Welcome To Use Our Injection Molding Machine Control System: Please Read It Before Installation
Welcome To Use Our Injection Molding Machine Control System: Please Read It Before Installation
Welcome To Use Our Injection Molding Machine Control System: Please Read It Before Installation
0 Preface
Safety Cautions
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Preface
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Preface
Production management 46
All copyrights are reserved, any duplication without the prior authorization
shall be forbidden.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Contents
Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation
1. System Configuration & Remarks p1
2. Characteristics of MC2000A Control System p1
3. 1Cautions upon Installing the Control System p2
Chapter 2 Specifications of the Button-Pressed Operations
1.Figure of Keyboard on the Operation Panel (See the figure below) p5
2. Explanation of the Functional Keys p6
3. Explanation of the Parameter Setting button p8
4. Cursor Key p9
5.Electrothermal ON/OFF key and Motor ON/OFF key p9
6. Operation Mode Selection Key p9
7. Manual Operation Keys p10
8. Setting Scope of Numeric Items p13
Chapter 3 Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
1. Main page of Starting up p14
2. The descriptions on display P15
3. for celerity setting information P16
4. Set moId close/open information P17
5 The injection/ hold pressure setup information P19
6 the injection function setup information p21
7. The Feed/suck back/Auto clear data setup information p22
8. Nozzle/Mold adjustment data setup p25
9. Set the ejector forward information p26
10. Set core information p28
11. Lubricating/blowing data setup p29
12. The temperature setup information p31
13. Set blowing data setup p32
14. Pre-warming data setup p33
15. Special parameter/time setup p34
16.Set ethernet information p37
17. user management p38
18. MES---setup of injection molding workshop management system(optional) p41
Chapter 4 production management
1. Set setup Imformation p44
2. mold data setup p45
3. Amendment history information p46
4. SPC Tracking record 1 p47
5. SPC Tracking record 2 p48
6. SPC Tracking record 3 p49
7. The Incident track back page p50
8. The output statistics iformation p51
9. The injection curve page p52
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Contents
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation
P1 Pressure
AD3 P2 Pressure
F1 Speed
nitrogen uppper limit/4B F2 Speed
nitrogen down limit/4A
Small pump
fault alarm
24VG front close
core D return stop Door open
core D advance stop
core C return stop core D out
core C advance stop core D in
core B return stop core C out
core B advance stop core C in
core A return stop core B out
core A advance stop core B in
core A out
motor fault core A in
door open stop blow female
mechanic hand ejector blow male
nitrogen release
nitrogen recharge
mechanic hand mold close
back mold adject stop fully auto
front mold adject stop ejector finished
fine adjust teeth number
PORCHESON mold open finished
Strong Strong
lubricating oil is low Ejector return
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation
(2)To conduct the parameter setting and memory testing, press FLOW CHART button to select a group
输 入
of mod ule numbe rs and then set data in all screens. Press ENTER
button to save data. Disconnect
the power and connect it again after a few time, the system will automatically call the data of
mod ule numbe rs saved by you. In case of they are correct, it indicates that the memo ry is all right.
(3)Afterwards, set the data in all relevant data (please see Chapter III Explanation of the Parameter
Setting for the detailed operations). Upon setting in the first time, set the pressure and speed
as little as possible and then after all movements come normally, gradually increase the values
to normal parameters to prevent from damaging the mechanical performances.
(4)After all parameter set, save them and carefully inspect if all input and output points are normal.
Carry out an overall inspection of the alarm system, including the front and back safety doors.
The wire of safety doors shall be connected as stated in the following figure.
After Door
Front Door
Front Saf ety Door 1 Front Safety Door 2
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 1 System Configuration & Installation
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
keys usage
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
keys usage
Press this key is equal to move cursor to [Enter] while in log in status
and then press the enter key
When cursor mov es to such as mou ld name mod ification, press this key
to switch Chinese/English input method
Press this key is equal to move cursor to [Cancel] while in log in status
and then press the cancel key .
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
4. Cursor Key
keys usage
Skip key, pressing it will skip the cursor to the upper line
Skip key, pressing it will skip the cursor to the lower line
电热开/关 马达开/关
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
Pressing this key will enter the system Ther e is an indi cat or on the left upper
into manual state. of all keys. Pressing any key will turn
on this indi cat or, indi cat ing the sys tem
Is in this state. Every time the computer
is started, the default state of system is
Pressing this key will enter the system
into semi-automatic operation anual operation.In case of the temperature
has not reached the set value, the system
is impossible to perform semi-automatic 、
senr-automatic and time automatic
Pressing this key will enter the system operations. The indicator will not turn
into senr-automatic operation on when the semi-automatic、senr-
automatic and time automaticoperat ion
key pres sed till thet emperat ure reaches
the set val ue.
Pressing this key will enter the system
into time-automatic operation
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
1.if E-ru ler not bein g used,suck back time not rea ched
2.if E-ru ler bein g used,not rea ched suck back term ina tion posit ion
Suck back Operation 3.all section s of tem p in charging barre l must within set ran ge
(no tem p ala rms)and cool boot for screw timing is up
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
mold adjustment backward 1. ent er into manual adj ust ment mode
operation 2. mold adj ust ment backw ard not reached its terminat ion posi tion
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
Nitrogen recharge operation 1 stocker up limit not reached its termination position
safe door open operation 1. Safe door open not reached its termination position or
time not completed
safe door close operation 1. Safe door clo se not rea ched its term ina tion posit ion
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 2 Explanation of the Key Operations
In case of the set values exceed the above-mentioned scopes, the system will not accept the
numbers set and keep the original set values. For the habit of data input, the data input of this
system is display from right to left.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
0.00 mm
7.6 %
cou nting all the time
1866.6 Sec
7.6 %
motion setup
0.00 Sec
motion counting
0.00 Sec
output current
move mold:593. 9 mm ejector: 0.00 mm injection: 0.00 mm nozzle: 0.00 mm
0.0 A
motor speed
Machine Run Well mold close slow
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
Press key at any time after re-turning on the computer, and then enter the menu of the
monitor menu of the machi ne. This menu is for monitori ng temperat ure and machi ne running con dition.
The names and numbers of the moulds will be set in mould information menu.The temperature
Scale and current oil temperature show the real value of each stage thus its information cannot be
modified. Each function of the menus is described as follows:
The descriptions on mode:
mode meanings
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
System records the open mold times for the current mold no during the
Current mold number process of auto running.
System back pressure The set back pressure valule of the current charge motion
Motion setup The time value or counter data of the current motion
When a time value is set for current motion,onl y the ope ration time gradually
Motion counting reaches set value,can next motion be proceeded,if number of times is set
correspondingly the number of times would be displayed and to reached its set.
Charging speed The number of rotation of the screw in one minute.(Unit:RPM)
Packed mold number Syste m records the fin ish ed mold no of this box durin g the process of auto running.
Movable mold Shows the current position of the mold. The unit: mm;
Screw Shows the current position of the screw. The unit: mm;
Ejector Shows the current position of the thimble.The unit:mm
Nozzle Shows the current position of nozzle.The unit:mm
Actual temperature is not within setting range, showing current ly all
Low temperature
sections of temperature are abnormal
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press CELERITY SET key, enter the menu for fast setup information, now as following:
slow speed fast speed middle speed low pressure high pressure 7Segment 6Segment 5Segment 4Segment 3Segment 2Segment 1Segment
pressure (bar) 25.0 65.0 40.0 12.0 40.0 pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0
positio n (mm) 509 210 105 5.0 position (mm) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0
time (sec) ****** ****** ****** ****** ****** ******
Low speed middle speed fast speed slow speed
switch to pressure holding position switch to pressure holding position
pressure (bar) 25.0 65.0 12.0 40.0
time (sec) 5.0 position (mm) 5.0 pressure (bar) ******
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0
position (mm) 509 210 5.0
4Level 3Level 2Level 1Level Forwarde Suck Back Feed 1 Feed 2 Feed 3 Suck Back
pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0
time (sec) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 Back pressure (bar) 35.0 35.0 35.0
position (mm) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 position (mm) 35.0 35.0 8.00 8.00 8.00
slope function Disabled Disabled Disabled Disabled Time (sec) ****** ******
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
Fast setup menus are parameters cluster menus common used by jet plastice machines.This menus
can provide important parameters needed daily adjustment by machines,including: mold close, mold
open, injection, hold pressure, plasticization, ejector forward .
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key, enter the menu for setting mold close information , now the menu is as followi ng:
Pressure 20 50 20 1 20
Flux 20 80 30 25
Place 508.8 109.0 2.0
(1). Process: while closing mould, enter slow clamping first, and then enter fast clamping stroke
Arrives at[508.8], and then enter low pressure clamping when stroke runs another [109.0],And
then enter high pressure clampi ng whe n stroke runs another [2.0] till clampi ng compl eted. It alarms
[low pressure mould protection time is over ] when the low pressure time is over but not enter the
high pressure yet.
(2). Low pressure protection: Set a smal ler low-pressure time for mou ld closing, it is better to be fitting,
otherwise,the mou ld can not be protected.
(3). Limitation to mould clos ing /op ening : time limitation to mold clos ing /op ening ,plea se set it lon ger, and it
Is Better to be fitting, otherwise, the system alarms [mold open/close not completed on time].
(4).Differential mould closing: press enter key to select[on]or[off], output when select [on]for
quick mould closing and Y12 is with signal, when select[off] for quick mould closing,and Y
12 is without signal.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
(5). Mold-closed terminated & high pressure holding means high-pressure mold closed is
terminated and X03 got signal and then hold high pressure until it is finished.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key , ent er the inject ion/ hold pres sur e set up infor mation , now the menu is as following:
Level 1
Segment 7
Segment 6
Segment 5
Segment 4
Segment 3
Segment 2
Segment 1
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
50 55
20 Le ve l5 Pr es
(Curve graph of slope function)
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Pres s key two times, enter the inje ction function setup info rmation , now the menu is as following :
(1).Injection delay:in auto mode it will delay the setup time and then proceed to inject
(2). Injection monitoring:There are 【Enable】【Disable】available,computer will take average
value of injection destination from frist 1--100 mould as injection detection point under semi/auto
mode once 【Enable】is selected,user can set allowable error range on pressure holding page,
if exceeds set mould no,system will alarm【injection failure】and regard this mould as defects
when discover:injection finished not reach the detecton range or exceeds the detection range.
(3). Injection protective shell:The re are 【Ena ble】【Disbale】available,whe n 【Ena ble】is selected,
X02 of injection,feeding and suck back movement is OFF,alarms :injection protective shell not
closed, and no movement output;otherwise movement will not be affected by X02 signal.
(4). Nitrogen function:The re are 【Disable】【Ena ble】available.When select 【Ena ble】,injection
motion Y25 of nitrogen released sync output after motor power on,while injection wihout motion
and when X46 accumulator down limit with signal then Y24 will be recharged nitrogen,and stop
recharging when X47 accumulator up limit with signal,otherwise,there is no related motion
with nitrogen.
(5). Nozzle function:There are 【Disable】【Enable】available.When select 【Enable】,open
the nozzle before injecton and it will inject once timing for nozzle open motion count time,and
it will close nozzle once inject finished,and it will stop nozzle -close motion once timing for nozzle
close motion is up;otherwise,there is no nozzle motions.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
储 料
Press key , enter the Feed/suck back/Auto clear data setup information ,now the menu
is as following:
PORCHESON Feed/suck back/Auto clear 2016-07-26 16:33:30
mold open total no
Forwarde Suck Back Feed 1 Feed 2 Feed 3 Suck Back 35 Mould
pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 system pressure
0.0 bar
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0
system flow
Back pressure (bar) 35.0 35.0 35.0
0.0 %
positio n (mm) 35.0 35.0 8.00 8.00 8.00 mold base position
Time (sec) ****** ****** 50.00 mm
Ejection position
0.00 mm
Inject Feed Suck Back cou nting all the time
pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 1866.6 Sec
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 motion setup
Back pressure (bar) 35.0 0.00 Sec
positio n (mm) 35.0 motion counting
Time (sec) 35.0 8.00 0.00 Sec
output current
0.0 A
motor speed
Machine Run Well mold close slow
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
Pressure 30 120 1 10 80 90 50
Back Pressure 25 85 90 70 20 43
Flux 15 20 22 30 15
Place 30.0 1 70 . 0 220.0 300.0 3 0 5.5 3 80 . 6
(1). Feed /Back eject or Proce ss: After phase of pressure maint aini ng, it will switch to storing 1when injecti on
Retreats move to30.00mm, and then switch to storing 2 when move to170.0mm,and then switch
to suck back backward when move to 220.00 ,and finish storing when move to 300.00mm,and
finish storing when move to 305.50mm.,and finish storing when move to 380.60mm.
(2). stuff auto-clearing p rocess: How to use the stuff auto-clearing up function. In manual mode, press
key of materi al auto-clearing up, the system start s the materi al auto-clearing up process, first is process
of with draw ing, and then cycles automati cally according with process shown in the diagram above.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Feed Suck Back Times of material clearing up?
Press key two times, to enter into Feed/suck back/Auto clear function setup page which
will be as folowing:
PORCHESON Feed/suck back/Auto clear 2016-07-26 16:33:30
mold open total no
Forwarde Feed Cooling 45.0 Sec Feed delay 15.0 Sec 35 Mould
system pressure
Coolin g tim e 45.0 Sec Feed lim it 10.0 Sec
0.0 bar
Coolin g mode Purging mode after feed
system flow
Feed back pressure Disabl e Auto purgin function Disabl e 0.0 %
Feed simultaneously mold opening Enable Purging tim es ****** Times mold base position
Feed key lock automatically Enable Auto feed nozzle advance Disabl e 50.00 mm
Feed single-loop tooth no 1 Feed in advance suck back mode position Ejection position
Feed again functio n Disabl e Inject- return mode position 0.00 mm
Refeed mode ****** refeed tim e 45.0 Sec cou nting all the time
Refeed pressure refeed positio n 1866.6 Sec
****** bar 45.0 mm
motion setup
Refeed flu x ****** %
0.00 Sec
Refeed back pressure ****** bar
motion counting
0.00 Sec
output current
0.0 A
motor speed
Machine Run Well mold close slow
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
(1)Feeding time delay: Set delay time when under auto state and then to proceed for feeding.
(2). Feed limit Time : Monitor time for no material. It is regarded as no material when time is up but
Feeding is not completed, therefore, set time limit longer than actual feeding time, otherwise,
[feeding not completed on time] will be alarmed.
(3).Cooling time: In auto mode, injection and pressure maintaining are completed, cooling time starts
To count, time for feeding and injection retreats is also part of cooling time. If movement time ex
ceeds cooling time, cooling time will end, and mould opened can be proceeded only if feeding,in
jection retreats finished, conversely, cooling time ends to open mould immediately.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
(6). Feed back pressure :There are 【Disab le】【Enable】available.When sel ect 【Enable】,Y42 of
feed ing back pressure ,feed rat io are syn c output during feed motions;otherw ise,no worki ng.
(7). Auto purging:There are 【Disab le】【Enable】avail able.When sel ect 【Enable】and system will
proceed to auto purging motion and record purging times,it will sotp purging once times is
reached;otherwise,there is no purging motion.
(8). Feed simultaneously mold opening:There are 【Disable】【Enable】available.When select 【Enable】,
Under auto mode,timing for cooling is up and proceed to mold opening motion but the feed
motion may be not finished yet;otherwise,need to meet the conditions of timing for cooling
is up and feed motion finished and then proceed to mold opening.
(9). Feed key lock automati cally:There are 【Disab le】【Enable】avail able.When sel ect 【Enable】,
under manual mode,press down feed key and feed motion works by this moment realease
feed key but continue the motion;otherwise,feed motion will be finished.
(10). Auto feed nozzl e advan ce:There are 【Disabl e】【Enabl e】avai labl e.When sel ect 【Enabl e】,
under auto mode during feed motion runing, Y1 of nozzle advance valve sync work;otherwise,
Y1 of nozzle advance valve not working.
(11). Feed single-loop tooth no:the tooth no of screw in one week
(12). Feed in advance suck back mode:There are 【Postion】【Time】available.When select
【Position】,forward-inject-retreat motion will be switched to feed motion by screw position
changing detection;whe n select【Time】,it will switch to feed motion by timing for forwar d
- inject-retreat motion.
(13). Inject- retreat mode:There are 【Pos i tion】【Time】available.When select 【Position】,
backward-inject -retreat will be finished by screw position changing detection;and when
select【Time】,it will be finished once timing for backward-inject-retreat is up.
(14). Feed again function:There are 【Disable】【Enable】available.When select 【Enable】,
under auto mode system will proceed to feed motion before injection and then inject once
feeding is finished.
(15). Ref eed mode:The re are 【Pos tion】【Time】available.When select 【Pos ition】,refeed motion
will be finished according to screw postion changing;otherwise use 【Time】to sotp.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key to enter into nozzle/mold adjustment data setup page which will be as folowing:
PORCHESON nozzle/mold adjustment 2016-07-26 16:33:30
mold open total no
35 Mould
Nozzle advance 1 Nozzle advance 2 Nozzle return 1 Nozzle return 2 nozzle retrea t mode system pressure
pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 Disabl e 0.0 bar
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 nozzle termination mode system flow
0.0 %
positio n (mm) ****** ****** 8.00 8.00 Time
mold base position
Time (sec) 2.0 1.00 1.00 manual nozzle advance limit
50.00 mm
Disabl e Ejection position
0.00 mm
Nozzle advance 1 Nozzle advance 2 Nozzle return 1 mold adjustment way cou nting all the time
pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 10 1866.6 Sec
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 motion setup
mold close time 5.0 0.00 Sec
motion counting
0.00 Sec
output current
0.0 A
motor speed
Machine Run Well mold close slow
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
(1). Nozzle advance 2 motion: 1 when E-ruler not being used and while nozzle advance touch X06
switch of nozzle advance stop then switching to nozzle advance 2 speed to connect with the mold,
and nozzle advance 2 will be finished once time is up2.when E-ruler being used,the speed 1 and
speed 2 of nozzle advance are controled by E-ruler position.(Fnunction:To prevent crash and
protect the mold life)
(2).Nozzle retreat mode:There are 【Disable】and【After feeding】,【mold open advance】and
【After injection】,when 【After feeding】is being used under auto mode and while it is operating
automatically it will proceed to nozzle retreat motion once feed inject -backward is finished;and
when 【Mold open advance】is being used and under auto mode it will proceed to nozzle retreat
and then mold open;and whe n 【After injection】is being used, the nozzle will retreat after injejction.
(3).Nozzle retreat termination mode:1.When E-ruler not being used,there are [Stroke] and [Time]
available,the auto nozzle retreat position is controlled by limit swith of [X07] of nozzle retreat
stop;if time function is being used then the auto nozzle retreat is controlled by time.2.when E-
ruler is being used,there are [Position] and [Time] available,when position is chosen,the auto
nozzle retreat position is controlled by E-ruler position;and when time is chosen,the auto nozzle
retreat is cotrolled by time.(Notice:under manual mode,the [Nozzle retreat] key no impact to
nozzle retreat motion)
(4).Manual nozzle advance limit:when this funciton is not being used,the nozzle advance motion
is not controlled by stroke,and when this function is being used,nozzle advance is controlled by
limit switch of X06 of nozzle or by the forward position of E-ruler.
(5).Mold close time:Under auto mode,the mold closed motion with time limit and once time is up it will
switch to mold opened,when setting the time make sure higher than the time for mold locking.
(6).Auto mode adjusting method: for auto mode,press [mode adjustment] twice and system will proceed
to mode adjusting automatically once safe door is closed.The set value of motion pressure ,flow
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
for mold ajust advance , mold adjust retreat is to be set in fine adjustmet column.It will hint [Auto
mold adjust finished]
(7).Initial mold adjust -advance teeth no:under auto mode,the teeth no that readjust after the first
time to touch X03 switch.
(8).Regardless of manual or auto mode for mold adjustment,the mold adjust-advance is controlled
by mold adjust-advance limit switch and while the mold adjust-retreat is controlled by the mold
adjust-retreat limit switch.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key to enter into ejector setup page which will be as folowing:
PORCHESON Ejector setup 2016-07-26 16:33:30
mold open total no
35 mould
ejector return 2 ejector return 1 ejector advance1 ejector advance 2 hold system pressure
pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 0.0 bar
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 system flow
0.0 %
positio n (mm) 80.00 80.00 80.00 80.00
mold base position
time (sec) ****** ****** ****** ****** 1.00 50.00 mm
ejection position
0.00 mm
eject or mode by times ejector advance delay 0.00 sec cou nting all the time
eject or times 1 times ejector retreat delay 0.00 sec 1866.6 sec
re-ejector disabl e ejector finished under sensor mode count end motion setup
eject or begi n ****** mm ejector duirng mold opening disabl e 0.00 sec
stop hol ding disabl e ejector retreat under virbration mode ****** sec motion counting
man ipulator disabl e ejector retreat-stop effective area 1.00 mm 0.00 sec
output current
0.0 A
motor speed
Machine Run Well mold close slow
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
(1).ejection way:
(a) Times fixed : [Ejecting forwar d] → [Ejecting forwar d stopped] -[Maintain] -[Ejecting backwa rd]
[Ejecting backwa rd stopped] as one cycle, move in according to times.
(B)Vibrating:[Ejecting forward stop] -[Ejecting forward stop]-[0.1Ejecting backward]-[time is up]
as one cycle, set movement according with ejecting times, and ejecting backward movement
will stop when times is finished.
(C) Rem ain:[Ejecting forward]-[Ejecting forward stop] movements stop ,ejecting backwar d will only
Be conducted only before mould closing of next cycle.(Notice:[Remain] movement will not be
limited by times, movement will be only conducted once when [times of ejecting] is larger than
(2).Backward delaying: after ejecting forward completed, the ejecting backward movement
occurs while the set time delayed.
(3).Forward delaying: after mould opening completed, the ejecting forward movement occurs
while the set time delayed.
(4).Re-ejector:There are 【Disable】and【Enable】available。When 【Enable】is being used
and under sensor auto mod e, X4 of sensor yet not detected anything 4 seconds after ejector finished
and then re-ejector.
(5).Manipulaotr function:If need to use this function,please choose [Enable],when machine output
manipulator signal after mold opening finished need to confirm received of manipulator signal
before mold clsoed and then into next cycle.
(6).Ejector during mold opened: There are [Disable] and [Enable] avaiable.When [Enable] is being
used,it will begin to ejector on the condition of the E-ruler position set value of mov able mol d mus t
be bigger than the one of ejector begin during the process of mol d opening under auto mod e.
(7) Maintaining function: If maintaining time set to be 0,there is not maintaining function.The
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Retaining function is for retaining pressure,speed and starting retaining time for the output
after ejecting forward completed. The retaining movement is completed as soon as the time is
(8).Stop holding:There are[Enable],[Disable] available, under semi-auto ,the mode for ejector choose
Stop and the flow is :ejector advance-stop----hold(time is up or open/close safe door)------cycle
over;otherwise,ejector advance-stop-----cycle over.
(9).Vibration ejector retreat: the time for ejector motion while [Vibration] is being selected and
under auto mode.
(10).Ejector termination mode: There are [Stroke] and [Time] available,it will be terminated by
stroke if [Stroke]is being chosen,and it will be terminated by time if [Time] is being chosen.
(11).Ejector finished under sensor mode:There are [Counting completed] and [Detecting completed]
available.The ejector will be completed once ejector motion times is reached when [Counting
completed] is being chosen;when the ejector retreat-stop and X04 of sensor detects somehing
then believe the ejector is finished and then proceed to next motion.
(12).Retreat-stop effective area:For example,the set value is 1.0mm,ejector retreat-stop set value
is 5.0mm and ejector E-ruler data is smaller than 6.0mm(5.0mm plus 1.0mm) then believe ejector
stop can be proceed to mold locking, Core advance motion.
a.Manual mode of ejector will not be imited by times.(Manual mode of multi-ejector will be l
imited by set times )
b.Ejector function is useless when ejector times is set as 0.
Ejector stop have to be selected semi-auto mode, explanation as follow:
a.When ejector mode is to be selected as stop, it will alarm by pressing key s of time aut o, sens or aut o
b.When under statuses of time auto or sensor auto,the ejector mode is to be selected as stop cycle
begining alarms.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key, enter the menu for set ting core inform ation, now the menu is as following:
PORCHESON Core setup 2016-07-26 16:33:30
mold open total no
Core A in Core A out Core B in Core B out Core C in Core C out Core D in Core D out 35 Mould
pressure (bar) 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 45.0 system pressure
0.0 bar
flow (%) 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0
system flow
Time (sec) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
0.0 %
count(c ou) ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** mold base position
start stroke front mold close front mold open front mold close front mold open front mold close front mold open front mold close front mold open 50.00 mm
start posit ion ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** Ejection position
start way Strok e Strok e Strok e Strok e Strok e Strok e Strok e Strok e 0.00 mm
end way time time time time time time time time cou nting all the time
functio n core Disa ble core Disa ble core Disa ble core Disa ble 1866.6 Sec
motion setup
0.00 Sec
motion counting
0.00 Sec
output current
0.0 A
motor speed
Machine Run Well mold close slow
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key twice to enter into lubricating/blowing setup page whi ch will be as following:
PORCHESON Blowing/Lubircating 2016-07-26 16:33:30
mold open total no
male mold blow 1 femail mold blow 1 male mold blow 2 femail mold blow 2 35 Mould
time (sec) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0 system pressure
0.0 bar
delay (sec) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
system flow
start posit ion ***** ***** ***** *****
0.0 %
start stroke Front mold open Front mold open Front mold open Front mold open
mold base position
functio n way enable enable enable enable 50.00 mm
blow way stroke Manual blow blow Ejection position
0.00 mm
relubricating function ***** Relubricate left 1 Mould cou nting all the time
initial mold lubricting function enable lubrication mold no 2 Mould 1866.6 Sec
lubricating mold upper limit 2 lubrication total time 1.00 motion setup
0.00 Sec
lubrication couting down limit 1.00 interval lubricating enable
motion counting
oil lack limit output enable lubricating time 1.00 Sec
0.00 Sec
oil lack delay alarm 1.0 Sec lubricating interval 1.00 Sec output current
0.0 A
motor speed
Machine Run Well mold close slow
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
(11).Oil lack delay alarm:[Disable] and [Enable] are optional.When select [Enable],it will alarms
[lubr icating pressure low] on the con dition of lubr icating out put cou nting is up and X11 of lubr ication
pressure is off and remain set value,and auto status,s cycle over swiitching to manual;otherwise
not switching to manual.
(12). Lubricate mold number: Count mold opening times. The oil pump starts when mold opening
times reach the set value.
(13). Lubrication Total time : the total time spent in this lubrication.
(14). Lubrication time: the output of the repeated operation with the total time for lubricatin.
(15). lubricate intermittent: The interval of the repeated operation with the total time for lubricatin.
(16).Lubrication motion flow chart:It will alarm?lubricating pressure low, on the conditon of within
lubricating output time and yet not detected the signal,then sotp lubrication immediately,and it
will switch to manual mode once auto cycle is over.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
温 度
Press key, enter the menu for setting temper ature information , now the menu is as followi ng:
PORCHESON The temperature setup 2016-07-26 16:33:30
Ejector 1segment 2segment 3segment 4segment 5segment 6segment 7segment 8segment 9segment 10segment
enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable enable
actual value 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 ℃
set value 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 ℃
state normal normal normal normal normal normal normal normal normal normal normal
upper limit ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ℃
lower limit ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ℃
nozzle way open oil temperature high and turn on cooler ***** ℃ temp control mode Switch
heat preservation function enable temperature high and alarms ***** ℃ Contactor enable
thermal lim it enable cooling water alarm delay enable temp up limit 600.0 ℃
cool water alarm disa ble screw cold boot ***** sec percentage up limit 99.0 %
(1). Temp set value unit as 0.1,【degree centigrade】,the barrel temperature of machine is being
feedbacked to closed-loop of control system by K type thermocouple.
(2). System provides 11 sections of temp control,one section of oil temp detection,opened-loop and
closed-loop is available for nozzle.Besides temperature control,it also monitor the sections of
temperature to see whether exceeds limit,when temperature lower than down limit then it can
Not be injected,feed motion prevent cool screw boot,when temperature is higher than up limit
then it will alarms and the sections of temperature status will be displayed on screen.
(3). Heat preservation function: 【Enable】and 【Disable】are optional.When select[Enable],
【actual temp set value】=【set--[heat preservaton lowen than set vlue] (For example,[set ]:230,
[heat preservation lower than set value];20[actual temp set value]=230-20=210 ,when select
[Disable], the [actual temp set value]=[set ]=230
(4). Screw cold boot:after initial power on,it can proceed to inject and feed motions on the condition
of all actual sections of temperature reached set value for the fist time and remain set time.
(5). Temperature control cycle:Temperature control heating frequency,for solid realy recommand
setting 2 and for AC contactor recommand setting 6.
(6). Electric heating limit: When selected [Enable],electric heating can not be booted during the
process of motor power on,otherwise can be .
(7). Oil temperature high and turn on cooler: When oil temperature is higher than set temperature
and turn on cooler.
(8). Temperature up limit:Set max value of temperature.
(9). Percentage up limit:The max percentage value of nozzle.
(10). Cooling water alarms:[Disable] and [Enable] are optional.When selected [Enable],it will alarm:
cooling water not on yet, on the condition of cooling water switch is on and maintain set time
udner auto status,othewese no .
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
(11). Temperature high alarms: [Disable] and [Enable] are optional. When selected [Enable] and
the actual temperature exceeds up limit:1.alrms:temperature is abnormal?and can not proceed
to inject,feed and inject-retreat motions undet auto status,2.alarms but can be proceed to inject,
feed and inject-retreat motions under manual status;otherwise all motions will be be affected by
temperature up limit.
13. Set blowing data setup
Press key tw i ce to enter into page of blowing which will be as following:
section 1 blow section 2 blow section 3 blow section 4 blow section 5 blow
enable enable enable enable enable
actual value 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 ℃
set value 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 ℃
Upper limit ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ℃
Lower limit ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ℃
section 6 blow section 7 blow section 8 blow section 9 blow section 10 blow
enable enable enable enable enable
actual value 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 35.0 ℃
set value 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 34.0 ℃
upper limit ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ℃
lower limit ***** ***** ***** ***** ***** ℃
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key three times to enter into pre-warming setup page which will be as following:
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key on main page to enter itnto special paramter/time setup which will be as following:
time setup
special parameter full-auto re-cycle 1.00 sec
language selection sensor detection time limt 5.00 sec
ethernet auto cycle lim it 600.00 sec
user management malfunction alarm remove 20.00 sec
user login list manual motion time limit 20.00 sec
Hint:set range:0.0~99.9
mold close/open Injection/ hold pressure feed/auto clear nozzle/mold adjustment ejector setup core setup/other temperature setup Parameters/system
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
(6) Move the cursor to select the [special parameters>>] button, press the input button, a new page
will pop up. At this time, the screen displays as follows:
(6a) Adjustment of LCD contrast: move the cursor to this place, input the data [adjustment range
"1-100%"]. Under appropriate brightness, the higher the contrast is, the richer the color will
be (Note: when LCD is the STN screen, it can be valid).
( 6 b) LCD brightness adjustment: move the cursor to this place, input the data [adjustment range
"1-100%"] , the screen will display the darkness & brightness degree according to the data entered.
(6c) LCD color setup: the system can provide [normal/anti-color] two options, move your cursor
to this place, press [input] button to select LCD color display.
(6d) LCD backlight time: the system has the function of screen protection, the background light
time is adjustable, the setup scope is 1~6 minutes. If the keyboard is not pressed in the setup
time, the background light will be automatically turned OFF. (Note: if any button is pressed,
background light will be on)
(6e) Function of key sound: Select [use], you will hear a "tick" sound when the key is pressed, if
do not select, no sound.
(6f) Key sound scope: move your cursor to this place, input the data[scope "0-10"]to adjust voice
(6g) Correction of Touchscreen: click on the [Correction] button to enter the correction page (Note:
only if keyboard has the touch function, the correction can be valid)
(6h) Network connection status: the network connection status is indicated with colors.
(6i) Current IP: show the IP address of the machine.
(6j) Current connection state: show the network connection status: disconnect / connect.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
(7) Move the cursor to select[language conversion>>]button, press the input button, a new page
will pop up. The screen displays as follows:
System language Return
Chinese English
Japanese Korean
Vietnamese Russian
Spanish Turkish
(7a) Language options: the system provides [Chinese / English / Russian /Japanese]the four language
options, move the cursor to this place, press the [input] button, you can carry out the conversion.
(Note: the language categories of the system can be set up by users)
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Move the cursor to select [Ethernet] button, press the enter button to eject a new page, which
will display the following information:
J1 A+
J1 A+(salmon pink ) ETHER_D0_P
J2 A- J2 A- ( orange ) I ETHER_D0_N ETH_GND
1 A+/TX+ 1 nETHER_D0_P
J3 B+ J3 B+(green-white ) ETHER_D1_P 2 nETHER_D0_N
J6 B- ( green ) ETHER_D1_N 7 A-/TX-
J4 C+ 2 B+/RX+ 3 nETHER_D1_P
J4 C+ ( blue ) ETHER_D2_P plug pin sequence --corresponding 8 6 nETHER_D1_N
J5 C- J5 C- ( blue-white ) ETHER_D2_N
6 C+ 4 nETHER_D2_P
J6 B- J7 D+ ( browntong ) ETHER_D3_P 5 nETHER_D2_N
J8 D- ( brown ) ETHER_D3_N 3 C-
J7 D+ 7 nETHER_D3_P
D+ 8 nETHER_D3_N
4 5 D-
J8 D-
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
17.user management
User management data setup:move cursor to press【user management】button and then the
page will be as below:
User manage Return
Add Modify Delete Login Record NO 1 Current user No user login in
Hint...loading... Hint...loading...
operation over
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Hint...loading... Hint...loading...
operation over
a、User serial number:input the serial number which need to revise,all user data can be changed
based on their actual need,and for how to input data please refer to Way of adding new user.
(6) Click delete and then the following chart will be as below..
Hint...loading... Hint...loading...
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
SN User name Level Enter date/time Log-on date/time Running time Output count
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Press key three times,and then MES--function page will be showed as below:
(1)MES function selection: [Enable], [Disable] option, machine is in MES management mode while
select [Enable],conversely,it is in Standard mode.
(2)Production type selection:[ Production by orders] [Production over machine adjustment] [Production
without orders] [Production at abnormal status].Opertional method:Please input production types of
sequence no. .in [Production types selection]based on actual situation,next select[YES] on [Execute
Or not ],.after successful execution,chosen,sequence will be displayed on [Current production type]
Notice:MES function is only available for keyboard with Ethernet function.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
Pre-Production mould NO(mould) MES Pre-Production quantity NO(number) Defected quantity NO(number)
2100 0 0
MES Pre-Production quantity NO(number)
Output number(mould) One mould (number) Produced quantity (number)
2100 5 0
This page is only valid when production is reached set qty and ?production by order
production types Production Order No Production finished machine halt types Quality management Sub-order Monitor
(1)、Selection of Production order No.: The choose of Production order No. Can not be empty when [Selection
Of production types] is [Production by orders].Please choose the order NO. That need to be produced according
to actual production situations ,and the operation method please refer to [Selection of production types.]
(2)、Production termination:When [Selection of production types] is [production by orders]and[output was
reached set pont] ,the following page will be automatically jump out while alarming such as: [finish this
order] or [continue to production] and [continue same production output ] ,choose one of the two.Please
choose[termination]when the set output of this order is being reached,and if want continue to production
then the needed produced output must be input first and next choose [continue to production].
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 3: Descriptions on setting parameters/functions
machine halt types 1 execute or not Not Current machine halt types 1
production types Production Order No Production finished machine halt types Quality management Sub-order Monitor
Shift Order No
NO Defected reasons NO Defected Qty Pre-set produced quantity inferior product
1 11
2 12
3 13
4 14
5 15
6 16
7 17
8 18
9 19
10 20
production types Production Order No Production finished machine halt types Quality management Sub-order Monitor
NO 1 2
Sub-order no 0 0
production status to be in production to be in production
pre- product ion sub- order qty 0 0
completed sub-order qty 0 0
total finished mold 0 0
next sub-order pre-production qty 0 0
production types Production Order No Production finished machine halt types Quality management Sub-order Monitor
(1) Selection of machine halt types: Please select reasons of machine halt by jumping out of this page when
changing automatic mode to manual mode under manual status.
(2) Quality management: ,input defected quantity into corresponding order form based on orders,so good
products quantity are able to supplement in time during production to insure pre-set good ones.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
Setup mold number one mold number Output number Good product inferior product Warning Qty reset
4000 4 1000 3900 100 Disable OFF record clear
包箱模数 0 包箱到报警 0 initial sequence no 0 Page up Page down
Hint:0.OFF 1.ON
output setup mold setup record modification SPC tracking 1 SPC tracking 2 SPC tracking 3 incident tracking output statistics
(1) The quality products equal to the number of the opened mold times the amount of one mold minus
rejects. The rejects are controlled through ejecting testing function. When ejecting testing function
is on, just like in stroke. When too much or too less stuff occurs, the rejects will increase amount
value of one mould, and [Failure of plastic] alarms.
(2). Set mold numbers: In the mold numbers setting of pre-production, the system starts alarming when
the number of mold opening arrives at the first 5 molds till it reacheded The set output .
(3). Warn Stop : [On] or [Off] can be selected. It will continue producing even arrives at the set mold
number if [Off] has been selected till an operator stops it.
(4). View method:a:move cursor to the up and down button to view,b,[initial sequence
no display] :to locate by initial sequence no.and then use the up and down key to view.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
output setup mold setup record modification SPC tracking 1 SPC tracking 2 SPC tracking 3 incident tracking output statistics
(1).Mold number:This control system can be stored 999 groups of mold number
(2).Mold storage method: move cursor to mold no column,input mold no and then move cursor to
mold no column to input mold name,this system provides E/C input method,after inputting name
then move curosr to storage column and press INTER.
(3).Mold fetch method:move cursor to mold no column and input the read mold no adn then move
cursor to read out column press ENTER.In orde to avoid any changes to the mold data, the mold
fetch function is only can be used in manual mode.
(4).Delete method:move cursor to mold no column and input the mold no need to be deleted and then
move cursor to delete column to do it.
(5).Mold look-up method: move cursor to mold browse column,can use up and donw key to dot it.
(6).Standard mold parameter:mold no 1 as standard mold parameter,this parameter is system selfown
can not be stored,when need to store have to change mold no as 1 and then store.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
record times 299 display initi al sequnce no 3 up page down page record clear
No uder ID amend tim e amend picture amend project original value amend value
299 14:38:52 Mold close middle speed 0.00 9.00
300 13:38:52 Hold pressure low pressure 0.00 30.00
310 12:38:52 Mold open 3Level Pressure 0.00 20.00
output setup mold setup record modification SPC tracking 1 SPC tracking 2 SPC tracking 3 incident tracking output statistics
(1).Record:this page can store max 999 items of alarm record,press up and donw to move cursor to to it.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
sampling interval 29 record times 99 display initi al sequnce no 3 up page down page clear record
NO Time finshed mold n o. cycle tim e pickup time inject start point pressure hold start point inject monitor inject time feed time
10:16 1 15.16 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.48 50.05 50.05 50.05 50.05
(1). Record: the pagel has up to 999 pages, containing the consecutive information of the 999 modules.
The SPC Tracing record system can provide up to 7 important parameters of the latest 999 modules.
The operator can scroll up and down between page 1 and page 10 to manage the production of
The modules. By using the system, the operator will be able to have more insight of the actual
Variation of the important parameters and take specific and proper actions to adjust the system's
operation and improve the quality of the product as a result.
(2).Intermittent cycle: record the data once every several cycles.
(3). View method:a:move cursor to the up and down button to view,b,[initial sequence
no display] :to locate by initial sequence no.and then use the up and down key to view.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
sampling interval 29 record times 99 display initi al sequnce no 3 up page down page clear record
NO Time finshed mold n o. mold open end switched time pressure hold switched inject end injection sharp pressure feed sharp pressure max speed
10:16 1 15.16 0.50 0.50 0.50 50.05 50.05 50.05 50.05
(1). Record: the pagel has up to 999 pages, containing the consecutive information of the 999 modules.
The SPC Tracing record system can provide up to 7 important parameters of the latest 999 modules.
The operator can scroll up and down between page 1 and page 10 to manage the production of
The modules. By using the system, the operator will be able to have more insight of the actual
Variation of the important parameters and take specific and proper actions to adjust the system's
operation and improve the quality of the product as a result.
(2).Intermittent cycle: record the data once every several cycles.
(3). View method:a:move cursor to the up and down button to view,b,[initial sequence
no display] :to locate by initial sequence no.and then use the up and down key to view.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
Press FLOW CHART key to enter into production management page and then press
F6 key for SPC
tracking page 3 which will be as following:
PORCHESON SPC tracking record 3 2016-07-26 16:33:30
Computer provides auto detection and auto alarm system,allows up and down limit for alarm can
be set to each motion parameter.When actual motion parameters exceed limits then the machine will
stop and alarms.
When machine begin to operate its auto alarm is off until alarmed mold number is reached, control
system will activate auto alarm and take the movement parameter of alarm mould no as reference
material,when its movement time exceeds alarm limits during auto production, the computer will
alarm and machine will stop after mold opening finihsed.
Auto alarm can be activated after produciton is stable as when the machine just begin to wokr,its
parameters are relatively not stable.The auto alarm initial mold no can be adjust in parameters.
Its up and down limit is decided by the actual production parameters and error percentage and error
value.If you use the percentage and error to calculate the up and donw limit then can use the below
max value instruction
RV+(RV*X/100)+Y RV= reference value
minimum value X=error percentage
RV-(RV*X/100)-Y Y=deviation value
Its reference value will be disappered after machine turn off,and when re-power on need to wait
for the auto alarm activate and then decide the up and down limits:
If you want to use the working movement parameter to replace the original one, press Enter key
to retake sample under auto detection mode and computer will use current mold parameters as new
reference value.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
Pressure hold switch: the position that injection switching to pressure hold
Pressure hold switch: the pressure that injection switching to pressure hold
Pressure hold switch: the time that injection switching to pressure hold
Injection monitor: the position that injection and pressure hold finished
Injection starting point:the position that injection begin
Feed time: whole process of feeding
Inject-retreat time: the time that inject-retreat needs
Press key to enter into production management page and then press
F7 key for
incident track back page 3 which will be as following:
record data 0 display initial sequence NO 0 Page up Page down record clear
Hint:setup :0~100
output setup mold setup record modification SPC tracking 1 SPC tracking 2 SPC tracking 3 incident tracking output statistics
(1).Display: there are 999 alarm records to be checked which provides convenience For equipment
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
Last day Clear intra date
Seach date 2016-06-29
Total 102 Next day Clear all
Hint:setup :0~100
output setup mold setup record modification SPC tracking 1 SPC tracking 2 SPC tracking 3 incident tracking output statistics
(1) Computer provides function for production output statistics,system automatically record
for past 13 days(per hour/per day production)
(2) Inquiry/elimination: There are [Able]/[Disable] optional. Move cursor to [the day before],[the
next day] and press [ENTER]to check the production data of the the day before or the next day;
move cursor to [clear intraday output] and then press [ENTER] key to delete the query date output
data,move cursor to [clear all data]and press [ENTER] key to delete all production output data.
(3) Clear intraday output:when inquiry select as Enable,move cursor to and press ENTER key
and then the inquired intraday output will be clear.
(4) Clear all output:when inquiry select as Enable, move cursor and press ENTER key and then all
14 days record will be clear.
(5) Production total output:record intraday 24 hours of production ,like the above graph.
(6) The last day: when inquiry select as Enable,move cursor and press ENTER to view the last day
produciton data.
(7) The next day: when inquiry select as Enable, move cursor and press ENTER to view the next day
production data.Special instruction: means each hour of the 24 hours
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
injection curve Servo -real time History curve Temperature curve temperature monitor injcetion speed Temperature collection Monitor
(1)Repetition times:accpetable to 1--4times.It will dispaly the latest curve data when selected one
time,and it will display the last 4 times, cruve data once 4 times is selected。
(2)max pressure:the setup curve that the max pressure of left Y axis
(3)max speed:the setup curve that the max speed of left Y axis
(4)Pressure setup:[displayed] 【not displayed】optional.Pressure curve will be displayed,not
displayed on the contrary,It can be displayed six curves at the same time.
曲 线
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
injection curve Servo -real time History curve Temperature curve temperature monitor injcetion speed Temperature collection Monitor
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
Press key to enter into curve management and then press key to enter the curve
page of servo history which the page will be as below:
PORCHESON The servo historyCurve 2016-07-26 16:33:30
injection curve Servo -real time History curve Temperature curve temperature monitor injcetion speed Temperature collection Monitor
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
injection curve Servo -real time History curve Temperature curve temperature monitor injcetion speed Temperature collection Monitor
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
Pres s key to ent er into curve managem ent and then pres s key to ent er the tempera ture
monit or which the page will be as bel ow:
PORCHESON temperature monitor 2016-07-26 16:33:30
Ejectio n Seg1 Seg2 Seg3 Seg4 Seg5 Seg6 Seg7 Seg8 Seg9 Seg10
Meas 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8 31.8
Set 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0 5.0
State Well Well Well Well Well Well Well Well Well Well Well
Set Meas
Eject Seg1 Seg2 Seg3 Seg4 Seg5 Seg6 Seg7 Seg8 Seg9 Seg10
Hint:setup :0~100
injection curve Servo -real time History curve Temperature curve temperature monitor injcetion speed Temperature collection Monitor
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
Pres s key to ent er into curve managem ent and then pres s key to ent er inject ion speed
curve the page will be as bel ow:
PORCHESON Injection Curve 2016-07-26 16:33:30
injection curve Servo -real time History curve Temperature curve temperature monitor injcetion speed Temperature collection Monitor
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
USB set
system USB up/download option
data operation: download data area:system program
update area : Upload Download start D: 0 update OPW IN.PS6 : update
system: Upload Download finsh D: 0 updata autobuild file : update
host burner: Burner system-v: 5.3.26 update start background file : update update
opwin-v: 5.28 progr am factory standard
Movable deposit dist (USB)
.. PS860.PIN
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 4 production management
Selects 【addition】 ;new photo will be added after deleted all exist photos when selects
(b) photo uploading:【addition】、【replacement】optional.Only new photo will be added when
(c) Entering into normal page: 【counting reached】 、 【input】optional.One photo will be
automatically displayed after every interval time in [counting reach] mode;photos will be
automatically played in turn after every interval time in [input] mode and then press [input] key
to enter into normal page.
(D)photo message
Limit number:maximum 5 pieces of photo
Picture format:bmp only at present
Upload:the photo number which has been uploaded
Upload balance:the photo number which uploaded balance
LCD resolution ratio:max resolution ratio of photo
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Press 0 [ ]/-. Key the Main Page to enter the Engineer Setting , and the following will be displayed:
delay setup
cancellatin of log in
pressure /flux slope
Machine Number
Pressure/Flow/Back pressure pre-adjustment
electronic ruler Controller Number
sepcial Function setup
Standby Function / Programmable Standby Software version
temperature Parameter
machine No / Ex-FactoryValue Setting
Enter the password * * * *.If the password entered is correct, you can enter the system parameter
setting page. It is not Necessaryfor the equipment end-user to adjust the system parameters.
Please consult the equipment manufacturer for any query. Any parameter adjustment disorder
may result in damage to equipment capability,unstable performance or failure to operate.
After the correct password is entered, the cursor jumps automatically to the first item from
the right. The cursorcan be moved to different items and then Key is pressed to enter
the corresponding pages. Alternatively, you can press the following keys 输 入 to enter directly
the corresponding pages:
<Machine No./Ex-Factory
F4 <Special Function Options> F8 Value Setting/Time Setting>
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Entering Engineer Page, press Key , enter the action Delay setup Page. The following is
PORCHESON Actio n delay Setup 2016-07-26 16:33:30
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
movement valve
pressure valve
flow valve
T1 T2 T1 T2
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Entering Engineer Page, press Key two times , enter the time Delay setup Page. The following
is displayed:
PORCHESON Time delay Setup 2016-07-26 16:33:30
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Enter into engineer page and then press key one time for pressure slope page 1 which
will be as following:
PORCHESON Slope Setup 1 2016-07-26 16:33:30
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
(1) Slow speed mold closed:the set time slope works firstly during slow speed movement,
and when time is up the max slope output.
(2) Factor: range of 1.00--10.00,the current change will faster when data change greatly.
(3) Adjustment method:set the factor data and then adjust slope.
bar bar
140 140
high pressure mold close high pressure mold close
120 120
100 100
Fast speed mold closed
80 80 Fast speed mold closed
60 Middle speed mold closed 60 Middle speed mold closed
40 40
20 Low 20 Low
500 0 mm 500 0 mm
Slope 0.1 mold closed pressure comparision curve graph Slope 1000.0 mold closed pressure comparision curve graph
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Entering Engineer Page, press Key two times,enter into Slope Page 2,The following
is displayed:
PORCHESON Slope Setup 2 2016-07-26 16:33:30
Action P UP P降 P UP P降 Action P UP P降 P UP P降
slow mold open 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Core C in 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Fast mold open 1 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Core C out 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Fast mold open 2 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Core D in 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Middle mold open 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Core D out 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Low mold open 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Mold thin 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Ejector advance 1 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Mol d thick 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Ejector advance 2 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Purge injection 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Ejector remaining 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Purge feed 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Ejector return 1 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Purge suck back 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Ejector return 2 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Refeed 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Core A in 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Fast door open 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Core A out 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Slow door open 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Core B in 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Fast door close 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
Core B out 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0 Slow door close 999.0 999.0 999.0 999.0
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Entering Engineer Page, press F3 Key , enter the Pressure Pre-Adjustment P1 Page.The
following is displayed:
PORCHESON Pressure Pre-adjustment P1 2016-07-26 16:33:30
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
The pressure pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of pressure output. In general, the standard
pressure is 0-800mA and the standard output impedance is 10-20Ω,unless the manufacturer
has specific requirements since different manufactures' overall oil piping designs and the
capabilities of the pressure proportional valve being used are different.
Pressure Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion cannot
be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. First set the pre-adjustment to be
[Activated], and then set the pre-adjustment item to be [ON]. For example, for the 50 bar
Pressure position of Item 50, if the reading on the pressure meter is 45 bar, the parameter of
this item should be increased until the pressuremeter reading reaches 50 bar. Make adjustments
On all parameters which need adjusting and make the0-160 bar pressures being set correspond
to the pressures being shown on the oil pressure meter respectively.After the adjustments are
completed, the computer executes automatically linear processing and takes the processing
results as the subsequent normal D/A proportional output values.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum pressure data in 160bar, and then move the cursor to
[initial data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute
average data to 10bar---170bar.
Output current: 0---1000mA current output ,actual feedback value.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
The flow pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of flow output. In general, the standard value
is 0- 800mAand the output impedance is 40Ω,unless the manufacturer has specific requirements
since different manufactures' overall oil piping designs and the capabilities of the pressure
proportional valve being used are different.
Flow Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion
cannot be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. As for the speed adjustment,
different manufacturershave different measuring methods. Some manufacturers use the melt
tachometer to measure the rotation speed. First heat the barrel until the barrel temperature
reaches normal melt temperature. Set the melt speed to be 1, 10, 20, 30, and more until 99 and
check the actual values. Make adjustments on all parameters whichneed adjusting and make
the 0-99% speeds being set correspond to the proportional coefficients being shown on the
tachometer respectively. After the adjustments are completed, the computer executes
automatically linear processing and takes the processing results as the subsequent normal D/A
proportional outputvalues.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum flow data in 99%, and then move the cursor to [initial
data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute average data
to 10%---90%.
Output current: 0---1000mA current output ,actual feedback value.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
The pressure pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of pressure output. In general, the standard
pressure is 0-800mA and the standard output impedance is 10-20Ω,unless the manufacturer
has specific requirements since different manufactures' overall oil piping designs and the
capabilities of the pressure proportional valve being used are different.
Pressure Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion cannot
be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. First set the pre-adjustment to be
[Activated], and then set the pre-adjustment item to be [ON]. For example, for the 50 bar
Pressure position of Item 50, if the reading on the pressure meter is 45 bar, the parameter of
this item should be increased until the pressuremeter reading reaches 50 bar. Make adjustments
On all parameters which need adjusting and make the0-160 bar pressures being set correspond
to the pressures being shown on the oil pressure meter respectively.After the adjustments are
completed, the computer executes automatically linear processing and takes the processing
results as the subsequent normal D/A proportional output values.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum pressure data in 160bar, and then move the cursor to
[initial data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute
average data to 10bar---170bar.
Output current: 0---1000mA current output ,actual feedback value.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
The flow pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of flow output. In general, the standard value
is 0- 800mAand the output impedance is 40Ω,unless the manufacturer has specific requirements
since different manufactures' overall oil piping designs and the capabilities of the pressure
proportional valve being used are different.
Flow Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion
cannot be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. As for the speed adjustment,
different manufacturershave different measuring methods. Some manufacturers use the melt
tachometer to measure the rotation speed. First heat the barrel until the barrel temperature
reaches normal melt temperature. Set the melt speed to be 1, 10, 20, 30, and more until 99 and
check the actual values. Make adjustments on all parameters whichneed adjusting and make
the 0-99% speeds being set correspond to the proportional coefficients being shown on the
tachometer respectively. After the adjustments are completed, the computer executes
automatically linear processing and takes the processing results as the subsequent normal D/A
proportional outputvalues.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum flow data in 99%, and then move the cursor to [initial
data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute average data
to 10%---90%.Pre-adjust feeding: ON and OFF are optinal.When select ON,as long as to meet
the feed condition in flow pre-adjust, synchronized to proceed to feed movement.Othewise, no
feed movement.
Output current: 0---1000mA current output ,actual feedback value.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Enter into engineer page and press F3 key five times for pressure pre-adjustment DAC1
page which will be as following:
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
Pressure pre-adjust as pressure output linear adjustment: for servo system 0--10V output linear
Pressure Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion cannot
be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. First set the pre-adjustment to be
[Activated], and then set the pre-adjustment item to be [ON]. For example, for the 50 bar
Pressure position of Item 50, if the reading on the pressure meter is 45 bar, the parameter of
this item should be increased until the pressuremeter reading reaches 50 bar. Make adjustments
On all parameters which need adjusting and make the0-160 bar pressures being set correspond
to the pressures being shown on the oil pressure meter respectively.After the adjustments are
completed, the computer executes automatically linear processing and takes the processing
results as the subsequent normal D/A proportional output values.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum pressure data in 160bar, and then move the cursor to
[initial data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute
average data to 10bar---160bar.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Entering Engineer Page, press Key F3 two times, to enter the Flow Pre-Adjust DAC2
Page.The following is displayed:
PORCHESON Flow Pre-adjustment DAC2 2016-07-26 16:33:30
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
Pressure pre-adjust as back pressure output linear adjustmetn: for serov sytem 0--10V ouput
linear correction
The flow pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of flow output. In general, the standard value
is 0- 800mAand the output impedance is 40Ω,unless the manufacturer has specific requirements
since different manufactures' overall oil piping designs and the capabilities of the pressure
proportional valve being used are different.
Flow Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion
cannot be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. As for the speed adjustment,
different manufacturershave different measuring methods. Some manufacturers use the melt
tachometer to measure the rotation speed. First heat the barrel until the barrel temperature
reaches normal melt temperature. Set the melt speed to be 1, 10, 20, 30, and more until 99 and
check the actual values. Make adjustments on all parameters whichneed adjusting and make
the 0-99% speeds being set correspond to the proportional coefficients being shown on the
tachometer respectively. After the adjustments are completed, the computer executes
automatically linear processing and takes the processing results as the subsequent normal D/A
proportional outputvalues.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum flow data in 99%, and then move the cursor to [initial
data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute average data
to 10%---90%.
Pre-adjust feeding: ON and OFF are optinal.When select ON, as long as to meet the feed condition
in flow pre-adjust, synchronized to proceed to feed movement.Othewise, no feed movement.
Output current:0--1000mA current output, the actual feedback value.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Entering Engineer Page, press F3 Key , enter the Pressure Pre-Adjustment DAC3 Page.
The following is displayed:
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
Pressure pre-adjust as back pressure output linear adjustmetn: for serov sytem 0--10V ouput
linear correction
The pressure pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of pressure output. In general, the standard
pressure is 0-800mA and the standard output impedance is 10-20Ω,unless the manufacturer
has specific requirements since different manufactures' overall oil piping designs and the
capabilities of the pressure proportional valve being used are different.
Pressure Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion cannot
be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. First set the pre-adjustment to be
[Activated], and then set the pre-adjustment item to be [ON]. For example, for the 50 bar
Pressure position of Item 50, if the reading on the pressure meter is 45 bar, the parameter of
this item should be increased until the pressuremeter reading reaches 50 bar. Make adjustments
On all parameters which need adjusting and make the0-160 bar pressures being set correspond
to the pressures being shown on the oil pressure meter respectively.After the adjustments are
completed, the computer executes automatically linear processing and takes the processing
results as the subsequent normal D/A proportional output values.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum pressure data in 160bar, and then move the cursor to
[initial data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute
average data to 10bar---160bar.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
Pressure pre-adjust as back pressure output linear adjustmetn: for serov sytem 0--10V ouput
linear correction
The flow pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of flow output. In general, the standard value
is 0- 800mAand the output impedance is 40Ω,unless the manufacturer has specific requirements
since different manufactures' overall oil piping designs and the capabilities of the pressure
proportional valve being used are different.
Flow Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion
cannot be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. As for the speed adjustment,
different manufacturershave different measuring methods. Some manufacturers use the melt
tachometer to measure the rotation speed. First heat the barrel until the barrel temperature
reaches normal melt temperature. Set the melt speed to be 1, 10, 20, 30, and more until 99 and
check the actual values. Make adjustments on all parameters whichneed adjusting and make
the 0-99% speeds being set correspond to the proportional coefficients being shown on the
tachometer respectively. After the adjustments are completed, the computer executes
automatically linear processing and takes the processing results as the subsequent normal D/A
proportional outputvalues.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum flow data in 99%, and then move the cursor to [initial
data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute average data
to 10%---90%.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Entering Engineer Page, press F3 Key , enter the Pressure Pre-Adjustment P3 Page.
The following is displayed:
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
The pressure pre-adjustment is the linear adjustment of pressure output. In general, the standard
pressure is 0-800mA and the standard output impedance is 10-20Ω,unless the manufacturer
has specific requirements since different manufactures' overall oil piping designs and the
capabilities of the pressure proportional valve being used are different.
Pressure Adjustment Method:
The parameters on this page have been set before ex-factory. If the capability of the proportional
valves being used by the user is different, and the normal proportion and linear proportion cannot
be achieved, the parameters on this page can be adjusted. First set the pre-adjustment to be
[Activated], and then set the pre-adjustment item to be [ON]. For example, for the 50 bar
Pressure position of Item 50, if the reading on the pressure meter is 45 bar, the parameter of
this item should be increased until the pressuremeter reading reaches 50 bar. Make adjustments
On all parameters which need adjusting and make the0-160 bar pressures being set correspond
to the pressures being shown on the oil pressure meter respectively.After the adjustments are
completed, the computer executes automatically linear processing and takes the processing
results as the subsequent normal D/A proportional output values.
Initial data:
First, pre-adjust the needed maximum pressure data in 160bar, and then move the cursor to
[initial data], press the enter key and select [ON], the system will automatically distribute
average data to 10bar---160bar.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
single ruler function Measured value Total length limit length set zero point magnetic suspenstion ruler Function measure value Grd m/s Total limit position set zero
nozzle rulerAD1 enable 593.9 600.00 600.00 OFF nozzle rulerAD1 Enable 593.9 600.00 600.00 600.00 OFF
Injection ruler AD3 enable 235.75 600.00 600.00 OFF Injection ruler AD3 Enable 235.75 600.00 600.00 600.00 OFF
Ejector ruler AD5 disable ***** ***** ***** OFF Ejector ruler AD5 Disable ***** ***** ***** ***** OFF
Nozzle ruler AD7 disable ***** ***** ***** OFF Nozzle ruler AD7 Disable ***** ***** ***** ***** OFF
double-channel ruler Function measure value Total limit position set zero Sensor Function measure value Total limit position set zero
nozzle ruler Enable 593.9 600.00 600.00 OFF Mold close pressure Enable 593.9 600.00 600.00 OFF
Injection ruler Enable 235.75 600.00 600.00 OFF injection pressure Enable 235.75 600.00 600.00 OFF
Ejector ruler Disable ***** ***** ***** OFF system pressure Disable ***** ***** ***** OFF
Nozzle ruler Disable ***** ***** ***** OFF Reserved Disable ***** ***** ***** OFF
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
(1) Electronic Ruler Function: If the equipment needs to use the electronic ruler, choose [Enable]. If
the equipment adopts stroke switch control, choose [Disable].
(2) Measurement Values: indicating the actual dynamic positions of the electronic rulers for the
moving mould, the screw and the ejector.
(3) Total Length: referring to the actual lengths of the electronic rulers for the moving mould, the
screw and the ejector.
(4) Limit Position: It refers to the maximum value set for the position. This parameter is subject to
the maximum position setting. For example , if the parameter set is bigger than the limit position
value, the system will not accept the parameter set and will retain the original setting.
(5) Zeroing: When the equipment choose [Enable] for the Electronic Ruler Function and uses the
Electronic ruler, it may appear that the mechanic movement stroke is in place and yet the actual
positions of the electronic rulers for the clamping unit, the injection unit and the ejector do not
Indicate "0". In such case, the corresponding ruler should be zeroed. Move the cursor to the
Zeroing button for [movable mold ruler], [ screw ruler] and [ejector ruler], and then
press 输ENTER入 Key to make zero clearing for the corresponding electronic ruler.
(6) Sensor function﹑maglev ruler﹑double-ruler setup:setup method same as electronic ruler。
Special instruction:maglev ruler (unit:m/s)is one signal of transmission speed in waveguide
tube,each pieces of maglev ruler’s transmission speed is different,please fill with correct data
from the magleve ruler‘s sticker so not to affect its accuracy. Attention:strongly recommends
double-channel of ruler(refer to appendix)
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
motor idle auto stop Disable mold open stop ran ge 5.0
motor idle time limit 1 M Core start method travel
motor Y-△conversi on Disable Ejector end method Timel
motor Y-△conversion time 2.0 Mold adjust drive Hydraulic
motor △forw ard delay 0.1 Blow begin travel
Motor start delay 3.0 Heater limit Disable
Manual Nozzle advance limit Disable Feed single ring teeth number
Feed with mold open Disable High Temperature alarm Disable
Feed with key lock Disable injector Protective cover Enabl e
Hint:0.disale 1.enable
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
(1) Mot or Idle Running & Automatic Stop: When [Enable] is chosen, time setting is effective and the setting range
is2-99minutes. If the equipment has no operation within the set time period after the motor starts up, the motor
is turned off automatically to protect the motor life and to save electricity charge.
(2) Motor Y- Conversion: If [Enable] is chosen, the system converts from star output to delta output when
the motor starts up. The conversion time period can be set and the setting range is 2.0-99.9seconds.
(3) Motor triangle delay: during symbol switching to ? symbol,after symbol output is off and then delay
the time to activate ? Output.(Range:0.1----0.3s)
(4) Manual Base Advance Limit: If deactivated, the injection base advance is not subject to stroke control.
If activated, the injection base advance position is subject to the control of the limit switch X06.
(5) Mol d closed hold: in programable mode ,the corresponding output point of [mold closed stop] Can be selected
as [cooling finished] or feeding finished.
(6) Melt Key Locking: If activated, press the melt key once and then the melting continues and will stop when
the melt position is reached or the time expires. Or press the melt key once more to stop the melting.
(7). Mold adjustment automatically: when select to [Enable] press mold adj key twice for mold adjustmetn auto ,
otherwise can only inter into manual one.
(8). Mol d adjustment to safe door limit: There are Enable or Disable available.When select to use, can not proceed
for mold thick or mold thin when open safe door,otherwise can .
(9) Hydraulic oil detection: There are Disable and Enable available. When select Enable, X12 of hydraulic oil
level is low as ON then it will alarm: hydraulic oil level low ,otherwise no alarms.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
(10)Oil filter detection: There are ?Disable and Enable available.When select Enable, X26 of oil filter is
dirty as ON then it will alarm: oil filter is dirty,otherwise,no alarms.
(11)Mold-open stop effective area of percentage up limit: data setup range of 10%--80%,set up the working
range of mold-open stop.For example: percentage up limit set up as 10%,mold-open stop 600.0mm,working
range of mold-open stop---data: 600.0mm X 0.01=6.0mm,and its working range is :0.0mm---6.0mm.
(12)Mold-open and pressure relieve: open mold and relieve pressure before proceed to mold open,and when
timing is up it opens.
Enter into engineer page and press F5 key twice for speical function setup page which
will be as following:
rear door open and motor stop Disabl e door open fast pressure 60. 0 bar
auto safe door Disabl e door open fast flow 50. 0 %
door key lock auto * ** *** door open slow pressure 45. 0 bar
door open start position * ** *** door open slow flow 35. 0 %
door ope n start del ay * ** *** sec door close fast speed pressure 65. 0 bar
door-drive way * ** *** door close fast flow 40. 0 %
door close slow pressure 45. 0 bar
door close slow flow 30. 0 %
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
(1) Back Safety Door Open: Choose [Stop Motor] or [Disable]. When [Stop Motor] is chosen,if the
rear safety door X15 or X16 is OFF, the system will alarm with [Rear Safety Door Not Closed]
and the motor will stop; on the contrary, only alarm without stopping the motor.
(2) Aut o safe door function:there are 【enbale】and 【disable】available. When choosing 【enable】,
the open or close action is being done by actuator,conversely,need manual.
(3) Safe door key lock automatically:there are 【enbale】and 【disable】available,when choosing
【enable】inching keys of open door or close door for door opening or door closing,and press
again for movement sotp;otherwise press for movment and release for movement stop.
(4) Door open starting position:there are 【pre-mold opening】【mold open stop】and 【ejector
Finisheed】available.When choosing 【pre-mold opening】under semi-atuo mdoe and mold
open movement,s door open,same to others.
(5) Door open start delay:time begin to count before safe door runs,and when time is up then
proced to door open.
(6) Safe door drives:there are [hydraulic] and [motor-driven] available,when choosing [motor-driven]
to adjust pressure,speed not participate in the door open/close movement;conversely working.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
mold close install mold pressure 60. 0 bar mold close high pressure -pressure 60. 0 bar core pressure 60. 0 bar
mold close install mold flow 50. 0 % mold close high pressure - flow 50. 0 % core flow 50. 0 %
mold open install mold pressure 45. 0 bar open/mold close pressure 45. 0 bar injection pressure 45. 0 bar
mold open install mold flow 35. 0 % open/mold close flow 35. 0 % injection flow 35. 0 %
nozzle pressure 65. 0 bar feed pressure 65. 0 bar
nozzle flow 40. 0 % feed flow 40. 0 %
mold-adjust pressure 45. 0 bar back pressure-pressure 45. 0 bar
mold-adjust flow 30. 0 % safe door pressure 40. 0 %
ejector pressure 45. 0 bar safe door flow 45. 0 bar
ejector flow 30. 0 %
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
(1) Install mold setup:the pressure and flow for mold opened ﹑
(2). Pressure/Flow up limit: the set value for this page would decide the up limit range of mold
parameters of pages set value
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Enter into engineer page and press F5 key four times for special function set page which
will be as following:
oil pump distribution way flow from 0.1% to next setup A pump output
distribution way flow from 20. 0 to next setup B pump output
master pump on bar flow from 20. 0 to next setup C pump output
0.1 % flow from 20. 0 to next setup pump output
small pump flow control flow from 20. 0 to next setup pump output
* ** *** % flow from 20. 0 to next setup pump output
middle pump flow control flow from 20. 0 to next setup pump output
* ** *** % flow from 20. 0 to next setup pump output
master pump flow control flow from 20. 0 to next setup pump output
* ** *** % flow from 20. 0 to 99.9% pump output
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
Notice:it only works on the condition of when oil pumps dist rib ution way being selec ted as[d ist rib ution
pattern] and non-se rvo program
(1) Inst ructi on to param eter set up on pag es:
When exe cute movement flow is smaller than 20% and bigger than zero, [A: small pump] output;
When exe cute movement flow is smaller than 30% and bigger or equ al to 20%[B:middle pump] output
When exe cture movement flow is smaller than 40% and bigger or euq al to 30%【C:big pump】output
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Press MONITOR key to enter the servo driver setup page with the display as follows:
PORCHESON Servo Driver Monitoring Parameters 2016-07-26 16:33:30
Hint:0.disale 1.enable
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
parameter modificatio n password operatio n hint
operatio n confirm 0 not ready
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
parameter modificatio n password operatio n hint
operatio n confirm 0 not ready
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
Press key to enter into diagnose then Press key enter the Servo alarm record,now the
menu is as follows:
2016-07-17 Servo alarm record 14:30:52
record data 0 display initial sequence NO 1 Page up Page down record clear
sequnce no Alarm time NO Alarm sequnce no NO Current Speed
10:16 1 15.16 1
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
Note: The above is the page of the related parameters of the servo driver. Please refer to [User
Manual of Servo Driver] for details.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
After entering the correct password, press F6 Key to enter the Standby Function Setting
Page. The following is displayed:
Y 6 Y 26 ON
Y 0 Y 0 OFF
Y 0 Y 0 OFF
Y 0 Y 0 OFF
X 25 X 0 ON
X 5 X 10 ON
X 0 X 0 OFF
X 0 X 0 OFF
Hint:0.OFF 1.ON
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
(1) Output Point Transfer Function: This function can be enable or disable. If enable , the o utput
point executes immediately transfer operation. In case that mal-function or damage occurs
to a certain point, the control can be transferred to another point by activating this function.
For example, in case that failure occurs to the mould opening output point and the knockout
core function is disable, the Y06 mould opening point can be transferred to Y26 and then the
output wires should be exchanged. The system is equipped with the function of simultaneously
transferring two output points. Once this function is enable, the system makes judgment on the
two selected items. If the item is [ON], the transfer of the pre-set conditions of the item will
be executed.
(2) Input Point Transfer Function: This function can be enable or disable . If enable, the input point
Executes immediately transfer operation. In case that mal-function or damage occurs to a certain
point, the control can be transferred to another point by activating this function. For example, in
case that failure occurs to the front safety door input point and the knockout core function is
disable, the X00 front safety door input point can be transferred to X25 and then the input wires
should be exchanged. The system is equipped with the function of simultaneously transferring
two input points.once this function is enab le, the system makes judgment on the two selected
items. If the item is[ON], the transfer of the pre-set conditions of the item will be executed.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
After entering the correct password, press F6 Key to enter the Programmable Page. The
following is displayed:
A=fast mold close B=low pressure C=high pressure D=mold close stop
E=nozzle adv anc e F=inject ion adv ance G=hold pressure H=feed
I=inj ecti on ret urn J=nozzle ret urn K=mold open slow L=fast mold open
M=low mold open N=ejector O=core P=mold adject e
In order to meet diversified application needs and provide an innovative product, we take the
Initiative to offer the programmable standby function page so that the users can define and
revise by themselves the functions and the action sequence.
Example 1: For a certain mould injection machine, due to the different design of the oil piping,
it is required that a point is output while clamping at high pressure and the power will not be
interrupted until the melt finishes taking out. To achieve such a special function, choose an item
and have it activated,and then specify an output point (i.e. this function is output through Y 01),
and then set the action sequence [CD].
Notes: Regarding the output scope of Sequence D Clamping Stop, in automatic mode, the
Clamping switch is contacted during the process of mould close at high pressure, and this
sequence output starts until the melting finishes; in manual mode, the clamping switch is contacted
during the process of mould close at high pressure, and this sequence output starts until the mould
opening key or the reset key is pressed.
Example 2: For a certain mould injection machine, due to the different design of the oil piping,
it is required that a point is output while injecting and melting. To achieve such a special function,
Choose an item and have it activated, and then specify an output point (i.e. this function is
output through Y22),and then set the action sequence [FH].
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
Function P D
Ejector Enable 0 0
1 Segment Enable 0 0
2 Segment Enable 0 0
3 Segment Enable 0 0
4 Segment Enable 0 0
5 Segment Enable 0 0
6 Segment Enable 0 0
7 Segment Enable 0 0
8 Segment Enable 0 0
9 Segment Enable 0 0
10 Segment Enable 0 0
Oil Temperature Alarm Enable
Oil Temperature upper limit 0
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
(1) Ejector Fun ction、1Se gment 、2Se gment 、3Se gment 、4Se gment 、5Se gment function、[Activated]or
[Deactivated] can be chosen. If deactivated, the system will not execute inspectionand control on
this sequence.
(2) Oil Temperature Alarm: [Activated] or [Deactivated] can be chosen. If deactivated, once it is detected
(3) Pd Setting: Pd has been set before ex-factory. It is recommended that the user should not revise this
parameter under normal circumstance.
(4) Proportion control: proportion control is one of the simplest way for controlling, in which the input
error signals are in proportion relation with output signals. There are steady-state errors when
proportion control is the only way to be utilized.
(5) Different coefficient control: in different coefficient control, output error signals of controller form
direct proportion relationship with input error signals of controller Fluctuation even destabilization
may appear in automatic control system during the course of getting over and adjusting errors. The
reason is: the existing heavier inert (links) or lagging assemblies can constrain errors, and its changing
is always behind the changing of errors.The solution is to make the changing of errors constraint effect
become advancing, i.e., the errors constraint effect should be zero when errors become close to zero.
That is, it is not efficient enough to introduce proportion into controller merely. The function of
Proportion can only enlarge the amplitude value of errors. But at present time it is necessary toin
crease different coefficient , which can forecast the changing directions of the errors. Thecontroller
combined proportion with different coefficient can cause errors constraint effect to be zero, even
to be negative,thereby severe over adjusting of proportion under controlling can be avoided. So for
Assemblies under controlling with heavier inertia or lagging, PD controller can improve dynamic
behaviors of system during adjustment.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 5 Instructions for the System Commissioning Settings
After entering the correct password, press Key F8 to enter the Machine No./Ex-Factory Value/
Time Setting Page. The following is displayed:
Machine No
Input conversion ABC enter
delay slope pre-adj. ruler. funtion. I/O transfer temp control factory setup
(1) Machine No: The system is equipped with the function of setting NO.for the mould injection
machine so that the manufacturer can set the No. for easy sales management and after-sales
service record.
(2) Ex-Factory Value Restoration: During the modifying process of password pages, if normal
operation cannot be achieved due to too much deviations of the modified parameters, press
Key Enter and choose Confirm, and then all the contents and all the parameters will be restored
to the standards values set before ex-factory.
(3) System Backup value:standard values backup are provided for resetting when machines leave
(4).Time setup: to set up the time, after the setup, press the [input] key, and then press [OK], the
update is successfully set up.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection
Press DIAGNOSE key , to enter the alarm history page, and it is as follows:
Alarm history
record item number 2 Display start number 20 page up page down record clear
(1). Display: the system stores at most 999 pieces of alarm records for inspection, it will be helpful
for the maintenance of the equipments.
(2). View method:a:move cursor to the up and down button to view,b,[initial sequence
no display] :to locate by initial sequence no.and then use the up and down key to view.
Neutron A is not reach Neutro n A ,B ,C,D was chosen by machine Check whether end switc hes of neutro n A and
set point ,Limit connection of neutron A, B,C, B ,C,D were connected correctly and can
Neutron B is not reach D retreat must be done while at the be press -fit nor mally. Please chos e disabl e
set point. time of eject-forward or multi-eject. for neutron A and B ,C,D while not using
Neutron C is not reach neutron functions
set point.
Neutron D is not reach
set point.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection
Please open safe door In semi-auto operation, single cycle Please open safe door to take out made product,
ends,but safe door is not opened close safe door and then continue to work
Failure of sensor inspection In automatic operatio n, when inspectin g Eliminate faults of ejecting forward or eject ing
sensor is still not ON after thimble retreats
backward and judge if electric eye was estopped.
of sensor cycle mode and mid-time is over, Key inspection should be on conne ctions of sensor
Failu re of sensor inspectio n will be or sensor itself if light of X04 input port is on.
Mould opened is not reach Clam ping and open mould not complete d Reoperate mould opened or check mould posi
set point within“ the time limitation of the tion 1, if electronic ruler is ’able‘state,check
mould opening or closing” position reading 2,if electronic ruler is ’disable
state ,check X12 to confirm it is connected
Mould opening/closing Mould opening/closing is not done Check if there are abnormals in the
beyond fixed time within
. fixed time .process of mould opening/closing,if
result is normal,adjust fixed time appro
Low- pressure protection Suppose low-pressure time is up, and Check if there are sundries in the mould,
time is up yet not change to high-presssure,alarm If resul t is no, adj ust time of low- pres sur e
will be on prot ect ion appropr iately
Fault of safe door When only one of X00 and X01 is Please check to see whether switches of
on, system alarms Fron t /Rear safe door is connected correctly
with input ports of X01 and X02
Feeding is not done within While feeding, it is not done within Check if there are any abnormals during
fixed time fixed time the process of feeding and check whether
material inside charging barrel is none,
if result is normal, adjust time of feeding
Failure of injection Fail to press fit to stroke switch of Check process of injection and adjust
injection inspection during the pro deviation value of injection inspection
cess of injection or fail to reach inje
ction inspection point while choose
electronic ruler
Motor is mulfunction When there is signal inputs at motor Check if hydraulic motor was working
protection point, system will be ala with overload that cause thermal realy
rmed to have protection action
Cycle time is up Automatic production cycle time Chec k if there are abnormals during the
exceeds set value process of automat ic production ,if result
is normal,adjust cycle time appropriatedly
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection
Alarm Source
High temperature in 1,2,3, Current section real temp to machine hopper is higher than max temp value..
4,5, sections Injection nozzle. (Higher limit value of temp = setting value of temp + setting value of upper limit).
Low temperature in 1,2,3,4, Current section real temp to machine hopper is lower than min temp value..
5, sections Injection nozzle. Lower limit value of temp = setting value of temp - setting value of down limit).
Temperature short circuit in
1,2,3, 4,5, sections Injection Current section temp line was shorted or faulted to machine hopper.
Auto material clearing After setting Number of movements completed and when using auto
completed material clearing
Auto mold adjusting
completed Auto mold adjusting completed when using mold auto adjusting.
Auto mold adjusting
not completed Auto mold adjusting not completed when using mold auto adjusting.
Enter manual mode first Operate manual keys when under auto state..
Functions not selected Certain function has not been selected when manual operate its keys.
Start motor please When choose to use motor, pressed semi-auto/auto keys but motor yet
not started.
Next cycle Prepared In auto mode, the mid-time between completing a cycle and starting next cycle.
Sensor prepared The mid-time has not been reached after withdrawing thimbles during auto sensor
Exit mould adjusting When operate non-[adjust forward, backward ] keys under mold adjusting state.
mode first
Enter mould adjusting When operate [adjust forward, backward ] keys under non-mold - adjusting state.
mode first
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection
X00 front door 1 X10 lubricating oil level low X20 fine adj ust teet ch num ber
X01 front door 2 X11 lubricating pressure low X21 mold adj ust forward stop
X02 injectio n protectiv e cover X12 hydraulic oil levle low X22 mold adjust backward sto p
X03 mold closed stop X13 safe relay X23 manipulator closed mold
X04 electric eye input X14 ejector retreat protection cover X24 man ipulator ejector
X05 charge speed X15 rear door1 X25 safe door open stopped
X06 nozzle forward stop X16 rear door2 X26 oil filter dirty
X07 nozzle backward stop X17 safe detection valve X27 mot or mal function
诊 断
Press DIAGNOSE key to enter into diagnose mode and then press F3 key for output detection
page Which will be as following:
PORCHESON Input check 1 2016-07-26 16:33:30
Y00 mold close Y10 ejector retreat Y20 mold open finished
Y01 nozzle advance Y11 mold adjust forward Y21 ejector finished
Y02 injection Y12 different ial mold closi ng Y22 fully auto
Y03 charge Y13 mold adjust backward Y23 defected product
Y04 suck back Y14 mold open cus hion Y24 nitrogen recharge
Y05 nozzle retreat Y15 open mold fast Y25 nitrogen release
Y06 mold open Y16 close mold low pressur e Y26 male mold blow
Y07 ejector advance Y17 close mold high pressur e Y27 female mold blow
Y30 core A in Y40 door open Y50 segment 1 air Y70 electric heat switch
Y31 core A out Y41 door close Y51 segment 2 air Y71 cooling water
Y32 core B in Y42 charge back pressure Y62 male mold blow Y72 open/close door
Y33 core B out Y43 malfunc tion alarm Y63 female mold blow Y73 noz zle off
Y34 core C in Y44 smal l pum p Y64 inject ion chargi ng Y74 nozz le on
Y35 core C out Y45 middle pump Y65 pressur e hol d
Y36 core D in Y46 big pum p Y66 aut o indi cat or light
Y37 core D out Y47 gene ral pum p Y67 manual indicator light
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection
Press DIAGNOSE key to enter into diagnose mode and then press
F4 key for Key Inspection
page Which will be as following:
PORCHESON Key check 2016-07-26 16:33:30
诊 断
Press DIAGNOSE key to enter into diagnose mode and then press key for A/D check page
Which will be as following:
PORCHESON A/D check 2016-07-26 16:33:30
Special explaination
All the input and output point pages in this instruction manual are subject to changes without
notice. The inspection pages displayed on the computer should be correct and final.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Chapter 6 Input/Output Mode Inspection
470 454
6-M4X12 screw
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
9 1 6. 8
6-M4X12 screw
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
PW450 125
300,0 47,5
231,0 190,0
manin coneroller
Exterior dimensions and installation hole positon drawings for manin coneroller
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
main controller
main controller
Exterior dimensions and installation hole position drawings for main controller
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
Power pack
MC 2000 A
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
Yellow Gray
P1 Pressure
Ejector P2 Pressure
F1 Speed
F2 Speed
mold close
manipulator emergency stop servo interface Defects
manipulator use
manipulator use
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
压力 检测
AD1 P1 Pressure
AD3 P2 Pressure
F1 Speed
nitrogen recharge
mechanic hand mold close Defects
back mold adject stop fully auto
front mold adject stop ejec tor finishe d
fine adjust teeth number
safe relay
PORCHESON mold open finished
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
3 80 V / 5 0 Hz POWER
R R1
S S1
T T1
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0
MC MY M H0 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5
Appendix 8:Motor Electric-Heating Wiring Diagram (for reference only)
Appendix 9:Introduction of new type of patent double channel compensation linear sensor
V V V1/V2
90% V1 10%-90%V 9 (100%,9/1)
2 (75 %,7/ 3)
(0%,1/ 9) (25 %,3/ 7)
10% V2 90%-10% 1 (5 0 %,1 )
25 % 50 % 75 % 10 0%
The reason for digital bounce of traditional potentiometer type of displacement sensor is actual caused by
fluctuations of supply voltage or measurement reference voltage or by these two elements.Traditional linear
scale now can not solve the digital bounce problem generated by servo systems,but the double-path compensation
type of displacement sensor is just designed for this prolem.
And when input voltage of displacement sensor is rised or falled,this v1/v2 value remain unchanged,namely
this curve is unchanged.Then this curve which not change with voltage variation(in this example,voltage rise
to 1 vdc or fall to 1vdc is still reliable) and this decides the displacement sensor's shift.Even in a situation like
voltage change causing by interference,can still reach 0.015mm stability.(take 350mm stroke as example)when
stroke reach 250mm,the stability can still reach 0.10mm.These performances are two order of magnitudes
higher than traditional displacement sensor which is first choice for precision injection molding machine.
Use the new type of displacment sensor can solve once for all the problems such as injection measurement
not correct, inaccurate of mold opening position or even cause damage to machine.As injection molding machine
manufacturer to adopt the new type of displacement sensor can greatly reduce frequences of malfunction and
maintenance so as to lower maintenance service charge and to improve brand image.
This patent displacement sensor is with analog signal, simple structure,mechanical compatibility,high
reliability,cheap cost and good adoptive to power supply,strong anti-interference to servo system.
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
控制模块 传感器
digital pulse output
(IP65 4pins connector)
1=42.5mm mounting
2=42.5mm isolation mounting
3=50mm mounting
Magnetic type
1=captive 3=die-casting
2=suspension 4=large suspension
effective stroke(mm)
Accept custom
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices
User's Manual for MK2XXX V1.0 Reference & Appendices