a voice like many musical instruments all sounding
loud cry. in perfect strains, sweet and harmonious. It sur-
I saw that God had children who do not see and passed any music I had ever heard, seeming to be
keep the Sabbath. They have not rejected the light full of mercy, compassion, and elevating, holy joy. It
upon it. And at the commencement of the time of thrilled through my whole being. Said the angel, Look
trouble, we were filled with the Holy Ghost as we ye! My attention was then turned to the company I
went forth and proclaimed the Sabbath more had seen, who were mightily shaken. I was shown
those whom I had before seen weeping and pray- voice of the cowardly spies. We want Calebs now who
ing in agony of spirit. The company of guardian will press to the frontchieftains in Israel who with
angels around them had been doubled, and they courageous words will make a strong report in favor
were clothed with an armor from their head to of immediate action. When the selfish, ease-loving,
their feet. They moved in exact order, like a com- panic-stricken people, fearing tall giants and inac-
pany of soldiers. Their countenances expressed the cessible walls, clamor for retreat, let the voice of the
severe conflict which they had endured, the agoniz- Calebs be heard, even though the cowardly ones stand
ing struggle they had passed through. Yet their fea- with stones in their hands, ready to beat them down
tures, marked with severe internal anguish, now for their faithful testimony.5 Testimonies, 383:2-
shone with the light and glory of heaven. They 3.
had obtained the victory, and it called forth from 6 - Sequence: (1) unity in love (based on obe-
them the deepest gratitude and holy, sacred dience by faith to Gods truth), (2) loud cry.
Thus will be answered the prayer of Christ, ut-
The numbers of this company had lessened. tered just before His humiliation and death: That
Some had been shaken out and left by the way. they all may be one; as Thou, Father, art in Me, and
The careless and indifferent, who did not join I in Thee, that they also may be one in Us: that the
with those who prized victory and salvation enough world may believe that Thou hast sent Me. John
to perseveringly plead and agonize for it, did not 17:21. The love of Christ, the love of our brethren,
obtain it, and they were left behind in darkness, will testify to the world that we have been with Jesus
and their places were immediately filled by oth- and learned of Him. Then will the message of
ers taking hold of the truth and coming into the the third angel swell to a loud cry, and the whole
ranks. Evil angels still pressed around them, earth will be lightened with the glory of God.6
but could have no power over them. Testimonies, 401:1.
I heard those clothed with the armor speak 7 - Sequence: (1) latter rain, (2) Jacobs
forth the truth with great power. It had effect. trouble.
Many had been bound; some wives by their hus-
Gods people were strengthened by the excel-
bands, and some children by their parents. The
lent glory which rested upon them in rich abun-
honest who had been prevented from hearing the
dance and prepared them to endure the hour of
truth now eagerly laid hold upon it. All fear of their
temptation.Early Writings, 279:0.
relatives was gone, and the truth alone was exalted
to them. They had been hungering and thirsting for 8 - Sequence: (1) latter rain, (2) loud cry to all
truth; it was dearer and more precious than life. I the world, (3) final conflict (during loud cry and
asked what had made this great change. An angel Jacobs trouble which follows it).
answered, It is the latter rain, the refreshing Clad in the armor of Christs righteousness,
from the presence of the Lord, the loud cry of the the church is to enter upon her final conflict.
third angel. Early Writings, 270:4-271:2. Fair as the moon, clear as the sun, and terrible as
5 - Latter rain and loud cry are inherently an army with banners (Song of Solomon 6:10), she
linked. is to go forth into all the world, conquering and
to conquer.Prophets and Kings, 725:1.
The third angel, flying in the midst of heaven
and heralding the commandments of God and the 9 - The sealing/latter rain/loud cry experience.
testimony of Jesus, represents our work. The mes- For Zions sake will I not hold my peace, and for
sage loses none of its force in the angels onward Jerusalems sake I will not rest, until the righteous-
flight, for John sees it increasing in strength and ness thereof go forth as brightness, and the sal-
power until the whole earth is lightened with its vation thereof as a lamp that burneth.
glory. The course of Gods commandment-keeping And the Gentiles shall see thy righteousness,
people is onward, ever onward. The message of and all kings thy glory: and thou shalt be called
truth that we bear must go to nations, tongues, and by a new name, which the mouth of the Lord shall
peoples. Soon it will go with a loud voice, and name.
the earth will be lightened with its glory. Are
Thou shalt also be a crown of glory in the hand
we preparing for this great outpouring of the
of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy
Spirit of God?
God.Isaiah 62:1-3.
Human agencies are to be employed in this
And an highway shall be there, and a way, and
work. Zeal and energy must be intensified; talents
it shall be called The way of holiness; the unclean
that are rusting from inaction must be pressed into
shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: the
service. The voice that would say, Wait; do not allow
wayfaring men, though fools, shall not err therein.
yourself to have burdens imposed upon you, is the
Isaiah 35:8.
There shall be no more the Canaanite in the good fruit of righteousness unless it is connected
house of the Lord of hosts.Zechariah 14:21. with the revival of the Spirit. Revival and reforma-
tion are to do their appointed work, and in doing
-8- this work they must blend.Last Day Events,
PREPARATION FOR 189:3-190:0.
THE LATTER RAIN 2 - God is waiting for us to get ready to receive
When the latter rain is ready to fall, it will fall
whether or not you and I are ready to receive it. The long night of gloom is trying, but the morn-
Therefore, we need to give earnest attention to our ing is deferred in mercy, because if the Master
manner of life and conduct NOW, so that we will be should come, so many would be found unready.
prepared to receive the latter rain when our kind Gods unwillingness to have His people perish, has
Father pours it out upon His people. been the reason of so long delay.2 Testimonies,
Strictly speaking, this topic should be located
prior to the Sunday law crisis. However, for pur- Had the purpose of God been carried out by
poses of simplicity, it is placed at the close of this His people in giving to the world the message of
latter rain study. mercy, Christ would, ere this, have come to the earth,
and the saints would have received their welcome
1 - The infilling of the Holy Spirit is our great
into the City of God.6 Testimonies, 450:0.
I know that if Gods people had maintained
At no point in our experiences can we dispense
a living connection with Him, if they had obeyed
with the assistance of that which enables us
His Word, they would today have been in the heav-
to make the first start. The blessings received
enly Canaan.General Conference Bulletin,
under the former rain are needful to us to the end
March 30, 1903.
. . As we seek God for the Holy Spirit, it will work
in us meekness, humbleness of mind, a con- I asked my accompanying angel the meaning
scious dependence upon God for the perfecting of what I heard, and what the four angels were about
latter rain.Testimonies to Ministers, 507:2, 509:0. to do. He said to me that it was God that restrained
the powers, and that He gave His angels charge over
The Holy Spirit seeks to abide in each soul. If
things on the earth; that the four angels had power
it is welcomed as an honored guest, those who
from God to hold the four winds, and that they were
receive it will be made complete in Christ. The
about to let them go; but while their hands were
good work begun will be finished; the holy
loosening, and the four winds were about to blow,
thoughts, heavenly affections, and Christlike actions
the merciful eye of Jesus gazed on the rem-
will take the place of impure thoughts, perverse sen-
nant that were not sealed, and He raised his hands
timents, and rebellious acts.Counsels on Health,
to the Father, and pleaded with Him that He had
spilled His blood for them. Then another angel was
We may have had a measure of the Spirit of commissioned to fly swiftly to the four angels, and
God, but by prayer and faith we are continu- bid them hold, until the servants of God were
ally to seek more of the Spirit. It will never do to sealed with the seal of the living God in their fore-
cease our efforts. If we do not progress, if we do heads.Early Writings, 38:2.
not place ourselves in an attitude to receive both
All we have to do is to keep the vessel clean
the former and the latter rain, we shall lose our
and right side up and prepared for the reception
souls, and the responsibility will lie at our own
of the heavenly rain, and keep praying, Let the
door.Testimonies to Ministers, 508:0.
latter rain come into my vessel. Let the light of the
The measure of the Holy Spirit we receive will glorious angel which unites with the third angel
be proportioned to the measure of our desire shine upon me; give me a part in the work; let me
and the faith exercised for it, and the use we sound the proclamation; let me be a colaborer with
shall make of the light and knowledge that Jesus Christ. Thus seeking God, let me tell you,
shall be given to us.Last Day Events, 188:5. He is fitting you up all the time, giving you His
A revival and a reformation must take place, grace.Upward Look, 283:2.
under the ministration of the Holy Spirit. Revival 3 - The latter rain will strengthen Gods people
and reformation are two different things. Revival for the important events so soon to occur.
signifies a renewal of spiritual life, a quickening
The latter rain, ripening earths harvest, repre-
of the powers of mind and heart, a resurrection from
sents the spiritual grace that prepares the church
spiritual death. Reformation signifies a reorga-
for the coming of the Son of man.Testimonies to
nization, a change in ideas and theories, habits
Ministers, 506:2.
and practices. Reformation will not bring forth the
While the work of salvation is closing, trouble Those who make no decided effort, but sim-
will be coming on the earth, and the nations will be ply wait for the Holy Spirit to compel them to ac-
angry, yet held in check so as not to prevent the tion, will perish in darkness. You are not to sit still
work of the third angel. At that time the later rain, and do nothing in the work of God.Christian Ser-
or refreshing from the presence of the Lord, will come vice, 228:3.
to give power to the loud voice of the third an- We are not to trust to the ordinary working of
gel, and prepare the saints to stand in the period providence. We must pray that God will unseal
when the seven last plagues shall be poured out. the fountains of the water of life. And we must our-
Early Writings, 85:3-86:0. selves receive of the living water. Let us, with con-
Oh, how many I saw in the time of trouble with- trite hearts, pray most earnestly that now, in
out a shelter! They had neglected the needful the time of the latter rain, showers of grace may
preparation, therefore they could not receive the fall upon us.Testimonies to Ministers, 509:0.
refreshing that all must have to fit them to live in What can I say to my brethren in the name of
the sight of a holy God.Early Writings, 71:2. the Lord? What proportion of our efforts has been
Servants of God with their faces lighted up made in accordance with the light the Lord has been
and shining with holy consecration will hasten from pleased to give? We cannot depend upon form
place to place to proclaim the message from or external machinery. What we need is the quick-
heaven. By thousands of voices, all over the earth, ening influence of the Holy Spirit of God . . Pray
the warning will be given. Miracles will be without ceasing, and watch by working in ac-
wrought, the sick will be healed, and signs and cordance with your prayers. As you pray, believe,
wonders will follow the believers. Satan also works trust in God. It is the time of the latter rain, when
with lying wonders, even bringing fire down from the Lord will give largely of His Spirit.Testimo-
heaven in the sight of men. Revelation 13:13. Thus nies to Ministers, 512:1.
the inhabitants of the earth will be brought to take Ask ye of the Lord rain in the time of the lat-
their stand.Great Controversy, 612:1. ter rain. Do not rest satisfied that in the ordinary
The glory of God rested upon the patient, wait- course of the season, rain will fall. Ask for it . . We
ing saints, and they fearlessly gave the last sol- must seek His favors with the whole heart, if
emn warning, proclaiming the fall of Babylon, the showers of grace are to come to us. We should
and calling upon Gods people to come out of improve every opportunity of placing ourselves
her that they might escape her fearful doom. in the channel of blessing . . The convocations of
The light that was shed upon the waiting ones the church, as in camp meetings, the assemblies of
penetrated everywhere . . Mighty miracles were the home church, and all occasions where there is
wrought, the sick were healed, and signs and won- personal labour for souls, are Gods appointed op-
ders followed the believers. God was in the work, portunities for giving the early and the latter rain . .
and every saint, fearless of consequences, followed The circumstances may seem favorable for a rich
the convictions of his own conscience, and united outpouring of the showers of grace. But God Him-
with those who were keeping all the commandments self must command the rain to fall. Therefore, we
of God; and with power they sounded abroad should not be remiss in supplication.Testimo-
the third message. I saw that this message will nies to Ministers, 508:1, 509:0.
close with power and strength far exceeding the mid- 5 - By the enabling grace of Christ, we must
night cry.Early Writings, 277:2-278:1. prepare our hearts and lives to receive it.
The outpouring of the Spirit in the days of the The refreshing or the power of God comes
apostles was the beginning of the early, or former only on those who have prepared themselves
rain, and glorious was the result. To the end of time for it by doing the work which God bids them,
the presence of the Spirit is to abide with the true namely, cleansing themselves from all filthiness
church. of the flesh and spirit, perfecting holiness in the
But near the close of earths harvest, a special fear of God.1 Testimonies, 619:1.
bestowal of spiritual grace is promised to pre- Not one of us will ever receive the seal of God
pare the church for the coming of the Son of man. while our characters have one spot or stain upon
This outpouring of the Spirit is likened to the falling them. It is left with us to remedy the defects in
of the latter rain; and it is for this added power our characters, to cleanse the soul temple of every
that Christians are to send their petitions to the defilement. Then the latter rain will fall upon us as
Lord of the harvest in the time of the latter rain. the early rain fell upon the disciples on the Day of
Acts of the Apostles, 54:2-55:1. Pentecost.5 Testimonies, 214:2.
4 - It is our work to earnestly plead for the I saw that none could share the refreshing un-
Holy Spirit and to live our prayers. less they obtain the victory over every besetment,
over pride, selfishness, love of the world, and what had made this great change. An angel answered:
over every wrong word and action.Early Writ- It is the latter rain, the refreshing from the pres-
ings, 71:2. ence of the Lord, the loud cry of the third angel.
God will prove His people . . He brings them up Early Writings, 269:1, 270:1, 271:0, 2.
to different points calculated to manifest what is Often in the night season I am bidden to urge
in the heart . . Those who come up to every point, our brethren in responsible positions to make ear-
and stand every test, and overcome, be the price nest effort to follow on to know the Lord more per-
what it may, have heeded the counsel of the True fectly . . When they consecrate heart and soul
Witness, and they will receive the latter rain, and to the service of God, they will find that an expe-
thus be fitted for translation.1 Testimonies, rience deeper than any they have yet obtained is
186:2, 187:1. essential if they would triumph over all sin.Tes-
Christ always separates the contrite soul timonies to Ministers, 514:1.
from sin. He came to destroy the works of the devil, Those who at Pentecost were endued with
and He has made provision that the Holy Spirit power from on high, were not thereby freed from
shall be imparted to every repentant soul, to keep further temptation and trial . . They were com-
him from sinning.Desire of Ages, 311:2. pelled to strive with all their God-given pow-
We have great victories to gain, and a Heaven ers to reach the measure of the stature of men and
to lose if we do not gain them. The carnal heart women in Christ Jesus. Daily they prayed for
must be crucified . . Pray that the mighty energies fresh supplies of grace, that they might reach
of the Holy Spirit, with all their quickening, recu- higher and still higher toward perfection.Acts of
perative, and transforming power, may fall like an the Apostles, 49:3.
electric shock on the palsy-stricken soul, causing For the daily baptism of the Spirit every
every nerve to thrill with new life, restoring the whole worker should offer his petition to God . . Morn-
man from his dead, earthly, sensual state to spiri- ing by morning, as the heralds of the gospel kneel
tual soundness.5 Testimonies, 267:2. before the Lord and renew their vows of conse-
I saw some, with strong faith and agonizing cration to Him, He will grant them the presence of
cries, pleading with God. Their countenances were His Spirit, with its reviving, sanctifying power.
pale, and marked with deep anxiety, expressive of Acts of the Apostles, 50:2, 56:2.
their internal struggle. Firmness and great ear- And as they continue to let their light shine,
nestness was expressed in their countenances; large as did those who were baptized with the Spirit on
drops of perspiration fell from their foreheads. Now the Day of Pentecost, they receive more and still
and then their faces would light up with the marks more of the Spirits power. Thus the earth will be
of Gods approbation, and again the same solemn, lightened with the glory of God.Acts of the
earnest, anxious look would settle upon them . . Apostles, 54:0.
Some, I saw, did not participate in this work of Just prior to His leaving His disciples for the
agonizing and pleading. They seemed indifferent and heavenly courts, Jesus encouraged them with the
careless. They were not resisting the darkness promise of the Holy Spirit. This promise belongs
around them, and it shut them in like a thick cloud. as much to us as it did to them, and yet how rarely
The angels of God left these, and went to the aid of it is presented before the people, and its reception
the earnest, praying ones . . spoken of in the church. In consequence of this si-
I was shown those whom I had before seen weep- lence upon this most important theme, what prom-
ing and praying in agony of spirit . . they were clothed ise do we know less about by its practical ful-
with an armor from their head to their feet. They fillment than this rich promise of the gift of the
moved in exact order, like a company of soldiers. Holy Spirit, whereby efficiency is to be given to all
Their countenances expressed the severe conflict our spiritual labor? . . This subject has been set
which they had endured, the agonizing struggle they aside, as if some time in the future would be given
had passed through. Yet their features, marked with to its consideration. Other blessings and privileges
severe internal anguish, now shone with the light have been presented before the people until a desire
and glory of heaven. They had obtained the vic- has been awakened in the church for the attainment
tory, and it called forth from them the deepest grati- of the blessing promised of God; but the impression
tude, and holy, sacred joy . . concerning the Holy Spirit has been that this gift is
not for the church now, but that at some time in the
I heard those clothed with the armor speak
future it would be necessary for the church to re-
forth the truth with great power. It had effect . .
ceive it.Testimonies to Ministers, 174:1.
The honest who had been prevented from hearing
the truth now eagerly laid hold upon it . . I asked The dispensation in which we are now living is
to be to those that ask, the dispensation of the Holy
Spirit. Ask for His blessing. It is time we were We should improve every opportunity of plac-
more intense in our devotion. To us is committed ing ourselves in the channel of blessing. Christ has
the arduous, but happy, glorious work of revealing said, Where two or three are gathered together in
Christ to those who are in darkness. We are called My name, there I am in the midst. The convoca-
to proclaim the special truths for this time. For tions of the church, as in camp meetings, the as-
all this the outpouring of the Spirit is essential. We semblies of the home church, and all occasions
should pray for it. The Lord expects us to ask Him. where there is personal labor for souls, are Gods
We have not been wholehearted in this work.Tes- appointed opportunities for giving the early and the
timonies to Ministers 511:3-512:0. latter rain.Testimonies to Ministers, 508:1.
We should pray as earnestly for the descent By prayer and confession of sin we must
of the Holy Spirit as the disciples prayed on the clear the Kings highway. As we do this, the power
day of Pentecost. If they needed it at that time, we of the Spirit will come to us. We need the Pentecos-
need it more today . . Without the Spirit and power tal energy. This will come, for the Lord has prom-
of God, it will be in vain that we labor to present ised to send His Spirit as the all-conquering
the truth . . power.8 Testimonies 297:6-298:0.
I fear for you, my brethren, I counsel you to tarry There must be earnest effort to obtain the
at Jerusalem, as did the early disciples, until, like blessing of the Lord . . because we are unprepared
them, you receive the baptism of the Holy Spirit. to receive it . . It is our work, by confession, hu-
5 Testimonies, 158:1, 159:1. miliation, repentance, and earnest prayer, to
Gods faithful messengers are to seek to carry fulfill the conditions upon which God has prom-
forward the Lords work in His appointed way ised to grant us His blessing . .
. . They are to wrestle with God in earnest prayer The church must arouse to action. The Spirit
for a baptism of the Holy Spirit that they may meet of God can never come in until she prepares the way.
the needs of a world perishing in sin.Testimo- There should be earnest searching of heart. There
nies to Ministers, 459:2. should be united, persevering prayer, and
The Lord has provided for the descent of the through faith a claiming of the promises of God.
Holy Spirit upon His workers, and everyone who There should be, not a clothing of the body with sack-
sincerely seeks God will find Him. We are to cloth, as in ancient times, but a deep humiliation
come boldly to the throne of grace, and seek the of soul. We have not the first reason for self-con-
footstool of mercy. We are to believe that the Lord gratulation and self-exaltation. We should humble
hears and answers our prayers.Testimonies to ourselves under the mighty hand of God. He will
Ministers, 218:2. appear to comfort and bless the true seekers.Re-
view, March 22, 1887.
What we need is the baptism of the Holy Spirit.
Without this, we are no more fitted to go forth to 6 - There are too many of us who are luke-
the world than were the disciples after the crucifix- warm and unconcerned about this very impor-
ion of their Lord. Jesus knew their destitution, and tant matter.
told them to tarry in Jerusalem until they should To those who are indifferent at this time
be endowed with power from on high.1 Selected Christs warning is: Because thou art lukewarm,
Messages, 411:2. and neither cold or hot, I will spew thee out of My
Oh, how we need the divine presence! For the mouth. Revelation 3:16. The figure of spewing
baptism of the Holy Spirit every worker should be out of His mouth means that He cannot offer up
breathing out his prayer to God. Companies your prayers or your expressions of love to God.
should be gathered together to call upon God He cannot endorse your teaching of His Word or
for special help, for heavenly wisdom, that the your spiritual work in any wise. He cannot present
people of God may know how to plan and devise your religious exercises with the request that grace
and execute the work. be given you.
Especially, should men pray that the Lord will Could the curtain be rolled back, could you
choose His agents, and baptize His missionar- discern the purposes of God and the judgments that
ies with the Holy Spirit. For ten days the disciples are about to fall upon a doomed world, could you
prayed before the Pentecostal blessing came. It re- see your own attitude, you would fear and tremble
quired all that time to bring them to an understand- for your own souls and for the souls of your fellow-
ing of what it meant to offer effectual prayer . . When men. Earnest prayers of heart-rending anguish
the blessing did come, it filled all the place where would go up to heaven. You would weep between
they were assembled.Testimonies to Ministers, the porch and the altar, confessing your spiritual
170:0-1. blindness and backsliding.6 Testimonies, 408:2-
How is it with the rising generation? Are they deplorable in the sight of God.3 Testimonies,
converted to God? Are we awake to the work 252:1, 253:0.
that is going on in the heavenly Sanctuary, or The Laodicean message applies to the people
are we waiting for some compelling power to come of God who profess to believe present truth.
upon the church before we shall arouse? Are we The greater part are lukewarm professors, having
hoping to see the whole church revived? That time a name but no zeal.4 Testimonies, 87:1.
will never come.
Since the time of the Minneapolis meeting
There are persons in the church who are not [the 1888 General Conference Session], I have seen
converted, and who will not unite in earnest, pre- the state of the Laodicean church as never before . .
vailing prayer. We must enter upon the work in- Like the Jews, many have closed their eyes, lest
dividually.Review, March 22, 1887. they should see.Review, August 26, 1890.
How can I talk, how can I write to my breth- This is an intriguing statement, but it is not
ren, so that they will catch the beams of light flash- written by Ellen G. White: What then is the rea-
ing from heaven? What shall I say? The atmosphere son that God, contemplating the condition of the
of the church is so frigid, its spirit is of such an church of Laodicea, sees one thing, while
order, that men and women cannot sustain or Laodicea, considering her own status, beholds
endure the example of primitive and heaven- an entirely different condition?
born piety. The warmth of their first love is frozen
Laodicea tends to observe her achievements,
up, and unless they are watered over by the bap-
which are not inconsiderable. She thinks of her mis-
tism of the Holy Spirit, their candlestick will be
sionaries at the ends of the earth. She recalls the
removed out of its place.Testimonies to Minis-
hospitals which her wealth has erected. She surveys
ters, 167:2-168:0.
her schools . . she counts her printing presses . .
Many have in a great measure failed to re- her stately houses of worship, she counts her mem-
ceive the former rain. They have not obtained all bership.
the benefits that God has thus provided for them.
Her mind goes back to her humble beginning,
They expect that the lack will be supplied by
and she traces with a subtle and unconscious pride
the latter rain. When the richest abundance of
her years of growth and progress. To Laodicea it is
grace shall be bestowed, they intend to open their
a splendid showing, and she is happy and compla-
hearts to receive it. They are making a terrible
cent. She has a flawless doctrine, a competent or-
mistake.Testimonies to Ministers 507:1.
ganization, a triumphant message. Who can deny
We may be sure that when the Holy Spirit is these things?
poured out those who did not receive and ap-
But God, the infinite Father of all, looks be-
preciate the early rain will not see or under-
yond all this. His awful gaze penetrates past
stand the value of the latter rain.Testimo-
Laodiceas schools, sanitariums, and publishing
nies to Ministers, 399:1.
houses, past her fine buildings and worthwhile
I was shown that if Gods people make no equipment, past the growing membership and con-
efforts on their part, but wait for the refreshing stantly widening sphere of influence, and looks
to come upon them and remove their wrongs and down upon Laodiceas heart.
correct their errors; if they depend upon that to
Here He witnesses pride, the sin by which
cleanse them from filthiness of the flesh and spirit,
the angels fell; the desire for human praise, the
and fit them to engage in the loud cry of the third
love of the world, with all that the world offers.
angel, they will be found wanting.1 Testimo-
He sees the dangerous conformity to unchristian cus-
nies, 619:1.
toms . . The gold of character is strangely lacking,
7 - We must individually repent of, and for- and its place taken by brilliant tinsel, which does
sake, the Laodicean condition. not deceive the heavenly Watcher.
I was shown that the testimony to the Laodi- The raiment of Christs righteousness, at once
ceans applies to Gods people at the present time, so simple and ample, is not worn; instead an inge-
and the reason it has not accomplished a greater nious arrangement of the filthy rags of Laodiceas
work is because of the hardness of their hearts.1 own righteousness. Upon her eyes, festering with
Testimonies, 186:1. the sores of worldly shortsightedness, is no heal-
The message to the church of the Laodiceans is ing salve to strengthen and sanctify.Signs, Novem-
a startling denunciation, and is applicable to the ber 14, 1933.
people of God at the present time . . The message of 8 - In the strength of Christ, we must forsake
the True Witness finds the people of God in a sad the attitude of resistance to the working and
deception. They know not that their condition is infilling of the Holy Spirit.
God brings against ministers and people the to use us. Through the Spirit God works in His
heavy charge of spiritual feebleness, saying, I know people to will and to do of His good pleasure (Phil.
thy works, that thou art neither cold nor hot . . God 2:13). But many will not submit to this. They want
calls for a spiritual revival and a spiritual refor- to manage themselves. This is why they do not re-
mation. Unless this takes place, those who are luke- ceive the heavenly gift. Only to those who wait hum-
warm will continue to grow more abhorrent to the bly upon God, who watch for His guidance and
Lord, until He will refuse to acknowledge them as grace, is the Spirit given.Desire of Ages, 672:1.
His children.Review, February 25, 1902. 9 - We must plead with God for a closer walk
If men would only give up their spirit of and a deeper unity with fellow believers in the
resistance to the Holy Spiritthe spirit which historic truths.
has so long been leavening their religious experi- What the Lord did for His people in that time
ence, Gods Spirit would address itself to their [the time of the apostles], it is just as essential, and
hearts. It would convince of sin. What a work! more so, that He do for His people today. All that
But the Holy Spirit has been insulted and light has the apostles did, every church member today
been rejected. Is it possible for those who for years is to do . . Should not the power of God be even
have been so blinded, to see? Is it possible that in more mightily revealed today than in the time of
this late stage of their resistance their eyes will be the apostles?7 Testimonies, 33:1-2.
anointed? Will the voice of the Spirit of God be
Let your heart break for the longing it has
distinguished from the deceiving voice of the en-
for God, for the living God. The life of Christ has
emy?Testimonies to Ministers, 393:1.
shown what humanity can do by being partaker of
There must be no neglect of the grace repre- the divine nature. All that Christ received from God
sented by the former rain. Only those who are liv- we too may have. Then ask and receive. With the
ing up to the light they have will receive greater persevering faith of Jacob, with the unyielding
light. Unless we are daily advancing in the ex- persistence of Elijah, claim for yourself all that
emplification of the active Christian virtues, God has promised.Christ Object Lessons, 149:2.
we shall not recognize the manifestations of the Holy
If you will sincerely humble your hearts be-
Spirit in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts
fore Him, empty your souls of self-esteem, and
all around us, but we shall not discern or receive
put away the natural defects of your character,
it.Testimonies to Ministers, 507:1.
and overcome your love of supremacy, and
Why should we not prostrate ourselves at come to God as little children, He will bestow on
the throne of grace, as representatives of the you His Holy Spirit. When two or three shall agree
church, and from a broken heart and contrite spirit as touching anything, and shall ask the Lord, in
make earnest supplication that the Holy Spirit the name of Jesus, it shall be done for them.
shall be poured out upon us from on high? Let us Testimonies to Ministers, 323:2-324:0.
pray that, when it shall be graciously bestowed, our
All who profess the name of Christ should be
cold hearts may be revived, and we may have dis-
waiting, watching, and praying with one heart.
cernment to understand that it is from God, and
All differences should be put away, and unity
receive it with joy. Some have treated the Spirit as
and tender love one for another pervade the
an unwelcome guest, refusing to receive the rich
whole. Then our prayers may go up together to our
gift, refusing to acknowledge it, turning from it, and
heavenly Father with strong, earnest faith. Then we
condemning it as fanaticism.Testimonies to Min-
may wait with patience and hope the fulfillment of
isters, 64:1.
the promise.
When the Holy Spirit works the human agent,
The answer may come with sudden velocity
it does not ask us in what way it shall oper-
and overpowering might; or it may be delayed
ate. Often it moves in unexpected ways . . The Jews
for days and weeks, and our faith receive a trial. But
refused to receive Christ, because He did not come
God knows how and when to answer our prayer. It
in accordance with their expectations. The ideas of
is our part of the work to put ourselves in con-
finite men were held as infallible, because hoary with
nection with the divine channel. God is respon-
sible for His part of the work. The great and impor-
This is the danger to which the church is now tant matter with us is to be of one heart and mind,
exposedthat the inventions of finite men shall putting aside all envy and malice, and as humble
mark out the precise way for the Holy Spirit to supplicants, to watch and wait. Jesus, our Rep-
come. Though they would not care to acknowledge resentative and Head, is ready to do for us what He
it, some have already done this.Testimonies to did for the praying, watching ones on the day of Pen-
Ministers, 64:2-3, 65:0. tecost.General Conference Bulletin (1893), 165-
We cannot use the Holy Spirit. The Spirit is 166; 3 Spirit of Prophecy, 272-273.
LAST DAYS APPENDIX The Latter Rain to Come with Ten Times the
The following material was gleaned from our Power of the Midnight Cry.I saw [that] the latter
currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu- rain was coming as suddenly as the Midnight Cry
scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the and with ten times the power.Vision of August
best material from that volume on topics given in 24, 1850. (Copied from O. Hewitts book in the
this chapter. Apocryphal file, but see Daily Bulletin of the Gen-
eral Conference, February 5, 1893, 152, where it
is quoted.)
This is the first of two chapters on the loud cry. rized as obedience by enabling faith in Christ to the
The reason is that, in a sense, it has two distinct law of God. That is the third angels message (Rev.
phases: an initial phase and a massively strength- 14:12), combined with a warning not to obey the
ened phase. beast and keep its law, which is an act of rebellion
The loud cry is the climax of the entire cluster of and disobedience to God (Rev. 14:9-11). What greater
events that begins with the successful urging of the message of love is there than this: that we can be
National Sunday Law and ends at the general close empowered by the God of love to obey Him and live
of probation. Yet it leads to still another climax: the clean lives? That is our last-day message to the world!
fourth angels message. It is a message we should now be giving. The loud
cry is not some disconnected activity; it is the loud
Because of the nature of the entire situation, the
cry of the third angel. It is the climatic final giving of
loud cry begins very shortly after the enactment of
that angels message (a message, which we are told,
the National Sunday Law.
includes the messages of the first and second an-
As soon as that law is passed, professed and gels.)
former Sabbathkeepers are the first to knowingly
An entire world must rapidly and powerfully be
make their decisions for or against Gods holy day.
told the truth about the commandments of God and
As one class receives the seal, the other receives
the faith of Jesus. They must be told that the com-
the mark.
mandments must be kept, and that it is the faith of
The class receiving the seal have been sealed Jesus alone which can enable mankind to keep them.
into the truth, as the judgment in heaven accounts
Everyone, everywhere in the world, will have an
them worthy of eternal life. Their sins are blotted
opportunity to decide between the truth of God and
out of the book of sin, their names are retained
the deceptions of Satan. The third angels message
forever in the book of life, and the Holy Spirit is
is being spread everywhere, and is encountering
poured upon them in order that they might be
greater and still greater opposition from Satan and
strengthened for a special work: the giving of the
his agents.
loud cry to all the world.
But then, suddenly, a powerful new addition ar-
(Keep in mind that not all are sealed at once or
rives: the fourth angel is sent from the throne of
at the same time. The sealing-reception of the lat-
God with a special assignment. It is his work to
ter rain and the giving of the loud cry is a progres-
strengthen the message to come out from Babylon
sive work in the lives of men and women through-
and give it fullest power. Only very rarely before in
out the planet. As the law is passed in their nation,
human history has there been even a brief glimpse
they learn to understand the issues and make their
of this dramatic display of divine power through
the lives and in the words of men.
For every heaven-sent message, there is a coun-
At some point during the swelling intensity of
terfeit. Satans opposition to the loud cry is a host
all this, Satan appears. One statement in an earlier
of wonder-working activities, which we discussed
chapter (The False Latter Rain) indicated that, in
in considerable detail in an earlier chapter (The
desperation, Satan finally, personally, appears to
False Latter Rain). Apparent miracle working of
mankind as the personated Christ:
all kinds occurs and heathen deities return. De-
mons take human form and arouse and lead the Satan sees that he is about to lose his case.
masses in demonstrations against the faithful. He cannot sweep in the whole world. He makes
one last desperate effort to overcome the faith-
In striking contrast, the faithful are presenting
ful by deception. He does this in personating
the final message to a dying worlda message of
Christ. He clothes himself with the garments of
Gods love, as shown in a correct view of righteous-
royalty which have been accurately described in the
ness by faith (Rev. 14:12), which may be summa-
vision of John. He has power to do this. He will ap-
pear to his deluded followers, the Christian world This is because no man is able to predict the time of
who received not the love of the truth but had plea- any future event (Ev 221). He cannot know definite
sure in unrighteousness (transgression of the law), time (6BC 1052, Ev 221, 1SM 188, 6T 440). See
as Christ coming the second time.Last Day our tract study, Its No Time for Time Excitement
Events, 164:1. [PG 21], for many more quotations.
This appearance of Satan may be his attempted
counterfeit of the fourth angels work. Or it may be -2-
his appearance, prior to the fourth angels appear- GODS PEOPLE IN THE OTHER
ance, that necessitates this dramatic increase of CHURCHES WILL BE CALLED OUT
spiritual power from heaven. Also notice in the above
Gods people are in all the churches.
quotation, that Satan is not merely concerned with
holding on to his captives, but entrapping the faith- The Lord has His representatives in all the
ful ones as well. churches. These persons have not had the special
testing truths for these last days presented to them
At any rate, at some point during the loud cry,
under circumstances that brought conviction to heart
Satan will appear at various places throughout the
and mind; therefore they have not, by rejecting
world as a personated Christ.
light, severed their connection with God.6
First comes the urging and enactment of the Testimonies, 70:4-71:0.
National Sunday Law. Then comes the sealing and
Notwithstanding the spiritual darkness and
latter rain (or the marking and false latter rain).
alienation from God that exist in the churches which
Then starts the loud cry (as satanic manifestations
constitute Babylon, the great body of Christs
intensify). Then the fourth angel comes down to
true followers are still to be found in their com-
strengthen the loud cry and swell it into a message
munion.Great Controversy, 390:1.
of astounding power.
In this study, we will discuss both the loud cry -3-
of the third angel and the powerful swelling of that
message by the fourth angel. It is of interest that DURING THE CRISIS, WHAT SHOULD
there is a remarkably large number of quotations GODS PEOPLE DO ON SUNDAYS?
on these two subjects. In the mind of the One who The following passages indicate that, during the
inspired the Spirit of Prophecy, it was considered a Sunday-law crisis, (1) we should not, publicly, give
very important topic. others the impression that we are resting on Sun-
The sealing/latter rain/loud cry cluster should day in honor of the Sunday sabbath. (2) We can
be of crucial concern to us. It will be an accelerat- quietly work in our homes on that day. (3) We can
ing display of divine power on a massive scale. It quietly rest during part of that day, when there is
continues on until the last soul has been warned no likelihood we may be doing so to compromise
and made his decision. Then the general close of our faith or exalt the Sunday sabbath. But Sunday
probation occurs. After that, there is no more pro- is a working day, not a sacred day of rest. (4) The
bationary message from heaven to the world. As best plan is, in time of a local or national blue law
soon as the angels return to heaven to report to crisis, to use Sunday as an active missionary day
Jesus that their work is finished, the general close and occupy it with visiting and giving Bible studies.
of probation occurs. These four points summarize what should be done
on Sunday during the coming crisis.
-1- 1 - We should not reverence the first day as
TIMING OF though it were the Sabbath.
THE LOUD CRY MESSAGE We must take a firm stand that we will not
It is not possible to set a date for the occurrence reverence the first day of the week as the Sab-
of the loud cry or to determine time spans leading to bath, for it is not the day that was blessed and
or away from it. In addition, we should not include sanctified by Jehovah, and in reverencing Sun-
time setting in our presentation of that message. This day we should place ourselves on the side of the
message does not need time setting in order to great deceiver . .
strengthen it (EW 75). It must never be hung on time When the law of God has been made void, and
(1SM 188). God has never revealed a definite time apostasy becomes a national sin, the Lord will work
for the close of the last message (7BC 989-990, 1SM in behalf of His people.3 Selected Messages,
191); for, indeed, after 1844, there are no more mes- 388:3, 5.
sages of any kind to be given by man that are based 2 - During the Sunday law crisis, Gods people
on time (6BC 1052, 7BC 971, 1SM 188) and no should refrain from open labor on the first day of
man has a true message of definite time (2SM 113). the week.
In regard to the Southern field, the work there missionary work, and give Bible studies on that
must be done as wisely and carefully as possible, day, but DO NOT hold or attend WORSHIP services
and it must be done in the manner in which Christ on Sunday! We can assume this would especially
would work. The people will soon find out what require us NOT to hold Sunday MORNING meet-
you believe about Sunday and the Sabbath, for they ings. (Bear in mind that an Easter sunrise service
will ask questions. Then you can tell them, but not would be a Sunday morning worship service.)
in such a manner as to attract attention to your 5 - Obey God rather than men.
work. You need not cut short your work by your-
The people of God will recognize human gov-
self laboring on Sunday.
ernment as an ordinance of divine appointment
Refraining from work on Sunday is not re- and will by precept and example teach obedience
ceiving the mark of the beast . . In places where to it as a sacred duty so long as its authority is
the opposition is so strong as to arouse persecu- exercised within its legitimate sphere. But when
tion, if work is done on Sunday, let our brethren its claims conflict with the claims of God we
make that day an occasion to do genuine mission- must choose to obey God rather than men. The
ary work.Last Day Events, 139:1. Word of God must be recognized and obeyed
3 - We can use it for evangelistic and medi- as an authority above that of all human legis-
cal missionary work. lation. Thus saith the Lord is not to be set
At one time those in charge of our school at aside for a Thus saith the church or the state.
Avondale inquired of me, saying: What shall we do? The crown of Christ is to be uplifted above all the
The officers of the law have been commissioned to diadems of earthly potentates.Last Day Events,
arrest those working on Sunday. I replied: It will 142:1.
be very easy to avoid that difficulty. Give Sunday
to the Lord as a day for doing missionary -4-
work. Take the students out to hold meetings THE THIRD ANGELS MESSAGE
in different places, and to do medical mission- WARNS AGAINST THE MARK
ary work. They will find the people at home and
The first part of the third angels message (Rev.
will have a splendid opportunity to present the
14:9-11) is the announcement of a fearful judgment
truth. This way of spending Sunday is always
to come upon those who will worship the beast and
acceptable to the Lord. 9 Testimonies, 238:1.
his image (GC 594). It is combined with the second
4 - We can visit and hold meetings on that day. part (Rev. 14:12), which declares that mankind can,
When the practices of the people do not come by faith in Jesus Christ, obey Gods holy law.
in conflict with the law of God, you may con- The loud cry message is not about all the little
form to them. If the workers fail to do this, they trivia and manufactured messages that some of our
will not only hinder their own work, but they will people imagine that it comprises. It is the third
place stumbling blocks in the way of those for whom angels message of Rev. 14:9-12, which includes the
they labor, and hinder them from accepting the truth. first and second angels messages of 14:6-8.
On Sunday there is the very best opportunity for
1 - It is given to prepare a people to stand
those who are missionaries to hold Sunday schools,
through the final conflict.
and come to the people in the simplest manner pos-
sible, telling them of the love of Jesus for sin- To prepare a people to stand in the day of
ners, and educating them in the Scriptures . . God, a great work of reform was to be accom-
plished. God saw that many of His professed people
The light that I have is that Gods servants
were not building for eternity, and in His mercy He
should go quietly to work, preaching the grand,
was about to send a message of warning to arouse
precious truths of the BibleChrist and Him
them from their stupor and lead them to make
crucified, His love and infinite sacrificeshowing
ready for the coming of the Lord.
that the reason why Christ died is because the law
of God is immutable, unchangeable, eternal. The This warning is brought to view in Revela-
Sabbath must be taught in a decided manner, tion 14. Here is a threefold message represented
but be cautious how you deal with the idol Sun- as proclaimed by heavenly beings and immediately
day. A word to the wise is sufficient . . followed by the coming of the Son of man to reap the
harvest of the earth. Great Controversy, 311:2-
Refraining from work on Sunday is not re-
ceiving the mark of the beast; and where this will
advance the interests of the work, it should be done. 2 - The sins of Babylon will be laid open.
We should not go out of our way to work on Sun- Heretofore those who presented the truths of
day.Maranatha, 177:2-5. the third angels message have often been regarded
So then, give evangelistic lectures, do medical as mere alarmists. Their predictions that reli-
gious intolerance would gain control in the 1 - Keeping the commandments of God,
United States, that church and state would through enabling faith in Jesus Christ, His Son.
unite to persecute those who keep the com- Here is the patience of the saints: here are they
mandments of God, have been pronounced that keep the commandments of God, and the faith
groundless and absurd . . But as the question of of Jesus.Revelation 14:12.
enforcing Sunday observance is widely agitated, the
In the Greek, Revelation 14:12 can just as prop-
event so long doubted and disbelieved is seen to be
erly be translated keep the commandments of God
approaching, and the third message will produce
by the faith of Jesus, or by faith in Jesus. The
an effect which it could not have had before . .
genitive case in Greek is broader in its application
Men of faith and prayer will be constrained to than the other cases.
go forth with holy zeal, declaring the words which
2 - It is the revelation of the righteousness of
God gives them. The sins of Babylon will be laid
Christ, the sin-pardoning Saviour.
open. The fearful results of enforcing the ob-
servances of the church by civil authority, the The time of test is just before us, for the loud
inroads of spiritualism, the stealthy but rapid cry of the third angel has already begun in the rev-
progress of the papal power all will be un- elation of the righteousness of Christ, the sin-
masked. By these solemn warnings the people will pardoning Redeemer. This is the beginning of the
be stirred.Great Controversy, 605:3-606:0, 2. light of the angel whose glory shall fill the whole
earth.1 Selected Messages, 363:0.
It is of interest that, during the loud cry, the
remnant of our people who remain faithful will give 3 - It is a revelation of Gods character.
the plain warningwhich many of them refuse to The last message of mercy to be given to the
give now! world is a revelation of His character of love.
3 - The Third Angels Message is a life and The children of God are to manifest His glory. In
death question, and must not be toned down. their own life and character they are to reveal what
the grace of God has done for them.Christs Ob-
We know that now everything is at stake. The
ject Lessons, 415:5-416:0.
third angels message is to be at this time re-
garded as of the highest importance. It is a life It is a message of how deep the love of God is
and death question. The eighteenth chapter of Rev- that it can lift man out of the pit of sin. It is a mes-
elation reveals the importance of presenting the sage of forgiveness and empowered obedience. It is
truth in no measured terms, but with boldness and the message of how men and women can be re-
power. There must be no toning down of the stored to clean, pure sons and daughters of God.
truth, no muffling of the message for this time. The message of Christs righteousness is
Satan has devised a state of things whereby the to sound from one end of the earth to the other to
proclamation of the third angels message shall be prepare the way of the Lord. This is the glory of
bound about. We must beware of his plans and God, which closes the work of the third angel.6
methods. The third angels message is to be Testimonies, 19:1.
strengthened and confirmed.Letter 28, 1900 (to Note: A careful study of Spirit of Prophecy state-
Brother and Sister [W.W.] Prescott, February 17, ments on the topic of righteousness by faith re-
1900. See also Maranatha 191). veals that ninety-five percent of them, in context,
are speaking about obedience to the command-
-5- ments of God through faith in Christs righteous-
THE THIRD ANGELS MESSAGE ness. The other five percent concern forgiveness,
ALSO INCLUDES THE MESSAGE OF without mentioning obedience. (If you question this,
OBEDIENCE TO THE FATHERS LAWS read our compilation of every righteousness by faith
BY FAITH IN quotation we could find in the Spirit of Prophecy:
THE SONS ENABLING GRACE Message of Minneapolis, Part 1-4 [FF 22-25], also
included in our Inspirational Tractbook.)
The first part of the third angels message is a
warning not to receive the mark (Rev. 14:9-11). The
second part is what to do in order not to receive
the mark (Rev. 14:12). This second part is a clear THE THIRD ANGEL POINTS MANKIND
statement of righteousness by faith, which is obedi- TO THE MOST HOLY PLACE
ence by faith in Christs enabling merits. Chapter 60, of Early Writings, is entitled The
The third angels message is a message of righ- Third Angels Message. Three times in that chap-
teousness by faith in Christ (TM 91-93). It is, in ter, on three different pages, we are told that the
verity, a message of justification by faith (Ev 190, 1 third angel points those who accept that message
SM 372, TM 92-93).
to the Most Holy Place where Jesus is ministering listeners to the Most Holy Place! In doing so, he is
for them. This is important! It is crucial that, by fulfilling the prophecy of Revelation 11:19:
faith, we enter the Most Holy Place where our High And the temple of God was opened in heaven,
Priest isthere to fall at the feet of our Saviour, as and there was seen in His temple the ark of His
we plead for forgiveness. Arising, He shows us the testament: and there were lightnings, and voices,
unchanging law to be obeyed, and we behold the and thunderings, and an earthquake, and great
mercy seat and our pleading Saviour who alone can hail.Revelation 11:19.
strengthen us to obey.
(For more on this important subject, see Early
In the next section of this chapter, we will learn Writings, 32, 42, 254-256; Great Controversy, 415,
that the messages of all three angels are included 433-435, 453-454; Patriarchs and Prophets, 356;
in the third. But the third angel points us to the 1 Testimonies, 76; and 2 Testimonies, 693. Of equal
Sanctuary in heaven where Jesus ministers on our importance and bearing directly on this is Great Con-
behalf before His Father and the holy law, which is troversy, 423-425, 432.)
the basis of His throne and His holy government.
2 - The third angel points the hearers to the
We need to understand all three messages, and it
heavenly Sanctuary a second time.
is in Jesus and in the Sanctuary message that we
learn them best. The answers to all mankinds prob- After Jesus opened the door of the Most Holy,
lems are centered in that hallowed place, for there the light of the Sabbath was seen, and the people of
we find Jesus, the forgiving empowering Saviour; God were tested, as the children of Israel were tested
and there we find the moral law which, in His anciently, to see if they would keep Gods law. I saw
strength, we must obey. the third angel pointing upward, showing the
disappointed ones the way to the holiest of the
1 - The third angels message, which was ini-
heavenly Sanctuary. As they by faith enter the Most
tially given in 1844 and onward, points those
Holy, they find Jesus, and hope and joy spring up
who accept it to the heavenly Sanctuary where
anew . . The third angel has lighted up the past,
Jesus is ministering on their behalf.
the present, and the future, and they know that
As the ministration of Jesus closed in the holy God has indeed led them by His mysterious provi-
place, and He passed into the holiest, and stood dence.
before the ark containing the law of God, He sent
It was represented to me that the remnant
another mighty angel with a third message to the
followed Jesus into the Most Holy Place and be-
world. A parchment was placed in the angels hand,
held the ark and the mercy seat, and were capti-
and as he descended to the earth in power and maj-
vated with their glory. Jesus then raised the cover of
esty, he proclaimed a fearful warning, with the most
the ark, and lo! the tables of stone, with the ten
terrible threatening ever borne to man.
commandments written upon them. They trace down
This message was designed to put the children the lively oracles, but start back with trembling when
of God upon their guard, by showing them the hour they see the fourth commandment among the ten
of temptation and anguish that was before them. holy precepts, with a brighter light shining upon it
Said the angel, They will be brought into close com- than upon the other nine, and a halo of glory around
bat with the beast and his image. Their only hope it.Early Writings, 254:2-255:1.
of eternal life is to remain steadfast. Although their
3 - Then the third angel points the faithful,
lives are at stake, they must hold fast the truth.
for a third time, to the Most Holy Place in heaven.
The third angel closes his message thus:
Many who embraced the third message had not
Here is the patience of the saints: here are they
had an experience in the two former messages. Sa-
that keep the commandments of God, and the faith
tan understood this, and his evil eye was upon them
of Jesus. As he repeated these words, he pointed
to overthrow them; but the third angel was point-
to the heavenly Sanctuary. The minds of all who
ing them to the Most Holy Place, and those who
embrace this message are directed to the Most
had an experience in the past messages were
Holy Place, where Jesus stands before the ark, mak-
pointing them the way to the heavenly Sanctu-
ing His final intercession.Early Writings, 254:1.
ary. Many saw the perfect chain of truth in the an-
There are two distinct parts to the third angels gels messages, and gladly received them in their or-
message: The first is the warning to avoid receiving der, and followed Jesus by faith into the heav-
the mark (Rev. 14:9-11); the second is the means enly Sanctuary. These messages were represented
by which to obey God and avoid the mark (Rev. to me as an anchor to the people of God. Those who
14:12). In the above passage, it is clear that the understand and receive them will be kept from be-
second part is the most important; for it is repeated. ing swept away by the many delusions of Satan.
In order to clarify its meaning, as he repeats Revela- Early Writings, 256:2.
tion 14:12 a second time, the third angel points the
Three times the third angel points us to the sec- Christs enabling strength.
ond apartment of the heavenly Sanctuary. These truths, as presented in Revelation 14 in
Our salvation is to be found there. The final mes- connection with the everlasting gospel, will distin-
sage to mankind is centered there. Listen not to those guish the church of Christ at the time of His ap-
who would disparage or underate the importance of pearing. For as the result of the threefold mes-
the Sanctuary Message! sage it is announced: Here are they that keep the
commandments of God, and the faith of Jesus. And
-7- this message is the last to be given before the com-
THE MESSAGES ing of the Lord.Great Controversy, 453:3-454:0.
OF ALL THREE ANGELS WILL 4 - The messages are to be combined.
BE COMBINED IN THE LOUD CRY The three angels messages are to be com-
1 - The third angels message includes the mes- bined, giving their threefold light to the world.
sages of the first and second angels. In the Revelation, John says, I saw another angel
come down from heaven, having great power; and
The first angels message proclaims two special
the earth was lightened with his glory (Rev. 18:2-5,
truths which point to the Creator: (1) The weekly
quoted). This represents the giving of the last and
climactic worship of the true God is to take place on
threefold message of warning to the world.7
the seventh day of the week, the memorial of Cre-
Bible Commentary, 985/2:2.
ation. (2) All should acknowledge and worship the
true God as the Creator; therefore atheistic and evo-
lutionary concepts are most blasphemous and ter-
rible evils. In the opinion of the present compiler, EVENTS BEFORE THE LOUD CRY
the first angels message includes an unmasking of (1) The loud cry will begin after the mighty shak-
the error of evolution. ing in the church: The following passages should
The second angels message is a powerful call to be carefully read: EW 269-271, 5T 80-82, 2 SM 380,
come out of the apostate churches. The last part of 6T 400-401.
the third angels message identifies those apostate (2) The loud cry will begin after the experience of
churches as the ones which do not, by faith in Christ, blotting out of sins in the investigative judgment:
obey Gods commandments. Acts 3:19.
The third angels message has two distinct as- (3) The loud cry will begin before the sound-
pects: (1) A most terrible warning to shun the apos- ing of the Revelation 18:2-4 angel: GC 389-390
tasy of the commandment breakers who observe a (Rev. 17:12-13).
false Sunday-sabbath. (2) An urgent call to repent
(4) The loud cry will occur after the sealing/
and obey the commandments of God by faith in
marking time begins.
the enabling merits of Jesus Christ.
1 - The marking command prompts the giving
Pages 436-439 of Great Controversy will pro-
of the loud cry of the third angel.
vide you with additional information regarding the
three messages. The beast with lamb-like horns speaks with the
voice of a dragon and exerciseth all the power of the
2 - The three steps of the final messages to
first beast before him. Prophecy declares that he
the world need no imagined improvements.
will say to them that dwell on the earth that they
I saw a company who stood well guarded and should make an image to the beast, and that it will
firm, giving no countenance to those who would un- cause all, both small and great, rich and poor,
settle the established faith of the body. God looked free and bond, to receive a mark in their right
upon them with approbation. I was shown three hand or in their foreheads; and that no man might
stepsthe first, second, and third angels mes- buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the name of
sages. Said my accompanying angel, Woe to him the beast, or the number of his name. Thus Prot-
who shall move a block or stir a pin of these estantism follows in the steps of the papacy.
messages. The true understanding of these mes-
It is at this time that the third angel is seen
sages is of vital importance. The destiny of souls
flying in the midst of heaven, proclaiming, If any
hangs upon the manner in which they are received. I
man worship the beast or his image, and receive his
was again brought down through these messages,
mark in his forehead or in his hand, the same shall
and saw how dearly the people of God had pur-
drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured
chased their experience.Early Writings, 258:3-
out without mixture into the cup of his indignation.
Here are they that keep the commandments of God,
3 - When the threefold message is accepted, it and the faith of Jesus. Signs, November 1, 1899.
results in perfect obedience to Gods law through
2 - The marking order precedes the fourth buy or sell, save he that had the mark or the num-
angels message. ber of his name.
He causeth all both small and great, to re- And after these things I saw another angel come
ceive a mark in their right hand, or in their fore- down from heaven, having great power; and the earth
heads. Not only are men not to work with their hands was lightened with his glory. Review, April 27,
on Sunday, but with the minds they are to acknowl- 1911.
edge Sunday as the Sabbath. And that no man might
The first angels message was initially given by This message must be proclaimed a second time
William Miller and his associates from 1840 to 1844 (GC 603, TM 59), and must go to every continent
(7 BC 971; Ev 390; EW 232; GC 398, 611), and the and every island in the sea (Ev 19, GW 470). Not a
prophecy regarding it was fulfilled at that time (SR peg or pin of this message is to be removed (CW 26).
356). It announced the hour of Gods investigative It did not have a complete fulfillment in 1844 (GC
judgment (GC 311, 379). This message continues 389); and its perfect fulfillment is yet future (GC
to be given today and, by its call to worship the Cre- 390).
ator, points men to the true Sabbath (2SM 105). There cannot be a third angels message without
From its wording, that call would also include a de- the second angels message (CW 27); for the third
nunciation of evolutionary teachings which deny the angels message is closely linked to it (7 BC 980; CW
existence of the Creator. The first angels message is 26, 29-30; Ev 196; 8T 197).
linked to the messages of the second and third an-
The message of the second angel will be repeated
gels (6T 17) and requires obedience to the law of
during the loud cry, when the message of the third
God (GC 436). That message must go to all people
angel is proclaimed (7 BC 985, EW 277). But it will
(GC 450) and be proclaimed in the time of the end
also be repeated and mightily strengthened in the
(TM 115).
giving of the Revelation 18:1-5 message (GC 390;7
The second angels message. Those rejecting BC 985; EW 277; 2SM 116, 118; TM 59). The Rev-
the first angels message cannot be benefited by the elation 18 angel will come to earth and unite his
second (EW 249, 260). The second angels mes- voice with that of the second angel (7 BC 983, GC
sage is a warning that Babylon had fallen (TM 59); 390). The people will be given an urgent call to leave
and it calls the people out of Babylon (EW 241-243) the Sundaykeeping churches and unite with the rem-
and the nominal churches (EW 243). nant. The message will go to every nation, kindred,
In the Millerite movement, the popular churches tongue, and people (Ev 19, GW 470). It will be pro-
rejected this message (EW 237); and it was pro- claimed to every nation on earth (PK 187).
claimed far and wide in 1844 (LS 59). At that time, The third and fourth angels. In the last chap-
it especially applied to the Protestant churches of ter, we considered the nature and broad scope of the
America which had rejected the Advent message loud cry of the third angel, prior to its strengthening
proclaimed by the Millerites (GC 389). This mes- by the fourth angel. Here we will turn our attention
sage brought a large company out of the fallen to what happens when the fourth angel comes down
churches (EW 238). Although first given in 1844 and powerfully strengthens the second angels mes-
(GC 389), it did not reach its complete fulfillment sage. A power is added to the overall presentation
at that time (GC 389). which has a terrific impact, an impact which contin-
This message has a past and present applica- ues on down to the general close of probation.
tion; and it is erroneous to think that it is entirely
future (Ev 613). It is a most solemn message (CDF -1-
76) and a terrible denunciation (7T 140). It is given THE WORLD WILL FULLY AWAKEN
in connection with the first and third angels mes- WHEN THE REVELATION 18 ANGEL
The midnight cry, sounded in 1844, was given
1 - Babylon has made all nations drink by forc-
near the close of the second angels message (EW
ing Sundaykeeping.
238), was closely associated with it (LS 59), and
gave power to it (EW 238-239, 277). Indeed, the Notwithstanding the spiritual darkness and
midnight cry actually united with the second angels alienation from God that exist in the churches which
message (GC 402); but it was not able to benefit constitute Babylon, the great body of Christs true
those who rejected it. followers are still to be found in their commun-
-5- -6-
1 - It will arrest the attention of all men. The loud cry is the most extensive, powerful, and
When the final warning shall be given, it will long-lasting aspect of the period of time between the
arrest the attention of these leading men through setting up of the image and the close of probation.
whom the Lord is now working, and some of them As the people of God are sealed, the latter rain falls
will accept it, and will stand with the people of God upon them, and they go out and proclaim the loud
through the time of trouble.Great Controversy, cry till the close of probation. Many will accept the
611:0. God-given message during that time.
2 - Influential men will accept it and unite with 1 - Large numbers will accept the truth.
the faithful. The time is coming when there will be as many
A few of Gods agents will have power to converted in a day as there were on the Day of
bear down a great mass of evil. Thus the work Pentecost, after the disciples had received the Holy
will go on until the third message has done its work, Spirit.Evangelism, 692:2.
and at the loud cry of the third angel, these agents 2 - Thousands will accept and spread the truth.
will have an opportunity to receive the truth, Many have let the gospel invitation go unheeded;
and some of them will be converted, and en- they have been tested and tried; but mountainous
dure with the saints through the time of trouble. obstacles have seemed to loom up before their faces,
1 Testimonies, 203:1-204:0. blocking their onward march. Through faith, perse-
3 - It will be brought to the attention of kings verance, and courage, many will surmount these ob-
and governors. structions and walk out into the glorious light.
Kings, governors, and great men will hear Almost unconsciously barriers have been
of you through the reports of those who are at en- erected in the strait and narrow way; stones of stum-
mity with you, and your faith and character will be bling have been placed in the path; these will be
misrepresented before them. But those who are rolled away. The safeguards which false shepherds
falsely accused will have an opportunity to appear have thrown around their flocks will become as
in the presence of their accusers to answer for them- nought; thousands will step out into the light,
selves.Our High Calling, 355:2 (see 5T 717). and work to spread the light. Heavenly intelli-
4 - Study the Word of God in preparation for gences will combine with the human agencies. Thus
the work to be done during the loud cry. encouraged, the church will indeed arise and shine,
throwing all her sanctified energies into the con-
It does not seem possible to us now that any
test; thus the design of God is accomplished; the
should have to stand alone, but if God has ever
lost pearls are recovered.
spoken by me, the time will come when we shall
be brought before councils and before thou- Prophets have discerned this grand work
sands for His names sake, and each one will afar off, and have caught the inspiration of the
have to give the reason of his faith. Then will come hour, and traced the wonderful description of things
the severest criticism upon every position that has yet to be.Evangelism, 692:3-693:1.
been taken for the truth. We need, then, to study 3 - Many backsliders will return.
the Word of God, that we may know why we be- When the storm of persecution really breaks
lieve the doctrines we advocate.Last Day upon us, the true sheep will hear the true Shep-
Events, 209:1. herds voice. Self-denying efforts will be put forth to
Many will have to stand in the legislative save the lost, and many who have strayed from
courts; some will have to stand before kings the fold will come back to follow the great Shep-
and before the learned of the earth to answer herd. The people of God will draw together and
for their faith. Those who have only a superficial present to the enemy a united front . .
understanding of truth will not be able clearly to The love of Christ, the love of our brethren, will
expound the Scriptures and give definite reasons testify to the world that we have been with Jesus
for their faith. They will become confused and will and learned of Him. Then will the message of
not be workmen that need not to be ashamed. Let the third angel swell to a loud cry, and the whole
no one imagine that he has no need to study be- earth will be lightened with the glory of the Lord.
cause he is not to preach in the sacred desk. You 6 Testimonies, 401:0-1.
know not what God may require of you.Funda-
4 - Thousands will come in, near the end of
mentals of Education, 217:1.
the call.
Gods Spirit will pass by those who have had ence, yet many whose minds were impressed have
their day of test and opportunity, but who have not been prevented from fully comprehending the truth
distinguished the Voice of God or appreciated the or from yielding obedience. Now the rays of light
movings of His Spirit. Then thousands in the elev- penetrate everywhere, the truth is seen in its clear-
enth hour will see and acknowledge the truth. ness, and the honest children of God sever the bands
2 Selected Messages, 16:1. which have held them. Family connections, church
And it shall come to pass in the last days, that relations, are powerless to stay them now. Truth is
the mountain of the Lords house shall be estab- more precious than all besides. Notwithstanding the
lished in the top of the mountains, and shall be agencies combined against the truth, a large num-
exalted above the hills; and all nations shall flow ber take their stand upon the Lords side.Great
unto it. Controversy, 611:3-612:2.
And many people shall go and say, Come
ye, and let us go up to the mountain of the
Lord, to the house of the God of Jacob; and He will THE LOUD CRY MESSAGE
teach us of His ways, and we will walk in His paths: WILL GO RAPIDLY
for out of Zion shall go forth the law, and the Word 1 - It will go like the lightning for swiftness.
of the Lord from Jerusalem.
The bright light going among the living creatures
Enlarge the place of thy tent, and let them stretch with the swiftness of lightning represents the
forth the curtains of thine habitations: spare not, speed with which this work will finally go forward to
lengthen thy cords, and strengthen thy stakes; For completion.5 Testimonies, 754:2.
thou shall break forth on the right hand and on
2 - It will spread like fire in the stubble.
the left; and thy seed shall inherit the Gentiles, and
make the desolate cities to be inhabited . . For thy When divine power is combined with human
Maker is thine husband; the Lord of hosts is His effort, the work will spread like fire in the stubble.
name; and thy Redeemer the Holy One of Israel; the God will employ agencies whose origin man will be
God of the whole earth shall He be called.Isaiah unable to discern; angels will do a work which
54:2-3, 5. men might have had the blessing of accomplish-
ing, had they not neglected to answer the claims of
5 - Thousands of voices will give the message,
God.1 Selected Messages, 118:3.
and miracles and healings will be wrought.
3 - Rapid, solid conversions will occur.
The great work of the gospel is not to close with
less manifestation of the power of God than marked Behold, the days come, saith the Lord, that
its opening. The prophecies which were fulfilled in the plowman shall overtake the reaper, and the
the outpouring of the former rain at the opening of treader of grapes him that soweth seed (Amos
the gospel are again to be fulfilled in the latter rain 9:13).
at its close. Here are the times of refreshing to which These conversions to truth will be made
the apostle Peter looked forward when he said: Re- with a rapidity that will surprise the church, and
pent ye therefore, and be converted, that your sins Gods name alone will be glorified.2 Selected Mes-
may be blotted out, when the times of refreshing shall sages, 16:2-3.
come from the presence of the Lord; and He shall 4 - The final movements will be rapid.
send Jesus. Acts 3:19-20.
The final movements will be rapid ones.
Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and 9 Testimonies, 11:2.
shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place
For He will finish the work, and cut it short in
to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By
righteousness: because a short work will the
thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warn-
Lord make upon the earth.Romans 9:28.
ing will be given. Miracles will be wrought, the
sick will be healed, and signs and wonders will 5 - It will be ten times more powerful than
follow the believers. Satan also works with lying the midnight cry.
wonders, even bringing down fire from heaven in the I saw the latter rain was coming as the mid-
sight of men (Rev. 13:13). Thus the inhabitants of night cry, and with ten times the power.
the earth will be brought to take their stand. Spalding-Magan Collection, 4:3.
The message will be carried not so much by
argument as by the deep conviction of the Spirit of -8-
God. The arguments have been presented. The LOUD CRY MESSAGE WILL GO
seed has been sown, and now it will spring up TO THE ENTIRE WORLD
and bear fruit. The publications distributed by
missionary workers have exerted their influ- 1 - All Christendom will be involved.
ments shall be made when the work goes forward mon order of things, and in a way that will be
under the direction of the angel who joins the third contrary to any human planning. There will be
angel in the message to be given to the world. God those among us who will always want to control the
will use ways and means by which it will be work of God, to dictate even what movements shall
seen that He is taking the reins in His own be made when the work goes forward under the di-
hands. The workers will be surprised by the rection of the angel who joins the third angel in the
simple means that He will use to bring about and message to be given to the world. God will use ways
perfect His work of righteousness.Testimonies to and means by which it will be seen that He is tak-
Ministers, 300:0. ing the reins in His own hands. The workers will
5 - Every earthly support will be cut off (in- be surprised by the simple means that He will
cluding that of employing organizations). use to bring about and perfect His work of righteous-
ness.Testimonies to Ministers, 300:0.
In the last great conflict of the controversy with
Satan those who are loyal to God will see every 2 - There will be no predetermined plans.
earthly support cut off. Because they refuse to Do not imagine that it will be possible to
break His law in obedience to earthly powers, they lay out plans for the future; let God be acknowl-
will be forbidden to buy or sell.Desire of Ages, edged as standing at the helm at all times and un-
121:3-122:0. der every circumstance. He will work by means that
Nations will be stirred to their very center. Sup- will be suitable, and will maintain, increase, and
port will be withdrawn from those who proclaim build up His own people.Counsels to Writers and
Gods only standard of righteousness, the only sure Editors, 71:0.
test of character. And all who will not bow to the 3 - Unexpected times and ways will be used.
decree of the national councils and obey the na- The Comforter is to reveal Himself, not in any
tional laws to exalt the sabbath instituted by the specified, precise way that man may mark out,
man of sin, to the disregard of Gods holy day, will but in the order of Godin unexpected times and
feel, not the oppressive power of popery alone, but ways that will honor His own name.Last Day
of the Protestant world, the image of the beast.2 Events, 204:1.
Selected Messages, 380:1.
4 - Printed literature will be important.
6 - They will be free from every entangle-
More than one thousand will soon be converted
in one day, most of whom will trace their first
They will turn from every idol that binds them convictions to the reading of our publica-
to earth, and will worship Him that made heaven, tions.Evangelism, 693:3.
and earth, and the sea, and the fountains of wa-
The results of the circulation of this book [The
ters. They will free themselves from every en-
Great Controversy] are not to be judged by what
tanglement and will stand before the world as
now appears. By reading it some souls will be
monuments of Gods mercy.Prophets and Kings,
aroused and will have courage to unite themselves
at once with those who keep the commandments
7 - Financial means will no longer be needed. of God. But a much larger number who read it
I was shown that as the work is closing up, will not take their position until they see the
and the truth is going forth in mighty power, very events taking place that are foretold in
these rich men will bring their means and lay it it. The fulfillment of some of the predictions will
at the feet of the servants of God, begging them to inspire faith that others also will come to pass, and
accept it. The answer from the servants of God will when the earth is lightened with the glory of
be: Go to now, ye rich men. Your means is not the Lord in the closing work, many souls will
needed. Ye withheld it when ye could do good with take their position on the commandments of God
it in advancing the cause of God. The needy have as the result of this agency.Colporteur Ministry,
suffered; they have not been blessed by your means. 128:4-129:0.
God will not accept your riches now.1 Testimo- 5 - The publishing, sale, and distribution of
nies, 175:1. truth-filled literature will continue on down to the
close of probation.
- 12 -
Let us have faith in God. In His name let us
GOD WILL USE UNUSUAL AGENCIES carry forward His work without flinching. The work
1 - The work will be done out of the common He has called us to do He will make a blessing to
order. us . .
Let me tell you that the Lord will work in this As long as probation continues, there will
last work in a manner very much out of the com- be opportunity for the canvasser to work. When
the religious denominations unite with the papacy Lord, is better qualified for Gods work than are
to oppress Gods people, places where there is reli- those who have capabilities but do not employ them
gious freedom will be opened by evangelistic can- rightly.Last Day Events, 205:2.
vassing . . 9 - Even the illiterate will be used.
Until in heaven is spoken the word, It is Those who receive Christ as a personal Saviour
finished, there will always be places for labor, and will stand the test and trial of these last days. Strength-
hearts to receive the message.6 Testimonies, ened by unquestioning faith in Christ, even the il-
478:1-2. literate disciple will be able to withstand the doubts
In a large degree through our publishing and questions that infidelity can produce, and put
houses is to be accomplished the work of that to blush the sophistries of scorners.
other angel who comes down from heaven with The Lord Jesus will give the disciples a
great power and who lightens the earth with his tongue and wisdom that their adversaries can nei-
glory [Rev. 18:1].7 Testimonies, 140:3. ther gainsay nor resist. Those who could not, by
6 - Few great men will give the message. reasoning, overcome satanic delusions will bear an
In the last solemn work few great men will affirmative testimony that will baffle supposedly
be engaged . . God will work a work in our day learned men. Words will come from the lips of
that but few anticipate. He will raise up and ex- the unlearned with such convincing power and
alt among us those who are taught rather by the wisdom that conversions will be made to the truth.
unction of His Spirit than by the outward train- Thousands will be converted under their tes-
ing of scientific institutions. These facilities are not timony.
to be despised or condemned; they are ordained of Why should the illiterate man have this power,
God, but they can furnish only the exterior qualifi- which the learned man has not? The illiterate one,
cations. God will manifest that He is not depen- through faith in Christ, has come into the atmo-
dent on learned, self-important mortals.5 Testi- sphere of pure, clear truth, while the learned man
monies, 80:1, 82:4. has turned away from the truth. The poor man is
The laborers will be qualified rather by the Christs witness. He cannot appeal to histories or
unction of His Spirit than by the training of liter- to so-called high science, but he gathers from the
ary institutions. Men of faith and prayer will be Word of God powerful evidence. The truth that
constrained to go forth with holy zeal, declaring the he speaks under the inspiration of the Spirit is so
words which God gives them.Great Controversy, pure and remarkable and carries with it a power
606:2. so indisputable that his testimony cannot be gain-
said.8 Manuscript Releases, 187:1-188:0.
7 - God will use the most useable: the common
people. 10 - Children will preach.
He will raise up from among the common Many, even among the uneducated, now pro-
people men and women to do His work, even as of claim the words of the Lord. Children are impelled
old He called fisherman to be His disciples. There by the Spirit to go forth and declare the message
will soon be an awakening that will surprise from heaven. The Spirit is poured out upon all who
many. Those who do not realize the necessity of will yield to its promptings; and, casting off all
what is to be done will be passed by, and the heav- mans machinery, his binding rules and cautious
enly messengers will work with those who are methods, they will declare the truth with the might
called the common people, fitting them to carry of the Spirits power.Evangelism, 700:1.
the truth to many places.Last Day Events, When the heavenly intelligences see that men
204:2. will no longer present the truth in simplicity as did
8 - God will use those He can use best. Jesus, the very children will be moved upon by
the Spirit of God and will go forth proclaiming the
To souls that are earnestly seeking for light
truth for this time.Last Day Events, 206:3-207:0.
and that accept with gladness every ray of divine il-
lumination from His holy Word, to such alone light 11 - Angels will speak to men.
will be given. It is through these souls that God There are many men in our world who are like
will reveal that light and power which will lighten Cornelius . . As God worked for Cornelius, so He
the whole earth with His glory.5 Testimonies, works for these true standard bearers . . They will
729:2. obtain a knowledge of God, as Cornelius did, through
It is discipline of spirit, cleanness of heart the visitation of angels from heaven.Last Day
and thought that is needed. This is of more value Events, 207:2.
than brilliant talent, tact, or knowledge. An ordi- When divine power is combined with human
nary mind, trained to obey a Thus saith the effort, the work will spread like fire in the stubble.
God will employ agencies whose origin man will be them will be unanswerable.Letter 30, 1900 (to
unable to discern. Angels will do a work which Brother and Sister Hickox, February 25, 1900.
men might have had the blessing of accomplishing See also 7 BC 167).
had they not neglected to answer the claims of God. Laymen from Various Vocations Will Learn in
1 Selected Messages, 118:3. Connection with Men of Experience.In all fields
The angels of heaven are moving upon hu- nigh and afar off, men will be called from the plow
man minds to arouse investigation in the themes and from the more common commercial business
of the Bible. A far greater work will be done than vocations that largely occupy the mind, and will be-
has yet been done and none of the glory of it will come educated in connection with men who have had
flow to men; for angels that minister to those experience, men who understand the truth. Through
who shall be heirs of salvation are working most wonderful workings of God, mountains of dif-
night and day.Counsels to Writers and Editors, ficulty will be removed and cast into the sea . .
140:2. A Series of Events Will Reveal that God Is Mas-
ter of the Situation.There is to be, at this pe-
- 13 - riod, a series of events which will reveal that God is
MANY WILL RESIST AND OPPOSE the master of the situation. The truth will be pro-
GODS CHOSEN METHODS claimed in clear unmistakable language. Those who
preach the truth will strive to demonstrate the truth
Gods methods will be resisted as something
by a well-ordered life and godly conversation. And,
as they do this, they will become powerful in advo-
There is to be in the [Seventh-day Adventist] cating the truth, and in giving it the sure applica-
churches a wonderful manifestation of the power tion that God has given it . .
of God, but it will not move upon those who have
The Workings of Providence Will Be Recog-
not humbled themselves before the Lord, and
nized in the Judgments and Blessings that
opened the door of the heart by confession and re-
Come.Marked events of Providence will be seen
pentance. In the manifestation of that power which
and recognized, in judgments and blessings. The
lightens the earth with the glory of God, they will
truth will vindicate the victory. We have a battle of
see only something which in their blindness
tribulation before us, but our commission is: Go
they think dangerous, something which will
ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them
arouse their fears, and they will brace themselves
in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of
to resist it. Because the Lord does not work ac-
the Holy Spirit: Teaching them to observe all things
cording to their ideas and expectations, they will
whatsoever I have commanded you: and, Lo, I am
oppose the work. Why, they say, should we not
with you alway, even unto the end of the world.
know the Spirit of God, when we have been in the
(Matt. 28:19-20).Letter 230, 1906 (to the El-
work so many years? Last Day Events, 209:3-
ders of the Battle Creek Church, and to Ministers
and Physicians, July 5, 1906.
The Triumph of Truth.That message that
means so much to the dwellers upon the earth, will
LAST DAYS APPENDIX be seen and understood. Men will know what is
truth. Onward, and still onward, is the work to ad-
The following material was gleaned from our
vance. The most marked events of Providence will
currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu-
be seen and recognized, and it will be seen that the
scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the
truth bears away the victory.Manuscript 41, 1906
best material from that volume on topics given in
(Universal Guilt during the Time of the End, n.d.,
this chapter.
a portion published in the Review and Herald, Oc-
tober 11, 1906. See also 9T 95-96).
Imprisonment During the Loud Cry. Those
In the Day When Every Case Is Decided, the who desire to be refreshed in mind and instructed
Tables of Stone Will Be Placed so All the World in the truth should study the history of the early
Will See and Understand.With His own finger church during and immediately following the day of
God wrote His commandments on two tables of stone. Pentecost. They need to study carefully the experi-
These tables were not left in the keeping of men, but ence of Paul and the other apostles, for Gods people
were placed in the ark; and in the great day, when in these last days must pass through similar expe-
every case is decided, these tables, inscribed with riences. As the world becomes more imbued with
the commandments, will be placed so that all the the spirit of the enemy, there will be more vehement
world will see and understand. The witness against opposition of the Word. Some will be imprisoned
because they refuse to desecrate the Sabbath of the vincing power upon minds, and many through them
Lord. Those who would hold the beginning of their will be turned to the Lord.Letter 190, 1907 (to
confidence firm unto the end must bear a living tes- Dear Brethren, May 6, 190).
timony to the world. Their words are to have a con-
NOTE ADDED TO THIS SECOND EDITION But if there is a special triggering event, I will
here suggest that it would be this: the dramatic ap-
Could it be that there is a special event which, part- pearance of Satan when, for the first time, he suddenly
way through the loud cry, will cause the fourth angel to begins rapidly appearing in various places throughout
come down with greatly added empowerment for Gods the world, personating Christ, apparently healing the
people? Could it be the other world-shaking event sick, affirming that Sunday is His Fathers sacred day,
prior to the general close of probation? and declaring that the small group opposing it should
It appears that the faithful will have suddenly en- be eliminated.
countered a great hurdle or obstacle of some kind, some- We know that Satan will suddenly begin visibly
thing so massive that the fourth angel is commissioned appearing, at some point during the loud cry, to the
to come to earth to give them an immense amount of whole world. We would expect that God would prevent
additional power to finish giving the loud cry. him from appearing until partway through the loud cry,
But perhaps no special event has occurred, and the because if he began appearing at its inception, such an
fourth angels arrival is merely the gradually intensified almost overmastering deception would be too over-
pressure of opposition which calls for the added power whelming, and hardly anyone in the world would let the
of third angel. That is what we generally assume. faithful even begin explaining their message.
The great time of trouble, culminating in Jacobs sult. Conditions get worse, not better! Satans ob-
trouble comes after the general close of probation. jective is not merely to require Sunday worship, but
But the little time of trouble occurs prior to that also to destroy those who refuse that worship. The
general close and simultaneously with the giving of ongoing strife and disasters enrage the wicked against
the loud cry; see EW 85-86, 33. faithful Sabbathkeepers.
In summary, the little time of trouble will bring During the great time of trouble (after the gen-
trouble in several ways: eral close of probation), these calamities greatly in-
(1) The wicked will war against one another, crease. In Chapter 17, we will discuss the great time
although to a lesser extent than they do before and of trouble.
after the loud cry.
(2) As the protecting Spirit is poured out on
Gods people, it is withdrawn from the world. This THE LITTLE TIME OF TROUBLE BEGINS
gives Satan greater freedom to bring intensified cri- WHEN LOUD CRY BEGINS
ses to his own followers. Sequence: (1) little time of trouble begins, (2)
(3) Satan will bring desolations and natural di- latter rain, (3) loud cry begins.
sasters which will occur in various places through- At the commencement of the time of trouble, we
out the world. were filled with the Holy Ghost as we went forth and
(4) Satan, his demons, and his agents will blame proclaimed the Sabbath more fully.Early Writ-
Sabbathkeepers for the disasters. This enrages the ings, 33:2.
wicked against Sabbathkeepers.
(5) Sunday law legislation will return power into -2-
the hands of Rome; and it will use it to persecute THE LITTLE TIME OF TROUBLE
(6) The righteous will be persecuted by both Sequence: The little time of trouble comes be-
Catholics and Protestants. fore the end of loud cry and Christs mediation;
(7) Because of the no-buy-sell proviso, Sabbath- and it comes before the close of probation and
keepers will suffer hardship to one degree or an- the plagues.
other. The commencement of that time of trouble,
In spite of the many disasters, crises, and no- here mentioned [on page 33 of EW], does not refer
buy-sell restrictions, God will overrule so that His to the time when the plagues shall begin to be
people will be able to continue spreading the loud poured out, but to a short period just before they
cry message. are poured out, while Christ is in the Sanctuary. At
We are told that the faithful who live in the coun- that time, while the work of salvation is closing,
try will undergo less privation during that difficult trouble will be coming on the earth, and the nations
time than those who have chosen to be slow in mov- will be angry, yet held in check so as not to prevent
ing out of the cities. the work of the third angel.Early Writings, 85:3-
At the time that the Sunday law was enacted, 86:0.
the world was told that enactment of the National
Sunday Law would bring a millennium of peace. -3-
But, as Gods Spirit is poured out upon His faith- PEACE AND SAFETY
ful ones, it is withdrawn from the world. And strife HAS BEEN THE ASSURANCE
and natural disasters caused by Satan are the re-
1 - It will be imagined that the National Sun-
realize that something great and decisive is about to the winds, there will be such a scene of strife as no
take place, that the world is on the verge of a stu- pen can picture . .
pendous crisis. A moment of respite has been graciously given
A moment of respite has been graciously given us of God. Every power lent us of heaven is to be
us of God. Every power lent us of heaven is now to used in doing the work assigned us by the Lord for
be used in working for those perishing in ignorance. those who are perishing in ignorance.Evange-
There must be no delay. The truth must be pro- lism, 704:1-2.
claimed in the dark places of the earth . . A great 8 - Civil, international, and natural crises
work is to be done, and to those who know the are increasing. And these will soon intensively cli-
truth for this time, this work has been entrusted. max.
Maranatha, 174:4-5.
The signs of the times give evidence that the
5 - The little time of trouble will begin dur- judgments of heaven are being poured out, that
ing the loud cry, but will intensify after the loud the day of the Lord is at hand. The daily papers are
cry is ended (during the great time of trouble). full of indications of an intense conflict in the fu-
While the work of salvation is closing, ture. Bold robberies are of frequent occurrence.
trouble will be coming on the earth, and the Strikes are common. Thefts and murders are com-
nations will be angry, yet held in check so as mitted on every hand. Men possessed by demons
not to prevent the work of the third angel. At that are taking the lives of men, women, and little chil-
time the latter rain, or refreshing from the pres- dren. All these things testify that the Lords coming
ence of the Lord, will come, to give power to the is near.
loud voice of the third angel, and prepare the saints The restraining Spirit of God is even now be-
to stand in the period when the seven last plagues ing withdrawn from the world. Hurricanes,
shall be poured out.Early Writings, 85:3-86:0. storms, tempests, disasters by sea and by
6 - A little time of peace will occur, and then land, follow one another in quick succession. The
strife will resume to a far greater degree than signs thickening around us, telling of the near ap-
before. proach of the Son of God, are attributed to any other
I was shown the inhabitants of the earth in than the true cause . .
the utmost confusion. War, bloodshed, priva- The time is right upon us when there will
tion, want, famine, and pestilence were abroad be sorrow in the world that no human balm
in the land. As these things surrounded Gods can heal. Even before the last great destruction
people, they began to press together and to cast aside comes upon the world, the flattering monuments
their little difficulties. Self-dignity no longer con- of mans greatness will be crumbled in the dust.
trolled them; deep humility took its place. Suffering, Gods retributive judgments will fall on those
perplexity, and privation caused reason to resume who in the face of great light have continued
its throne, and the passionate and unreasonable man in sin. Costly buildings, supposed to be fireproof,
became sane, and acted with discretion and wisdom. are erected. But as Sodom perished in the flames
My attention was then called from the scene. of Gods vengeance, so will these proud structures
There seemed to be a little time of peace. Once become ashes. I have seen vessels which cost im-
more the inhabitants of the earth were presented mense sums of money wrestling with the mighty
before me; and again everything was in the ut- ocean, seeking to breast the angry billows. But with
most confusion. Strife, war, and bloodshed, all their treasures of gold and silver, and with all
with famine and pestilence, raged everywhere. their human freight, they sank into a watery grave
Other nations were engaged in this war and confu- . . But amid the tumult of excitement, with confu-
sion. War caused famine. Want and bloodshed sion in every place, there is a work to be done for
caused pestilence. And then mens hearts failed God in the world.Maranatha, 175:3-5.
them for fear, and for looking after those things
which are coming on the earth. 1 Testimonies, -5-
7 - When the third angels message ends and GREAT DISASTERS
probation closes, the check is removed from the Satan has remarkable power over the elements
nations and the storm will burst upon them all of nature.
the more fiercely.
Satan works through the elements also to
Angels are now restraining the winds of strife, garner his harvest of unprepared souls. He has stud-
until the world shall be warned of its coming doom; ied the secrets of the laboratories of nature, and he
but a storm is gathering, ready to burst upon uses all his power to control the elements as far
the earth, and when God shall bid His angels loose as God allows . . While appearing to the children of
men as a great physician who can heal all their mala- foot the Sabbath originated in Eden.Maranatha,
dies, he will bring disease and disaster, until popu- 176:5.
lous cities are reduced to ruin and desolation. Even
now he is at work. In accidents and calamities by -7-
sea and by land, in great conflagrations, in fierce THE WORLD WILL BE AGAINST
tornadoes and terrific hailstorms, in tempests, GODS PEOPLE
floods, cyclones, tidal waves, and earthquakes,
in every place and in a thousand forms, Satan is 1 - The Christian denominations will do that
exercising his power. He sweeps away the ripening (the setting up of the image) which will focus
harvest, and famine and distress follow. He imparts attention on commandment keepers.
to the air a deadly taint, and thousands perish by Our people have been regarded as too in-
the pestilence. These visitations are to become more significant to be worthy of notice, but a change
and more frequent and disastrous. Destruction will will come. The Christian world is now making
be upon both man and beast.Great Controversy, movements which will necessarily bring command-
589:2-590:0. ment-keeping people into prominence.5 Testi-
monies, 546:2.
-6- 2 - Sabbathkeepers will be hated; for Satan is
THE FAITHFUL WILL BE BLAMED purposing their destruction.
FOR THE MANY CALAMITIES The whole world is to be stirred with en-
1 - The judgments increase as the wickedness mity against Seventh-day Adventists, because
of men increases. they will not yield homage to the papacy, by honor-
ing Sunday, the institution of this antichristian
The judgments will be according to the wick-
power. It is the purpose of Satan to cause them
edness of the people and the light of truth that
to be blotted from the earth, in order that his
they have had. If they have had the truth, according
supremacy of the world may not be disputed.
to that light will be the punishment.Maranatha,
Testimonies to Ministers, 37:0.
3 - The attention of the world will be riveted
2 - Those keeping Gods commandments will
on the beliefs of the faithful.
be blamed for the worlds problems.
Every position of truth taken by our people
As men depart further and further from God,
will bear the criticism of the greatest minds; the
Satan is permitted to have power over the children
highest of the worlds great men will be brought in
of disobedience. He hurls destruction among men.
contact with truth, and therefore every position we
There is calamity by land and sea. Property and life
take should be critically examined and tested by
are destroyed by fire and flood. Satan resolves to
the Scriptures. Now we seem to be unnoticed,
charge this upon those who refuse to bow to the
but this will not always be. Movements are at
idol which he has set up. His agents point to Sev-
work to bring us to the front, and if our theories
enth-day Adventists as the cause of the trouble.
of truth can be picked to pieces by historians or
These people stand out in defiance of law, they say.
the worlds greatest men, it will be done.
They desecrate Sunday. Were they compelled to obey
the law for Sunday observance, there would be a ces- We must individually know for ourselves what
sation of these terrible judgments. Maranatha, is truth, and be prepared to give a reason of the
176:2. hope that we have with meekness and fear, not in a
proud boasting, self-sufficiency, but with the spirit
3 - Sunday violators will be declared to be the
of Christ. We are nearing the time when we shall
cause of all the troubles.
stand individually, alone, to answer for our be-
Satan puts his interpretation upon events, and lief.Evangelism, 69:1-2.
they [leading men] think, as he would have
4 - Then as now, the strength of the faithful
them, that the calamities which fill the land
will be in Christ and an obedient knowledge of
are a result of Sunday breaking. Thinking to
His Word.
appease the wrath of God, these influential men
make laws enforcing Sunday observance. They The powers of darkness will open their bat-
think that by exalting this false rest day higher, and teries upon us; and all who are indifferent and care-
still higher, compelling obedience to the Sunday law, less, who have set their affections on their earthly
the spurious sabbath, they are doing God service. treasure, and who have not cared to understand
Those who honor God by observing the true Sab- Gods dealings with His people, will be ready vic-
bath are looked upon as disloyal to God, when it is tims. No power but a knowledge of the truth as
really those who thus regard them who are them- it is in Jesus, will ever make us steadfast; but
selves disloyal, because they are trampling under- with this, one may chase a thousand, and two put
close of probation), persecution of the faithful will God.7 Bible Commentary, 977/1:5-2:0.
be limited. 4 - Courts and judges will be corrupt.
Persecution in its varied forms is the develop- Those who live during the last days of this
ment of a principle which will exist as long as Sa- earths history will know what it means to be
tan exists and Christianity has vital power . . persecuted for the truths sake. In the courts in-
But so long as Jesus remains mans inter- justice will prevail. The judges will refuse to
cessor in the Sanctuary above, the restrain- listen to the reasons of those who are loyal to the
ing influence of the Holy Spirit is felt by rul- commandments of God, because they know that
ers and people. It still controls to some extent the arguments in favor of the fourth commandment are
laws of the land. Were it not for these laws, the con- unanswerable. They will say, We have a law, and
dition of the world would be much worse than it by our law he ought to die. Gods law is nothing
now is. While many of our rulers are active agents to them. Our law with them is supreme. Those
of Satan, God also has His agents among the lead- who respect this human law will be favored, but
ing men of the nation. The enemy moves upon his those who will not bow to the idol sabbath will
servants to propose measures that would greatly have no favors shown them.Maranatha, 195:4.
impede the work of God; but statesmen who fear 5 - God will work on behalf of His people.
the Lord are influenced by holy angels to oppose
The commandment-keeping people of God
such propositions with unanswerable arguments.
erelong will be placed in a most trying position;
Thus a few men will hold in check a powerful cur-
but all those who have walked in the light, and dif-
rent of evil. The opposition of the enemies of
fused the light, will realize that God interposes in
truth will be restrained that the third angels
their behalf. When everything looks most for-
message may do its work. When the final warn-
bidding, then the Lord will reveal His power
ing shall be given, it will arrest the attention of these
to His faithful ones. When the nation for which
leading men through whom the Lord is now work-
God has worked in such a marvelous manner, and
ing, and some of them will accept it, and will stand
over which He has spread the shield of Omnipo-
with the people of God through the time of trouble.
tence, abandons Protestant principles, and through
Great Controversy, 610:2-611:0.
its legislature gives countenance and support
2 - The setting up of the image (in the enact- to Romanism in limiting religious liberty, then
ment of the National Sunday Law) will bring civil God will work in His own power for His people
penalties. that are true. The tyranny of Rome will be exercised,
When the leading churches of the United States, but Christ is our refuge.Maranatha, 194:4.
uniting upon such points of doctrine as are held by 6 - They will face personal dangers, distress,
them in common, shall influence the state to en- and persecution.
force their decrees and to sustain their institutions,
The Scriptures teach that popery is to regain
then Protestant America will have formed an image
its lost supremacy, and that the fires of persecu-
of the Roman hierarchy, and the infliction of civil
tion will be rekindled through the time-serving
penalties upon dissenters will inevitably re-
concessions of the so-called Protestant world. In
sult.Great Controversy, 445:1.
this time of peril we can stand only as we have the
3 - Be prepared to be arrested and brought truth and the power of God . .
before councils.
The prospect of being brought into personal
As Christ was hated without cause, so will His danger and distress, need not cause despondency,
people be hated because they are obedient to the but should quicken the vigor and hopes of Gods
commandments of God. If He who was pure, holy, people; for the time of their peril is the season for
and undefiled, who did good and only good in our God to grant them clearer manifestations of His
world, was treated as a base criminal and con- power.2 Selected Messages, 367:4-368:0, 370:2.
demned to death, His disciples must expect but
Before the warfare shall be ended and the vic-
similar treatment, however faultless may be their
tory won, we as a people are to experience trials
life and blameless their character.
similar to those of Paul. We shall encounter the same
Human enactments, laws manufactured by hardness of heart, the same cruel determination, the
satanic agencies under a plea of goodness and re- same unyielding hatred . . Persecution will again
striction of evil, will be exalted, while Gods holy com- be kindled against those who are true to God; their
mandments are despised and trampled underfoot. motives will be impugned, their best efforts misin-
And all who prove their loyalty by obedience to terpreted, their names cast out as evil . . God would
the law of Jehovah must be prepared to be ar- have His people prepared for the soon-coming cri-
rested, to be brought before councils that have sis. Prepared or unprepared, we must meet it.
not for their standard the high and holy law of Sketches from the Life of Paul, 251:0-252:1.
There will come a time when, because of our Satan would deceive even the elect.5 Testimonies,
advocacy of Bible truth, we shall be treated as trai- 449:3-450:0.
tors.6 Testimonies, 394:2. 2 - When Rome is reinstated in power, there
Wealth, genius, education, will combine to cover will be a return to persecution.
them with contempt. Persecuting rulers, minis- The papal church will never relinquish her
ters, and church members will conspire against claim to infallibility. All that she has done in her
them. With voice and pen, by boasts, threats, and persecution of those who reject her dogmas she
ridicule, they will seek to overthrow their faith.5 holds to be right; and would she not repeat the same
Testimonies, 450:2. acts, should the opportunity be presented? Let the
Conscientious obedience to the Word of God restraints now imposed by secular govern-
will be treated as rebellion. Blinded by Satan, the ments be removed and Rome be reinstated in
parent will exercise harshness and severity toward her former power, and there would speedily
the believing child; the master or mistress will op- be a revival of her tyranny and persecution.
press the commandment-keeping servant. Affection Great Controversy, 564:2.
will be alienated; children will be disinherited and 3 - The goal will be to regain control and re-
driven from home.Great Controversy, 608:1. establish persecution.
7 - They will be brought before courts and im- The Roman Church is far-reaching in her plans
prisoned. and modes of operation. She is employing every
And all who prove their loyalty by obedience to device to extend her influence and increase her
the law of Jehovah must be prepared to be ar- power in preparation for a fierce and determined
rested, to be brought before councils that have conflict to regain control of the world, to re-estab-
not for their standard the high and holy law of lish persecution, and to undo all that Protestant-
God.7 Bible Commentary 977/2:0. ism has done.Great Controversy, 565:4-566:0.
The tender mercies of this power will be dis- 4 - A cruel and despotic power.
played in prison cells and dungeons. Already She [Rome] possesses the same pride and ar-
preparations are advancing, and movements are in rogant assumption that lorded it over kings and
progress, which will result in making an image to princes, and claimed the prerogatives of God. Her
the beast.Review, April 23, 1889. spirit is no less cruel and despotic now than
As the defenders of truth refuse to honor the when she crushed out human liberty and slew
Sunday-sabbath, some of them will be thrust the saints of the Most High.Great Controversy,
into prison, some will be exiled, some will be 571:1.
treated as slaves. To human wisdom, all this now 5 - The enmity of Rome toward Sabbathkeep-
seems impossible; but as the restraining Spirit of ers.
God shall be withdrawn from men, and they shall
These records of the past clearly reveal the
be under the control of Satan, who hates the divine
enmity of Rome toward the true Sabbath and
precepts, there will be strange developments. The
its defenders, and the means which she employs
heart can be very cruel when Gods fear and love
to honor the institution of her creating. The Word
are removed.Great Controversy, 608:1.
of God teaches that these scenes are to be re-
peated as Roman Catholics and Protestants shall
- 10 -
unite for the exaltation of the Sunday.Great Con-
ROME INTENDS TO RENEW troversy, 578:2.
6 - Romes power will be restored.
WILL BE REPEATED The influence of Rome in the countries that
once acknowledged her dominion is still far from
1 - The church, state, Protestants, Roman- being destroyed. And prophecy foretells a resto-
ists, and devils are already at work. ration of her power.Great Controversy, 579:0.
Church and state are now making prepara- 7 - The triumph of Rome is assured.
tions for the future conflict. Protestants are
Let the principle once be established in the
working in disguise to bring Sunday to the
United States that the church may employ or con-
front, as did the Romanists. Throughout the land
trol the power of the state; that religious obser-
the papacy is piling up her lofty and massive struc-
vances may be enforced by secular laws; in short,
tures, in the secret recesses of which her former
that the authority of church and state is to domi-
persecutions are to be repeated. And the way is pre-
nate the conscience, and the triumph of Rome in
paring for the manifestation, on a grand scale, of
this country is assured.
those lying wonders by which, if it were possible,
Gods Word has given warning of the impending [In past ages] we [Satan and his hosts] led the
danger; let this be unheeded, and the Protestant Romish Church to inflict imprisonment, torture,
world will learn what the purposes of Rome re- and death upon those who refused to yield to her
ally are, only when it is too late to escape the decrees; and now that we are bringing the Prot-
snare. She is silently growing into power. Her doc- estant churches and the world into harmony
trines are exerting their influence in legislative halls, with this right arm of our strength, we will
in the churches, and in the hearts of men. She is finally have a law to exterminate all who will
piling up her lofty and massive structures in the se- not submit to our authority.Testimonies to Min-
cret recesses of which her former persecutions will isters, 473:1 [the complete statement by Satan is
be repeated. Stealthily and unsuspectedly she is also quoted in the 1884 edition of Great Contro-
strengthening her forces to further her own ends when versy, 337-340].
the time shall come for her to strike. All that she 5 - Former believers will do their part.
desires is vantage ground, and this is already being
Men of talent and pleasing address, who once
given her. We shall soon see and shall feel what
rejoiced in the truth, employ their powers to de-
the purpose of the Roman element is. Whoever
ceive and mislead souls. They become the most
shall believe and obey the Word of God will thereby
bitter enemies of their former brethren. When
incur reproach and persecution.Great Contro-
Sabbathkeepers are brought before the courts to
versy, 581:1-2.
answer for their faith, these apostates are the most
efficient agents of Satan to misrepresent and ac-
- 11 -
cuse them, and by false reports and insinuations
PROTESTANTS WILL ALSO to stir up the rulers against them.Great Contro-
Catholicism will be concerned with (1) urging
apostate Protestantism to coerce the government - 12 -
to enact a repressive Sunday law and legislation, THE FAITHFUL
and (2) physically persecute the faithful. WILL BE THREATENED WITH DEATH
Protestant leaders will focus on getting the Sun- 1 - As in earlier centuries, Satan is still seek-
day law passed, heavily enforced by governmental ing to destroy Gods people.
The decree which is to go forth against the
1 - Read the past if you would understand people of God will be very similar to that issued by
the future. Ahasuerus against the Jews in the time of Esther
If the reader would understand the agencies . . Satan instigated the scheme in order to rid
to be employed in the soon-coming contest, he has the earth of those who preserved the knowledge
but to trace the record of the means which Rome of the true God. But his plots were defeated by a
employed for the same object in ages past. If he counterpower that reigns among the children of men
would know how papists and Protestants . . The Protestant world today see in the little com-
united will deal with those who reject their pany keeping the Sabbath a Mordecai in the gate.
dogmas, let him see the spirit which Rome His character and conduct, expressing reverence for
manifested toward the Sabbath and its defend- the law of God, are a constant rebuke to those who
ers.Great Controversy, 573:2-574:0. have cast off the fear of the Lord and are trampling
2 - Papists and Protestants will unite in these upon His Sabbath; the unwelcome intruder must
coercive actions. by some means be put out of the way.
The church appeals to the strong arm of civil The same masterful mind that plotted against
power, and, in this work, papists and Protes- the faithful in ages past is still seeking to rid the
tants unite.Great Controversy, 607:1. earth of those who fear God and obey His law.
Satan will excite indignation against the humble mi-
3 - The spirit of Antichrist is also in the Prot-
nority who conscientiously refuse to accept poplar
estant churches.
customs and traditions. Men of position and repu-
There is no reason to consider the antichristian tation will join with the lawless and the vile to
spirit and practices to be confined to that which is take counsel against the people of God. Wealth, ge-
now called the Church of Rome. The Protestant nius, education, will combine to cover them with
churches have much of antichrist in them, and contempt. Persecuting rulers, ministers, and
are far from being wholly reformed from . . corrup- church members will conspire against them.
tions and wickedness.Great Controversy, 384:2. With voice and pen, by boasts, threats, and ridicule,
4 - Satan says: We are now bringing the Prot- they will seek to overthrow their faith. By false rep-
estant churches to Rome. resentations and angry appeals they will stir up
the passions of the people. Not having a Thus saith 2 - Linking the fifth seal and Revelation 18.
the Scriptures to bring against the advocates of the When the fifth seal was opened, John the Rev-
Bible Sabbath, they will resort to oppressive en- elator in vision saw beneath the altar the company
actments to supply the lack. To secure popularity that were slain for the Word of God and the testi-
and patronage, legislators will yield to the demand mony of Jesus Christ. After this came the scenes
for a Sunday law. Those who fear God cannot accept described in the eighteenth of Revelation, when
an institution that violates a precept of the Decalogue. those who are faithful and true are called out from
On this battlefield comes the last great conflict Babylon.7 Bible Commentary, 968/1:4.
of the controversy between truth and error. And we
3 - There will be martyrs.
are not left in doubt as to the issue. Now, as in the
days of Mordecai, the Lord will vindicate His truth The two armies will stand distinct and sepa-
and His people.5 Testimonies, 450:1-451:0. rate, and this distinction will be so marked that
many who shall be convinced of truth will come on
2 - The decree brings the threat of death.
the side of Gods commandment-keeping people.
The time of trouble is about to come upon the When this grand work is to take place in the battle,
people of God. Then it is that the decree will go prior to the last closing conflict, many will be
forth forbidding those who keep the Sabbath of the imprisoned, many will flee for their lives from cit-
Lord to buy or sell, and threatening them with ies and towns, and many will be martyrs for Christs
punishment, and even death, if they do not ob- sake in standing in defense of the truth.Mara-
serve the first day of the week as the Sabbath. natha, 199:3.
Maranatha, 198:2.
Christ will restore the life taken; for He is the
3 - It will bring threatened imprisonment and Life-giver: He will beautify the righteous with im-
death. mortal life.Maranatha, 199:7.
The time is not far distant when the test will There is a prospect before us of a continued
come to every soul. The mark of the beast will be struggle, at the risk of imprisonment, loss of prop-
urged upon us. Those who have step by step yielded erty, and even of life itself, to defend the law of
to worldly demands and conformed to worldly cus- God.5 Testimonies 712:3.
toms will not find it a hard matter to yield to the
As he [Satan] influenced the heathen nations
powers that be, rather than subject themselves to
to destroy Israel, so in the near future he will stir
derision, insult, threatened imprisonment, and
up the wicked powers of earth to destroy the
death. The contest is between the commandments
people of God. Men will be required to render obe-
of God and the commandments of men.5 Testi-
dience to human edicts in violation of the divine
monies, 81:1.
law. Those who are true to God will be menaced,
denounced, proscribed. They will be betrayed both
- 13 -
by parents, and brethren, and kinsfolk, and friends,
PRIOR TO THE even unto death.Prophets and Kings, 587:2-
Note: For the righteous, the last closing con-
1 - The blood of martyrs cries to God. flict is Jacobs trouble, which comes after proba-
As the approach of the Roman armies was a tion closes. We are told that there will be no mar-
sign to the disciples of the impending destruction tyrs after the close of probation (discussed later in
of Jerusalem, so may this apostasy be a sign to us this book; as examples, see GC 634:1, 629:2, PK
that the limit of Gods forbearance is reached, that 513).
the measure of our nations iniquity is full, and that 4 - God will give grace for every emergency.
the angel of mercy is about to take her flight, never If we are called to suffer for Christs sake, we
to return. The people of God will then be plunged shall be able to go to prison trusting in Him as a
into those scenes of affliction and distress which little child trusts in its parents. Now is the time
prophets have described as the time of Jacobs to cultivate faith in God.Our High Calling, 357:4.
trouble. The cries of the faithful, persecuted ones
We are not to have the courage and forti-
ascend to heaven. And as the blood of Abel cried
tude of martyrs of old until brought into the
from the ground, there are voices also crying to
position they were in . . Should there be a return
God from martyrs graves, from the sepulchers
of persecution there would be grace given to arouse
of the sea, from mountain caverns, from con-
every energy of the soul to show a true heroism.
vent vaults: How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost
Our High Calling, 125:4.
Thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that
dwell on the earth? 5 Testimonies, 451:2. The disciples were not endowed with the cour-
age and fortitude of the martyrs until such grace man that will meet the worst forms of error and evil
was needed.Desire of Ages, 354:3. ..
The End Will Come Suddenly.Only for a very
__________________ short time longer will the Lord bear with the gross
wickedness that fills the world. Oh, how suddenly
will the end come, surprising the world in their in-
The following material was gleaned from our creasing iniquity.Manuscript 20, 1906 (Preach
currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu- The Word, February 7, 1906. See also Ev 616-
scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the 617, PM 224-225).
best material from that volume on topics given in Gods People Will be Scattered in Many Coun-
this chapter. tries.The time is soon coming when Gods
people, because of persecution, will be scattered in
GREAT TROUBLES WILL OCCUR many countries. Those who have received an all-
rounded education will have a great advantage wher-
The Present Peace Is a Lull before the Storm:
ever they are.Letter 32, 1908 (To Our Brethren
Nations Will Be in Confusion.We have the light
in Positions of Responsibility, January 6, 1908).
of prophecy, the Old Testament, [which indicates]
that we are standing on the threshold of the fulfill- Great Trouble Will Soon Arise.Great trouble
ment of great and solemn events. Prophecies are will soon arise among the nations which will not
coming down to [the] point. The dangers and per- cease until Jesus comes.Letter 5, 1883 (to Breth-
ils of the last days are right upon us. At the present ren, November 1883. See 3 SM 414-415).
time the angels are holding the four winds. There God Will Not Intervene to Protect the Prop-
seems to be a little moment of peace. It is a lull in erty of Transgressors of His Law. What means
the conflicting elements just before the outburst of the awful calamities by sea vessels hurled into eter-
the unprecedented storm that has been gathering nity without a moments warning? What means the
its forces for the last great crisis. Nations will be in accidents by land, fire consuming the riches men
confusion. Kingdoms will be terribly shaken. Ev- have hoarded, much of which has been accumulat-
erything betokens [that] the end is near.Undated ing by oppression of the poor. The Lord will not
Manuscript 153, 1-4 (Copenhagen, Denmark, interfere to protect the property of those who trans-
1886). gress His law, break His covenant, and trample
Persecution Will Come to Those Who Seek upon His Sabbath, accepting in its place a spuri-
Uprightness and Holiness.The tyrant is seek- ous rest day.Manuscript 106, 1902, 14-15 (An
ing to oppress mans conscience, which Christ has aggressive Work, July 21, 1902).
made free. Persecution will come more definitely God Has a Purpose in Permitting Calami-
and decidedly upon the people of God, because the ties.Frequently we hear of earthquakes, of tem-
godly are seeking for uprightness and holiness, and pests and tornadoes, accompanied by thunder and
the disobedient are in sin.Letter 2c, 1892 (to lightning. Apparently these are capricious outbreaks
Dear Brethren and Sisters in Battle Creek, De- of seemingly disorganized, unregulated forces. But
cember 21, 1892. See also EV 506). God has a purpose in permitting these calamities
False Charges Against the Truth and Its Rep- to occur. They are one of His means of calling men
resentatives Will Create Holy Indignation in Non- and women to their senses. By unusual workings
Adventists Who Reverence God.The inconsis- through nature, God will express to doubting hu-
tencies, the unreasonable workings of the human man agencies that which He clearly reveals in His
agents, stirred with a power from beneath, will cre- Word . .
ate in those who reverence God, a holy indignation Calamities Foreshadow What Will Happen
to see the truth of God brought into contempt, and Worldwide When Angels Loose Winds.Local
its advocates misrepresented and clothed in garments disturbances in nature are permitted to take place
of darkness and false charges. Then is the very time as symbols of that which may be expected all over
[that] the Holy Spirit is to take possession of the the world when the angels loose the four winds of
human mind and it be made to appear that Christ the earth. The forces of nature are under the direc-
is formed within.Letter 60, 1893 (to I.D. Van tion of an eternal Agency.Manuscript 153, 1902,
Horn, July 20, 1893). 1-6 (Calamities, November 5, 1902. See also Mar
Commit the Word to Memory for the Time Is 205, Te 35].
Coming When Many Will Be Deprived of It.The Strife and Oppression of Foreign Nations Com-
time will come [in] which many will be deprived of ing with Unanticipated Intensity.Very soon the
the Written Word. But, if this Word is printed in the strife and oppression of foreign nations will break
memory, no one can take it from us . . It is a talis-
forth with an intensity that you do not now antici- for us is to come in close connection with God, and,
pate.Manuscript 21, 1909, 3-5 (A Call to Ser- if He would have us be martyrs for the truths sake,
vice, a sermon preached in Takoma Park, Mary- it may be the means of bringing many more into the
land, May 17, 1909. See also GC 244). truth.Manuscript 83, 1886, 3, 5 (sermon preached
at Grimsby, England, September 1886).
MARTYRS When for the truths sake the believer stands at
God May Permit Some to Become Martyrs in the bar of the unrighteous tribunals, Christ stands
the Issue over Obedience to Gods Command- by his side . . When one is incarcerated in prison
ments or the Commandments of Men.The wor- walls, Christ ravishes the heart with His love. When
thies who refused to bow to the golden image were one suffers death for His sake, Christ says, I am He
cast into a burning fiery furnace, but Christ was with that liveth, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive
them there, and the fire did not consume them . . forevermore . . and have the keys of hell and of death.
Now some of us may be brought to just as severe a Revelation 1:18. The life that is sacrificed for Me is
test: Will we obey the commandments of men or will preserved unto eternal glory.Desire of Ages,
we obey the commandments of God? This is the 669:3.
question that will be asked of many. The best thing
JUDGMENT AND PROBATION WILL We call that event the individual close of probation.
CLOSE FOR SOME BEFORE OTHERS Yet, at that point in time, there are still many other
people who have not made their final decision.
There is an individual close of probation and
there is a general close of probation. As the loud cry message is extended outward
throughout the world, more and more people make
In order to properly understand the individual
their decision and receive the mark or seal. Then
close of probation, it is important that we under-
the last person makes his decision; and the loud
stand what occurs when the mark and seal are ap-
cry angel returns to heaven and reports the fact to
plied and the implications of those events.
Jesus. Immediately, Christ throws down the cen-
A specific individual will not receive the mark ser of intercession and declares, It is done. We
or seal until (1) the National Sunday Law has been call that event the general close of probation.
enacted, (2) he fully understands the Sabbath-Sun-
In this chapter, we will view the individual close
day issues, and (3) he makes his decision one way
of probation. In the next chapter, we will turn our
or the other.
attention to the general close of probation.
Because of this three-part requirement: (1)
1 - Some who have had their day of opportu-
Those who have previously known the Sabbath
nity are passed by while others will make the
truth and understood the issues involved will en-
right decision.
ter the judgment of the living first. (2) They will re-
ceive the seal/mark before those who are ignorant of But I speak not my own words when I say that
the issues; and (3) their probation will therefore close Gods Spirit will pass by those who have had
first. their day of test and opportunity, but who have
not distinguished the voice of God or appreciated
Those who have chosen to stand true to God
the movings of His Spirit. Then thousands in the
will reveal His seal during the latter rain. They will
eleventh hour will see and acknowledge the
then go out and begin giving the loud cry while former
truth.2 Selected Messages, 16:1.
Sabbathkeepers who have received the mark will be-
come their bitterest enemies. 2 - Some will accept and be saved while the
door will be closed to others who would not en-
But something else also happens when a person
receives the seal or mark. He is sealed or marked for
eternity, The time of Gods destructive judgments is the
time of mercy for those who have no opportu-
When a person receives the seal of God, he is
nity to learn what is truth. Tenderly will the Lord
sealed for eternity, nevermore to be defiled by . .
look upon them. His heart of mercy is touched;
the tempters devices (5T 475).
His hand is still stretched out to save, while
When the [Sunday law] decree goes forth and the door is closed to those who would not en-
the [seal] stamp is impressed, their character will ter. Large numbers will be admitted who in these
remain pure and spotless for eternity (5T 216). last days hear the truth for the first time.7 Bible
In contrast, when a person receives the mark, Commentary, 979/1:3.
he will never again have an opportunity to come to 3 - Unless we are daily advancing now, we
Christ, and he becomes totally hateful and evil. At will not be ready later.
the marking/sealing time in each persons life, his
Unless we are daily advancing in the exem-
name comes up in the judgment of the living and
plification of the active Christian virtues, we shall
his decision is etched forever in the books of heaven.
not recognize the manifestations of the Holy Spirit
His probation has ended.
in the latter rain. It may be falling on hearts all
Thus it is clear that, when the seal or mark is around us, but we shall not discern or receive it.
applied, a persons probation has forever closed. Testimonies to Ministers, 507:1.
4 - The light will be for those who had not ports and insinuations to stir up the rulers against
earlier rejected it. them.Great Controversy, 608:2.
The light that was shed upon the waiting ones The Lord has shown me clearly that the image
penetrated everywhere, and those in the churches of the beast will be formed before probation
who had any light, who had not heard and re- closes; it is to be the great test for the people of
jected the three messages, obeyed the call and God, by which their eternal destiny will be de-
left the fallen churches.Early Writings, 278:1. cided. This is the test that the people of God must
5 - Those who have made the wrong decision have before they are sealed. All who prove their loy-
become bitter enemies of their former brethren. alty to God by observing His law, and refusing to
accept a spurious sabbath, will rank under the ban-
As the storm approaches, a large class who
ner of the Lord God Jehovah, and will receive the
have professed faith in the third angels mes-
seal of the living God. Those who yield the truth of
sage, but have not been sanctified through obedi-
heavenly origin and accept the Sunday sabbath will
ence to the truth, abandon their position and join
receive the mark of the beast.7 Bible Commen-
the ranks of the opposition. By uniting with the
tary, 976/1:2-3 (Maranatha, 164; cf. 2 Selected Mes-
world and partaking of its spirit, they have come to
sages, 81:0).
view matters in nearly the same light; and when
the test is brought, they are prepared to choose 6 - The sealing time will be the closing work
the easy, popular side. Men of talent and pleas- for the church.
ing address, who once rejoiced in the truth, em- Especially in the closing work for the
ploy their powers to deceive and mislead souls. church, in the sealing time of the one hundred
They become the most bitter enemies of their and forty-four thousand who are to stand without
former brethren. When Sabbathkeepers are brought fault before the throne of God, will they feel most
before the courts to answer for their faith, these deeply the wrongs of Gods professed people.3
apostates are the most efficient agents of Satan Testimonies, 266:2.
to misrepresent and accuse them, and by false re-
After the national Sunday law is enacted, people, trouble will find them unready.Great Contro-
understanding the issues involved, will make their versy, 594:1.
decision to keep the Bible Sabbath or reject it; they 2 - Probations hour is fast closing; we must
receive the seal of God or the mark of the beast. take heed and watch.
At that point, their individual probation closes;
The crisis is stealing gradually upon us. The
and, if they have ever professed faith in Christ, in
sun shines in the heavens, passing over its usual
heaven the judgment of the living passes to their
round, and the heavens still declare the glory of God.
Men are still eating and drinking, planting and build-
When the probation of the last person has
ing, marrying, and giving in marriage. Merchants are
ended, the general end of human probation occurs.
still buying and selling. Men are jostling one against
Jesus throws down the censer and His mediatorial
another, contending for the highest place. Pleasure
work is forever ended. Christ takes off His priestly
lovers are still crowding to theaters, horse races,
garments and puts on His garments of vengeance,
gambling hells. The highest excitement prevails, yet
preparatory to returning to earth for His faithful
probations hour is fast closing, and every case
is about to be eternally decided. Satan sees that
Here are the four major events of the last days: his time is short. He has set all his agencies at work
The national Sunday enactment, the general close that men may be deceived, deluded, occupied and
of probation, the deliverance by the Voice of God, entranced, until the day of probation shall be
and the Second Advent of Christ. And to these, we ended, and the door of mercy be forever shut.
can add a fifth: the Third Advent of Christ. All other
Solemnly there come to us down through the
events find their origin, close, or reference point in
centuries the warning words of our Lord from the
one or more of those events.
Mount of Olives: Take heed to yourselves, lest
Of those pillar events, the general close of pro- at any time your hearts be overcharged with sur-
bation is, in a sense, the most solemn and thought- feiting, and drunkenness, and cares of this life, and
provoking: The general close of probation marks so that day come upon you unawares. Watch ye
the end of probationary time for all humanity. Aside therefore, and pray always, that ye may be ac-
from the beginning of the Flood, there has never counted worthy to escape all these things that shall
before in human history been a single event like it. come to pass, and to stand before the Son of man.
Are you and I living each day with Jesus and in Desire of Ages, 636:2-3.
obedience to Him? Are we preparing for that great
event, when our probation will eternally close? - 2-
1 - Final events are clearly presented, but 1 - Each person will have heard the call be-
few are concerned. fore the end comes.
The events connected with the close of pro- The solemn, sacred message of warning
bation and the work of preparation for the time must be proclaimed in the most difficult fields
of trouble, are clearly presented. But multitudes and in the most sinful cities, in every place where
have no more understanding of these important the light of the great threefold gospel message has
truths than if they had never been revealed. Satan not yet dawned. Every one is to hear the last
watches to catch away every impression that would call to the marriage supper of the Lamb. From town
make them wise unto salvation, and the time of to town, from city to city, from country to country,
the message of present truth is to be proclaimed, If he received the mark, he fully joined the ranks
not with outward display, but in the power of the of the enemy; if he received the seal, he was filled
Spirit.Gospel Workers, 27:1. with the Spirit as the latter rain was poured upon
2 - It will have gone to all the world. him, and he went out and gave the third angels
message in the loud cry.
The message of the renewing power of Gods
grace will be carried to every country and clime, Still more individuals learned of the issues, made
until the truth shall belt the world. Of the num- their decisions, received the mark or seal, and had
ber of them that shall be sealed will be those who their individual probations close. Finally, the mes-
have come from every nation and kindred and sage went to the uttermost parts of earth and the
tongue and people. From every country will be last person was sealed or marked.
gathered men and women who will stand before At that point, the general close of human proba-
the throne of God and before the Lamb, crying, Sal- tion occurred. All mankind had been tested, had
vation to our God which sitteth upon the throne, made their decisions, and the results had been writ-
and unto the Lamb. Revelation 7:10.Counsels ten down in the records of heaven.
to Parents and Teachers, 532:1. 1 - The greatest crisis in human history will
3 - The whole world will be illuminated. come as mankinds probation is nearly ended.
The whole earth is to be illuminated with It is in a crisis that character is revealed.
the glory of Gods truth. The light is to shine to all When the earnest voice proclaimed at midnight, Be-
lands and all peoples. And it is from those who hold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out to meet
have received the light that it is to shine forth. The Him, and the sleeping virgins were roused from
daystar has risen upon us, and we are to flash its their slumbers, it was seen who had made prepa-
light upon the pathway of those in darkness. ration for the event. Both parties were taken un-
A crisis is right upon us. We must now by the awares; but one was prepared for the emergency,
Holy Spirits power proclaim the great truths for and the other was found without preparation. So
these last days. It will not be long before everyone now, a sudden and unlooked-for calamity, some-
will have heard the warning and made his de- thing that brings the soul face to face with death,
cision. Then shall the end come.6 Testimonies, will show whether there is any real faith in the prom-
24:1-2. ises of God. It will show whether the soul is sus-
tained by grace. The great final test comes at
4 - The Saviours intercession will have ceased
the close of human probation, when it will be
and the investigative judgment will have ended.
too late for the souls need to be supplied.Christs
The messages of this chapter [Revelation 14] Object Lessons, 412:1.
constitute a threefold warning which is to prepare
2 - Many had for years slighted the truth until
the inhabitants of the earth for the Lords Second
they were shut out.
Coming. The announcement, The hour of His judg-
ment is come, points to the closing work of Christs Saddest of all words that ever fell on mortal
ministration for the salvation of men. It heralds a ear are those words of doom, I know you not.
truth which must be proclaimed until the The fellowship of the Spirit, which you have slighted,
Saviours intercession shall cease and He shall could alone make you one with the joyous throng at
return to the earth to take His people to Himself. the marriage feast. In that scene you cannot partici-
The work of judgment which began in 1844 must pate. Its light would fall on blinded eyes, its melody
continue until the cases of all are decided, both upon deaf ears. Its love and joy could awake no chord
of the living and the dead; hence it will extend to of gladness in the world-benumbed heart. You are
the close of human probation.Great Contro- shut out from heaven by your own unfitness
versy, 435:2-436:0. for its companionship.Christs Object Lessons,
-3- 3 - Christs mediation ends when the last case
HUMAN PROBATION has been decided; but many will have waited too
HAS CLOSED long to prepare.
When Jesus ceases to plead for man, the
As soon as a man knowledgeably made his de-
cases of all are forever decided. This is the time
cision regarding the National Sunday Law decree,
of reckoning with His servants. To those who have
his destiny became fixed. At that moment, the judg-
neglected the preparation of purity and holiness,
ment of the living passed to his case, and he re-
which fits them to be waiting ones to welcome their
ceived the mark or the seal. Immediately, his indi-
Lord, the sun sets in gloom and darkness, and rises
vidual probation ended.
not again. Probation closes; Christs interces-
sions cease in heaven. This time finally comes of the adversary of souls; they were in darkness.
suddenly upon all, and those who have neglected to They claimed to have great light that probation
purify their souls by obeying the truth are found sleep- would close in October 1884.
ing. I there stated in public that the Lord had been
They became weary of waiting and watching; they pleased to show me that there would be no defi-
became indifferent in regard to the coming of their nite time in the message given of God since
Master. They longed not for His appearing, and 1844.2 Selected Messages, 73:2-3.
thought there was no need of such continued, perse- 2 - Let us not seek to know that which God
vering watching. They had been disappointed in their does not want us to know. (Actually, it would
expectations and might be again. They concluded not be good for us, in advance, to know that
that there was time enough yet to arouse. [By such a date.)
course of action,] they would be sure not to lose the
God has not revealed to us the time when
opportunity of securing an earthly treasure. It would
this message will close or when probation will
be safe to get all of this world they could. And in
have an end. Those things that are revealed we
securing this object, they lost all anxiety and inter-
shall accept for ourselves and for our children; but
est in the appearing of the Master. They became in-
let us not seek to know that which has been
different and careless, as though His coming were
kept secret in the councils of the Almighty. It is
yet in the distance. But while their interest was bur-
our duty to watch and work and wait, to labor ev-
ied up in their worldly gains, the work closed in
ery moment for the souls of men that are ready to
the heavenly Sanctuary, and they were unpre-
perish. We are to keep walking continually in the
footsteps of Jesus, working in His lines, dispens-
If such had only known that the work of ing His gifts as good stewards of the manifold grace
Christ in the heavenly Sanctuary would close of God. Satan will be ready to give to anyone who is
so soon, how differently would they have con- not learning every day of Jesus, a special message
ducted themselves, how earnestly would they have of his own creating, in order to make of no effect
watched! The Master, anticipating all this, gives the wonderful truth for this time.
them timely warning in the command to watch. He
Letters have come to me asking me if I have
distinctly states the suddenness of His coming. He
any special light as to the time when probation will
does not measure the time, lest we shall neglect a
close; and I answer that I have only this message to
momentary preparation, and in our indolence look
bear, that it is now time to work while the day
ahead to the time when we think He will come, and
lasts, for the night cometh in which no man can
defer the preparation. Watch ye therefore: for ye
work. Now, just now, it is time for us to be watch-
know not. Yet this foretold uncertainty, and
ing, working, and waiting.1 Selected Messages,
suddenness at last, fails to rouse us from stu-
191:1-2; 7 Bible Commentary, 989/2:4-5.
pidity to earnest wakefulness, and to quicken our
watchfulness for our expected Master. Those not Note: Satan wants men to imagine that proba-
found waiting and watching are finally sur- tion has already closed for some people in the
prised in their unfaithfulness. The Master church or for all the people in the church. This
comes, and instead of their being ready to open teaching generally includes the idea that it is not
unto Him immediately, they are locked in worldly now time to try to warn the world and win souls.
slumber, and are lost at last.2 Testimonies, Those who accept such errors tend to spiritually
191:1-192:0. stagnate. They are no longer warning the church to
repent of its sins; and they do not believe that, at
-4- this time, they should share the Advent truths with
those out in the world. They neither try to win souls
in the world to God nor draw men in the church
back from compromise and backsliding.
No one can date the close of probation or de- Do not cooperate with the devil! Reject the sug-
termine the time span of any event leading to or gestion of those who declare that probation has al-
away from it. God has not revealed definite time ready closed for some groups. Assume it has not
for the close of probation (7 BC 989-990, 1 SM 191); closed and keep working as earnestly as you can
and we have been warned against time setting in re- to warn men everywhere of the necessity of obedi-
gard to this event (7 BC 989-990, 2 SM 73). ence to Gods requirements.
1 - Let no man try to predict when probation
has closed or will close.
I plainly stated at the Jackson camp meeting to
these fanatical parties that they were doing the work
2 - Sequence: (1) Pre- and post-latter rain work out of sins. (2) The number of Christs subjects is
of Gods people done. (2) An angel returns to now complete. (3) Those subjects will, with Him,
heaven and announces that his work is done, soon receive the kingdom and reign. (4) Jesus
the final test has been brought to the world, and ceases His intercession and says, It is done.
the sealing is completed. Then Jesus ceases His intercession in the
When the third angels message closes, mercy Sanctuary above. He lifts His hands and with a loud
no longer pleads for the guilty inhabitants of the voice says, It is done; and all the angelic host lay
earth. The people of God have accomplished their off their crowns as He makes the solemn an-
work. They have received the latter rain, the nouncement: He that is unjust, let him be unjust
refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and they still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy still:
are prepared for the trying hour before them. and he that is righteous, let him be righteous still:
Angels are hastening to and fro in heaven. An angel and he that is holy, let him be holy still. Revelation
returning from the earth announces that his work 22:11. Every case has been decided for life or
is done; the final test has been brought upon death. Christ has made the atonement for His
the world, and all who have proved themselves people and blotted out their sins. The number
loyal to the divine precepts have received the seal of His subjects is made up; the kingdom and do-
of the living God. Great Controversy, 613:2. minion, and the greatness of the kingdom under
3 - Sequence: (1) The saints had earlier been the whole heaven, is about to be given to the heirs
numbered. They had received the latter rain, been of salvation, and Jesus is to reign as King of kings
sealed, and had given the last warning (loud cry), and Lord of lords.Great Controversy, 613:2-
which had enraged the wicked. (2) They were pre- 614:0.
pared for the final trying hour; and, now, (3) an 2 - Sequence: (1) Jesus had been minister-
angel reports to Jesus that the final probationary ing in the Sanctuary for the righteous dead and,
events have ended. then, the righteous living. (2) Now the atonement
I was pointed down to the time when the third and blotting out of sins is completed, the num-
angels message was closing. The power of God ber of subjects in His kingdom is complete, the
had rested upon His people; they had accom- marriage is past, and the kingdom has been given
plished their work and were prepared for the to Christ and the heirs with Him. (3) At that
trying hour before them. They had received the point, Jesus throws down the censer and says, It
latter rain, or refreshing from the presence of the is done.
Lord, and the living testimony had been revived. Then I saw Jesus, who had been ministering
The last great warning had sounded every- before the ark containing the ten commandments,
where, and it had stirred up and enraged the throw down the censer. He raised His hands, and
inhabitants of the earth who would not receive with a loud voice said, It is done. And all the an-
the message. gelic host laid off their crowns as Jesus made the
I saw angels hurrying to and fro in heaven. An solemn declaration, He that is unjust, let him be
angel with a writers inkhorn by his side returned unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy
from the earth and reported to Jesus that his work still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous
was done, and the saints were numbered and still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still.
sealed.Early Writings, 279:1-2. Every case had been decided for life or death.
While Jesus had been ministering in the Sanctuary,
-7- the judgment had been going on for the righteous
JESUS THROWS DOWN dead, and then for the righteous living. Christ had
THE CENSER, received His kingdom, having made the atonement
UTTERS THE IT IS DONE, for His people and blotted out their sins. The sub-
AND LEAVES jects of the kingdom were made up. The marriage
THE HEAVENLY SANCTUARY of the Lamb was consummated. And the king-
dom, and the greatness of the kingdom under the
The investigative judgment ends when the whole heaven, was given to Jesus and the heirs of
record of the last person on earth has been exam- salvation, and Jesus was to reign as King of kings
ined and he has received the mark or seal. By defi- and Lord of lords.Early Writings, 279:2-280:1.
nite words and actions, Jesus reveals to the angels
3 - Even though probation has closed, God will
and the unfallen worlds that human probation is
continue to care for His own.
But Gods people are not to fear. Satan can-
1 - Sequence: (1) The last case has been de-
not go beyond his limit. The Lord will be the de-
cided, and received the atonement and blotting
fense of His people. He regards the injury done to
His servants for the truths sake as done to Himself. cleanse from sin. When Jesus leaves His posi-
When the last decision has been made, when all tion as mans intercessor before God the sol-
have taken sides, either for Christ and the command- emn announcement is made, He that is unjust, let
ments or for the great apostate, God will arise in him be unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him
His power, and the mouths of those who have blas- be filthy still: and he that is righteous, let him be
phemed against Him will be forever stopped. Every righteous still: and he that is holy, let him be holy
opposing power will receive its punishment. still (Rev. 22:11). Then the restraining Spirit of God
Maranatha, 191:3. is withdrawn from the earth.Patriarchs and
Prophets, 201:2.
-8- 2 - The wicked have no shelter, no mediator,
WHEN CHRIST LEAVES and no preparation for the final conflict.
THE SANCTUARY, I also saw that many do not realize what they
THE WORLD IS WITHOUT must be in order to live in the sight of the Lord
AN INTERCESSOR without a high Priest in the Sanctuary through
There is no forgiveness of sin after the close of the time of trouble. Those who receive the seal of
probation. Early Writings, 71, quoted below, is one the living God and are protected in the time of
of the most solemn warnings ever written to those trouble must reflect the image of Jesus fully.
willing to read it. Yet few of those, to whom these I saw that many were neglecting the prepara-
books have been entrusted, read anything in that tion so needful and were looking to the time of re-
book. They are too busy compromising with the freshing and the latter rain to fit them to stand in
world. But the warning has been given; and we had the day of the Lord and to live in His sight. Oh,
better heed it. That warning is this: It is now, with how many I saw in the time of trouble without
the enabling help of Christ, that we are to put away a shelter! They had neglected the needful prepa-
our sins; later will be too late. ration; therefore they could not receive the refresh-
At this point in this set of studies on last day ing that all must have to fit them to live in the sight
events, we will switch to the present tense in our of a holy God. Those who refuse to be hewed by the
paragraph introductions to quotations. prophets and fail to purify their souls in obeying
the whole truth, and who are willing to believe that
1 - There is no intercessor, the restraint is re-
their condition is far better than it really is, will
moved, and Satan controls the wicked.
come up to the time of the falling of the plagues,
When He [Christ] leaves the Sanctuary, dark- and then see that they needed to be hewed and
ness covers the inhabitants of the earth. In that fear- squared for the building.
ful time the righteous must live in the sight of a holy
But there will be no time then to do it and
God without an intercessor. The restraint which
no Mediator to plead their cause before the Fa-
has been upon the wicked is removed, and Sa-
ther. Before this time the awfully solemn declara-
tan has entire control of the finally impenitent.
tion has gone forth, He that is unjust, let him be
Gods long-suffering has ended. The world has re-
unjust still: and he which is filthy, let him be filthy
jected His mercy, despised His love, and trampled
still: and he that is righteous, let him be righteous
upon His law. The wicked have passed the bound-
still: and he that is holy, let him be holy still. I saw
ary of their probation; the Spirit of God, persis-
that none could share the refreshing unless they
tently resisted, has been at last withdrawn.
obtain the victory over every besetment, over pride,
Great Controversy, 614:1.
selfishness, love of the world, and over every wrong
As Jesus moved out of the Most Holy Place, I word and action. We should, therefore, be drawing
heard the tinkling of the bells upon His garment; nearer and nearer to the Lord and be earnestly seek-
and as He left, a cloud of darkness covered the in- ing that preparation necessary to enable us to
habitants of the earth. There was then no me- stand in the battle in the day of the Lord. Let
diator between guilty man and an offended all remember that God is holy and that none but
God. While Jesus had been standing between God holy beings can ever dwell in His presence.Early
and guilty man, a restraint was upon the people; Writings, 71:1-2.
but when He stepped out from between man and
3 - It will then be too late to witness and win
the Father, the restraint was removed and Sa-
tan had entire control of the finally impeni-
tent.Early Writings, 280:2. Oh, let us live wholly for the Lord and show by
a well-ordered life and godly conversation that we
When Christ shall cease His work as mediator
have been with Jesus and are His meek and lowly
in mans behalf, then this time of trouble will begin.
followers. We must work while the day lasts, for when
Then the case of every soul will have been de-
the dark night of trouble and anguish comes, it
cided, and there will be no atoning blood to
will be too late to work for God. Jesus is in His the sin offering, removed the sins from the Sanctu-
holy temple and will now accept our sacrifices, our ary, He placed them upon the scapegoat. When
prayers, and our confessions of faults and sins and Christ, by virtue of His own blood, removes the sins
will pardon all the transgressions of Israel, that they of His people from the heavenly Sanctuary at the
may be blotted out before He leaves the Sanctuary. close of His ministration, He will place them upon
When Jesus leaves the Sanctuary, then they who Satan, who, in the execution of the judgment, must
are holy and righteous will be holy and righ- bear the final penalty.Great Controversy, 422:2.
teous still; for all their sins will then be blotted out,
and they will be sealed with the seal of the living - 10 -
God. But those that are unjust and filthy will be JESUS REMOVES
unjust and filthy still; for then there will be no HIS PRIESTLY GARMENTS
Priest in the Sanctuary to offer their sacrifices, AND PUTS ON HIS KINGLY ROBES
their confessions, and their prayers before the OF VENGEANCE
Fathers throne. Therefore what is done to rescue
souls from the coming storm of wrath must be done 1 - Jesus changes garments and leaves heaven.
before Jesus leaves the Most Holy Place of the heav- Then I saw Jesus lay off His priestly attire
enly Sanctuary.Early Writings, 48:1. and clothe Himself with His most kingly robes.
Upon His head were many crowns, a crown within
-9- a crown. Surrounded by the angelic host, He left
CHRIST PLACES THE SINS heaven.Early Writings, 281:1.
ON THE SCAPEGOAT, When Jesus rises up in the Most Holy Place,
PREPARATORY TO SENDING HIM and lays off His mediatorial garments, and clothes
TO A DESOLATE LAND Himself with the garments of vengeance in place
of the priestly attire, the work for sinners will be
The scapegoat transaction is based on a point of
done. The period of time will then have come when
justice, and is solidly founded on a Biblical passage.
the mandate will go forth: He that is unjust, let
During the investigative judgment, the sins of those
him be unjust still . . and he that is righteous, let
shown to be genuinely faithful to the Lord were re-
him be righteous still: and he that is holy, let him
moved from the book of sin. At the general close of
be holy still. And, behold, I come quickly; and My
probation, Jesus removes His mediatorial robes, pre-
reward is with Me, to give every man according as
paratory to departing from the heavenly Sanctuary.
his work shall be. 2 Testimonies, 691:0.
As He leaves the Most Holy Place, He pauses in the
first apartment and places the sins of the faithful to 2 - Human probation ends.
Satans account. In the final destruction of sin and God has given His Word for all to investigate,
sinners, Satan will bear the punishment for those that they may learn the way to life. None need err if
sins. But he does not do this in an atoning sense on they will submit to the conditions of salvation laid
behalf of the righteous; note that His mediatorial down in the Word of God. Probation is granted to
work is already completed. The scapegoat transac- all, that all may form characters for eternal life. An
tion concerns punishment of sin, not mediation for opportunity will be given to all to decide for life or
mankind. Since Satan was the one who tempted the death. Men will be judged according to the mea-
declared righteous to commit sins, the full respon- sure of light given them. None will be accountable
sibility for those actions is now rolled back on him. for their darkness and their errors if the light has
For more on this, see Leviticus 16; EW 178; 280- not been brought to them. They have not sinned in
281; 290; GC 422, 485-486, 658, 660, 673; PP 358; not accepting what has not been given them. All
and PK 591. will be tested before Jesus leaves His position
in the Most Holy Place. The probation of all
1 - The sins of the righteous are rolled back
closes when the pleading for sinners is ended
onto Satan.
and the garments of vengeance are put on.
Jesus tarried a moment in the outer apart-
Many entertain the view that probation is
ment of the heavenly Sanctuary, and the sins
granted after Jesus leaves His work as mediator in
which had been confessed while He was in the
the Most Holy Apartment. This is the sophistry of
Most Holy Place were placed upon Satan, the
Satan. God tests and proves the world by the light
originator of sin, who must suffer their punish-
which He is pleased to give them previous to the com-
ment.Early Writings, 280:2-281:0.
ing of Christ. Characters are then formed for life or
2 - In the final judgment, Satan must bear the death. But the probation of those who choose to live
penalty. a life of sin, and neglect the great salvation offered,
When the High Priest, by virtue of the blood of closes when Christs ministration ceases just previ-
ous to His appearing in the clouds of heaven.2 of heaven no one will be given another chance to
Testimonies, 691:1-2. gain salvation. All will have made their deci-
3 - Jesus steps out from between God and man; sions.Last Day Events, 237:1.
and the plagues begin to be poured out.
- 12 -
I saw that Jesus would not leave the Most Holy
Place until every case was decided either for salva- WHAT THE PEOPLE ARE DOING
tion or destruction, and that the wrath of God could WHEN PROBATION CLOSES
not come until Jesus had finished His work in the 1 - Gain, indulgence, and adornments.
Most Holy Place, laid off His priestly attire, and
While the man of business is absorbed in
clothed Himself with the garments of vengeance.
the pursuit of gain, while the pleasure lover is
Then Jesus will step out from between the Fa-
seeking indulgence, while the daughter of fash-
ther and man, and God will keep silence no
ion is arranging her adornmentsit may be in
longer, but pour out His wrath on those who
that hour the Judge of all the earth will pronounce
have rejected His truth.Early Writings, 36:1.
the sentence: Thou art weighed in the balances,
Note: The seven last plagues begin to be poured and art found wanting (Dan. 5:27).Great Con-
out as soon as the general close of probation oc- troversy, 491:2.
2 - Planting, building, eating, and drinking.
- 11 - The righteous and the wicked will still be liv-
ing upon the earth in their mortal statemen will
be planting and building, eating, and drink-
This present life is all that we have in which to ing, all unconscious that the final, irrevocable
prepare for eternity. There will be no second chance decision has been pronounced in the Sanctu-
at some later time. When probation ends, the op- ary above.Great Controversy, 491:1.
portunity for salvation for those who had so far 3 - Forms of religion and apparent zeal for God.
refused it also ends.
When the irrevocable decision of the Sanctuary
1 - This is our only and last opportunity. has been pronounced, and the destiny of the world
We are to make the best of our present oppor- has been forever fixed, the inhabitants of the earth
tunities. There will be no other probation given will know it not. The forms of religion will be
to us in which to prepare for heaven. This is our continued by a people from whom the Spirit of God
only and last opportunity to form characters has been finally withdrawn, and the satanic zeal with
which will fit us for the future home which the Lord which the prince of evil will inspire them for the ac-
has prepared for all who are obedient to His com- complishment of his malignant designs, will bear
mandments.Last Day Events, 236:3-237:0. the semblance of zeal for God.Great Contro-
2 - There will be no second probationary versy, 615:1.
time. 4 - The contrast will be obvious.
All will be tested and tried according to the The wheat and tares grow together until the
light they have had. Those who turn from the truth harvest. In the discharge of lifes duties the righ-
to fables can look for no second probation. There teous will to the last be brought in contact with
will be no temporal millennium. If, after the Holy the ungodly. The children of light are scattered
Spirit has brought conviction to their hearts, they among the children of darkness, that the contrast
resist the truth and use their influence to block the may be seen by all.5 Testimonies, 100:2.
way so that others will not receive it, they will never 5 - Luxury, marriage bells, and the hope of
be convinced. They did not seek for transforma- prosperity.
tion of character in the probation given them, and
When the professed people of God are uniting
Christ will not give them opportunity to pass
with the world, living as they live, and joining with
over the ground again. The decision is a final
them in forbidden pleasures; when the luxury of
one.Last Day Events, 237:2.
the world becomes the luxury of the church; when
3 - There will be no probation after Jesus re- the marriage bells are chiming, and all are look-
turns. ing forward to many years of worldly prosper-
There will be no probation after the com- itythen, suddenly as the lightning flashes from the
ing of the Lord. Those who say that there will be heavens, will come the end of their bright visions
are deceived and misled. Before Christ comes just and delusive hopes.Great Controversy, 338:2-
such a state of things will exist as existed before the 339:0.
Flood. And after the Saviour appears in the clouds 6 - Farmers, merchants, lawyers, and trades-
I was pointed down to the time when the third angels mes-
sage was closing. The power of God had rested upon His
people; they had accomplished their work and were prepared
for the trying hour before them. They had received the latter
rain, or refreshing from the presence of the Lord, and the living
testimony had been revived. The last great warning had
sounded everywhere, and it had stirred up and enraged the
inhabitants of the earth who would not receive the message.
I saw angels hurrying to and fro in heaven. An angel with a
writers inkhorn by his side returned from the earth and reported to
Jesus that his work was done, and the saints were numbered
and sealed.
Early Writings, 279:1-2
INTRODUCTION and, we are told, they are caused directly by the good
angels, not by Satan. They are an end-time antitype
The little time of trouble began with the setting
of the destruction of the world by the Flood, which
up of the image and enactment of the National Sun-
God caused.
day Law. The people of God experience much diffi-
culty and suffering. Worldlings also experienced a Satan himself, who was compelled to remain in
lot of problems. the midst of the warring elements, feared for his own
existence.Patriarchs and Prophets, 99:3.
Yet, prior to the close of probation, Satan was
restrained from causing all the misery he desired. As Jesus throws down the censer, He leaves the
Souls needed to be warned and Satans power was Sanctuary, instructs the angels with the vials of wrath
limited. But, when probation for all mankind ends, to begin pouring them upon the wicked, and instructs
this restraint is removed. the four angels who hold the four winds to release
them, permitting Satan to bring intense devastations
Immediately, two totally differentand very pow-
and strife to the wicked. Thus, both devastations
erfulagencies begin work. (1) Satan has more free-
from Satan and the seven plagues from God are two
dom to wreak hovoc upon the wicked; this is (2) the
separate sets of events that simultaneously begin
time for the outpouring of Gods wrath, as promised
in the third angels message. Satan works through
destructions, calamities, and warfare; God sends His The seven last plagues begin at the end of the
angels to pour out the seven vials of the plagues. general close of probation (EW 36, 52, 280-282; GC
629; 5T 212). But in order to avoid confusion, in
The winds of disaster, strife, and bloodshed
Great Controversy, discussion of the plagues is post-
(which good angels have held back till the close of
poned until after the devastations and strife, caused
probation) are caused and worked by Satan. He origi-
by Satan, have been explained. It is important that
nated them by tempting mankind to sin. Wicked-
you realize this. Although both begin simultaneously,
ness always brings evil results; but the full impact
the description of the two are kept distinctly sepa-
of those results is held back until probation ends.
rate in that book.
Never before, in human history, has Satan been per-
mitted to work such terrible desolation upon man- Here is the arrangement of material, in the Great
kind. But never before had human probation totally Controversy chapter, which takes us from the gen-
endedforever. It is a last-day antitype of the de- eral close of probation to just before the Voice of
struction of Jerusalem, which Satan caused (GC 35- God (The Time of Trouble, chapter 39):
36). Speaking specifically about those post-proba- The general close of probation (GC 613:1-614:0).
tion winds, we are told: Satanic strife and desolations (GC 614:1-615:1). Per-
The same destructive power exercised by secution of the righteous, bringing on Jacobs trouble
holy angels when God commands, will be exer- (GC 615:2-616:0). Flashback discussion of how we
cised by evil angels when He permits. There are now need to prepare for the satanic delusions,
forces now ready, and only waiting the divine per- miracles, and personation of Christ which will oc-
mission, to spread desolation everywhere.Great cur when the National Sunday Law is passed (GC
Controversy, 614:2. 620:2-626:0). The effect of the death decree (GC
615:2-616:0) on the righteous is discussed (GC
The plagues, in contrast, are different. After hav-
626:1-627:1). The outpouring of the seven last
ing extended pleading and mercy to them through-
plagues is presented (GC 627:2-629:1). As He has
out most of their lives, the plagues are part of Gods
done in the past, God will care for His faithful ones
judgments upon sinners. These plagues are terrible;
throughout that terrible time (GC 629:2-634:1).
In the book, Great Controversy, there are two can neglect or defer this work but at the most fearful
mentions of Satans personation of Christ. The first peril to their souls.4 Spirit of Prophecy, 440-441
is found on pages 588-589 and refers to a time be- (1884 Great Controversy).
fore the close of probation. The second is found in
chapter 39 (pages 624-625); but it occurs within a -2-
flashback section. That flashback occurs from page GOD REMOVES HIS PROTECTION
620:2 to page 626:0 (more about this in the section FROM THE WICKED
in this chapter on Satan Personates Christ).
1 - The angels do not prevent Satans work-
The period from the setting up of the image by
the threefold union to the close of probation is the
little time of trouble; and the time span from the I was shown that the judgments of God would
close of probation to the Second Advent is the great not come directly out from the Lord upon them,
time of trouble. but in this way: They place themselves beyond His
protection. He warns, corrects, reproves, and points
These troublous times especially affect the
out the only path of safety; then, if those who have
wicked. The righteous are more shielded. Yet, dur-
been the objects of His special care will follow their
ing the great time of trouble, the wicked heavily per-
own course, independent of the Spirit of God, after
secute and seek to slay the righteous. This brings
repeated warnings, if they choose their own way, then
the faithful into that anguishing experience, known
He does not commission His angels to prevent
as the time of Jacobs trouble. It is also called their
Satans decided attacks upon them.
final conflict with the beast and his image.
It is Satans power that is at work at sea
-1- and on land, bringing calamity and distress and
sweeping off multitudes to make sure of his prey.
Last Day Events, 242:1-2.
1 - The terrible power of Satan is unleashed in 2 - Because Gods Spirit is withdrawn.
destructions and combat.
Already the Spirit of God, insulted, refused,
Four mighty angels are still holding the four abused, is being withdrawn from the earth. Just as
winds of the earth. Terrible destruction is forbid- fast as Gods Spirit is taken away, Satans cruel
den to come in full. The . . winds will be the stirring work will be done upon land and sea.Last Day
up of the nations to one deadly combat, while the Events, 242:4.
angels hold the four winds, forbidding the terrible
3 - The wicked are no longer sheltered by God.
power of Satan to be exercised in its fury until the
servants of God are sealed in their foreheads. The wicked have passed the boundary of their
Maranatha, 175:2. probation; the Spirit of God, persistently resisted,
has been at last withdrawn. Unsheltered by divine
2 - Only the faithful will be protected at that
grace, they have no protection from the wicked
one.Great Controversy, 614:1.
Those only who have clean hands and pure
4 - Gods enemies become instruments of de-
hearts will stand in that trying time . . Now is
the time, while the four angels are holding the four
winds, to make our calling and election sure.Early God will use His enemies as instruments to
Writings, 58:0, 2. punish those who have followed their own perni-
cious ways whereby the truth of God has been mis-
3 - It is a terrible ordeal.
represented, misjudged, and dishonored.Last
The time of trouble such as never was is Day Events, 242:3.
soon to open upon us; and we shall need an experi-
5 - The destruction of Jerusalem anticipated.
ence which we do not now possess, and which many
are too indolent to obtain. It is often the case that The Saviours prophecy concerning the visita-
trouble is greater in anticipation than in real- tion of judgments upon Jerusalem is to have an-
ity; but this is not true of the crisis before us. other fulfillment, of which that terrible desolation
The most vivid presentation cannot reach the mag- was but a faint shadow. In the fate of the chosen city
nitude of the ordeal. And now, while the precious we may behold the doom of a world that has re-
Saviour is making an atonement for us, we should jected Gods mercy and trampled upon His law.
seek to become perfect in Christ. Gods providence Great Controversy, 36:2.
is the school in which we are to learn the meekness 6 - Exercised by evil angels when He permits.
and lowliness of Jesus. The Lord is ever setting be- The same destructive power exercised by
fore us, not the way we would choose, which is easier holy angels when God commands, will be exer-
and pleasanter to us, but the true aims of life. None cised by evil angels when He permits. There are
forces now ready, and only waiting the divine per- been entrusted to those who know the truth for this
mission, to spread desolation everywhere.Great time.Maranatha, 266:4-6.
Controversy, 614:2. 4 - Trouble beyond comparison.
The season of distress and anguish before us
will require a faith that can endure weariness, delay,
THE FOUR WINDS ARE LOOSED and hungera faith that will not faint, though se-
AS SATAN IS PERMITTED verely tried . .
The time of trouble, such as never was, is
1 - The armies of Satan are unleashed. soon to open upon us; and we shall need an experi-
Angels are belting the world, refusing Satan his ence which we do not now possess, and which many
claims to supremacy, made because of the vast mul- are too indolent to obtain. It is often the case that
titudes of his adherents. We hear not the voices, we trouble is greater in anticipation than in reality; but
see not with the natural sight the work of these an- this is not true of the crisis before us. The most
gels, but their hands are linked about the world, vivid presentation cannot reach the magnitude
and with sleepless vigilance they are keeping the of the ordeal.Great Controversy, 621:2, 622:4.
armies of Satan at bay till the sealing of Gods 5 - Terrible laws will be enacted.
people shall be accomplished.7 Bible Commen- When Jesus leaves the Most Holy, His restrain-
tary, 967/2:2. ing Spirit is withdrawn from rulers and people. They
2 - The winds of disaster, strife, and warfare are left to the control of evil angels. Then such laws
are loosed. will be made by the counsel and direction of
John sees the elements of natureearthquake, Satan that, unless time should be very short, no
tempest, and political striferepresented as being flesh could be saved.1 Testimonies, 204:0.
held by four angels. These winds are under control The above statements indicate that if time was
until God gives the word to let them go. There is the not shortened after the close of probation,the
safety of Gods church. The angels of God do His wicked would destroy not only the righteous, but
bidding, holding back the winds of the earth, that also all the wicked.
the winds should not blow on the earth, nor on the
sea, nor on any tree, until the servants of God should -4-
be sealed in their foreheads.Testimonies to Min- SATAN PLUNGES THE WORLD
3 - The stupendous crisis, held back so long,
1 - The whole world becomes involved in ter-
breaks in all its fury.
rible ruin.
The present is a time of overwhelming interest
Unsheltered by divine grace, they [the
to all living. Rulers and statesmen, men who occupy
wicked] have no protection from the wicked one.
positions of trust and authority, thinking men and
Satan will then plunge the inhabitants of the earth
women of all classes, have their attention fixed upon
into one great, final trouble. As the angels of God
the events taking place about us. They are watching
cease to hold in check the fierce winds of hu-
the strained, restless relations that exist among the
man passion, all the elements of strife will be
nations. They observe the intensity that is taking
let loose. The whole world will be involved in
possession of every earthly element, and they real-
ruin more terrible than that which came upon
ize that something great and decisive is about to
Jerusalem of old.
take placethat the world is on the verge of a
stupendous crisis. A single angel destroyed all the firstborn of the
Egyptians and filled the land with mourning. When
Angels are now restraining the winds of strife,
David offended against God by numbering the people,
until the world shall be warned of its coming doom;
one angel caused that terrible destruction by which
but a storm is gathering, ready to burst upon
his sin was punished. The same destructive power
the earth, and when God shall bid His angels loose
exercised by holy angels when God commands,
the winds, there will be such a scene of strife as no
will be exercised by evil angels when He per-
pen can picture . .
mits. There are forces now ready, and only waiting
A moment of respite has been graciously given the divine permission, to spread desolation every-
us of God. Every power lent us of heaven is to be where.Great Controversy, 614:1-2.
used in doing the work assigned us by the Lord for
2 - Deadly warfare by the nations will occur.
those who are perishing in ignorance. The warning
message is to be sounded in all parts of the world Four mighty angels hold back the powers of this
. . A great work is to be done, and this work has earth till the servants of God are sealed in their fore-
heads. The nations of the world are eager for National Sunday Law, will continue on beyond the
conflict, but they are held in check by the angels. general close of probation.
When this restraining power is removed, there will The wicked are filled with satanic religious zeal.
come a time of trouble and anguish. Deadly instru-
When Gods presence was finally withdrawn
ments of warfare will be invented. Vessels, with
from the Jewish nation, priests and people knew it
their living cargo, will be entombed in the great deep.
not. Though under the control of Satan, and
All who have not the spirit of truth will unite under
swayed by the most horrible and malignant pas-
the leadership of satanic agencies, but they are to be
sions, they still regarded themselves as the cho-
kept under control till the time shall come for the
sen of God. The ministration in the Temple contin-
great battle of Armageddon.7 Bible Commentary,
ued; sacrifices were offered upon its polluted altars,
and daily the divine blessing was invoked upon a
3 - Terrible tragedies will occur. people guilty of the blood of Gods dear Son and seek-
I have seen the most costly structures in ing to slay His ministers and apostles. So when the
buildings erected and supposed to be fireproof. And irrevocable decision of the Sanctuary has been pro-
just as Sodom perished in the flames of Gods ven- nounced and the destiny of the world has been for-
geance, so will these proud structures become ever fixed, the inhabitants of the earth will know it
ashes. I have seen vessels which cost immense sums not. The forms of religion will be continued by a
of money wrestling with the mighty waters, seeking people from whom the Spirit of God has been
to breast the angry billows. But with all their trea- finally withdrawn; and the satanic zeal with which
sures of gold and silver, and with their human freight the prince of evil will inspire them for the accom-
they sink into a watery grave. Mans pride will be plishment of his malignant designs, will bear the
buried with the treasures he has accumulated by semblance of zeal for God.Great Controversy,
fraud. God will avenge the widows and orphans who 615:1.
in hunger and nakedness have cried to Him for help
from oppression and abuse. -7-
The time is right upon us when there will be SATAN WILL WORK GREAT MIRACLES
sorrow in the world that no human balm can
Miracle-working demons and men display sa-
heal. The flattering monuments of mens greatness
tanic power.
will be crumbled in the dust, even before the last
great destruction comes upon the world . . Fearful sights of a supernatural character
will soon be revealed in the heavens, in token of the
Only by being clothed with the robe of Christs
power of miracle-working demons. The spirits
righteousness can we escape the judgments that are
of devils will go forth to the kings of the earth and to
coming upon the earth.3 Selected Messages,
the whole world, to fasten them in deception, and
urge them on to unite with Satan in his last struggle
against the government of heaven. By these agencies,
rulers and subjects will be alike deceived. Persons
THE FAITHFUL ARE BLAMED will arise pretending to be Christ Himself, and claim-
FOR THE CONVULSIONS AND STRIFE ing the title and worship which belong to the worlds
The faithful are blamed for the time of trouble. Redeemer. They will perform wonderful miracles
of healing and will profess to have revelations
Those who honor the law of God have been ac-
from heaven contradicting the testimony of the Scrip-
cused of bringing the judgments upon the world, and
tures.Great Controversy, 624:1.
they will be regarded as the cause of the fearful
convulsions of nature and the strife and blood-
shed among men that are filling the earth with woe.
The power attending the last warning has enraged SATAN PERSONATES CHRIST
the wicked; their anger is kindled against all who In the book, Great Controversy, there are two
have received the message, and Satan will excite to mentions of Satans personation of Christ. The first
still greater intensity the spirit of hatred and perse- is found on pages 588-589, and refers to a time be-
cution.Great Controversy, 614:3-615:0. fore the close of probation. The second is found in
chapter 39 (pages 624-625)but it occurs within a
-6- flashback section. That flashback occurs from page
THE WICKED STILL CONSIDER 620:2 through page 626:0.
THEMSELVES SERVANTS OF GOD Before and after that flashback, we are told about
The counterfeit revival which began just before Jacobs trouble and the agonizing experience of Gods
the setting up of the image, by the enactment of the people just before their deliverance by the Voice of
hearts may be overcharged with the cares of this life law of the state ought not to be tolerated; that it
and the day of trial may come upon them as a thief. is better for them to suffer than for whole nations to
Great Controversy, 625:2-626:0. be thrown into confusion and lawlessness. The same
argument eighteen hundred years ago was brought
-9- against Christ by the rulers of the people. It is ex-
THE DEATH DECREE pedient for us, said the wily Caiaphas, that one man
should die for the people, and that the whole nation
We earlier saw clearly that the National Sunday perish not. John 11:50. This argument will appear
Law initiates the loud cry of the third angel and the conclusive; and a decree will finally be issued
placement of the seal and mark. But could the de- against those who hallow the Sabbath of the
cree, of 5 Testimonies, 212, be the death decree, fourth commandment, denouncing them as deserv-
instead of the Sunday law decree? Here is a brief ing of the severest punishment and giving the
comparison of the two decrees: people liberty, after a certain time, to put them
The Sunday law decree is made by the image to death. Romanism in the Old World and apostate
beast (5T 451, Rev. 13:11-17). It is the test before Protestantism in the New will pursue a similar course
we are sealed (7 BC 976). Every nation on earth en- toward those who honor all the divine precepts.
acts a similar one (6T 395). It contains the threat of Great Controversy, 615:2-616:0.
death (5T 81). It causes a great sifting in the church A decree went forth to slay the saints, which
(5T 81). It will be the test before the Loud Cry (5T caused them to cry day and night for deliverance.
81-82, 6T 401). Early Writings, 36:2-37:0.
The universal death decree is made after the close 3 - It will be a universal decree.
of probation (EW 282, 34, 37; GC 615). It is made
Especially will the wrath of man be aroused
by a worldwide legislature (EW 282, PK 512). After
against those who hallow the Sabbath of the fourth
a certain period of time, the people are given liberty
commandment; and at last a universal decree will
to kill the saints (GC 615). It cannot be made before
denounce these as deserving of death.Proph-
the close of probation (GC 610-611). It marks the
ets and Kings, 512:1.
commencement of the time of Jacobs trouble (EW
36-37). Note: According to the above statement, the death
decree will apparently be a joint, simultaneous de-
So we see that the Sunday law decree will not be
cree made by all nations. That would be understand-
made after the close of probation; for it will be the
able; for, prior to the general close of probation, all
great final test before probation ends. In contrast,
nations had enacted their own draconian Sunday
the universal death decree cannot be made before
laws. When probation ends, the nations of earth are
probations close; and it directly precedes that cli-
totally in harmony on the issue of Sunday sacred-
matic post-probation event, Jacobs trouble, which
ends at the sounding of the Voice of God.
4 - It comes after the close of probation.
Two intriguing passages, quoted below, reveal
the stipulations of the death decree (1T 353-354) When this time of trouble comes, every case
and who enacts it (5T 213): is decided; there is no longer probation, no
longer mercy for the impenitent. The seal of the
1 - Evil laws are made, which would result in
living God is upon His people. This small remnant,
destroying everyone.
unable to defend themselves in the deadly conflict
When Jesus leaves the Most Holy [Place], His with the powers of earth that are marshaled by the
restraining Spirit is withdrawn from rulers and dragon host, make God their defense. The decree
people. They are left to the control of evil angels. Then has been passed by the highest earthly authority that
such laws will be made by the counsel and di- they shall worship the beast and receive his mark
rection of Satan, that unless time should be very under pain of persecution and death.5 Testimo-
short, no flesh could be saved.1 Testimonies, nies, 213:0.
5 - It is to take effect at a certain time.
2 - A death decree is issued.
Then I saw the leading men of the earth con-
As the Sabbath has become the special point of sulting together, and Satan and his angels busy
controversy throughout Christendom, and religious around them. I saw a writing, copies of which
and secular authorities have combined to enforce the were scattered in different parts of the land, giv-
observance of the Sunday, the persistent refusal of a ing orders that unless the saints should yield their
small minority to yield to the popular demand will peculiar faith, give up the Sabbath, and observe the
make them objects of universal execration. first day of the week, the people were at liberty
It will be urged that the few who stand in after a certain time to put them to death. But in
opposition to an institution of the church and a this hour of trial the saints were calm and composed,
trusting in God and leaning upon His promise that be blotted from the earth in order that his su-
a way of escape would be made for them. In some premacy of the world may not be disputed.Testi-
places, before the time for the decree to be ex- monies to Ministers, 37:0.
ecuted, the wicked rushed upon the saints to slay 3 - He will stir up the wicked to destroy them.
them; but angels in the form of men of war fought
The remnant church will be brought into great
for them. Satan wished to have the privilege of
trial and distress. Those who keep the command-
destroying the saints of the Most High; but Jesus
ments of God and the faith of Jesus will feel the ire
bade His angels watch over them. God would be hon-
of the dragon and his hosts. Satan numbers the
ored by making a covenant with those who had kept
world as his subjects. He has gained control of the
His law, in the sight of the heathen round about them;
apostate churches; but here is a little company that
and Jesus would be honored by translating, with-
are resisting his supremacy. If he could blot them
out their seeing death, the faithful, waiting ones who
from the earth, his triumph would be complete. As
had so long expected Him.Early Writings, 282:2-
he influenced the heathen nations to destroy Israel,
so in the near future he will stir up the wicked
6 - This decree will be similar to that issued by powers of earth to destroy the people of God.
the Persian king, in the time of Queen Esther (see 9 Testimonies, 231:1.
PK 598-606).
4 - The faithful will be blamed for the judg-
The decree that will finally go forth against the ments.
remnant people of God will be very similar to that
I saw that the four angels would hold the four
issued by Ahasuerus against the Jews. Today the
winds until Jesus work was done in the Sanctuary,
enemies of the true church see in the little company
and then will come the seven last plagues. These
keeping the Sabbath commandment, a Mordecai at
plagues enraged the wicked against the righteous;
the gate. The reverence of Gods people for His law is
they thought that we had brought the judgments
a constant rebuke to those who have cast off the fear
of God upon them, and that if they could rid the
of the Lord and are trampling on His Sabbath.
earth of us, the plagues would then be stayed.
Prophets and Kings, 605:2.
Early Writings, 36:2.
If the people of God will put their trust in Him
5 - Sabbathkeeping will be declared to be the
and by faith rely upon His power, the devices of
Satan will be defeated in our time as signally as
in the days of Mordecai.Last Day Events, 259:1. When the angel of mercy folds her wings and
departs, Satan will do the evil deeds he has long
7 - The decree requires that (1) the faithful
wished to do. Storm and tempest, war and blood-
must violate Gods Sabbath and not rest on it, and
shedin these things he delights, and thus he gath-
(2) they must worship on the sun-day, or else they
ers in his harvest. And so completely will men be
will die.
deceived by him that they will declare that these
The decree will go forth that they must disre- calamities are the result of the desecration of
gard the Sabbath of the fourth commandment, the first day of the week. From the pulpits of the
and honor the first day, or lose their lives; but popular churches will be heard the statement that
they will not yield, and trample under their feet the the world is being punished because Sunday is not
Sabbath of the Lord, and honor an institution of the honored as it should be.Last Day Events, 256:3.
papacy. Satans host and wicked men will surround
them, and exult over them, because there will seem - 11 -
to be no way of escape for them.1 Testimonies,
Both the righteous and the wicked suffered in
- 10 - the small time of trouble, during the loud cry. The
SATANS PRIMARY OBJECTIVE close of probation initiates the great time of trouble,
IS TO DESTROY SABBATHKEEPERS when Satan will plunge the world into even greater
misery than before. But the enactment of the death
1 - He wants a law to exterminate. decree will mark the beginning of the greatest emo-
(Says the great deceiver) Our principle con- tional crisis for the faithful: Jacobs trouble.
cern is to silence this sect of Sabbathkeepers . . This topic is so important that a rather lengthy
We will finally have a law to exterminate all who passage in Great Controversy is devoted to it. You
will not submit to our authority. Testimonies to will want to carefully read it: GC 618:2-623:2 (PP
Ministers, 473:1. 195-203 is similar). We will only quote part of the
2 - He will try to blot them from the earth. passage here.
It is the purpose of Satan to cause them to 1 - The issuance of the death decree begins
Jacobs trouble for Gods people. (Gen. 32:24-30), represents the experience of Gods
I saw that the four angels would hold the four people in the time of trouble.Great Controversy,
winds until Jesus work was done in the Sanctuary, 616:1-2 (5T 451:2).
and then will come the seven last plagues. These 4 - It is a time of wrestling in prayer.
plagues enraged the wicked against the righteous; As Satan influenced Esau to march against
they thought that we had brought the judgments of Jacob, so he will stir up the wicked to destroy
God upon them, and that if they could rid the earth Gods people in the time of trouble. And as he
of us, the plagues would then be stayed. A decree accused Jacob, he will urge his accusations against
went forth to slay the saints, which caused them the people of God. He numbers the world as his sub-
to cry day and night for deliverance. This was the jects; but the little company who keep the com-
time of Jacobs trouble.Early Writings, 36:2- mandments of God are resisting his supremacy.
37:0. If he could blot them from the earth, his triumph
2 - The final crisis for Gods people. would be complete.Great Controversy, 618:2.
Friday [January 18, 1884] night several heard 5 - Only God can help them.
my voice exclaiming, Look, Look! Whether I was And at that time shall Michael stand up, the
dreaming or in vision I cannot tell. I slept alone. great Prince which standeth for the children of thy
The time of trouble was upon us. I saw our people: and there shall be a time of trouble, such as
people in great distress, weeping and praying, plead- never was since there was a nation even to that same
ing the sure promises of God, while the wicked were time: and at that time thy people shall be delivered,
all around us mocking us and threatening to destroy every one that shall be found written in the book
us. They ridiculed our feebleness, they mocked at [Dan. 12:1]. When this time of trouble comes, every
the smallness of our numbers, and taunted us with case is decided; there is no longer probation, no
words calculated to cut deep. They charged us with longer mercy for the impenitent. The seal of the liv-
taking an independent position from all the rest of ing God is upon His people.
the world. They had cut off our resources so that This small remnant, unable to defend them-
we could not buy or sell, and they referred to selves in the deadly conflict with the powers of earth
our abject poverty and stricken condition. They that are marshaled by the dragon host, make God
could not see how we could live without the world. their defense. The decree has been passed by the
We were dependent on the world, and we must con- highest earthly authority that they shall worship the
cede to the customs, practices, and laws of the world, beast and receive his mark under pain of persecu-
or go out of it. If we were the only people in the world tion and death. May God help His people now, for
whom the Lord favored, the appearances were aw- what can they then do in such a fearful conflict with-
fully against us. out His assistance!5 Testimonies, 212:5-213:0.
They declared that they had the truth, that 6 - Satan accuses Gods people.
miracles were among them; that angels from heaven
As Satan accuses the people of God on ac-
talked with them and walked with them, that great
count of their sins, the Lord permits him to try them
power and signs and wonders were performed among
to the uttermost. Their confidence in God, their faith
them, and that this was the temporal millennium
and firmness, will be severely tested. As they review
they had been expecting so long. The whole world
the past, their hopes sink; for in their whole lives
was converted and in harmony with the Sun-
they can see little good. They are fully conscious of
day law, and this little feeble people stood out in
their weakness and unworthiness. Satan endeav-
defiance of the laws of the land and the law of
ors to terrify them with the thought that their cases
God, and claimed to be the only ones right on the
are hopeless, that the stain of their defilement will
earth.3 Selected Messages, 427:4-428:1.
never be washed away. He hopes so to destroy their
3 - It is a time of affliction and distress. faith that they will yield to his temptations and turn
The people of God will then [when the death from their allegiance to God.Great Controversy,
decree is enacted] be plunged into those scenes of 618:3-619:0.
affliction and distress described by the prophet as 7 - Their deepest concern is for Gods glory,
the time of Jacobs trouble. Thus saith the Lord: not for their own lives or salvation.
We have heard a voice of trembling, of fear, and not
Though Gods people will be surrounded by en-
of peace . . All faces are turned into paleness. Alas!
emies who are bent upon their destruction, yet the
for that day is great, so that none is like it: it is even
anguish which they suffer is not a dread of persecu-
the time of Jacobs trouble; but he shall be saved
tion for the truths sake; they fear that every sin
out of it. Jeremiah 30:5-7.
has not been repented of, and that through some
Jacobs night of anguish, when he wrestled in fault in themselves they will fail to realize the fulfill-
prayer for deliverance from the hand of Esau ment of the Saviours promise: I will keep thee from
comfort and protect them in the time of peril. sin from our lives and become perfect in Christ.
The assaults of Satan are fierce and determined, his Now, while our great High Priest is making
delusions are terrible; but the Lords eye is upon the atonement for us, we should seek to become
His people, and His ear listens to their cries. Their perfect in Christ. Not even by a thought could our
affliction is great, the flames of the furnace seem about Saviour be brought to yield to the power of tempta-
to consume them; but the Refiner will bring them tion. Satan finds in human hearts some point where
forth as gold tried in the fire. Gods love for His he can gain a foothold; some sinful desire is cher-
children during the period of their severest trial is ished, by means of which his temptations assert their
as strong and tender as in the days of their sunniest power. But Christ declared of Himself: The prince
prosperity; but it is needful for them to be placed in of this world cometh, and hath nothing in Me. John
the furnace of fire; their earthliness must be con- 14:30. Satan could find nothing in the Son of God
sumed, that the image of Christ may be perfectly that would enable him to gain the victory. He had
reflected.Great Controversy, 621:1. kept His Fathers commandments, and there was
7 - We, today, may and should seek such a no sin in Him that Satan could use to his advan-
deeper experience. tage. This is the condition in which those must
The season of distress and anguish before us be found who shall stand in the time of trouble.
will require a faith that can endure weariness, It is in this life that we are to separate sin
delay, and hungera faith that will not faint though from us, through faith in the atoning blood of
severely tried. The period of probation is granted to Christ. Our Precious Saviour invites us to join our-
all to prepare for that time. Jacob prevailed because selves to Him, to unite our weakness to His strength,
he was persevering and determined. His victory our ignorance to His wisdom, our unworthiness to
is an evidence of the power of importunate prayer. His merits. Gods providence is the school in which
All who will lay hold of Gods promises, as he did, we are to learn the meekness and lowliness of Jesus.
and be as earnest and persevering as he was, will The Lord is ever setting before us, not the way we
succeed as he succeeded. Those who are unwill- would choose, which seems easier and pleasanter to
ing to deny self, to agonize before God, to pray us, but the true aims of life. It rests with us to co-
long and earnestly for His blessing, will not ob- operate with the agencies which Heaven employs in
tain it. Wrestling with Godhow few know what it the work of conforming our characters to the divine
is! How few have ever had their souls drawn out af- model. None can neglect or defer this work but
ter God with intensity of desire until every power is at the most fearful peril to their souls.Great
on the stretch. When waves of despair which no lan- Controversy, 623:1-2.
guage can express sweep over the suppliant, how
few cling with unyielding faith to the promises - 13 -
Those who exercise but little faith now, are in TO SECLUDED LOCATIONS,
the greatest danger of falling under the power of sa- ESPECIALLY IN THE MOUNTAINS
tanic delusions and the decree to compel the con-
1 - God will lead His people to safe refuges, if
science. And even if they endure the test they will be
they will but obey His marching orders (and those
plunged into deeper distress and anguish in the time
orders include getting out of the cities!).
of trouble, because they have never made it a habit
to trust in God. The lessons of faith which they During the night a very impressive scene passed
have neglected they will be forced to learn under a before me. There seemed to be great confusion and
terrible pressure of discouragement. the conflict of armies. A messenger from the Lord
stood before me, and said, Call your household. I
We should now acquaint ourselves with God
will lead you; follow me. He led me down a dark
by proving His promises. Angels record every
passage, through a forest, then through the clefts
prayer that is earnest and sincere. We should rather
of mountains, and said, Here you are safe.
dispense with selfish gratifications than neglect com-
There were others who had been led to this retreat.
munion with God. The deepest poverty, the greatest
The heavenly messenger said, The time of trouble
self-denial, with His approval, is better than riches,
has come as a thief in the night, as the Lord warned
honors, ease, and friendship without it. We must
you it would come. Maranatha, 270:4.
take time to pray. If we allow our minds to be ab-
sorbed by worldly interests, the Lord may give us 2 - In the great time of trouble, the last of the
time by removing from us our idols of gold, of houses, faithful leave the cities and villages.
or of fertile lands.Great Controversy, 621:2- In the time of trouble we all fled from the cit-
622:2. ies and villages, but were pursued by the wicked,
8 - It is now, not later, that we are to separate who entered the houses of the saints with a sword.
They raised the sword to kill us, but it broke, and The Lord has shown me repeatedly that it is
fell as powerless as a straw. Then we all cried day contrary to the Bible to make any provision for
and night for deliverance, and the cry came up be- our temporal wants in the time of trouble. I saw
fore God.Early Writings, 34:1. that if the saints had food laid up by them or in the
3 - They go to solitary places. field in the time of trouble, when sword, famine, and
pestilence are in the land, it would be taken from
I saw the saints leaving the cities and vil-
them by violent hands, and strangers would reap
lages, and associating together in companies,
their fields.
and living in the most solitary places. Angels
provided them food and water, while the wicked were Then will be the time for us to trust wholly in
suffering from hunger and thirst.Early Writings, God, and He will sustain us. I saw that our bread
282:2. and water will be sure at that time, and that we
shall not lack or suffer hunger, for God is able to
4 - While some left the cities earlier, others
spread a table for us in the wilderness. If necessary
(waiting too long) are imprisoned.
He would send ravens to feed us, as He did to feed
As the decree issued by the various rulers of Elijah, or rain manna from heaven, as He did for the
Christendom against commandment keepers shall Israelites.Early Writings, 56:2.
withdraw the protection of government and aban-
The time of trouble is just before us, and then
don them to those who desire their destruction, the
stern necessity will require the people of God to deny
people of God will flee from the cities and vil-
self and to eat merely enough to sustain life, but
lages and associate together in companies,
God will prepare us for that time. In that fearful
dwelling in the most desolate and solitary places.
hour our necessity will be Gods opportunity to
Many will find refuge in the strongholds of the
impart His strengthening power and to sustain His
mountains. Like the Christians of the Piedmont
people.1 Testimonies, 206:1.
valleys, they will make the high places of the earth
their sanctuaries and will thank God for the muni- Bread and water is all that is promised to the
tions of rocks (Isa. 33:16). But many of all nations remnant in the time of trouble.Story of Redemp-
and of all classes, high and low, rich and poor, black tion, 129:2.
and white, will be cast into the most unjust and 7 - None will, at that time, need to work to
cruel bondage. The beloved of God pass weary days, support themselves.
bound in chains, shut in by prison bars, sen- I saw that a time of trouble was before us, when
tenced to be slain, some apparently left to die of stern necessity will compel the people of God to live
starvation in dark and loathsome dungeons. No on bread and water . . In the time of trouble none
human ear is open to hear their moans; no human will labor with their hands. Their sufferings will
hand is ready to lend them help. be mental, and God will provide food for them.
Will the Lord forget His people in this trying Last Day Events, 265:1.
hour? Did He forget faithful Noah . . Joseph . . Elijah 8 - Angels will care for them.
. . Jeremiah . . the three worthies . . Daniel?Great
In the time of trouble, just before the coming of
Controversy, 626:1-2.
Christ, the righteous will be preserved through the
5 - Houses and lands will then be useless. ministration of heavenly angels.Patriarchs
Houses and lands will be of no use to the and Prophets, 256:1.
saints in the time of trouble, for they will then have In the midst of the time of trouble that is com-
to flee before infuriated mobs, and at that time their inga time of trouble such as has not been since
possessions cannot be disposed of to advance the there was a nationGods chosen people will
cause of present truth . . stand unmoved. Satan and his host cannot destroy
I saw that if any held on to their property, and them, for angels that excel in strength will pro-
did not inquire of the Lord as to their duty, He would tect them.9 Testimonies, 17:1.
not make duty known, and they would be permitted
to keep their property, and in the time of trouble it - 14 -
would come up before them like a mountain to crush THE SEVEN LAST PLAGUES
them, and they would try to dispose of it, but would
not be able . . But if they desired to be taught, He We are listing this event in the sequence given in
would teach them, in a time of need, when to chapter 39 of Great Controversy. But we are told
sell and how much to sell.Early Writings, 56:3, that these plagues actually begin as soon as Jesus
57:1. leaves the Sanctuary (GC 627:3) and the wicked
begin to oppress Gods people (GC 627:1). In that
6 - God will provide for His peoples needs in
important book, the plagues (627:3-629:0) are pur-
the great time of trouble.
posely not described immediately following Christs
departure from the Sanctuary. If they had been, the It is the glory of God to be merciful, full of for-
description of the plagues would have been inter- bearance, kindness, goodness, and truth. But the
mingled with the description of the desolations justice shown in punishing the sinner is as ver-
caused by Satan, thus confusing the two. To avoid ily the glory of the Lord as is the manifestation of
this, chapter 39 was arranged so the two would be His mercy.Last Day Events, 240:1.
clearly separated. The Lord God of Israel is to execute judg-
Jesus wears priestly garments in the heavenly ment upon the gods of this world as upon the
Sanctuary. When probation ends, as He leaves that gods of Egypt. With fire and flood, plagues and
structure, at the entrance, He removes those robes; earthquakes, He will spoil the whole land. Then His
and, in their place, He puts on the garments of ven- redeemed people will exalt His name and make it
geance (EW 281:1). The time has come for Him to glorious in the earth. Shall not those who are living
command His angels to begin pouring out the plagues in the last remnant of this earths history become
upon the wicked in retribution for what they have intelligent in regard to Gods lessons?10 Manu-
done and continue to do to the righteous. He gives script Releases, 240:2, 241:0 (1899).
the command for the plagues to be poured out. In all the Bible, God is presented not only as a
It is quite clear that two different desolating se- Being of mercy and benevolence, but as a God of
ries of events begin as soon as worldwide probation strict and impartial justice.Last Day Events,
ends: (1) The four winds are loosed and Satan is 240:4.
permitted to bring disasters and plunge the world 2 - When probation ends, justice takes its place.
into strife (GC 614:1). (2) Christ commands His
The One who has stood as our Intercessor; who
own angels to begin pouring out the seven last plagues
hears all penitential prayers and confessions; who
upon the wicked (GC 627:1-2, 628:0). In each case,
is represented with a rainbow, the symbol of grace
the wording is definite: Christ permits the four wind
and love, encircling His head, is soon to cease His
desolations, which Satan produces, while Satan has
work in the heavenly Sanctuary. Grace and mercy
no part in bringing the plagues which God sends.
will then descend from the throne, and justice will
The plagues, discussed in some detail in Great take their place. He for whom His people have looked
Controversy, 627:2-630:0, actually begin as soon will assume His right the office of Supreme Judge.
as probation closes and Jesus puts on His garments Last Day Events, 240:3.
of vengeance.
3 - The One who made the law will punish for
Although the crisis was reached when all nations its transgression.
passed the Sunday law, yet mercy continued until
Gods love is represented in our day as being of
everyone had been clearly shown the issues involved.
such a character as would forbid His destroying the
Then probation closes and the wrath is poured out.
sinner. Men reason from their own low standard
For a far more extensive comparative analysis of of right and justice. Thou thoughtest that I was
this subject, see our ten-part tract set, The Terrible altogether such an one as thyself (Ps. 50:21). They
Storm, now in section two of our Offshoots measure God by themselves. They reason as to how
Tractbook. It is the most extensive refutation of the they would act under the circumstances and decide
God will not kill the incorrigibly wicked theory and God would do as they imagine they would do . .
gives many, many Spirit of Prophecy quotations on
In no kingdom or government is it left to the
when Satan has been permitted to cause calamities
lawbreakers to say what punishment is to be ex-
and when God has directly produced judgments Him-
ecuted against those who have broken the law. All
we have, all the bounties of His grace which we pos-
sess, we owe to God. The aggravating character of
- 15 - sin against such a God cannot be estimated any more
THE JUDGMENTS SENT than the heavens can be measured with a span. God
DIRECTLY FROM GOD is a moral governor as well as a Father. He is the
Lawgiver. He makes and executes His laws. Law
God not only permits Satan to bring strife and
that has no penalty is of no force.
conflict (by letting His angels unloose the four winds),
but He also, at times, directly sends judgments (as The plea may be made that a loving Father would
in the seven last plagues); but these are only given to not see His children suffering the punishment of God
the incorrigibly wicked. Our kind heavenly Father by fire while He had the power to relieve them. But
never directly sends judgments upon the undecided; God would, for the good of His subjects and for
only the totally reprobate receive Gods outpoured their safety, punish the transgressor. God does
wrath. not work on the plan of man. He can do infinite jus-
tice that man has no right to do before his fellow
1 - Justice is shown in punishing the sinner.
man. Noah would have displeased God to have
drowned one of the scoffers and mockers that ha- Controversy, 614:2.
rassed him, but God drowned the vast world. Lot 5 - Both the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy are
would have had no right to inflict punishment on clear that God will execute the final judgment; yet
his sons-in-law, but God would do it in strict jus- the sinner is responsible for his own death. By his
tice.Last Day Events, 240:5-241:2. life of sin and stubborn impenitence, he destroyed
Note: The above statement is extremely signifi- himself.
cant. Neither you nor I have the moral right to ex- God destroys no one. The sinner destroys him-
ecute judgment. But God has this moral right, be- self by his own impenitence.5 Testimonies, 120:1.
cause He will send exactly the correct amount of judg-
God destroys no man. Everyone who is de-
ment on exactly those who should receive it. No one
stroyed will have destroyed himself.Christs
in the universe can do this, except the Godhead. In
Object Lessons, 84:4.
view of that fact, if God does not kill the incorrigibly
wicked after the third advent of Christthey will Those statements do not mean that the wicked
not receive the final, proper punishment for their surrounding the holy City will all commit suicide.
sins. Satan will surely not give them the right amount Both the Bible and Spirit of Prophecy are clear that
of punishment; and no created being could do it. God sends fire down on them from heaven and kills
them. Carefully read the entire paragraph in Christs
People do not realize the implications of what
Object Lessons, 84:4-85:0. Explaining how people
they are saying, when they blithely imagine that God,
destroy themselves, it tells of Pharaoh who so hard-
the lawgiver, will never punish transgression of His
ened his heart that he destroyed himself. Yet we know
he did not commit suicide. God killed him in the
Someone will reply that, after the wicked sur- Red Sea.
round the holy City, they will all turn on one another
and kill each other. First, that may be mass murder, - 16 -
but it would not be punishment due to many of them.
Second, no one surrounding the city would be able
to put Satan and his angels to death. So if God will 1 - When wickedness reaches a certain amount.
never kill the wicked, then Satan and his demons God keeps a reckoning with the nations.
will harass the godly through all space and time to Through every century of this worlds history evil
come! workers have been treasuring up wrath against
4 - At times, angels of God exercise destruc- the day of wrath; and when the time fully comes
tive power. that iniquity shall have reached the stated bound-
Gods judgments were awakened against Jeri- ary of Gods mercy, His forbearance will cease. When
cho. It was a stronghold. But the Captain of the the accumulated figures in heavens record
Lords host Himself came from heaven to lead books shall mark the sum of transgression com-
the armies of heaven in an attack upon the city. plete, wrath will come, unmixed with mercy, and
Angels of God laid hold of the massive walls and then it will be seen what a tremendous thing it is to
brought them to the ground.3 Testimonies, 264:1. have worn out the divine patience. This crisis will be
reached when the nations shall unite in making void
Under God the angels are all-powerful. On
Gods law.5 Testimonies, 524:0.
one occasion, in obedience to the command of
Christ, they slew of the Assyrian army in one 2 - Jesus steps out from between God and man,
night one hundred and eighty-five thousand men. and the plagues are poured out.
Desire of Ages, 700:5. As His [Christs] work there is finished, and
The same angel who had come from the royal His intercession closes, there is nothing to stay
courts to rescue Peter had been the messenger of the wrath of God, and it breaks with fury upon
wrath and judgment to Herod. The angel smote the shelterless head of the guilty sinner, who has
Peter to arouse him from slumber. It was with a dif- slighted salvation and hated reproof. In that fearful
ferent stroke that he smote the wicked king, laying time, after the close of Jesus mediation, the saints
low his pride and bringing upon him the punish- were living in the sight of a holy God without an in-
ment of the Almighty. Herod died in great agony tercessor. Every case was decided, every jewel num-
of mind and body, under the retributive judg- bered.Early Writings, 280:2.
ment of God.Acts of the Apostles, 152:1. Solemn events before us are yet to transpire.
The same destructive power exercised by Trumpet after trumpet is to be sounded; vial after
holy angels when God commands, will be exer- vial poured out one after another upon the inhabi-
cised by evil angels when He permits. There are tants of the earth.3 Selected Messages, 426:1.
forces now ready, and only waiting the divine per- The world is soon to be left by the angel of mercy,
mission, to spread desolation everywhere.Great and the seven last plagues are to be poured out
. . The bolts of Gods wrath are soon to fall, and in the Sanctuary, He will stand up, put on the
when He shall begin to punish the transgressors, garments of vengeance, and then the seven last
there will be no period of respite until the end. plagues will be poured out.
Testimonies to Ministers 182:2. I saw that the four angels would hold the four
3 - The plagues begin when probation closes. winds until Jesus work was done in the Sanctuary,
Gods judgments will be visited upon those who and then will come the seven last plagues. These
are seeking to oppress and destroy His people. His plagues enraged the wicked against the righ-
long forbearance with the wicked emboldens men in teous; they thought that we had brought the judg-
transgressions, but their punishment is nonethe- ments of God upon them, and that if they could rid
less certain and terrible because it is long delayed. the earth of us, the plagues would then be stayed. A
The Lord shall rise up as in Mount Perazim, He decree went forth to slay the saints.Early Writ-
shall be wroth as in the valley of Gibeon, that He ings, 36:1-37:0.
may do His work, His strange work; and bring to
pass His act, His strange act . . - 18 -
When Christ ceases His intercession in the SOME OF THE WICKED
Sanctuary, the unmingled wrath threatened PLEAD WITH THE RIGHTEOUS
against those who worship the beast and his image FOR HELP
and receive his mark (Rev. 14:9-10) will be poured 1 - Multitudes will desire mercy.
out. The plagues upon Egypt when God was about
In that day, multitudes will desire the shelter
to deliver Israel were similar in character to those
of Gods mercy which they have so long despised.
more terrible and extensive judgments which are to
Great Controversy, 629:1.
fall upon the world just before the final deliver-
ance of Gods people.Great Controversy, 627:2, 2 - Men will wish that mercy and salvation
3-628:0 (TM 182:2-183:0). were still extended.
Note: To deny that God will finally judge the The Lord in judgment will at the close of time
wicked and slay them is to deny the third angels walk through the earth, the fearful plagues will be-
message (Rev. 14:9-10)! gin to fall. Then those who have despised Gods
Word, those who have lightly esteemed it, shall
4 - They are unmixed with mercy, but not
wander from sea to sea, and from the north even to
the east; they shall run to and fro to seek the Word
These plagues are not universal, or the in- of Lord and shall not find it . . The ministers of God
habitants of the earth would be wholly cut off. Yet will have done their last work, offered their last
they will be the most awful scourges that have ever prayers, shed their last bitter tear for a rebellious
been known to mortals. All the judgments upon men, church and an ungodly people.Maranatha, 264:4.
prior to the close of probation, have been mingled
3 - Sequence: (1) Probation closes. (2) Fear
with mercy. The pleading blood of Christ has shielded
and horror seize many of the wicked. (3) They
the sinner from receiving the full measure of his guilt;
seek mercy and salvation, but cannot find it.
but in the final judgment, wrath is poured out
unmixed with mercy.Great Controversy, 628:2- The plagues were falling upon the inhabitants
629:0. of the earth. Some were denouncing God and curs-
ing Him. Others rushed to the people of God and
Note: It is interesting to compare the ten plagues
begged to be taught how they might escape His
on Egypt and the seven last plagues on the wicked.
judgments. But the saints had nothing for them.
The last tear for sinners had been shed, the last
- 17 -
agonizing prayer offered, the last burden borne, the
THE DEATH DECREE last warning given. The sweet voice of mercy was
Sequence: (1) Jesus ends His mediation. (2) no more to invite them. When the saints, and all
He stands up and puts on the garments of ven- heaven, were interested for their salvation, they had
geance. (3) The seven last plagues begin to be no interest for themselves. Life and death had been
poured out. (4) This enrages the wicked; and they set before them. Many desired life, but made no ef-
think that if they could eliminate the righteous, fort to obtain it. They did not choose life, and now
the plagues would stop. (5) So they issue the death there was no atoning blood to cleanse the guilty, no
decree. compassionate Saviour to plead for them, and cry,
Spare, spare the sinner a little longer. All heaven
I saw that . . Michael had not stood up, and
had united with Jesus, as they heard the fearful
that the time of trouble, such as never was, had not
words, It is done. It is finished. The plan of salva-
yet commenced. The nations are now getting angry,
tion had been accomplished, but few had chosen to
but when our High Priest has finished His work
accept it. And as mercys sweet voice died away, of Christs patience. With sympathizing tenderness,
fear and horror seized the wicked. With terrible angels have witnessed their distress and have heard
distinctness they heard the words, Too late! too late! their prayers. They are waiting the word of their
Those who had not prized Gods Word were hur- Commander to snatch them from their peril. But
rying to and fro, wandering from sea to sea, and from they must wait yet a little longer. The people of God
the north to the east, to seek the Word of the Lord. must drink of the cup and be baptized with the
Said the angel, They shall not find it. There is a baptism. The very delay, so painful to them, is the
famine in the land; not a famine of bread, nor a thirst best answer to their petitions.Great Controversy,
for water, but for hearing the words of the Lord. What 630:1-631:0.
would they not give for one word of approval from 4 - They are pursued by the wicked.
God! but no, they must hunger and thirst on. Day As the saints left the cities and villages, they
after day have they slighted salvation, prizing earthly were pursued by the wicked, who sought to slay
riches and earthly pleasure higher than any heav- them. But the swords that were raised to kill Gods
enly treasure or inducement. They have rejected Jesus people broke and fell as powerless as a straw. An-
and despised His saints. The filthy must remain filthy gels of God shielded the saints. As they cried day
forever. Early Writings, 281:1-282:0. and night for deliverance, their cry came up before
the Lord.Early Writings, 284:2-285:0.
- 19 -
5 - Angels defend them.
The heavenly sentinels, faithful to their trust,
continue their watch. Though a general decree
has fixed the time when commandment keepers
During Jacobs trouble, the angels provide a wall may be put to death, their enemies will in some
of protection around the faithful and even give them cases anticipate the decree, and before the time
food. specified, will endeavor to take their lives. But none
1 - Angels shield and nourish them. can pass the mighty guardians stationed about
every faithful soul. Some are assailed in their flight
The people of God will not be free from suffer-
from the cities and villages; but the swords raised
ing; but while persecuted and distressed, while
against them break and fall powerless as a straw.
they endure privation and suffer for want of
Others are defended by angels in the form of men of
food they will not be left to perish. That God who
war.Great Controversy, 631:1 (EW 283:1).
cared for Elijah will not pass by one of His self-sac-
rificing children. He who numbers the hairs of their 6 - Satan wants them slain.
head will care for them, and in time of famine they In some places, before the time for the decree to
shall be satisfied. While the wicked are dying from be executed, the wicked rushed upon the saints to
hunger and pestilence, angels will shield the righ- slay them; but angels in the form of men of war fought
teous and supply their wants.Great Contro- for them. Satan wished to have the privilege of
versy, 629:2. destroying the saints of the Most High; but Jesus
2 - The pleadings of the faithful continue to bade His angels watch over them. God would be
ascend to God while the wicked exult that soon honored by making a covenant with those who had
they can slay them. kept His law, in the sight of the heathen round about
them; and Jesus would be honored by translating,
Yet to human sight it will appear that the people
without their seeing death, the faithful, waiting ones
of God must soon seal their testimony with their
who had so long expected Him.Early Writings,
blood as did the martyrs before them. They them-
selves begin to fear that the Lord has left them to fall
by the hand of their enemies. It is a time of fearful 7 - Three circles about each company of saints.
agony. Day and night they cry unto God for deliv- Soon I saw the saints suffering great mental
erance. The wicked exult.Great Controversy, anguish. They seemed to be surrounded by the
630:1. wicked inhabitants of the earth. Every appearance
3 - Companies of angels are about them. was against them. Some began to fear that God had
at last left them to perish by the hand of the wicked.
Like Jacob, all are wrestling with God. Their
But if their eyes could have been opened, they would
countenances express their internal struggle. Pale-
have seen themselves surrounded by angels of God.
ness sits upon every face. Yet they cease not their
Next came the multitude of the angry wicked, and
earnest intercession.
next a mass of evil angels, hurrying on the wicked
Could men see with heavenly vision, they would to slay the saints. But before they could approach
behold companies of angels that excel in strength Gods people, the wicked must first pass this com-
stationed about those who have kept the word pany of mighty, holy angels. This was impossible.
The angels of God were causing them to recede and In the time of trouble, just before the coming of
also causing the evil angels who were pressing around Christ, the righteous will be preserved through the
them to fall back.Early Writings, 283:1. ministration of heavenly angels; but there will be
no security for the transgressor of Gods law.
- 20 - Angels cannot then protect those who are disregard-
THERE ARE NO MARTYRS ing one of the divine precepts.Patriarchs and
6 - Satan cannot destroy them.
1 - Martyrdom now would accomplish noth-
ing of value. In the closing period of earths history the Lord
will work mightily in behalf of those who stand stead-
If the blood of Christs faithful witnesses were
fastly for the right . . In the midst of the time of
shed at this time, it would not, like the blood of
troubletrouble such as has not been since there
the martyrs, be as seed sown to yield a harvest
was a nationHis chosen ones will stand unmoved.
for God. Their fidelity would not be a testimony to
Satan with all the hosts of evil cannot destroy
convince others of the truth; for the obdurate heart
the weakest of Gods saints. Angels that excel in
has beaten back the waves of mercy until they re-
strength will protect them, and in their behalf Je-
turn no more. If the righteous were now left to fall a
hovah will reveal Himself as a God of gods, able to
prey to their enemies, it would be a triumph for the
save to the uttermost those have put their trust in
prince of darkness . . Glorious will be the deliver-
Him.Prophets and Kings, 513:1.
ance of those who have patiently waited for His com-
ing and whose names are written in the book of life.
- 21 -
Great Controversy, 634:1.
2 - It would only bring triumph to Satan.
God would not suffer the wicked to destroy DELIVERANCE COMES
those who were expecting translation, and who AT MIDNIGHT
would not bow to the decree of the beast or receive
his mark. I saw that if the wicked were permitted to It is at midnight that God manifests His power
slay the saints, Satan and all his evil host, and all for the deliverance of His people.Great Contro-
who hate God, would be gratified. And oh, what a versy, 636:2.
triumph it would be for his satanic majesty, to have It was at midnight that God chose to deliver
power, in the last closing struggle, over those who His people.Early Writings, 285:1.
had so long waited to behold Him whom they loved! 1 - The plan is to slay all the faithful in one
Those who have mocked at the idea of the saints night.
going up will witness the care of God for His people
When the protection of human laws shall be
and behold their glorious deliverance.Early Writ-
withdrawn from those who honor the law of God,
ings, 284:1.
there will be, in different lands, a simultaneous
3 - They will not be left to perish. movement for their destruction. As the time ap-
The people of God will not be free from suffer- pointed in the decree draws near, the people will
ing; but while persecuted and distressed, while they conspire to root out the hated sect. It will be deter-
endure privation and suffer for want of food they mined to strike in one night a decisive blow, which
will not be left to perish.Great Controversy, shall utterly silence the voice of dissent and re-
629:2. proof.Great Controversy, 635:1.
4 - Scattered in companies throughout the 2 - In that hour God interposes.
world, the faithful are protected by Christ and His The people of Godsome in prison cells, some
angels. hidden in solitary retreats in the forests and the
In the day of fierce trial He [Christ] will say, mountainsstill plead for divine protection, while
Come, My people, enter thou into thy chambers, in every quarter companies of armed men, urged
and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it on by hosts of evil angels, are preparing for the
were for a little moment, until the indignation be work of death. It is now, in the hour of utmost
overpast. What are the chambers in which they are extremity, that the God of Israel will interpose
to hide? They are the protection of Christ and for the deliverance of His chosen. Saith the Lord: Ye
holy angels. The people of God are not at this time shall have a song, as in the night when a holy solem-
all in one place. They are in different companies, nity is kept; and gladness of heart, as when one goeth
and in all parts of the earth.Maranatha, 270:2. . . to come into the mountain of the Lord, to the
5 - There will be no safety for commandment Mighty One of Israel. And the Lord shall cause His
breakers. glorious voice to be heard, and shall show the light-
The sounding of the Voice of God in the heavens the National Sunday Law is enacted; and, in a sense,
is one of four major events before the millennium it will still be actively carried on a thousand years
begins. Each of those four major events (the National later as Satan prepares for the final attack against
Sunday Law, the general close of probation, the Voice the holy City. The battle of Armageddon is actu-
of God, and the Second Advent) marks a decided ally the last phase of the entire great controversy
transition. (The major transitional events after the between Christ and Satan.
millennium are the Third Advent and the destruc- The following passages identify the Armageddon
tion of the wicked.) battle with the outpouring of the seventh plague,
When God frees His people from the domination which we know especially applies to that time when
and threats of the wicked, a remarkable number of the Voice of God delivers His people from the physi-
different events rapidly occurs; and then, soon after, cal power of the wicked, on down to the Second Ad-
Jesus returns the second time. Starting with the vent of Christ. In the Twelve Rapid Events sec-
lifting of the captivity, down to the appearance of tion, which follows, military and warfare terms are
Jesus in the sky, the present compiler counts forty- frequently mentioned in the quotations (battle, war,
four events. What figure do you come up with? armies of heaven, powers of earth, munitions, weap-
We will begin this chapter with a presentation of ons, etc.).
the battle of Armageddon, and then we will view the 1 - Why men join in the rebellion.
final events from the Voice of God to the Second Ad- The enmity of Satan against good will be mani-
vent. fested more and more as he brings his forces into
activity in his last work of rebellion; and every soul
THE BATTLE OF ARMAGEDDON that is not fully surrendered to God and kept by
divine power will form an alliance with Satan
In the late nineteenth century, Uriah Smith told
against heaven and join in battle against the
a friend that, because of current political develop-
Ruler of the universe.Testimonies to Ministers,
ments which indicated that the nation of Turkey
might again become a prominent power in the Near
East, there was a possibility that Turkey might be 2 - Soon all will have taken sides.
the king of the north mentioned in Daniel 11. He Soon all the inhabitants of the earth will
said that he was going to identify the king of the have taken sides, either for or against the govern-
north as the nation of Turkey, in his book;but that, ment of heaven.7 Testimonies, 141:2.
if political events changed, he would revert back to 3 - The armies of heaven are on one side of
the regular Adventist view of the subject. In a few the battle.
years those events did reverse; but, to the day of his
The battle of Armageddon is soon to be fought.
death in 1903, Smith never removed his new view
He on whose vesture is written the name, King of
from his book, Daniel and Revelation.
kings, and Lord of lords, is soon to lead forth the
There is only one reference to Turkey in Great armies of heaven.
Controversy (GC 334:4-335:0); and it obviously has
It cannot now be said by the Lords servants,
nothing to do with the battle of Armageddon. In ad-
as it was by the prophet Daniel: The time appointed
dition, the Spirit of Prophecy places that battle in
was long. Daniel 10:1. It is now but a short time till
the future, not in the past.
the witnesses for God will have done their work
It is more likely that the battle of Armageddon in preparing the way of the Lord.6 Testimo-
is the climax of the massive conflict, so soon to be- nies, 406:3-4.
gin, with Satan and his followers on one side and
4 - The nations of the world are on the other
Christ and His faithful commandment-keeping people
on the other. This conflict bursts into the open when
Four mighty angels hold back the powers of this 7 - It is earthly powers vs. God. The battle is
earth till the servants of God are sealed in their fore- fought on earth.
heads. The nations of the world are eager for A terrible conflict is before us. We are nearing
conflict; but they are held in check by the angels. the battle of the great day of God Almighty. That
When this restraining power is removed, there will which has been held in control is to be let loose. The
come a time of trouble and anguish. Deadly instru- angel of mercy is folding her wings, preparing to step
ments of warfare will be invented. Vessels, with their down from the throne and leave the world to the
living cargo, will be entombed in the great deep. All control of Satan. The principalities and powers
who have not the spirit of truth will unite under of earth are in bitter revolt against the God of
the leadership of satanic agencies. But they are heaven. They are filled with hatred against those who
to be kept under control till the time shall come for serve Him, and soon, very soon, will be fought the
the great battle of Armageddon.7 Bible Com- last great battle between good and evil. The earth
mentary, 967/2:1. is to be the battlefieldthe scene of the final con-
5 - Armageddon is definitely occurring at the test and the final victory.My Life Today, 308:4.
time of the seventh plague. 8 - It is the forces of nature vs. Gods enemies.
We need to study the pouring out of the sev- The battle begins as soon as human probation
enth vial. The powers of evil will not yield up the ends.
conflict without a struggle. But Providence has a At His own will God summons the forces of
part to act in the battle of Armageddon. When the nature to overthrow the might of His enemies . .
earth is lighted with the glory of the angel of Revela- We are told of a greater battle to take place in the
tion eighteen, the religious elements, good and evil, closing scenes of earths history, when Jehovah
will awake from slumber, and the armies of the hath opened His armory, and hath brought forth
living God will take the field.7 Bible Commen- the weapons of His indignation . . The revelator
tary, 983/1:2. describes the destruction that is to take place when
6 - Two great opposing powers: On one side is the great voice out of the temple of heaven an-
God and the obedient; on the other, the devil and nounces, It is done. Patriarchs and Prophets,
the rebellious. It is a battle of evil angels and wicked 509:3-4.
men vs. good angels and Gods people. The plagues Note: When probation ends, everyone in the world
are poured out during this time. will be on one side or the other. There are no more
Two great opposing powers are revealed in souls to be saved. It is time for the battle between
the last great battle. On one side stands the Cre- the two sides.
ator of heaven and earth. All on His side bear His 9 - The battles are real.
signet. They are obedient to His commands. On the
The battles waging between the two armies
other side stands the prince of darkness, with
are as real as those fought by the armies of this
those who have chosen apostasy and rebellion.
world, and on the issue of the spiritual conflict eter-
7 Bible Commentary, 982/2:5-983/1:0.
nal destinies depend.Prophets and Kings, 176:0.
Every form of evil is to spring into intense activ-
10 - The last great battle.
ity. Evil angels unite their powers with evil men,
and as they have been in constant conflict and at- A terrible conflict is before us. We are near-
tained an experience in the best modes of decep- ing the battle of the great day of God Almighty.
tion and battle, and have been strengthening for That which has been held in control is to be let loose.
centuries, they will not yield the last great final The angel of mercy is folding her wings, preparing to
contest without a desperate struggle. All the world step down from the throne and leave the world to
will be on one side or the other of the question. the control of Satan. The principalities and powers
The battle of Armageddon will be fought, and that of earth are in bitter revolt against the God of heaven.
day must find none of us sleeping. Wide awake we They are filled with hatred against those who serve
must be, as wise virgins having oil in our vessels Him, and soon, very soon, will be fought the last
with our lamps . . great battle between good and evil. The earth is
to be the battlefieldthe scene of the final contest
The power of the Holy Ghost must be upon us,
and the final victory. Here, where for so long Sa-
and the Captain of the Lords host will stand at the
tan has led men against God, rebellion is to be
head of the angels of heaven to direct the battle.
forever suppressed.Last Day Events, 250:1.
Solemn events before us are yet to transpire. Trum-
pet after trumpet is to be sounded, vial after vial 11 - The Captain directs the battle.
poured out one after another upon the inhabitants All the world will be on one side or the other
of the earth. Scenes of stupendous interest are right of the question. The battle of Armageddon will be
upon us.7 Bible Commentary, 982/2:3-4. fought. And that day must find none of us sleeping.
Wide awake we must be, as wise virgins having oil in their prey, when, lo, a dense blackness, deeper
our vessels with our lamps. The power of the Holy than the darkness of the night, falls upon the
Ghost must be upon us and the Captain of the earth.Great Controversy, 635:3-636:0.
Lords host will stand at the head of the angels 2 - The symbol of Gods covenant encircles
of heaven to direct the battle.3 Selected Mes- His people.
sages, 425:5-426:1.
Then a rainbow, shining with the glory from
12 - The King of kings leads His armies. Thus, the throne of God, spans the heavens and seems
as Revelation 19 indicates, the battle of Armaged- to encircle each praying company. The angry mul-
don continues on down to the Second Advent. titudes are suddenly arrested. Their mocking cries
He on whose vesture is written the name, King die away. The objects of their murderous rage are
of kings and Lord of lords, leads forth the armies forgotten. With fearful forebodings they gaze upon
of heaven on white horses, clothed in fine linen, the symbol of Gods covenant and long to be shielded
clean and white.7 Bible Commentary, 982/2:2. from its over powering brightness.Great Contro-
Faithful and True, in righteousness He doth versy, 636:0.
judge and make war. And the armies which were 3 - The entire world is dark! But light will be
in heaven (Rev. 19:11, 14) follow Him.Great Con- in every dwelling of the faithful.
troversy, 641:0 [context: the Second Advent of While all the world is plunged in darkness,
Christ]. there will be light in every dwelling of the saints.
They will catch the first light of His second appear-
-1- ing.Prophets and Kings, 720:2.
Two brief pen pictures of these events will be
found in EW 34:1 and 285:1-286:0. Only when they
provide additional information to that given below AND THE SHOUT OF VICTORY
will they be quoted. Here are twelve major events
and a number of lesser ones: They see the bow and Christ. Their shout is
As an expression of reverence, the word, voice, the shout of victory over the beast and his image.
when applied to God, will be initial-capitalized be- By the people of God a Voice, clear and melodi-
low. ous, is heard, saying, Look up, and lifting their eyes
1 - It is now that God interposes. to the heavens, they behold the bow of promise.
The black, angry clouds that covered the firmament
The people of Godsome in prison cells, some are parted, and like Stephen they look up stead-
hidden in solitary retreats in the forests and the fastly into heaven and see the glory of God and
mountainsstill plead for divine protection, while the Son of man seated upon His throne. In His
in every quarter companies of armed men, urged on divine form they discern the marks of His humilia-
by hosts of evil angels, are preparing for the work of tion; and from His lips they hear the request pre-
death. It is now, in the hour of utmost extrem- sented before His Father and the holy angels: I will
ity, that the God of Israel will interpose for the that they also, whom Thou hast given Me, be with
deliverance of His chosen.Great Controversy, Me where I am. John 17:24. Again a Voice, musi-
635:2. cal and triumphant, is heard, saying: They come!
2 - God always chooses extremities. they come! holy, harmless, and undefiled. They have
He [God] has always chosen extremities, kept the word of My patience; they shall walk among
when there seemed no possible chance for deliver- the angels; and the pale, quivering lips of those
ance from Satans workings, for the manifestation who have held fast their faith utter a shout of
of His power.5 Testimonies, 714:0. victory.Great Controversy, 636:1.
Note: That was a verse worth memorizing. You
will need it in the years to come.
(1) 1 - A glorious light shines about them.
SUDDEN DARKNESS Soon I heard the Voice of God, which shook the
heavens and the earth. There was a mighty earth-
1 - Deliverance begins by means of sudden quake. Buildings were shaken down on every side. I
darkness. then heard a triumphant shout of victory, loud,
With shouts of triumph, jeering, and impreca- musical, and clear. I looked upon the company, who,
tion, throngs of evil men are about to rush upon a short time before, were in such distress and bond-
age. Their captivity was turned. A glorious light the visitation of Gods wrath. She has filled up the
shone upon them. How beautiful they then looked! measure of her iniquity; her time has come; she is
All marks of care and weariness were gone, and ripe for destruction.Great Controversy, 653:3.
health and beauty were seen in every counte- Note: The Revelation 18 judgments upon
nance. Their enemies, the heathen around them, Babylon, mentioned in the above passage, could be
fell like dead men; they could not endure the light placed earlier in the outpouring of the plagues. But
that shone upon the delivered, holy ones. This light an awakening of the wicked is implied in the con-
and glory remained upon them, until Jesus was text, which does not fully occur until the Voice of
seen in the clouds of heaven, and the faithful, tried God sounds. Also the next sentence (see below) lo-
company were changed in a moment, in the twin- cates it at the sounding of the Voice.
kling of an eye, from glory to glory.Early Writings,
5 - The Voice produces a terrible awakening,
272:3-273:0 [at the Voice of God, a light rests upon
as the idols are destroyed.
them; at the Second Advent they are translated].
When the Voice of God turns the captivity of
2 - At the Voice of God they are glorified.
His people, there is a terrible awakening of those
At the Voice of God they were glorified; now who have lost all in the great conflict of life. While
[at the Second Advent] they are made immortal and probation continued they were blinded by Satans
with the risen saints are caught up to meet their deceptions, and they justified their course of sin . .
Lord in the air.Great Controversy, 645:1. Now they are stripped of all that made them great
3 - Their faces are lit with the glory of God. and are left destitute and defenseless. They look
The 144,000 triumphed. Their faces were with terror upon the destruction of the idols
lighted up with the glory of God.Early Writ- which they preferred before their Maker . . The gain
ings, 37:0. of a lifetime is swept away in a moment. The rich
bemoan the destruction of their grand houses,
(4) the scattering of their gold and silver. But their
THE VOICE OF GOD lamentations are silenced by the fear that they them-
SHAKES HEAVENS AND EARTH selves are to perish with their idols.
1 - The Voice comes from one clear space of The wicked are filled with regret, not because of
glory. their sinful neglect of God and their fellow men, but
because God has conquered. They lament that the
In the midst of the angry heavens is one result is what it is; but they do not repent of
clear space of indescribable glory, whence comes their wickedness. They would leave no means un-
the Voice of God like the sound of many waters, tried to conquer if they could.Great Controversy,
saying: It is done. Revelation 16:17. That Voice 654:1-2.
shakes the heavens and the earth.Great Con- (5)
troversy, 636:2-3.
There was one clear place of settled glory, whence FORTY-FOUR SIGNS
came the Voice of God like many waters, shaking the AND WONDERS OCCUR
heavens and the earth. There was a mighty earth-
It is generally considered that this earthquake
quake.Early Writings, 285:1.
is part of the seventh plague (the Rev. 16:18 earth-
2 - The Voice comes from the region of Orion. quake), which continues on until it concludes at the
Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against Second Advent and the death of the wicked. (The
each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled seventh seal earthquake may also apply to this time;
back; then we could look up through the open Rev. 8:5). Notice that forty-four signs are marked
space in Orion, whence came the Voice of God. below:
The holy City will come down through that open 1 - The Voice of God produces the mighty earth-
space.Early Writings, 41:2. quake.
3 - The sounding of the Voice brings despair There was one clear place of settled glory, whence
to the wicked. came the Voice of God like many waters, shaking
After the people have heard the Voice of God the heavens and the earth. There was a mighty
they are in despair and trouble such as never was earthquake.Early Writings, 285:1.
since there was a nation.Maranatha, 279:6. 2 - Four signs rapidly occur.
4 - It is the signal for some of the worst of the It is at midnight that God manifests His power
judgments upon Babylon to fall. for the deliverance of His people. [1] The sun ap-
[Rev. 18:5-11, 3, 15-17, quoted] Such are the pears, shining in its strength. Signs and wonders
judgments that fall upon Babylon in the day of follow in quick succession. The wicked look with
terror and amazement upon the scene, while the righ- In the day of the Lord, just before the coming of
teous behold with solemn joy the tokens of their de- Christ, [32] God will send lightnings from heaven
liverance. [2] Everything in nature seems turned in His wrath, [33] which will unite with fire in
out of its course. [3] The streams cease to flow. the earth. [34] The mountains will burn like a
[4] Dark, heavy clouds come up and clash against furnace, and [35] will pour forth terrible streams
each other.Great Controversy, 636:2. of lava, destroying gardens and fields, villages and
3 - Twenty more signs accompany them. cities; and as they pour their melted ore, [36] rocks
and heated mud into the rivers, will cause them to
That Voice [5] shakes the heavens and the
boil like a pot, and [37] send forth massive rocks
earth. [6] There is a mighty earthquake, such as
and scatter their broken fragments upon the land
was not since men were upon the earth, so mighty
with indescribable violence. [38] Whole rivers will
an earthquake, and so great (Rev. 16:17-18). [7] The
be dried up. The earth will be convulsed, and there
firmament appears to open and shut. [8] The
will be dreadful eruptions and [39] earthquakes
glory from the throne of God seems flashing
everywhere. God will [40] plague the wicked in-
through. [9] The mountains shake like a reed in
habitants of the earth until they are destroyed from
the wind, and [10] ragged rocks are scattered on
off it.3 Spiritual Gifts, 82:3-83:0.
every side. [11] There is a roar as of a coming
tempest. [12] The sea is lashed into fury. There Note: The seventh plague of Revelation 16 is con-
is heard [13] the shriek of a hurricane like the sidered to include the period from the Voice of God
voice of demons upon a mission of destruction. [14] to, and including, the Second Coming. By the con-
The whole earth heaves and swells like the waves clusion of the Second Advent, no wicked people will
of the sea. [15] Its surface is breaking up. [16] Its be alive.
very foundations seem to be giving way. [17] The earths crust will be rent by the outbursts
Mountain chains are sinking. [18] Inhabited is- of the elements concealed in the bowels of the earth.
lands disappear. [19] The seaports that have be- These elements, once broken loose, [41] will sweep
come like Sodom for wickedness are swallowed up away the treasures of those who for years have
by the angry waters. Babylon the great has come in been adding to their wealth by securing large pos-
remembrance before God, to give unto her the cup sessions at starvation prices from those in their em-
of the wine of the fierceness of His wrath. [20] Great ploy.Maranatha, 283:4.
hailstones, every one about the weight of a talent, [42] The great general conflagration is but
are doing their work of destruction. Revelation 16:19, just ahead, when all this wasted labor of life will be
21. [21] The proudest cities of the earth are laid swept away in a night and day.4 Testimonies, 49:2.
low. [22] The lordly palaces, upon which the worlds
There will be [43] great destruction of hu-
great men have lavished their wealth in order to glo-
man life. But as in the days of the great deluge Noah
rify themselves, are crumbling to ruin before their
was preserved in the ark that God had prepared for
eyes. [23] Prison walls are rent asunder, and [24]
him, so in these days of destruction and calamity,
Gods people, who have been held in bondage for
God will be the refuge of His believing ones.
their faith, are set free.Great Controversy,
Through the psalmist He declares, Because thou has
made the Lord, which is my refuge, even the most
4 - Seven more signs take place. High, thy habitation; there shall no evil befall thee,
[25] The sky opened and shut and was in com- neither shall any plague come nigh thy dwell-
motion. [26] The mountains shook like a reed in ing. For in the time of trouble He shall hide me in
the wind and [27] cast out ragged rocks all around. His pavilion . . Then shall we not make the Lord our
The sea boiled like a pot and [28] cast out stones surety and our defense?Maranatha, 283:6.
upon the land.Early Writings, 285:2. Earthquakes in various places have been felt,
[29] The powers of heaven will be shaken at but these disturbances have been very limited . .
the Voice of God. Then the sun, moon, and stars Terrible shocks will come upon the earth, and
will be moved out of their places. They will not [44] the lordly palaces erected at great expense
pass away, but be shaken by the Voice of God. will certainly become heaps of ruins.3 Selected
Early Writings, 41:1. Messages, 391:5.
Suddenly [in the middle of night] [30] the sun
appeared, shining in his strength, and [31] the moon
stood still. The wicked looked upon the scene with THE SPECIAL RESURRECTION
amazement, while the saints beheld with solemn joy 1 - Two classes arise in this special resurrec-
the tokens of their deliverance.Early Writings, tion.
Graves are opened, and many of them that
5 - Thirteen more signs occur. sleep in the dust of the earth . . awake, some to
everlasting life, and some to shame and everlasting the bats; to go into the clefts of the rocks, and into
contempt (Dan. 12:2). All who have died in the the tops of the ragged rocks, for fear of the Lord, and
faith of the third angels message come forth from for the glory of His majesty, when He ariseth to shake
the tomb glorified, to hear Gods covenant of peace terribly the earth.Great Controversy, 637:2-638:1.
with those who have kept His law. They also
which pierced Him (Rev. 1:7), those that mocked (8)
and derided Christs dying agonies, and the most THE RIGHTEOUS KNOW
violent opposers of His truth and His people, are THEY ARE DELIVERED
raised to behold Him in His glory and to see the AND SING PRAISES TO GOD
honor placed upon the loyal and obedient.Great 1 - A bright star is seen, and the faces of the
Controversy, 637:1. righteous are radiant as they sing praises; the
2 - The earthquake opens the graves. clouds sweep back and the sky is filled with stars.
There was a mighty earthquake. The graves Through a rift in the clouds there beams a
were opened, and those who had died in faith star whose brilliancy is increased fourfold in con-
under the third angels message, keeping the Sab- trast with the darkness. It speaks hope and joy to
bath, came forth from their dusty beds, glorified, to the faithful, but severity and wrath to the transgres-
hear the covenant of peace that God was to make sors of Gods law. Those who have sacrificed all
with those who had kept His law.Early Writings, for Christ are now secure, hidden as in the secret
285:1. of the Lords pavilion. They have been tested, and
before the world and the despisers of truth they have
(7) evinced their fidelity to Him who died for them. A
THE DOOM OF THE WICKED marvelous change has come over those who have held
PREDICTED; THEIR TERRIBLE FEAR fast their integrity in the very face of death. They
Amid thunder and lightning, a Voice declares have been suddenly delivered from the dark and ter-
the doom of the wicked. rible tyranny of men transformed to demons. Their
faces, so lately pale, anxious, and haggard, are now
Thick clouds still cover the sky; yet the sun now aglow with wonder, faith, and love. Their voices
and then breaks through, appearing like the aveng- rise in triumphant song: God is our refuge and
ing eye of Jehovah. Fierce lightenings leap from the strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore
heavens, enveloping the earth in a sheet of flame. will not we fear, though the earth be removed, and
Above the terrific roar of thunder, voices, mys- though the mountains be carried into the midst of
terious and awful, declare the doom of the the sea; though the waters thereof roar and be
wicked. The words spoken are not comprehended troubled, though the mountains shake with the swell-
by all; but they are distinctly understood by the ing thereof. Psalm 46:1-3.
false teachers. Those who a little before were so
reckless, so boastful and defiant, so exultant in their While these words of holy trust ascend to God,
cruelty to Gods commandment-keeping people, are the clouds sweep back, and the starry heavens
now overwhelmed with consternation and shudder- are seen, unspeakably glorious in contrast with the
ing in fear. Their wails are heard above the sound of black and angry firmament on either side. The glory
the elements. Demons acknowledge the deity of of the celestial City streams from the gates ajar.
Christ and tremble before His power, while men Great Controversy, 638:2-639:1.
are supplicating for mercy and groveling in 2 - We are delivered. It is the Voice of God!
abject terror. Satans host and wicked men will surround
Said the prophets of old, as they beheld in holy them and exult over them because there will seem
vision the day of God: Howl ye; for the day of the to be no way of escape for them. But in the midst of
Lord is at hand; it shall come as a destruction from their revelry and triumph there is heard peal upon
the Almighty. Isaiah 13:6. Enter into the rock, peal of the loudest thunder. The heavens have
and hide thee in the dust, for fear of the Lord, and gathered blackness, and are only illuminated by
for the glory of His majesty. The lofty looks of man the blazing light and terrible glory from heaven, as
shall be humbled, and the haughtiness of men shall God utters His voice from His holy habitation.
be bowed down, and the Lord alone shall be exalted The foundations of the earth shake; buildings
in that day. For the day of the Lord of hosts shall be totter and fall with a terrible crash. The sea boils
upon everyone that is proud and lofty, and upon ev- like a pot and the whole earth is in terrible commo-
eryone that is lifted up; and he shall be brought low. tion. The captivity of the righteous is turned,
In that day a man shall cast the idols of his sil- and with sweet and solemn whisperings they say
ver, and the idols of his gold, which they made to one another: We are delivered. It is the Voice
each one for himself to worship, to the moles and to of God. 1 Testimonies, 354:0-1.
tion continued they were blinded by Satans decep- us who could wash one anothers feet and salute the
tions, and they justified their course of sin.Great brethren with a holy kiss, and they worshiped at
Controversy, 654:1. our feet.Early Writings, 15:1.
6 - The wicked regret having lost in their re- 11 - The religious leaders suffer under the wrath
bellion against God. of God and the revilings of lost souls.
The wicked are filled with regret, not because Many of the wicked were greatly enraged as they
of their sinful neglect of God and their fellow men, suffered the effects of the plagues. It was a scene of
but because God has conquered. They lament that fearful agony. Parents were bitterly reproaching
the result is what it is; but they do not repent of their children, and children their parents, broth-
their wickedness. They would leave no means un- ers their sisters, and sisters their brothers. Loud,
tried to conquer if they could. wailing cries were heard in every direction, It was
The world see the very class whom they have you who kept me from receiving the truth which
mocked and derided, and desired to exterminate, would have saved me from this awful hour. The
pass unharmed through pestilence, tempest, and people turned upon their ministers with bitter
earthquake. He who is to the transgressors of His hate and reproached them, saying, You have not
law a devouring fire, is to His people a safe pavil- warned us. You told us that all the world was to be
ion.Great Controversy, 654:2-3. converted, and cried, Peace, peace, to quiet every fear
that was aroused. You have not told us of this hour;
7 - The ministers awaken also.
and those who warned us of it you declared to be
The minister who has sacrificed truth to fanatics and evil men, who would ruin us. But I
gain the favor of men now discerns the charac- saw that the ministers did not escape the wrath
ter and influence of his teachings. It is apparent that of God. Their suffering was tenfold greater than that
the omniscient eye was following him as he stood in of their people.Early Writings, 282:1.
the desk, as he walked the streets, as he mingled
12 - Lost church members are extremely an-
with men in the various scenes of life. Every emotion
gry with their pastors.
of the soul, every line written, every word uttered,
every act that led men to rest in a refuge of false- Church members who have seen the light
hood, has been scattering seed; and now, in the and been convicted, but who have trusted the
wretched, lost souls around him, he beholds the salvation of their souls to the minister, will learn
harvest.Great Controversy, 654:4-655:0. in the day of God that no other soul can pay the
ransom for their transgression. A terrible cry will
8 - All recognize that they have rebelled
be raised. I am lost, eternally lost. Men will feel as
against the holy law of their Creator.
though they could rend in pieces the ministers
Ministers and people see that they have not who have preached falsehoods and condemned the
sustained the right relation to God. They see that truth.4 Bible Commentary, 1157/1:2.
they have rebelled against the Author of all just
13 - The wicked accuse one another, and es-
and righteous law. The setting aside of the divine
pecially their ministers. Some of the wicked are
precepts gave rise to thousands of springs of evil,
slain by one another.
discord, hatred, iniquity, until the earth became one
vast field of strife, one sink of corruption.Great The people see that they have been deluded.
Controversy, 655:3. They accuse one another of having led them to
destruction; but all unite in heaping their
9 - The wicked fall at the feet of the righteous.
bitterest condemnation upon the ministers. Un-
Men whom the world has worshiped for faithful pastors have prophesied smooth things; they
their talents and eloquence now see these things have led their hearers to make void the law of God
in their true light. They realize what they have for- and to persecute those who would keep it holy. Now,
feited by transgression, and they fall at the feet of in their despair, these teachers confess before the
those whose fidelity they have despised and derided, world their work of deception. The multitudes are
and confess that God has loved them.Great Con- filled with fury. We are lost! they cry, and you are
troversy, 655:3. the cause of our ruin; and they turn upon the false
10 - The wicked are no longer able to over- shepherds. The very ones that once admired them
power the faithful. most will pronounce the most dreadful curses upon
At our happy, holy state the wicked were en- them. The very hands that once crowned them with
raged, and would rush violently up to lay hands on laurels will be raised for their destruction. The
us to thrust us into prison, when we would stretch swords which were to slay Gods people are now
forth the hand in the name of the Lord, and they employed to destroy their enemies. Everywhere
would fall helpless to the ground. Then it was there is strife and bloodshed.Great Controversy,
that the synagogue of Satan knew that God had loved 655:4-656:0.
Gods Word is made of none effect by false shep- after I came out of vision. Scenes of such thrilling,
herds . . Their work will soon react upon them- solemn interest passed before me as no language is
selves. Then will be witnessed the scenes described adequate to describe. It was all a living reality to me,
in Revelation 18 when the judgments of God shall for close upon this scene appeared the great white
fall upon mystical Babylon.Last Day Events, cloud, upon which was seated the Son of man.1
248:2. Selected Messages, 76:0.
11 (1
When the blessing is given, there is a shout of
1 - The Voice of God gives the day and hour of victory.
Christs Second Advent, and confirms the eternal And when the blessing is pronounced on
covenant with His people. those who have honored God by keeping His
The Voice of God is heard from heaven, declar- Sabbath holy, there is a mighty shout of victory.
ing the day and hour of Jesus coming, and de- Great Controversy, 640:2.
livering the everlasting covenant to His people. When the never-ending blessing was pronounced
Like peals of loudest thunder His words roll through on those who had honored God in keeping His Sab-
the earth. The Israel of God stand listening, with bath holy, there was a mighty shout of victory
their eyes fixed upward. Their countenances are over the beast and over his image.Early Writ-
lighted up with His glory, and shine as did the face ings, 34:1 (see page 286:0).
of Moses when he came down from Sinai.Great
Controversy, 640:2. -2-
2 - At the end of each sentence, the saints CHRISTS JOURNEY TO EARTH
Backtracking a little: At the general close of the
As God spoke the day and the hour of Jesus
investigative judgment (when each person in the world
coming and delivered the everlasting covenant
had made his decision, received either the mark or
to His people, He spoke one sentence, and then
the seal, and probation for mankind had forever
paused, while the words were rolling through the
ended), Jesus threw down the censer, declared It is
earth. The Israel of God stood with their eyes fixed
done, and went to the entrance of that gigantic struc-
upward, listening to the words as they came from
ture (the heavenly Sanctuary; and it is a most mar-
the mouth of Jehovah, and rolled through the earth
velous building, see GC 414:2). There He put off His
like peals of loudest thunder. It was awfully solemn.
priestly robes and commanded His angels to begin
And at the end of every sentence the saints
pouring out the plagues on the wicked.
shouted, Glory! Alleluia! Their countenances were
lighted up with the glory of God; and they shone with Then He began His journey to the earth.
the glory, as did the face of Moses when he came 1 - The trip to our world begins.
down from Sinai. The wicked could not look on them And I saw a flaming cloud come where Jesus
for the glory.Early Writings, 34:1 (see pages stood. Then Jesus . . took His place on the cloud
285:2-286:0). which carried Him to the East, where it first ap-
3 - The living saints, at this time, are 144,000 peared to the saints on eartha small black cloud
in number. which was the sign of the Son of man.Maranatha,
Soon we heard the Voice of God like many wa- 287:7 (To the Little Remnant Scattered Abroad,
ters, which gave us the day and hour of Jesus com- April 6, 1846, broadside).
ing. The living saints, 144,000 in number, knew 2 - All the angels in heaven accompany Him.
and understood the Voice, while the wicked thought All heaven will be emptied of the angels, while
it was thunder and an earthquake. When God spoke the waiting saints will be looking for Him and gazing
the time, He poured upon us the Holy Ghost, and into heaven, as were the men of Galilee when He as-
our faces began to light up and shine with the glory cended from the Mount of Olivet. Then only those
of God, as Moses did when he came down from who are holy, those who have followed fully the meek
Mount Sinai.Early Writings, 15:0. Pattern, will with rapturous joy exclaim as they be-
4 - Heard, but not remembered after the vi- hold Him, Lo, this is our God; we have waited for
sion. Him, and He will save us. Early Writings, 110:1.
I have not the slightest knowledge as to the 3 - On the journey, Christ and His angels pass
time spoken by the Voice of God. I heard the hour through the region of Orion.
proclaimed, but had no remembrance of that hour
Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against last great conflict.Manuscript 134, 1908, 3 (Ar-
each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back; bitrary Control, cir. 1908).
then we could look up through the open space in
Orion, whence came the Voice of God. The holy
City will come down through that open space. THE VOICE OF GOD
Early Writings, 41:2. The Scattered Ones in Dens and Caverns Are
Note: The present writer restricts this location Made Glad at the Voice of God.Before the glory
to the region of Orion, since we are nowhere told, of Him who is to reign, the mountains will tremble
in the Inspired Writings, that the open space in and bow, the rocks will be moved out of their places,
Orion is the Great Nebula in Orion or a portion of for once more will the Lord shake, not alone the earth,
it. Therefore we cannot with certainty equate the open but the heavens also. The scattered ones, who have
space with the Orion Nebula. The open space may fled for their lives to the rocks, the dens, the caverns
be a large opening in the Nebula; but it could be the of the earth, because of the fury of the oppressor,
space between the large rectangle of stars in the con- will be made glad at the Voice of God . .
stellation or something else. As Christ Strengthened John, so Will He
According to EW 41, the Voice of God sounds Strengthen His Terror-stricken Saints at His Sec-
from the area of this constellation; and, at the third ond Coming.The child of God will be terror-
advent, the City of God will come down through that stricken at the first sight of the majesty of Jesus
part of the sky. But that is the third advent, not the Christ. He feels that he cannot live in His holy pres-
second. However, it is likely that at His Second Ad- ence. But the word comes to him, as to John, Fear
vent Christ will also return through that area; but not. Jesus laid His right hand upon John. He raised
we are not specifically told that in this, or any other, him up from his prostrate position. So will He do
passage. Nor are we told what part of the Orion con- unto His loyal, trusting ones, for there are greater
stellation is here referred to (Orion is one of the larg- revelations of the glory of God to be given them . .
est constellations in the sky). Effects of the Second Coming on the Lost.
There is also to be revelation to the transgressors
__________________ of the law of Jehovahthey who made void the law
of God, who have taken their stand on the side of
LAST DAYS APPENDIX him who thought to change times and laws. From
The following material was gleaned from our the terror-stricken myriads come the cry, The great
currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu- day of His wrath is come; and who shall be able to
scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the stand (Rev. 6:17).Manuscript 56, 1886, 5-7
best material from that volume on topics given in (Traveling in Switzerland, May 21, 1886).
this chapter. The Covenant Will Be Brought Forth. When
every case is decided in the courts of heaven, this
ARMAGEDDON covenant [the ten commandments] will be brought
forth, plainly written with the finger of God. The
Satan Is Now Marshaling His Armies for the world will be arraigned before the bar of Infinite Jus-
Last Great Struggle.We have a short time in which tice to receive sentencea life measuring with the
to accomplish the work that is essential. Let us ear- life of God for obedience, and death for transgres-
nestly prepare for the conflict that is before us, for sion.Manuscript 82, 1899, 10 (In the Masters
Satans armies are marshaling for the last great Service, May 21, 1899).
struggle . .
The Heaviest Judgments Will Fall on the False
Satan Is Seeking to Bring in Heresies; the Re- Shepherds.And upon those who have taken upon
jecters of Warnings Will Be Ensnared.Satan is them the work of shepherds of the flock will be vis-
rallying his forces and seeking to bring in heresies ited the heaviest judgments, because they have pre-
to confuse the minds of those who have not been sented to the people fables instead of truth. Chil-
trained to understand the leading of the Holy Spirit. dren will rise up and curse their parents. Church
A delusive net is being prepared for them and those members, who have seen the light and [have] been
who have been warned again and again, but have not convicted, but who have trusted the salvation of their
educated themselves to understand the warnings, souls to the minister, will learn in the day of God
will surely be taken in Satans snares.Letter 364, that no other soul can pay the ransom for their trans-
1908 (to S.N. Haskell, December 17, 1908). gression. A terrible cry will be raised, I am lost,
Satan Is Drilling His Army.The end is near, eternally lost.
and every year Satan is drilling his army to develop The Ire of the Lost against Their False Shep-
strong parties to be ready against the battle of the herds.Men will feel as though they could rend in
pieces the ministers who have preached falsehoods from heaven to Mt. Sinai to proclaim, is to be ob-
and condemned the truth. The pure truth for this served by all who would identify themselves with the
time requires a reformation in the life, but they sepa- people of God.Letter 6, 1909 (to J.E. White, Janu-
rated themselves from the love of the truth, and of ary 1, 1909).
them it can be said, O Israel, thou hast destroyed
thyself (Hosea 13:9). The Lord sends a message to
the people, Set the trumpet to thy mouth. He shall TEN COMMANDMENTS OPENED
come as an eagle against the house of the Lord, be- In the Day of Judgment, the Tables of Gods
cause they have transgressed My covenant, and tres- Law Will Condemn the Lost.Ministers have
passed against My law (Hosea 8:1).Letter 30, taught the people that the law of God is not binding.
1900 (to Brother and Sister Hickox, February 25, But God certainly does not say so, and in the day of
1900). judgment that law, written with the finger of God on
Revelation 18:1-3 Will Be Fulfilled When God tables of stone, will condemn all impenitent trans-
Arises to Shake Terribly the Earth.What terrible gressors.Manuscript 33, 1900, 5-6, 8-10, 18 (Un-
scenes will take place when the Lord shall arise to faithful Shepherds, June 25, 1900).
shake terribly the earth. Then the words of Revela- These Tables Are in Heaven.There is a Sanc-
tion 18:1-3 [the announcement that Babylon is fallen] tuary, and in that Sanctuary is the ark, and in the
will be fulfilled. The whole of the eighteenth chapter ark are the tables of stone, on which is written the
of Revelation is a warning of what is coming on the law spoken from Sinai amidst scenes of awful gran-
earth. But I have no light in particular in regard to deur. These tables of stone are in the heavens, and
what is coming on New York, only that I know that they will be brought forth in that day when the judg-
one day the great buildings there will be thrown down ment shall sit and the books shall be opened, and
by the turning and overturning of Gods power. From men shall be judged according to the things written
the light given me, I know that destruction is in the in the books. They will be judged by the law written
world. One word from the Lord, one touch of His by the finger of God, and given to Moses to be depos-
mighty power, and those massive structures will fall. ited in the ark. A record is kept of the deeds of all
Scenes will take place, the fearfulness of which we men, and according to his works will every man re-
cannot imagine.Letter 176, 1903 (to H.W. ceive sentence, whether they be good or whether they
Kellogg, August 9, 1903. See also PM 280-281). be evil.Manuscript 20, 1906, 8-9 (Preach the
God Will Protect His Believing Ones During Word, February 7, 1906.
the Convulsions of Nature Preceding the Advent. They Are to be Brought Forth When Sentence
Before the Son of man appears in the clouds of Is Pronounced.In my books the truth is stated,
heaven, everything in nature will be convulsed. Light- barricaded by a Thus saith the Lord. The Holy Spirit
ning from heaven, uniting with fire in the earth, will traced these truths upon my heart and mind as in-
cause the mountains to burn like a furnace, and pour delibly as the law was traced by the finger of God
out their floods of lava over villages and cities. Mol- upon the tables of stone, which are now in the ark,
ten masses of rock [will] cause the water to boil, and to be brought forth in that great day when sentence
they will send forth rocks and earth. There will be is pronounced against every evil, seducing science
mighty earthquakes and great destruction of human produced by the father of lies.Letter 90, 1906 (to
life. But as in the days of the great deluge Noah was The Brethren Assembled in Council at Graysville,
preserved in the ark that God had prepared for Him. Tennessee, March 6, 1906).
So in these last days of destruction and calamity, In the next chapter, we will view events at the
God will be the refuge of His believing ones.Letter time of the Second Advent, as they relate primarily
248, 1907 (to J.E. White and wife, August 16, 1907). to the redeemed but also to the wicked. These are
Satan Wants to Revive Slavery.I am in- the pre-ascension events. They concur at the time of
structed to say to our people throughout the cities of Christs Second Coming, before Jesus and the re-
the South, let everything be done under the direction deemed begin their journey to heaven.
of the Lord. The work is nearing its close. We are We will view (1) the post-ascension events on
nearer the end than when we first believed. Satan is earth, which is the death of the living wicked and the
doing his best to block the progress of the message. binding of Satan to this planet for a thousand years;
He is putting forth efforts to bring about the enact- and (2) the post-ascension events of the redeemed,
ment of a Sunday law that will result in slavery in which includes their journey to heaven, their coro-
the Southern field and will close the door to the ob- nation and entrance into the holy City, and the sen-
servance of the true Sabbath, which God has given tencing judgment.
to men to keep holy. The law, which He came down
-1- glory like consuming fire, and above it the rainbow
of the covenant.Great Controversy, 640:3-641:0.
Soon our eyes were drawn to the east, for a
The commencement of the jubilee. small black cloud had appeared, about half as large
Then commenced the jubilee, when the land as a mans hand, which we all knew was the sign of
should rest.Early Writings, 35:1. the Son of man. We all in solemn silence gazed on
In ancient Israel, every seventh year and fiftieth the cloud as it drew nearer and became lighter, glori-
year were rest years for the land. Because the sev- ous, and still more glorious, till it was a great white
enth-day Sabbath has been violated for 6,000 years, cloud. The bottom appeared like fire; a rainbow
it is quite appropriate that the land will be able to was over the cloud, while around it were ten thou-
rest for the seventh thousandth year. sand angels, singing a most lovely song; and upon it
sat the Son of man.Early Writings, 15:2-16:0.
As Jerusalem was destroyed because the people
refused to keep the Sabbath (Jer. 17:21-27), so the At first we did not see Jesus on the cloud, but
world will be destroyed because its inhabitants re- as it drew near the earth we could behold His lovely
fused to keep the Sabbath. (This emphasis on Sab- person. This cloud, when it first appeared, was
bathkeeping is due to the fact that the Sabbath can- the sign of the Son of man in heaven.Early
not be properly observed without obeying God fully Writings, 35:1.
in every other way.) At last the land and people will 2 - The atmospheric clouds roll back, and the
have rest. But at what a cost! The world is shattered faithful see the sign and hear the sound of music
and the wicked are dead. as it nears.
Some try to date the Second Advent by the jubi- The clouds of heaven will clash, and there
lee cycle, but this cannot be done. Why? Three good will be darkness. Then that Voice comes from heaven
reasons: (1) No one knows the exact date on which and the clouds begin to roll back like a scroll,
the jubilee cycle should begin. (2) Gods Inspired and there is the bright, clear sign of the Son of
Word has told us, several times, that no man will man. The children of God know what that cloud
know the date of the Second Coming (2 SM 113; GC means.Maranatha, 279:6.
456-457; DA 632-633; FE 335; 1T 409; TM 55, 61; The clouds begin to roll back like a scroll and
1 SM 75-76; EW 22; 1T 72-73) until it is declared there is the bright, clear sign of the Son of man. The
in the skies at the sounding of the Voice of God. (3) children of God know what that cloud means.
There is even a question whether the Jubilee is a 49- The sound of music is heard, and as it nears, the
or 50-year cycle. graves are opened and the dead are raised.9 Manu-
script Releases, 251:3-252:1.
1 - Christ returns in a cloud. THE TIMING
Soon there appears in the east a small black
cloud, about half the size of a mans hand. It is It is impossible for us to know when Christ will
the cloud which surrounds the Saviour and which return, until He Himself tells us at the announce-
seems in the distance to be shrouded in darkness. ment of the Voice of God event, in regard to the Sec-
The people of God know this to be the sign of the ond Coming of Christ (2 SM 113); and to try to do
Son of man. In solemn silence they gaze upon it as so pleases Satan (GC 457). We have been warned
it draws nearer the earth, becoming lighter and more against doing this (DA 632-633, FE 335, GC 456-
glorious, until it is a great white cloud, its base a 457, 1T 409, TM 55, 61); and we should beware of
doing it (1 SM 75-76). When men attempt it, they to judge the living and the dead. Faithful and True,
only weaken the faith of Gods people (EW 22, 1T in righteousness He doth judge and make war. And
72-73). the armies which were in heaven (Rev. 19:11, 14)
follow Him. With anthems of celestial melody the
-4- holy angels, a vast, unnumbered throng, attend
JESUS RETURNS FOR HIS PEOPLE Him on His way. The firmament seems filled with
radiant formsten thousand times ten thousand,
1 - Christ, veiled in humanity, departed from and thousands of thousands. No human pen can
this world. portray the scene; no mortal mind is adequate to
Christ had ascended to heaven in the form of conceive its splendor. His glory covered the heav-
humanity. The disciples had beheld the cloud re- ens, and the earth was full of His praise. And His
ceive Him. The same Jesus who had walked and brightness was as the light. Great Controversy,
talked and prayed with them; who had broken bread 641:0.
with them; who had been with them in their boats
on the lake; and who had that very day toiled with -5-
them up the ascent of Olivetthe same Jesus had EVERY EYE SHALL SEE HIM RETURN
now gone to share His Fathers throne. And the an-
gels had assured them that the very One whom they Every person in the world sees Him return.
had seen go up into heaven, would come again even As the living cloud comes still nearer, every eye
as He had ascended.Desire of Ages, 832:2. beholds the Prince of life. No crown of thorns
2 - Christ, glorified in humanity, will return now mars that sacred head; but a diadem of glory
again. rests on His holy brow. His countenance outshines
the dazzling brightness of the noonday sun. And He
The glory of Christs humanity did not appear
hath on His vesture and on His thigh a name writ-
when He was upon the earth. He was regarded as a
ten, King of kings, and Lord of lords. Great
man of sorrows and acquainted with grief. We hid
Controversy, 641:0.
as it were our faces from Him. But He was pursuing
the path [which] the plan of God had devised. That
same humanity now appears as He descends from -6-
heaven, robed in glory, triumphant, exalted.In THE DISPLAY
3 - The appearance of Christ as He returns. FEAR AND APPREHENSION
Upon it sat the Son of man. His hair was The wicked are terrified and the saints are ap-
white and curly and lay on His shoulders; and upon prehensive. But Jesus reassures His own.
His head were many crowns. His feet had the ap- Before His presence all faces are turned
pearance of fire; in His right hand was a sharp sickle; into paleness; upon the rejecters of Gods mercy
in His left, a silver trumpet.Early Writings, 16:0. falls the terror of eternal despair. The heart melteth,
4 - He will return amid great glory. and the knees smite together . . and the faces of them
Christ will come in His own glory, in the all gather blackness. Jeremiah 30:6; Nahum 2:10.
glory of His Father, and in the glory of the holy The righteous cry with trembling: Who shall be
angels. Ten thousand times ten thousand and thou- able to stand? The angels song is hushed, and there
sands of thousands of angels, the beautiful, trium- is a period of awful silence. Then the Voice of Jesus
phant sons of God, possessing surpassing loveliness is heard, saying: My grace is sufficient for you.
and glory, will escort Him on His way. In the place of The faces of the righteous are lighted up, and joy
a crown of thorns, He will wear a crown of glory fills every heart. And the angels strike a note higher
a crown within a crown. In the place of that old purple and sing again as they draw still nearer to the
robe, He will be clothed in a garment of whitest earth.Great Controversy, 641:1.
white, so as no fuller on earth can white (Mark
9:3) it. And on His vesture and on His thigh a name -7-
will be written, King of kings and Lord of lords. THE HEAVENS AND EARTH
Our High Calling, 367:3. ARE SHAKEN
5 - Millions of angels accompany Him, and the His arrival in the skies shakes the earth to its
glory fills the sky. foundations.
Jesus rides forth as a mighty conqueror. Not The King of kings descends upon the cloud,
now a Man of Sorrows, to drink the bitter cup of wrapped in flaming fire. The heavens are rolled to-
shame and woe, He comes, victor in heaven and earth, gether as a scroll, the earth trembles before Him,
and every mountain and island is moved out of The people who have braved out their rebel-
its place. Our God shall come, and shall not keep lion will fulfill the description given in Revelation
silence: a fire shall devour before Him, and it shall 6:15-17. In these very caves and dens they find
be very tempestuous around about Him. He shall the very statement of truth in the letters and in the
call to the heavens from above, and to the earth, that publications as witness against them. The shepherds
He may judge His people. Great Controversy, who lead the sheep in false paths will hear the charge
641:2-642:0. made against them, It was you who made light of
Note: There is a shaking of the earth at the truth. It was you who told us that Gods law was
sounding of the massive Voice of God (before the Sec- abrogated, that it was a yoke of bondage. It was
ond Advent) and a second one at the terrible appear- you who voiced the false doctrines when I was
ing of the Son of man in the skies at His Advent. convicted that these Seventh-day Adventists had the
(Compare Great Controversy, 637:0, 642:0.) truth. The blood of our souls is upon your priestly
garments . . Now will you pay the ransom for my
-8- soul? . . What shall we do who listened to your
garbling of the Scriptures and your turning into
a lie the truth which if obeyed would have saved
1 - The flight into the caves as they cry to the When Christ comes to take vengeance on those
rocks to fall on them. who have educated and trained the people to trample
And the kings of the earth, and the great men, on Gods Sabbath, to tear down His memorial, and
and the rich men, and the chief captains, and the tread down with their feet the feed of His pastures,
mighty men, and every bondman, and every free man, lamentations will be in vain. Those who trusted in
hid themselves in the dens and in the rocks of the false shepherds had the Word of God to search
the mountains; and said to the mountains and for themselves, and they find that God will judge
rocks, Fall on us, and hide us from the face of every man who has had the truth and turned from
Him that sitteth on the throne, and from the wrath the light because it involved self-denial and the cross.
of the Lamb: for the great day of His wrath is come; Rocks and mountains cannot screen them from
and who shall be able to stand?Great Controversy, the indignation of Him that sitteth on the throne
642:1. and from the wrath of the Lamb.Maranatha,
2 - They call to their gods. 290:2-5.
When the earth is reeling to and fro like a drunk-
ard, when the heavens are shaking and the great day
of the Lord has come, who shall be able to stand? THE INSOLENCE OF THE WICKED
One object they behold in trembling agony from IS ENDED
which they will try in vain to escape. Behold, He AS THEY AWAKEN TO
cometh with clouds; and every eye shall see Him (Rev. THE REALITY OF THE SITUATION
1:7). The unsaved utter wild imprecations to 1 - The jests and lies are replaced by praying
dumb nature, their god: Mountains and rocks, and weeping.
fall on us, and hide us from the face of Him that
The derisive jests have ceased. Lying lips
sitteth on the throne (Rev. 6:16).That I May Know
are hushed into silence. The clash of arms, the
Him, 356:2.
tumult of battle, with confused noise, and garments
3 - Some of the wicked flee into caves recently rolled in blood (Isa. 9:5) is stilled. Nought now is
vacated by the faithful. heard but the voice of prayer and the sound of
The hidden ones have been scattered because weeping and lamentation. The cry bursts forth
of mans enmity against the law of Jehovah. They from lips so lately scoffing: The great day of His
have been oppressed by all the powers of the earth. wrath is come; and who shall be able to stand? The
They have been scattered in the dens and caves of wicked pray to be buried beneath the rocks of
the earth through the violence of their adversaries, the mountains rather than meet the face of Him whom
because they are true and obedient to Jehovahs laws. they have despised and rejected.Great Contro-
But deliverance comes to the people of God. To their versy, 642:2.
enemies God will show Himself a God of just retri- 2 - That Voice they know so well; for they have
bution. heard it for years.
From the dens and the caves of the earth, that That Voice which penetrates the ear of the dead,
have been the secret hiding places of Gods people, they know. How often have its plaintive, tender tones
they are called forth as His witnesses, true and faith- called them to repentance. How often has it been
ful. heard in the touching entreaties of a friend, a brother,
a Redeemer. To the rejecters of His grace no other in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and are
could be so full of condemnation, so burdened with caught up to meet their Lord in the air. The very
denunciation, as that Voice which has so long pleaded ones who placed upon Him the purple robe and put
. . That Voice awakens memories which they would the crown of thorns upon His brow, and those who
fain blot outwarnings despised, invitations re- put the nails through His hands and feet, look upon
fused, privileges slighted.Great Controversy, Him and bewail.9 Manuscript Releases, 252:1
642:3. (1886).
5 - They will call for the rocks to fall on them.
- 10 -
They remember how His love was slighted and
THOSE ALSO WHO PIERCED HIM His compassion abused. They think of how
SHALL SEE HIM RETURN Barabbas, a murderer and a robber, was chosen in
1 - What a day that will be. His stead, how Jesus was crowned with thorns and
scourged and crucified, how in the hours of His agony
What a day that will be, when those who re-
on the cross the priests and rulers taunted Him,
jected Christ will look upon Him whom their sins
saying, Let Him come down from the cross, and we
have pierced.Maranatha, 292:3.
will believe Him. He saved others, Himself He can-
2 - Those who mocked Him will see Him re- not save. All the insult and despite offered to Christ,
turn. all the suffering caused to His disciples, will be as
There are those who mocked Christ in His fresh in their recollection as when the satanic deeds
humiliation. With thrilling power come to their were done.
minds the Sufferers words, when, adjured by the The Voice which they heard so often in en-
high priest, He solemnly declared: Hereafter shall treaty and persuasion will again sound in their ears.
ye see the Son of man sitting on the right hand of Every tone of gracious solicitation will vibrate
power and coming in the clouds of heaven. Matthew as distinctly in their ears as when the Saviour
26:64. Now they behold Him in His glory, and spoke in the synagogues and on the street. Then
they are yet to see Him sitting on the right hand of those who pierced Him will call on the rocks and
power [at His third advent].Great Controversy, mountains to fall on them and hide them from the
643:1. face of Him that sitteth on the throne and from the
3 - Those who robed, crowned, smote, spate, wrath of the Lamb.Last Day Events, 275:2-3.
nailed, and pierced Him will also see His return in Note: The truth that a special resurrection (of
glory. some of the wicked of earlier ages) occurs prior to
Those who derided His claim to be the Son the Second Advent is shown by the fact that those
of God are speechless now. There is the haughty who pierced Christ will see Him return in the clouds
Herod who jeered at His royal title and bade the of heaven.
mocking soldiers crown Him king. There are the very 6 - The Jewish rulers will see His Second Ad-
men who with impious hands placed upon His form vent.
the purple robe, upon His sacred brow the thorny
As they [the Jewish rulers] gaze upon His
crown, and in His unresisting hand the mimic scep-
glory [at His Second Coming], there flashes before
ter, and bowed before Him in blasphemous mock-
their minds the memory of the Son of man clad in
ery. The men who smote and spit upon the Prince of
the garb of humanity. They remember how they treated
life now turn from His piercing gaze and seek to flee
Him, how they refused Him, and pressed close to
from the overpowering glory of His presence. Those
the side of the great apostate. The scenes of Christs
who drove the nails through His hands and feet,
life appear before them in all their clearness. All He
the soldier who pierced His side, behold these
did, all He said, the humiliation to which He de-
marks with terror and remorse . . And now there rises
scended to save them from the taint of sin, rises
a cry of mortal agony. Louder than the shout, Cru-
before them in condemnation.
cify Him, crucify Him, which rang through the streets
of Jerusalem, swells the awful, despairing wail, He They behold Him riding into Jerusalem and see
is the Son of God! He is the true Messiah! Great Him break into an agony of tears over the impeni-
Controversy, 643:2-644:0. tent city that would not receive His message. His
Voice, which was heard in invitation, in entreaty, in
4 - They will look upon Him and wail.
tones of tender solicitude, seems again to fall upon
Those who have acted the most prominent their ears. The scene in the Garden of Gethsemane
part in the rejection and crucifixion of Christ rises before them, and they hear Christs amazing
come forth to see Him as He is, and those who have prayer, Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass
rejected Christ come up and see the saints glorified, from Me.
and it is at that time that the saints are changed
Again they hear the voice of Pilate, saying, I find
in Him no fault at all. They see the shameful scene saw in the hand of Him that sat upon the throne,
in the judgment hall, when Barabbas stood by the the book which no man could open. In all its vindic-
side of Christ, and they had the privilege of choosing tiveness this decision will appear before them in the
the guiltless One. They hear again the words of Pilate, day when this book is unsealed by the Lion of the
Whom will ye that I release unto you? Barabbas, or tribe of Judah.Christs Object Lessons, 294:1.
Jesus which is called Christ? They hear the re- When Christ comes the second time, not as a
sponse, Away with this man and release unto us prisoner surrounded by a rabble will they see Him.
Barabbas. To the question of Pilate, What shall I They will see Him as heavens King . . Then the
do then with Jesus? the answer comes, Let Him be priests and rulers will remember distinctly the
crucified. scene in the judgment hall. Every circumstance will
Again they see their Sacrifice bearing the re- appear before them as if written in letters of fire.
proach of the cross. They hear the loud, triumphant Maranatha, 282:8.
tones tauntingly exclaim, If thou be the Son of God,
come down from the cross. He saved others; Him- - 11 -
self He cannot save. THE SAINTS CRY OUT,
Now they behold Him not in the Garden of THIS IS OUR GOD;
Gethsemane, not in the judgment hall, not on the HE WILL SAVE US!
cross of Calvary. The signs of His humiliation have The faithful cry, He will save us!
passed away, and they look upon the face of
Godthe face they spat upon, the face which In the lives of all who reject truth there are mo-
priests and rulers struck with the palms of their ments when conscience awakens, when memory pre-
hands. Now the truth in all its vividness is re- sents the torturing recollection of a life of hypocrisy
vealed to them.Maranatha, 293:2-6. and the soul is harassed with vain regrets. But what
are these compared with the remorse of that day
7 - Christ promised Caiaphas that this day would when fear cometh as desolation, when destruction
come. cometh as a whirlwind (Prov. 1:27)! Those who
[At His trial], Caiaphas, raising his right arm would have destroyed Christ and His faithful
toward heaven, addressed Jesus in the form of a people now witness the glory which rests upon
solemn oath: I adjure thee by the living God, that them. In the midst of their terror they hear the voices
thou tell us whether thou be the Christ, the Son of of the saints in joyful strains exclaiming: Lo, this
God . . is our God; we have waited for Him, and He will
Every ear was bent to listen, and every eye was save us. Great Controversy, 644:1.
fixed on His face as He answered, Thou hast said.
A heavenly light seemed to illuminate His pale coun- - 12 -
tenance as He added, Nevertheless I say unto you, THE RESURRECTION
Hereafter shall ye see the Son of man sitting on OF THE RIGHTEOUS DEAD
the right hand of power, and coming in the clouds
of heaven. 1 - Sequence: (1) Those that died in Christ
For a moment the divinity of Christ flashed had partaken of the divine nature. (2) After death,
through His guise of humanity. The high priest they were guarded by angels. (3) The Second Ad-
quailed before the penetrating eyes of the Saviour . . vent of Christ occurs. (4) Jesus views their graves,
For a moment he felt as if standing before the eter- and sounds His silver trumpet. (5) He cries,
nal Judge, whose eye, which sees all things, was read- Awake, awake . . ! (6) There is a mighty earth-
ing his soul, bringing to light mysteries supposed to quake and the graves are opened. (7) The first res-
be hidden with the dead. urrection occurs as all the remaining righteous
dead come to life, by virtue of the character they
The scene passed from the priests vision . .
had received from Christs righteousness. (8) As
Rending his robe . . he demanded that . . the pris-
they rise from their prison house, by the power of
oner be condemned for blasphemy. What further
the Saviour in them while living, they are clothed
need have we of witnesses? he said; behold, now ye
with immortal glory and cry, O death, where is
have heard His blasphemy. What think ye? And they
thy sting? (9) The living righteous unite with
all condemned Him.Desire of Ages, 706:3, 707:1-
them in a long, glad shout of victory. (10) The
wrinkles and other marks of earth are gone, but
8 - The Jewish leaders made their choice; and, they recognize one another.
at His coming, they will remember it.
Amid the reeling of the earth, the flash of light-
Thus the Jewish leaders made their choice. ening, and the roar of thunder, the Voice of the Son
Their decision was registered in the book which John of God calls forth the sleeping saints. He looks
upon the graves of the righteous, then, raising His into the grave they are beautiful to us. It may be our
hands to heaven, He cries: Awake, awake, awake, father or mother that we lay away: when they come
ye that sleep in the dust, and arise! Throughout the forth those wrinkles are all gone but the figure is
length and breadth of the earth the dead shall hear there, and we know them.
that Voice, and they that hear shall live. And the We want to be prepared to meet these dear
whole earth shall ring with the tread of the exceed- friends as they come forth in the resurrection morn-
ing great army of every nation, kindred, tongue, ing . . Shall we lay hold upon the hope set before us
and people. From the prison house of death they in the gospel that we shall be like Him, for we shall
come, clothed with immortal glory, crying: O see Him as He is?In Heavenly Places, 353:2-5.
death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy
2 - That Voice, calling forth His own, resounds
victory? 1 Corinthians 15:55. And the living righ-
through all the nations of the dead.
teous and the risen saints unite their voices in a
long, glad shout of victory.Great Controversy, Marvel not at this: for the hour is coming, in
644:2. the which all that are in the graves shall hear His
Voice, and shall come forth [John 5:28-29]. This
Then Jesus silver trumpet sounded, as He
Voice is soon to resound through all the nations
descended on the cloud, wrapped in flames of fire.
of the dead, and every saint who sleeps in Jesus
He gazed on the graves of the sleeping saints, then
shall awake and leave his prison house.Last Day
raised His eyes and hands to heaven, and cried,
Events, 276:2.
Awake! awake! awake! ye that sleep in the dust,
and arise. Then there was a mighty earthquake. The precious dead, from Adam down to the
The graves opened, and the dead came up clothed last saint who dies, will hear the Voice of the Son of
with immortality.Early Writings, 16:1. God and will come forth from the grave to immortal
life.Desire of Ages, 606:1.
The Lifegiver will call up His purchased pos-
session in the first resurrection, and until that 3 - Hated on earth, the beloved of Heaven come
triumphant hour, when the last trump shall sound forth from their graves.
and the vast army shall come forth to eternal vic- The heirs of God have come from garrets, from
tory, every sleeping saint will be kept in safety and hovels, from dungeons, from scaffolds, from moun-
will be guarded as a precious jewel, who is known to tains, from deserts, from the caves of the earth, from
God by name. By the power of the Saviour that dwelt the caverns of the sea. On earth they were destitute,
in them while living and because they were partak- afflicted, tormented. Millions went down to the grave
ers of the divine nature, they are brought forth from loaded with infamy because they steadfastly refused
the dead. to yield to the deceptive claims of Satan. By human
The hour is coming, Christ said, in the which tribunals they were adjudged the vilest of crimi-
all that are in the graves shall hear His Voice, and nals. But now God is judge Himself (Ps.
shall come forth. That Voice is to resound through 50:6).Great Controversy, 650:1.
all the habitations of the dead; and every saint who 4 - From mountains and mines.
sleeps in Jesus will awake and leave his prison When Christ comes to gather to Himself those
house. Then the virtue of character we have received who have been faithful, the last trump will sound,
from Christs righteousness will ally us to true great- and the whole earth, from the summits of the lofti-
ness of the highest order. est mountains to the lowest recesses of the deep-
The victory of the sleeping saints will be glo- est mines, will hear. The righteous dead will hear
rious on the morning of the resurrection . . The Life the sound of the last trump, and will come forth
giver will crown with immortality all who come forth from their graves, to be clothed with immortality and
from the grave.Sons and Daughters of God, 359:2- to meet their Lord.7 Bible Commentary, 909/1:2.
4. 5 - From caverns, dungeons, caves, and oceans.
Those who sleep in Jesus will be called from I dwell with pleasure upon the resurrection of
their prison house . . to a glorious immortality the just, who shall come forth from all parts of the
. . He has risen, dear friends, and in your despon- earth, from rock caverns, from dungeons, from
dency you may know . . that Jesus is by your side to caves of the earth, from the waters of the deep.
give you peace. Not one is overlooked. Every one shall hear His
I know what I am talking about. I have seen the Voice. They will come forth with triumph and vic-
time when I thought the waves were going over my tory.Last Day Events, 278:1.
head; in that time I felt my Saviour precious to me. 6 - From caverns, dungeons, and wells.
When my eldest son was taken from me I felt my
What a scene will these mountains and hills [in
grief was very great, but Jesus came to my side and
Switzerland] present when Christ, the Lifegiver, shall
I felt His peace in my soul . . When our friends go
And the graves were opened, and the saints came changed and caught up together with them to meet
forth, clothed with immortality, crying, Victory over the Lord in the air.Early Writings, 16:1.
death and the grave; and together with the living We shall know our friends, even as the dis-
saints they were caught up to meet their Lord ciples knew Jesus. They may have been deformed,
in the air, while rich, musical shouts of glory and diseased, or disfigured, in this mortal life, and they
victory were upon every immortal tongue.Early rise in perfect health and symmetry; yet in the glori-
Writings, 273:0. fied body their identity will be perfectly pre-
4 - The meeting in the sky. served. Then shall we know even as also we are
There stands the risen host. The last thought known (1 Cor. 13:12). In the face radiant with the
was of death and its pangs. The last thoughts they light shining from the face of Jesus, we shall recog-
had were of the grave and the tomb, but now they nize the lineaments of those we love.Desire of Ages,
proclaim, O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where 804:1.
is thy victory? . . Here they stand and the finishing He will come to honor those who have loved Him,
touch of immortality is put upon them and they go and kept His commandments, and to take them to
up to meet their Lord in the air . . Himself. He has not forgotten them nor His prom-
There are the columns of angels on either ise. There will be a relinking of the family
side . . then the angelic choir strike the note of chain.Desire of Ages, 632:3.
victory and the angels in the two columns take up 4 - They meet those who brought them to
the song and the redeemed host join as though they Christ.
had been singing the song on the earth, and they The redeemed will meet and recognize those
have been. Oh, what music! There is not an inhar- whose attention they have directed to the uplifted
monious note. Every voice proclaims, Worthy is Saviour. What blessed converse they have with these
the Lamb that was slain. He sees the travail of His souls! I was a sinner, it will be said, without God
soul, and is satisfied.Sons and Daughters of God, and without hope in the world, and you came to
359:5. me and drew my attention to the precious Sav-
5 - When we receive holy flesh. iour as my only hope . . Others will say, I was a
When human beings receive holy flesh, they heathen in heathen lands. You left your friends
will not remain on the earth, but will be taken to and comfortable home and came to teach me how
heaven. While sin is forgiven in this life, its results to find Jesus and believe in Him as the only true
are not now wholly removed. It is at His coming God. I demolished my idols and worshiped God, and
that Christ is to change our vile body, that it now I see Him face to face. I am saved, eternally saved,
may be fashioned like unto His glorious body. 2 ever to behold Him whom I love . .
Selected Messages, 33:3. Others will express their gratitude to those who
fed the hungry and clothed the naked. When despair
- 15 - bound my soul in unbelief, the Lord sent you to
FRIENDS AND LOVED ONES me, they say, to speak words of hope and comfort.
ARE REUNITED You brought me food for my physical necessities, and
you opened to me the Word of God, awakening me
1 - Angels bring loved ones together. to my spiritual needs. You treated me as a brother.
Angels gather together His elect from the four You sympathized with me in my sorrows, and
winds, from one end of heaven to the other. Little restored my bruised and wounded soul, so that I
children are borne by holy angels to their moth- could grasp the hand of Christ that was reached out
ers arms. Friends long separated by death are to save me. In my ignorance you taught me pa-
united, nevermore to part.Great Controversy, tiently that I had a Father in heaven who cared for
645:1. me. You read to me the precious promises of Gods
2 - Infants wing their way to their mothers. Word. You inspired in me the faith that He would
save me. My heart was softened, subdued, broken,
As the little infants come forth immortal from
as I contemplated the sacrifice which Christ had
their dusty beds, they immediately wing their way
made for me . . I am here, saved, eternally saved,
to their mothers arms.2 Selected Messages,
ever to live in His presence and to praise Him who
260:1. (For more on children in heaven, read Early
gave His life for me.
Writings, 258-259.)
What rejoicing there will be as these redeemed
3 - Friends are recognized.
ones meet and greet those who have had a burden in
The 144,000 shouted, Alleluia! as they rec- their behalf! And those who have lived, not to please
ognized their friends who had been torn from them themselves, but to be a blessing to the unfortunate
by death, and in the same moment we were who have so few blessingshow their hearts will
continued obstinate in holding fast our faith. But and stood in defense of the truth, standing up
now we were as those who heard them not; we and firmly defending the laws of God.
were gazing upon a scene that shut out everything Another heavenly being exclaimed with firm and
else. musical voice, They have come out of great tribu-
There stood revealed the throne of God. Around lation. They have walked in the fiery furnace in the
it were ten thousand times ten thousand and thou- world, heated intensely by the passions and caprices
sands upon thousands, and close about the throne of men who would enforce upon them the worship of
were the martyrs. Among this number I saw the very the beast and his image, who would compel them to
ones who were so recently in such abject misery, whom be disloyal to the God of heaven.
the world knew not, whom the world hated and de- They have come from the mountains, from the
spised. rocks, from the dens and caves of the earth, from
A voice said, Jesus, who is seated upon the dungeons, from prisons, from secret councils, from
throne, has so loved man that He gave His life a the torture chamber, from hovels, from garrets. They
sacrifice to redeem him from the power of Satan, have passed through sore affliction, deep self-denial,
and to exalt him to His throne. He who is above all and deep disappointment. They are no longer to
powers, He who has the greatest influence in heaven be the sport and ridicule of wicked men. They
and in earth, He to whom every soul is indebted for are to be no longer mean and sorrowful in the eyes of
every favor he has received, was meek and lowly in those who despise them.
disposition, holy, harmless, and undefiled in life. Remove the filthy garments from them, with
He was obedient to all His Fathers com- which wicked men have delighted to clothe them. Give
mandments. Wickedness has filled the earth; it is them a change of raiment, even the white robes of
defiled under the inhabitants thereof. The high places righteousness, and set a fair mitre upon their heads.
of the powers of earth have been polluted with cor- They were clothed in richer robes than
ruption and base idolatries, but the time has come earthly beings had ever worn. They were crowned
when righteousness shall receive the palm of vic- with diadems of glory such as human beings had
tory and triumph. Those who were accounted by never seen. The days of suffering, of reproach, of
the world as weak and unworthy, those who were want, of hunger, are no more; weeping is past. Then
defenseless against the cruelty of men, shall be they break forth in songs, loud, clear, and musi-
crowned conquerors and more than conquerors cal. They wave the palm branches of victory, and
[Rev. 7:9-17, quoted]. exclaim, Salvation to our God which sitteth upon
They are before the throne enjoying the the throne, and unto the Lamb (Rev. 7:10).
sunless splendors of eternal day, not as a scat- Oh, may God endue us with His Spirit and
tered, feeble company, to suffer by the satanic pas- make us strong in His strength! In that great day
sions of a rebellious world, expressing the senti- of supreme and final triumph it will be seen that the
ments, the doctrines, and the counsels of demons. righteous were strong, and that wickedness in all
Strong and terrible have become the masters of its forms and with all its pride was a weak and mis-
iniquity in the world under the control of Satan, but erable failure and defeat. We will cling close to
strong is the Lord God who judgeth Babylon. Jesus, we will trust Him, we will seek His grace
The just have no longer anything to fear from force and His great salvation. We must hide in Jesus,
or fraud as long as they are loyal and true. A mightier for He is a covert from the storm, a present help in
than the strong man armed is set for their defense. time of trouble.3 Selected Messages, 428:2-
All power and greatness and excellence of char- 430:4.
acter will be given to those who have believed
ON EARTH The work of destruction begins with the spiri-
tual guardians.
The mark of deliverance has been set upon those
that sigh and that cry for all the abominations that
In the previous chapter, we viewed events at the
be done. Now the angel of death goes forth, rep-
time of the Second Advent, as they relate primarily
resented in Ezekiels vision by the men with the
to the redeemed, but also to the wicked. Those are
slaughtering weapons, to whom the command is
the pre-ascension events which occur at the time of
given: Slay utterly old and young, both maids, and
Christs Second Coming, before Jesus and the re-
little children, and women: but come not near any
deemed begin their journey to heaven.
man upon whom is the mark; and begin at My Sanc-
In the present chapter, we will view (1) the post- tuary. Says the prophet: They began at the ancient
ascension events on earth, which is the death of the men which were before the house. Ezekiel 9:1-6. The
living wicked and the binding of Satan to this planet work of destruction begins among those who
for a thousand years; and (2) the post-ascension have professed to be the spiritual guardians of
events of the redeemedwhich includes their jour- the people. The false watchmen are the first to fall.
ney to heaven, their coronation and entrance into There are none to pity or to spare. Men, women,
the holy City, and the sentencing judgment. maidens, and little children perish together.Great
Controversy, 656:2.
Note: Contrary to errors being taught (by the
ALL THE WICKED HAVE MADE THEIR Davidians and some others), the fulfillment of the
DECISIONS Ezekiel 9 slaughter occurs not at the sealing but here
IN THE GREAT CONTROVERSY at the Second Coming of Christ. It is not Gods people
Now the controversy is with man, as well as who do this slaughtering.
with angels.
A noise shall come even to the ends of the earth;
for the Lord hath a controversy with the na- STRIFE BY MEN
tions. He will plead with all flesh; He will give them AND WRATH FROM GOD
that are wicked to the sword. Jeremiah 25:31. For WILL SLAY THE WICKED
six thousand years the great controversy has Note: At the Second Advent, the wicked die by
been in progress; the Son of God and His heavenly the brightness of Christs coming and also by fight-
messengers have been in conflict with the power of ing among themselves. But at the final destruction
the evil one, to warn, enlighten, and save the chil- of the wicked, none of them die at the hands of men
dren of men. Now all have made their decisions; or devils. They all die by the fire sent from God.
the wicked have fully united with Satan in his war- There is a special reason for this: The final punish-
fare against God. The time has come for God to vin- ment in the fire lasts only as long as fits the wicked-
dicate the authority of His downtrodden law. Now ness previously done by each individual. Therefore,
the controversy is not alone with Satan, but with no haphazard destruction could occur. God metes
men. The Lord hath a controversy with the nations; out exactly the right amount, no more and no less.
He will give them that are wicked to the sword.
1 - All the wicked are slain.
Great Controversy, 656:1.
The Lord cometh out of His place to punish
the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the
earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more 5 - They are responsible for their own deaths.
cover her slain. Isaiah 26:21. And this shall be the God destroys no one. The sinner destroys him-
plague wherewith the Lord will smite all the people self by his own impenitence.5 Testimonies, 120:1.
that have fought against Jerusalem: Their flesh shall (See Great Controversy, 25-37).
consume away while they stand upon their feet, and
their eyes shall consume away in their holes, and -4-
their tongue shall consume away in their mouth. And
it shall come to pass in that day, that a great tumult
from the Lord shall be among them; and they shall
lay hold everyone on the hand of his neighbor, and Several years ago, the present writer compiled a
his hand shall rise up against the hand of his neigh- large number of quotations dealing with the terrible
bor. Zechariah 14:12-13. In the mad strife of their storm of wrath predicted by the third angels mes-
own fierce passions, and by the awful outpour- sage (Rev. 14:9-11). As wickedness increased, this
ing of Gods unmingled wrath, fall the wicked wrath would gradually increase. It would greatly in-
inhabitants of the earthpriests, rulers, and tensify when human probation closed and fall on
people, rich and poor, high and low. And the slain of men again at the Second Advent. And, again, it would
the Lord shall be at that day from one end of the fall in the final judgment after the third advent. At
earth even unto the other end of the earth: they shall the Second Advent, for example, fire will fall from
not be lamented, neither gathered, nor buried. heaven and erupt from the earth, destroying the
Jeremiah 25:33. wicked.
At the coming of Christ the wicked are blot- For more information on this, see our in-depth
ted from the face of the whole earthconsumed study, The Terrible Storm, now in section 2 of our
with the spirit of His mouth and destroyed by Offshoots Tractbook. The objective of the lengthy
the brightness of His glory.Great Controversy, study was to establish, from the Bible and Spirit of
656:3-657:0. Prophecy, that God will slay the incorrigibly wicked,
2 - Identified with sin, the wicked die with it. and has at times done so in the past.
To sin, wherever found, our God is a consum-
ing fire (Heb. 12:29). In all who submit to His power -5-
the Spirit of God will consume sin. But if men cling THE EARTH IS LEFT
to sin, they become identified with it. Then the UNINHABITED AND DESOLATE
glory of God, which destroys sin, must destroy The earth is a desolate wilderness.
them.Desire of Ages, 107:4.
Christ takes His people to the City of God, and
3 - Slain by His glory. the earth is emptied of its inhabitants . . The
The glory of His countenance, which to the whole earth appears like a desolate wilderness.
righteous is life, will be to the wicked a consum- The ruins of cities and villages destroyed by the earth-
ing fire.Desire of Ages, 600:2. quake, uprooted trees, ragged rocks thrown out by
4 - Their death is an act of mercy. the sea or torn out of the earth itself, are scattered
Could those whose hearts are filled with ha- over its surface, while vast caverns mark the spot
tred of God, of truth and holiness, mingle with where the mountains have been rent from their foun-
the heavenly throng and join their songs of dations.Great Controversy, 657:1-2.
praise? Could they endure the glory of God and the The earth looked like a desolate wilderness. Cit-
Lamb? No, no; years of probation were granted them, ies and villages, shaken down by the earthquake,
that they might form characters for heaven; but they lay in heaps. Mountains had been moved out of
have never trained the mind to love purity; they have their places, leaving large caverns. Ragged rocks,
never learned the language of heaven, and now it is thrown out by the sea, or torn out of the earth itself,
too late. A life of rebellion against God has unfit- were scattered all over its surface. Large trees had
ted them for heaven. Its purity, holiness, and peace been uprooted and were strewn over the land. Here
would be torture to them; the glory of God would be is to be the home of Satan with his evil angels
a consuming fire. They would long to flee from for a thousand years.Early Writings, 290:1.
that holy place. They would welcome destruction,
that they might be hidden from the face of Him who -6-
died to redeem them. The destiny of the wicked is SINS ARE ROLLED BACK ON SATAN
fixed by their own choice. Their exclusion from
heaven is voluntary with themselves, and just and 1 - The scapegoat transaction occurs.
merciful on the part of God.Great Controversy, Now the event takes place foreshadowed in
542:2-543:0. the last solemn service of the Day of Atonement.
When the ministration in the Holy of Holies had been filled: and after that he must be loosed a little sea-
completed, and the sins of Israel had been removed son. Great Controversy, 658:2.
from the Sanctuary by virtue of the blood of the sin 2 - Angels and saints rejoice at his confine-
offering, then the scapegoat was presented alive be- ment.
fore the Lord; and in the presence of the congrega-
I heard shouts of triumph from the angels
tion the high priest confessed over him all the iniq-
and from the redeemed saints, which sounded like
uities of the children of Israel, and all their trans-
ten thousand musical instruments, because they
gressions in all their sins, putting them upon the
were to be no more annoyed and tempted by Satan
head of the goat (Lev. 16:21). In like manner, when
and because the inhabitants of other worlds were
the work of atonement in the heavenly Sanctuary has
delivered from his presence and his temptations.
been completed, then in the presence of God and
Early Writings, 290:2.
heavenly angels and the host of the redeemed the
sins of Gods people will be placed upon Satan; 3 - Satan will not be able to travel to other
he will be declared guilty of all the evil which he worlds.
has caused them to commit. And as the scapegoat Here he [Satan] will be confined, to wander up
was sent away into a land not inhabited, so Satan and down over the broken surface of the earth and
will be banished to the desolate earth, an unin- see the effects of his rebellion against Gods law. For
habited and dreary wilderness.Great Contro- a thousand years he can enjoy the fruit of the curse
versy, 658:1. which he has caused. Limited alone to the earth,
2 - Satan bears the final penalty. he will not have the privilege of ranging to other
planets, to tempt and annoy those who have not
When Christ, by virtue of His own blood, re-
fallen.Early Writings, 290:1.
moves the sins of His people from the heavenly Sanc-
tuary at the close of His ministration, He will place Note: Several passages clarify that, although Sa-
them upon Satan, who, in the execution of the judg- tan was cast out of the highest heaven at the time of
ment, must bear the final penalty.Great Con- that first war (GC 500:1, PP 42:2), and out of the
troversy, 422:2. last sympathies of the angels at the death of Christ
(DA 758:1-761:3), he was able to visit other planets
3 - Bearing the guilt of the sin.
until the beginning of the millennium (above quota-
Satan, bearing the guilt of all the sins which tions). So, in a very special sense, he is finally
he has caused Gods people to commit, will be for a bound to the earth.
thousand years confined to the earth, which will then
be desolate, without inhabitant, and he will at last -8-
suffer the full penalty of sin in the fires that shall
destroy all the wicked.Great Controversy, 485:3-
fall, and to look forward with trembling and ter- cry, Holy, holy, holy, Lord God Almighty. And the
ror to the dreadful future, when he must suffer redeemed shout, Alleluia! as the chariot moves on-
for all the evil that he has done and be punished for ward toward the New Jerusalem.Great Contro-
all the sins that he has caused to be committed. versy, 645:1-2.
Early Writings, 290:1. 3 - Homeward Bound!
4 - His sufferings are intense. Oh, how glorious it will be to see Him and be
For a thousand years, Satan will wander to and welcomed as His redeemed ones! Long have we
fro in the desolate earth to behold the results of his waited, but our hope is not to grow dim. If we can
rebellion against the law of God. During this time but see the King in His beauty we shall be forever
his sufferings are intense. Since his fall his life of blessed. I feel as if I must cry aloud, Homeward
unceasing activity has banished reflection; but he is bound! 8 Testimonies, 253:1.
now deprived of his power and left to contemplate 4 - The journey takes seven days.
the part which he has acted since first he rebelled
We all entered the cloud together, and were seven
against the government of heaven, and to look for-
days ascending to the sea of glass.Early Writ-
ward with trembling and terror to the dreadful
ings, 16:2.
future when he must suffer for all the evil that he
has done and be punished for the sins that he has Brother G.B. Starr (1854-1944) labored for many
caused to be committed.Great Controversy, years as an evangelist and church administrator. He
660:2. worked for a time in Australia, and later reported
statements which, he said, Ellen White made to him.
But some of his statements do not ring right, when
compared with her writings. For that reason, we can-
PART TWO not accept the most startling of them as factual. Per-
POST-ASCENSION EVENTS haps the story about the stop-over planet is true (it
IN HEAVEN would be nice if it were), but we cannot know this
with certainty.
However, it is of interest that, later in this present
-1- chapter, we will quote a passage which says angels
THE JOURNEY are now preparing crowns for the saints (5T 96). If
TO THE CITY OF GOD they are now preparing crowns, they could also be
preparing a stop-over planet for the seven-day trip
1 - The meeting in the sky. to heaven.
There stands the risen host. The last thought The following quotation by the E.G. White Es-
was of death and its pangs. The last thoughts they tate discusses this particular statement by G.B.
had were of the grave and the tomb, but now they Starr:
proclaim, O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where The report, based on the memory of one indi-
is thy victory? . . Here they stand and the finish- vidual [Starr], that Ellen G. White stated in a din-
ing touch of immortality is put upon them and ner-table conversation that the inhabitants of other
they go up to meet their Lord in the air . . There worlds are gathering fruit for the Sabbath-day en-
are the columns of angels on either side . . then the tertainment of the translated saints en route to
angelic choir strikes the note of victory and the an- heaven, is without support, and fanciful. The asser-
gels in the two columns take up the song and the tion that the words were stenographically reported
redeemed host join as though they had been singing is without foundation. Ellen G. White makes only
the song on the earth, and they have been. Oh, what the simple statement, in Early Writings, 16that
music! There is not an inharmonious note. Every We were seven days ascending to the sea of glass.
voice proclaims, Worthy is the Lamb that was slain. No mention is made by Ellen G. White of the Sab-
He sees the travail of His soul, and is satisfied. bath spent en route.Apocryphal quotations of
Sons and Daughters of God, 359:5. E.G. White, statement by E.G. White Estate, E.G.
2 - They ascend to the holy City. White Index, Vol. 3, 3189.
Friends long separated by death are united,
nevermore to part, and with songs of gladness -2-
ascend together to the City of God. THE SAINTS CORONATION
On each side of the cloudy chariot are wings, ON THE SEA OF GLASS,
and beneath it are living wheels; and as the chariot OUTSIDE THE CITY
rolls upward, the wheels cry, Holy, and the wings, 1 - Sequence: (1) Clothed in glorious white
as they move, cry, Holy, and the retinue of angels robes, all the saints are standing on the sea of
glass outside the City. (2) They are standing in a skillfully swept over the strings of the harp, sending
hollow square, with Jesus in the center. (3) The forth melodious music in rich and perfect strains.
angels bring crowns from the City, and Jesus per- Early Writings, 288:1.
sonally places a crown on the head of each saint. Note: According to the above statements, all the
(4) Each one is satisfied with his crown. (5) The redeemed, including the 144,000, are in the hollow
angels bring harps from the City, and Jesus per- square. This agrees with GC 665:2, in which sev-
sonally hands one to each of His redeemed ones. eral different groups surround Jesus. Thus the
(6) Then the commanding angel and other lead- 144,000 can be said to be in the square; and also all
ing angels with him strike the first note; and all the saints can be said to be in that square.
sweep the strings and sing praises to Christ.
2 - The angels welcome them with singing.
Before entering the City of God, the Saviour
In that day the redeemed will shine forth in the
bestows upon His followers the emblems of victory
glory of the Father and the Son. The angels, touch-
and invests them with the insignia of their royal state.
ing their golden harps, will welcome the King
The glittering ranks are drawn up in the form of a
and His trophies of victorythose who have been
hollow square about their King, whose form rises
washed and made white in the blood of the Lamb. A
in majesty high above saint and angel, whose coun-
song of triumph will peal forth, filling all heaven.
tenance beams upon them full of benignant love.
Christ has conquered. He enters the heavenly courts,
Throughout the unnumbered host of the redeemed
accompanied by His redeemed ones, the witnessess
every glance is fixed upon Him, every eye beholds His
that His mission of suffering and sacrifice has not
glory whose visage was so marred more than any
been in vain.9 Testimonies, 285:2-286:0.
man, and His form more than the sons of men. Upon
the heads of the overcomers, Jesus with His own 3 - Angels are now making those crowns.
right hand places the crown of glory. For each there When the Lord makes up His jewels, the true,
is a crown, bearing his own new name (Rev. 2:17), the frank, the honest, will be looked upon with plea-
and the inscription, Holiness to the Lord. In every sure. Angels are employed in making crowns for
hand is placed the victors palm and the shining such ones, and upon these star-gemmed crowns will
harp. Then, as the commanding angels strike the be reflected, with splendor, the light which radiates
note, every hand sweeps the harp strings with skill- from the throne of God.5 Testimonies, 96:2.
ful touch, awaking sweet music in rich, melodi- 4 - A crown of glory is waiting for us, individu-
ous strains. Rapture unutterable thrills every heart, ally, in heaven.
and each voice is raised in grateful praise: Unto
A crown of glory . . is laid up for us who
Him that loved us, and washed us from our sins in
wait, and love, and long for, the appearing of the Sav-
His own blood, and hath made us kings and priests
unto God and His Father; to Him be glory and do-
minion forever and ever. Revelation 1:5-6.Great It is the waiting ones who are to be crowned
Controversy, 645:3-646:0. with glory, honor, and immortality. You need not talk
. . of the honors of the world, or the praise of its
Jesus brought the crowns, and with His own
great ones. They are all vanity. Let but the finger of
right hand placed them on our heads. He gave us
God touch them, and they would soon go back to
harps of gold and palms of victory. Here on the sea
dust again. I want honor that is lasting, honor that
of glass the 144,000 stood in a perfect square. Some
is immortal, honor that will never perish; a crown
of them had very bright crowns, others not so bright.
that is richer than any crown that ever decked
Some crowns appeared heavy with stars, while oth-
the brow of a monarch.Maranatha, 309:4-5.
ers had but few. All were perfectly satisfied with their
crowns. And they were all clothed with a glorious 5 - Soon we will receive those crowns.
white mantle from their shoulders to their feet. Talk of heavenly things. Talk of Jesus, His love-
Early Writings, 16:2-17:0. liness and glory, and of His undying love for you, and
Then I saw a very great number of angels bring, let your heart flow out in love and gratitude to Him,
from the City, glorious crownsa crown for every who died to save you. Oh, get ready to meet your
saint, with his name written thereon. As Jesus called Lord in peace. Those who are ready will soon re-
for the crowns, angels presented them to Him, and ceive an unfading crown of life, and will dwell
with His own right hand, the lovely Jesus placed the forever in the kingdom of God, with Christ, with an-
crowns on the heads of the saints. In the same man- gels, and with those who have been redeemed by the
ner the angels brought the harps, and Jesus pre- precious blood of Christ.Sons and Daughters of
sented them also to the saints. The commanding God, 362:3.
angel first struck the note, and then every voice 6 - Receiving their crowns, many will thank
was raised in grateful, happy praise, and every hand their mothers.
The day of God will reveal how much the world Jesus opens wide the pearly gates, and the na-
owes to godly mothers . . When the judgment shall tions that have kept the truth enter in. There they
sit, and the books shall be opened; when the well behold the Paradise of God, the home of Adam in his
done of the great Judge is pronounced, and the crown innocency. Then that voice, richer than any music
of immortal glory is placed upon the brow of the that ever fell on mortal ear, is heard, saying: Your
victor, many will raise their crowns in sight of conflict is ended. Come, ye blessed of My Father,
the assembled universe, and pointing to their inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foun-
mother say: She made me all I am through the dation of the world. Great Controversy, 646:1.
grace of God. Her instruction, her prayers, have been A voice, richer than any music that ever fell
blessed to my eternal salvation.Maranatha, on mortal ear, will be heard saying, Come, ye
308:3-4. blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom pre-
7 - Parents will see their children crowned. pared for you from the foundation of the world.
With joy unutterable, parents see the crown, Counsels on Stewardship, 350:2.
the robe, the harp, given to their children. The Note: As quoted above, in GC 646 it is called
days of hope and fear are ended. The seed sown with gates, but gate in the other (later) passages. This
tears and prayers may have seemed to be sown in was either an initial memory lapse (in recounting
vain, but their harvest is reaped with joy at last. her first vision) or a typographical error. But it is
Their children have been redeemed.Maranatha, also an evidence of how exactingly her writings were
308:5. later printed and reprinted.
8 - Christ will rejoice as He beholds the re-
deemed. -4-
In the results of His work, Christ will be- A VIEW OF THE CITY
hold its recompense. In that great multitude which Jesus triumphantly enters the City with His
no man could number, presented faultless before followers. Everything within the City is beautiful
the presence of His glory with exceeding joy, He and lovely; and, in thankfulness, the redeemed
whose blood has redeemed and whose life has taught cast their crowns at the feet of Jesus and sing
us shall see of the travail of His soul, and shall praises to Him.
be satisfied. Education, 309:3.
Within the City there was everything to feast
the eye. Rich glory they beheld everywhere. Then
Jesus looked upon His redeemed saints; their coun-
JESUS OPENS THE GATES tenances were radiant with glory; and as He fixed
AND LEADS HIS FAITHFUL ONES His loving eyes upon them, He said, with His rich,
INTO THE CITY musical voice, I behold the travail of My soul, and
Sequence: (1) The entire company marches am satisfied. This rich glory is yours to enjoy eter-
across the sea of glass to the City. (2) Jesus opens nally. Your sorrows are ended. There shall be no more
the gates and tells them, You have washed your death, neither sorrow nor crying, neither shall there
robes in My blood, stood stiffly for My truth; en- be any more pain. I saw the redeemed host bow
ter in. (3) Jesus leads them into the City, and and cast their glittering crowns at the feet of
they feel they have a perfect right to be there. (4) Jesus, and then, as His lovely hand raised them up,
Within the City, they behold Adams original home, they touched their golden harps and filled all heaven
the Garden of Eden. (5) Then Jesus says, Your with their rich music and songs to the Lamb.
conflict is ended; come, ye blessed of My Father. Early Writings, 288:1-289:0.
Angels were all about us as we marched over Here is another view of the City; this one 2,000
the sea of glass to the gate of the City. Jesus raised years earlier, when Christ previously entered it tri-
His mighty, glorious arm, laid hold of the pearly gate, umphantly just after His ascension:
swung it back on its glittering hinges, and said to Then the portals of the City of God are opened
us, You have washed your robes in My blood, stood wide, and the angelic throng sweep through the
stiffly for My truth, enter in. We all marched in and gates amid a burst of rapturous music.
felt that we had a perfect right in the City.Early There is the throne, and around it the rain-
Writings, 17:0. bow of promise. There are cherubim and seraphim.
Jesus threw open the gates of the golden City The commanders of the angel hosts, the sons of
and led us in. Here we were made welcome, for God, the representatives of the unfallen worlds,
we had kept the commandments of God, and had a are assembled. The heavenly council before which
right to the tree of life. Early Writings, 35:1. Lucifer had accused God and His Son, the represen-
Before the ransomed throng is the holy City. tatives of those sinless realms over which Satan had
thought to establish his dominionall are there to of God. Out of the throne came a pure river of water,
welcome the Redeemer. They are eager to celebrate and on either side of the river was the tree of life. On
His triumph and to glorify their King.Desire of one side of the river was a trunk of a tree, and a
Ages, 834:1. trunk on the other side of the river, both of pure,
transparent gold. At first I thought I saw two trees.
-5- I looked again, and saw that they were united at the
THE TWO ADAMS MEET top in one tree. So it was the tree of life on either
side of the river of life. Its branches bowed to the
Adam falls at the feet of Christ. place where we stood, and the fruit was glorious; it
As the ransomed ones are welcomed to the City looked like gold mixed with silver.Early Writings,
of God, there rings out upon the air an exultant 17:1.
cry of adoration. The two Adams are about to meet. 2 - Partaking of the tree and viewing the
The Son of God is standing with outstretched arms throne.
to receive the father of our racethe being whom He
I then saw Jesus leading His people to the
created, who sinned against his Maker, and for whose
tree of life, and again we heard His lovely voice, richer
sin the marks of the crucifixion are borne upon the
than any music that ever fell on mortal ear, saying,
Saviours form. As Adam discerns the prints of the
The leaves of this tree are for the healing of the
cruel nails, he does not fall upon the bosom of his
nations. Eat ye all of it. Upon the tree of life was
Lord, but in humiliation casts himself at His feet,
most beautiful fruit, of which the saints could
crying: Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain!
partake freely. In the City was a most glorious
Tenderly the Saviour lifts him up and bids him look
throne, from which proceeded a pure river of water
once more upon the Eden home from which he has
of life, clear as crystal. On each side of this river was
so long been exiled.Great Controversy, 647:2.
the tree of life, and on the banks of the river were
other beautiful trees bearing fruit which was good
-6- for food.
ADAM VIEWS THE GARDEN OF EDEN Language is altogether too feeble to attempt a
In Eden, Adam and his family worship and description of heaven. As the scene rises before me,
praise Christ. I am lost in amazement. Carried away with the sur-
Transported with joy, he [Adam] beholds the passing splendor and excellent glory, I lay down the
trees that were once his delightthe very trees pen, and exclaim, Oh, what love! what wondrous
whose fruit he himself had gathered in the days of love! The most exalted language fails to describe the
his innocence and joy. He sees the vines that his own glory of heaven or the matchless depths of a Saviours
hands have trained, the very flowers that he once love.Early Writings, 289:1-2.
loved to care for. His mind grasps the reality of the
scene; he comprehends that this is indeed Eden re- -8-
stored, more lovely now than when he was banished THE 144,000 SING A NEW SONG
from it. The Saviour leads him to the tree of life ON THE CRYSTAL SEA
and plucks the glorious fruit and bids him eat. He BEFORE THE THRONE
looks about him and beholds a multitude of his
The 144,000 are frequently mentioned in
family redeemed, standing in the Paradise of God.
Early Writings, and less often in Great Contro-
Then he casts his glittering crown at the feet of
versy. But, in one paragraph, we are given several
Jesus and, falling upon His breast, embraces the
identifying features of this group: (1) They had
Redeemer. He touches the golden harp, and the vaults
gotten the victory over the beast, his image, and
of heaven echo the triumphant song: Worthy, wor-
his mark. (2) They were translated from among
thy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain, and lives
the living at the Second Advent, and therefore
again! The family of Adam take up the strain
are first fruits. (3) They came out of great tribula-
and cast their crowns at the Saviours feet as they
tion; for they passed through the time of trouble.
bow before Him in adoration.Great Controversy,
(4) They went through Jacobs trouble. (5) They
stood without an intercessor after the close of
probation. (6) They were without fault before God.
Based on that information, we can know that
THE REDEEMED SEE the 144,000 consist of the faithful who live through
THE TREE AND THE THRONE the final crisis, from the National Sunday Law down
1 - A view of the tree of life. to the Second Advent.
Here we saw the tree of life and the throne Upon the crystal sea before the throne, that sea
of glass as it were mingled with fireso resplendent
is it with the glory of Godare gathered the com- with him, and to learn the history of divine interpo-
pany that have gotten the victory over the beast, sition in the individual life, of heavenly cooperation
and over his image, and over his mark, and over in every work for humanity!Education 304:4,
the number of his name. With the Lamb upon Mount 305:0, 2.
Zion, having the harps of God, they stand, the hun-
dred and forty and four thousand that were re- - 10 -
deemed from among men; and there is heard, as the THE DAYS OF PAIN AND WEEPING
sound of many waters, and as the sound of a great ARE FOREVER ENDED
thunder, the voice of harpers harping with their
harps. And they sing a new song before the Every cause of grief has been removed.
throne, a song which no man can learn save the hun- Henceforth they are to be ever with the Lord.
dred and forty and four thousand. It is the song of They stand before the throne clad in richer robes
Moses and the Lamba song of deliverance. None than the most honored of the earth have ever worn.
but the hundred and forty-four thousand can learn They are crowned with diadems more glorious than
that song; for it is the song of their experience were ever placed upon the brow of earthly monarchs.
an experience such as no other company have ever The days of pain and weeping are forever ended.
had. These are they which follow the Lamb The King of glory has wiped the tears from all faces;
whithersoever He goeth. These, having been trans- every cause of grief has been removed. Amid the
lated from the earth, from among the living, are waving of palm branches they pour forth a song of
counted as the first fruits unto God and to the Lamb. praise, clear, sweet, and harmonious; every voice
Revelation 15:2-3; 14:1-5. These are they which takes up the strain, until the anthem swells through
came out of great tribulation; they have passed the vaults of heaven: Salvation to our God which
through the time of trouble such as never was since sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb. And
there was a nation; they have endured the anguish all the inhabitants of heaven respond in the ascrip-
of the time of Jacobs trouble; they have stood tion: Amen: Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and
without an intercessor through the final out- thanksgiving, and honor, and power, and might, be
pouring of Gods judgments. But they have been unto our God forever and ever. Revelation 7:10,
delivered, for they have washed their robes, and made 12.Great Controversy, 650:1-651:0.
them white in the blood of the Lamb. In their mouth
was found no guile: for they are without fault be- - 11 -
fore God.Great Controversy, 648:3-649:0. THEIR UNDERSTANDING OF
Throughout eternal ages, the redeemed will
ever be learning more about what it cost to save
Each persons guardian angel will meet him in them.
the resurrection, and will later tell him about Gods In this life we can only begin to understand
guidance and care in his life. the wonderful theme of redemption. With our fi-
Not until the providences of God are seen in the nite comprehension we may consider most earnestly
light of eternity shall we understand what we owe to the shame and the glory, the life and the death, the
the care and interposition of His angels. Celestial justice and the mercy, that meet in the cross; yet
beings have taken an active part in the affairs of men. with the utmost stretch of our mental powers we
They have appeared in garments that shone as the fail to grasp its full significance. The length and the
lightning; they have come as men, in the garb of way- breadth, the depth and the height, of redeeming love
farers. They have accepted the hospitalities of hu- are but dimly comprehended. The plan of redemp-
man homes; they have acted as guides to benighted tion will not be fully understood, even when the ran-
travelers. They have thwarted the spoilers purpose, somed see as they are seen and know as they are
and turned aside the stroke of the destroyer . . known; but through the eternal ages new truth
Every redeemed one will understand the minis- will continually unfold to the wondering and de-
try of angels in his own life. The angel who was his lighted mind. Though the griefs and pains and temp-
guardian from his earliest moment; the angel who tations of earth are ended and the cause removed,
watched his steps, and covered his head in the day the people of God will ever have a distinct, intel-
of peril; the angel who was with him in the valley of ligent knowledge of what their salvation has
the shadow of death, who marked his resting place, cost.
who was the first to greet him in the resurrec- The cross of Christ will be the science and the
tion morningwhat will it be to hold converse song of the redeemed through all eternity. In Christ
__________________ RESURRECTION
LAST DAYS APPENDIX The Work Does Not Cease in This Life. Your
work, my work, will not cease with this life. For a
The following material was gleaned from our little while we may rest in the grave, but when the
currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu- call comes, we shall take up our work in the king-
scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the dom of God to advance the glory of Christ. But this
best material from that volume on topics given in holy work must be begun upon earth.Manuscript
this chapter. 48, 1899, 7 (Work in Christs Lines, March 29,
1899. See COL 361).
The Special Resurrection.The sound of mu- TRANSLATION
sic is heard, and as it nears, the graves are opened Then Gifted with a Higher Nature.When
and the dead are raised and there are thousands of Christ comes, He takes those who have purified their
thousands and ten thousand times ten thousand of souls by obeying the truth . . This mortal shall put
angels that compose that glory and encircle the Son on immortality, and these corruptible bodies, sub-
of man. Those who have acted the most prominent ject to disease, will be changed from mortal to im-
part in the rejection and crucifixion of Christ come mortal. We shall then be gifted with a higher nature.
forth to see Him as He is, and those who have re- The bodies of all who purify their souls by obeying
jected Christ come up to see the saints glorified; and the truth shall be glorified. They have fully received
it is at that time that the saints are changed in a and believed in Jesus Christ.Manuscript 36,
moment, in the twinkling of an eye, and are caught March 24, 1906, 3.
up to meet their Lord in the air. The very ones who
placed upon Him the purple robe and put the crown
of thorns upon His brow, and those who put the ON THE SEA OF GLASS
nails through His hands and feet, look upon Him
Precious Souls Will Respond.When the re-
and bewail.9 Manuscript Releases, 252:1.
deemed stand before the throne of God to answer to
When Christ comes to gather to Himself those their names, there will be precious souls there who
who have been faithful, the last trump will sound, will respond because of the faithful, patient efforts
and the whole earth, from the summits of the lofti- made in their behalf, the entreaties and urgent per-
est mountains to the lowest recesses of the deepest suasions to flee to the stronghold. Thus those who
mines will hear. The righteous dead will hear the are laborers together with God will receive their re-
sound of the last trump, and will come forth from ward.Letter 74, 1900 (to J.H. Kellogg, May 20,
their graves to be clothed with immortality and to 1900).
Here is to be the home of Satan with his evil angels for a thou-
sand years. Limited to the earth, he will not have access to other
worlds to tempt and annoy those who have never fallen . . His prison
house has received Gods people, and he would have held them
captive forevever; but Christ has broken his bonds and set the prison-
ers free . . For a thousand years, Satan will wander to and fro in
the desolate earth to behold the results of his rebellion against the
law of God. During this time his sufferings are intense. Since his fall his
life of unceasing activity has banished his reflection; but he is now
deprived of his power and left to contemplate the part which he has
acted since first he rebelled against the government of heaven and to
look forward with trembling and terror to the dreadful future
when he must suffer for all the evil that he has done and be
punished for the sins that he has caused to be committed.
Great Controversy, 659:1, 3-660:2
-1- that Inspiration never said so.
CHRIST AND THE REDEEMED According to EW 41, the Voice of God, which de-
RETURN TO THE EARTH livers the saints, will sound from the area of this
constellation; and the City of God will come down
Christ returns to the earth.
through that part of the sky at Christs third ad-
At the close of the thousand years, Christ again vent. It is likely that, at His Second Advent, Christ
returns to the earth. He is accompanied by the host will also return through that area; but we are not
of the redeemed and attended by a retinue of an- specifically told that.
gels.Great Controversy, 662:1.
It is nice to think that the Great Nebula is the
passageway to heaven; but keep in mind that we are
nowhere told, in the Inspired Books, that it actually
2 - The immense City is welcomed by Gods
He descends upon the very mountain from children.
whence He earlier ascended to heaven. After the judgment of the wicked dead had been
Christ descends upon the Mount of Olives, finished, at the end of the one thousand years, Jesus
whence, after His resurrection, He ascended, and left the City, and the saints and a train of the angelic
where angels repeated the promise of His return. host followed Him. Jesus descended upon a great
Says the prophet: The Lord my God shall come, and mountain, which as soon as His feet touched it,
all the saints with Thee. And His feet shall stand in parted asunder and became a mighty plain. Then
that day upon the Mount of Olives, which is before we looked up and saw the great and beautiful
Jerusalem on the east, and the Mount of Olives City, with twelve foundations and twelve gates, three
shall cleave in the midst thereof . . and there shall on each side and an angel at each gate. We cried
be a very great valley. Great Controversy, out, The City! the great City! it is coming down
662:3-663:0. from God out of heaven! And it came down in all its
splendor and dazzling glory and settled in the
-3- mighty plain which Jesus had prepared for it.
THE CITY OF GOD DESCENDS Early Writings, 291:1.
3 - It comes to rest upon the place Jesus has
1 - The City comes down through the region
purified for it. Christ and His people enter it.
of Orion.
As the New Jerusalem, in its dazzling splendor,
Dark, heavy clouds came up and clashed against
comes down out of heaven, it rests upon the place
each other. The atmosphere parted and rolled back;
purified and made ready to receive it, and Christ,
then we could look up through the open space in
with His people and the angels, enters the Holy
Orion, whence came the Voice of God. The holy City
City.Great Controversy, 663:0.
will come down through that open space.
Early Writings, 41:2.
Note: What is the open space in Orion? It is
very easy to assume something that is not stated. It CHRIST RAISES THE DEAD TO LIFE
is definitely located somewhere in the region of Orion 1 - Jesus and His people leave the City; and
constellation. But that is one of the largest of con- He raises the dead.
stellations; and we are not told that the open space Then Jesus and all the retinue of holy angels,
is the Great Nebula in Orion or a portion of it. There- and all the redeemed saints, left the City. The angels
fore we can guess that the open space in Orion may surrounded their Commander and escorted Him on
be the Orion Nebula. But we should keep in mind
wicked are Satans captives. In rejecting Christ At last the order to advance is given, and
they have accepted the rule of the rebel leader. the countless host moves onan army such as
They are ready to receive his suggestions and to do was never summoned by earthly conquerors, such
his bidding. Yet, true to his early cunning, he does as the combined forces of all ages since war began
not acknowledge himself to be Satan. He claims to on earth could never equal. Satan, the mightiest of
be the prince who is the rightful owner of the world warriors, leads the van, and his angels unite their
and whose inheritance has been unlawfully wrested forces for this final struggle. Kings and warriors are
from him. He represents himself to his deluded in his train, and the multitudes follow in vast com-
subjects as a redeemer, assuring them that his panies, each under its appointed leader. With mili-
power has brought them forth from their graves tary precision the serried ranks advance over the
and that he is about to rescue them from the most earths broken and uneven surface to the City of God.
cruel tyranny. The presence of Christ having been By command of Jesus, the gates of the New
removed, Satan works wonders to support his Jerusalem are closed, and the armies of Satan
claims. He makes the weak strong and inspires all surround the City and make ready for the onset.
with his own spirit and energy. He proposes to lead Great Controversy, 664:3.
them against the camp of the saints and to take pos- Note: Regarding this matter of when the gates
session of the City of God. With fiendish exulta- are shut: Jesus and the redeemed leave the City, and
tion he points to the unnumbered millions who have they watch as He raises the dead; then they go back
been raised from the dead and declares that as their into the City. After that, an unspecified period of time,
leader he is well able to overthrow the City and re- probably covering a number of years is spent by the
gain his throne and his kingdom. wicked in preparing for war (GC 662:1-664:2). Then
In that vast throng are multitudes of the long- they begin marching toward the City; and Jesus, at
lived race that existed before the Flood; men of lofty that time, gives orders to shut the gates (GC 664:3).
stature and giant intellect, who, yielding to the con- 2 - Armed with all kinds of weapons, a fierce
trol of fallen angels, devoted all their skill and knowl- conflict is expected.
edge to the exaltation of themselves; men whose won-
Then with Satan at their head, the multitude
derful works of art led the world to idolize their ge-
move on. Kings and warriors follow close after
nius, but whose cruelty and evil inventions, defiling
Satan, and the multitude follow after in compa-
the earth and defacing the image of God, caused Him
nies. Each company has its leader, and order is ob-
to blot them from the face of His creation. There
served as they march over the broken surface of the
are kings and generals who conquered nations,
earth to the holy City. Jesus closes the gates of the
valiant men who never lost a battle, proud, am-
City, and this vast army surround it, and place them-
bitious warriors whose approach made kingdoms
selves in battle array, expecting a fierce con-
tremble. In death these experienced no change. As
flict.Early Writings, 293:2.
they come up from the grave, they resume the cur-
rent of their thoughts just where it ceased. They are
actuated by the same desire to conquer that ruled
them when they fell. CHRIST APPEARS ON A THRONE
Satan consults with his angels, and then with
these kings and conquerors and mighty men. They 1 - Amid vast power and majesty, Christ ap-
look upon the strength and numbers on their side, pears to the view of the lost.
and declare that the army within the City is small in Now Christ again appears to the view of His
comparison with theirs, and that it can be overcome. enemies. Far above the City, upon a foundation
They lay their plans to take possession of the of burnished gold, is a throne, high and lifted up.
riches and glory of the New Jerusalem. All im- Upon this throne sits the Son of God, and around
mediately begin to prepare for battle. Skillful ar- Him are the subjects of His kingdom. The power
tisans construct implements of war. Military lead- and majesty of Christ no language can describe,
ers, famed for their success, marshal the throngs of no pen portray. The glory of the Eternal Father is
warlike men into companies and divisions.Great enshrouding His Son. The brightness of His pres-
Controversy, 663:1-664:2. ence fills the City of God, and flows out beyond the
gates, flooding the whole earth with its radiance.
-6- Great Controversy, 665:1.
THE IMMENSE ARMY MARCHES 2 - Awed by the truth of the situation, the cour-
TO THE CITY AND SURROUNDS IT age of the wicked fails them.
1 - After extensive preparations, the army And as they witness the splendor of their glit-
marches to the City. tering crowns and see their faces radiant with glory,
-1- God, may be honored to the highest degree. There
CHRIST WILL BE THE JUDGE will be no lack of glory and honor . . The law of God
will be revealed in its majesty; and those who have
He who died for the wicked will be their Judge. stood in defiant rebellion against its holy precepts
God has committed all judgment unto the will understand that the law that they have discarded,
Son, for without controversy He is God manifest in and despised, and trampled underfoot is Gods stan-
the flesh. dard of character . . In this speck of a world, the
God designed that the Prince of sufferers heavenly universe manifests the greatest interest; for
in humanity should be judge of the whole world. Jesus paid an infinite price for the souls of its in-
He who came from the heavenly courts to save man habitants.Maranatha, 341:2-3.
from eternal death . . He who submitted to be ar-
raigned before an earthly tribunal, and who suffered -3-
the ignominious death of the crossHe alone is to THE BOOKS OF RECORD
pronounce the sentence of reward or of punish- ARE OPENED
ment. He who submitted to the suffering and hu-
1 - The judgment at the great white throne
miliation of the cross here, in the counsel of God is
to have the fullest compensation, and ascend the
throne acknowledged by all the heavenly universe as And now, invested with supreme majesty
the King of saints. He has undertaken the work of and power, the King of kings pronounces sen-
salvation, and shown before unfallen worlds and the tence upon the rebels against His government and
heavenly family that the work He has begun He is executes justice upon those who have transgressed
able to complete . . His law and oppressed His people. Says the prophet
of God: I saw a great white throne, and Him that
In the day of final punishment and reward, both
sat on it, from whose face the earth and the heaven
saints and sinners will recognize in Him who was
fled away; and there was found no place for them.
crucified the Judge of all living . . solemn will be
And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before
the day of final decision . . Probationary time is
God; and the books were opened: and another book
granted us, opportunities and privileges are given
was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead
us, to make our calling and election sure. How we
were judged out of those things which were writ-
should prize this precious time, and improve every
ten in the books, according to their works. Revela-
talent God has given, that we may be faithful stew-
tion 20:11-12.Great Controversy, 666:1.
ards over ourselves.Maranatha, 341:4-6.
2 - Angels are now preparing records for that
-2- final judgment.
ALL THE WORLDS WILL VIEW THE Angels of God are taking a daguerreotype of the
PROCEEDINGS OF THIS JUDGMENT character just as accurately as the artist takes the
likeness of the human features; and . . it is from
The entire universe is empowered to behold this that we are to be judged!Maranatha,
this final judgment of the wicked. 340:3.
In His teachings, Christ sought to impress men 3 - It is an exact record of character and ac-
with the certainty of the coming judgment, and with tions.
its publicity. This is not the judgment of a few
In the case of each individual there is a process
individuals, or even of a nation, but of a whole
going forward which is far more wonderful than that
world of human intelligences, of accountable beings.
which transfers the features to the polished plate of
It is to be held in the presence of other worlds,
the artist. The art of the photographer merely im-
that the love, the integrity, the service, of man for
prints the likeness on perishable substance; but in
while the redeemed cast their crowns at the at the bar of God on the charge of high treason
Saviours feet, exclaiming: He died for me! Great against the government of heaven. They have none to
Controversy, 666:3-667:2. plead their cause; they are without excuse; and the
sentence of eternal death is pronounced against
-7- them.Great Controversy, 668:2.
1 - Neros mother ruined the character of her
son. When he became emperor of Rome, in a At last, the wicked fully recognize the truth of
whim, he had her strangled to death. Papist priests the situation.
and prelates will also be there. 1 - Jesus speaks with majesty, saying, Behold,
Amid the ransomed throng are the apostles of ye sinners, the reward of the just! And behold,
Christ, the heroic Paul, the ardent Peter, the loved My redeemed, the reward of the wicked! The vast
and loving John, and their truehearted brethren, and multitude behold the glorious company on the walls
with them the vast host of martyrs; while outside of the City. And as they witness the splendor of their
the walls, with every vile and abominable thing, glittering crowns and see their faces radiant with
are those by whom they were persecuted, im- glory, reflecting the image of Jesus, and then behold
prisoned, and slain. There is Nero, that monster the unsurpassed glory and majesty of the King of
of cruelty and vice, beholding the joy and exaltation kings and Lord of lords, their courage fails. A
of those whom he once tortured, and in whose ex- sense of the treasure and glory which they have
tremist anguish he found satanic delight. His mother lost rushes upon them, and they realize that the
is there to witness the result of her own work; wages of sin is death. They see the holy, happy
to see how the evil stamp of character transmitted company whom they have despised, clothed with
to her son, the passions encouraged and developed glory, honor, immortality, and eternal life, while they
by her influence and example, have borne fruit in are outside the City with every mean and abominable
crimes that caused the world to shudder. thing.Early Writings, 294:0.
There are papist priests and prelates, who 2 - They cry out in despair.
claimed to be Christs ambassadors, yet employed It is now evident to all that the wages of sin
the rack, the dungeon, and the stake to control the is not noble independence and eternal life, but
consciences of His people. There are the proud slavery, ruin, and death. The wicked see what they
pontiffs who exalted themselves above God and pre- have forfeited by their life of rebellion. The far more
sumed to change the law of the Most High. Those exceeding and eternal weight of glory was despised
pretended fathers of the church have an account to when offered them; but how desirable it now appears.
render to God from which they would fain be ex- All this, cries the lost soul, I might have had;
cused. Too late they are made to see that the Omni- but I chose to put these things far from me. Oh,
scient One is jealous of His law and that He will in strange infatuation! I have exchanged peace, happi-
no wise clear the guilty. They learn now that Christ ness, and honor for wretchedness, infamy, and de-
identifies His interest with that of His suffering spair. All see that their exclusion from heaven is
people; and they feel the force of His own words: just. By their lives they have declared: We will not
Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of have this Man [Jesus] to reign over us. Great
these My brethren, ye have done it unto Me. Mat- Controversy, 668:3.
thew 25:40.Great Controversy, 667:3-668:1.
3 - All admit they were wrong and God and
2 - Napoleon will be there. His law have always been right.
There was the proud, ambitious Napoleon, As if entranced, the wicked have looked upon
whose approach had caused kingdoms to tremble. the coronation of the Son of God. They see in His
Early Writings, 293:1. hands the tables of the divine law, the statutes
which they have despised and transgressed. They
-8- witness the outburst of wonder, rapture, and adora-
THE SENTENCE OF ETERNAL DEATH tion from the saved; and as the wave of melody sweeps
IS PRONOUNCED AGAINST over the multitudes without the City, all with one
THE WICKED voice exclaim, Great and marvelous are Thy works,
Lord God Almighty; just and true are Thy ways, Thou
The sentence of eternal death is spoken. King of saints (Rev. 15:3); and, falling prostrate,
The whole wicked world stand arraigned they worship the Prince of life.Great Contro-
versy, 668:4-669:0.
- 11 -
Satan bows and confesses that throughout the
As the truth of the situation forces itself upon great controversy, God has been right, he himself
him, Satan seems unable to speak or move. wrong, and the sentence is just.
Satan seems paralyzed as he beholds the Satan sees that his voluntary rebellion has
glory and majesty of Christ. He who was once a unfitted him for heaven. He has trained his pow-
covering cherub remembers whence he has fallen. A ers to war against God; the purity, peace, and har-
shining seraph, son of the morning; how changed, mony of heaven would be to him supreme torture.
how degraded! From the council where once he was His accusations against the mercy and justice
honored, he is forever excluded. He sees another of God are now silenced. The reproach which he
now standing near to the Father, veiling His glory. has endeavored to cast upon Jehovah rests wholly
He has seen the crown placed upon the head of Christ upon himself. And now Satan bows down and
by an angel of lofty stature and majestic presence, confesses the justice of his sentence.Great Con-
and he knows that the exalted position of this angel troversy, 670:2.
might have been his.
Memory recalls the home of his innocence - 12 -
and purity, the peace and content that were his THE GREAT CONTROVERSY IS ENDED.
until he indulged in murmuring against God, THERE IS NO MORE REASON
and envy of Christ. His accusations, his rebellion, FOR SINNERS TO LIVE
his deceptions to gain the sympathy and support of The great controversy between Christ and
the angels, his stubborn persistence in making no Satan is now at an end; for all creatures every-
effort for self-recovery when God would have granted where know and acknowledge the eternal truths
him forgivenessall come vividly before him. He of Gods character and His law.
reviews his work among men and its results
the enmity of man toward his fellow man, the ter- Who shall not fear Thee, O Lord, and glorify
rible destruction of life, the rise and fall of kingdoms, Thy name? for Thou only art holy: for all nations
the overturning of thrones, the long succession of shall come and worship before Thee; for Thy judg-
tumults, conflicts, and revolutions. He recalls his ments are made manifest. Verse 4. Every question
constant efforts to oppose the work of Christ and to of truth and error in the long-standing contro-
sink man lower and lower. He sees that his hellish versy has now been made plain. The results of
plots have been powerless to destroy those who have rebellion, the fruits of setting aside the divine
put their trust in Jesus. As Satan looks upon his statutes, have been laid open to the view of all
kingdom, the fruit of his toil, he sees only fail- created intelligences. The working out of Satans
ure and ruin. He has led the multitudes to believe rule in contrast with the government of God has been
that the City of God would be an easy prey; but he presented to the whole universe. Satans own works
knows that this is false. Again and again, in the have condemned him. Gods wisdom, His justice,
progress of the great controversy, he has been de- and His goodness stand fully vindicated. It is seen
feated and compelled to yield. He knows too well the that all His dealings in the great controversy have
power and majesty of the Eternal. been conducted with respect to the eternal good
of His people and the good of all the worlds that
The aim of the great rebel has ever been to He has created. All Thy works shall praise Thee, O
justify himself and to prove the divine govern- Lord; and Thy saints shall bless Thee. Psalm
ment responsible for the rebellion. To this end 145:10. The history of sin will stand to all eter-
he has bent all the power of his giant intellect. He nity as a witness that with the existence of Gods
has worked deliberately and systematically, and with law is bound up the happiness of all the beings
marvelous success, leading vast multitudes to ac- He has created. With all the facts of the great con-
cept his version of the great controversy which has troversy in view, the whole universe, both loyal and
been so long in progress. For thousands of years rebellious, with one accord declare: Just and true
this chief of conspiracy has palmed off falsehood for are Thy ways, Thou King of saints.
truth. But the time has now come when the re-
bellion is to be finally defeated and the history Before the universe has been clearly presented
and character of Satan disclosed.Great Con- the great sacrifice made by the Father and the Son in
troversy, 669:1-670:0.
shall not die; their fire shall not be quenched as long clean universe. Early Writings, 295:1.
as there is the least particle for it to prey upon. 3 - They shall be as though they had not been.
Satan and his angels suffered long. Satan bore Satan and all who have joined him in rebel-
not only the weight and punishment of his own sins, lion will be cut off. Sin and sinners will perish,
but also of the sins of the redeemed host, which had root and branch (Malachi 4:1),Satan the root, and
been placed upon him; and he must also suffer for his followers the branches. The word will be fulfilled
the ruin of souls which he had caused. Then I saw to the prince of evil, Because thou hast set thine
that Satan and all the wicked host were con- heart as the heart of God . . I will destroy thee, O
sumed, and the justice of God was satisfied; and covering cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire
all the angelic host, and all the redeemed saints, with . . Thou shalt be a terror, and never shalt thou be
a loud voice said, Amen! Early Writings, 294:1- any more. Then the wicked shall not be: yea, thou
295:0. shalt diligently consider his place, and it shall not
2 - Some cease to exist instantly; others live be; they shall be as though they had not been.
longer. In every case, a just sentence will be car- Ezekiel 28:6-19; Psalm 37:10; Obadiah 16.De-
ried out. (The reason it is a just sentence is because sire of Ages, 763:4.
it is executed by Godnot by men, devils, or ran-
dom chance.) - 19 -
Some are destroyed as in a moment, while THE CITY OF GOD IS PROTECTED
others suffer many days. All are punished ac- DURING THE
cording to their deeds. The sins of the righteous PURIFYING WORLDWIDE FIRE
having been transferred to Satan, he is made to suf-
1 - The people of God and the holy City are
fer not only for his own rebellion, but for all the sins
protected while the fire destroys the wicked.
which he has caused Gods people to commit. His
punishment is to be far greater than that of those While the earth was wrapped in the fire of
whom he has deceived. After all have perished who destruction, the righteous abode safely in the
fell by his deceptions, he is still to live and suf- holy City. Upon those that had part in the first res-
fer on. In the cleansing flames the wicked are at last urrection, the second death has no power. While God
destroyed, root and branchSatan the root, his fol- is to the wicked a consuming fire, He is to His people
lowers the branches. The full penalty of the law both a sun and a shield. Revelation 20:6; Psalm
has been visited; the demands of justice have 84:11.
been met; and heaven and earth, beholding, de- I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the
clare the righteousness of Jehovah.Great Con- first heaven and the first earth were passed away.
troversy, 673:1. Revelation 21:1. The fire that consumes the wicked
purifies the earth. Every trace of the curse is swept
- 18 - away. No eternally burning hell will keep before the
SIN AND SINNERS ransomed the fearful consequences of sin.Great
ARE FOREVER GONE. Controversy, 673:3-674:1.
THE ENTIRE UNIVERSE IS AT REST 2 - Not a single sign of the curse was visible
throughout the earths surface.
1 - Satans work is forever ended.
I then looked and saw the fire which had con-
Satans work of ruin is forever ended. For
sumed the wicked, burning up the rubbish and pu-
six thousand years he has wrought his will, fill-
rifying the earth. Again I looked and saw the earth
ing the earth with woe and causing grief throughout
purified. There was not a single sign of the
the universe. The whole creation has groaned and
curse.Early Writings, 295:1.
travailed together in pain. Now Gods creatures are
forever delivered from his presence and temp- 3 - We are told that, after the destruction of
tations. The whole earth is at rest, and is quiet: the wicked, it is a new heaven and a new earth.
they [the righteous] break forth into singing. Isaiah Everything in the world is purified. It is a new
14:7. And a shout of praise and triumph ascends earth.
from the whole loyal universe.Great Controversy, But in what way is it surrounded by a new
673:2. heaven? The heavens are very much new; for Satan
2 - The universe is forever rid of evil people. can no longer pester the inhabitants of the other
worlds. Both heaven and earth have been liberated
Said the angel, Satan is the root, his children
from his bothersome presence! Thus we see that it
are the branches. They are now consumed root and
is a new heaven and a new earth.
branch. They have died an everlasting death. They
are never to have a resurrection, and God will have a
which man has no right to do . . [to] his fellow man. all in their power to compel men to transgress the
Noah would have displeased God to have drowned law which God has commanded all to obey.Manu-
one of the scoffers and mockers that harassed him, script 42, 1899, 1-3 (Kept in Trial, March 28,
but God drowned the vast world. Lot would have 1899).
had no right to inflict punishment on his sons-in- The Coming Conflict Will Be the Most Terrible
law, but God could do it in strict justice. Ever Seen, But Satan Will Be Defeated.We are
God Will Carry Out His Threat to Punish Sin- living amid the perils of the last days. The conflict
ners.Who will say God will not do what He says which is right upon us will be the most terrible ever
He will do? Let God be true and every man a liar. seen. But though Satan is represented as being as
Manuscript 5, 1876, 2-5 (The Days of Noah, cir. strong as the strong man armed, his overthrow will
1876). be complete, and everyone who unites with him in
Everyone Will Have Had a Full Opportunity. choosing apostasy rather than loyalty will perish with
God will never give up His rightful claim. He will him.Letter 28, 1900 (to Brother and Sister
never cease to command. However, you may be de- [W.W.] Prescott, February 17, 1900. See also
termined to refuse to obey, and, if you die following Maranatha 191).
your own will, refusing the will of God, He will even- As Plain as Noonday, the Impenitent See that
tually justify the reasonableness of your condemna- They Have Leagued with Fallen Angels.Fallen
tion before the assembled universe. Not one of the men and fallen angels are sure to join in a desperate
countless millions of the human family will stand companionship. He who fell because of apostasy
alone before God pleading that he had done all that works constantly against goodness and obedience.
he could to comply with the conditions of salvation He is leagued with those who refuse to keep Gods
revealed in His Word, and yet he is unsaved. Every- law. In the day of judgment, all this opens before the
one who fails to obtain the immortal life will be self- impenitent. Scene after scene passes before them.
condemned, with not an excuse to offer before As plainly as the light of the noonday sun, they see
God.Letter 6, 1877 (to Dear Niece Mary what they might have been, had they cooperated with
[Clough], November 3, 1877). God instead of opposing Him.
Everyone Should Live in Reference to the Day Fallen Angels, Endowed with Higher Intelli-
of Judgment.[In Rev. 20:11-15] is presented be- gence than Man, Will Realize What They Have
fore us the great and solemn day when the judgment Done.The picture cannot be changed. Their cases
is to sit and the books are to be opened, and the are forever decided. They must perish with the one
dead are to be judged according to the things that whose ways and works they followed. A flash will
are written in the books. I have questioned in my come to all lost souls. They will see clearly the mys-
mind, as I have seen the people in our cities hurry- tery of godliness, which during their lifetime they
ing to and from business, whether they ever thought despised and hated. And fallen angels, endowed with
of the day of God that is just before us. Every one of higher intelligence than men, will realize what they
us should be living with reference to the great day have done in using their powers to lead human be-
which is soon to come upon us.Manuscript 6a, ings to choose deception and falsehood. All who have
1886, 1-3, 7-12 (Prepare for the Judgment, a ser- united with the deceiver, all who have learned his
mon preached in Oreboro, Sweden, June 27, 1886. ways and practiced his deceptions, must perish with
See also 7 BC 941, 3 SM 354-355, UL 192). him.Manuscript 37, 1900, 1-4 (The Revelations
Gods Punishment of Persecutors Will Be Pro- of the Judgment, July 3, 1900).
portionate to the Pain They Have Caused.The Gods Government Will Be Vindicated on the
ruler of the universe bears long with the perversity Largest Possible Scale at the Final Judgment.
of men, but He keeps a record of their works, and in The final judgment is a most solemn, awful event.
proportion as they have caused pain to others, they This must take place before the universe. To the Lord
will themselves be punished. Jesus the Father has committed all judgment. He
Persecutors of Commandment keepers Will Be will declare the reward of loyalty to all who obey the
Punished in Proportion to the Pain They Have In- law of Jehovah. God will be honored and His govern-
flicted.God has said, Touch not mine anointed, ment vindicated and glorified, and that in the pres-
and do My prophets no harm (1 Chron. 16:22). Men ence of the inhabitants of the unfallen worlds. On
have borne false witness against Gods chosen ones. the largest possible scale will the government of God
They have bruised their limbs with fetters and burnt be vindicated and exalted. It is not the judgment of
them at the stake. The Lord will avenge His chil- one individual or of one nation, but of the whole
dren. As men have carried out the spirit and pur- world. Oh, what a change will then be made in the
poses of Satan in causing pain to human beings, so understanding of all created beings. Then all will
will they suffer. Thus will they perish who have done see the value of eternal life.
Our condemnation in the judgment will not result from the fact that
we have been in error, but from the fact that we have neglected
heaven-sent opportunities for learning what is truth . .The omnipotent
power of the Holy Spirit is the defense of every contrite soul. Not one
that in penitence and faith has claimed His protection will Christ permit
to pass under the enemys power. The Saviour is by the side of His
tempted and tried ones. Desire of Ages, 490:0, 5
This chapter is filled with heaven quotes from Gods entire universe was clean, and the great
the Spirit of Prophecy. It is a project the present controversy was forever ended. Wherever we looked,
compiler has wanted to do for many years. A child of everything upon which the eye rested was beautiful
God receives a lot of courage in reading about what and holy. And all the redeemed host, old and young,
his heavenly home will be like! great and small, cast their glittering crowns at the
The first part of this chapter consists of some of feet of their Redeemer, and prostrated themselves in
the statements about heaven from the books, Great adoration before Him, and worshiped Him that liveth
Controversy and Early Writings. It is given immedi- forever and ever. The beautiful new earth, with all
ately below. its glory, was the eternal inheritance of the saints.
The kingdom and dominion, and the greatness of
The second part is filled with quotations on this
the kingdom under the whole heaven, was then given
same topic (heaven and the new earth, plus the im-
to the saints of the Most High, who were to possess
portance of striving to be there) from those and other
it forever, even forever and ever.Early Writings,
published Spirit of Prophecy books. We will intro-
duce the contents of that part when we come to it.
Throughout this entire chapter, we will add no em-
phasis to the Spirit of Prophecy statements.
Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have
PART ONE entered into the heart of man, the things which God
QUOTATIONS FROM hath prepared for them that love Him. 1 Corinthians
EARLY WRITINGS AND 2:9. Human language is inadequate to describe the
GREAT CONTROVERSY reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those
who behold it. No finite mind can comprehend the
glory of the Paradise of God.Great Controversy,
The time has come to which holy men have
looked with longing since the flaming sword barred In the Bible the inheritance of the saved is called
the first pair from Eden, the time for the redemp- a country. Hebrews 11:14-16. There the heavenly
tion of the purchased possession (Eph. 1:14). The Shepherd leads His flock to fountains of living wa-
earth originally given to man as his kingdom, be- ters. The tree of life yields its fruit every month, and
trayed by him into the hands of Satan, and so long the leaves of the tree are for the service of the na-
held by the mighty foe, has been brought back by the tions. There are ever-flowing streams, clear as crys-
great plan of redemption. All that was lost by sin tal, and beside them waving trees cast their shad-
has been restored. Thus saith the Lord . . that formed ows upon the paths prepared for the ransomed of
the earth and made it; He hath established it, He the Lord. There the wide-spreading plains swell into
created it not in vain, He formed it to be inhabited. hills of beauty, and the mountains of God rear their
Isaiah 45:18. Gods original purpose in the creation lofty summits. On those peaceful plains, beside those
of the earth is fulfilled as it is made the eternal abode living streams, Gods people, so long pilgrims and
of the redeemed. The righteous shall inherit the land, wanderers, shall find a home.
and dwell therein forever. Psalm 37:29.Great Con- My people shall dwell in a peaceable habita-
troversy, 674:3. tion, and in sure dwellings, and in quiet resting
places. Great Controversy, 675:1-2. tions of them which are saved shall walk in the light
of it: and the kings of the earth do bring their glory
-4- and honor into it. Saith the Lord: I will rejoice in
THERE WILL BE NO MORE Jerusalem, and joy in My people. The tabernacle of
PAIN, SORROW, OR DEATH God is with men, and He will dwell with them, and
they shall be His people, and God Himself shall be
Pain cannot exist in the atmosphere of heaven.
with them, and be their God. Isaiah 62:3; Revela-
There will be no more tears, no funeral trains, no
tion 21:11, 24; Isaiah 65:19; Revelation 21:3.
badges of mourning. There shall be no more death,
neither sorrow, nor crying . . for the former things In the City of God there shall be no night. None
are passed away. The inhabitant shall not say, I am will need or desire repose. There will be no weari-
sick. Great Controversy, 676:1. ness in doing the will of God and offering praise to
His name. We shall ever feel the freshness of the morn-
-5- ing and shall ever be far from its close. And they
A VIEW OF THE NEW JERUSALEM need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord
God giveth them light. Revelation 22:5. The light of
With Jesus at our head we all descended from the sun will be superseded by a radiance which is
the City down to this earth, on a great and mighty not painfully dazzling, yet which immeasurably sur-
mountain, which could not bear Jesus up, and it passes the brightness of our noontide. The glory of
parted asunder, and there was a mighty plain. Then God and the Lamb floods the holy City with unfading
we looked up and saw the great City, with twelve light. The redeemed walk in the sunless glory of per-
foundations and twelve gates, three on each side, petual day.Great Controversy, 676:2-3.
and an angel at each gate. We all cried out, The City,
the great City, its coming, its coming down from -6-
God out of heaven! And it came and settled on the THE REDEEMED WILL COME
place where we stood. Then we began to look at the INTO HIS PRESENCE
glorious things outside of the City. There I saw most
glorious houses, that had the appearance of silver, The people of God are privileged to hold open
supported by four pillars set with pearls most glori- communion with the Father and the Son. Now we
ous to behold. These were to be inhabited by the see through a glass, darkly. 1 Corinthians 13:12.
saints. In each was a golden shelf. I saw many of the We behold the image of God reflected, as in a mirror,
saints go into the houses, take off their glittering in the works of nature and in His dealings with men;
crowns and lay them on the shelf, then go out into but then we shall see Him face to face, without a
the field by the houses to do something with the earth; dimming veil between. We shall stand in His pres-
not as we have to do with the earth here; no, no. A ence and behold the glory of His countenance.
glorious light shone all about their heads, and they Great Controversy, 676:4-677:0.
were continually shouting and offering praises to God.
I saw another field full of all kinds of flowers,
and as I plucked them, I cried out, They will never
fade! Next I saw a field of tall grass, most glorious RESTORED TO THE TREE OF LIFE
to behold; it was living green and had a reflection of
silver and gold as it waved proudly to the glory of Restored to the tree of life in the long-lost Eden,
King Jesus. Then we entered a field full of all kinds the redeemed will grow up (Malachi 4:2) to the full
of beaststhe lion, the lamb, the leopard, and the stature of a race in its primeval glory. The last lin-
wolf, all together in perfect union. We passed through gering traces of the curse of sin will be removed, and
the midst of them, and they followed on peaceably Christs faithful ones will appear in the beauty of
after. the Lord our God, in mind and soul and body re-
Then we entered a wood, not like the dark woods flecting the perfect image of their Lord. Oh, wonder-
we have here; no, no; but light, and all over glorious; ful redemption! long talked of, long hoped for, con-
the branches of the trees moved to and fro, and we templated with eager anticipation, but never fully un-
all cried out, We will dwell safely in the wilderness derstood.Great Controversy, 645:0.
and sleep in the woods. Early Writings, 17:3-
18:1. -8-
There is the New Jerusalem, the metropolis of THEIR KNOWLEDGE OF GOD
the glorified new earth, a crown of glory in the hand
of the Lord, and a royal diadem in the hand of thy
God. Her light was like unto a stone most precious, There the redeemed shall know, even as also
even like a jasper stone, clear as crystal. The na- they are known. The loves and sympathies which
God Himself has planted in the soul shall there find of Christ. As knowledge is progressive, so will love,
truest and sweetest exercise. The pure communion reverence, and happiness increase. The more men
with holy beings, the harmonious social life with the learn of God, the greater will be their admiration of
blessed angels and with the faithful ones of all ages His character. As Jesus opens before them the riches
who have washed their robes and made them white of redemption and the amazing achievements in the
in the blood of the Lamb, the sacred ties that bind great controversy with Satan, the hearts of the ran-
together the whole family in heaven and earth (Eph. somed thrill with more fervent devotion, and with
3:15)these help to constitute the happiness of the more rapturous joy they sweep the harps of gold;
redeemed. and ten thousand times ten thousand and thousands
There, immortal minds will contemplate with of thousands of voices unite to swell the mighty cho-
never-failing delight the wonders of creative power, rus of praise.Great Controversy, 678:1.
the mysteries of redeeming love. There will be no
cruel, deceiving foe to tempt to forgetfulness of God. - 12 -
Every faculty will be developed, every capacity in- EVERYONE AND EVERYTHING,
creased. The acquirement of knowledge will not EVERYWHERE, WILL FOREVER
weary the mind or exhaust the energies. There the DECLARE THAT GOD IS LOVE
grandest enterprises may be carried forward, the And every creature which is in heaven, and on
loftiest aspirations reached, the highest ambitions the earth, and under the earth, and such as are in
realized; and still there will arise new heights to sur- the sea, and all that are in them, heard I saying,
mount, new wonders to admire, new truths to com- Blessing, and honor, and glory, and power, be unto
prehend, fresh objects to call forth the powers of Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb
mind and soul and body.Great Controversy, for ever and ever (Rev. 5:13).
677:1-2. The great controversy is ended. Sin and sin-
ners are no more. The entire universe is clean. One
-9- pulse of harmony and gladness beats through the
THE REDEEMED WILL TRAVEL vast creation. From Him who created all, flow life
THROUGHOUT THE UNIVERSE and light and gladness, throughout the realms of
All the treasures of the universe will be open to illimitable space. From the minutest atom to the
the study of Gods redeemed. Unfettered by mortal- greatest world, all things, animate and inanimate,
ity, they wing their tireless flight to worlds afar in their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare
worlds that thrilled with sorrow at the spectacle of that God is love.Great Controversy, 678:2-3.
human woe and rang with songs of gladness at the
tidings of a ransomed soul. With unutterable delight
the children of earth enter into the joy and the wis- PART TWO
dom of unfallen beings. They share the treasures of
knowledge and understanding gained through ages
upon ages in contemplation of Gods handiwork.
Great Controversy, 677:3.
- 10 -
This is the second portion of heaven quotes
THEIR PRIMARY STUDY WILL BE from the Spirit of Prophecy. The first part, which
you have just read, consisted of statements about
heaven from the books, Great Controversy and Early
With undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory Writings. The second part, below, is filled with quo-
of creationsuns and stars and systems, all in their tations on this same topic (heaven, the new earth,
appointed order circling the throne of Deity. Upon plus the importance of striving to be there) from the
all things, from the least to the greatest, the Creators other published Spirit of Prophecy books.
name is written, and in all are the riches of His power
Here are the sources and arrangement of this
displayed.Great Controversy, 677:3-678:0.
second part:
- 11 - Omitting Early Writings and Great Controversy,
THE LONGER THEY LIVE the back pages of sixteen Spirit of Prophecy books
THE MORE THEY WILL KNOW, LOVE, contain originally written or compiled collections of
AND PRAISE HIM statements on heaven. Those sixteen collections are
And the years of eternity, as they roll, will bring probably brought together here for the first time. As
richer and still more glorious revelations of God and you might expect, there were many duplicate state-
ments in those books. Most of them have been re-
moved. The result is a treasure chest of nearly every 13 - Faith I Live By, 359:1-370:4
Spirit of Prophecy statement about heaven and the 14 - Reflecting Christ, 378:1-8
new earth. Also included below is every Bible quota-
15 - Amazing Grace, 360:1-367:1
tion about heaven, in those sixteen book sections.
Once again, duplicate Bible quotations were dis- 16 - Maranatha, 316:5-672:5
carded. Soon the events of time will have been swallowed
After careful consideration, it was decided to leave up by the peace and bliss of eternity. It is comforting
the quoted sections from the sixteen books intact. to read about what eternity can bring to each one of
This makes for a more colorful and varied presenta- us. It is a home God wants to give you.
tion of material. Some of the statements speak about How important it is that each one of us remains
preparing for heaven; and others describe what it close to our Father to the end! Because of the won-
will be like to be there. The paragraph headings and derful grace of Jesus Christ, as Gods faithful, obe-
subheads, which were in the books the quotations dient child, it is your privilege to read about your
were taken from, have also been included. However, future. Here it is:
in each of the sixteen collections of compiled mate-
rial, we have included the original source reference 1 - EDUCATION
for each separate quotation. In this way, you can al-
ways know when a quotation begins and ends. (An
example of this would be the quotations on heaven They shall see His face; and His name shall be
taken from 7 Bible Commentary. An introductory in their foreheads (Rev. 22:4).
subhead explains that they were all taken from cer- There, when the veil that darkens our vision
tain pages in that book. But original references are shall be removed, and our eyes shall behold that
then given at the end of each quotation, so you can world of beauty of which we now catch glimpses
identify them as separate quotations.) through the microscope; when we look on the glories
Throughout the quotations in this chapter, about of the heavens, now scanned afar through the tele-
your eternal home, none of the quoted material from scope; when, the blight of sin removed, the whole
the Spirit of Prophecy is placed in italics. earth shall appear in the beauty of the Lord our God,
But some of the paragraphs, consisting totally what a field will be open to our study! There the
of Bible quotations, are in italics. This was done to student of science may read the records of creation,
highlight the fact that those are Bible quotations and discern no reminders of the law of evil. He may
added by E.G. White Estate compilers at the top of listen to the music of natures voices, and detect no
Morning Watch book pages. (In some instances, the note of wailing or undertone of sorrow. In all created
only thing included from a given Morning Watch page things he may trace one handwritingin the vast
was the Bible quotation; everything else on that page universe behold Gods name writ large, and not in
had been omitted since it duplicated what had been earth or sea or sky one sign of ill remaining.Edu-
quoted elsewhere in this chapter.) cation, 303:3-4.
Divided into two major headings (non-compiled They shall not hurt nor destroy in all My holy
books and compiled books), here are these sixteen mountain, saith the Lord (Isa. 65:25).
sections: There man will be restored to his lost kingship,
Non-compiled books: and the lower order of beings will again recognize
his sway; the fierce will become gentle, and the timid
1 - Education, 303:3-309:3 trustful.
2 - Acts of the Apostles, 601:1-602:3 There will be open, to the student, history of
3 - Steps to Christ, 125:1-126:2 infinite scope and of wealth inexpressible. Here, from
4 - Christs Object Lessons, 421:1-2 the vantage ground of Gods Word, the student is
afforded a view of the vast field of history and may
Compiled books:
gain some knowledge of the principles that govern
5 - Child Guidance, 560:1-569:2 the course of human events. But his vision is still
6 - Adventist Home, 533:1-550:1 clouded, and his knowledge incomplete. Not until he
stands in the light of eternity will he see all things
7 - Christian Service, 266:1-275:1
clearly . .
8 - Counsels on Stewardship, 348:1-350:1-2
The veil that interposes between the visible and
9 - Publishing Ministry, 402:7-404:1 the invisible world will be drawn aside, and wonder-
10 - Gospel Workers, 512:1-518:1 ful things will be revealed.
11 - 7 Bible Commentary, 988/1:1-990/1:2-2:0 Not until the providences of God are seen in the
12 - My Life Today, 347:1, 3-365:7
light of eternity shall we understand what we owe to They are content here to know that they have set in
the care and interposition of His angels. Celestial motion agencies for good. In the hereafter, the action
beings have taken an active part in the affairs of men. and reaction of all these will be seen.
They have appeared in garments that shone as the Of every gift that God has bestowed, leading men
lightning; they have come as men, in the garb of way- to unselfish effort, a record is kept in heaven. To
farers. They have accepted the hospitalities of hu- trace this in its wide-spreading lines, to look upon
man homes; they have acted as guides to benighted those who by our efforts have been uplifted and en-
travelers . . nobled, to behold in their history the outworking of
Though the rulers of this world know it not, yet true principlesthis will be one of the studies and
often in their councils angels have been spokesmen. rewards of the heavenly school . .
Human eyes have looked upon them. Human ears There will be music there, and song, such mu-
have listened to their appeals. In the council hall sic and song as, save in the visions of God, no mor-
and the court of justice, heavenly messengers have tal ear has heard or mind conceived.
pleaded the cause of the persecuted and oppressed.
As well the singers as the players on instru-
They have defeated purposes and arrested evils that
ments shall be there (Ps. 87:7).
would have brought wrong and suffering to Gods
children. To the students in the heavenly school, all They shall lift up their voice, they shall sing
this will be unfolded. for the majesty of the Lord (Isa. 24:14).
Every redeemed one will understand the minis- For the Lord shall comfort Zion: He will com-
try of angels in his own life. The angel who was his fort all her waste places; and He will make her wil-
guardian from his earliest moment; the angel who derness like Eden, and her desert like the garden of
watched his steps, and covered his head in the day the Lord; joy and gladness shall be found therein,
of peril; the angel who was with him in the valley of thanksgiving, and the voice of melody (Isa. 51:3).
the shadow of death, who marked his resting place, The Son of man came not to be ministered
who was the first to greet him in the resurrection unto, but to minister (Matt. 20:28).
morningwhat will it be to hold converse with him, Christs work below is His work above, and our
and to learn the history of divine interposition in the reward for working with Him in this world will be
individual life, of heavenly co-operation in every work the greater power and wider privilege of working with
for humanity! Him in the world to come.
All the perplexities of lifes experience will then Ye are My witnesses, saith the Lord, that I am
be made plain. Where to us have appeared only con- God (Isa. 43:12).
fusion and disappointment, broken purposes and
This also we shall be in eternity.
thwarted plans, will be seen a grand, overruling, vic-
torious purpose, a divine harmony. For what was the great controversy permitted
to continue throughout the ages? Why was it that
There all who have wrought with unselfish spirit
Satans existence was not cut short at the outset of
will behold the fruit of their labors. The outworking
his rebellion?It was that the universe might be con-
of every right principle and noble deed will be seen.
vinced of Gods justice in His dealing with evil; that
Something of this we see here. But how little of the
sin might receive eternal condemnation. In the plan
result of the worlds noblest work is in this life mani-
of redemption there are heights and depths that eter-
fest to the doer! How many toil unselfishly and
nity itself can never exhaust, marvels into which the
unweariedly for those who pass beyond their reach
angels desire to look. The redeemed only, of all cre-
and knowledge! Parents and teachers lie down in their
ated beings, have in their own experience known the
last sleep, their lifework seeming to have been
actual conflict with sin; they have wrought with
wrought in vain; they know not that their faithful-
Christ, and, as even the angels could not do, have
ness has unsealed springs of blessing that can never
entered into the fellowship of His sufferings. Will
cease to flow; only by faith they see the children they
they have no testimony as to the science of redemp-
have trained become a benediction and an inspira-
tionnothing that will be of worth to unfallen be-
tion to their fellow men, and the influence repeat
ings? . .
itself a thousandfold. Many a worker sends out into
the world messages of strength and hope and cour- In His temple doth everyone speak of His glory
age, words that carry blessing to hearts in every land; (Ps. 29:9), and the song which the ransomed ones
but of the results he, toiling in loneliness and ob- will singthe song of their experiencewill declare
scurity, knows little. So gifts are bestowed, burdens the glory of God: Great and marvelous are Thy works,
are borne, labor is done. Men sow the seed from O Lord God, the Almighty; just and true are thy ways,
which, above their graves, others reap blessed har- thou King of the ages. Who shall not fear Thee, O
vests. They plant trees, that others may eat the fruit. Lord, and glorify Thy name? for Thou only art holy
(Rev. 15:3-4).
Then, in the results of His work, Christ will midst of the throne shall feed them, and shall lead
behold its recompense. In that great multitude which them unto living fountains of waters: and God shall
no man could number, presented faultless before wipe away all tears from their eyes. And there shall
the presence of His glory with exceeding joy [Jude be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, nei-
24], He whose blood has redeemed and whose life ther shall there be any more pain: for the former
has taught us, shall see of the travail of His soul, things are passed away. Revelation 7:14-17; 21:4.
and shall be satisfied (Isa 53:11).Education, Acts of the Apostles, 601:1-602:3.
2 - ACTS OF THE APOSTLES 125:1-126:2
601:1-602: 3
But even here Christians may have the joy of
If the church will put on the robe of Christs communion with Christ; they may have the light of
righteousness, withdrawing from all allegiance with His love, the perpetual comfort of His presence. Ev-
the world, there is before her the dawn of a bright ery step in life may bring us closer to Jesus, may
and glorious day. Gods promise to her will stand give us a deeper experience of His love, and may bring
fast forever. He will make her an eternal excellency, a us one step nearer to the blessed home of peace.
joy of many generations. Truth, passing by those who Then let us not cast away our confidence, but have
despise and reject it, will triumph. Although at times firm assurance, firmer than ever before. Hitherto
apparently retarded, its progress has never been hath the Lord helped us, and He will help us to the
checked. When the message of God meets with op- end. 1 Samuel 7:12. Let us look to the monumental
position, He gives it additional force, that it may ex- pillars, reminders of what the Lord has done to com-
ert greater influence. Endowed with divine energy, it fort us and to save us from the hand of the destroyer.
will cut its way through the strongest barriers and Let us keep fresh in our memory all the tender mer-
triumph over every obstacle. cies that God has shown us, the tears He has wiped
What sustained the Son of God during His life away, the pains He has soothed, the anxieties re-
of toil and sacrifice? He saw the results of the travail moved, the fears dispelled, the wants supplied, the
of His soul and was satisfied. Looking into eternity, blessings bestowed, thus strengthening ourselves for
He beheld the happiness of those who through His all that is before us through the remainder of our
humiliation had received pardon and everlasting life. pilgrimage.
His ear caught the shout of the redeemed. He heard We cannot but look forward to new perplexities
the ransomed ones singing the song of Moses and in the coming conflict, but we may look on what is
the Lamb. past as well as on what is to come, and say, Hith-
We may have a vision of the future, the blessed- erto hath the Lord helped us. As thy days, so shall
ness of heaven. In the Bible are revealed visions of thy strength be. Deuteronomy 33:25. The trial will
the future glory, scenes pictured by the hand of God, not exceed the strength that shall be given us to bear
and these are dear to His church. By faith we may it. Then let us take up our work just where we find
stand on the threshold of the eternal City, and hear it, believing that whatever may come, strength pro-
the gracious welcome given to those who in this life portionate to the trial will be given . .
co-operate with Christ, regarding it as an honor to In view of the glorious inheritance that may be
suffer for His sake. As the words are spoken, Come, his, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
ye blessed of My Father, they cast their crowns at Matthew 16:26. He may be poor, yet he possesses in
the feet of the Redeemer, exclaiming, Worthy is the himself a wealth and dignity that the world could
Lamb that was slain to receive power, and riches, never bestow. The soul redeemed and cleansed from
and wisdom, and strength, and honor, and glory, sin, with all its noble powers dedicated to the ser-
and blessing . . Honor, and glory, and power, be unto vice of God, is of surpassing worth; and there is joy
Him that sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb in heaven in the presence of God and the holy angels
forever and ever. Matthew 25:34; Revelation 5:12- over one soul redeemed, a joy that is expressed in
13 . . songs of holy triumph.Steps to Christ, 125:1-
These are they which came out of great tribu- 126:2.
lation, and have washed their robes, and made them
white in the blood of the Lamb. Therefore are they 4 - CHRISTS OBJECT LESSONS
before the throne of God, and serve Him day and 421:1-2
night in His temple: and He that sitteth on the throne
shall dwell among them. They shall hunger no more, With uplifted heads, with the bright beams of
neither thirst any more; neither shall the sun light the Sun of Righteousness shining upon them, with
on them, nor any heat. For the Lamb which is in the rejoicing that their redemption draweth nigh, they
go forth to meet the Bridegroom, saying, Lo, this is sibilities must meet that neglect in the judgment.
our God; we have waited for Him, and He will save The Lord will then inquire, Where are the children
us (Isaiah 25:9). that I gave you to train for Me? Why are they not at
And I heard as it were the voice of a great mul- My right hand? Many parents will then see that un-
titude, and as the voice of many waters, and as the wise love blinded their eyes to their childrens faults
voice of mighty thunderings, saying, Alleluia; for the and left those children to develop deformed charac-
Lord God omnipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and ters unfit for heaven. Others will see that they did
rejoice, and give honour to Him; for the marriage of not give their children time and attention, love and
the Lamb is come, and His wife hath made herself tenderness; their own neglect of duty made the chil-
ready (Rev. 19:6-7).Christs Object Lessons, dren what they are.Child Guidance, 561:1 (4T
421:1-2. 424:1).
Parents, if you lose your opportunity, God pity
5 - CHILD GUIDANCE you; for in the day of judgment God will say, What
560:1-569:2 have you done with My flock, My beautiful flock?
Suppose you should get to heaven and none of
A Graphic Scene of the Judgment Day. I
your children be there. How could you say to God,
had a dream once in which I saw a large company
Here am I, Lord, and the children which Thou hast
gathered together; and suddenly the heavens gath-
given me? Heaven marks the neglect of parents. It is
ered blackness, the thunder rolled, the lightning
recorded in the books of heaven.Child Guidance
flashed, and a voice louder than the heaviest peals of
561:2-3 (Manuscript 62, 1901).
thunder sounded through the heavens and the earth,
saying, It is done. Part of the company, with pallid Families Will Pass in Review before God.
faces, sprang forward with a wail of agony, crying When parents and children meet at the final reck-
out, Oh, I am not ready. The question was asked, oning, what a scene will be presented! Thousands of
Why are you not ready? Why have you not improved children who have been slaves to appetite and de-
the opportunities I graciously gave you? I awoke with basing vice, whose lives are moral wrecks, will stand
the crying ringing in my ears. I am not ready; I am face to face with the parents who made them what
unsavedlost! lost! eternally lost! they are. Who but the parents must bear this fearful
responsibility? Did the Lord make these youth cor-
In view of the solemn responsibilities that rest
rupt? Oh, no! He made them in His image, a little
upon us, let us contemplate the future, that we may
lower than the angels. Who, then, has done the fear-
understand what we must do in order to meet it. In
ful work of forming the life character? Who changed
that day shall we be confronted with neglect and con-
their characters so that they do not bear the im-
tempt of God and His mercy, with rejection of His
press of God and must be forever separated from
truth and love? In the solemn assembly of the last
His presence as too impure to have any place with
day, in the hearing of the universe, will be read the
the pure angels in a holy heaven? Were the sins of
reason of the condemnation of the sinner. For the
the parents transmitted to the children in perverted
first time parents will learn what has been the se-
appetites and passions? And was the work completed
cret life of their children. Children will see how many
by the pleasure-loving mother in neglecting to prop-
wrongs they have committed against their parents.
erly train them according to the pattern given her?
There will be a general revealing of the secrets and
All these mothers will pass in review before God just
motives of the heart, for that which is hid will be
as surely as they exist.Child Guidance, 561:4-
made manifest. Those who have made sport of sol-
562:0 (3T 568:2-569:0).
emn things connected with the judgment will be so-
bered as they face its terrible reality. In Heaven Is a Pictorial Record.Let parents
and children remember that day by day they are each
Those who have despised the Word of God will
forming a character, and that the features of this
then face the Author of the inspired oracles. We can-
character are imprinted upon the books of heaven.
not afford to live with no reference to the day of judg-
God is taking pictures of His people, just as surely
ment; for though long delayed, it is now near, even at
as an artist takes pictures of men and women, trans-
the door, and hasteth greatly. The trumpet of the
ferring the features of the face to the polished plate.
Archangel will soon startle the living and wake the
What kind of picture do you wish to produce? Par-
dead. At that day the wicked will be separated from
ents, answer the question! What kind of picture will
the just, as the shepherd divides the goats from the
the great Master Artist make of you in the records of
sheep.Child Guidance, 560:1-561:0 (Youths In-
heaven? . . We must decide this now. Here after, when
structor, July 21, 1892).
death shall come, there will be no time to straighten
When God Asks, Where Are the Children? the crooked places in the character.
Parents who have neglected their God-given respon-
To us individually this should be a most im-
portant matter. Every day our likeness is being taken Gods people of old, to bring their children with them
for time and for eternity. Let each one say, I am hav- to the Promised Land.Child Guidance, 565:1
ing my likeness taken today. Ask yourself daily, (Signs, November 24, 1881).
hourly, How will my words sound to the heavenly You want a household for God; you want your
angels? Are they as apples of gold in pictures of sil- family for God. You want to take them up to the gates
ver, or are they like a blasting hail, wounding and of the City and say, Here am I, Lord, and the chil-
bruising? . . dren that Thou hast given me. They may be men
Not only our words and actions, but our thoughts, and women that have grown to manhood and wom-
make up the picture of what we are. Then let every anhood, but they are your children all the same; and
soul be good and do good. Let the picture made of your educating, and your watchfulness over them
you be one of which you will not be ashamed. Every have been blessed of God, till they stand as over-
feeling we cherish makes its impress upon the coun- comers. Now you can say, Here am I, Lord, and the
tenance. God help us to make our record in our fami- children. Child Guidance, 565:2 (Manuscript
lies what we would wish it to be in the heavenly 49, 1894).
record.Child Guidance, 562:1-563:1 (Letter 78, Broken Family Chains Will Be Relinked.
1901). Jesus is coming, coming with clouds and great glory.
If mothers neglect to properly educate their chil- A multitude of shining angels will attend Him. He
dren, their neglect is reflected back upon them again, will come to honor those who have loved Him and
making their burdens and perplexities harder than kept His commandments, and to take them to Him-
they would have been if they had devoted time and self. He has not forgotten them or His promise. There
patient care in training their children to obedience will be a relinking of the family chain.Child Guid-
and submission. It will pay in the end for mothers ance, 565:3 (Review, November 22, 1906).
to make the formation of the characters of their chil- Comfort for a Bereaved Mother.You inquire
dren their first and highest consideration, that the in regard to your little one being saved. Christs
thorns may not take root and yield an abundant words are your answer: Suffer little children to come
harvest.Child Guidance, 563:3 (Signs, August 5, unto Me, and forbid them not; for of such is the
1875). kingdom of God. Remember the prophecy, Thus
Children Will Condemn Unfaithful Parents. saith the Lord: A voice was heard in Ramah, lamen-
The curse of God will surely rest upon unfaithful tation, and bitter weeping; Rachel weeping for her
parents. Not only are they planting thorns which will children refused to be comforted . . Thus saith the
wound them here, but they must meet their own un- Lord: Refrain thy voice from weeping and thine eyes
faithfulness when the judgment shall sit. Many chil- from tears; for thy work shall be rewarded, saith
dren will rise up in judgment and condemn their the Lord; and they shall come again from the land of
parents for not restraining them and charge upon the enemy. And there is hope in thine end, saith the
them their destruction. The false sympathy and blind Lord, that thy children shall come again to thine own
love of parents cause them to excuse the faults of border.
their children and pass them by without correction, This promise is yours. You may be comforted
and their children are lost in consequence, and the and trust in the Lord. The Lord has often instructed
blood of their souls will rest upon the unfaithful me that many little ones are to be laid away before
parents.Child Guidance, 563:4-564:0 (1T 219:1). the time of trouble. We shall see our children again.
Children Will Pay Tribute to Faithful Parents. We shall meet them and know them in the heavenly
When the judgment shall sit, and the books shall courts. Put your trust in the Lord, and be not
be opened; when the well done of the great Judge is afraid.Child Guidance, 565:4-566:0 (Letter 196,
pronounced, and the crown of immortal glory is 1899).
placed upon the brow of the victor, many will raise The Day Long Hoped For.From the day when
their crowns in sight of the assembled universe and, the first pair turned their sorrowing steps from Eden,
pointing to their mother, say, She made me all I am the children of faith have waited the coming of the
through the grace of God. Her instruction, her Promised One to break the destroyers power and
prayers, have been blessed to my eternal salvation. bring them again to the lost Paradise.Child Guid-
Child Guidance, 564:1 (MYP 330:1). ance, 566:4-567:0 (GC 299:1).
Parents May Bring Children with Them to the Heaven will be cheap enough if we obtain it
Promised Land.God has permitted light from His through suffering . . As I saw what we must be in
throne to shine all along the path of life. A pillar of order to inherit glory, and then saw how much Jesus
cloud by day, a pillar of fire by night, is moving be- had suffered to obtain for us so rich an inheritance,
fore us as before ancient Israel. It is the privilege of I prayed that we might be baptized into Christs suf-
Christian parents today, as it was the privilege of ferings, that we might not shrink at trials, but bear
them with patience and joy, knowing what Jesus had ers. You have no part with Me. Depart; depart.
suffered that we through His poverty and sufferings Another class stand pale and trembling, trust-
might be made rich.Child Guidance, 567:1 (EW, ing in Christ, and yet oppressed with a sense of their
67:1-2). own unworthiness. They hear with tears of joy and
Heaven Is Worth Everything!Heaven is gratitude the Masters commendation. The days of
worth everything to us. We must not run any risk in incessant toil, of burden bearing, and of fear and
this matter. We must take no venture here. We must anguish are forgotten as that Voice, sweeter than the
know that our steps are ordered by the Lord. May music of angel harps, pronounces the words, Well
God help us in the great work of overcoming. He has done, good and faithful servant, enter ye into the joy
crowns for those that overcome. He has white robes of your Lord. There stand the host of the redeemed,
for the righteous. He has an eternal world of glory the palm branch of victory in their hand, the crown
for those who seek for glory, honor, and immortality. upon their head. These are the ones who by faithful,
Everyone who enters the City of God will enter it as a earnest labor have obtained a fitness for heaven. The
conqueror. He will not enter it as a condemned crimi- lifework performed on earth is acknowledged in the
nal, but as a son of God. And the welcome given to heavenly courts as a work well done.
everyone who enters there will be, Come, ye blessed With joy unutterable, parents see the crown,
of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you the robe, the harp, given to their children. The days
from the foundation of the world. Matthew 25:34. of hope and fear are ended. The seed sown with tears
Child Guidance, 567:2 (Christian Temperance and and prayers may have seemed to be sown in vain,
Bible Hygiene, 149:1). but their harvest is reaped with joy at last. Their
Partakers of Christs Joy.We see a retinue of children have been redeemed. Fathers, mothers, shall
angels on either side of the gate; and as we pass in, the voices of your children swell the song of gladness
Jesus speaks, Come, ye blessed of My Father, in- in that day?Child Guidance, 568:4-569:2 (Signs,
herit the kingdom that is prepared for you from the July 1, 1886).
foundation of the world. Here He tells you to be a
partaker of His joy, and what is that? It is the joy of 6 - ADVENTIST HOME
seeing of the travail of your soul, fathers. It is the joy 533:1-550:1
of seeing that your efforts, mothers, are rewarded.
Here are your children; the crown of life is upon their A Rich Reward Awaits Faithful Parents.If
heads, and the angels of God immortalize the names parents give their children the proper education, they
of the mothers whose efforts have won their chil- themselves will be made happy by seeing the fruit of
dren to Jesus Christ.Child Guidance, 567:3- their careful training in the Christlike character of
568:0 (Manuscript 12, 1895). their children. They are doing God the highest ser-
vice by presenting to the world well-ordered, well-
These visions of future glory, scenes pictured
disciplined, families, who not only fear the Lord, but
by the hand of God, should be dear to His children
honor and glorify Him by their influence upon other
families; and they will receive their reward.
We need to keep ever before us this vision of Adventist Home, 533:1 (Review, November 17,
things unseen. It is thus that we shall be able to set 1896).
a right value on the things of eternity and the things
Believing parents, you have a responsible work
of time. It is this that will give us power to influence
before you to guide the footsteps of your children,
others for the higher life.Child Guidance, 568:2-
even in their religious experience. When they truly
3 (Ministry of Healing, 506:1, 508:1).
love God, they will bless and reverence you for the
Will God Say, Well Done?When you stand care which you have manifested for them, and for
before the great white throne, then your work will your faithfulness in restraining their desires and
appear as it is. The books are opened, the record of subduing their wills.Adventist Home, 533:2 (1T
every life made known. Many in that vast company 403:0).
are unprepared for the revelations made. Upon the
There is a reward when the seed of truth is early
ears of some the words will fall with startling dis-
sown in the heart and carefully tended.Adventist
tinctness, Weighed in the balance, and found want-
Home, 533:3 (CT 144:0).
ing. To many parents the Judge will say in that day,
You had My Word, plainly setting forth your duty. Parents should labor with reference to the fu-
Why have you not obeyed its teachings? Knew ye not ture harvest. While they sow in tears, amid many
that it was the Voice of God? Did I not bid you search discouragements, it should be with earnest prayer.
the Scriptures, that you might not go astray? You They may see the promise of but a late and scanty
have not only ruined your own souls, but by your harvest, yet that should not prevent the sowing. They
pretensions to godliness you have misled many oth- should sow beside all waters, embracing every op-
portunity both to improve themselves and to benefit manity. They have the honor of being accepted for
their children. Such seed sowing will not be in vain. the Masters use; they are trusted to do His work in
At the harvest time many faithful parents will re- His name.Adventist Home, 535:2 (DA 312:2).
turn with joy, bringing their sheaves with them. All to Be Fitted for the Society of Heaven.
Adventist Home, 533:4 (Review, August 30, 1881). God desires that heavens plan shall be carried out,
Give your children intellectual culture and moral and heavens divine order and harmony prevail, in
training. Fortify their young minds with firm, pure every family, in every church, in every institution. Did
principles. While you have opportunity, lay the foun- this love leaven society, we should see the outwork-
dation for a noble manhood and womanhood. Your ing of noble principles in Christian refinement and
labor will be rewarded a thousandfold.Adventist courtesy and in Christian charity toward the pur-
Home, 534:1 (CT 131:1). chase of the blood of Christ. Spiritual transforma-
Parents Will Be Revered by Children Fitted for tion would be seen in all our families, in our institu-
Heaven.In the Word of God we find a beautiful tions, in our churches. When this transformation
description of a happy home and the woman who takes place, these agencies will become instrumen-
presides over it: Her children arise up, and call her talities by which God will impart heavens light to
blessed; her husband also, and he praiseth her. What the world and thus, through divine discipline and
greater commendation can be desired by the mis- training, fit men and women for the society of
tress of a home than that which is here expressed? heaven.Adventist Home, 535:3 (8T 140:0).
Adventist Home, 534:2 (Health Reformer, Decem- Reward at the Last Great Day.In your work
ber 1877). for your children take hold of the mighty power of
If she [the true wife and mother] looks to God God. Commit your children to the Lord in prayer.
for her strength and comfort, and in His wisdom Work earnestly and untiringly for them. God will hear
and fear seeks to do her daily duty, she will bind her your prayers and will draw them to Himself. Then,
husband to her heart and see her children coming to at the last great day, you can bring them to God,
maturity honorable men and women, having moral saying, Here am I, and the children whom Thou hast
stamina to follow the example of their mother. given me. Adventist Home, 536:1 (Manuscript
Adventist Home, 534:3 (Signs, November 29, 1877). 114, 1903).
The great stimulus to the toiling, burdened When Samuel shall receive the crown of glory,
mother should be that every child who is trained he will wave it in honor before the throne and gladly
aright, and who has the inward adorning, the orna- acknowledge that the faithful lessons of his mother,
ment of a meek and quiet spirit, will have a fitness through the merits of Christ, have crowned him with
for heaven and will shine in the courts of the Lord. immortal glory.Adventist Home, 536:2 (Good
Adventist Home, 534:4 (3T 566:2). Health, March 1880).
The Joys of Heaven to Begin in the Home. The work of wise parents will never be appreci-
Heaven and earth are no wider apart today than ated by the world, but when the judgment shall sit
when shepherds listened to the angels song. Hu- and the books shall be opened, their work will ap-
manity is still as much the object of heavens solici- pear as God views it and will be rewarded before
tude as when common men of common occupations men and angels. It will be seen that one child who
met angels at noonday and talked with the heavenly has been brought up in a faithful way has been a
messengers in the vineyards and the fields. To us in light in the world. It cost tears and anxiety and sleep-
the common walks of life heaven may be very near. less nights to oversee the character building of this
Angels from the courts above will attend the steps of child, but the work was done wisely, and the par-
those who come and go at Gods command. ents hear the Well done of the Master.Adventist
Adventist Home, 534:5 (DA 48:4). Home, 536:3 (Signs, July 13, 1888).
The service rendered in sincerity of heart has Title to Admission to the Kings Palace.Let
great recompense. Thy Father which seeth in secret the youth and the little children be taught to choose
Himself shall reward thee openly. By the life we live for themselves that royal robe woven in heavens loom,
through the grace of Christ, the character is formed. the fine linen, clean and white which all the holy
The original loveliness begins to be restored to the ones of earth will wear. This robe, Christs own spot-
soul. The attributes of the character of Christ are less character, is freely offered to every human be-
imparted, and the image of the Divine begins to shine ing. But all who receive it will receive and wear it
forth. The faces of men and women who walk and here.Adventist Home, 536:4 (Ed 249:2).
work with God express the peace of heaven. They Let the children be taught that as they open their
are surrounded with the atmosphere of heaven. For minds to pure, loving thoughts and do loving and
these souls the kingdom of God has begun. They helpful deeds, they are clothing themselves with His
have Christs joy, the joy of being a blessing to hu- beautiful garment of character. This apparel will
make them beautiful and beloved here and will here- the flock, the stronghold of the daughter of Zion,
after be their title of admission to the palace of the unto Thee shall it come, even the first dominion.
King. His promise is: They shall walk with Me in And Paul points forward to the redemption of the
white: for they are worthy. Adventist Home, purchased possession.
536:4-537:1 (Ed 249:3-4). God created the earth to be the abode of holy,
Eden to Be Restored.The Garden of Eden re- happy beings. That purpose will be fulfilled when,
mained upon the earth long after man had become renewed by the power of God and freed from sin and
an outcast from its pleasant paths. The fallen race sorrow, it shall become the eternal home of the re-
were long permitted to gaze upon the home of inno- deemed.Adventist Home, 540:2-3 (Review, Oc-
cence, their entrance barred only by the watching tober 22, 1908).
angels. At the cherubim-guarded gate of Paradise the Adam Restored to His Eden Home.There are
divine glory was revealed. Hither came Adam and homes for the pilgrims of earth. There are robes for
his sons to worship God. Here they renewed their the righteous, with crowns of glory and palms of vic-
vows of obedience to that law the transgression of tory. All that has perplexed us in the providences of
which had banished them from Eden. When the tide God will in the world to come be made plain. The
of iniquity overspread the world, and the wicked- things hard to be understood will then find explana-
ness of men determined their destruction by a flood tion. The mysteries of grace will unfold before us.
of waters, the hand that had planted Eden withdrew Where our finite minds discovered only confusion
it from the earth. But in the final restitution, when and broken promises, we shall see the most perfect
there shall be a new heaven and a new earth, it is to and beautiful harmony. We shall know that infinite
be restored more gloriously adorned than at the be- love ordered the experiences that seemed most try-
ginning. ing. As we realize the tender care of Him who makes
Then they that have kept Gods commandments all things work together for our good, we shall re-
shall breathe in immortal vigor beneath the tree of joice with joy unspeakable and full of glory . .
life; and through unending ages the inhabitants of We are homeward bound. He who loved us so
sinless worlds shall behold, in that garden of de- much as to die for us hath builded for us a City. The
light, a sample of the perfect work of Gods creation, New Jerusalem is our place of rest. There will be no
untouched by the curse of sina sample of what the sadness in the City of God. No wail of sorrow, no
whole earth would have become had man but ful- dirge of crushed hopes and buried affections, will
filled the Creators glorious plan.Adventist Home, evermore be heard. Soon the garments of heaviness
539:1-2 (PP 62:2-3). will be changed for the wedding garment. Soon we
The great plan of redemption results in fully shall witness the coronation of our King. Those whose
bringing back the world into Gods favor. All that lives have been hidden with Christ, those who on
was lost by sin is restored. Not only man but the this earth have fought the good fight of faith, will
earth is redeemed, to be the eternal abode of the shine forth with the Redeemers glory in the king-
obedient. For six thousand years Satan has strug- dom of God.Adventist Home, 542:2-543:0 (9 Tes-
gled to maintain possession of the earth. Now Gods timonies, 286:2, 287:1).
original purpose in its creation is accomplished. The Privileges of the Redeemed.Heaven is a good
saints of the Most High shall take the kingdom, and place. I long to be there and behold my lovely Jesus,
possess the kingdom forever, even forever and ever. who gave His life for me, and be changed into His
Adventist Home, 539:3-540:0 (PP 342:1). glorious image. Oh, for language to express the glory
The Redemption of the Purchased Posses- of the bright world to come! I thirst for the living
sion.Gods original purpose in the creation of the streams that make glad the City of our God.
earth is fulfilled as it is made the eternal abode of Adventist Home, 543:1 (Early Writings, 39:2).
the redeemed. The righteous shall inherit the land, From that scene of heavenly joy [the ascension
and dwell therein forever. The time has come to which of Christ] there comes back to us on earth the echo
holy men have looked with longing since the flaming of Christs own wonderful words, I ascend unto My
sword barred the first pair from Edenthe time for Father, and your Father; and to My God, and your
the redemption of the purchased possession. The God. The family of heaven and the family of earth
earth originally given to man as his kingdom, be- are one. For us our Lord ascended, and for us He
trayed by him into the hands of Satan, and so long lives. Wherefore He is able also to save them to the
held by the mighty foe, has been brought back by the uttermost that come unto God by Him, seeing He
great plan of redemption.Adventist Home, 540:1 ever liveth to make intercession for them.
(Signs, December 29, 1909). Adventist Home, 544:3 (Desire of Ages, 835:2).
All that was lost by the first Adam will be re- Though Delayed, the Promise Is Sure.Long
stored by the second. The prophet says, O Tower of have we waited for our Saviours return. But none
the less sure is the promise. Soon we shall be in our appear in the beauty of the Lord our God, what a
promised home. There Jesus will lead us beside the field will be open to our study!Adventist Home,
living stream flowing from the throne of God and 547:4-548:0 (Ed 301:1, 6; 302:0, 3; 303:4).
will explain to us the dark providences through On the Verge of Fulfillment.We are living in
which on this earth He brought us in order to per- a most solemn period of this earths history. There
fect our characters. There we shall behold with un- is never time to sin; it is always perilous to continue
dimmed vision the beauties of Eden restored. Cast- in transgression, but in a special sense is this true
ing at the feet of the Redeemer the crowns that He at the present time. We are now upon the very bor-
has placed on our heads and touching our golden ders of the eternal world and stand in a more sol-
harps, we shall fill all heaven with praise to Him emn relation to time and to eternity than ever be-
that sitteth on the throne.Adventist Home, 544:4- fore. Now let every person search his own heart and
545:0 (8 Testimonies, 254:3). plead for the bright beams of the Sun of Righteous-
Let all that is beautiful in our earthly home re- ness to expel all spiritual darkness and cleanse from
mind us of the crystal river and green fields, the wav- defilement.Testimonies to Ministers, 147:1.
ing trees and the living fountains, the shining City To us who are standing on the very verge of their
and the white-robed singers, of our heavenly home fulfillment, of what deep moment, what living inter-
that world of beauty which no artist can picture, no est, are these delineations of the things to come
mortal tongue describe. Eye hath not seen, nor ear events for which, since our first parents turned their
heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, steps from Eden, Gods children have watched and
the things which God hath prepared for them that waited, longed and prayed!
love Him. Adventist Home, 545:1 (Review, July
Fellow pilgrim, we are still amid the shadows
11, 1882).
and turmoil of earthly activities, but soon our Sav-
Graduate Work in the Hereafter.Do you think iour is to appear to bring deliverance and rest. Let
we shall not learn anything there? We have not the us by faith behold the blessed hereafter, as pictured
slightest idea of what will then be opened before us. by the hand of God.Adventist Home, 549:3-550:1
With Christ we shall walk beside the living waters. (Patriarchs and Prophets, 731:3).
He will unfold to us the beauty and glory of nature.
He will reveal what He is to us and what we are to 7 - CHRISTIAN SERVICE
Him. Truth we cannot know now because of finite
limitations, we shall know hereafter.Adventist
Home, 547:2 (Counsels to Parents and Teachers, It is not a vain thing to serve God. There is a
162:2). priceless reward for those who devote their life to
The Christian family is to be a training school His service.Christian Service, 266:1(4 Testimo-
from which children are to graduate to a higher school nies, 107:3).
in the mansions of God.Adventist Home, 547:3 Every sacrifice that is made in His ministry will
(Review, March 30, 1897). be recompensed according to the exceeding riches of
Heaven is a school; its field of study, the uni- His grace. Christian Service, 266:2 (Desire of
verse; its teacher, the Infinite One. A branch of this Ages, 249:1).
school was established in Eden; and, the plan of Our reward for working with Christ in this world
redemption accomplished, education will again be is the greater power and wider privilege of working
taken up in the Eden school . . with Him in the world to come.Christian Service,
Between the school established in Eden at the 266:3 (Christs Object Lessons, 361:4).
beginning and the school of the hereafter there lies The value of service to God is measured by the
the whole compass of this worlds historythe his- spirit in which it is rendered, rather than by the
tory of human transgression and suffering, of divine length of time spent in labor.Christian Service,
sacrifice, and of victory over death and sin . . Re- 266:4 (9 Testimonies, 74:2).
stored to His presence, man will again, as at the Their success in advancement in the divine life
beginning, be taught of God: My people shall know depends upon the improvement of the talents lent
My name . . they shall know in that day that I am He them. Their future reward will be proportioned to
that doth speak: behold, it is I. the integrity and earnestness with which they serve
There, when the veil that darkens our vision the Master.Christian Service, 266:5 (Review,
shall be removed and our eyes shall behold that world March 1, 1887).
of beauty of which we now catch glimpses through The Lord has a great work to be done, and He
the microscope; when we look on the glories of the will bequeath the most in the future life to those
heavens, now scanned afar through the telescope; who do the most faithful, willing service in the present
when, the blight of sin removed, the whole earth shall life.Christian Service, 266:6 (Christs Object Les-
request to His Father, I will that they also, whom whose attention they have directed to the uplifted
Thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am. Saviour. What blessed converse they will have with
Christian Service, 272:3 (6 Testimonies, 309:2). these souls! I was a sinner, it will be said, without
In our life here, earthly, sin-restricted, though God and without hope in the world; and you came to
it is, the greatest joy and the highest education are me, and drew my attention to the precious Saviour
in service. And in the future state, untrammeled by as my only hope. And I believed in Him. I repented of
the limitations of sinful humanity, it is in service my sins, and was made to sit together with His saints
that our greatest joy and our highest education will in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Others will say:
be foundwitnessing, and ever as we witness learn- I was a heathen in heathen lands. You left your friends
ing anew the riches of the glory of this mystery, which and comfortable home, and came to teach me how to
is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Christian Ser- find Jesus, and believe in Him as the only true God.
vice, 272:4-273:0 (Ed 309:1). I demolished my idols, and worshiped God, and now
I see Him face to face. I am saved, eternally saved,
They share in the sufferings of Christ, and they
ever to behold Him whom I love. I then saw Him only
will share also in the glory that shall be revealed.
with the eye of faith, but now I see Him as He is. I
One with Him in His work, drinking with Him the
can now express my gratitude for His redeeming
cup of sorrow, they are partakers also of His joy.
mercy to Him who loved me, and washed me from
Christian Service, 273:1 (MB 13:0).
my sins in His own blood.Christian Service,
Fruitage of Seed Sowing.Every impulse of 274:1 (GW 518:2).
the Holy Spirit leading men to goodness and to God,
Others will express their gratitude to those who
is noted in the books of heaven, and in the day of
fed the hungry and clothed the naked. When despair
God every one who has given himself as an instru-
bound my soul in unbelief, the Lord sent you to me,
ment for the Holy Spirits working will be permitted
they say, to speak words of hope and comfort. You
to behold what his life has wrought.Christian
brought me food for my physical necessities, and
Service, 273:2 (6 Testimonies, 310:1).
you opened to me the Word of God, awakening me to
When the redeemed stand before God, precious my spiritual needs. You treated me as a brother. You
souls will respond to their names who are there be- sympathized with me in my sorrows, and restored
cause of the faithful, patient efforts put forth in their my bruised and wounded soul, so that I could grasp
behalf, the entreaties and earnest persuasions to flee the hand of Christ that was reached out to save me.
to the Stronghold. Thus those who in this world In my ignorance you taught me patiently that I had a
have been laborers together with God will receive their Father in heaven who cared for me. You read to me
reward.Christian Service, 273:3 (8 Testimonies, the precious promises of Gods Word. You inspired
196:3-197:0). in me faith that He would save me. My heart was
What rejoicing there will be as these redeemed softened, subdued, broken, as I contemplated the
ones meet and greet those who have had a burden in sacrifice which Christ had made for me. I became
their behalf! And those who have lived, not to please hungry for the bread of life, and the truth was pre-
themselves, but to be a blessing to the unfortunate cious to my soul. I am here, saved, eternally saved,
who have so few blessings,how their hearts will ever to live in His presence, and to praise Him who
thrill with satisfaction! They will realize the prom- gave His life for me. Christian Service, 274:2 (GW
ise, Thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot recom- 518:3-519:0).
pense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at the Patiently Wait for the Reward.If the time
resurrection of the just. Christian Service, 273:4 seems long to wait for our Deliverer to come; if, bowed
(GW 519:1). by affliction and worn with toil, we feel impatient for
In heaven we shall see the youth whom we helped, our commission to close, and to receive an honor-
those whom we invited to our homes, whom we led able release from the warfare, let us remember
from temptation. We shall see their faces reflecting and let the remembrance check every murmurthat
the radiance of the glory of God.Christian Ser- God leaves us on earth to encounter storms and con-
vice, 273:5 (6 Testimonies, 348:3). flicts, to perfect Christian character, to become bet-
To be a coworker with Christ and the heavenly ter acquainted with God our Father and Christ our
angels in the great plan of salvation! What work can elder Brother, and to do work for the Master in win-
bear any comparison with this! From every soul ning many souls to Christ, that with glad heart we
saved, there comes to God a revenue of glory, to be may hear the words, Well done, good and faithful
reflected upon the one saved, and also upon the one servant; enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Chris-
instrumental in his salvation.Christian Service, tian Service, 274:3-275:0 (Review, October 25,
273:6 (2 Testimonies, 232:1). 1881).
The redeemed will meet and recognize those Be patient, Christian soldier. Yet a little while,
and He that shall come, will come. The night of weary
waiting, and watching, and mourning is nearly over. view, October 10, 1907).
The reward will soon be given; the eternal day will Realization Greater than Expectation.Christ
dawn. There is no time to sleep now,no time to accepted humanity, and lived on this earth a pure,
indulge in useless regrets. He who ventures to slum- sanctified life. For this reason He has received the
ber now will miss precious opportunities of doing appointment of judge. He who occupies the position
good. We are granted the blessed privilege of gather- of judge is God manifest in the flesh. What a joy it
ing sheaves in the great harvest; and every soul saved will be to recognize in Him our Teacher and Redeemer,
will be an additional star in the crown of Jesus, our bearing still the marks of the crucifixion, from which
adorable Redeemer. Who is eager to lay off the ar- shine beams of glory, giving additional value to the
mor, when by pushing the battle a little longer, he crowns which the redeemed receive from His hands,
will achieve new victories and gather new trophies the very hands outstretched in blessing over His dis-
for eternity?Christian Service, 275:1 (Review, Oc- ciples as He ascended. The very Voice which said,
tober 25, 1881). Lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the
world, bids His ransomed ones welcome to His pres-
348:1-350:1-2 The very One who gave His precious life for them,
There is reward for the wholehearted, unself- who by His grace moved their hearts to repentance,
ish workers who enter this field, and also for those who awakened them to their need of repentance, re-
who contribute willingly for their support. Those en- ceives them now into His joy. Oh, how they love Him!
gaged in active service in the field, and those who The realization of their hope is infinitely greater than
give of their means to sustain these workers, will their expectation. Their joy is complete, and they take
share the reward of the faithful. their glittering crowns and cast them at their
Redeemers feet.Counsels on Stewardship, 349:1-
Every wise steward of the means entrusted to
2 (Review, June 18, 1901).
him, will enter into the joy of his Lord. What is this
joy? Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the pres- Only a Little While Now.It will only be a little
ence of the angels of God over one sinner that while before Jesus will come to save His children
repenteth. There will be a blessed commendation, a and to give them the finishing touch of immortality.
holy benediction, on the faithful winners of souls. This corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and
They will join the rejoicing ones in heaven, who shout this mortal shall have put on immortality. The graves
the harvest home. will be opened, and the dead will come forth victori-
ous, crying, O death, where is thy sting? O grave,
How great will be the joy when the redeemed of
where is thy victory? Our loved ones who sleep in
the Lord shall all meet, gathered into the mansions
Jesus will come forth clothed with immortality.
prepared for them! O, what rejoicing for all who have
been impartial, unselfish laborers together with God And as the redeemed shall ascend to heaven,
in carrying forward His work in the earth! What sat- the gates of the City of God will swing back, and
isfaction will every reaper have, when the clear, mu- those who have kept the truth will enter in. A Voice,
sical voice of Jesus shall be heard, saying, Come, ye richer than any music that ever fell on mortal ear,
blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared will be heard saying, Come, ye blessed of My Father,
for you from the foundation of the world. Enter thou inherit the kingdom prepared for you from the foun-
into the joy of thy Lord. dation of the world. Then the righteous will receive
their reward. Their lives will run parallel with the
Sharing the Joys of the Redeemed.The Re-
life of Jehovah. They will cast their crowns at the
deemer is glorified because He has not died in vain.
Redeemers feet, touch the golden harps, and fill all
With glad, rejoicing hearts, those who have been
heaven with rich music.Counsels on Stewardship,
colaborers with God see of the travail of their soul
350:1-2 (Signs, April 15, 1889).
for perishing, dying sinners, and are satisfied. The
anxious hours they have spent, the perplexing cir-
cumstances they have had to meet, the sorrow of
heart because some refused to see and receive the 402:7-404:1
things which make for their peace, are forgotten. The Gratitude of the Redeemed.All praise, honor,
self-denial they have practiced in order to support and glory will be given to God and to the Lamb for
the work, is remembered no more. As they look upon our redemption; but it will not detract from the glory
the souls they sought to win to Jesus, and see them of God to express gratitude to the instrumentality
saved, eternally savedmonuments of Gods mercy He has employed in the salvation of souls ready to
and of a Redeemers lovethere ring through the perish.Publishing Ministry, 402:7 (6 Testimonies,
arches of heaven shouts of praise and thanksgiv- 311:0).
ing.Counsels on Stewardship, 348:4-349:0 (Re-
Thou shalt delight thyself in the Lord; and I
will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the so shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy
earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy presses shall burst out with new wine. There is
father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it. that scattereth, and yet increaseth; and there is that
Isaiah 58:14.Publishing Ministry, 404:1 (6 Tes- withholdeth more than is meet, but it tendeth to
timonies, 312:2). poverty. He that hath pity upon the poor lendeth
unto the Lord; and that which he hath given will He
10 - GOSPEL WORKERS pay him again. The liberal soul shall be made fat:
512:1-518:1 and he that watereth shall be watered also himself
[Prov. 3:9-10; 11:24; 19:17; 11:25].
When thou makest a dinner or a supper, said
While much of the fruit of their labor is not ap-
Christ, call not thy friends, nor thy brethren, nei-
parent in this life, Gods workers have His sure prom-
ther thy kinsmen, nor thy rich neighbors; lest they
ise of ultimate success. As the worlds Redeemer,
also bid thee again, and a recompense be made thee.
Christ was constantly confronted with apparent fail-
But when thou makest a feast, call the poor, the
ure. He seemed to do little of the work which He
maimed, the lame, the blind: and thou shalt be
longed to do in uplifting and saving. Satanic agen-
blessed; for they cannot recompense thee: for thou
cies were constantly working to obstruct His way.
shalt be recompensed at the resurrection of the just
But He would not be discouraged. Ever before Him
[Luke 14:12-14].
He saw the result of His mission. He knew that truth
The Reward of Service.In these words Christ would finally triumph in the contest with evil, and
draws a contrast between the self-seeking practices to His disciples He said: These things I have spoken
of the world and the unselfish ministry of which He unto you, that in Me ye might have peace. In the world
has given an example in His own life. For such min- ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have
istry He offers no reward of worldly gain or recogni- overcome the world [John 16:33]. The life of Christs
tion. Thou shalt be recompensed, He says, at the disciples is to be like His, a series of uninterrupted
resurrection of the just. Then the results of every victories not seen to be such here, but recognized as
life will be made manifest, and every one will reap such in the great hereafter.
that which he has sown.Gospel Workers, 512:1-
Those who labor for the good of others are work-
ing in union with the heavenly angels. They have their
All who consecrate body, soul, and spirit to constant companionship, their unceasing ministry.
Gods service will be constantly receiving a new en- Angels of light and power are ever near to protect, to
dowment of physical, mental, and spiritual power. comfort, to heal, to instruct, to inspire. The highest
The inexhaustible supplies of heaven are at their com- education, the truest culture, the most exalted ser-
mand. Christ gives them the breath of His own spirit, vice possible to human beings in this world, are theirs.
the life of His own life. The Holy Spirit puts forth
Often our merciful Father encourages His chil-
His highest energies to work in heart and mind.
dren and strengthens their faith by permitting them
Then shall thy light break forth as the morn- here to see evidence of the power of His grace upon
ing, and thine health shall spring forth speedily . . the hearts and lives of those for whom they labor.
Thou shalt call, and the Lord shall answer; thou My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your
shalt cry, and He shall say, Here I am . . Thy light ways My ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens
shall rise in obscurity, and thy darkness be as the are higher than the earth, so are My ways higher
noonday: and the Lord shall guide thee continually, than your ways, and My thoughts than your thoughts.
and satisfy thy soul in drought, and make fat thy For as the rain cometh down, and the snow from
bones: and thou shalt be like a watered garden, and heaven, and returneth not thither, but watereth the
like a spring of water, whose waters fail not [Isa. earth, and maketh it bring forth and bud, that it
58:8-11]. may give seed to the sower, and bread to the eater:
Many are Gods promises to those who minis- so shall My word be that goeth forth out of My mouth:
ter to His afflicted ones. He says: Blessed is he that it shall not return unto Me void, but it shall accom-
considereth the poor: the Lord will deliver him in plish that which I please, and it shall prosper in the
time of trouble. The Lord will preserve him, and keep thing whereto I sent it. For ye shall go out with joy,
him alive; and he shall be blessed upon the earth: and be led forth with peace: the mountains and the
and Thou wilt not deliver him unto the will of his hills shall break forth before you into singing, and
enemies. The Lord will strengthen him upon the bed all the trees of the field shall clap their hands. In-
of languishing: Thou wilt make all his bed in his stead of the thorn shall come up the fir tree, and
sickness. Trust in the Lord, and do good; so shalt instead of the brier shall come up the myrtle tree:
thou dwell in the land, and verily thou shalt be fed and it shall be to the Lord for a name, for an ever-
[Ps. 41:1-3; 37:3]. Honor the Lord with thy sub- lasting sign that shall not be cut off [Isa. 55:8-13].
stance, and with the firstfruits of all thine increase:
shall cast our crowns at the feet of Jesus, and again Then learn how to study your Bibles. This book is
and again we will give Him the glory and praise His not a heap of odds and ends. It is an educator. Your
holy name. Angels will unite in the songs of triumph. own thoughts must be called into exercise before you
Touching their golden harps, they will fill all heaven can be really benefited by Bible study. Spiritual sinew
with rich music and songs to the Lamb.7 Bible and muscle must be brought to bear upon the Word.
Commentary, 988/1:4-2:1 (Manuscript 31, 1909). The Holy Spirit will bring to remembrance the words
Life-giving Power in Tree of Life.The tree of of Christ. He will enlighten the mind and guide the
life is a representation of the preserving care of research.7 Bible Commentary, 989/1:7 (Letter
Christ for His children. As Adam and Eve ate of this 3, 1898).
tree, they acknowledged their dependence upon God. Christ, the Tree of Life.Christ is the source
The tree of life possessed the power to perpetuate of our life, the source of immortality. He is the tree of
life, and as long as they ate of it, they could not die. life, and to all who come to Him He gives spiritual
The lives of the antediluvians were protracted be- life.7 Bible Commentary, 989/1:8 (Review, Janu-
cause of the life-giving power of this tree, which was ary 26, 1897).
transmitted to them from Adam and Eve.7 Bible A Definition of Heaven.Christ is the truth
Commentary, 988/2:2 (Review, January 26, 1897). of all that we find in the Father. The definition of
Life-giving Fruit Ours through Christ.The heaven is the presence of Christ.7 Bible Commen-
fruit of the tree of life in the Garden of Eden pos- tary, 989/1:9-2:0.
sessed supernatural virtue. To eat of it was to live Christs Intercession Soon to Cease.The One
for ever. Its fruit was the antidote of death. Its leaves who has stood as our intercessor; who hears all peni-
were for the sustaining of life and immortality. But tential prayers and confessions; who is represented
through mans disobedience, death entered the world. with a rainbow, the symbol of grace and love, encir-
Adam ate of the tree of the knowledge of good and cling His head, is soon to cease His work in the heav-
evil, the fruit of which he had been forbidden to touch. enly Sanctuary. Grace and mercy will then descend
His transgression opened the floodgates of woe upon from the throne, and justice will take their place. He
our race . . for whom His people have looked will assume His
Of Christ it is written, In him was life; and the right, the office of Supreme Judge.7 Bible Com-
life was the light of men. He is the fountain of life. mentary, 989/2:1 (Review, January 1, 1889).
Obedience to Him is the life-giving power that glad- Probation Ends When Least Expected.When
dens the soul. probation ends, it will come suddenly, unexpec-
Christ declares: I am the bread of life; he that tantlyat a time when we least expect it. But we can
cometh to Me shall never hunger; and he that have a clean record in heaven today and know that
believeth on Me shall never thirst [John 6:57, 63; God excepts us; and finally, if faithful, we shall be
Rev. 2:7, last part, quoted].7 Bible Commentary, gathered into the kingdom of Heaven.7 Bible Com-
988/2:3-989/1:2-3 (Signs, March 31, 1909). mentary, 983/2:2 (Manuscript 95, 1906).
Tree of Life Planted for Us.The sons of men No Second Probation.There is not a second
have had a practical knowledge of evil, but Christ probation for anyone. Now is probationary time,
came to the world to show them that He had planted before the angel shall fold her golden wings, the an-
for them the tree of life, the leaves of which were for gel of mercy, and shall step down from the throne,
the healing of the nations.7 Bible Commentary, and mercy, mercy is gone forever.7 Bible Com-
989/1:4 (Manuscript 67, 1898). mentary, 983/2:3 (Manuscript 49, 1894).
The leaves of the tree of life are proffered you. Probations Close Not Revealed.God has not
They are sweeter than honey and the honeycomb. revealed to us the time when this message will close
Take them, eat them, digest them, and your faint- or when probation will have an end. Those things
heartedness will pass away.7 Bible Commentary, that are revealed we shall accept for ourselves and
989/1:5 (Manuscript 71, 1898). our children; but let us not seek to know that which
Christ . . was the tree of life to all who would has been kept secret in the counsels of the Almighty
pluck and eat.7 Bible Commentary, 989/1:6 . . Letters have come to me asking me if I have any
(Manuscript 95, 1898). special light as to the time when probation will close;
and I answer that I have only this message to bear,
The Bible, the Tree of Life to Us.Let all bear
that it is now time to work while the day lasts, for
in mind that the tree of life bears twelve manner of
the night cometh when no man can work. Now, just
fruits. This represents the spiritual work of our
now, it is time for us to be watching, working, and
earthly missions. The Word of God is to us the tree
of life. Every portion of the Scripture has its use. In
The Word of the Lord reveals the fact that the
every part of the Word is some lesson to be learned.
end of all things is at hand, and its testimony is
most decided that it is necessary for every soul to had lain there three days, and in triumph He pro-
have the truth planted in the heart so that it will claimed over the rent sepulcher of Joseph, I am the
control the life and sanctify the character. The Spirit resurrection, and the life. And He is coming. Are we
of the Lord is working to take the truth of the In- getting ready for Him? Are we ready so that if we
spired Word and stamp it upon the soul so that the shall fall asleep, we can do so with hope in Jesus
professed followers of Christ will have a holy, sacred Christ?
joy that they will be able to impart to others. The The Lifegiver is soon to come . . to break the
opportune time for us to work is now, just now, while fetters of the tomb. He is to bring forth the captives
the day lasts. But there is no command for anyone . . The last thoughts they had were of the grave and
to search the Scriptures in order to ascertain, if pos- the tomb, but now they proclaim, O death, where is
sible, when probation will close. God has no such thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory? The pangs
message for any mortal lips. He would have no mor- of death were the last things they felt . . When they
tal tongue declare that which He has hidden in His awake the pain is all gone. O grave, where is thy
secret counsels.7 Bible Commentary, 989/2:4- victory? Here they stand, and the finishing touch of
990:0 (Review, October 9, 1894). immortality is put upon them, and they go up to
City of God for Commandment Keepers. meet their Lord in the air. The gates of the City of
None who have had the light of truth will enter the God swing back upon their hinges . . and the ran-
City of God as commandment breakers. His law lies somed of God walk in through the cherubims and
at the foundation of His government in earth and in seraphims. Christ bids them welcome and puts
heaven. If they have knowingly trampled upon and upon them His benediction.My Life Today, 349:2-
despised His law on the earth, they will not be taken 3 (Manuscript 18, 1894).
to heaven to do the same work there; there is no There, there is no burial train, no mourning, no
change of character when Christ comes. The charac- death, no parting, no broken hearts; and Jesus is
ter building is to go on during the hours of proba- there, peace is there . . In His presence is fullness of
tion. Day by day their actions are registered in the joy, at His right hand there are pleasures forever-
books of heaven, and they will, in the great day of more!My Life Today, 349:4 (Signs, February 8,
God, be rewarded as their works have been. It will 1892).
then be seen who receives the blessing. Blessed are
No More Sin. And there shall be no more
they that do His commandments, that they may have
curse: but the throne of God and of the Lamb shall
right to the tree of life, and may enter in through the
be in it; and His servants shall serve Him: and they
gates into the City. 7 Bible Commentary, 990/
shall see His face; and His name shall be in their
1:2-2:0 (Review, August 25, 1885).
foreheads (Rev. 22:3-4) . .
12 - MY LIFE TODY Then we shall enjoy with Him all the glories of
347:1, 3-365:7 the world to come throughout the ceaseless ages of
eternity . . There is nothing in the kingdom of God to
Christ Presents Me with a Crown and Harp. disturb or annoy. This is the life that is promised to
Henceforth there is laid up for me a crown of the overcomera life of happiness and peace, a life
righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous judge, of love and beauty . .
shall give me at that day: and not to me only, but
There is no sin, no distracting care, nothing to
unto all them also that love His appearing (2 Tim.
mar the peace of the inhabitant.My Life Today,
4:8) . .
350:1, 4 (Signs, November 10, 1887).
Oh, what joy unspeakable, to see Him whom
As Heirs, We Inherit the Kingdom.Before the
we loved, to see Him in His glory who so loved us
ransomed throng is the holy City. Jesus opens wide
that He gave Himself for us, to behold those hands
the pearly gates, and the nations that have kept the
once pierced for our redemption stretched out to us
truth enter in. There they behold the Paradise of God,
in blessing and welcome!My Life Today, 347:1,
the home of Adam in his innocency.
3 (Signs, November 2, 1882).
Now is fulfilled the Saviours prayer for His dis-
Given a White Robe of Righteousness.The
ciples, I will that they also, whom Thou hast given
conflict is over. All tribulation and strife are at an
Me, be with Me where I am. Faultless before the
end. Songs of victory fill all heaven as the redeemed
presence of His glory with exceeding joy, Christ pre-
stand around the throne of God. All take up the joy-
sents to the Father the purchase of His blood, de-
ful strain, Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain,
claring, Here am I, and the children whom Thou
and lives again, a triumphant conqueror.My Life
hast given Me. Those that Thou gavest Me I have
Today, 348:4 (Review, November 26, 1903).
kept. Oh, the wonders of redeeming love! the rap-
Victory Over Death.We have a living, risen ture of that hour when the infinite Father, looking
Saviour. He burst the fetters of the tomb after He upon the ransomed, shall behold His image, sins
discord banished, its blight removed, the human the New Earth will be peace and harmony. The trees
once more in harmony with the divine!My Life of the New Earth will be straight and lofty, without
Today, 351:2-3 (GC 646:1-2). deformity.My Life Today, 354:1, 4-5 (Youths In-
Families Will Be Reunited. Refrain thy voice structor, October 1852).
from weeping, and thine eyes from tears: for thy In the New Earth there are no chilling winds,
work shall be rewarded, saith the Lord; and they no disagreeable changes. The atmosphere is ever
shall come again from the land of the enemy. And right and healthful.My Life Today, 354:6 (Diary,
there is hope in thine end, saith the Lord, that thy March 24, 1859).
children shall come again to their own border (Jer. Eat of the Tree of Life. In the midst of the
31:16-17). street of it, and on either side of the river, was there
Christ is coming with clouds and with great the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits,
glory . . He will come to raise the dead, and to change and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves
the living saints from glory to glory . . There will be a of the tree were for the healing of the nations (Rev.
relinking of the family chain.My Life Today, 22:2).
352:1-2 (DA 632:3). Out of the throne came a pure river of water,
Oh, wonderful redemption! long talked of, long and on either side of the river was the tree of life . .
hoped for, contemplated with eager anticipation . . The fruit was glorious; it looked like gold mixed with
With joy unutterable parents see the crown, the silver.My Life Today, 355:1-2 (EW 17:1).
robe, the harp, given to their children. The days of The redeemed saints, who have loved God and
hope and fear are ended . . Their children have been kept His commandments here, will enter in through
redeemed.My Life Today, 352:3, 5 (Signs, July the gates of the City, and have right to the tree of life.
1, 1886). They will eat freely of it as our first parents did be-
There we shall see on every hand the beautiful fore their fall. The leaves of that immortal widespread
trees of Paradise, in the midst of them the tree of tree will be for the healing of the nations. All their
life. There we shall behold with undimmed vision woes will then be gone. Sickness, sorrow, and death
the beauties of Eden restored. There we shall cast at they will never again feel, for the leaves of the tree of
the feet of our Redeemer the crowns that He has placed life have healed them. Jesus will then see of the tra-
on our heads, and touching our golden harps, we vail of His soul and be satisfied, when the redeemed,
shall offer praise and thanksgiving to Him that sitteth who have been subject to sorrow, toil, and afflictions,
on the throne . . May you all be among those who who have groaned beneath the curse, are gathered
shall enter through the gates of pearl into the City of up around that tree of life to eat of its immortal fruit
our God. May you, as unbroken families, dwell for- that our first parents forfeited all right to by break-
ever in that haven of rest. To this end may God help ing Gods commands. There will be no danger of their
you now to strive for the crown of life.My Life ever losing right to the tree of life again, for he that
Today, 352:6 (Review, September 3, 1903). tempted our first parents to sin will be destroyed by
the second death.My Life Today, 355:4 (Youths
We Shall Recognize Each Other. Now I know
Instructor, October 1852).
in part; but then I shall know even as also I am
known (1 Cor. 13:12). Upon the tree of life was most beautiful fruit, of
which the saints could partake freely . . The most
In the mansions above we shall meet to part no
exalted language fails to describe the glory of heaven
more. We shall know each other in our heavenly
or the matchless depths of a Saviours love.My
home.My Life Today, 353:1-2 (Signs, June 20,
Life Today, 355:5 (EW 289:1).
At the Marriage Supper.In both the Old and
A Beautiful Country. And truly if they had
New Testaments the marriage relation is employed
been mindful of that country from whence they
to represent the tender and sacred union that exists
came out, they might have had opportunity to have
between Christ and His people. To the mind of Jesus
returned. But now they desire a better country,
the gladness of the wedding festivities pointed for-
that is, a heavenly: wherefore God is not ashamed
ward to the rejoicing of that day when He shall bring
to be called their God: for He hath prepared for
home His bride to the Fathers house, and the re-
them a City (Heb. 11:15-16) . .
deemed with the Redeemer shall sit down to the
The grass will be a living green, and will never marriage supper of the Lamb. He says, As the bride-
wither. There will be roses and lilies and all kinds of groom rejoiceth over the bride, so shall thy God re-
flowers there. They will never blight or fade or lose joice over thee. Thou shalt no more be termed For-
their beauty and fragrance. saken . . but thou shalt be called My Delight [mar-
The lion, we should much dread and fear here, gin] . . for the Lord delighteth in thee. He will rejoice
will then lie down with the lamb, and everything in over thee with joy; He will rest in His love, He will joy
over thee with singing. When the vision of heavenly the saints will be all glorious.My Life Today,
things was granted to John the apostle, he wrote: I 357:1, 5 (Youths Instructor, October 1852).
heard as it were the voice of a great multitude, and Labor for Pleasure and Enjoyment.There
as the voice of many waters, and as the voice of mighty certainly is and ever will be employment in heaven.
thunderings, saying, Alleluia: for the Lord God om- The whole family of the redeemed will not live in a
nipotent reigneth. Let us be glad and rejoice, and state of dreamy idleness. There remaineth a rest to
give honour to Him: for the marriage of the Lamb is the people of God. In heaven, activity will not be wear-
come, and His wife hath made herself ready . . ing and burdensome; it will be rest. The whole fam-
Jesus saw in every soul one to whom must be ily of the redeemed will find their delight in serving
given the call to His kingdom.My Life Today, Him whose they are by creation and by redemption.
356:2-3 (DA 151:1-2). My Life Today, 358:6 (Letter 11, 1899).
Having received the kingdom, He will come in To the weary and heavy laden, to those who have
His glory, as King of kings and Lord of lords, for the fought the good fight of faith, it will be a glorious
redemption of His people, who are to sit down with rest; for the youth and vigor of immortality will be
Abraham, and Isaac, and Jacob at His table in His theirs, and against sin and Satan they will no longer
kingdom, to partake of the marriage supper of the have to contend.My Life Today, 358:7 (Christian
Lamb.My Life Today, 356:4 (GC 427:0). Temperance and Bible Hygiene, 99).
The Glories of Our Heavenly Home. And Harmonious Social Life. The lines are
the building of the wall of it was of jasper: and the fallen unto me in pleasant places; yea, I have a
City was pure gold, like unto clear glass. And the goodly heritage (Ps. 16:6) . .
foundations of the wall of the City were garnished Heaven is full of joy. It resounds with the praise
with all manner of precious stones (Rev. 21:18-19) of Him who made so wonderful a sacrifice for the
.. redemption of the human race. Should not the church
The glorious City of God has twelve gates, set on earth be full of praise? Should not Christians
with pearls most glorious. It also has twelve founda- publish throughout the world the joy of serving
tions of various colors. The streets of the City are of Christ? Those who in heaven join with the angelic
pure gold. In this City is the throne of God, and a choir in their anthem of praise must learn on earth
pure, beautiful river proceeding out of it, as clear as the song of heaven, the keynote of which is thanks-
crystal. Its sparkling purity and beauty make glad giving.My Life Today, 359:1, 4 (7 Testimonies,
the City of God. The saints will drink freely of the 244:2).
healing waters of the river of life . . Everything in heaven is noble and elevated. All
All faces will reflect the image of their Redeemer. seek the interest and happiness of others. No one
There will then be no anxious, troubled countenances, devotes himself to looking out and caring for self. It
but all will be bright, and smiling in spotless purity. is the chief joy of all holy beings to witness the joy
The angels will be there, also the resurrected saints and happiness of those around them.My Life To-
with the martyrs, and the best of all, and what will day, 359:5 (2 Testimonies, 239:0).
cause us the most joy, our lovely Saviour, who suf- If you have trials here, and feel lonesome, look
fered and died that we might enjoy that happiness away from this dark world to the bright glories of
and freedom, will be there. His glorious face will heaven. Set your affections upon heavenly joys, and
shine brighter than the sun, and light up the beauti- then you will not feel so deeply the trials and disap-
ful City and reflect glory all around. pointments of this life, for you will feel that you have
Children will be there. They will never be en- a home in glory, a crown, a harp, and a lovely Sav-
gaged in strife or discord. Their love will be fervent iour there. Strive for that blest inheritance which
and holy. They will also have a crown of gold upon God has promised to those that love Him and keep
their heads and a harp in their hands. And their His commandments.My Life Today, 359:6
little countenances, that we here see so often troubled (Youths Instructor, October 1852).
and perplexed, will beam with holy joy, expressive of Study Gods Wisdom throughout Eternity.
their perfect freedom and happiness . . The God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of
The saints will have crowns of glory upon their glory, may give unto you the spirit of wisdom and
heads and harps of gold in their hands. They will revelation in the knowledge of Him: the eyes of your
play upon the golden harp and sing redeeming love, understanding being enlightened (Eph. 1:17-18).
and make melody unto God. Their former trials and The science of redemption is the science of all
suffering in this world will be forgotten and lost amid sciences, the science that is the study of the angels
the glories of the New Earth. And they will ever have and of all the intelligences of the unfallen worlds,
the approving smiles of Jesus upon them, and their the science that engages the attention of our Lord
happiness will be complete . . The future abode of
and Saviour, the science that enters into the pur- day, 361:1-3 (Good Health, August 1882).
pose brooded in the mind of the Infinite kept in si- In the world to come Christ will lead the re-
lence through times eternal, the science that will be deemed beside the river of life and will teach them
the study of Gods redeemed through out the end- wonderful lessons of truth. He will unfold to them
less ages. This is the highest study in which it is the mysteries of nature. They will see that a master
possible for man to engage. As no other study can, it hand holds the world in position. They will behold
will quicken the mind and uplift the soul . . the skill displayed by the great Artist in coloring the
The subject is inexhaustible.The study of the flowers of the field, and will learn of the purposes of
Incarnation of Christ, His atoning sacrifice, and me- the merciful Father, who dispenses every ray of light,
diatorial work will employ the mind of the diligent and with the holy angels the redeemed will acknowl-
student as long as time shall last; and looking to edge, in songs of grateful praise, Gods supreme love
heaven with its unnumbered years, he will exclaim, to an unthankful world. Then it will be understood
Great is the mystery of godliness. that God so loved the world, that He gave His only
In eternity we shall learn that which, had we begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should
received the enlightenment that it was possible to not perish, but have everlasting life.My Life To-
obtain here, would have opened our understanding. day, 361:4 (Review, January 3, 1907).
The themes of redemption will employ the hearts He [Christ] will impart rich stores of knowl-
and minds and tongues of the redeemed through the edge. He will unravel mysteries in the providences of
everlasting ages. They will understand the truths God which in this life we are unable to under-
which Christ longed to open to His disciples, but stand.My Life Today, 361:5 (Letter 242, 1908).
which they did not have faith to grasp. Forever and We must get an education here that will enable
forever new views of the perfection and glory of Christ us to live with God through the eternal ages. The
will appear. Through endless ages the faithful House- education we begin here will be perfected in heaven.
holder will bring forth from His treasures things new We will only just enter a higher grade.My Life To-
and old.My Life Today, 360:1-2, 4-5 (Signs, April day, 361:6 (Manuscript 16, 1895).
18, 1906).
Travel to Worlds Afar. These are they which
Since God is infinite, and in Him are all the trea- follow the Lamb whithersoever he goeth. These
sures of wisdom, we may through all eternity be ever were redeemed from among men, being the first-
searching, ever learning, yet never exhaust the riches fruits unto God and to the Lamb (Rev. 14:4).My
of His wisdom, His goodness, or His power.My Life Life Today, 362:1.
Today, 360:6 (Signs, April 25, 1906).
Then was the melody of heaven heard by mortal
Those who . . place themselves in Gods hands ears, and the heavenly choir swept back to heaven
. . will see the King in His beauty. They will behold as they closed their ever memorable anthem. The light
His matchless charms, and touching their golden faded away . . but there remained in the hearts of the
harps, they will fill all heaven with rich music and shepherds the brightest picture mortal man had ever
with songs to the Lamb.My Life Today, 347:4 looked upon, and the blessed promise and assur-
(Review, June 15, 1905). ance of the advent to our world of the Saviour of
Christ Will Teach the Redeemed. And they men, which filled their hearts with joy and gladness,
shall be all taught of God (John 6:45). mingled with faith and wondrous love to God.My
In the school of Christ, students never gradu- Life Today, 363:4 (Review, December 9, 1884).
ate. Among the pupils are both the old and the young. O that today the human family could recognize
Those who give heed to the instructions of the Di- that song! The declaration then made, the note then
vine Teacher constantly advance in wisdom, refine- struck, will swell to the close of time and resound to
ment, and nobility of soul, and thus they are pre- the ends of the earth . . When the Sun of Righteous-
pared to enter that higher school, where advance- ness shall arise, with healing in His wings, that song
ment will continue throughout eternity . . to dwell will be re-echoed by the voice of a great multitude, as
forever in this home of the blest, to bear in soul, the voice of many waters, saying, Alleluia, for the
body, and spirit, not the dark traces of sin and the Lord God omnipotent reigneth. My Life Today,
curse, but the perfect likeness of our Creator, and 363:5 (DA 48:2).
through ceaseless ages to advance in wisdom, in Worship Together. For as the new heavens
knowledge and holiness, ever exploring new fields of and the new earth, which I will make, shall re-
thought, ever finding new wonders and new glories, main before Me, saith the Lord, so shall your seed
ever increasing in capacity to know and to enjoy and and your name remain. And it shall come to pass,
to love, and knowing that there is still beyond us joy that from one new moon to another, and from one
and love and wisdom infinitesuch is the object to Sabbath to another, shall all flesh come to worship
which the Christian hope is pointing.My Life To- before Me, saith the Lord (Isa. 66:22-23).
In the beginning the Father and the Son had 13 - FAITH I LIVE BY
rested upon the Sabbath after their work of creation. 359:1 - 370:4
When the heavens and the earth were finished, and
all the host of them, the Creator and all heavenly For our light affliction, which is but for a mo-
beings rejoiced in contemplation of the glorious scene. ment, worketh for us a far more exceeding and eter-
The morning stars sang together, and all the sons nal weight of glory. 2 Cor. 4:17.
of God shouted for joy . . The Eternal Weight of Glory.I was pointed
When there shall be a restitution of all things, to the glory of heaven, to the treasure laid up for the
which God hath spoken by the mouth of all His holy faithful. Everything was lovely and glorious. The an-
prophets since the world began, the creation Sab- gels would sing a lovely song, then they would cease
bath, the day on which Jesus lay at rest in Josephs singing and take their crowns from their heads and
tomb, will still be a day of rest and rejoicing. Heaven cast them glittering at the feet of the lovely Jesus,
and earth will unite in praise, as from one Sabbath and with melodious voices cry, Glory, Alleluia! I joined
to another the nations of the saved shall bow in with them in their songs of praise and honor to the
joyful worship to God and the Lamb.My Life To- Lamb, and every time I opened my mouth to praise
day, 364:1-3 (DA 769:2-770:0). Him, I felt an unutterable sense of the glory that sur-
rounded me. It was a far more exceeding and eternal
So long as the heavens and the earth endure,
weight of glory. Said the angel, The little remnant
the Sabbath will continue as a sign of the Creators
who love God and keep His commandments and are
power. And when Eden shall bloom on earth again,
faithful to the end will enjoy this glory and ever
Gods holy rest day will be honored by all beneath
the sun.My Life Today, 364:6 (DA 283:2). be in the presence of Jesus and sing with the
holy angels.Faith I Live By, 359:1-2 (EW 66:1).
Privilege of Open Communion with God. I
saw no temple therein: for the Lord God Almighty The work of salvation is not childs play, to be
and the Lamb are the temple of it (Rev. 21:22). taken hold of at will and let alone at pleasure. It is
the steady purpose, the untiring effort, that will gain
We may address Him by the endearing name,
the victory at last. It is he who endureth to the end
Our Father, which is a sign of our affection for Him
that shall be saved. It is they who patiently continue
and a pledge of His tender regard and relationship
in well-doing that shall have eternal life and the im-
to us. And the Son of God, beholding the heirs of
mortal reward.Faith I Live By, 359:1-2 (2T 101:1-
grace, is not ashamed to call them brethren. They
have even a more sacred relationship to God than
have the angels who have never fallen. Living the Life of Eden. I saw a new heaven
and a new earth; for the first heaven and the first
All the paternal love which has come down from
earth were passed away; and there was no more
generation to generation through the channel of hu-
sea. Rev. 21:1-2 . .
man hearts, all the springs of tenderness which have
opened in the souls of men, are but as a tiny rill to The prophet of Patmos thus describes the loca-
the boundless ocean when compared with the infi- tion of the school of the hereafter:
nite, exhaustless love of God.My Life Today, The giving of the tree of life in Eden was condi-
365:1-3 (Review, October 22, 1908). tional, and it was finally withdrawn. But the gifts of
Heaven is a ceaseless approaching to God the future life are absolute and eternal.Faith I Live
through Christ. The longer we are in the heaven of By, 360:1, 3, 5 (Ed 302:1).
bliss, the more and still more of glory will be opened Bright Beams of Glory. And His brightness
to us; and the more we know of God, the more in- was as the light; He had bright beams out of His
tense will be our happiness.My Life Today, 365:5 side: and there was the hiding of His power. Hab.
(DA 331:3). 3:4, margin.
And what is the happiness of heaven but to see Satan, by means of his success in turning man
God? What greater joy could come to the sinner saved aside from the path of obedience, became the god of
by the grace of Christ than to look upon the face of this world. 2 Corinthians 4:4. The dominion that
God and know Him as Father?My Life Today, once was Adams, passed to the usurper. But the
365:6 (8T 268:0). Son of God proposed to come to this earth to pay
How much comfort it gives to behold Him here the penalty of sin, and thus not only redeem man,
by the eye of faith, that we may by beholding be made but recover the dominion forfeited . . The apostle
like Him, but what will it be to behold Him as He is, Paul has referred to it [the restoration of the lost
without one dimming veil between?My Life To- dominion] as the redemption of the purchased pos-
day, 365:7 (Bible Echo, January 15, 1892). session. Ephesians 1:14.Faith I Live By, 361:1-
2 (PK 682:1).
Not only man but the earth had by sin come 86:2-87:0).
under the power of the wicked one, and was to be The Blessedness of Heaven. He that
restored by the plan of redemption.Faith I Live overcometh shall inherit all things; and I will be
By, 361:3 (PP 67:1). his God, and he shall be My son. Rev. 21:7.
No More Death Ever!In the home of the re- No man stumbles into heaven. No man goes
deemed there will be no tears, no funeral trains, no there blindfolded. If he will take time to consider,
badges of mourning. The inhabitant shall not say, I every man may know whether he is in the strait and
am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be for- narrow path, or in the broad road that leads to death
given their iniquity. Isaiah 33:24. One rich tide of hap- and hell.
piness will flow and deepen as eternity rolls on.
If we do not receive the religion of Christ by feed-
Faith I Live By, 362:2 (9T 286:3).
ing upon the Word of God, we shall not be entitled to
It will not be long till we shall see Him in whom an entrance into the City of God. Having lived on
our hopes of eternal life are centered. And in His earthly food, having educated our tastes to love
presence, all the trials and sufferings of this life will worldly things, we would not be fitted for the heav-
be as nothingness . . Look up, look up, and let your enly courts; we could not appreciate the pure, heav-
faith continually increase. Let this faith guide you along enly current that circulates in heaven. The voices of
the narrow path that leads through the gates of the the angels and the music of their harps would not
City of God into the great beyond, the wide, un- satisfy us. The science of heaven would be as an
bounded future of glory that is for the redeemed. enigma to our minds. We need to hunger and thirst
Faith I Live By, 362:5 (9T 287:2-288:0). for the righteousness of Christ; we need to be molded
The Metropolis of the World. And the City and fashioned by the transforming influence of His
had no need of the sun, neither of the moon, to grace, that we may be fitted for the society of heav-
shine in it: for the glory of God did lighten it, and enly angels.Faith I Live By, 365:1-3 (Review,
the Lamb is the light thereof. Rev. 21:23 . . May 4, 1897).
The streets of the City are paved with pure gold, Then the nations will own no other law than
and . . the gates of the City are of gold set with pearls. the law of heaven. All will be a happy, united family,
The riches obtained here may be consumed . . There clothed with the garments of praise and thanksgiv-
no thief shall approach; no moth or rust shall cor- ing . . Over the scene the morning stars will sing
rupt . . together, and the sons of God will shout for joy, while
You will have an imperishable treasure which God and Christ will unite in proclaiming, There shall
you can be in no danger of losing.Faith I Live By, be no more sin, neither shall there be any more
363:1, 3 (Signs, January 31, 1878). death.Faith I Live By, 365:5 (8 Testimonies,
Let us determine that if it costs everything we
will have heaven and become partakers of the divine We want to get in the habit of talking of heaven,
nature.Faith I Live By, 363:1, 3, 6 (Signs, Janu- beautiful heaven. Talk of that life which will continue
ary 27, 1888). as long as God shall live, and then you will forget
your little trials and difficulties. Let the mind be at-
Two Worlds Compared.The glory of the eter-
tracted to God.Faith I Live By, 365:6 (Historical
nal world has been opened before me. I want to tell
Sketches of SDA Missions, 146).
you that heaven is worth winning. It should be the
aim of your life to fit yourself for association with Speculations about the Future Life. For
the redeemed, with holy angels, and with Jesus, the when they shall rise from the dead, they neither
worlds Redeemer. If we could have but one view of marry, nor are given in marriage; but are as the
the celestial City, we would never wish to dwell on angels which are in heaven. Mark 12:25.
earth again. There are beautiful landscapes on earth, There are men today who express their belief
and I enjoy all these prospects of loveliness in na- that there will be marriages and births in the new
ture. I associate them with the Creator. But I know earth, but those who believe the Scriptures cannot
that if I love God, and keep His commandments, there accept such doctrines. The doctrine that children
is a far more exceeding and eternal weight of glory will be born in the new earth is not a part of the sure
reserved in heaven for me.Faith I Live By, 364:2 word of prophecy. The words of Christ are too plain
(Signs, April 8, 1889). to be misunderstood. They should forever settle the
Let your imagination picture the home of the question of marriages and births in the new earth.
saved, and remember that it will be more glorious Neither those who shall be raised from the dead,
than your brightest imagination can portray. In the nor those who shall be translated without seeing
varied gifts of God in nature we see but the faintest death, will marry or be given in marriage. They will
gleaming of His glory.Faith I Live By, 364:4 (SC be as the angels of God, members of the royal family.
I would say to those who hold views contrary to put away sin, which brings death to the soul!
this plain declaration of Christ: Upon such matters The competitors in the ancient games, after they
silence is eloquence. It is presumption to indulge in had submitted to self-denial and rigid discipline, were
suppositions and theories regarding matters that not even then sure of the victory . .
God has not made known to us in His Word. We
Such is not the case in the Christian warfare.
need not enter into speculation regarding our future
Not one who complies with the conditions will be
disappointed at the end of the race. Not one who is
Preach the Word; be instant in season, out of earnest and persevering will fail of success. The race
season (2 Tim. 4:2). is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong. The
Do not bring to the foundation wood, and hay, weakest saint, as well as the strongest, may wear
and stubble of your own surmisings and specula- the crown of immortal glory. All may win who,
tions, which can benefit no one. through the power of divine grace, bring their lives
Christ withheld no truths essential to our sal- into conformity to the will of Christ.Faith I Live
vation. Those things that are revealed are for us and By, 369:1-5 (AA 313:2).
our children, but we are not to allow our imagina- Reward for Soul Winners. And they that
tion to frame doctrines concerning things not re- be wise shall shine as the brightness of the firma-
vealed.Faith I Live By, 366:1-5 (MM 99:4-100:3). ment; and they that turn many to righteousness as
Heaven Begins on Earth. Come unto Me, the stars for ever and ever. Dan. 12:3 . .
all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will Glorious will be the reward bestowed when the
give you rest. Matt. 11:28. faithful workers gather about the throne of God and
Heaven is to begin on this earth. Faith I of the Lamb . . They have been partakers with Christ
Live By, 367:1-2 (7T 131:4). in His sufferings, they have been workers together
with Him in the plan of redemption, and they are
When the Lords people are filled with meek-
partakers with Him in the joy of seeing souls saved
ness and tenderness, they will realize that His ban-
in the kingdom of God, there to praise God through
ner over them is love, and His fruit will be sweet to
all eternity.Faith I Live By, 370:1, 3 (9T 285:1).
their taste. They will make a heaven below in which
to prepare for heaven above.Faith I Live By, A Christian once said that when he reached
367:5 (7T 131:4). heaven he expected to meet with three causes of won-
der. He would wonder to find some that he did not
As we walk with Jesus in this life, we may be
expect to see there. He would wonder not to see some
filled with His love, satisfied with His presence. All
that he expected to meet, and, lastly, he would won-
that human nature can bear, we may receive here.
der most to find so unworthy a sinner as himself in
But what is this compared with the hereafter? There
the Paradise of God. Many who have stood in high
are they before the throne of God, and serve Him
places as Christians upon earth will not be found
day and night in His temple: and He that sitteth on
with the happy throng that shall surround the throne.
the throne shall dwell among them . . For the Lamb
Those who have had knowledge and talent, and yet
which is in the midst of the throne shall feed them,
have delighted in controversy and unholy strife, will
and shall lead them unto living fountains of waters.
not have a place with the redeemed . . They desired
Revelation 7:15-17.Faith I Live By, 367:6 (DA
to do some great work, that they might be admired
and flattered by men, but their names were not writ-
The Race for Eternal Life Wherefore see- ten in the Lambs book of life. I know you not, are
ing we also are compassed about with so great a the sad words that Christ addresses to such. But
cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, those whose lives were made beautiful by little acts
and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let of kindness, by tender words of affection and sym-
us run with patience the race that is set before us. pathy, whose hearts recoiled from strife and conten-
Heb. 12:1 . . tion, who never did any great work in order to be
If thy hand offend thee the Saviour said, cut it lauded of men, these are found recorded in the
off: it is better for thee to enter into life maimed, Lambs book of life. Though the world counted them
than having thy two hands to go into hell, into the as insignificant, they are approved of God before the
unquenchable fire. And if thy foot cause thee to assembled universe.Faith I Live By, 370:4 (Signs,
stumble, cut it off. It is good for thee to enter halt February 24, 1890).
into life, than having thy two feet to be cast into hell
(Mark 9:43-45, R.V). 14 - REFLECTING CHRIST
If to save the body from death, the foot or the 378:1-8
hand should be cut off, or even the eye plucked out,
He who loves purity of heart, and whose
how much more earnest should the Christian be to
speech is gracious, will have the king as his friend. the tree of life, which is in the midst of the paradise
Prov. 22:11, R.S.V. of God. Rev. 2:7 . .
Into the City of God there will enter nothing that There will be employment in heaven. The re-
defiles. All who are to be dwellers there will here deemed state is not one of idle repose.Amazing
have become pure in heart. In one who is learning of Grace, 360:1, 362:2.
Jesus, there will be manifest a growing distaste for Thou wilt shew me the path of life: in Thy
careless manners, unseemly language, and coarse presence is fulness of joy; at Thy right hand there
thought. When Christ abides in the heart, there will are pleasures for evermore. Ps. 16:11.
be purity and refinement of thought and manner.
The Bible presents to our view the unsearchable
But the words of Jesus, Blessed are the pure in riches and immortal treasures of heaven. Mans
heart, have a deeper meaningnot merely pure in strongest impulse urges him to seek his own happi-
the sense in which the world understands purity, ness, and the Bible recognizes this desire and shows
free from that which is sensual, pure from lust, but us that all heaven will unite with man in his efforts
true in the hidden purposes and motives of the soul, to gain true happiness. It reveals the condition upon
free from pride and self-seeking, humble, unselfish, which the peace of Christ is given to men. It describes
childlike . . a home of everlasting happiness and sunshine, where
To hearts that have become purified through no tears nor want shall ever be known.Amazing
the indwelling of the Holy Spirit, all is changed. These Grace, 363:1, 4 (My Life Today, 160:2).
can know God. Moses was hid in the cleft of the rock Take heed that ye despise not one of these
when the glory of the Lord was revealed to him; and little ones; for I say unto you, That in heaven their
it is when we are hid in Christ that we behold the angels do always behold the face of My Father
love of God. which is in heaven. Matt. 18:10.
He that loveth pureness of heart, for the grace With the Word of God in his hands, every hu-
of his lips the king shall be his friend (Prov. 22:11). man being . . may have such companionship as he
By faith we behold Him here and now. In our daily shall choose . . He may dwell in this world in the
experience we discern His goodness and compassion atmosphere of heaven . . drawing nearer and nearer
in the manifestation of His providence . . The pure the threshold of the eternal world, until the portals
in heart see God in a new and endearing relation, as shall open, and he shall enter there. He will find
their Redeemer; and while they discern the purity himself no stranger. The voices that will greet him
and loveliness of His character, they long to reflect are the voices of the holy ones, who, unseen, were on
His image. They see Him as a Father longing to em- earth his companionsvoices that here he learned
brace a repenting son, and their hearts are filled with to distinguish and to love. He who through the Word
joy unspeakable and full of glory. of God has lived in fellowship with heaven, will find
The pure in heart discern the Creator in the himself at home in heavens companionship.
works of His mighty hand, in the things of beauty Amazing Grace, 364:1, 5 (Ed 127:1).
that comprise the universe. In His Written Word they And all thy children shall be taught of the Lord;
read in clearer lines the revelation of His mercy, His and great shall be the peace of thy children. Isa.
goodness, and His grace . . 54:13 . .
The beauty and preciousness of truth, which Between the school established in Eden at the
are undiscerned by the worldly-wise, are constantly beginning and the school of the hereafter there lies
unfolding to those who have a trusting, childlike de- the whole compass of this worlds historythe his-
sire to know and to do the will of God. We discern tory of human transgression and suffering, of divine
the truth by becoming, ourselves, partakers of the sacrifice, and of victory over death and sin. Not all
divine nature. the conditions of the first school of Eden will be
The pure in heart live as in the visible presence found in the school of the future life. No tree of knowl-
of God during the time He apportions them in this edge of good and evil will afford opportunity for temp-
world. And they will also see Him face to face in the tation. No tempter is there, no possibility of wrong.
future, immortal state, as did Adam when he walked Every character has withstood the testing of evil, and
and talked with God in Eden. Now we see through a none are longer susceptible to its power.Amaz-
glass, darkly; but then face to face (1 Cor. 13:12). ing Grace, 365:3 (Ed 301:6-302:0).
Reflecting Christ, 378:1-8 (MB 24-27). Those who have made the most of their privi-
leges to reach the highest attainments here, will take
15 - AMAZING GRACE these valuable acquisitions with them into the fu-
360:1-367:1-2 ture life. They have sought and obtained that which
is imperishable. The capability to appreciate the glo-
To him that overcometh will I give to eat of
ries that eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, will be
proportionate to the attainments reached in the cul- This joy all His followers are to share. However
tivation of the faculties in this life.Amazing Grace, great and glorious hereafter, our reward is not all to
365:5 (FE 49:1). be reserved for the time of final deliverance. Even
My people shall know My name . . they shall here we are by faith to enter into the Saviours joy.
know in that day that I am he that doth speak: Maranatha, 316:1-5 (MH 504:1-3).
behold, it is I. Isa. 52:6. The King shall answer and say unto them,
Every right principle, every truth learned in an Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as ye have done it
earthly school, will advance us just that much in the unto one of the least of these My brethren, ye have
heavenly school.Amazing Grace, 366:1, 7 (CT done it unto Me (Matt. 25:40) . .
208:3-209:0). There is a heaven before us, and among its in-
For our knowledge is imperfect . . but when habitants there will be no strife . .
the perfect is come, the imperfect will pass away. We shall greet the holy family of the redeemed,
1 Cor. 13:9-10, R.S.V. and hear the words of Christ, Come, ye blessed of
By faith we should look to the hereafter and My Father, inherit the kingdom prepared for you from
grasp the pledge of God of a growth of intellect, the the foundation of the world. We shall touch our golden
human faculties uniting with the divine, and every harps, and heaven will ring with rich music. We shall
power of the soul being brought into direct contact cast our glittering crowns at His feet, and give glory
with the Source of light. We may rejoice that all that to Him who has overcome in our behalf.Mar-
has perplexed us in the providences of God will then anatha, 317:1, 5-6 (Review, August 19, 1897).
be made plain; things hard to be understood will The love of God is without measure, without
find an explanation.Amazing Grace, 367:1 (5T comparison! It is infinite . . When we contemplate
706:1). the dignity and glory of Christ we see how great was
that love that prompted the sacrifice made upon the
16 - MARANATHA cross of Calvary for the redemption of a lost world.
316:5-672:5 This theme will fill the saints with wonder and
amazement through eternal ages, and why should
Jesus . . . for the joy that is set before Him we not meditate upon it here in this world?
endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated
O the mystery of godlinessGod manifest in
at the right hand of the throne of God. Heb. 12:2,
the flesh! This mystery increases as we try to com-
prehend it. It is incomprehensible, and yet human
These things have I spoken unto you, said beings will allow worldly, earthly things to intercept
Christ, that My joy might remain in you, and that the faint view it is possible for mortals to have of
your joy might be full (John 15:11). Jesus and His matchless love . . How can we be en-
Ever before Him, Christ saw the result of His thusiastic over earthly, common things and not be
mission. His earthly life, so full of toil and self-sacri- stirred with this picturethe cross of Calvary, the
fice, was cheered by the thought that He would not love that is revealed in the death of Gods dear Son?
have all this travail for nought. By giving His life for ..
the life of men, He would restore in humanity the All this humiliation and anguish were endured
image of God. He would lift us up from the dust, to bring back the wanderers, guilty and thankless,
reshape the character after the pattern of His own to the Fathers house. O the home of the blestI
character, and make it beautiful with His own glory. cannot afford to lose it! I shall, if saved in the king-
Christ saw of the travail of His soul and was dom of God, be constantly discerning new depths in
satisfied. He viewed the expanse of eternity and saw the plan of salvation. All the redeemed saints will
the happiness of those who through His humiliation see and appreciate as never before the love of the Fa-
should receive pardon and everlasting life. He was ther and the Son, and songs of praise will burst
wounded for their transgressions, bruised for their forth from immortal tongues. He loved us, He gave
iniquities. The chastisement of their peace was upon His life for us. With glorified bodies, with enlarged
Him, and with His stripes they were healed. He heard capacities, with hearts made pure, with lips unde-
the shout of the redeemed. He heard the ransomed filed, we shall sing the riches of redeeming love. There
ones singing the song of Moses and the Lamb. Al- will be no suffering ones in heaven, no skeptics whom
though the baptism of blood must first be received, we must labor to convince of the reality of eternal
although the sins of the world were to weigh upon things, no prejudices to uproot, but all will be sus-
His innocent soul, although the shadow of an un- ceptible to that love which passeth knowledge. Rest,
speakable woe was upon Him; yet for the joy that thank God, there is a rest for the people of God,
was set before Him He chose to endure the cross where Jesus will lead the redeemed into green pas-
and despised the shame. tures, by the streams of living waters which make
glad the City of our God. Then the prayer of Jesus to Such faith may be represented by the eleventh
His Father will be answered: I will that they also, hour laborers who receive as much reward as do
whom thou hast given Me, be with Me where I am. those who have labored for many hours. The thief
Maranatha, 318:2-4 (That I May Know Him, 371:2- asked in faith, in penitence, in contrition. He asked
4). in earnestness, as if he fully realized that Jesus could
Then the redeemed will be welcomed to the home save him if He would.Maranatha, 320:5 (5 BC
that Jesus is preparing for them. There their com- 1125:1).
panions will not be the vile of earth, liars, idolaters, Those whom Christ commends in the judgment
the impure, and unbelieving; but they will associate may have known little of theology, but they have cher-
with those who have overcome Satan and through ished His principles . . Among the heathen are those
divine grace have formed perfect characters. Every who worship God ignorantly, those to whom the light
sinful tendency, every imperfection, that afflicts them is never brought by human instrumentality, yet they
here has been removed by the blood of Christ, and will not perish. Though ignorant of the written law
the excellence and brightness of His glory, far ex- of God, they have heard His voice speaking to them
ceeding the brightness of the sun, is imparted to in nature, and have done the things that the law re-
them. And the moral beauty, the perfection of His quired. Their works are evidence that the Holy Spirit
character, shines through them, in worth far exceed- has touched their hearts, and they are recognized as
ing this outward splendor. They are without fault the children of God.
before the great white throne, sharing the dignity and How surprised and gladdened will be the lowly
the privileges of the angels. among the nations, and among the heathen, to hear
In view of the glorious inheritance that may be from the lips of the Saviour, Inasmuch as ye have
his, what shall a man give in exchange for his soul? done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye
Matthew 16:26. He may be poor, yet he possesses in have done it unto Me! How glad will be the heart of
himself a wealth and dignity that the world could Infinite Love as His followers look up with surprise
never bestow. The soul redeemed and cleansed from and joy at His words of approval! Maranatha,
sin, with all its noble powers dedicated to the ser- 320:1-7 (DA 638:2-3).
vice of God, is of surpassing worth; and there is joy As the heavens are higher than the earth, so
in heaven in the presence of God and the holy angels are My ways higher than your ways, and My
over one soul redeemed, a joy that is expressed in thoughts than your thoughts. Isa. 55:9.
songs of holy triumph.Steps to Christ, 126:1-2
Our plans are not always Gods plans . . In His
(part in Maranatha, 319:4).
loving care and interest for us, often He who under-
The Lord seeth not as man seeth; for man stands us better than we understand ourselves re-
looketh on the outward appearance, but the Lord fuses to permit us selfishly to seek the gratification
looketh on the heart. 1 Sam. 16:7. of our own ambition . . Often our plans fail that
Often we regard as hopeless subjects the very Gods plans for us may succeed.Maranatha,
ones whom Christ is drawing to Himself . . Many 321:1-3 (MH 473:2-3).
will be in heaven who their neighbors supposed In the future life the mysteries that here have
would never enter there. Man judges from appear- annoyed and disappointed us will be made plain.
ance, but God judges the heart.Maranatha, 320:1- We shall see that our seemingly unanswered prayers
2 (COL 71:3-72:0). and disappointed hopes have been among our great-
Some among the redeemed will have laid hold est blessings.Maranatha, 321:4 (MH 474:1).
of Christ in the last hours of life, and in heaven in- We are not now sufficiently advanced in spiri-
struction will be given to these, who, when they died, tual attainments to comprehend the mysteries of
did not understand perfectly the plan of salvation. God. But when we shall compose the family of heaven,
Maranatha, 320:3 (5 BC 1124/2:10). these mysteries will be unfolded before us.
To Jesus in His agony on the cross there came Maranatha, 321:5 (That I May Know Him, 365:4).
one gleam of comfort. It was the prayer of the peni- Then much will be revealed in explanation of
tent thief . . In Jesus, bruised, mocked, and hanging matters upon which God now keeps silence because
upon the cross, he sees the Lamb of God, that taketh we have not gathered up and appreciated that which
away the sin of the world. Hope is mingled with an- has been made known of the eternal mysteries. The
guish in his voice as the helpless, dying soul casts ways of Providence will be made clear; the mysteries
himself upon a dying Saviour. Lord, remember me, of grace through Christ will be unfolded. That which
he cries, when Thou comest into Thy kingdom. the mind cannot now grasp, which is hard to be
Quickly the answer came . . Verily I say unto thee understood, will be explained. We shall see order in
today, thou shalt be with Me in paradise. that which has seemed unexplainable; wisdom in
Maranatha, 320:4 (DA 749:3, 750:1-2). everything withheld; goodness and gracious mercy
in everything imparted. Truth will be unfolded to prove the talents that He has given them, that they
the mind, free from obscurity, in a single line, and may be a blessing to others. And by and by the gates
its brightness will be endurable. The heart will be of heaven will be thrown wide open to admit them,
made to sing for joy. Controversies will be forever and from the lips of the King of Glory the benedic-
ended, and all difficulties will be solved.Maran- tion will fall upon their ear like richest music, Come,
atha, 321:6 (That I May Know Him, 365:5). ye blessed of My Father, inherit the kingdom pre-
Set your affection on things above, not on pared for you from the foundation of the world (Matt.
things on the earth. Col. 3:2. 25:34). Thus the redeemed will be welcomed to the
mansions that Jesus is preparing for them. There
When Gods people take their eyes off the things
their companions will not be the vile of earth, but
of this world and place them on heaven and heavenly
those who through divine aid have formed perfect
things they will be a peculiar people, because they
characters. Every sinful tendency, every imperfection,
will see the mercy and goodness and compassion
has been removed by the blood of Christ; and the
that God has shown to the children of men. His love
excellence and brightness of His glory, far exceeding
will call forth a response from them, and their lives
the brightness of the sun in its meridian splendor,
will show to those around them that the Spirit of
is imparted to them. And the moral beauty, the per-
God is controlling them, that they are setting their
fection of His character, shines through them in
affections on things above, not on the things of the
worth far exceeding this outward splendor. They are
without fault before the great white throne, sharing
In thinking of heaven, we may put our imagina- the dignity and privileges of the angels.Maranatha,
tion to the utmost stretch and think the loftiest 323:1, 324:2.
thoughts that we are capable of thinking, and our
Obedience to all the commandments of God was
minds will grow weary in the effort to comprehend
the condition of eating of the tree of life. Adam fell by
the breadth and depth and height of the subject. It
disobedience . .
is impossible for our minds to take in the great
themes of eternity. It is impossible for us even to Obedience through Jesus Christ gives to man
make an effort to understand these things without perfection of character and a right to that tree of life.
the effort affecting our whole character for good and The conditions of again partaking of the fruit of the
having an uplifting influence on our minds. As we tree are plainly stated in the testimony of Jesus Christ
think of how Christ came to our world to die for to John: Blessed are they that do His command-
fallen man, we understand something of the price ments, that they may have right to the tree of life,
that was paid for our redemption, and we realize and may enter in through the gates into the City.
that there is no true goodness or greatness apart Maranatha, 325:5-6 (1 Bible Commentary, 1086/
from God. 1:3-4).
Only by the light shining from the cross of Cal- In the rainbow above the throne is an everlast-
vary can we know to what depths of sin and degra- ing testimony that God so loved the world, that He
dation the human race has fallen through sin. Only gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth
by the length of the chain let down from heaven to in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life
draw us up can we know the depths to which we . . As the bow in the cloud is formed by the union of
had sunk. And it is only by keeping the unseen reali- the sunlight and the shower, so the rainbow encir-
ties in view that we can understand anything of the cling the throne represents the combined power of
wonderful theme of redemption.Maranatha, mercy and justice. It is not justice alone that is to be
322:1-4 (In Heavenly Places, 368:2-4). maintained; for this would eclipse the glory of the
rainbow of promise above the throne; men could see
We are almost home; we shall soon hear the
only the penalty of the law. Were there no justice, no
voice of the Saviour richer than any music, saying,
penalty, there would be no stability to the govern-
Your warfare is accomplished. Enter into the joy of
ment of God. It is the mingling of judgment and mercy
thy Lord. Blessed, blessed benediction; I want to hear
that makes salvation complete . .
it from His immortal lips. I want to praise Him; I
want to honor Him that sitteth on the throne. I want Mercy invites us to enter through the gates into
my voice to echo and re-echo through the courts of the City of God, and justice is satisfied to accord to
heaven. Will you be there? . . God help us, and fill us every obedient soul full privileges as a member of
with all fullness and power, and then we can taste of the royal family, a child of the heavenly King. If we
the joys of the world to come.Maranatha, 322:5 were defective in character, we could not pass the
(In Heavenly Places, 368:5). gates that mercy has opened to the obedient; for jus-
tice stands at the entrance, and demands holiness
If any mans work abide . . he shall receive a
in all who would see God.
reward. 1 Cor. 3:14 . .
Were justice extinct, and were it possible for
Those who truly love God will desire so to im-
divine mercy to open the gates to the whole race, That triumphant throng, with songs of victory
irrespective of character, there would be a worse con- and with crowns and harps, have trodden in the fi-
dition of disaffection and rebellion in heaven than ery furnace of earthly affliction when it was heated
before Satan was expelled. The peace, happiness, and intensely hot. From destitution, from hunger and
and harmony of heaven would be broken. The change torture, they come, from deep self-denial and bitter
from earth to heaven will not change mens charac- disappointments. Look upon them now as conquer-
ter; the happiness of the redeemed in heaven results ors, no longer poor, no longer in sorrow, in affliction
from the character formed in this life after the image and hated of all men for Christs sake. Behold their
of Christ. The saints in heaven will first have been heavenly garments, white and shining, richer than
saints on earth. any kingly robe. Look by faith upon their jeweled
The salvation that Christ made such a sacrifice crowns; never did such a diadem deck the brow of
to gain for man is that which is alone of value; for it any earthly monarch.
is that which saves from sin . . Thus the law of God Listen to their voices as they sing loud hosan-
is not weakened by the gospel, but the power of sin nas and as they wave the palm branches of victory.
is broken, and the scepter of mercy is extended to Rich music fills heaven as their voices sing forth these
the penitent sinner . . God will never forget His people words: Worthy, worthy is the Lamb that was slain
in their struggle against evil. Let Jesus be our and rose again forevermore. Salvation unto our God
theme.Maranatha, 326:2-6 (Review, December which sitteth upon the throne, and unto the Lamb.
13, 1892). And the angelic host, angels and archangels, cover-
Thine eyes shall see the king in His beauty: ing cherub and glorious seraph, echo back the re-
they shall behold the land that is very far off. Isa. frain of that joyous, triumphant song saying, Amen:
33:17. Blessing, and glory, and wisdom, and thanksgiving,
and honour, and power, and might, be unto our God
If we desire to see the King in His beauty we
for ever and ever (Rev. 7:12).
must here behave worthily. We must outgrow our
childishness. When provocation comes let us be si- Oh, in that day it will be discovered that the
lent. There are times when silence is eloquence. We righteous were the wise ones, while the sinful and
are to reveal the patience and kindness and forbear- disobedient were fools . . Shame and everlasting con-
ance that will make us worthy of being called sons tempt is their portion. Those who have been
and daughters of God. We are to trust Him, and be- colaborers for Christ will then be near the throne of
lieve on Him, and rely upon Him. We are to follow in God, girt with purity and the garments of eternal
Christs steps. If any man will come after Me, He righteousness.Maranatha, 328:1, 329:3-5 (In
says, let him deny himself, and take up his cross Heavenly Places, 371:3-5).
daily, and follow Me (Luke 9:23). It may be a heavy When I think of those words of Daniel, I find
cross to keep silent when you ought to. It may be a myself waking up in the night and repeating them
painful discipline, but let me assure you that silence over and over: And they that be wise shall shine as
does much more to overcome evil than a storm of the brightness of the firmament; and they that turn
angry words. many to righteousness as the stars forever and ever.
Here in this world we are to learn what we must Look at the sun and the stars marshaled in the heav-
be in order to have a place in the heavenly courts. We ens, and known by their names. The Lord says, They
are to learn the lessons that Christ desires to teach that turn many to righteousness shall shine as the
us, that we may be prepared to be taken to the higher stars forever and ever.Maranatha, 330:2 (In Heav-
school in the courts above, where the Saviour will enly Places, 364:2).
lead us beside the river of life, explaining to us many In order to determine how important are the
things that here we could not comprehend . . There interests involved in the conversion of the soul from
we shall see the glory of God as we have never seen it error to truth, we must appreciate the value of im-
here. We get but a glimpse of the glory now, because mortality; we must realize how terrible are the pains
we do not follow on to know the Lord.Maranatha, of the second death; we must comprehend the honor
327:1-3 (In Heavenly Places, 365:1-3). and glory awaiting the ransomed, and understand
Long have we waited, but our hope is not to what it is to live in the presence of Him who died
grow dim. If we can but see the King in His beauty that He might elevate and ennoble man, and give to
we shall be forever blessed.Maranatha, 327:5 the overcomer a royal diadem.
(8T 253:1). The worth of a soul cannot be fully estimated
I looked, and, lo, a Lamb stood on the mount by finite minds. How gratefully will the ransomed
Sion, and with Him an hundred forty and four thou- and glorified ones remember those who were instru-
sand, having His Fathers name written in their mental in their salvation! No one will then regret his
foreheads. Rev. 14:1 . . self-denying efforts and persevering labors, his pa-
tience, forbearance, and earnest heart yearnings for the eye seen, O God, beside Thee, what He hath
souls that might have been lost had he neglected his prepared for him that waiteth for Him. Isa. 64:4.
duty or become weary in well-doing. Many have longed to penetrate into the glories
Now these white-robed ones are gathered into of the future world and to have the secrets of eternal
the fold of the Great Shepherd. The faithful worker mysteries disclosed to them, but they knock in vain.
and the soul saved through his labor are greeted by That which is revealed is for us and for our children
the Lamb in the midst of the throne, and are led to . . The Great Revealer hath opened to our intelli-
the tree of life and to the fountain of living waters. gence many things that are essential in order that
With what joy does the servant of Christ behold these we may understand the heavenly attractions and
redeemed ones, who are made to share the glory of have respect to the recompense of the reward.
the Redeemer! How much more precious is heaven The unfoldings of Jesus in reference to heav-
to those who have been faithful in the work of saving enly things are of a character that only the spiritual
souls!Maranatha, 330:3-5 (5T 620:2-621:1). mind can appreciate. The imagination may summon
What is done through the cooperation of men its utmost powers in order to picture the glories of
with God is a work that shall never perish, but en- heaven, but eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, nei-
dure through the eternal ages.Maranatha, 330:6 ther have entered into the heart of man, the things
(FE 199:2). which God hath prepared for them that love Him. 1
John, while in vision, saw a company clothed in Cor. 2:9. The heavenly intelligences are all around
white robes . . They were seen in the temple of God. us . . Angels of light create a heavenly atmosphere
This will be the result for all who will lay hold of the about the soul, lifting us toward the unseen and eter-
merits of Christ and wash their robes in His blood. nal. We cannot behold their forms with our natural
Every provision has been made so that we can sit sight; only by the spiritual vision can we discern
with Christ upon His throne, but the condition is heavenly things. Our human powers would be extin-
that we be in harmony with the law of God. guished by the inexpressible glory of the angels of
light. The spiritual ear alone can distinguish the
We cannot afford to lose heaven. We ought to
harmony of heavenly voices. It is not Christs plan to
have our conversation on heavenly things. There, there
excite the emotions by brilliant descriptions . . He
is no death nor pain. Why are we so reluctant to talk
has with sufficient distinctness presented Himself,
of these things? Why do we dwell upon earthly things?
the way, the truth, and the life, as the only means
The apostle exhorts us to have our conversation in
whereby salvation is to be obtained. No more than
heaven. For our conversation is in heaven; from
this is really required.
whence also we look for the Saviour, the Lord Jesus
Christ (Phil. 3:20). Christ will soon return to gather He might bring the human soul to the thresh-
those who are prepared, and take them to this glori- old of heaven, and through the open door show us
ous place. So Christ was once offered to bear the its inner glory flooding the heavenly Sanctuary and
sins of many; and unto them that look for Him shall shining out through its portals; but we must behold
He appear the second time without sin unto salva- it by faith, not with the natural eyes. He does not
tion (Heb. 9:28). forget that we are His human agents, to work the
works of God in a world all seared and marred with
Do we love to think of this event or do we want
the curse. It is in this world, that is clothed with
to put it off? . . The more we talk of Jesus, the more
moral darkness like the pall of death, where dark-
we shall reflect His divine image. By beholding we
ness covers the earth and gross darkness the people,
become transformed. We need to bring Christ into
that we are to walk in the light of heaven.Mar-
our religious experience. When you assemble together,
anatha, 332:1-4 (In Heavenly Places, 366:2-4).
let the conversation be on Christ and His salvation
. . The more we talk of Jesus the more of His match- We look not at the things which are seen, but
less charms we shall behold. at the things which are not seen: for the things
which are seen are temporal; but the things which
Those who take no pleasure in thinking and
are not seen are eternal. 2 Cor. 4:18 . .
talking of God in this life, will not enjoy the life that
is to come, where God is ever present, dwelling among Blessed are they that wash their robes, that
His people. But those who love to think of God will they may have right to the tree of life, and may
be in their element, breathing in the atmosphere of enter in through the gates into the City (Rev. 22:14,
heaven. Those who on earth love the thought of heaven R.V.) . .
will be happy in its holy associations and plea- Do we expect to get to heaven at last and join
sures.Maranatha, 331:2-5 (In Heavenly Places, the heavenly choir? Just as we go into the grave we
370:2-5). will come up, as far as the character is concerned
Since the beginning of the world men have . . Now is the time for washing and ironing . .
not heard, nor perceived by the ear, neither hath John saw the throne of God and around that
throne a company, and he inquired, Who are these? of the garden, to dress it and to keep it. Their occu-
The answer came, These are they which . . have pation was not wearisome, but pleasant and invigo-
washed their robes, and made them white in the rating. God appointed labor as a blessing to man, to
blood of the Lamb (Rev. 7:14). Christ leads them to occupy his mind, to strengthen his body, and to de-
the fountains of living waters, and there is the tree velop his faculties. In mental and physical activity
of life and there is the precious Saviour. Here is pre- Adam found one of the highest pleasures of his holy
sented to us a life that measures with the life of God. existence.
There is no pain, sorrow, sickness, or death there. Those who regard work as a curse, attended
All is peace and harmony and love . . though it be with weariness and pain, are cherish-
Now is the time to receive grace and strength ing an error. The rich often look down with contempt
and power to combine with our human efforts that upon the working classes, but this is wholly at vari-
we can form characters for everlasting life. When we ance with Gods purpose in creating man. What are
do this we will find that the angels of God will min- the possessions of even the most wealthy in com-
ister unto us, and we shall be heirs of God and joint parison with the heritage given to the lordly Adam?
heirs with Jesus Christ. And when the last trump Yet Adam was not to be idle. Our Creator, who un-
shall sound, and the dead shall be called from their derstands what is for mans happiness, appointed
prison house and changed in a moment, in the twin- Adam his work. The true joy of life is found only by
kling of an eye, the crowns of immortal glory shall be the working men and women.Maranatha, 350:3-
placed upon the heads of the overcomers. The pearly 4 (PP 50:1).
gates will swing back for the nations that have kept God designs that all shall be workers. The toil-
the truth and they will enter in. The conflict is ended. ing beast of burden answers the purpose of its cre-
Come, ye blessed of My Father, inherit the king- ation better than does the indolent man. God is a
dom prepared for you from the foundation of the constant worker. The angels are workers; they are
world (Matt. 25:34). Do we want this benediction? ministers of God to the children of men. Those who
I do, and I believe you do. May God help you that you look forward to a heaven of inactivity will be disap-
may fight the battles of this life and gain a victory pointed, for the economy of heaven provides no place
day by day and at last be among the number that for the gratification of indolence. But to the weary
shall cast their crowns at Jesus feet and touch the and heavy-laden rest is promised. It is the faithful
golden harps and fill all heaven with sweetest mu- servant who will be welcomed from his labors to the
sic. I want you to love my Jesus . . Do not reject my joy of his Lord.Maranatha, 350:6 (CT 280:1).
Saviour, for He has paid an infinite price for you. I The saints will have crowns of glory upon their
see in Jesus matchless charms, and I want you to heads, and harps of gold in their hands. They will
see these charms.Maranatha, 333:1, 334:1-5 (In play upon the golden harp, and sing redeeming love,
Heavenly Places, 369:1-5). and make melody unto God. Their former trials and
Can any earthly promotion confer honor equal suffering in this world will be forgotten and lost amid
to thisto be sons of God, children of the heavenly the glories of the New Earth.Maranatha, 355:5
King, members of the royal family? . . The nobility of (Youths Instructor, October 1852).
earth are but men; they die, and return to dust; and Human language is inadequate to describe the
there is no lasting satisfaction in their praise and reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those
honor. But the honor that comes from God is last- who behold it.Maranatha, 355:7 (Story of Re-
ing. To be heirs of God and joint heirs with Christ, demption, 430:2-431:0).
is to be entitled to unsearchable richestreasures
Giving thanks unto the Father, who has quali-
of such value that in comparison with them the gold
fied us to share in the inheritance of the saints in
and silver, the gems and precious stones of earth,
light. Col. 1:12, R.S.V.
sink into insignificance.Maranatha, 349:2 (Re-
view, June 10, 1884). The ransom has been paid, and it is possible
for all to come to God, and through a life of obedi-
To have fellowship with the Father and His Son
ence to attain unto everlasting life. Then how sad it
Jesus Christ is to be ennobled and elevated, and
is that men turn from the immortal inheritance, and
made a partaker of joys unspeakable and full of glory.
live for the gratification of pride, for selfishness and
Food, clothing, station, and wealth may have their
display, and . . lose the blessing which they might
value; but to have a connection with God and to be a
have both in this life and in the life to come. They
partaker of His divine nature is of priceless value.
might enter into the palaces of heaven, and associ-
Our lives should be hid with Christ in God; and al-
ate on terms of freedom and equality with Christ
though it doth not yet appear what we shall be,
and heavenly angels, and with the princes of God;
when Christ, who is our life, shall appear, we shall
and yet, incredible as it may seem, they turn from
be like Him. Maranatha, 349:3 (4T 357:1).
heavenly attractions.
To the dwellers in Eden was committed the care
The Creator of all worlds proposes to love those soever this gospel shall be preached throughout the
who believe in His only-begotten Son as their per- whole world, this also that she hath done shall be
sonal Saviour, even as He loves His Son. Even here spoken of for a memorial of her. Looking into the
and now His gracious favor is bestowed upon us to future, the Saviour spoke with certainty concerning
this marvelous extent. He has given to men the gift His gospel. It was to be preached throughout the
of the Light and Majesty of heaven, and with Him He world. And as far as the gospel extended, Marys gift
has bestowed all the treasures of heaven. Much as would shed its fragrance, and hearts would be
He has promised us for the life to come, He also blessed through her unstudied act. Kingdoms would
bestows princely gifts upon us in this life, and as rise and fall; the names of monarchs and conquer-
subjects of His grace, He would have us enjoy every- ors would be forgotten; but this womans deed would
thing that will ennoble, expand, and elevate our char- be immortalized upon the pages of sacred history.
acters. It is His design to fit us for the heavenly courts Until time should be no more, that broken alabas-
above. ter box would tell the story of the abundant love of
But Satan is contending for the souls of men . . God for a fallen race.Maranatha, 359:4 (DA
He would not have them catch a glimpse of the fu- 563:1).
ture honor, the eternal glories, laid up for those who We cannot suppose that when the final triumph
shall be inhabitants of heaven, or have a taste of the shall come, and we have the mansions prepared for
experience that gives a foretaste of the happiness of us, idleness will be our portionthat we shall rest
heaven . . in a blissful, do-nothing state.Maranatha, 360:2,
Those who accept Christ as their Saviour have (Review, May 17, 1898).
the promise of the life that now is, and that which is I have been shown the order, the perfect order,
to come . . The lowliest disciple of Christ may be- of heaven, and have been enraptured as I listened to
come an inhabitant of heaven, an heir of God to an the perfect music there. After coming out of vision,
inheritance incorruptible, and that fadeth not away. the singing here has sounded very harsh and discor-
O that every one might make choice of the heavenly dant. I have seen companies of angels, who stood in
gift, become an heir of God to that inheritance whose a hollow square, everyone having a harp of gold. At
title is secure from any destroyer, world without end! the end of the harp was an instrument to turn to set
O, choose not the world, but choose the better inher- the harp or change the tunes. Their fingers did not
itance! Press, urge your way toward the mark for the sweep over the strings carelessly, but they touched
prize of your high calling in Christ Jesus.Mar- different strings to produce different sounds. There
anatha, 357:1-5 (FE 234:1-235:0). is one angel who always leads, who first touches the
I saw as it were a sea of glass mingled with harp and strikes the note, then all join in the rich,
fire: and them that had gotten the victory over the perfect music of heaven. It cannot be described. It is
beast, and over his image, and over his mark, and melody, heavenly, divine, while from every counte-
over the number of his name, stand on the sea of nance beams the image of Jesus, shining with glory
glass, having the harps of God. Rev. 15:2 . . unspeakable.Maranatha, 361:4 (1T 146:2).
Whatsoever good thing any man doeth, the What a song that will be when the ransomed of
same shall he receive of the Lord. Eph. 6:8 . . the Lord meet . . ! All heaven is filled with rich mu-
sic, and with songs of praise to the Lamb. Saved,
The poor widow who cast her two mites into
everlastingly saved, in the kingdom of glory! To have
the Lords treasury little knew what she was doing.
a life that measures with the life of Godthat is the
Her example of self-sacrifice has acted and reacted
reward.Maranatha, 361:5 (7 BC 982:/1-2).
upon thousands of hearts in every land and in every
age. It has brought to the treasury of God gifts from Our lifework here is a preparation for the life
the high and the low, the rich and the poor. It has eternal. The education begun here will not be com-
helped to sustain missions, to establish hospitals, pleted in this life; it will be going forward through all
to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, heal the sick, eternity ever progressing, never completed.Mar-
and preach the gospel to the poor. Multitudes have anatha, 363:3 (MH 466:2).
been blessed through her unselfish deed. And the That in the ages to come He might shew the
outworking of all these lines of influence she, in the exceeding riches of His grace in His kindness to-
day of God, will be permitted to see. So with Marys ward us through Christ Jesus. Eph. 2:7 . .
precious gift to the Saviour. How many have been Of which salvation the prophets have en-
inspired to loving service by the memory of that bro- quired and searched diligently, who prophesied of
ken alabaster box! And how she will rejoice as she the grace that should come unto you: searching
beholds all this!Maranatha, 358:1, 359:1, 3 (6T what, or what manner of time the Spirit of Christ
310:2). which was in them did signify, when it testified
Verily I say unto you, Christ declared, Where- beforehand the sufferings of Christ, and the glory
that should follow . . Which things the angels de- office work.
sire to look into. 1 Peter 1:10-12. The power of Christ alone can work the trans-
Through all eternity the ransomed host will be formation in heart and mind that all must experi-
His chief glory.Maranatha, 365:1, 366:1, 5 (3 ence who would partake with Him of the new life in
Spirit of Prophecy, 261). the kingdom of God . . In order to serve Him aright,
O Lord, how manifold are Thy works! in wis- we must be born of the divine Spirit. This will pu-
dom hast Thou made them all: the earth is full of rify the heart and renew the mind and give us a new
Thy riches (Ps. 104:24). capacity for knowing and loving God. It will give us
willing obedience to all His requirements. This is
The knowledge of Gods works and ways we can
true worship.Maranatha, 370:1-3 (In Heavenly
only begin to obtain in this world; the study will be
Places, 372:1-3).
continued throughout eternity. God has provided for
man subjects of thought which will bring into activ- Thine eyes shall see Jerusalem a quiet habita-
ity every faculty of the mind. We may read the char- tion, a tabernacle that shall not be taken down; not
acter of the Creator in the heavens above and the one of the stakes thereof shall ever be removed, nei-
earth beneath, filling the heart with gratitude and ther shall any of the cords thereof be broken. But
thanksgiving. Every nerve and sense will respond to there the glorious Lord will be unto us a place of
the expressions of Gods love in His marvelous broad rivers and streams . . For the Lord is our
works.Maranatha, 367:1-2 (4T 581:2). judge, the Lord is our lawgiver, the Lord is our king;
He will save us . . And the inhabitant shall not say, I
Thus saith the Lord . . I, even My hands, have
am sick: the people that dwell therein shall be for-
stretched out the heavens, and all their host have I
given their iniquity (Isa. 33:20-24).Maranatha,
commanded. Isaiah 45: 11-12.
370:4 (In Heavenly Places, 372:2-4).
God has worlds upon worlds that are obedient
The glory of the Lord shall be revealed, and all
to His law. These worlds are conducted with refer-
flesh shall see it together. The Lord God will cause
ence to the glory of the Creator. As the inhabitants of
righteousness and praise to spring forth before all
these worlds see the great price that has been paid
the nations. In that day shall the Lord of hosts be
to ransom man, they are filled with amazement.
for a crown of glory, and for a diadem of beauty, unto
Then I was taken to a world which had seven the residue of His people. Maranatha, 371:4 (PK
moons. There I saw good old Enoch, who had been 733:1).
translated . . I asked him if this was the place he
Through Christs redeeming work the govern-
was taken to from the earth. He said, It is not; the
ment of God stands justified. The Omnipotent One
City is my home, and I have come to visit this place.
is made known as the God of love. Satans charges
He moved about the place as if perfectly at home.
are refuted, and his character unveiled. Rebellion can
I begged of my attending angel to let me remain in never again arise. Sin can never again enter the uni-
that place. I could not bear the thought of coming back to verse. Through eternal ages all are secure from apos-
this dark world again. Then the angel said, You must go tasy. By loves self-sacrifice, the inhabitants of earth
back, and if you are faithful, you, with the 144,000, shall and heaven are bound to their Creator in bonds of
have the privilege of visiting all the worlds and viewing the indissoluble union.
handiwork of God. Maranatha, 368:1, 3, 6-7 (EW
In the place where sin abounded, Gods grace
much more abounds. The earth itself, the very field
The Lord has made every provision for our hap- that Satan claims as his, is to be not only ransomed
piness in the future life. But He has made no revela- but exalted. Our little world under the curse of sin,
tions regarding these plans, and we are not to specu- the one dark blot in His glorious creation, will be
late concerning them. Neither are we to measure the honored above all other worlds in the universe of
conditions of the future life by the conditions of this God. Here, where the Son of God tabernacled in hu-
life.Maranatha, 369:7 (MM 100:4). manity; where the King of glory lived and suffered
The kingdom and dominion, and the great- and diedhere, when He shall make all things new,
ness of the kingdom under the whole heaven, shall the tabernacle of God shall be with men, and He
be given to the people of the saints of the most will dwell with them, and they shall be His people,
High. Dan 7:27. and God Himself shall be with them, and be their
The government of the kingdom of Christ is like God. And through endless ages as the redeemed walk
no earthly government. It is a representation of the in the light of the Lord, they will praise Him for His
characters of those who compose the kingdom . . unspeakable GiftImmanuel, God with us.
His court is one where holy love presides and whose Maranatha, 372:4-5 (DA 26:2-3).
offices and appointments are graced by the exercise LOOKING FORWARD TO HEAVEN
of charity. He charges His servants to bring pity and
What a source of joy to the disciples to know
loving-kindness, His own attributes, into all their
that they had such a Friend in heaven to plead in
their behalf! Through the visible ascension of Christ in Heaven for me. Beautiful as are the scenes of earth,
all their views and contemplation of heaven are they can bear no comparison to the glories of the
changed. Their minds had formerly dwelt upon it as eternal world.Signs of the Times, April 8, 1889.
a region of unlimited space, tenanted by spirits with- Human language is inadequate to describe the
out substance. Now heaven was connected with the reward of the righteous. It will be known only to those
thought of Jesus, whom they had loved and rever- who behold it. No finite mind can comprehend the
enced above all others, with whom they had conversed glory of the Paradise of God.Great Controversy,
and journeyed, whom they had handled, even in His 675:0.
resurrected body . .
For we shall see Him as He is. The princely
Heaven could no longer appear to them as an dignity of the Christian character will shine forth as
indefinite, incomprehensible space, filled with intan- the sun, and the beams of light from the face of Christ
gible spirits. They now looked upon it as their fu- will be reflected upon those who have purified them-
ture home, where mansions were being prepared for selves even as He is pure. The privilege of becoming
them by their loving Redeemer.6 Bible Commen- sons of God is cheaply purchased, even at the sacri-
tary, 1054/1:3-4. fice of everything we possess, be it life itself.4
A fear of making the future inheritance seem Testimonies, 357:2.
too material has led many to spiritualize away the
very truths which lead us to look upon it as our __________________
home.Great Controversy, 674:4-675:0.
Jesus comes to present the advantages and
beautiful imagery of the heavenly, that the attractions The following material was gleaned from our
of heaven shall become familiar to the thoughts, and currently out-of-print book of unpublished manu-
memorys hall be hung with pictures of celestial and scripts, entitled The Last Days, and is some of the
eternal loveliness.Our High Calling, 286:2. best material from that volume on topics given in
The great Teacher gives man a view of the future this chapter.
world. He brings it, with its attractive possessions,
within the range of his vision . . If He can fasten the HEAVEN
mind upon the future life and its blessedness, in
Description of Heavenly ThingsI saw the ex-
comparison with the temporal concerns of this world,
ceeding loveliness and glory of Jesus. His counte-
the striking contrast is deeply impressed upon the
nance was brighter than the sun at noonday. His
mind, absorbing the heart and soul and the whole
robe was whiter than the whitest white. How can I
being.Our High Calling, 286:4 (see also pages 250
. . describe to you the glories of heaven and the lovely
and 319).
angels singing and playing upon their harps of ten
Motives stronger, and agencies more powerful, strings?Letter 3, 1851 (to Sister Harret, Au-
could never be brought into operation; the exceeding gust 11, 1851).
rewards for right-doing and the enjoyment of heaven, God Requires Perfect Obedience to His Law
the society of the angels, the communion and love of As Christ denied self and sacrificed at every step,
God and His Son, the elevation and extension of all so must we, if we would sit with Him upon His
our powers throughout eternal ages,are these not throne. And then what do we get?everlasting life,
mighty incentives and encouragements to urge us to an eternal weight of glory. The streets are all pure
give the hearts loving service to our Creator and Re- gold, like transparent glass; and there is the tree of
deemer?Steps to Christ, 21:3. life, whose leaves are for the healing of the nations.
Language is altogether too feeble to attempt a Everything is lovely. There is no sickness, no sor-
description of heaven. As the scene rises before me, row, no pain, no death there; but our life there will
I am lost in amazement. Carried away with the sur- measure with the life of God.Manuscript 11,
passing splendor and excellent glory, I lay down the 1886, pp. 3, 9-11 (Christs Controversy with the
pen, and exclaim, Oh, what love! What wondrous Devil, July 25, 1886).
love! The most exalted language fails to describe the No Color Line in HeavenIn heaven there
glory of heaven or the matchless depths of a Saviours will be no color line, for all will be as white as Christ
love.Early Writings, 289:2. Himself.Manuscript 27, 1901, p. 8. A talk given
If we could have but one view of the celestial in the Vicksburg, Mississippi Church, on March 16,
City, we would never wish to dwell on earth again. 1901. Published in Gospel Herald, March 1901. See
There are beautiful landscapes on earth, and I enjoy also Gospel Herald, 40-42).
all these prospects of loveliness in nature. I associ- Caution against Hiring MusiciansHow can
ate them with the Creator. But I know that if I love God be glorified when you depend for your sing-
God, and keep His commandments, there is a far ing on a worldly choir that sings for money? . .
more exceeding and eternal weight of glory reserved When the singing is such that angels can unite
with the singers, an impression is made on to understand. All His providence will then be made
minds that singing from unsanctified lips can- plain.Manuscript 102, 1904, p. 10 (Untitled Man-
not make.Letter 190, 1902 (Ev 509:1). uscript, a sermon preached in Nashville, Tennes-
Do not hire worldly musicians if this can pos- see, July 2, 1904).
sibly be avoided.Letter 51, 1902 (Ev 509:2). Meaning of Mansions Let not your heart
Money should not be used to hire singers. be troubled; ye believe in God, believe also in Me. (I
Often the singing of simple hymns by the con- am the brightness of the Fathers glory, the manifes-
gregation has a charm that is not possessed by tation of His love, the channel by which His mercy
the singing of a choir, however skilled it may comes to you, and by which your prayers rise to Him.)
be.Letter 49, 1902 (Ev 509:3). In My Fathers house are many mansions (John
Display in MusicDisplay is not religion
The word here translated mansions means
nor sanctification. There is nothing more offen-
permanent abodeshabitations that are not re-
sive in Gods sight than a display of instrumen-
moved like tents, but which permanently endure for
tal music when those taking part are not conse- the family of the redeemed. The Father is there to
crated, are not making melody in their hearts to gather His children to His parental arms and be-
the Lord. The offering most sweet and accept- stow upon them His everlasting love.Letter 84,
able in Gods sight is a heart made humble by 1907 (to D.H. Kress, March 5, 1907).
self-denial, by lifting the cross and following The gratitude of saved Souls for Efforts Made
Jesus. on their Behalf When They Enter Heaven and Re-
We have no time now to spend in seeking ceive their CrownsWhat a reward awaits the win-
those things that only please the senses. Close ner of souls! When the gates of that beautiful City on
heart searching is needed. With tears and heart- high are swung back on their glittering hinges, and
broken confession we need to draw nigh to God the nations that have kept the truth shall enter in,
that He may draw nigh to us.Review and Her- crowns of glory will be placed on their heads, and
ald, November 14, 1899 (Ev 510:2). they will ascribe honor and glory and majesty to God.
God is glorified by songs of praise from a pure And at that time some will come to you, and will say,
heart filled with love and devotion to Him.1 Tes- If it had not been for the words you spoke to me in
timonies, 509:2 (1867). kindness, if it had not been for your tears and sup-
Caution against Speculating Concerning Con- plications and earnest efforts, I should never have
ditions in HeavenBe very careful not to entertain seen the King in His beauty. What a reward is this!
speculative ideas or to teach that which does not How insignificant is the praise of humans beings in
properly represent the truth for this time. We are this earthly, transient life, in comparison with the
not to speculate regarding what will be in heaven. To infinite rewards that await the faithful in the future,
pry into these mysteries and present fanciful theo- immortal life!
ries regarding them is to do great harm. The people The Joy of the Redeemed When They Meet
of God need not be aroused on this point. Supposi- the Souls for Whom They LaboredWhen you
tions regarding these mysteries are not to be received enter within the gates into the City, and the crown of
as truth. No one should dare pry into subjects that life is placed upon your brow and on the brow of the
God has not revealed. very ones you have worked to save, they will cast
Warning against the Theory of Births in the themselves upon your neck, and say, It was you that
New Earth and Spiritual WiferyI am instructed saved my soul. I should have perished, if you had
to bear a message of warning against the theory that not saved me from myself. You had to take a good
in the new earth children will be born. There is a while, but you were patient with me and won me to a
strain of spiritualism coming in among our people, knowledge of the truth. And then, as they lay their
and it will undermine the faith of those who give crowns at the feet of Jesus, and touch the golden
place to it, leading them to give heed to seducing spir- harps that have been placed in their hands, and unite
its and doctrines of devils. We have the plain assur- in praising and glorifying their Redeemer, and they
ance of Christ that in the world to come the redeemed realize that theirs is the great blessing of everlasting
neither marry, nor are given in marriage (Matt. life, there will be rejoicing indeed. And oh, the thought
22:30).Letter 59, 1904 (to Dear Brethren and that we may be instrumental, under God, in helping
Sisters in the South, January 22, 1904. See also to show men and women the way of salvation, while
1 SM 172-174). living on this earth!Manuscript 15, 1909, pp. 5,
All His Providences Will then be Ex- 11-12, 14-15 (Words of Encouragement to Self-sup-
porting Workers, April 26, 1909. See also Ev 45-
plainedIn the new earth Christ will lead us by
46; WM 72-73, 77-78).
the side of the living waters, and explain the dark
passages of Scripture that we have never been able
There the redeemed shall know, even as also they are known. The loves
and sympathies which God Himself has planted in the soul shall
there find truest and sweetest exercise. The pure communion with holy
beings, the harmonious social life with the blessed angels and with the faith-
ful ones of all ages who have washed their robes and made them white in
the blood of the Lamb, the sacred ties that bind together the whole family in
heaven and earth (Ephesians 3:15)these help to constitute the happiness
of the redeemed.
There, immortal minds will contemplate with never-failing delight
the wonders of creative power, the mysteries of redeeming love.
There will be no cruel, deceiving foe to tempt to forgetfulness of God. Every
faculty will be developed, every capacity increased. The acquirement of
knowledge will not weary the mind or exhaust the energies. There the
grandest enterprises may be carried forward, the loftiest aspirations
reached, the highest ambitions realized; and still there will arise new
heights to surmount, new wonders to admire, new truths to compre-
hend, fresh objects to call forth the powers of mind and soul and body.
All the treasures of the universe will be open to the study of
Gods redeemed. Unfettered by mortality, they wing their tireless
flight to worlds afarworlds that thrilled with sorrow at the spectacle of
human woe and rang with songs of gladness at the tidings of a ransomed
soul. With unutterable delight the children of earth enter into the joy and the
wisdom of unfallen beings. They share the treasures of knowledge and
understanding gained through ages upon ages in contemplation of
Gods handiwork. With undimmed vision they gaze upon the glory of cre-
ationsuns and stars and systems, all in their appointed order circling the
throne of Deity. Upon all things, from the least to the greatest, the Creators
name is written, and in all are the riches of His power displayed.
And the years of eternity, as they roll, will bring richer and still
more glorious revelations of God and of Christ. As knowledge is pro-
gressive, so will love, reverence, and happiness increase. The more men
learn of God, the greater will be their admiration of His character. As
Jesus opens before them the riches of redemption and the amazing
achievements in the great controversy with Satan, the hearts of the ran-
somed thrill with more fervent devotion, and with more rapturous joy they
sweep the harps of gold; and ten thousand times ten thousand and thou-
sands of thousands of voices unite to swell the mighty chorus of praise . .
The great controversy is ended. Sin and sinners are no more. The
entire universe is clean. One pulse of harmony and gladness beats
through the vast creation. From Him who created all, flow life and light and
gladness, throughout the realms of illimitable space. From the minutest
atom to the greatest world, all things, animate and inanimate, in
their unshadowed beauty and perfect joy, declare that God is love.
Great Controversy, 677:1-678:1, 3
Here are additional Spirit of Prophecy quo- directed to the heavenly Sanctuary, where Christ had
tations. None of these were in the first edition of entered to make atonement for His people. The Sab-
this compilation, which was printed in 18 book- bath reform was to be carried forward. The breach
lets. in the law of God must be made up. The message
Included here are a number of very choice must be proclaimed with a loud voice, that all the
statements which you will value. inhabitants of earth might receive the warning. The
people of God must purify their souls through obe-
-1- dience to the truth and be prepared to stand with-
out fault before Him at His coming.
Had Adventists, after the great disappointment
The long night of gloom is trying; but the morn- in 1844, held fast their faith and followed on unit-
ing is deferred in mercy, because if the Master should edly in the opening providence of God, receiving the
come, so many would be found unready. Gods un- message of the third angel and in the power of the
willingness to have His people perish, has been Holy Spirit proclaiming it to the world, they would
the reason of so long delay.2 Testimonies, 194:0 have seen the salvation of God, the Lord would have
(1868). wrought mightily with their efforts, the work would
Had the purpose of God been carried out by His have been completed, and Christ would have come
people in giving to the world the message of mercy, ere this to receive His people to their reward. But
Christ would, ere this, have come to the earth, in the period of doubt and uncertainty that followed
and the saints would have received their welcome the disappointment, many of the Advent believers
into the City of God.6 Testimonies, 450:0 (1900). yielded their faith . . Thus the work was hindered,
I know that if the people of God had preserved a and the world was left in darkness. Had the whole
living connection with Him, if they had obeyed His Adventist body united upon the commandments of
Word, they would today be in the heavenly God and the faith of Jesus, how widely different
Canaan.General Conference Bulletin, March 30, would have been our history!
1903. It was not the will of God that the coming of
If every watchman on the walls of Zion had given Christ should be thus delayed. God did not design
the trumpet a certain sound, the world might ere that His people, Israel, should wander forty years in
this have heard the message of warning. But the the wilderness. He promised to lead them directly to
work is years behind. While men have slept, Satan the land of Canaan, and establish them there a holy,
has stolen a march upon us.9 Testimonies, 29:2 healthy, happy people. But those to whom it was
(1909). first preached, went not in because of unbelief (Heb.
The angels of God in their messages to men rep- 3:9). Their hearts were filled with murmuring, re-
resent time as very short. Thus it has always been bellion, and hatred, and He could not fulfill His cov-
presented to me. It is true that time has continued enant with them.
longer than we expected in the early days of this For forty years did unbelief, murmuring, and
message. Our Saviour did not appear as soon as we rebellion shut out ancient Israel from the land of
hoped. But has the Word of the Lord failed? Never! It Canaan. The same sins have delayed the entrance of
should be remembered that the promises and the modern Israel into the heavenly Canaan. In neither
threatenings of God are alike conditional. case were the promises of God at fault. It is the un-
God had committed to His people a work to be belief, the worldliness, unconsecration, and strife
accomplished on earth. The third angels message among the Lords professed people that have kept
was to be given, the minds of believers were to be us in this world of sin and sorrow so many
awake and watching, it will steal upon us as a thief. the Spirit that fell on the disciples on the day of
Satan is preparing to work through his human agen- Pentecost will fall on us.Review, June 30, 1903.
cies in secrecy . . Zeal for the glory of God moved the disciples to
We must know the reasons of our faith. The bear witness to the truth with mighty power. Should
importance and solemnity of the scenes opening be- not this zeal fire our hearts with a longing to tell the
fore us demand this, and on no account must the story of redeeming love, of Christ and Him cruci-
spirit of complaining be encouraged . . fied? Should not the power of God be even more
We may have to plead most earnestly before mightily revealed today then in the time of the
legislative councils for the right to exercise inde- apostles?Signs, February 17, 1914.
pendent judgment, to worship God according to the After Christs ascension, the disciples were gath-
dictates of our conscience. Thus in His providence ered together in one place to make humble supplica-
God has designed that the claims of His holy law tion to God. And after ten days of heart searching
shall be brought before men in the highest author- and self-examination, the way was prepared for
ity. But as we do all we can as men and women the Holy Spirit to enter the cleansed, consecrated
who are not ignorant of Satans devices, we are to soul temples. Every heart was filled with the Spirit,
manifest no bitterness of feeling. Constantly we as though God desired to show His people that it
are to offer prayer for divine aid. It is God alone who was His prerogative to bless them with the choicest
can hold the four winds until the angels shall seal of heavens blessings . . The sword of the Spirit
the servants of God in their foreheads. flashed right and left. Newly edged with power, it
The Lord will do a great work in the earth. Sa- pierced even to the dividing asunder of soul and
tan makes a determined effort to divide and scatter spirit, and of the joints and marrow. The idolatry
His people. He brings up side issues to divert minds that had been mingled with the worship of the people
from the important subjects which should engage was overthrown. New territory was added to the king-
our attention . . dom of God. Places that had been barren and deso-
Many are holding the truth only with the tips of late sounded forth His praises.Review, June 10,
their fingers. They have had great light and many 1902.
privileges. Like Capernaum they have been exalted When we have entire, wholehearted conse-
to heaven in this respect. In the time of test and cration to the service of Christ, God will recog-
trial that is approaching, they will become apos- nize the fact by an outpouring of His Spirit with-
tates unless they put away their pride and self-confi- out measure; but this will not be while the largest
dence, unless they have an entire transformation of portion of the church are not laborers together with
character.3 Selected Messages, 414:2-415:4 (Let- God.Review, July 21, 1896.
ter 5, 1883). I saw jets of light shining from cities and vil-
lages, and from the high places and the low places
-3- of the earth. Gods Word was obeyed, and as a re-
IMPORTANCE OF sult there were memorials for Him in every city and
MISSIONARY WORK NOW village. His truth was proclaimed throughout the
world.9 Testimonies, 28:4-29:0.
Many present the doctrines and theories of our
Hundreds and thousands were seen visiting
faith; but their presentation is as salt without sa-
families, and opening before them the Word of God.
vor; for the Holy Spirit is not working through their
Hearts were convicted by the power of the Holy Spirit,
faithless ministry. They have not opened the heart
and a spirit of genuine conversion was manifest. On
to receive the grace of Christ; they know not the op-
every side doors were thrown open to the procla-
eration of the Spirit; they are as meal without leaven;
mation of the truth. The world seemed to be light-
for there is no working principle in all their labor,
ened with the heavenly influence.9 Testimonies,
and they fail to win souls to Christ. They do not
appropriate the righteousness of Christ; it is a robe
As the time comes for it [the message of the
unworn by them, a fullness unknown, a fountain
third angel] to be given with greatest power, the
untouched.Review, November 29, 1892.
Lord will work through humble instruments, lead-
We need greater earnestness in the cause of
ing the minds of those who consecrate themselves to
Christ. The solemn message of truth should be
His service. The laborers will be qualified rather
given with an intensity that would impress unbe-
by the unction of His Spirit than by the training
lievers that God is working with our efforts, that
of literary institutions. Men of faith and prayer will
the Most High is our living source of strength.
be constrained to go forth with holy zeal, declaring
Signs, December 9, 1886.
the words which God gives them. The sins of Babylon
When we bring our hearts into unity with
will be laid open. The fearful results of enforcing
Christ, and our lives into harmony with His work,
the observances of the church by civil authority, the
inroads of spiritualism, the stealthy but rapid Instead of living in expectation of some special
progress of the papal powerall will be unmasked. season of excitement, we are wisely to improve
By these solemn warnings the people will be stirred. present opportunities, doing that which must be
Thousands upon thousands will listen who have done in order that souls may be saved. Instead of
never heard words like these.Great Contro- exhausting the powers of our mind in speculations
versy, 606:2. in regard to the times and seasons which the Lord
Many . . will be seen hurrying hither and has placed in His own power, and withheld from
thither, constrained by the Spirit of God to bring men, we are to yield ourselves to the control of the
the light to others. The truth, the Word of God, is Holy Spirit, to do present duties, to give the bread of
as a fire in their bones, filling them with a burning life, unadulterated with human opinions, to souls
desire to enlighten those who sit in darkness. Many, who are perishing for the truth.
even among the uneducated, now proclaim the words The third angels message is swelling into a loud
of the Lord. Children are impelled by the Spirit to cry, and you must not feel at liberty to neglect the
go forth and declare the message from heaven. The present duty, and still entertain the idea that at some
Spirit is poured out upon all who will yield to its future time you will be the recipients of great bless-
promptings; and, casting off all mans machinery, ing, when without any effort on your part a wonder-
his binding rules and cautious methods, they will ful revival will take place . . Today you are to have
declare the truth with the might of the Spirits power. your vessel purified, that it may be ready for the heav-
Multitudes will receive the faith and join the armies enly dew, ready for the showers of the latter rain; for
of the Lord.Review, July 23, 1895. the latter rain will come, and the blessing of God
Servants of God, with their faces lighted up and will fill every soul that is purified from every de-
shining with holy consecration, will hasten from place filement. It is our work today to yield our souls to
to place to proclaim the message from heaven. By Christ, that we may be fitted for the time of re-
thousands of voices, all over the earth, the warning freshing from the presence of the Lordfitted for
will be given. Miracles will be wrought, the sick will the baptism of the Holy Spirit.Review and Her-
be healed, and signs and wonders will follow the ald, March 22, 1892.
believers. Satan also works with lying wonders, In these days of travel, the opportunities for
even bringing down fire from heaven in the sight of coming in contact with men and women of all
men. Thus the inhabitants of the earth will be classes and of many nationalities, are much greater
brought to take their stand. than in the days of Israel. The thoroughfares of
The message will be carried not so much by travel have multiplied a thousandfold. God has
argument as by the deep conviction of the Spirit wonderfully prepared the way. The agency of the
of God. The arguments have been presented. The printing press, with its manifold facilities, is at our
seed has been sown, and now it will spring up and command. Bibles and publications in many lan-
bear fruit. The publications distributed by mission- guages, setting forth the truth for this time, are at
ary workers have exerted their influence, yet many our hand and can be swiftly carried to every part of
whose minds were impressed have been prevented the world.
from fully comprehending the truth or from yielding We are to give the last warning of God to men,
obedience. Now the rays of light penetrate every- and what should be our earnestness in studying the
where, the truth is seen in its clearness, and the Bible and our zeal in spreading the light!Review,
honest children of God sever the bands which have January 25, 1906.
held them. Family connections, church relations, are A crisis is right upon us. We must now by the
powerless to stay them now. Truth is more precious Holy Spirits power proclaim the great truths for
than all besides. Notwithstanding the agencies com- these last days. It will not be long before everyone
bined against the truth, a large number take their will have heard the warning and made his deci-
stand upon the Lords side.Great Controversy, sion. Then shall the end come . . God is the great
612:1-2. Master Worker, and by His providence He prepares
The descent of the Holy Spirit upon the church the way for His work to be accomplished. He pro-
is looked forward to as in the future; but it is the vides opportunities, opens up lines of influence and
privilege of the church to have it now. Seek for it, channels of working. If His people are watching the
pray for it, believe for it. We must have it, and Heaven indications of His providence, and stand ready to
is waiting to bestow it. co-operate with Him, they will see a great work ac-
Let Christians . . ask in faith for the prom- complished.6 Testimonies, 24:2-3.
ised blessing, and it will come. The outpouring of Today men and nations are being tested by
the Spirit in the days of the apostles was the former the plummet in the hand of Him who makes no mis-
rain, and glorious was the result. But the latter rain take . . Today the signs of the times declare that
will be more abundant.Evangelism, 701:2-3. we are standing on the threshold of great and sol-
emn events. Everything in our world is in agita- tery of iniquity that figures so largely in the winding
tion. Before our eyes is fulfilling the Saviours proph- up of this earths history . .
ecy of the events to precede His coming: Ye shall In the very time in which we live, the Lord
hear of wars and rumors of wars . . Nation shall has called His people and has given them a mes-
rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom: sage to bear. He has called them to expose the wick-
and there shall be famines, and pestilences, and edness of the man of sin who has made the Sunday
earthquakes, in divers places. Matthew 24:6, 7. law a distinctive power, who has thought to change
The present is a time of overwhelming inter- times and laws, and to oppress the people of God
est to all living. Rulers and statesmen, men who who stand firmly to honor Him by keeping the only
occupy positions of trust and authority, thinking men true Sabbath, the Sabbath of creation, as holy unto
and women of all classes, have their attention fixed the Lord.Testimonies to Ministers, 117:5-118:0.
upon the events taking place about us. They are At the present time, when the end of all things
watching the relations that exist among the nations. earthly is rapidly approaching, Satan is putting
They observe the intensity that is taking possession forth desperate efforts to ensnare the world. He is
of every earthly element, and they recognize that some- devising many plans to occupy minds and to divert
thing great and decisive is about to take placethat attention from the truths essential to salvation . .
the world is on the verge of a stupendous crisis. Wickedness is reaching a height never before
Prophets and Kings, 536:2, 4-537:1. attained, and yet many ministers of the gospel are
Angels are now restraining the winds of strife, crying, Peace and safety. But Gods faithful messen-
until the world shall be warned of its coming doom; gers are to go steadily forward with their work.
but a storm is gathering, ready to burst upon the Clothed with the panoply of heaven, they are to
earth, and when God shall bid His angels loose advance fearlessly and victoriously, never ceasing
the winds, there will be such a scene of strife as their warfare until every soul within their reach shall
no pen can picture . . have received the message of truth for this time.
A moment of respite has been graciously given Acts of the Apostles, 219:2-220:1 (Ev 705:3-706:0).
us of God. Every power lent us of heaven is to be
used in doing the work assigned us by the Lord for -4-
those who are perishing in ignorance . . IMPORTANCE OF
Gods people should make mighty intercession LITERATURE DISTRIBUTION
to Him for help now. And they must put their whole
In a large degree through our publishing
energies into the effort to proclaim the truth dur-
houses is to be accomplished the work of that
ing the respite that has been granted . .
other angel who comes down from heaven with
Every day we have been associating with men
great power and who lightens the earth with his
and women who are judgment bound. Each day may
glory.7 Testimonies, 140:3.
have been the dividing line for some soul. Each day
The great and wonderful work of the last gos-
someone may have made the decision which will de-
pel message is to be carried on now as it has never
termine his future destiny.Review, November 23,
been before. The world is to receive the light of
truth through an evangelizing ministry of the Word
We do not understand as we should the great
in our books and periodicals. Our publications are
conflict going on between invisible agencies, the
to show that the end of all things is at hand. I am
controversy between loyal and disloyal angels. Over
bidden to say to our publishing houses: Lift up the
every man, good and evil angels strive. This is no
standard; lift it up higher. Proclaim the third angels
make-believe conflict. It is not mimic battles in which
message, that it may be heard by all the world. Let it
we are engaged. We have to meet most powerful
be seen that here are they that keep the command-
adversaries, and it rests with us to determine which
ments of God and the faith of Jesus. Revelation
shall win. We are to find our strength where the early
14:12. Let our literature give the message as a wit-
disciples found theirs.7 Testimonies, 213:2.
ness to all the world.
As we near the close of time, there will be
Our workers should now be encouraged to
greater and still greater external parade of hea-
give their first attention to books that deal with
then power; heathen deities will manifest their
the evidences of our faithbooks that teach the
signal power, and will exhibit themselves before
doctrines of the Bible, and that will prepare a
the cities of the world; and this delineation has
people to stand in the trying times before us.9
already begun to be fulfilled. By a variety of images
Testimonies, 61:1-2.
the Lord Jesus represented to John the wicked char-
Our publishing work was established by the
acter and seductive influence of those who have been
direction of God and under His special supervi-
distinguished for their persecution of Gods people.
sion. It was designed to accomplish a specific pur-
All need wisdom carefully to search out the mys-
pose. Seventh-day Adventists have been chosen by because she made all nations drink of the wine of
God as a peculiar people, separate from the world. the wrath of her fornication. Revelation 14:8.
By the great cleaver of truth He has cut them out They are represented by the third angel that
from the quarry of the world and brought them into followed, saying with a loud voice, If any man wor-
connection with Himself. He has made them His rep- ship the beast and his image, and receive his mark
resentatives and has called them to be ambassadors in his forehead, or in his hand, the same shall drink
for Him in the last work of salvation. The greatest of the wine of the wrath of God. Revelation 14:9-
wealth of truth ever entrusted to mortals, the most 10.7 Testimonies, 138:2, 139:1-140:2.
solemn and fearful warnings ever sent by God to The book work should be the means of quickly
man, have been committed to them to be given to giving the sacred light of present truth to the
the world; and in the accomplishment of this work world. The publications that come forth from our
our publishing houses are among the most effec- presses today are to be of such a character as to
tive agencies . . strengthen every pin and pillar of the faith that
The publications sent forth from our printing was established by the Word of God and by the rev-
houses are to prepare a people to meet God. Through- elations of His Spirit.9 Testimonies, 69:4.
out the world they are to do the same work that God will soon do great things for us, if we lie
was done by John the Baptist for the Jewish na- humble and believing at His feet . . More than one
tion. By startling messages of warning Gods prophet thousand will soon be converted in one day, most
awakened men from worldly dreaming. Through him of whom will trace their first convictions to the
God called backsliding Israel to repentance. By his reading of our publications.Counsels to Writers
presentation of truth he exposed popular delusions. and Editors, 181:2.
In contrast with the false theories of his time, truth
in his teaching stood forth as an eternal certainty. We have no time to lose. Important work is be-
Repent ye; for the kingdom of heaven is at hand, fore us, and if we are slothful servants we shall cer-
was Johns message. Matthew 3:2. This same mes- tainly lose the heavenly reward. But few have broad
sage, through the publications from our printing and extensive views of what can be done in reach-
houses, is to be given to the world today . . ing the people by personal, interested efforts in a
Prepare ye the way of the Lord, make His paths wise distribution of our publications. Many who
straight. Matthew 3:3. As John prepared the way will not be induced to listen to the truth presented
for the first, so we are to prepare the way for the by the living preacher will take up a tract or a pa-
second, advent of the Saviour. per and peruse it; many things they read meet their
Our publishing institutions are to exalt the ideas exactly, and they become interested to read all
claims of Gods downtrodden law. Standing before it contains. Impressions are thus made upon their
the world as reformers, they are to show that the minds which they cannot readily forget. The seed of
law of God is the foundation of all enduring reform. truth has in some cases been buried for years be-
In clear, distinct lines they are to present the ne- neath the rubbish of the world, and the pleasing
cessity of obedience to all His commandments. fables that deceived ones have enjoyed. After a time
Constrained by the love of Christ, they are to co- some earthly sorrow or affliction softens their hearts,
operate with Him in building up the old waste places, and the seed springs up and bears fruit to the glory
raising up the foundations of many generations. They of God.
are to stand as repairers of the breach, restorers of Again, many read these papers and tracts and
paths to dwell in. Through their testimony the their combativeness is aroused, and they throw
Sabbath of the fourth commandment is to stand the silent messengers from them in a passion. But
as a witness, a constant reminder of God, to attract ideas all new to them have, although unwelcome,
notice and arouse investigation that shall direct the made their impression, and as the silent messen-
minds of men to their Creator. ger bears the abuse without retaliation there is noth-
Let it never be forgotten that these institutions ing to feed the anger which has been excited. Again
are to cooperate with the ministry of the delegates of the hand takes up the neglected paper or tract, and
heaven. They are among the agencies represented the eye is tracing the truthful lines, and again in pas-
by the angel flying in the midst of heaven, having sion it is thrown from them as their path is crossed.
the everlasting gospel to preach unto them that But the mind is not at rest; the abused paper is at
dwell on the earth, and to every nation, and kindred, last perused, and thus point after point of truth
and tongue, and people, saying with a loud voice, commences its convicting work; step by step the
Fear God, and give glory to Him; for the hour of His reformation is wrought, self dies, and the warfare
judgment is come. Revelation 14:6, 7. and antagonism to the truth is ended. The despised
From them is to go forth the terrible denun- paper or tract is henceforth honored as the means
ciation, Babylon is fallen, is fallen, that great city, of converting the stubborn heart and subduing the
perverse will, bringing it in subjection to Christ. Had out to save me. In my ignorance you taught me pa-
the living preacher spoken as pointedly, these per- tiently that I had a Father in heaven who cared for
sons would have turned from him, and would not me. You read to me the precious promises of Gods
have entertained the new and strange ideas brought Word. You inspired in me faith that He would save
before them. The papers and tracts can go where me. My heart was softened, subdued, broken, as I
the living preacher cannot go, and where if he could contemplated the sacrifice which Christ had made
go he would have no access to the people, because of for me. I became hungry for the bread of life, and the
their prejudice against the truth. truth was precious to my soul. I am here, saved,
I have been shown that but few have any correct eternally saved, ever to live in His presence, and to
idea of what the distribution of papers and tracts is praise Him who gave His life for me.
doing. The missionary work, in circulating the What rejoicing there will be as these redeemed
publications upon present truth, is opening doors ones meet and greet those who have had a bur-
everywhere and preparing minds to receive the den in their behalf! And those who have lived, not
truth, when the living preacher shall come among to please themselves, but to be a blessing to the un-
them. The success which attends the efforts of min- fortunate who have so few blessingshow their
isters in the field is not due alone to their efforts, hearts will thrill with satisfaction! They will realize
but in a great degree to the influence of the reading the promise: Thou shalt be blessed; for they cannot
matter which has enlightened the minds of the people recompense thee: for thou shalt be recompensed at
and removed prejudice. Thus many are made sus- the resurrection of the just.
ceptible to the influence of the truth when it is pre- Thou shalt delight thyself in the Lord; and I
sented before them.Publishing Ministry, 397:2- will cause thee to ride upon the high places of the
398:1 (Review, December 19, 1878). earth, and feed thee with the heritage of Jacob thy
father: for the mouth of the Lord hath spoken it.
All praise, honor, and glory will be given to God Isaiah 58:14.6 Testimonies, 311:0-312:2.
and to the Lamb for our redemption; but it will not
detract from the glory of God to express gratitude to By the co-operation of the divine Spirit, the
the instrumentality He has employed in the salva- apostles did a work that shook the world. To every
tion of souls ready to perish. nation was the gospel carried in a single generation.
The redeemed will meet and recognize those Glorious were the results that attended the minis-
whose attention they have directed to the uplifted try of the chosen apostles of Christ . .
Saviour. What blessed converse they have with these Not in their own power did the apostles accom-
souls! I was a sinner, it will be said, without God plish their mission, but in the power of the living
and without hope in the world, and you came to God. Their work was not easy. The opening labors
me, and drew my attention to the precious Saviour of the Christian church were attended by hardship
as my only hope. And I believed in Him. I repented of and bitter grief. In their work the disciples con-
my sins, and was made to sit together with His saints stantly encountered privation, calumny, and per-
in heavenly places in Christ Jesus. Others will say: secution; but they counted not their lives dear to
I was a heathen in heathen lands. You left your unto themselves and rejoiced that they were called
friends and comfortable home, and came to teach to suffer for Christ. Irresolution, indecision, weak-
me how to find Jesus and believe in Him as the only ness of purpose, found no place in their efforts. They
true God. I demolished my idols and worshiped God, were willing to spend and be spent. The conscious-
and now I see Him face to face. I am saved, eternally ness of the responsibility resting on them purified
saved, ever to behold Him whom I love. I then saw and enriched their experience; and the grace of heaven
Him only with the eye of faith, but now I see Him as was revealed in the conquests they achieved for
He is. I can now express my gratitude for His re- Christ. With the might of omnipotence God worked
deeming mercy, to Him who loved me and washed through them to make the gospel triumphant.Acts
me from my sins in His own blood. of the Apostles, 593:2, 595:1.
Others will express their gratitude to those Among earths inhabitants, scattered in ev-
who fed the hungry and clothed the naked. When ery land, there are those who have not bowed the
despair bound my soul in unbelief, the Lord sent knee to Baal. Like the stars of heaven, which ap-
you to me, they say, to speak words of hope and pear only at night, these faithful ones will shine forth
comfort. You brought me food for my physical neces- when darkness covers the earth and gross darkness
sities, and you opened to me the Word of God, awak- the people. In heathen Africa, in the Catholic lands
ening me to my spiritual needs. You treated me as a of Europe and of South America, in China, in India,
brother. You sympathized with me in my sorrows in the islands of the sea, and in all the dark corners
and restored my bruised and wounded soul so that of the earth, God has in reserve a firmament of
I could grasp the hand of Christ that was reached chosen ones that will yet shine forth amidst the
These powers of evil will assemble in our meet- rupted and, yielding to bribery, will allow themselves
ings, not to receive a blessing, but to counterwork the to be bought and sold.3 Selected Messages,
influences of the Spirit of God. Take up no remark 311:3-6 (Manuscript 154, 1898).
that they may make, but repeat the rich promises of The time has come when even in the church
God, which are yea and amen in Christ Jesus. and in our institutions, some will depart from the
We are never to catch up the words that hu- faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doctrines
man lips may speak to confirm the evil angels in of devils. But God will keep that which is commit-
their work, but we should repeat the words of Christ. ted to Him. Let us draw near to Him, that He may
Christ was the Instructor in the assemblies of these draw near to us. Let us bear a plain, clear testimony
angels before they fell from their high estate.3 right to the point, that hypnotism is being used by
Selected Messages, 410:4 (19 Manuscript Releases, those who have departed from the faith, and that
63:4-64:0; Letter 46, 1909). we are not to link up with them. Through those
We have great and solemn truths to give to who depart from the faith, the power of the en-
the world, and they are to be proclaimed in no emy will be exercised to lead others astray.3
hesitating, limping style. The trumpet is to give a Selected Messages, 411:7-412:0 (7 Manuscript Re-
certain sound. Some will come to hear the strange leases, 188:1; Letter 237, 1904).
message out of curiosity; others with a longing to The last great conflict is before us, but help is
receive true knowledge, asking the question, What to come to all who love God and obey His law, and
shall I do that I may inherit eternal life? (Mark the earth, the whole earth, is to be lighted with the
10:17). glory of God. Another angel is to come down from
Thus men came to Christ. And mingling with heaven. This angel represents the giving of the loud
His hearers were [evil] angels in the form of men, cry, which is to come from those who are preparing
making their suggestions, criticizing, misapplying, to cry mightily, with a strong voice, Babylon the great
and misinterpreting the Saviours words . . is fallen, is fallen, and is become the habitation of
In this time evil angels in the form of men devils, and the hold of every foul spirit, and a cage of
will talk with those who know the truth. They will every unclean and hateful bird (Rev. 18:1-2).
misinterpret and misconstrue the statements of the We have a testing message to give, and I am in-
messengers of God . . structed to say to our people, Unify, unify. But we
Have Seventh-day Adventists forgotten the warn- are not to unify with those who are departing from
ing given in the sixth chapter of Ephesians? We are the faith, giving heed to seducing spirits and doc-
engaged in a warfare against the hosts of dark- trines of devils. With our hearts sweet and kind
ness. Unless we follow our Leader closely, Satan and true, we are to go forth to proclaim the message,
will obtain the victory over us.3 Selected Mes- giving no heed to those who lead away from the
sages, 410:5-411:2 (Review and Herald, August 11, truth.3 Selected Messages, 412:1-2 (Review,
1903; Letter 140, 1903). April 12, 1906; Manuscript 31, 1906).
We shall in the future, as we have in the past,
see all kinds of character developed. We shall wit- I was moved by the Spirit of the Lord to write
ness the apostasy of men in whom we have had that book [Great Controversy] . . I knew that time
confidence, in whom we trusted, who, we sup- was short, that the scenes which are soon to crowd
posed, were as true as steel to principle. upon us would at the last come very suddenly and
Something comes to test them, and they are swiftly, as represented in the words of Scripture,
overthrown. If such men fall, some say, Whom can The day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night
we trust? This is the temptation Satan brings to (1 Thess. 5:2).
destroy the confidence of those who are striving to The Lord has set before me matters which
walk in the narrow way. Those who fall have evi- are of urgent importance for the present time, and
dently corrupted their way before the Lord, and they which reach into the future . . I was assured that
are beacons of warning, teaching those who profess there was no time to lose. The appeals and warn-
to believe the truth that the Word of God alone can ings must be given. Our churches must be aroused,
keep men steadfast in the way of holiness or re- must be instructed, that they may give the warn-
claim them from guilt . . ing to all whom they can possibly reach, declaring
Let every soul, whatever may be his sphere of that the sword is coming, that the Lords anger upon
action, make sure that the truth is implanted in the a profligate world will not long be deferred. I was
heart by the power of the Spirit of God. Unless this shown that many would listen to the warning. Their
is made certain, those who preach the Word will be- minds would be prepared to discern the very things
tray holy trust. that it pointed out to them.
Physicians will be tempted and make shipwreck I was shown . . that the warning must go
of faith. Lawyers, judges, senators, will become cor- where the living messenger could not go, and that
it would call the attention of many to the impor- what human nature can and will do, when the re-
tant events to occur in the closing scenes of this straining Spirit of God is removed, and men are under
worlds history. the great apostate. Just to that degree that light is
As the condition of the church and the world refused and rejected will there be misconception
was open before me, and I beheld the fearful scenes and misunderstanding. Those who reject Christ
that lie just before us, I was alarmed at the outlook; and choose Barabbas will work under a ruinous
and night after night, while all in the house were deception. Misrepresentation, the bearing of false
sleeping, I wrote out the things given me of God. I witness, will grow under open rebellion . .
was shown the heresies which are to arise, the Christ shows that without the controlling power
delusions that will prevail, the miracle-working of the Spirit of God humanity is a terrible power for
power of Satanthe false christs that will appear evil. Unbelief, hatred of reproof, will stir up satanic
that will deceive the greater part, even of the reli- influences. Principalities and powers, the rulers of
gious world, and that would, if it were possible, the darkness of this world, and spiritual wicked-
draw away even the elect . . ness in high places, will unite in a desperate com-
The warning and instruction of this book are panionship. They will be leagued against God in
needed by all who profess to believe the present the person of His saints. By misrepresentation and
truth, and the book is adapted to go also to the falsehood they will demoralize both men and
world, calling their attention to the solemn scenes women who to all appearances believe the truth.
just before us.3 Selected Messages, 113:1-114:1 False witnesses will not be wanting in this terrible
(Letter 1, 1890). work . .
The Lord will judge according to their works After speaking of the end of the world, Jesus
those who are seeking to establish a law of the comes back to Jerusalem, the city then sitting in
nations that will cause men to violate the law of pride and arrogance, and saying, I sit a queen, and
God. In proportion to their guilt will be their pun- shall see no sorrow (see Rev. 18:7). As His prophetic
ishment.3 Selected Messages, 415:5 (Letter 90, eye rests upon Jerusalem, He sees that as she was
1908). given up to destruction, the world will be given up to
The scenes of the betrayal, rejection, and cru- its doom. The scenes that transpired at the de-
cifixion of Christ have been reenacted, and will struction of Jerusalem will be repeated at the great
again be reenacted on an immense scale. People and terrible day of the Lord, but in a more fearful
will be filled with the attributes of Satan. The de- manner . .
lusions of the archenemy of God and man will have As men throw off all restraint, and make void
great power. Those who have given their affections His law themselves, as they establish their own per-
to any leader but Christ will find themselves under verted law, and try to force the consciences of those
the control, body, soul, and spirit of an infatuation who honor God and keep His commandments to
that is so entrancing that under its power souls turn trample the law under their feet, they will find that
away from hearing the truth to believe a lie. They are the tenderness which they have mocked will be ex-
ensnared and taken, and by their every action, they hausted . .
cry, Release unto us Barabbas, but crucify Christ A world is represented in the destruction of
.. Jerusalem, and the warning given then by Christ
In the churches which have departed from truth comes sounding down the line to our time: And there
and righteousness, it is being revealed what human shall be signs in the sun, and in the moon, and in
nature will be and do when the love of God is not an the stars; and upon the earth distress of nations,
abiding principle in the soul. We need not be sur- with perplexity; the sea and the waves roaring
prised at anything that may take place now. We (Luke 21:25). Yes, they shall pass their borders,
need not marvel at any developments of horror. and destruction will be in their track. They will
Those who trample under their unholy feet the law engulf the ships that sail upon their broad waters,
of God have the same spirit as had the men who and with the burden of their living freight, they will
insulted and betrayed Jesus. Without any compunc- be hurried into eternity, without time to repent.
tions of conscience they will do the deeds of their There will be calamities by land and by sea,
father the devil . . mens hearts failing them for fear, and for looking
Those who choose Satan as their ruler will re- after those things which are coming on the earth: for
veal the spirit of their chosen master, who caused the powers of heaven shall be shaken. And then shall
the fall of our first parents. By rejecting the divine they see the Son of man coming in a cloud with power
Son of God, the personification of the only true God, and great glory (verses 26-27). In just the same
who possessed goodness, mercy, and untiring love, manner as He ascended will He come the second time
whose heart was ever touched with human woe, and to our world. And when these things begin to come
accepting a murderer in His place, the people showed to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for
your redemption draweth nigh (verse 28).3 Se- great conflict will be short, but terrible. Old con-
lected Messages, 415:6-418:0 (Manuscript 40, troversies will be revived. New controversies will
1897). arise. We have a great work to do. Our ministerial
Those in the world, having lost their connec- work must not cease. The last warnings must be
tion with God, are making desperate, insane ef- given to the world. There is a special power in the
forts to make centers of themselves. This causes presentation of the truth at the present time. How
distrust of one another, which is followed by crime. long will it last? Only a little while . .
The kingdoms of the world will be divided against The inquiry of everyone should be, Whose am
themselves. Fewer and fewer will become the sym- I? To whom do I owe allegiance? Is my heart renewed?
pathetic cords which bind man in brotherhood to Is my soul reformed? Are my sins forgiven? Will they
his fellow man. The natural egotism of the human be blotted out when the time of refreshing shall
heart will be worked upon by Satan. He will use the come? 3 Selected Messages, 419:3-4 (Letter 132,
uncontrolled wills and violent passions which were 1898).
never brought under the control of Gods will . . In some places where the opposition is very
Every mans hand will be against his fellow pronounced, the lives of Gods messengers may
man. Brother will rise against brother, sister against be endangered. It is then their privilege to follow
sister, parents against children, and children against the example of their Master and go to another
parents. All will be in confusion. Relatives will be- place.3 Selected Messages, 420:1 (14 Manuscript
tray one another. There will be secret plotting to Releases, 143:2; Letter 20, 1901).
destroy life. Destruction, misery, and death will The worthies who refused to bow to the golden
be seen on every hand. Men will follow the unre- image were cast into a burning fiery furnace, but
strained bent of their hereditary and cultivated ten- Christ was with them there, and the fire did not
dency to evil . . consume them . .
God has a storehouse of retributive judgments, Now some of us may be brought to just as
which He permits to fall upon those who have con- severe a testwill we obey the commandments of
tinued in sin in the face of great light. I have seen men or will we obey the commandments of God?
the most costly structures in buildings erected and This is the question that will be asked of many. The
supposed to be fireproof. And just as Sodom per- best thing for us is to come into close connection
ished in the flames of Gods vengeance, so will these with God, and, if He would have us be martyrs for
proud structures become ashes. I have seen vessels the truths sake, it may be the means of bringing
which cost immense sums of money wrestling with many more into the truth.3 Selected Messages,
the mighty waters, seeking to breast the angry bil- 420:2-3 (Manuscript 83, 1886).
lows. But with all their treasures of gold and silver, Never is the tempest-tried soul more dearly
and with their human freight they sink into a watery loved by his Saviour than when he is suffering re-
grave. Mans pride will be buried with the treasures proach for the truths sake. When for the truths
he has accumulated by fraud. God will avenge the sake the believer stands at the bar of unrighteous
widows and orphans who in hunger and nakedness tribunals, Christ stands by his side. All the re-
have cried to Him for help from oppression and proaches that fall upon the human believer fall upon
abuse. Christ in the person of His saints. I will love him,
The time is right upon us when there will be said Christ, and will manifest Myself to him (John
sorrow in the world that no human balm can heal. 14:21). Christ is condemned over again in the per-
The flattering monuments of mens greatness will son of His believing disciples.
be crumbled in the dust, even before the last great When for the truths sake the believer is in-
destruction comes upon the world . . Only by being carcerated in prison walls, Christ manifests Him-
clothed with the robe of Christs righteousness can self to him, and ravishes his heart with His love.
we escape the judgments that are coming upon the When he suffers death for the sake of Christ, Christ
earth.3 Selected Messages, 418:1-419:1 (14 Man- says to him, They may kill the body, but they cannot
uscript Releases, 146:3-147:1, 148:2, 149:3; Let- hurt the soul. Be of good cheer; I have overcome the
ter 20, 1901). world. They crucified Me, and if they put you to
Ere long we are to be brought into strait and death, they crucify Me afresh in the person of My
trying places, and the many children brought into saints.
the world will in mercy be taken away before the Persecution cannot do more than cause
time of trouble comes.3 Selected Messages, death, but the life is preserved to eternal life and
419:2 (Manuscript 152, 1899. See CG 566:1; CH glory. The persecuting power may take its stand,
375:2). and command the disciples of Christ to deny the
We are standing on the threshold of great and faith, to give heed to seducing spirits and doctrines
solemn events. Prophecies are fulfilling. The last of devils, by making void the law of God. But the
disciples may ask, Why should I do this? I love Jesus, We are nearing the close of this earths his-
and I will never deny His name. When the power tory, when two parties alone can exist, and every
says, I will call you a disturber of the peace, they man, woman, and child will be in one of these
may answer, Thus they called Jesus, who was truth, armies. Jesus will be the General of one army; of the
and grace and peace. 3 Selected Messages, 420:4- opposing army, Satan will be the leader. All who are
421:1 (Letter 116, 1896). breaking, and teaching others to break, the law of
Some who are numbered among merchants God, the foundation of His government in heaven
and princes will take their position to obey the and in earth, are marshaled under one superior
truth. Gods eye has been upon such as they have chief, who directs them in opposition to the govern-
acted according to the light they have had, maintain- ment of God. And the angels which kept not their
ing their integrity. Cornelius, a man of high position, first estate, but left their own habitation (Jude 6)
maintained his religious experience, strictly walking are rebels against the law of God, and enemies to all
in accordance with the light he had received. God who love and obey His commandments. These sub-
had His eye upon him, and He sent His angel with a jects, with Satan their leader, will gather others into
message to him. The heavenly messenger passed by their ranks through every possible means, to
the self-righteous ones, came to Cornelius, and called strengthen his forces and urge his claims.
him by name . . Through his deception and delusion, Satan
This record is made for the special benefit of would, if possible, deceive the very elect. His is no
those who are living in these last days. Many who minor deception. He will seek to annoy, to harass, to
have had great light have not appreciated and im- falsify, to accuse, and misrepresent all whom he can-
proved it as it was their privilege to do. They have not compel to give him honor and help him in his
not practiced the truth. And because of this the Lord work. His great success lies in keeping mens minds
will bring in those who have lived up to all the confused and ignorant of his devices, for then he
light they have had. And those who have been can lead the unwary as it were, blindfolded . .
privileged with opportunities to understand the The Sabbath is the great test question. It is
truth and who have not obeyed its principles will the line of demarkation between the loyal and true
be swayed by Satans temptations for self-advance- and the disloyal and transgressor. This Sabbath
ment. They will deny the principles of truth in prac- God has enjoined, and those who claim to be com-
tice and bring reproach upon the cause of God. mandment keepers, who believe that they are now
Christ declares that He will spue these out of under the proclamation of the third angels message,
His mouth, and leave them to follow their own course will see the important part the Sabbath of the fourth
of actions to distinguish themselves. This course of commandment holds in that message. It is the seal
action does indeed make them prominent as men of the living God. They will not lessen the claims of
that are unfaithful householders . . the Sabbath to suit their business of convenience.
We are now living in the last days, when the 3 Selected Messages, 422:5-423:2 (Manuscript 34,
truth must be spoken, when in reproof and warn- 1897).
ing it must be given to the world, irrespective of John in the Revelation writes of the unity of those
consequences. If there are some who will become living on the earth to make void the law of God. These
offended and turn from the truth, we must bear in have one mind, and shall give their power and
mind that there were those who did the same in strength unto the beast. These shall make war with
Christs day . . the Lamb, and the Lamb shall overcome them: for
But there are men who will receive the truth, he is Lord of lords, and King of kings: and they that
and these will take the places made vacant by those are with Him are called, and chosen, and faithful
who become offended and leave the truth . . The (Rev. 17:13-4). And I saw three unclean spirits like
Lord will work so that the disaffected ones will be frogs come out of the mouth of the dragon, and out
separated from the true and loyal ones . . The ranks of the mouth of the beast, and out of the mouth of
will not be diminished. Those who are firm and true the false prophet (Rev. 16:13).
will close up the vacancies that are made by those All who will exalt and worship the idol sab-
who become offended and apostatize . . bath, a day that God has not blessed, help the devil
Many will prize the wisdom of God above any and his angels with all the power of their God-
earthly advantage, and will obey the Word of God given ability, which they have perverted to a wrong
as the supreme standard. These will be led to great use. Inspired by another spirit, which blinds their
light. These will come to the knowledge of the truth, discernment, they cannot see that the exaltation
and will seek to get this light of truth before those of of Sunday is entirely the institution of the Catho-
their acquaintance who like themselves are anxious lic Church . .
for the truth.3 Selected Messages, 421:2-422:4 The Lord of heaven permits the world to choose
(Manuscript 97, 1898). whom they will have as ruler. Let all read carefully
live without dishonoring Him.3 Selected Mes- the Sunday law, and this little feeble people stood
sages, 426:4-427:0 (Letter 22, 1902). out in defiance of the laws of the land and the law of
When our earthly labors are ended, and Christ God, and claimed to be the only ones right on the
shall come for His faithful children, we shall then earth . .
shine forth as the sun in the kingdom of our Father. But while anguish was upon the loyal and true
But before that time shall come, everything that who would not worship the beast or his image and
is imperfect in us will have been seen and put away. accept and revere an idol sabbath, One said, Look
All envy and jealousy and evil surmising and every up! Look up! Every eye was lifted, and the heavens
selfish plan will have been banished from the life. seemed to part as a scroll when it is rolled together,
3 Selected Messages, 427:1 (Letter 416, 1907). and as Stephen looked into heaven, [so] we looked.
Are we striving with all our God-given powers The mockers were taunting and reviling us, and
to reach the measure of the stature of men and boasting of what they intended to do to us if we
women in Christ? Are we seeking for His fullness, continued obstinate in holding fast our faith. But
ever reaching higher and higher, trying to attain to now we were as those who heard them not; we
the perfection of His character? When Gods ser- were gazing upon a scene that shut out everything
vants reach this point, they will be sealed in their else.
foreheads. The recording angel will declare, It is There stood revealed the throne of God.
done. They will be complete in Him whose they are Around it were ten thousand times ten thousand
by creation and by redemption.1 Manuscript Re- and thousands upon thousands, and close about
leases, 370:2-3 (Manuscript 148, 1899). the throne were the martyrs. Among this number I
When Christ comes, He takes those who have saw the very ones who were so recently in such ab-
purified their souls by obeying the truth . . This mor- ject misery, whom the world knew not, whom the
tal shall put on immortality, and these corruptible world hated and despised.
bodies, subject to disease, will be changed from A voice said, Jesus, who is seated upon the
mortal to immortal. We shall then be gifted with a throne, has so loved man that He gave His life a sac-
higher nature. The bodies of all who purify their rifice to redeem him from the power of Satan, and to
souls by obeying the truth shall be glorified. They exalt him to His throne. He who is above all powers,
will have fully received and believed in Jesus He who has the greatest influence in heaven and in
Christ.3 Selected Messages, 427:3 (UL 97:3; earth, He to whom every soul is indebted for every
Manuscript 36, 1906). favor he has received, was meek and lowly in dispo-
Friday [Jan. 18, 1884] night several heard my sition, holy, harmless, and undefiled in life.
voice exclaiming, Look, Look! Whether I was dream- He was obedient to all His Fathers command-
ing or in vision I cannot tell. I slept alone. ments. Wickedness has filled the earth; it is defiled
The time of trouble was upon us. I saw our under the inhabitants thereof. The high places of
people in great distress, weeping and praying, the powers of earth have been polluted with cor-
pleading the sure promises of God, while the ruption and base idolatries, but the time has come
wicked were all around us mocking us and threat- when righteousness shall receive the palm of vic-
ening to destroy us. They ridiculed our feebleness, tory and triumph. Those who were accounted by
they mocked at the smallness of our numbers, and the world as weak and unworthy, those who were
taunted us with words calculated to cut deep. They defenseless against the cruelty of men, shall be
charged us with taking an independent position crowned conquerors and more than conquerors.
from all the rest of the world. They had cut off [Rev. 7:9-17, quoted].
our resources so that we could not buy or sell, and They are before the throne enjoying the sunless
they referred to our abject poverty and stricken con- splendors of eternal day, not as a scattered, feeble
dition. They could not see how we could live without company, to suffer by the satanic passions of a
the world. We were dependent on the world, and we rebellious world, expressing the sentiments, the
must concede to the customs, practices, and laws of doctrines, and the counsels of demons.
the world, or go out of it. If we were the only people Strong and terrible have become the masters of
in the world whom the Lord favored, the appear- iniquity in the world under the control of Satan, but
ances were awfully against us. strong is the Lord God who judgeth Babylon. The
They declared that they had the truth, that just have no longer anything to fear from force or
miracles were among them; that angels from fraud as long as they are loyal and true. A mightier
heaven talked with them and walked with them, than the strong man armed is set for their defense.
that great power and signs and wonders were per- All power and greatness and excellence of charac-
formed among them, and that this was the tempo- ter will be given to those who have believed and
ral millennium they had been expecting so long. The stood in defense of the truth, standing up and
whole world was converted and in harmony with firmly defending the laws of God.
Another heavenly being exclaimed with firm and stands the risen host. The last thought was of death
musical voice, They have come out of great tribula- and its pangs. The last thoughts they had were of
tion. They have walked in the fiery furnace in the the grave and the tomb, but now they proclaim, O
world, heated intensely by the passions and ca- death, where is thy string? O grave, where is thy
prices of men who would enforce upon them the victory (1 Cor. 15:55). The pangs of death were the
worship of the beast and his image, who would last things they felt . .
compel them to be disloyal to the God of heaven. When they awake the pain is all gone. O grave,
They have come from the mountains, from where is thy victory? Here they stand and the fin-
the rocks, from the dens and caves of the earth, ishing touch of immortality is put upon them and
from dungeons, from prisons, from secret coun- they go up to meet their Lord in the air. The gates
cils, from the torture chamber, from hovels, from of the City of God swing back upon their hinges,
garrets. They have passed through sore affliction, and the nations that have kept the truth enter in.
deep self-denial, and deep disappointment. They There are the columns of angels on either
are no longer to be the sport and ridicule of wicked side, and the ransomed of God walk in through
men. They are to be no longer mean and sorrowful the cherubim and seraphim. Christ bids them wel-
in the eyes of those who despise them. come and puts upon them His benediction: Well
Remove the filthy garments from them, with done, thou good and faithful servant . . enter thou
which wicked men have delighted to clothe them. Give into the joy of thy lord (Matt. 25:21). What is that
them a change of raiment, even the white robes of joy? He sees of the travail of His soul, and is satis-
righteousness, and set a fair mitre upon their heads. fied. That is what we labor for.
They were clothed in richer robes than earthly Here is one, who in the night season we
beings had ever worn. They were crowned with dia- pleaded with God on his behalf. There is one that
dems of glory such as human beings had never seen. we talked with on his dying bed, and he hung his
The days of suffering, of reproach, of want, of hun- helpless soul upon Jesus. Here is one who was a
ger, are no more; weeping is past. Then they break poor drunkard. We tried to get his eyes fixed upon
forth in songs, loud, clear, and musical. They wave Him who is mighty to save and we told him that
the palm branches of victory, and exclaim, Salva- Christ could give him the victory. There are the
tion to our God which sitteth upon the throne, and crowns of immortal glory upon their heads, and then
unto the Lamb (Rev. 7:10). the redeemed cast their glittering crowns at the feet
Oh, may God endue us with His Spirit and of Jesus; and then the angelic choir strikes the
make us strong in His strength! In that great day of note of victory and the angels in the two columns
supreme and final triumph it will be seen that the take up the song and the redeemed host join as
righteous were strong, and that wickedness in all though they had been singing the song on the
its forms and with all its pride was a weak and mis- earth, and they have been.
erable failure and defeat. We will cling close to Jesus, Oh, what music! There is not an inharmonious
we will trust Him, we will seek His grace and His note. Every voice proclaims, Worthy is the Lamb that
great salvation. We must hide in Jesus, for He is a was slain (Rev. 5:12). He sees of the travail of His
covert from the storm, a present help in time of soul and is satisfied. Do you think anyone there will
trouble.3 Selected Messages, 427:4-430:4 (Let- take time to tell of his trials and terrible difficul-
ter 6, 1884). ties? The former shall not be remembered, nor come
The Lifegiver is coming to break the fetters of into mind (Isa. 65:17). God shall wipe away all tears
the tomb. He is to bring forth the captives and pro- from their eyes (Rev 21:4).3 Selected Messages,
claim, I am the resurrection and the life. There 430:5-431:4 (Manuscript 18, 1894).