Chapter-1: Dept. of CE, NIT Patna
Chapter-1: Dept. of CE, NIT Patna
Chapter-1: Dept. of CE, NIT Patna
India has experienced number of earthquakes around the country, mostly in North
India and North East side of the country due to tectonic movements and faults. In last
couple of decades, India has witnessed a huge number of damaging earthquakes.
During last two decades, there are nine high intensity earthquakes which has affected
the structure and account to large number of lost life. Before 2001 Bhuj earthquake,
construction quality was poor in rural and sub urban areas and urban areas were
supposed to have safe construction because of modern engineering techniques being
used and good quality of materials being used. But after that 2001 Bhuj earthquake,
there is a huge damage to the structures was observed and shattered the myth of urban
seismic safety. There are many strong earthquake which has occurred in recent history
which includes Bihar-Nepal earthquake in1988, Uttarkashi in1991, Killari in 1993,
Chamoli 1999, Bhuj 2001, Off west coast Indian Ocean Earthquake 2004, Kashmir
2005, Sikkim 2011, North India and Northeast India earthquake 2015(April), North
India & Northeast India 2015(May), North India in 2015(October), Northeast India
2016(January). The frequency of these earthquakes suggests that India is highly
vulnerable to seismicity and hence there is a need for good pre disaster planning &
management for risk reduction. Earthquake directly doesnt affect the life but the
falling structure do take so many lives, hence if we will be able to identify the
seismically vulnerable structure we can reduce the risk of life by proper planning and
management. Detail assessment of seismic vulnerability is costly and technically
complex that is why it is performed for very limited and most critical structures.
Therefore it is necessary to develop a simple procedure that can help to evaluate the
Almost all building codes worldwide accept some amount of structural failure and
damage during high intensity earthquakes but they dont allow structure to collapse. In
1993, first seismic code provisions was published in India and there was no provision
for earthquake resistant design of structure before that. According to collected data,
more than 80% houses are masonry structure and built before the codal provisions was
made hence vulnerability assessment of such building is very necessary. There are
many new designs for earthquake resistant structure but for old structures some safety
measures need to be taken and first of all that need to be assessed. So for that purpose
we need to do the seismic vulnerability assessment of a building. There are various
methods developed for the seismic vulnerability assessment but there is always a
scope for improvement. Therefore methodology has to be develop to protect such a
structure & gives remedial measures to improve their performance. Most of the lives
are lost because of the collapse of the buildings and other structures.
In recent past, India has experienced several numbers of earthquakes. The movement
in the tectonic plates and fault zones are the main reason behind these earthquakes.
58.60% (Zone V = 10.9%, Zone IV = 17.3%, Zone III = 30.4%) geographical area of
India is considered as seismically vulnerable. The earthquake occurring very
frequently shows very high seismic vulnerability in higher seismic zones (as per IS
1893:2002). That is the reason why it is very important to react to the situation before
any catastrophic damage occurred.
In this project I have mainly studied about the seismic vulnerability assessment of
buildings. It is one of the important issue for many countries these days because
earthquakes are very frequent in many countries which are damaging many important
structures. Every country has developed their codal provision and regulation for RVS
according to their conditions. In India, many work has been done but still there is not
any standard procedure for RVS in India because of different materials used, different
topography, various soil types etc.
In this project I have developed an android (mobile) based application for seismic
vulnerability assessment of buildings where a survey form is to be filled by respective
person by online mode. It consists of many data like seismic zone, use of building,
Simplified Vulnerability Assessment is the next step to Rapid Visual Screening. Some
engineering analysis of data and calculations are done based on the information
collected from the surveyor during his inspection time and structural drawing or onsite
measurement. For this method, a trained engineer is required. This type of assessment
is recommended for all type of buildings with high concentration of people.
In Detailed Vulnerability Assessment, proper modelling is done and the model of the
building is then analysed on computer by software, similar to design of new building,
here component level analysis is also carried out. This is very expensive and complex
process and hence it is done only for very high importance structure. Therefore Rapid
Visual Screening must be done effectively so as to minimize the complex and
expensive process to limited number of buildings.
By reviewing the existing literature and current issues of seismic assessment the
present condition of pre disaster management in India is not quick & still follows
substandard process & it takes more time & resource to allocate the data. At the time
we collect data and respond to the situation some catastrophe will act make situation
more critical. Therefore it is important to develop a procedure to make data collecting
more reliable and quick to save time. And provide this procedure to the ground level.
Hence in this project, we have developed an android based mobile application which
integrates Structural Engineering with Information Technology.
Merged Pre and Post Seismic Vulnerability Data: Many of the data
collected pre earthquake can be used same for the post earthquake, such as
name of building, use of building, structure type etc.
Life Safety: building can receive significant damage to both non-structural and
structural components with some limit against either partial or total structural collapse
such that level of risk for life-threatening injury and getting trapped is low.
Tier 2 Evaluation Phase: Design professionals are analysis in two ways: (a) a detail
analysis of all deficiencies which are which identified in Tier 1 or (b) a deficiency
only analysis. The selection of method is based on the results found in Tier 1. In Tier 2
analysis, performance of the lateral-force-resisting is found. This all analysis is limited
to simplified linear analysis methods and it could be done using the common linear
static or dynamic analysis methods.
Tier 3 Detailed Evaluation Phase: This evaluation is done only when Tier 1 and/or
Tier 2 evaluations are too conservative. A detailed analysis includes linear or non-
linear methods for static or dynamic analysis of buildings. The tentative performances
Stage 1: Visual Inspection and building plan, primary elements of the structure and
seismic vulnerability is screened roughly.
N. Alam, Et. All (2012), given a critical review and comparison of existing seismic
vulnerability assessment methods and found their suitability for use in seismic risk
assessment in different conditions. The methods considered are as follow: FEMA 154,
Euro Code 8, New Zealand guidelines, Modifies Turkish Mehtod, NRC guidelines and
Hybrid method. Three different case studies are conducted in different cities of
having different seismicity and geological i.e. Dhaka and Rangamati cities in
Bangladesh nd Kelowna city in Canada, a scoring system is proposed for these cities.
Finally it was observed that from the different method hybrid method was best suited
for all conditions which are necessary for seismic risk assessment and final data is
integrated with GIS (Geographical Information System).
Hanan Al-Nimry, Et. All (2015), proposed an indexing method for seismic
vulnerability assessment of RC frame buildings in Jordan city. In this paper building
is assigned with a basic capacity index (BCI) and from this BCI Capacity Index
Capacity (IC) is derived from five performance modifiers. If a capacity index lower
than the limit CI value shows moderate earthquake damage where as higher value of
CI indicates minor damage. To find the evaluation parameters, forty RC frame
buildings were selected, analysed using static nonlinear analysis and designed with the
effect of infill walls. Effects of local site conditions, infill walls, vertical irregularities,
seismicity and overhangs seismic performance of the local conditions were examined.
112 building samples are evaluated and about 40% of surveyed buildings are found to
be need for detailed evaluation.
Th. Kiranbala Devi, Et. All (2015), in this paper three levels of seismic vulnerability
assessment methods are discussed starting from simple to complex procedure, (a)
Rapid Visuals Screening, (b) Simplified Vulnerability Assessment, and (c) Detailed
Vulnerability Assessment these procedures are carried out according to deficiencies
found in building.
H. Kaplan, Et. All (2008), in this paper they used Bigol earthquake data for
reference, rapid assessment of buildings are done and the building census data is taken
from the HAZUS. Finally it is found that this proposed method can be used for mid to
large cities. Some modifications are required in the case of Masonry structures.
G.M. Calvi, Et. All (2006), In this paper discussed about the most significant
contribution in the field of vulnerability assessment and discuss the main advantages
and disadvantages of this procedure in order to differentiate the important
characteristics of an ideal methodology.
Z. Aguilar, Et. All (2005), in this paper RVS procedure of ATC-21 is conducted all
school buildings located at Chorrillos and Barranco Districts in Lima at the capital city
of Peru. 28 school buildings from Barranco and 80 School buildings from Chorrillos
comprising all kindergarten, primary and secondary school buildings in these two
districts. From these 100 buildings some buildings are new even though new their
structural score shows medium to high seismic vulnerability. These data is correlated
with soil conditions and past seismic intensities of these two districts.
Ajith Kamanth Manohar, Et. All (2012) in this paper seismic assessment is
conducted in Guwahati city north eastern part of India and it is falls under seismic
zone V as per IS 1893-2002. This paper gives the vulnerability assessment of the
different buildings in Guwahati and indicates degree of the vulnerability of the
buildings, and the remedial measures are recommended for various vulnerable
Yumei Wang, Et. All (2007), this paper deals with enhance RVS process called as E-
RVS, hence it is used to improve the accuracy and usefulness of RVS results. By
using E-RVS process, Complete Damage (CODA) and Life Safety Risk Index (LSRI)
are found. Following are the changes and improvements considered in this process. (1)
MCEs instead of median MCEs for a large seismic region, (2) the final score must
correspond to the probability of the complete damage state 1.0, (3) Adjust the RVS
Shailesh Kr. Agrawal, Et. All (2007), this paper proposed an approach for seismic
vulnerability assessment for Indian conditions. This process estimates the seismic
vulnerability quantitatively and qualitatively for existing buildings. Demandcapacity
computation covers quantitative approach, whereas national and international
procedures for calculation of score indicate qualitative approach.
Sudhir K. Jain, Et. All (2010), in this paper discussed about some presently available
seismic assessment methods, mainly about Rapid Visual Screening (RVS) process of
RC frame buildings. Based on the past record and study of 2001 Bhuj earthquake, a
RVS method is proposed for RC frame buildings in India.
Pradeep Kumar Ramacharla, Et. All (2014), in this paper conducted RVS for 9099
buildings in state of Himachal Pradesh in India. For this survey five different typology
of buildings are considered i.e. reinforced concrete, brick masonry, Stone masonry,
Hybrid and Rammed earth buildings. A Numerical performance score is calculated for
each type of building based on their RVS procedure. Here a cut-off score is calculated
based on the Gaussian distribution and if performance score of the building is
compared with cut-off score to determine whether building requires further evaluation
or not.
Terala Srikanth, Et. All (2010), In this paper a pilot study was carried out in
Gandhidham and Adipur cities in Gujarat were RVS was conducted on 16000
buildings in these cities. The whole process is conducted on three stages, in first stage
total surveyed area is divided into 56 blocks by using GIS and municipality maps, in
second stage training was conducted on polytechnic college students and they are
C. V. R. Murthy, Et. All (2012), this document is prepared for Gujarat State Disaster
Management Authority (GSDMA), this book explains about behaviour of structure
during earthquake. It deals with concepts of earthquake resistant design with
numerical solutions, here authors are mainly focuses on Reinforced Concrete (RC)
and Steel buildings. Hence here they didnt discuss about special cases like base
isolation and other dissipating devices. This book also includes embellished
deformation shapes to highlighting deformations and behaviour of buildings during
earthquake and its consequences on seismic resistant design. This book includes
animation related to behaviour of buildings in earthquake.
In masonry buildings walls are the load bearing elements earthquake load will be
taken by the walls in masonry structure. In RC frame structure earthquake load will be
taken care by RC frame consist of column and beam. Hybrid structures are the most
critical structures during earthquake.
(a) (b)
(c) (d)
Figure 3.1: Type of buildings, (a) Rammed earth/adobe building, (b) Stone masonry
building, (c) Brick masonry building, (d) RC frame building, (e) Bamboo structure, (f)
Wooden structure, (g) Hybrid structure (source : TARU 2013)
(a) (b)
Figure 3.2: Types of roof: (a) Hip roof, (b) Gable roof, (c) Shed roof and (d) Flat
roof(Source: TARU 2013) of mortar
Type of mortar used in the building gives a rough idea about the crushing strength; it
is mostly concerned on masonry buildings. There are different types of mortar
available mud, cement, lime and etc. structures which are constructed without mortar
is very vulnerable during earthquake such as stone masonry made of stones. Therefore
mortar strength also plays a very important role in seismic behaviour of structure.
(a) (b)
Figure 3.3: Expensive Soil: (a) crack pattern of expensive soil in dry condition, (b)
expensive soil in wet condition (Source:
(a) (b)
Figure 3.4: Liquefaction: (a) buildings damage because of liquefaction of soil (Japan,
Niigata Earthquake 1964) & (b) Liquefaction (India, Bhuj Earthquake 2001)
1. Torsion Irregularity
2. Re-entrant Corners
3. Diaphragm Discontinuity
1) Mass Irregularity
2) Stiffness Irregularity
3) Vertical geometric irregularity
4) In-Plane Discontinuity in vertical elements
5) Discontinuity in Capacity
Any of the irregularities are noticed building is assessed to next level of assessment.
Lintel band: This band ties up walls together also provides support to walls which
loaded in the weak direction.
Roof band: It is provided in the sloping roofs only to make an integral action between
roof and wall. In case reinforced concrete roofs roof slab itself acts like a
roof band.
Figure 3.8: Building with all horizontal bands (Source: CPWD, Handbook 2007)
Figure 3.10: Vertical reinforcement at corner of wall with different materials (Source:
Figure 3.12: Cross walls in masonry building (Source: CPWD & IBC Handbook;
Seismic Retrofit of Buildings 2007)
Figure 3.13: Configuration of frame system secondary beam, primary beam and column
Figure 3.15:Soft and ubrupt change of column height and damged building due to soft
storey (Source: CPWD & IBC Handbook; Seismic Retrofit of Buildings 2007)
Figure 3.16: Short column effects (a) Sloping ground, (b) Mezzanine slab, (c) Staircase
beam/slab or K-braces on building columns and (d) Plinth beams in ground storey
(Source: GSDMA 2012)
Figure 3.18: Concept of Strong column and weak beam (Source: GSDMA 2012)
Figure 3.20: Modes of failures (a) Monotonic action and (b) Cyclic action (Source:
GSDMA 2012)
1. General Information
Sl.No Parameters
1.1 Seismic Zone
1.2 Building Name
1.3 Address and Pin
1.4 Year of Built
1.5 No of Stories
1.6 Total area covered all floors (Sq.m)
1.7 Ground coverage (Sq.m)
1.8 Geo-Location
1.8.1 Latitude
1.8.2 Longitude
3. Geotechnical Characteristics
3.1 Site Morphology Description
3.1.1 Flat topography 0 to 5 degrees
1. General Information
Sl.No Parameters
1.1 Seismic Zone
1.2 Building Name
1.3 Address and Pin
1.4 Year of Build
1.5 No of Stories
1.6 Total area covered all floors (Sq.m)
1.7 Ground coverage (Sq.m)
1.8 Geo-Location
1.8.1 Latitude
1.8.2 Longitude
3. Geotechnical Characteristics
Sl.No Parameters Description
3.1 Site Morphology
3.1.1 Flat topography 0 to 5 degrees
3.1.2 Crest Peak point of hill
3.1.3 Downward slope slope of hill/mountain
3.1.4 Trough depression between two downward
sloping hills
3.2 Depth of water table
3.3 Liquefaction Potential water table <3m for sandy soils
3.4 Type of Soil
3.4.1 Hard
Ref IS 1893:(2002)
3.4.2 Medium
3.4.3 Soft
3.5 Expansive or Non Expansive soil
3.6 Land slide prone area
Table 4.1: Major Vulnerability Factors Considered for Different Seismic Vulnerability
Assessment Methods
India is divided into four seismic zones (IS 1893: 2002) i.e. Zone II, III, IV and V and
these zones are divided on the basis of expected intensity of earthquake ground motion
in various places of the country and past experiences. Hence it does not accounts
seismic vulnerability in terms of peak ground accelerations. Scoring pattern in USA
developed by FEMA has its own advantages and disadvantages, and this scoring
pattern is very much suitable for their regions. A strict pre-code penalty is given to the
structures which are constructed before enforcement of earthquake codes and similarly
a positive factor is considered in case of structures constructed after enforcement of
earthquake codes. Hence the effective enforcement of earthquake codal provisions
during construction of building assumes that building follows seismic safety
requirements at the time of construction.
BS = Base Score
VS = Vulnerability Score
A building with more number of floors and highest seismic zone will get low score;
hence the building is more vulnerable. For Masonry and RC frame buildings base
score, vulnerability score modifiers and vulnerability scores are defined in Table 4.2
Table 4.2: Base Score and Vulnerability Scores for Masonry Buildings in India
New building
Completed? Have an account?
RCC or Masonry
Of buildings
Building Distress
Falling Hazards
Stage 1
Stage 2
Pre-earthquake Evaluation
Stage 3
Stage 4
Stage 5
It is a login screen where user has to login if he/she already registers or new user can
register themselves by click on sign up for new user text. Username and password will
be provided as user choice.
New user has to register themselves, registration process required some fields of
personnel data about the user it includes, full name, mobile number, e-mail id etc.,
here mobile number provided will be used as username and password has to be chosen
by user preference and shall be kept with user for future login.
It is a home page for SVA users, where user can go for SVA of new building, View
submitted buildings, About the application, Logout and can submit Feedback
regarding their personal experience and improvement to application.
This is first screen of General Information in which user have to fill details like Zone,
Building Name, Use of the building, Type of construction i.e. RCC or Masonry
building, photograph of building etc.
Topography of the area, depth of water table, type of soil, and other characteristics of
soil is to be filled by user on the basis of their knowledge of that particular area.
In this page user have to fill up mostly the data which will be going to affect the
performance score like structural irregularities (horizontal plan irregularity, vertical
irregularity) soft storey, short column etc for RCC buildings and many other things
like horizontal bands, vertical reinforcement etc. for Masonry buildings.
Users have to fill details like cracks, water seepage, symmetry of overhead water tank
if present, roof chimney, facade elements etc. These details will be same for both RCC
as well as Masonry structure and there are some parameters which are going to affect
the performance score of the buildings.
There are many features provided for the convenience of user like map of India to find
the seismic zone of their locality, help for some technical terms are also provided.
Feedback and suggestion can also be submitted.
Figure 4.9: Map of India based on seismic zone and hint for Ground Coverage
Rapid Visual Screening of Masonry Buildings Mark sheet for Masonry Structure
for Earthquake Safety Seismic Zone
No of Base Score
Surveyor name V IV III and II
Qualification 1 or 2 100 130 150
Date 3 85 110 125
Purpose 4 70 90 110 150
5 50 60 70
Every RC frame building has minimum some base score depends on the seismic zone
and number of storeys of the building. Further the performance score is calculated
after completing the survey of the building and filling the data required.
Mark Sheet for RC Frame Structure
Mark sheet is divided into three segments; first segment calculation of base score,
second stage vulnerability score calculation and in final stage performance score
calculation based on the above base score and vulnerability score.
Doesn't exist = 0
Unaligned floors =
Poor apparent 0
Pounding 0 -2 -3 -3 -3
quality of adjacent
building = 2
Medium = 0
Soil Condition 10 10 10 10 10 Hard = 1 10
Soft = -1
Doesn't exist = -1
Frame action 10 10 10 10 10 Exists =+1 0
Not sure=0
Doesnt exists=0
Water tank at roof capacity <5000 lit =
0 -3 -4 -5 -5 0.5 0
capacity >5000 lit =
Symmetrical =0
Location of water
0 -3 -4 -5 -5 0
tank Unsymmetrical = 1
Performance 135
Performance Score = (BS) + [(VSM) X (VS)]
6.1 Conclusion
With the help of mobile based android application, we can fill the data and
simultaneously a score is generated considering the present health of structure. Where
buildings having more number of stories or which are located in higher seismic zones
will get less performance score as compared to the buildings having less number of
stories and are in low seismic zone.
In this android application, data can be stored safely and can be updated in future if
any change is need to be done.
The data uploaded includes photograph of building which increases reliability of data
given by the surveyor and confirms building details with its latitude and longitude.
Image uploaded can be improved to Geo-tagged image with the help of which
latitude and longitude can be directly uploaded and which will increase the
reliability of data.
There is a lot of research work need to be done because in our result when we
compared score of two different person they were same though they have filled
various different data.
Collected building data can be used for other disasters like flood, cyclone etc.