Fudmentals of Petroleum Engineering
Fudmentals of Petroleum Engineering
Fudmentals of Petroleum Engineering
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Note : hydrocarbons are less dense than water therefore free from source rock and
they tend to migrate up wards in the direction of the minmum pressure .
4- Gravity that cause isolate the fluid because the different in specific weight.
Petroleum reservoirs are broadly1 classified as oil or gas reservoirs. These broad
classifications are further subdivided depending on:
1- Broadly :
-: Em: eng.petk@yahoo.com Face: kadhim hmood 07705585686
Q2:classify reservoirs?
Oil Reservoirs
Depending upon initial reservoir pressure pi, oil reservoirs can be subclassified
into the following categories:
1. Undersaturated oil reservoir. If the initial reservoir pressure pi , is greater than
the bubble-point pressure pb of the reservoir fluid, the reservoir is labeled1 an
under saturated
oil reservoir.
1- Labeled :
2- Underlain :
-: Em: eng.petk@yahoo.com Face: kadhim hmood 07705585686
2. Volatile crude oil.( high shrinkage crude oil or near critical oil )
Oil formation volume factor less than 2 bbl/STB
Gas-oil ratios between 2,0003,200 scf/STB
Oil gravities between 4555 API
Lower liquid recovery of separator conditions
Greenish to orange in color
Notes: Another characteristic of volatile oil reservoirs is that the API gravity of the
stock-tank liquid will increase in the later life of the reservoirs.
Wet-gas reservoir
Wet-gas reservoirs are characterized by the following properties:
Gas oil ratios between 60,000 to 100,000 scf/STB
Stock-tank oil gravity above 60 API
Liquid is water-white in color
Separator conditions, i.e., separator pressure and temperature, lie within
the two-phase region
Dry-gas reservoir.
Fluid gravity
Specific gravity of the solution gas
Gas solubility
Bubble-point pressure
Oil formation volume factor
Isothermal compressibility coefficient of undersaturated crude oils
Oil density
Total formation volume factor
Crude oil viscosity
Surface tension
1-The gas solubility Rs: is defined as the number of standard cubic feet of
gas that will dissolve in one stock-tank barrel of crude oil at certain pressure
and temperature
3- The oil formation volume factor, Bo,: is defined as the ratio of the volume
of oil at reservoir temperature and pressure to the volume of oil at standard
conditions. Bo is always greater than or equal to unity.
the line separating the liquid-phase region from the two-phase region.
-: Em: eng.petk@yahoo.com Face: kadhim hmood 07705585686
The porosity of a rock is a measure of the storage capacity (pore volume) that is
capable of holding fluids. Quantitatively, the porosity is the ratio of the pore volume
to the total volume (bulk volume). This important rock property is determined
mathematically by the following generalized Relationship.
Absolute porosity
Effective porosity
The absolute porosity is defined as the ratio of the total pore space in
the rock to that of the bulk volume.
Bulk volume =43,560 Ah, ft3 or Bulk volume 7,758 Ah, bbl
pore volume PV =43,560 Ah, ft3 or pore volume PV 7,758 Ah, bbl
Secondary porosity
Basic agents that depend on the porosity .
Negligible2 if < 5 %
Low if = 5 - 10 %
Good if = 10 - 20 %
Very good > 20 %
1- Subsequent : ,
2- Negligible : ,
Permeability : It is a property of the porous medium that measure the capacity and
ability of the formation to transmit fluid . It is a very important rock property
because it control the direction movement and the flow rate of the reservoir fluids
in the formation .
Dimensions of permeability
K=Q.M.L\A. P K= L2
Units of permeability
Classification of permeability
1- Absolute permeability: is permeability of rock to fluid when the rock is 100% saturated
with that fluid such as oil , gas or water .
2- Effective permeability : is permeability of rock when the rock containing more one fluid .
3- Relative permeability : is the ratio of the effective permeability to absolute permeability .
Note :- permeability of the petroleum reservoir rocks may range from 0.1 to 1ooo or more m.d .
the quality of permeability may be :
1- Poor if k <1
2- Fair if 1< k<10
3- Moderate if 10<k<50
4- Good if 50<k<250
5- Very good if k >250 m.d
gross reservoir volume. The saturation of each individual phase ranges between
zero to 100%.
oil overlain by gas and underlain by water. In addition to the bottom (or edge)
water, there will be connate water distributed throughout
the oil and gas zones. The water in these zones will have been
reduced to some irreducible minimum. The forces retaining the water in
the oil and gas zones are referred to as capillary forces because they are
important only in pore spaces of capillary size.
Critical oil saturation, Soc:- is the saturation of the oil must exceed1 a certain Value
where the oil remains in the pores and will not flow.
Residual oil saturation, Sor :is the saturation of oil that remain after displace it by
gas or water. The term residual saturation is usually associated with the nonwetting
phase when it is being displaced by a wetting phase.or sor : is saturation of oil in
secondary production state such as injection and It must exceed critical saturation.
Important defines
3- Exceed :
4- Imbibitions :
5- Drainage :
-: Em: eng.petk@yahoo.com Face: kadhim hmood 07705585686
Wettability is defined as the tendency1 of one fluid to spread on or adhere2 to a solid
surface in the presence3 of other immiscible fluids4.
the contact angle =is angle a measure of wettability where the contact angle
decreases, the wetting characteristics of the liquid increase and Complete
wettability would be evidenced5 by a zero contact angle, and complete nonwetting
would be evidenced by a contact angle of 180. contact angles of 60 to 90 will tend
to repel6 the liquid.
The capillary forces in a petroleum reservoir are the result of the combined
effect of the surface and interfacial tensions of the rock and fluids,
the pore size and geometry, and the wetting characteristics of the system.
Any curved surface between two immiscible fluids has the tendency to
contract into the smallest possible area per unit volume. This is true
whether the fluids are oil and water, water and gas (even air), or oil and
gas. When two immiscible fluids are in contact, a discontinuity in pressure
exists between the two fluids, which depends upon the curvature of
the interface separating the fluids. We call this pressure difference the
capillary pressure and it is referred to by pc.
Capillary pressure (pressure of the nonwetting phase) (pressure of the wetting phase)
pc pnw pw , pc = gh (w air) = gh
6- Tendency:
7- Adhere :
8- Presence:
9- immiscible fluids :
10- evidenced:
11- repel:
-: Em: eng.petk@yahoo.com Face: kadhim hmood 07705585686
Beneath1 the earth's surface, oil will ooze2 through rocks if there is enough space between
them, but this oil will not accumulate into large quantities unless something traps it in a
particular place. There are a variety of geologic traps, which themselves can be broken
into categories:
Structural Traps
Anticline Trap
Fault Trap
Salt Dome Trap
The common link between these three is simple: some part of the earth has moved in the
past, creating an impedence to oil flow.
Anticline Trap
An anticline is an example of rocks which were previously flat, but have been bent into
an arch. Oil that finds its way into a reservoir rock that has been bent into an arch will
flow to the crest of the arch, and get stuck (provided, of course, that there is a trap rock
above the arch to seal the oil in place).
2- ,
3- rather than :
-: Em: eng.petk@yahoo.com Face: kadhim hmood 07705585686
Fault Trap
Fault traps are formed by movement of rock along a fault line. In some cases, the
reservoir rock has moved opposite a layer of impermeable rock. The impermeable rock
thus prevents the oil from escaping. In other cases, the fault itself can be a very effective
trap. Clays within the fault zone are smeared as the layers of rock slip past one another.
This is known as fault gouge.
1- segregates :- ,
2- occupies : ,
1- The gas oil contact: the gas cap above oil zone , It was dissolve in oil and
liberated because initial pressure declined .
2- The oil water contact :
3- The free water level :
Distribution of pressure in reservoir
Overburden pressure :- the total pressure at any depth due to the weight of the
overlying fluid saturation rock column.
Overburden pressure = fluid pressure (formation pressure ) + matrix1 pressure .
Flow regime
1- Steady state p \ t = 0
2- Unsteady state p\t = f (I,t)
3- Pseudo steady p \ t = constant.
Reservoir geometry
1- Radial flow
2- Linear flow
3- Spherical flow
1- matrix :
-: Em: eng.petk@yahoo.com Face: kadhim hmood 07705585686
Written by
Kadhim . hmood . AL- Bhadli
Rotary drilling : is method a very modern for drilling wells and were applied
the first time by French (lechot) in year 1863.
2- Draw works
3- Mud pumps
4- Main engines
6- Bits
7- Drilling line
There are two types of derricks
1. Standerd :- are derricks that cannot be lifted as an integrated unit , but
it is linked at the site of work piece after piece.
There are five component of drilling string .
1. Kelly: is a ribbed tube to fit with the rotary table so as to transfer
rotation motion of all parts of drilling string.
2. Tool joint
3. Drill pipe: is steel pipes using as stream of drilling fluid and it giving
length necessary.
4. Drill collars : is a steel pipes with a thick wall and external diameter to
provide compressive load on the bit and allow the drill pipes to be in a
state of tension.
5. Bit : there are three types of bit . 1. Drag type 2. Roller bit 3.
Travelling block: - is a set of rollers that link drill rope with hook and swivel.
Swivel : is which allow the passage of drill fluid coming from mud hose in to
drilling string.
Rotary table : its task
1. Transfer rotational motion to drilling string.
2. Suspend the weight of drilling pipe during the process of connect pipes.
Blow out preventers: the main task of blow out preventers is to ensure a
means1 to close the annular between drill pipe and casing.
Drilling fluid properties
1. Density 2. Viscocity 3. Gel strength 4. Filtration 5.
Filtrate 6- PH 7. Sand content 8. Stability 9. Finess
Important the density measurement.
To evaluation hydrostatic pressure on any point in well
depth .
The column of drilling fluid in the well exerts hydrostatic pressure on the
wellbore. Under normal drilling conditions, this pressure should balance or
exceed the natural formation pressure to help prevent an influx2 of gas or other
formation fluids. As the formation pressures increase, the density of the drilling
fluid is increased to help maintain a safe margin1 and prevent kicks or
blowouts; however, if the density of the fluid becomes too heavy, the formation
can break down. If drilling fluid is lost in the resultant fractures, a reduction of
hydrostatic pressure occurs. This pressure reduction also can lead to an influx
from a pressured formation. Therefore, maintaining2 the appropriate3 fluid density
for the wellbore pressure regime is critical to safety and wellbore stability
2. Non-Newtonian fluid.
Is characterized by a non-linear relationship between shear
stress and shear strain , viscosity is not constant , examples
include drilling mud and cement slurries1.
Equation) what are main fluid properties required for hydraulic calculation?
1. Density
2. Plastic viscosity
3. Yield point
4. Gel strength
2. Loss of Circulation
, -
, -
when all the mud flows into a formation with no return to surface. If drilling
continues during total lost circulation, it is referred to as blind drilling. This
is not a common practice in the field unless the formation above the thief
zone is mechanically stable, there is no production, and the fluid is clear
water. Blind drilling also may continue if it is economically feasible1 and
1. Hole Deviation
2. Drillpipe Failures
3. Borehole Instability
4. Mud Contamination2
5. Producing Formation Damage
6. Hole Cleaning.
Equation) what are problems associated with hole cleaning?
1. Formation of bridges in the annulus which can lead to pipe stick.
2. decreased bit life and slow penetration rate resulting from regrinding of drill
3. Increase in annular density and the increased hydrostatic pressure of mud
cause fracture of exposed3 weak formations resulting in lost circulation.
7. Hydrogen-Sulfide-Bearing Zones and Shallow Gas
8. Equipment and Personnel-Related Problems
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----
, -
Cleans the hole by transporting drilled cuttings to the surface, where they can
be mechanically removed from the fluid before it is recirculated downhole.
Balances or overcomes1 formation pressures in the wellbore to minimize the
risk of wellcontrol Issues
Supports and stabilizes the walls of the wellbore until casing can be set and
cemented or openhole-completion equipment can be installed.
Prevents or minimizes damage to the producing formation(s).
Cools and lubricates the drillstring and bit.
Transmits hydraulic horsepower to the bit.
Allows information about the producing formation(s) to be retrieved through
cuttings analysis, logging-while-drilling data, and wireline logs.
Casing and tubing strings are the main parts of the well construction4. All
wells drilled for the purpose of oil/gas production (or injecting materials into
underground formations) .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------
There are six basic types of casing strings.
1- Conductor Casing. Conductor1 casing is the first string set below the
structural casing (drive pipe or marine conductor run to protect loose2 near-
surface formations and to enable circulation of drilling fluid). The conductor
isolates unconsolidated3 formations and water sands and protects against
shallow gas.
2- Surface Casing. Surface casing is set to provide blowout protection,
isolate water sands, and prevent lost circulation.
5- Liner. Liner is a casing string that does not extend back to the wellhead but
instead is hung from another casing string. Liners are used instead of full
casing strings to reduce cost, improve hydraulic performance when drilling
deeper, allow the use of larger tubing above the liner top, and not represent a
tension limitation for a rig. Liners can be either an intermediate or a production
string. Liners are typically cemented over their entire length.
, , -
Cementing operations
can be divided into two broad categories: primary cementing and remedial
cementing. The objective of primary cementing is to provide zonal isolation.
Cementing is the process of mixing a slurry of cement and water and pumping it
down through casing to critical points in the annulus around the casing or in the
open hole below the casing string. The two principal functions of the cementing
process are to restrict4 fluid movement between the formations and to bond and
support the casing.
A kick is a well control problem in which the pressure found within the drilled
rock is
higher than the mud hydrostatic pressure acting on the borehole or rock face.
When this occurs, the greater formation pressure has a tendency to force
formation fluids into the wellbore. This forced fluid flow is called a kick. If the flow
is successfully controlled, the kick is considered to have been killed5. An
uncontrolled kick that increases in severity6 may result in what is known as a
Loss circulation
Loss circulation : is characterized by a reduction in the rate of mud returns from the
well compared to the rate at which it is pumped downhole (flow out < flow in).
if the wellbore pressure exceeds the fracture pressure, fluids will be lost to the
formation. If the wellbore pressure falls below the pore pressure, fluids will flow
into the wellbore, perhaps causing a blowout. is clear that accurate wellbore
pressure prediction is necessary1.
2- Fractured formations
3- Permeable formations
1.) What are causes stationary mud and surge pressure and swab pressure?
The stationary mud resulting the exial movement of pipe in and out of liquid
filled boreholes.
Surge pressure resulting the downward movement of pipe (when running in hole)
Swab pressure resulting the upward movement of pipe (when pulling out of
hole).or called sometime Negative surges.
The combined effect of surge pressure and the hydrostatic pressure of mud can cause the
BHP to exceed the rock strength resulting in rock fracture and loss of circulation .
Similarly, the combined effect of swab pressure (Negative surge pressure ) and
hydrostatic pressure of mud can cause the BHP to fall below2 the formation pressure and
cause a kick.
Written by
Kadhim . hmood . AL- Bhadli
Factors that take into account when designing the completed the well.
1. Production rate
2. Multiple completion
4. Secondary recovery
5. Well stimulation
1. Production casing
2. Production tubing
1. Secondary recovery: - is process of oil production by wells prepared for the
purpose of oil recovery after becoming unable to primary recovery.
1. Water flooding
2. Gas injection
3. Thermal recovery
The completion
The completion: Is the process of making a well ready for production or injection
1. Open hole completion :- is completion where install the casing production above
the layer that carry oil before its drilling after that production or injection from
this layer direct with out casing.
Liner completion
4.5 -:
faster payout .
( )permanent well
.1 production tube
. ( )corrosion inhibitor
. .
.2 -:
.3 : .
backer .1
No go nipple .2
safety valve .4
flow regulater .5
landing nipple .6
flow coupling .7
circulating sleeve .8
-: :
-:permanent type . .1
.2 -:retrievable type
.1 .
.2 .
.3 .
Preparation completion fluid in annulus use to kill the well when necessary.
.4 .
Ensure safety of well and control the flow of fluid when provides backer by
subsurface safety valves.
No- go nipple
landing :
flow coupling
Is device installed above landing nipple to absorb the effect of turbulence in the
circulating sleeve
o -: alternate completion
o -:depletion
o -:super charge
o -:uniform completion
completion equipment
production casing .1 -:
tubing .2
liner .3
production packer .4
sliding sleeve .5
(. )reverse flow
check valves . .
mechanical setting .1 :
Hydraulic setting .2
electric setting .3
perforating techniques
.1 bullet perforator
Jet perforators .2
Hydraulic perforating .3
perforating fluid
acetic acid .2
Nitrogen gas .3
coring .3
Geological information .4
.2 .
.3 ()shale
.4 ()casing collars
.5 .
.6 .
------------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
.1 stable cones
.2 unstable cones
------------------------------ -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
stable cones
.2 ( )drainage area
unstable cones
.1 .
.2 .
------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
-------------------------- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
deposition of solids this liquid cause closure of some parts of formation this .
lead to reduce permeability.
.3 .
skin factor
( )formation damage
( . )positive skin factor
(. )negative skin factor
ST :
.1 Sfm
.2 Sc
.3 Spp
Where Ka
: ( )FE
( ( ST )
( ST )
---------- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
.2 :perforation density .
.3 :completion efficiency
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -----------------------
completion fluids
fluid density .1
solids content .2
filtrate characteristics .3
fluid loss .4
yield point .1
plastic viscosity .2
gel strength .3
drill pipe .2 ( )
.4 drill collars
flow choke .7
.8 Tester valve
backer .12
Horner Equation
. :
----------------------------------------- -------------------------------------------------------------
ballooning effect .3
temperature effect .3
inflow performance
: .
.1 water drive
.2 .
.2 .
.5 .
( : )productivity index
. .
) ( )PI ()IPR
well potential
.2 .
.3 .
.1 -:Vogel's curve
.2 -:standings extension
.3 -: .
- : ( )actual well
( )ideal well .
------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------
vertical flow .1
horizontal flow .2
inclined flow .3
Direction flow .4
Ball valve .1
Gate valves .2
needle valves .3
plug valves .4
check valves .5
valves operators
manual operators .1
pneumatic operators .2
electric operators .3
dual completion
Define dual completion :- a single well that produced from two separate formation at
the same time, production from each zone is segregated running two tubing string with
packer inside the single of production casing or by running on tubing string with a
packer through one zone while the other is produced through the annulus.
Geothermal gradients
G = 100 (Tf Ts ) / D
Where : D: depth
Tf : formation temperature
Ts : surface temperature
Or :- Tf = Ts + (G /100) D
-: Em: eng.petk@yahoo.com Face: kadhim hmood 07705585686
Exam.: well full with drilling mud its density 13. 5 ppg find .
1) hydro . pressure at 1000 ft .
1. ph = 0.052 h
2. Tf = Ts + (G/100)D
Physical properties
, , -
Phase diagram
Primary recovery
Q: when and where is the gas oil ratio equal the gas solubility?
Aquifer geometries