State-of-the-Art Technology: Sliding Gate Operators
State-of-the-Art Technology: Sliding Gate Operators
State-of-the-Art Technology: Sliding Gate Operators
State-of-the-Art Technology
Sliding Gate Operators The Bx-246 is the solution for automating medium-sized sliding gates. Thanks to high levels of
efficiency and safety, it is suited for numerous applications, in residential apartment complexes and
other mixed-use settings. The BX series offers an array of 24V D.C. models to be used in demanding,
high-traffic areas and is ideal in areas with frequent power outages. The control boards are all latest-
The Bx-246 is a dependable operator and the right solution for automated sliding generation and fitted with state-of-the-art commands for a complete system. Needless to say, they
gates up to 1,320 pounds. Thanks to the highest levels of efficiency and safety can be integrated at any time with any of CAMEs safety and command accessories.
provided by the control boards, Bx-246 is suited for numerous applications, both
Total control of the gate from the transmitter
Compliant with UL 325 STD in residential and apartment complexes. The Bx series also offers a vast range Including the possibility of immediately stopping the movement of the gate leaves. Compliant with UL 325 STD
and CSA STD C22.2 No. 247 and CSA STD C22.2 No. 247
for both the US & Canada of 24V D.C. versions to be used in high-traffic areas, and is ideal in areas with for both the US & Canada
Partial opening
frequent power outages. Allows pedestrian passage with partial opening.
Safety even when the gate is not moving
Thanks to the special electronic circuit that ignores every command if an obstacle is detected by
Innovative electronics
the safety devices.
The Bx series complies with current U.S. safety standards with a range of operators suitable for all
sliding gates with gate leaves of up to 1,320 pounds. The Bx series has specifically been designed to
meet every operational and safety need in the market. It features 24V D.C. models for all applications
and high-traffic settings. The Advantages of the Bx-246
When the highest degree of peace of mind, performance and safety are required, Bxs 24V D.C
technology enhances the power potential of the operator. For example:
Practical and safe.
BX is a special, patented version No more blackouts!
featuring the CAME PRATICO The 24V D.C. electronics automatically detect any power outage and activate the emergency
SYSTEM. This user-friendly device back-up batteries, to open and close the gate.
can release the gear motor Frequent passages
through the transmitter in the The low-voltage gear motor guarantees functionality even in very demanding, high-traffic areas,
event of a black out, eliminating such as apartment complexes and other mixed-use settings.
the need to search for any keys.
Quick openings
Adaptable to all needs, the 24V D.C. electronics enable the adjustment of the working speed of
the gate leaves and provide for a smooth, gentle closing as well.
Obstacle detection
A special electronic circuit constantly sweeps for any obstacles to the gate leaves, and if needed,
stops or inverts the direction of movement.
UL Tested.
The Bx-246 model, besides
having the advantages of Safety even when the
gate is not in motion.
Sliding Gate Operators
24V D.C systems, is tested
according to the parameters set If the safety devices detect an for up to 1,320 lbs.
by 325 U.S. standards, for obstacle, every command is ignored.
maximum impact forces Motion control at your fingertips.
generated by the gate-leaf during Bx enables you to operate the gate
movement. directly from the transmitter, giving you Slide gate operator system with 24V D.C. motor
total control of the system.
Time-tested design. 001BX-246CU Slide gate operator system complete with control board, chain
The durability of all the components drive, radio decoder, encoderbased movement control and obstacle
detection devices. Plus, mechanical endstops for sliding gates of up
provide maximum protection against to 1,320 lb. Fitted to take two 12V 1.2 Ah batteries.
all elements caused by either man or
the environment.
Easier and safer operation. 001BX-246U Slide gate operator system complete with control board,
rack and pinion transmission, radiodecoder, encoder-based
Bx is outfitted for auxiliary lighting
movement control and obstacle detection devices. Plus,
control and installation. The lights will mechanical endstops for sliding gates of up to 1,320 lb. Fitted to
turn on every time the gate is opened, take two 12V 1.2 Ah batteries
thus making the access easier and safer.
Bx-246 Kits & Technical Features
Bx-246 Accessories
Compliant with UL 325 STD Lock cylinder with DIN key Compliant with UL 325 STD
and CSA STD C22.2 No. 247 and CSA STD C22.2 No. 247
for both the US & Canada for both the US & Canada
1/2 in. simple chain for B4337
Photocells 001DIR10
Joint for 1/2 in. chain
Battery Back-up
Operator Model
Extnl. Antenna
24V Electronic
Flashing Light
Receiver Card
Control Board
Card 002LB90
Pinion Trans.
(1 included)
Max. Gate
2 Remote
Rack and
Card for connecting two 12V 1.2Ah emergency batteries for 12 BX-246
Product Code
KT-SL-BX/P-B0614-1 001BX-246U 1,320
Synchronized function management card for BX-10
KT-SL-BX/P-P0314-1 001BX-246U 1,320 Galvanized rack in rolled steel .86 x .86 in. module 4
/ 001AF43S
33.92 MHz plug-in radio frequency receiver card
Limits to use
Model 001BX-246U/CU
Max weight of gate leaf (lb.) 1,320
Max length of gate leaf (ft.) 59.05
24V D.C.
To activate the release
device, you will need a
radio frequency snap-in
automations radio
24V D.C. gear motor powered 6.69" 5.11"
directly from the control panel.
11.81" 6.69"