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Electronic Nose: Abdul Sayeed and Mohammed Suhail Shameem

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Advances in Medical Informatics

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011, pp-06-09

Available online at: http://www.bioinfo.in/contents.php?id=72

Electronic Nose
Abdul Sayeed and 2Mohammed Suhail Shameem
Lt. Haribai Warpudkar Colleg, SRTMU, Basmat Road, Parbhani, India
MIT&M College, Anand Nagar, SRTMU, Nanded-431602 India
e-mail: Sayeed002@rediffmail.com, Suhail_mca@rediffmail.com

AbstractThe "electronic nose" is a relatively new tool the brain identifies the smell associated with that
that may be used for safety, quality, or process monitoring, particular molecule. Electronic noses based on the
accomplishing in a few minutes procedures that may biological model work in a similar manner, albeit
presently require days to complete. Electronic Nose is a substituting sensors for the receptors, and transmitting
smart instrument that is designed to detect and discriminate
among complex odours using an array of sensors. The array
the signal to a program for processing, rather than to the
of sensors consists of a number of broadly tuned (non- brain. Electronic noses are one example of a growing
specific) sensors that are treated with a variety of odour- research area called biomimetics, or biomimicry, which
sensitive biological or chemical materials. An odour involves human-made applications patterned on natural
stimulus generates a haracteristic fingerprint from this phenomena.
array of sensors. Patterns or fingerprints from known Electronic noses were originally used for quality
odours are used to construct a database and train a pattern control applications in the food, beverage and cosmetics
recognition system so that unknown odours can industries. Current applications include detection of
subsequently be classified and/or identified. Over the last odors specific to diseases for medical diagnosis, and
decade, electronic sensing or e-sensing technologies
have undergone important developments from a technical
detection of pollutants and gas leaks for environmental
and commercial point of view. The expression electronic protection.
sensing refers to the capability of reproducing human
senses using sensor arrays and pattern recognition systems.
For the last 15 years as of 2007, research has been
conducted to develop technologies, commonly referred to as
electronic noses, that could detect and recognize odors and

An electronic nose is an array of non-specific chemical
sensors, controlled and analyzed electronically, which
mimics the action of the mammalian nose by Fig. 1: Sensor Used by Odor-Sensing "Electronic Noses" That Mimic
the Action of the Mucus in the Natural Nose.
recognizing patterns of response to vapors. The sensors
used here are conduct metric chemical sensors which
change resistance when exposed to vapors. The sensors II. WORKING PRINCIPLE
are not specific to any one vapor; it is in the use of an An electronic nose that uses an array of 32 polymer
array of sensors, each with a different sensing medium, carbon black composite sensors has been developed,
that gases and gas mixtures can be identified by the trained, and tested. By selecting a variety of chemical
pattern of response of the array. An electronic nose (e- functionalities in the polymers used to make sensors, it
nose) is a device that identifies the specific components is possible to construct an array capable of identifying
of an odor and analyzes its chemical makeup to identify and quantifying a broad range of target compounds,
it. An electronic nose consists of a mechanism for such as alcohols and aromatics, and distinguishing
chemical detection, such as an array of electronic isomers and enantiomers (mirror-image isomers). A
sensors, and a mechanism for pattern recognition, such model of the interaction between target molecules and
as a neural network. Electronic noses have been around the polymercarbon black composite sensors is under
for several years but have typically been large and development to aid in selecting the array members and
expensive. Current research is focused on making the to enable identification of compounds with responses
devices smaller, less expensive, and more sensitive. The not stored in the analysis library. The electronic nose
smallest version, a nose-on-a-chip is a single computer was developed in order to mimic human olfaction that
chip containing both the sensors and the processing functions as a non-seperative mechanism: i.e. an odor /
components. An odor is composed of molecules, each flavor is perceived as a global fingerprint. Electronic
of which has a specific size and shape. Each of these Noses include three major parts: a sample delivery
molecules has a correspondingly sized and shaped system, a detection system, a computing system. The
receptor in the human nose. When a specific receptor sample delivery system enables the generation of the
receives a molecule, it sends a signal to the brain and

Advances in Medical Informatics

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011
Advances in Medical Informatics
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011, pp-06-09
Available online at: http://www.bioinfo.in/contents.php?id=72

headspace (volatile compounds) of a sample, which is B. Second Generation E-Nose

the fraction analyzed. The system then injects this
The second-generation ENose (Figure 5) has the same
headspace into the detection system of the electronic
functions as the first-generation device, but has been
nose. The sample delivery system is essential to
miniaturized to occupy less than 1000 cm3 with a mass
guarantee constant operating conditions.
~800 g, not including the operating computer. The
The detection system, which consists of a sensor
power requirements of the 2nd -generation ENose are
set, is the reactive part of the instrument. When in
similar to those of the 1st generation device. The body
contact with volatile compounds, the sensors react,
and flow system of the 2nd generation device are made
which means they experience a change of electrical
from a single block of hard-anodized aluminum; this
properties. Each sensor is sensitive to all volatile
design was chosen to eliminate fittings and to ensure
molecules but each in their specific way. Most
that there are no leaks in the flow system. Development
electronic noses use sensor-arrays that react to volatile
of the second generation ENose for crew quarters air
compounds on contact: the adsorption of volatile
quality monitoring, focuses on optimizing the response
compounds on the sensor surface causes a physical
of the array of conductometric sensors and on extensive
change of the sensor. A specific response is recorded by
ground testing. The sensors are films of polymers which
the electronic interface transforming the signal into a
have been loaded with carbon to make them conductive.
digital value.
After the ENose Flight Experiment on STS-95, it was
Recorded data are then computed based on
clear that confidence in the ability of ENose to identify
statistical models. The more commonly used sensors
and quantify compounds cannot be developed during
include metal oxide semiconductors (MOS), conducting
flight. Such confidence must be developed on the
polymers (CP), quartz crystal microbalance, surface
ground, with an optimized device and test conditions
acoustic wave (SAW), and field effect transistors
which will challenge the sensors and the identification
(MOSFET).In recent years, other types of electronic
software. Sensor optimization work has included
noses have been developed that utilize mass
studies of noise, reaction time, and sensor recovery by
spectrometry or ultra fast gas chromatography as a
studies of conductive medium, film thickness and
detection system. The computing system works to
sensor size. Data acquisition work has focused on the
combine the responses of all of the sensors, which
use of AC measurements of the sensor response to ppm
represents the input for the data treatment. This part of
levels of contaminant. AC methods may allow the use
the instrument performs global fingerprint analysis and
of very thin films and thus increase sensitivity while
provides results and representations that can be easily
decreasing noise.
interpreted. Moreover, the electronic nose results can be
Figure 3 shows plot of sensor response as change in
correlated to those obtained from other techniques
impedance (I/I0) vs. time, at several frequencies.
(sensory panel, GC, GC/MS).
Change in impedance is normalized to initial
impedance, I0. The sensor, a film of carbon-loaded
III. DEVELOPMENT OF ELECTRONIC NOSE polyethylene oxide, responds to an injection of 4700
The Electronic Nose can be categorized into three ppm ethanol. Figure 4 shows how frequency dependent
generations starting from its development in the mid measurements can be used to turn a single sensor into a
80s. virtual array. For a particular polymer film, the response
at different frequencies to different compounds will
A. The First Generatione-Nose result in a pattern such as can be made from Figure 4.
The first generation of e-nose were based on Sensor
Arrays (with different types of sensors). The 1st
generation ENose Sensor Unit flight experiment, which
flew aboard the STS-95 (1998), used an HP-200LX
Palmtop Computer for device control and data
acquisition; data were collected and analyzed after
Fig. 3: Response as I/I0of a film of Fig. 4: Response as I/I0
carbon-loaded Polyethylene oxide vs. Frequency at 510
to an injection of 4700 ppm ethanol Seconds in the Plot Shown
at 325 sec. in Figure 1.

In the 2nd Generation ENose Sensor Unit, the unit

was coupled with a desktop and/or laptop computer for
lab experiments. A Personal Data Assistant (PDA), as
Fig. 2: First Generation E-Nose. shown in the photograph, may be used for device

Advances in Medical Informatics

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011
Advances in Medical Informatics
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011, pp-06-09
Available online at: http://www.bioinfo.in/contents.php?id=72

Electronic Nose

control and data collection, with the data analyzed later. important to NASA for use in closed environments such
The objective of this project is to prepare the ENose as the space shuttle, the space station, and planned
Sensor Unit as a technology demonstration on board the human habitats on Mars or the Moon. The best real
International Space Station (ISS). A modified 2nd time, broad band air quality monitor now available in
Generation ENose Sensor Unit coupled with an space habitats is the human nose. It is limited by human
Interface Unit will become the 3rd Generation ENose. factors such as fatigue, exposure to toxins, and inability
to detect some compounds. At present, air quality from
the space shuttle is determined on the ground after a
flight by collecting samples and analyzing them in
laboratory analytical instruments such as a gas
chromatograph-mass spectrometer (GC-MS). The
availability of a miniature, portable instrument capable
of identifying contaminants in the breathing
environment at levels which have the potential to be
harmful to crew health would greatly enhance the
capability for monitoring the quality of recycled air as
Fig. 5: 2nd Generation E-Nose well as providing notification of the presence of
potentially dangerous substances from spills and leaks.
C. Third Generation E-Nose
The 3rd generation ENose uses the basic sensing unit
developed as the second generation device; it also B. Electronic Nose for Environmental Momitoring
includes an ISS interface unit, which conforms to Enormous amounts of hazardous waste (nuclear,
electrical, data telemetry, display and data storage chemical, and mixed wastes) were generated by more
requirements for ISS. The ENose Sensor Unit consists than 40 years of weapons production. The Pacific
of an anodized aluminum chassis which houses the Northwest National Laboratory is exploring the
Sensor array and pneumatic system. The ENose Sensor technologies required to perform environmental
Unit also contains the electronics to route power, relay restoration and waste management in a cost effective
data and commands between the Sensor array and the manner. This effort includes the development of
ENose Interface Unit. portable, inexpensive systems capable of real-time
identification of contaminants in the field. Electronic
noses fit this category. Environmental applications of
electronic noses include analysis of fuel mixtures,
detection of oil leaks, testing ground water for odors,
and identification of household odors. Potential
applications include identification of toxic wastes, air
quality monitoring, and monitoring factory emissions.

C. Electronic Nose for Medicine

Because the sense of smell is an important sense to the
physician, an electronic nose has applicability as a
diagnostic tool. An electronic nose can examine odors
from the body (e.g., breath, wounds, body fluids, etc.)
Fig. 6: 3rd Generation E Nose.
and identify possible problems. Odors in the breath can
The ISS computer system manages data collection be indicative of gastrointestinal problems, sinus
from the ENose Sensor Unit and communication problems, infections, diabetes, and liver problems.
between the ISS and the ENose Unit. A data analysis Infected wounds and tissues emit distinctive odors that
computer will also be incorporated inside the ENose can be detected by an electronic nose. Odors coming
Interface Unit. The ENose Interface Unit will control from body fluids can indicate liver and bladder
the thermal environment of the ENose Sensor Unit. problems. Currently, an electronic nose for examining
wound infections is being tested at South Manchester
IV. APPLICATIONS University Hospital.

A. Electronic Nose for Space Missions V. CONCLUSION

The ability to monitor the constituents of the breathing E-Noses can be used to identify and differentiate
air in a closed chamber in which air is recycled is complex mixtures and individual chemicals. Eventual

Advances in Medical Informatics

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011
Advances in Medical Informatics
Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011, pp-06-09
Available online at: http://www.bioinfo.in/contents.php?id=72

deployment of the ENose as one part of a fully REFERENCES

automated environmental monitoring and control
[1] Christopher M. Bishop, Neural Networks for Pattern
system is envisioned. In this scenario, activities such as Recognition, Oxford University Press 1995
remediation of spills and leaks would be actuated [2] Handbook of Machine Olfaction: Electronic Nose Technology,
through a logic system and would be done robotically. Wiley PB
[3] J. Gardner, Philip N. Bartlett, Sensors and Sensory Systems for
Work continues in developing a model of sensor-
an Electronic Nose, Springer, 1 edition 1992
analyte interaction to optimize selection of materials for [4] www.jpl.nasa.gov/technology/ referred on 24th feb 2008
a sensing array as well as for possible future use to [5] www.en.wikipedia.org/enose/Electronic_nose_wiki.htm referred
identify array responses from untrained-for compounds. on 24th feb 2008
Further work will involve comparing neural network [6] www.science.nasa.gov/headlines/y2004/images/enose/ referred
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sensor analysis to more conventional techniques, [7] www.//searchnetworking.techtarget.com/sDefinition/0,,sid_gci2
exploring other neural network paradigms, and evolving 12648,00.html referred on 24th feb 2008
the preliminary prototypes to field systems.

Advances in Medical Informatics

Volume 1, Issue 1, 2011

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