Notice PIX

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Metal-clad switchgear
up to 24kV

Vacuum version



- General presentation (range description for 12, 17.5, 24 kV) .................... 3

- Technical description ................................................................................. 5

- Standards................................................................................................... 8

- PIX in detail .............................................................................................. 10

- Technical data .......................................................................................... 11

• Functional unit ............................................................................ 11
• HVX CB drawout module ............................................................ 12
• CVX drawout contactor module ................................................. 15
• UTX drawout disconnect link module ......................................... 18
• MTX drawout VT module ............................................................ 18
• LTRI air switch disconnector....................................................... 18

- Product range .......................................................................................... 19

- Equipment range...................................................................................... 20

- Dimensions and layout............................................................................. 23

• PIX 12 ......................................................................................... 23
• PIX 17 ......................................................................................... 24
• PIX 24 ......................................................................................... 25

- Floor plan ................................................................................................. 26

- Cable connections ................................................................................... 27

- Accessories.............................................................................................. 28

- Delivery .................................................................................................... 29

- Packaging ................................................................................................ 29

General presentation

The PIX system has been designed

in accordance with international
(IEC) standards, and gives an
optimal solution to satisfy the
requirements for MV electrical
networks, in:
> Power stations
> HV/MV & MV/MV substations
> Industry
> Infrastructure
> Marine

PIX is available in a wide range of

> Rated Voltages: 12 kV, 17.5 kV,
24 kV.
> Rated current: up to 4000 A
> Rated short time withstand Standard AREVA solution for > PIX gives an effective internal arc
current up to 40 kA fully integrated, digital control + withstand, tested in accordance
monitoring (DCX) or one box for with the recommendations of IEC
> Rated peak withstand current up
protection and control can be used. 60298, Appendix AA, Criteria 1 to
to 100 kA.
6, Class A.
The indoor metal-clad PIX system PIX, with these features, meets
> Over-pressure release is at the
is internal arc resistant and fitted user requirements in the fields of:
top of the unit.
with a withdrawable module which • Personnel safety
can be isolated with the door > Metallic shutters closed when
• Easy operation and maintenance
closed. The units are of a robust withdrawable module is in
• Easy installation and access the disconnected position or
prefabricated construction using
galvanised materials giving high removed.
Our development has been driven
corrosion resistance. > Cable voltage indication.
by these criterias, to design a PIX
The front and end panels are system incorporating the following
painted in light beige colour features.

(RAL 9001) with operating areas

Personal safety
in blue (RAL 5023) and yellow for
earthing switch operation. > All operations are carried out with
the panels and doors closed.
The PIX system offers you
the choice of two switching > The earthing switch, with its
technologies, SF6 & vacuum, faults-making capability, is visible
for both circuit breakers and through an inspection window.
contactors. > Operation of the earthing switch
uses an anti-reflex system.
PIX cubicles incorporate all
necessary user-friendly, ALSTOM > The electrical interlocks of the
digital control and protection relays DCX in conjunction with the
for flexible system configuration, mechanical locking devices
based on customer requirements. prevent ensafe operation.

Easy operation and Easy installation and access
> PIX was designed to minimize the
> Operation is simple and logical, space required, with access to all
with clear status indicators for all compartments via the front panel.
functions. > Can be installed against a wall.
> Manual or electrical control > Connection of the cables via
> Modifications to the control and the front is made easier by
automation configurations are removing the separating plate
easy and quick to apply, on site, between the cable and apparatus
using the DCX (setable digital compartments. Optionally,
controller). the rear panel can be made
> The use of digital control and removable.
protection equipment with self- > Rigid, self-supporting
testing and monitoring procedures. construction.


PIX system has been conceived

with due consideration of its impact
on the environment:

> In a factory certified to ISO 14001

> With a construction allowing

maximum recyclable components
at the end of life.

Technical description

The PIX metal-clad switchboards > An earthing device for the

are extensible on both sides and removable module, to the IEC
consist of modular functional units, standards, ensures earthing
linked by a busbar, and connected continuity during removal, either
to the substation earth via an through rullers or through an
earthing bus. optional plug.

An inspection window on the

The cubicles are subdivided by door, allows the position of the
metal partitions into four separate withdrawable module to be clearly
compartments, including a low seen within the compartment. Its
voltage compartment for the position is also shown on the mimic
control and monitoring equipment. Main module compartment. diagram on the DCX control unit.

The PIX system also offers,

The three Medium Voltage
amongst the range of withdrawable
compartments; bus bar, equipment
modules, the functions of
& cables, are fitted with an
disconnecting link, voltage
overpressure release system, The connection between the
transformers and busbar earthing
oriented towards the top of the unit withdrawable module, the busbar
inside of cubicle volume. and the cable branches is made
by means of withdrawable silver
This compartment is fitted with
plated contacts.
The fused switch-disconnectors are mechanical locking devices in
fixed type in the compartimented accordance with IEC standards,
A 64-pin plug (Max.) connects
unit. which are necessary to avoid any
the auxiliary circuits of the
unsafe operations.
withdrawable module to the low
voltage compartment.
Main module compartment (For details, see the chapter on
> For personnel safety, there are
Closed off by a door, this
metallic shutters (1), installed in
compartment contains:
front of the spouts of the fixed
> A withdrawable module, “plug-in” contacts (2), which
fitted with a circuit breaker prevent access to the primary
or contactor, which has two circuit, thus ensuring a protection
positions, “plugged in” or when the withdrawable module is
“disconnected/test”. either in the “disconnected/test”
position or removed from the
All operations of the withdrawable compartment. 1
module and its associated
equipment can be carried out with Once the withdrawable module has
the compartment door closed. been removed, each shutter can be 2
padlocked individually.
For modules fitted with vacuum
circuit breakers, the movement can With the interlocking shutters 1
be motorised. option, the independant opening
of the upper or lower shutter is
Withdrawable modules of the same only possible using a special tool
type are interchangeable. (optionally supplied).

Main module compartment.

Cable compartment The bus bar consists of flat copper
with rounded edges. The rated
Normally closed with a bolted current will determine the number
panel, accessible from the front of bars to be mounted in parallel.
panel, and with a removable
horizontal panel between the cable The bus bar is linked and
& main module compartment, supported by solid connections to
this design is made for ease of the spouts.
assembly and on-site testing of
cables and accessories. Optionally, this compartment can
Cable compartment.
be fitted with:
> A metallic cable duct, located on
> Segregations made of insulating
the right-hand lateral part, guides
materials, resistant to pressure,
the low voltage conductors
mounted between each cubicle.
into the control/command
compartment safely. > Encapsulation of the bus bars
and branch connections.
At the front, upper section of this
compartment, is the access to the > Fixed voltage transformers,
earthing switch controls, along with without fuses.
its mimic diagram and VPIS type
voltage indicators (IEC 61958). VDS > An earthing switch.
type voltage indicators
(IEC 612345) can be offered as an
Cable compartment.
Details of the interlocks are given in
the next chapter.
As an option, and depending on
the installation of switchboard
chosen, the rear panel can be
made removable, to further Busbar compartment
improve access.
Located in the upper, rear of
This compartment contains: the unit, this compartment is
accessible via the top or front panel
> The connections to the power of the cubicle, after removing the
cables, up to 6 x 630 mm2 per partitions, which separate it from LV compartment standard.
phase, with a choice of bottom the switchgear compartment.
plate (for details, see chapter on
cable connections).
Low voltage compartment
> The cable earthing switch is
operated from the front of the This compartment contains all the
cubicle by means of a removable secondary circuit functions for
lever. control, measurement, protection,
monitoring, communication and
Its position is visible from the front other associated systems.
panel, through the inspection
window in the cable panel. This independent compartment, is
a separate assembly, supplied fully
> Current transformers, with DIN assembled and tested.
dimensions, are fitted at the rear
of the cubicle.

> The voltage transformers, fitted

at the front of the compartment,
are either fixed - with or without
fuses, or removable with fuses.
Busbar compartment

Locks > Open or close the earthing
switch. Access to the
The operation of PIX is designed withdrawable module
to be completely safe. All the compartment requires the use of
operations listed below are carried a specialised handle and key.
out from the front panel, with the
door and panels closed. The interlocks were designed with
this operational ideology in mind
> Connect or disconnect the and add to the security of the
withdrawable module. system by making it impossible to
make unsafe operations.
> Re-load the spring mechanism.

> Mechanically close or open

the circuit breaker or switch-

Actions Status of elements involved

Basic locking devices Optional locking devices
Plugging in the module - LV socket connected - Module compartment
- Circuit breaker open access door closed
- Earthing switch open
Closing the circuit breaker/contactor - Module completely plugged in,
or plugged out/test position
- Plug-in lever removed
Closing the earthing switch - Module in plugged out/test position or
Access to the cable compartment - Earthing switch closed
Opening of the earthing switch - Cable compartment panel closed
Access to the withdrawable module (Reminder: requires the use of a - Module in disconnected
compartment specific key and handle) plugged-out/test
Partial re-opening of the earthing switch - Is not possible to put it the panel again
for cable testing when earthing switch is in this position
Opening of the shutters - By the withdrawable module action
- With specific tool.

Other safety equipment

Basic locking devices Optional locking devices

Locking device using padlocks - Shutters
- Earthing switch access (in open or closed
- No access to operate the drawout
Locking devices (specific) - ON/OFF Buttons - Circuit breaker
Locking device using fixed locks - The door of the withdrawable module
- Earthing switch, either in open or closed
- Module in plugged out position
Locking device by electromagnetic - Earthing switch, in open position
coil - Disconnect link module (UTX)


Safety has been certified by


PIX cubicles have been designed

to meet the requirements of
International standards (IEC) and
validated by type tests, carried out
by independant laboratories.

Reference Description
IEC 60298 Appendix AA - Metal enclosed switchgear and control gear, from 1 kV to 52 kV
IEC 60694 - Common standards for HV equipment
IEC 60056 - HV AC Circuit breakers
IEC 60129 - AC disconnector and earthing switch
IEC 61958 - Voltage presence indicator system
IEC 612345 - Voltage detector system
IEC 60529 - Degree of protection of the enclosures
IEC 60470 - HV Contactors
IEC 60265 - HV Load Break Switch
IEC 60420 - HV Fused load break switch
IEC 602821 - HV Fuses

Operating conditions
Operating conditions for interior use, in accordance with IEC 60694
Ambient temperature: - + 40°C
- maxi + 55°C with corresponding under-rating current
- + 35°C on average over a 24 hour period
- - 5°C minimum
Ambient air: - No impurities due to dust, flammable/corrosive gases & vapours,
smoke or salt.
Humidity: - Average relative humidity over a 24 hour period: 95%
- Average steam pressure over a 24 hour period: Max. 2.2 kPa
- Average relative humidity over a 1 month period: 90%
- Average steam pressure over a 1 month period: Max. 1.8 kPa
Altitude: - Up to 1,000 m above sea level, corresponding to atmospheric
conditions of: 1013 hPa, + 20 °C, 11g/m3 water.
- Above 1,000 m, a derating factor is applied, please contact us for
Vibration: - Negligible
- For particular conditions, please contact us.

Protection degree

Standard degree of protection of the Meaning for the protection of equipment Meaning for the protection of
external enclosure: IP 3X people
Optionally, there is the possibility of various
IP, ratings in accordance with the table

Elements of code IP 1st element 2 nd element Additional element

Protection against water ingress with 2 >=12.5 mm Not used

harmful effects 3 >=2.5 mm element covered by 1st element
4 >=1 mm
X Not defined

0 Not protected
1 Vertical dripping
2 Dripping water with
15° inclinaison
X Not defined

Protection against access to the dangerous parts by means of tools C D=2.5 mm

L=10 mm
D D=1 mm
L=100 mm
X Not defined

PIX in detail


2 14


6 11

01 LV compartment standard
02 Circuit breaker
03 Switchgear compartment door
04 Earthing switch operating
05 Voltage presence indicator
06 E.S. mimic digram
07 Cable compartment panel
08 Voltage transformer
09 Current transformer
10 Cable connection
11 Earthing switch
12 Metal shutter for cable
13 Spouts
14 Metal shutter for busbar
15 Busbar

4 5 6
>> MMI standard

Technical data

Functional unit
Designation PIX 12 PIX 17 PIX 24
Reference standards IEC 60298 IEC 60298 IEC 60298
Rated voltage (kV) kV rms 12 17.5 24
Power frequency withstand voltage 50 Hz 1 min
to earth and between phases kV rms 28 38 50
on the isolating distance kV rms 32 45 60
Impulse withstand voltage 1,2 / 50 micro sec
to earth and between phases kV peak 75 95 125
on the isolating distance kV peak 85 110 145
Rated frequency Hz 50 / 60 50 / 60 50 / 60
Short time current
1 sec withstand (2) kA rms 25 / 31.5 / 40 25 / 31.5 /40 16 / 25 / 31.5
3 sec withstand (2) (1)
kA rms 25/ 31.5 / 40 25 / 31.5 / 40 16 /25 / 31.5
Peak withstand kA rms 63 / 80 / 100 63 / 80 / 100 40 / 63 / 80
Rated current
Busbar with natural ventilation A Up to 3150 Up to 3150 Up to 2500
Busbar with forced ventilation A Up to 4000 Up to 4000
Functions Disconnect link A Up to 3150 Up to 3150 Up to 2500
Functions CB with natural ventilation A rms Up to 3150 Up to 3150 Up to 2500
Functions CB with forced ventilation A rms Up to 4000 Up to 4000
Functions SWD A rms 630 630 630
Functions Air SWD + fuses A rms 400 400 400
Functions Contactor A rms 200-400
Internal arc withstand kA Up to 40 kA - 1 sec Up to 40 kA - 1sec Up to 31.5 kA - 1sec
Earthing switch making capacity (2)
kA peak 63 / 80 / 100 63 / 80 / 100 40 / 63 / 80
Earthing switch endurance
number of making operation 2 2 2
mechanical (C/O) 1000 1000 1000
Degree of protection
external enclosure standard IP 3X IP 3X IP 3X
open door without withdrawable module IP 2X IP 2X IP 2X
Approximate heat dissipation
Functions CB Ir=800 A W 650 650 650
Force on floor (without cubicle weight)
Functions CB daN 750 750 750
Earthing switch limited 40 kA - 1sec
For SWD and SWD + fuses functions
Short time current
1 sec withstand kA rms 16 / 25 16 / 25 16 / 25
peak withstand kA peak 40 / 63 40 / 63 40 / 63
Earthing switch making capacity kA peak 40 / 63 40 / 63 40 / 63
For 50 kA, 5000 A, please refer to PIX-H documentation or contact us.

HVX drawout circuit breaker module

For the cubicles PIX 12 PIX 17 PIX 24

Designation HVX 12 HVX 17 HVX 24
Reference standards IEC IEC IEC
Rated voltage kV 12 17.5 24
Rated current A rms Up to 3150 Up to 3150 Up to 2500
Rated breaking capacity
short circuit current kA rms 16/25/31.5/40 25/31.5/40 16/25/31.5
cable charging current A 25 31.5 31.5
line charging current A 10 10
single capacitor bank A 400 400
no load transformer A 10 10
Rated making capacity kA peak 40/63/80/100 63/80/100 40/63/80
Rated operating time
opening ms 40-47 40-47 40-47
breaking ms 55-62 55-62 55-62
arcing ms 2-15 2-15 2-15
closing ms 50-58 50-58 50-58
Rated operating sequence O-3min-CO-3min-CO O-3min-CO-3min-CO O-3min-CO-3min-CO
CO-15s-CO CO-15s-CO CO-15s-CO
O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO O-0.3s-CO-3min-CO
O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO O-0.3s-CO-15s-CO
mechanical (C/O) for switching 30 000 30 000 30 000
mechanical (C/O) for mechanism 10 000 10 000 10 000
electrical (C/O at In) 10 000 10 000 10 000

HVX spring operating mechanism
Designation FH2-01 (hand) / FK2-01 (motor)
Reference standards IEC IEC
Rated supply voltage (1)
V 24-48-60-110-125-220 120-230
Rated frequency Hz 50/60
Reset motor
Voltage variation range % of Un 85 to 110 85 to 110
Power consumption (maxi) W / VA 100 100
Starting current A
Reset time s 8-12 8-12
Shunt opening coil
Voltage variation range % of Un 70 to 110 70 to 110
Power consumption (maxi) W / VA ≤ 250 ≤ 250
Minimum impulse duration ms 50 50
Under voltage opening coil
Voltage range for closing % of Un >85 >85
Voltage range for tripping % of Un 35 to 0 35 to 0
Power consumption (maxi) W/VA 10 10
Shunt closing coil
Rated current % of Un 85 to 110 85 to 110
Power consumption maxi W/VA ≤250 ≤250
CT operated coil
Rated current A 0.5 - 1 - 5
Current variation range % Ir 90 à 110
Auxiliary contacts
Rated current A 15à 15
Breaking capacity 48V (L/R 10ms) A 10 -
Breaking capacity 125V (L/R 10ms) A 3.8 -
Breaking capacity 220V (L/R 10ms) A 2 -
Breaking capacity 120 or 230 Vdc A - 10
(1) No 125 Vdc for reset motor - No 220 Vdc and 120 Vac for under voltage opening coil.

FH2-01 (hand) FK2-01 (motor)
Basic Optional Basic Optional
Manual opening and closing ● ●

CB Position indicators ● ●

Spring charging motor ●

Spring position indicator ● ●

Shunt trip coil ● ●

Second shunt trip coil ● ●

CT operated release ● ●

Undervoltage shunt tripping coil ● ●

Closing coil ●

Operation counter ● ●

Anti-pumping relay ● ●

Free auxiliary contacts

CB position 2NO / 2NC ● ●

3NO / 4 NC ● ●

Spring charged position 2NO / 1NC ● ●

For more information refer to HVX documentation t&d bprob/hvxb-24 kv/uke/pdb/04.01/ger/2854

HVX up to 2000 A

HVX > 2000 A

CVX drawout contactor module

For the cubicles PIX 12 PIX 12

Designation CVX 07 CVX 12
Contactor designation CBX CBX
Reference standards IEC IEC
Category AC3 - AC4 AC3 - AC4
Rated voltage kV 7.2 12
Rated current A rms 400 400
Maximum motor rated current A 320 320
Rated breaking capacity
short circuit current with fuses kA rms 40 40
short circuit current without fuses kA rms 6 4
single capacitor bank A 280 280
Rated making capacity with fuses kA peak 100 100
Rated making capacity without fuses kA peak 15 10
Rated operating time
opening with d.c. magnetic holding control ms 60 to 100 60 to 100
opening with a.c. magnetic holding control ms 90 to 120 90 to 120
opening with mechanical latch control ms 20 to 30 20 to 30
closing ms 60 to 100 60 to 100
Rated operating sequence number per hour 1200 1200
mechanical with magnetic holding (C/O) 3 000 000 3 000 000
electrical with mechanical latch (C/O) 200 000 200 000
electrical (C/O at 400 A) 500 000 500 000
electrical (C/O at 250 A) 1 000 000 1 000 000
electrical (breaking at Icc 3.2 kA) 25 25
electrical (making at Icc 4 kA) 100 100

CBX electromagnetic operating mechanisms
Reference standards IEC IEC
Rated supply voltage V 24-48-60-110-125-220 120-230
Rated frequency Hz 50/60
Magnetic holding control circuit
Voltage range for closing % of Un > 85 > 85
Voltage range for opening % of Un 75 to 10 75 to 10
Power consumption on closing W / VA 615 615
Power consumption on holding W / VA 150 150
Mechanical latch control circuit
Voltage variation range % of Un 70 to 110 85 to 110
Power consumption on closing W / VA 615 615
Power consumption on opening W 240 240
Minimum impulse duration ms 20 20
Auxiliary contacts:
Rated current A 15 15
Breaking capacity 48 Vdc (L/R 10 ms)
Breaking capacity 220Vdc (L/R 20 ms)

>> CVX drawout contactor module

>> CVX drawout contactor module

Magnetic Mechanical
Operating mechanism
holding latch
Manual opening ●

Contactor Position indicators ● ●

Magnetic holding coil ●

Shunt trip coil ●

Closing coil ●

Operation counter ● ●

Anti-pumping relay ● ●

Free auxiliary contacts

Contactor position 3 NO / 3 NC ● ●

Fuse position 1 O/C ● ●

For more information refer to CBX documentation.

UTX drawout disconnect link module

>> Disconnect link 12 kV

>> Disconnect link 24 kV

Auxiliary contacts for withdrawable module

Position Basic Optional Basic Optional
Plugged in and test/unplugged
1 O/C (reverse) ●

4 O/C (reverse) ●

Plugged in
1 N/C ●

1 N/C + 1 N/O ●

2 N/C ●

1 NC ●

1 N/C + 1 N/O ●

2 N/C ●

Auxiliary contacts for earthing switch

Position Basic Optional
Close/Open 1 O/C (reverse) ●

Closed 3 N/C ●

Opened 3 N/C ●

MTX drawout VT’smodule air switch-disconnector

Product range

Incoming/Outgoing Incoming/Outgoing Incoming/Outgoing Outgoing with Contactor outgoing Switch disconnector

with circuit breaker with circuit breaker with circuit breaker disconnect link and fuses outgoing
+ fixed VT’s withdrawable cable VT’s
with removable fuses

Bus section with Bus riser with Direct incoming Busbar voltage Busbar voltage Busbar current
circuit breaker transformers metering with metering metering
earthing switch

Busbar with voltage Busbar with

transformer on the earthing switch on
top the top

Equipment range

> Incoming or outgoing unit with

circuit breaker up to 2000 A.

On request:
- VT’s with fuses
- Withdrawable cable VT’s
with removable fuses
- Fixed VT’s without fuses (1)
- Surge arresters


> Incoming or outgoing unit with

circuit breaker 2500 to 3150 A.

On request:
- VT’s with fuses
- Withdrawable cable VT’s
with removable fuses
- Fixed VT’s without fuses (1)
- Surge arresters


> Outgoing unit with contactor and

fuses 200, 400 A.

On request:
- Surge arresters

> Bus section unit with circuit
breaker up to 2000 A

On request:
- Busbar earthing switch(1)


> Bus section unit circuit breaker

2500 to 3150 A

On request:
- Busbar earthing switch(1)


> Bus riser unit up to 2000 A.

On request:
- Withdrawable VT’s module with
fuses (1).
- Current transformers(2)


> Bus riser unit 2500 A to 3150 A.

On request:
- Withdrawable VT’s module with
fuses (1).
- Current transformers(2)


> Direct incoming unit up
to 3150 A.

On request:
- Surge arresters
- Fixed VT’s with fuses
- Fixed VT’s without fuses
- VT’s removable fuses.

> Busbar voltage metering

On request:
- Busbar earthing switch (1)


> Outgoing unit with switch

disconnector and fuses

On request:
- Current transformers

> Busbar voltage transformers

without fuses on the top

> Busbar earthing switch on the


Dimensions and layout

PIX 12 Width 650 - 800 mm

B= 185 - 210
Mini 100 C 1500 Mini
B 35


B1 B1

Mini 3130
= =

Door 2500

A2 4



ø 12.5





28.5 28.5

Functions PIX 12 up to 40 kA 4000A Width 1000 mm

B1 = 254
≤31.5 40 B
(kA) 35 35

In Approximate C1
B (width)
(A) weight (kg)
Incoming or outgoing B1 B1
= =

CB ≤1250 650 800 720

Disconnect link 650(1)

Bus section 1600 800 800 770 1


2000 1000 1000 770


ø 12.5

≥2500 1000 1000 820



Direct incoming ≤1250 650 800 650

650 (1)


1600 800 800 700

28.5 28.5

2000 800 800 750

≥2500 1000 1000 750
Bus riser 1250 650 650 600
Bus riser disconnect link 1600 800 800 650 A: 2130 2230 2330

2000 800 800 700 A1 : 530 630 730

≥2500 1000 1000 700 A2 : 2730*
Busbar voltage metering 650 650 600
C: 1405/1605 (1) (2)
Switch disconnector
C1 : 100/300
and fuses outgoing 650 - 600
Contactor 650 650 700 * Height with forced cooling or duct
for gas evacuation.
Dimensions in mm. - (1) Depth 1605 for internal arc withstand 40 kA
with width 650 mm
Dimensions in mm. - (2) Depth 1605 for 2 CT/phase
For seismic and arrangement on skid please contact us.

Dimensions and layout

PIX 17 Width 750 mm

B= 210
Mini 100 C 1500 Mini
B 35


B1 B1

Mini 3200
= =

Door 2500

A2 4



ø 12.5




28.5 28.5

Functions PIX 17 up to 40 kA 4000A Width 1000 mm

B1 = 254
≤25 31.5-40 B
(kA) 35 35

In Approximate C1

B (width)
(A) weight (kg)
Incoming or outgoing B1

CB ≤1600 750 750(1) 800

Disconnect link 2000 750 750(1) 850



Bus section ≥2500 1000 1000 850 1


Direct incoming ≤1600 750 750 (1)

ø 12.5

2000 750 750 (1)


≥2500 1000 1000 780


Bus riser 50

Bus riser disconnect link ≤1600 750 750 680 28.5 28.5

2000 750 750 730

≥2500 1000 1000 730
Busbar voltage metering 750 750 650
Switch disconnector
A: 2200 2300 2400
and fuses outgoing 750 - 650
A1 : 600 700 800
Dimensions in mm. - (1) Depth 1605 for internal arc withstand 40 kA
Dimensions in mm. - (2) Depth 1605 for 2 CT/phase A2 : 2800*
For seismic and arrangement on skid please contact us.
C: 1505/1605 (1) (2)

C1 : 100/200

* Up to 2800 with forced cooling or

duct for gas evacuation.

Dimensions and layout

PIX 24 Width 800 mm

B= 210
Mini 100 C 1500 Mini
B 35


B1 B1

Mini 3330
= =

Door 2500




ø 12.5




28.5 28.5

Functions PIX 24 up to 31.5 kA 2500A Width 1000 mm

B1 = 254
≤25 31.5 B
(kA) 35 35

In Approximate C1

B (width)
(A) weight (kg)
Incoming or outgoing B1 B1
= =

CB ≤1600 800 800 820


Disconnect link 2000 1000 1000 870



Bus section 2500 1000 1000 870 1


Direct incoming ≤1600 800 800 750

ø 12.5


2000 800 800 800



2500 1000 1000 800


Bus riser 50

Bus riser disconnect link ≤1600 800 800 700 28.5 28.5

2000 1000 1000 750

2500 1000 1000 750
Busbar voltage metering 800 800 700
Switch disconnector A: 2330 2430 2530*
and fuses outgoing 800 - 750 A1 : 530 630 730
Dimensions in mm C: 1605
For seismic and arrangement on skid please contact us.
C1 : 100

* Height:
- 2730 with duct for gas
- 2890 with deflectors for internal
arc withstanding.

Floor Plan

ground ground
bus bus


6 mm max.
2 mm max.

2 mm/m max. and

6 mm/total length of switchboard

Detail A
PIX12 PIX17 PIX 24

100 100 100

Cubicle Cubicle Cubicle






Front face Front face Front face

Cable connections

The manufacturer’s instructions

for the ends of the cables must be

L (cable end)
L1 maxi

L2 maxi

Adjustment 50 mm +5

Cable glands in upper position Cable glands in lower position

L (cable end)

L3 maxi

L4 maxi

108 12

Assembly with DIN clamps Assembly with DIN clamps

Cable 95 mm2 Cables 300 mm2 - 630 mm2

PIX 12 PIX 17 PIX 24

X 430 460 555
L1 390 420 515
L2 440 470 565
L3 290 320 415
L4 410 440 495


Door locking key Handle switching compartment Earthing switch operating lever

Plug in handle

Handling trolley LTRI red isolating sheet

Circuit breaker operating lever

Circuit breaker mechanism reset LTRI operating lever


Delivery - Packaging

The cubicles, which make up
the switchboard are delivered
individually, ready for assembly.
The connection should be carried
out on-site.

• For transportation by lorry :
The product is fixed to a
wooden pallet and protected by
plastic cover.
The front panel is protected by
polystyrene panels.

• For transportation by sea :

The product is covered with
a plastic heat welded cover,
with desiccant materials, then
installed into a wooden case.

• For transportation by air :

The product is covered with
a plastic heat welded cover,
with desiccant materials, then
installed into a wooden case.

Products - L4 - PIX VACUUM- 0697 - EN © - AREVA - 01-2005. AREVA, the AREVA logo and any alternative version there of are trademarks and service marks of AREVA.
The other names mentioned, registered or not, are the property of their respective companies. Printed in France

Our policy is one of continuous development.

Accordingly the design of our products may change
at any time. Whilst every effort is made to produce
up to date literature, this brochure should only be
regarded as a guide and is intented for information
purposes only. Its contents do not constitute
an offer for sale or advise on the application of
any product referred to in it. We cannot be held
responsable for any reliance on any decisions taken
on its contents without specific advise.

T&D Worldwide Contact Centre

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