Daily System Report For 15/oct/2017 State Load Despatch Center, Airoli (MSETCL) Sunday Statement I I Generation (Mus) Ii Exchanges (Mus)
Daily System Report For 15/oct/2017 State Load Despatch Center, Airoli (MSETCL) Sunday Statement I I Generation (Mus) Ii Exchanges (Mus)
Daily System Report For 15/oct/2017 State Load Despatch Center, Airoli (MSETCL) Sunday Statement I I Generation (Mus) Ii Exchanges (Mus)
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Annexure-2
Hourly Load Data As on 15/Oct/2017
1 5108 184 276 5568 53 4033 0 0 4887 4582 -1528 12708 0 12708 2279 14987 50.01
2 5024 86 287 5397 51 4183 0 0 4743 4446 -1407 12670 0 12670 2072 14742 49.99
3 4968 92 280 5340 42 4169 0 0 4785 4350 -1287 12614 0 12614 1947 14561 50.00
4 4980 87 278 5345 39 3954 0 0 4947 4500 -1213 12625 0 12625 1872 14497 50.03
5 4840 82 288 5210 35 3991 0 0 4848 4955 -1195 12996 0 12996 1855 14851 49.96
6 4930 246 277 5453 37 3980 0 0 5043 5077 -1052 13495 0 13495 1903 15398 49.92
7 5265 160 289 5714 45 4217 0 5 5500 5001 -1129 13853 0 13853 1914 15767 50.02
8 5269 140 279 5688 49 3834 0 56 5710 5578 -1210 13995 0 13995 1955 15950 50.01
9 5350 140 287 5777 36 3708 0 174 5667 5528 -1335 13888 0 13888 2050 15938 49.98
10 5269 245 273 5787 30 3680 0 300 5642 5517 -1505 13809 0 13809 2212 16021 49.98
11 5134 353 272 5759 41 3730 0 379 5637 5492 -1514 13887 0 13887 2351 16238 49.97
12 5173 470 268 5911 42 3757 0 431 5631 5558 -1562 14137 0 14137 2417 16554 49.99
13 5176 266 266 5708 61 3775 0 453 5623 5391 -1559 13829 0 13829 2436 16265 49.98
14 5076 270 264 5610 80 3692 0 422 5461 5125 -1480 13449 0 13449 2378 15827 49.97
15 5049 246 265 5560 152 3722 0 354 4898 5192 -1496 13484 0 13484 2394 15878 50.01
16 5152 316 265 5733 132 3750 0 265 5039 5253 -1537 13596 0 13596 2386 15982 50.00
17 5424 95 269 5788 149 3816 0 163 5004 4666 -1508 13074 0 13074 2327 15401 49.98
18 5432 85 272 5789 154 3915 0 34 5002 4882 -1477 13297 0 13297 2320 15617 49.99
19 5536 508 272 6316 99 4097 0 6 5095 5208 -1154 14572 0 14572 2408 16980 49.96
20 5611 378 273 6262 175 4403 0 0 5153 5094 -1133 14801 0 14801 2458 17259 50.01
21 5590 107 284 5981 65 4334 0 0 5196 5071 -1143 14308 0 14308 2443 16751 49.99
22 5579 158 274 6011 150 4210 0 0 4905 4918 -1244 14045 0 14045 2439 16484 49.98
23 5565 103 276 5944 228 4141 0 0 4883 4684 -1460 13537 0 13537 2405 15942 50.00
24 5419 108 284 5811 114 4032 0 0 4883 4436 -1460 12933 0 12933 2291 15224 49.99
MUs 4.93 6.62 137.46 2.06 95.12 0.00 3.04 124.18 120.50 -32.59 325.60 0.00 325.60 53.51 379.11 49.99
Mumbai Net Exch is shown with reference to MSETCL system and (-) sign indicates MSETCL periphery to Mumbai system.
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Statement-VI
Details of Generating Unit Outages/Trippings for 15/Oct/2017
Position as on 6.30 Hrs of 16/Oct/2017
Generating Name of Generating Unit Capacity Tripped Tripped Sync.Date Sync. Time Reason of Outage Expected
Company Date Time Date
MSPGCL Uran Unit 7 108 05/10/2017 00.06 Continued. Gas Turbine Work
MSPGCL Uran Unit B0 120 05/10/2017 00.11 Continued. Gas Turbine Work
Problem in submerged
IPP RPL(AMT) U-1 270 06/10/2017 00.45 Continued.
Scrapper chain
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Statement-VI
Details of Generating Unit Outages/Trippings for 15/Oct/2017
Position as on 6.30 Hrs of 16/Oct/2017
Generating Name of Generating Unit Capacity Tripped Tripped Sync.Date Sync. Time Reason of Outage Expected
Company Date Time Date
MSPGCL Nasik Unit 5 210 14/10/2017 21.05 Continued. zero schedule by msedcl.
zero schedule given by
MSPGCL Nasik Unit 4 210 14/10/2017 23.10 Continued.
TPC-G Trombay 5 500 14/10/2017 23.30 Continued. Boiler Tube Leakage
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Statement-VII
Details of Line outages/Trippings for 15/Oct/2017
Position as on 6.30 Hrs of 16/Oct/2017
Name of Line Inter State / Tripped Tripped Sync. Date Sync. Outage Reason of Outage
Intra State Date Time Time Type
Khadka- Deepnagar Ckt 2 IntraState 12/10/2017 15.11 15/10/2017 07.14 HT Sparking in Isolator
Boisar Tarapur InterState 15/10/2017 16.10 15/10/2017 16.38 T Tripped only from tarapur end.
Sadawaghapur Karad Ckt 2 IntraState 13/10/2017 23.35 15/10/2017 14.15 T Burst la replaced taken in service.
Karad(400kv) -Mudshingi Ckt 2-Tak IntraState 15/10/2017 14.23 15/10/2017 15.46 T Distance Protection
Nashik-Airoli Knowledge Park IntraState 15/10/2017 15.38 15/10/2017 16.51 HT Control Nasik loading.
New Koyna - Pedambe IntraState 15/10/2017 16.30 Continued. PO Isolator sparking at pedambe.
Padghe - Nalasopara IntraState 15/10/2017 16.45 15/10/2017 19.33 PO Tap for vasai.
Boisar Versova Line IntraState 15/10/2017 16.56 15/10/2017 18.48 T Bus Bar Protection Operated
Boisar-Viraj IntraState 15/10/2017 16.56 15/10/2017 18.45 T Bus Bar Protection Operated
Osmanabad - Barshi IntraState 15/10/2017 18.43 15/10/2017 19.13 T Tripped at barshi end.
Paranda Tap Osmanabad - Barshi IntraState 15/10/2017 18.43 15/10/2017 19.13 T Distance Protection
Parli 3 (Old Gcr)-Osmanabad IntraState 15/10/2017 18.46 15/10/2017 19.13 T Distance Protection
HT : Hand Tripping, MT : Multiple Tripping, T : Tripping, PO : Planned Outage, EO : Emergency Outage, OO : Opportunity Outage
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State Load Despatch Center,Airoli (MSETCL) Statement-VII
Details of Line outages/Trippings for 15/Oct/2017
Position as on 6.30 Hrs of 16/Oct/2017
Name of Line Inter State / Tripped Tripped Sync. Date Sync. Outage Reason of Outage
Intra State Date Time Time Type
Osmanabad - Solapur (Bale) IntraState 15/10/2017 18.46 15/10/2017 19.19 T Distance Protection
HT : Hand Tripping, MT : Multiple Tripping, T : Tripping, PO : Planned Outage, EO : Emergency Outage, OO : Opportunity Outage
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