Daily System Report For 01/may/2017 State Load Despatch Center, Airoli (MSETCL) Monday Statement I I Generation (Mus) Ii Exchanges (Mus)
Daily System Report For 01/may/2017 State Load Despatch Center, Airoli (MSETCL) Monday Statement I I Generation (Mus) Ii Exchanges (Mus)
Daily System Report For 01/may/2017 State Load Despatch Center, Airoli (MSETCL) Monday Statement I I Generation (Mus) Ii Exchanges (Mus)
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Annexure-2
Hourly Load Data As on 01/May/2017
1 6233 449 301 6983 378 3876 0 0 5397 6017 -939 16316 30 16346 2413 18758 49.92
2 6213 449 303 6965 455 3766 0 0 5448 5855 -799 16242 68 16310 2215 18525 49.95
3 6048 303 301 6652 563 3857 0 0 5424 5535 -703 15904 61 15965 2119 18084 49.98
4 6035 179 303 6517 438 3863 0 0 5619 5632 -608 15842 44 15886 2024 17910 50.00
5 5900 118 301 6319 484 3786 0 0 6320 6055 -738 15906 44 15950 1955 17905 49.96
6 5943 128 313 6384 488 3727 0 0 6652 6749 -862 16486 40 16526 1958 18484 50.00
7 6173 123 303 6599 395 3946 0 8 6607 6656 -739 16865 33 16898 1938 18836 50.02
8 5976 144 313 6433 329 3917 0 47 6448 6098 -783 16041 34 16075 1939 18014 50.01
9 5971 209 312 6492 228 3725 0 104 6014 5932 -947 15534 47 15581 2033 17614 50.00
10 5829 194 307 6330 195 3651 0 167 5979 5749 -932 15160 43 15203 2101 17304 50.00
11 5911 283 283 6477 106 3678 0 190 5990 6298 -1173 15576 30 15606 2290 17896 49.99
12 6171 275 290 6736 65 3863 0 235 6479 6535 -1263 16171 30 16201 2395 18596 49.93
13 6226 139 287 6652 59 4056 0 224 6476 6741 -1162 16570 60 16630 2433 19063 49.92
14 6263 127 303 6693 94 4045 0 210 6279 6478 -1193 16327 35 16362 2417 18779 49.96
15 6317 127 277 6721 142 3994 0 180 6028 6309 -1066 16280 0 16280 2465 18745 49.90
16 6342 238 288 6868 250 4121 0 155 5737 6157 -988 16563 123 16686 2468 19154 49.98
17 6231 245 292 6768 425 4054 0 96 5698 5669 -1039 15973 38 16011 2428 18439 50.02
18 5832 194 315 6341 512 3827 0 38 5619 5727 -1174 15271 0 15271 2348 17619 50.00
19 5652 219 346 6217 516 3702 0 3 5462 5499 -1172 14765 0 14765 2336 17101 49.98
20 5784 219 395 6398 809 4024 0 0 4986 5120 -1164 15187 0 15187 2456 17643 49.98
21 5829 218 444 6491 790 4129 0 0 4939 5044 -1238 15216 0 15216 2530 17746 49.99
22 5852 181 434 6467 683 4136 0 0 4970 5070 -1228 15128 0 15128 2530 17658 49.98
23 5848 184 447 6479 664 4129 0 0 4910 5280 -1107 15445 0 15445 2590 18035 49.95
24 5789 149 446 6384 623 4171 0 0 5203 5496 -1093 15581 0 15581 2601 18182 49.91
MUs 5.09 7.90 157.37 9.69 94.04 0.00 1.66 138.68 141.70 -24.11 380.35 0.76 381.11 54.98 436.09 49.97
Mumbai Net Exch is shown with reference to MSETCL system and (-) sign indicates MSETCL periphery to Mumbai system.
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Statement-VI
Details of Generating Unit Outages/Trippings for 01/May/2017
Position as on 6.30 Hrs of 02/May/2017
Generating Name of Generating Unit Capacity Tripped Tripped Sync.Date Sync. Time Reason of Outage Expected
Company Date Time Date
Economic shutdown,(AOH
for 06.03.2016 To
TPC-G Trombay 6 500 15/07/2015 17.08 Continued. 04.04.2016) Unit Test
synch.07.04.2016 (12.03
To 12.30hrs)After overhaul
Turbine Problem, continued
MSPGCL Chandrapur Unit 7 500 25/01/2017 19.32 Continued.
under COH
IPP Adani U-1 660 18/04/2017 13.12 Continued. Due to coal shortage.
MSPGCL Paras Unit 4 250 29/04/2017 11.41 02/05/2017 03.40 bunkering problem.
MSPGCL Chandrapur Unit 6 500 29/04/2017 19.31 Continued. Air heater problem
MSPGCL Uran Unit 5 108 29/04/2017 21.57 01/05/2017 17.26 Gasket leakage.
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Statement-VI
Details of Generating Unit Outages/Trippings for 01/May/2017
Position as on 6.30 Hrs of 02/May/2017
Generating Name of Generating Unit Capacity Tripped Tripped Sync.Date Sync. Time Reason of Outage Expected
Company Date Time Date
MSPGCL Chandrapur Unit 4 210 30/04/2017 16.39 Continued. Boiler Tube Leakage
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Statement-VII
Details of Line outages/Trippings for 01/May/2017
Position as on 6.30 Hrs of 02/May/2017
Name of Line Inter State / Tripped Tripped Sync. Date Sync. Outage Reason of Outage
Intra State Date Time Time Type
N.Koyna-Karad -Ckt I IntraState 01/05/2017 09.45 Continued. PO Cold Method Insulator Washing.
Ektuni-Bableshwar ckt II IntraState 01/05/2017 22.50 01/05/2017 22.50 HT To Take Energy Reading.
Uran - Jnpt IntraState 01/05/2017 08.38 01/05/2017 15.04 PO Routine Maintenance Work
Hinganghat - Hinganghat Rly TSS 1 IntraState 01/05/2017 15.07 01/05/2017 15.23 T Backup Protection
Kharepatan -Pawas Line IntraState 02/05/2017 00.12 Continued. T Distance Protection
HT : Hand Tripping, MT : Multiple Tripping, T : Tripping, PO : Planned Outage, EO : Emergency Outage, OO : Opportunity Outage
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